#we still wouldn't have a cas essay i think
blanketforcas · 5 months
Do you ever think about the gay cas essay?
when am i not thinking about the gay cas essay 😭
me looking at those actors from that firefighter show being so awesome and being allowed to speak freely like that: i love that for yall but that should've happened to us too 🥲
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alexa-fika · 6 months
I've finally reached the point in the anime where the cross guild is formed and addicted🙌
I don't mihawk wouldn't even think about letting buggy near child!reader, but what if reader snuck off to one of buggys shows and got caught by crocodile and/or mihawk?
Circus Escapade ( Cross guild x Gn!Dracule!child!Reader)
A/N Finished my essay ya’ll!! So I made this for you guys, sorry it took so long anon! Also idk how I feel about it, no idea why but the first word that comes to mind is surreal?
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which means Reader in Japanese.
Dividers by @/saradika
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Dokucha knew that what they were doing was likely to get them in trouble not only with their dad but their uncle would not be the happiest either
But they just wanted one small peek of the show, a small peek at what happened behind the tarp; that’s all they wanted
They grin, popping their head slowly over their hiding spot and watching as the different acts went about performing
The stage was filled with different acts performing, each one seemingly more outrageous than the other; some were dangerous, some were more comedic, and a few even seemed a bit off to the audience…but that was the point; it’s a circus after all
A new act has now taken the center stage, the lights dimmed and the curtains drawn as Buggy himself came out, using his devil fruit ability to perform various tricks
They grin, giggling at his comedic actions, watching enthralled as the different body parts move around independently
Buggy’s comedic act continued; his body parts continued moving all around, one arm reaching over, picking at his teeth, and one of his legs would do a silly little kick before each body part would come together again.
His act was rather amusing, and as the act reached his peak, he came over to the podium, extending his arms toward the audience
“Hahaha!! Applause, Applause, Applause!!,” he screamed, waving his arms around, trying to get the audience to clap for him
They laughed along with the audience, gleefully enjoying the act until they felt something lift them up
They squeak as they suddenly are brought right up to the ringmaster himself
“Well, looks like we have a break-in!” Buggy laughs but stills as he takes a closer look at them
“W-Wait, you’re Mihawk’s-
Everyone turns their head at the sudden entrance of the ex-warlords; the circus growing eerily quiet, everyone too afraid to move a muscle in fear of angering the duo more
“Buggy…” Mihawk seethes, his eyebrows knit together, his tone of voice dangerously eery
Crocodile, while maintaining his usual stoic expression, holds back a low grow
Buggy’s expression changed when he saw the two enter, his body parts freezing into place, his eyes widening slightly as he gulped, his voice growing quieter as he spoke
“Cro-Crocodile, Mihawk…”
Buggy gulped, taking a few steps back as he spoke, “I ca- I can explain!”
“Do you think I care for explanations?” Mihawk glares at Buggy, his gaze becoming sharp; he takes a step closer
“W-Wait, I swear I had nothing to do with this. I didn’t bring them here!”
“Your hand on them tells a different story,” he growls, ripping way the hand from Dokucha and embracing them
“Tha-I swear I can explain. I didn’t know.”
They flinch at their father's sharp tone, and although they were aware that the anger was not directed at them, they were also going to get one hell of a scolding
“Go to your room; I will come to talk to you after I'm done with him.”
They nod
“Sorry Papa”
“Now you,” Mihawk said coldly, looking at Buggy, who just stood there, sweating profusely, his entire body shaking in fear as the duo advanced on him.
“H-Hey, I'm sure we can talk this out.”
The last thing Dokucha heard as they flew out of the tent was the cries of the mercy of the crown; they flinched at the sound
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Did buggy probably die? Yeah, is everything Dokusha said to that oops? Yeah cause their a menace
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 4 months
I have to ask where to fefeta and Erisol fit into your theories. Obviously fefeta exploding due to to two different people trying to apologize to her then arguing caused her to explode, and probably hint that the two halves are pitch for each other. But what about Erisol, why out of all alpha sprites, he is the most stable? What does it say about Eridan and Sollux? And a possible relationship of theirs or lack of one
Is Erisol the troll-sprite embodiement of Terezi’s and Gamzee’s shitty relationship. Absolute fucking disgusting codependence that allows them to wallow in their self pity. If that’s the case Eridan would be like a comfortable blanket for sollux, but not a good relationship
Why did Skaia give Eridan a quest that is knew Eridan would royally fuck up due to being raised as the next orphaner and thus have a trigger finger on anything big and white. Is Skaia stupid? Could Eridan come back to it at a later date and find that his quest is now to help the angels rebuild? Is it because Skaia accidentally made Satan and tried to set its most powerful aspect to beat it, overriding character development for hope players?
Answering these one by one:
For my thoughts on Erisol and Fefeta, see this essay and this essay.
It's hard to say why Gamzee brought the trolls back; I have an ask in my inbox positing that he's trying to set up pitch relationships (which I like the thought of) - I'm still rereading this part of the comic, so it's not super clear to me, either. I don't want to speculate when I can't be sure of my opinion.
Lastly, we don't actually know what quest Skaia gave to Eridan. We know that Eridan received prophesies from the angels of their lord, whom he believes he was meant to defeat, but it's unclear if this was his planetary quest, or some side thing he had to deal with, similar to how Feferi has an overhanging prophecy to "unite the two races" and Karkat has his to "bring equality and forgiveness between all bloodlines."
However, what we do know is that free will > predestination within this setting (predestination only exists insofar as characters paint themselves into corners with their own choices, but it was still their CHOICES that created those corners, and not the machinations of fate and destiny), and Eridan is the one who chose to give up his destiny of defeating LE:
GG: im pretty sure hes from the future! CA: wwhy GG: because he said hes my grandson … CA: that gun i just gavve you is somethin of a hatchright to the kid CA: happy i could play a role in your dirty stinkin lineage GG: like an heirloom? i guess it could be … CA: i kinda think thats wwhy i found the gun in the first place CA: but noww im forsakin it because fuck i just found a better destiny than my old crappy one wwhich i nevver got any appreciation for anywway
It wasn't an insurmountable challenge for him and his team, it was just one that they failed because they couldn't/wouldn't address their personal problems in time, and that he voluntarily abandoned. Moreover, if we assume that, indeed, Eridan's classpect quest WAS to defeat LE, then we can still see a fairly clear character arc set out for him: Eridan's main emotional conflict stems from his inner hope being in anguished conflict with the despair and anxiety he feels toward the future that Alternia laid out for him - orphaner, empress's sea dweller, nobility. As a hope player, his struggle lies in believing in things. It's encapsulated in the way he decries magic as stupid and fake and dumb and bullshit, but he FUCKING LOVES MAGIC, since he collects shitty wands and has no less than 6 wizard statues in his respiteblock.
That anxiety and despair won in the comic, and he went on a killing spree because he felt he had nothing left to live for; in a hypothetical scenario where he DOES manage to grasp his powers and destroy WITH Hope rather than destroying Hope itself, then the opposite would be true: he defeats his anxiety and despair, asserting a new belief for a better and brighter future, shooting a beam of "make impossible things possible" through LE's otherwise unconditionally immortal heart.
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swordofsun · 1 year
Thinking about the samulet today. Because thematically as a prop item it was just *chef's kiss*
Because it does symbolize the brother relationship. Full stop, through the entire run of it's appearances on the show. And the way it's utilized to show the changes in that relationship is where the writers werenreally just going above and beyond with the symbolism. (Thanks Dabb and Robbie!)
The first four seasons it is an anchor for how no matter the odds or the situation Dean trusts Sam. He believes in Sam. The samulet was given to him by Sam in a very clear way to show that Sam understood it was Dean and not their dad who was really taking care of him (something Sam forgets and remembers as is convenient to him over the years) and needed the protection. And Dean holds it as his most precious possession. He believes in Sam and their relationship.
Until he doesn't. It is important that Sam wore the amulet while Dean was dead between s3 and s4. It's a very clear signifier that Sam kept the faith that Dean could be rescued. It was his driving goal in those months with killing Lilith as a means to that goal.
But he gives it back to Dean and loses sight of why he was going after Lilith. In much of s4 he goes after Lilith to go after Lilith. Whereas Dean spends s4 slowly losing his faith and trust in Sam. He knows when Sam is lying to him, almost every time. He knows that Sam is sneaking behind his back and doing stuff he knows Dean wouldn't approve of and that he can't fully justify. Because you don't hide things you can justify doing.
The end of s4 is the complete rupture of their relationship. Sam breaks the trust in a way that it takes years to recover from and never even seems to notice. We start s5 and Dean does not trust Sam. He does not trust that Sam will make the correct choices.
Which makes it so good that it's at the beginning of Good God, Y'All that he gives the amulet to Cas. He's literally putting his faith in Cas' hands because he can't put it anywhere else (Gamble can have some rights). Sam and Dean go their separate ways at the end of the episode because Dean can't trust Sam. The amulet is gone and so is Sam.
It is vital to remember that Dean doesn't call Sam up at the end of The End because he wants to hunt with him again or has rediscovered his trust. He calls him because Zachariah just showed him a future where Sam said yes and the first step to stopping that future is changing how it happened. By reconnecting with Sam.
(Not actually Zachariah's plan, but it's what happened.)
Which brings us to Dark Side of the Moon. The episode about lost faith. In it they, and most importantly Cas, learn that God couldn't give less of a shit and they are on their own. (Cas' loss of faith in this episode and the repercussions deserve their own essay.) For Dean he learned that everything he sacrificed for Sam, everything he gave up and everything he let go weren't enough. Every little bit of goodness he tried to scrap together for Sam when they were kids wasn't enough.
Sam barely even remembers one of Dean's best memories. A perfect moment where he got to make Sam happy and loved. (And to be clear this is not Sam's fault. He had a very different perspective on their childhoods and it takes Dean years to accept this.) But the journey through heaven and seeing Sam's happiest moments drives home that everything he thought their relationship was built on was, not a lie, but a delusion. They don't have that shared foundation to rebuild on. Sam broke them in s4 and they don't have solid ground to rebuild because that solid ground never existed in the first place. (And is part of the reason Sam was able to completely destroy Dean's trust in him.)
Throwing away the samulet at the end of the episode is very clearly saying "We don't have a relationship I can trust in. We don't have something to rebuild." Dean still loves Sam, he will always love Sam, but that blind devotion to their siblingness is gone. And it never comes back, just like Dean never wears the samulet again.
It was theorized from approximately 3 seconds after the episode ended that Sam dug that thing out of the garbage, but it's a long time before we get confirmation.
The next time we see the samulet is in Fan Fiction. I think it's important, symbolically, that what we see is a fake. A bad fake. We know what the samulet actually looks like unlike the kids putting on the play. We know it's as fake as everything else in the show. And it's important that this comes at a time when Dean and Sam are very much faking a healthy relationship dynamic.
They never actually discuss everything that lead to Dean being a demon and Sam forcefully healing him. All of the s9 stuff is swept under the rug and by the time Fan Fiction comes around Dean and Sam are back to playing the roles of brothers who are also bffs. It's as fake as the samulet in the show.
It's not until Don't Call Me Shurley that we see the samulet again. This time we're shown that Sam did pull it out of the garbage and apparently carries it around with him. We can take this to symbolize both that Sam never gave up on gaining back their previous relationship and that he wasn't actually willing to do the work to fix it. He was just going to carry on and hope something happened.
We don't see the samulet again after this. It's purpose has been served. Sam has been shown that what he was hoping for wasn't what he was going to get by having Chuck be so much less than the God Sam's had faith in for so many years. It's important that this is the point where both Dean and Sam allow the other to make sacrifices without much argument. Sam was going to take on the Mark to retrap Amara, Dean with the soul bomb. It's a new stage in their relationship where they're willing to let the other person be fully their own person.
Dean still needs most of s12 to fully accept that Sam having a bad childhood was not his fault and he didn't fail Sam; he was given more than anyone could have succeeded at. But it's not a coincidence that s12-15 see them rebuilding a brotherly relationship on much more healthy grounds. (Still overly codependent, but nowhere near as bad.)
Dean actively embraces being his own person and exploring what will actually make him happy in a way we hadn't seen until them. Similarly Sam finally gets to the point where he can stop pretending that he doesn't like hunting and doesn't want to do more. He finds the BMoL intriguing for a reason. Most importantly they are able to do this without, for the most part, insisting that the other person do the same things.
And thank you for reading my essay.
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ruinedsam · 5 months
I have so many thoughts concerning a supernatural where Hallucifer was actually part of Lucifer, so I’ll do multiple asks to prevent an essay in your inbox. There’s even more potential angst of Hallucifer also being a bit of Lucifer tagging along with Sam out of the Cage when we get to season 11. Most of the seasons proceeded as in canon, except Lucifer has been there the whole time for Sam because Castiel was unable to fully remove Lucifer’s grace because weakened or not, Lucifer’s an archangel and there’s a bond between Lucifer and his true vessel that Castiel can’t fully break. Castiel and Sam had a fairly tense dynamic for a while because Sam understandably had issues here over Castiel nearly breaking his mind, knowing what was at stake because Castiel was one of the people warning Dean over the possible consequences. But they eventually reach what they do in canon and consider each other friends, and we get to the point when Sam enters the cage. Lucifer has been aware of everything topside, because part of his Grace has been with Sam the whole time, and we see just how well Lucifer and Sam have grown to know one another over the years. I think we should have seen some kind of bond exist between angel and true vessel, so yeah, there’s this weird sense of “I know you because you are me” and Sam occasionally gets flickers of Lucifer’s thoughts because Lucifer has been a part of Sam this whole time; Sam has explicitly linked it to the demon blood at some point in a parallel of “I can’t ever rip it out or scrub it clean.” Demon blood vs angelic possession but this angel is considered the father of demons and Sam was only fed the demon blood so Lucifer could rise. But vessel shenanigans are going on and over time, we’ve seen Sam gradually adopt some of Lucifer’s mannerisms. Dean sees him one day and just can’t shake this feeling of dread crawling up his spine but he doesn’t know why, Sam’s actions are at once terrifyingly familiar and jarringly strange; he goes to his room and we see a flashback of Lucifer!Sam in “The End,” with current!Sam’s behavior being something Dean saw Lucifer do then. Anyways, Sam still heads to the Cage and says no, but Castiel says yes as in canon. It needs to be that Sam and Cas have only recently gotten to a stable place in which Sam actually trusts him, so that right when they’ve recovered from Cas breaking his wall, Castiel chooses to let Lucifer in; he is the one who didn’t notice Lucifer was there with Sam when he got Sam’s body out of the Cage, he is the one who broke Sam’s mind to neutralize Dean and Bobby, and now he is the guy who almost let Lucifer around Sam unknowingly. But I also think that due to having spent years with Lucifer, Sam knows Lucifer, better than anyone, so when Lucifer!Castiel shows up the first time, Sam immediately knows who it is and calls him out. And far from being upset or angry that his disguise was blown, Lucifer is thrilled because here is the undeniable proof that Sam knows Lucifer, Sam will never be able to ignore this now because Dean was fooled yet Sam knew within a minute. 1/4
Oooh this is delicous 🥰That there is some inextrincable bond between an angel and their vessel would make so much sense! I really like the way this dooms Sam. He's Lucifer's true vessel and there's no way to escape that. Lucifer will always be with him in some way. And of course Castiel wouldn't be able to break (or necessarily even recognize) this bond, he's just a regular angel.
Oh man I would have so loved to see this on screen! Jared is so good with subtle but noticeable mannerisms that distinguish the different characters, it would be amazing to see this over the course of some time, obviously not all viewers would catch it but for those who'd do the payoff of the reveal would be so good!
I find it really interesting to think about how Sam would perceive these things, especially when he has these flickers of thought from Lucifer. I like the idea of him not being aware of it at all, he and Lucifer are so enmeshed it doesn't register that thought didn't come from himself. But I also like the idea of Sam being aware of it and interpreting it as a trauma response and being like help I'm so fucked up I'm starting to think like Lucifer. Or he could be aware that he's receiving thoughts from the actual Lucifer, having to face that he and Lucifer are still linked, he may be out of the cage but that doesn't mean he's escaped from Lucifer...
Castiel letting Lucifer free behind Sam and Dean's back just after he and Sam started to have a good relationship is evil, so obviously I love it. And yeah Sam should notice it's Lucifer and Lucifer should be so pleased it about it!!! Sam and Lucifer knowing each other in ways no one else does is so close to my heart <333
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks Compilation 20/11 - 2
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CC: I will need to connect after my goofball moirail does so I can keep my goggles on )(is nefarious escapades. [...] CC: Isnt t)(at w)(at youre doing too? Joining late to keep an eye on yours? GA: I Dont Know For A Fact That She Is Mine CC: )(a)(a youre not supposed to know for a FACT dummy! [...] GA: I Know GA: But What If I Dont Really Want Her To Be That
This initially sounded like Kanaya wasn't sure if she wanted any kind of relationship with Vriska, but in retrospect, it's clear she was just confused about the type of relationship she wanted.
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The post quoted above is my analysis of Equius and Nepeta's relationship. We now know, more or less, the 'reason' that she puts up with him - but I'm still not convinced she should.
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For sure - it would have highlighted their relationship as a moirallegiance a lot earlier than the comic did.
I probably wasn't going to guess that they were moirails, though - hell, I still probably wouldn't be able to guess it, if it hadn't been explicitly stated!
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I think moirallegiance is romantic. It exists under the umbrella of troll romance, after all. I just think it's also platonic - a contradiction that would confuse a human, but would make perfect sense to a troll.
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Not a problem! Shipping dynamics are confusing enough when we're just talking about one type of relationship.
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'The Joker has a pitch crush on Batman' is not the take I expected to see in my inbox, but damn if it doesn't make sense.
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Never mind. This is the take I needed to see.
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I see it, and I'm never going to stop seeing it. Honestly, I'm not sure Ianthe is capable of any kind of relationship other than a pitch one.
This is so funny. Is Homestuck really enhancing my reading of The Locked Tomb to this degree? Is this really what we're doing now?
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Oh my god, I didn't even think about Augustine and Mercymorn. What they have going on is a hot mess, and kismesissitude describes it perfectly.
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Oh, damn. Muir really is a diehard fan, isn't she? I'll have to read her fics when I'm done.
Just for the record: Harrow and Palamedes are totally moirails, and he auspisticizes for her and Gideon in Canaan House. In this essay I will
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See, I know what you meant, but I do love the idea that swearing is banned on Alternia.
Maybe that's why they use quirks? To get past Trollian's filtering? lmao
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Doof and Perry are clearly moirails, with Perry as the pacifier. His calming influence is obvious, as Doof's 'villainy' gradually becomes more and more benign throughout the show, and their relationship becomes increasingly casual.
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"they seem like very good moirails! :)"
I wonder what the demographics are around troll orientations, actually. It seems as if you can form a kismesis/matesprit pair with a troll of any gender, so maybe trolls are predominantly pansexual.
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Honestly, these symbols are very useful. The quadrants are surrounded by an overwhelming amount of terminology, so it's good to have them as shorthand. Equius♦Nepeta, Kanaya♥Rose, etc.
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Anonymous asked: Something interesting is that Equius's violent impulses are actually comparatively stable. He definitely has them, but he's managed to get a constructive outlet for them in the form of robot cage-matches. Compare the outright-genocidal CA, vriska's manipul8ion and crippling of Tavros + murder of all those other trolls, or to a certain extent Terezi's own love of carnage. The only trolls in the top half of the hemospectrum we've met who haven't demonstrated any 'violent urges' are Kanaya and Gamzee [...] Equius might be fucked up, but he has mechanisms and strategies to not take it out on anyone around him.
There's also CC, the only high-blood whose disposition remains a relative unknown. We've just been semi-officially introduced to her, though, so we'll probably be seeing more of her soon.
Anyway, you're right - Equius has his coping mechanisms, and the implication is that he could be a lot worse. We haven't seen Nepeta act as his moirail yet, but maybe she's been doing so offscreen.
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Thank you! I'm pretty sure it boils down to the fact that the quadrant system is fairly complex, and I love that shit. Give me a set of rules, and I'll analyze the hell out them, every time.
This is something that Hussie has always been good at, both in Homestuck and Problem Sleuth - and it seems like it can even make shipping interesting to me.
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To Gamzee, Equius is a friend with detriments.
To Equius, Gamzee is a friend with weird caste system baggage that he isn't sure how to deal with. Plus, he's clearly into him, although I can't figure out in which quadrant.
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Yeah, I guess it's always possible that a 'typical' auspistice doesn't need much social ability. When you get right down to it, all you really need to do is keep the warring parties apart, so anything beyond that might cross the line into advanced auspisticism.
Maybe a 'meddler' like Kanaya is indeed a rarity, which would make per a particularly popular auspistice. Like I said, there aren't a lot of trolls around with a disposition like hers.
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I haven't decided yet if I'll be liveblogging anything after Homestuck - but I've added it to the list of prospective projects. We'll see how I feel when Homestuck is finished with, in late 2034.
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Yup - if we interpret a 'spadekind specialist' as a master of caliginous relationships, then Karkat's the one who fits the bill.
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arson-404 · 3 years
Hello! @bubblyani inspired me to make this!
Truth | 01
Warnings: 18+, lime, blood, death, murder, suicide, depression
Fandom: Lucifer
Pronouns used for reader: she/her (reader is also AFAB)
Enjoy, loves. <3
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"Please? It'll be so much fun!"
Your friend said, putting an emphasis on 'fun'.
You sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose. "Fine, but if either of us gets kidnapped at this club, it's not my fault."
"Oh my God, you're so dramatic."
"It's my talent. When are we going? I have work to do today." You asked, fumbling with a shirt that was on the floor of your bedroom.
"Does eleven o'clock work?"
You glanced over to the clock, reading the time.
7 PM.
You'd be done with work at around eight-thirty.
Thinking for a moment, you reluctantly agreed. "Okay. LUX, right?"
"Yay! Yeah, the owner's super hot. And so is one of the bartenders. Maya? Macie? Something with an 'a' and 'm'."
"Gosh, you thirst over everyone."
"You would, too, if you saw them! Which you will. Well, I don't know if the bartender will be there, but—"
You two talked a while, until you had to do your at-home work.
You liked working at home because you didn't really like going out to work for countless hours, but sometimes it was nice to let loose.
Like at this club you were going to go to, which you were kind of nervous about.
Your mind gave you flashbacks of one night when you just turned twenty-one and went to a club with your friends, Hørizon was the name.
The sounds of booming music made it's way to your ears, your head pounding.
"Five shots of whiskey over here!"
"Um, I- I don't think I ca..." Too drunk, you couldn't even finish your sentence, as you wobbled a bit in your seat.
A minute later, a whiskey shot was in front of you — too drunk and tempted, you grabbed the small glass, gulping it down.
Delilah's friend, Tina, paid for the drinks.
The burning sensation in your throat didn't affect you much after the many shots you took before.
Your head turned to your best friend, Delilah, -which you had just met a few weeks ago at this time-, who was selecting the first contact in her phone to call, since she was a little too drunk to dial a number manually.
"Heeeeeyy, Fionaa, we're at a club." She slurred her words a bit, giggling. You could hear the faint voice from the phone.
"Oh my God, are you drunk?" Delilah only giggled in response, too drunk to make a coherent response. "Okay, I'm assuming you're at that one club you went to last week, right?" "Mmmhm!" "Are you with anyone else?" "Errr... like, my friends."
You could practically feel Delilah's friend pinch her nose. "How many?" "Uhhh... one... two... four..." She paused. "Fourth!" She said, giggling, adding a -th to the word she meant to say.
"Alright. You're lucky you're my... friend."
And then you blacked out, waking up at Delilah's apartment on the couch, others on the floor or sharing the couch with you.
You still remember that awful hangover you had afterwards.
You chuckled at the memory, stretching a bit. After finishing an essay for your boss, revising and editing it, you glanced at the clock, checking the time.
8:51 PM.
It was definitely past 8:30, but you weren't going until eleven.
You had time to pick out your outfit, relax, and do some housework if you wanted to -which you didn't want to-.
Standing up, leaving the chair you'd been glued to for almost two hours, you sighed, making your way to the closet.
You rummaged through it, and after a little, you found an outfit you liked.
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Humming, you put it on your bed, along with your extra wallet (which had less money than your normal wallet, so when you went to the club, you wouldn't lose a bunch of money from being robbed or losing it) and some water to put in Delilah's car to sober up after the club.
You checked your phone before putting it on your charger.
Footsteps padded against the floor as you made your way to the couch to watch some of your favorite show, 'The Good Doctor'.
'Some' turned into almost three hours.
And now you had eleven minutes to get ready.
You rushed to the bathroom to do your makeup — not like anyone would see it, anyway. But you liked doing your makeup, not because you were insecure, but because you just liked trying new styles.
And you really liked eyeliner.
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(Reference picture, I think it's Niki Nihachu, but I'm not sure.)
After you were done, you shoved the makeup into your container in the bathroom, hastily going to your room, fumbling with the clothing to put it on.
After about five minutes, you succeeded, and grabbed your phone from the charger, opening your messaging app up.
Hey, you ready?
Seen at 10:57 PM.
Lilah 💖
yep. i'm already headed there.
Seen at 10:57 PM.
Don't text while driving.
Seen at 10:57 PM.
And don't respond to this.
Seen at 10:58 PM.
You turned off your phone, putting it in your pocket, grabbing your stuff, your wallet shoved in your other pocket, two bottles of water in the other hand.
A few minutes later, your door opened to reveal your friend in a clubbing outfit, her curly black hair mostly laying on her right shoulder.
She had a see-through black top with another top under it, the same color.
Delilah had a black bag, the actual bag part laying on her right hip, the strap on her left shoulder.
She had a black skirt-shorts with a red and black plaid flannel tied around her waist.
The beautiful woman also had long, black, high heeled boots, going up to under her knees, but short enough to walk.
Her tattoos were slightly visible on the lower thighs.
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(What I based her off of. Not sure who this is!)
"If I wasn't planning on making a move on that bartender — if she's there, I would try to date you, oh my God, you're gorgeous." Her lips formed a flirtatious, but platonic joke.
"Oh my gosh, you're definitely prettier, what the hell do you mean?" You smiled, winking.
"Alright, you've convinced me, I'm prettier." She said, shrugging her shoulders. You let out a playful pout, "Damn, I'm so broken."
"Whatever, you'll get over it. Let's go!" She smiled, tugging your arm, taking the water bottles and putting it in her bag so you could lock the door.
Soon, you both arrived at the fancy, famous club called LUX.
Excitedly, your friend, Delilah, got in line with you, figuratively jumping up and down with joy.
"Oh my God, you'll love it here, Y/n. All of the men, women, and enbys are definitely gonna hit on you, bae."
"Assuming I'd be confident enough to let them approach me."
She rolled her eyes, chuckling.
You both got closer and closer to the doors of the provocative strip club, you both paid your halves when you finally approached the doors.
Stepping into the building, you both smiled. 'This time, I won't drink as much.' You promised yourself.
Oh, how promises break.
Immediately, Delilah went to the bar — partly for the drinks, but mostly because she saw a particular bartender.
Giggling at the absurdity of her actions, you went to a couch, not drunk enough to have confidence to talk to people or dance — not that most of them would remember, considering how many had drinks in their hands.
You fiddled with a silver ring you had bought about a month ago, which laid on your index finger.
"Why, hello! I've never seen you here before! I would remember a face like yours." A velvet voice was heard, oddly close to you.
'Wait, are they talking to me?'
You whipped your head up, mouth parted a little.
There stood a tall, dark haired man with dark eyes, a black suit with a slightly visible white shirt under it, black, shiny shoes on his feet.
You swallowed. "Hello..."
You should've gotten drunk beforehand.
Hello, everyone! I have no clue how drinking or hangovers work, or strip clubs, since I'm 18, but I hope it's not too far off. 🖤
Sorry it took so long to get to Lucifer, it's more of an introduction to some characters in this chapter.
Also, Delilah is bisexual, and goes by she/they.
The reader is possibly bi-curious, it depends on your view of the reader. <33
Delilah may have a lil' crush on Maze and just thinks Lucifer is hot, haha
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badfauxmance · 3 years
Hii! I've been brainstorming about this Sebastian's situation and I came up with some "conclusions" of my own and I apologize in advance for the essay 🙈 So basically what I "concluded" so far is they changed their strategic and I personally think it has something to do with the strategist A started following (correct me if I'm wrong) back in March when she was in Spain. Let's rewind a little bit: remember how the Tulum pics and the LA pap walk made everybody raise their eyebrows and start doubting the nature of the relationship? Well judging by their body language I'm pretty sure they were just "following the flow" at that point. Not to mention the "famous" Christmas pic which Sebastian looked quite weird on that one. I think the following months after Christmas were fundamental for this whole thing because: a) Sebastian went back to do what he loves the most (working) and b) they had time to figure out their next steps. I personally believe that her racism and the fandom's reaction threw the teams off a little bit and they were kinda lost. I mean that "episode" was way bigger than the Ellie situation because it made to tabloids. Some people believe they knew about her CA posts and left that on purpose and I don't doubt it but at the same time I think they were aware of her posts but they thought it wouldn't be a big deal since all of them are white. But then the fandom started to make sure everybody knew it was a stunt even though some fans and the general public didn't care. Now back at the months they spent apart: Sebastian went to Canada, she went back to Spain and when everybody thought they had broken up BAM! We started getting articles about how they were private (which I believe it was their excuse for the lack of move on his part on social media) and they were still going strong. Then A attended that Women's Day dinner party and started following back a woman especialized in media strategy for luxury brands (and also this woman follows Sebastian and A's agency too). Could be just a follow? Of course. I'm probably reaching but notice how A's image changed. Now she meditates, talks about astrology, mind, back at Spain she was posting about her "work". Very different from the "carefree", "I don't care about anything" girl right? And I think that's when things started changing. Remember when people wondered why he wasn't following her yet? Well now he is. Remember when people used to say he never liked a post or left a comment like when he used to do with his ex? Well now he does. Remember when some people used to say they didn't spend time together and started doubting after their last pap walk? Well now she drops him off to the set, they have lunch together, they ride bikes together. Basically they're doing what they were supposed to do in the beginning BUT I have to admit that even though they're late, their new plans are working because people starting to doubt it's PR, the fans are coming to defend her (image cleaning is working too) and even though the fandom is not their main target, I think I can say they have one less problem now since nobody is paying much attention to her racism anymore and now the fandom looks like a bunch of a jealous fans which it sucks. I wanna make clear that all of these are based on my opinion and on what I observed. I'm not stating as facts because I know there is a big possibility none of this is truth. Sorry for the long ask
No that’s awesome! It kind of goes with what Racoon said on her Instagram. Ale got a new Social Media Manager which would explain the comments and locked from Seb and now the comment from ale. Why the baiting went down, though it’s picking up again.
I agree I think the cancellation on Twitter threw everyone for a loop and they didn’t know what to do. Now they are trying to make it look real and yea to new fans it seems legit, and yea some people hopped to the real side, but there are still plenty of us who see the bullshit behind the screen.
Thank you for your thoughts... they all make a lot of sense!!
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