#we know war kills people you fucking ingrates WE KNOW THIS HAPPENS. SAY SOMETHING MORE OR SOMETHING ELSE
legionofpotatoes · 2 years
worst genre of award-baiting short film: saccharine slice of life vignetting the rich inner world of an idiosyncratic yet likable person, suddenly and violently interrupted by their apartment blowing up from a missile. cut to black, infographic about how war is super bad, actually
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
and tons go up and there were space battles all over adn tons and huge andnow larger and off from earth tons of them.  and huge.  and bruce sings about macs...trapping him.  and we say hurrah good.  and ppl need to know what it is likehere. our son is trapped we work to free him use tons of stuff now. huge huge letters giant lawsuits massive forces. and lawyers by the megatruck and cops by the huge ship and more and robots and more. still no change. horrid and squalor at times. evil ppl. need him out shortly your so vane too and arrogant. and die gross deaths a lot and know it is rampant too this arrogant bug and evil and shit it is based on crap.  Thor Freya and no based on us develpoing curascant.  and no she is not out yet and he says will be and i know why..and why the mouintains move now.  fully..and we saw that know why too diamonds and yeh that is true.  and i say it all then..he is daft and rude and crude and alks all day to himself ...oh ok we hear it and he knows we do see something we hav claravoyance...and oh ok..nope.  and how do you know..and ok i make me ahve it force you to belive..and works ok sure..he sasy sure ok go sell it on your own like you do daily.  this is a hip hop community lol. the dont care for it. we do say thsi dont knowwhat he means we aer not ngrs you shit ok shut up...we hear it to he is sick yes..a mac says...no way man  this is the way to be caa says. ok ok they are right way over the top not used to being close to a success..nope. dan no you are not your irritating he is and bja is way off the chart and it is war but we see. in the rolls and we say if you could toneit down a bit ok preston mb he has to dan oh ok jason. there aare pelnty of outlets for your tongue here Zues Hera see that ok dan so what you imp he can hit like no tomororw youof aggot shut uyour mouth. mac and why should i a chasm and ok why is it there... dan you dont know shut  it then mac ok why then caa dan your the guru right  your my people and so on  Zues Hera and i see i dont know so out  dan no dan uou dont know he does explained it and supposedly never seen it or read about it so youshut up means for christ sake off him mac and we see why you know. and all no i go ck and race and why dunno dont rememberr seeing any super 8 timing off all of it is real and heard it all. and he hugs youbatman we know about them.  we call them that lots do. i know more. and it is massively illegal caa says to be me lol and i get antsy eaten ppl and pieces on the lawn and stuff nearby..oh ruskies do chip ofendoers they say it ..ok tehy do and who are they...ppl at me and see why ok you look like them and such caa says..ok theyd o that so monsters do what..dan says oh boy this blows there are little girls here with us the two big ones say it  and he does. a pain runidiot runand no so i say this patience is at an edn there are things you dont kknow dan that is all...and i may not so... learn ok. trump or not ok dan it is like this i am very sharp. smart. and top of my game. you all condescend all day all night to make me feel bad adn that i am not, i designed the top speed bike the light bike ad a fly version. know you asses dont have it and mine do. and we have a huge Auto show cneter it is in you dont and you cannot beat it.  we win all the electric bike racessoon all gas..and yet my word does nothing. why is that..i design it ok means im a fool and stupid and make up monsters. robots are mosters inyour world dan.  asimo is one and i have them all over or japs do and i helped build it ask daniel and paralell to him he is your father yes Zues Hera  i wont back off ever i need it the tech now..now. dan f off dan Zues Hera u see that yu see dan we kill yours here now adn look like macs ok we hit trillioins now and sh do you ask for it Zues Hera and jamei chomo knockedoui out and we suck you fag dan ou fucker are at me too with this shit trump so what we raided you so dan and then you need to learn respect so we pour in macs cheapo version and blame him as he sits inciitng your poor ass which wont backdown for anyting Thor Freya and we use it on you caa dan try you honking fag you are out soon i kkow wny honging fag Zues Hera well ok. why  dan jason i see i get it im why eys i am see you at trump you wil ltry tons will and you will be seen and then in and hewill kcik you out happens monthlly or so jason thats why. Zues Hera ok you got me but at what cost dan your stuff trump and bja and others take and amcs for thestoroy and jason is at now dotl asshwhipe fuker yoiu die too i put out a contract and issue it have Violator and use the dough i got fromyour productioni idea asshole Zues Hera i want to hurt yu cnat so die and that is what you want to hear dan you are FUCKING MORON EVEN I KNOW WHAT YOURS DO FORY OUR FAGGOTY THREATS SHIT FOR BRAINS Zues Hera and i see. faggoty and get it dan yeh sure guy you are so fn dumb..fag.  you are at me in my face so i deploy on your ass and ask them to double it..now too. and take stuff we need priior to it leaving in your grasp gasping faggot Zues Hera yu now what you left eearth and stuff so what dan ahahahah chump Zues Hera i would hit him for it but what dan says is here and it is way way way off the charts. and dan we see h uge armies at you you faggot our an ingrate shit loud mouthed fatggot and so he is of on the timing told it you saw it cried got your wife killed.  and said goodbye. you took her.  and then this siletll he did.  and we hate you for it... tommy f we cant stand it either but man he says you are nothing and acts it and says it and acts it all day long is a fn useless chump then you say oh dan what was in the park and you knew these knew i knew and he is dead now has to be you say that is the sh and then spaz boy and rides it over and over out yu idiot. prob seupt john c rielly thinks he runs the psych ttuff  prob does ateup dan so he is dumb now tommy f i wil buy that yes and  you dan are so weak and angry at him so we see it know that one  mac ad yeh ok due to him now f u dan
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gulescamisade · 7 years
Alaska:  Day 16
DAVE: -with attentive care, he's doing much better. and it's going to hurt for a while, but he can move and do what he needs to do for the most part. can he sprint across the room? no, but he can make himself a sandwich. you win some you lose some. he's watching television in whatever area of the base has it, bored but it's all he can really do-
HESONY: =Whaddya know, he's carrying more stuff inside. Whether he knows Dave is there or not, he's not saying. In fact, he's not even looking at him each time he passes by.=
DAVE: -he's looking at him, however. watching him carry stuff back and forth-
HESONY: =The next time he walked in, he has a crate balanced on his shoulder. It may seem like a shoddy attempt at creating a barrier between him and the STARES.=
DAVE: -he speaks up instead- sup when did you get that crate transplant
HESONY: Oh, you like it? I got it a few seconds ago. =He does a little spin before placing it down with the others.=
HESONY: Perhaps I can pull a few strings so you can get one too.
HESONY: =The entire time is face is= :|
DAVE: would you do that
DAVE: shit im flattered you usually offer this stuff in private
DAVE: in the intimacy of an exam room
HESONY: =just keeps staring at him. What if he just piled all these crates in front of Dave's door? Merry Christmas and a happy new year.=
HESONY: I suppose I'll go inform the doctor Here that you want a crate implant, although in my opinion that seems more like a downgrade. A sylladex should suffice, but after seeing How many of you dont Have the Hands free version, you plebeians need all the Help you can get.
DAVE: shit this relationship is movin quickly
DAVE: can we survive the trials and tribulations of crate marriage
HESONY: What the Hell is a marriage?
DAVE: how the fuck should i know -says the married guy-
MICEXA: -eyes them from the doorway like pls-
HESONY: Assume I'm an alien who knows nothing of your weird "Techsush" and "marriage" words, but is able to understand you solely through a translation device.
HESONY: Unless "marriage" is another word from an alien race you are simply inclined to repeat.
DAVE: what the fuck is a marriage
HESONY: The more you talk the more I feel as though you are trying to =makes air quotations= pull my leg.
DAVE: ba dm ts
DAVE: im a mystery
DAVE: an enigma
DAVE: of all of motherfuckin humanity
HESONY: Yes, it appears so.
HESONY: You seem to be more of the confusing variety, However.
DAVE: you figured that out at least
DAVE: humans like what they cant figure out
DAVE: we dont know anything about each other
HESONY: That makes incredible amounts of sense. :|
DAVE: i know right
DAVE: were so easy to figure out in that respect
HESONY: I'm wondering more about How your species continues to persist.
DAVE: fucking
DAVE: cloning
DAVE: ectobiology
HESONY: Now, I know for a fact that those are Carapacian methods.
HESONY: I Have Heard rumors your methods are far more disturbing.
DAVE: my wife is a clone
DAVE: my brother and i came into the world without science
DAVE: my nephews are the result of ectobiology so
DAVE: boom
HESONY: =squints=
HESONY: I don't think I believe you.
DAVE: -he shrugs- its the truth
HESONY: Let's say it is.
HESONY: If Humans Have alternative ways of reproduction, why not use this to create soldiers that will drive out the invading force and win this war?
DAVE: -makes a face- because thats fucked up
DAVE: we dont make kids for our own purposes
HESONY: Even if it meant you would win?
DAVE: you realize that humans take time to grow right
HESONY: If you can discover different ways to create life, why can't the same be said to speed it up?
DAVE: because life isnt about bein a cog in the machine
HESONY: Even if it meant winning this war? =he said again=
ARANEA: -pipes up from wherever she's been- How awful it is that many trolls sill 8elieve life perpetuates itself only to conquer the inferior races.
ARANEA: Imagine the lives those soldiers would live after the war is won, knowing that was their only purpose.
ARANEA: -eyeballs- Well, may8e you do know how it feels...
DAELOS: - He's here too. Vaguely listening to this but not looking Hesony's way. -
HESONY: That is why Alternia Has a kill switch for each batch of drones.
HESONY: You are right in that, However. What use are we now after Having disgraced ourselves for abandoning our cause and Helping you? This is what Terezi must Have felt like when she left the League. It is likely why she joined T.U.M.U.T. when she never should Have stopped running.
MITUNA: -He's been quiet the past couple of days. To gain back something like a limb, only to lose an actual one. It was hard. However, with the fact that his psionics were indeed back it was high time to work that muscle again. Currently he's just in the back, quietly disassembling and assembling a pen.-
ARANEA: -oh hell nah... she's not going to bother being passive aggressive about this. she's scowling.- How dare you say that a8out her! She had every right to try to move on with her life and find fulfillment elsewhere -- in something she 8elieved was good.
KARKAT: =suddenly from the back corner= There's no life if you run. She helped because she could, she had the knowledge. The training. The bravery. She is selfless. She wanted to make things better. Hiding is giving up. She's a fighter.
MITUNA: -The pen floats over to sunny, then starts writing on the crate in front of him.-
HESONY: And look where that got Her!
HESONY: You still don't get it. When the Expunger wants you dead, she won't stop until she gets what she wants.
HESONY: The moment Terezi stopped running =there is a slight tremor in his hand= it was only a matter of time.
KARKAT: You don't get it. Fuck it. Fuck you. =turns back over holding her cane=
MITUNA: (5he knew 7ha7 ri5k and 5he 57ill braved her fear5 even when 5he wa5 horrified) -That's what is written on the crate. Tuna isn't much up for talking-
MITUNA: (i75 who 5he wa5 you 5hould know 7ha7 a55farce)
DAVE: so im gathering you guys were tight
HESONY: =stares daggers at the writing before shaking his head with a laugh=
HESONY: Yeah. I did know Her, and it seems the rest of you knew Her too.
HESONY: She was brave.
HESONY: She was selfless.
HESONY: She fought with words and actions both.
HESONY: And then she lost.
HESONY: =His head tilted to Dave= Oh, it was far more than that.
DAELOS: - Just watches the fire as they fight it out. He's a statue now that lives in this chair. -
MITUNA: 5he didn7 lo5e
MITUNA: fuck you
HESONY: Then How would you describe what The Expunger did?
HESONY: That isn't Her title for nothing.
HESONY: If you step in Her path, she destroys you. She takes what you are and runs it through the dirt, erasing everything you were.
HESONY: If The Expunger gets Her way, Terezi won't even be a memory. And you all...keeping that memory alive? =he gestured to the people in the room= You're in just as much danger now.
MITUNA: 7oo bad 7he big bluh bi7ch won7 ge7 ge7 her way
MITUNA: dea7h i5n7 7he end
HESONY: Sure, just like the moons are made of gumballs.
MITUNA: holy 5hi7 7ha7d be rad
MITUNA: bu7 uh i75 no7
MITUNA: my ex ma7e5pri7 died once and 5he came back
HESONY: =Sighs=
HESONY: As what, a nutcreature?
HESONY: I do not understand any of you.
HESONY: That big guy for instance! =gestures at Daelos= Hoarding a body like that will not Help.
HESONY: It will not Help His psyche.
HESONY: Eventually bodies decay and all He will Have to Hold onto is a pile of rot.
MITUNA: no 5he came back a5 a gho57 and 7hen 5he wa5 able 7o be brough7 back wi7h her body
MITUNA: i75 no7 7ha7 difficul7 holy 5hi7
HESONY: ....How strong is the stuff you're toking?
MITUNA: even karka7 died and wa5 able 7o be brough7 back
MITUNA: H0LY FUCK 455H0L3 1 H34R 7H3 5CR34M5 0F D34D 455H0L35 3V3RYD4Y M4Y83 1 KN0W 4 L177L3 M0R3 7H4N Y0U
HESONY: Everyone knows the dead stay dead! This life isn't merciful! You don't get a second chance!
HESONY: No, you don't!
MITUNA: Y35 Y0U FUCK1NG D0 4ND 1F 4NY0N3 W1LL G37 0N3 175 73R3Z1
HESONY: How do you expect that to Happen? Should we rewrite History? Got a time machine on Hand?
DAELOS: Be silent
DAELOS: You are ignorant and I am tired of listening to it
DAELOS: None of us are interested in your opinions, least of all me
DAELOS: - Glaring at Hesony and clutching his seat with his ears pinned-
HESONY: =turns his head to face Daelos= Grief is clouding your judgment. You know you cannot hang onto a corpse forever. I'm sorry it Happened, but nothing you do will be able to change that. She is dead. She is staying dead. She is taking up space in your sylladex. A space you could use that may actually increase your chances of survival!
MITUNA: -GROANS LOUDLY and tries to facepalm with his left hand but just kind of...Falls on the floor-
DAELOS: How f001ish, insisting you know better when several sources refute your version of the truth... but I would e%pet nothing less from a mindless Alternian drone who has never needed to think for himself before now... someone content to watch their friends savagely murdered
HESONY: =his lips curled into a scowl= And where would all of you be if we Had gotten ourselves killed alongside Her? If you were in our place, can you truly say that is what she would Have wanted?
HESONY: Ingrate.
DAELOS: Anyone with a soul would have done whatever they could, would have been driven mad with rage at seeing someone they cared for brutalized in such a manner
DAELOS: You beat and punished this group for having souls because you cannot conceive of what that is like
DAELOS: Spineless... abso100tely disgusting
DAELOS: No matter, I will do whatever I can for Nyalah
DAELOS: If you do not think me capable then put it out of your 100dicrously small mind
HESONY: Yes, we could Have done just that. We could Have been killed for our trouble.
HESONY: And you all could Have perished in that cave with no one to know you Had died.
HESONY: The League would Have collected the bounties on your Heads and would Have been that much closer to wiping out your sorry excuse of a rebellion.
HESONY: You are speaking like revival is possible.
HESONY: And I am saying it is NOT.
MITUNA: -Picks himself off the floor-
MITUNA: Y35 17 15
MITUNA: W3 H4V3 533N 17
MITUNA: W3 H4V3 3XP3R13NC3D 17
DAELOS: - Simply stares back at Sunny blandly and then glances at Mituna.- I suggest you give in... there is no convincing an idiot with no imagination
MITUNA: W3 KN0W M0R3 480U7 D347H 4ND 54CR1F1C3 7H4N Y0U 3V3R C0ULD H0P3 70
DAELOS: Think me de100ded for all I care, the % is mine to bear
HESONY: =full out glares at Mituna=
HESONY: Don't you dare say that. You don't-- =A fraction of recognition crossed his face at Mituna's words. He laughed, mirthlessly= She didn't tell all of you, did she?
DAELOS: - Sips tea at >>-
MITUNA: 7ell u5 wha7
HESONY: Why she's blind. Why Micexa and I are like this. =He slaps his right arm and the sound it makes isn't from flesh.= Why the Expunger doesn't Have real arms.
HESONY: Why we all keep ledgers of everyone we Have ever killed.
HESONY: ...Have you found Her copy yet?
MITUNA: -He Squints at this dude. He's not denying he's had a rough go of it, but he knows what Terezi used to be, how she used to be, how she could still be-
HESONY: Then do not presume to know more than we did of those things.
HESONY: Do not presume you knew Her.
MITUNA: 7hen don7 claim 7he 5ame
MITUNA: people change and i knew 7erezi
MITUNA: 5he wa5n7 7he one you remembered
HESONY: Well. =he glanced down at the ground, the anger from his face drifting.=
HESONY: We'll never really know, will we?
MITUNA: -Sighs- look dudepuff im 5orry you can7 believe wha7 we 5ay bu7 we have 5een 5ome 5hi7
MITUNA: i didn7 even have my p5ionic5 when we go7 7o 7hi5 frozen 5phinc7er
MITUNA: i burn7 7hem ou7 and 5crambled my pan like lu5u5 egg5
MITUNA: i go7 7hem back in 7ha7 fuckhole cave 7hank5 7o aranea ju57
MITUNA: ju57 fucking believe me when i 5ay 5ome impo55ible 5hi7 ha5 happened and will con7inue 7o happen i7 won7 57op keep happening
HESONY: Let's say I believe what you say.
HESONY: You're telling me there's a chance Terezi can come back? How?
MITUNA: fucking miracle5 and cocoon5 and 5hi7 i don7 know 7he de7ail5 every7hing from before i go7 fixed phy5ically hur75 7o remember
HESONY: =glances over at Daelos, then slowly looks back to Mituna=
HESONY: You need the body to do it. =it wasn't a question.=
MITUNA: from wha7 i remember yeah
HESONY: ...........
HESONY: =he closed his eyes and put his face in his hands.=
MITUNA: 7hey
MITUNA: 7hey 57ill have i7 don7 7hey
HESONY: =his shoulders are shaking and his hands moved to grip his hair=
DAELOS: -Breaks in- A body is not always required....it just makes it easier
DAELOS: At least, a new body can be procured
MITUNA: 7ha7 doe5n7 5ound fucked up in 7he 5ligh7e57
DAELOS: -Shrug-
DAELOS: -Mad scientist shrugging-
HESONY: =he's just...gonna go take his anger out on a tree somewhere=
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