#we know chad fights a ghostface
dastardlydandelion · 2 years
o h m y g o d
what if there are nine new ghostfaces. what if. one movie nine killers.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 20 days
Don't tell me how it ends
Tara Carpenter x Reader (Gender-Neutral)
Summary - Tara finds out that Reader is a Lycan.
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Tara had a bad time at the party when she called you. Over the phone, she told you about her sister almost getting into a fight with a stranger. Tara went to your place when you opened the door, she just hugged you and you hugged her back.
“I know you don't like hugs, but -” Tara just sighed.
“I will make an expectation when it comes to you,” You said.
“Can I stay the night? I don't want to go home and argue with Sam” Tara said.
“You don't have to ask. But you should let her know before she sends in the swat team looking for you” You said trying to make your girlfriend laugh.
Tara couldn't help to giggle. She follows you to the bedroom and she her clothes in your drawer from last time staying at your place. You leave the bedroom and Tara sits on your bed and she starts to text with Sam. You ordered pizza and you waited for Tara to come out. 10 minutes later, Tara comes out wearing your shirt, and her shorts.
You met Tara at the university, you had to pair up with Tara on a project along with Chad and Ethan Landry. When you first saw her, you felt something that you never felt before. Tara would come up with excuses just to spend alone time with you. You live alone but near the university and she lives with Sam. You and Tara sit down on the couch eating pizza while watching a movie underworld.
“Do you think werewolves are real?” You asked.
“Werewolves are not real, Y/N. Wait, do you think werewolves are real?” Tara said.
“Yeah-yeah, I think werewolves are real,” You said.
She laughed.
“That’s cute you think they are real. Werewolves are like Santa Claus both are fake” Tara said.
She starts to eat her pizza again. You wanted to tell her your secret for a long time, but you didn't know how to start the conversation. You just take another slice and you start to eat it.
“You know some people do think they are real,” You said.
“I know because I'm dating someone who thinks they are real,” Tara said.
After eating pizza, you and Tara cuddle on the couch. But in the middle of the movie, you and Tara fell asleep.
Tara and Sam are the center of attention with the cops again. Ghostface is back and everyone on campus is starting to panic. Tara and the others are trying to figure out who is the new Ghostface, but so far they don't know. Mindy is talking about who not to trust then you arrive.
“I have been calling you,” You said.
“She doesn't have to spend time with you every single minute,” Sam said.
“No, it wasn't for that,” You said.
“Sam, stop it,” Tara said.
You and Sam start to glare at each other. Sam knows that you are dating her little sister because she caught you and Tara kissing.
“Sorry, Tara but we can't trust the people who we date,” Mindy said.
“Why not?” Anika asked
“It's one of the rules in a horror franchise. Ethan, Y/N, you, Quinn can't be trusted because we don't know all of you hundred percent. Everyone has a vendetta against us” Mindy said.
“Stop. I borrowed Y/N’s notebook to study for an exam that's all” Tara said.
“Did you hear that, Sam? She had my notebook. Next time, get your facts straight before you accuse me of something” You said.
Sam stands up and she is mad at what you said to her. She pushed you and you were going to push back her but Tara and Mindy stepped between you and Sam.
“You are lucky that you are Tara’s sister,” You said.
“Is that a threat?” Sam yelled.
“Sam, Stop it! Y/N lets go” Tara said.
Tara grabbed your hand and pulled you away from Sam and the others.
“She started it,” You said.
“I know. Y/N just calm down and get off campus” Tara said.
“Okay,” You said.
You and Tara didn't stay on campus. Sam tells her friends why she doesn't trust you.
✯ ✯ ✬ ✬
Tara invited you to game night, so you and Sam can get along.
“Sam, please give Y/N a chance. I'm tired of you two fighting” Tara said.
“There is something about, Y/N. I have a reason” Sam said.
“I think you are wrong,” Tara said.
“Y/N is a nice person. I got to know Y/N last year, we had English class and chemistry. Because of Y/N, I passed both classes and Y/N is never aggressive with anyone. I support Tara dating Y/N” Anika said.
“Y/N is hiding something I just know it,” Sam said.
Tara rolled her eyes and sighed. You arrive at Tara’s apartment before you can knock on the door, you hear a loud sound. You kick the door open, and Ghostface corners the girls. Ghostface saw you and you have to protect them. You didn't think about a plan, you just went into action. You run toward Ghostface and attack Ghostface, you two fly out the window, crash onto a dumpster then jump to the ground. You turn around and you see Ghostface standing up. The girls ran towards the window, they saw you stand up. Your eyes changed colors then you and Ghostface heard police sirens, before you attacked Ghostface ran away.
“Y/n!” Tara yelled.
Your eyes changed back to normal then you looked up. Your body is starting to heal but you started to act in pain. You put your hand on your ribs and Tara runs downstairs to get to you. Then Sam and Anika followed Tara.
“Y/N are you okay?” Tara asked.
She put her hands on your face.
“I-I’m fine,” You said.
“You fell out the window. You are not fine, I’m taking you to the hospital” Tara said.
“No!” You yelled.
You couldn't tell the doctors how your bones heal fast. You didn't want to scare your girlfriend but she was startled when you yelled no. The cops arrived and you didn't have time to get away, the cops started to ask you and the girls questions. You still refused to go to the hospital and Tara wasn't happy about it. Hours later, Tara takes you to her bedroom to talk alone.
“Y/N, I have to tell you something,” Tara said.
“What is it?” You asked.
“This isn't the first time, Ghostface is after me and Sam. It started many years ago, every time a new Ghostface appears they try to kill me and Sam. My father… Well, my father is Roman Bridger. Sam’s dad is Billy Loomis” Tara said.
“Why are you telling me this?” You asked.
“They were Ghostface. When Sam found out about me that's when my mom abandoned me then Sam started taking care of me. People blame me and Sam what Billy and my dad for their loved ones. Someone is either after us or using us to get information. I didn't want to tell you at first because I thought it would scare you” Tara said.
“This is a lot to process. I’m not going to look at you differently because of what kind of family you are born into,” You said.
Now you want to share your secret but the moment gets ruined.
“Hey, I made tea if you two want some” Anika said.
“We will be there in a minute,” Tara said.
“Okay,” Anika said.
She left the bedroom and Tara is holding your hand.
“How come you are okay? Anyone falling from the window would be in a cast” Tara said.
You started to panic. You didn't know how to start the conversation by telling her your secret.
“Adrenaline rush. I saw you in danger, I didn't think I just wanted to save you” You said.
Tara smiled. She put her hand on your cheek and she kissed you and you started to kiss her back. She smiled and she continued to kiss you.
Ghostface has been killing again. Kirby is going to help Tara and Sam to stop Ghostface.
You and Tara went to the movies, but she is acting differently. She seems distant and barely talking.
“I thought you wanted to eat here,” You said.
She barely touched her food.
“I guess,” Tara said.
“Did I do something wrong? And don't lie” You said
She looks at you.
“We should break up, Y/N,” Tara said.
“Wait what?” You said in disbelief.
“Y/N. I don't have feelings for you anymore and Chad asked me out and I said yes” Tara said.
“That is a horrible joke, Tara,” You said.
Your heart started to beat faster. Then you hear Tara’s heart beating faster than yours.
“I find you boring and I lost interest in this relationship,” Tara said.
“Why are you doing this? Seriously like why” You said.
You hold back your tears. Tara wants you to hate her so you won't be near her when Ghostface tries to attack again.
“I thought you were different but you are just like everyone else. Use people until you are done using them. I never opened up to anyone until I met you. Now, I regret meeting you” You said.
What you said made her heartache. She gets that you are in pain and she wants to protect you. She holds back her tears and she doesn't show emotions. But she didn't know what to say and you stood up, you took out the money and put it on the table to pay for the food.
“We-we can be friends, Y/N,” Tara said.
“You can't break someone then tell them to be friends. Block my number and stay away from me, I don't want anything to do with you. I will pay for the food” You said.
She watched you walk away then she started to cry. Tara leaves the restaurant and heads home. Sam hugged Tara and Tara didn't let go of her sister.
“Why are you crying?” Sam asked.
“I broke up with Y/N. I didn't want Ghostface to hurt Y/N because of me. I lied and I said cheated and I’m dating Chad” Tara said.
“Oh, Tara,” Sam said.
Tara cried even harder and Sam hugged her again. Sam now fully understands that Tara has strong feelings for you.
“When this is over, I will make it right” Sam whispered
Before you can unlock your door. You smell someone and it is a similar scent. You unlock the door and before you can turn on the light, you get hit in the head with a lamp. You passed out and Ghostface is standing over your body.
✯ ✯ ✬ ✬
Ghostface sent a video to Tara and her friends, letting them know you have been kidnapped. Sam didn't hesitate to help Tara to save you. They went to the abandoned theater and they saw you tied up to a chair.
“Y/N!” Tara yelled.
“Come any closer and I will kill Y/N,” Ghostface said.
Ghostface has a gun aimed at you then Ghostface takes off the mask.
“Ethan” Sam yelled.
Then another Ghostface appeared and it's Quinn. They talk about the plan and Richie’s plan.
“Wait until I get my hands on you two,” You said.
“That won't happen, loser,” Quinn said.
Ethan pulled the trigger and he shot you. Tara yelled out your name and she started to cry. Ethan and Quinn just started to laugh. They walk towards Tara and the others, your body pushes out the bullet and you are starting to heal.
“Seriously just one bullet left in the gun,” You said.
“He just shot you in the chest. What the fuck” Quinn said.
“Next time aim for the head, dumbass,” You said.
Tara is in shock, she thought you were dying a few seconds ago. You used your strength to break the rope and handcuffs. Everyone is in shock, but Tara becomes speechless. Everyone watches your body change, your claws come out then your face starts to change. You got taller and bigger, you are starting to growl.
“Run!” Sam yelled.
Everyone started to run fast. But Ethan and Quinn locked the main exists. Quinn uses the gun to kill you but she keeps missing. Tara and her friends think you will kill them but that won't happen. They saw you kill Ethan, ripping his body apart. Then you ran after Quinn then you used your claws to kill her.
Tara and the others are by the blocked exit. You go towards them and they think they are about to die. You broke the door before you could leave, then Kirby showed up and she started to shoot at you. They think you are going to kill her but you run towards the window and jump out.
“What the fuck was that,” Kirby said.
“A fucking werewolf,” Sam said.
Tara was stunned, she couldn't explain what just happened.
“Tara, did you know that Y/N can do that?” Mindy asked.
“I swear I didn't know,” Tara said.
“Who is Y/N?” Kirby asked
“Tara’s ex and who is a fucking werewolf,” Chad said.
“What?” Kirby said.
The cops started to arrive.
Two weeks later… Tara has been avoiding you. And she hasn't seen you around campus but today is went to your apartment.
“Y/N, I know you are by the door. I see your shadow. Open the door, it's just me alone I swear” Tara said.
“I know you are alone. Why should I open the door?” You said.
“Because you need to fucking explain what the fuck are you,” Tara said.
She is right. You opened the door and you let her inside and you locked the door.
“Tara, I’m a Lycan,” You said.
“Why you didn't tell me?” Tara asked.
“Tara, this isn't easy to tell someone that I can change into a monster. I tried to tell you but I didn't know how to say it” You said.
“They thought I knew your secret. I thought you going to kill us after you killed Ethan and Quinn” Tara said.
“I still recognize you and the others when I’m in my werewolf form. You can leave now” You said.
You were going to open the door for her but she grabbed your hand. She is holding it tight and you know she won't let go.
“Y/N, I lied about cheating on you. I only said that so Ghostface won't go after you. But That still happened. I’m not dating Chad… I still have feelings for you. I know you hate me, Y/N but I did it so I could protect you from Ghostface” Tara said.
“Why, you want to date me when I’m a monster?” You asked.
She still doesn't let go of your hand.
“Y/N, you are still the same person when I first met. You had many chances to kill me and Sam but you didn't do anything to hurt us. I know you and Sam don't like each other but you had chances to hurt her but you didn't. I made them promise not to hurt you or tell anyone your secret. I still care about you and I want us to be together again” Tara said.
“Do you mean that?” You asked.
“I do. I know hurt you, but I promise I will make it up to you,” Tara said.
“I think we can make it work,” You said.
Tara couldn't help to smile. She moved closer to you and she kissed you on the lips. But someone is knocking on the door and you go to open it.
“Sam, did you follow me?” Tara asked.
“No. I didn't know you came here” Sam said
“Why are you here?” You asked.
“I wanted to convince you to get back with my sister,” Sam said
“Really?” You and Tara said in sync.
“Yeah, I’m serious. You could have killed us back at the abandoned theater but you didn't. So, you have my blessings to date Tara” Sam said.
“I don't know what to say, I’m in shock,” You said.
“Are there other werewolves? How did you become one? Do you have powers?” Tara asked.
“I was born like this. I don't have powers like Superman, but I can hear or smell people a mile away. I have super strength and I can hear faster and other stuff” You said.
“Are there more people like you?” Sam asked.
“Yeah, there are thousands of people like me all over the world,” You said.
Sam and Tara continued to ask many questions, you started to answer them. After answering so many questions, Sam fell asleep on the couch. You and Tara are lying in bed facing each other.
“You and Sam definitely had many questions,” You said.
“I still have more questions, but I would ask them later. It makes sense when you asked if I believed in werewolves” Tara said.
“I was curious when I asked you about that,” You said.
She moved closer to you, then you felt her lips on yours. She starts to kiss you and you start to smile.
“Do you want to play catch?” Tara couldn't help to laugh.
“Wow, seriously Tara,” You said.
“What? It's funny” Tara giggled.
She puts her finger on your cheek to make you smile, but you don't laugh. You roll your eyes at her and she doesn't stop smiling.
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haddonfieldwhore · 2 years
tired - ethan landry
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no spoilers 🔪 // pre ghostface attacks
warnings: none 💓 just fluff 🧸
click here for a soft ethan playlist 🎧
your eyes felt like they were going to dry up and fall out of your skull as you stared at the many papers spread out across the floor in front of you. you were at your friend ethan’s dorm to study for your econ final together, and after about 3 hours, you decided you had retained all the information you could for one night.
“e, i think i’m tapping out,” you sighed, closing your book and dramatically flopping onto your back, laying amongst all the notes you had taken in class.
“me too. i think i’ve been staring at the same word on a page for the last five minutes,” he laughed, shoving his textbook off his lap and onto the bed next to him. “wanna watch a movie? chad went out so the living room is free.”
“sure,” you agreed, and he got up off his bed and reached out his hand to help you up off the floor. you and ethan had met at the start of college, and quickly became friends after sitting together the first day in class. the two of you always studied together, usually in the library or at ethan’s dorm; your roommate partied a lot and often had all their friends over so it was too loud to study there. ethan and his roommate chad didn’t seem to mind welcoming you into their dorm though, which you were grateful for.
chad was in almost every way, a stereotypical jock, but he was harmless, and was nice to you whenever you spoke to him. he often wasn’t home, usually out with his friends or at their place. you and ethan rarely joined them, both of you preferring to stay in, watching movies or binging tv shows when you weren’t studying.
“what movie are we watching tonight?” you asked, grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen and walking back to the couch where ethan was sat, a selection of dvds spread out in front of him.
“hmmm.. jaws?” he suggested. after a nod of approval from you, ethan put the disc in the player and sat back down. he tossed you a blanket he had brought from his room, and switched off the lamp next to the couch as the movie started. getting comfortable, ethan pulled the hood of his pale coloured sweater over his brown hair, and he offered his lap for you to rest your legs on. you were thankful, as your knees had become stiff from sitting cross legged on his bedroom floor for hours. his arms rested on top of your legs, keeping them warm and making sure you didn’t fall off the couch somehow.
it was only about 30 minutes into the movie when you felt your eyelids getting heavy, and the warmth of the blanket was making it hard to stay awake. no matter how hard you tried not to, you eventually fell asleep, not able to fight it any longer.
the sound of the door opening caused you to wake up slowly, and you were confused at first to feel a weight on top of you. at some point, ethan had also fallen asleep, his arms around your waist and his head buried in the crook of your neck. you could feel his soft breathing against your skin, and you realized how comfortable you were. chad hadn’t noticed that you were awake, since the lights were low and he was trying to be quiet since he thought you were both asleep.
after he had gone into his room, you gently laced your fingers through ethan’s curls, his hood having come off in his sleep. he stirred slightly, but didn’t wake up, instead holding onto you tighter. his lips and nose brushing against your clavicle as he snuggled closer to you. a sleepy smile spread across your face as you sighed deeply, and you realized how content you were to just be in his arms. ethan truly had become your best friend; you had left all of your friends behind when you moved across the county to go to college in new york. you didn’t know anyone here, and you were so thankful to have met ethan.
ethan awoke as you gently stroked his hair, your fingers gliding through the soft ringlets slowly pulling him from his sleeping state. he groaned softly, lifting his head off your chest and realizing the position you were both in.
“hey- sorry,” he mumbled, his voice deep with sleep. “i didn’t think i was that tired.” he rubbed his eyes as he sat up, and you immediately missed his body heat. in the low lit room you almost couldn’t see that there was a light pink blush across his cheeks.
“it’s okay. neither did i,” you smiled, tugging gently at the soft fabric of his hoodie sleeve. “come back.” you pouted. ethan smiled, laying back down next to you, tucking your head into his neck this time. happy to have his warmth back, you hummed contently and closed your eyes, nuzzling into his neck.
“i’m so gonna fail that econ exam,” you thought aloud, and ethan laughed, and you felt it vibrate it his chest.
“that’s okay- you can come over and study for the makeup test with me; i think i’m gonna fail too.”
“we can fail together,” you mumbled. growing sleepy again. as you both lay in silence now, you absentmindedly pressed a soft kiss to the underside of ethan’s jaw. he tensed slightly underneath you, before he relaxed again humming slightly as he pressed a kiss to your forehead in return. at that moment it didn’t matter what it meant, the half asleep kisses likely to be forgotten by both of you in the morning.
“goodnight, eeth.” you whispered, but all you got in response was the sound of his soft snores, which quickly lulled you back to sleep. ☁️
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auras-moonstone · 6 months
hiii can you please do a y/n Meeks Martin and ethan Landry,y/n is the younger sister off Chad and Mindy and make Chad overprotective and y/n and Chad have a fight because Chad told her not to date anyone because of the ghost face killings and then Ethan comforts y/n with fluff/smut which ever one you want thank youuuuuu btw i love your story’s you inspired me so muchhh in writing hope you have a great day!!!!
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ the water’s rough, but this love is ours
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ᡣ𐭩 word count: 1.5k
ᡣ𐭩 pairing: ethan landry x meeks martin!fem!reader
ᡣ𐭩 summary: chad overwhelms y/n with his protectiveness and ethan is there to comfort her, leading to her admitting her feelings towards him.
ᡣ𐭩 warnings/contents: arguing. chad being an over-protecting brother. oblivious ethan. love confession. making out.
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ethan could feel the tension as soon as the two siblings entered the kitchen. y/n’s jaw was clenched while chad had an unapologetic and calm attitude, so ethan guessed he had said something that angered his sister.
“what did you do, chad?” the tall boy sighed, looking at his roommate.
“nothing, really.” chad shrugged.
and if were possible for humans to spit fire, ethan was sure chad would’ve been turned into ashes by now. “nothing?! you scared my project partner away!”
“well, if he can’t handle a bit of sibling pressure, then he’s not for you.” he said, “besides, i told you, you can’t date anyone right now.”
ethan flinched, but the siblings were so immersed in their argument that they didn’t seem to notice his reaction. not that what chad did was right, but if he had managed to drive y/n’s date away, ethan was glad. the less competence, the better. well, if he could even qualify as a competitor, and he wasn’t sure he did.
“ethan? what do you think?” chad’s question pulled him out of his thoughts.
y/n rolled her eyes. “leave him out of it, chad. this is an issue between you and me and i’m going to be very clear. i get you’re worried about ghostface, but you can’t control me. besides, i told you he didn’t even choose me as his partner, it was the professor.”
“but he was damn happy about it, because he wants to kill you? kiss you? both? i don’t know but i didn’t like his vibes.”
“oh my god, you’re so ridiculous!” y/n tilted her head towards the ceiling. she could feel the angry tears starting to cloud her vision.
“chad, maybe you should go.” ethan intervened, seeing the girl’s need to get away from him. he guided his friend towards the door. “could you go to tara’s for a few hours? your sister needs space, you’re suffocating her a bit.”
“i just want her to be safe. we can’t trust anyone.”
“i know you’re doing it because you care, but you can’t react like that. she already has being chased by a psycho killer on her plate, don’t add fighting with her family to it, too. be there for her, but not in an overwhelming way.”
chad’s shoulder slumped and he nodded slowly. “yeah, i can see what you mean. it’s just… i can’t lose her.”
“i get that, truly, i do.” i’m scared of something happening to her, too. he added in his head. “but by behaving like that, you’ll only push her away. now, leave her alone for a few hours and then come back to apologize.”
chad put his hand on his friend’s shoulder and squeezed “take care of her, okay? call if something happens.”
“thank you.” ethan heard her voice from behind her as soon as the front door shut closed. “you’re the only one in this group who doesn’t baby me.”
ethan smiled, and brought her into his arms. “well, everyone has a soft spot for you. especially chad, you’re precious to him.”
“i know, but it’s exhausting.” she sighed against his chest. “he’s scared because of the ghostface thing, but he’s always been like that, over-the-top protective. i’m just a year younger, and he treats me like i’m still fifteen.”
“did he scare your date too much?” ethan pursed his lips.
“i’m 100% partner-less.” y/n let out a small laugh. “and he wasn’t my date, i swear. i have no interest in him.”
ethan tried to hide his relief. “but are you? interested in someone?”
y/n tensed. how was she supposed to dive into that subject when the guy she wanted was standing right in front of her? so close yet so out of reach, or so she thought.
“maybe, but he and i can’t happen. well, at least not without causing drama.”
ethan raised and eyebrow. “because of your overprotective brother? he has to get his head out of his ass, eventually.”
“yeah, but… this would really bother him. i think.” she bounced on her feet nervously. he had to understand who she was talking about, right? “like, he would feel betrayed if something happened with this guy.”
“is he on the football team?” of course he was in the football team, ethan thought. i bet he is popular, charming, outgoing. opposite of me.
“what? no. he’d rather be caught dead than near the football field.” she laughed. “he’s not very sporty, but he does go to the gym, occasionally. not something he likes too much.”
“okay, so not one of chad’s friends.” ethan frowned, who could it be? someone from her class?
“actually, he is.” y/n said with a hesitant smile. “and another thing about him is that even though he is one of the smartest guys i’ve ever met, he can be really really dumb sometimes. painfully clueless.”
ethan blinked rapidly. he opened his mouth, as if wanting to say something, but after a second of hesitation he closed it again. y/n got the sense that maybe ethan had understood who she was talking about, but there was a part of him that wasn’t entirely convinced.
maybe he didn’t want to say it aloud and risk being wrong, ending up like a fool, so she took a step closer to him, until only a few inches separated their faces.
“i like you, ethan.” she finally came clear.
and though ethan had the slight feeling it was him, it still shocked him to the core. he didn’t even dream about the possibility of her returning his feelings, because it just seemed highly unlikely even in fantasies. but for some reason, it was truly happening and he could not find his voice to say it back.
“ethan? please say something because i’m about to throw up here.” her confidence had evaporated as soon as the silence became too long. ethan did the only thing that came to mind, and wrapped her in his arms. with his face hiding in her hair, he smiled widely. “um, is this an ‘i don’t feel that way and i don’t know how to tell you’ hug or an ‘i forgot how to speak but i like you too’ hug?”
ethan laughed. “two. definitely option number two. fuck, your hair smells like coconuts and vanilla.”
“stop smelling my fantastic scented hair and say it back, weirdo. i was truly about to vomit.” she grunted against his shoulder.
he took a small step back and grabbed her face between his hands. “y/n meeks martin, i like you, too. so so bad that it took my brain an embarrassing amount of time to comprehend that you actually feel the same as i do.” he pressed his lips against hers in a soft, long kiss. “you drive me crazy, since that very first night you stayed up with me watching horror movies even though you despise them.”
“i’m the black sheep of the family.” his laugh warmed her heart, and she couldn’t help but smile too. “well, i have to admit i don’t mind seeing them with you. i love it when you tell me fun facts about the movie or the references.”
“oh, really? can you repeat that in front of mindy? while i’m present, please.” he asked with a devilishly smirk.
y/n rolled her eyes. “you’re a child. if you are still alive after we tell chad, then yeah, i can repeat it in front of my sister.”
the tall boy’s eyes widened and he paled a little. “oh, boy. i’m too young to die.”
“and too pretty, let’s not obviate that very important fact.” she pecked his lips.
“but truly, do you think he’s going to hate the idea of us?” ethan asked, worried.
y/n caressed his cheeks with her thumbs. “to be honest, i don’t know. he’s very protective, and the water’s kinda rough right now, but he knows you. he knows how kind and sweet you are, so maybe he’ll be glad i’m dating you. you’re literally one of his favorite people.”
“and maybe that’s why he’ll feel betrayed.” he spoke in an anguished tone.
“everything will be okay, eth. even if he’s bothered by it, he’ll get over it. we’re part of the group and i’m his family, he’s going to see us everyday. he’ll get used to it.”
ethan didn’t seem convinced. “do you really think so?”
y/n nodded with determination. “as much as he is overprotective, he also loves me and want me to be happy. and hell, eth, you make me really happy.”
“would you still like me if i started crying like a baby right now?” he asked, emotion taking over his gaze. having the girl he had liked for months telling him he made her happy made him feel like he had touched the sky with his bare hands.
“see? look at you. chad is not going to be able to hate you. you’re just too damn adorable.” y/n kissed his nose.
“i’m not adorable.” he scoffed. “let’s watch a movie.”
y/n let out an exaggerated groan “nooo let’s make out.”
“sold!” he lifted her in his arms and carefully threw her to the couch.
“adorable.” she muttered between long deep kisses.
“whatever.” kiss. “just.” kiss. “kiss me.”
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kaylinlmfao · 10 months
i hate you! but oh how i love you
type of piece: imagine, drabble, oneshot, series
type(s) of writing: smut, fluff, angst, dark, suggestive
warning(s): mentions of sexual stuff but no actual smut in this part, teasing,, murder, violence, gore, this is mostly just plot
pairings(s): dark!dom!ethan landry x sub!fem!reader
A/N: here is a special, dark fic for a treat for me and for you guys. keep the requesting coming! I love this request, more like this one please! thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy! this is part 1 (no smut just plot)
if i wrote an ethan x fem fanfiction and kinda combined the elements of my oneshots and put them into an actual book would y'all read it? (on wattpad)
just a couple of different things from the movie in this fic. sam, tara, kirby, and chad all die. so do quinn and bailey. all killed by ethan. ethan survives and we'll see where it goes from there.
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"ok, ew. get a room you two." you say to tara and chad, accidentally walking in on them kissing. "how about you get a room? we already have one. this room." tara tells you, laughing. she knows you're excited for her. she's liked chad for as long as you can remember. your smile fades as you look behind her. "TARA MOVE!" you shout as the masked killer drives a knife into tara's back. she lets out a cry of pain as chad begins dodging and fighting the killer. "oh my god, tara." you run over to help her up off the floor. "it's ok. it's ok" you try to reassure yourself. you lift tara off the floor, slinging her arm over your shoulder as you try to get her to the door.
"chad! come on" you shout as he kicks the ghostface hard, then rushing over to help you with tara. you swing open the door. "oh my god!" tara shouts. you scream as you see sam barrel through the door. she looks at the three of you in shock before chad starts rushing us to go. "come on, go go go." he ushers us through the door as i glance back at the figure, struggling to get up from their place on the ground. "it's kirby! she's the killer!" sam exclaims as you all are running through the theater. "no shit!" chad runs over to the door you came in before being stopped. "it's locked. come on." "so we're trapped?" you ask, full of fear. this isn't your first rodeo with ghostface, oh no, but you always feel a huge wave of fear when seeing the mask. whether you see a person wearing the mask on the street, or seeing an actual killer wearing it, it brings back bad memories of your ex girlfriend.,
"kirby made this whole theater a kill box. for us." sam voices. tara spins and points upwards. "hey, what about that? there's an exit door. maybe it leads to the roof or something?" she asks, breathless. "there's only one way to find out. let's go." chad orders, grabbing tara's hand. i grip sam's hand as we turn to run. suddenly, another masked ghostface comes out from behind the curtain, swinging their knife. with an extra hard swing, one of the mannequin heads goes flying. "beheadings!" chad shouts, tackling the killer. "chad!" you shout, pointing to the camera behind him as sam rushes to help tara. "smile for the camera motherfucker" chad exclaims, swinging the camera, the figure on the floor flying back from the force of the blow
you push the movie curtain past you quickly, running through. "over there!' tara points as ghostface comes barreling from somewhere behind you. you take the lead, running down the narrow hallway, just trying to get away. another masked killer appears on the opposite end of the hall. now, you're all blocked in from both sides. before chad turns and throws the camera he's still holding at the pursuer behind you. "get fucked!" he shouts. you run into the room you began in, chad pulling the popcorn machine down in front of the figure rushing after you all. the killer swings his knife at chad, aiming to slice and dice. sam and tara each grab one of it's arms, pulling the person back. you subtlety turn, looking for the metal baseball bat you brought for protection. bingo. you grab it from where you leaned it against the wall while talking to chad and tara.
you take the bat in your hands, shout a loud battle cry, and swing at the masked figure, hard. they go flying to the floor with a loud cry of pain. it's a female. now more proof that it's kirby. tara pulls her foot back, crying out from the strain on her wound, and kicks the masked person on the floor, hard. "holy shit tara. brutal" you say, grabbing her and sam, backing up as chad picks up a glass machine off of the counter. "you hit them with a baseball bat" sam counters as chad fixes to throw the glass on the ghostface writhing in pain on the floor. you chuckle with pride. "i know." you see something behind chad that makes you scream in fear. "chad!" you cry, trying to warn him. you're too late, and you watch as the killer drives their knife into you're best friend's side. "no!" you and tara shout in unison. sam holds tara back, gripping your arm at the same time.
the other killer stands and they begin stabbing chad, over and over. you're on the verge of breaking down, again. deja vu. and your boyfriend ethan and mindy still haven't shown yet. you hope and pray that everyone survives this as you turn, unable to watch the scene in front of you, but knowing that there is nothing you can do to help chad. "run" he mouths to you, smiling sadly, blood flowing freely from his mouth and the other wounds on his torso. his body falls to the floor, and the two masked killers wipe their knifes in one swift motion. you run with tara and sam, vision blinded by tears. you cry out in surprise as another ghostface emerges from behind the curtain. the masked killer from before appears on the other side, shaking and waving their knife at you.
sam reaches down and picks up three bricks, handing one to tara and offering one to you. with a shake of your head, you decline. "i've got this" you say, readying your bat to begin swinging. you, tara, and sam form a triangle, tara and yourself gripping hands, sobbing. "ready?" sam asks as tara lets out a cry. "i need you both to be ready? ready?" she repeats. you nod, reaching for her hand, closing the circle. your holding onto sam and tara's hands for dear life, watching as the two sisters reach for the others hand. "deja vu" you whisper. "look at me" sam orders you and tara. "ready?" you glance at sam, then at tara. you may not be blood, but these are your sisters. "im ready" tara tells her. they both look at you. "ready as ill ever be" you say with a smirk, slinging your bat over your shoulder. "come on motherfucker!" tara screams, baiting the masked figure behind you.
suddenly, a loud gunshot sounds from behind you and you see kirby emerge from behind the movie curtain. "it's ok." she attempts to calm the three of you. "stay the fuck back!" sam shouts. "we know it's you kirby." tara tells her. "no! one of them knocked me out." she says, breathless and panting. "kirby stop! get away from the girls" detective bailey orders, pointing his gun at her. kirby mirrors his motions, pointing her gun at him too. "what are you doing?" kirby questions. "did you kill quinn? did you kill my daughter?!" bailey asks, distraught. "jesus christ! whatever he's been saying to you, don't listen to him. he's probably the killer." a ghostface appears behind the detective. "behind you!" kirby shouts, trying to warn him. two gunshots are fired and kirby falls to the ground. "holy shit." you say, shocked. "great job" bailey praises the ghostface standing behind him. "oh fuck this fucking shit. you cheap fuck!" you scream, staring at kirby's body in shock.
another ghostface emerges from behind detective bailey. "both of you" "you?" tara asks, still in shock. "yeah, of course me. frankly, i expected more from the two of you after what you did to us." "what do you mean us?" the one on bailey's left pulls her mask off. "quinn?" (i know i changed the order but it fits my idea better) sam asks in shock. "hey roomies. you didn't see that one coming did you?" "yeah, because you died!" "kinda didn't though. it was a good way to get off the suspect list. stab gale weathers, stab mindy on the train, that sort of thing." "yeah, and i just made sure i was first on the scene so i could switch her body out with a fresh one. little fake blood, a prosthetic. you'd be surprised with what a grieving father can get away with" you jump a little, pumping your fist. "i fucking knew it! i knew it! i told you guys that she wasn't dead, but you didn't believe me! i told you, i said she wasn't dead. the blood on her walls was fake. I FUCKING KNEW IT!" "so who's the other one?" "mindy?" you ask, breath caught in your throat.
the mask was pulled off and your legs buckled at seeing your beloved boyfriend, ethan. you fell to your knees, feeling the rush of emotions that you felt a year ago come back to you. ethan looks at you with a deranged look in his eyes. "mindy was right. it was easy to juke the roommate lottery. all i had to meet you was room with a conceited, condescending alpha, literally named chad. fuck, it felt good to kill him!" ethan continued speaking but you tuned him out. you couldn't stand to hear his voice or look at his face. you couldn't do this again. you just couldn't. the emotions were flooding you, the feelings overwhelming. you stared down at the floor, tears dripping onto the floor. feelings of hopelessness, sadness, betrayal all coursed through your veins. but soon they were all covered with a thick blanket of rage. red hot rage.
you stood, reminding yourself to stay strong. staring at the ground, tears still slipping down your cheeks. "i got stu macher's mask. he was my favorite." quinn says. "nice. that's number three, and that's number two." he pulls a ghostface mask from within his jacket. "which leaves, your sister's" he says pointing at you. "who's your sister?" tara whispers. "jill roberts" you whisper, still looking at the floor in shame. "this is what we've been counting down to, y/n. i'm gonna need you to put it on." bailey looks at you, holding the mask out to you. so broken. "fuck you!" you hear sam yell on behalf of you. ethan swings and slices open sam's upper arm. "ok! ok! im taking it, jesus. you psychopath" you glare at the boy you once thought you loved. you take the mask in your hands and stare down ashamed at it. you feel someone slip behind you to come stand in front of you. you know it's ethan. you know. he grips your chin, pulling your chin up to point your gaze at him. "oh princess. there's nothing to be ashamed of." he stares deep into your eyes, noticing how cold they are. you've never looked at him like this before.
but it's ok. he has a plan. and eventually, you'll get over it and understand. and you'll be his, though you have been since the day he saw you for the first time. he backs up to stand next to his father and sister. you were still staring at the mask that you held. suddenly, you heard commotion from behind you and saw the fight begin. but you couldn't. you couldn't fight. you didn't have it in you. quinn and bailey vs sam and tara. it wasn't a fair fight, that's for sure. sam and tara didn't have any weapons. you could help them a little bit but then you needed to find a way out of this stupid theater. you ran over to kirby and saw that she was still conscious, but barely. "i'm gonna need this. ill go get help. i promise" you whisper softly. kirby looks at you hard for a moment, and you share a moment of understanding before she slipped into unconsciousness.
you turn, feeling eyes on you. ethan. he isn't helping his father or sister. it's as though his only focus is you. his stare is scaring you, and though you'd never admit it, causing a heat to rush down to your core. damn him. you hate him. you do. but, oh. how you love him. (see what i did there lol?) you walk towards tara and sam, crying out when you feel someone coming up behind you, grabbing you by your throat and yanking you against their upper body. "fuck you, ethan!" you yell, drawing the attention from both your family and his. "but sweetheart, we already did that. i love to to do it again though." he whispers, kissing your neck softly. you bring your elbow forward and elbowing him hard, taking ethan by surprise and giving you just enough to to slip out of his grasp. "sam!" you shout, getting her attention from quinn advancing on her.
"catch" you bring your hand back and throw kirby's gun. for a split second, you think she won't catch it. it will slip from her grasp and everything will go downhill from there. and so it does. the gun slips and falls down to the ground, where you try to grab it. but a tall, 6'2 figure stands in your way. you're on your knees and he's standing in front of you. you're eye level with his bulge. you remember this position all too well. and judging by the smirk on ethan's face, he remembers it pretty well too. he opens his mouth to speak, probably to say something that will infuriate you further. "oh just shut up! oh my god, you bent, twisted motherfucker!" you yell, standing quickly.
your breath catches in your throat as you realize how close you are to ethan. the height difference between the two of you was causing you to be eye level with his chest. you could see his muscles in his chest as he took a deep breath. you feel his fingers lifting your chin, so gentle, like you were glass and ethan was afraid to put the slightest crack on you. your eyes meet ethan's and you almost whimper. ethan's gaze on you is nothing like he's ever looked at you like before. full of lust, looking at you like he was going to devour you. "ethan" you breathe, so quiet, so soft. you quickly snapped out of the trance he had you in and dove, grabbing the gun off the ground and pointing it at ethan.
ethan began slowly walking towards you. "put the gun down princess." he says it as he normally would, but you feel mocked and teased. "you better back the fuck up unless you want a bullet in between your eyes, princess." you mock him, quickly walking backwards until your back is met with a hard surface. ethan continues walking towards you until there is only a enough space to put the gun against his chest in between the two of you. he glances down at it and then back at you as he speaks. "oh? don't talk like that. we both know you wouldn't be able to pull the trigger, sweet girl" you blush at the nickname and you know he sees.
"go ahead, pull the trigger." you freeze up as he move closer to the point where you have to move the gun, the butt pressing painfully against your chest. you hear the commotion going on in the background, but with the way ethan is standing above you with a bloody hands, it's making you dizzy and you feel like you're gonna pass out. you feel your head empty just as he somehow always caused it to do. it takes an extreme amount effort to get your head straight, telling yourself that this isn't ethan. it isn't the ethan you fell in love with, at least.
you swallow. "fuck you." you whisper, feeling the burning tension between the both of you. ethan chuckles as his expression turns to one of even deeper lust. you feel his hot breath on your face as you get angrier at the slick forming in your panties. "fuck you." "i hate you so much. i hate you for doing this to me and for breaking my fucking heart. i wish–" you stop at as ethan begins to speak. "what do you want, sweetheart? keep fucking talking, slut. keep trying to convince me you hate me." his gaze drifts to your lips. "i hate you" you sob. you're interrupted by the feeling of your mouths crashing together in a rough, lustfilled kiss. and, to your own surprise, you don't fight it. you can't bring yourself to shove him away. the sexual tension between the two of you had gone to the point of being unbearable, and the harsh way his lips move against yours and the way his tongue probes into your mouth makes you light headed.
ethan pulls away and looks at your lust filled, scared expression. "that's what i thought. you still want me, even i killed all your friends." you shake your head with a whimper, tears running down your cheeks. "i don't want you." you whisper. "oh my pretty girl. so confused, aren't you? don't you remember you cockdrunk and sobbing after i fucked you just last night?" he brings his lips to your ears, whispering. "when you couldn't say anything at all? all you could do was cry and beg me to stop touching your sensitive cunt and your puffy little clit? and i know you want to do it again. dirty little whore. my dirty little whore."
'i don't want you" you say, more trying to convince yourself than trying to convince ethan. he laughs, glancing down at your tear streaked face and big doe eyes. "ok, little one. ok" you wiped your tears quickly and shoved him off of you, turning and running down the nearest hallway. "you don't have to run, you know. I'm gonna catch you no matter how fast you are." you hear. ethan’s voice is cold and irritated as he stalks towards the hallway you just turned into. you're distracted as you trip over a gap in the hardwood floor and come crashing to the floor, and then, the sound of his steps hurrying up to meet you fill your heart with even more fear. your heart is already racing from the adrenaline of trying to escape the psychopath that you once called your boyfriend. The bloody tip of his knife rounds the corner before he does, and it's enough to fuel your desire to get up and stumble around the nearest corner, into a bathroom.
you slam the door behind you with the force of your body against it, and attempt to fumble with the lock for a split second before running to grab the nearest object, a marble vase to try and buy you a few seconds. It's not even seconds until he's turning the knob, trying to get in. the door rattling the entire room suddenly and your heart hitting the floor as he speaks. "open the door, my love. i won't hurt you as long as you behave." you're not allowed even a second opportunity to look for a way out, to even consider the option of jumping out the second story window on to the concrete below, or just hide and pray for mercy. Because three loud, earth-shattering crashes of his shoulder meeting the hardwood door splinters it almost immediately after the third hit, and you're so close to the door that one of those shards flies and slices open the heel of your hand–and now, instead of using those few precious moments to come up with a plan to get away, you're crying and grabbing your wrist in pain, blood gushing from the wound and splattering all over the white tile floor.
the pain derails your whole train of thought, your vision blurring with tears as you fall back and shake with shock, leaving a trail of crimson blood on the tile behind that leads straight to you. one more crash of ethan's shoulder against the door does the trick, and ethan has successfully crushed a hole in the bathroom door, his arm reaching through to unlock it so it only takes a quick kick to open. "man, you made me break the door. this is probably pretty valuable" his eyes turn to you, bright and brown and angry. "and you cut your wrist." ethan reaches out for you, and doesn't stop when you flinch away from him. you have nowhere else to go, no way out, what are you gonna do? you're aren't a threat to anyone but yourself. you're a helpless little thing, and when ethan does grab you, he's gripping your wrists so hard you're already begging him to stop and let go. "why don't you beg me not to kill you, princess?" he whispers, brushing your hair out of your face, behind your ear to whisper it directly into your ear–his voice makes you shiver, like it's a cold breeze in the across your neck. "i'm kinda considering it. you're pissing me off. you won't stop running away from me"
"what now? why are you looking at me like that?" he moves away from you to meet your eyes, but the fear is clear in yours–you watched him help murder your best friends, your family. what does he think you are? happy? no, you're petrified. "i'm so scared…" "scared? I'm scaring you?" You nod your head in the most pathetic fashion, with a quivering lip to top it off. ethan isn't just scary. A horror movie is scary, a bump in the night is scary. ethan, he's utterly terrifying.
"Then why are you soaking wet?" His question stops your mind in it's tracks, confusion etched on your face, but your stuttering and stammering stops short when you feel his big hand brush your thigh. you jerk away from him on instinct, but his harsh grip on your hurt arm keeps you flush against him, and you're forced to stand and shiver as his fingers fly under your skirt and they come to cup your pussy over your panties. he rubs a teasing thumb into what should be a random spot, but he knows where your clit is from past experience and knows how to press so firmly and hard to make you squeal. even your body is betraying you right now, and that strip of soft fabric between your legs is completely soaked for him to enjoy to the fullest. "you want this. you want me, huh? so bad that you're soaked" you shake your head no violently, too wound up to open your mouth because you know the words won't come out the way you want them to.
"yeah, that's it. you want me to fuck your brains out. you just want my attention. that's why you're running from me. you want me to catch you." "No!" you sob, trying to push him away again. ethan ignores your outburst and the shove you try to give him to get him off, ethan yanks you harder against him for you to feel how hard he is beneath the ghostface costume he's wearing, and for his fingers to prod you even rougher as he blindly searches for a way into your panties. "I don't want you ethan!" "You do!" He barks back, the growl of his voice sending an unwanted cold shiver up your spine. now he's found a way in, his fingertips brushing your folds before losing any gentle or tenderness they might have had and pushing their way inside. He's big, brutal, fingers working in to spread you out and shucking all that wet slick into his palm. his lips meet your cheek, hot and soft, and he has you hooked. nothing but him
you feel his breath hot and shaky on your ear. He doesn't seem to care you're up on your tiptoes, gasps of pain and pleasure dying in your throat, because he's got his fingers so fucking deep. ethan is preoccupied, you know as much by the absent strokes against your clit with his thumb, moving in no specific direction. "so pretty like this. blood on your face, crying for me." ethan pulls away suddenly, cheek still sticky with blood you wish was fake. it's on you too, smeared down your jaw like a smudge of scarlet paint, and his hands are covered in it too, that he's rubbing it into you for his own pride and sick pleasure. while he looks you in the eyes, he doesn't move his fingers from inside you, nor shows any expression aside from a deep, dark lust over his brown eyes that betrays the terror that a true psychopath could bestow.
"Your body is mine. this pretty pussy is mine. You're all mine." He mutters below his breath, spreading his fingers inside you to watch you gasp and your eyelids flutter as they fill with tears. you let out a loud cry as you coat ethan's fingers with your cum. as you come down from your high, you think about how wrong this is. your friends, they would want you to get out. they would want you to get to the hospital and tell mindy and gale before ethan got there first. "get away from me" you say, shoving ethan away hard. "but i don't want to. i want you to ride me and milk my cock until you're crying" he says it so innocently, it infuriates you to no end. "shut the fuck up!" he opens his mouth again to probably say something even dirtier, but you don't let him. maybe it's time to take a different approach. "you really want my pussy to clench around you? to milk you dry while i cry and scream your name? you want me to jump on your fucking dick until i can't think?" you ask him in a sultry tone.
he groans loudly. "fuck yeah, princess. i do. and i fucking will every single thing you just said right here, in every damn room in this fucking theater. you'll be so fucked out and overstimulated you'll be begging me to stop." "oh?" you tilt your head, looking at him. this is it. he moves towards you slowly, away from the destroyed door. "well ethan. let's do it then." you feel his big hand on the back of your neck as he slams your lips onto his. you quickly bring your knee straight up, nailing him in the dick. "well, you can't do any of those things if i cut your fucking dick off, can you?" your mood changed so fast you couldn't even regulate it. it was like you had an alternate, darker personality. just like ethan. you look at him, a deranged and feral look in your eyes. ethan wasn't scared. he was turned on. and now, he was pissed as fuck and in pain. he wanted to pound you until you cried, remind you who could make you feel so small so quickly. you stomp hard on ethan's foot as he cried out in pain. "you wanna know my secret? it wasn't sam who sliced up your brother. it was me. after he fucking groomed my girlfriend." that part was not true either. it was also not true when people said you were just like your sister. but he doesn't need to know that. ethan almost came in his pants. you were so hot when you were feral, though it was acting and he knew it.
you turned and ran out the door while he was distracted. you needed to get help. some of your friends could be alive. "man, i should get an oscar. that was some amazing acting if i do say so myself" but before you could find an exit, someone pulled you back. it wasn't ethan, it was kirby. she was still on the floor, barely conscious. she grabbed your ankle and you leaned down slowly. "im going to get help. it's ok." you attempt to reassure her. "get out of here. there is an exit behind the back hallway. there's a room behind there. it's soundproof, it's what they used for filming and editing. there is door that leads outside. go" she struggled to finish speaking before she passed out again. you followed her instructions, turning past chad and bolting towards the door. you're running fast, and you speed around a corner. next thing you know, you run into a hard chest and you're sprawled out on your back. sharp curses leave your mouth as you stare up at ethan. "fuck me" you curse. ethan smirks. "that's the plan, princess."
send in requests I beg
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dumbslvtforethan · 9 months
𝜗𝜚 that could've been just another silent night. ethan landry
-- Summary: after your boyfriend Chad doesn’t fulfill your desires Ethan makes sure he will 
warnings smut!, a little bit of fluff, dirty talking. 1,231 words
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𐙚 mdni!! ↓↓ 𐙚༘⋆ೀೀ
IT WAS RAINING , you were chatting on the phone with your boyfriend, chad, which is also your roommate. The rain noises filled up the whole room.
Your phone rang “unknown number” it said. You picked it up, not knowing what to expect. “Hey sweetheart” the velvety voice said. “Hi?… who are you??” You said, getting up from my bed slowly.
“I’m just the guy who will fuck you until you can’t walk” he said, you could feel the smirk in his voice “what?” You said confused and curious to see what was behind that misterious voice. “Stop joking” you said, after the 2 long minutes of silence.
“Oh no sweet dumb thing” he said “I’m being completely serious.” He continued. “Once I see that pretty pink pussy of yours I will rip it apart.” He said as you hung up. You were terrified, but honestly kinda horny. I mean, you loved chad, you really did. But he never teased you like that, whenever you had sex he would always be so dry and emotionless about it, sure there was moans and groans but he never said anything during it. And honestly dirty talking was one of your biggest kinks.
As you walked around your room, you noticed an unfamiliar presence you hadn’t noticed before, that white mask and black robe starring in the dark corner. You froze, he was approaching you, slowly but aggressively. “Hey sweetheart” he said, uncomfortably too close to your face. He pulled his mask, revealing the shy dork, Ethan, also chads best friend. You always found Ethan cute and attractive, previously having fantasies about this dark side of him, but you never imagined that one day he would be saying something about ripping your pussy apart in a ghostface costume.
“Ethan?” You said, extremely confused but also excited. “Shh sweetie we don’t want your boyfriend to find out that you’re fucking his best friend do we?” He said, taking his costume off. “Now, be a good girl and lay down with me huh?” He said, now with gray sweatpants and a hoodie.
You layed down with him, you were hugging him from the front and he did the same, we were admiring each other with the dim light of your room that covered our faces.
He put his hands on your cheek and turned off the lights completely on the other. Even knowing he was a killer and your boyfriend’s best friend, you felt safe in some weird way. Like he would protect you if someone barged into your room like he did.
After a few hours , which felt like a few seconds i fell asleep in his arms. When you woke up Ethan wasn’t there. You were confused, didn’t he say he was going to fuck you? You were so tired that you thought it was some dream or fantasy that the alcohol from the frat party you’ve been the night before created, you didn’t want to believe it was real.
The truth was that Ethan’s intentions were exactly as he said. Ethan was actually supposed to kill you according to the instructions of his dad. He couldn’t kill you, but he had to. After his dad ordered him to kill you, he felt angry and sad at the same time, he wanted to relieve his emotions by fulfilling his sexual desires and fantasies about you. But when he saw your pretty face, he completely melted.
This unexpected encounter has been happening every night for a week by now, and surprisingly, you became closer to Ethan, you would tell him about your day, and you two always ended up hugging each other and cuddling until you fell asleep. On the other hand, you hadn’t been paying that much attention to your boyfriend, whenever he would ask something you’d always be distracted thinking of the night before. He started to notice this behavior from you, and became extremely annoyed, you two had a huge fight that day, you loved Chad but he wasn’t fulfilling your desires, he wasn’t making you happy, he wasn’t giving the sensations Ethan gave you, he wasn’t Ethan.
As always, that night Ethan climbed through your window and noticed you curled up crying on your bed. “What happened sweetheart?” He said sitting on your bed and putting his hand on your back “me and Chad had a huge fight.” You said, still sobbing. Ethan was filled with rage, he couldn’t believe Chad would hurt his girl like that. “Why? Did he hurt you?” He said, very concerned. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but-“ you said facing him “he isn’t you, he doesn’t care for me like you do, I think I love you ethan.” Ethan’s rage turned into happiness “you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear those words.” He said, grabbing you into a kiss. Ethan’s lips were soft and gentle a touch you wouldn’t have expected from a ghostface “you want me to fuck you so hard that you forget about him don’t you good girl?” He said, breathing heavily as he made out with you, you could only nod.
He threw you on the bed, taking off your shirt and sweat pants only leaving you with your black lace bra and matching panties. “So pretty just for me” he said as he admired you. He took off your bra next, you whimpered feeling your nipples hardening with the cold breeze that filled your room. The gaze of your bare breasts made his mouth water. He took one of your breasts in his mouth and started licking and sucking on it. You moaned at the feeling. You bit your lips, this was better than your fantasies. “I wanna feel your insides so badly” he said as he took your swollen and wet breast out of his mouth. His words sent chills down your pussy. he took out your panties and started to rub your clit roughly you moaned his name at the feeling.
He pounded his huge cock into you, making you moan “fuck you’re so tight” he said, in between groans. you pant, eyes scrunched shut in pleasure, your orgasm building quickly. you turn to hide your face from him, burying yourself into the mattress.
“Don’t fucking look away from me” he said grabbing your chin to face him. “I wanna see your pretty face” he said in between groans, breathing heavily.
You were reaching your climax, you almost forgot that Chad was your roommate and could barge in your room at any minute. You didn’t even care, you were already moaning so loudly that probably the whole neighborhood was hearing you.
“M-m’cumming! m- my g-god” you moaned “cum on my pretty cock princess” with his words you drenched his dick with your pussy juices. “Fuck you’re so pretty” he said. You switched positions so that you were on top of him. “Now is my turn to take care of you” you said taking his full length into your mouth. You could taste your insides in his dick. Shortly after that he released himself into your mouth. “Such a good girl for me.”
@jchampionsgf - on tumblr
a/n: wrote this months ago and honestly dk how to feel abt it
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melrodrigo · 1 year
Tardy, part 3
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11
Tara Carpenter x F!Reader
Summary: Ghostface makes his first move, how will you and Tara react?
Warnings: Violence, slight gore, suggestive themes, Tara giving powerbottom vibes, kissy kissy noises, fluff
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: I’m still writing out the plot for the rest of this series, so if you have something you really want to see, send them in my asks! As always, thank you for all the love <3
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They say your life flashes before your eyes when you’re about to die.
It doesn’t happen exactly like that; it’s all a blur of feelings and pure animal instincts. When you see Ghostface make his way towards Tara, full force with a knife held over his head, something in you snaps.
You can’t seem to focus on anything else.
Tara whom you’ve been enamored with at first sight, Tara who makes you monthly playlists, who remembers your class schedule, Tara who just kissed you.
Tara. Tara. Tara.
Ghostface’s a finger away from Tara before you grab your computer; still playing Titanic, and slam it across his head.
“Get the fuck away from her.” You spit, watching as Ghostface whirls around bewildered, obviously not anticipating you fighting back.
He’s bigger than you, but he looks unsure. You see it in his stance, in the grip around his knife.
He surges at you, hands gripping around your shoulders tight. The knife is still in one of his hands, you’re acutely aware of it. You guys thrash around wildly, and fall onto the floor; hard. His head connects to the pavement with a loud thud, and for a moment you think he might be dead.
That is until Ghostface lets out a groan, and reaches out to try and grab you again. He’s weakened, and you take the moment to your advantage, kicking at his shins with all your might.
He cries out, grabbing at thin air.
You’re about to reach forward and rip the mask off his face, but Tara stops you with a tug on your arm.
You furrow your eyebrows, sending her a questioning look. Did she not want to find out who Ghostface was?
“Come on, we have to go. They’re still- Sam, she’s still down there.” She rushes out, and it’s only then you notice some messy mascara stains are running down her cheeks.
You frown. You know Tara’s a nervous crier, but it’s never happened right in front of you.
It seems like only then Tara realizes she’s been crying. Her cheeks flush red a little in embarrassment, but she’s still staring at you with urgency in her eyes.
You swipe quickly at her cheeks.
You follow her lead, but not before locking the door to the roof; leaving Ghostface locked up outside.
You and Tara sprint down the stairs and into the apartment, stopping short at the sight in front of you.
It’s a mess.
The coffee table is broken, carpet stained with blood; but worst of all, it’s empty.
You search for any signs of life, any screaming. They were here moments ago, where could they have gone? More importantly, where was the other Ghostface?
There’s always two, you remember.
You decide you don’t want to stick around and find out. You grab Tara’s hand, tugging her out of the apartment and down the stairs of their condo.
“Tara!” Sam’s voice bellows from below you. She looks uninjured, other than a couple of blood stains on her shirt.
You guys round the last corner of the stairs to come face to face with all your friends. Anika and Mindy stood tight together, holding onto each other’s hands for dear life. Chad’s behind them, looking smaller than you’ve ever seen him.
Sam’s at the front, nothing but fury in her eyes.
She rushes to Tara the moment you guys hit the floor, taking her in her arms; holding tight.
Despite the mini-argument they had before, Tara melts into her sister's arms. She sniffs a couple of times and buries her face in her sister’s shirt.
Then, Sam turns on you.
“What were you thinking? Bringing Tara up alone, when Ghostface is on the loose like this?” She hisses, eyes hard.
“How do I know you’re not the killer, hm? Distract Tara, let your partner come in and attack us. Was that your plan all along?” She continues, accusations spewing out of her.
“Sam, I know it looks bad but I did not plan this. I would never, ever hurt Tara. Ghostface came and attacked us too.” You reply, starting to feel agitated.
She scoffs and turns away.
“Are you guys okay?” You ask, turning and searching their bodies for any serious cuts or bruises.
“He didn’t come for us. He came in, gave Anika this, then went straight to the roof.” Mindy answers, voice hollow. She’s staring at the wall behind you, and you’re anger dissipates into uneasiness at her empty gaze.
Her words make your eyes dart to Anika. She’s cowering behind Mindy a little, one arm bloody, the other pressing into the wound. Your eyes widen.
“Oh, my god. Anika, are you okay?” You start walking up to her, but an arm in your way makes you stop in your tracks.
Mindy stares at you, accusatory glance in her eyes. Anika pushes her hand away gently, debating in a silent conversation. It seems Anika wins when Mindy finally let's go, and you send her a grateful smile.
“I’m okay. It hurts like hell right now but I’ll be fine.” She says, voice strong. You breathe out in relief, “I’m glad.”
“I think you need more urgent care than me though.”
You raise your eyebrows, what was she talking about?
“Oh shit YN, you’re bleeding,” Tara says as she pulls away from her sister, quickly rushing to you.
You look down, and you realize that you are in fact bleeding. Quite a lot actually, how you didn’t see it before was a wonder.
Your shirt is ripped at the part below your collarbone, and a deep cut could be seen; from your shoulder to the skin a little above your chest.
Woah, where did that come from?
It must’ve been the adrenaline, that stopped you from feeling it before. Because the minute you see it now you feel a throbbing pain shoot up immediately.
Tara stares up at you, her eyes guilt-filled and worried.
“Does it hurt?” She asks, her hands twitching at her sides; like she wants to reach out and soothe you.
It sure does hurt, but you’re not going to worry her with that now.
You bring your hands to her cheeks again, wiping a new teardrop that just fell. Now that Ghostface isn’t here, you take your time wiping her face. Savoring the feel of her skin against yours.
“No, it doesn’t.” You mutter softly. It might be a lie, but if it lets you stay in this moment forever you’d gladly say it for the rest of your life.
A cough from Sam once again breaks you out of your trance. She’s still glaring at you intensely, but at this point, you don’t even care.
“So, there was only one Ghostface?” You question, mind starting to get slightly woozy.
“Only one for this attack, we don’t know for sure if there’s only one.” Mindy corrects, and you can almost see the cogs turning in her head.
“Can you get your hands off my sister now?” Sam cuts in, still scowling. How are her eyes not tired?
You roll your eyes slightly; not enough for her to see, because well she was Samantha Carpenter. The only family your girlfriend-? had.
Was Tara your girlfriend now? She kissed you, but that could mean anything. She’d agreed to the date, but she could’ve easily changed her mind after it.
You’re snapped out of your thoughts when Tara takes you in a hug.
You can’t help but wince at the sudden contact with your open wound and she pulls back quickly.
“Knew it. You are in pain.” She mutters, before pressing her lips to your cheek.
Your eyes widen and you flush red embarrassingly fast. You stare at the rest of the group while she does this, gauging their reactions.
Sam glares, Chad has a pained expression, Mindy’s eyes soften, and Anika has a small smirk playing on her lips.
You’re still embarrassingly red when Tara pulls away, making her smirk as she eyes you.
“Shut up.” You mumble.
Tara tuts, “That’s not a very nice thing to say to your lover, now, is it? But I’ll let it go just this once. You did take a stab to the shoulder for me, after all.”
You don’t have time to process the fact that she called you her lover before she grabs your hand and pulls you outside; where an ambulance is waiting.
Getting fixed up wasn’t so bad, especially when Tara was by your side the whole time. Sat in peaceful silence; you can’t help that your mind starts to wander.
Ghostface was back, and you could tell it affected everybody in the group. You were lucky in a sense, this was your first time experiencing it; you didn’t carry that same trauma they did.
You glance at Tara, whose eyes are dark and gloomy. She’s watching Anika get fixed up too.
“I can’t believe the motherfucker is actually back.” She says, more to herself than you.
“We’ll get through this, Tara. You’ll get through this. You always have.”
She doesn’t say anything as she scoots in closer and wraps an arm around your waist. You don’t have the heart to tell her the position hurts your wound.
You don’t think you mind though, if it means staying here in Tara’s arms; where you belong.
“I think you should flee the country,” Tara starts abruptly. “It didn’t work for me and Sam but I think it might work with you. Ignore what I said before, you aren’t the star of this movie, it should work.”
You feign offense, hand over your heart.
“Well damn, you didn’t have to attack me like that.”
Tara shakes her head, still looking vexed. She turns to stare into your eyes, a serious look painting her face.
“I don’t want you getting hurt, and if you’re with me you will get hurt. Maybe even more than this.” She says, almost whispering.
You chuckle a bit and pull her head down so it’s resting on your shoulder.
“Tara, you’re crazy if you think I’m leaving you. I was serious about before, as long as I’m with you; I’m content.” You tell her, and her hands wrap tighter around your waist.
She doesn’t say it out loud, but she wonders how she got so lucky with you.
She tilts her head up to kiss you on the cheek.
You don’t tell her, but you’re thinking the same thing too.
If Tara was flirty before you confessed your feelings to her, then you could call her behavior now feral.
It hasn’t even been a full day since the attack, and so far; Tara’s managed to pull you into four different rooms in the apartment to make out.
You’re yanked into another one, her hands madly grabbing at you.
“Jesus chr-“ You barely let out before she’s kicking the door closed and connecting her lips to yours.
Her kisses descend to your neck, hands on your waist.
“Tara. Sam’s in the living room.” You warn, trying to push her away gently.
She bites down on your neck, enough to hurt.
“But I want you,” She says, voice muffled by your skin. “I’ve wanted you for so long. Now that I have the opportunity I’m not letting it go.”
You whimper slightly. Now that was embarrassing.
She smiles and takes your lips in a fierce kiss. You reply just as eagerly, fingers curling in her hair.
“Do you not want me?” She asks, biting at your bottom lip.
You stifle the groan that threatens to leave your mouth. Shake your head no aggressively.
“Of course, I do,” You mumble. “I just want you know…our first time to be, special.”
She softens a bit at your confession, reluctantly pulling away.
She huffs as she says, “Fine.”
You miss the feel of her body against yours immediately, and you grab at her; bringing her back into your arms.
“I never said we couldn’t do other stuff though.” You whisper, leaving little pecks on her lips.
She grabs your face and brings you to her lips forcefully, “Don’t do that, kiss me like you mean it.”
You gladly do.
“So…any chance you’re taking me on that date anytime soon?” Tara asks, arms propped up on the bed.
You swallow, try and steady your breathing.
Then you nod animatedly, “I really want to, but with Sam and everything…I think we’re on house arrest.”
She hums and falls back into the bed beside you.
“We could still sneak out, I do like pissing off my sister.” She suggests, eyes sparkling.
“Well, I don’t. Sam already thinks I’m a psycho killer, I don’t need her thinking I’m irresponsible too.” You reply, fingers tracing the fabric of her clothes.
Tara whines, pulls you closer by the collar of your shirt.
She flashes you those pleading eyes, and you feel your argument start to dissolve immediately.
“Please? I want to go on a date with you.”
You're silent in your thoughts, debating if it’s worth it to give her what she wants.
“Please,” She whispers a final time, and you decide that her begging is your new favorite thing to hear.
“Okay.” You relent, and she smiles victoriously.
“I can’t wait.” She giggles, giving you a quick peck and letting go of your collar.
When she gets up and out of the bed, you protest. She looks almost guilty as she tells you, “Sam’s gonna kill you if I stay in here any longer.”
You reluctantly nod, agreeing with her statement. She sends you a quick smile before exiting, leaving you sprawled on the bed.
You stare at the ceiling, millions of thoughts racing through your head. One comes out victorious.
How are you going to plan a mind-blowing date in one day?
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cobaltperun · 5 months
Lost (26) - Don't Let Go
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Chapter warning: very brief, and in no way graphic smut, specifically being very clear that’s what’s happening, but nothing explicit.
Word count: 3.5k
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-Don't let go of the things you believe in, you give me something that I can believe in-
The safehouse was actually a kinda small cabin in the woods, equipped with necessities, with a living area that counted as bedroom and kitchen, and a relatively small bathroom. You almost found the small living space nostalgic when you walked in with Tara and Chad and saw Mindy and Anika there. You haven’t seen them, well for more than a few tense minutes, since you all celebrated Tara’s pregnancy about two months ago, but it felt like it happened so long ago.
Mindy and Anika immediately stood up, crossing the distance between the three of you and them quicker than ever before as the two women hugged Tara.
“God, Tara, don’t scare us like that again,” Mindy complained, though her voice cracked at the end, filled with worry and fear over Tara’s safety.
Tara nodded, though you could see the tension in her shoulders, so you as subtly as you could placed a hand on her back, and she visibly relaxed, leaning into Mindy’s hug knowing you were right there with her. You were gone for almost four weeks, and for some of that time Tara didn’t know where you were or if you were even alive, and touch was always the preferred way you two expressed love for one another. So, you understood her need to have you touching her at all times.
“Okay, we get it,” Anika laughed, noticing your hand. “Go, go,” she stepped back, pulling Mindy with her and Tara chuckled, but still took your hand.
You smiled at her, squeezing her hand lightly before rubbing the back of her hand with your thumb as she leaned onto you from the side.
Anika grinned and approached you. “Hey, Y/N, welcome back,” she gave you a quick, but firm hug, and you eagerly returned it with one arm. You’ve seen Chad and Mindy before, but Anika went to buy groceries and wasn’t there in the brief few minutes you spent with the twins. Well, spent wasn’t exactly the right way to word those few minutes. You were so focused on rescuing Tara you barely gave them a hug, let alone anything else. They understood, they were worried about Tara too, and you were fury incarnate at the time.
“What about your careers?” Tara suddenly asked, worried that the same thing that happened to you might happen to her friends as well.
“We aren’t fighting Ghostface directly, we’ll be fine,” Chad assured her. Not that it mattered, from what Kirby told you, they all came the moment they heard Danny was dead and Tara was captured, ready to rush in the moment someone found any hint as to where Tara was. Luckily, you got released, so they didn’t have to do that, and thus, their careers were fairly safe. Any case against them could be argued against by saying they didn’t go looking for a fight and were instead just looking out for their pregnant friend.
“Kirby still won’t let us get involved directly. I hate to say it, but the best we can do is stay here and help guard you two,” Anika sighed, sitting down at the table with Mindy and Chad while you and Tara went to the fridge.
“That’s for the better, I don’t want anyone else to die,” Tara nodded, perfectly fine with this. She didn’t want to carry anymore guilt over dead friends, and you didn’t want that either. For her, or yourself.
“Tara, maybe you should stay out of this as well,” Mindy suggested tentatively.
It’s not that you didn’t agree with Mindy on this, you’d be far happier if Tara sat this one out, but you also knew that was wishful thinking. As if Mindy didn’t know Tara wouldn’t leave Sam to deal with the entire cult alone. “I have to get Sam back,” that was where all the arguments ended for her, as long as Sam was involved, so was she.
“You heard the lady,” you pulled out eggs and milk from the fridge and placed them next to the flour, vegetables and everything else you needed for an omelet. You didn’t want to give Tara anything too heavy, but eggs were an absolute must given the last few days. Tara grabbed the plates and forks while you chopped up the vegetables, mostly bell peppers and tomatoes. You looked calm, preparing food for you and Tara, since Chad, Mindy and Anika chose not to eat, with practiced ease. On the inside, however, you were debating on whether or not you should say anything about Sam being the one to lure you into the trap, you glanced at Tara, leaning into your side with her eyes closed and chose against it. Especially when Tara moved behind you and hugged you as tightly as she could while pressing her cheek against your back. She was already tense and worried as it was, adding on that Sam was directly involved in your arrest would only make things worse. You’d handle that with Sam, and if you could make sure Tara never finds out, you would do that in a heartbeat.
All five of you heard a car stopping in front of the cabin, but no one looked worried, Kirby was supposed to come anyway, and sure enough, when the doors opened it wasn’t that masked killer, but Kirby at the doors. Tara moved back to your side, happy to see Kirby again, though not enough to actually separate from you. “Congratulations on the twins, Tara, Y/N!” she smiled, approaching and patting the two of you on your shoulders.
Tara smiled, her hand instinctively going for her stomach. “Thanks, Kirby,” she said.
Neither of you still wrapped your minds around having twins, you were getting ready for one child, not two, but you certainly weren’t complaining. Now you just wondered if Tara would want a second pregnancy or if twins would be the end of it. Personally, you were fine with either option, you’d raise as many children as Tara wanted with her, and you could certainly afford it. It came down to Tara’s wishes, especially since she was the one pregnant.
“Okay, I won’t take too much of your time, you need to rest, and I need to take,” she turned to the trio at the table. “You three back to the hotel,” which was perfectly reasonable, this place wasn’t nearly big enough for all five of you and with you there Tara didn’t need extra protection. “But first we need to go over the plan,” she said, mostly looking at you.
“Sure,” you finished preparing the omelets and set them on the table before sitting down with Tara on your lap and arms wrapped protectively around her.
Two hours later, with just the two of you left in the cabin, you were lying on the bed, fresh from the shared shower and ready to sleep. Well, Tara would sleep, you trusted Kirby, but you weren’t taking that risk. Still, Tara was being adorably stubborn tonight, lying on your right side, but refusing to fall asleep just yet. Her finger lazily drawing circles of different sizes all over your abs, though underneath your shirt. Her head was tucked beneath your chin, and she occasionally kissed your neck.
You missed this so much, her weight on top of you, her kisses, her touches, the smell of her perfume, soft so it wouldn’t trigger her asthma, the softness of her hair, her beautiful eyes, and adorable freckles and every little or big thing about her. You just so desperately missed her these past weeks. You guessed that was a part of the reason why you weren’t sleeping tonight, you wanted to bask in her presence, let it release all the tension and stress from your body the way only Tara ever could. You needed her just as much as she needed you, having woken up on most nights to dreams of Tara vanishing from your arms.
“I was so terrified without you,” she mumbled, moving her hand to hug you. In turn, you held her a bit tighter as well, just letting her speak, just letting her let it all out while providing her with as much safety as you possibly could.
Tara hummed, appreciating the soft expressions of love. “I felt so lost, so helpless when I found out you weren’t in jail, and that Ghostface had you. They sent that picture, I knew it wasn’t you, but I still so desperately wanted to see you again, to find you, to be in your arms again,” she paused, swallowing hard and fighting back tears. “And Danny died because of that.”
What could you possibly tell her? If they didn’t go to the warehouse maybe this could have been avoided, but you also knew that likely wasn’t the truth. Given how many Ghostfaces there were they were bound to be found, and maybe Tara would have been even worse off if she was captured under different circumstances. “We’ll avenge him,” you chose to say that. Though, deep down you were thankful Tara was fine. In a perfect world they both would have lived, in a perfect world none of this would have happened in the first place. It wasn’t a perfect world though, and you’d grieve a fallen friend, you’d regret not being able to return the favor and save him, and you’d remember him for the rest of your life, just like how you’d remember Gale, Wes, Judy and Liv, just like how you’d remember Dewey’s sacrifice, even if you never got the chance to actually meet the man.
At the same time, you’d forever be grateful that Tara made it out alive.
“And Sam? God, what is she thinking?” the frustration laced Tara’s voice. “Why didn’t she tell us anything? To protect us? Fuck that!” she was angry at Sam for leaving again, no matter the reason and you resolved to bring Sam back even if you had to drag her out of there by force. She better be ready to apologize until she was out of breath to Tara, and then some.
“We’ll get her back, Love, and then you can scold her,” you kissed the top of Tara’s head and just let the silence take over for a few minutes, just relishing in the warmth of each other’s body. Tara’s breathing evened out, but her eyes remained open, and she kept drawing those shapes on your abs.
Eventually, seeing that Tara said what was on her mind you opened up a bit as well. “You are the only reason I stayed sane in that cell. I just thought of coming back to you and our baby,” you smiled, placing your left hand on her belly. “Well, babies, but I couldn’t know,” you loved the small laugh Tara let out, just enough to tell you she was happy despite the conversation.
Tara placed her hand over yours. “You feel that you two? I told you mom would come back,” she looked you in the eyes and in the darkness lit only by dim light of a bedside lamp, you found yourself lost in her eyes.
“I’ll always come back to you, to our family,” and you’d keep that promise regardless of how many masked killers stood between you and Tara and your kids.
“I know,” she moved, getting on top of you and kissing your lips. “Baby,” she whispered, her hands roaming from your abs, all the way to your head. Her fingers caressing your cheeks, lips, neck, running through your hair as she took several deep breaths. And you found yourself unable to resist her, you slid your left hand underneath her shirt, caressing her back while your right hand cupped her cheek, and you tilted her chin up so you could kiss her once more. Her lips pressed against yours, tongues dancing, pushing against one another as the warmth of her skin sent goosebumps through your entire body. Too soon you separated for air, and Tara just looked you in the eyes.  “This isn’t a dream, right? I’m not going to wake up all alone?” your eyes widened when you saw tears in her eyes, the stress, the pregnancy messing up with her hormones, you knew she was bound to be more emotional, you were actually more surprised she was only bringing it up now and not even sooner.
You could only sit up and gently move both of you until you got on top of her. Though you were extra careful of the small bump on her stomach. You wiped the tears off her cheeks, and kissed her, much deeper than you did the entire night, letting all your love for her, all the missed moments fit into the kiss, all the passion, all the unrestrained desire both of you felt, it all had to fit into a kiss, because you weren’t safe enough for anything else.
It wasn’t a dream. It couldn’t be a dream, not with how you were kissing her. The dreams were always filled with either the words of reassurance, breaking her heart again and again when she woke up from them without you next to her or with apologies before you disappeared, leaving her alone in the dream as well. And no matter the kind of dream she could never move you, she could never get to kiss you no matter how hard she tried, your lips just kept evading her in those dreams. This was different, this was you and more, the firmness of your muscles under her fingertips, the warmth radiating even through the shirt you were wearing. The smell she tried to find in your clothes, mixed with soap that didn’t smell like the one you preferred to use, the combination she couldn’t have dreamed of. The muffled moan when she pulled you closer, pressing your bodies together, so familiar but filed with so much longing, caused by the separation neither of you willingly accepted.
No, it wasn’t a dream. It couldn’t be a dream. And it wasn’t safe, but she needed you. “Please, I need you so bad,” she moaned, and you froze, once again proving to her this wasn’t a dream.
“Tara, it’s too risky,” but the way you clenched the sheets, restraining yourself for the sake of keeping her safe gave you away.
She knew how risky it was, how vulnerable both of you would be, but she was desperate for release, desperate for your touch, your lips, all of you. Desperate to feel more of you, even though she spent almost the entirety of the shower pressed up against you. She had a way to get you to do it though, a word she used to be so embarrassed by, but eventually embraced the power it gave her. “Please, Daddy,” she smiled when you groaned, burying your face in her neck.
“You’re impossible,” but you were kissing her neck. “You only get one,” you warned, definitively and she accepted it.
She relaxed, giving all control over her body to you, only moving to give you better access. You built her up and made her come undone, everything else faded away, because you were with her and that made her feel loved, safe, protected, and all she could feel was your touch, the muscles flexing as you indulged in her body, the warmth, the wetness, the moans she couldn’t even try to hold back… She felt your hands on her bare skin, underneath her shirt, lifting up her bra as you kissed any bit of her skin you could reach. She cried out, begging for you to do anything you wanted, as long as you didn’t stop touching her. And you did, you stripped her completely bare for you to see, touch and kiss and she shivered, not from the cold but from the sensation of your breath cooling her burning skin as you went lower. And she came undone within minutes of you taking her, she came, moaning and sighing in content and aftermath of the sensation, basking in your love and warmth as you kissed up her body and captured her lips once again.
Grinning into the kiss, you pulled away and kissed her belly a few times, an even number of times, before coming back up and hugging her, letting her come down from her high while pressing butterfly kisses to her neck.
She relaxed once again, letting you clean her up before she got dressed once again. Satisfied she snuggled against you, smiling when you hugged her. And she fell asleep just like that, in your arms, safe and sound.
The realization that you weren’t a dream, or even your arms wrapped around her, they didn’t chase the nightmares away and even if she knew it was a nightmare, she still couldn’t wake up.
The red drops dripping down, Faster and faster, hitting the ground as if they weighed a thousand pounds and then the rest of the picture came into view. Your body, still, covered in blood, fresh from your fight with Thomas.
“She lost too much blood! We’re losing her!” the doctor yelled as Tara felt like she was being dragged away, unable to touch you, to cry out for you, to get you to wake up like you did outside of her nightmare. No, she was forced to watch from an ever-increasing distance as the sounds of blood dripping slowed down, turning eventually into heartbeat that was slowing down and filling her with dread until it completely disappeared.
“We lost her. Y/N L/N is dead,” the hollow voice declared and the only thing keeping Tara from abruptly sitting up were your arms. She still screamed, startling you awake from the sleep you couldn’t fight against.
You looked around, frantically searching for Ghostface, even if you were aware of her uneven breathing. Certain that you were still alone you handed Tara her inhaler. “That nightmare again?” you asked, already pulling her closer until she was lying on top of you and grounding her with your touch and the beat of your heart, steady and strong underneath her ear.
Tara nodded, not really trusting her voice.
“Oh, Love,” you let out a deep sigh, likely understanding just how many times Tara woke up over the past weeks from that same nightmare, only without you to ground her after it.
Tara wasn’t the only one with nightmares, you often woke up, once again dreaming about Zack and Susan, but they weren’t as regular as they used to be, nowadays, at least before captivity and as far as Tara knew you were down to once or twice a month. They would likely come back again, after this was over, but you’d both get through it.
You always did.
Tonight, this would all end, but until it happened, she wouldn’t let go of you unless she absolutely had to. And given how close you were holding her, you had no intention of letting go either.
The night came, the final confrontation, the end of the nightmare, everything would end tonight. At this harbor. “Really? A harbor? Of all the places? What? Is this going to turn into some cheesy action movie where we jump off a boat and swim back to safety?” you said mostly to ease some tension. Tara and Kirby were by your side, the plan was simple. Tara and Kirby would take one side and you’d take another. Find Sam, get her out of there, and then the police could take over.
“Are you two ready?” Kirby asked, this time giving the two of you a gun each.
“Yes,” Tara nodded, feeling the weight of the firearm in her hands. She hasn’t shot anyone since Amber, all those years ago, but that weight was nothing compared to how worried she was for you.
“I can handle it, I won’t make the same mistake this time,” you reassured her, though the silenced pistol really felt like it weighed twice as much as you did. The weapon, the day you nearly used the one belonging to your father flashed in front of your mind. Back then, Tara was the one that brought you back, and you didn’t need anyone to bring you back from the brink of death this time. But she was still the motivation you needed, because firing the gun might mean keeping Tara and your children safe, and you’d do that.
“Let’s go then,” Kirby opened the doors of the abandoned building turned base of operation for the cult. This was it.
There was no going back.
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
Taglist: @alexkolax
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brooooswriting · 1 year
can you write another tara x reader story!! maybe some fluff or something having to do with ghostface coming back
Tara Carpenter x reader
This is kinda all over the place but enjoy
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You’ve met Tara at college, she immediately fell for your playful but shy personality while you had a resting bitch face sometimes and you were just way to scared to talk to her. The first time she talked to you at the College gym, she needed someone to spot her and you, while you were brushing like crazy, stood behind her and tried not to look at her. From then on she started to randomly show up next to you on your way to class or the cafe. To the point where you finally started being yourself around her and you guys became unbelievably close, at least when it was just you.
Tara’s friends and sister thought you were imaginary, they hadn’t really ever seen you and Tara together and even when they smiled at you you were quick to turn away and power walk away. It made them suspicious of you, which you kinda got but you got anxiety attacks around them so you just kept doing it. “Y/n, we gotta talk” Tara said as she sat down next to you on your bed. “Oh oh” you grinned and looked at her making her smile too. “Sam and the others said that they don’t want me around you anymore, especially with the whole ghost face thing happening” she told you her hand softly grabbing yours, “but I have a plan. We will act like we had a disagreement and that we don’t talk anymore and then, bam, we can meet in secret” she was proud of her plan and you had to be honest it was the best thing that could happen right now so you agreed.
That night Tara went home and threw her backpack around the room before stumping towards the kitchen, “uh, what happened to you Mrs. Grumpy pants?” Mindy laughed causing Anika to poke her, “y/n and I had an argument, she was so rude. God, I’m done with her” she grumbled, “I’m sorry Tara, but there’s something off with her” Chad said placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, “he’s right. But I’m still sorry that it ended like this” Sam added and Anika agreed, the only once’s who didn’t say anything where Ethan and Quinn.
“They totally believed me, can I see you tonight?” -Tara
“Can’t, Ethan decided to invite himself in. I’ve talked to him like twice, don’t have a clue what he wants here”- you
You were really confused what he was doing here, you guys weren’t really friends. “I heard about your fight with Tara and I wanted to see if you needed comfort, she’s a very… specific person” he told you holding out a tissue, “thanks, yeah she is. It was stupid” you answered hoping that he’d leave soon. He didn’t. He kept trying to get you to talk about your opinion on Sam and Tara which seemed weird.
“He only left now, I guess it’s too late for you to come now?” You texted the small brunette who immediately answered, “be there in 10” and she was, she was quickly throwing herself onto your bed after grabbing a hoodie of yours. “What did he want?” She asked as she cuddled into your side, “see if I’m alright after our fight” you answered and kissed her head. “Tara?” You mumbled out as your hand stroked her back, she mumbled a ‘yeah’ which made you continue, “do you trust me?” You asked her, your hand stopping it’s movement on her back, her head lifted so she could look at you. “Of course I do, why?” She asked testing her chin on your chest, “just wanted to know” you shrugged and kissed her softly.
The next few days you kept it on the low, you’ve met in secret so nobody would see you two together, it was working out okay, but due to the ghostface attack it was getting harder and harder to meet up, especially since Ethan was constantly around you.
“Finally” Tara mumbled as you slipped into her dorm immediately attacking your mouth with hers, while pushing you on to the bed. Your hands glided over her body but were interrupted when her phone rang, “it’s Ethan” she mumbled out as she looked at it. “Ignore it” her lips immediately found yours again. So she did, if she had the option to kiss her or talk to Ethan it was obvious what she’d choose. You were sitting in her bed making out when you heard a knock, followed by a “it’s me” from Ethan causing Tara to groan. “Go hide” she mumbled before calling out to the boy “give me a second” she used the time you needed to hide yourself to fix her hair. When you were hidden in the closet she finally opened the door.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” She asked him not moving to let him inside, “well you weren’t answering your phone and i was bored so I decided to come and look for you” she cursed herself for not answering the phone. “Oh, I’m sorry but I don’t really feel good and I still have school stuff to do. Maybe Chad has time?” She tried to be polite while making the conversation end as quickly as possible. The boy just grunted, “it’s smells like y/n’s perfume in here” he mumbled looking around the room. She froze for a second before finding a lie, “really? Ive got a new room spray, the guys next door are constantly smoking weed and it smells terrible in here then” he seemed to believe her lie and said his goodbye.
“He’s gone, you can come out” she said as the door closed, the closet door opening. “What did he want?” You asked and sat on her bed, “wanted to hang out. Why does he know exactly how your perfume smells?” She asked with a raised eyebrow, “I don’t know. Why?” It wasn’t hard to see that you weren’t really telling the truth. She only answered with a stretched okay, looking at you suspiciously.
The next day the core four sat at the dinner table, Tara constantly being on your phone as she tried to reach you. “I’ve been sleeping with cute boy from next door” Sam suddenly said causing them all to cheer and laugh until they all got send a picture from an unknown phone, it was Quinn getting stabbed. All of them sprang into action, Tara immediately running towards the room but Chad pulled her back and out of the door while Mindy, Sam and Anika were left inside.
You only answered your phone an hour after the attack, nobody died but it was close. Anika nearly fell and had severe injuries, she nearly bled out on scene. “It’s not your fault Sam” cute boy said as he stood next to Sam and Tara, “someone took out knives so we couldn’t defend ourselves. Thank god you send us that picture” she mumbled throwing the cigarette to the ground. “I didn’t send you a picture, I only noticed when you guys were screaming” The sibling looked at each other, confusion written all over their faces, if it wasn’t him, who has it been? The younger carpenters phone rang making everybody flinch, “sorry, just a text from a classmate” she lied, it was a text from you. Asking what she wanted from you as she had texted you several times.
“Where have you been?” Chad screamed at Ethan as he pushed him against a wall, “I had Econ, you can ask everybody from that class. Here, let me call y/n” he said quickly raising his hands in front of him. It made Chad let him go.
“Wanna meet up later? You can tell me what happened” you texted the brunette the next day, sitting at the edge of some park bank on campus. “Can’t. I have a lecture right now and Gale wants to show us something, Kirby and Sam also aren’t letting me out of sight” she texted back making you sigh, “alright be careful” you were about to go to your dorm when you met Ethan. “Y/n, I gotta tell you something”
“Tara” you called out as you saw her and her friends on campus, she turned confused. “So you’ve been fucking him the whole time behind my back huh? That was the fucking reason you wanted to ‘keep it on the low’ wasn’t it!? I can’t believed I ever wanted to be with someone like you” you screamed at her, hurt lacing your voice, “y/n” she mumbled out trying to shush you, there was a crowd forming around you. “No, god I wish you and your psycho sister would have stayed on woodsborow and killed the people there and not the ones here. It’s been you guys all along hasn’t it!? God, I bet you also cheated on Amber with him. No wonder she wanted to kill uoi” There were tears forming in Tara’s eyes but you just kept going. But the slow blinks and the way you tapped the rhythm of her favorite song on the back of your hand made her suspicious. “I don’t ever wanna see you slut or your boy toy again” you turned and walked away, happy that Kirby held Chad back and Gale held Sam back. Otherwise you’d probably be dead.
Tara didn’t talk to anyone the whole day, she looked terrible and it hurt Sam to see her like this but she told her that you’d be bad news all along. “I’m sorry about what happened” she mumbled as she fell into step next to her, “it’s okay. I should have listened to you” she mumbled wiping her tears away. “You guys ready?” Kirby asked from the truck where she had all her stuff ready to track the call.
“Hello Sam” the voice from the other side of the phone said, “why are you doing this?” She asked looking around for anyone who could be the person. “Why are you being so unfriendly? I thought we could chat a bit, I mean, how’s your boy toy from next door?” Sams face fell, “and how is poor Tara? She lost her precious girlfriend didn’t she? They were cute when they were sneaking around, thinking that nobody would notice it” Tara’s eyes reared up again while sams jaw clenched. “Who are you?” She asked again making the person on the other side of the line groan. “You’re no fun” then the line went dead. “I got it, it’s somewhere on the west side” Kirby said, “Gale”
When they arrived Gale was already on the edge of bleeding out but the doctor still found a pulse making them let out a relieved sigh. “We gotta figure out who this is” chad said as all of them sat at the hospital. “He wants me, maybe I should just give myself to him” the older carpenter said making everybody jump up in protest. “Not happening” Tara said, Mindy and Anika nodding in agreement. “Can’t we just go somewhere safe?” Ethan asked, “no, he’d find us everywhere” Tara said, “but we can use that” she continued and explained her idea, quickly calling Kirby. Everybody was so focused on Tara that they didn’t notice Ethan also texting someone.
They decided to use public transportation as itd be harder for ghostface to attack them. And it was, at least until they got separated due to cute boy. But Ethan texted Chad that they’d be in the next train and would arrive 10 minutes later. When the first part arrived and Sam finally explained to Danny that he’d have to stay outside they met Kirby on the inside. “Let’s go look around” Tara said to Chad as Sam tried to get a hold of Mindy. “Uh look, Candy” Chad laughed as he pulled some old ass candy from the counter making Tara laugh, “you want these” she grinned unbelievably close to him, “nah, you can keep them” she mumbled looking up at him. “I’m sorry about y/n” he said as he looked down at her. “It’s okay, some things just aren’t meant to be” she answered before she was suddenly pulled back by ghostface. She whipped around and hit him before Chad and her took off trying to find Sam. “Ghostface” Tara said grabbing Sams hand and pulling her with them. They ran through several corridors trying to find a way out until a second one appeared cutting Chad off. Both of them started aggressively stabbing the boy causing Tara to scream out, Sam pulling her away. Once they found a bit of peace the older girls phone went off, “it’s Kirby Sam, she isn’t even with the FBI anymore. Went crazy they said” Wayne informed them.
Shortly after a ghostface appeared in front of them, then a second one and suddenly Kirby who pointed her gun at the two masked killers. “Don’t even act like it Kirby, we know you’re with them” Tara said, her voice breaking but before someone could say something the FBI agent was knocked out by one of the ghostfaces who then circled around the sisters. “Well well well” the sound came from the entrance showing officer Bailey. “This is nice isn’t it” he said as he walked closer, both ghostfaces coming to stand next to him. “It’s you” Sams mouth fell open in Realization. “Of course it’s me” he grinned “and this one here” he pointed to the right “is my son”. The ghost face pulled his mask off revealing Ethan. “If… that only leaves… Mindy?” Sams voice broke when she said her friends name. “Surprise” Quinn suddenly said, causing both of them to gasp as they believed she was dead. “How?” They asked causing the three of them to laugh. “Well, you know. Some fake blood and a different corpse. You wouldn’t believe the things they let you do when your daughter just died. But this isn’t even our best surprise” he said as a third ghostface appeared and again Sam feared that she’d find Mindy under the mask. “Look, when you Tara chose lovely Chad by cheating on poor little y/n, who did everything for you, we decided to choose y/n” and with that Tara’s biggest fear was confirmed. She has never felt so betrayed in her whole life, the person she loved so dearly and who knew about her trauma was doing something like this to her. It was you who hid under the mask a wicked smile on your face. “You should have listened to them, remember what I told you a couple of days ago” you said, your left eye twitching giving her a sign.
“Well, you’re probably asking yourself why we are doing this” Wayne started his speech looking up at the screen where a video of young Richie played. Quinn was watching it with him while Ethan watched Tara, making it your place to watch Sam who glared at you so hard you’d think she could actually kill you like this. You circled the girl, slowing when you were in front of her turning the knife in your hand so the handle showed her way. She looked at you confused but then quickly grabbed the knife while you pulled a second one out so they wouldn’t notice. “He was a limb dick” Sam started making fun of Richie which made his sibling walk towards her giving you a second to check on Tara who was looking at you with hate and sadness. You circled her, waiting for some kind of signal from Sam. The signal came as Sam stabbed Quinn, you acted like you were so perplex that you lost Tara cursing a bit when you noticed. “Go get them” Wayne screamed making the sibling run to them. They carpenters were climbing a railing when the police officer suddenly fired a gun causing Tara to slip and hold onto sams hand. She was slipping more and more while Ethan stood under her, “I’ve always wanted to stick something inside of you Tara” the sentence made you snap. You ran towards him kicking the weapon out of his hand, shortly before Tara jumped down into his arms. “Die a fucking virgin” she stabbed him into the mouth twisting the knife slowly. “Are you alright?” You immediately asked when her feet touched the ground, “don’t you dare even try to speak to me” she growled as she looked up to Sam who just shot Quinn in the head. “Tara come on” you tried but quickly figured out that Sam was in trouble so you ran up the stairs and tackled Wayne to the ground before he could hurt Sam. You were wrestling with him on the ground, “go Sam” you screamed trying to keep the man with the knife down but it was no use. The moment Sam was out of your vision you gave up, causing the man to stab you several times to the point you became unconscious. The last thing you remembered was a blonde woman knocking him off of you.
“Guys guys I figured out who it is” Mindy called out as she arrived at the scene, “it’s Wayne and Ethan” she said proudly, “and Quinn. Long story” Sam added, “and Y/n” Tara added with a small voice. “Well, you know I wasn’t really a big fan of her but she wasn’t really a part of this. She was the one who gave me the knife and she saved me from Bailey” Sam told her with a hand on her shoulder while Tara teared up. “She’s dead now anyways” she was sad, even though you betrayed her she loved you and she will never have the chance to tell you that.
“We got another one, barely alive. We need to go now” the sisters turned to find you on a Carrier, unconscious with several stab wounds and bruises. “Wait” Tara screamed out and climbed into the ambulance. You guys had a lot to talk about.
You woke up a day later, “am I dead?” You mumbled out as you looked around the white room until you heard someone chuckle. “No you’re not” Tara said with a small smile. “I guess we should talk huh” you said as you saw the tears in her eyes.
You had a lot to explain…
Part two with the “explanation”?
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vioartemis · 11 months
Two’s company, three’s a crowd (Part 3)
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader || Sam Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: Things aren't really going well after what happened, and a new murder spree does not help. Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 Warnings: violence, blood, death, Ghostface, explicit language at one point, angst maybe (?) a/n: honestly I was on freestyle mode the whole time so idk if that even make sense 😭 (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
The atmosphere was tensed at the apartment. Tara wasn’t talking to you or her sister, and you both felt bad for hurting her. Sam for ‘stealing’ the girl she loved, and you for breaking her heart after giving her hope.
You tried to tell her in the less hurtful way possible, but that kind of thing always hurt, no matter how you handle it.
As if it wasn’t enough, their roommate, Quinn, wouldn’t stop making dirty jokes about you and Sam, not caring if Tara was in the room. You liked the redhead, she was nice, but sometimes you just prayed someone would make her shut up.
Quinn wasn’t exactly known to be quiet. She was pretty loud even. Especially when she was getting fucked by whatever guy she brought back to the apartment. Which happened like everyday.
It was part of the reason why Sam and you spent most nights at your apartment, so the mood isn’t ruined by Quinn’s moans. It was also to give Tara some space, and to keep a distance between her and your sexual life.
This night, however, you were at Sam and Tara’s apartment; after the news announced a murder in the neighborhood and that a Ghostface mask was found on the crime scene, it was the best thing to do.
Everyone was gathered in the apartment: Sam, Tara, Quinn, Anika, Mindy and Chad. You were making dinner with Sam while the others were chatting in the living room -minus Quinn who was in her room.
While you were watching the pastas, you felt Sam’s arms wrap around your waist from behind. She rested her chin on your shoulder.
“Thank you for staying… I mean- you could’ve left New York and-”
You turned around to face her, her arms still around you.
“Hey, I’m not leaving you here. We don’t even know if it’s really Ghostface, maybe it’s some kind of joke. Whatever it is, I’m staying with you, okay?”
She smiled softly, touched by your words. She kissed your lips and stayed close to them after pulling away.
“I appreciate it, but I don’t want you to get hurt…”
“I’ll be okay, I promise” you replied immediately, kissing her again
She hummed and kissed your forehead before going back to preparing dinner while saying:
“Your pan is overflowing, baby”
You quickly turned back to it and took it off the stove.
“You could’ve told me earlier!” you whisper-shouted
Sam chuckled.
“Sorry, I preferred kissing you”
You rolled your eyes with a smile, grabbing a sponge to wipe the water off the stove.
Suddenly, you heard noises coming from Quinn’s room. Not that it was unusual, but this time it didn’t sound like moans. Rather muffled screams.
You looked at Sam, then at the others, who apparently heard it too.
You walked a bit closer to her room.
“Quinn? Everything alright?”
No answer.
The noises in the room became slightly louder; you could hear fight noises now, as if someone was thrown against a wall, or the pieces of furniture were thrown across the room.
You tried to go in the room but Tara and Sam held you back.
“Y/n, no!” Tara said, holding your hand tightly
Sam agreed, her arm in front of you.
“Whatever is happening it does not sound good! We can’t-” you paused; the noises had stopped “Why did it stop?”
You looked at the others, fear rising.
The door burst opened, taking you all by surprise, and a bloodied Quinn was thrown forward, falling on Anika. You tried to help her up, but were dragged away by Tara, allowing you to dodge Ghostface’s knife.
She started running to the door, hand still holding yours. You were almost at the door when you were pulled backwards by your hair, causing you to let go of Tara’s hand.
She took a step closer to you.
“No! Go, Tara!”
She looked at you hesitantly, not wanting to leave you in that situation. Ghostface didn’t let her more time to think and kicked the door closed before slamming your head against it. You swore you heard your nose crack.
When the grip on your hair loosened, you fell on the floor. You felt dizzy, the world was spinning around you.
You felt someone lift you up and carry you for a few seconds. Things were all blurry around, and when your senses came back to normal, you saw blood all over the room.
Anika was next to you, bleeding. Sam, Mindy and Chad were trying to push Quinn’s cupboard against the door leading to the bathroom.
Ghostface was banging against the door, to the point it was shaking. It was clear it wouldn’t last long.
“It’s not going to last! We need to find a way to get out of here!” Chad said
You silently agreed. Having regained your composure, you ripped off a part of Quinn’s sheets and tried to tie it around Anika to slow down the bleeding.
Mindy let her brother and Sam holding the door and took a look at the window.
“If we tie the sheets we could escape by the window!” she said
“Or we could just open the other door and flee the apartment” you whispered loud enough only for your friends to hear
They all look at you with wide eyes.
“That’s… that’s actually a good idea”
“Thanks Chad. Now we might want to hurry up, quietly”
"Wait, who goes first?" Chad asked
"Anika. Then Mindy, Sam and you"
"No no no, you go before me. You're hurt." Sam declared
"I'm fine, I promise. Trust me, okay?"
She didn't move, hesitant, before nodding reluctantly.
You gave Anika and Mindy a nod, signal for them to go and open the door as quietly as they could. They did and walked to the apartment door, which they opened as well. Chad followed them soon after they left you field of vision.
You were now alone with Sam, trying to keep Ghostface busy with the bathroom door.
"Go!" you whispered to your girlfriend
She gave you an unsure look; the door was going to break soon, and she didn't want you to die.
"Sam, go! I'll be right behind you, I promise" you reassured her quietly
She finally nodded and walked to the door.
Almost as soon as she left, Ghostface managed to kick the door open, causing you to stumble away due to the shock. He was soon on you again, pushing you on the floor, and tried to stab you.
You didn't have time to think and protected yourself with your left hand. You felt the blade sink right through it.
You thought it was over. You were going to die there. There was no way you could defend yourself, not when every fast movement made your head spin.
Luckily, Sam hadn't gone too far already, and came to rescue you. She slammed the knife stand on his head as violently as she could and kicked him in the face too.
That seemed to work, because Ghostface was on the floor, trying to regain composure.
Sam didn't lose any second and lifted you up before carrying you out of the apartment and down to the street. When you got down there, everyone was here.
An ambulance didn't take long to arrive.
They took care of Anika first, as she was the most hurt of the group. Then they checked your forehead, opened due to your head being slammed against the door, and bandaged up your hand after stitching it up.
While the police what interrogating Sam, Tara came to you.
"How are you feeling?" she asked quietly
It was obvious she felt guilty for letting you in while she was safe outside.
"I'm okay, it's nothing too serious, don't worry" you reassured her She hesitated for a minute, before hugging you tightly.
"I was so scared... A-after the door closed I- I tried to go back inside but.." she sniffled "If I were there maybe I could’ve protected you…”
"Hey.." you hugged her back as best as you could "I'm okay, I promise"
"But your head, a-and your hand...
You rubbed your forehead.
"That's nothing. And that..." you looked at your wounded hand "Hey, we're twinning now!"
Your words caught her by surprise but caused her to chuckle slightly.
"Yeah, we're twinning now" she said with a little smile
After that, Anika stayed at the hospital. Mindy was chosen to keep her company and protect her -just in case. Gale and Kirby joined your little group, as did detective Bailey -Quinn's dad- and Ethan, who 'had e-con' when Ghostface attacked the apartment. He wasn't really convincing though... maybe he was the one who attacked you.
Thanks to Gale's help, you discovered a shrine dedicated to Ghostface and the previous Woodsboro murders. The one who did that clearly was obsessed with everything Ghostface related.
After that, Kirby 'kicked' Gale out of the group -saying it was not a place for a journalist-causing her to get attacked at her apartment. You were all afraid another original was about to die, and you hoped she would be okay.
After Gale's attack, you tried to elaborate a plan to kill Ghostface, and decided to lure him into the shrine, lock him in, and kill him.
"We should go there using the train" someone said
It was a terrible idea. There were so many people. Too many people.
You got separated from the rest of the group almost immediately. Luckily -or not- Ethan was with you. You took out your phone and texted Sam to tell her you had to take the next train.
Surprisingly, nothing bad happened on the way to the shrine. It was even a bit odd, considering it was a perfect occasion to attack Ethan and you.
You were almost at the shrine's door when you felt something hit the back of your head violently.
You knew it was going too well to last.
When you opened your eyes, you were inside the shrine, tied up.
“Ah, great, you’re awake. Perfect timing, really”
You turned around to see detective Bailey coming towards you.
“W-wait Ghostface, he-” you started, before being cut off
“I know, I know” the man said as he lifted you up and led you to the main room of the shrine.
When you got there, you saw Sam and Tara being held hostages by two people; Ethan -as you could have predicted- and…
“Hey pretty girl” she smirked and waved at you, knife in hand
You were completely lost; she was supposed to be dead!
In your confusion, you noticed Chad was nowhere to be found, and so was Kirby. You hoped they were safe.
“Enough talking.” Detective Bailey declared, pressing his knife against your throat “Now Y/n… I’ve been told you had trouble making choices”
Quinn winked at you.
“I figured you might want some help” she said
“It’s just a little plus to what we planned” Ethan added
“What? What are you talking about?” you asked
“Let me explain simply” the older man started. He pointed at Sam and Tara. “You get to choose who lives, and who dies”
Your eyes widened at his words.
You looked over at Sam, held by Quinn, knife dangerously close to her throat, then at Tara, whom Ethan was keeping still, also threatening her.
“So, Y/n? What do you decide?” the redhead asked
“Fuck you” you spat
“I’d rather fuck you, honestly” she smirked “If you knew how many times I’ve wanted to just pin you against a wall and fuck you right there, I-”
She didn’t have time to finish her sentence, as Sam threw her head back, hitting the other girl right in the face. Taken aback, she let her guard down, which allowed your girlfriend to take the knife from her hand.
Next to them, Tara managed to kick Ethan where it hurts, and tried to take his knife as well.
If Bailey was surprised by all that sudden action, he didn’t show any sign of it. Instead, he plunged his knife right in your stomach.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” he told the girls, who were about to stab the two other Ghostface
They turned to look in your direction and stopped all movements. They were hesitant now.
“Drop your weapons, now.” the man said
As they weren’t moving, considering all the possibilities, he twisted the knife to the side, making you whimper in pain and spit out some blood.
“Okay okay, stop!” Sam said, almost pleading him to stop hurting you
“You know what to do if you want me to stop”
He punctuated his words with another twist of the knife in your stomach.
Sam dropped the knife, and so did Tara.
As Quinn and Ethan bent down to grab their weapons again, a gunshot was heard and Bailey’s legs seemed to get weak. You took the opportunity to escape his grip.
Sam kicked Quinn in the face as she was still bent over, probably breaking her nose in the process -and maybe even a few teeth. Tara was quicker than Ethan to grab the knife, but slower to get back up. He grabbed her by the throat and tried to choke her, laughing like a psycho. The smaller girl had trouble moving.
Her sister was busy fighting Quinn, so you were the one to help her.
You took the knife from her hand and stabbed Ethan in the mouth.
“Don’t. Fucking. Touch her.” you said as you twisted the blade in his mouth, before pulling it out, letting his body fall to the floor
You turned to Tara.
“Are you okay…?”
She nodded, and was quick to hold you when she saw you stumbling.
“Are you okay? You’re bleeding a lot…”
She was worried, and afraid you were losing too much blood.
Sam soon arrived next to you, as concerned as her sister.
“Tara, please, can you try to slow down the bleeding?” she asked her
The youngest nodded.
“What are you going to do?” she asked her sister
Sam turned to where Bailey was, starting to stand up while holding his bleeding leg.
“Take care of him.” She said with a stern, cold voice
Tara led you away from the fights and took care of you. You were barely conscious at this point.
You didn’t see Sam and Kirby close to Bailey. You didn’t hear Kirby tell Sam she would just shoot him and it will be over. You didn’t hear Sam deny her, and stab the man at least 30 times, punctuated each stab with cold words, filled with venom.
She was so mad he hurt you. She was enraged. No one had the right to hurt you. No one had the right to even lay a finger on you.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Months after this day, everything was back to normal; you were happy with Sam, and Tara had moved on. She even had her eye on someone.
Your wounds were healed, and the only remaining thing of them were scars. As you thought, you now had a matching scar with Tara, on your left hand. And just like her you had to train your hand everyday so you could use it properly again. Some nerves were cut when the blade went through your hand, which wasn’t the best thing.
But let’s see the positive: it gave you an opportunity to spend more time with Tara and bound together over something, even if it wasn’t the thing you would’ve imagined.
You braided each other’s hair every day, and you were regaining more and more control over your hand. It was like before, just you and your best friend.
Sam’s relation with her sister also improved after the events. They took time to talk, to really talk and listen to each other.
To say it briefly, you were back to an almost normal life, and you hoped it would last.
[Previous part]
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mourningstarrz · 1 year
They Belong to Me
summary: ghostface!ethan convinces his family to not include gn!reader from their attacks
tags: nothing rlly LOL, established relationship, secret relationship, alluded murder
a/n: idk bro i was up at night and thought of this, also reader isn’t present until the end LMAOAOAO anyways not beta’d or proofread. lmk if y’all would like to see this develop more :)
“I’ll take care of Jason and Greg tonight, I want you the two to be in the clear. Okay?” Quinn and Ethan nodded, taking note of their fathers each and every word. “Alright, now then.” Bailey pulled out a photo of the entire friend group, “they’ll think Jason and Greg hits close to home, but I think we should take it a step further and go for the new addition,” he pointed at you, stood between Sam and Ethan.
“No.” Capturing Bailey and Quinn’s attention, the two turned to look at Ethan with a frown. “We leave y/n out of this.”
“We’re not going to let your dumb infatuation with y/n ruin our plan!” Quinn yelled at him. “You don’t even know if y/n likes your ass, why spare them?”
He sighed and looked up at Bailey, determined to protect you. “Leave y/n out of this. I follow all your orders, and all I want is for them to be safe.” looking back at the picture, he fights back the smile from the memory. “For example, I know y/n trusts me. Mindy is constantly on my ass as a joke, which makes it more likely for her to notice something. Anika is cool with me, but not enough to back me up. Chad,” he blows a raspberry, “yeah, he’s my roommate. But the moment Mindy gets any inkling of anyone, he’s quick to back her up.
“Quinn already has Tara and Sam’s trust to back her up because she’s their roommate. Besides having y/n trust to back me up, I’m only asking for this one favor. Never have I asked for more.” He leaned back against the chair, folding his arms above his chest. “Stay away from y/n. Jason and Greg is close enough.”
A beat of silence. Ethan knew he was stepping in dangerous territory. Asking his psychotic family to not rip you to shreds. But he knew he has to try, he would rather die than bare having to know your fall was due to his family, or even worse, himself.
“Richie always took care of me,” he never did “he would’ve been happy to see me happy.” Richie could’ve cared less about Ethan.
At the sound of the sigh from his father, Ethan congratulated himself. “Fine. But if they run the possibility of ruining everything for us, then you have to kill them. Got it?”
This is the best I can do, he thought to himself. “Fine. Y/n is out of this. Okay?”
Quinn grumbled, leaning against her chair. “Whatever.”
As he opened the door, his face lit up at the sight of you mindlessly on his bed, listening to music and scrolling away on your phone. Dropping his backpack on his desk, he walked over to you, smiling when you looked away from your phone.
“Eth!” Flinging your headphones off, you wrap your arms around his shoulders. Sighing as the scent of his cologne filled your senses.
He hugged you back, of course. Sitting down next to you. “Miss me that much?” Ethan asked, his hands resting on your hips.
“I thought I came ‘round too early.” You confessed, turning around and fetching your notebook. “Ready to go over econ? This chapter is so confusing to me…”
“Mhm,” Ethan nodded and walked up to his backpack, grabbing his notebook as his phone buzzed. None other than Quinn texting him.
quinn hirsch
your little partner better not screw anything up.
Ethan rolled his eyes and pocketed his phone. Taking out a pencil and turning back to you with a smile, “you’re lucky I’m your boyfriend AND your tutor.”
a/n: ANYWAYS YEAH LMKKK IF YOU WANT MOREEE reblogs r appreciated🫶
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nokkihy · 7 months
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SUMMARY - you and ethan find yourselves stuck in the middle of the blackmoore university murders 
WARNINGS - strong language , mentions of being stabbed, blood, use of y/n (yuck i know)
PAIRINGS - gn!reader x ethan landry
WORD COUNT - 2k (damn)
AUTHORS NOTE - i hate this so much. so sorry for the rushed ending i honestly didn’t know what else to do.. anyways first fic back!!! woo we cheered 
he knew he had to do it. to avenge his brother that sam killed. to go along with the plan. he knew that he couldn’t fight it. he knew had to be on the same train as you when you were killed by his sister. and every second of it hurt him.
you were terrified to say the least.
with anika and quinn dying, and all of the murders happening at your school because you just had to be in the same literature class as tara, you had a lot of reasons to be terrified.
one being that mindy had you and ethan at the top of her prime suspects list because neither of you were there when anika and quinn died. it was extremely surprising to hear coming from her. well, not really. she was a horror movie fanatic everyone knew it. and she lived through one last year, so what’s stopping her from blaming anyone?
two being that you and your friends are being tracked down by lame sickos who idolized actual serial killers and won’t stop at anything to finish what stu and billy started. the theories, the press, the reddit community pages that are filled with pictures and information about you. you barely even felt safe in your own dorm anymore.
three being that you have a boyfriend during the whole situation. ethan was amazing. both of you were apart of the same friend group, so you were hanging out basically every day. you and ethan met through chad, who you met from tara. he was very dorky to be frank and 100% and could marry his movie collection if he could, but being in a relationship during the times of all of the blackwood murders? not good.
which brings this back to the two of you being at the top of mindy’s suspect list. fortunately, you both had econ together to keep each other company. you had finals soon, so the gang should understand if you two ditched the sleepover, right?
you decided to crash at ethan and chads apartment after class since chad was at the sleepover, studying for your econ final and donnie darko on the tv as background noise. you were sat on the floor, legs tucked underneath the low coffee table with your laptop, books, and notebook on top. ethan was on the couch, legs sprawled out and his laptop on his lap.
“what is.. the definition of the word equilibrium?” you ask ethan, your fingers typing over the keyboard on your laptop and eyebrows furrowed, deeply concentrated in the work.
“its uh, when the economic forces are balanced. like, when the supply and demand for a product are the same and the both equilibrium curves intersect.”
a ding echoes from both of your phones. it’s not important, probably just people texting in the group chat. you copy down the definition ethan gave you into yours notes, yawning softly.
“tired?” he says, shutting his laptop and sitting up right on the couch, patting the spot next to him for you to sit. you nod, closing the lid on your laptop and standing up. you walk over to ethan and sit next to him, resting your head on his lap.
ethan’s hands delicately play with your hair, his eyes fixated on the screen where the movie you’ve watched together a million times plays on the screen.
“y’know, i hope we last. like, a really long time after all this ghostface stuff.” you mutter, speaking more on the impulsive truth instead of false words. you mean it. ethan had a very special place in your heart. he was always there after a ghostface attack, he was there if you were sad, if you were hurt, anything. some people say that college relationships rarely continue after graduation, but you know that’s not true for your situation.
he just simply hums, the hand that was previously on your head tensing up, but slowly continuing to play with your hair. eventually, you both felt yourself drifting off on the couch and finally falling asleep.
7:30, your alarm forces you awake.
you get up from ethans lap, waking yourself up and stretching. you reach out to stop your alarm, the next screen showing various texts and calls from tara, sam, chad and mindy from last night and way early this morning.
mindsss 🤬🤬❣️❣️
“sams place asap.”
chad 🤫🧏🏽‍♂️
“where the hell are you?”
“shit, shit, shit.” you whisper to yourself, shaking ethan awake from his sleep. he groans, eyes opening slowly as he regains his sense of where he his.
“we gotta go. something happened.”
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you arrive tara, quinn, and sam’s apartment with ethan, police tape and sirens blaring down the whole block. rushing over to mindy after seeing her sat in the back on an ambulance holding her arm, you see a black bag covering a body.
“who.. who is it?” the question comes out shaky, looking around the crowd and trying to see who was there and who was gone.
“step the fuck back, ghostface.” mindy says bitterly, looking you up and down as you approach her. ethan comes up next to you, his face covered in worry.
“ghostface? it’s not, it’s not me.” you stammer in shock, eyes widened from her bold statement.
“yeah, sure. you and your little boyfriend were both gone last night and we all know these fuckin psychopaths work in pairs. stay back.”
you open your mouth to talk again, but chad drags both you and ethan away from her and to a spot away from mindy. your eyes are still stuck on her, appalled by her sudden accusation.
“quinn and anika are dead.” he says, his hand running over his hair and breathing out heavily. you gasp, hand going over your mouth in shock.
so that’s what the text was about. shit. you knew you shouldn’t’ve been so involved in your final. you could’ve stopped it. you could’ve been there to help them fight ghostface off.
sam, tara, and mindy were now looking over in your direction, chad and ethan having a completely separate argument about what was going on. all you could think about was how suspicious you looked to everyone.
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later that night, after suddenly hearing that gale is dead, you and the group (plus danny) go down to the train station to go to the ghostface shrine. the chatter and noise making it nearly impossible to hear what everyone was talking about.
tara, sam, chad, mindy, and danny all board the train, but chad notices that you and ethan are being held behind by a group of people. he tried to reach out of your guys, but danny pulls him back and the the doors shut with a loud hiss before you can rush onto the train.
“fucking hell.” you groan, watching as the train leaves you and ethan stranded until the next one comes.
“what a great day.” ethan says, eyes shut as he leans against one of the poles nearby as the two of you wait.
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the next train pulls up 5 minutes later, you, ethan, and tons of other people pooling into the train cars. the amount of people push you two apart, him on one side and you on the other. you frantically try and push through the crowds of people, but the lights flicker off and everything goes dark. in the brief moment of light you get through the window, people with masks of horror movie characters on become way more noticeable. jason, freddy krueger, a purge mask.
a ghostface mask.
the lights flicker back on, your breathing quickened and eyes widened. you try and look for ethan from where you’re standing, seeing a small peek of his brown, curly hair but none of his face. you close your eyes for a moment, your arms clinging onto one of the poles near where you were standing.
the lights turn off once again. what the hell is wrong with these lights? the subtle colorful glow from a costume turns on, allowing you to just barely see that the ghostface mask you previously saw wasn’t where it was before, but sitting down and looking in your direction. you stumble back against the train car wall, praying that the lights would just turn on.
you hate how it was halloween and anyone could be dressed up as ghostface. the person staring at you could be a child, for all you know. or it could be one of those theorists that recognized you on the train and wanted to screw with you.
or maybe it was actually ghostface.
lights on. only for a brief second. you wonder what ethan is doing now. is he thinking of you? is he trying to look for you? what’s going on? lights off.
the person in the ghostface mask disappears completely from your line of sight. is it clear? the intercom announces that the train is coming to a stop and the doors are opening. you breathe a breath of fresh, weed and must infused air. not very comforting, but better than having to hold your breathe from worrying. you begin to walk towards the exit, taking a step forward before the person in the ghostface mask lunges towards you and pushes you back against the wall. a gloved hand covers your mouth, a sharp object plunged into your stomach.
a scream escapes your mouth, muffled by the tight hand over your mouth and your body slides down against the wall. your eyes are widened, tears violently rolling down your cheeks and mouth open with inaudible screams of agony. the knife is forced out of your skin, only to be stabbed right back inside. the ding goes off when the train stops, the doors hissing open and people begin to exit the train.
ghostface rips the knife out of you one last time, exiting the train and leaving you bleeding on the ground. ethan is finally in your line of vision and at first when he sees you he smiles, but when he sees you, the smile is wiped off of his face and he rushes over to you. he sees you holding the spot where you were stabbed, all over your blood on your hands and staining your shirt.
“oh my God, oh my God.” he panics, his eyes basically popping out of his head when he looks at you, but snaking his arm around your shoulders and helping you get up, yelling for a help when he carries you out of the train car and onto the station floor. you consciousness begins slipping away from you, the only thing you remember before passing out is being rushed into the back of an ambulance and ethan following behind.
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you wake up to a bright room, unsure about what time it is, seeing a doctor, mindy, and sam next to your hospital bed. you try to sit up, groaning in pain at the sharp feeling in your abdomen.
“where’s.. where’s ethan?” you ask gently, looking around the room and not seeing him. was he hurt too? did ghostface kill him?
“ethan was one of the killers.” sam says, her hand laying on top of yours and rubbing her thumb over your skin. you shake your head eyebrows furrowing in confusion
“no, he wasn’t. he was on the train when i got stabbed, it’s not him. where is he?”
“y/n. it was him, quinn, and detective bailey. quinn’s not dead. she was the one that stabbed you. all of them are family. ethan is dead.” quinn says suddenly, her voice sounding more like she was trying to say ‘i told you so’ instead of trying to comfort you.
tears prick your eyes immediately after she says ethan was dead, your breath catches in your throat and the hand that was being held underneath sam’s shaking.
it was all a lie. study dates, the ‘i love you’s’, everything was a lie. and ethan let his own sister almost kill you in cold blood, right in front of him.
did he ever really love you?
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nokkihy ™ all rights reserved. do not reupload, repost, modify or claim my work as your own!!!
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czrpenters · 2 years
all the things she said | sam carpenter x reader
summary: sam could be impulsive sometimes and you hated it.
warnings: slight scream vi spoilers, but nothing too big. angst with smut at the end. top!sam & bottom!reader. english is not my first language.
pairings: sam carpenter x fem!reader.
word count: 2.3k words.
masterlist | request rules.
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It felt way too good to be true, to be completely honest.
You were a survivor, a fighter. When the Woodsboro attacks happened again, you were there. You survived. You got stabbed in your back 4 times and it damaged your nerve. You would never walk normally again. But you still survived. Liv and Wes couldn't say the same. And you were so grateful that life, god, fate, whatever you wanna call it, gave you a second chance.
So, like any sane person would, you and your friends decided to leave Woodsboro behind. All of the trauma and the pain should stay right there, where it belonged. You all needed a fresh start. Chad and Tara enrolled into college, Sam finally started therapy and Mindy got a girlfriend, just like you did. You started to work in NYC as a photographer and, surprisingly enough, started dating Sam. Like I've said; way too good to be true.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." You said while getting up from the couch. A ghostface attack, on an alley. A college professor died brutaly. She was young, so freaking young to just die in the hands of an asshole with a mask on. "Guys, I think y'all need to see this..."
You said, grabbing the attention of the Core Four (horrible name, by the way), making them leave the kitchen and watch the news with you. The room once filled with laughter got quiet all of a sudden. Tara was in the verge of tears, Mindy was shaking. Chad couldn't even speak. But Sam was the only one who took action and said something. "Pack your shit, we're leaving."
Your girlfriend fled the room, going to the kitchen to grab her knife and to start packing up her stuff, but you followed her. "Yeah, no? We can't do that, Sam. We can't just, leave!"
"Like hell we can't." She finally grabbed her knife and went to her bedroom.
"You think we're gonna be safe if we leave? He followed us, Sam! What makes you think he's not going to again?" She didn't even listened to you, just started packing her stuff like you weren't even there. You put both of your hands on the top of the suitcase, preventing her from continuing. "Stop this and listen to me, babe."
"Don't call me that in front of them, (Y/N)." You rolled your eyes.
"Fuck that, no one is fucking here. I already know you're ashamed of me, you don't need to remind me." Sam looked at you, with a tired look on her face. Here we go again, she thought.
"You know that I'm not ashamed of you, (Y/N). It's complicated and you know it." You huffed, closing the door so you both could have some privacy. "Complicated my ass, Samantha. You don't wanna be seen with me and that's fucking fine, I can handle it. What I can't handle is the fact that you don't take my opinion into consideration!" You ran you hands through her hair and took a deep breath. "We cannot just fucking leave here, Sam! Tara has her life here, she wants to be freaking normal and that's not gonna happen if you move us around the country like we're fucking nomads." She tried to speak but of course, you didn't let her. "Plus, we need to know what we're dealing with! Who we're dealing with! They may wanna come after you again, and if they do, they're not gonna just give up. They're gonna follow us if we don't stop them, Sam. You know I'm fucking right."
"I am trying to do what is best for my family, (Y/N). We're going to fucking die if we go through this shit again!" She raised her voice at you. So she wants to fight, huh?
"And I'm not, Sam?! Is that what you fucking mean? That I wanna stay here because I want all of us to die?"
"Tara doesn't fucking need this anymore! Not again! We're leaving New York and that's final!" She started packing her bags again, making you angrier by the minute.
"I'm sorry to say that but that's not how life fucking works! We are a family, Sam! We get to make all of our decisions together!"
"No, (Y/N)! We are not a fucking family! Tara and I are family, you're not. So just stop trying to decide what is best for us and leave us the hell alone!" She screamed loudly, looking at you with rage in her eyes. Hearing all of that shit from her broke your heart into million pieces. She was right, you were not her family. You felt your eyes start to water and it made you laugh, ironically. Sam realised what she just said, and the expression on her face just softened. "(Y/N), I..."
"You're so fucking right, Sam. I'm not your family. You don't even have the guts to tell people we're dating, so I guess you're right." You said, smiling through the pain. "You know what? If you really want to, I'll leave you alone."
You opened the door, grabbing your jacket and keys, getting ready to leave the apartment. Sam didn't even tried to stop you; she just stood there, speechless. All of them heard you fight, but they also didn't said anything, until you were just about to leave. "(Y/N), don't go out. Ghostface is out there, you know it's not safe. He might..." Chad started but you interrupted him.
"Kill me? Yeah, I'm aware. But I just learned today that it wouldn't make a fucking difference if he did." And then you left, going to god knows where.
It has been a couple of hours since you fought with Sam. She's been trying to contact you and left, literally, more than 100 messages on your phone, but you didn't replied to any of them. You were too hurt to reply to any of them. You just found a bar downtown and drank the whole night. Thank goodness you didn't got drunk that easily, otherwise you wouldn't even be standing still right now.
"It was hard to find you." You heard someone say behind you, making you turn around. It was Sam. Her eyes looked puffy, like she's been crying for hours, a heartbreaking scene to be honest, but you didn't said anything and took a gulp of your whisky. "I had to track down your phone, like, a million times..."
"Sam, I-" You tried, but she interrupted you immediately. "I just wanna talk, okay?" You huffed and look straight ahead, letting her sit right next to you. "I hate it when you drink."
"Well, I guess we're both disappointed right now." You laughed ironically which made Sam take a deep breath.
"I'm sorry for what I've said. Truly. I was upset, and scared. We all are. Just come back home so we can talk about all of this." She pleaded, holding your hand over the bar table. "And you're absolutely right. I don't need to hide anymore. You make me happy, (Y/N). Happier than I've ever been in so fucking long. I don't need for this, for us, to be a secret. And I'm so sorry for making you feel like I was ashamed of you."
"I know that, don't worry. It's fine." You held her hand and kissed the back of it. "You know that we can't go, Sam. We need to stay here and figure out who is behind all of this." She nodded.
"I know... It just scares the shit out of me. I don't want to go through this again, I don't want Tara to go through this again. I don't want you go through this because of me."
"Stop it, okay? This is not your fault, baby. They're just some psychopaths with a mask on who have nothing better to do." You kissed her hand again. "We're gonna get through this, like we always did. And plus, I wouldn't mind killing another ghostface." You joked, making her smile a little. The most beautiful smile in the world, you dared to say. "Come on, let's go home."
"I fucking KNEW IT!" Mindy yelled, pointing at you while laughing a little. "I've always felt some sapphic vibes from you both, damn. The gaydar never fails."
"And why you waited until now to tell us? Especially now, actually, with the whole ghostface shit going on." Tara asked, making Sam look at you then her.
"I don't know. It's just, ever since Richie, it felt weird and stupid to date again. I thought I'd never trust anyone ever again. It felt safe having this little secret, for some reason. And I'm sorry from keeping this from you, really." She said, while holding your hand. It felt good to finally reveal the secret. You guys could, actually, hold hands in public. And kiss, and call each other pet names. It felt really freaking good.
You guys stayed up all night talking and drinking, the six of you. Anika got really close with you guys so she felt like family at that moment. It made you guys forget for a few hours about anything that was going on, especially ghostface.
After a while, Chad, Anika and Mindy decided to leave. It was getting pretty late and they didn't wanted to walk around the city late at night out of fear. Tara decided to study a little bit, and your roommate Quinn was at some hookup's house being sex positive, or whatever that means.
"Did you do it for me?" You asked, while looking at Sam. She was changing into some more comfortable clothes while you were laying down in your bed. It felt nice to finally share a room with her instead of Tara, to be honest. "Did what, babe?"
"Told them. If you really wanted to be a secret, still, I could handle it..." She smiled at you and walked towards you, laying down on top of your body.
"I wanted to tell them, babe. Seriously. It feels nice to finally be out there, too. I didn't wanted you to think that I did it because of our fight, or ghostface, or anything. I did it because I love you, (Y/N). You're my girl. I want everybody to know that." She whispered the last part, getting closer and closer to your face while she talked. You could feel her hot breath against your skin, and her mouth looked incredibly kissable at that moment.
"Don't do that." You mumbled, looking at her eyes. "Do what?"
"This. It makes me... feel things." You always felt so shy in front of Sam. She had this whole protective aura around her, that it made you actually want to be protected by her. It turned you on, even. "Feel what, babe?"
"You know what I'm talking about, Sam..." You diverged you look to the wall, but she held you chin between her index and thumb, making you forcibly look at her. Her eyes were darker now, filled with something that you knew exactly what it was.
"It turns you on, huh? When I call you mine?" She got closer, if that was possible, making your lips rub against each other. Her free hand made its way to your stomach, then your thighs, and your legs. Without ceremony, her hand got into your pants, fitting like it really belonged there. You were already embarrassingly wet by now, which made Sam smile a little. "Oh, you're already like this, babe? I didn't do anything, yet."
"You know you don't need to do nothing, Sam..." You swallowed, closing your eyes. You were completely at her mercy and she knew it, and knowing her, she would take advantage of that pretty soon.
Sam started to make circular movements on you clit, over your soaked panties. It made you shiver and tremble under her body, which made her laugh slightly. The way you were moaning softly to not starle Tara in the other room was heavenly, she loved being the one making you moan like this. "Sam..."
"Hm?" She replied, innocently. "M-More..."
She promptly obeyed, entering your panties and sliding one digit into you, making you gasp and arch you back. You were holding back your moans like crazy but let one slip. "Shhh... Tara is right in the other room; we don't want her to hear that, hm?"
You shook your head no, looking at her. Her eyes were filled with lust and desire; you could almost feel how much she wanted you right now. She started to pump her finger inside of you, starting slowly; then increasing the pace gradually. "Fuck, Sam..."
"You feel so good around my fingers, baby. So fucking tight... " She said while kissing your neck, leaving some love bites all over your skin. "You're fucking made for me, and only me."
"Only you..." You admited, without even thinking straight. She made you feel at cloud nine, all of the pleasure was something that only she made you feel. She added another finger, thrusting them inside of you deeper by the minute. You were spending all of your energy in holding back your moans, and you would hate if Tara walked in on both of you. Sam felt your pussy tighten around her fingers, making her smile slyly. "Come on, baby... Cum for me."
That was everything you needed to hear to finally release on her fingers, with a loud moan that you couldn't supress this time. Sam rode your orgasm perfectly, putting her own fingers into her mouth when you were done. "Delicious."
"You're unbelievable, Sam." You tried to say, out of breath. She held your chin and kissed you slowly, lovingly. "And you love it."
Before you could say anything, you heard some knocks on the wall next to you. "There are people trying to study here! Go be all porn-huby somewhere else!" Tara yelled, making you widen your eyes and blush. "I'll never leave this room again, Sam."
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gothicknightz · 2 years
i got you | ethan landry
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notes: feeling a bit off today so i might not be able to update the bloodlines / family ties prequel fic so here's slightly tipsy reader and dork ethan
It was the twins' birthday today, and the lot of them decided to go all out.
Like, all out.
Sam had rented some small party center a block or two away from Blackmore, and if you squinted close enough, you could see the water from there.
But the only thing more dangerous than a party full of collective teenagers were drunk teenagers not even yet the age of 21.
So when she, Chad, Mindy, and Tara all posed for photos in the massive photo booth, the four of them were a mess.
She had a top hat and a fake mustache on, held bridal style in Chad's arms as they ran out, with him spinning her around as Sam got a video.
The same wasn't said for her boyfriend, which, despite knowing the group for a length of time, still held a shy persona.
“Landry!” Chad called out, walking over to his roommate with his girlfriend in his hands, “You should come pick up your girlfriend! 'S said she misses you!”
Ethan gave an awkward smile as Chad placed (y/n) is his arms, “But I'm still here,” He muttered, before walking off to a quieter place that split off from the loud party ambiance.
“Eth...” She mumbled, looking up at him as her head rested on his lap; she looked deeply into each little detail of his facial features: the little wrinkles he get around his eyes when he'd smile, the way his nose would scrunch up a little while doing calculus homework.
“You still love me, right?”
The question had caught him off guard, as it was usually him asking her stupid questions about video game trivia randomly.
“Of course,” He said, brushing a strand of hair out of her face, “Why wouldn't I?”
She had started getting teary eyed as she sat up, resting her head on his chest; his hand instinctively going to stroke her hair.
“Because in Woodsboro,” She began, watching as Mindy and Chad were doing chicken fights with Anika and Tara, “I went a whole five months believing Amber had loved me.”
The tears started coming down as she fiddled with her sweater sleeve, “Five months, and I thought we had it all. We were gonna become film students after graduation.” She tried wiping away at her tears, but they kept on coming, “Five whole months of believing her bullshit just for her to kill my best friend."
“That was Wes, right?” He asked, trying to wipe away her tears as they fell, holding her close.
“She didn't even care if I would survive her fucking ‘act three.’” She took a deep breath in, trying to prevent any more sobs to escape her, “I thought she loved me- and what if Ghostface comes back?”
(y/n) sounded extremely scared, like she had had enough of last year's killings that she couldn't handle another.
“What if he comes back and is successful this time? I don't wanna lose my friends, I don't wanna lose you.”
“You won't lose me.” Ethan had said, placing her cheek in his hand, “You're not going to lose me. I'll stop that Casper shit bag before he gets to you.”
“You will?”
“Promise. I've got you.”
(ahhhh this was kinda shit but ohhhh if reader had known)
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jxckchxmpi0n · 1 year
Lovely Crimes
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Ethan Landry x ghostface! Reader || m.list
Summary : Even if they are a killer, that won't stop the love from dying. So why not join them. Till death do us part.
Word count : 1.1k
Tallest @chaethewriter @wafflehousewrold @demausbreaux @bob-the-tomato
Warning: screamvi spoilers violence! character death - blood, cursing, guns, knifes, mentions of virgin loser Ethan ♡
Did not proof read
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It took months, but it was finally here. Killing Sam and Tara, who gave a shit about Ankia, Mindy, or Chad. They were objects that were in the way. Their expiration date was here.
Chad was dead in the movie theater lobby while the others ran away scared. Hovering over Chad's body as he fell limp will forever be the best thing. Tara screamed as she saw the ghostfaces stab her new love. He deserved it. He was a dick.
Detective baily stood center stage as he held his gun. Sam and Tara slowly backed away as they tried looking around for the ghostfaces. "Are you guys okay?" He got closer to them panicked Sam raised a knife, she doesn't know who to trust anymore.
Kirby went misses right as the first ghostface attacked. Baily raised his hands in the air, "hey its me, trust me, okay?" Tara held onto Sam's arm as hard as she could.
It was just them three now. What a living hell.
Two shadows came from behind Baily. As he tried to talk to Sam, Tara screamed out. The shadow then turned into two figures, a twisted smile showed on Baily's face.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" His arms opened wide as he looked behind him and saw the two ghostfaces as well as the shrine of everything from the attacks before.
"What the fuck!" Sam was shaking it didn't make any sense. Why was baily on the ghostface side.
"Oh- I see you look quite confused," he put his gun in his holster as he walked closer to the sisters.
"You killed him, you bitch" Quinn came out from behind the doors a knife in hand as she looked directly at Sam.
"We didn't kill anyone!" Tara screamed at Quinn as she hid behind her sister. An evil smile took place on yours and Ethans face.
"You killed their brother. You killed his son!" You waved the knife around as tears filled your eyes.
"Your brother died in a car accident." Tara's face was covered in blood but also confusion.
"No no no you sweet dumb thing. He died in woodboro at the hand of your bitch sister!" Ethan was angry he wanted to kill Tara he hated her.
But you, you wanted to kill her more. Throughout this entire time being with the group, she saw how Tara put that hand on her boyfriends shoulder, the long eye contact. She was the cause of the number of fights you and Ethan had.
"Can we just kill her already?" You fell on the couch in his dad's house as it was time to plan act three.
"What, no, we have to wait."  he sat next to you as Quinn walked into the room.
"I'm with y/n on this one she slut shame me every God damn day!"
You smiled, "Well Quinn she's not wrong"  Ethan couldn't help but laugh at the remark to his sister.
"Oh can it virgin loser"  Quinn then stormed off into her room. Leaving a very flustered boy and a confused yet intrigued girlfriend.
The carpenter sister got spilt up as Quinn and her father went after Sam and Ethan and you went after Tara. Her screams could be heard through the entire building, and your knife dug into her arm as you trapped her in a corner.
"I always fucking hated you Tara, you and your dumb little boyfriend deserve to die" Ethan stood behind you watching in awe as his beautiful girlfriend stood covered in blood.
"Baby this is a bad time but you just look so hot" he grabbed your sides pulling you into him. His lips met yours as the taste of salty sweat and iron fill your mouth.
Tara stood holding her arm the best she could. "You guys are sick" her voice cracked her emotions taking the best of her.
Just then a bang echoed through the rooms, you'd be lying if you said it didn't make you jump. Ethan was the first to run away, the thought of his dad or sister hurt made him panic.
As you watched Ethan run away, Tara saw glass from the broken case. Quietly she picked it up, this was her chance. "Listen don't-" just as you turned back she sprang up and slammed you down to the floor. "You fucking bitch" pushing her off you grabbed your knife, before you could make any move your eyes went wide.
Dropping the knife, Tara held a smrik on her face. "This, this is for Chad. You psycho bitch" looking down her hands gripped the glass and twisted it. Your screams filled her ears. "This is for Anika." Blood spilled from your mouth as she pushed it in further.
Pushing you off of her, she got up and watched as blood came rushing out of the wound and your mouth.
Tara ran into the theater room to find baily and Quinn dead. Sam sat on the edge of the stage, the adrenaline dying. She smiled once she saw Tara but frowned when she saw blood all over her.
"It's not mine, not all of it, at least." She sat down, leaning on her sister. "Is it finally over?"
Sam tried to comfort her sister a small nod as she hugged her. "I hope it is,"
What they didn't know was that Ethan was still alive. Partly, his mouth was covered in blood from Sam, stabbing him in the throat. But that was the least of your worries. He needed to find you.
Slowly, he crawled to the room he last saw you. His heart sank as he saw you laying down blood covering the floor. He couldn't speak. It hurt him too much. Your eyes were closed, but the sound of him near you made you open your eyes.
"Baby," your voice was whispered. His eyes filled with tears as he saw your grow pale. Please don't leave me, he thought. "We tried okay but fuck baby I can't stay awake" your breathing became labored. No y/n please don't die I need you he was crying. He was crying harder than he ever had. You are the love of his life he needs you.
"Ethan, I love you so so much." You grabbed his face, brushing the curly haired you loved so much smiling at him. Your eyes faded. You weren't there anymore. He choked on his cries, his throat burned as he cried for you. He was angry. He wanted to kill them still!
He grabbed your knife, not before kissing your forehead and closing your eyes. He ran into the theater room, ready to charge at the sister, their face filled with fear as they didn't have any more weapons. "I'm gonna kill you!"
Just as he reached them, a figure appeared holding a film camera "smile for the camera mother fucker" the lens crashed into Ethans head and he tripped on a wire. His body went limp as he hit the ground. He was dead and as were you.
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cosmicpearlz · 1 year
a drop of your good love
summary: he’d kill for you just as along as you loved him as much as he loved you.
pairing: gf!ethan landry x reader
warnings: a very graphic description of a murder
a/n: got inspired by another song and this one is ‘kill for your love’ by labrinth :) (i literally wrote this in like 30 minutes)
ethan knew he was in love with you since mindy introduced you into the friend group. something about your personality and character had drawn him to you. all he wanted to do was be close to you. near you.
when he finally confessed his feelings to you after a couple months of friendship, he was surprised to find out that you felt the same. you were finally his and nothing was gonna get in the way of that.
“hey cutie, you here all alone?”
“no, i’m here with my boyfriend and friends,” you replied to the creepy guy that stood too close to you while you were getting another round of drinks.
“i don’t see them anywhere,” his smirk sent red flags in your head. you looked for ethan to find he wasn’t there. maybe off to the bathroom but you needed an out. you turned around once more and made eye contact with chad. you frantically waved him over, to which he gets up with no hesitation.
“there you are, we were getting worried.”
“this is the boyfriend?”
“what’s it to ya, huh?” chad sized up the guy, ready to fight if need be. you were practically his best friend and he’d do anything to protect you.
“i’m just saying she could be with a real man,” the guy goes to grab at your arm but chad stopped that immediately by shoving him.
“keep your fucking hands to yourself,” the bartender finally notices the commotion and calls over security to get the man thrown out.
“what happened baby?” ethan wraps an arm around your waist and you leaned into him. feeling even safer with your boyfriend with you.
“that asshole was bothering y/n while you went to the bathroom. i made sure to set him straight,” chad explained to the boy and patted his shoulder.
“you okay love?” he gently grabs both of your cheeks tilting your head up to look at him.
“yeah, just a bit shook.”
ethan places a kiss on your forehead and takes a look at the man arguing with security. the boy was fuming with anger, how dare someone try to take what’s his? his eyes darken with delight, already knowing how he would make that man pay.
it didn’t take long for ethan to find every bit of information on the guy. his name, address, and job, all quickly accessed in the matter of twenty minutes. little did peter know, he wouldn’t live to see another day to harass another person ever again.
“so peter, you like to harass people, huh?”
“man, i don’t know what you’re talking about,” ethan had peter on his knees like the bitch he was, begging for his life.
“oh but you do know. you remember at the club last saturday.”
“i didn’t mean to do it! i swear!”
“i’m afraid time is up. you should’ve known better peter.”
ethan knocked him in the head with the lamp close beside him. successfully knocking the other boy down, he bends down and starts to slash him with his knife. blood splatting all over the ghostface costume but that didn’t bother ethan.
the boy started to picture the way your soft face had a tense look to it. it made him stab peter more and more. getting revenge for you was all he cared about. you, his baby shouldn’t be scared of a loser like peter. shouldn’t be worried about people like him.
peter stayed sprawled out on his living room floor in a pool of his own blood. ethan had stabbed him over a hundred times and ended with slashing his neck and tying his intestines around his cut neck. that’ll show that motherfucker was the thought that ran through ethan’s head before he left the crime scene.
you were walking into your shared apartment with ethan. stressed out from a draining work day, all you wanted to do was be in your loving boyfriends arms.
“ethan?” the sight of your sweet boyfriend who you believed couldn’t hurt a fly was bleaching his ghostface mask. the black robe still covered in red blood and what looked like chunks of human flesh.
“baby,” his heart dropped as you stood frozen in place. you weren’t supposed to be home early. ethan steps close to you, only for you to step back.
“what the fu-“
“i did it for you my love. he bothered you and i wasn’t there to help. so i killed him because he doesn’t deserve to live life after that,” your eyes watered and you couldn’t fully process what was happening.
“this was not for me ethan.”
“oh but it was. i’d kill everyone who even thinks about trying to touch you. tries to bother you. tries to be near what’s mine.”
as small tears run down your cheeks, you couldn’t help but to be overwhelmed. you felt just as fucked up as your boyfriend for feeling some what honored knowing he’d kill for you. feeling slightly turned on by his animalistic killing nature.
“i love you so much darling and i’d do anything for you.” the silence was killing ethan, if you didn’t accept him he’d have to handle it. that being killing you but he couldn’t do that. you were the love of his life. he needed you.
“i love you too ethan,” you whispered knowing what this now meant for you. you couldn’t really find it in you to care once you looked into those big brown eyes. maybe in fates own twisted way, you guys were always meant for each other.
“i want to kiss you so bad baby but i gotta get cleaned up first,” he gestured to his blood cover self making you giggle. you bit your lip and nodded, walking closer to him.
“hurry and you can get all of the kisses you want. maybe a little bit more.”
“remember darling, i’d kill for just a drop of your good love because all we’ll ever need is us,” he whispered before carefully kissing your cheek. he didn’t want to get anything on you but boy he couldn’t wait to touch you since you were all his.
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