#we may not have fangs or claws but we can fend for ourselves pretty well!
The Best Parts of Me
by @ether-solrac, a special non-canon scene I wrote for @justanotherpersonsuniverse Other Magic AU. Hope you all enjoy, although at 7 pages and 3,788 words, its a doozy.
The graveyard was in disarray as the various tombstones and mausoleums lay shattered and crumbled from the echoes of battle. The embers feeding off the dried grass were the only source of light as the thick fog suffocated the moonless night. But more than the echoes of death, the sight Chloe found most traumatizing was the image of her friends so very close to joining whatever spirits were too damn afraid to bear witness to this kind of threat. Juleka was propped up against a cracked tombstone and missing an arm. Kagami’s saber lay shattered beside her unconscious body, her flames worryingly dim. Alya’s coat was sporting a nasty tear that would take months to properly heal. And the two Sabrinas lay huddled protectively over the battered body of Aurore, not doing much better themselves if the chipped antlers and smell of scorched foliage were any indicator. But the part that stole all of her focus and pierced her heart with the fiercest desperation she’s ever felt, was the sight of the formidable hunter responsible for all this carnage, shimmering sliver skull mask and coat as dark as the void itself, and in his grasp, dangling helplessly like the prey he saw her as, was Alix.
“You know, you lot have been making quite the scene in both the magical and hunter communities. Tearing down glamour after glamour and forming bonds between races that have been in hiding for centuries. Disgusting. You can imagine my surprise when the supposed group undoing thousands of yeas of carefully crafted repression and giving these blasted freaks hope, was nothing more than a bunch of brats” the hunter monologued. He pulled Alix up further by her wrist, putting just enough pressure to cause Alix to cry out in pain and cancel out the small spell she’d been discreetly trying to cast. “Now now, none of that little witch.”
“You bastard…” Chloe forced out as she tried desperately to get up or do anything for that matter. She’d always been so conscious of what the full moon did to her, she never really stopped to consider how weak the new moon left her. The brutal beating she received probably didn’t help either.
“Ah, so the bitch is still conscious. Good. You’re the witch’s familiar are you not? The pain must be double for you two and yet you both are still desperately trying to save the other. I’d say it was romantic if you weren’t such perverse creatures” the hunter mocked. “The world of magic and monsters has had its day and its end is inevitable. I won’t let a bunch of brats get in the way of that.”
The hunter pulled an ornate dagger out of his cloak and if it was even possible, Chloe went even more pale. While she may not have much of a mind for magic, she’s spent enough nights curled up next to a studying Alix to recognize that rune was a huge no-no, a magic syphon… She had to do something! Anything! What the fuck was the point of being part giant killer werewolf if she couldn’t use it when she needed it! She was under so much pain it felt like it was only getting stronger and stronger, and all she could do was take a single step before it became too much and she collapsed, the sight of Alix’s tear stricken face calling out her name was the last thing she saw before her world faded to black.
Or at least that’s what she thought… Chloe awoke with a start back in her own room at the hotel except it wasn’t quite right. It was like the entire room had been petrified and turned to stone. Moss, dust, and rubble claimed the space as though it were some long forgotten temple. That, and she’s pretty sure her room didn’t have that massive skylight projecting a dark ominous storm that was practically leaking in through all the windows and doors.
“Well well well, look who finally decided to drop in” a twisted but familiar voice called out to her.
Standing before her was a grim twisted version of Chloe herself. Her skin was as pale as stone, her hair was a mesmerizing sliver that shined like moonlight, but what was most stunning were the deep wild red eyes and gleaming fang filled smile that sparkled with something incredibly predatory.
“I was wondering how long it would take for us to finally meet face to face. I’ve simply been DYING to meet you. Although from the look of things it seems like there’s someone out there has a similar idea” the odd Chloe spoke.
“You… You’re my wolf half…” Chloe mumbled to herself.
“And they say Blonds are dumb. You’re smarter than people give you credit for. But then again, its not like you gave them much to look for to begin with.”
“What do you want, and how am I even in here?”
“Awww, right to business? Alright then, you’re in here because you called for me. Because CHLOE wasn’t enough. And why would you be? you’re nothing but the scared heartless little girl that’s spent so long chasing after a bitch that won’t ever love you that you became one yourself.”
“W-what… no that’s- “Chloe whimpered out
“Not true?” the wolf snarled. “Why don’t we just take a look at your little friends and see for ourselves shall we?”
“Chloe, what’s going on?” came a voice from behind her.
Turning around Chloe found Sabrina standing there just as confused as she was. Out of the darkness the wolf Chloe sauntered up to Sabrina wrapping her firm clawed hand over Sabrina’s neck.
“let’s see, your oldest most faithful friend of oh so many years.” Wolf Chloe taunted pressing her finger more firmly on the redhead’s neck. “And what have you done to her? Oh, that’s right. You silenced her voice and then paraded her around like a servant and trophy.”
Before Chloe could even get the scream out, the wolf slashed across Sabrina’s throat. Sabrina stood there in shock, grasping her neck, completely void of her voice, and as the faintest drips of crimson seeped through her fingers, she was drained of all color and petrified into a stone statue. Chloe didn’t even have the time to grieve as the wolf made her way to yet another of her newly appeared friends, Juleka.
“Ah yes, Juleka, she really is something isn’t she? Underneath the shy girl routine, she’s rather gorgeous and fierce, isn’t she? And you couldn’t let someone outshine you, could you? So, what else would you do beside socially burry her where her fear of never being seen could destroy what little opposition she posed.” With monstrous strength the wolf pounded the ground, the entire room vibrating before the ceiling collapsed and buried Juleka under the rubble.
“Please… stop this!” Chloe cried out, but the wolf was a showman, and this dark performance was far from over.
Pulling her next victim from the void, Alya was the next star of the twisted tragedy. “Alya, oh she is a troublesome one isn’t she. Even more than Dupain-Cheng, she had the audacity to stand up to you day one. She was the first to see you for the demon you really are, and you couldn’t have that. She wanted to be the journalist, promote the truth above all else. You had to make sure she took a fall for it.” With a snap of the wolf’s fingers heavy steal chains began to wrap themselves around Alya and pull her to the ground where the weight kep her immobile. And as an added insult the wolf personally strapped a muzzle to Alya’s face, preventing her from speaking.
“But those were just the appetizers. I think you know who the main event is” the wolf Chloe spoke as she bathed in the tension and misery of the moment. And Chloe knew damn well who her other half was taking about, and she wasn’t sure she could handle anymore of this torture. If seeing her friends attacked like this twice could hurt her like this, then whatever she had planned for Alix would break her.
Just like Chloe feared, Alix was brought out of the same void that the others were and just like the others, the wolf wasted no time to start playing with her new prey. Unlike the others however, was how all over Alix the other her was.
“Oh, Alix Alix Alix. You seem to have special place in Chloe’s shriveled little heart. The girl with patience and determination. The one who reached out when no one ever would. You probably came closer than anyone to breaking through her walls and oh, how that SCARED her. She couldn’t let anyone in. She couldn’t have anyone know just how WEAK she actually is. So, what did she do? She locked you out and tossed you aside to fend for yourself.”
“Please!” Chloe cried out, the tears strolling down her face as her body refused to budge. “No more, please you can’t hurt her!”
“Oh sweety,” the wolf leaned in real close as it wiped a tear off of chloe’s face, “I haven’t done anything you haven’t done yourself.” And with a lazy flick of her wrist an ethereal mirror emerged from the darkness, and from it, shadowed arms pierced the veil within it, latching on to Alix from all angles.
“Chloe listen to me!” Alix called out as the shadows began to drag her towards the mirror. “This isn’t all that you are! you’re more than just your mistakes! You’re Chloe fucking Bourgeoius!” The shadows finally claimed Alix and trapped her behind the surface of the glass, lost and alone in its void. She stayed there behind the surface, banging on the barrier and shouting at Chloe, but her words too, were lost to the void.
“Why?” Chloe begged “Why are you doing this?”
“Why?” the wolf replied, an infuriating amount of glee in her voice, like Chloe was finally playing the game shed been waiting for. “Why, because your time is done of course. You were always too weak, and because of it you lashed out like a brat and not the predator that I can make us. Your fear kept us from having everything we ever wanted and I’m not putting up with it any longer. I want to hunt, I want a pack, and I want to take my rightful place as the Alpha. But to do that, I need you gone.”
With that the other Chloe finally let her claws reach her full majesty as she took slow measured steps to her counterpart. Chloe could practically feel them vibrate in tune with her own heartbeat that slowed to a crawl in her desperation. Here she was desperately seeking a way to save her friends and instead she found judgement for her crimes… maybe she really was the worse half of herself… maybe she didn’t deserve everything she had… maybe…
“Wait…” Chloe spoke, the tears paused as Chloe started down her other half in contemplation, the wolf stopping her approach with an equal sense of curiosity. “You said you wanted a pack but… this IS my pack…”
For the first time since her arrival, Chloe found herself able to move. Taking slow steady steps, she approached the petrified Sabrina first. Placing her palm on the outline of the wound on her throat, some of the darkness began to fade as the wound shimmered and faded, revealing a newly flesh and blood Sabrina, with Chloe now sporting the old injury.
“You told me that I silenced Sabrina… “Chloe rasped out as it became much more painful to speak. ”and you’re right that at one time I did…”
“But when she let me go…” Sabrina continued for her as she held Chloe close, “I not only found my own voice, I became someone she can have actual meaningful conversations with.”
Not letting the moment go to waste, Chloe made her way to where Juleka was buried, and from the bleeding wound she reached out with a handful of the blood and let it pour between the cracks. As she did so, her colors became more and more muted until she stood there fully monochrome save for her blood. With a bit of a rumble, Juleka emerged from the rubble, not only no worse for wear but with the purples and reds of her ensemble glowing brightly.
“You told me that I hid Juleka out of jealousy… and fear of being hidden myself…” Chloe began.
“And while she may have been a bitch about it at first, eventually she let me shine, and instead of her fading away, I lead her to a group where she never had to hide again,” Juleka continued as she took her place proudly by Chloe’s side.
Next up was Alya. She snapped the chains that held Alya in place and as Alya regained her strength, Chloe could feel hers leaving her as she nearly collapsed. Alya catching her before she hit the ground.
“You said I thought Alya was only ever going to tear me down…” Chloe began.
“But after butting heads enough times, I like to think that I helped make her even stronger than she was before” Alya continued as she lifted Chloe up, tossing the girl’s arm over her shoulders for support.
Together the group made their way to Alix’s mirror, Alix herself calming down from the other side as Chloe hobbled over. Chloe placed her hand on the glass and Alix did the same as they stared at each other longingly.
“As for Alix… you told me I was afraid of what could happen if she ever got close…. But now the only I fear…” said Chloe as her hand pushed past the veil and grasped Alix’s hand firmly in her own.
“Is to ever have to spend another day without her by my side” Alix finished as Chloe pulled her free with the little strength she had left, the two quickly embracing as though the rest of the world didn’t exist. As the emotions flowed so did the lights as they shimmered around the pair, and as they faded, there stood Chloe not only fully restored, but perhaps a little stronger as well. Turning to face her doppelganger, Chloe stood defiantly.
“You told me I was weak, and honestly you’re probably right. I WAS weak. But these people changed that. They made me stronger, and even more than that, they saved me from being alone. And it didn’t end there, because once I opened up to them, they invited even more into the fold.” From the shadows, shimmers of light appeared as others materialized, Aroure, Kagami, and Feybrina taking their place with the rest of the group. “Every single one of them became a valuable part of me. My pack and my power. But… so are you…”
The Wolf paused at that, not in aggression, but in curiosity as though it had been holding out for this exact moment.
“You’re me, all of this, the pain, the ferocity, the theatrics, this is all just a big show in my head to test me. You wanted me to think you’re this evil part of me but you’re not. You’re not just anger, you’re my passion. You’re not just my ferocity, you’re my focus. And you’re not just my instinct to survive, you’re my need to protect. So, let’s cut the bullshit and do this the way only Chloe fucking Bourgeois can. We want to be the Alpha? Then I think its about time to show that so called ‘hunter’ what happens when you fuck with the pack of the Alpha Bitch.”
And like a force of nature the storm and darkness swirled away in a flurry, revealing the brilliance of a massive shinning full moon through the skylight above. The Wolf bathed in the ethereal glow and was sporting the most triumphant feral smile as she approached her counterpart with open arms.
“My dear Chloe” she spoke as she embraced her other half. “I thought we’d never ask.” And In a flash the world retuned to darkness once more.
The hunter was prepared to strike Alix when he heard a rumble beside him. Now, towering over the hunter, stood a massive werewolf with a mane of silver hair that glowed in the moonlight and a pair of deep purple eyes that burned with righteous fury.
“No, that’s not possible!” shouted the hunter “Its a blasted new moon! I made sure that you wouldn’t be able to stand against me! How are you doing this!”
The wolf cared nothing for the ranting of the hunter as there was only one thought at the center of its focus.
“Unhand my mate…” the beast snarled, its voice briming with the commanding echoes of power that could send shivers of fear down the spines of the most battle-hardened warriors. “and surrender…” She took a single step forward and it felt as though the earth itself roared in reverence of the true predator. “or die…”
The hunter chose wrong as he tried to plunge the blade towards Alix as a threat. That was the final mistake as the beast lunged faster than most could even think. There were no screams. There was no struggle. The hunter got his wish in a way… there was a monster slain that night.
When Alix awoke it was to the sight of Chloe getting dressed in the darkness of the night. She blushed a bit as she waited a moment before calling casting a simple illumination charm, alerting the other girl to her presence. She’d vehemently deny peaking to anyone that’d ask.
“Hey” the wolf girl called out to her companion in tired acknowledgement, although the small smile spoke volumes to the shorter girl.
“Hey yourself, what did I- Holy shit! Chloe Your eyes! Your hair!” Alix responded.
As Chloe came in range of the small light, the sight that shocked Alix was clear. Where once was a head of golden hair now flowed a practical river of sliver threads, and where once there were deep sky-blue eyes now rested a pair of mesmerizing violet eyes that pulsed with equal parts compassion and fury.
“Yeah… might be hard to explain, but I think it’s a good look on me. Makes me feel… complete.”
“Chloe what happened… I saw you transform but after that… what happened to the hunter?”
“He’s been… taken care of. Let’s leave it at that… PLEASE.” Chloe made her way to Alix and cuddled up to her side, desperately hanging on to her like her senses demanded she make sure she didn’t disappear.
“Alright…” Alix responded, deepening the embrace herself. “I thought we were goners there for a while…”
“I would never let someone take away my pack” Chloe lightly growled. Alix let that sink in for a bit as she could feel Chloe’s emotions flow through their bond completely uninterrupted. She could feel Chloe’s protectiveness, her gratitude, her relief, and her regrets all at once, but try as she might she couldn’t ignore that single strand that refused to be hidden, as if asking her to reach out for it
“Chlo… before I passed out… I heard you call me your mate… does that mean-“ that was as far as Alix got before her senses were flooded both physically and magically as Chloe kissed her with all the force and passion she could muster. She was overloaded by the new physical sensations but what really took her breath away was the massive waves of pure love and adoration that Chloe gave off. She didn’t think a million conversations could communicate what Chloe could through their bond and she couldn’t help but return the favor herself. After what felt like a lifetime condensed into a mere fraction of a second, Chloe pulled away and with the most peaceful smile Alix had ever seen on her, she grabbed her hand in hers.
“We have an eternity to talk about this, but for now, I think its safe to assume that the answer to any of your questions is yes. What we need to do now though, is take care of our friends. You start healing the others. I’ve got Jules” Chloe said as she began to pull away.
“Right… and Chloe?” Chloe turned around to be met with Alix pecking her lips. And with that Alix went off after the others, her face almost as red as her hair and a dopey grin on her face.
With a smile of her own she made her way to Juleka who was only just starting to wake up. Offering her arm, she got Juleka’s attention with a small shake. “Come on Marceline, breakfast is ready”
Unable to resist her impulses in her weakened state, Juleka dove right in and began to drain blood out of the offered limb, Chloe’s accelerated healing likely the only think keeping her from being sucked dry. Juleka seemed to perk up more as she had her fill, and her missing arm began to rapidly grow into place.
“Ah shit” Juleka gasped as though coming up for air after so long. “Wow that’s potent stuff. Sorry about that by the way. I’d say I owe you one, but somethings telling me its more than just one I owe you.”
“We can talk about that later…” Chloe said as she sat down to rest next to the goth. “I actually wanted to say thank you…”
“Thank you? I’m pretty sure you’re the one that saved my ass. Nice look by the way, I expect the story on that too later.”
“Thanks, and It’s not because of that… it’s because you’re the one that started all this, I wouldn’t have this pack if it wasn’t for you. I wouldn’t be the person I am now without everyone, including you… so thank you.”
“Never thought I’d see the day Chloe Bourgeois went sappy on me.”
“Oh, shut it you. Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.”
They were both silent for a minute before both bursting into laughter. When they both calmed down again Juleka couldn’t resist the one question hanging over both of their heads.
“Things are never going to be normal, or at least normal for us, again after this, is it?”
“No, I don’t think it will… but honestly, maybe that’s a good thing. We’ve made connections I’d never trade for all the treasures in the world.” As she caught site of the others all awake with grateful smiles as  they all huddled together, she couldn’t help but think aloud “I think as long as this pack sticks together, things are going to be alright.”
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Very big shounen power of friendship vibes and bRO IM FUCKING THRIVING YALL KNOW I LOVE THAT SHIT
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