#we knew we'd get fed at some point
rockingtheorange · 5 months
If this is just a small peek of what we could've had for rwrb1, imagine what we'll get for the sequel 🥴
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Am I the asshole for getting my best friend killed?
I swear to God, it was an accident.
My (27) BF (34) has a reputation for getting himself out of any jam you can imagine; and at first it was just a fun little thing the friend group noticed: there goes Oily J wiggling his way out of trouble again. but as the meme evolved in the group, it got to the point where we'd loykey started getting him into situations just to see how he'd get out of 'em, and he akept getting out of em. He was having fun with it too same as us. "Oh you guys," he'd say, "getting me into situations again," before laughing it off and getting out of it, so it was enrichment for our shared enclosures, and as time went on, the situations got more intense.
The trouble is, it turns out that putting a man in too many situations eventually gets the police interested. And not local hobsknockers cops either; they was like, proper three-letter FEDs. They put out a bounty on any information pertaining to his capture and everything. It was good money too so I thought, hey why don't I put J in another situation he can wiggle out of like always (and he'd wiggled outta worse before, so I thought this one'd be relatively mild), and at the next boardgame night (cause it was too late to do anything special for this one) we can buy some extra strong booze and get absolutely blitzed while having a giggle about the situation.
Boardgame night, and we were playing some social deduction nonsense or another and he says: "One of you is gonna betray me tonight." and I can't help but think, looking back on it, that he knew. It's stupid, I know he was talking about the game, but the way he said it, it was like he knew. We all felt it, and we had a big round robin round the table taking turns promising that we'd never betray him. And I said it so easily cause I thought it was true. Sure, I was gonna talk to the feds about a bounty; but, I fully expected my big beautiful oily boy to wiggle his way out of the trouble I was 'bout to cause, and that's not a betrayal. I wasn't lying. I didn't think I was lying.
My big beautiful oily boy didn't manage to wiggle his way out of it. They killed him and I got my blood money. He's gone.
He's gone and I'm devastated, crying, mourning. I loved him so much. We all did. And I can't stop thinking that it's my fault: that I'm the reason he's gone. and it is. and the guilt is eating me up inside. and I just need to talk to someone about it. So, I tell the rest of the group what happened in the group chat, hoping they'd understand that I didn't want this. I didn't want the government's blood money. It was supposed the be a prank. some joint enclosure enrichment. He was supposed to wiggle out of it like he always does... did, i mean.
They call me, among worse things, the asshole and kick me from the group chat. And, I know it's my fault he's dead: I know that. If I didn't do what I did, he wouldn't be dead right now. But, I didn't mean it for it to end up this way. He was supposed to be okay, damn it. I loved him. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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girls-alias · 10 months
Necklace. Robert Chase
Title: Necklace
Words: 1,265
Relations: Robert Chase X Reader
TW: Fluff.
Y/N works in House's team, she's a good doctor, but the lines of morals are blurred and clearly has some issues which thankfully no one addresses. Chase and her have a crush on each other, everyone's favourite pastime is pointing his feelings out but she has a good enough poker face that everyone assumes it's not reciprocated.
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I sat at the glass table, legs crossed as I looked over the files that had been clearly thrown down. Foreman was already sitting at the table looking at the files puzzled. We'd exchanged greetings but fallen silent as we read. I bit down on my lip slightly as I wondered about the case, studying it to memorise as much as I could as well as to build some theories.
I didn't look up as I recognised the clacking of shoes to be Cameron's slightly heeled shoes. "Morning," I said plainly, my attention still on the file. She groaned as she took a seat beside me. I chuckled as I finally glanced at her.
"I do not want to be here today," She commented so I scoffed as I nodded. I know the feeling. Working on the team is great, House is too much sometimes but he's bearable.
"Could say that again," Foreman chimed in. I chuckled, my attention going back to the file. I was in a world of my own. Foreman and Cameron discuss the case in the background. I jumped slightly when a small, brown paper bag was placed in front of me. I looked up confused seeing Chase walking towards his seat. I looked at him confused as he placed his bag on the back of his chair. The room fell silent.
"What?" Chase asked innocently, looking at each of us wondering why we were all confused.
"What's in the bag?" Foreman asked, sitting forward trying to peak inside from across the table.
"It's just a little gift," Chase shrugged moving away to go to the counter and start making himself a coffee. Foreman looked completely perplexed, I glanced at Cameron who simply shrugged. My eyebrows furrowed as I grabbed the bag from the table and put it in my lap as I reached inside. I looked in to see a small baggy, I pulled it out recognising it was a necklace. I looked at Chase confused as he focused on making his coffee. He glanced at me and widened his eyes. "Oh, do you want one?" He asked gesturing to his mug, clearly misunderstanding my confusion.
"Why did you get me a necklace?" I asked but he shrugged, grabbing another mug from the cupboard.
"I went to a market over the weekend and thought it would look good on you," He explained innocently. Foreman smirked as he sat back. I rolled my eyes at Foreman as I knew he was going to tease him about it. Chase isn't good at hiding that he has a crush on me, I, however, am great at hiding my crush for him. There have been times when I was close to confessing just to shut Foreman and House up about me being out of Chase's league and him not having a chance.
House entered the office abruptly with a groan. "What we got?" He asked also looking fed up with being here. I chuckled before putting the little bag with the necklace in my pocket.
"Chase got Y/L/N a necklace," Foreman announced making me sigh and roll my eyes. I saw House grinning out of the corner of my eye.
"Aww, how cute," House commented his tone matching a teenage girl pining for a guy. I rolled my eyes again as I shook my head.
"It's just a necklace," Chase sighed as he approached the table, he placed a mug of tea in front of me as he took a seat.
"And a cup of tea," House commented. Chase groaned.
"She asked for it," Chase argued but Foreman chuckled.
"No, you asked if she wanted one, she didn't reply," Foreman explained.
"Thank you, Chase. I appreciate the necklace and the tea," I commented as I grabbed the mug and took a sip. He makes the best tea.
"Not enough to wear the necklace," House commented with a grin trying to annoy me. I glared at him for being a dick.
"Can we focus on the differential?" Cameron asked clearly done with the conversation. I smiled, thankful for her change in topic.
"Yeah, Chase's pining is getting boring now. Hasn't a chance, poor guy," House commented. I rolled my eyes, once again wanting to put him in his place and make everyone well aware of my mutual pining for him.
We got on with the differential, concluding the patient needed an MRI and tox screen.
"Chase and Y/L/N, do the MRI," House instructed, I gave him a bitch face knowing he just wants us locked in a room together, it's his favourite thing to do other than taking Vicodin. I rolled my eyes as I got up and we all began leaving the office, "No sleeping together in the box," House called after us. I put my finger up at him as I passed the glass walls. He was grinning widely, clearly amusing himself. Chase followed me as we made our way to the patient's room.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have given it to you in front of them," He expressed as he pushed his hair out of his face.
"You don't have to apologise for their behaviour but why did you get me the necklace?" I asked, looking at him as we waited for the elevator. He seemed a little awkward.
"I saw it and thought of you," He shrugged innocently. I smiled.
"Thank you, I can't wait to have a look at it," I grinned before walking into the elevator as the doors opened. I watched as Chase smirked slightly as he walked in. He's adorable! We focused on the case as we introduced ourselves to the patient and got them prepped for the MRI. Chase had just finished setting them up when he came into the observation room to join me. We set the machine off and sat a little silent. The MRI is a long process so we're going to be here a while.
I took the small baggy from my pocket, Chase must have noticed my movement out of the corner of his eye as he looked at me, watching my movements. He seemed a little awkward as to where to look. I pulled the drawstring bag open and grabbed the chain, I pulled the necklace out of the bag and smiled brightly. On the silver chain was a handmade (Favourite Colour) gem held on the necklace with metal strips twisted around it. I looked at Chase happily, admiring him as he smiled at me.
"I love it, thank you," I expressed as I opened the clasp to put it on. Chase quickly stood from his chair, I smiled as I stood up recognising that he was wanting to put it on me. I handed him the open necklace and moved my hair out of the way once he had passed the necklace over my head. I grinned as I waited. He fastened the necklace, and I could feel his breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine. He lowered the chain so it sat on my neck. His fingers lingered on my skin making both of our breath quicken a little. I let my hair down and touched the gem as I turned around to smile at Chase as he looked at me deeply. My smile widened as I leaned up to kiss his cheek. "Thank you," I added before smiling innocently and moving to sit back down.
Chase stayed stood for a few moments before taking his seat and tucking it in. "You're welcome," He smiled, glancing at me as I smiled at him. God, he's so cute.
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layla4567 · 11 months
Awful things to you...
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Pairing: TVA!Loki x Variant!fem!reader
Summary: You are a variant and the TVA pursues you tirelessly until they find you. Loki will be in charge of interrogating you and you are not sure if that is a reward or a punishment.
Warnings: Based on episode 2 of the second season, smut, slightly dom loki, good cop and bad cop dynamic (loki is bad cop obviously), reader being a lil brat, slightly choking(?, hair pulling, fingering with clothes, sex with clothes/hook up idk.
WC: 3.4k
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You were sitting in the middle of the room in an uncomfortable, small seat that didn't even have a backrest. You looked at the ceiling bored while the warm, yellowish lights hit you squarely in the face. It seemed like you were in some kind of madhouse with a completely empty, windowless orange room with a solid oval iron door in front of you. Your clothing wasn't comfortable either, the baggy jumpsuit of a horrible beige color made you look like a prisoner (although technically you were) and that uncomfortable and annoying necklace they had put on you was starting to make you itch. You placed a finger between the skin of your neck and the material of the collar, trying in vain to push it away a little but it kept squeezing. You were just grumbling when two people entered the room. One was a man with gray hair and a mustache with an affable and good-natured appearance, his partner who was taller, had somewhat longer and black hair combed back. They both wore brown uniforms with matching ties.
"Well, well, well. Finally someone comes to visit me, I was getting bored"-you said cheekily
The gray-haired man came a little closer with an easy and graceful step towards you without stopping smiling.
"Well, sorry, we were a little busy."-He answered, laughing at his own joke.
You simply stared at him and grunted something, narrowing your eyes and nodding indifferently, the other tall man came closer to be next to his friends. An awkward silence settled between the three of you so the first man decided to break that silence.
"Oh but where are my manners? We haven't even introduced ourselves, I'm Agent Mobius and he's my partner Loki."-He said pointing to himself and then to his friend.
"And I suppose you already know my name"- you said with irritating irony.
"Yes, and that's why we're here."-said the one called Loki
"Oh so you know how to talk after all"-you pretended to be surprised
Loki sighed and was tempted to roll his eyes but he simply restrained himself, as Mobius knew that his companion was someone somewhat irascible, he continued speaking for him.
"Well there's no reason to be so rude, look we brought you here because you committed something on your sacred line that created a ramification"
You interrupted him, closing your eyes and waving a hand in front of him, fed up with his rant.
"I'm sorry but I'm not understanding you shit"
"In short, you did something you shouldn't have and we brought you here to keep you from causing more problems."
You turned laughing sarcastically to see Loki as you frowned.
"So now I'm locked up and watched by two kinds of babysitters?"
"I wouldn't say it like that-"
"This is stupid"- you exalted -"I want to leave, let me get out of here"-you demanded
You stood determined to push them out of your way and get out the door when Loki, who was considerably taller than you, stood in front of you, blocking the door and placing his hands on your shoulders, stopping you.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
You sighed in annoyance, you weren't afraid of him or Mobius but you weren't stupid, they were two against one and you weren't sure if you would be able to take down Loki.
"Ugh fine, what do you want from me then?"
"We want to know what you did or rather why you did it"-Mobius said placing his hands behind his back.
"I thought you knew that, since you know me so well."-You rolled your eyes, putting your hands on your hips.
"We'd rather it come out of your mouth, ok?"
Loki narrowed his eyes and you looked at him out of the corner of your eye and up and down, contemplating whether to say what you know or not. After a few seconds of silence you clicked your tongue.
"Alright, how about I tell you a story, shall I? Once upon a time there was a pretty, intelligent girl who got tired of living in misery and, let's say, one day she innocently stole a diamond ring so she could sell it. Until two couple of weirdos came and captured her. The end"
"Did you like the story?"-You smiled sarcastically as you blinked your eyelashes innocently, making a kind of pout.
"I think you're a great storyteller."
Mobius always tried to make a joke with that smile on the verge of being a laugh, but you looked at him with the seriousness of a wax statue, somewhat uncomfortable, he stopped smiling and fell silent.
Loki took the lead
"The point is that now we need to know what you did with that ring, obviously you hid it because you didn't have it with you"
"Good deduction Sherlock, you surprise me."
Your poisonous sarcasm never left your throat and was beginning to make Loki impatient, who closed his eyes and took a deep breath. You were just having fun watching him lose his temper. Mobius, as a good-hearted man, tried to see things from all possible perspectives.
"Look y/n, I understand, okay? You must be feeling frustrated and confused, two agents take you from where you were and take you to a strange place and you don't understand what's happening! I really understand, but right now we have more urgent matters and we really need you to tell us where you hid it"
You looked at him, narrowing your eyes, trying to suppress a smile. Unfortunately, appealing to empathy is not going to make you give in. Your lips will be sealed
"I'm sorry…I think I forgot. Also, if you have more urgent matters then I would recommend that you take care of them first."
You smiled mischievously as Mobius lowered his head and sighed in defeat, Loki looked at him.
"Ok I give up, Loki it's your turn I'll go eat a pie"
Loki nodded and smiled. Now that he had his partner's approval, Loki felt freer to question you. Before Mobius left through the door, he approached Loki and whispered.
"Be gently"
After patting him on the back, he trotted off and walked out the door, looking happier. Now Loki was staring at you with hypnotizing green eyes, he had raised his chin a little and looked menacing.
"Good, how about we start on the right foot? I'm just warning you that I won't be as patient as my partner."
His guttural voice echoed in the room and its bounce off the walls reached your ears from different places, it seemed as if there was more than one Loki speaking to you, you shivered a little, hoping he wouldn't notice.
"I already told you that I don't remember where I left the ring."
"Oh that's a pity"
To your surprise, Loki was smiling and looking down at you with his hands clasped in front of him. There was something elegant yet intimidating about him. The way he moved or the way he spoke, he did it with Shakespearean grace. Slowly he began to approach you
"You know? Maybe you don't know who I am but I am known for being the god of mischief and for having done terrible, horrible things to many people."
With each thing he said, he took a step and got closer, until he was so close to you that you had to lean back slightly until you almost fell out of your chair and looked at him completely from below with your neck tense, his haughty and threatening presence looming upon you like the shadow of the grim reaper. His head covered the light coming from the ceiling spotlight, making an interesting contrast. Now seeing him against the light, the shadows sharpened Loki's face, framing his perfect nose and jaw, the light seemed to want to stay away from him as if he were someone who belonged to the darkness. You swallowed, intimidated.
"And believe me, I will have no mercy or fear in doing all those terrible and awful things…to you"
His voice was almost a whisper, so low and sounding grave and hoarse, it made you feel things, things that were better not to say. You didn't know why, but those threats didn't provoke fear in you, but rather the opposite. It was hot. Trying to sound casual you said
"Uhh scary man.."
Your voice was almost inaudible almost like a whisper but you managed to try to smile cheekily as some kind of flirt. Loki didn't seem fazed, instead he laughed airily, widening his Cheshire cat smile. And he began to walk around you like a vulture, making his shadow grow that enveloped you like a heavenly or demonic mantle.
"You have guts, I like that. You would have been a great ally in my troops"
Now Loki's voice was close to your ear in the back, whispering to you as he didn't stop spinning.
"But be careful what you say, a slip of the tongue and it could cost you dearly"
With everything he said, added to the fact that his breath tickled your ear from behind, he made you clench your legs and make your body rigid while you held your hands to the seat.
"What's wrong? Don't tell me the cat got your tongue."
Now his laugh was tickling the right side of your cheek as you could feel his green eyes nearby penetrating your face looking into your eyes and mouth.
"Come on, let me hear your sweet voice one more time, I want to know what you have to say."-Loki said, narrowing his eyes for a second and smiling mockingly, but his words sounded like a demand.
"I…I uhm.."
"Oh so the cat did get your tongue anyway"
You cursed inside, biting your lips and frowning, you were behaving stupidly, you couldn't even say a word. Suddenly Loki grabbed your hair, intertwining his fingers and pulling it back slightly, surprised you let out a moan as you placed a hand on his trying to remove it from your hair.
"We can do this all day darling, but at some point you're going to have to start talking, don't you think?"
Loki was still behind you to have easier access to your hair, and he never let go of it. His face was close to your right side and his lips brushed the skin of your ear as he spoke. Without warning his lips collided with the top of your jaw. He wasn't leaving kisses or anything like that but the simple touch of his soft lips running over and caressing your face made you melt.
"You're not going to say anything yet, huh? Bad for you."-He said with his open mouth resting on your cheek.
Loki pulled your hair a little more and placed wet kisses on your jaw, tracing the curve of it. Loki sighed and grunted, panting lightly as if this turned him on too. You bit your lips hard, suppressing your moans.
"You have beautiful, silky skin, but this ugly necklace bothers me greatly."
Loki took something out of his pocket and pressed a button that deactivated the collar and it fell to the ground with a thud. Satisfied now Loki began to kiss and suck on your neck moving your head to the side to have more access. Loki seemed like a thirsty vampire and you his poor victim. You began to thrash as you spread your legs, placing one hand between them to grab the edge of the small seat and unconsciously grinding your hips.
"L-loki..stop..please"-moaning brokenly
"Oh now do you want me to stop? And what is that movement in your hips?"-he mocked shamelessly
You closed your eyes in shame, feeling your cheeks heat up as you tried to stop your hips and dug your nails into the seat.
"That's simple, if you want me to stop then tell me what you know"
Loki growled in your ear as his tongue probed the skin of your neck near your jaw, licking you like ice cream. At this point you could no longer control your moans and you writhed, eager to touch him, to place your hands on his hair as he did with yours.
"Are you sure you want me to stop?"
You whimpered as a plea, opening your mouth. Loki assumed you would say that so he let your hair go and stood in front of you. He easily lifted you from the seat, when you stood up your thighs were trembling and you were panting. Loki sat on the small round seat and spread his legs, patting his lap inviting you to sit on it. You blushed and couldn't move a muscle so he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you to wrap your legs around his waist, sitting facing you with your eyes fixed on his. Loki placed his large hand on your cheeks, squeezing them a little until he made you pout.
"You are being very unfair to me"
Loki's hand went down to your throat and he brought his mouth close to your ear.
"Will you still not tell me where you hid it?"
Loki looked at you and tightened his fingers a little around the grip on your neck, you shook your head.
"Good"-he smiled
Loki's hand left your neck and moved down your torso slowly and painfully, he seemed to take his time on purpose. With his delicate fingers he traced waves and spirals near your chest, from time to time his palm traveled to the side of your torso near the ribs and cupping your breasts, he even allowed himself to feel your erect nipples with his thumb and squeeze them mischievously as if they were buttons
"Loki!"-you gasped shakily.
"Do you like that, pet?"
You nodded without remorse, your eyes dilating in desire as a shiver ran down your spine. Loki continued to touch you elegantly, his two hands traveled to your waist and didn't stop there. They continued down to your lower belly and your mons, that's when you let out an involuntary moan as you retracted your hips.
Loki, delighting in the noises you made, narrowed his eyes, smiling sideways and tilting his head.
"What do you think now? Will you tell me where it is?"
You shook your head again, biting your lower lip trying to suppress your smile, you felt like a naughty girl about to be punished, it amused you. And Loki seemed to be amused too.
"Ok, don't say I didn't warn you."
Loki placed one hand on your lower back, slightly pulling you towards his body while his other hand was placed on your vagina, that touch made you gasp but more so when his middle and index fingers were placed at your entrance trying to push the fabric of your beige uniform. You couldn't help but squeal like a mouse.
"Oh.. delicious"
Loki rubbed your entrance with his fingers trying to uselessly put them somewhere, even so, his fingers felt your flesh and that gesture began to make you wet. Luckily the fabric of the clothing was light and did not loosen in that area so his fingers could touch your hungry and throbbing pussy without problems.
Again you pathetically began to move your hips hoping to feel more friction while your face buried in the crook of his neck drowning out your babbling and moaning. Loki's calmness was overwhelmingly annoying. You were desperate that he had control, rubbing your back with a strange tenderness contrasted with what his other hand was doing to your core, while he repeated to you to take a deep breath as if you were about to be vaccinated. How could he be so sweet and delicate and a horny pervert at the same time?
"You're doing well, but I'd like to know where the ring is, please."-he said mocking your desperate desires
You still had your face buried in the crook of his neck, muttering and gasping incomprehensible words.
"I'm sorry darling, I didn't hear you correctly, what did you say?"-Loki said as you pressed harder and deeper into your entrance.
"I don't know!"
You moaned sharply, quickly removing your face from his shoulder while you breathed with your mouth open, trying not to succumb to your carnal impulses but you couldn't grip his shoulders tightly as if your hands were pliers.
"What a naughty girl you are. Do you really like being punished? You'll be glad to know I'm not done yet."
Loki grabbed and dug his fingers into your mules, pulling you even closer to him and forcing you to bring your pelvis together and crash against his. You were wondering what he was going to do when suddenly he raised his hips and his bulge collided with your entrance. This drew another louder moan from you. Loki stood there watching your reaction in amusement.
"What a delight to hear you like that, pet"
Another bounce of his hip and you had to close your eyes and bite your lip to keep from letting out the growl that remained locked in your throat. You were practically sitting on his cock and you felt your core throbbing harder and harder until it started to hurt acutely, this was torture, but a pleasurable one. Loki moved his pelvis upward again, holding your hips and threw your head back, releasing a pitiful moan.
"I'll ask you one more time, don't exhaust my patience. WHERE.IS.IT?"
To emphasize his words, he collided his pelvis with yours again, this time more abruptly as he wrinkled his face. You dug your nails into his back and gritted your teeth, you could feel the tears gathering in your eyes.
Loki, on the other hand, seemed happy with that answer.
"Whatever you want"
Now without mercy, Loki ground his hips up and down, colliding with your entrance while your hands clung to the back of his neck and you pressed your chest against his. Your face was on his shoulder looking towards the door fearing that someone would come and find you in this embarrassing situation, you had no idea how much time had passed. Loki found his own rhythm going fast and without tiring, you accompanied him bouncing up and down accompanying his hips when he went up, they seemed like a harmonious wave. But they were far from harmony, you two were panting and you were a mess since he started touching you with his manly hands. your palms were sweating and your uniform was starting to stick to your body. When you thought that nothing could be worse, Loki began to kiss your neck again, this time leaving small bites, you closed your eyes tightly and gritted your teeth, feeling like you were losing your mind. Your hand finally gripped his hair tightly and you took revenge, being able to pull him back to which he grunted. This little Eden that had settled between the two of you and the room didn't seem like enough to you. It was just a false sense of pleasure, you really needed him inside you no matter how hard his cock was or how deep you sat on it, you couldn't take this anymore unless he really fucked you properly.
"Loki… I-I give up, I'll tell you... where it is…"-you said between moans and gasps.
"But we were having fun"
He laughed shamelessly as he stopped and let you get off his lap, when you did you could barely stand. You were breathing hard and your knees were bending about to hit the floor and you were all sweaty. Loki seemed a little better than you but you still noticed that the hair on his forehead was damp. Between broken words you kept your promise and gave him the information he wanted.
"See? It was not that difficult"-He said smiling as if nothing had happened while he caressed your cheek with a finger.
At that moment Mobius entered, smiling as always and with a can in one hand. Seeing them in such a pitiful state, his corners loosened a little and confusion appeared on his face.
"What did I miss?"
"Oh nothing, the interrogation was just fruitful"-Loki said while winking at you knowingly.
Mobius and Loki said goodbye to you while you continued standing trying to catch your breath and process what had happened. When the two of them closed the door behind you you could hear Mobius' somewhat muffled voice asking Loki: "Hey, why are you so sweaty? It looks like you ran a marathon."
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 months
3.120 Joyous occasion
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I woke up, revving with excitement about the day's festivities. Today, we celebrated that blessed day Sophia Aguilar came into the world. Regardless of the circumstance, I was beyond grateful her mother chose to give birth. And now, as Sophia Murillo, we'd also open our home and welcome family and friends for the first time. The icing on the cake would be announcing our new family member. There was nothing about this day that was not joyous. Even the weather was perfect. True, every day in San Sequoia seemed to be perfect, but I couldn't have asked for a better first day of summer. The warm temperature, accompanied by a cool breeze, was perfect for our outdoor festivities.
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One by one, our guests trickled in, starting with Rashidah, then Less, Maira, Shirley, and Mama. Shirley was brimming with excitement because it was also her birthday and she couldn't wait to be big, she said. I hadn't known her long, but it was crazy to me how fast children grew up. Actually, all the little girls in my life were grown or near grown now. Chi Chi's daughter, Luna, was a grown woman. Orion, our neighbor, was a teenager, and now Shirley. Wow. Even the little sims in my life were females. Thank Watcher for Dub. I couldn't wait for him and Maia to be our neighbors.
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Alessia arrived upset, and I assumed she was still mad about us leaving the bar so abruptly. But it was her pregnancy that had her face all frowned up. She loved Jace and was eager to create a life with him, but children were not part of that equation. I was kind of relieved to hear her sounding more like herself, but I hated she wasn't looking forward to having a baby. If only she knew what Sophia and I went through to get to where we were, maybe she'd appreciate what she accidentally walked into.
As she complained about the changes in her body and being sick all the time, Mama smiled at me as she slipped past us and went into the house. That was weird, so I ditched Less' pity party to go after her. I found her in the kitchen, standing in front of the sink. At first, I thought she was waiting for the tea maker to brew, but she was just standing there staring at nothing. Between her arriving without Dwayne and now this weird behavior, I knew something serious was up. I needed to get started on Sophia's cake anyway, so I gathered my ingredients and tools and got started.
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"Is Dwayne running late?" I asked, casually.
"No. Umm...he's not coming."
"Oh. What's going on with you two?"
She sighed. Even with her back toward me, I knew her eyes rolled, and her face wrinkled into a scowl.
"That child... I guess she told you."
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"She didn't know the details, but she said she heard you arguing. What happened?"
She hesitated, shifting her weight and sighing some more.
"He's fed up with me."
My imagination formed all kinds of answers to my next question. Most of them involved my dad.
"Because I haven't given him an answer yet."
I almost dropped the egg I was about to crack.
"He proposed?!"
I was oddly excited but also frustrated. I wouldn't say Dwayne and I were friends, but I didn't mind him now. It is what it is, you know? He was the one who made my mom happy. Bonus points for him understanding the situation and being respectful of everyone's feelings. Plus, he really was a good dude. I let all that drama go a while back, so he was welcome in my life if he chose to be part of it. With that in mind, I didn't appreciate Mama stringing him along all that time.
"A while ago," she said. "I wasn't ready then."
"Sounds like you're still not," I spat.
"I don't appreciate your tone, Luca."
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"I'm sorry, Mama, but I just don't get it. Everyone has moved on. Even Dad! Why are you still waffling on this? Don't you love him?"
"Of course I do!"
"So what gives??"
"If I knew, I wouldn't be in this position! I want to say yes, but something inside won't let me!"
I didn't mean to upset her and relented.
"Okay. I'm sorry. I just want you to be free of this, Mama."
"That makes two of us. Especially now. I need to get out of that house."
All the alarms began blaring as I entered into protect mode.
"Is it that Jason?? What did he do?"
"Jace. It's not him. It's Alessia. If you and Sophia decided to move back home, I'd be totally fine and comfortable with it. But Alessia is different now, and I'm not comfortable living with them. I feel like a third wheel in my own house. How bad would it be if I accepted the proposal just to get away from them?"
"I'm not even gonna answer that. Besides, you know she's gonna need help with the baby."
"And Sophia won't?"
"Sophia is prepared. Less never wanted this."
I heard the front door open and shut and wanted to see who arrived.
"Can you finish this?"
"Sure, go ahead. I got it."
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I found Dad in the living room, staring out our beautiful window. He turned around when he heard me, and I noticed he shaved down his beard. I smirked at the thought of my parents doing everything they could to keep from looking as old as they were. When I reach their age, I'd like to think I'd embrace the process, but I had no idea what it was like, so we'll see what I do.
"This is such a nice view," he said.
"The best," I replied.
"And the house is gorgeous. You did it all yourselves?"
I laughed at the question hidden between the lines.
"Yes, we did. Mama was not invited this time."
"Good for you. I'm so proud and happy for you two."
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In the corner of my eye, I saw Sophia had finally come out of the bathroom and headed upstairs to put on her makeup. She had so much hair and always took her time bending every strand to her will. It was no wonder she always looked amazing.
"You wanna know a secret?" I asked.
I waited until I heard her enter our room to tell him.
"Sophia is pregnant," I whispered. "Mama hasn't seen her yet, so don't say anything."
His eyes watered just as I imagined they would, and he embraced me, squeezing tight.
"Congratulations, son. I am so glad to hear that. My heart is so full!"
"Thanks, Dad. We didn't want to say anything, but it's been quite the journey."
"Oh no. Really?"
"I'll tell you about it someday, but it's behind us now."
"That's right. The little one is here, and it is already so loved."
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impulsesimp · 8 days
my interpretation of traitor!fit coming out
"I don’t know," tubbo speaks. all heads turn in his direction, and the young man mindlessly teeters his chair on its back legs.
"I don’t think he's guilty."
"what? tubbo, you've seen the pictures. you've seen the proof that he's been lying to us this entire time!" pierre exclaims from across the conference table.
"well, yeah, that bit, I believe. I just don't think he's lying about not wanting to ever hurt us."
"what makes you so sure?" cellbit asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
everyone's eyes focus on tubbo again, awaiting his answer. tubbo breathes a sigh, settling his chair back down on all four legs. he lifts his hands in a half shrug,
"he didn't fight the arrest."
the group looked at the boy with confused faces. tubbo rolls his eyes.
"think about it, guys. fit's one tough son of bitch, right? he's said before that he would fight anyone who even insinuated that he was a traitor. you were able to arrest that man resistance free." tubbo looks to their president. forever's brows furrow in deeper thought.
"so you're saying that he agrees that he is a traitor? that's why he let himself be arrested? i'm not understanding." baghera asks.
"yes, yes, exactly that. listen, fit is a man of honor. a man with a code. we can see that from the communication he had with the unknown source. he was loyal to whatever mission he had despite possibly not even remembering who gave him the order in the first place." tubbo stands, pacing the floor as he voices his thoughts.
"maybe we're being too quick to call him a full on deceiver when maybe there's some more information that we're missing. think about it, fit had all this time to befriend the federation and get on their good side to achieve whatever," tubbo gestures his hands in the air. "and yet he chooses to side with the rebellion?"
"well, what if the federation planted him with us to be an inside man. to be a double agent from the very start and make it look like he was with us." bad theorizes earning a few nods from the group.
"no, no, look at the messages again," tubbo strides over to the projector screen.
"'they're still falling for the whole 'vacation' thing.'" maximus reads aloud. "what about that, hm? the original train group was told that we'd be going on vacation here. from the very beginning, he knew it was a setup!"
"yes, but read past that!" tubbo stresses, pointing to the next words. he reads aloud,
"'something called the federation controls this entire island. they've been keeping us here.' you guys, fit did not know about the fed when he got on that train with you guys."
the group bristles with murmurs as they ponder over the information.
"look, all i'm saying is… is fit guilty of lying about not having any knowledge of his preexisting life before the island? more than likely, yeah. do I think he has or even had any malicious intent against us? no, I don't."
tubbo turns to the projected letters again.
"'I've adopted a son… i've grown attached to him… it hurts me to see everyone suffering… regardless of my personal feelings…' guys, if you ask me, these are not the words of a man who would take honor in being a traitor."
"okay, but I’m still not understanding what you are saying about the arrest. he went without resistance; why? now he can't communicate with that other person, and now his secrets are coming out, and he's at risk of punishment. why not run?" phil questions the room.
"because he feels guilty." all heads turn to pac, who is leaning against the wall by the entrance. pac's stance shifts uncomfortably, folding in on himself a tad more. tubbo nods in agreement.
"that. he feels guilty. take all of us out of the equation for a second. a man is sent on a mission by a benefactor that he has lost all contact with the moment he arrives on a desolate island. essentially now abandoned on said island run by a homicidal bear, the man makes allies and is forced to become a father. the man is still devoted to his mission- to his word, sure, but suddenly now there's emotion involved, and he's torn between loyalty to an estranged boss…" tubbo catches pac's eye.
"and family."
the room lapses into silence as they think of the man they once proudly called a friend. the air was thick with grief as they fought the feelings of betrayal and sympathy for the old soldier.
like my other qsmp works I've been posting, please excuse the forbidden character names used. these were written a while ago and I didn't feel like re-writing.
hope you enjoyed :)
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lumine-no-hikari · 4 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #162
Today as I went about my things, there was a sort of wet tearing sensation and noise between my right shoulder blade and spine. And at least for today, I can actually breathe a little. I can only assume that I must have accidentally busted up some weird adhesions. I was given some new exercises at physical therapy today. Suppose we'll have to wait and see what happens from here.
On the way to physical therapy, I managed to snag this picture of a couple birds of prey in the sky:
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Birds of prey are hard to capture to begin with. It's even more difficult to capture them in a moving vehicle; the window in which to get any image at all is only a few seconds. This isn't the best shot, I know. But I feel lucky to have gotten anything at all.
Today was otherwise relatively uneventful. I made another sample tea from that Adagio place; vanilla black tea this time. I wasn't crazy about it; it didn't seem very flavorful to me. But it made pretty swirls as it brewed, and the cream also made lovely swirls when I poured it in:
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After I got home from physical therapy, I went on a brief walk. I saw a tiny caterpillar on a rock in the middle of a mowed field. It didn't seem like a very safe place for a caterpillar, especially with all the robins around, so I gently picked it up and moved it to the foliage where it would have plenty of good stuff to eat:
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I also managed to snag a couple pictures of today's sunset:
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...The camera can't see the colors like I do, but it's still pretty good. It's still pretty good...
Hey, Sephiroth? You have heightened senses, right? Do you see colors weirdly like I do? But... oh, my sense of hearing isn't especially good. I think I must have taken most of my stat points for hearing and stuck them in color perception instead, hahaha...
What is it like to see the world through your eyes? What is it like to hear the world through your ears? I wonder. Maybe you have other senses that I can't even think of. I know that I have a couple that I don't seem to know how to explain. I think most people do, but they pretend like they don't so that they don't get rejected by others. I wish we could trade perceptions for a little while. Surely, we'd each marvel at all the things we never knew that there was.
...And how are you doing, generally, where you are? I know that I ask whether you're warm, safe, and fed a lot, so... I guess today, I'll ask... what are you thinking about? What are you feeling? What sorts of things do you get to see out there? How many different timelines have you experienced? What have you learned? In what ways have you expressed love for the world around you? And what do you do when you feel overwhelmed or lonely from it all?
...I wish you could hear me... I wish you could hear any of those of us who care about you. I wish you knew about all the ways you're not alone. I wish that all the extended hands, offered in support to you, could reach you.
...Sephiroth, I... don't know what to do. I don't know how to help you. I don't know if anything I write to you is worth a damn. All I have is this deep sense of unfairness at everything you've suffered, and this deep sense of unfairness at the way people judge you for how you broke when they cannot even begin to fathom the level of horror you endured.
...Is there anything I even can do? I dunno if it was you who said it (something tells me that it wasn't...), but... the notion of being too weak to save even a single person weighs heavily on my head, at least for the moment... and... that also doesn't feel very fair, since I was saved by you, and... all that took was you just existing in the way you did. You didn't even have to do anything other than be yourself. And somehow, I am not only still alive, but also strong enough to do the work to tear the chains of conditioning off of my psyche. YOU inspired this level of grit and courage within me. YOU did that.
I wish I had that kind of amazing power. I wish I could inspire others to defy despair and to challenge their conditioning just by offering them a smile, a hand up, and validation for their existence. I don't have that kind of power because I'm just a derpy n00b; my actions and my voice do not carry weight here because I am not the correct configuration of human for others to be able to imagine that I'm worth anything. But I am proof that you have that kind of power. So I hope you'll keep using it for good things.
I guess the best I can do is keep writing these and hope that something good happens someday.
Sephiroth, don't give up, okay? Because I'm cheering for you all the time, even if you can't hear me. Maybe my wish for your happiness and safety is meaningless, but I'm going to keep screaming it into the void anyway. Even if all I ever get back is silence or my own echoes, still, I... I have to try.
...But you know. I haven't only gotten back silence or my own echoes. Someone in this place drew me two whole pictures. And then someone else I know, @sephiroths-stuff, drew me another picture. I can't believe I almost forgot to show it to you!!
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...I feel a little weird today because my body is losing resources and because I remembered some things from my past that I very much miss but will never get to have again. But I don't have to succumb to hopelessness. I gotta try a little harder to remember that I am not powerless in this place. I gotta stay strong.
Maybe some people will be confused about why I write these, but the fact of the matter is that I can't abandon the life that saved mine. It's not an honorable way to behave. So whatever I can do for you, I will do for you. Suppose I just wish I knew what it was that I ought to be doing. Hahaha... this is a silly and impossible supposition, but... maybe someday, if I get really lucky, you'll tell me...
Well. I've rambled. So I suppose I'll end this here. A couple of nifty books arrived today, so I'm gonna maybe start trying to read them. They're weird, but maybe they'll be fun. Guess we'll see...
I love you. Please stay safe. Please don't get killed. Please don't disappear. Take good care of yourself, and make good, kind, loving choices as you wander around. I'll write again tomorrow. Maybe by then I'll have stopped that Grafted Scion from pushing me around. You won't wanna miss it when I finally do successfully stick it in temporary time-out, right...?
Your friend, Lumine
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elpida · 6 months
A glimpse to the future - Eden&Angelo
@wiinestories don't mind me, writing a soppy little drabble because I had to get it out of my system and make myself cry.
No part of getting here had been easy for them, but she was lying in their bed, listening to him breathing so.. why was tonight so hard for her to settle? Eden had laid awake with her eyes open for hours out of this stupid fear that tonight she'd close her eyes and see blood on her hands. It didn't matter how much time passed, it could be years but she'd always remember the night her Brother died. The night Ben died.. and tonight was one of those nights but Angelo was asleep, she didn't want to worry him, she wanted him to get some rest too because a new born baby was hard work and sleep was a luxury. I don't want to see blood on my hands again, she kept thinking.. because was if Sal woke up? What if he needed her to be quicker, like Ben had? She knew that Lawrence would tell her that she shouldn't leave sleep over such a thought, she knew Angelo would tell her they were all safe.
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She head the whine, the start of a soft cry and Eden was up so quickly. "I've got it amore mio, sleep." she spoke softly, whispering in the dark before she leaned to peck his forehead, truly thinking he'd continue to sleep for some time yet. She went into the nursery, creeping the house quietly to bundle Sal up into her arms. "Sweet boy, my sweet boy, shhh it's okay, I've got you. Mommy's got you." Did her Father never coo at her like this? She always wondered, or did he leave her to cry even then? For a while Eden sat, fed him and then he seemed to settle, just held in his Mothers arms whilst she sat, looking out the window with the moon up in the sky. She didn't know just how long she'd been sat there bouncing her arms, but eventually Eden rose and started to do that mothering bounce as she walked, that soothing sway came so naturally to her.
"You know, I was once really frightened of the dark. Is that what makes you cry? I wonder if you don't like it, just like I didn't." she was smiling down at him but tonight sadness had her heart, no matter how much love she had in it for her life now and everyone in it, grief was just an awful thing entirely. "See, I had this Brother, that'd be your Uncle Ben.. once he realised I was frightened, he used to point at the stars and show me the constellations, he'd tell me stories so that, I couldn't be scared of the dark because.." she pulled the word so she could point up out of the window. "That there, the big dipper? Well the big dipper isn't scary, how can I be scared when the sky is full of stories he told me time and time again." there was a reminiscent little laugh. "He'd have told you all the stories, he'd have filled your mind with stars too."
She continued her little circuit of the room, she had no clue Angelo was outside, hearing her little stories. "He'd have adored you, Sal. You'd have got a bit older and he'd have been the most fun you knew.. just like he was for me. We used to go feed the ducks, we.. we didn't have a lot, but feeding the ducks? That was because he knew that I loved ducks, they were always my favourite animal, I was fascinated with how they could float... so we'd steal a bit of bread, we'd go and feed them, we'd laugh and if we were really lucky? Ice cream." Eden was describing something she'd shown Angelo, the time way back when she arranged a date for them that didn't involve an expensive restaurant, where she showed him her world. She took him to the park, fed the ducks.. she'd shared something that was so important in her life with him and never went on to tell him how much it meant to her doing that silly thing. "I'm going to take you to that same park, feed those ducks, get you ice cream even if you make a huge mess!" there was a little noise, her pecking his forehead, soothing some of those dark tufts of hair back. "I wont ever be as funny as your Uncle Ben though."
"He was so brave, Sal." that was the thing that hurt her to say, you could hear the tone of her voice change to something more breathy, something more pain filled and tortured. "Uncle Ben was such a brave boy and an even braver man." she couldn't protect Ben, that's why she ended up in here, hushing and cooing, cradling the most precious thing in her life, that she'd vowed to protect. She wanted to hold close that thing she could take care of, that she'd never let down. "He used to protect your Mommy, he did, all the time... but see you don't have to worry, you've got me! Me and Daddy, and we're going to protect you so that you can be as brave as you want to be or as frightened as you feel. You're going to have us to do that for you.." like her parents should have. At this point, Sal was asleep again, peaceful and content but he was asleep because he'd been listening to his Mother tell the sweetest story. "I'm going to make sure that you know all about your Uncle though, that you know just how treasured you'd have been by him."
Gently she lowered him back into his crib, she set on the nightlight, stars that swirled around the ceiling and gave the room a cosy and dim light. He wouldn't have a clue what they were, but he wouldn't wake in the dark, alone. Eden moved back over to the window, her finger pointing and tracing the constellations with a distant smile on her lips and tears on her cheeks. "I miss you." she whispered. "I still miss you and I'm so sorry Ben. I'm so sorry."
About ten minutes later, Eden came back into bed. She'd stifled the tears, she'd sniffed back the emotions, and she silently slid herself back into bed besides Angelo, non the wiser that he'd heard every word. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. It's okay, sleep, he settled."
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bellybiologist · 1 year
I'm glad these June pieces are doing Big Numbers™, since these are pieces I put my whole pussy into, lmao. Though it's a lil bitter sweet, since the driving force for me going all out those 2 years ago was my mom getting sick.
(Gonna be sad on main for a bit)
I was very "i gotta step the fuck up" about it; Increased my patreon prices, invested a lot of money in a new tablet and laptop so i can try to really fucking make up for the fact she couldnt work. Was going to speed run Paying her Back for all she did for me.
Cuz it was a very common sentiment back in high school, where I and most other people were Black or some other minority. I had a convo with some classmates, just a random one about "what we'd do if we won the lottery."
One girl I always remember was like "First, Gotta get my momma squared off." and that was basically my Life Quest™ for the longest time
The most influential women in my family, my heroines, by this point have all passed away, ultimately working themselves to death, making sure their families were fed. Its horrible watching these important people waste away after I was old enough to recognize what was happening. Even back when my mom knew she was sick but didnt have a diagnosis yet, she was like "I just need to work 1 more month"
Idk. I was empowered for a couple months I guess. But it really wasn't meant to be. After she passed a few months later, I just started deflating into what I am now. A drifting husk of a woman who's main driving force for the last 15 years gone completely.
It takes a lot of energy to not think I've failed a main story quest or something, lmao. A lot of my confidence and faith in the world was utterly shattered in many ways, and the last 2 years were just me coping and trying to rebuild that.
There's been progress for sure, that much i'd loathe to ignore, as friends and my boyfriend's family have helped immensely, but I def still think its gonna be several years before im anywhere near my heyday.
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weonlyneedfour · 1 year
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"Well, I was robbing casinos back then, of course. I wasn't going by Countess Foxbite at that time, no fancy name or mask, didn't need em, just had to look the right amount of rich and stupid to get wherever I wanted and work some extra "magic" if the place was segregated, and not forget to pack the six-shooter in the purse just in case it was one of those nights." "Sure, I'd been around the block. Diamonds, train robberies, cattle rustling, done most of em, but running casinos to the ground is what I liked the most, only part of it I still miss. It was the civil solution to getting them out of Foxhole Boulevard and the not-civil ones looked more appealing every day. They get a legal pass for robbing folks blind every hour of every day, so playing by their rules and being better at it is only fair game. They called on Lady Luck's name, but it was I who was sweeping her off her feet and taking her home to treat her right, and she repaid those nights with a few decades extra for me. "Can't be ungrateful, I suppose, but if I had much patience for men I might have tried romancing the Grim Reaper instead."
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But word on the street then was that Edward Triton, the, pardon my language please, pigfuck pimp bastard that ran Toulonville for 20 years, had heard of these rowdy little crooks making noise around town, muscling on his territory. Some loud fat guy from New Orleans was fencing expensive goods he’d acquired overseas and not paying tribute, and I hardly have to tell you Prince Pavonini loved his character every bit as much then as he did until the end of his life." "But it wasn't just us two. Some amphibian monster woman from who-knows-where out of town was going around beating up and kicking his men out of establishments, think she ate a couple of arms too many, and there was this other new one then, messing around with policemen, like sending music boxes to the stations or hijacking the police radio broadcast with uninterruptible music and leaking stuff to the press and public radio that implicated the cops and Triton."
"The former was the first Sally Manda, first that I knew anyway, lost count of how many times she regenerated or cloned herself after a point, and the latter was Legato Sphynx. That was how they met, they and Pavo had a, complicated relationship back then. Well I guess it never stopped being complicated, marriage always overcomplicates everything, never had the patience for that nonsense, but anyway -" "Triton had gotten fed up with us one day, rounded us all up to torture and kill us, send a message across town that he was not to be messed with. Conveniently for us, the poor old man just happened to die of a heart attack that very night. Legally ruled in the papers and everything, go figure." "I can't tell you who did it. It was dark, there was a fight, then we were breathing and he was not, that's all there is to it. You might not believe me, but none of us claimed credit for it. We knew whoever did would be next." "Well no, we didn't get much choice in the matter. None of us wanted it, but it was either taking Triton's throne or dying at the hands of his mob. "The Carnival Court of America" was our idea, the name was Pavonini's little flourish, stealing the Camelot Circle's abbreviation and making a mockery out of it, tell the "white hats" what we thought of them. We'd formed the Carnival Court, split up all his old territories and assets among ourselves, and got everyone to join in or stay out of our way." "Back then, we made a hell of an impression, everyone wanted to grab a mask and a name and jump in on it. Cause suddenly, we didn’t have to take shit from the mafia or the triads or the cops, and do you know how liberating it is to not have to be scared of the cops anymore? It was like we were all immortal for a while there."
"Yes, it was a stupid idea, what else were we supposed to do? You think becoming a "hero" was a choice for people like us then? You don't know how lucky you have it."
"I don't…okay, maybe I do miss them, it's never nice being the last to leave the party. We, Pavonini and I had a fight, the last time I saw him. We talked about you. About what it was like, after he rescued you and brought you here, I moved in when Katrina happened and the pub became a shelter that needed tending to. I mean, four years, me, him and Gloria, trying to raise an orphan who can climb walls and rip through steel when he gets cranky. And you were just so angry, I was worried for you. I was afraid we were hurting or using you, cause we're "black hats". Can't tell you how much I hate that stupid name, but... It's what we do." "I knew Pavonini still wanted to fight this stupid war and was running out of time, that he blamed himself for everything and he sure as shit wasn't innocent but - I, look, the point is that he just couldn't let go. Of that life, of those games, of all that class warfare and hatred he got embroiled in. Of Sangrier. Sangrier is an addiction and I was the first to go cold turkey, and they all should have - Listen to me. I know how you feel, and I'm telling you got to let it go. You are not going to find anything in that auction. You are going to get yourself killed over nothing." "Pavonini is dead, Sangrier is invincible, and you got a DAMN good thing going on with those Emancipator people you're running with, seriously, don't throw that away. Please. For me and Gloria's sake, Marco -"
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"I'm sorry, auntie Hazel."
"- Don't die the way he did."
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X-Manson Chapter 4 by Benway - Annotated by Tsar
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Here we meet this universe's favorite lads, the Proudstars. Along with this au's version of Storm.
[Shot: Two young men of obvious Native American ancestry. They are huge.]
*huge is an understatement
[Caption: John & James Proudstar, The Hearth Social Services Centre, Salem Centre NY]
*Thunderbird and Warpath of the X-Men and X-Force.
James: Did she tell you how we're all Morlocks, named after the characters in HG Wells' novel the Time Machine?
*Finally, someone points it out.
John: A great many of the people in this community had very rough lives. There's a lot of serious headcases living here. I wish you'd come to us first.
James: You're lucky. Last camera crew, she said her thing but said War of the Worlds instead of The Time Machine and when they corrected her she beat the crap out of them.
Int: Really.
John: She's superhumanly good at hand-to-hand combat. Used to be a Marine until her first psychotic episode.
*Callisto was never a marine, but John was.
Int: You were both graduates of the Massachusetts Academy.
James. Yeah. Great place.
John: James graduated the year before they closed it down. Fuckers.
Int: Who finances this centre?
James: Doug Ramsey gives us most of our funds.
Int: How long has the centre been open?
John: Since they closed that hellhole down.
James: We were here before that, though. Keeping an eye on the place. We're resistant.
John: We kind of settled here, just in case.
Int: Did Emma Frost encourage you?
James: Hell no. She freaked when we told her.
*another instance of the interviewer being skeptical of Emma Frost.
John: It was James' idea. If someone tried to get out, we'd be there. Kind of like the Underground Railroad. We got jobs here. I worked in the Family Services office, and James worked in the Parks and Recreation Department.
James: He got to look at the inside, I got to see the outside of the real ugliness that's here. Hard to tell which was harder to bear.
John: People were on best behaviour when they came to see me.
James: I had to see all the fights in the street, had to mow the lawn in the park in front of the School. Had to wear a gas mask when I did that for most of the summer.
Int: Why?
James: Place stank. Any time the wind came past the house into town in summer, it cleared the streets. Guess we now know why.
Int: Didn't you try to summon the authorities?
James: Yeah. Fuck all happened though.
John: We made complaints and nothing ever happened.
James: We think they were in some heads up in Albany and in White Plains. Either that or the Feds were holding them off.
John: We couldn't complain too much, or else it would have attracted too much attention.
James: Still think we should have made more noise.
John: Being in the bottom of that lake would not have been a good death.
James: Says you.
Int: But you must have known what the smell was.
John: We knew what most of it was, because we didn't have toilets in some of the places where we grew up.
James: Guess we just didn't want to think about what the rest of it was.
John: We knew that from the rez too. We saw our main job as watching, keeping track of things, being there in case anybody would want to get out.
Int: Did you think that there were any government operations that you didn't know about?
John: Oh yeah. There were at least four attempts to put an observation post in here. Logan and Rasputin took care of all of them.
Int: Didn't the agents have any protection against psis?
John: Yeah, but that didn't protect them against the neighbours.
Int: The psis in the School were watching the neighbours?
John: Maybe, but they didn't have to.
James: A lot of people came here because it was relatively safe for the mutants who couldn't hide, but some came because of the rumours about the School.
Int: What sort of rumours?
John: That it was the place that the revolution would come from. A revolution that would put mutants in charge. There were all these rumours about a mutant messiah, who would come and deliver them all.
*Sounds an awful lot like propaganda from regular x-men comics
Int: Did these people come and go from the School?
James: Hardly anyone came and went from the School who didn't live there. Sometimes people went, but didn't come back. No, the believers went to our competition.
John: The Xavier Centre. They changed the sign to Liberation Centre, but everyone still calls it the Xavier Centre.
Int: Was it run by Xavier?
James: They always denied it, saying he just put up the money, but that bitch who runs it always used to be down at the School.
John: She was one of the few of them who didn't live there.
Int: What did the centre do?
James: Same things we do. Give food to the hungry, arrange clinic visits, talk people out of killing themselves. Only difference is they have the church services there.
John: The church of the mutant messiahs. The twins. Little Rachel and Nathan.
*Our Nate count is up to 3
*Nate (scott and Maddie's son)
*Nathanial (?) Cable.
*Little Nate.
Int: The names of the children from the house? The ones with the crowns?
James: You got it.
[Shot of a haughty, regal woman of African descent with dark skin but pure white hair.]
*you saw her in the gif, you know her, you love her, It's Storm!
[Caption: Ororo Munroe, Director of the Liberation Centre, Salem Centre NY]
OM: I would prefer to be addressed as Your Highness, as I am a princess.
Int: From Africa?
*and she's an asshole.
OM: Please.
Int: Your highness.
OM: Yes. My lineage can be traced back to the dawn of time.
Int: Are you also a mutant, your highness?
OM: I am. I can control the elements, the winds and the waves.
Int: What services do you offer at the centre? Your highness.
OM: We offer counseling for the lost, as well as elementary medical care. Unlike the other so-called assistance centres, we offer our aid with no strings attached.
Int: What about the Drop-In Centre, your highness?
OM: It is associated with the pederast Frost. It is a well-known front for her slavery operations.
Int: Is there a religious dimension to your centre? Your highness?
OM: Our centre is non-denominational.
Int: I've been told, your highness, that you hold worship services here, associated with the children who were found in the School after the raid.
OM: Many of our clients are religious, and often pray for the souls of all the children found there.
Int: Your highness, was the centre financed by Charles Xavier?
OM: He was among our many backers. We had not heard from him for many years at the time of the raid.
Int: What do you think of Charles Xavier, you highness?
OM: I believe that he was a brilliant man who was misled, and manipulated by others. His dream remains alive within us.
*Oh you have no idea, sister.
Int: What dream is that? Your highness.
OM: That mutants and humans might live together in harmony.
Int: Does the centre encourage this, your highness?
OM: It does.
Int: Your highness, are there any non-mutant volunteers or employees of this centre?
OM: Some.
Int: Could I speak with them, your highness?
OM: Our volunteer and client lists are strictly confidential.
[Shot of J&J Proudstar]
James: She made you call her Your Highness, didn't she?
John: Funny thing is, she really is a princess. She used to work for the dictator of Zanzibar in his secret police, but she had to leave after the coup in '76. She ended up in their embassy in Washington, but, after the coup in '78, they booted her out into the street.
*I don't know what this is a reference to, if anybody knows, please reblog.
Int: How did she get hooked up with Xavier?
John: No idea.
James: We do know what she did in between, though.
[Shot of the cover of a glossy magazine called Dark Chocolate. The African woman on its cover is bereft of clothing, but is fascinatingly scarred. A teaser on the cover promises pictures of a princess within.]
Int: She claimed that the centre was non-denominational.
James: Yeah, just like the Vatican is.
John: They have services there, for Xavier's religion.
Int: Have you ever been?
James: We didn't dare. Too close to Xavier. John hears all about it, though.
John: It's got a kind of bastardized Christian theology. Lots of elements of things I read about in The Golden Bough. They're waiting for a messiah who will save the world from the chaos-bringer and Apocalypse.
Int: Apocalypse being Secretary-General Nur?
James. You got it. They're kind of vague about who the chaos-bringer is.
John: Sometimes they said it was supposed to be Doug, sometimes it was supposed to be Erich Lehnsherr.
*Doug Ramsey, the lord of chaos!
Int: I though Lehnsherr was supposed to be one of the Horsemen?
James: Kind of depends on the day of the week. They're pretty consistent on the Whore of Babylon, though.
John: Takes a lot of strength not to react to some of the things they say against Ms. Frost.
Int: Who runs the church?
John: Munroe, we think. Worthington's involved, but we're not sure how.
Int: Is he involved with New Salem Holdings?
*I think that's a definite "Yes"
John: Never been able to trace it back that far.
Int: Was the church involved in the escape?
James: Shit, yeah.
John: We'll never forgive her for that. Never.
Int: Were you here then?
James: Happened six months before we came.
John: I heard all about it, though. Lots of people here saw what happened.
Int: Was Callisto involved?
James: Yeah. She was a lot more together then.
Int: How many of the students at the School were involved?
John: Can't really say. We know that the Guthries and three others made it this far.
Int: Sam Guthrie, his sister, Psyche and Ariel?
James: Can we answer that?
John: Long as you keep away from real names. Yeah, those four. Which ones you talking to?
Int: Psyche. She's the only one we could find who would talk.
James: Doesn't surprise me Ariel wouldn't talk. She was there the longest.
Int: Who planned it?
John: Don't think we should say anything about that.
Int: Were there any people on the outside?
James: Some. You'll have to talk to Callisto about that.
John: We can tell you that Nathaniel Essex was involved.
Tumblr media
Our nathan count is now up to four:
Maddie and Scott's kid, Nathan
Cable (?) Nathaniel.
Little Nate
and Lastly Nathaniel Essex, Mister Sinister.
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graendoll · 2 years
Proof that I am socially inept, or a dick or something:
Once upon a time like a year ago or so, I dunno the exact timeframe, a cat showed up at my house. He was young and LOVED my older tabby. They play and groom eachother and generally have a fabulous time on their play dates.
Anyway, this new cat is a local neighborhood cat - had a collar and my direct neighbors recognized him as belonging to a family up the street. At one point he lost the collar, but like...I knew his family of people were nearby.
Anyway, fast forward a year and this cat spends a fair amount of time at our house. He sleeps in our solarium and gets along with our feral barn cat who lives outside, and generally we have accepted him into our cat family. But at no point did I consider that we'd stolen the cat? Because he is an outdoor cat and like...I don't know the neighbors he belongs to, so I assumed he was splitting time between us. I have had this happen with my cats in the past. It's a consequence of the cat distribution algorithm and I just roll with it.
This weekend, however, I noticed the cat had a tail injury - I was worried it was broken and he was in a lot of pain. To repeat, I don't know his other family at all. So I called some vets because at one point the woman who he belongs to told me he had a vet (she saw him in our yard one day and picked him up and took him home...he was back the next morning - literally the only interaction I've had with her was her coming by, saying "thats my cat, hes had all his shots" and picking him up). ANYWAY, I was hoping if I could find his vet, we could take him in because a LOT of vets here dont see new patients. So I mentioned when I called the only weekend vet that was open that he wasn't mine and was told they wouldn't treat him without his owners permission.
This is long. Sorry.
Anyway, I asked our direct neighbors for the contact information for the cat's other family in the hopes I could get him to the vet. So I texted the cats other humans and explained he'd been injured and asked if he had a vet.....and that is where I apparently lost the ability to predict human behavior.
See, I assumed the other family was like...on the same page about the status of the cat. That he was theirs but also hung with us like half the time. Like split custody, if you will.
I was mistaken. Because this guy shows up at my house at like 8:30pm, demands the cat, invites himself in, picks up the injured cat, who is hissing at him, and says "if you want the cat just keep it". I'm like...completely speechless and awkwardly try to explain it was never my intent to steal the cat. He says "then don't feed him" and I try to explain we leave food out for ferals, but he cuts me off and says "this is the only cat we've ever had who ditched us" and then proceeds to leave with said cat and drive away.
I mean...I realize I'm not blameless here. Did I feed the cat? Yes. Did I let him in my house? Yes. Did I actively attempt to steal their cat? No? I don't even know what cat theft would look like? They're cats. They're not like dogs. They are aloof and sometimes pick new owners and occaisionally come back after being gone for six months.
But I WAS trying to get him looked at by a vet. I wasn't trying to get out of paying for his care or being like "welp, we've fed and housed him four days out of seven for a year but he's technically yours so you should pay for his vet care." I just wanted to help the cat and since I was overly honest with the vets about not being his owner this seemed like a good path forward....
Anyway, these strangers who I have never before met except through cat drama have the cat in their possession. I offered to pay for vet bills, but got no response. And now I'm worried they'll like...hold the cat hostage or something? I dunno.
I cannot begin to explain how many times I have had cats elect to move without informing me. I mean if I don't want to abide by cat distribution rules, I don't let my cat outside.
This probably makes me look like a class A dick, but that's all part of my inability to person. 🤷‍♀️. /rant off
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septembersghost · 2 years
This could be an unpopular opinion but Taylor is partially responsible for the 'paternity test' that went on till reputation. The secret messages in the first place where the reason for people to get intrigued and connect it to people she dated. She definitely didn't deserve the slutshaming and I know she was quite young but she really enjoyed that 'clues' at first which became a double edged sword
I am saying this because existence of secret messages is what led me to find muses behind these songs and see them as more than nameless faceless people. She got people curious and combined it with the fact that she dated people who are really famous led people to theorise(This is no way slutshaming her.Noone deserves that treatment from media or public. I just revealed my thoughts on how she innocently gave her personal details on silver platter. This is something her publicist should have known better about)
so i think an issue here is conflating her relationship to us and her relationship to the press, which have overlap but were fundamentally different when she began her career. i firmly believe everyone has the right to tell their own stories and speak their own truth, and she wanted to orient us in her stories and bring us into her music. like you said, she shared that innocently, not realizing it would be weaponized against her, and then once it was weaponized against her, to some degree she used what she could as defense. the secret messages were for us. inescapably the press used that against her, but that wasn't her fault. she couldn't predict that or the damage it would do to her. it also wasn't her fault that she happened to be very famous dating very famous men, and that being impossible to keep private because we live in a society that has a baked-in element of celebrity culture and interest, for better or worse, and people have been interested in society gossip for far longer than our modern times (we could stretch that back to royal courts as far as ancient egypt. gossip probably existed as soon as human speech did). taylor hiding "sam sam sam sam sam sam" or "maple lattes" in the liner notes is something she chose to do to let us in so that *we* would understand her emotions and diaristic writing and truth; the press picking her apart, excoriating her, and slut shaming her was out of her control and would've happened *without* her giving us clues anyway - and might've even made it worse because at least fans inherently knew what her stories meant to her along the way (she rightfully stopped leaving the secret messages because her music has even further clarity now, she doesn't need them, and yet look at the mess of discourse with people not recognizing the simplest things and most obvious allusions and connections on midnights...). beyond this, she was constantly having to behave and hold her tongue, and don't talk about politics or opinions, and be a good role model and a good girl and don't grow up. as she said at her commencement speech: I was a teenager in the public eye at a time when our society was absolutely obsessed with the idea of having perfect young female role models. It felt like every interview I did included slight barbs by the interviewer about me one day ‘running off the rails.’ That meant a different thing to every person who said it to me. So I became a young adult while being fed the message that if I didn’t make any mistakes, all the children of America would grow up to be perfect angels. However, if I did slip up, the entire earth would fall off its axis and it would be entirely my fault and I would go to pop star jail forever and ever. It was all centered around the idea that mistakes equal failure and ultimately, the loss of any chance at a happy or rewarding life. 
her publicist at that point was not conducive to her growth as an artist or a woman. the secret messages were one of the few means she had of revealing things to us that we'd recognize without saying or giving away too much. i don't personally think it's a bad thing she enjoyed or had fun with them either. she liked letting us in! it was only the extreme depth of the hatred and trauma in 2015-16 that forced her to pivot, and then finding a partner in joe who she desperately wanted to hold onto and a relationship she wanted to protect apart from the noise and apart from the "nasty world that just wants to ruin things." we can't blame a young woman in her teens and twenties for wanting a way to connect with her listeners and openly share her experiences in whatever way she could. she also does have a petty streak and justifiable anger. the pettiness typically comes out in biting humor (the joe j doll was ironically hilarious, ibytam says everything it needs to say and allows her that space to make fun of an ex after such depth of shattering heartbreak), and the anger as a raw nerve (mad woman, wcs), but jaime said the other day something along the lines of, if someone really dislikes her pettiness or her anger, then to some degree that's to dislike her in general because it's not engaging with the full scope of her person. she is uncommonly kind, giving, and sensitive, she is passionate and earnest and quirky, that doesn't mean she doesn't make mistakes, or isn't allowed her fury and hurt and bitterness. or that she shouldn't have ever made her stories clear, that was her choice! i also don't think she's wrong in saying she doesn't have to consider her exes' experiences when she's releasing her own work. it's hers.
the paternity test quote in itself is somewhat disingenuous and her leaning into the character of reputation - that was for the media more than anything. it's multilayered, but it's like thinking folklore/evermore are entirely fiction when they're very much a lot of truth and inspired by lived feelings, or like her saying bejeweled is about her coming back into more sparkly pop music again. that's not what the song in its original form is about, but you can add that layer to it. we can find new facets to her songwriting and meaning, make our own personal meanings, and see where she's addressing more than one experience. she's never really obfuscated anything. even with rep, at the secret sessions, she told fans and encouraged them to share that every love song on the record was about joe. she mentioned him during lover press, their daily life has thankfully been kept private, but their relationship isn't at all hidden. rep is not a mystery, it's kind of *why* she didn't need to explain it.
not directed at what you said since i know you're not blaming her, but in general it's strange to me that she gets such outsized criticism for this when you can pull up practically any famous artist and point directly to their experiences and important relationships and muses that informed their work. it would be like saying we can't read keats and think about his poems in relation to fanny brawne and his illness. or we can't recognize how wild it was for stevie nicks and lindsay buckingham to be writing songs about one another that they then had to perform together on stage. artists always pull from their personal lives and audiences always are curious what that inspiration might be, it's just the nature of art.
i don't believe that hearing the songs, understanding their full depth, and knowing what she experienced and what she's sharing, including that the knowledge behind them then gives songs a flesh and blood connection rather than being nameless and faceless, is at all a negative thing, i think it's humanizing and gives them their richness as they intertwine across her career and journey.
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another post abt my personal life sorry :/
had a reallyyy heated argument with my sister earlier. worst once since we were kids. this environment is awful
what basically happened was she asked me to do something and when I didn't quite do it how she wanted she stormed off and shouted at and insulted me and I retaliated and it escalated. she's a moody teenager with a short fuse and I don't really ever wanna be around her, my parents assure me that she's just a moody teenager and I hope they're right because if how easily annoyed she gets now is just a part of who she is I cannot continue to have her in my life long term. I simply cannot
I was a moody teenager. I get it. but by the time I was her age I knew better and actively worked on how irritable I was because i knew that at that age, being that moody wasn't acceptable anymore. I was awful as a teen, looking back I feel awful for anyone who I flipped out on for no reason other than I was a moody teenager
I feel my parents constantly excuse her behaviour with "that's just the way she is!", that is not how it's going to work in the real world. we have been so patient with her and we have tried so hard to understand that she's a teenager and she's hormonal but it's genuinely starting to get to a point where she's unbearable to be around and we don't ever wanna be around her
when her and I get on it's so good and we can talk for hours and it's lovely. but all it takes is me not even realising I've done something to annoy her and she's shouting at me and insulting me, if this was any relationship other than brother and sister - I would not put up with it I would have cut her off a long time ago because it's draining knowing someone like that, I feel like im walking on eggshells constantly. I often don't eat my evening meal til late so I don't have to be near her
it's something I really hope she grows out of because it's a horrible trait that she has. I am not proud of how I acted earlier, I still have some things to work on even though I am not as easily irritable/susceptible to anger as I was when I was younger. I have come a long way from when I was younger but I still have some work to do. she doesn't even acknowledge how horrible she can be
when relaying the situation to my mother she manipulated the story to make it seem like it was all my fault, seemingly because she doesn't wanna feel like she did anything wrong. she said I started shouting at and insulting her, when I didn't. I keep my head down and mouth shut when here because I'm so fed up of conflict that I dont speak unless spoken to, so I couldn't have possibly started it
I feel like im constantly walking on eggshells
I feel like im constantly walking on a tightrope that's about to snap
everyone in this household is someone who gets angry quite quickly, im the only one working on it. I have before now, especially in my teen years, said and done things that I'm really not proud of. I grew up in a house where my parents would (and still do) fly off the handle at a moments notice and you are a product of your own environment, so as soon as I realised that that's why I felt anger in the way that I did, I started working on it
this environment is so toxic and I'm miserable about it. I've tried to explain to my mother that if we all talked about things instead of all just getting infathomably angry and getting at eachothers throats then we'd create a better environment but she's like 'that's the way it is unfortunately', it doesn't have to be!!!! trying not 2 cry as I type this but I'm just so tired and fed up and generally upset about everything
I can't sleep cos of stress. I'm drinking alcohol every day. I wake up everyday and remember what my life is atm and get a sinking feeling in my chest. I just. I know there are others who have it harder and at least I have a roof over my head and food to eat and like I should be thankful for that but I just. ugh. I need to get out of this environment
0 notes
impulsesimp · 1 year
so I had this idea of philza finding the letters fit tried sending out to the anonymous 3rd party that sent fit to quesadilla island and the order proceeds to have fit arrested and then this little blurb came to be
"I don’t know," tubbo speaks. all heads turn his direction and the young man mindlessly teeters his chair on its back legs.
"I don’t think he's guilty."
"what? toby, you've seen the pictures. you've seen the proof that he's been lying to us this entire time!" phil exclaims from across the table.
"well, yeah that bit I believe. I just don't think he's lying about not wanting to ever hurt us."
"what makes you so sure?" cellbit asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
everyone's eyes focus on tubbo again, awaiting his answer. tubbo breathes a sigh settling his chair back down on all four legs. he lifts his hands in a half shrug,
"he didn't fight the arrest."
the group looked at the teen with confused faces. tubbo rolls his eyes.
"think about it, guys. fit's one tough son of bitch, right? he's said before that he would fight anyone who even insinuated that he was a traitor. you were able to arrest that man resistance free." tubbo looks to their president. forever's brows furrow in deeper thought.
"so you're saying that he agrees that he is a traitor? that's why he let himself be arrested? i'm not understanding." baghera asks.
"yes, yes, exactly that. listen, fit is a man of honor. a man with a code. we can see that from the communication he had with the unknown source. he was loyal to whatever mission he had despite possibly not even remembering who gave him the order in the first place." tubbo stands, pacing the floor as he voiced his thoughts.
"maybe we're being too quick to call him a full on deceiver when maybe there's some more information that we're missing. think about it, fit had all this time to befriend the federation and get on their good side to achieve whatever," tubbo gestures his hands in the air. "and yet he chooses to side with the rebellion?"
"well, what if the federation planted him with us to be an inside man. to be a double agent from the very start and make it look like he was with us." bad theorizes earning a few nods from the group.
"no, no, look at the messages again," tubbo strides over to the projector.
"'they're still falling for the whole 'vacation' thing.' that! right there!" phil reads aloud. "the original train group was told that we'd be going on vacation here. from the very beginning he knew it was a set up!"
"yes, but read past that, phil!" tubbo stresses pointing to next words. he reads aloud,
"'something called the federation controls this entire island. they've been keeping us here.' you guys, fit did not know about the fed when he got on that train with you guys."
the group bristles as they ponder over the information.
"look, all i'm saying is… is fit guilty of lying about not having any knowledge of his preexisting life before the island? more than likely, yeah. do I think he has or even had any malicious intent against us? no, I don't."
tubbo turns to the projected letters again.
"'i've adopted a son… i've grown attached to him… it hurts me to see everyone suffering… regardless of my personal feelings…' if you ask me, these are not the words of a man who would take honor in being a traitor."
"okay, but I’m still not understanding what you are saying about the arrest. he went without resistance, why? now he can't communicate with that other person and now his secrets are coming out and he's at risk for punishment. why not run?" forever questions.
"because he feels guilty." all heads turn to pac who is leaned against the wall by the entrance. pac shifts uncomfortably, folding in on himself a tad more. tubbo nods in agreement.
"that. he feels guilty. take all of us out of the equation for a second. a man is sent on a mission by a benefactor that he has lost all contact with the moment he arrives to a desolate island. essentially now abandoned on said island run by a homicidal bear, the man makes allies and is forced to become a father. the man is still devoted to his mission- to his word, sure, but suddenly now there's emotion involved and he's torn between loyalty to an estranged boss…" tubbo catches pac's eye.
"and found family."
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lnsfawwi · 3 months
Ace!Steve thought:
Steve was raised Catholic. he knew later in life that masterbation and sex outside of marriage was normal, even people from his church did it
The church made sexual desire out to be some devil, Steve spent half his childhood fearing it, but that devil never came for him. Steve was 16 and he overheard boys at school talking about sex and Bucky too. the first time Bucky did it with a girl, he told Steve all about it under the duvet, all hushed and excited. it was the best feeling he's ever had. Bucky told him.
so Steve tried. masterbation. he couldn't even get off the first couple of times, so he thought it was just another thing wrong with him.
he never wanted a girl. or a guy, for that matter.
he did date. and very occasionally he'd actually enjoy it. he liked communicating with ppl, hanging out and having fun. he kissed a girl once, on their second date. it was good, but not great as other boys described, and he was sure he didn't want to have sex with her.
he stopped dating her cus he didn't want to face all the “why don't you want it” inquiry from her or Bucky. Bucky was great, he was wonderful, perfect, but nosy sometimes.
he'd rather spending time w Bucky anyway.
he did get off though, w no one particular in mind.
ok that was a lie. he was trying to think about some girl, some girl from Bucky's colorful tales. but it ended up being Bucky, Bucky's hands sliding up and down a curvy body, fingers flicking the pink buds, mouth sucking on the delicate, soft skin. his cock, hard and thick, sliding in and out of the area between the legs (Steve didn't know what that looked like so the image was just Bucky).
he felt good physically, awful mentally. he tried to convince himself that that was just bc he lacked any point of reference except for Bucky's words and Bucky himself.
he still didn't want sex.
he still liked Bucky the most. and Bucky stopped messing around with girls after Steve's ma died, too busy keeping them fed. Steve liked that too.
they shared a bed sometimes, for warmth or comfort, and Steve would remember that time he touched himself w Bucky in mind. he liked touching Bucky, Bucky felt nice. but he didn't particularly want to touch him in a sexual way, no more than he wanted to touch himself, which was almost never. almost.
he thought the serum would fix him, his dick, to be exact. it didn't. but it was ok, they were at war anyway.
and then it was ok too, cus ppl did expect Captain America to be a prude.
one day, Sam and he were on their way to Turkey to chase a lead, and Sam asked, “so were you guys ever...?”
“ever what?”
“no. Why would you think...”
“hey, sorry man. It's just, maybe I was reading into things. no offense.”
“I'm not offended, I'm just...” Steve paused for a while, “I do love him.”
“I get it.”
“no. I mean...I, I used to think about, future. After the war. And, I couldn't...I don't know. I couldn't imagine myself with another person. And I couldn't stomach the thought of him with one either. I thought, and I still think the years before the war, when we lived together that's all I want. Just us, broke as fuck but we'd always have each other. And we could always visit his folks cus they were just 20 minutes away.” Steve sighed, “I know how it sounds. I knew homosexuality before you were born, Sam. I'm not...I don't want him that way. Sexually, I mean. I just...”
“you just want to spend the rest of your life with him.”
“Steve, I ask this sincerely, do you want to have sex, with anyone, man or woman?”
“not really, no.”
“ok. right. So I guess whatever crash course on modern sexuality SHIELD gave you left out this one.” Sam typed something on his phone and showed it to him, “It's a real new concept compared to homosexuality. Literally a 21 century invention, so it makes sense that you didn't know, and that's why it confuses you.”
Steve read it. Asexual. There was a related term, aromantic. The two were not in anyway mutually exclusive, or bound together.
Suddenly everything made sense. The selfish possessiveness he had for Bucky, the incompatibility of the desire to be intimate but not sexually, and the soul crushing love he's never had for anyone but Bucky, it all made sense.
“oh.” he gasped. “I'm in love with him.”
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