#we love bea in this household
whaledocboi · 1 year
“You don’t have to be happy, you know,” Lilith mentions offhand, helping Camila up. “I am beating you to a bloody pulp. You are not required to enjoy all aspects of the training.”
“I do enjoy spending time with you; the beatings, less so.”
“Good, I was beginning to worry you’re some kind of masochist.”
“She just said she enjoys spending time with you, she’s definitely a masochist,” Mary calls out in greeting. “Show me what you’ve learned, baby girl.” Mary does a combo punch and leg sweep that Camila deftly blocks and avoids. “Good! We should set you up with Beatrice, get you beat up in a whole new way.”
“Um, OK?”
“Mary always steals my most promising sparring partners and gives them to Beatrice; it was only a matter of time,” Lilith sighs.
“Shan needs you for something; less whining, more sister warrior-ing. I’ll take Camila to the range, see how she does with one eye swollen shut.”
“Thank you for the spar, Sister Lilith.”
“You’re welcome. Keep your left guard up; Mary is sneaky.”
“How dare you imply I would surprise attack her on the way to the range!”
“Would you?” Camila asks.
“Absolutely, baby girl. Let’s go!”
fuck yeah, thank you anon, im stiching these together like a frankenstein monster, please absolutely do keep it up (if this is one person. actually im not sure. doesnt matter)
its like camila saying "i enjoy spending time with you" didnt even register to lilith at first, and then after 5something minutes she's like "wait, what" (tfw someone hits on you and you only realize it a year later)
"you dont have to be happy. like seriously. dont keep smiling at me and be nice, i do not know what to do with that. no, stop, stop it immediately, because one day i'll wake up with the terrible horrible realization that i've fallen in love with you." - lilith probably
then one day mary probably will napalm her with the "wow do you have a crush on her or something with the way you talk about her all the time" and lilith is mortified because that cant be, i should find everything about this little guy unbearable and annoying and YET
camila on the other hand would just ask beatrice once like "do you think lilith hates me? i cant ever tell if she cares for what i say or wants to knock all my teeth out" and beatrice would go "im dont know what exactly she thinks of you, but she offers to help you up after sparring and she also willingly speaks to you for no apparent reason, and she hasnt done that since. forever basically."
and yippee, cam finally feels at home and less alone and surrounded by people she likes and cares for. i sure do hope nothing will happen to them.
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kiwiana-writes · 7 days
hi MJ!! for the sleepover weekend asks, i'd love some fluffy and a few hurt/comfort firstprince fic recs! and and for fmk: bea, june and nora from rwrb! okay thats it byebye ~saturday xoxo
Forgive me: I sat on this one for so long it's now officially NEXT weekend, at least in my part of the planet, so I guess answering this is also me kicking off this weekend's slumber party 😅
I'm doing FMK first, even though I need you to know this is CRUEL. Fuck Nora, marry Bea, kill June, but I am absolutely relying on Nora's smarts/Pez's cash to get her out of this situation.
take me back to San Francisco by @getmehighonmagic: this has a sequel languishing in my emails for that magical future day when I'm capable of reading again but I have no doubt it'll be just as incredible as part one, which is FUCKING DIVINE. Also I just... really wanna go to San Francisco.
You love me! You love me? by anarchyat4am: How often I shoehorn a rec for this fic wherever it might be even remotely applicable is sort of a running joke by this point but I stand by it actually. This is a massive comfort fic for my trans ass.
Confidential Memorandum by @sherryvalli: this fic is so stinkin' cute I feel like I need to book a dental appointment every time I read it.
Dick, Dick, Dick (You Down) by @everwitch-magiks: do I feel a deep abiding kinship with Henry's anxiety being read as rudeness in this fic? Maybe, shut up.
Getting Clinical by @cha-melodius: Yes I'm biased because this was a gift for me, no I don't care, IT'S A FUCKING DELIGHT.
In His Wildest Dreams by @myheartalivewrites: This fic is a fucking fluffy blanket of joy.
If at first you don't succeed by @clottedcreamfudge: I am lowkey obsessed with CCF second first impressions and Alex being blissfully unaware until he's not.
a shard or two by @aeithalian: you don't read WIPs? I don't care. Read this one. I beg of you. Hands down the most criminally underrated fic in this entire fandom in my opinion. It is so, SO good. I reread it all the time in between chapters, I am hoping DESPERATELY the author will let me ficbind it when it's done, and I will scream about it from the fucking ROOFTOPS to convince y'all to read it. No cliffhangers, no relationship drama, just the meatiest post-canon deliciousness.
(but i knew you) baby, kiss it better by saintsnames: age gap my beloved, sex bloopers my beloved, two idiots in love MY BELOVED.
i ask you how you’re doing (and i let you lie) and even though we know it isn't true by @matherines: double-reccing even though these can be read separately because HAHA OUCH MY HEART. Both of these fics just fucking flayed me alive????
you were more than just a short time by @hypnostheory: DAVID 😭😭😭😭😭😭 mind the living fuck out of the tags but FUCK this is good. Heartbreaking, but good.
Downburst by @cricketnationrise had me clutching my face from start to finish I swear to god.
So I Will Weather the Storm by @sparklepocalypse: while reading this, picture me just screaming ALEX YOU FUCKING DUMBASS at my computer the entire time and it'll be like you were right here with me the first time I read it!
The Domestication of Household Spiders by @cultofsappho: if Spider-Man Alex has no fans I am dead etc etc. This is so fucking SOFT from start to finish.
[Sleepover weekend!]
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be-missed · 11 months
Not Strong Enough (Chap 3)
Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
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(picture not mine)
Summary: Jenna was visiting her mom in the hospital to drop off the food that will be eaten for the hospital party, but she met a resident surgeon and she thought "God forbid I ran into an accident, but I want her to open me and stitch me up." While the surgeon tries her best to keep her fan girling low-key.
Warning: curse words
A/N: Hey, 3rd chapter in a row. Thank you again for reading and enjoy!
Chap 1 | Chap 2
Chap 3
"Had a fun time in the party, I'm so glad we got to have this celebration for our achievements in our department" Ava said as she dropped her bags beside their front door. Behind her is her wife Beatrice, followed by Y/N and their other friend Camila, who is also a doctor in the Pediatric Department.
"Aww, that really sucks, why do I always get to be left out by you guys." Camila said with a pout on her lips while the other three people inside the house just laughed at her.
"Well sweety, you chose to do your residency in Pedia Department and you love kids, that is why." Beatrice answered her while she went to Ava in their kitchen to help with reheating the premade dinner that they cooked earlier today.
As Y/N and Camila got settled in the living room, they started to catch up with each others life and what stresses them in their department. A little banter over here and there, laughs were echoing throughout the household until Ava called them to go to the dining table to eat.
"Cheers to us noobs to conquering and still being here thriving to do our best, cheers." Y/N tells as she raised their glass and drink their wine.
"I told you having a monthly dinner between the four of us is a great idea, us being free and to catch up with one another." Camila said with a cheeky grin while the other three are just laughing.
"We are all well informed with each others life since we are just literally in the same department unlike you." Beatrice chimed in which makes them laugh, because they love to tease Camila for being the only one that chose pediatrics, but they truly support her since that is where her passion goes but they also love teasing her.
"Not fair guys, I'm getting bullied here, I'm all by myself." Camila teasingly moping and laughing.
"But truly, I really am thankful for the three of you for adopting me in your friend group. I always feel that my home is far but when I'm with you all, home just gets a little bit closer." Y/N tells with a grateful smile on her face.
"Okay, stop with the cheesiness, Halloween is just around the corner so Bea and I planned of a Halloween party, but you know, just for the four of us since we can't really handle big crowds and get overstimulated." Ava proposed and laughs.
"I'm definitely in." Y/N approved and everyone nodded while they enjoy their dinner.
While Y/N is having fun in Ava and Bea's household, Jenna on the other side is facing her mom with the questions that she expected to be asked.
"Well?" Natalie asked Jenna with her left hand on her hip.
"She is new and she looks fun, what is wrong with having a new friend right?" Jenna answered.
Natalie looked at her daughter with questioning eyes, not fully believing what her daughter answered, but, she won't push through, she doesn't want to rush and pressure her daughter.
"Okay, I believe in you. But don't pull that stunt on me again mija, I am a nurse not an actress." Natalie answered with a smile and kissed her daughter's forehead as she leaves Jenna's room.
Sun goes up so then another day arrived. The beams of light never shined so bright for Y/N because today is her day-off, which means she can just lay-down and just spend the rest of her day snuggling her pillow and ordering a whole pizza for dinner just to binge watch Brooklyn 99 for the nth time.
BUT. There is a big but that comes to her mind. If they will have a costume party, that means that she needs to buy a costume for herself, because if she did not, Ava will totally gonna punch her face, Camila will kick her in the stomach, and Beatrice will gonna Aikido her. So yes, what she planned was never gonna happen.
Y/N rolled over on her bed until her feet falls and touches the ground, and tries to push her body to stand up. She is trying so hard, looking like a baby that wants to stand up and just walk, and after fighting her own for a second, she got the chance to stand up and scream.
Screaming, that was therapeutic for Y/N, you just scream and all the tension inside your body will somehow get out. For her it is good, but for her neighbors, probably no.
Finding some clothes and going outside to her car, she received a notification.
Fr Jenna:
Thank you again for yesterday.
To Jenna:
No worries. You can text me or call me if you need something :D.
Fr Jenna:
Wow, that is something that I will hold on to ;)
And with that, Y/N smashed her head in her steering wheel, asking WHY OH WHY, Jenna just sent her a wink. A FUCKING WINK. It's just a wink but her heart can't seem to follow the right rhythm for it to function naturally.
Breathing in, Breathing out. A minute of breathing exercise helped Y/N to pull herself together and starts her car to go to the mall.
Traffic lights turned from green to red from red to green, driving around corners and street while listening to NIKI, Y/N arrived at the mall and had one thing in mind; to buy a dress just like Mavis from Hotel Transylvania.
She loved that movie, that is probably one of her comfort movie. So, on the drive to the mall, she sets her mind on finding a black dress, a red and black striped thigh and some pair of fangs.
Going in and out of different stores, she got to buy the dress and the fangs, but those damn red and black striped thighs are surely nowhere to be found. Going down the escalator, she saw a crowd of people that is following a person, with their cellphones out, flashes from their phone camera on, a paper to sign on.
Y/N thinks that it must be a pain in the ass to be in the middle of a crowd and getting huddled at. Trying to find the person that causes a crowd, she stops on the foot of the escalator and tried to tip on her toes and found her target.
While seeing the person that was in the middle she thought "Wow, she is so small in the middle, with her big ass headphones? Damn she might not here a thing, and that fit, she knows how to dress." Slowly, her eyes trail from the girl's outfit and focused on her face that was hidden with those bangs.
And Y/N realised, like she got hit by a truck, struck by lighting, and thrown in an ice bath. HOLY SHIT IT IS JENNA YOU DUMBASS. Y/N hurriedly went and followed the crowd yelling Jenna's name.
"JENNA..... JEEENNNAAAA." Y/N realised that that was a dumb move, everyone calling Jenna. So the next thing that Y/N did is to thread along in the crowd until she is close enough to touch Jenna.
But Jenna is inside her head thinking, she just wants to chill and relax by the roof top in the mall, reading a book that she just bought so she could have a relaxing day. But then a person noticed her and the news that Jenna Ortega was in the building spread like a wildfire until she builds a crowd that is now huddling her.
All Jenna wanted was some peace. She just wants to do the things that she did in the past, but it looks like she also can't have that now. Being so much in her head, she never realised that Y/N was totally yelling at her and calling her, not until she felt someone tugged at her elbow, and she really tried to be polite, but tugging her elbow was her last straw. So she looked up with her brow meeting at the end and ready to throw some bad looks to the person that just tugged her.
That's when she realised that it was you. The angry face and her eyes that holds a look that can kill slowly disappear. Her eyes are now looking at you with such tender and softness, her lips are holding a sad smile, and her brows never looked so calm. So what she did was to stop on her tracks to focus on you more.
"You wanna get out?" Y/N asked, while Jenna just nodded.
Y/N graced Jenna with a bright smile and asked "Think you can run?" and without waiting for Jenna's answer, Y/N tugged Jenna's hands as they started to run away from the crowd and went inside the department store which where they try to lose the people that is trying to follow Jenna.
Even though they are out of breath, smiles was plastered in their faces, hands are tightly held with each other and with every passing floor that they run to, they got into a secluded place of the store and got the chance to take a little rest and chase their breaths.
Y/N was the one to break the silence "Well that was fun." and she handed Jenna a handkerchief that was neatly folded inside her back pocket while she swiped her own sweat with another handkerchief that she got from her front pocket.
Jenna accepted the handkerchief and helped herself "Always ready. huh?" and smirked, while Y/N answered "Yup, we never know when a pretty lady needs one, right?" and winked at Jenna.
AND DAMN, Jenna knows that she is blushing so she just kept on blotting her face.
"Do you have a ride home? I can drop you by if you want." Y/N kindly offered, and Jenna is too tired to defy so she just nodded and said "Yes please."
While in the car, the album that Y/N played earlier continued to help them blur out the noise from the outside.
"Thank you for earlier, I was just trying to relax then everything got out of hand and then one moment I was alone the I got crowded by a lot of people and I kind of just shut down and blurred my environment." Looking at y/N's side profile with a sad look on her face.
"Hey now, don't be hard on yourself. It's fine and you're welcome. I don't know how you fully feel about the situation that happened earlier but I am right here to listen to it and to understand you okay? I'm here to listen. It's okay to blur things out when everything got out of hand." Y/N answered with a soft smile plastered on her face.
Red light was indicated by the traffic light and that got Y/N a chance to reach for Jenna's hand and squeeze it without looking at her.
Jenna smiled, thankful not only for what Y/N did earlier but for what she also said. Because it sometimes irritates her when someone tells her "I know and I understand your situation" because they just don't. Jenna believed that even if we are faced with the exact same thing in our life, it doesn't mean that we get to experience it just the same. This is where Jenna's understanding the life of other people is not as easy or hard as hers, we have different perspective in life and how we view things.
A comfortable silence once again situated in the air not until Jenna hears Y/N humming to the song that is playing that is slowly turning into mumbled lyrics.
"So why can't you for once, disregard the world and run to what you know is real." Y/N sang without a care in her mind and not noticing that Jenna is now staring at her.
"Take a chance with me... take a chance with me." Y?N sang with such desperation that got Jenna thinking "who the hell is she pertaining that to?"
The car suddenly breaks and Y/N looked at Jenna "Well, we arrived at our destination."
That got Jenna sad, since it means no Y/N beside her.
"Thank you again for earlier and driving me home. I can't think of anything to repay your kindness." Jenna said shyly.
"Hey, don't mind it, we are friends, and I will totally help you whenever you need me." Y/N said, which hurt Jenna slight because Y/N just used the word "friend" but that is a good start isn't it?
"Okay let's stop moping and what if you repay me by going to a concert with me this coming weekend?" Y/N hopefully asked Jenna. Asking her in a concert might be to dangerous since there are a lot of people that will notice them, but taking a risk isn't bad thing, right?
Jenna smirked and nodded her head "Sure, absolutely, I would love to join you."
Y/N went out of her side and went to Jenna's side to open her car door "This way m'lady" Y/N said with a curtsy that made Jenna laugh.
"Hmm, a gentle woman who open doors and gives me a curtsy huh." Jenna teased while Y/N answered "Well this probably will never get out of style huh?" with a grin.
"Oh yeah? You doing some old stuff like curtsy get you girls? Is that why you are still driving a stick?" Jenna teased with a laugh and Y/N acted hurt and answered "Why would you say that? I love my car and it makes me feel like I'm racing just like in Fast and the Furious."
They walked to the Ortega's front door and stand in front of each other.
Jenna broke the silence "Thank you again." and her pointer finger silently reached for Y/N's pointer finger, which Y/N decided to give and they intertwined it with each other.
With Y/N's other hand, she swats the flying hair away from Jenna's face and tell her "Again, if it is for you, I'll always be there." and smiles.
"That's fucking cheesy."
Jenna and Y/N heard from their side and saw Aliyah with a teasing face. The both of them didn't noticed that the door opened just a few seconds after they got situated in the front door.
Jenna immediately closed their front door and yelled "WHAT THE HELL ALIYAH."
Y/N just laughed and said "I'm going now, have some rest." and waved going to her car.
Jenna then yelled "Text me when you got home and stay safe!"
Jenna stayed at their front porch playing with her finger that touched Y/N not knowing that Y/N is also doing the same inside of her car.
Y/N smiled at herself and screams inside her car, not because she is stressed but she is filled with happiness that was caused by this girl whom she just dropped off.
Jenna entered their living room and yelled "ALIYAH YOU ARE SO DEAD."
Chap 4
A/N: Thanks for reading. Comments and suggestions are appreciated! Hope you enjoyed the story and you can click this song title to listen to the song Take A Chance With Me by NIKI.
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scenteddelusion5 · 6 months
"Two households, both unalike in dignity, In our unsightly hell, where we lay our scene," PART 5 (FINISHED)
Vox x gn reader (Alastor's child)
Note: LAST PART!!! Are you ready?!
Word count: 4074
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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Y/n's eyes slowly opened. How long were they asleep? They slowly pushed themselves up. Familiar sheets covered them, it was theirs. Looking around they were on their room, only it looked to be a lot cleaner. All their dirty clothes had disappeared, their box stood newly organised in the bookcase and the dirty cup that usually stood on their nightstand was gone. In its stead stood a beautiful vase with their favourite flowers in it.
Their shoulder was patched up. It hadn't completely healed yet, it still hurt but not as much anymore. Y/n threw his legs out of bed, trying to stand up only to fall down again. They hadn't had any energy left, despite having slept for at least a few hours.
"Where's Vox?" Y/n whispered to themselves.
That's when it hit them, Vox had gotten hurt because of them. their adrenaline pumped up again, giving Y/n the strength to stand up again. They ran, or rather stumbled, out of the room.
Alastor ran up from his eat when he heard noises coming from upstairs. His child was finally awake. He ran to the stairs and there they were.
"Careful, little fawn, you'll fall." Alastor held them up using his shadows.
"Vox! No, where's Vox?!" They tried to pull themselves away from the shadows. "I have to get to Vox."
"Your... 'boyfriend'... is fine." Alastor said with disgust. "He is coming by later in the afternoon. You should lay down again."
"You aren't going to hurt him?"
"As much as I dislike him, I now see that you two are truly in love." He held them by the arm and let them back to their room. "You've been asleep for two days, the angelic rope had drained a lot of your energy." He sat them down back on the bed. "That noisy picture box of yours had come by six times since he had awoken, even brought you flowers."
"He brought these." They mumbled, reaching for the flowers.
The Radio Demon looked at their child smiling at something as simple as a few flowers like they were the biggest treasure in the world.
"Little fawn, I'm sorry. I tried to protect you to the best of my ability but I almost lost you because of it." He pulled them into a hug. "Please forgive me."
Y/n hugged him back. "I forgive you."
"Now, what would you like to eat?" Alastor pulled back and patted their head. "You must be starving."
"Jambalaya sounds really good right now."
"Good old Jambalaya it is then." He stood up and was about to leave the room. "Oh, I almost forgot, he left you a gift. I put it on your desk." The door closed with a click and they were all alone again.
They stood up again and slowly made their way to the desk. A small unfamiliar, black box sat in the corner. Inside it sat a brand new VoxTech phone, a new phone case and a note:
I'm sorry love but after what happened I kept the tracker on. -Love Vox <3
Picking up the case, it had a cute drawing of a deer in the green woods on the back. Y/n turned on the phone, on it popped the same picture of Vox and them. He had transferred all their data and settings.
Y/n looked at their two contacts; Vox and Velvette. Their finger hovered over the calk button. Alastor said he would came by later anyway... But they really wanted to hear his voice, just to see if he is okay. They clicked.
It took Vox only two seconds to pick up. "Y/n? Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm doing fine. I just woke up. How are you?"
"Now that I'm talking to you, better than ever doll." His voice deepened, trying to sound cooler. Y/n really loved this dork.
"Sir, the presentation is-" A squeaky voice could be heard through the call.
"Don't you see I'm on the phone." Vox dismissed him.
"If you're busy I can calk later."
"NO! Don't worry about it, I'm not busy, Vox said quickly, "you know what? I'm so not busy I will come over right away!"
"But sir-" The voice spoke again.
"Bye bea, I'll see you in a minute!"
Y/n could only imagine the panic on his worker's face when Vox sprinted out of that meeting. After speaking with him again, Y/n felt their energy recover even more and decided to head downstairs.
Alastor was working on his special Jambalaya in the kitchen. His little, deer tail swaying to the sound of jazz music coming from the radio. Hearing Y/n enter, he turned around.
"What are you doing out of bed?" He asked. "You should be resting more."
"I feel rested enough." Y/n stalked over to the stove. "It smells amazing."
"Of course it does, I made it. I also put in the 'secret ingredient'." He winked. "Even used your favourite."
A knock came from the front door.
"I'll get it!" They rushed to the front door. "Hey Vox!"
"Y/n!" He hugged his lover. "How are you healing up? Does it still hurt? Should I get tou some painkillers?"
Alastor rolled his eyes hearing the TV Demon at the door.
"No need, I'm doing fine."
The two walked back in through the hallway into the kitchen.
"More importantly, how is your wound?" They gently grabbed his arm to inspect the wound. "I'm sorry, I hurt you."
"You didn't do anything! I-I jumped in front of you! It's my fault." Vox slightly buffered as he was talking a mile a minute. "I'm just happy you're fine." He put on his adorable, dorky, little smile.
"Vox, I wasn't expecting you until 5 pm." Alastor's voice sounded irritated but his smile didn't falter.
"Well, Y/n called me. So I rushed over."
There definitely still was tension between the two, a lot of tension. But they weren't openly nor aggressively hostile towards each other. It was progress.
Alastor's smirk grew wider. "Then why don't you join us for lunch. I made Jambalaya." He put down the pot on the dining table.
Vox sat down next to Y/n, wrapping his arm around them. "Sure."
Vox regretted his decision as soon as Alastor pulled of the lid revealing the Jambalaya. A familiar smell reeked from it, there was demon meat inside it.
"You know what, I think I'll pass." Vox laughed nervously.
"I can't believe how rude your boyfriend is being Y/n. Not eating the food I so lovingly prepared." The Radio demon took a big scoop and put it on a plate. "At least take a bite."
"It's fine if you don't want it." Y/n pulled the plate away from him. "I'll finish it for you."
"What kind of man can't even finish his own plate?"
"Those are old-timey values, dad."
"Hmm." Alastor looked him up and down. "It's still disrespectful."
"Like we have ever had respect for each other, you old bastard," Vox said holding up his middle finger.
"See, that's not any way to talk to the father of your partner."
"Dad, stop it." Y/n scolded him. "You don't have to eat anything you don't want to."
Vox looked down to the Jambalaya and then back up to a smug looking Alastor. "I'll try it."
"Splendid!" Alastor grabbed two more plates and filled them up. "Bon appetite!"
Vox slowly used his fork to bring the Jambalaya to his mouth. He had eaten demon flesh before, this shouldn't be any different. Just bite through it.
The TV Demon swallowed as fast as possible. "Blur, that was... sure something."
"Aren't you going to finish your plate?" Alastor challenged him.
And so the lunch went on. Vox almost throwing up with every bite while Alastor was smirking at him every time.
"There, I finished it!" He yelled, victorious.
"Then would you like seconds?"
"Dad! Leave him alone. You've bullied him enough." Y/n was quite surprised by hoe civil the two still were but that didn't mean they had fully forgiven him. "Besides, you had hurt him pretty badly too during my 'rescue'. Don't you think he deserves an apology?" They knew they were pushing the Radio Demon's limits with that one and yet they still wanted to see if he actually would.
Alastor sighed, "Vox."
Was he actually going to?
"My sincerest apologies, I hadn't realized how weak you truly are and therefore used too much force."
"Oh fuck you."
"Now that that's out of the way, we have more important things to discuss." Alastor stood up and brought the dirty dishes to the sink. "You see, after my poor fawn had passed out and Vox decided to be dramatic, I captured the demon behind the attack. I still have him, Paris and the imp in my possession"
"Hmm, you know, I've always wondered what imp tastes like." Y/n cheekily suggested.
"As for Paris, I will have some fun with him and then hand him over to Rosie." Alastor had washed off the dishes and was putting them back in the cupboards. "He's her responsibility. The last Demon's fate is up to you, DEAR future son in law." The nickname was spat out like venom.
"So, who is the fucker that wanted them dead anyway?" Vox enquired.
"It seemed a certain colleague of yours had gotten jealous and decided to take my little fawn out."
"Val," Vox whispered. "I knew he was acting weird."
"How are you planning to deal with him?"
Vox looked at Y/n, their deer eyes staring back at him. He could have lost them forever, all because Valentino couldn't get over being dumped. He had to kill him. Not only to ensure Y/n's safety but also to prove himself to Alastor. To prove that nothing comes before them.
"Do you have angelic weapons here?"
Vox, Y/n and Alastor had wondered deep into the forest on the Radio Demon's territory. Nothing could be heard except for some hellbirds chirping.
"Doesn't this bring you back, little fawn?" Alastor lamented. "I still remember your first hit, we buried his leftovers next to that old tree. Haha, those were the days!"
"Yeah, I couldn't even finish a liver back then!" Y/n laughed.
As terrifying as their conversation was, it could not compare the what he was going to do. He knew Val had to go, for their sake, but he was still an old friend. One HE had to kill. He couldn't even discuss it with Velvette first!
Oh she was going to be so mad, with Valentino gone both their workloads would increase tenfold.
They stopped at a clearing. Vox held the gun in his sweaty hands. Alastor opened a pitch black portal. Out of it he pulled a tied up Val.
"Don't you know how shitty it is in there!" The overlord yelled. "Ah, Voxie baby, thanks for getting me out of there."
Vox held up the gun and pointed it straight at the man's head.
"Wowowow, what's all this about?" Valentino looked around seeing Alastor and Y/n glaring at him. "Are you seriously choosing them over me? You FUCKING need me! YOU NEED ME!!!" He started to approach Vox. "These two are going to get rid of you after me!"
"Goodbye Val." Vox pulled the trigger. An angelic bullet shot straight through the demon's head, killing him instantly. "So, what are we going to do with the body?"
"Don't worry, the animals will take care of it."
A month went by like a breeze. Vox had to find a new face for the V's 'film' department, in the meantime he had to take over as Velvette refused to take on more work.
"Fuck no!" She had yelled when he even brought up the possibility of taking over a little bit of paperwork.
So it all fell on him. This also meant he had less time to spend with Y/n, which they understood. And Alastor got to enjoy the chance to tell him how much of a terrible boyfriend he was for not spending enough time with them.
All and all, things went well.
As Vox's workload got smaller and smaller the couple started to spend more time together, which Alastor loathed. So the man took every chance he got to interrupt the two.
Going to the movies, suddenly there is a power outage. Having dinner at restaurant, Alastor invites himself along. Taking a walk through the forest, suddenly he NEEDS Y/n's help with something.
It became a sort if challenge between the two, who could keep Y/n's attention for the longest.
The couple were laying on the bed in their room Y/n reading a book while Vox was handling some more documents. Door wide upon as per Alastor's rules.
"I swear he is doing it on purpose!" Vox complained. "I mean, he straight up attacked me this time."
"He wants to see what you can do, train you." They turned over a page in their book. "It's his way of bonding. He already likes you a lot better, I swear!
He sighed, "if you say so, sweets. I sometimes just wished we could get along better, not just for my comfort but for yours." Vox set down his tablet on their nightstand and combed his fingers through their hair. "It must be exhausting to have us bicker all the time."
Before Y/n could answer, however, they got interrupted.
"My little fawn!" Alastor walked in. "I have to go to a meeting and I was wondering if you would come with me?"
"Oh." Y/n looked up at Vox. "I think I'm staying here. I haven't had the chance to hang out with Vox in quite some time."
"That's so unfortunate, you see." The overlord smirked. "It's quite the chance to build some steady connections for when it's time to climb up the ranks for you, but oh well!"
"If that's the case, why don't you take Vox with you?!"
"He is an overlord too, connections would be useful, right?" They looked the TV Demon in the eyes.
"Uhm well yes, bu-"
"Then this is your chance!" They jumped up from the bed and started pushing Alastor out of the room. "He'll be down in five."
For some strange reason or another, the Radio Demon didn't make a fuss about it. Just accepted that Vox would come with, strange... Very strange...
Alastor and Vox stood awkwardly next to each other right outside the front door.
"So, are we taking a car, or...?" Vox broke the silence.
"If we still lived in my time we would have just taken the trolly," the Radio Demon remarked, "But we aren't so get those legs moving. It's quite far."
The TV glared at the other walking away. "Where are we going, anyway?"
Alastor looked back at the man catching up to him. "Don't worry your ugly little head over it!"
"This 'ugly head' scored your child, motherfucker!" He retorted.
A shadowy tentacle shot out of Alastor's back. The appendage hit Vox right in the middle of his screen, almost cracking it.
"I didn't take you for a gambler," Vox said, staring at the buzzling casino the two were about to enter, "what would Y/n think of you?"
"I don't frequent establishments of this kind often but when I do, I don't plan on losing." Alastor made his way inside, the other following him. "This is your chance to show me what you're made of. Don't ruin it."
Vox followed the demon into the back where a familiar overlord was sitting at a poker table.
"Husker my old friend, I see you are at again!" He sat down at the table and as soon as he did, a few of the denizens that excused themselves. "How about a round? Even brought easy pickings."
"I'm not easy pickings!" Vox yelled whole sitting down, not willing to back of from this challenge.
"Vox, huh, didn't realise you became chummy with the Radio Demon." Husker looked him up and down. "Fine, you can join but remember, we're dealing in souls over here!"
As soon as Vox sat down, chips appeared before him. These chips, however, weren't your usual casino chips. No, these held a soul in them. He couldn't believe this was happening, gambling with souls was very risky and here Alastor, fucking Alastor, was willing to risk it against the overlord of gambling. Not only that, but the man had pulled him along too.
The cards were shuffled and everyone got their own deck. This was insane, losing even one game could mean losing his position as an overlord. Now that Vox was thinking about it, Alastor had planned to bring Y/n along for this.
He was willing to risk Y/n's power and soul for a stupid game! This didn't feel right, Alastor would never. Then maybe, just maybe, the Radio Demon had already secured the win before even starting the game.
Vox looked over at the man, and the face he saw confirmed it. The Radio Demon was smirking even wider than ever before. This was going to be Husk's last night as an overlord. For him this meant to protect his own souls at all costs and let Alastor handle the rest.
"Come on Husker, are you really going to back out now?" Alastor teased, "Maybe you'll win it all back in one last round!"
"I don't have more souls." Husker glared at the giant stack of chips in front of the other two.
"Well technically you do have one more... But I understand why you wouldn't gamble with it." The Radio Demon put on a fake disappointed face while still maintaining his signature smile. "I guess that's it for the gambling overlord."
The two other demons were about to stand up and leave before Husker spoke up, "Wait! One more round but keep in mind that I have only one souls to bet!"
"It's a deal then!" The Radio Demon immediately agreed. "I'll put in all my chips for your singular soul."
"I'm backing out." Vox took his chips and made them disappear. Knowing Alastor, the demon would've taken all his souls too this round if he didn't. Besides, he had even gained a few souls that night.
"Heads up, then?" Husker asked at which Alastor agreed.
It was a brutal sight. The horror in Husker's eyes after he realised he not only lost his position as an overlord but also lost his own soul, all in the same night.
"Well good friend, it's getting late and I have to prove to my little fawn I didn't kill their suiter!" Alastor made all his chips disappear. "Come on Vox, Y/n is waiting on us."
"Right..." Vox was still flabbergasted about what he witnessed that day.
Once outside, he gained the confidence to speak up. "What was that?"
"Just some dealings, shouldn't an overlord like you understand such a simple concept?" Alastor chided. "Or are you as incapable as I first guessed you were!"
"That's not what I meant! You were going to have Y/n gamble with souls?!" Vox stepped in front of him, blocking the way. "You know how risky that would be you lollipop looking FUCKER!!!"
"They would've been just fine," he shrugged, "besides, it's about time they gained more power. I can't always be there for them, especially when they go behind my back." He shot a glare at the other man.
"Then why were you fine with me coming?"
"Hmm, if they're going to be with you, I should make sure you can protect them."
The rest of the way back was silent. Vox mulling over the other's words.
Weeks went by and instead of fighting over Y/n's attention, Alastor started to pull Vox away from them for 'training sessions'. While Vox found them to be tortures, he couldn't deny they weren't useful.
It was Y/n's birthday, the house was decorated with banners and guests were coming over. Vox had already been there since morning, annoying their father. Rosie, Franklin, some other cannibals and even Velvette came over. Gifts stacked on the table, snacks were available next to the pile.
"Oh darling, it's good to see you." Rosie shook their hand. "And another happy birthday!"
"Thanks, Rosie!"
At some point Alastor pulled Vox away from the party into his study.
"I need to talk with you." The Radio Demon filled his cup with whatever was in the ceramic pitcher. "As you know I am quite the traditional man."
"I'm aware," Vox answered.
"Then I probably won't have to tell you this but I just want to make sure." He took a sip from his mug. "If I find out you two partook in any... Usual marital affairs before you two could wed, I will hunt you to the edges of hell and rip your soul apart." Alastor grew twice in size, his eyes turned into dials, and static and symbols appeared all around him. "G̸̟͉̍̃͒̐͝Ö̴͔̫̀T̸̻̹̆ ̶̺͉̻̫̝̯̈̉̅̏̑ ̸̠̞͌͋͛͑͛̉͝͝I̵̖̩̓̃̈͝Ṫ̷̨̧̥̺̤̗̳̹͒̐?!"
"Yes, sir!"
"Great!" In one second the Radio Demon was back to his usual self. "Now let's get back to the party, shall we?"
Guests came and went, until only Alastor and Vox were left.
"So, uhm, the night's almost over but I haven't given you my gift yet." Vox held a rectangle box in his nervous sweaty hands. "Here."
Y/n carefully pulled of the ribbon and the wrapping paper, revealing a box. It was a V-Reader.
"Thank you."
"I wasn't sure you would like it but it can hold of 5 million books, designed it myself!"
"It's perfect." Y/n kissed the screen right between his eyes where his nose would have been.
"Erhmehm," Alastor fake coughed while glaring at the other overlord, "You also haven't received my gift yet." He grabbed their hand, holding it tightly.
Before Y/n realised what he was about to do, pure power started running through their veins from their hand to the rest of their body.
"I got these souls recently and have no need for them. I figured you could use some more power."
"I see, thanks."
The rest of the night was spend with just the two lovebirds in their room, door open of course.
"Dad's been acting weird, don't you think?"
"He has been his some old annoying self as far as I've noticed." Vox ran his fingers through their hair. "Why do you think that?"
"He would've never given me souls if it wasn't for something important and instead of trying to pull me away, he has been 'training' you." Y/n laid their head on his chest, listening for his heartbeat. "He has also been very sentimental the last few days, looking back on childhood memories, cooking together, hunting together. It all feels off."
"Then we'll ask him about it tomorrow, I doubt he would want to worry you."
"If you say so."
They were never able to ask him, because when the two of them woke up without the father yelling at Vox to get out of their bed, the two knew there was something wrong. They looked around the house, Alastor, however, was nowhere to be found.
They went to Cannibal Town to ask around, but no one had seen him there either. Not even Rosie knew where he was. Y/n's worry grew and grew. It got so bad that Vox decided to use his camera's to look all over hell to look for a sign of the Radio Demon.
Nothing, absolute no sign of Alastor.
Months went by, still no sign. Y/n moved into Vox's apartment, for both safety and not to feel lonely in their old home where everything reminded them of their father.
Even after all this time, Y/n still held hope, however, after two years that hope dissolved too. Vox and them started taking over all of the Radio Demon's responsibility.
After a while the two of them even got engaged and Y/n had accepted the fact that their father likely would never come back.
Seven years went by and the love birds were extremely happy, until one day Vox was working in his office and one of his camera's that he had around the princes' new hotel picked up something.
"THAT FUCKER IS BACK!" Vox yelled, staring at the screen showing the Radio Demon casually hanging out at the Hazbin Hotel. "He didn't even tell Y/n. Oh, I'm going to make him suffer for their grieve. I'm going to make you wish you'd stayed gone!"
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And that's the end. My next long series is with Zestial, part 1 already out. But if you have any one-shot request for me check out my pinned post with all the characters I write about!
Masterlist/request guidelines
Taglist: @hxzbinwrites
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tom-hunter-summah · 1 year
Born in the Wrong Era| Wally Clark x Alive!Gender Neutral! Reader
hey everyone! I was playing around with this idea of Wally and an Alive reader and this came out. This will be a multi-part fic and I hope you guys enjoy it!
chapter warnings: use of Y/N, grief, a bit angsty
word count: 1.1k
edit: I added a couple of sentences at the end because it felt muddy before. i hope y’all enjoy it!
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You stare at the beige house you’ve gone to ever since you were five years old. This is your home away from home, your go-to hiding spot. Unfortunately, once a year the typically warm space turns cold. Homecoming is a little less than two weeks away and while school is a buzz; the Clark household comes to a stop. You let out a big sigh and walk up the steps to the chestnut barrier between you and your –albeit unofficial— second grandmother. Your grandmother, Ceceil and Bea were best friends since forever and Bea was always around you growing up. She was always sweet to you. Helping you with homework, going to the farmers market, and of course, taking you to the homecoming game with her ever since you could walk. 
What you didn’t realize until you were older is her shutdown before the homecoming game. The lights aren’t on, and the blinds are just barely cracked. She doesn’t come over for dinner and she wallows in his letterman jacket. No one blames her either. Who could? She lost her son while he played their favorite game. Regardless, someone has to ease her into homecoming week and that used to be your grandma’s job but she passed away 3 summers ago and you willingly took on the responsibility. 
That’s why you’re here today. Easing the bee back to the hive. You finally knock on the door and you hear a faint “Come in.” You let yourself in and you find Bea on the couch watching Invincible. You sigh as you hang your coat on the rack and join her on the couch. She’s the first to break the silence. 
“You know Wally would have really loved this movie.”
You smile sadly. “It seems like it. He was a big fan of football.”
Bea nods. “We both were.” She laughs. 
“You know I always say that Wally could have had a story like Vince. The former high school star, finally making it big.” 
You laugh with her. When you turn your head to her, you  see the tears in her eyes. 
She falls onto you and just sobs. You run your hand in circles on her back while she cries. She continues like this for a couple of minutes. When she lifts herself off your shoulder, you make your way to the kitchen to get her some water.  You have to wash a cup because most, if not all the dishes are in the sink. On your way back to the couch, you see something slightly puffy with hints of blue and white, in a box in the laundry room. 
“Here you go Bea.” 
She takes the glass from you, grateful. “Thank you Y/N.”
You wait a moment before prodding about the mystery box. 
“Do you mind me asking what’s in the box, in the laundry room Bea?”
“It’s some of Wally’s old stuff.”
You go wide-eyed. 
She laughs again. “I know. Big step. It’s time. The kids today could probably benefit from a couple of retro items. In fact, can you grab the box?”
You do as she asks. As you walk it out your suspicions were confirmed, she was getting rid of his jacket. 
“Y/N you’re the best bonus kid I could ask for. I want you to have a couple of things.”
You tear up. “Bea I couldn’t.”
She places a hand atop of yours. “I want you to. I feel like he would too.”
You look down at the box, his letterman calling out to you. You pick it up and examine it. For being over 40 years old, the jacket is  in impeccable condition. You take a closer look at the sleeves and they look a little small for your arms. You put it back down. Bea frowns.
“What’s wrong.” “The sleeves. They’re too small for my arms.”
Bea picks up the jacket. “I know a seamstress who might be able to make the sleeves bigger. I just need your sleeve cuff and wrist measurements.”
“Bea, I don’t want to be a bother.”
She swats the air after she folds the jacket and places it off to the side. “You could never. Plus this is yours now, it should fit. Now, be dear and grab my tape measurer. It’s in the drawer of the table in the hall.”
You smile softly as you retrieve the item Bea requested. It doesn’t take long and you both decide to pack up for the night. 
“Thank you for coming by Y/N. Seeing you always makes me feel better.”
You smile back at Bea as you tuck her into bed. “I feel the same about you Bea. Now you get some sleep and I’ll see you Tuesday.”
“Wait. Make sure you take something else from the box. I feel bad that the jacket didn’t fit.”
You didn’t want to battle her about taking her kindness for granted; so you said “Sure. Please get some rest  and I’ll see you in a couple of days.” She nods and turns on her side to face the window, finally settling. You make your way down the small flight of stairs and debate doing the dishes or not. You look at the newly risen moon and decide to sneak over tomorrow and do it. As you make your way out the door you notice there’s something in one of the jacket pockets. You walk over and take out a walkman. Excitement washes over you as you open it and there’s an old mixtape of his in it. 
“No… it couldn’t.”
You flip the tape over and put on the Panasonic headphones as you press play on the walkman, and “Paint it, Black” by The Rolling Stones floods your ears. 
This is gonna be fun.
You cannot wait to get out of this hell-hole. Granted it could be so much worse and you could actually be noticed by people and be teased for your obsession with the 80s and musical theater. Its more fun to be alone anyway. Especially during lunch. I go out to the football field as that’s the only time it’s free of… well anyone. You take your normal spot on the center bleachers “One Way or Another” flowing between your ears when some weirdo starts tossing a football around, impeding on your lunch. He’s pretty far away so you can’t see his face that well but he kind of reminds you of a young David Schwimmer?
“Hey David Schwimmer! What are you doing?”
He looks around before pointing at himself. “Me?”
You roll your eyes. “Yes you, there's no one else here!”
You watch as he makes his way closer to you and you decide that your privacy isn’t worth being yelled at some jock. 
“Look man, I’m used to having the field to myself but I’ll go. No need to come over.”
You pack up your stuff and as you walk towards the gate separating the bleachers from the rest of the school.
“Wait!” The jock calls out. You debate whether you should stop or not. You wish that you had kept walking. 
Nothing could have prepared you for the face the heavy breathing was coming from.
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call-me-maggie13 · 1 year
"Are you sure it’s okay I’m here?" Ava straightens her sweater for the fourth time, picking nonexistent lint from it.
"Ava, of course I’m certain. Do you need a minute?" Beatrice slowly unbuckles Diana from her car seat, easing her out of it gently so she doesn’t wake her. Once she has Diana in her arms, Ava reaches into the backseat for her winter jacket and guides the sleeping girl’s arms through it. They both freeze when she shifts, holding their breath until she settles.
Diana hasn’t been sleeping, sleep regression, her pediatrician had called it. It’s normal, she had assured them.
Nothing about this felt normal.
"No. No, I’m alright." Ava bounces on her toes, shakes her arms out. "Unless, do you need a minute? Are you good, Bea?"
"Ava," Beatrice laughs, facing her. "We can take a few minutes before we go in. Do you want to take some deep breaths with me?"
"I’m not a toddler, Beatrice. I don’t need deep breaths." Ava rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
"Alright. Let’s go."
"Maybe - maybe we should wait a minute. Just because like, what if they’re doing something? Or - or - or - like, what if they aren’t here? Are you sure they’re here, Bea? Maybe we should wait to see."
"Ava. Breathe. You don’t have to go in if you don’t want to. We can leave, if you’d prefer." Beatrice tucks Ava’s hair behind her ear.
"No, I want to stay, it’s just - " Ava sighs, kicks at the snow in the driveway. "What if they don’t like me?"
"No. They’re - they are your parents, Bea. Like, them not liking me would be a really big thing. If they don’t like me - "
"It doesn’t matter if they don’t like you, because I like you." She holds her arm out for Ava, kissing the top of her head. Beatrice has never brought anyone home before.
She’s never had anyone to bring home.
Not like this. Not anyone this important to her.
It’s terrifying.
Martha is watching from the window beside the door, Beatrice has caught her twice already. She’s going to pretend she wasn’t when they get to the door, probably pretend to come running down the hall like she was in another room.
"Are you ready?" Ava nods but Beatrice doesn’t let her go, not yet. She needs another moment. Another moment of just them. Before the beautiful chaos of the Masters’ household. Before the craziness that comes with the holidays.
She loves Shannon’s parents. She loves that she became a part of their family. But she’s not afraid to admit they can be a little much.
"Okay. Let’s do this."
"Should we get the bags or…" Beatrice shakes her head, taking Ava’s hand and leading her up the front stoop. Ava knocks and squeezes Beatrice’s hand in hers.
Martha takes a moment to answer the door, despite Beatrice knowing she’s holding the handle on the other side. She counts to ten before Martha swings the door open.
"Beatrice!" She cheers and Diana flinches at the sudden outburst. Ava and Beatrice shush Martha at the same time.
"If you wake her, you have to deal with her," Beatrice threatens. At least, she tries to. It’s hard to seem threatening when she’s whispering. "Martha, this is Ava. Ava, this is my - this is Martha."
They shake hands and exchange pleasantries before Beatrice asks if they can come in.
"Oh yes, right, of course. Come on in. Rich will get your bags in a moment, he’s wrapping the last of his gifts in the den. You know him, always waits until the last second to do anything. You must be cold, could I get you a tea? Hot chocolate? Coffee? Anything?"
"No, thank you, Martha. Unless," Beatrice turns to Ava. "Do you want something?"
"I’m good. Thanks."
"Right, well. You three will be in your bedroom, Beatrice - "
"What? What about the guest room?"
"Turned one into a home gym and the other into Rich’s main office, he tries to work mostly from home these days. He’s getting older, you know."
"Heard that." Rich joins them in the foyer. "Beatrice, welcome home. You must be Ava, yes? And I’m going to assume the little lump in your arms is baby Diana?"
"Beatrice, why don’t you show Ava around and Rich will get your bags, yeah? Unless, are you tired? Do you need a moment?" Beatrice knows that look. Martha is plotting again.
"I think we should get settled first, if that’s alright?"
"Yes, of course. You know where everything is." Martha motions to the staircase and Beatrice starts up them, checking that Ava is following.
Her bedroom is just how she’d left it. Plain yellow walls with minimal decorations, bed centered on the far wall, curtains drawn in the windows. The pictures on her cork board carrying a thin layer of dust and curling about the edges.
"I can take the couch, if you’d prefer." They’ve shared a bed before, Beatrice isn’t certain why this time feels different, why the thought of sleeping beside Ava makes her stomach hurt. But it does. It feels… realer, almost. Like sharing a bed with Ava in her childhood bedroom is crossing some invisible line.
"Absolutely not, Bea. If anyone’s sleeping on a couch, it will be me."
"You’re not sleeping on the couch, Ava. You’re a guest." Beatrice rolls her eyes as she slowly shifts Diana to her bed, kissing her forehead before tucking the duvet around her shoulders.
"I - I think I’d sleep better with you here…" Ava admits, her voice barely a whisper. "I just - I don’t do new places well."
"Then I’ll stay. Yes?" Ava nods softly, Beatrice holds her arms out and Ava curls around her before Beatrice teases softly. "Was it as bad as you thought it would be?"
"They seem great. Martha is very eager."
"She always has been."
"And Rich. He’s - he’s good?"
Ava hums, burying her nose in Beatrice’s neck. Beatrice kisses her temple and rubs a hand up her back.
"Do you want to take a nap?" Ava murmurs into Beatrice’s neck. Beatrice tries to suppress the shiver from Ava’s voice vibrating against her. She’s unsuccessful.
"I would, yes."
Neither of them moves. Beatrice tangles her hand into the hair at the base of Ava’s head and scratches her scalp softly, Ava scrunches the back of Beatrice’s parka in her fists.
Nothing exists in this moment. Nothing but their hearts beating against each other. Nothing but their bodies warming each other. Nothing but two souls mingling.
Beatrice isn’t sure when it happened, but Ava fell asleep. Standing up. Tangled in her arms. Ava fell asleep.
"Ava," Beatrice nudges her softly, trying to wake her. She earns a disgruntled whine. "Ava, wake up. You just have to get to the bed then you can go back to sleep."
Another whine.
"Ava, please."
"No," Ava whines and buries her face deeper in the crook of Beatrice’s neck. "Carry me?"
Beatrice sighs but nods, crouching slightly and leading Ava’s legs around her hips. She swallows, ignoring the heat burning in her stomach. It’s three steps, the journey from where they were to the edge of the bed that Beatrice settles Ava on.
It might as well have been three hundred.
Ava doesn’t let go when Beatrice tries to set her down, whining and squeezing tighter around her.
This is where Diana gets it from. Beatrice realizes. The thought makes her chest ache.
"Ava, just let me take off our shoes so we don’t get mud in the bed, please." Ava whines but pulls away just far enough to allow Beatrice to tug their shoes off before she turns into a koala again. "Okay, okay. Don’t wake Diana."
Ava hums and Beatrice struggles to maneuver them without bumping Diana. When she does, Ava crawls on top of her, legs slotting together laying completely on top of Beatrice. She presses a single warm kiss against Beatrice’s collarbone before she’s asleep again.
This is going to be a long week.
Read more below the break or here!
"What do you mean you got rid of the air mattress?"
Martha looks up from the cookie dough she’s rolling out and sighs.
"It was old, Beatrice. We had no need for it. Can you pull down the cookie cutters?" Martha motions to the cabinet with her rolling pin before resuming her work.
"What’s the big deal about it anyways?" Shannon asks from her seat on the counter. She’s eating chocolate chips out of the bag, an action Beatrice finds both reprehensible and disconcerting.
"There’s just - Forget it. I’ll sleep on the couch."
"No, you will not. And sneak a peek at your stocking? Absolutely not." Martha shares a look with Shannon, who tosses a chocolate chip at Beatrice’s head.
"Then - I - ugh."
"You sound like Shannon when she was sixteen, remember that? Ugh. You don’t understand. Ugh ugh ugh." Martha mocks and Beatrice can’t help but laugh.
"I was not that bad!" Shannon throws a chocolate chip at both of them as she giggles too.
"Bad at what?" Ava’s rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she steps into the kitchen, Diana clinging to her leg.
"Hey," Beatrice greets quietly, lifting Diana when she raises her arms up. "Morning, sleepyhead."
"You didn’t wake me." Ava leans heavily into Beatrice’s side, dropping her head on her shoulder with a yawn.
"You needed the sleep." Beatrice murmurs into her hair. Ava hums and winds an arm around her waist.
"Nannon," Diana whispers in Beatrice’s arms, waving at her half heartedly.
"Did you have a good nap, Diana?" Shannon reaches to take her from Beatrice, but Diana shakes her head and clings to Beatrice tighter. "Do you wanna make cookies?"
Diana shakes her head again, and her bottom lip quivers.
"Hey, it’s okay. No one’s going to make you do anything, patinho." Beatrice bounces Diana on her hip, continuing once Diana has dropped her head against her shoulder and tucked her thumb into her mouth. "Sorry. She’s a slow starter, you have to give her time to wake up. We can try again later?"
"Yeah, absolutely. Why don’t you show them around?" Martha offers instead, motioning to the door with her rolling pin.
Beatrice leads them to the hallway, starting the tour. Ava stops at every picture and asks about each one. Graduation photos, birthday parties, beach trips, mountain hikes, school award ceremonies, piano recitals, aikido tournaments.
"What’s this one?"
It’s Shannon and Beatrice, fifteen and thirteen respectively. Beatrice is looking at the person behind the camera, smiling politely, completely oblivious to the blur of Shannon plummeting toward her from above. It was only Beatrice’s second vacation with them, to a resort town on a beach somewhere. Beatrice had spent the first half of the trip apologizing and trying to make herself invisible.
Shannon had spent the entire trip torturing her mercilessly.
"Bea, I will bite you if you don’t relax. Just pick something."
"I - I don’t want to choose wrong."
"It’s a restaurant, not a marriage. Just pick one. Close your eyes and point to one."
"What if I choose wrong? What if it’s awful?"
"Nothing can be worse than starving to death. For real, I’m about to eat you."
Beatrice did as she was told, squeezed her eyes shut and pointed to a random place on the pamphlet. Shannon read the name out and Beatrice opened her eyes.
"Good job, Speedy."
"I’m wearing Shannon’s top. She had threatened to behead me if she caught me in her clothes again. That was her unsuccessful attempt at my decapitation."
Ava hums, but she doesn’t follow when Beatrice tries to lead her into the den.
"Are you alright?" Beatrice bumps her softly.
"Yeah. I just - was it always like this?"
"How do you mean?"
"Fighting over clothes. Guerrilla attacks. Trips to beaches. Swim competitions and aikido tournaments and pillow fights. Fresh baked cookies and projectile chocolate chips. Was it always like that?"
Ava never had any of that. Nothing was ever hers to fight over in the orphanage. It was always first come, first serve. Nothing belonged to anyone, everything belonged to no one. There were no arguments because squabbles resulted in punishment, and everyone would rather have nothing than risk punishment.
"Not always. Shannon and I fought a lot. And we could be brutal. I remember one time, I’d worn her favorite jumper to school and stained it and she screamed at me and told me she wished I had never moved in with them. But she also snuck me out of the house for ice cream and she taught me how to drive long before Rich or Martha was willing to and she would always, always apologize and tell me I was the best sister she could ever ask for.
"She taught me how to be human, in a sense. Because humans aren’t perfect, which meant I didn’t have to be either."
Ava meanders through the hallway, taking in the pictures lining the walls. Beatrice on Shannon’s shoulders in a swimming pool, Beatrice standing on the edge of a cliff, Shannon doing a cartwheel, Rich holding Shannon up by the ankle as a toddler, Shannon pushing Beatrice into a pool, Beatrice on a bike holding the handlebars so tightly her knuckles are white, Shannon holding up a pale arm and a bright blue cast, Beatrice hanging upside down on monkey bars, Shannon lobbing a ball at an unsuspecting Beatrice’s head, Rich holding Beatrice above his head and grinning, a laughing Shannon pinning a grinning Beatrice to the ground, Beatrice tackling Shannon, Shannon dumping a cup of water on Beatrice’s head, Beatrice holding up a trifold board and a blue ribbon, Shannon holding a hairbrush to her mouth and dancing on a table while Beatrice bounces in the foreground.
She drifts silently from room to room, taking it all in. It isn’t until she finds Beatrice’s perfect script etched into a doorframe that she really comes to a stop. It’s a height chart. Shannon’s etchings start at age one and a half, climbing the doorframe all the way to age twenty-two, the handwriting switches from a careful script to an illegible scribble around age six, but Ava can’t be certain because she truly can’t read it.
Beatrice’s careful handwriting starts at age ten, stretching up the doorframe all the way to age twenty-three. Mary has two scratches on the chart, age seventeen and age twenty-four.
Ava traces the fading names under the pad of her thumb, reading each scratch carefully, pausing on the newest addition.
Diana, 28 months
"I hope you don’t mind." Martha nods to the mark. "She saw it yesterday and asked about it."
"It’s alright, I hope you didn’t feel like you had to."
"It’s the family height chart, Ava. I’ll take your measurement if you would like."
"Oh, no, that’s alright. I don’t want to impose." Ava is stopped halfway through the doorway by Martha’s response.
"You’re family, too. It would be incomplete without you."
If Martha notices the tears in Ava’s eyes while she takes her measurement, she doesn’t say anything.
"Shannon, don’t slouch."
"God, Mom. I’m not slouching."
"Fix your shoulders."
"Mom!" Everyone laughs when Shannon whines, Beatrice motioning for Shannon to straighten her back too.
"And your back. Just like Beatrice. You can do it."
"Just say she’s your favorite," Shannon mumbles but she’s smiling brightly when she sticks her tongue out at Beatrice.
"She’s about to be the only one in the will if you don’t fix your posture."
Shannon’s laugh bubbles out of her like a pot boiling over, slowly spreading across the room and pulling a reaction from everyone. She laughs so hard she spills her wine in her lap.
"What can I say, Shannon. I am the superior child." Beatrice sticks her tongue out like a child before dissolving into giggles. She’s curled around Ava, dragging one hand through Ava’s hair and holding a glass of wine in the other.
Shannon hurls a decorative pillow at her, missing spectacularly and slamming it into Ava’s shoulder.
"Girls!" Martha exclaims. Ava tenses. No family is this perfect. This is not real, of course not. This is when the ugly parts come out. "If your insist on throwing things, either go outside or put away the wine. This is a new rug and, if you’ll notice, it is very white and your wine is very red."
Shannon narrows her eyes at Beatrice, wiggling her eyebrows before shooting out of Mary’s arms and sprinting to the back door. Beatrice is right on her heels. Their wine glasses are slid haphazardly onto the kitchen island while they tug their boots and coats on, shrieking like children and shoving each other.
"Are you coming?" Beatrice pants as she leans over the bar. Ava checks behind her, there’s no one there. "Ava?"
"Oh. Do you want me to?" Mary smacks the back of Ava’s head lightly before pulling her to her feet.
"Of course she does, you idiot. Now put your coat on so you don’t get sick.
They tumble out the back door, down the slippery deck stairs and into the freshly laid snow. Shannon scoops the snow into her hand and packs it into a ball, sending it hurtling through the air at Beatrice, who squeals when it blasts apart on her back.
Beatrice sprints after her, tackling her to the ground and shoving a handful of snow down the front of Shannon’s coat. Mary lifts the giant ball of snow she’d been building and drops it over Beatrice’s head. They all shriek.
"Ava! Help!" Beatrice is being wrestled to the ground by Mary while Shannon packs a snowball and attempts to shove it under Beatrice’s coat. When Ava doesn’t respond, they all pause and turn to her. "Are you alright?"
Beatrice’s cheeks and nose are bright red and she has snow in her eyelashes and hair, her breath coming out in short clouds of smoke. She looks beautiful. She looks alive. She’s alight with something Ava’s never seen in her before.
"Yeah. I’ve just never played in snow before."
"Never? In your entire life?" Ava shakes her head.
"Not a single time ever?"
"She just said no, dumbass."
"Dumbass? You married me, what’s that say about you?" Shannon scoops snow up and slams it over Mary’s head. Beatrice slips from under them and joins Ava in watching them.
"Do you want to learn how to pack a snowball?" Ava nods and Beatrice squats and scoops up two handfuls of snow, offering one to Ava before walking her through it. "Now you just throw it like a baseball at Shannon’s head."
Ava sends the snow flying through the air and rupturing against Shannon’s back. Shannon spins around and shouts, making her own snowball and throwing it back. They chase each other until their lungs burn and their legs feel like jelly and their fingers are frozen.
"Mama?" Ava spins back to the deck where Diana is stood barefoot in her pajamas.
"Hey, baby," Ava pants as she runs to her. "Did we wake you?"
Behind her, Shannon tackles Mary and they roll in the snow. Diana shivers as she tries to watch them.
"I play?" Diana points to the pile that is Shannon and Mary, eyes wide and bright and eager.
"Let’s get you in some warmer clothes first, yeah?"
"Do you want help?" Beatrice skids to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, hair wild and wet and eyes shining.
"I think we can handle it, yeah, Di?"
"Dada go?"
"Let me help."
Twenty minutes later, Diana is bundled in an old pair of snow pants from when Shannon was a toddler, a winter coat on top of a pullover with the hood drawn up over her dinosaur beanie with matching gloves, two pairs of socks and warm snow boots.
"Think you put enough clothes on her? She’s practically a snowball herself." Mary teases while Diana climbs carefully down the deck stairs.
"I don’t want her to get sick," Ava explains quietly, a little defensive.
"Hey," Beatrice bumps their shoulders, "she’s taunting you, she doesn’t mean anything by it."
"I know, I just - maybe I should’ve made her wait until the morning. It’s really cold."
"The snow’s the same temperature regardless. She won’t remember if she gets sick from this, she’ll remember the time her mum let her stay up past bedtime to play in the snow."
Ava nods, Beatrice is right. But she will still feel so guilty if Diana gets sick from this.
"Are you coming?" Beatrice asks from the bottom of the steps.
"In a minute."
Beatrice nods before scooping Diana up and tossing her in the air, setting her back down and chasing after her. Diana screams and runs as fast as her tiny legs can carry her, absolutely delighted, even when she falls face first in the snow. Beatrice helps her up and wipes the snow from her face, talking to her quietly. Diana bounces as she responds and Beatrice helps her find a patch of untouched snow, guiding her carefully onto her back and doing a jumping-jack, cheering when Diana repeats the motion in the snow. Beatrice lifts her up and shows her the snow angel she just made and they both celebrate.
"No man, mama?" Diana yells across the backyard and Ava smiles and nods in response. Beatrice motions for her to join them, but Ava stays rooted where she is and watches Beatrice start the base and help Diana push it around to make it bigger.
The back door opens with a squeak and Martha steps onto the deck, coming to a stop beside Ava and watching Shannon chase Mary and Beatrice drop the middle of a snowman into place.
"Beatrice," Martha starts, only briefly glancing at Ava before continuing. "She’s good people, that one. She hasn’t always had it easy, I’m sure she’s told you. She’s had every reason to turn cold and hard, it would’ve made her life easier, that’s for sure. But she didn’t. She stayed warm and soft, she kept loving without asking for anything in return. That takes a lot of strength and, more importantly, courage."
"She’s so good with Diana. And Diana loves her. Sometimes more than me."
"As is the nature of children. They love and they grow, but babies always need their mothers."
"She’s not going to be a baby much longer." Martha frowns at Ava’s words but doesn’t take her eyes off Beatrice dropping the head of the snowman into place.
"She’ll always be your baby. Mine? They’re grew up and moved away and don’t come home nearly as much as I want them to, but they’re still my babies." Ava watches a single tear slide down Martha’s cheek. "And Beatrice? She might not be my blood, but she is my baby."
Diana is covered in icing. She’s even got it behind her ears. She has sprinkles in her hair and she keeps sneaking chocolate chips when she thinks no one is looking. But she is glowing, bright and lively while she explains her designs to Beatrice. She’s babbling, not even attempting to use real words, but Beatrice is nodding along and asking questions like it’s the most important thing in the world.
"You’re staring." Shannon swipes blue frosting across Ava’s cheek before returning to the cookie she’d been decorating, raising her voice a little and donning a feigned irritated tone. "God, Bea. Ava’s messier than the kid."
Beatrice looks up, eyes shining brighter than the night sky and smiles crookedly.
"Come ‘ere." She nods Ava to the sink where she wets a rag and wrings it out, steadying Ava’s face in her hand carefully and wiping the icing away so gently Ava briefly wonders if Beatrice thinks her skin is made of glass. Beatrice drops the rag into the sink when she’s satisfied, but her hand stays on Ava’s face, thumb tracing the apple of her cheek. Ava is certain she’s forgotten how to breathe.
"Alright, you two, save something for the honeymoon." A chocolate chip bounces off the back of Ava’s head. Beatrice grins and sticks her tongue out at Shannon, her hand falling away before finding Ava’s.
Is this what family is? Flying chocolate chips and snowball fights and names etched in a wall? Decorated cookies and Christmas movies and hot cocoa with extra marshmallows?
Diana loves Rich. Absolutely adores him. She follows him everywhere and has to do everything he does. If Rich is eating a cookie and watching the hockey game, Diana is right beside him doing the same. If Rich is drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper, Diana is drinking hot chocolate and looking at the comic section.
It’s adorable.
Ava is wary, in the beginning. She doesn’t have a very reliable history with the men in her life and she doesn’t want Diana to grow attached to someone unreliable.
It isn’t until she finds them asleep in the recliner that she starts to trust him, picking up the picture book fallen to the floor next to them and setting it on the coffee table. When she drapes a blanket over them, Diana shifts and murmurs in her sleep and Rich instantly begins shushing her, rubbing her back slowly.
When they wake, Diana talks Rich into letting her give him a makeover, which goes about as well as any two year old giving a makeover could go. He has mascara and lipstick and blush all over his face, his nails messily painted a bright blue and butterflies clipped in his hair.
He wears it proudly.
"I don’t know if Beatrice told you but, in this family, we wear matching pajamas on Christmas morning." Martha passes out presents, pausing before handing Ava hers and continuing. "That means everyone. You don’t have to sleep in them, but you will be in them for pictures tomorrow. That is a threat."
Diana tears into hers immediately after being handed it but Ava stares at the box in her hands. It has her name on it.
"You got me matching pajamas?" Rich nods slowly at Ava’s question. "You want me in your pictures tomorrow?"
Shannon freezes, glancing from her parents to Beatrice, who’s knelt beside Diana and trying to help her open the box she’s determined to destroy. Beatrice has no idea what’s going on around her, completely absorbed in her interaction with Diana. But Shannon knows what Ava’s comment reminds them of. Beatrice’s first Christmas with them.
"I get pajamas?"
"Of course you do, honey."
"And I’m going to be in your pictures tomorrow?"
"If you want to, you will be, sugar."
"Where will I sit while you open presents?"
She was talking to Shannon, the pajama set clutched to her chest. Shannon looked to her parents for help.
"You’ll be opening your own presents, Bea."
"I - I get presents? Are you sure?"
"Yeah, Bea. You got a lot of presents."
"I didn’t get anyone presents. I’m sorry, I didn’t know."
"Bea, you’re ten. You don’t have to get anyone presents. Just do what I do and tell mom and dad that your presence is the best present they could ever get." Shannon tried to make the words sound similar, hoping the pun would lighten the darkness swirling behind Beatrice’s eyes. It didn’t work as well as she hoped it would, but Beatrice smiled and nodded her head like she understood.
Later that night, Beatrice snuck into Shannon’s room and woke her up.
"What’s wrong?"
"Why did you get me presents?" She was so genuine Shannon’s heart shattered like a glass ornament.
"Because family gets each other presents."
"But I didn’t get you anything."
Shannon sat up and pulled the blanket back, patting the space next to her for Beatrice to sit.
"You gave me a sister, Bea. That’s plenty."
"And you want me to be your sister? You aren’t upset?"
"Why would I be upset?"
"I don’t know." Shannon wipes the tears from Beatrice’s cheeks and pulls her into her chest.
"I do want you to be my sister, Beatrice. I’m not upset about it. You’ll always be my sister, even if I’m super mad and tell you differently."
Beatrice nodded, but Shannon knew she didn’t believe her. Shannon didn’t need her to believe her, because she was going to prove it. She would spend the rest of her life proving it, if that’s what Beatrice needed.
Shannon fell asleep curled protectively around Beatrice, pressed against her back. When she woke the next morning, she watched Beatrice sleep and she realized she didn’t want anything for Christmas as much as she wanted Beatrice to look this peaceful all the time.
"You’re family, Ava," Shannon says, "We want you in the pictures on our walls and in the seats at our tables. We want you here, in every way you want to be, as long as you want to be here."
"That includes Diana." Diana looks up at her name and smiles crookedly at Rich, she’s torn through the gift paper and ripped the box open enough that her pajama set is starting to fall out. Beatrice brushes the hair from her face and asks if she wants any help, Diana shakes her head and continues her destruction with her tongue sticking out of her mouth in concentration.
"We love you, Ava." Martha pats Ava on the shoulder.
"How? You don’t know me." She doesn’t mean for her voice to crack.
"Anyone my daughters love as much as you is family. And we love our family in this house." Rich’s voice is soft but strong, leaving no room for interpretation. He’s saying exactly what he means.
"Shannon likes me?"
"Of course, I do. Why wouldn’t I?"
Ava shakes her head and shrugs, taking a single steadying breath. She nods and forces a smile, thanking them.
Diana has gotten the pajama set out of the box and discarded them to the floor in favor of tearing the box to pieces and giggling wildly. She offers the trash to Beatrice before jerking out of reach and squealing. She offers it again only to yank it away. Beatrice reaches for it only for Diana to step away from her with a playful grin. Diana’s buzzing, bouncing in place when Beatrice stands and reaches for her.
Diana races out of the room, stopping in the doorway to check that Beatrice is following before scurrying away. Ava’s heart swells when Diana darts back into the doorway and ducks behind Rich’s legs, peeking around him while Beatrice pretends to look for her under the rug and between the cushions on the couch.
When Diana creeps around Rich and throws herself at Beatrice, who is pretending not to notice her, Ava’s chest tightens and her head spins.
This is a moment Ava will never forget.
"Dada?" Diana rolls over, tracing her finger across Beatrice’s freckles. Beatrice hums and pulls her a little closer. "Story?"
"I already told you three, baby," Beatrice laughs, she doesn’t have to open her eyes to know Diana’s pouting so she stifles her yawn and presses deeper into Ava’s arms. "Okay, okay. Do you want a real or a fake story?"
"Fake." Diana presses her palm against Beatrice’s cheek and Beatrice tilts her head to kiss her palm before pulling Diana into her chest.
"Okay, let me think," Beatrice hums into Diana’s hair. "Okay, Shannon used to tell me this one after I’d had a bad dream, are you ready?
"Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a beautiful house in a big forest. The trees stretched as far as the girl could walk in every direction, and then just a little further. The girl didn’t know anything but her life alone among the trees. She didn’t know any other people beside herself. She didn’t quite mind her life hidden in the leaves.
"Until a big fire started destroying her home, burning the branches she used to climb and the bushes she had played in. She tried to fight it, but she was just one little girl. So she had to leave. She had to run until she wasn’t in the trees anymore.
"The world was brighter without the safe canopy of leaves to block the sun, the world was bigger without the trees breaking up the horizon line, and the girl hated it. She wanted to go back to her home in the woods for a very long time.
"But she met a family with an older girl out in the bright, big world. And the two girls fought and they said they hated each other, but they took care of each other. The older girl taught the little girl how to play and have fun anywhere, and the little girl taught her how to be patient and kind in return.
"They loved each other more than either had ever thought possible, even when the little girl broke the older girl’s phone and when the older girl lost the little girl’s favorite toy. When they fought and when they played, when they hurt each other and when they helped each other. They kept each other safe. Always. Because that’s what sisters do."
There are three presents left wrapped beneath the tree, one with Diana’s name, one with Beatrice’s, and one with mom and dad scrawled across the top. Shannon passes her parents theirs first, bouncing her knee while Rich tears the paper away and drops it to the ground. He lifts the lid and pulls out two coffee mugs wrapped in newspaper.
World’s best grandmother
World’s best grandfather
Martha glances from the mugs to where Diana is burying herself in gift paper trash then to Shannon.
"I don’t know why you would get us these and not Beatrice, but alright." She’s fighting back a smile, biting her lips to keep them for turning up at the edges.
Shannon groans and flops dramatically onto her back.
"Mom. You have another child. Another child that can have children also. Bea isn't your only kid. It's me. Me and Mary. We're adopting a baby. Please, oh my god. Is everything about Bea to y'all?" If she’s upset, she’s hiding it well, playfully lobbing a ball of paper at Beatrice’s head and chuckling when Beatrice sticks her tongue out. Rich’s chortle rattles Ava’s chest and shakes the couch, it wraps heavy and warm around her like a blanket fresh out of the dryer.
Shannon tosses Beatrice’s gift into her lap and rolls her eyes. Beatrice unwraps it carefully, peeling the tape back slowly and ensuring not to tear the paper. Diana sighs heavily from under her mountain of paper balls, eyes closed and content.
Beatrice expertly untucks the lid from the box and lifts a keychain out, steadying it to read the inscription.
World’s best aunt
"I thought it was one baby? Now I'm the aunt of the entire world? Where are all those children going to fit in your house?" Shannon’s face scrunches up as she lunges at Beatrice, pinning her shoulders to the ground and tickling her sides. Beatrice shrieks and wiggles wildly trying to fight Shannon off through her giggles. Diana sits up at the noise, watching Shannon and Beatrice for a moment before roaring and leaping onto Shannon’s back.
Mary clicks her tongue and peels Diana off Shannon, hanging her upside down and tickling her. Diana screams for Ava, trying to push Mary’s hands away. Ava swoops in to rescue her, spinning in a slow circle and peppering her face with kisses. Diana squeals and pushes her away, wiggling out of her arms and darting to Beatrice.
"Shannon, leave your sister alone." Martha sounds bored but her face is alight, her eyes bright.
"She started it!"
"She didn’t ask, Shannon." Rich’s voice shakes as he tries to fight back a laugh.
"If I had known she would be your favorite, I never would’ve asked for a sister." Shannon kisses Beatrice’s forehead and ruffles her hair before pretending Diana successfully pushed her over. Diana squeaks and bounces, dancing in place while Shannon pretends to be hurt. "It was fine when I benefited from it, but now it’s just unfair."
"Are you talking about the mother may I routine?" Martha chuckles.
"Bea, go ask mom if we can go to the movies."
"But it's a school night."
"I know. That's why you have to ask."
"Wait. How are you going to ask her?"
"With my mouth."
"Beatrice, I swear to god I will rearrange your markers.
How will you ask her?"
"Can we go to the movies?"
"Exactly. Again."
"Mrs. Masters, can we go to the movies?"
"And if she says no?"
"Bambi eyes and please."
"Great. Now go ask."
"She got anything she ever asked for, of course I exploited that. How else would we get pizza or go to the movies on a school night?"
Ava wonders if Shannon resents Beatrice for it, if she’d ever questioned if her parents love Beatrice more. She would have.
She doesn’t get a chance to ask until later. Beatrice is putting Diana down for a nap, Mary is helping Rich in the garage, and Martha is clattering around in the kitchen cooking. Shannon has her feet thrown over the top of the couch and she’s hanging upside down reading the book Beatrice had gifted her, she’s humming quietly along with the Christmas music from the record player.
"Shannon?" She tilts the book away from her and raises her eyebrows. "Did it ever make you mad? How differently your parents treated you and Bea? Because it sounds like you were both held to different standards."
Shannon rolls over and thumps gracelessly onto the rug, she shoves a leftover strip of wrapping paper between the pages of her book before leaving it in the space she’d previously occupied. She joins Ava on the floor in front of the fireplace, the smoke and heat warming her cold hands. Ava’s looking at the pictures on the mantle. There are more of Beatrice, doing completely normal things like folding her laundry and walking a dog, sitting on the edge of a pool laughing and bent over a textbook studying. Shannon’s pictures are sparse, a simple picture of her as a toddler with pigtails and ribbons in her hair, frozen mid-jump holding a trophy over her head, chasing Beatrice with a stick held in front of her like a sword.
"It did a bit at first. I mean, I was twelve. I had been an only child for twelve years and in walks this sad little girl that stole my parents from me. She got tender love and affection while I got nagging and rules.
"But we were the same in the ways that really mattered. We both got grounded for two weeks when I convinced Bea to sneak out with me and we both got cars for our birthdays. They love us both the same, Bea just needed to be shown it more than I did. Because I knew they loved me. She didn't."
Ava watches Shannon’s side profile, searching for any trace of bitterness. But Shannon’s eyes are soft and her voice reminiscent.
"I always wanted a little sister. I used to beg my parents for a little sibling for my birthday or Christmas or anything. I wanted a little sister that I could play dress up and pirates with, one I could teach to braid her hair and climb a tree. Beatrice? Beatrice was not at all the kind of sister I had imagined all those nights on the roof. She’d always been smarter than me and, I mean, she didn’t try to bring attention to it and she never tried to make me feel stupid but you couldn’t talk to her without knowing she was smarter than you. And she was sad. She didn’t know how to ride a bike or build a blanket fort or skip rope. And she was kinda wonky, she’d never had ice cream before she moved here, did she tell you that? Ice cream.
“But she’s the best sister I could’ve asked for, you know? She helped me get through calculus and she let me climb into bed with her after I went through a breakup. She taught me to slow down, to take things one day at a time. Yeah, we bickered and we said we hated each other and we threatened to never speak to each other again, but she would always brush and braid my hair before bed and she would sleep beside me if she had a bad dream and she’d ask me so many questions about everything. She’d ask me why I love her and why I wanted her to pretend to believe in Santa and the Easter bunny. She’d always shoot the wrapper of her straw at my head any time we would go out and she always let me pick the movie during movie night.
"In the end, I don’t really care that she tore my favorite cardigan or scratched my car or called me mean names. Because what mattered was that we kept showing up for each other. We kept loving each other in the ways we knew how."
"And that was enough? You wouldn’t take it back if you had the chance?" Shannon flinches back like Ava had just slapped her.
"What?" Her jaw moves but she makes no sound, it reminds Ava of the old black and white movies she’d watched at the orphanage. Shannon shakes her head like she’s trying to rattle the words out. "Of course not. Sure she pisses me off sometimes and she steals all my shit, but she’s still my sister. Nothing she ever does could change that. I don’t care if she burns the Vatican to the ground or unleashes a swarm of locusts or becomes festooned with boils, she’ll always be my little sister. Through the good, the bad, and the ugly. For all of it. Always. I would never take that back."
This is what family is, Ava knows now. Diana is lucky to be a part of this family.
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ericshoney · 1 year
The Mafia Boss ~ Chapter fifteen
Smut warning!
Y/n's POV
The last few weeks have been good, I've settled back into the crazy Enhypen household, I still forget they are a mafia sometimes, it only hits when they come home and have bruises or blood on them. I've also convinced Sunghoon to let Beatrix out a bit more, only during the day and that's what we did today. I took Bea out for a bit, only to a café but it was good to have some girl time.
When we got home, Beatrix went to her room to relax as I went to Sunghoon's room. I have been sleeping in his room since that night. I walk in and see Sunghoon in just his sweatpants, his toned chest on show.
"S-Sorry." I apologise as I walk in.
"Its okay my love." He said with a smile.
I give him a small smile and look at the floor as sit on his bed. He chuckles, making me look up at his face.
"Something funny?" I ask.
"Yes, you. Its not the first time you've seen my chest." He answers.
I watch as he walks over to me, kneeling down, placing his hands on my thighs. I feel the heat from his hands on my bare skin, the only day I wear a skirt.
"You know I'm so happy your back in my life. I've missed you so much." He said softly, kissing my thighs.
"Hmm...I-I missed you too." I admit.
"Let me show you how much I missed my Queen~" He said.
I nod, giving him a smile. He smiles and kisses my thighs, moving further up. He pushes my skirt up and reaches my panties. He rubs my clit gently, making me moan softly. He chuckles and pulls my skirt and panties off completely. I giggle and remove my t-shirt as Sunghoon pushes his head between my thighs and starts eating me out quickly.
"Hmm...Hoon....fuck!" I moan loudly as he moves his tongue quickly.
I grab his hair, hearing him groan, I push his head further to my pussy, making him lick quicker. I close my head, grinding myself against his mouth. I felt close already.
"Hmm...Sunghoon...C-Cumming!" I shout in pleasure.
I moan as I cum hard, Sunghoon taking it all. He sits back, licking his lips with a smirk.
"Fuck me." He said. I smirk and nod.
Sunghoon strips off his clothes and I saw how hard he was, he lays back on the bed, rubbing himself gently. I crawl over and get on his lap, lowering myself onto his big hard dick. I moan as he stretches to fit in me. 
"Fuck...been so...long." He moans, closing his eyes.
I gasp as he thrusts up, hitting my g-spot. I start kissing along his neck, leaving a few little marks to show he's mine. 
"Hmm...please m-my....Queen...fuck me." He moans loudly.
"My pleasure~" I whisper in his ear.
I start moving quickly, bouncing hard and fast on him, we both moan loudly, pleasure being the only thing we fill. I place my hands on his soft shoulders for support.
"A-Ah...love...fuck." He moans, twitching in me.
"Cum my love, fill me up." I said.
He gasps and then cums hard, filling me up. I scream in pleasure, squirting hard all over him. I ride out our highs and then slip of his now soft dick, Sunghoon kisses my lips deeply.
"I love you." He said sweetly.
"I-I love you too, Sunghoon." I said, making him smile.
We cuddle together in his bed under the covers, I run my hand over his bare chest as we lay quietly, happy to be in each others arms again.
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Yandere Neighbor Wars: Halloween Decorations
Daki 👩🏻‍🌾and Gyutarou 😈vs Uzui Tengen 💎& wives🥷🏻
👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻What. A. Line. Up. 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻The siblings to your right versus the quadruple(?) to your left 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Living in little town houses in a tightknit community you’ve run into every member of the household enough to be friendly  👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻You're just so cool 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻And their rightfully obsessed 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻The recluse brother that scares off the stalkers that follow his model sister home
👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Who's not afraid to 'scare off' that weirdo who's been hanging around your yard 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻The model sister that will lovingly let herself into your home when ‘you’re wearing something ugly’
👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻The model who's always willing to wine and dine with you when your feeling particularly down 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻They're an endearing duo you’ve spent plenty of time with whether its resolving fights or just random community stuff
👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Always setting trends and getting rid of 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻But almost as influential as them is the Tengen family 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Having become a community favorite they get invited to every barbecue, baby shower, and birthday party 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻So it's only natural that you get to know the family next door 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Hinatsuru, the calm and sensible wife that you love trading recipes with and the one you bump into at the store 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Makio, who proudly lended herself to grunt work when you cleared out your garage, and the one who’s more than happy to take you clubbing after a long week of work 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Suma, the wife that you had to console when the neighborhood bully called her a name 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻(he’s a child) 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻And of course who would not notice the incredibly flashy and sensational hunk of muscle that was Uzui Tengen himself  👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻The husband-neighbor of yours that makes all your yard work look like a piece of cake 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻But greetings aside–ITS HALLOWEEN!!! 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Your jam, your day to make your house the no.1 for all the kids and to decorate to your heart’s content 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Both homes know about your love for Halloween  👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Especially when you’re gushing about what plans you’re going to do for this year 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻“We’ll have an even flashier display!”  👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻“Sure, sure but I’m a veteran at this, Uzui.” You flashed a serious expression. “I mean it Tengen , this is my rodeo.” 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻D-did you just threaten him?  👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻That was…So CUTE!!! 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻“Fine then if our display is meant to rival yours then you’ll come over to ours for your lonely horror movie weekend.”  👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻“It's not lonely but…sure! If your rating gets anywhere near mine then I will.” 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻Of course Daki and Gyutarou all ears when Suma lets it slip about how their definitely going to take you on that movie date 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻“Why didn’t you tell me you were betting your evening with those losers? I would have done you the favor of beating them if so much was at stake.” 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻You giggle and text them the new deal 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻“It is kinda unfair going against just me, so we can compete with Daki and Gyutarou too since they want to join.” 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻They’re furious that those two had to go and make this challenge more difficult 👩🏻‍🌾😈💎🥷🏻But no one’s backing down because your weekend and undivided attention is on the line:
You chuckled as you peeked out the window at both your neighbors. People watching was ten times more excited when it was your neighbors. From working like a well oiled machine to toddlers as they tried to decorate their houses. 
On Tengen’s side they did seem to have an idea about what they were doing at first but then there seems to be some confusion about their props. You watched as Makio and Suma who were staying home today had begun working on decorations lining the backyard with fake bones and body parts. Eventually leading to Makio hauling out a beautifully crafted gravestone that apparently had some quality of realness. But lo and behold when Hinatsuru pulled up in her van she physically groaned before calling out to Makio who’s on the porch. From the pile of styrofoam gravestones in the back of the truck she apparently wasn’t expecting to see the giant one in the middle of their front yard. The two began to bicker with Makio being especially expressive while Hina was calmly arguing. And Suma. Poor Suma. Was crying a couple meters away as she was tangled by some decorative spider webs. You couldn’t wait until Uzui got home. It would really become a show. 
Now on the otherside of your fence was Daki and Gyutarou who respectfully weren’t speaking or looking at one another as they worked on their two halves of yard in front of their house. Split by their sidewalk they had very two different themes going on. You’ve deduced that you’re seeing the aftermath of their fight as Daki decorates her side with a softer spoopy theme and Gyutarou a dark nightmarish one. When they finally stepped back they still didn’t seem to be on the same page; each of them freaking out when the other tried to put some of their decorations on the other side. You giggled some more as you watched the siblings disappear within the house reigniting their silent treatment.
Sighing you returned to just unboxing your own decorations preparing for your nightly decoration run. You were ready to crush your competition.
The day of Halloween was here and both sides were confident that they’d no doubt pass you in your decorated house and lawn. You wore a costume that continued your theme of decorating that both touched on scary and spoopy making it oddly inviting. And as the trick or treaters came knocking on the three houses, they were in for quite a treat.
The first trick or treaters to knock on the siblings doors were met with Daki who was beautifully dressed as a doll. But her scrunched up face was anything but inviting as she glared at the open bags. The model seems to have forgotten that candy is what you're supposed to give to dressed up children who knock on your door. 
“Oh? Uh, here you are kid.”
Dropping a random protein bar in the bag she had just laid around almost shutting the door before Gyutarou called from behind.
“Hey Ume, have you seen my–”
“Whoa, that's a scary mask mister!”
Gyutarou practiced the breathing techniques as his sister aggressively slammed the door on the child’s face. Yelling at the muffled sobbing on the otherside of the door Daki tried to console her brother who had sullenly resigned to wearing the spare ‘Scream’ mask. 
On the otherside of your Halloween decked out house was the Tengen family who were spread out between obsessively monitoring their review tab on the  community app, while also trying to make sure their decorated house was being seen by everyone. 
“Wahhhhh Tengen loooks soooo scary!”
“Suma, stop crying, you're going to mess up your makeup!” 
Acting out the typical scene from 80’s horror movies in their cemetery themed house and lawn, Hinatsuru couldn’t understand why their ratings weren’t going up. Staying at two stars there still hadn’t been any updates as the night continued on. Sure the scene they were pantomiming was a little…different from the movies. The serial killer wasn’t wearing light-up jewelry and the final girls didn’t have ghost face paint but when they spoke so excitedly about their ideas Hina couldn’t bear to tell them otherwise. What were they missing? 
At the end of the night you all agreed to meet on your patio to finally compare your reviews together. 
“So how’d it go?” 
You spoke in a giddy tone, that was the complete opposite of the frustrated competitors who were less than pleased to. You gave them some of your specially made Halloween cocktails, handing them out before excitedly pulling out your phone. 
And the scores were as follows: 
(Y/n) (L/n): 5
Daki and Gyutarou: 1
Tengen Family: 2
“Hahah, I told you I’d win! I wasted no expense,” Excitedly shaking your left over grand-size candy bars. It is then that Hinatsuru finally realized why their score was so low. 
“Trick or treaters…are they the ones that control the ratings…?”
“Yeah mostly, I mean you have the odd ratings from the decorator-enthusiast but yeah you gotta make those kiddies talk!” 
You unintentionally bragged as Hinatsurr slowly brought a hand to her face, Makio, Suma, and Uzui all let out a collective “ooohhh.” Daki scoffed, rolling her eyes while Gyutarou loudly groaned into his hands. Noticing the overhanging sadness you decided to make a proposal. 
“Hey, if you guys want, we can all just watch the movies at my place.”
Immediately heads perked up and both your arms were occupied by Suma and Daki; who quickly began to grind their teeth at one another as they tightened their hold on you. 
“But (Y/n) didn’t we get the higher points? So shouldn’t we be the only ones to get a reward.”
“Can it crybaby! You’re the one that scared off all the brats with your scary display! If anything I-we should get to be with (Y/n)!” 
Suma gasped as Makio stepped up with an aggravated face. 
“Hey, our acting was phenomenal! And if we did have trick or treaters we would have done great!” 
“Pssh keep lying to yourself bullhorn!”
The screeching match between Daki and Makio continued even as you were able to escape their grasps to open your door to let the non-arguing or hysterically crying people into your home. 
“How long do you think until they notice?”
“Who cares. It's better if they get it out of their system out there. At least out there all they can smash are pumpkins.”
“Haha, that is if they don’t have their typical devices on them!” 
Hina, Uzui, and Gyutarou laughed nonchalantly as you were worriedly looking out the window before turning back to the group.
“So, what do you guys want to watch?”
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queenretcon · 1 year
the fact bea was raised in a conservative catholic household and saw how it destroyed her mothers life and rebelled against it in all these ways to become her own person but was still too fucked by that religious trauma to ever admit she was bi and then she falls in love with a fucking Norse goddess!!!!!
and then that love gets taken from her and we see her go back to catholic rituals for toras funeral despite everything and she ends up hurting sigrid in trying to make them into tora even as sigrid is just trying to help her. Then all those years later Bea and the family she pulled away from after toras death (so she could isolate just like she did as a scared catholic girl) find tora in hell and bea tries to save her but, just like she always knew it would, in the end it’s Beas love for her that damns them both
what the fuck man
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sim-ply-lilacs · 1 year
Josef Moody was a favorite neighbor of Beatrice's. Young Mr. Moody, a farmer of Prussian origin, had taken up a claim nearby as soon as he got off the boat from Windenburg and quickly settled into farm life.
Before her father's passing, Beatrice and Josef knew each other from church socials and barn dances. They'd even gone walking a few times.
Had life been kinder to the young couple, their courting would have been allowed to ramble on as amiably as two friends down a woodland path on a sunny day. They would have had summer drives, fall haylofts, winter skating parties. A proposal mediated by Beatrice's father would have precipitated a meandering engagement full of quilting with Beatrice's female friends and relations, preparing her household goods, and the sewing of a fine wedding gown and going-away outfit to merrily usher her into her new role as a wife.
Those plans were forced to die with her father.
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"My dearest Bea, how can I possibly express my sympathies?" Josef asked. One trembling hand reached for her face. He feared the reception such an improper gesture would receive, but let out a breath when Beatrice leaned into his touch.
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"Oh Josef," Beatrice choked out, "everything seems so hopeless. We have nothing left to pay our debts and nowhere to go. I can't even find a school that will have me to teach." With that, she devolved into sobs.
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Josef said nothing for some time, merely held Beatrice as she cried. "She deserves so much more than this," he thought, "So much better than the hand she's been dealt. So much better than I can offer her."
He only hoped what he had to offer would someday prove enough.
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Josef held her closer, guilt gnawing at his stomach. He gloried in holding her so close—and yet, would she be seeking his arms in any other circumstance? They had started growing close before her father's death, yes, but that wasn't a guarantee that she would want to plight her troth to him. Beatrice had been destined for so much more than life as a farmer's wife. Was he a horrible cad for what he was about to offer? Josef did not know. All he could do was cut open his heart and lay his soul bare before her.
Gently, he disentangled himself from her and spoke his piece.
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"My–ahem, dear Beatrice. I wish for your sake that things were not the way they are, but Providence has seen fit to challenge you terribly. Were it in my power, I'd give everything I have to bring back your father. But this is not to be. Cannot be. This, I cannot change. But I do have the power to do something, and so I offer you the one thing I might give freely—myself." Josef swallowed. He hazarded to spy a look at Beatrice. Finding her solemn but steady, he continued.
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"I am not a rich man. If I were, I would pay all your debts and leave you to find what will make you happiest. As it stands, I have not much to offer. But what I do have are two willing hands: hands to work, and–and..." he trailed off. Josef could not continue. He hung his head.
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Beatrice's whispered shyly, "And to what? Hands to what?" She offered an encouraging look. Slowly, she continued, "Dear Josef, don't let me frighten you."
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Josef shook his head. "You could never frighten me, and yet I do fear, yes. I fear you will hate me for what I want to say. That, I fear indeed."
"Oh Josef," Beatrice cried, "I never could. Not after what you've offered me—and me a poor little thing with so little to offer myself." She sobered. "But I must hear your response. Please."
He looked with clear, shining eyes into hers. "Don't you know? Hands to love, Bea. Hands to love."
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Prev ~ Next ~ Beginning
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"We're Just Friends" ("Or Are You More?") V|| Iain x Amy
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(Not my GIF)
That evening the group were all together in the now Knight-Dean household. They were currently sat on the living room sofa laughing, joking and eating dinner.
"Okay so..." Amy took a sip of her wine "The plan."
"Well... I've been slowly bringing my stuff over for the last week, So it's all around."
"Okay. So I'm thinking-- Zoe, Bea, Alisha. If we start sorting stuff out in the kitchen."
"An' we're building stuff yeah?" Will asked
"Yeah, Amy has decided that I need my own wardrobe, and I made her get a TV stand."
"I get the TV stand.... but the wardrobe?" Max teased. Amy sighed mock offended "Excuse you! I am not sacrificing any of my dresses.
"How many do you have?" he laughed "A lot of them! But why does that matter? I like them, and I wear them all!" Zoe placed a hand on her arm gently "I get it Amy. ignore them. If you like your dresses, you keep them. Iain can have his own wardrobe."
"Thank you Zoe." She nodded taking another sip of her wine.
"Okay so. If we go and sort out the kitchen, when we're done if you lot want to take some stuff feel free."
"Sorry?" "Oh. Now that Iain's moving in we have doubles of some stuff so... If you want anything. Feel free, but maybe ask me first." "Oh cool, okay of course"
"And we'll sort out what we build."
Amy smiled "Alright love. Just do me a favour and make sure you tidy up when your done." He smiled softly, rolling his eyes playfully "Of course love." he smiled as the three disappeared bp the stairs to build the bits of furniture.
"Oooh he has it bad for you." Bea said with a laugh as she took another sip of her drink.
"I would hope so Bea. They have literally just moved in together."
"That's the whole reason we're here." Zoe and Alisha laughed
"Alright so" Amy picked up her wine glass and moved into the kitchen, the others following her.
"Hey Amz?
"Yeah?" she asked as she put her glass down and moved to open the cupboards and emptying them so they could start organising things. "Does Cal know about all this yet?"
Alisha shot her a look at this "Zoe."
"I told you not to mention Cal."
"But why?"
Amy sighed kindly "It's alright Zoe. No Cal doesn't know yet. He will soon. We're just not sure when. I think... it'll be some point in the next few weeks... but I'm nervous about it."
"Oh how come?"
"Because it's Cal. I'm worried about he'll react."
"But it's Iain. How can he have a problem?" "Again. It's Cal, and I'm his little sister. He'd have a problem with anybody I was dating. I mean. He might well get his head around it, but it'll take a while. And I'm not ready to deal with the drama he's gonna start. No one deserves that. Let alone Iain. I mean he knows we're... a little crazy. But he doesn't deserve to have to deal with the full extent of it yet."
"Oh, so your protecting Iain?"
"Yeah.. uh.. I suppose you could put it like that."
"Yeah Bea?"
"You are aware that Iain loves you right? I can guarantee, that nothing Cal does will change that. You are stuck with that man. For better or for worse."
Everyone laughed "Christ Bea. You make it sound like their married." Alisha said. Zoe laughed, taking a sip of her wine "Well that is the next step."
Amy went bright red. "Guys. Do you think we could not discuss the possibility of my marriage? We have literally lived together for an hour."
"Aww she's nervous." Alisha teased
"Alisha don't." Zoe chided "No Amy. It's okay, we don't have to talk about it." "Thank you. It might be on the cards... Just not yet, as far as I'm concerned." she drained her glass and then refilled it. She then turned back to the cupboards. Organising and putting things new things away. Listening to her friends talk, joining in where she could.
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Hey Bea so I just got the best idea for a Steve Kemp read that I think not just me but everyone that follows you and Harry Styles fans will agree with me so here is the idea. Harry is in the town. And Steve and reader surprise the girls at dinner has surprised the girls with Steve taking all his girls to the concert so the girls plan Steve's outfit and the girls plan their outfit. While the reader takes her boys out for dinner then they come back and teach reader how to play video games. I would love to see this be written because if you write this would be the best Christmas present ever.
Merry Christmas Bea!!!
Love Every.
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pairing: steve kemp x dark!reader
warnings: 18+ topics (under 18 year olds do NOT interact/reader), mentions of miscarriage
part of toxic
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It was a quiet night at the Kemp household, at least as quiet as it could be with a bunch of teenagers, a toddler, and a baby. Steve was in a particular good, specially with Daisy spending the weekend home from college, without her boyfriend - which surely did wonders to Steve’s mood. However, that peace and quiet quickly died down just as she called everyone down for dinner. Suddenly, there were people swarming the kitchen table, moving around and having petty fights about who got to seat where, while Y/N merely held Aaron against her side, happy to at least still have one of her babies who was happy just to be with mum and didn’t fight her or Steve in pretty much anything. She strapped Aaron to the high chair, serving him first before the whole family started to dig into the food. 
      - How’s college, Daisy? - Steve asked just as everything settled down. - You know, my old professor works there still. 
      - It’s good. Coursework is a bit too much but I’m doing well. 
      - Nerd. - Ivy mumbled, gaining a glare from her dad. - What? We all know Daisy is a nerd. 
      - It would do you some good to maybe be slightly nerdish. - Steve commented but Ivy just shrugged. - Don’t call your sister a nerd. 
      - What’s a nerd? - William pipped up from his seat. 
      - Mum, Daisy and Dad. - Ivy continued. 
      - And what are you, Ivy? - Y/N questioned. - Because you are exactly like your dad, so what does that make you, darling? 
      - No one say I’m like dad.
      - Everyone says you’re like dad. - Rose added. - Daisy’s like mum and you’re like dad. 
      - Only the cool parts. - Ivy mumbled to herself, looking back to the vegetables on her plate.
      - Great, now that we’ve had time for that, I have some good news. - Steve got up from the table, giving his wife a sneaky look. - I know you girls really like that One Direction dude ...
     - Which one? - Cornelia looked at him with eyes filled with excitement and curiosity. 
     - Which one, love? - he mumbled to Y/N who mumbled a response back. - Harry, right. I got you girls tickets but I promised your mum I would take you. 
The peace and quiet were replaced by girly shrieks as all of the girls got up from the table to hug their dad, making Y/N smile from where she was sat. Immediately, the shrieks were replaced by the girls questioning one another what they should be wearing or how long they had to prepare and if they could borrow someone else’s clothing. 
     - You girls go, we’ll leave in an hour. I’ll wait here for you.
     - What do you mean? You’re not going dressed like that, right? - Rose looked her father up and down.
     - What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?
     - DAD! It’s a Harry Styles concert! - Cornelia and the other girls started pulling their dad upstairs, while Y/N merely held her laughter. 
He definitely could not say that he did enjoy having his girls move around and decide what he was gonna wear - but he did miss his girls. Daisy was out of the house and dating a person whose name Steve never wanted to hear, Rose was moving out to college soon enough and the triplets were getting closer and closer to college years as well. Even if he did not enjoy having a boa thrown around him, these were the moments we was gonna miss. Y/N, on the other hand was finishing cleaning the dishes, with Aaron against her side and William holding her leg. 
     - MUM! WE’RE GOING! DAD, COME ON! - Cornelia screamed out from the living room, while Y/N merely got a peak of Steve, dressed in a pink cowboy hat and a boa. 
     - Don’t. - he pointed at his wife. - Not a word. 
     - You are such a softie. - she held in her giggle. - Bring me a keychain, will you?
     - Depends on what I receive when I come back. 
     - We’ll see.
And with that, the girls and Steve were gone for the concert, leaving Y/N with her boys. She had become rather clingy with them lately, they were her last babies and the only ones who still asked for her help; however, tonight William was much more interested in playing games on the new console his grandparents had given him. She sat down in the couch with Aaron, the one year old mostly drifting off to sleep against her chest. 
     - What are you playing, bubba? - she asked her son, whose eyes were concentrated on the TV. 
     - Mario Kart. 
     - Oh ... that looks fun. - Y/N’s experience with video games wasn’t very large, mostly because Johnny wouldn’t let her near his Atari while growing up. - Can I play with you?
     - No, mummy. It’s just for boys. No girls allowed. 
     - Oh, but what if I play for Aaron? 
William stopped the game, thinking for a second before reaching to grab a controller for his mum. Y/N placed Aaron safely against the pillows of the couch, before sitting down on the floor of the living room as the 9 year old began to explain to his mum how the game worked. After a few rounds, he too had fallen asleep against the couch. She smiled to herself, pulling a blanket over the two boys before going to the kitchen to grab herself a cup of coffee. Everything seemed great in that moment.
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rachelkaser · 9 months
Stay Golden Sunday: Estelle Getty, In Memoriam
It's been over 15 years since we lost Estelle Getty, the first of the four main actresses of The Golden Girls to die. Let's take time to honor the life and accomplishments of another of the extraordinary women who starred in this show.
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Picture It, Sicily...
When I first did an In Memoriam post, at the beginning of 2022, it was because the incomparable Betty White had just died. I wanted to take that moment, more than ever before, to talk about her fascinating life and the work she did, for The Golden Girls in particular. It's impossible to overstate how hard that hit us GG fans -- we were all hoping she'd live forever.
Sadly, all four of main actresses from the show are gone, so I don't have an urgent need to do another post, but I wanted to go over the others' lives just as I did for Betty. As much as we love and adore the characters they play, we shouldn't forget the interesting, extraordinary women who put in the work for our favorite show. And since Season Four features a substantial increase in Sophia time, I felt Estelle Getty was an appropriate choice.
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Estelle Getty (whose real last name was Gettleman) is probably the actress about whom I know the least, if only because her career was not quite as well-documented as the other ladies. When the show began, she was the relative underdog of the cast, in the sense that Bea Arthur, Rue McClanahan, and Betty White already had several major TV shows on their resumes.
Getty, not so much -- though it certainly wasn't for lack of trying. She achieved her "big break" fairly late in her life, but she had worked in show business for a very long time -- since her youth, in fact. She was also, like her costars, an outspoken activist, particularly for gay rights and AIDS victims.
That being said, the more I learn about Getty, the more I grow to admire and respect her. Most of the behind-the-scenes tidbits I've gleaned has focused on some of Getty's limitations. She was working at significant disadvantages every time she was onscreen, and she still managed to frequently steal the show from her more-experienced costars.
So this week, let's take a look at the life and career of the woman who brought the wizened wisecracker Sophia Petrillo to life. Who was Estelle Getty, and how did she come to be a star on The Golden Girls?
"Sticks and stones can break your bones, but cement pays homage to tradition."
Estelle Scher was born on July 25, 1923 in New York City, the daughter of Polish-Jewish immigrants. She quickly developed a fondness for theater and comedy, and tried for several years to get her break on the stage in New York. In fact, for most of her career, Getty was a New York-based actress. She married Arthur Gettleman in 1947 and had two sons, and kept auditioning for roles while working full-time and taking care of her family.
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According to an account in the Jewish Women's Archive, Getty's friendship with actor-playwright Harvey Fierstein was the source of her most important role pre-GG. When he wrote his autobiographical play Torch Song Trilogy, he wrote the mother character, Ma Beckoff, with Getty in mind, and she originated the role both on and off Broadway. Getty, who was in her fifties at the time, eventually made it to Hollywood while doing the West Coast tour of Torch Song.
I'm not exaggerating when I say the story of Estelle Getty should be everyone's case study for why you should never give up on your dreams. She was in her fifties when she got her break on stage, and sixty-two when she landed the role that would make her a household name. She was sixty-five when she won her Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress.
That's not to say that her career is the only noteworthy thing about Getty. She was also notable for being an advocate for gay rights and for victims of HIV/AIDS -- during the 1980s hysteria, no less. She cared for her own nephew when he was struck with the disease, and later helped open a hospice for victims in his hometown after his death. She also professed to having many LGBTQ+ friends in show business (many of whom she'd sadly lost to the disease) and once said in an interview that one of the lines she drew was never doing "gay-bashing" jokes.
Getty died just a few days shy of her 85th birthday in 2008, and afterwards her family revealed she suffered from Lewy body dementia (which you might recognize as the same illness Robin Williams had at the time of his death). Her costars said, in a melancholy interview, that by the time of her death, she wasn't lucid enough to speak for long and rarely recognized them -- but that they loved and admired her to the very end.
"You're old, you sag, get over it."
When the casting directors at NBC began work on The Golden Girls, Sophia was allegedly one of the first parts they focused on. According to Jim Colucci's Golden Girls Forever, they believed that the role of the spicy octogenarian was going to be one of the hardest to cast -- they weren't even sure what she would look like. Getty had previously auditioned for (and lost) a part in NBC's Family Ties, and casting director Judith Weiner remembered her.
I'm going by anecdotes in the same book, but apparently Getty had all but given up on Hollywood and was only in town for two months in 1985 -- during which time she auditioned for the show. Strangely, Getty's talents at playing mothers almost failed her at this point. She was at first dismissed as a viable candidate for Sophia because, at sixty-something, she was too young. But according to her memoir, she knew she could play older mothers, so she mixed her own background with Sophia's, creating the Brooklyn-Italian woman we all now know.
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Tony Thomas was the first of the three producers who saw Getty audition, and he immediately told Paul Witt and Susan Harris that they had to see her. They called her back several times and all three loved her performance, with their only apparent reservation being that she was too young. Getty's manager hired a makeup artist to give Getty wrinkles during one of her auditions to show she could look the part. By the time of her final audition, the role was already hers.
It was during this point that Getty also obtained one of (if not the) most iconic Golden Girls props of all time -- Sophia's bamboo purse. She found it in a thrift store in Los Angeles while putting together an audition costume, and it remained her primary prop for all seven seasons. Estelle Getty may not have been the biggest name they snagged at the time of casting, but she seemed to have committed throughout the process to show how she could play the 80-year-old Italian mama.
Now we get to some of the background on Getty, and the reasons why I admire her so much. In my main SGS recaps, I sometimes complain or ding an episode's rating because Sophia is not in much of the episode. However, I want to note that I know there is a good reason for this: Estelle Getty had crippling stage fright, and the writers and producers frequently pared down Sophia's roles in order to accommodate her.
According to interviews with her costars and the crew of the show, Getty would frequently have trouble with her lines, and would sometimes have to redo them after the studio audience had been sent home. That's also one of the reasons why The Golden Girls never aired a live episode, despite having at least one opportunity to do so. I believe at least some credit has to go to the show's editors for making Getty's performances look so seamless, but most of my admiration goes to Getty for having the guts to give such good work when just doing her job caused her such anxiety.
Betty White also added in an interview that Getty was afraid of death, and was deeply unhappy whenever the writers wrote jokes about death or brought the topic into the show. And, if you know anything about Golden Girls, you know this happened quite frequently. But would you ever be able to tell that from watching the show? I don't think you could.
"Not part of the show, people! Not part of the show!"
Getty's personal history is one of the primary influences for Sophia's character, and it was under her guidance that the "fat Italian mama with a bun" (the producers' words, not mine) became the acerbic Brooklyn-Italian grandmother. Getty's particular kind of humor was honed by years on New York-based stage work and a childhood love of vaudeville, and you can clearly see this in how physical comedy is always a component of everything Sophia does.
Sophia's a complicated character, for all that she sometimes only appears in episodes for a few quick lines. She's witty and feisty, yes, and there's no one who's too high and mighty that she can't knock them down a peg. She has barbs for every single one of her roommates, reminding Rose that she's dumb, Blanche that she's old, and Dorothy that she's single at every opportunity.
Throughout the show, there's a suggestion that Sophia's attitude towards others is in part her way of caring. In "On Golden Girls," she deals Blanche's grandson a solid clock to the cheek when he gets in her face, and Dorothy later tells him that she wouldn't have dealt this blow if she didn't care about him. In "Comedy of Errors," she uses a few well-placed heckles to help Dorothy find her groove when she tries stand-up comedy. As she herself says in "The Heart Attack," she's not an affectionate person and doesn't always show her love in the traditional way, but she leaves her loved ones in no doubt of her care and regard.
Like all the Girls, Sophia will stand up for herself and her loved ones when the occasion calls for it, but notably, she usually does so in subtler ways than the others do. There's no shoving little girls out of doors or calling out of asshole men -- she's not so ostentatious as that. Instead, Sophia is the type to defend her Girls from themselves. The first instance I can think of is in "Joust Between Friends" where she breaks the tension between Blanche and Dorothy and rubs Blanche's nose in it, to boot.
I'll go even further: I think her most awesome moments on the show are when she humbles the others. It's a running gag that Sophia is sometimes pushed out of things by the other Girls, including vacations and outings. Perhaps her best moment was in "Ladies of the Evening," when she not only swiped the Girls' Burt Reynolds tickets, but managed to charm several celebrities, including Burt, in her evening with them -- all after they were planning to leave her behind.
"They had said he would never walk again. He walked."
That said, Sophia was not without her layers. For all her outward acceptance of gay people, such as Jean and Clayton, she's less willing to accept her son Phil's crossdressing. "Ebbtide's Revenge" is the culmination of her intolerance, as she confesses, after much prodding, that she couldn't understand Phil and that led her to alienate him for the rest of his life. Getty struggled with this episode, and eventually put her foot down when the writers expected her to make a joke while Sophia is standing over her son's body in a casket. I think I speak for all of us when I express my appreciation of that particular choice.
There's also the implication that Sophia's wit and acidity are born from a need to protect herself. She says outright in "All Bets Are Off" that her insults are a defense mechanism. This is also apparent in "Old Friends," when Dorothy breaks the news to her that her friend Alvin has Alzheimer's Disease. Sophia at first cracks a joke, then earnestly tells Dorothy that she might be happier not knowing. I've said it's one of the finest pieces of acting in the show's run, and I still stand by that. Getty's performance of a woman going through the stages of grief over such bad news is a heartbreaker.
Sophia's not a perfect human being and she can be unnecessarily mean sometimes: Pretending to be possessed by Rose's dead husband for $20 in "Where's Charlie?" springs to mind. However, Getty played Sophia as being capable of learning and growing. In "72 Hours," upon learning Rose might have AIDS, Sophia initially balks at touching anything she has touched, even marking Rose's coffee cup with an R. By the end of the episode, she's happily drinking out of one such marked cup. I can't imagine Getty being happy about Sophia being the "villain" of the episode, but I hope she eventually understood how important and monumental the episode in general -- and Sophia's growth in particular -- were for the time.
"I'm old. I'm supposed to be colorful."
Let's wrap up this post with a collection of some of Getty's sharpest deliveries in a compilation of Sophia insults:
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kieraplaysthesims · 11 months
December 4, 1911
Britechester, Maine
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"Bea meet me in my bedroom in two minutes!"
"Coming Effie!"
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Grabbing Bea in her arms, Effie let her love be known through the passion in her kiss.
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"You're sure I'll be able to go with you to Tartosa?"
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"We just have to get your parents to agree to let you finish your college in Italy, then, you'll be in my household and never have to marry unless your heart desires."
"Oh my love, how could I thank you?"
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wagner-fell · 1 year
Headcanons for Beatrix and Grey because I just wrote their first meeting and I’m screaming about them rn:
1. Beatrix is one of three people who calls Grey by his actual first name, Garrett, though she only does so in private. Grey is obsessed with the way she says his name, like it actually means something instead of just being some name on a piece of paper
2. Grey didn’t actually figure out that Beatrix and Benedict were siblings but feels like an idiot when he finds out because THEY LITERALLY HAVE THE SAME EYES AND HE NEVER NOTICED. He honestly thought Benedict and Beatrix hooked up or something because of the tension between them when they first interacted
3. Typically they just call each other “Bea” and “Garrett”, but when they’re alone? It’s almost sickeningly sweet. A lot of loves, babes, honeys. It’s honestly gross at times. Don’t even get me started on their actual pet names for each other, I’ll never shut up then
4. I mentioned that Beatrix sees black cats as lucky, rather than unlucky, right? And guess what, Grey has a little black cat named Cleocatra, aka Cleo (she was named by his younger sister) and Beatrix loves her sm
5. Beatrix and Grey’s powers balance each other out. Beatrix controls shadows and he controls fire. So while Benedict’s control of light completely cancels out Beatrix, Grey’s is like a bright spot in a sea of darkness
6. Grey and Beatrix sometimes go on long walks around town and campus with Beatrix’s dog, Daybreak. It’s actually really cute. They’ll be walking at a leisurely pace, Beatrix holding on to Grey’s arm, while Grey is holding Daybreak’s leash and the two of them are just talking
7. Grey doesn’t trust Kells as far as he can throw him but he would never let Beatrix know that. He personally takes more issue with his parenting methods rather than his whole evil thing. He did try to trust him and see what Beatrix saw, but all Grey saw was a terrible parent who loves his kids but loves power more, so he always keeps an eye out for him
8. Benedict didn’t initially approve of Grey’s relationship with Beatrix, partly because he didn’t know what kind of game his sister was playing and didn’t want his best friend caught up in it, but also partly because he’s fiercely protective of Beatrix and doesn’t want Grey to hurt her
9. Grey is mainly upset that Beatrix didn’t tell him about anything that was happening to her or what her plans were. It hurt him deeply and later he lets her know that because we stan healthy communication in this household. He just wishes she trusted him enough to let him be her partner in crime and to be honest with him instead of lying
10. Beatrix describes Grey as being her anchor, keeping her steady when she’s freaking out or when things get too stressful. He keeps her from drowning and she gets so used to that feeling that it’s hard to adjust when they’re broken up and separated by a war and thousands of miles between them (both physically and metaphorically)
11. When they break up, Beatrix cuts off her long hair because he always loved her hair. While Grey, does the opposite, and grows out his hair because he couldn’t be bothered to cut it
12. Grey inevitably joins Beatrix and Kells’ side when it comes down to it. He doesn’t necessarily believe in what Kells does or what he stands for, but he thinks it the only way he can be with Beatrix. And he can protect her better from beside her, rather than watch from the other side and not be able to do anything
13. Beatrix is the first person that Grey has ever truly loved
This is a lot longer then I planned it to be-
Okay so many thoughts
5 is just so perfect I could scream, I am literally in love with the way you phrased that
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snicketsquadron · 1 year
Witness to Departures
Jacques believed one should bring three gifts to a baby’s first birthday celebration: something practical (an unseemly amount of diapers), a favorite childhood book for the baby (Pippi Longstocking) and something for the parents to remind them of their own existence as adults and sentient beings in the post-baby haze (Samuel Beckett’s Molloy).
When he arrived, Beatrice was seated in the back yard, infant son on her lap, surrounded by a gaggle of cooing friends. Little two year old Violet toddled around, gently shepherded by the watchful eyes of her mother and the guests. She seemed to be fascinated by the screws holding the lawn furniture together, poking at them with pudgy toddler fingers.
Bertrand met Jacques at the back porch with a handshake, clap on the back and a smile. 
“Good to see you” Jacques began. 
“You, too. I take it you’re here representing the Snicket delegation? I bet Beatrice it would only be you.” 
“I’m sure my siblings would be here if they could. Kit’s preoccupied in Tunis and...well, no one knows about Lemony.”
Bertrand let out a little sigh. Both men leaned on the porch railing, standing side by side, looking at the guests rather than each other. “I know your siblings, Jacques. You don’t have to lie on their behalf. Even if they were both in the city, Lemony couldn’t stand to see Beatrice, and Kit’s indignant that we’re leaving VFD. ...We do think he’s alive” Bertrand added a little more gently. “We almost named Violet ‘Lemony’. But once Klaus was born there were enough rumors...we don’t know for sure. If I knew anything for sure I would have told you already. But we believe he’s alive, for what it’s worth.”
“Hope is worth a great deal. And Lemony still thinks the world of you. He can be happy for you both and sad for himself at the same time. The same goes for Kit’s anger. That’s the troublesome part- it’s because they love you both that they feel hurt.”
“But not you? You’re not here to try to talk us back into the fold?”
“You know I take the ‘voluntary’ part of VFD very seriously, Bert. I’ll miss your work, and your presence. But I’m grateful that you two left, because it means you had a choice. Many of our enemies don’t.”
“But?” Bertrand prompted, a wry tone sneaking into the word. 
“But it doesn’t have to be either-or. You know you could do both. Plenty of volunteers have taken parental leave until their children are old enough. The Quagmires had triplets last year- they’re not going deep-sea diving anytime soon but they can still coordinate correspondence. My parents-”
And you Snickets are so well-adjusted Betrand thinks. But what he says aloud is “You mean ‘until their children are recruited’. You’re telling me we can do both as if that’s some novel idea instead of the status quo that’s been expected of volunteers for decades. As if we didn’t try.” Violet had probably overheard some VFD coded phrases in her scant two years, though Bertrand hoped she would forget them as she grew older. “And if it was just me and Bea, we’d still be in the mountains. The entire point is the children. The neophyte system was falling apart when we were in it, Jacques, and it’s only gotten worse. And even if it was in perfect working order...it feels like fattening a cow for the slaughterhouse. I’m not raising my children just for them to be snatched away as soon as they can walk and talk.” 
“Shouldn’t that be up to them?”
“Jacques!” the anger in Bert’s tone was more than a hint.
“I mean it. Like I said, I take the voluntary aspect very seriously, and that goes both ways. If you get to choose to leave, they get to choose to join. The neophyte fostering system is a mess, and you know I never liked the tattoos. I’ll respect your wishes. I can promise I won’t be standing out of your windows making wolf noises. But I know you and B, and I’ve seen your library. Any children raised in this household are going to be well-read, clever, and kind. They will be a force for justice and nobility in the world, even if they never learn a single code.”
“Being well-read and noble isn’t the same as being a member of VFD.”
“We’ll have to disagree on that. It’s the only part that matters. The rest is affectation.”
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