#we love and respect captain rex
miss-musings · 4 months
Parallels between Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and Crosshair from "The Bad Batch"
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Both of them are fiercely loyal to the people they care about
Both of them are absolute SassMasters
Both have a scar/tattoo over their right eye
Neither had a proper childhood, as they were both trained for combat starting at a young age
Both have special abilities/enhanced senses compared to the average human, and they were trained (read: groomed) because of it
Both of them were part of a unique brotherhood (the Jedi and the clones, respectively) that, at one point, spanned the entire galaxy during The Clone Wars
Both have a complicated relationship with an older brother/father figure in Obi-Wan and Hunter, respectively
Both lost their right hands in a fight with an evil counterpart (Although, for Crosshair, this happens much later in his life)
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As I pointed out in a separate post, in "The Clone Wars" Episode 7.02 "A Distant Echo," we get a moment of foreshadowing with these two characters.
In the episode, Anakin and his friend/captain Rex and the four original Bad Batch brothers are on a rescue mission together. About halfway through the episode, there's a moment where the six of them split up to search a tower. They're basically at a T-intersection, and while the other four go one way, Crosshair and Anakin go the other.
(Link to a gif post of the moment here.)
These characters literally take the same path.
By doing so, they are separating themselves from their loved ones (Anakin from his friend Rex, Crosshair from his brothers) and choosing the opposite path.
I realize this might've been unintentional on the writers' part, because I'm not sure if "The Bad Batch" series was in production yet when TCW Season 7 released, but holy hell! That's some insane foreshadowing right there!!
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Both betrayed their brothers and other loved ones by deciding to serve the Empire, and it's around the same time in-universe
Order 66 specifically becomes a pivotal moment in their respective stories. For Anakin, it's when he first takes on the name and mantle of Darth Vader and exterminates the Jedi; for Crosshair, it's when he's first torn away from his family due to the Empire's mind control via the inhibitor chip
Both have at least one opportunity to come back but decide to continue serving the Empire/Dark Side of their own accord (Anakin on Mustafar in ROTS // Crosshair on Kamino in TBB S1 finale)
While their battle attire was dark-colored before they betrayed their loved ones and started serving the Empire, afterward, both characters start wearing all-black armor
Despite all their loyalty and sacrifices, their masters/employers are ready to throw them away the minute they find a better or more convenient replacement
Both were burned while trying to kill their older brother/father figures
Both initially had hair, but after being burned and getting scarred on their heads, we only ever see them bald on-screen
Both seem to suffer from an "in for a penny, in for a pound" mindset, which is partly why they stay with the Empire for so long
While serving the Empire, both commit all of the war crimes!! 😬
Both have multiple scenes of them killing their own officers/troopers, and they both seem to take some amount of pleasure in doing so
Blinded by anger and rage, both are ready to hunt down their older brother/father figures at a moment's notice, and ultimately attempt to kill them several times (Vader in the "Obi-Wan Kenobi" series // Crosshair in TBB Season 1)
Both attempt to kill their own kid at least once. (Vader in ANH // Crosshair in TBB Season 1)
(Side note: if you don't think of Crosshair as one of Omega's dads, I recommend you review my post about S3 Crosshair speed-running Hunter's Dad Arc and/or my CrossDad S3 episode ranking. Because, if you're not on board with the idea that Crosshair is Omega's dad, you're not going to enjoy the rest of this post.)
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There’s a whole plot line about them trying to find their kid at a secret base (Vader in ESB // Crosshair in TBB Season 3)
When confronted by their kid, both characters believe they are undeserving or too far gone to be forgiven/redeemed (Vader: "It is too late for me, son" // Crosshair: "Omega. Don't risk anything for me. I belong in here.")
At some point, both characters' kids challenge them on their true intentions and decisions to stay with the Empire. (Luke to Vader: "Then my father is truly dead." // Omega to Crosshair: "I wanted to believe it was the inhibitor chip that made you like this, but I was wrong.")
Both of them ultimately find redemption and forgiveness because their blonde kid refused to give up on them (Luke to Vader: "I know there is good in you. The Emperor hasn't driven it from you fully." // Omega to Crosshair: "You're still their brother, Crosshair. You're my brother too.")
A large part of their redemption arcs is saving their kid from being held hostage and tortured by the Empire (Vader saving Luke from the Emperor & the Death Star // Crosshair helping Omega escape Tantiss both times)
While a much larger battle impacting the fate of the galaxy rages on nearby, both characters' final on-screen act -- the climax of their respective stories -- is saving their kid from one of the Empire's worst villains (Vader saving Luke from the Emperor // Crosshair saving Omega from Hemlock)
Both of them ultimately help thwart Palpatine’s plans for immortality/reincarnation(?) by destroying his primary body and his cloning facility on Tantiss, respectively
Their final on-screen reunions with their kids are very personal and emotional. For Vader and Luke, it's the only time they see each other face-to-face. For Crosshair and Omega, it's the first time they ever hug on-screen.
Their last lines of on-screen dialogue are talking about their daughters with another family member (Vader to his son Luke: "Tell your sister you were right" // Crosshair to his brother Hunter: "If I'm off -- I can't risk Omega.")
The final shots of them on-screen are a 'family portrait' type pose with their older brother/father figure and other loved ones, and their kid/s are nearby
(This list is subject to edits/additions if I think of anything else! If you have any ideas, include them in the comments or reblogs. Thanks!)
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One-Shot: Rebels!Rex x Arachnophobic!Reader
Rebels-era Captain Rex x arachnophobic!gn!reader
Word Count: 3,600
Warnings: Arachnophobia, fear, suspicion of treason, blaster threats, spider death
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It was shockingly easy to trade away a patrol shift. 
Granted, not everyone loved patrols. Especially when the weather was slated to be poor or if you were assigned an overnight patrol. Fortunately, you were willing to do anything else. Kitchen work, ammunitions inventory, latrine duty… you weren’t picky. 
And there was always someone willing to negotiate for a trade. 
It probably helped that Chopper Base was so small. For all you knew, it was the only permanent Rebellion base, and you saw the same faces every day. That was bad for a variety of reasons, both personally and for the sake of the Rebellion, but it meant you knew exactly where to go when you wanted to work out a trade. 
Which was why you were extra confused when Captain Rex walked up to you in the mess hall, knocked twice on the surface of your table, and jerked his chin toward the door. “C’mon, patrol time.” 
You stared at him, aghast. The mess hall was spotless, thanks to your hours of hard work the night before. All of that had been done specifically because you had traded shifts with Pynsu, who was supposed to be on patrol with the captain that night. 
“No, I had KP last night,” you countered shakily. “Pynsu is on patrol tonight. We traded.” 
Captain Rex gave you the single most unimpressed look you had ever seen a human wear. “I’ve memorized every rule, protocol, and procedure the Rebels have come up with. None of them say anything about trading away a duty you were assigned. Let’s go.” 
You would have loved to argue further, but there were two major problems. First, as a captain, Rex outranked you and almost everyone else who consistently worked on Chopper Base. Second, he had already walked away. You had no choice but to dump your tray and awkwardly trot along after him. 
The captain didn’t make it easy to catch up and you were breathing heavily by the time you were trailing at his heels. His pace was brisk, and catching your breath took forever. Still, you had the time since you were apparently starting your patrol on the far side of the base that evening. 
Despite your burning lungs, you didn’t ask Captain Rex to slow down. How could you? He was the most well-known person on Chopper Base, and easily the most highly respected these days. 
His status as a war hero from the days of the Clone Wars was a mark in his favor. He had been a captain then, just as he was now, and he had served alongside some of the most famous Jedi generals. Though the accelerated aging built into clone genes was clearly starting to affect him, Rex was still tough and strong, his tactical skills easily on par with the best Rebel strategists. He was, in short, a living legend.
And, at this particular moment, you were impressed by his cardiovascular health and the fact that he wasn’t even breathing heavy after speed-walking up a hill.
When you reached the makeshift fence of border spikes driven into the ground, you slowed and stopped, trying not to openly clutch at your side. Fortunately, Captain Rex stopped in the same place so you didn’t seem to be giving up entirely. 
The moon was bright overhead, giving excellent visibility of the hills and strange rock outcroppings that surrounded Chopper Base. It was close to the perfect spot for a base - on enough of a hill that you could easily see anyone attempting to sneak up from the surrounding area, but nestled deep enough that you weren’t immediately apparent to anyone who may fly overhead. And no one flew overhead. 
But you cursed the bright moon and the clear view of the surrounding areas for the same reason you didn’t think Chopper Base was the perfect solution many of the Rebellion had believed it to be: the spiders. 
The instant you had gotten close enough to hear the hum of the border spikes, you could see the lurking gray blobs of the spiders and feel the vibrations of their ever-shifting legs hitting the ground. The creatures bobbed back and forth outside of the fence, and you weren’t sure whether they were waiting for an opening or trying to hypnotize you into leaving the safety of the fenced-in base. 
Either way, you dropped your gaze and tried not to shudder.
“Nice night.” 
The bland, almost laughable comment was the first thing either of you had said since you left the mess hall, and you turned to stare openly at Captain Rex. 
You supposed that, if you took the night at face value and ignored the hulking arachnids lurking nearby, it was a nice night. Between the spiders and the bats that occasionally swooped past overhead, the bugs were well under control. The nighttime temperature was almost perfect, and you had already noted the brightness of the moon. If you weren’t terrified, it would have been almost serene. 
If the captain was bothered by the shortness of your answer, he didn’t say anything about it. You stood in companionable silence, Rex scanning the surrounding perimeter while you kept your eyes fixed on the ground just outside of the border spikes. 
“You know something I don’t?”
Rex’s question came as another surprise, largely due to the fact that you had been standing guard in silence for almost ten minutes. 
“Sorry?” you asked, trying to focus. By this point, Captain Rex wasn’t going to think you were a true asset to the Rebellion, but you could manage to sound like a halfway intelligent person. Probably. 
He nodded at the ground. Specifically, the section you had been watching. “Looks like you’re expecting an attack from underground. Something I should know about?” 
You forced a laugh, though it held a hint of a shudder. You could hear one of the spider’s jaws clicking even from where you were standing. But you pushed away the awareness of your crawling skin and pulled your gaze upward. And when making direct eye contact with a spider made you want to gasp, you tipped your head further back until you were staring up at the sky. 
“Closer,” Rex commented. “At least you’ll be the first to notice if the Empire launches a ship against us. Want to try one last time?” 
In fact, you didn’t want to, but you let your eyes drift down once more. You were focusing intently on the foreground, as if you were trying to count the dust particles in the air. It didn’t work as well as you’d hoped, and your attention was soon captured by one of the spiders. 
You shuddered, and it was only luck that the captain had turned to look in the other direction when you did. You weren’t ashamed of your arachnophobia, per se… except when you were being particular arachnophobic in front of a living legend and war hero. 
It didn’t help your confidence that Rex was still an extremely handsome man.
“I don’t want to believe you’re a traitor.” 
The statement was calm and quiet, enough so that you didn’t immediately react. For a strange moment, you actually thought he had been talking to himself. But there was a new, terrible tension in the air and you could sense how still he was standing behind you. 
You glanced back over your shoulder at him. He was standing as casually as he had been when you had first arrived at the location, but you noticed for the first time that he had a set of dual blaster pistols strapped to his hips. Rex’s hands weren’t quite touching the grips of those pistols, but they were within easy grabbing distance of the weapons.
Suddenly, you got the feeling they weren’t just for protection from spiders or Imperial infiltrators.
You turned around slowly to face him, easing your hands upward and out to your sides. Whatever was going on, you didn’t want to do anything that would lead to a blaster wound. Or worse.
“Why do you always trade shifts?” Rex asked. Now that you were looking directly at him, you could see the bleeding sharp focus in his dark eyes. 
“I don’t like patrol duty,” you explained.
Rex’s hands dipped lower, drifting close to his blasters. “And it’s just a coincidence that the shifts you trade for end up with you cleaning the comms room alone overnight?” 
As soon as you heard the uncertainty in your own voice, you winced. It wasn’t a lie - it really was a coincidence. You had just… never thought about that before. Yes, you were often alone in the comms room, but that was because you were usually there in the small hours of the morning. Droids were left to observe the comms systems if there wasn’t an active Imperial presence in any nearby system. 
“I don’t believe you.” Faster than you would have thought possible, the blasters were in Rex’s hands, both aimed at you. 
“Captain… Rex, please,” you started, but were interrupted by a loud chittering sound behind you. Every part of your body was within the perimeter of the base, but your back was toward the spikes of the fence. The reminder of the giant spiders scuttling around, unobserved in the dark, made you shiver and take an instinctive step forward. 
One of Rex’s hands lifted and the other lowered a fraction. “Stay still. I don’t want to put a bolt through that pretty head, but I will if you force me to.” 
If you weren’t freezing with cold terror, you would have been ridiculously flattered by him saying that you had a pretty head. 
“I’m not a traitor,” you repeated, forcing your thoughts away from the inanity of pretty heads and back to reality of making sure yours continued operating without a blaster bolt through it. “There’s an explanation for all of this. I don’t like patrol duty. Usually, the shifts people want to trade are scheduled to last overnight. And it’s easiest to clean the comms room when only droids are inside.”
“Really?” he asked skeptically. “Because here’s what it looks like from the outside: First, you trade away the only shifts where you have to work with another person. No one to question your motives. Second, you always work at night, and those shifts are all across the base. That gives you time and privacy to gather information. Third, you’re in the comms room at least twice every week. Plenty of chances to make transmissions to the Empire.” 
“That’s not- It- I’m not a spy!” you stammered, outraged, but unable to refute any of what Rex had said. Yes, you had the opportunity to spy, but that didn’t mean you had actually done it. 
“Then explain it to me,” Rex challenged. “Explain why you’ve only worked one other patrol shift and you spent the entire thing refusing to speak with your partner.”
“I’m arachnophobic!” It burst out of you, but you weren’t upset about that. Obviously, you hadn’t earned the captain’s respect. Far from it, if he was accusing you of being a traitor to the Rebellion. It didn’t actually matter if he knew you were terrified of the spiders outside of the base. 
Rex didn’t say anything. More importantly, the blasters didn’t waver from their places aimed at your head and heart. You let more of an explanation pour from you: “I hate spiders. I don’t go on patrol duty because I would be too focused on them to notice if Palpatine himself was standing outside of the fence. It’s best for everyone if I stay inside the base and away from here.”
“Arachnophobic, eh?” Rex mused. He sounded thoughtful, but you were nervous when the blasters didn’t change position at all. “We’ll see about that.” 
Before you could finish asking the shortest question you had, Rex had holstered one blaster and motioned you closer to the border spikes. You took a single step backward, skin crawling. Rex kept you in his sights as he walked in a wide circle around you. He ended up at the border, then used his free hand to wave between the spikes. 
You watched in confusion, then in horror as one of the massive spiders scented prey and started toward you.
Rex pulled his arm back in, seemingly satisfied. He motioned at you with the blaster he was still holding. “Go on.” 
This would be a stupid way to die, you thought, verging on desperate tears. “No. If you’re going to kill me, kill me. Don’t feed me to that thing.”
“I’m not going to kill you,” he explained patiently. “I’m going to test whether you’re really that scared of the spiders. If you are, I’ll believe you. If you aren’t… well, we’ll need enough of you to have a trial and figure out what intel you’ve passed along to the Empire.”
With that ominous statement, he waved you forward again. You weren’t sure exactly how you were walking, since everything below your neck was currently numb, but you found yourself at the very edge of the base’s border. The fence spikes hummed to your left and right sides, not nearly as far in front of you as you would prefer. 
The spider eyed you sharply. Since Rex was safe again and further away from the wall, it had clearly decided on different prey. 
It moved closer in an erratic, skittering sort of movement, clearly intended to be something you couldn’t anticipate. However, you were watching it with an intense focus borne of incredible fear. It had ended up hypnotizing you after all, but not because of any innate ability it had. 
You were still inside the border fence - that was what you kept telling yourself. It was fine, the spider couldn’t actually reach you. Never mind that it towered over you as it got closer and closer. Never mind that you could see something dripping from the fangs it was baring at you. Never mind that you were making eye contact with it and found only fascination and a bone-deep hunger staring back at you…
With the fear and adrenaline flooding your system, you were hyper-aware of everything going on around you. There was a whirr and a soft beep from behind you, but it was so much less threatening than the approaching arachnid that you discarded it immediately. The spider’s steps made the ground tremble under your feet, making the weakness in your knees even more pronounced. 
You could feel its breath. Surely that was impossible… wasn’t it? It was close, far too close by then. Close enough that you could see the walls of its tall body expanding and contracting at regular intervals. You swore you could feel the air playing across your face…
“Okay, you can step back now.” 
The sound of Rex’s voice should have been a relief, but you were far too focused on the massive predator in front of you to worry about minor things like human speech. 
“Step back.” Rex’s voice was more urgent then, but it wasn’t enough to force you into motion. “Come on, get away from there.” 
The assurance was nice, but it was helpless against the icy fear that had overtaken your entire body. The chill was deep enough that you didn’t flinch in the slightest when a strong arm looped around your stomach and started applying steady pressure. 
When you were far enough from the border fence - ‘far enough’ meaning that you and spider wouldn’t touch, even if you both extended a limb - you took such a rasping breath that you realized you hadn’t done so in far too long. The moment you did, it was as if your body shifted from prey mode into a sudden awareness of how afraid you had been. 
Your lungs burned as you took in deep, shuddering breaths. Every limb was shaking, and you couldn’t have gripped anything smaller than a canteen at that moment - tested when Rex handed you his canteen. Instead of drinking from it, however, you opted to sink slowly down to the ground. Your knees simply wouldn’t hold you anymore. 
“Easy, easy,” Rex soothed, squatting beside you as you braced your elbows against your thighs and tried to collect yourself. His hand rested heavy between your shoulder blades, a warm and soothing weight that reminded you to breathe. 
You were shaking, feeling hollow with the slow recede of adrenaline. Still, you managed to pant out the most important question: "Is… it… gone?" 
Rex looked up and you followed his gaze. The spider was still just outside the fence and - as if it were infuriated by your attention - reared up and clawed for you, jaws clattering. 
You hadn't seen Rex draw his blaster, but two loud reports sounded beside you, matching the almost instant holes bored into the spider. It shrieked once, then collapsed slowly onto its side. You shuddered again as you watched its legs curl beneath it. 
"Gone now," Rex told you. "Keep breathing and you'll be just fine in a minute." 
If you kept looking at the spider, you would never be able to focus. You turned your back to the dead arachnid, scooting further away from the fence as you did. Rex gave you an inscrutable look as you did, likely because the movement put you closer to him. 
But you couldn't see anything with your face buried in your hands. Without the visual reminders of everything that had just happened, you felt yourself calming. 
"Did I pass?" 
Despite the palms in front of your lips and the way the words had been aimed at your own lap, Rex heard you. When he answered, there was a tightness in his voice that worried you until you realized that it was laughter. 
"Yeah, you passed." There was a pause, then he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry to put you through that. We can't take the chance that the Empire knows about this place." 
"I understand." It felt ridiculous to say since you were still trembling like a leaf, but you did get why they would think you were suspicious. "I really am scared of spiders." 
"No kidding," Rex said, clearly trying not to laugh again. "I've never seen anyone's pulse that high when they were standing still. Between that and the adrenaline spike, I think we should get you back to base." 
"We're… on patrol…" you said slowly. You let your hands lower away from your face, carefully not looking at the spider's body. “We can’t just leave.” 
“Are you going to be able to focus on anything other than the spiders?” 
You grimaced. “They are the most immediate threat.” 
Rex stood, reaching an arm down toward you. “Doesn’t matter if we leave. This is an extra guard shift. All the normal guard shifts are filled. I wanted to make sure we didn’t leave a gap in security if you had been a traitor and decided to fight back.” 
You stared at his hand, wondering dimly if that scenario had been meant for the possibility of him killing you or you killing him. Knowing Rex and his reputation for preparedness, he had probably been covering his bases for either. 
His hand was warm and large, and you had no sooner taken it than he pulled you to your feet. Your knees trembled dangerously, but you managed to keep yourself upright. “I think I want to go back to the base. I- I’m not going to do much good out here.” 
“Let’s go back, then,” Rex agreed, turning toward the buildings of the base. He wasn’t touching you, but you could feel warmth at the small of your back, as if he were hovering in case you started to stumble. 
“I do help the Rebellion,” you told him. It was abrupt after the two of you had been walking in silence for so long, but you felt the need to tell him that. “Maybe I avoid patrols, but I help out in other ways. Cleaning, helping in the kitchen, maintaining the weapons.” 
“I know, mesh’la,” he assured you. “You touch every part of this base’s operations other than guard duties. That’s what first drew our attention.” 
“Our?” you repeated, stomach sinking again. “Who else thinks I’m a traitor?” 
“My brothers and I are responsible for the security of this base,” Rex said steadily, redirecting from outright accusations of treachery. “”We noticed that you were everywhere, but always alone. That’s a warning sign for someone who isn’t who they claim to be. It all makes sense now, but you have to admit that it looked suspicious.” 
“I know it did,” you admitted freely. A horrible thought struck you and your voice was tense as you asked, “I don’t have to do this again with Wolffe and Gregor, do I?” 
Rex chuckled lowly, shaking his head. “No, you don’t. I’ll tell them what I learned and clear any suspicion from your name. I might accompany you on your next few shifts, but everything else is fine.” 
You frowned. “So you still think there’s a possibility that I’m passing information to the Empire?” 
“No, I don’t,” Rex denied, eyes kind as he glanced over at you. “But I don’t like the idea of you being alone all the time. That isolation isn’t good for anyone, especially with the stress of fighting the Imps. If I’m around, you’re always welcome to spend time with me. I lived with Wolffe and Gregor for longer than any being should ever have to. I could use some good company for a change.”
With some effort, you kept your expression smooth and your breathing steady. You didn’t want to presume anything, but it seemed like Rex might be… flirting with you. 
You smiled at him, heart stuttering when he smiled back. “I’d like that.”
Author's Note - Welcome to my experience watching those episodes of Rebels as someone with arachnophobia. It was… not a good time. This is my first time writing Rebels-era Rex, so please let me know if you have thoughts or advice for next time!
Thank you for reading!
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shallowcoffin · 9 months
I need you guys to imagine something real fast.
Being a Captain is a big responsibility. Not only did Rex love and care about his brothers, every time one of them die, he’s held it together.
Can you imagine the amount of depression he has? And the amount of mental strength you have to have to watch thousands of your brothers die in front of you? Watching even your closest brothers die? Watching Tup and Fives go to kamino, only to never see Tup alive again? And later, watch your brother die in your arms?
Can you imagine the amount of mental strength this man has? The amount of shit he’s gone through. The amount of sadness and grief he’s had to push away to get things done?
We like to think of the Jedi as a good bunch, that respect the clones. But then, have you considered the amount of work a Captain has to do? The amount of paperwork and meetings he has to do?
He doesn’t get to grieve, or mourn his brothers. He is forced to push on. This is war, none of them to do that.
And at the end of it all, at the end of the clone wars; they all get pushed aside like their trash.
They are PEOPLE, human beings!
You think just because the empire treats them like shit that the Jedi didn’t? There are more than likely instances of Jedi just like Krell. More instances of Jedi who disrespect their men, so much so that Rex understands their expendable. But he still cares for his brothers. He still loves them.
At the end, he doesn’t want to hurt his brothers, even when their a risk to his life. Even when their trying to kill Ahsoka.
Rex is an amazing character. His entire arc, personality, character as a whole is so complex. His entire story is a life of war, pain, grief, and suffering. And yet, he still pushes through. He still went on to fight in the rebellion, and they won. He fought for a better galaxy. Even though he knows people barely see him as human, or barely respect him anymore.
He still pushes through.
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deejadabbles · 1 year
The Captain and the Shadow (Rex x Jedi!Reader) Prologue
Summary: Captain Rex was honor and duty incarnate, but working with an illusive Jedi shadow makes him rethink everything he thought he wanted out of life. Rex x GN Jedi! Reader, forbidden love, canon divergent Rating: Mature (Minors DNI) A.N: This idea has been rolling around in my head for a very very long time and, because I have no self control, I figured I'd go ahead and start it! This is just a nice little introduction for you guy, but I hope you like it! Word Count: 1,402 Warnings: Mentions of death and violence
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[Coruscant, 37 standard hours after the battle of Geonosis]
The serene quiet of the illustrious Jedi temple was broken as you threw open the ancient hall doors. No one needed to be sensitive in the force to see the fury etched on your face. You hadn’t expected anyone to give chase, all the other knights were too enraptured by Master Yoda’s announcement, but you felt his presence following in your wake.
“Care to explain your outburst?” The cool yet challenging tone was all too familiar and, despite yourself, it made your anger flare all the more.
Stopping dead in your tracks, you clenched your teeth as you turned. There he was, grizzled, weathered face looking even older than you remembered just days ago, gray eyes staring you down with his arms clasped behind his straight back. Usually, Master Col would have the ability to make you squirm under that gaze of his, make you feel like a foolish padawan all over again. But not today, not now.
“I think you know very well, Master,” there was a bite in the words, but you managed not to spit them like a curse.
One of his graying brows lifted towards his hairline, “If you’re not going to bother keeping your anger in check, then speak your mind, child.”
The familiar game of verbal combat was afoot, his words were a way of tossing your proverbial weapon at your feet, and you picked it up with pride. “How can you be okay with this, Master? A war? They’re sending us into an all-out war?!”
“It would seem so.” Typical of the old man, as unmoving as a statue, refusing to strike, forcing you into the offensive.
“What are they thinking? We’re meant to keep the peace, negotiate, protect the innocent. Now they want to make us into soldiers? It’s wrong, Master.” The words were sweeping blows, meant to push him, meant to scratch that stony defense.
Col shrugged, “Jedi battle all the time, child, why do you think we have such rigorous combat training?”
“Defending civilians from pirates or guarding a prince against assassins is not the same as this and you know it!” You were well aware that he was getting under your skin, but you struck harder all the same. “The Jedi aren’t weapons to be thrown around by politicians. We have a duty to protect life, this war may make us betray our own code!”
“This war is happening with or without us, and the best way to protect the innocent is to end the war.”
“But we aren’t soldiers!”
“We are whatever our republic needs us to be!” His stern voice echoed off the empty halls, and despite the raised tone, his posture and stoic expression hadn’t shifted in the slightest.
You only narrowed your eyes at him.
This standstill was familiar too, a common impasse in your debates. Usually, the debates were about Jedi philosophy and beliefs, or decisions made during missions. It was not uncommon for them to have fire, for you to get heated over the topic, but this…this was different. This time it felt like you were clawing yourself out of a pit, and everyone else was carelessly burying you alive in it. 
Col had always been harsh with you, even now, years after being a respected knight of the order apart from him and his teachings. He was stern in everything, but you respected him all the same, and you had thought- no, hoped, that maybe he would see your side of things this time.
‘We are whatever our republic needs us to be’? Bantha shit. There was something else going on, there was so much more here, and you weren’t going to accept it blindly.
After a long moment of staring, unflinching, into your old master’s eyes, you said, “I knew of a time when the Jedi thought for themselves.”
It was a loaded statement, and all the times you had debated history with each other gave a heap of unspoken additions to the sentence. You felt a little too much satisfaction when he closed his eyes and heaved a sigh.
“Yes, it is an…imperfect situation, but,” he opened his eyes again, and they were full of that stubborn resolve, “protecting the galaxy from the threat of Dooku and his army is where we need to be. You would rather leave our troops to the hands of those droids? You would send those clone soldiers into battle without our protection?”
Your fists were clenched even tighter now, knuckles white as the memories of Geonosis flashed in your mind. 
Hot, arid desert, blood soaking into the sand, death. So much death. You couldn’t save the Jedi who had fallen beside you, and you were desperate to save this man- this man whose presence in the force felt too young, far far too young. You held him as the bleeding filled the cracks of his shattered armor, pulled off his helmet and looked him in the eyes, even as you felt his life slipping through your fingers.
“I- I’m sorry, General,” he choked, gripping your wrist as if that might help him stay a little longer, “I failed you.”
That clone, that soldier, that living, breathing man had died in your arms. He had apologized to you, as if he hadn’t died for a cause he had no choice in. As if he hadn’t died a hero. How dare Master Col imply that you didn’t want to protect those troopers with every ounce of strength the Force gave you!
“Don’t get me started on this- this ‘Grand Army of the Republic’,” you spat, “that’s even more disgusting! Since when do we condone breeding people to be used like cannon fodder?”
“You fought beside them on Geonosis just as I did, child, they were proud to serve.”
“They don’t have a choice! Master, it’s an army of slaves!”
That actually made him step forward, his intimidating aura invading your sense of space, “So now you presume to know their minds? How dare you speak so degradingly about them. You’ve always been bold, my old padawan, but I never knew you to speak on behalf of another being as if they’re children who can’t think for themselves.”
That knocked you off balance and you actually took a step back. You hadn’t expected him to take that route with his rebuttal and some shame flared in your chest. 
After a hard swallow, your tone was actually even again, having lost some of its fire, “I’m not trying to speak on their behalf, Master, but I’m not the only one who thinks it’s wrong. If what they say about the clones is true, then we’re taking on men who’ve been told their only purpose is to die for us.”
Something else was rising in place of the anger now. 
‘I failed you’ 
That man’s life had flickered out before your eyes, you had felt his last shuddering breath in your arms as well as his presence in the Force slip away like smoke on the wind. And you knew countless more of his brothers would die just like him. Protecting the sanctity of life was everything to a Jedi- it was everything to you. It’s what made you proud of your order, it’s what made their tight-fisted philosophies worthwhile. Safeguarding life and the innocence of it was what kept you going, even when there were so many doubts about the ways of the Jedi. 
If any of you lost your respect for life, then what would become of the order?
“Master,” you tried to keep the emotion from your tone, but it still came out small, almost meek, a vulnerability that you hadn’t shown to Col in many, many years. “I don’t know if I have the strength to lead men to their deaths.”
The silence that rose between you two was almost deafening.
For longer than you thought possible, Master Col simply stared back at you, those stormy eyes betraying nothing of the slight unease you felt from him through the Force.
“Then, I suppose it is fortunate that you will not be leading troops of your own.”
You blinked. “What?”
“Master Yoda spoke with me before he gathered everyone for his speech. He, Master Windu, and I have agreed that you will not be given your own battalion. Your talents and skills are needed in a…different capacity.”
Again, the air was almost ringing with the deathly silence that followed that. After a moment of his words sinking in, you almost wanted to scoff. Of course you weren’t going to charge into the front lines.
In a war, there were far better uses for Jedi Shadow.
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Tag List: @blueink-bluesoul @anxiouspineapple99 @starrylothcat @sinfulsalutations @commander-sunshine @dystopicjumpsuit @wolffegirlsunite @sunshinesdaydream @arcsimper5 @littlemissmanga @wings-and-beskar @clonemedickix @idontgetanysleep @523rdrebel @moonlightwarriorqueen @briefartnaturewolf @kimiheartblade
133 notes · View notes
legacygirlingreen · 26 days
Peace || Captain Rex x OFC
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Pairing: Captain Rex X Original Female Character (Mae Killough); mentions @leenabb104104 's AU verse including Aiko x Echo, Tech x Leena, Wrecker x Chori
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: mentions of former injury, mentions of former clone death, brief mentions of order 66 (but only if you squint), mentions of unnamed character in labor, brief allusions to abusive childhood -- all that said its mostly VERY sweet/wholesome vibes in the midst of some introspection
AN: Hi friends! So some of you may know, but I've been doing some collaborating with my friend @leenabb104104 ! This is a short oneshot for her Pabu AU introducing Mae, the doctor on the island! It can be read independantly or separately! Overall it's just a sweet, wholesome meet cute for her and a particular captian whom we all know and love... If you wish to see Mae's intro on her account you can find it HERE and if you'd like to read about her being the MOH during her OFC Aiko and Echo's wedding that is HERE! Anyways, hope you like it. Don't be afraid to comment, and if you prefer the AO3 link that's here...
Rex always tried his best to never eavesdrop on Echo’s conversations with Aiko when possible. Despite introducing the pair, he respected their privacy. However, it was hard to not overhear portions of their conversation as they were both sharing the bridge of the small transport ship. 
“We are headed back, shouldn’t be more than a few hours before Rex drops me off-” Echo reassured the woman when a loud swoosh and bang interrupted the background noise of the transmission. Rex turned his head, watching as the pale blue image of the woman’s head turned in the direction of the noise on her end. 
“What’s wrong?” she asked kindly and with concern, as she immediately sensed the tension rolling off her roommate. 
“Labor. Can’t leave. Medical supplies-” came the fragmented words over the transmission.
“She sounds flustered,” Echo pointed out with a chuckle, and for a rare moment, Rex leaned in to hear more of the plight concerning Aiko’s friend. Rex knew the Empath, seeing as he met her before Echo, but had yet to formally meet Mae - the resident Doctor on Pabu.  In fact, he’d made it his mission to never linger on the island: always dropping Echo off quickly and returning to one of the facilities he’d help install for the clones they’d rescued. 
Rex watched as Aiko opened her arms up and the outline of a woman collapsed into her lap without warning over the blurry imagery. “I need to head back, I just ran home to get some clothes to change into later,” she groaned, audio cutting out slightly from the position of her mouth pressed into Aiko’s neck. 
“What if I knew someone off-world who could grab the supplies for you? Would that relieve some of the stress?” she asked the doctor nodded, sitting as she reached for the large clip at the back of her head holding back her hair. 
Rex watched the blurry image of curls springing loose almost cartoonishly the second they were released. “Depends on how trustworthy this person may be,” she said septically, hands raking through the curls as she quickly wound it all back up and into a respectable bun. Despite having her back turned on the transmission, he was still amazed hair could be that long and take up that much space. Not that he’d really even thought about it until now. It was just, well, hair. From all his years in combat such a thing he determined to be a nuance for himself personally, opting to keep it short and more importantly, practical. However, that didn’t stop him from wondering what color the doctor’s might be in real life-
“Echo can. You can handle it, can’t you darlin?” she asked, turning her attention once more to the holopad as the woman whipped around abruptly.
Her features were slightly distorted by the transmission, so he couldn’t exactly make out the true shape of her nose or tell complexion beyond simply pale. Certain details were absent such as how long her eyelashes were or if she had freckles. But what he could see was that her eyes were large and wide and hidden behind comically sized frames. Lips pulled into a shocked expression, but still very plush and full. Fair with a sharpness to her features. Softness hidden beneath high cheekbones. Despite the poor image quality, it still wasn’t hard to determine she was stunning.
“Oh! Sorry! Didn’t mean to interrupt. I need to head back anyways! Like I said, patient in labor-” she responded, abruptly standing and moving slightly out of the recording device 's ability to see. 
“Mae, slow down-” 
“Yes?” She whipped around as Aiko once again pointed at the transmitter raising an eyebrow. 
“Don’t you need to tell Echo-” 
“The supplies. Right! I will have AZI send coordinates since he normally goes with me to get them. Thank you Echo! Tell your Captain I am so sorry for any inconvenience the additional pitstop may bring” she smiled and rushed off before either could get a word in. 
Rex hardly imagined that she even got a real glance at the mirroring image of the transmitter. If she had, she'd have seen him barely in the corner of the image alongside Echo, and wouldn’t need to mention the apology directed at him. Hearing such a concern made him feel those light stirring sensations that began in the pit of his stomach and crawled their way up his sternum before settling along his neck. It made Rex wonder if she knew much about him in general. Obviously, she allowed Aiko into her home. She must be familiar with Echo’s frequency of departures to assist him and the other clones. That meant that she likely knew something. And yet,here he was without even the first clue of her beyond the fact that the empath lived with and befriended the woman.
Silence lingered as no one spoke at the doctor's hurried departure. Eventually Rex cleared his throat, as not speaking for the majority of the flight had caused it to grow coarse.  Intending to ask Echo, however with the audio received on Aiko’s end as well as he asked, “Is she uh, always like that-” 
The pair in unison spoke the confirmation that yes, the resident doctor was indeed comparably chaotic majority of the time. Only allowing a light nod before turning back to the distant transmitter, knowing that they would receive information about the drop soon, he once again remained silent. Rex didn’t listen to the end of their conversation, preferring to once again tune them out for privacy. 
He wasn’t sure why seeing the frazzled woman with glasses so large they rivaled Tech’s goggles to be such a perplexing sight. Perhaps it was the fact that he’d mentally assumed a doctor who opened her home to Aiko to be… more mature? Older even. Not someone physically close to his own age that’s for sure. Could it be the apparent loneliness that he continually shoved down, but more recently found himself acknowledging with Echo’s transmission home, was revving its nasty head again?
He’d be remiss to deny that the longing hadn’t always been there. Maybe it was always there. Something that existed inside of Jango’s DNA so strongly that the longnecks couldn’t work it out. It was feasible it resulted from his injury on Saleucami, meeting Cut and Suu with their children. And Rex would continually tell himself that he didn’t need what the man had, or even the 99 boys had found on the island. Rex had his brothers and a mission and that was enough… right?  Regardless, he couldn’t deny that it had been a long while since he’d actually had time to be with a woman. 
As of recently the only women he saw were those already engaged in various relationships with his brothers, contacts to assist with assignments, friends like the Martell sisters or Senator Chuci. All of which were unobtainable or didn’t turn his head quite the same way-
“You sure it’s not a bother to make an additional pit stop?” Echo asked him, Rex turning to realize that Aiko had ended the transmission. 
“No, not at all?” He posed it more like a question than a statement as Echo raised a brow. Only humming in response. Meanwhile, Echo glanced at the way his friend straightened his posture, adjusting his collar slightly before pinning his eyes at the hyperspace lane ahead of them, as if it suddenly became the most interesting sight in the galaxy. 
“Remind me again, but are your plans while I am back on Pabu for a few days?” Echo asked. 
“Wait to see if my contact gets more information on that prison in the outer rim. Catch up on manuals. Keep the others in line. The usual” he shrugged simply. Rex often felt that to spend time on Pabu was to impose on the relaxing life that Clone Force 99 had built for themselves. All the boys finding their own personal… distractions. With the kind of line of work he had, and the responsibilities he felt to his brothers trapped with the Empire, such distractions were a hazard.  It’s why he continued to put a mental block around such relations.
“You know, you are always welcome to spend downtime on Pabu-” 
“No, no, that’s your home-” 
“You have to recharge sometime-”
“I can recharge back at our satellite facility-”
“By the time you get there and come back it’ll be a waste of fuel,”
“Still, I don’t want to impose-” 
“Rex, we go way back,” Echo said with a sigh, the new hand attachment gripping his brows as he massaged his temples, struggling to find the words to say. 
“Pabu is your home Echo. I don’t mind making an additional pit stop to help out someone who does a lot of good for the community where you boys hang up your armor, but that doesn’t mean I need to stick around to see it through,” Deep down Rex knew that lingering and getting cordial with a pretty doctor wasn’t a good idea. Besides, if she was nearly as busy as Echo often explained, he imagined she felt similarly. As stunning as she was, she likely had her pick of the clones residing there. What if she already had-
“Are you listening to me?” he heard Echo ask with a huff. Rex knew there was no sense in lying so he shook his head. 
“One or two days will not kill you. Besides we both know that the likelihood that anyone gets us pressing information on that prison is slim to none. It’s a waste of fuel. Plus the others keep hounding me about how you are doing, so this will get them off my back. Especially Aiko. I think she’s worried about you,” Echo said with a playful smirk.
“Why on earth would she be worried about me?” He quirked a dark eyebrow, tension dissipating as the conversation turned more jovial instead of loaded. 
“She’s concerned you are lonely and overworking yourself. And in case you forgot, I am actually incapable of lying to her,” Echo reminded the Captain. 
“You just had to fall for an empath,” Rex shook his head. Fuel was also expensive and the leave on principle wasn’t exactly a valid or rational decision. Slowly feeling himself won over, as a few days to just sleep and remove himself from the worry would be good for his health. He continued to feel the fatigue every day when he rose and the second he slid back onto his bunk. Time was wearing him in ways he didn’t like to acknowledge. Starting in that crick in his back, and ending with the lingering tightness in his neck and shoulders.
“Hey now, need I remind you that you are the one who introduced said Empath to me?” Echo once again interrupted the train of thought as a slight beep indicated coordinates to his right. Looking down he saw it was already on the way, and wouldn’t put them very long out of the anticipated arrival. 
“Fine, it’s my fault. I accept full responsibility. 2 days as punishment. That’s all you get.” He threw up his palms in mock surrender as Echo simply rolled his eyes. Sarcasm. That was one thing that he’d blame on the Jedi for teaching Rex. The thought twisting in his stomach for a moment when he realized that General Skywalker was likely gone like the others. It made him nauseous to think about. Echo brushed off the thought as quickly as it came over him.
“Some sun may do you good brother. Got the coordinates?” And with a nod of the head, before setting the navigation system, they were off to make a small pickup. 
In his head Rex could justify the stop. After all, it was to help a woman who dedicated herself to helping others. And that was a sentiment he understood well. 
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
In a galaxy full of war, disease, famine, and just about every horrible atrocity imaginable, being a doctor meant dealing with many unpleasant sights. And sounds. Sometimes even smells. 
So when the rare occurrence to bring life into the grand design made itself available, Mae felt it was a wonderful kind of labor. A small second of light and hope that reassured her in the decision to leave home and forge a way into the role in which she’d found herself. 
Running away from home at such a young and fragile age, to escape the organized crime that they so well delighted in leading, for a more noble pursuit wasn’t easy. Finding a way to fund education in rising tensions across the galaxy meant taking a transport ship to the heart of the Republic, and joining the civilian based program which provided aid relief to systems. Gaining training through various deployments to deal with natural disasters, minor planetary scuffles and other smaller incidents lead to proper medical knowledge. But when the war broke out, and suddenly the deployments were accompanying clone troopers into combat, the job turned sour. 
So many friends and colleagues forgoing their duty because they enlisted during a time of peace, not an intergalactic civil war. It left Mae one of the few willing to go into the dangerous situations to help the unfortunate souls who’s homeworlds were being attacked. It also provided a level of seniority, as she was one of the longest running members in the organization.
That seniority is how she ended up on Ryloth. One of the nastiest conflicts during the course of the war, and regretfully the reason the entire relief organization funded by the senate was disbanded. Civilians dying at an alarming rate in combat didn’t look good to politicians apparently. It also didn’t look good in the face of the Jedi who sent her off world after a surprise attack startled their camp. So after months of a deployment residing in Ryloth’s canyons amongst clones and rebels, Mae took the last shuttle off world before things took a particularly nasty turn in the form of a bullet wound in her chest.
Looking back she carried the guilt of being one of the last to see Master Di and his brave clone Commander alive. Learning of their unfortunate end, but extremely valiant stand against the droid army, was what accompanied the discharge notice she’d been served the second Mae had woken up after surgery aboard the Jedi Cruiser. 
Having nowhere to go once she arrived, hardly recovered mind you, to the Republic Capital, she spent time floating about the galaxy until eventually life brought her to the peaceful island of Pabu. The sole doctor on the island and the kind of peaceful life she’d craved since she was a little girl growing up around violent criminals. 
The war never made it out there. Not until the deserters of Clone Force 99 arrived, seeking solitude as she had. And even then, it wasn’t their fault the newly appointed Empire was after their familial unit. Once it was dealt with, through means she never truly had taken the time to question, things returned to normal. 
A small revolving door of clones coming and going as they were rescued from captivity came through her clinic doors, as she helped recover their often aching bones and residual injuries from war, before sending them off to a new life. And yet, through it all, she never got the chance to meet the clone responsible for their rescue. Not the one organizing it at least. 
Aiko had come to the island with Echo - after almost a year of the bad batch settling in with the residents. In fact, Mae had only spoken to him personally a few times, since he was hardly there and not in the stars with his former captain. But once the friendship between herself and the kind empath he called “love” grew, it was only a matter of time before she got to know him better by extension. 
Shared tales of his journey during the war along brief explanations of how she had been in it temporarily before finding solitude in helping ones. All over drinks in the evening of course. And yet, still no Captain making an appearance. Not that it truly would matter. He was a busy man after all. And from what Echo recounted: one of the kindest and bravest he knew. Still, it would be nice to know the man responsible for continuously dumping new patients outside her door. 
As Mae returned to her office, after finally delivering the child, who’s labor took on a long forty three hours of attention, she was ready to clean up and sleep. Yet, the gnawing feeling of having to ask for help crept in. In the midst of the panic she’d allowed Echo, and his Captain to become inconvenienced. And she would likely never be able to thank him beyond expressing it indirectly through Echo. Knowing of the work the two did, and its importance, it only made guilt grow. 
Luckily the clinic was close to the shared home between herself and Aiko. And if she hadn’t been so extremely exhausted, Mae would’ve recognized the laughter before she even reached the door. Slipping inside and tossing her glasses along the table next to the door, the doctor removed her shoes quietly. Murmurs from the kitchen dying out for a second and the noise. 
“Mae, when was the last time you slept hon?” came Aiko’s gasp and soft voice from the kitchen. Not glancing in that direction, her clammy fingers probed at her temple before removing the clip from her hair, enjoying the sensation of her hair flowing free once more. Being tightly wound for so long had caused a tension headache. Aiko hadn’t needed to ask who arrived, feeling the exhaustion rolling off her friend in waves. 
“Fifty-four hours I believe. Unless you count a lothcat nap in my office between contractions, then twenty-one,” Mae said as she rounded the wall into the kitchen. Fingers shaking the bun loose as she realized that she had an audience. 
“She is alive after all.. You can cancel the search party,” Crosshair smirked as he leaned against the counter and teasingly pushed her into the middle of their small circle before once again placing the toothpick into his mouth. 
“Crosshair is only attempting humor, as there was no indicated search party, although I might recommend rest as staying awake for prolonged periods is unhealthy-” Tech began and she shook her head towards him. 
“Thank you for the medical advice Tech. I plan to do just that. I did not know we were hosting tonight-” she said quietly at Aiko who simply looked up sheepishly. 
“Something came up that I hadn’t anticipated, so the others decided to congregate here. But we will keep it down if you need to sleep-” Aiko realized the disruption to her very overworked housemate may not have been the best idea, only to silence that thought at the shaking of Mae’s head. 
“It’s fine really. What’s a few more hours anyways,” Mae paused for a moment before turning towards Tech stopping his interruption before it started, “Unhealthy, I know. I know. But it’s okay I promise. I just can't promise I’ll be my lively self,” she yawned as she heard Crosshair mutter out something along the lines of “thank the maker,” only to be slapped playfully on the shoulder for being rude by Leena’s twin sister Kay. The pair broke out into a teasing spat as she walked towards Aiko and Echo. 
Surveying the room, the majority of their group was there, with only Hunter and Omega missing. Perhaps it was a bit late for the girl. Wrecker and Chori had left Pabu to visit her family, leaving her pup muffin under the care of Leena, who proudly held onto the pet as she spoke with the others. Tech’s arm maintained distance from Muffin, as he so eloquently referred to the mischievous animal as “a missing finger waiting to happen”, while he kept a hold on his wife.
“Do I have time to clean up before this something that came up or-” Mae began, only to have the door slamming open, accompanying Hunter’s shout at Omega to slow down interrupted her questioning. 
“Come on, you have to meet Mae too!” the girl’s voice yelled through the space as everyone turned to examine the blur of movement behind caused by Omega literally pulling the poor man through the living room. At the sound of her name, the doctor turned, only to be met with her cheek pressed against a firm chest. Plastoid armor covered in fact. Which, as one might imagine, doesn't feel great making semi-decent contact with one’s face following hours and hours of delivering a baby. 
“Oops-” Omega said, attempting to back away from the altercation she inevitably caused by shoving the man into the doctor, as the girl had misjudged the distance between them. 
“Oh wow-” 
“Are you alrigh-” 
Came the joined voices of both Mae and the former Captain. In the background, Omega receiving a reprimand from Hunter faded away as the two locked eyes. Hand pressed to her cheek from the dull throbbing underneath, she slowly lowered it as she craned her head to get a look at him.
Tall. Similar face to the others. And yet something so very different entirely. She was used to the standard eyes almost all the clones had, but his own seemed somehow brighter. Crows feet at the corner of his eyes slightly deeper. And obviously light blond hair instead of dark brown cut very short, reminiscing a halo as it deeply contrasted his tanned skin. 
She’d blame it on the lack of sleep if anyone asked, but staring at the poor man hadn’t been the intent. Mae was very familiar with the glorious genetics of Jango Fett, and they were immaculate indeed, but she couldn’t quite put a finger on why he seemed so much more handsome than the others. 
As for Rex, he was finally able to see the doctor in real life instead of just in a poor image quality of their ship's transmitter. Red. Her hair was bright red. Not in an unnatural shade like he so often saw on women planet side or occasionally on his brothers. But a natural, warm tint. She was extremely pale despite the pink shade of her cheeks. The missing details meshed so wonderfully from the poor image he had in his mind, now seeing her in the flesh. It also brought out the horrible realization that she was in fact, much prettier than he realized. 
“That looks like it's going to leave a mark” Echo jokingly called out, the attention drawing from them as he stood with Aiko just to their side. At his acknowledgement Rex once again looked down and sure enough, right at the top of her cheekbone was already forming a small shinner.
“Kriff, I am so sorry,” he replied as his honey eyes moved back towards her own, noting the unreadable expression in her pale eyes. 
“It’s definitely not the worst blow I’ve ever been dealt, no need to apologize, soldier-” she tried to laugh it off, as she looked to Aiko and Echo for an introduction. Assuming him to be another rescued soldier passing through, she was surprised as Echo put a hand on his shoulder and turned to her with an explanation. 
“Mae, this is my old Captain from my 501 days. Rex, this is Mae-” As he introduced the pair, she suddenly felt as if she would dissolve on spot. Not only had she slammed her face into some man’s chest, but that man was Echo’s good friend. The one he worked with to rescue other clones. The one who’d saved his life from the Separatists. The same one she’d allowed to be inconvenienced on her behalf earlier in the day. 
“Pleasure to finally meet you ma’am-” he stuck out a hand and she simply froze, staring at the outstretched digits covered by black gloves. The gentle nudge from Aiko forced her hand out as well, watching as it was dwarfed by his own in a firm handshake. 
“You as well. Thank you again for making a pitstop on the way here. I hope it wasn’t too much of an inconvenience-” she began only to have him slip his hand from her own with a chuckle. 
“Not at all. Happy to help,” he gave her a polite nod. 
“We were going to go to the square for some drinks, if you are feeling up to it that is-” Aiko offered and Mae thought about it. As nice as it all sounded, finally washing up seemed more appealing. 
“I might go clean up. I can’t imagine I look fantastic. And if I am still standing by some miracle I can meet you all there,” she offered, eyes glancing back at Rex to see his reaction. If she didn’t know any better he almost looked disappointed. 
“I may actually do the same back on the ship-” Rex spoke only to have Echo shake his head.
“You can take ours. No need to make the track down the island for the fresher.” He pointed towards Aiko’s room, knowing that it had a separate shower stall. He hadn't been allowed time to use it as Hunter and Omega had drug him around the island to meet the others and catch up. 
“Alright, I guess we both will join you in a bit then,” he looked between Aiko and Echo before turning back towards her. In the background slowly the group was wrangled, Omega calling a cheerful apology at the conclusion of Hunter’s disgruntled conversation. Soon the room filled out, leaving the very silent and uncertain pair. The sliding shut of the front door ignited them both to speak at the same time.
“Do you-” 
“I am real-” 
Both of them grew wide eyed, pausing immediately as if to query who would continue their sentence. Asserting herself more this time, Mae let out a humored puff of air before saying, “you first.” 
Promptly the man shook his head, “No I insist,” gesturing with his hand as if he could pull the words from her mouth simply by shrugging. 
“I was just asking if you needed anything. I was going to grab some towels from the linen closet, but I wasn’t sure if you needed something. We keep quite a bit of spare clothes here since any troopers Echo brings through come through my home,” Mae explained as she reached a slight protrusion on the wall, swinging it open and stepping back for him to look inside. Rex stared into its contents surprised as his eyes examined the supply closet. Nothing fancy, just some spare clothes, toiletries and other assorted items, but the knowledge that they were dedicated for his brothers as they made their way from the places he picked them up in, and onto their new lives, made him feel delighted to know that this sweet doctor was taking care of them along the way. 
“Oh, that’s uh-” he began, cheeks warm as his eyes glanced at its contents, suddenly overwhelmed by it all. 
“Take your time, I’ll go grab a towel,” she responded with a slight bow of the head and soft footfalls down the hall. Rex couldn’t help but watch the way she moved so easily throughout the space. I suppose there is an ease when it is one’s home, but that comfortability came in the form of swaying hips and light steps until she faded from view. 
Shaking his head and simply grabbed a bar of soap and a change of clothes as he waited for her to come back. Rex figured leaving more for others was smart. Her prompt return was accompanied by a smile and passing off of a simple white towel, and an outstretched hand pointing him in the direction of Echo and Aiko’s shared room. He hadn’t meant to zone her out as she explained how to work the refresher, but something about her exhausted tone made him almost concerned. 
“Holler if you need something hon-” Mae told him as she promptly shifted away and walked back to what he assumed was her own space. Trudging towards the room, he closed the door before shucking off the armor he’d had for many years now. Practiced hands undoing all the latches with ease as he set them on the floor before reaching over the back of his neck to grab the top of the black body glove. 
Panicking, only for a moment as he tried to recall exactly how to turn on the water, he eventually figured it out. Not after allowing the cool air to caress his bare body until goosebumps appeared, he finally got it working and stepped under the warm stream. Rex couldn’t recall the last time he’d actually had hot water. Lukewarm at best was what he now considered a luxury, but this was heaven for the man. Soothing aching joints and tense shoulders. Running over the top of his head and down his back as he sighed. 
And still, there was something almost selfish about indulging in it. So the relief turned into ‘how quickly can I wrap this up’ and before long he was drying off and getting dressed. That’s when another unusual sensation presented itself. He couldn’t remember the last time he wore civilian clothing. Especially any not intended at least for minor protection. To just slide a simple cotton shirt over his body was… odd. 
Returning to the living space, clean and without the stiff armor donning his body, he found it empty. Water in the other room was still running as he heard the occasional hum carrying through the walls. Uncertain if he should wait to see if she’d join or if she was immediately going to collapse into the covers - not that he’d blame her since delivering a baby naturally always seemed like a lot of work. Rex carefully padded around the space taking in the various artifacts. 
Some house plants, miscellaneous paintings that seemingly looked like they were done by an artist on the island, and collected items from travels. He could see elements of Echo’s minimal presence - such as his meager belongings from being an Arc Trooper, as well as memento’s from Aiko’s home world. Yet, worn white and maroon plastoid caught his attention. 
Coming closer to the small shelf he was surprised to see a single shoulder pad, decorated maroon with markings he recognized. The 501 spent their time on Ryloth breaking the blockade after the initial forces had been killed, while other divisions were on the ground. Howser didn’t speak much about the legion who’d been there before, but Rex was aware of the fate met by the 303 and their Jedi leader.  
Next to the shoulder armor lay a small photo frame and when he touched the on button he was surprised to see that it belonged to Mae, not Aiko or Echo. The small woman wormed between some of the troopers with a worn smile and the standard uniform of the Republic Aid Relief. Albeit, she looked dirty and half starved, but still incredibly beautiful. 
Having been so long since he’d crossed paths with any of them, since the senate disbanded them early in the war, he’d nearly forgotten them. Last he remembered hearing was Wolffe’s complaints about having to take over their responsibilities after a natural disaster on a planet occupied by strange alien reptiles. If his mind served him, it was Ryloth’s failed first invasion that caused the Senate to dissolve the RAR contracts. And if the 303 was the original clone legion assigned to Ryloth that would mean… 
“I like to think that it is important to remember those who have fallen. Even if the war is over,” came the quiet hum behind him. Immediately dropping the photo display tablet, Rex looked at her with guilt at being caught snooping. 
“I shouldn’t have-” he began to apologize only to pause at the waive of her hand. 
“If I wished for it to remain private I would have left it in my own quarters or stored away.  I do not hold my past like a well guarded secret after all,” Mae explained as she bent down to retrieve the tablet and set it once again on the shelf, allowing it to showcase the image of her amongst the clones and Twi’lek rebels. 
“You were in the RAR,” he said, phrasing it as a statement instead of a fact, eyes glancing back down at her features. Hair still damp from the shower, mark on her cheek turning a deeper shade of red as the bruising set in.  She looked positively worn out from the difficult few days with lack of sleep, but still her eyes contained a light he wouldn’t expect from someone who was a civilian who’d braved one of the nastiest battles of the clone wars. 
“I was,” she said simply, eyes finally tearing away from the memorial and looking at him. He too looked positively exhausted. 
“I had no idea,” he said simply. In all honesty, there was no reason for him to have ideas of her past. They were not friends. They had simply met. Furthermore, their only connection stemmed from mutual acquaintances.  He was not entitled to such information about pretty doctors who he didn’t know. And yet, the knowledge that she’d been there, the thick of it by choice, meant something. It showed an unexpected courage and strength he wouldn’t have imagined to reside in such a small and almost mousey woman. 
“I would’ve stuck around too, but the second I got out of surgery they tossed discharge papers and said we were no longer needed,” she hummed out almost guilty. 
“Surgery?” he asked, knowing full well that Ryloth at that point did not have sterile environments for such intense care. 
“I got the last shuttle off world before the blockade went up. Surprise attack. Took a shot to the chest,” Mae explained, fingers delicately pulling down the simple shirt she wore to show the pale white scar right at the top of the valley between her breasts. The sudden flash of skin surprised him and he looked away, blush atop his tanned cheeks. Unable to stop the hand from reaching up to the back of his neck he looked away momentarily as she righted the material back down to cover herself. 
“Want to know the worst part of it all?” she hummed out almost sadly as his golden eyes once again returned to her face with a raised brow. “They just shoved us all into that situation. And we made the best of it, but in the early days we weren’t given the choice. When enough people complained they enlisted during peace times and war was a different thing, they allowed whoever wanted out the choice.  Only a few of us actually stuck around to see it through. Yet, when things got bad, they still tossed us all to the side and told us we weren’t needed anymore. I would’ve stayed. I wanted to stay. I-” she abruptly stopped ranting for a moment when she noticed he’d grown wide eyed at her outburst. “I am sorry, it was so long ago, being angry about it now doesn’t help,” 
“No, I understand. More than most would actually,” he tried to reassure her, but in order to do so, he would need to unlock that part of his brain he kept under lock. The sadness of losing brothers. The guilt of being the one to carry on. The feeling he wasn’t doing enough. 
“Survivors' guilt is a nasty plague. I’m a doctor. I am well aware how debilitating it can be. Almost every trooper who comes through my clinic door has it, and I feel like such a hypocrite telling them they need to manifest it into something productive. Not when I carry my own,” the woman said, turning away from him to simply sit on the sofa. The rising guilt and lack of sleep made her feel almost faint for a moment. Rex watched her sit down, hands shifting in her lap as she refused eye contact. 
He felt responsible. Not necessarily for the root of her pain, but definitely for bringing it back up to the surface. Stepping towards her with cautious footsteps, he eventually lowered himself onto a knee in front of the sofa, pausing as he didn’t want to startle her or invade her space too much. He knew how to remove soldiers from shell shock. He’d done it countless times. He’d been there to help them try to put back together the pieces after battles. But that didn’t mean he knew how to handle a civilian. Especially when he also never let the walls down, and felt the need to keep them up, as she seemed to. So instead he took a different direction.
“Thank you,” he told her simply, laying a hand atop her own to give it a reassuring squeeze. 
Having anticipated another one of those bland, “you did all you could” or “you aren’t alone” phrases she’d heard a thousand times, her eyes snapped to his own in shock. 
“For what?” she asked him almost timidly. 
“For actually putting up with all of us. I know I can’t speak for all of us on principle but to be cared for by someone who doesn’t have to be kind, who doesn’t have to be gentle, and who actually sees us as individuals, it means a lot. All I ever hoped for was to know that my brothers could get their freedom, and start to live the life they wanted. I didn’t realize how much Echo was allowing our burden to fall to you,” he explained to her. 
“It’s not really a burden per say,” she explained and he gave her a reassuring chuckle. 
“I know my brothers better than anyone. Trust me. It’s a task to keep them in line,” Rex smiled at the way she snickered. 
“Then might I inquire…” she leaned in as if she was going to ask a deep kept secret. And surprisingly Rex allowed it, moving his head to the side so that she could whisper her response. “Does that mean the inherent stubbornness is genetically wired into you all, or is it taught?”  
When Rex pulled back he saw the grin along her lips and the mischief in her wide eyes. Up close they looked more blue than the grayish hue they held at a distance.  Still, the acknowledgement of eye color didn’t stop him from feeling warmth in his chest from her joke. Well that and the way she was looking at him. 
Unable to stop the way he barked out a loud laugh at the jest while removing himself from the floor to take a seat on the furniture next to her. As much as he knew the others were anticipating him, he wasn’t exactly ready to leave. Especially since she appeared to be running out of energy. Leaning his head back to rest along the back of the sofa he sighed while closing his eyes for a moment. 
Silence often unnerved him. It often predated enemy strikes as right before things got nasty, they usually went dead silent. So that association between calm drilled into his bones, it was odd he found the beat of comfortability lingering in the space to be surprising, however not unwelcome. It was nice to just take a moment to be, instead of focusing on what came next. Especially when he felt the shift along the back of the couch next to him. 
Eyes opening at the shift, he looked over to see Mae had mirrored his movement, her head resting only a few inches from his own as her eyes remained closed. Soft breaths coming out past her lips every few seconds as the tension in her brow finally relaxed after the moment of understanding they had. It made the soldier realize that sometimes you didn’t have to vocalize to still feel connection.  That on occasion you’d meet people who just simply recognize the unexplainable parts of yourself.  And that was such a beautiful discovery for the man as he closed his eyes once more in the still, softness of Pabu. 
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
“I highly doubt Rex would slip away without saying goodbye, especially since he agreed to stay a few days, Love,” Aiko said as her and Echo walked back towards the house. It hadn’t been long before the others realized that Rex and Mae never joined them, prompting the pair to slip away to find the missing soldier and doctor. 
“I’d like to agree but Rex can be… very driven by his sense of duty that it blinds him to pleasantries,” Echo mentioned as they stepped up on the front porch, opening the door to find the lights dimmed but not completely shut off like they’d left it. His eyes quickly saw the illuminated screen of Mae’s Ryloth memorial while Aiko gasp and pointed in the direction of the sofa. And when Echo followed his lover’s finger he almost couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped his throat, doing his best to suppress it quietly. 
Sitting side by side and in deep sleep came the picturesque scene of both Rex and Mae. His head leaning against the back of the couch, with legs stretched out in front of him. The soft snores escaped his nose as it became obvious that Echo and Aiko’s entry hadn’t woken him. All the while Mae had slumped over, her head resting along his shoulder as she too slept, seemingly unaware of both her position and the fact that they now had an audience. 
“Well that's… unexpected,” he said quietly before gesturing to the door. Aiko followed him as she took one last look at their sleeping form and said nothing. Her smile speaking enough on its own. If the Empath knew one thing, it was that finding peace in the midst of all this chaos was a blessing.
To be continued...
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Okay giving you a bit less than 171 because I am almost done this and a few more people have asks for it so I'm trying to spread the love <3
Date: August 10th, 2024
Subject: Re: Fire Captain Story
Okay. I’ll bite. Tell me about your captain story. Should we set up time for a call? 
The next two emails are them setting up time for a call. It looks to have happened mid-August, if it happened at all. So, there could very well be a reporter out there with a lot of dirt on Bobby. Athena is so mad her teeth might crack from the tension in her jaw. 
Then it gets interesting. 
Still horrific. But interesting. 
Date: August 13th
Subject: Position at 118
I’ve thought a lot about our conversation the other day. I understand that you take the word of my subordinates here at the 118 as meaningful, given their perceived heroics and status in the LAFD. I’d want to keep them happy, too. Even if, like you said, Wilson doesn’t know her damn place. 
So I get why you think transitioning Nash back is for the best. Really, I do. Easier to do the thing that appeases the brats than is for the good of the Department, overall. Right? Kind of like when your predecessor Alonzo took Nash back in the first place, after that bombing situation. I see why it was done. But it was wrong. 
I’m gonna make it simple. You can bring Nash back. I’ll walk away. But I have a call scheduled with a reporter at a sizeable paper. He’s interested in the story of the medal-winning fire captain with a history of arson. A history the city knew about and let slide. 
Or you can let me keep my old station. Find something else for Nash. Hell, transfer Wilson and her gaggle of girlfriends out of here. I don’t care. And the Department doesn’t have to look bad publicly. 
All due regards,
So that’s why he was going after Bobby. Blackmail. It doesn’t look like Simpson replied to this email. Athena understands. It was probably a call or a meeting. If she were Simpson, she’d want to say things off the record, too. 
Well, this was over a month ago. Clearly he got his way. Why kill him? Not that Athena wouldn’t like to strangle him herself right now. She would. But why actually go through with it? The story never got published. In their mind, was just him knowing and being willing enough? Because plenty of people who aren’t chummy with Bobby know. 
She keeps reading. 
Date: August 19th, 2024
Subject: Re: Fire Captain Story
Hi Vince,
Thanks again for our call yesterday. 
After some reflection and speaking with the boss, I don’t think we’ll be pursuing this story. Doesn’t feel right to dump on a recovering alcoholic, you know? Not like the guy was malicious or predatory. That’s more what we focus on here. Fire thing is sad but that’s mostly just it. Sad. 
Anyway, good luck with the job. 
So, he got his way with the chief… But not from the paper. Athena thinks about this. Despite getting what he wanted technically, it sounds like no one was giving Gerrard what he wanted emotionally. To feel like a better captain than Bobby. More validated in having the 118. The station he lost, because - in his sick mind - of Hen. Someone who respected Bobby, but not him. What would having Simpson’s disdain and the rejection of all the papers do? 
It would probably make him pretty angry. 
And angry at who? Everyone, really. Simpson, Hen, Rex, Taylor Kelly. But beyond that? The person who seemed to get all the praise, when Gerrard just couldn’t find any respect at all. 
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battlekilt · 5 months
I'll bite. 23?
23. Unpopular character you love?
I went with a species this time.
I do not like how the fandom condemns an entire species as a one-note realm of evil. The Kaminoans were, before their GENOCIDE, a billion-person population. Even if my girl was as rotten as Lama Su, which I 100% know she isn't, I just don't like the way they are approached as a species.
I recognize that a lot of it comes from the defensiveness of the Clones. But, most of it comes from the Karen Travis novels, which... are Legends and sit lower in the tiers, not even in canon. I could go into further arguments about it, namely that I theorize the Republic Commandos just had a completely different experience than mainliners. Why? Because we never see any of the other Clones afraid of them.
"Kamino," Anakin said. "They're going to attack our home planet," Captain Rex remarked, his voice grave. "The Separatists are taking quite the chance even considering this," ruminated Obi-Wan, looking thoughtful. "With all due respect, General, if someone comes to our home, they better be carrying a big blaster," Rex said. "I concur with Captain Rex, sir," Commander Cody stated, "This is personal for us clones." "We'll make sure Kamino is secure," assured General Skywalker.
"ARC Troopers", Season 3, Episode 2.
This was their homeworld.
"Oh, the Kaminoans decommissioned over—"
99. Clone 99. He was a shriveled old man with a bad spine that could barely move. Yet, he wasn't "decommissioned" or tossed into the ocean. He was given work he could do. It might not be what he wanted to do, but he contributed to the army and his brothers. An army requires more than just soldiers, and everyone has a purpose. These men were raised with one goal: to become a soldier. Failing their test and not fulfilling that purpose is enough of a fear. It is like going to prep school all your life and failing to get into Harvard, even as a Legacy. That's why Domino Squad was scared to fail their final test. They didn't want to be failures. They weren't scared for their lives. They were scared of the shame of failure like MOST people are. Personally, I'm not going to shame someone for being a maintenance worker. That was the mercenaries that thought so lowly of him. Don't ask my opinion on mercenaries.
People are too comfortable dehumanizing a sentient species because they aren't warm and fuzzy or charming. I don't know how to emphasize that by TBB, they are gone. They are GONE. An entire species is just slaughtered wholesale. The idea that any species is just exterminated is heartbreaking to me.
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I'd argue that they weren't heartless. They just were not human or human-like.
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I have a theory that once Minister Lama Su was killed, the Kaminoans was a clear and present danger to Palpatine.
Palpatine didn't just kill off his enemies quickly. He enslaved them. He used the Geonosians to build the Death Star and only killed them after they began to sabotage the space station and try to sneak out information to the Rebellion. The Wookies were enslaved for manual labor. It took at least a decade before the Mandalorians had annoyed him enough that he had their homeworld glassed.
The Kaminoans were eradicated completely and swiftly. There was only one group that when he struck against them he struck hard and fast... and that was the Jedi.
I think Palpatine had crossed too many lines with them, and once Lama Su was gone, it was time for him to face the angry eels. This species was one of the most technologically advanced in the galaxy; in medicine, they surpassed all others, and in mechanical technology, they were ahead of the curve. Kaminoans made technology that was highly coveted, though they were discerning sellers who had chosen to be picky about who they worked with. This was a people that suffered ecological disaster and didn't colonize other worlds. They remained on their homeworld and found a way to survive. They made weapons, but they were not warring people. Their only means of reproduction, which was cloning, was outlawed by the Republic and they were interested in opening relations with the Republic, though they had traditionally been an isolationist people.
If the Kaminoans had survived and been on the Rebellion's side... it would have spelled disaster for the Empire. How he went after them says that he couldn't risk them surviving.
I live for the idea of Rebel Kaminoans coming to bite Palpatine in the ass. I want so bad an AU of their survivors going up to the Mandalorians, the Rebel Alliance, any Jedi they could find and asking, "Hi, would you like to build AN ARMY?" They scoop up what Fett Clones they can find and have them train a new army. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP.
Look, there are Kaminoan characters I loathe. Lama Su is the stop bitch I'd love to string up. Halle Burtoni shouldn't have had to become one of the last of her species to be humbled. But, there were other individuals. Taun We practically raised Boba Fett in the comics. You've heard my argument about Nala Se. I've got Kaminoan OCs that I create for the purpose OF being hated. But, individuals.
I have other counterarguments for other points, but this has already been going on for too long. I'm not out to absolve the Kaminoans as perfect. But I also don't think they need to be the perfect victim to deserve sympathy and empathy, nor do I think that the whole species needs to be perfect for its individuals to be seen as individuals.
PS. I am not going to engage in bad-faith arguments or debates. Respect that I have a different opinion on them, or just don't say anything at all in my posts. I will just block people who try to start things on these posts.
Salty Fandom Asks.
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zoeykallus · 11 months
Just found your blog and I love it!!
Could I get some headcanons of the 501st standing up for/protecting their ftm trans jedi?
I'm late, I know 😅 Sorry! Better later than never, I guess 😬 (I actually hate that phrase)
You should know, I have no experience whatsoever about this topic, at all, but I'll try my best to not be an ignorant idiot 😅 Please let me know if I failed 🙈
Let me see what I can do for you 😊
Rex/Fives/Hardcase/Echo/Jesse/Heavy/Kix x FTM Trans Jedi!Reader HCs - Who You Really Are
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Warnings: Bullying/Hurt/Comfort
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
>Master List<
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He has never questioned who you are or how you identify yourself. You are his general, and that takes precedence over everything else for Rex. He doesn't allow himself an opinion on the subject, he's far too disciplined and loyal for that. Apart from that, he thinks it's none of his business, it's nobody's business but your own. However, that doesn't mean he doesn't have an opinion about other people's behavior towards you. On the contrary. Rex has a strong sense of justice and decency. You are sitting at dinner when you hear someone muttering. Rex is sitting across from you at the cantina. Every now and then you eat together there, among other things, to discuss missions and the like. "Is the general a woman or a man now?" one of the clones mumbles to his colleagues. "Was a woman, is now a man or wants to be one," says another. The murmuring continues, and you sigh softly, your shoulders tensing, but you decided not to let on. Rex looks up from his plate, glances at you, then past you to the more or less whispering clones. His gaze meets with one of the soldiers. "How about you shut up and worry about things that really concern you?" he growls, his voice rough and impatient.
"Sorry Captain!" Another says, "We can talk about whatever we want here." Rex clutches his spoon, so tightly it bends in his grip. "But not about our general. Show some respect, soldiers! Eat now and shut up, or I'll make you eat your own feet." You take a deep breath and have to grin as it suddenly gets quiet behind you. Rex threats are never taken lightly. Rex changes the subject to the upcoming mission and talks to you as if nothing has happened. You are grateful for his calm, decency and respect.
If you ask him, he would prefer to stay out of it completely. It's none of his business, Echo thinks to himself. And he keeps to it. He doesn't ask prying questions, he doesn't question his general, not at all. Echo is as disciplined, loyal and dutiful as ever. For him, basically nothing has changed, and he likes to say that to other soldiers who comment or discuss your transformation behind your back. "Nothing has changed, this is still our general, just as capable and righteous as before. Just as reliable as before. So I don't see any point in why we should discuss any motives or question our general." You can rely on Echo. He is a good advisor, an excellent soldier, very decent and dutiful. With him by your side, you don't have to worry about your back. Echo respects you because he knows how reliable you are. Everything else on the surface may be whatever. The only thing that matters to him is that you are still a good general, Echo doesn't have much patience with soldiers or people who question that because of your transformation, because one has nothing to do with the other.
You'll have to forgive his curiosity, but he asks you a lot of questions when he first finds out. Fives is as respectful as possible, though. As curious as he is, he doesn't forget who you are, his general. Fives is curious, lively, even impulsive at times. But he's also smart and a disciplined soldier; he didn't become an ARC soldier for nothing. Of course, he notices that not all of his brothers have the same respect or understanding, to behave decently enough towards you. In front of these brothers, he very publicly stands up for you, speaks highly of you as a general.
And now and then he secretly plays a trick on one or the other brother, he doesn't want to publicly fight and act like a wildling, but he thinks there has to be punishment. So he does it the most fun way he knows, with pranks. Salted caf, pink dye in shampoo, shrunk blacks and glued helmets are just a few things his not so respectful brothers have to endure. He also doesn't mince words in front of strangers or even other Jedi, should he have the feeling that they behave inappropriately towards you. He is fascinated by you, by your courage, your determination. Fives admires what you do, your transformation requires a lot of strength, courage and stamina, judging by how outsiders often deal with it.
"You're probably the bravest general the 501st has ever had". You raise your eyebrows and ask, "Braver than Skywalker?" Fives grins, "Skywalker is daring, sure, but this is a much deeper kind of courage and determination. This is more than just superficial courage." "High praise," you say with a small smirk. "Well deserved praise, General"
"Can't blame you, much more fun being a man," Hardcase says with a shrug. He smiles wryly. A little joke on the side. Basically, he doesn't care. You earned his respect as the person you are, not by your gender. Someone who questions that should prepare themselves. Hardcase may be a wild joker sometimes, but he can't take a joke when people disrespect you. By now, word has gotten around that he's looking out for you, in a way. Sometimes a sharp look from him is enough to silence whispering, gossiping voices immediately. He also enlists some of his other brothers to join the "Respect the General" movement. It's nothing official, but word spreads like wildfire. Soon you're the talk of the town because you have the deep, devoted respect of the men of the 501st. Hardcase has a hard shell, he's often wild and impetuous, likes to run headlong into the wall. But he is anything but stupid, and he has his heart in the right place. You can rely on him.
He's a joker and you know it. You've joked with each other from time to time, supervisor or not. You are not too strict with him, you know all the men by now, some of them have their peculiarities, Jesse is no exception. You know you can always rely on him, that's why you let him get away with a lot. "I knew you were jealous of me. Do you really have to copy everything I do?" is his first reaction. But he smirks, clears his throat and apologizes shortly after. Jesse means absolutely no disrespect. In fact, he's happy for you, he's aware that the whole thing isn't easy for you, he admires your courage and determination, and he tells you that in private. "I'm happy for you, General." Anyone who treats you disrespectfully or questions you has quickly fucked up with Jesse. As goofy as he can be at times, he can also get serious. It's not that easy to earn Jesse's respect. "You better watch what you say, that's our general you're talking about." There have been some fights in the cafeteria, but Jesse denies it every time someone asks if it had to do with you. But you know that he likes to swing his fists or a food tray when someone says something cheeky about you.
"Welcome to the boys club," he says dryly. Not much has changed for Heavy. You're the general, still. He trusted your judgment before, and he will now. Why shouldn't he? He sees it quite rationally. He can't really understand the people who whisper or even openly question your competence. "How can we trust a general who has changed themselves so much, someone who has changed their basic persona?" Heavy hears this sentence from a conversation between a couple of shinies and rolls his eyes. "What does it matter? It's a personal decision, a personal change, and it has nothing to do with qualifications. Our general has been carrying this around for a long time; it doesn't suddenly happen overnight. Nevertheless, the leadership has never suffered from it, we have always been able to trust the general. Nothing has changed in that regard. You better take care of your training, Shinies." It's not uncommon for Heavy to speak up for you. He believes in you, he trusts your leadership. Heavy's loyalty does not waver, ever. As long as he feels his trust is in good hands with you, he will always have your back.
From a medical point of view, he is quite curious and also fascinated. But he would never go so far as to ask you personal questions, he has too much respect for you, and he knows that is not appropriate in your professional relationship. "Hey Kix. What's the deal with our general, anyway?" Kix turns around and raises an eyebrow. He's heard many a dumb question regarding you and is prepared to hear another. Somehow, many of his brothers seem to think that just because he's a Medic, he should know everything about you and your transformation. "What exactly do you mean?" The soldier throws his arms in the air as if Kix should have already guessed the question. "Well, is the general male or female now?" "Male," Kix says curtly. "But not really, right?" Kix grumbles, "The General identifies as a male, so he's a male. What's so complicated about that?"
"What about anatomy?" "That's something that's none of your business. I don't think it's something you should worry about," Kix says reprovingly, "This is about your general, not an acquaintance from a bar, even if they were, it wouldn't necessarily concern you." There have indeed been stupider and even more inappropriate questions than this, but Kix always meets these questions with rigor and decorum. Whether you are present or being talked about in your absence, Kix does not hold back when it comes to taking sides. You are still his general, and not without reason. You are capable and a good leader. Kix, as well as many others, are always behind you, and will never allow you to be disrespected.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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tragedy-for-sale · 5 months
Still Water
Padme Amidala lays to rest in a mausoleum outside of Theed. Captain Rex and Ahsoka Tano go to pay their respects to their former friend, but what they found would haunt them forever.
Hi! As you might know, I am part of @swartists4palestine as a writer. I had the wonderful opportunity to work on this piece for @thelivingforce. I really enjoyed working on this and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!
It was quiet, which meant they had to be silent. Even the water was still under the three moons of Naboo. Rex was overtaken by the sight of the giant statue guarding the entrance, Padme Amidala, former Queen of Naboo, her throne room gown immortalized in stone. Rex gritted his teeth, even in death, she performed, beautiful and radiant. “I have a bad feeling about this-” His stomach turned, they weren’t that far from Theed, shouldn’t it be louder? He hadn’t wanted to come to Naboo in the first place, but Ahsoka. Oh, Ahsoka. They hid behind the giant statue, its shadow providing them the cover they needed to approach the door to her Mausoleum safely. “You place the flowers, say your goodbyes and then we’re out, got it?”
“We’ll be fine, calm down.” Ahsoka all but hissed, she reached the door first, it wasn’t locked, her tomb wasn’t even guarded. Padme deserved more. 
Ahsoka pushed the large, heavy door open, poking her head inside, her desperation got the best of her and she ran inside, coming to a halt as Rex grabbed her arm, “Stop-” He hissed, “You’re a soldier, you know better than to rush in,” He pulled her back to him, blaster drawn, “Look at the sarcophagus, ‘Soka, recon.” 
“It’s open.” Ahsoka shook her head in disbelief, someone was here and she’d been too blinded to even sense it. She started to fall back, Rex had already assumed a crouch, blaster ready to kill. She closed her eyes, trying to focus, she couldn’t sense any movement, except… “The sarcophagus, Rex,” Grave robbers, it must be. Ahsoka felt anger flood within her. The anger of Anakin Skywalker.
Her nose twitched as she advanced, whoever decided that desecrating Padme Amidala’s tomb was a good idea was about to be killed. “Commander sto-” Rex groaned, had she forgotten all her training? He started to follow her, groaning at her seeming incompetence. But he ran into Ahsoka, who stopped frozen in her tracks. 
“Rex.” She whispered, unable to move, unable to breath, “Look-”
“What is it little ‘un?” Rex stood up, creeping slowly towards the sarcophagus, her hand? He felt his stomach drop. Padme Amidala’s hand, resting on the edge, with a cold grip on a pendant. He felt his breath start to go as the fingers moved, he had a feeling. They both jumped at the sound of the pendant hitting the stone floor. Rex looked down, eyes wide. The Japor Snippet- “We need to leave.”
They should have already left. With her hand free, she pushed against the lid, the heavy stone lid moved with otherworldly ease. The lid tipped, hitting the ground, shaking the entire mausoleum, unsettling even dust. The lid fell and Padme Amidala, the corpse of the woman in a gown of neptune blue and wilted flowers adorning hair fallen from her skull, moved slowly as she sat up, instantly alarmed, looking down, hand on her belly. Rex felt his eyes water- the babies. 
“Rex, come on-” Ahsoka hissed. She was already behind him, already to the door, and Rex hadn’t even noticed. All he could focus on was Padme’s incoherent wails as she looked at her belly, something was missing. Ahsoka had tried to get to Rex, but Padme, that wasn’t Padme- had finally noticed they were there. 
Padme’s glowering eyes turned Rex into stone, she tilted her head, but then she reached out her hand and Rex wanted to take it, he took a step forward. Through her slacked jaw, dislocated shoulder and empty stare, Rex still saw the face of the woman his general loved so dearly. She looked so sad, “I know you’re confused,” Rex reached out his hand. 
“Rex-” Ahsoka whispered as loud as she could. Had he forgotten all his training? She was trying to get to Rex, but Padme’s corpse and its paralyzing stare found Ahsoka. Who looked into her cold dead eyes, “Padme-” Padme’s mouth opened, letting out a wail, hand on her belly again, there was nothing there, her babies weren’t there. And Rex, the poor, caring fool he was, turned to look at Ahsoka, whose eyes went wide as a loud screech shook the mausoleum, and she lunged forward. “Look out!” Ahsoka screamed, using the force to push Rex out of the way. 
He went flying back, hitting the stone wall, Rex looked up through groggy eyes, seeing Ahsoka, one hand out as Padme clawed her way slowly to her, “Please… Padme, it’s me, it’s ‘soka, it’s Snips-” Ahsoka wanted so badly for this to be her, she tried to reach out through the Force, but Padme Amidala… 
Ahsoka Tano closed her eyes, just for a minute, she wasn’t going to fight Padme, what was the point? Just for a moment, Ahsoka asked herself, what was the point? She closed her eyes longer than a minute, there was another loud screech and the sound of blaster fire. When Ahsoka opened her eyes, she found herself in Rex’s arms, who’d picked her up and was running towards the door. Padme rose to her feet, screaming as she started to sprint after them. “You didn’t shoot her.” She didn’t blame Rex for not doing what he should have, she couldn’t have struck Padme down either. Rex didn’t say anything, all he could focus on was getting Ahsoka out of there. “We have to help her.” Ahsoka said at last, who’d jumped from his arms to run beside him.
“Help?” Rex stopped, looking back towards the mausoleum as he caught his breath, they must’ve lost her. “Ahsoka, we can’t help her, she’s not even alive.”
“You don’t know that! She recognized us! She recognized me.”
Rex huffed, shaking his head, “Kid, that’s your grief talking. Clearly something else is going on here, something we know nothing about, we can’t do anything to help her.  I’m sorry, ‘Soka, but we’re leaving.” 
“But what if we can help her? We’re staying.” 
“No, we’re not-”
Argue on the battlefield, wind up dead. One of the first rules of war, but this wasn’t a battlefield, it was two best friends arguing over a woman they loved so much more than themselves. But it was a war, bigger than they knew, and they had stopped to argue about it. When they could’ve kept running, they stopped; when they could've resigned, they fought. For this was a war, and they were soldiers, and soldiers would rather die on the battlefield than leave one of their own behind. So, they stayed and listened forever to the loud, wailing screeches of Padme Amidala that echoed throughout the plains outside of Theed. They forever watched the moonlight dance on shaken water, no longer still.
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
Not so serious troopers
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Star Wars master list
When it came to dating two clone troopers, there were some stuff that came to having a relationship with clones. Even when it came to how they were ranked in the army, as some of them could be laid back and others were very serious. You had won the hearts of two serious clones in the military, they are Cody and Rex. A relationship that had started off as friendship and natural respect, had soon lead to a whole romantic relationship. When it came to dating them both there were more times when they were serious around you, on working base and romantic base as well. It had soon came to times were you had even seen them relax when they were with you.
Y/n " come in" you were doing some senate work when your office door had beeped, you soon saw 3cpo entered your office.
3cpo " mistress y/n captain rex and commander Cody are here"
y/n " oh please let them in 3cpo"
3cpo " yes mistress the lady said you two can come in" soon rex and Cody had entered your office.
y/n " you are free to go 3cpo and please bring some refreshments for our guest" 3cpo had nod his head and soon walked off, he knew of the relationship between you and the two troopers. It was the same for your brother and some of the closest people to you as well.
rex " hello lady y/n"
y/n " you know it just us three in there you don't have to call me lady y/n or ma'am"
cody " sure" soon Cody and rex had removed their helmets and soon looked at down as they place their helmets and place them down on the coffee table.
y/n " so what do I owe this wonderful visit from my handsome troopers" you soon moved closer to the two as they looked at you, as you gave them each a kiss on their lips.
rex " well we got home last night and came to see you after being gone for so long, after we were given shore leave"
y/n " well I'm happy you two came to see me I really missed you both when you two were gone and my brother along with ashoka and obi-wan"
cody " well you have nothing to worry about as we are both here safe and sound"
y/n " so tell me how was the mission this time" you sat with the two on the couch as 3po had come back with some drinks and some snacks as well.
rex " it was good but took alot of man power to overcome the separatist"
y/n " well I'm happy to have you both home I was worried that many lives were going to be lost on both sides, due the conflict on the planet"
cody " yes there was the worry of lives being lost but thanks to generals and commander we came out good, but there were many who were injured on this conflict soldiers and civilians"
y/n " yes the senate had pass some deals that will help with medical treatment and supplies for the troopers and civilians"
rex " we heard you and padme are to thanked for that along with your friends"
y/n " we all did out work to help make this deal happen as we need to be there for our people and troopers" rex and cody smile toward you as you soon lean back in your seat, rest you head on rex shoulder while holding cody hand in your free hand.
cody " we loving coming to see you"
y/n " why may I ask"
cody " because being with you allow us to find some peace of mind, and allows us to somewhat relax you will listen to our problems and give us love and support"
rex " we always know whatever happens we can come to you, and you will be here for us no doubt in the galaxy we know that is true" you soon smiled at the two troopers as you look at them rex soon kissed you on the lips, and cody kissed you on the forehead.
cody " look we know we are serious doing most of our relationship, but when we are with you we don't feel like we always have to be very serious and can be ourselves"
y/n " aww I love you two and I don't care if you are very serious that what makes something so special about you tow, and I love that truly"
cody " yes beautiful" soon the doors of your office side open very fast, and you soon moved away a bit away from rex and cody. You soon looked up and saw it was your brother, padme, and Ashoka standing there with 3po as well.
y/n " hello everyone"
anakin " hello little sister I came to see you but now I know how, captain rex is speeding his free time"
ashoka " so you are rex and cody special someone"
cody " yes"
rex " well yes kid I'm dating y/n and we have been dating for a while"
Ashoka " don't worry I won't be telling anyone I'm happy for you three"
rex " thank you kid"
padme " well we came to see if you will like to join us for dinner, but knowing rex and cody are with you will they love to join us as well" you soon looked at rex and cody hoping to hear an answer from them.
rex " sure we will love too"
padme " good and don't worry the dinner will be host at my home so there no need to worry"
cody " thank you ma'am" the dinner was wonderful and fun watching cody and rex crack some jokes and tell some stories, with everyone it made you happy to see they were having a good time. The two troopers had spent the night at your place, the tiro was enjoying each other company before they will be separated again for a short or longer time due to the wars and everything else. So everyone cherish these moment knowing it will be longer until you are all back together again.
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vanillahub · 7 months
respond to the prompts out of character!
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? Obviously, I'm heavily influenced by a set list of characters I personally love, which means I come up with a take/portrayal as I delve deeper into the lore. I tend to have a preference for side characters, rather than protags or lore heavy ones, bc of the freedom I get... BUT at the same time I've had numerous muses that carry a lot of weight in their respective franchises (see: Seto Kaiba, Captain Rex, rival Barry, Richter Belmont and Sea Dragon Kanon just to name a few).
I mainly write as canon characters, I genuinely have little to no interest in making or RPing as an OC. At most, I have 1 OC in two out of the RPCs I'm currently part of. Which explains this huge disparity.
is there anything you don’t like to write? My hard nos are Incest, Adult/minor types of relationships. Bodily fluids/toilet stuff and fetish focused RPs. One-liners and really short replies aren't fun for me, sure, they can be fun for crack/joke interactions. But they won't last long. I really love working and expanding on the source material, so RPs for me really need to have that good plotting to back it up. While I'm totally open for exploring darker/taboo subjects (e.g.: adultery, toxic relationships, etc.), they MUST carry weight on the characters and be handled accordingly.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? GIMME ALL THE WEIRD COMBOS TO INTERACT WITH!!! Characters that never met or barely interacted with one another in canon but, they can interact in our RPs!!! My jam is doing worldbuilding and expanding on the source material!!! I also enjoy writing comedy, fluff, romance, slice-of-life, over-arching stories that connect/get refferenced in other threads.
how do you come up with headcanons? I look for plotholes or anything that was barely touched upon, in the source material, and I go off from it. I try establishing connections or make them clearer, to serve as future reference for me and my RP partners. I also love taking influence from other medias I'm into.
do you write in silence or do you play music? I used to be able to multitask a lot easier in the past. Now, I mainly prefer writing in silence. Only in very rare cases, I may play some kind of lo-fi beat or lounge music.
do you plan your replies or wing them? It depends on the thread in specific! Most of them have been plotted out, so I go off what we have laid out. Only in a few cases I try to wing it.
do you enjoy shipping? YES YES. GIMME. However, due to some bad experiences in the past, I'm really picky with platonic and familial stuff (popular fanons my beloathed).
what’s your alias/name? Vani
age?  27
birthday? 19th of July
favorite color?  Purple, blue, white, red-
favorite song?  Tô de pé - Maneva
last movie you watched?  I genuinely can't remember it LOL. It must have been Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary.
last show you watched?  Saint Seiya Omega
last song you listened to? Discoholic - Disco Soul (Mr. Hoosteen's "Disco's Revenge
favorite food?  Pesto Pasta
favorite season?  Summer
do you have a tumblr best friend? Check these fellas out <3
These ppl know me for the longest time Gen ( @gems-of-lirema ), Simone (@unchcsen ) , Shiba ( @celestiialnotes ), Retto ( @245s ), Bobo ( @roleplayersoul ) and Smeargle ( @ofpokemon ) !! Really special mentions to @radi0activesmile, Val and @mxlik you guys will forever hold a v special place in my heart!!
Then I'm always chatting with Ama ( @gwiazdowe ), who genuinely is one of the best ppl I've met!! Honestly, I couldn't feel anymore happier to have met you! Can't forget urs truly Mica, who lives rent-free in my walls LOL. Lea ( @todefendlife ) and Mars own my house smfh.
And also special shout out to folks I've met more recently, but still deserve a place here: @shouxryuuxha / @wayfaringstrangxr / @eternalstarlights / @triko-the-fluffy-artist <3 Love u guys!
TAGGED BY: @mayxthexforce TYSM <3333
TAGGING: Anyone wanting to do this!! Just say I tagged you <3 !
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ashes-2-ashes57cba · 5 months
The Clone Wars: A Distant Echo
Part 2 of the Clone Wars Bad Batch arc with my OC: Specter! this has been edited *adla'vod: roughly translates to "twin", directly translates to "same brother/sister"
Specter felt surprised and almost betrayed when Crosshair let General Anakin Skywalker inspect his beloved rifle. Usually, he would get fussy if even she touched it. He wouldn’t even let her put her stuff next to his. 
The Bad Batch, Captain Rex, and the Jedi were on board the Batch’s ship—the Marauder—on their way to Skako Minor, following the live signal “Echo” supposedly sent out. Rex watched as Wrecker lifted a gonk droid with one hand and ate with the other. Crosshair observed as the General looked at his gun, and Hunter monitored any planetside activity at the console while Tech flew them to their destination. The female clone sat back, resting and mentally preparing herself for their next mission. 
“So, how many missions has your team been on, Sergeant?” Anakin asked Hunter.
“Honestly, sir, I’ve lost count. All the action sort of blurs together,” he admitted with a shrug.
“I know you work with Cody sometimes, but who exactly do you guys report to?” Rex asked. Hunter hummed in thought.
“Good question. Can’t say I’ve got an answer.”
“Yeah, I’d feel really bad for the one who would have to try and make sense of our reports,” Specter piped up. Wrecker laughed in agreement. “Oh, adla’vod?” The sniper turned to his twin as Anakin handed him his rifle back. “Your taste in music is weird and the songs you suggested are weird, and I love it. I’m adding them to the playlist.”
“I told you,” he said with a smirk. 
“So you’re the first female clone. How does that affect your… dynamic?” Skywalker asked, turning his attention to Specter. She raised an eyebrow.
“If you’re implying what I think you are, don’t worry about it. I’ve heard enough of the whispers. I’ve saved these boys more times than they’d like to admit, so I’m not just a pretty face.”
“What?” Anakin blushed, “N-no, like— gosh how do I say it without sounding crass?” Specter surprised him by laughing. 
“I’m teasing, General, I know what you mean. They’re my brothers and best friends. They respect me and know when to give me my space when I need it. In return, I don’t break their knees. Isn’t that right boys?” she asked aloud to her team.
“Yes, ma’am,” they replied; some enthusiastically, some with disdain. 
“However they don’t always pick up after themselves. Take Tech, for example,” she said loudly, hoping to get his attention.
“What now?” he sighed.
“Just because my bunk was empty and clean, does not mean you get to use it for storage for your projects.”
“You weren’t using it.”
“Because your stuff was on it!” Rex and Anakin snickered at their argument while Crosshair and Hunter rolled their eyes. A thud and the sound of alarms ended their argument.
“We are approaching Skako Minor,” Tech reported. “It looks to be a difficult landing.” The Marauder broke through the thunderous clouds, turbulence rocked the ship. Wrecker went to help Tech man the controls while the others strapped themselves in. 
Once they landed and everything settled, the rest of the team gathered in the cockpit.
“Rex, what do we know about this place?” Anakin asked his captain.
“On this part of Skako, there’s a race of locals, the Poletecs. All we know is that they’re very primitive.”
“‘Primitive’ is being kind. My intel says the Poletecs worship flying reptiles,” Tech chimed in. A thud and screech were heard outside the ship, almost in reply to the Batcher’s remark. A shadow of a creature scurried over the viewport.
“Oh! What the heck was that?” Wrecker exclaimed as the ship rocked and jolted.
“It’s one of those reptiles,” Tech simply answered.
“I want that thing off my ship,” Hunter growled, putting on his helmet. The Batchers followed his lead and prepared to go outside to investigate. 
“Hold on! Hold on! Don’t just run out there,” Rex warned. 
The Bad Batch ignored him, running out to the blowing winds. A creature was on top of the ship, its rider a mere silhouette against the dim golden light peeking through the dust and clouds.
“Hey! Get off of there!” Wrecker yelled, pointing his blaster at them. Anakin ignited his saber but held his arm out to the brute.
“Hey, calm down. We need to talk to them,” he said.
“Why?” Hunter gowled. The Bad Batch wasn’t used to handling confrontations with diplomacy.
“The General’s right,” Rex supported. Two more flying creatures screeched and approached fast, intently flying toward the group. 
“Heads up!” Specter yelled, crouching low. Anakin pushed Rex out of the way as one of them reached out with its claws to grab at the captain. The two flew by, but the one atop the ship jumped down and grabbed Anakin before flying away with the rest of its group. The Jedi’s lightsaber fell from his belt, Rex grabbed it before firing a few potshots at the reptile, hoping to have some sort of effect. Tech looked through his visor, tracking him.
“I have a thermal reading. Point-two-five east, elevation 175,” he reported. 
“Relax,” Crosshair said, readying his rifle and using Tech’s shoulder as a mount, “I’ll handle this.” He fired a grappling line, latching onto the leg of the reptile holding Anakin.
“What are you doing?” Rex asked as Crosshair handed Hunter the base of the line. 
“Going for a ride,” Hunter said, clipping the line to his belt before being yanked away. “Keep the boys out of trouble, Spec.” Specter crossed her arms, and yelled after him.
“Like they listen to me anyway, but sure thing.” 
The group watched as Hunter and the General disappeared into the thick clouds. Silence surrounded the group until Wrecker turned to Specter and asked-
“Should we follow them?”
“Not yet,” she replied. “We can’t be sure of any more of those reptiles hiding among the clouds. Best to trust Hunter to assess the situation before we rush in.” Her fist tightened with anxiety by her side; Hunter often trusted her judgment enough for her to lead the group when he couldn’t, but this time the life of a Jedi General was on the line.
“Tech, I’m with the General. Hone in on my signal,” Hunter’s voice eventually came through the comm. Specter relaxed her shoulders before turning to the others.
“Alright, now we can regroup. Everyone back to the Marauder,” she said, taking charge and gesturing back to the ship, following the others inside just as Tech launched the shuttle and flew to Hunter’s signal. 
They eventually touched down a ways back from the edge of a ridge leading down into the Poletec’s village. Hunter was kneeling down, out of sight, observing the scene. 
“That creature still has a hold of the General,” he reported to Rex, who went to take position beside him. Rex flipped down the antennae on his helmet, looking through the scope to assess Skywalker, Specter mirrored him, tracking each of the villagers.
“We’re going in,” he said, standing up, “but remember what the General said. ‘No casualties, disarm only’.” The reminder was emphasized towards the Batch with a few pointed glances. Wrecker shook his head and slumped in dejection. 
“We’re on it, Captain,” Hunter stood up before giving orders. “Wrecker, Crosshair, rockslide!” The two went to push the large boulder nearby down the ridge and into the village. As it rolled, Wrecker shadowed behind it, using it as cover, while Crosshair stayed behind to take a sniper position. The rest of the team followed suit, shooting to disarm the natives as they scrambled away. Crosshair shot an electric probe at the leg of the creature holding Anakin; it flew off from the shock, allowing the Jedi to roll out of the way of the boulder. Hunter pointed his pistol at the leader of the Poletecs; it spoke its language at him, waving his arms about. “Tech, translate what he said?” 
“He says he does not want our war on his planet. That is why he took our leader,” he relayed, reading the translation off his visor.
“We didn’t bring the war here,” Anakin said, “it was Wat Tambor and the Separatists.” Tech went to translate, doing his best to mimic the Poltec dialect. The chieftain looked between him and Skywalker.
“Tell him we apologize for what’s happened,” Rex stepped forward. “But tell him the enemy is holding one of our men prisoner in Purkoll. As soon as we rescue him, we’ll leave this planet, for good.” Tech nodded, turning to the chieftain and relaying the information. 
Specter couldn’t help but giggle; Rex noticed her shaking shoulders and nudged her side. 
“Hey, what’s so funny?”
“He just sounds so robotic. He’s not even attempting to follow through with the accent,” she explained. 
“Could you do any better?” Rex asked. She scoffed.
“Give me a day and I could even learn the local dialect, Captain. If it helps put things in perspective, I learned Galactic Sign Language in a week.” 
“Wow, Specter, is there anything you can’t do?” Rex wondered.
“Yeah. She can’t reach the high shelves,” Crosshair sneered. His twin stomped on his foot. 
The Poltec leader and Tech continued to speak back and forth in what looked like apologies and negotiations. 
“The chief says he’ll provide us with scouts and lead us to Tambor’s city. From there, we’re on our own,” he reported to Anakin. 
“Any help is better than no help.”
The two scouts led the team to a rocky outlook with a clear view of the city, or at least the spires hanging down from the clouds. One pointed towards the city and said something in his language; Tech thanked them before they went to return to their village. 
“Hope nobody’s scared of heights,” Anakin said with a smirk. Crosshair, Hunter, and Specter turned to look at Wrecker, who perked up at the attention.
“Well, I’m not scared of nothing!” he assured, unconvincingly. He glanced down the cliff rock, however, noting the height. “I just… when I’m up real high, I got a problem with gravity,” the brute admitted.
“Speaking of problems,” Tech spoke up, “I am no longer picking up Echo’s signal.”
“I don’t understand,” Rex said, surprised, “you said it was coming from this city.”
“I can only speculate, but it is possible there’s a latency issue with the frequency caused by all these atmospheric disturbances,” Tech said, holding up his datapad.
“Or… maybe they sent the signal to lure us into a trap,” Hunter speculated. “And maybe your friend’s actually dead. Well I can’t be the only one thinking of that.”
“But if a clone can come back from the dead, then nothing could stop me from being completely unhinged,” Specter fantasized.
“Look, every mission could be a trap. This one is no different,” Rex argued against Hunter. “I’m telling you that signal is being sent by Echo himself! He’s alive!”
“I think you’re letting your personal feelings get in the way because you left him for dead at the Citadel,” Crosshair sneered, turning his back on the captain. Specter tilted her head back in exasperation. 
“I had no choice. You hear me?” Rex said, his tone dark and on the verge of anger.
“Oh, I don’t blame you. I would’ve left him for dead too. Besides, he’s just another reg.” 
Specter didn’t blame Rex, nor did she try to stop him when he punched Crosshair to the ground. 
“Hey!” Wrecker grabbed the captain by the back of his armor. “Why don’t you pick on someone not your size?” The brute threw him off, but Rex turned right back around and marched up to him.
“You’ll be a whole lot smaller when I’m through with you,” he growled.
“That’s enough!” Anakin ordered, pushing the two men apart. “Sergeant, take your men and scout the area for a tower entrance. I want to talk to my Captain alone.” Hunter motioned for the Bad Batch to follow him, Specter helped Crosshair stand up before smacking the back of his helmet, scolding her twin for his insensitive comment.
The wind howled, blowing golden dust. Specter shifted her stance again, trying to ignore the itch of sand up in her armor. The Batch did their best to peer through the sand and guard the entrance of one of the towers leading up to the city while Tech worked on the door panel. Hunter sensed someone coming, holding up his gun in defense. But it was Skywalker and Rex running to meet them.
“We’re in business, General. Tech regained Echo’s signal,” Hunter reported, shouting over the wind and walking him towards the entrance. “It’s coming from this tower. How’s it going, Tech?” The clone had his datapad hooked up to a console, quietly working through algorithms and firewalls to get past the door. After pushing a few buttons, he was able to gain access.
“Sorry it took so long,” he replied with a shrug. 
“Hey, twins, check it out,” Hunter nodded inside. 
“Ah yes, the noble sacrifices,” Specter slumped before holding up her blaster and following Crosshair, sweeping the inner room for any traps or cameras. They found nothing and turned back to the door. 
“Yeah, it’s a lift,” Crosshair deadpanned.
“How magical,” Specter feigned wonder.
“Well, we already knew that,” Rex said, unamused, walking inside with the others. Wrecker nervously looked up at the tower, most of it disappeared behind heavy clouds. 
“Wait, wait, wait. A lift? How far up are we going?” he growled.
“Don’t worry, Wrecker. I’ll hold your hand,” Hunter teased. 
“Hey! Cut it out, Sarge,” Wrecker said, bumping past Hunter’s shoulder, “Just give me some droids to crush.”
“Remember, this is a stealth mission,” the General said as the lift neared the top, “no blasting, no blowing things up. Nobody knows we’re here.”
“Pff, don’t count on it,” Specter muttered, collapsing her blaster’s stalk and preparing her pistol. The door opened to a group of droids who abandoned their tasks, turned to the intruders, and readied their weapons. Wrecker dashed out, crashing into the ones closest, throwing one at another group near the back and swinging another at a few near the opening. They fell with robotic screams.
“I told you!” Specter said before running out to the fight with her squadmates. Anakin could only shake his head with a smirk. She fired alongside Tech, covering the corridor that led inside the facility. A pair of droids snuck up behind them, separating her and Tech. Specter let them corner her against some crates; once they were right where she wanted, she jumped up and pushed off against the crates—over the droids’ line of fire—knocking them down with a split kick. A shot flew past her shoulder, striking a lone droid attempting to charge at her; Specter looked up to find Crosshair fired the shot, she returned the favor by blasting a droid approaching behind him.
 Wrecker charged at the remaining droids, firing relentlessly and cheering from the adrenaline once they were victorious. Everyone simply looked at him.
“Uh… sorry. I just got excited.” Specter came around and patted his shoulder while Tech checked his scanner.
“I’ve still got a lock on Echo’s signal.” 
“All right, men.” Hunter readied his blaster and led the way to the corridor. “Let’s hunt some droids.”
Droids on patrol marched through the hall, though they didn’t detect the door opening and Hunter peeking out. He motioned Specter forward and nodded; they stepped out, he shot the droids entering the area while she destroyed the ones that passed, clearing the way for Skywalker to step into the hallway. 
“Where exactly is Echo’s signal coming from?” he asked Tech. The clone adjusted his goggles as he looked at his datapad.
“Strange. I just lost the signal.”
“What? How can that be?” Rex asked, removing his helmet. “There’s no ‘atmospheric disturbances’ up here.”
“Well, I have a new theory. I’m surprised I did not consider it earlier,” Tech shook his head. “The signal is only traceable during data transmissions. So until Echo dispenses more intel, I cannot pick up the signal.”
“Okay, we’re splitting up. Search every door,” the General began to order, “If someone finds Echo, contact the others. We go in together, just in case there’s trouble.” Specter and Crosshair split with the General while the others went down the other way. She found nothing in the doors she checked, only storage containers and maintenance supplies. 
Specter had a very hard time believing a clone like Echo could have survived the attack on the citadel, but she knew if it was one of her squadmates, she would be just as adamant to rescue them as Rex was. But like Tech, she was logical enough to know that the chances of Echo actually being alive were low. But not zero. 
A commotion caught her attention: muffled blaster fire and a lightsaber. The clone ran towards Anakin, configuring her blaster into a sniper rifle; she got there just in time, shooting down the droids before they could attack again. The Jedi stood up, calmly walking towards her.
“Thanks for the backup.”
“No problem, General,” she said, giving a two-fingered salute.
“Hey, where did you get that weapon? I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it,” he asked as they walked down the hall.
“I doubt you would’ve. Tech and Crosshair designed and built it after I saved them on a mission from Corellia… and took care of them when they caught Corellian fever,” she snickered.
“You didn’t have to mention that,” Crosshair hissed, coming up beside them.
“Too late, Cross,” she teased, patting the side of his helmet. He swatted her hand away. “But I was the one who helped engineer the reconfiguring mechanism.”
“Clever,” the Jedi complimented. 
“Don’t let it get to her head,” Crosshair warned.
“Hey, how about when you— did you guys hear something?” Specter stopped herself, suddenly perking up. The others heard it too; sounds of droids and blasters being fired. 
“Sounds like trouble. Let’s move,” the General ordered.
It seemed the three had arrived just in time to even the odds against the droids attacking the rest of the team. Anakin used the Force to push a group out of his way, swinging his lightsaber to cut them and deflect their shots. Hunter took the opportunity to go on the offensive, Wrecker, Tech, and Rex joined in. The Sergeant held up a droid by the neck, ready to punch its head off, but Crosshair came in and shot it off for him. A whistle sounded, Specter came running in, taking a position by Wrecker.
“Hey, swing me around,” she said.
“Like on Mon Cala?” he asked, shooting a few droids.
“What? No, like on Ryloth.” They hooked their arms around each other and he spun, swinging Specter around to shoot and kick at the rest of the droids near them. The Jedi stabbed the last one. “Mon Cala… you didn’t swing me, you threw me. Underwater,” Specter mumbled. More blaster fire filled the hallway, even more droids were coming. The team took defensive positions in the side of the room. 
“Tech, open that door for Rex!” Anakin ordered over the noise. 
“Yes, sir!” Tech nodded and ran to take care of the door.
“I hope you find what you’re looking for, Captain,” Hunter said, turning to acknowledge him. “Specter, you’re with them.” Rex and Specter ran to meet Tech who was able to get the door open and enter the room. It was filled with dimly lit panels and other controls. 
“I don’t like the look of this,” Specter heard Rex say— her back was turned, keeping an eye on the door and their other surroundings. 
“I’m definitely picking up a life-form in there,” Tech said, his scanner beeping in rapid succession. He investigated the controls, “It seems to be a stasis chamber. I think I can get it open.” Specter looked over her shoulder, Tech worked at the control panel and got the chamber open. 
The door hissed open and a form fell forward, only caught by the wires attached to—him. It was a body. Malnourished, disfigured, but a clone’s body nonetheless. Specter stifled a gasp at the sight. 
“Echo,” Rex breathed. “Tech, we’ve got to get him out of here. Figure out how to…  unplug him from… from this mess.” Rex frantically undid the line around his torso, laying the body down onto the floor, cables were still attached to Echo’s head. “What have they done to you?” Specter abandoned watching the door and turned to go help Rex, who had taken off his helmet.
“We… we have to get to the shuttle to escape the Citadel,” the soldier muttered. His eyes were open but unseeing, skin sickly and pale, body emaciated and drawn. Both his legs and his right arm were replaced by cybernetic parts.
“He’s stable, but blood sugar is low,” Specter reported, removing her helmet and taking out a small flashlight. She shined it in his eyes, they were dilated and unfocused. “He’s in there but barely. Hallucinating. Oxygen in his brain must be low too, his heartbeat is irregular.” She felt his pulse on his wrist and by his neck.
“No! I’ll go first,” Echo continued in his hallucination, reaching out. Rex gently shook him.
“Echo,” he pleaded. “Echo, it’s Rex. I’m here.” The pale clone calmed down, his eyes came into focus.
“Rex? You, you came back for me,” he breathed, reaching to touch Rex.
“Yes. Yes, I did,” Rex assured. 
“What? What happened? Where am I?” Echo looked around.
“Yeah, he’s coming around alright. It’s okay, soldier. You’re safe now,” she assured.
“Just sit tight, Echo,” Rex said, “You’re going home.”
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nerfpuncher · 10 months
Gamestop Employee: Thanks for shoppinh here! Enjoy!
Me: little does he know I'm going to Sportsmans after this. Because while Captain Rex will be put on a pedestal in my office, Pong Krell is about to be shot into a low earth orbit strapped to 15 pounds of tanerite. On this farm, we love and respect clones. Fuck that guy.
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bunnywritesjunk · 2 years
Ruusaan | Captain rex x Reader
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Series summary: You missed your tropical planet, but coruscant had more to offer. You are a field medic in the 501st. you work closely with the captain in hopes of not losing your job. But how close is too close.
Chapter summary: Your first mission to Umbara is going as planned. That is until a certain General shakes things up. 
Pairing: Captain Rex x Reader
Warnings: Canon level violence, brain injures, blood, broken bones, T for teen (for this chapter)
Word count: 2.1k
Genre: Fluff and angst
A/n: Hello! chapter 2 coming up. I'm following the timeline pretty closely just to establish plot. In my mind rex is actually a little shy and bashful so he might take a minute to open up.. anyways, enjoy!
Chapter Two
In the hangar, You stood next to Na'wi and Fives. The briefing for your first mission was simple yet overwhelming. A holoprojection of the terrain appeared central to the generals.
“Master Krell and Tin will be supporting my troops in the south, while Anakin's battalion with come in from the north and takes out enemy reinforcements.” Obi-wan said.
“It is imperative that we capture the capital city as quickly as possible and hold it.” His hand made a fist as he finished.
Anakin stepped forward. “Our biggest problem is gonna be the local militia. The Umbarans have aligned themselves with the separatists, and are heavily armed”
“Arc trooper fives will be assisting my unit on special assignment.” Anakin said.
“Ready to do my part, General Skywalker” Fives responded.
“Nice to have you onboard” Captain rex addressed the Arc trooper.
“Just like old times Rex.” Fives said fondly.
“Medics, we're relying on you two for communication and recon. If you see anything suspicious let us and the captains know immediately.” Obi-wan said sternly to you and Na'wi.
“You both will have your ATV's but I want you to stay one click behind the battalion. Stay safe and if anything goes down get out of there quickly, got it?” Said Anakin.
“Sir yes sir.” You and Na'wi said in sync. Your tail whipped back and forth in anticipation.
“Remember Anakin, Cody, and I will be twelve clicks to your south, we're counting on you to take out those local fighters or I'm afraid the capital will never surrender.” Said Obi-wan.
Anakin sighs “Does my battalion have to do everything?”
“You seem to always volunteer” Obi-wan replies with a smirk.
The generals and soldiers loaded up into their respective warships. You and Na'wi were sharing one ship to carry you both to different landing points. Because of the hostile terrain of Umbara, they gave the field medics all-terrain vehicles equipped with a hover pad latched on the back. That was so you can transport the injured to a safe location. You and Na'wi loaded onto the ship, both of your vehicles were all white save for the medical emblem and the number of your respective battalions on it. You mounted your ATV followed by Na'wi. Your ship took off slowly out of the hangar and speed into the atmosphere of Umbara.
“I'm so excited!” Na'wi said while swinging her feet.
“How is this exciting? We could die” You responded rolling your eyes lightly.
“I enjoy the risk.” She said flashing you a bright smile.
“I guess I'll rely on my adrenaline.” You picked at your fingernails to pass the time.
It seemed like no time passed until the ramp opened up. You were dropping first. The ship did not seem to slow down much but you swallowed your fear and put your vehicle in neutral. Slowly you rolled out of the ship while waving to Na'wi.
“I love you!” She screamed over the wind.
You fell to the ground with a thud. You did not brace yourself enough the impact made you lurch forward and hit your head on the controls. You brushed it off and put the ATV in drive. You got placed somewhat adjacent to the active battle field. Your helmet had built-in goggles with heat vision, so you could see everything that is happening on the battlefield. As well as if someone is still alive or not. You could tell the 501st had made good headway already so you headed towards the area they left recently. Your orders are to stay one click behind them to keep you out of immediate danger. You were coming up on the remnants of the battlefield, you slowed down and kept your head low as you approached. Although you had a blaster you did not want to risk giving your position away. You scanned the field for any sign of life. Your thermal goggles picked up a heat signature about twenty feet away. You speed to the location and saw a trooper unconscious face down. Yout hopped off the ATV quickly and flipped him over.
You took his helmet off and felt for a pulse first, it was weak. You looked over him ad couldn't find any obvious injuries. You took out your holo pad and scanned him. He had a brain bleed. You debated on whether he would have enough life in him after you stopped the internal bleeding. Worth a try, but you had to act fast. You got some gloves on and undressed a Bacta needle. Flipping him over you inserted the needle carefully into the brain stem. It should stop the bleeding. You were glad he was asleep so he doesn't have to feel this. After the injection, you looked at his scan to see exactly where the bleed was spilling. You took out a small spring-locked drill. It stops drilling when it hits soft tissue. The perfect tool for drilling into a skull, which you happen to be doing. You positioned the drill behind his ear and slowly but firmly applied pressure. Soon, blood started dripping out of the small hole. The drill stopped and you removed it. Flipping him over on his back to let gravity drain the blood. The trooper started breathing heavily and his hand twitched. You decided to inject him with a painkiller so he's not in agony when he comes to.
“Hey there trooper, you're gonna be alright.” You said to him in a soft voice. He stirred and his eyes fluttered a bit. All good signs that he was gonna be ok, with minimal brain damage.
You left your ATV near him while you surveyed the rest of the battlefield. You found another trooper thankfully awake with a badly broken humerus and dislocated shoulder on his right side. You numbed his arm and shoulder to set his bones back in place and injected him with Bacta. Since he could walk you led him back to your ATV discreetly. You found no other troopers that were alive.
The battle seemed to get further and further away. You didn't want to get completely separated so you three had to move. You went to the unconscious trooper and hooked your arms under his to lift him onto your hover pad.
'Damn he's heavy' you thought.
The hover pad had barriers so that patients wouldn't fall off while you drove. As you got him settled he stirred and opened his eyes.
“Are you an Angel?” His voice was barely above a whisper.
“I wish” You chuckled. You mounted your ride and motioned for the other trooper to sit behind you. He wrapped his good arm around your waist and rested his head on your back.
“Hey trooper, can't have you falling asleep ok?” You felt him nod. You sped off toward your battalion.
The troops were moving fast, but the casualties were heavy. It's been nearly twenty minutes since you found the two injured clones, and you have not found anyone else alive. Your comm beeped it was Rex.
“We have stopped for rest, make it one click away from our location and hold your position.” Rex said.
“Sir yes sir”
You were about a click and a half away from them. You started to speed up but then stopped abruptly. There were Umbarans half a click away... Directly in front of you. The battalion advanced so the area should be clear...unless?
You commed Captain Rex.
“Captain, they're going to ambush”
“What do you see?” He spoke lowly.
“They are surrounding your position as we speak”
He didn't comm you back but you saw the distant blaster fire. You decided to back up and take cover in some bushes just in case any Umbarans saw you while retreating. After a few minutes you heard the whirring of ships, you looked up as the bombers can and laid waste to the Umbaran ambush.
Your comm beeped once again. It was Anakin
“General Krell is here with a ship, I am going back to Courasant and he is taking over. Bring any wounded to us immediately so I can get them back the Starship”
“Yes sir” you replied while speeding off in their direction.
Once you got there Anakin was already on the ship waiting. Two troopers helped unload the clone on your hover pad while you assisted the one on your ATV to the ship. Anakin nodded at you in acknowledgment. Once the injured were loaded onto the ship they took off.
Rex turns to general Krell “Your reputation precedes you general, It is an honor to be serving you”
“I find it very interesting captain that, you are able to recognize the value of honor. For a clone.” General Krell says smoothly. The captain gave him a puzzled look.
“Stand at attention when I address you” Krell barks.
“Your flattery is duly noted, but it will not be rewarded. There's a reason my command is so effective, and it's because I do things by the book. And that includes protocol” General Krell walks up to you.
“So you're the new field medic. Tell me, were those two clones the only ones you managed to rescue?” He asked.
You opened your mouth to speak but before you could get a word out he spoke.
“Because if those two were the only ones you could manage your experimental job will certainly be in jeopardy. Those clones will probably never see combat again, you are proving to be ineffective.” With that, he walked away.
“You will stay with us as we march the capital, maybe your talents will be of a better use when you can treat faster hmm?” General Krell said.
“Sir, my talents are best applied not under heavy fire and artillery. Kix is more suited for treating smaller injuries in the heat of batt-”
“What? What is a Kix? You mean a clone?” He interrupted you. Your tail whipped in annoyance.
“Um yes. I don't know his CT number, they are harder to remember.” You didn't meet his eyes as you spoke. Rex walked up beside you.
“Although our medic is combat trained, her top priority should be to save others' lives. Not her own, sir.” Rex said. General Krell didn't acknowledge Rex.
“Have the platoons ready to move out immediately,” The General turns to you.
“You were given orders, follow them. That is all” He said as he walked away from the group.
You followed closely behind the battalion on your ATV. There was a small run-in with some hostile flying animals. The general took care of that swiftly and yelled about it after. You had a bad feeling about this man. You wanted to talk to fives but he was up at the front. The farther away you could be from General Krell the better.
It's been twelve hours. You've started to fall asleep on your vehicle. You reached into the side pocket of your pack and pulled out a nutrient bar. Hopefully, that could give you a little bit of energy for now. You barely noticed when General Krell started yelling about how the other battalions are counting on the 501st so they can't afford rest. You heard him but it didn't stick in your head for very long. Eventually, you all made it the capital main road. The men started to get in position for the strike on capital. You being the medic, did not know where you should or shouldn't be. You felt a little awkward just sitting there.
You rode up to fives “Hey” You said sleepily.
Fives nodded at you “How are you holding up?” You responded with a sigh.
Then, you noticed Rex walking up to general Krell. You listened in.
“Sir, we're ready to bring our forward platoons in for a surgical strike on the city's defenses.” Rex said to the General.
“There won't be any need Captain” Rex looked confused at this response.
“All platoons will execute a forward assault along the main route to the city”
“But, sir. General skywalker's plan was to surprise them with multiple attacks. If we come in from the main route, they're likely to engage us in a full-frontal assault”
You turned to Fives “Is this guy trying to kill us?” You whispered. General Krell went on about using all the troops to attack the capital head-on.
“Seems like it.” Fives whispered back.
“Do I make myself clear CT-7567?!” Krell barked in the captain's face.
“Yes General” Rex said calmly.
Rex made his way to you.
“Listen, once blaster fire starts I want you behind me at all times. Got it?” You nodded yes. He turned to walk away.
“But um, Rex?” You asked. He faced you again.
“How exactly am I supposed to treat people if I have to stay near you?” He moved closer to you.
“You won't. This plan is crazy, you won't be able to do anything but protect yourself. Stick with me, I can't have you dying on your first mission civvie.” He gives you a reassuring look.
“Alright, I trust you.”
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thecodyagenda · 2 years
Bad Batch RETCONS The Clone Wars??
As an avid Star Wars fan I have found a fantastic community with other manly men who like legos and so I obviously take canon VERY seriously.
I sat down to watch The Bad Batch and immediately was disappointed with how the entire concept RETCONNED Clone Wars. The main idea being that a set of clones had genetic differences from the other clones.
Now don’t get me wrong. I love the idea of a clone-focussed series and very much enjoy a more action/adventure genre of Star Wars however The Bad Batch has ruined Star Wars.
Firstly, I am a history buff and very knowledgeable about everything to do with World War Two and as such I know that the ideas in the Bad Batch about genetic differences and traits that are treated as more acceptable than others is an idea commonly known as eugenics and as an AMERICAN I am AGAINST NAZIS and their ideals.
Secondly, The Clone Wars is a beloved series that often had the viewer sympathise with the clones and often showed the clones as characters who are capable of thinking for themselves and making moral decisions especially through the characters of Captain Rex, Fives, and Echo. Saying that The Bad Batch is the first piece of media to show the clones being able to make decisions takes away from The Clone Wars and the characters of Rex, Fives and Echo.
Thirdly, The Bad Batch also takes away from The Clone Wars showing the individuality of the clones because it presents the Batch as being capable of individuality solely because of the differences in their genetic make-up. There was so much hard work put into the Clone Wars to show the differences of the clones and the clones as individuals.
And finally, both the Clone Wars and The Bad Batch reject and almost retcon the original material worked on by Temuera Morrison. Not just in their features but in the development of the clones. Temuera has often shown enthusiasm for the Clones and replacing him by that Dee Bradly Baker (who is said to specialise in animal noises in animation) neglects the source material and refuses any GOOD development of the clones.
I believe I would’ve liked the idea of a show about the clones and how they progressed after Order 66. However The Bad Batch is a show that retcons the clone wars and what little development the clones have. The show doesn’t understand what character development is nor how to respect Star Wars as a whole and rejects the work put forward by Temuera. So yeah, don’t cancel an innocent guy for stating the truth. C’mon Star Wars and Clone fans, we deserve better!
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You were still a Padawan when the clone wars started, how did you become a general?
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