#we goin to the infinite layers of the abyss
druidposting · 1 year
Feels like it should be pointed out that both Lolth and Tharizdun dwell in the Abyss. So Predathos eating the gods would be fucking up all the planes, not everything but the Abyss.
Oh yeah, i fully agree, and i think i mentioned this vaguely in my original post on the topic.
Like, Teven (and the whole blue flower fetch quest arc) seemed to imply/hint at the idea that the demons of the abyss are bolstered by the threat of Predathos. But Tharizdun (and Lolth, as you point out) are also betrayer gods - ostensibly, they should be as much a target of Predathos as the other primes and betrayers. It makes me think that the chaotic evil aspects of these betrayers specifically are willing to form an allience with Predathos, Tharizdun especially, as its main objective is to just... destroy. Man's literally called the Chained Oblivion and the wiki describes it as "a primal, subconcious force of annihilation that insideously corrupts what it can to undermine everything". To me, it sounds like Tharidun could care less about how destruction comes about in Exandria, just that it does. Exandrian lore also vaguely hints at the idea multiple times that Tharizdun specifically seems to be... Otherworldly when compared to the rest of the pantheon. Its described as "profoundly ailien", and "possibly older than even the other gods". This theory is a bit more out there, but it may be worth considering the possibility that Tharizdun is more kin to Predathos than it is the current Exandrian deities?
All of that, plus the fact that Tharizdun got several mentions and was found out to have been tied up in a couple of the major M9 plot points in C2, it makes me feel like Tharizdun is in some way distinct in relation to Predathos vs the other deities.
As for Lolth, i dont know as much about her in the context of Exandrian lore, but there is brief mention of a prominent sect of her worshipers in Tal'dorei that's been corrupted by Tharizdun's maddening influence. So theres that. Yeah, i really think theres something curious about Tharizdun specifically.
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