#we live in a day in age where the dead can't even die
dcxdpdabbles · 23 days
Danny has been mostly straight his whole 15 years of life. No his first kiss being Tucker doesn’t count, he will deny that to the end of the world. But he’s never really tried to explore his sexuality because it’s just never been tested.
Meanwhile DAN knows better, he did however not realize Danny wasn’t at the age he figured it out yet.
So Pride rolls around and Dan pops out of Clockwork’s tower and grabs Danny like “hey it’s time for pride.” And Danny is very confused because wtf Dan goes to pride???? He ended the world and despises humans but no, Pride is where he draws the line. Where are they even going for pride???
Gotham. Dan takes them to Gotham for Pride.
-Sincerely, Bisexual Son Dan anon
Danny glances comprehensively at the crowd of colorfully dressed people just as a woman on roller skates wearing nothing but a rainbow skirt and heart pasties flies by. At once, his whole face grows warm, and he drags his eyes down to the concrete before he makes the mistake of lingering on her too much.
He doesn't want her to think he is a creep. Or a pervert. Gosh, what if she thinks he's the reason women can't wear what they like in public because of men like him?
Danny can practically feel Sam stomping on the back of his knees with her metal boots at the mere idea.
The concrete becomes ten times more interesting as he listens to the woman zip away, dodging and weaving through the crowd with a cheer. Danny chances a glance up, only to make direct eye contact with her as she twirls in an impressive circle.
Her skirt fans out, displaying colorful shorts underneath, and she offers him a wink that makes the saliva in his mouth go down the wrong tub.
Half choking Danny, he flings his head away, staring at a different part of the group. He wants to die.
Dan snorts from where he is carefully painting a heart on the entire left side of his face. The older man had yanked him into the portal with barely an explanation and then opened a handheld mirror to paint himself with.
The heart is large, dramatic, and in three colors. Danny thinks they represent something, but he has yet to learn what. "Relax, kid. She won't bite- you don't have the bits she's into."
"What? Where are we? Why did you bring me here? Whats' going on!" Danny demands, clinging to Dan's arm as the man places the final white dots on his heart.
"We are in the best place to be in all of the Realms," Dan answers, gesturing to their surroundings. "Pride in Gotham! I brought you here to enjoy the festivities before I kick your ass in a re-match. Think of this as a second Truce Day."
"Pride?" Danny repeats, confused. Why would a person responsible for the world's end care about a minor holiday like that? Then, his mind caught up to the rest of what he said, making Danny even more confused. "Why would this count as a Truce day?"
Dan hums, pulling his long hair into a braid with careful but quick movements. "In the Realms, romance is regarded as a scarred topic and will be treated with the utmost respect. Ghosts rarely get married, so worrying about what gender people date is none existing. Unless you're stuck in a punishment island, but being in an endless era means ghosts never leave them. In this world, Gotham suffers an insane amount of crime, and on holidays, it's twice as bad, except for Valentine's Day and Pride. It's the only time the Rouges work together to ensure the city can enjoy themselves. You see? It alines in the dead and living worlds!"
Danny blinks slowly, "I don't understand any of that or why we are here."
Dan finishes his hair, by adding a little rainbow bow to the end. He truns a critical eye on Danny, looking him up and down then pulling out a pack of fake eyelashes. "I have rainbow heart lashes if you want to try them on."
"Answer my questions!"
The older man sighs as if Danny is in colossal pain, which is rude, considering he was the one who had dragged Danny from the street on his way home. "We're just here to enjoy the Pride Street Market. Maybe partake in a few contests if we're feeling brave. Look at booths. Watch the parade. You know, have fun."
"We," Danny gestures aggressively between them, just barely stopping himself from stomping his foot. "Don't do things together for fun!" And why Pride of all places, I'm not even gay!"
"I don't believe that."
Danny draws up short. "Excuse me!?"
"I said I don't believe you're not gay. I remember being your age. I was you, remember? I know how you reacted to Wes Weston."
The thought of the basketball-playing ginger runs through his head, sending a strange tingle through his body. Danny has always assumed that he was wary of the one person outside his friends who knew his secret. He can't believe Dan would even suggest that it was anything but weariness. "You mean the creep that follows me, trying to take my picture mid-transformation!?"
Dan shrugs. "You have a lot of things to wise up to. You're young; you don't know yet what having your picture taken does to you."
"What does that even mean!?"
Dan shrugs, putting away all his things in a convenient portal that pops up. "It means you're young. You'll learn."
Danny frowns, ready to demand more, when a shout of his older counterpart's name draws his attention. He twists around, looking into the flow of the crowd only to be surprised again by the more people in various revealing outfits, some of which warm his face.
Walking towards them is a man in a biker jacket, built like a brick house and towering over the people he passes. He's got big, heavy stomping boots, the kind that Sam would fist fight someone for, andan attractiveg white streak in his hair.
Was he a model?
Besides the rainbow wristband, nothing indicates he's here for pride.
"Jason!" Dan greets, grabbing the other by the outstretched arm and yanking in for a one-hand hug. "How have you been man?"
"Same old, same old," Jason responds with a laugh. Danny notes that he has a charming voice. He also has bright blue eyes and a sharp jawline—even the slope of his nose seems perfect. Danny didn't even know that was possible in noses. "Just got accepted to Gotham U for their English program."
"That's great! You'll obviously go to graduate at the top. No one is better at English than you." Dan chirps. Danny is too busy staring up at Jason in awe to be embarrassed by the eagerness with which Dan speaks to his friend. It was like listening to Jazz when she met that one famous poet at a slam and was tripping over herself to ask for his number.
Jason glances down at Danny, rasing a brow. "This is?"
Dan startsles almost as if he forgot he had kidnapped someone. " Oh, right. This is my baby brother, Danny."
"Oh," Jason grins, dragging out the o sound. He turns to Danny—who actually flinches back—and holds out his hand. "Dan told me all about you. I'm Jason Todd. Nice to meet you."
"Um...I- nice to meet. My name is. I mean, it's nice to meet you too. I'm Danny Fenton." He wants to barf.
This is worse than when Wes had cornered him in the boy's locker room, clutching his camera and hissing that he intended to document every moment of Danny's day for signs of Phantom.
It did make sense that any friends of Dan's- bringers of apocalypse, destroyers of humanity- made him uneasy. He's probably evil too.
"This is Danny's first Pride," Dan tells Jason in the same tone a parent would say: This is his first day of preschool. Dannny burns in embarrassment.
"Nice. You picked the great one to start in, kid. Gotham Pride is the best in the whole country." Jason says, tilting his head towards the booths. "My brother is helping his boyfriend run an informational booth for various sexualities if you're interested"
Dan steps forward with bright eyes. "Tim and Bernard are finally official?"
"Five months strong," Jason confirms with a laugh. You think Timmy would have realized it after going on three dates with the guy. It took Bernard getting kidnapped midway by a pain cult for it to click in Tim's head.
"He's young" Dan laughs, gesturing to a stun Danny. "Like this one."
"Ah, to be young and not dead." Jason sighed, sidestepping a child who ran by with a giant rainbow balloon. It smacked against Danny, waking him from whatever trace he was under.
Danny doesn't know what to make of all this. Figuring he should escape while Dan is distracted by the model man, he steps back, attempting to activate his powers, only to be shocked when he remains solid and in sight. Dan glances at him with an evil light in his eye.
"Lady Gotham nuterlizes our powers here. You have to be normal." He says and Jason titls his head.
"He's dead too?"
"A Halfa."
"Ah" Jason looks down at Danny who was starting to panic. "You want to go grab something to eat? There is this one food truck on the other side of the plaza run by the Riddler. He makes a mean BBQ."
At this point, did Danny even have a choice? "Okay."
Pride turned out to be surprisingly fun, and he learned that the paint that Dan had colored himself with was the "pansexual" flag. Also, Jason's parents must have marinated him in hotness juice alongside his siblings before letting any of them be born.
Hot damn.
Danny accepted the pansexual flag that Dan silently handed to him as the Waynes conversed at Tim's booth.
Maybe he should text Wes when he gets back from Pride.
560 notes · View notes
karlachian · 1 month
baldur's gate 3 wyll ravengard grand duke coronation tumblr simulator
🩸 bloodlover
he said WHAT about me
🦴 jonfromshop
i love <3 that we are livign in this day and age of baldurian politics. this is fucking awesome
2,235 notes
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🪼 slenderweaver
6 notes
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🪡 tailormadewares Follow
now why is the coronation happening in the middle of the night. some of us have jobs!
🐦‍⬛ ulderravengard Follow
the new duke consort is kind of like an evil stepmother but for the city
🦴 jonfromshop
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4,458 notes
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🌊 tavalina
very extremely proud of one of my best friends in the whole world wyll ravengard. can't make it to the coronation because of the whole bein g stuck in hell with my wife thing can a sweet mutual please. keep me updated.
🐺 simfolicity Follow
duke consort astarion lastname has clearly micromanaged the whole thing and ulder ravengard and him might be trying to kill each other during the ceremony. wyll is just happy to be there i think
🌊 tavalina
oh okay so business as usual
🏹 highharper
business as usual
49 notes
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💋 bladethatthang
why is NO ONE talking about the geopolitical ramifications of the future grand duke being engaged to marry a CLEARLY evil looking mean cunt of an elf. not to MENTION the problematic age gap.
🩸 bloodlover
mad because he's fucking me and not you????????
💋 bladethatthang
i genuinely wish we all had died with the elder brain
🪡 tailormadewares Follow
#bringing this back for coronation day
38,493 notes
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🪼 slenderweaver
🛎️ i-live-in-the-dumbwaiter
quite famously he was at the elfsong. like i understand where you're coming from but that was a whole thing. he was very polite about ordering food at 3 in the morrow in the sense that he didn't. do that.
🪼 slenderweaver
oh so now we are fucking doing elfsong pedantics about the TWENTY FOUR YEAR OLD RUNNING OUR CITY.
348 notes
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📦 zhentingthatrim Follow
this is so fucking stupid i WANTED to do a coup a mutiny an overthrowing even today during the coronation but no one wants to fucking do revolution anymore. you say can we PLEASE try and kill the new grand duke for trade opportunities and freedom of will. and then they will say well why would i want to do that. wyll ravengard is soooooooooo handsome and sweet and nice. trying to kill him would be RUDE. WE USED TO BE A FUCKING CITY.
🩸 bloodlover
bunk 42, flaming fist barracks, basilisk gate
📦 zhentingthatrim Follow
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🔥 florricking Follow
open the door
8,376 notes
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✨ princessofhousenightstar
do your required reading you little wretches and understand that i am here fundamentally to talk about wyll where he can't see it. i love the man but sometimes i like to keep things to myself. anyways doesn't he look sooooooo dashing in his coronation outfittttttttt 🥰 i made ittttttt
🪼 slenderweaver
does anyone remember when this was an embroidery blog
🏹 highharper
you are a strange strange little man astarion
#HOW has he not found this blog yet is the question i think
16 notes
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🩸 bloodlover
i want ulder ravengard dead
🗡️ bladeoffrontiers
🩸 bloodlover
i want ulder ravengard mildly inconvenienced
🐦‍⬛ ulderravengard Follow
we are literally tumblr mutuals. for your evil and nefarious purposes no doubt.
🪡 tailormadewares Follow
we're all going to fucking die
6,459 notes
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🦴 jonfromshop
the grand duke isn't an option because he always sweeps.
432 notes · View notes
absolutebl · 1 month
Meet You At the Blossom - Watch Along
Maybe a trash watch? We will find out.
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But first what do we know about this show?
Well, I can't for the life of me remember the title. The article placement it too weird so it will henceforth be called Blossom okay?
Here's what I learned from @renafire
Duck daddy!!!!! I bring news! China didn't kill the gays! Meet You at the Blossom is an HEA! Golden retriever XiaoBao x ice prince Huaien (who gets the shit stabbed out of him an awful lot for being a ML). A side CP of dumb, pretty bodyguard x eccentric doctor. The background plot was basically a bunch of middle age men fighting about the ML's long dead mother. Needles! So many needles! (It was practically a sickfic tbh) Flapping sleeves! Flowing hair! Poison! Politics! A villain weirdly into kites! Prisoners in chains you can easily slip your hand through! Dimples! Loyal bodyguards becoming family! It's not the best thing ever, but it ends happily! There was even a line about "true love has nothing to do with gender" which I feel like is a big deal for something associated with China?
This convinced me to watch, so I thought I'd just post it verbatim to convince you, too.
So I'd refused to watch Blossom because I assumed the leads would die or at least be torn asunder at the end, and that there would be no kisses.
So this Watch Along is going to be me eating crow.
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China pretty much always does censored BL (when they do it at all) since 2017 or so. You can watch something like My E-Sports Genius Brother for the style of "happy but censored BL" that I've grown to expect from China. (Although I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.)
They didn't used to do this! Time once was that China was this chaotic minefield of tasty mess meets terrible tropes (like kidnapping, stepbrothers, rape, whipping boy, and dub con). I had a weird love for it at the time because it was the Wild Wild World of BL beck then and I didn't know to expect better.
I come from 90s Yaoi. Remember?
Ah the bad old days. (You can read a history of CBL here. Not updated in ages.)
Where was I?
So, what I knew about Blossom was that it was a Wuxia BL and that it was made with Thailand, or for Thailand, or something to do with Thailand (there is Thai script on the promo material) and that it wasn't being distributed inside Mainland China. (I still worry about the actors but that's kinda a natural state for me and BL outside of Japan.)
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Outside of China Blossom got wide distribution showing up everywhere iQIYI (China based), Viki (Japan based), Gaga (Taiwan based) WeTV (US Based) and YouTube (Thai Channel Artop Media is serving it).
It also looks like Heavenly is involved and they are Korea based. So like, everyone had their mitts on this thing. We live in crazy times.
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Okay so, here are my 20 expectations:
Pony tails with a ribbon or two
Lots of questionable older tropes, especially dub-con & kidnapping (the herb that makes you horny maybe?)
Flowing filmy robes wafting everywhere
EXTREMELY PRETTY men, costumes, make up, setting... well, everything
No consent whatsoever
Pokey pokey, but not with the right kind of swords (a naked blade will be grabbed by a naked hand, sadly also not in the preferred way)
A bodyguard hotter than he has any right to be, wearing black
Floaty fighty fighty, including but not limited to: skid backwards through puffs of dust, a leap to land + one knee down + holding sword + head bowed, a twirly protect baby from baddies
A boat in a lotus pond
Poison, probably green, glittery if I'm lucky
Circular architecture
A big fuck off fan
Puppy-cat pairing
They wander through bamboo, sit down at the edge of a lake, probubly on a log
Wound tending, of course, because there will be lots of wounds
Someone pushed onto a platform bed (also kneeling in front of it)
A jail with straw in it
Older men with sparse beards detracting from the romance
Fruit or some other food being thrown
Some serious SLEEVE action.
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Li Le as Zong Zheng Huai En
Probably the reserved unhinged one. Has sword, will prod.
He has a solid track record of shows under his belt. So to speak. One wonders how they persuaded him to do BL. He sure is pretty tho.
Wang Yun Kai as Jin Xiao Bao
The son of the wealthiest man in the Jiangnan region, probably the cheerful cute one.
He's an entirely green actor.
Most of the cast is from mainland China, with the exception of Achi Sukonlaphat Sribubpha, who is Thai (obvs) and under Artop Media.
Nancy Chen is directing
She is a Taiwanese director and screenwriter, who directed HIStory 4 and HIStory 5 (neither all that great) and was behind very queer friendly Pappy & Daddy.
I wouldn't call her a stellar director. I would say I've been reserving judgement, but if you pin me down I'd call her Taiwan's New.
Xiao Bao (cute) falls in love with icy, white-robed stunner Huai En due to an unexpected meeting. Discovers she is actually a boy (and a baddie). Hijinx ensue.
Adapted from the novel Hua Kai You Shi Tui Mi Wu Sheng 花开有时, 颓靡无声 by Shui Qian Cheng 水千丞
Co-production with China and Taiwan. But the country of origin is listed as Thailand.
12 Episodes, 40 min each (or so) for a total fresh content run time of 8 hours.
Aired: Jul 11, 2024 - Aug 15, 2024 on iQiyi, Viki, WeTV, Gaga
Shall we get started?
I had a surfeit of options since Viki, Gaga, and iQIYI all had Blossom. I like Viki's interface best, want to support Gaga the most, but in this case, I opted for iQIYI because... screen shots. So it's all your fault.
EPISODE 1: Nicknames, pretty men, dimples, twirly, stabby, floof!
I don't like the intro music, it's too slow and tinkly, but classic for the genre I suppose. Still I'm fast forwarding through all the falling cherry blossoms.
All right. Now it's about time for... YES...
Emperor Infodump
Chancellor of Extraneous Explanations
As You Know Bo
Sorry sorry. The puns must flow.
The deets: layabout emperor = chaos & suffering. New emp = strong & popular but his baby bro wants to rule. New emp exiles bro to obscurity. New emp = good ruler. Order established through patriarchal dominance. Children laughing in the street. Got it.
I will not be remembering names, FYI.
We open on kid in trouble over a kite killed(?) by baddie.
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Enter pretty spangled skippy puppy McDimples. I shall call him Dimples. Dimples = spoiled rich kid having trouble finding a wife - presumably because they all know he gay.
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Enter hottie evil cut-glass cheekbones McPoutypants. Haven't decided what I shall call him. It'll come to me.
Extremely pretty men. CHECK.
Ooo, a big hat on horse back!
Of course, how could I not have had that trope on my checklist? My bad.
And a bunch of assassins slow-dropping out of trees like lazy fruit. I forgot that, too.
I gotta say, fairy prince or high elf is not a bad moniker for twirly-sword cheekbones supreme.
Floaty fighty fighty! CHECK
Oh, I thought they'd go in for crossdressing at the very least but I guess they went for Dimples is an idiot instead. Interesting choice. I see we also have the "baby is a clumsy bunny" trope all set to deploy. Carry on.
Grab the sword and skid through the dirt. CHECK!
And a fainting!
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Pony tail with ribbons. CHECK
Dimples might be a bit too much of a prat and an idiot for me.
[Have begun watching at 1.25 speed. Don't fault me.]
I always find the orange/yellow eye makeup that Cdramas put on characters of questionable morality fascinating. Why those colors specifically? And why eye makeup specifically?
We arrive home. It fancy. Daddy doesn't want an unknown lady for his baby (silly daddy, ladies are for ladies, boys are for boys).
Everyone acknowledging that elf prince is, in fact, The Prettiest is very pleasing to me.
Meanwhile, there is some kind of list/stuff/thingy and Prince Shen wants it and is a bad guy, maybe? I can't remember names from the beginning so I have no idea what's going on with the plot but also, it is only going to get more convoluted. Plus the weekend is coming so I'll eventually be drinking and watching this. Plot is for people who don't like BL. And don't have six bottles of sake in their fridge.
Where was I?
Oh yes. Judiciously NOT following the plot.
Dimples and his 2 enablers seem to share about 1/3 of a braincell between them. But they're sincere about it.
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Engage secret identity trope and the expected cross dressing.
Ooo Shen is The Prettiest's uncle? Damn it I'm trying to follow the plot again. Must not get sucked into plot. This is a Cdrama therein lies madness. Ah, Prettiest is the son of the emperor's exiled younger bro? Got it.
Twirly protect baby from baddies! CHECK
And that's episode 1 in the bag. In the sheath?
My thoughts so far:
This couldn't be more exactly what I expected if it tried. I mean it is trying. And it's succeeding in being a Wuxia BL. So. Yay! Performing to the packaging. I appreciate that in a show.
I'm looking forward to more.
(On the advice of one of my spies I've switched to watching on YT when I can, YT and Gaga are supposed to have the better subs than iQIYI and Viki. That said I found iQIYI's serviceable.)
EPISODE 2: Checking a bunch of stuff off my list in rapid succession
No. Sex herb? CHECK
Discovery that she is in fact he?
Dominance Tussle? Dub con? Rape? Already? CHECK
Well that came fast (presumably so did he).
There’s a lot happening all at once at the beginning of just ep 2. 
It’s an ACCOUNT BOOK that’s causing all this fuss? Hilarious. 
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Enter the anticipated hottie (bodyguard? spy?) in all black wearing a hedgehog. CHECK
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(I didn’t expect the hedgehog, I have to admit.)
Oh is the single brain cell society is trying to grow additional brain cells? That's not gonna work.
Cheekbones is still the prettiest.
Oh HELLO stern grabby Daddy not-older brother of yummy. We likey.
Who do you belong to?
Why do you have The Biggest Sleeves?
Do I take that as a sign of gayness?
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Ooo looks like I’m right. 
Also this is very silly.
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And "I never said she was a woman."
It’s just so funny.
Stern prince bro is leaving already?
I only had Grabby McDaddy for a very short length of time. I already miss him. 
Meanwhile, Dimples apparently has no compunction about being in love with a man, we blew through a bisexual identity crisis while I wasn't looking, and now we exist inside the gay=okay bubble? I did not expect The Bubble(tm) to show up in a Wuxia, but I guess this is a BL universe and we all just float around in it… 
Cheekbones is a bit of an asshole. Quite apart from the, ya know, bit of rapey rape thing.
I also did not have absolutely terrible VO dubbing on my bingo card. I forgot about that one in Cdramas.
EPISODE 3: Distracted by the pretty
Some kind of dark past for dimples and his little (not blood ) sister. 
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Sniff test, the greatest trope of 2024 apparently. Nice to see the execution of a modern trope in a vintage style BL.
Aa ha! Kneeling next to a platform bed. CHECK
And more poisoning and drugs.
Wound tending. CHECK
Aweeeee Dimples is worried about Cheekbones! How cute.
Also, the ice queen appears to be melting.
Ooo. More sexitimes? Consensual this time. Okay. I guess Taiwan did get its nuts all over this show. (Honestly, that was a mistype but I'm keeping it in.)
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The bit with all the bodyguards was great.
And my love for Mr. All-Black Clued-in Hottie persists.
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We are now in the “does he like me back?” phase of the high school narrative. We are also in the "do I like him at all?" part of the narrative. Suddenly, this is an angsty YA. 
Ice queen has melted and is now turning into jelly. (Can you tell I’m very pleased with myself and this metaphor?) 
And now, Dimples is sick?
Boy, is this fast moving! I have to say, that is something I did not expect at all. Usually Cdramas are much slower than this.
I do love how shameless D imples is. It’s kind of delightful. He’s definitely in his bisexual awakening slut phase.
Cheekbones is also a doctor, apparently. Useful man. 
In other news: I would really like to add a full length crossover wafting robe into my wardrobe. I have no idea why I feel compelled by such a thing.
EPISODE 4: Gay sleeves AT last
Not a lot happened in this episode. Mostly flirting. More backstory and plot that doesn’t really matter. Presumably this intended to be character motivation?
We do not need him to be motivated we need him to be pretty. Understand the brief please.
Why no more floaty floaty sleeves?
Oooo, because sleeves in gay! CHECK
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I did like the scene of the blood being cleaned up after the assassination attempt(?). It’s kind of nice to see that depicted for a change. I always worry about all that blood on that nice stone work.
Oh the handholding it was very cute.
Ice queen has melted and now turned entirely to jelly. Very very jelly.
Dimples is so stupid proud of his tall deadly wife. It's flipping adorable in a very goofy way.
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I guess Cheekbones has come around and now Dimples has officially been claimed, multiple times and in multiple ways. He can't change his mind or anything now. Trouble is afoot...
I'll stop now.
EPISODE 5 - It is a Thing I guess?
OMG Cheekbones just loves his stilly bint of a bf. It’s absolutely absurd. The ultimate puppy/cat pairing.
I love it that he’s just casually walking around with a knife sticking out of his back and only cares that baby may have gotten a splinter in his finger.
Now we are in the vows portion of the early romance. I am assuming betrayal is coming soon? 
Grabby McDaddy! I missed you! Here to perform the part of Basil Exposition I see? No grabby for me? Sad. Unfortunately, if you aren’t flirting with a man I’m going to be fast forwarding. Although your sleeves are very nice.
Uh oh, Dimples is in trouble. 
Okay that was that. No screen caps, I lazy.
Oh lovely. More rape. I guess Dimples went looking for that response? Is that the implication? Does Dimples have a rape kink? What is with this show? 
No brothels for a baby I guess.
It’s not gay... it’s poison? 
It’s not bisexuality... it’s the slut herb? 
The single brain cell club is now the wailing fates. 
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I guess cutting off a man’s hand out of jealousy is no biggie? Well this is a BL. Jealousy is the #1 excuse!
Fighty floaty blood spatter death! This time on wooden planks. Those are impossible to get clean. 
Meanwhile, there’s a lot of backstory and stuff I don’t care about, and probably can’t follow even if I did care about it.
I don’t like the Emperor at all. But then I don’t think I meant to. I am a little shocked that there aren’t more men with sparse beards distracting from the romance. But I guess this is a BL, they go for youth even in wuxia.
EPISODE 7 - You know what they say about a man with big sleeves?
Oh, Daddy McGrabby is back and he's a good guy (?)! He’s also in love with Dimples. 
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Oh no!
What is this sensation I feel being thrust upon me?
Is that…? Is that second lead syndrome?  I think it is.
Oh well, it was fated the moment I saw the length of his... sleeves in episode 2.
Dimples gets tortured by acupuncture. 
Poisonings are always so elegant and classy in Cdramas.
Blah blah captured rescued captured rescued again sort of. Cheekbones is now seriously imperiled. We swap one for the other in Grave Danger (TM).
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Enter the Divine Doctor character! Who (Dr) I have been told reliably by previous witnesses is A Favorite. I do love this particular archetype (quirky healer wise beyond his years - sometimes actual immortal. ) I am prepared to be delighted.  
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EPISODE 8 - Divine Doctor is Emperor of the Gays
The divine doctor and 1/3 brain cell is not a pairing I thought was going to happen. Frankly it doesn't seem like the writers thought about it much either.
But it did make me laugh out loud.
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It’s fantastic. I love them. I love this for me. I love a secondary couple for this show. Carry-on.
Everyone was absolutely correct. He is the best character. He is my favorite. He is openly gay and a troublemaker and absolute queen. And I adore him forever. No notes.
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King Emperor behavior!
The evil crown prince has a crush on Daddy McGrabby. With good reason, he does have the biggest sleeves.
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(I have a crush on Daddy McGrabby.) And he clearly likes brats, so I think the crown prince is in with a chance, actually.
(Not me, sadly. Despite the rumors I am not a brat. I make no case for this.)
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EPISODE 9 - The Plot Thickens like Shampoo
Oh, Cheekbones is the new crown prince? We have a whole Snape situation going on here?
And finally Cheekbone knows what is happened to his poor little tortured Dimples. (oof that acting tho. before you say "what acting" i KNOW.)
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In all honesty, I’m quite engaged by the drama of the show at this point and kind of losing my snark because of it. Don't get mad at me.
It’s not a bad show. I mean it’s a melodramatic soap opera, but that’s to be expected. It's so soapy it's like one of those extra foamy soap dispenser soaps.
To be entirely fair most gay men of my acquaintances have very similar relationship trajectories. Minus some of the casual murder (aside from character assassinations of course). 
EPISODE 10 - Oh Noes All Round
Not enough of my beloved divine doctor emperor of the gays. But you can’t have everything. 
Oh noes, my babies are fighting. 
But he brought you a big thistle! Don't fight!
Oh they get to kind of make up, or something. It’s sweet. Puppy Dimples accidentally caught himself a psychopath. To be fair tho, all cats are psychopaths at heart.
Oh noes Daddy McGrabby is planning on killing Cheekbones. No Daddy. Not the Cheekbones!
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The cheek kiss from Cheekbones was so romantic. Normally I’m not a huge fan of this particular smooch, but under these circumstances it was very good.
EPISODE 11 - So Many Gay Emperors no one cares about the actual emperor
I wish I could shut somebody up by a simple double tap to the collarbone. It’s like the wuxia version of a block feature on tumblr.
Meanwhile, the part where 2/3 of a brain cell are comparing how hot their respective fierce gay emperors are to each other is truly hilarious. I actually clapped.
This is so ridiculous.
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Epic eye roll from the remaining 1/3 of a brain cell. And I have to say I’m on his side in this matter.
Oh noes Daddy McGrabby is not, in fact, on the side of twrew lurve after all.
How sad. 
EPISODE 12 - The Bisexual In the Bathtub & other nursery rhymes of my youth
I love this silly bint of a bisexual in the bath between two fierce gay dudes who are about to give their life force to keep him alive.
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Someone definitely once drew this as Lord of the Rings fanart 20 years ago.
I guess our single brain cell has been torn asunder. And Daddy McGrabby never did get his man.
Next series?
Bing him back to me.
All cards on the table?
This was undeniably a wuxia and most definitely a BL.
Evil stunning princely Cheekbones meets and falls in love with the bisexual Disaster dimples of his dreams. There’s a lot of floaty fighting, tangled plot, and overworked emotions. From start to finish it was exactly as it claimed to be, including more than the expected amount of sexual claiming.
I’m not wild about the wuxia genre, but I will tell you what I do like:
Very pretty men in flowing robes + eye makeup + hair ribbons wafting about stabbing and kissing each other plus ridiculous soap opera machinations. I also like cheekbones and dimples. AND I love a stupid gay sleeve, okay? There was also truly epic levels of stink-eye, and that too is to be lauded.
This show left me grinning like crazy. Was it great? Not really, but it was a great experience and I enjoyed it immensely.
I’m so glad you all persuaded me to watch it in the end.
Thank you! 
I should probably give it an 9/10 because I had such a good time watching it. But I’m not going to, because it isn’t a 9/10 drama. It had a lot of flaws chewing at that pretty (boom mic riddled) scenery, not to mention all the rapey rape.
It’s a solid 8/10
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
You've encountered site changes over time as a fan elder, what do you make of Tumblr potentially being put out to pasture? Tumblr was my coming of age fan site, and im looking for advice to transition to the next thing with grace and less bitterness than I feel now.
Ahaha. God, you should have heard the howling about LJ. "Fandom is over!" "Never again shall we dwell in fandom's True Home!" etc.
Hell, this endless "only LJ was good" crap turns up in replies here on posts where I as OP have very clearly laid out why that's rose colored glasses nonsense and you can so make friends on tumblr, have a conversation on tumblr, etc.
I had my crabby phase about this during the transition from Yahoo Groups to LJ. A lot of the real olds had it over paper zines and the transition to the internet.
I don't know if reading these hilariously samey old posts would help. It does give perspective, I think.
As for what you should do, do what I did with Tumblr:
Look around to identify the Next Thing fandom is going to camp out on.
It may take a few guesses and some time to figure this out. You will likely not be an early adopter. Fandom was well established here by the time I joined at the end of 2010. Of course, by now, all those 2009 and before accounts are long gone, but at the time, I was a n00b joining other people's space despite having been in fandom for ages.
Don't expect to enjoy it
I didn't join tumblr because I liked it. In fact, I despised it. I kept right on despising it until a brief stint in Sherlock fandom, a fandom that was so active here at the time that I was able to finally see the good aspects of the site's structure and features.
This is the mistake a lot of people make. They give things a cursory try, don't enjoy them, and go "not for me", forgetting that the last site also had a steep learning curve that was either difficult or that they didn't notice because they were in a different phase of their life.
Bitterness and grief are, frankly, an inherent part of the process. You can try not to be a debbie downer in your public comments, but you can't just not feel those things during the awkward part of the transition. Sometimes, acting positive and cutting off excessively negative thoughts can make you feel less negative overall, but it doesn't happen immediately.
Accept that feeling cranky and old is both a you problem and a state of mind, not a property of the new site
Relatedly, the way we remember fandom platform X feeling usually has more to do with us being in college with fandom friends down the hall or having discovered Our People for the first time or some other time when we had a lot of energy and positive emotions. Often, we were in the throes of a first or new fandom love too, probably for some megafandom that other people also cared about at the same time.
When fandom is leaving some site, there's a grieving process anyway, but we're also often in a worse part of our lives for starting new things. We're busy. We're tired. We're between fandoms. We feel like we already paid our dues to build up our community. Why should we have to start again?
But let me tell you, you always need to start again eventually. I go to a weekly vidders' zoom chat, and a lot of the people in there are old as balls, including Kandy, the person who invented vidding back in the 70s. She's a lot of decades and a few cancers in, and she had to relearn how to vid on a computer after transitioning from slideshows to VCR vidding back in the day. If bad health, platform changes, and dead friends were going to stop her, she'd be long gone.
It's like sharks: you stop swimming, you die.
This isn't just about fandom, obviously. It's about avoiding a midlife crisis and, later, about avoiding feeling emotionally geriatric even when your body is falling apart.
Change gets us all, but being mentally old is a choice. The real reason I gave tumblr such a try was that I had been so resistant to getting on LJ. I was 20. Even a year later, it was fucking embarrassing to have been a crotchety old hag as a college student. I promised myself I'd soldier through the next change instead of dragging my feet about it. And it totally worked in the end! But boy did it not make the transition any less unpleasant emotionally!
Find your joy
As is obvious from the above, the vast majority of the problem is just emotions. Fandom has been on a million broken sites with shitty features. We go where the people are, regardless of whether it has the technological aspects we liked at the last place. The actual shape of that platform is largely irrelevant.
What does matter is whether we as an individual fan are still excited and happy about something. I was between fandoms recently and went looking around for BL series I hadn't watched yet. People kept suggesting things set in the present day with too-cheesy production values and too many banal schoolboys in modern day settings without even anything spicy going on. I realized that the BL/danmei scene wasn't really cutting it for me and I should go for production values and genre and non-canon ships. You probably scrolled annoyedly past the picspams that resulted.
(Of course, hilariously, someone has now shown me the trailer of Red Peafowl, so someone may be making BL that feels like it's for me after all. Look at all that badwrong and very dark color grading.)
When you're in a good place emotionally, it's a hell of a lot easier to weather any change, and when you have a new fandom, it's a lot easier to connect with other fans.
A lot of people wait around for lightning to strike twice. They found their first fandom by accident, and they expect it to happen seamlessly again. For me, it's far more productive to brute force it: collect up a big list of what's popular or what's new and go through it till you find things you might like, then try them all.
And part of this, obviously, is not waiting for other fans to make the party happen. The more you need to join something other people are already doing, the less choice you'll have in fandoms or in platforms. If you aren't picky and just go where the tropey longfic is, that can work, but even then, favorite authors disappear or go to fandoms you hate and former megafandoms dry up. If you're the one bringing the party, it's a lot easier to find a new fandom or platform or community to have fun in.
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areyoudreaminof · 2 months
Worth The Wait: An Elucien Week Playlist
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Happy Day One of @elucienweekofficial! Enjoy this playlist of songs about fate, love, and patience that I hope inspire you!
Tracklist and lyrics behind the cut!
Love Letter From the Sea to the Shore-Delaney Bailey
Cause you hold in my tide I would die a thousand times Just to see you in another life I think I loved you in a thousand ways 'Cause you remain stagnant on my trouble days No matter how far I drift away You'll be there when I come back one day
Silence-Before You Exit
Talking Why's everyone always talking? Noise in my head, but it’s nonsense I can't feel nothing Guarded Don't overthink how we started Knew from the second you walked in This could be something Everybody’s looking for a love to start a riot But every time I look in your eyes The world gets quiet
Comin' Around Again-Amber Marks
So let's see where the night goes Maybe love's comin' around again
Why Don't You-Cleo Sol
Why don't you just let go And quiet down your ego Don't complain about finance I know your daddy weren't a real man Go ahead and live your dreams To me you're stronger than a whole team
I wanna see you smile Even when you think I'm angry It's true it might take a while But it's between you and me
Homemade Holiday-babygirl
Homemade holiday Catching rays, wearing shades Inside, dead of the night Who needs pearly gates? You’re the same, hear your name I die, bye bye
Forever & Always-Zeph
Honey, now we're older, but we'll never age I don't think my love will ever start to fade My attachment to you isn't subject to change My heart's yours forever and always
The Day That I Met You-Matilda Mann
But then you called, only to say You'll never love somebody else this way And though I'm still battered and bruised I forgave the world the day that I met you
The people talk, it's background noise I don't wanna hear nobody else's voice There's somethin' sweet about your scent It's like lavender came and never left
Garden's Heart-Natasha Khan & Jon Hopkins
I hear a whisper in the trees Where I am you and you are me You need to find a way back here Remember what I said: The space that is in between You have to fight it
Love Sneakin’ Up on You-Bonnie Raitt
Fever turns To cold, cold sweat thinkin about things we ain't done yet Tell me now I gotta know, do you feel the same? Do you just light up at the mention of my name?
Till Forever Falls Apart-Ashe & FINNEAS
Out on our own Dreamin' in a world that we both know Is out of our control But if shit hits the fan, we're not alone
Jupiter-Flower Face
We can leave right now, never come back home You're all I need Forget everything that we used to be Take me to another place, fly me up to Jupiter We can run away But I'll always feel at home with you
Lucky For You- Novo Amor & Gia Margaret
Lucky for you I’m nothing without The thought of starting all my days With the mornings when I see you I’m bored of staring at my face Every morning when I need you
Old souls we found a new religion Now I'm swimming in that sin, baptism Peach colored skies we feel the sunrise Two lost angels discover salvation Don't you wish we could run away now?
Sardine Song-Lav
If I had a home It would be our tin can Caught in your red hair Breathing in salt and making you swear Please Who do I have to be? I'll dip myself in honey Climb into the spaces in between your teeth
Ends of the Earth-Lord Huron
To the ends of the earth, would you follow me? There's a world that was meant for our eyes to see To the ends of the earth, would you follow me?
Unicron Loev-Raleigh Ritchie
There’s something about you That takes my blues away Life’s nothing without you I can’t get through the days I’ll never be cynical ‘Cause you wouldn’t have it I believe in miracles, I believe in magic
Morning Dove-Genevive Stokes
We don't talk much When I'm around you I'm a statue When you're running I can't catch you But it's not time There's a way to your defiance so I'll wait to break thе silence
I'm On Fire-Bruce Springsteen
Sometimes it's like someone took a knife, baby, edgy and dull And cut a six-inch valley through the middle of my skull At night, I wake up with the sheets soakin' wet And a freight train runnin' through the middle of my head Only you can cool my desire Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire
Worth the Wait-Kali Uchis
Most people don't know how to love, that's why they're empty Nothing will ever be enough, that's why they envy Gotta be careful with my heart because I love deep
How Deep is Your Love?-PJ Morton
How deep is your love? I really need to learn 'Cause we're livin' in a world of fools Breaking us down, when they all should let us be We belong to you and me
Taglist: @born-to-riot @asnowfern @cauldronblssd @dawneternal @foundress0fnothing @goddess-aelin @goghwilde @kataravimes-of-the-shire @iftheshoef1tz @acourtofladydeath @chunkypossum @amandapearls @climbthemountain2020 @popjunkie42 @queercontrarian @rosanna-writer @tunaababee @temperedink @lainalit @xtaketwox @cursebrkr @octobers-veryown @separatist-apologist @separatist-apologist @the-lonelybarricade @jules-writes-stories @velidewrites @melting-houses-of-gold @panicatthenightcourt
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thedeathlysallows · 6 months
Is It Over Now? (10)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon; Aegon Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon
Summary: Red blood, white snow
Warnings: canon typical Targaryen incest. Aemond confesses Luke's fate. Aegon is a sneaky bastard. Sexual assault.
Tag List: @callsignwidow
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"Be careful, my darling!" Laenor, your father, calls out in worry as you dash ahead of him. "Dragons can be dangerous."
"Not Vermithor! He isn't mean, he's just lonely and sad because no one understands him." You cross your arms and whirl around to face Laenor who simply sighs in the face of your five year old stubbornness.
"You look like your Aunt Laena when you do that."
"That's what grandfather says."
Laenor scoops you up in his arms and carries you the rest of the way to Vermithor's favorite resting spot: a large valley on the south side of the island. It's the perfect resting spot for him really. The size is perfect for the grumpy old dragon to rest his wings when he grows tired of the sky or his volcano.
That's where you happened upon him the first time. He was toying with some poor sheep before devouring it whole, and you could only stand and watch in awe. When he turned his massive head to meet your eyes upon hearing your shocked gasp you knew right away Vermithor was yours.
Your parents tried to argue with you, of course. They told you he was too old and you too inexperienced.
"Do you think Vermithor and Vhagar are friends? Mother says they're close in age."
Laenor chuckles at your question and says, "perhaps. Would you like them to be friends?"
You think for a minute, tapping your finger against your chin. "Yes, actually. I think they'd be very good friends. Maybe they'll even fall in love one day?"
"Maybe, my darling." Laenor puts you down as the two of you reach the top of the valley and kneels before you. You can see Vermithor just below watching you with an unspoken joy. "But for now I'm afraid you must wake up."
You frown. This isn't how the memory goes. "What?"
"Wake up, Aemma." Laenor's voice shifts and fear grips your heart.
"Aemma, wake up!"
You bolt straight up in bed, pushing away the hands gripping your shoulders. Your heart thuds in your chest and your skin feels sticky from sweating in the warm summer air circulating your bedroom. Tears continue rolling down your cheeks. Aemond looks down at you with concern. You've been doing nothing but sleeping and crying since the coronation, and he isn't sure how to help you.
"Oh," you finally manage to say. "You've returned. How was Lord Baratheon."
"As stubborn as you'd expect." Aemond sits beside you, taking your hand in his. "I saw Lucerys at Storm's End."
You visibly perk up, desperate to hear anything about your family. "How is he?"
There are few people in Aemond's life that can read his expressions and read them truly. His mother, Helaena, and you. He knows he can't lie to you about what happened, but what else can he possibly say? Not a soul yet knows what happened between him and Lucerys because he couldn't have word of it getting back to you before he could tell you himself.
He flinches at the feeling of your hand caressing his cheek. He doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve you. You're too kind, too beautiful, too utterly pure for this world. He knows there isn't a possibility of forgiveness, but he can't live without you.
So Aemond takes a steadying breath and says, "there was an incident."
"What do you mean?"
"We departed Storm's End at the same time, but our dragons seemed to be under the impression it was a chase. Arrax attacked first and Vhagar followed suit. I tried to stop it, but neither dragon would listen."
You blink, drawing your hand away from Aemond's face. "Aemond, what are you trying to tell me?"
"Lucerys and Arrax perished. I never meant for things to get out of hand-"
The blood leaves your face and you're left with an icy, lightheaded feeling. "It doesn't fucking matter what you meant! My brother is dead!"
"He wasn't supposed to die!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry, did you try telling him that?" The venom in your voice is almost tangible and you hope it's enough to burn Aemond. "Get out."
"I said get out!"
Rather than fight you, Aemond retreats slowly. "I'll leave you to mourn in peace, wife."
Just as you hoped your words burnt Aemond, his burn you in return. "Don't call me that."
"You are my wife. I understand you're hurt, but that won't change the truth."
You choke back a sob, saying, "please, Aemond. Just go."
"As you wish. I'll return after I've met with the council."
You want to tell him not to bother, but the words won't come. Nothing comes except the irresistible beckoning of sleep. That's what you'll do. You'll go back to sleep and maybe this time Luke will be there along with your father.
But sleep won't come despite the heaviness of your eyelids.
You toss back and forth miserably for what could be minutes or hours, you don't know.
In the distance you can faintly hear the door open and close. Footsteps approach the bed, weight dips and shifts on the mattress, hands grab your waist and turn you over, you bury your face in his chest and breathe in the familiar scent of Aegon.
"I sent Aemond to keep an eye on the City Watch as they train," Aegon explains as he strokes your hair.
You say nothing in return. You aren't stupid. You aren't naive. You understand exactly why Aegon keeps sending Aemond on all these various errands and it makes your blood boil. He still sees you as a toy to fight over, to win. Even in the shadow of your brother's death all Aegon cares about is using your body.
As if in silent agreement with your thoughts, Aegon's hand slips beneath the thin cotton of your nightgown to cup your sex. His lips, once soft and inviting, feel harsh against your neck now. You wriggle against him, trying your best to force him off of you.
"I want you to leave," you tell him. "Get out of my chambers and bring Aemond back."
"You can't mean that, sweet girl." Aegon grinds his hard cock into your ass, nipping at your earlobe.
"I do."
Before you can fight him further, Aegon flips you over so you're pinned beneath him, his eyes burning with rage. He grabs your wrists and holds them above your head. You can feel the heat of his body through your gown and you hate yourself for the way it ignites a fire in your belly. Aegon is the reason for your current torment and yet you still find yourself craving him in some way.
"You don't mean that," he repeats. "Never say that again. Not you."
Aegon hates the blank look in your eyes. It's frightening, something he's never witnessed before. You've always loved him the most. Always.
"Tell me you don't mean it. Tell me!"
"I'll thank you to get off my wife, brother." Aemond's hand grips Aegon's collar firmly, leaving no option for Aegon except to listen.
You slowly sit up as Aegon's weight leaves you. The brothers glare at one another. You're unimpressed by their pissing match.
"I would like to write to my mother," you announce. "No, I will write to my mother."
"You can't," Aegon says without looking away from Aemond. "You'll have no contact with your traitor mother."
"What could I possibly tell her that would be so damning? I know nothing of your plans, all of you have made sure of that. Let me mourn with my family."
Both men are silent and you know the answer before Aegon says it.
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clawbehavior · 6 months
we're five episodes into Shogun, which means we're halfway through the series and all the major plotlines have been introduced and the characters characterized. and i'm starting to notice things. 
namely, toranaga is becoming increasingly unlikeable. it started when he abandoned blackthorne to die after being saved by the man hours earlier, but it reached its peak with the return of the young heir's mother and the reveal that she's using the council against toranaga to protect her son. because then what is toranaga going to war for? we were told via the dead king's widow that toranaga needs to protect the young heir against the council, but clearly that's not true. so what's he doing? it bothered me that toranaga could be so kind to the young heir, playing with him and advising him, while neglecting his own son, whose insecurity around his father was so transparent that he was easily manipulated into starting a war. but then i wondered if toranaga was showing his true self (his third heart) to his son. that scene where he says "you categorize everyone as enemies and friends when you only have yourself" implies that he sees everyone as a potential enemy, which can only happen if his self-interests are at odds with everyone else's. seeing the end of episode five, i think toranaga is not what he seems. we know he can be duplicitous. he plays uncle and nephew against each other so easily, getting rid of the problem of their growing power by doing so. i think the falcon motif that's ever present in the show represents toranaga, flying against the sun so his prey can't see him until it's too late (episode one). he's fooling everyone, including his allies, which brings me to my next point. 
mariko's story is not going to end well. i didn't know why this was a limited series with no chance of a season two until we got her backstory. mariko is straight up suicidal, just looking for a purposeful/honorable way to do it. if blackthorne can see this within days of meeting her, across a huge cultural divide and despite language differences, then toranaga has clocked this about her too, which doesn't bode well for her life. the mariko-blackthorne-husband love triangle subplot serves a deeper function of revealing her psyche to us.  she can't let go of her feelings of injustice and dishonor from her family's deaths. (the flashback we get of her past shows her father's haunted expression because that's how she remembers the event, with horror rather than disgust for his actions.) this is why she tells blackthorne the truth about her family when ordered to by her husband, even though blackthorne tells her to lie and tell him something else because her husband won't know. mariko can't let go of what happened to her family (and her husband doesn't let her). she's been spiritually dead for ages and the return of her husband from the dead not only means she cheated, which someone with her honor code can't live with, it means she cannot be happy with blackthorne. her tragic past coupled with her strong feelings towards honor/dishonor makes her easy for toranaga to use, though it's unclear for what.
interestingly, mariko and blackthornes' opposing ideologies are why they survived and found each other. mariko resists quietly, inside her soul (the eightfold fence), turning to her Christian faith and becoming devout and learned in Portuguese to speak with the priests. this is how she ends up as blackthorne's translator, a position of power and later romance. blackthorne, in contrast, resists outwardly and every step of the way. that scene where toranaga tells him to give up because he's outnumbered and blackthorne replies "unless i win" captures his character perfectly. he's going to fight until the last second, which is why he survives the journey to Japan, and why he gets separated from his men and integrated into a foreign culture, and why he steers the ship to safety rather than being left behind to die. that stubbornness to live shows up as a tendency for breaking all the rules, the result of which is meeting mariko and unintentionally getting her to fall in love with him. it's so fascinating how their ideologies have set them apart from their own people and brought them together while indicating their incompatibility. 
the show does a good job of layering characters and keeping them consistent, so i have faith that they'll return to yabushige's scary character. him torturing a sailor to death in pursuit of an existential question in a way so barbaric that it scares even the villagers did an excellent job in setting the tone of the show in episode one and setting the show apart from other historic period dramas. so it's disappointing to see him turn into a conniving goofball. hopefully this is a short term thing. 
i haven't been so intrigued by the political machinations within a show in a long while, probably since GoT. can't wait to see how the rest of it plays out 
gif below courtesy of @yocalio. look at toranaga's face shadowed in the sunlight. we don't fully know him.
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euryleli · 21 days
I don't think anyone from the byers-hopper family is going to die!
I would love to hear more about your theories regarding this subject if you really think there's an actual chance of characters like Will and El (or even Jonathan) dying in st5 - because from where I stand, I just... can't see it happening!
It doesn't make sense to me for a number of reasons!
First there's Will: a closeted gay teen from the 80s living his WORST life in smalltown, Indiana. Will, a boy who has been bullied his entire life not only by his peers but also by his own fucking father - all in the name of this inherent otherness he carries that's been associated with his queerness since episode 1 from s1!! The boy that's always described as kind, honest and sensitive - the little kid who changed the world of every single one of his loved ones with his absence. William Byers, the boy who went to hell, spent a week there and then came back all wrong, slowly losing his identity because he was fucking possessed by this otherworldly creature - who was burned out of him, mind you AND the after effects of his frolicking in the upside down for seven days straight and late possession by freaky monster #1 led to a connection that haunts him TO THIS DAY!
THEN (because it can't get better) we have stranger things season 3 and 4 where will byers gets beaten time and time again by forced conformity, internalized homophobia and, of course, the usual supernatural Horrors that we're all acquainted with (and that have a canonical narrative connection to all the issues previously mentioned but wtv)!
Ur telling me that this boy who hasn't known A SINGLE DAY OF PEACE in his LIFE (because Will had it bad before the upside down), who's the only confirmed gay character (as of now) AND the one who doesn't believe he can or even deserves love?? Is going to die??? This boy is not gonna have his happy ending? Will Byers, the starting point of this whole story is gonna be used as a pawn to... what? Further develop a straight relationship that actively hinders the arc of the female main character (El)? His death is gonna "complete" his arc and we'll deal with another case of the "Bury Your Gays" trope? Mike's character is gonna be buried alongside Will then because if his ending is one of conformity then all his actions throughout the series make no god-damned sense - basically he's just an asshole and an awful fucking friend? What the actual fuck??
So... Will dies, saves everyone but leaves Joyce and Jonathan completely heartbroken? Even when their love for Will is what kick-started the whole show? The show started with us rooting for them to find Will and they did!
But oh... wait... he died lol
It doesn't make sense, narratively speaking.
"What about El, then?" you ask!
Look, I'm slightly scared for her too but I genuinely think they're not gonna kill her off and the main reason is Hopper. What's the point of having Hopper grieve Sarah, his first daughter who tragically dies at a young age from cancer, just to make him start coping with her loss, bonding with El - actively viewing her as his family - to then take that family from him A SECOND TIME?? WHAT'S THE POINT OF THAT?
Aside from El's arc and her development as a young girl who was robbed of her childhood and sense of self for so long finally coming into her own person (not Hopper, not Mike, just El), killing her off is an efficient way to ruin not one but TWO of the most beloved characters in stranger things.
Having either Will, El or both of them dying in the finale would be a tragedy and yes, stranger things has it's moments where everything goes wrong and people die (and stay dead) but...
It's not supposed to be a tragedy.
That's not the kind of show we're watching.
Hell, you can say that they're going to kill the other family members then! But I don't see them killing Joyce or even Jonathan (although I can admit I'm not fully confident on that last one) because - again - it defeats the whole purpose of the show and Hopper came back from the dead already, the duffer brothers are not gonna kill him AGAIN (El grieving her father a second time is just as bad as Hopper grieving Sarah, then El)
The Byers are the heart of the show and sure... stranger things s3 and s4 kind of lost the plot on that front, but we're definitely getting back with willel and their final arcs in s5 (their family, now with Hopper and El, will be heavily featured in their development)
So, yeah...
Stranger Things is, fortunately, not a tragedy - and considering the love I have for all the characters (especially the Byers-Hopper) I can't say I'm upset about it.
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So here I am, unable to sleep again, because of the horrifying attack on Israel.
The stories keep coming out and for every new detail I find out, another part of my soul shatters.
[***massive trigger warning for the rest***]
I feel like I'm living in a parallel world to everyone who is not affected by this situation. It's been surreal to go about my work day and regular life as if the images of blood-soaked cradles, burned corpses, raped and wounded women, captives of all ages being taken away on vehicles, video of a small child being taunted for crying for his mother, body bags lined up in rows on the ground, torched cars and homes, and the raw grief of the surviving family members aren't burned onto the backs of my eyelids.
One account I read from a family member of the deceased was that she was beaten, raped in multiple ways and sticks shoved into each place, and left for dead. Another I came across spoke of a small child being forced to watch his parents tortured, killed, and hacked apart. Still another I saw was a report of several children bludgeoned to death so as not to "waste the bullets."
How can I possibly begin to process this?
These people look just like the people in my communities and the friends I've made across the sea. They have my Hebrew teacher's hair, my rabbi's cheekbones, they sound like the shinshinim kids we have each year. They look like the baby nephews of my fellow congregants. I could have davened next to any of them and never known. It is only sheer dumb luck that I don't personally know someone who has died or lost close family.
There has been a pit of dread in my stomach since Shimini Atzeret that will not go away. I find myself on the verge of tears at all times, yet have not been able to actually cry (which is not a good sign; an inability to express sadness in tears is a known post-trauma response for me) and I cannot rest normally. Sometimes I can distract myself for a bit, but the pain and grief rush back in immediately when I remember.
I can feel, in real time, this Jewish cultural trauma sinking into my bones.
And you might think I might be able to separate myself from it since I'm not there and don't have family there. But I can't, because I don't want to. I can't, because some tether bound me forever to the land as soon as my feet hit the ground there, and some part of my soul stayed behind when I left. I don't want to, because these are my people and so they are my adoptive family, even if I do not know them. I am my brother's keeper.
And so here I stand, half a world away from the danger, nervous and scared and grieving, searching our perfectly blue sky for signs of missiles that are not falling here and being startled constantly by the normal and unbroken landscape. The lush beauty of Midwestern autumn woods is juxtaposed in my mind with Middle Eastern walls painted in the blood of my people and their broken bodies beneath them. I see it in the waking light of day as clear as anything in front of me, and walk around like a person divided, in both places at once yet not being fully present in either. I cannot unsee it.
How can I possibly explain this? To myself? To the people actually having to live this nightmare? To the other people removed from the immediate physical danger but who do have blood relatives and/or other family there that they're just praying stay safe and come home at the end of the day? That they are constantly checking their phones for updates or even minimal signs that they're still alive?
The words fail me, but I the closest thing I have to an answer is love. I love my people and I would rather absorb this pain with them and carry it in my soul forever than look away from Jewish suffering. That is a promise I made by joining this people, that my fate would forever be bound up in the collective fate of klal Yisrael. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you stay, I will stay; your people shall be my people, and your G-d my G-d. Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. Thus and more may Hashem do to me if anything but death parts me from you.
אַל־תִּפְגְּעִי־בִ֔י לְעׇזְבֵ֖ךְ לָשׁ֣וּב מֵאַחֲרָ֑יִךְ כִּ֠י אֶל־אֲשֶׁ֨ר תֵּלְכִ֜י אֵלֵ֗ךְ וּבַאֲשֶׁ֤ר תָּלִ֙ינִי֙ אָלִ֔ין עַמֵּ֣ךְ עַמִּ֔י וֵאלֹהַ֖יִךְ אֱלֹהָֽי׃ בַּאֲשֶׁ֤ר תָּמ֙וּתִי֙ אָמ֔וּת וְשָׁ֖ם אֶקָּבֵ֑ר כֹּה֩ יַעֲשֶׂ֨ה יְהֹוָ֥ה לִי֙ וְכֹ֣ה יוֹסִ֔יף כִּ֣י הַמָּ֔וֶת יַפְרִ֖יד בֵּינִ֥י וּבֵינֵֽךְ׃
[רות א]
I do not take that lightly, and I feel it in my bones. Some core part of me shattered at the same time as the rest of my community.
I cannot, and I will not look away. I will not close my heart or shield myself from this tragedy. And I will not forget.
עַ֥ל נַהֲר֨וֹת ׀ בָּבֶ֗ל שָׁ֣ם יָ֭שַׁבְנוּ גַּם־בָּכִ֑ינוּ בְּ֝זׇכְרֵ֗נוּ אֶת־צִיּֽוֹן׃ עַֽל־עֲרָבִ֥ים בְּתוֹכָ֑הּ תָּ֝לִ֗ינוּ כִּנֹּרוֹתֵֽינוּ׃ כִּ֤י שָׁ֨ם שְֽׁאֵל֪וּנוּ שׁוֹבֵ֡ינוּ דִּבְרֵי־שִׁ֭יר וְתוֹלָלֵ֣ינוּ שִׂמְחָ֑ה שִׁ֥ירוּ לָ֝֗נוּ מִשִּׁ֥יר צִיּֽוֹן׃ אֵ֗יךְ נָשִׁ֥יר אֶת־שִׁיר־יְהֹוָ֑ה עַ֝֗ל אַדְמַ֥ת נֵכָֽר׃ אִֽם־אֶשְׁכָּחֵ֥ךְ יְֽרוּשָׁלָ֗͏ִם תִּשְׁכַּ֥ח יְמִינִֽי׃ תִּדְבַּֽק־לְשׁוֹנִ֨י ׀ לְחִכִּי֮ אִם־לֹ֢א אֶ֫זְכְּרֵ֥כִי אִם־לֹ֣א אַ֭עֲלֶה אֶת־יְרוּשָׁלַ֑͏ִם עַ֝֗ל רֹ֣אשׁ שִׂמְחָתִֽי׃
[תהלים קלז]
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 7 months
???: Hello? Who are you?
Ruby: I ... My Name's Ruby.
???: That's a lovely Name, you share it with my younger daughter. Where are you?
Ruby: I- I- ... You sound familiar ...
Summer: *Walking into view* What do you-
Ruby: ... Mom?
Summer: RUBY?!?!
Ruby: *Tearing up* MOM!
Summer: *Also Crying* RUBY!
They rush together, holding each other close, hugging so tight it had to be painful.
Summer: How- Why Are you here? You shouldn't- I-
Ruby: Mom, I'm sorry- I'm sorry- I did my best-
Summer: Ruby, Take a Breathe, and if anyone should be apologizing it's me. What Happened? Why are you here?
Ruby: I- I followed my dream of becoming a Huntress- I got into Beacon Early-
Summer: You What?
Ruby: I .. Got into Beacon ... Early?
Summer: Do you know what Ozpin's Deal is?
Ruby: I know that The Maidens and the Girl in The Tower are real. That and The Girl that fell through the world.
Summer: *Pinching her nose, clearly upset and worried* Okay. Is that why you're here.
Ruby: We- we were getting the Staff of Creation while Salem was actively attacking Atlas, and we made a path to Vacuo.
Ruby: Me, Yang, and our Teammates - and a Friend - Fell off the Path into the Ever After.
Summer: ... So the Jabberwocker got you?
Ruby: N-No ... Someone we fought along the way wanted me dead so ... she made me give Up. I drank her tea, which had a leaf in it- I-
Summer: You weren't killed?
Ruby: .. Not ... I ...
Ruby: *Crying again* I- I decided not to be me anymore ...
Summer: *Holding her cheek, also crying again* Oh, Ruby, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry you got caught up in all this. I'm sorry I couldn't stop Salem for you- I tried, and I'm sorry I failed. I'm sorry you chose to end your life ... But ... You haven't. Not yet.
Ruby: What do you mean?
Summer: You ... Aren't dead. You're ascending. Somewhere between Life and Death. You can still live.
Ruby: How? After every way I failed everyone-
Ruby: I made Atlas Fall! I Watched a Friend Die right in front of me Because I wasn't fast enough! Another friend sacrificed herself to save others, and She'd already Died once! Hell! My best friend since Day one got stuck here for half his lifetime, and now probably hates me!
Ruby: I've Gotten people Killed Mom! What good are Silver Eyes if I'm not good enough to save people without them!
Summer: ... Ruby. Did your plans fail because they were bad or because people got in the way of them? Have people died because you got them killed or because you were exhausted and got blindsided?
Summer: I don't know how old you are, but I'm guessing you can't drink yet, given how long I think it's been.
Summer: You're young. Just over half my age at most.
Summer: You got your hands on a Relic?
Ruby: On the Lamp and the Staff, but Salem stole them back, and she's got a maiden on her side.
Summer: Ruby, I never even saw the Relics. I never met a Maiden. I was born into a quiet life, and disappeared, with the amount of people knowing where I was able to be counted a hand that's lost three fingers.
Summer: You have gone so far and beyond what I did. I- I don't know that full story, obviously, but it feels like you're putting all the blame on yourself. You're amazing. You're strong, and smart, and kind.
Summer: Ruby Ginosa Rose. You are my Daughter, and I love you. I don't know what you have to do, but please, please don't let go of yourself completely just yet.
Ruby: ...
Summer: I can only imagine how hard it's been on you, But I trust you to pull through. You've gotten help if you've got a team at your back. Even if you don't, someone else will. Try and find the people that would keep walking after you fall and try to team up with them. you'll make even bigger strides together.
Ruby: ... Thanks Mom. I ... I needed to hear that. Thank you.
Summer: ...
Ruby: ... Yang's got a girlfriend!
Summer: That's great to know Ruby, But I think it's time for you to head back out.
Ruby: *Beginning to fade from this place* Yeah, YEah! I can do this, The world can do this! Thanks Mom! Love you!
Summer: I love you too rosebud, and Tell Yang I miss and Love her a lot too!
Ruby: *Continuing to fade*
Summer: Oh and one more thing!
Ruby: *Almost gone to the Blacksmith* Hmm?
Summer: If I see you within the next Fifty Years You are grounded Missy!
Ruby: *Fully disappearing* You got it Mom-
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notmorbid · 6 months
the hike.
dialogue prompts from the hike: a novel by drew magary.
this is a dream. this is not a physically possible situation.
it would take nothing to kill you. an infected mosquito could do it.
i had to see you one more time.
you haven't aged a day. literally.
any beer is good beer.
my favorite part of the party is when the party is over.
i wish i hadn't fucked up with you.
guys always get too serious too quickly, and they never realize it until it's too late.
sometimes the moment gets away from you, and that's it.
i need to use your phone.
i feel safest here, in my home.
i didn't forget my promise to you.
are you really not coming with me?
i'm getting used to disappointment.
i have to know now, regardless of how terrible it is.
i can't go back in there alone.
did i eat a bad mushroom or something?
how'd you get that scar?
people always say they're sorry. it does nothing for me.
well, fuck him. is that a better reaction?
it's okay. you don't have to say anything.
if you can't sail, you better be good at swimming.
you're not dead. that's pretty impressive.
i don't have to explain anything to you.
i'd shut my eyes tight, if i were you.
the last part of any journey is always the longest.
it's not much farther, i swear. you're doing really well.
look at you. you're as cute as a button.
tell me about them. your family.
it's okay to be glad it's all over. that you can finally move on with your life.
you need to make me a promise, you whiny baby.
don't give up, no matter how long it takes. no matter what it takes for you to keep going. promise me you won't stop.
you're assuming there's a reason behind all of this.
that's completely unrealistic, anatomically speaking.
i need to be in a constant state of awareness.
even if you think i'm sleeping, i'm not. i'm saving my energy.
fighting is the most exhausting thing in the world.
i don't know what they do in there, and i don't want to know.
where did you come from? who are your parents?
when you're happy, you don't question how that came to be.
horses are for rich girls and old men.
i would wear pajamas to a funeral.
just come here for a second. let me hug you.
i have doubts every second, but all i can do is move forward.
you won't always be alone. you'll have company.
you can adjust to anything if you're willing to live on.
stay where you are and hold on, because i will come back.
that happened, didn't it?
if i die, you can eat me. it's alright. but you can't start eating me before i'm dead.
don't joke about that. bad ideas always start out as bad jokes.
just because god loves you doesn't mean he can save you from suffering.
we have homes so that we can leave them.
i'm not quite dead yet.
mathematics are the language of the devil.
it's not a prayer if you don't mean it.
the world changes, but people act the way people always do.
what i want hasn't mattered for a long time now.
i don't want to be around long enough to disappoint you.
it's love. love doesn't require an explanation.
the only reason i'm still alive is out of sheer habit.
half the people who survive don't know how or why they did it. i know i don't.
you can get away with anything if you just say you did it with honor.
i've gotten good at being alone again.
you're like a bad yearbook photo come to life.
wisdom is so terribly overrated.
you can't go back. you know too much now.
i'll stay here forever with you, if that's how much time you need.
everyone needs to have something inside them that no one else can have.
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thestalkerbunny · 4 months
New Concept: Ghost Dnd Campaign
Whether it be out of ignorance for their deaths, a sense of dissatisfaction, a lacking desire to move on or sheer stubbornness-many spirits remain on the mortal plane-in a place between life and death that Occult Experts refer to as....The Haunting Plane. Unable to cross over and only slightly able to interact with the physical world; ghosts are often bound to places where they died and the circumference around it. In this case-a very large house.
You live in a house with your fellow ghosts. You are all of varying ages, varying backgrounds, varying time periods and even varying death days. While you all may not get along and have your disputes-you're here together for the foreseeable forever. So you all make it work and in a way, you're just a very unconventional blended family/roomates situation.
That is until the house is bought by the one thing that is a greater threat to Ghost kind than the Ghost Busters or Spiritual Medium Influencers: House Flippers seeking to Gentrify a beautiful old house into a modern minimalist hellscape and probably put it up as a rental for a sky high price unaffordable to the living wage.
The goal is simple; get rid of the new owners at ALL COSTS. If they renovate the part of the house you died in TOO much-you'll begin to fade from this world, not to the afterlife, but to somewhere where light touches nothing. The true terror of a ghost-to be completely erased from existence. However if parts of your house is restored with loving intent for preservation-you will become stronger.
Use your 'Classes' as different styles of ghosts. A Barbarian or a Fighter makes an excellent ghost to throw things-while a Wizard or a Sorcerer class could help you manipulate the arcane in your favor.
Roll Dexs to manipulate locks, windows and doors; Stength to throw objects. Constitutions to save against sage smudging and house blessings. Intelligence to manipulate new strange technology these house flippers are bringing in; Wisdom to know how to interact and use occult relics that are brought in to your advantage. And of course, a little Charisma with the Ouija board always helps.
Abilities like animal handling can be used to influence the vermin living in the house; Intimidations for more aggressive haunters. Use your Historical knowledge of the house to your advantage-or try your luck with the Arcane and try your hand at possessing an unlucky mortal to do your bidding.
Most common mortals can't see you; especially if they are close minded to the idea of a ghost-while open minded mortals; such as Children, Superstious folks and often times angsty goth teens hoping there's something at the very least beyond this experience we call life-are more prone to being able to see the dead. Make allies or enemies of these people-but don't let them die under your roof. Unless you want to end up with yet another spectral roommate.
Animals like dogs and cats can signal to your presence and may expose you if you're trying to go in for a scare; learn to evade them or distract them to keep the suspense and make the scare land.
Make your house a haunted home; or find an unlikely balance with mortals who GET you-the choice is always yours.
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Opinion not requested about ships with Spider 😃
How long do they stay togheter?
Forever, if they don't die togheter the other dies in the next year or so, they just can't live without the other so Eywa takes the other away.
For 10 years maybe? It doesn't end well. Lo’ak finds something in Tsireya that Spider doesn't have, so sadly Spider brokes up with Lo’ak, and Lo’ak is not happy about it.
They stop talking to eachother, and for another 20 years they don't speak to eachother, then they see eachother again, both have new families.
They come to peace and return friends, but in their mind there is always the "What if" of their love story
So, if we follow the canon
Maybe 3 years, after Spider lose Neteyam, he is so heartbroke and traumatised by the circumstances that he decides to not mate or marry with someone ever.
If we don't follow the canon, they are pretty much like spiri
Can't and won't live without the other, yes they had some breakups but in time a week they were togheter again.
50 years,
Spider is growing into old, he knows he will die before his mate so one day he just dissapers.
Not even their kids know where he goes, Rotxo is so heartbroken that he doesn't want to hear stories and decides to close in on yourself, being there only for his kids and grandkids.
He grows to be a grumpy old man, them after 5 years without Spider, news arrives.
Spider died of old age, and his body was returned to his kids.
They bury him as tradional trafionts of metkayina people.
When almost a year later Rotxo finally goes to him and ask him why.
Spider tells him, and Rotxo is so heartbroken
His mate decided to leave him so his dead wouldn't have been deep for him.
He returned his sunshine self, and died 30 years later.
Aonung + Spider
Forever them too,
Spider changed Aonung for the good, unfortunately he was banned from the metkayina clan.
His parents couldn't even look at him, disgusted that he was now mated with a human, still Aounung followed Spider into the Omatikaya clan.
He was blind by his love for him, and Spider made sure he will not regret being blind.
I like to think that they died togheter, embraced to eachother.
Eywa just wanted them to not suffer a single day without the other.
Tsireya + Spider
6 months, Spider was so in love and so was Tsireya, since their eyes met they knew.
But Spider knew that Lo'ak loved Tsireya too much, he knew Tsireya was the one and only one for him and he knew Tsireya proved the same.
She loved him, but there was something in Lo'ak, the way she looked at him even after he said the most dumb thing ever.
So he secretly broke up with her, one day he was there, with her holding hands and kissing and the other he was in the forest far away from the sea.
They never saw eachother again.
Locorro + Tsireya
They last forever, Spider doesn't have to go away because both Tsireya and Lo'ak are already togheter.
They just want him too in the relationship.
And who is Spider to say no?
So is like this, Spider is basically the stay home dad, meanwhile his other two partners are out.
They are an happy couple
Spiri + rocorro
They too stay togheter forever, although Spider is still scared about the fact that Rotxo heart will be broken when he will die.
So he asks Kiri what they should do, and Kiri uses her jesus Pandora powers and makes him live 50+ years more.
That it bye
Ooh, very interesting! First of all, for me when we're talking about a ship I have a hard time not imagining the relationship lasting until the end of time forever in that universe it's taking place in, I can't handle if they break up. So you've hurt me a little bit with this. Endgame always for me. Like, Lo'ak and Tsireya both not being satisfied with just Spider? Well fuck off that's the saddest thing I've ever heard.
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Doing this for the first time ever and here we go--
So, a few days ago I say people doing something called wip wednesdays, and that looked fun, so here's mine--
It's a one-shot for my drabble series, and not edited AT ALL, so have your pinches of salt ready.
Is it really fair to have one’s life reduced to seventeen years?
It’s kind of ironic, isn't it, Caroline asks herself, to live, die, live again, and then promptly die once again promptly in the same year?
She’s sixteen, she’s seventeen, and then she’s seventeen forever.
Well, not anymore. She’s dying.
She’s almost dead.
Caroline’s favourite grandmother, her mom’s mother, had early onset Alzheimer’s since she was forty-nine. Caroline remembers visiting her at the old age home, watching her beloved grandmother pinch her cheeks and ask her mother what she and her lovely daughter were doing at a place like this.
She remembers the lucidity. A few precious moments every few months, when her grandmother would remember who she was and Caroline and her mother rushed to the home to spend those few minutes with her, celebrating the fact that she recalled them.
It always felt fake, to Caroline. Something unreal. Another effect of the disease slowly eating away at her grandmother.
Similar to the disease that’s eating away at her. She’s been hallucinating since an hour, plagued by memories, mostly of her grandmother and her parents. The period right now, the one where she’s just lying on her bed, waiting for her hallucinations and the poison from the werewolf bite to just take over her, wating to succumb to the pain because she just can't—
She can't—
That’s her lucidity.
Calling her mom is hopeless. She loves her so much, so blindly, that her mother’s spent the last hour just searching for a cure to werewolf venom, when in fact, there isn't one.
Well, not one that’s going to be given to her anytime soon, anyway.
So Caroline waits. Waits for the poison coursing through her veins to kill her without even trying. Because what's even the damn point, when she can't even have her stupid birthday in peace without dying, again.
And the hallucinations must be reaching a point where she’s nearly dead, because they’re getting more and more vivid, because there’s no way Klaus Mikaelson would be in her room.
She cracks open her eyes.
There he is.
He’s standing at her door, looking at her as if she’s—
He doesn’t care. Whatever’s on his face, he just doesn’t care. Live or die, Caroline Forbes, Klaus Mikaelson couldn’t give a flying fuck about you. You're just a pawn in his game, something to be sacrificed. She’s a test subject to make sure the sire bond worked.
She’s nothing. And he agrees.
So she says, “Are you going to kill me?”
She hates that her possible last words sound so resigned. So weak, so pathetic, when she promised herself that at least her death would be prouder than how her life had been.
Caroline Forbes, born 1992, died 2009. She didn’t do anything worth living in those measly seventeen years that she got. Go on, Klaus, rip her head off. It isn't like she can do anything to stop you anyway.
Klaus’s eyebrows pull back, his lips parting slightly, as if he’s actually surprised. “On your birthday?”
It doesn’t shock her that he knows today’s her birthday. He could have known her social security number and she wouldn’t have been surprised. She makes no effort to show him any emotion when he continues, “Do you really think that low of me?”
She could have laughed if it weren't so pathetic. Was he kidding her? She was dying because of him and he had the audacity to ask her if she thought he was a lowlife? There had to be some amount of shame in the man, right?
Clearly not.
“Yes,” she rasps out, not bothering to keep the contempt out of her voice.
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fullstcp · 4 months
"If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power" by Halsey Sentence Starters
"Take what you want, take what you can."
"Take what you please, don't give a damn."
"Ask for forgiveness, never permission."
"This is tradition."
"You can't take it back, it's good as gone."
"I hope what's left will last all summer long."
"Don't call me by my name."
"All of this is temporary."
"Maybe I could hold you in the dark."
"You won't even notice me depart."
"I reckon I'm headed to Hell instead."
"Don't wait for me."
"It's not a happy ending."
"You've got better lips than Judas."
"Who the fuck would choose this?"
"I'm only whatever you make me."
"You make me more and more a villain every day."
"It's in your image I'm made."
"I lost all my faith and lost all hope."
"I gave myself away for you."
"You liar, you don't love me too."
"My heart is massive, but it's empty."
"Losing you is easier than lying to myself that you love me."
"I'm perfection when it comes to first impressions."
"I romanticize and then I get to stressing."
"I don't need a fucking introduction."
"You know I get too caught up in a moment."
"I can't call it love if I show it."
"I just fuck things up if you noticed."
"You'd let anybody with a body control you."
"The more that you have, the more that they take."
"I'm not your daydream."
"I'm not a walk in the park."
"I keep waiting for luck to come swallow me up."
"I don't know what you want from me."
"Now what the fuck does this all mean?"
"You asked for this now."
"Is this the life that lies ahead now?"
"I wanna ruin all my plans."
"I want everything I asked for."
"Don't you weep."
"There's a place for me."
"Couldn't really tell you where they'd leave a stone to visit me when I am dead and gone."
"I'll see you in your dreams."
"Head fast toward the light."
"Only you have shown me how to love being alive."
"Until it's time to see the light, I'll make my own with you each night."
"I won't die for love."
"I've got a body here to bury."
"You could have my heart and I would break it for you."
"I try to be careful with the thing inside my chest."
"I'll leave if you let me."
"Please don't leave."
"Don't leave me in the shape you left me."
"I know that I won't forget."
"I love every second, it's fucking fantastic."
"Good things aren't easy to get."
"Sabotage the things you love the most."
"You do not want this."
"Why do you need love so badly?"
"I bet that you're right and I'll show you in time."
"Isn't it lonely?"
"These are the standards to which you can hold me."
"I am not a martyr, I'm a problem."
"I am not a legend, I'm a fraud."
"Maybe I could be a different human in a new place."
"I just wanna feel something."
"I'm better all alone."
"Keep your heart 'cause I already got one."
"I'm ready to leave it."
"It really does hurt when you love someone."
"From a tender age, I was cursed with rage."
"I went swimming with the Devil at the bottom of a lake."
"There is a lighthouse."
"I'll lure you like a landslide."
"I'll show you lovely things."
"A sailor ain't a savior 'cause they only tell you lies."
"I never wanted saving, I just wanted to be found."
"I get undertones of sadness when I think about the moments that I never got to spend with you."
"The longing leads to leaving. And the loving leads to bleeding."
"Your beauty is a blessing."
"I think we could live forever."
"I'll always see my youth in you."
"You will bury me before I bury you."
"Take my life and take my soul."
"Wrap me in a wedding ring."
"You know I swear I'd give you anything."
"I keep a record of the wreckage in my life."
"They talk shit, but I love it every time."
"I ain't got nothing to smile about."
"I got no one to smile for."
"I don't owe you a goddamn thing."
"I'm no sweet dream, but I'm a hell of a night."
"Kindness is weakness, or worse, you're complacent."
"I could play nice or I could be a bully."
"I'm tired and angry, but somebody should be."
"Someone like me can be a real nightmare."
"Everybody knows that people disappear here."
"You're not another hit and run."
"I pinch myself to make sure that I'm real."
"I need someone to tell me how to feel."
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starter-library · 11 months
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THE GUY WHO DIDN'T LIKE MUSICALS LYRIC STARTERS feel free to change phrasing/pronouns as you see fit
“Musicals tell the impossible (impossible) They evoke the philosophical”
“Should we kill him?”
“What an ass! What a bitch! What a cuck!”
“The apotheosis is upon us”
“Where the fuck is he?”
“You gotta believe in something, [name], you piece of shit”
“[Name] you piece of shit”
“Sometimes I just wanna shout on top of roof and mountain tops”
“Yesterday is retroactive Got myself a new perspective”
“What the fuck was that?”
“I may not have a home but that's way okay”
“The world is my house, The dogs are my food”
“Uh, what's going on here?! I'm very confused and concerned by all this”
“Do you wanna save the planet?”
“What do you want, [name]? Tell me what you desire to see”
“So, what do you want, Paul? What's that one concrete goal that motivates all your actions?”
“I don't know, I want what anyone wants? Money, a partner? Kids, someday, maybe?”
“A man so vague just can't be trusted”
“D'you know what I want for myself? I've waited for so long to tell somebody else.”
“You're my muse, my source of light”
“[name] my love. I want you to choke me out at night”
“I want you to choke me while I jerk off”
“I'm gonna go get some coffee, do you want anything?”
“Get your cup of roasted coffee”
“Get your cup of poisoned coffee”
“You better empty out all of them pockets but don't empty out all of them pockets”
“Check your mirror, you'll find hell has arrived”
“Do the things I say, I'm a cop”
“Put in your mouth and suck it!”
“Oh, [name], please stop! I'm your wife, just talk to me, baby!”
“God, we were young once. Innocent and fun once and free”
“You tied up my heart, You tied me down”
“Now break me open with your love and mercy”
“[name], baby! Apple of my eye! Don't you trust me?”
“I've effed up, [name], effed up with you”
“Will you ever forgive me? I'll crawl on my hands and knees”
“Oh fuck, I'm fading fast, I think you better come quick”
“I really don't wanna die alone in here. Time to say our goodbyes at the end of the road”
“This body's not gonna last, the air is cold and thick”
“You brought me back from the dead, [name]!”
“The time for chaos is long past overdue”
“Death isn't optional in fact it’s optimal”
“Join us and die”
“We're gonna kick your ass and then we're gonna Fucking kick your ass”
“I'm not your girl anymore”
“You left me out of your sight for one second and look what happens, nightmare time”
“No matter what you believe The apple's fallen far from the tree”
“It's not my fault anymore”
“Did you know that I wanted to live with you?
“Why does it hurt to love you? Why am I in pain?”
“If I turned my insides out, would you even know that I was there?”
“A show stoppin' number is something you die for”
“This song's pretty good, huh? I bet you didn't know I was also a composer”
“I've also been writing my own musical…Do you mind if I give you the pitch?”
“But those glory days, they're gone for good…Or are they?”
“Business calls, I'm up to my ass in shit. What is this business?”
“Last weekend feels like ages ago”
“I can't wait to get home to my boys”
“Come on, [name] We've got some catching up to do”
“There's only room for right and wrong”
“You can't run”
“You're staring down the gun 'Cause you're easily disposed”
“Did you hear the word?”
“Is your heart so damp and bleak that you won’t give us a peek of your soul?”
“There's a voice inside of you on the edge of coming through”
“Am I dead? I’m coming apart at the seams!”
“I’ve never been happy wouldn’t that be nice?”
“Is my integrity worth anything at all?”
“Am I crazy? Maybe I’ve always been”
“What if I told you I made it and this is the life that I chose?”
“Do you believe in ghosts?”
“Don't you want to see me happy? Is it so tragically wrong?”
“We must go on with the show it's inevitable”
“I found my calling you can do the same now”
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