#we love you aki
ilikepjo24 · 2 years
@akiizayoi4869 + changing profile picture and background picture all the freaking time = natural flow of events, nothing unusual here to see people
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hecksupremechips · 7 months
Akihiko becoming a cop is something that simply doesn’t happen in the coma route cuz Shinji would see that shit and be like Aki what the actual hell is wrong with you
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miusato · 1 month
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Honestly the main attraction for Shinjiham is how contrast their personality is and it is always funny for me to think about how people around them would react if they found out they're dating in this AU lol
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meownotgood · 4 months
more mermaid reader x sailor aki. part 2 of this. ignore how long this is... my... brain worms...
aki returns to sailing a few days later. granted, it's in a much smaller boat: one of his spare fishing boats he used before he saved up enough to purchase a proper one. the ocean can never keep him away for long, no matter what it chooses to throw at him. the familiar sun warms his skin, his lungs filled with breath after breath of the sea. rays shimmer off of clear, cool water. it's hard to believe, almost, that this sea was once rocky and wild. that pelting rain, strong winds, and salty depths almost claimed him.
the water is clear enough, in fact, to allow aki to easily spot a glimmer of green scales and a long, damaged tail.
you've been swimming not far from the shore for a few days now. aki figures you can't head back into the deeper parts of the ocean; you're weak, after all. he can spot you for brief moments amongst the rocks and seaweed, but each time he brings his boat in your direction, you disappear as quick as he noticed you.
aki is beginning to question if he's even capable of helping you in the first place. he doesn't fault you for being scared, for not trusting him. he can hardly think of a reason why you'd choose to save him, really. but if he doesn't get you out of this cove, someone is going to notice. someone with much worse intentions.
so aki throws himself back into his boat and sails into the water, again and again. to little success, of course. after days of trying, the closest he ever gets to you is a few feet away; you hover close to the surface of the water, your hair flowing around you, stray nets of fishing line caught in the mess of your tail. your eyes meet his. aki remains still, wonderment in his gaze. but when he reaches out, fingertips hesitantly skimming the surface of the water, you twist and dive deeper, vanishing into the distance.
he's almost ready to give up. to accept you don't trust him, and leave you to your own whims. until, when he's taking a break from searching, lying back on his boat and watching puffy white clouds pass, he manages to spot a shimmer in the very corner of his vision — aki turns, to see you're already staring at him. head tilted, soft eyes on his, your fingers delicately holding the edge of his boat. you let go as he sits up, but for once, you don't disappear. you swim back a bit, and you eye him up and down, the same pinch in your brows he remembers seeing before. but for once, you stay.
aki feels like he's just struck gold. his heart pounds, and he holds as still as possible, trying to think of something to say, something to do. he has his hair half-up, shell-shaped earrings glitter on his lobes. you notice he has nothing in his small boat, save for a brown pack in a far corner. you examine him cautiously, anyways.
"hello," aki manages. he cringes at how nervous he sounds. can you even understand him? he's known sirens to be able to imitate human speech, but mermaids are completely different. they have their own manner of speaking, and they try to stray away from humans whenever possible. your expression changes slightly when you hear him speak. he can't tell if you have any idea what he's said or not. you look annoyed, almost, the fins on your ears pulled back like a cat about to hiss.
raising out of the water a bit more, you give him his first clear view of your face. parts of your shoulders and chest are textured with the same layer of scales as your tail. you raise your hands above water, and you sign.
aki wishes he paid more attention when he was a kid, to the sign language lessons his parents tried to teach him, because then, maybe, he would be able to speak to you freely. his parents were fishers too. they spent every sunlit day on the ocean, up until when they passed away. there's no use in communicating with mermaids, aki thought — he doesn't care to understand them when they have no interest in people.
and yet, you are different. you're here. you saved him. the storm on that fateful night could have taken him, just as it had once taken his parents. when his brother went out to look for them, only to never been seen again, aki prayed for the cruel ocean to have mercy. he hated it. hated the smell of the sea and the whisper of calm waves, but it was all he had left.
it would drown him some day. he knew it would have him in the end, grasping him in dark watery clutches, like how it took everything he once cared about. when the water was choking him, invading his lungs and promising to be his coffin, until his vision was fading into frothy nothingness, he wasn't afraid of death. the ocean is a home for those with nothing left to lose. still, you saved him from that fate.
why, why was his family left to die, while he was made to live?
he's not sure. there probably isn't a reason. no god is taking pity on him, nor the universe, nor the ocean itself — even though its fierce waves should be punishing him. this is his fault. he's the one who toys with death, who doesn't give a damn towards his own well-being. he's the one who got his brother killed.
all he knows now, is that if he gave up here, if he let you die, he'd only be allowing another sacrifice to be in vain. mermaid or not, it doesn't matter. he wouldn't forgive himself.
your mouth presses into a line. your tail sways, while you gesture to him, to yourself. aki takes a moment or so to grasp what you're trying to say. I know who you are.
blinking, he stares at you with slight confusion. your palms cup together, and they imitate the bob of a vessel on waves. boat. your fingers splay and cross over, matching the crosshatch pattern of mesh, before you reach out and imitate a large shape. net. you make a gripping, stabbing motion. harpoon.
"oh," aki swallows, gaze darkening. "I... I get it."
he tries to formulate a response as quick as possible. you watch, wide-eyed, as he clumsily — endearingly, somewhat — attempts to recall what signs he knows. safe, he demonstrates, with a swift movement of hands clenched, arms crossed over. and then, help, followed by an awkward point to himself. he swears under his breath sharply, stalling, struggling to remember. until finally, he signs hastily: sorry.
your gaze scans him, unreadable. he begins to move slowly, his eyes kept on yours. he reaches back, he grabs the strap of his bag. abruptly, you flinch, dipping below the water slightly.
"no, no, it's okay," aki reassures, holding up his palms. you freeze, and perhaps you can understand him, or maybe it's just his smooth voice reassuring you — but still, again, you don't run. thankfully. aki places his bag in his lap and fiddles with the zipper, shaky, nervous hands struggling to do it right.
"I brought supplies. to help you," he says; he digs around his bag once he has it open, he grasps a roll of gauze and takes it out to show you. "see? don't know how well this'll work, but-" he shows you a small bottle, "I brought disinfectant," another bottle, this one is clear, with liquid sloshing inside, "fresh water." then, he pulls out a large hunting knife, the blade sheathed in leather. still, you know exactly what it is. "to cut the fishing line."
your eyes are wide. you tense, you retreat into the water on instinct, leaving just the top of your head visable.
"it's okay, don't run- no knife? alright, okay. that's fine."
aki stands, the boat wobbling slightly from the shift in his weight. you lift up again, just in time to watch him chuck the knife as far as he can into the ocean. it hits the water with a slight plip, only to sink down until it's gone from view.
"there. I won't hurt you, I promise." his gaze meets yours again, and you seem to breathe deeply, relaxing. your expression carries a hint of understanding. aki kneels down, close to the boat's edge. "it's alright if you don't trust me. but please, at least let me repay you. come here, I'll pull you up."
he extends a hand out towards you, and you give him one more quick once over. carefully, hesitantly, you swim closer. aki admires the way sunlight shimmers in the scales on your cheeks, the way your finned ears twitch in interest. you reach up, your delicate fingers brush his — warm, you are warmer than he thought you'd be. delightfully warm. you take his hand, your palm is soft, yet slippery. aki grasps back, and he pulls.
you're dragged up, as aki heaves you onto the boat, making the whole thing sway and his brows knot from the effort. he grasps both your forearms to make it easier. when the weight of your large tail finally rests down in the boat, he's stumbling back. the entire boat is shifting, and you're falling forward as he's losing his footing.
aki tumbles onto his back with a huff, you settle on his chest — oh, how your poor heart races, pattering to a rapid rhythm between your ribs. your hair drips with water, echoing a steady noise when droplets hit the wooden deck of his boat. his palm idly presses to the small of your back as he sits up.
his touch, the reserved sailor you saved that night, with long dark hair, and handsome features you found unforgettable. he was alone when you decided to follow him. sailing alone, late at night with only the light of the moon and the lanterns on his ship to guide him, while thunder rolled overhead and promised sleeplessness to come. he was either a reckless idiot, a self-sabotaging fool, or both. the dark water hid you from view as you followed in the wake left by his ship. you weren't intending to meddle, but when lightning struck down and his boat crumbled, when he went plummeting into the deep, were you just supposed to leave him to the waves?
should you have just let him die?
you pondered it, while hiding in the rocks of the cove, busying yourself with trying to pull splinters of driftwood from the gash in your tail. you have no allegiance to humans, especially senseless ones. you could have left him so easily and never once turned back. but —
aki glances up at you, lightly catching his breath. and he smiles. his eyes crinkle, his lips tip upward. the way he looks at you is the softest, most genuine thing you've ever known.
you've been hiding all your life. you have never been familiar with anything but the depths, and the occasional ships that drift past. you know humans are dangerous. you haven't spoken with your own kind since you were a child, but you've witnessed what they can do, you've been told they'll hunt you if they see you. for your tail and your scales and the glory; you shouldn't have saved him, that much is obvious. everything was telling you that you shouldn't have.
but aki is the first human you've ever met, and the first person to ever smile at you. in a singular moment, all of your regrets disappear, to be replaced by tender, heart-pounding warmth.
"hello," he repeats, breathing a slight sigh in satisfaction. god, he did it, you trust him. adrenaline runs thick in his veins. he has a damn mermaid in his lap, of all ridiculous things.
he allows his gaze to trail over you. he examines your tail, delicate fins tangled up in fishing line. most of your tail looks salvageable. with the missing section of your end fins, you'll likely never swim the same. but once the wound is given a chance to properly heal, he thinks you could definitely be able to leave the cove.
your arms have scales, your wrists and waist are adorned with pearls and shells tied to form makeshift jewelry. around your neck, you're wearing a familiar, rusted silver pendant.
aki reaches towards you, gazing at you gently. your eyes narrowing, he notices when you flinch, and he stops, but you don't move. instead, you allow him to reach close enough to carefully grasp the pendant around your neck.
his thumb runs over the engraved surface. he knew what he saw glinting around your neck wasn't just his imagination. "my locket. you found it."
you eye him silently, for a moment. then, you push away from his chest. you sit up, curling your tail around yourself. aki props up along with you, and you begin to reach back, searching for the clasp on the necklace. you sign one-handed, by pointing to your forehead, then to him. for you. you hold out the necklace, aki's palm outstretched to take it.
for you. his heart skips a few beats at that, somehow.
although, first, you're carefully prying the locket open. you place it into his palm, facing him. your fingertip points to the small picture on the inside. a black and white photo, torn and faded, of a young smiling boy with short, black hair.
you point towards aki next, brows raised. you?
"oh, no," aki shakes his head. he closes the locket, and he puts the necklace into his back pocket.
brother, he signs with both hands. he takes a steady, shuddering breath. then, he glances away for a second. his next sign is done much slower. almost as if every word is formed in earnest. thank you.
you hesitate. a part of you wants to tell him you're welcome, another part of you is set on just staring at his pretty face until he notices. in the end, as aki's dumb, soft smile makes your heart race faster, your lips are left to purse into a pout.
you, you're pointing. foolish, you gesture hastily, almost angrily, with your thumb and your pinkie finger. your temple is knotted, droplets of water shimmer over your skin. then, you sign something he doesn't recognize. some form of movement that certainly carries a hint of disdain, pointing to him first, before two of your fingers press to your palm.
you demonstrate the sign again when he has no response, no reaction besides a small smirk — moving faster, hastier this time. he only shrugs. you breathe a frustrated exhale, and decide to spell the word instead. recalling what you've read from dropped books and drifting bottles, you picture the letters, and you let your hand carefully sign each one.
h- u- m- a- n.
aki shakes his head. he points to himself, he signs instead: a- k- i.
aki. you've never heard such a thing before. his name, perhaps? in that case, you don't think you'll be able to forget it.
"my name is aki," he murmurs. the breeze from the sea rustles his dark hair. it brushes over your cool skin, and you blame your resounding shiver on that, instead of his voice. finally, he points to you, this time. "and you?"
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hubookunaluwawa · 1 year
the horrifying realization that someone genuinely knows you
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it wasn’t supposed to go this way. it was supposed to be easy. casual. fun. but now, you feel like puking. because the second those forbidden words left his lips while he was buried deep inside of you, after a night of the both of you pretending not to know how the other felt, all hell broke loose in your heart. you were able to keep your composure through the end, but once he cleaned you up and fell asleep, you quickly grabbed your stuff and got the hell out of dodge.
your throat tightens up, and your eyes start to sting as you head for the bus stop. one minute passes. then five, and then ten. and then, as if this night hadn’t been bad enough, droplets of rain began to drizzle from the sky. this bus couldn’t be coming any fucking slower, you think, and you nervously tap the side of your leg, hoping with all your might that he didn’t realize you left, because if he did–
“hey!” you feign innocence as you quickly glance at him, “what’re you doing up?”
“i could ask you the exact same thing,” he returns, his smile masking something foreign… something vulnerable.
“oh, well, yeah, i mean, i have an 8 am class, so i have to head back to my place.” you feel your easygoing facade beginning to crumble as you continue to stare straight ahead at the road. you felt gross, lying to someone you always felt so comfortable around. you just hope he doesn’t realize it before the bus gets here.
“i mean, i thought you said you don’t like doing… this…” he motions between the two of you, “the morning before an early class. said it fucks up your internal clock and stuff,” he remarks in a tone that makes it crystal clear he’s not buying a word you say.
you turn to look at him once again, and he’s staring at you with a hooded unwavering gaze that you’d mistake for apathy if you didn’t know him any better. unfortunately, you do know him better: enough to notice that the unfamiliar look in his eyes is blatant fear, as if he thinks you could disappear at any moment. and then, how much he knows you hits you all at once, and you’re left a scared little kid with no idea what to do.
“yeah, i guess i just forgot.” you’d have to be in complete denial to think he couldn’t hear the distinct crack in your voice, fake smile be damned. the two of you stare at each other for what feels like hours until the tears threatening to spill from your eyes make you look away.
“y/n.” but his eyes are still on you.
“mhm?” don’t.
“y/n, please.” only on you.
i can’t.
“i need you to tell me if i just fucked everything up back there.” the desperation in his voice is unmistakable, making you catch your breath. your face falls, and your heart hurts more than you ever thought possible.
“why’d you say it,” you whisper, “why’d you have to go and say it?” and his heart shatters at the brokenness of your voice because it was him who did this shit to you.
“when we started this, we promised it wouldn’t turn into anything. and it was fine when it was just me feeling something, but it won’t work with the both of us–”
“why?” something’s changed. he’s angry. “why won’t it work? why can’t we let it work?”
“because shit like this never does!” you scream, and you can feel everything you’ve been bottling up inside for the past few months escaping your body in one go.
“it never does,” you say with a quiet laugh. “we’d get together, and then you’d get bored with me–”
“i could never get bored with you–”
“–or i’d get bored with you,” you continue while noticing the fleeting look of hurt in his eyes that’s quickly overshadowed by anger, “and then we’d only be with each other out of obligation. we’d be ruining a really good thing just for the chance of something different, so just forget it, because whatever… it is that you feel won’t last,” you say as if it’s the funniest thing in the world while gesturing towards him.
“oh, fuck you.” he laughs, tugging his hair in frustration.
“fuck you!” you retort, delirious from the fact that this conversation is even happening at all.
“no, fuck you for trying to tell me that what i feel isn’t real.”
“okay,” you scoff as you begin to walk away. you don’t know where you headed, but as long as he’s not there, you know it’s where you need to be.
“and fuck you for making me love you! in more ways than just one!”
you freeze for probably the 50th time tonight, and you finally look at him again to see the shine in his eyes as he speaks.
“please don’t disappear when i tell you this,” he practically whispers to you with a once-again fearful look.
and you don’t. you’ve heard your fair share of “i love yous” in your life, and they all meant the same, substanceless, conditional thing. and so, the more you heard it, the less you believed it. you’ve seen relationships–both yours and those of the people you care about–fall apart because people will romantically love those that they don’t even like platonically. so you believed, and continue to believe, that romantic love without a platonic basis is an incredibly common recipe for disaster. you know this, and yet, you don’t think you could run from him right now even if you tried.
“i’ve never felt what i’ve felt for you with anybody else. i think about you all the time. like, you’re the first thing i think about in the morning and the last thing on my mind every night. and whenever i see you, it feels like what everybody talks about in the movies and the songs, and it’s like the heavens open up and everything makes sense and my world’s brighter because you’re in it. i’m completely and utterly head-over-heels in love with you.”
he just thinks he is, you try to remind yourself, but this shit isn’t real. it’s just infatuation, a burst of attraction, a trick of the mind. it’ll go away eventually–
“but it’s not just infatuation like you always say.” you mentally curse him for being able to read your mind and peel back your layers so easily, but he takes a step closer to you as he speaks.
“because you’re also the one person i feel most comfortable around. i could be having the worst day of my life and seeing you for a few minutes would make it the best, because everything about you makes me happy! everything! i mean your smile and your eyes and the way you giggle at the corniest jokes and the little crinkle you get on your forehead when i say something dumb and… how you make me feel safe enough to talk to you and know you won’t think i’m crazy, and how passionate you get about the things and people you care about: all of it has me completely obsessed with you, and all i know is that i wanna keep making you breakfast in the mornings and holding you close at night and going on late night drives with you and hearing you laugh because your laugh makes me feel like i’m dreaming whenever i hear it and i can’t help but laugh too because i just can’t believe that, out of everybody on this planet, you keep choosing to be here with me and i just… i love you, y/n. and even if this doesn’t last, i wanna be with you for as long as i’m able, because it doesn’t feel like my love for you is ever gonna go away.” 
and he breathes out the final declaration with a confidence that leaves you stunned because holy shit you’re actually starting to believe him. you can’t tell whether the wetness on your face is from the pouring rain or your own tears. maybe it’s both. but all you know is that, now, he’s holding your heart in his hands. and the scariest part is that he’s holding it with as much care as he’d treat his own heart. no, as much care as you want to treat his. and then, he starts to ramble, which you’re sure you’ve never seen him do (in fact, you’re pretty sure this is the most you’ve ever heard him speak).
you can’t stop yourself from looking at his lips, and the space between you grows smaller and smaller until it ceases to exist.
“i mean, it’s like you’re branded on my heart. you have this insane amount of control over me and i’m constantly wanting to be around you and hold you and make you happy because you feel like home to me but in the best way possible and i just want to be that for you too, and if you don’t feel the same way, that’s completely cool, and we could just forget this conversation ever happened, because you’re also my best friend and i don’t wanna lose you, and i–”
your lips taste sweet against his, and your hands cup his cheeks with a delicateness that makes him feel like crying, and he feels happier than he thinks he’s ever felt because he knows what this kiss means.
you take a moment to break apart, the tip of your nose brushing against his as he chases after your lips, and you desperately proclaim, “i’d never get bored of you either. i love you. i love you. you’re all i want.”
the bus you were waiting on passes you both by, and he meets your lips again, sighing into the kiss with relief. and you both make a silent promise, right then and there, to never let each other go again.
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
nsfw headcanons ii ➪ aki and denji
my other csm headcanons blew tf up !!? what is even happening rn thank all y’all for the support. here’s part two bc like why not
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denji ♡
- call him a good boy y/n please ? he will absolutely melt. especially during sex, you giving him that praise motivates him to keep going.
- really good at giving head tbh. who knows here he learned to use his tongue like that but at this point who’s complaining ? sure as hell not you.
-he’s never tried pegging but he’s be so fuckinf down for it. you’d have to bring it up though he’s much to embarrassed to say anything first.
-food is the way to this man’s heart. incorporate things like whipped cream, chocolate sauce and other sweet things and that gives him even more of an incentive.
-a mixture of degrading and praise in the bed room. you have to keep it dynamic. call him a naughty boy and right after tell him how well he did and what a good job he’s doing.
-he’s a good puppy for you :) he’ll wear a collar and walk on a leash just for you. feed the boy and give him water and he’s your personal slutty puppy
-pretends to be stubborn but isn’t. it takes a few coaxing words to get him to do what you want. call him a simp or whatever you want this man is whipped.
aki ♡
- pull his hair while he eats you out..he finds it so hot. or just intertwine your hands in his hair <3
-has a power indifference kink for SURE! don’t call him daddy though- it makes him cringe. instead call him sir or your highness. that’ll get him fucking going in a second.
- aki is a man of many secrets and one of them is he loves when you cosplay for him. dress up in a short/skimpy get up and show it off for him. there’s a good chance you’ll be fucked into the mattress in .5 seconds.
-knows a woman’s anatomy shockingly well. he knows all the right spots to hit and he is more than willing to teach you ways to please yourself.
-giving him head while he reads>>>
-there’s a plethora of ‘i missed you’ sex happening in this relationship. since aki is away so often when he comes back the first thing the two of you do is get a good fuck it. maybe a few rounds if he’s up for it.
-slow sleepy sex happens a lot too. the poor man’s works himself half to death quite literally so let him half heartedly fuck you while he’s practically asleep.
-kind of wants to try role play. he’s not sure how to get into it without being a weirdo but he knows he’s fucking into it.
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nyupuun · 9 months
Yusei being autistic is not even a headcanon to me it's just canon.
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QL of All Time - Round 1: We Best Love (2021) vs Aki Wants to Eat Rice with Haru (2023-2024)
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aureatchi · 7 months
me when fyodor is 21st on 100 most handsome anime !!!!
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hereforthecartoons · 1 year
Satellite Boys Headcannons
Yusei is a he/they bi, Crow is a transmasc gay/asexual, and Jack is a very loud straight ally.
Aki and Carly and super into horror movies, which really sucks for Jack and Yusei who are really not into horror movies. Yusei can handle most gore, but psychological horrors really mess with him. Jack can't handle gore beyond a stab wound, but he doesn't really mind psychological horrors because he's just like 'nah im just built different (dumber)'
Crow is very superstitious, much like Martha. Knocking on wood, being wary of the number 13, throwing salt over your shoulder (though that one is kinda justified considering spirits are like a real thing in ygo) are all stuff he does on the regular
Crow is the only person in the house who can cook. Yusei has never touched an oven in his life because he's spent half of it forgetting to eat, and Jack is... Jack.
In between the three of them, Jack has caused the most property damage. This is very impressive considering Yusei likes to kick down every door he can't open, regardless of the situation. He can lock pick, he just decides not to most of the time. Crow is usually more sneaky when trying to get into places he's not supposed/allowed to, though he's not above shattering a few windows for fun. Jack just likes blowing stuff up.
Neither Jack or Yusei have gotten their ears pierced (Jack wears clip-ons), because Crow has told them horror stories of what happened when he got his ears pierced in prison and how horribly infected they got (he told them this with a bright smile because he thought itd impress them and has yet to realize the mental ramifications it has had on his family)
Hogan is Martha's last name.
Jack has the most refined fighting style, mainly sticking to hard-hitting punches that can knock you out in one blow. Yusei's is more of a freestyle, mixing both fast punches and kicks to knock someone down as quickly as possible. Crow fights like a kindergartner, with biting, hair-pulling, spitting in your eye being some of his go-to tactics. Crow has nearly bitten off someone's finger before, and is not afraid to do it again.
Crow has only ever served his full jail sentence once. Every other time he's broken out.
All three of them participate in the twin's school activities in some way. Crow and Yusei usually go to the PTA meetings, and Jack usually goes to things like sporting events because he is too competitive for his own good and nobody can stop him.
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pennysbees · 29 days
the reincarnation in misao is so funny to me, specifically kurata turning into a cat because like. imagine finding out your cat was an incel pedophile murderer and probable necrophile in a past life. literally what do you even do in that situation?? do you keep the cat?? i think i'd have to rehome it man that shits just crazy
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meownotgood · 11 months
aki talking to you: have you eaten anything good for you today? sweetheart... if you don't eat well, you could get sick or give yourself a stomach ache. c'mon, I'll make you something, what would you like? maybe some soup, that'd be easy on your stomach. and next time, if you've only got snacks at home, just call me and I'll come over for dinner, okay?
aki talking to denji & power: eat your fucking vegetables
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maxiewolfe · 2 years
the worst thing to me about how the triad ended this season is that we basically got back to their starting point, there's no growth for audrey or aki at all, they say stuff and then don't do them, so it is exactly as max says they just want sex which is the usual trope for polyamorous relationships in media and I'm so tireddddd like I really wanted to see audrey and aki do something to keep the relationship together, we see aud all the episode thinking about their relationship, like yeah I dont want to lose max but I also dont want to lose Aki, JC telling her to take some time was supposed to work towards her saying I want both of them I can make this work I'm in, instead we never see her realize anything more than she's okay with max leaving in terms of not making an actual effort to make him stay... this was awful, not even emotional enough for me, I wanted to see audrey and aki actually showing emotions!!! thomas as always served with his acting, and we have once again max crying exposing his feelings and being fucking honest and audrey and aki just watching him, godddd I'm so disappointed lmao
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gncrezan · 11 months
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NOT AT ALL I LITERALLY LAUGHED SO HARD AT THAT ASK I THOUGHT I HAD TO HAVE IT IN MY ABOUT!!!!!! i can in fact be defined by the lengths i am willing to go for rezan at any given moment!!!!!! and also i am so glad it worked out cause i was worried i was being very unhelpful LMFAO
AND LOL. ORION BEARTRAP THAT YOU CANNOT ESCAPE. everyone thinks they're walking towards seven but in my experience there is also a massive pit disguised with leaves that leads to orion. i fell in and realised i am not immune to that grumpy man
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one-winged-dreams · 10 months
I’m gonna rb ur art when I get home and can scream in tags without severe typos but I have to say I love how me and u are both in this cycle of “ugh I know I MADE you but why are you so HOT!!” *draws him again* “STOP BEING SO PRETTY *draws him again* WHYYYY *dr
We are literally doing this to ourselves and for what?
Trick question, it's because we love our boys and they love us.
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aakipple · 2 years
Hello there!! question. Why do you think they are a lot of criticism toward t&b2 cour 2? I mean from my perspective it was really good but Idk i want to know your thoughts about it.
Personally I think cour 2, especially the ending, felt a little rushed and unresolved. There was so much going on, there wasn't much time to fully tie up all the loose ends. An epilogue would've fixed it a little. That's about the gist of it I think, it's what most people I know on Twitter believe as well. Regardless, most of us did enjoy cour 2 as a whole! I'm hoping for an OVA or movie, or, hell, a season 3 to explore what the characters (see: Kotetsu) do from here on out. There's still so much potential and I hope they do something with it
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