#we went to the grocery and going to the grocery with her is fucking hell
whytheylosttheirminds · 5 months
I Remember Everything - Rafe Cameron
(Prologue and Chapter 1)
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Summary: You left the island two years ago, leaving the love of your life a shattered man in your wake. Now, when you return, you find the sweet boy you once loved has transformed into a monster of a man. How can you detangle the real Rafe from the terrible things he's done?
Timeline: begins toward the end of obx season 3 and is mostly canon.
Content: this story contains sexual content, alcohol and drug abuse, and brief mentions of violence. All chapters are 18+, minors do not interact!
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Before gold, before grams, before the gun, there was you. Back when there weren’t crosses to steal, lines to snort, cops to run from, there was you. Long summer nights on the Druthers, your mom blowing up your phone ‘cause you missed curfew again. Skipping class and riding to the beach on the back of his bike. All the way back to grade school, playing tag and pretending you were pirates. Then middle school, that kiss under the lifeguard tower, a first for both of you. In high school, the night you got back from the “character-building summer camp” you had been shipped off to and you shared your other first. When you were first together, it didn’t even hurt, but just felt like fucking finally. 
He remembers it all, taking all of his strength to keep it stuffed under the surface. The coke, the violence, the drama he creates in his wake cover you up nicely, until those nights when he’s dead asleep and there you are again, leaving. When he wakes, it all comes back to him. How he sat on the curb and watched you go, bloody and hurt from the night that was your final straw. How he showed up on your doorstep the next day, like he was five-years-old again asking if you could come outside and play. How your mother told him you were gone and wouldn’t tell him where you went.
“Honey,” she said with something like pity in her voice, “Promise me, you’ll let her go, let her be happy.”
A promise he kept, until the day you rolled back into town with no warning. Your timing could not have been worse. After the summer from hell, the summer that made him a killer, he finally felt like he was in control. It wasn’t until he saw you, the only person in the world that ever really knew him, that he realized he had no idea who he was. 
Chapter One
You clutched your phone tight, reading and rereading the message. One you used to get nearly every night but hadn’t seen in two long years.
party at cameron’s tonite !!
It was a group text, sent by the girl from your high school you bumped into in the grocery store earlier that day. You had been back on the island for all of an hour before inevitably seeing someone you knew. You tried to duck quickly into the cereal aisle, but she caught your eye before you could disappear, an action you were infamous for.
“Omg, we need to hang out soon!” She had said, before handing you her phone to put your new number in.
You smiled your fakest smile and said, “it’s a must!” You didn’t think either of you really meant it, but apparently she had.
There were eleven or twelve other numbers in the group text, none you had saved, but you assumed they were likely other people from your high school. She probably just added anyone in her contacts she could think of, not even stopping to realize she was inviting the Kook prince’s former princess to his party. Your relationship had been the stuff of legend on this island. Everyone had an opinion, you were practically a celebrity couple, and it was the biggest news on the island for months when you left, suddenly disappearing overnight. Some real shit must’ve gone down around here since then to make it such old news that this girl didn’t even think about it when adding you to this text.
Your heart pounding in your ears, you couldn’t believe it when you felt yourself typing out i’ll be there :) 
You wore your hair down, the way you always used to have it in high school. After you left, you had cut it short, wanting to shed away as much of your old life as you could, but in the last few months you’d started to let it grow back. Now it flowed down to the middle of your back, tickling the skin of your shoulders where the thin spaghetti straps of the little dress you had on left them exposed. You let the front pieces fall around your face, a sort of curtain to keep an extra layer between you and the other partygoers.
You could not believe you were here. For real this time, not in a dream as you had been every night for two years, but really here. 
As you walked down the gravel path, it all came rushing back. The smell of Rose’s garden, the distant sound of the ocean lapping against the shore, the low thud of the music echoing through the crisp evening air. How many times have you walked down this path? How many nights had you spent here, your senses filled with the glory of Tannyhill, the glory of him? And yet now it felt so heavy, the sights, sounds, smells of it all were nearly choking you. Tears welled in your eyes, but something kept your feet walking towards those grand front doors, towards him.
Four years earlier…
The glass panes of the front door are slightly blurred, only revealing the soft lighting of the grand entryway on the other side. You had crossed this threshold at least a thousand times in the ten years since your family moved to this island. Knocking felt strange, you felt so small standing here in the porch light, surrounded by moths and the thick coastal August air. An envelope, wrinkled from being opened and rifled through so many times, was clutched between your clammy hands.
A figure you couldn’t quite make out approached the door, and your heart pounded in your ears as you hoped desperately it would be him who opened the door. But it wasn’t.
“Oh, hey - I- hi, Mr. Cameron,” you stammered, ever intimidated by the island’s most powerful man.
“Y/N,” Ward nodded cordially. “It’s after 10pm.”
You smiled weakly, if you felt small before, you feel positively infantile now.
“I was just hoping I could see Rafe for like, just a second,” you pleaded, putting on your sweetest smile.
“He’s studying,” Ward said. “You can come back tomorrow. Goodnight.”
Before you could protest, the door was closed and the blurred figure retreated into the house.
Never one to give up, you stuffed the letter into the back pocket of your jeans, and stepped back from the porch, sizing up the massive house to see which rooms still had lights on. You knew the blueprint of this place by heart, checking off each family member mentally as you scanned their window for signs of life. Wheezie’s room? Dark. Sarah’s room? Dark. Rose and Ward’s room? Still lit. This would have to be a stealth mission. 
You snuck around the side of the house and looked up at the last window on your list. To your excitement, the room was still lit. You saw a long shadow pass by the curtains, and you actually jumped a little from the thrill. After spending the longest summer of your life apart from the one person you wanted to spend it with, he was actually right there, just two stories off the ground.
You traveled 800 miles today, what was a few more feet? Blocking out the better judgment ringing in the back of your mind, you picked up a few pebbles from the rocky path that leads to the backyard, and started climbing the big tree that grew right up past Rafe’s balcony. How you were gonna get from the tree to the balcony? That was five-minutes-from-now-you’s problem. You chuckled to yourself as your body naturally found each branch and knot on the tree. You used to have competitions when you were kids to see who could climb this tree the fastest, and you beat Rafe everytime. You remembered the shocked look on his face the first time he saw you scurry up the tree, you were hoping for a similar level of approving surprise once you got where you were going.
Once you reached the branch directly across from Rafe’s balcony, you pulled one of the pebbles from your pocket and chucked it at his window as hard as you could. 
“Shit,” you whisper-yelled as the throw fell short and the pebble dropped, loudly knocking into the first floor window below. You couldn’t afford another noise-causing miss, so you recalculated the throw and bit your lip as you lobbed the next pebble hard. It smacked into Rafe’s window with a loud TINK and you smiled in satisfaction. You waited a moment, then two, and still nothing. The shadowy figure did not return to the curtain. You only had one pebble left, and you had never been good at climbing back down this tree. Remembering the time you fell out of it onto the waiting Rafe below, and you both ended up needing stitches, your stomach twisted in fear. You took in a deep breath and held it, letting the last pebble fly. Another sharp TINK, and a moment of baited breath later, the tall shadow finally returned to the window.
Rafe opened the curtains harshly and you immediately broke into a wild smile. He looked so cute in his fitted gray t-shirt and plaid pajama pants, his normally gelled back her falling in messy pieces around his face. You held back a giggle, delighted by the completely confused look on his face as he searched out the window for the cause of the sound. He lifted the window open and examined the two pebbles that had fallen on the windowsill. 
You took the opportunity to whisper a loud “psssst.” His face shot up in surprise and his eyes finally found you in the tree, just a few feet off of the balcony. Where you expected to see surprised delight on his face, you instead caught something cold and irritated.
“Y/N,” he whisper-called to you. “What are you doing?”
“I just got back, I wanted to see you!” You called to him, hoping his apparent anger was just in response to his own shock.
“I’m busy.” Rafe went to close the window and you felt your moment of opportunity slip away.
“Wait!” you stopped him. “Please don’t make me climb down. We both know it won’t end well.” You smiled a sweetly shy smile you hoped would melt his icy demeanor a bit.  
He sighed and looked at you annoyed for a moment before climbing out the window, his height requiring him to duck low in order to make it through. He had grown even taller over the summer, he must have hit 6 foot by now, maybe more. Your stomach flipped as you watched his athletic frame emerge from his bedroom, now able to see how defined his arms looked in the moonlight. You’d always thought he was a cute boy, but the way he looked right now lit a fire in your belly. Then you realized what it was - while you were gone, the cute boy-next-door had become a man.
“Just reach over,” he directed you.
“I don’t think I can without falling,” you explained. “I think I’m gonna have to jump.”
“Are you stupid?” He scoffed humorlessly.
Your heart sank, the boy you left behind three months ago never would have called you stupid.
“It’ll be fine, you just have to catch me,” you explained.
He rolled his eyes and opened his arms, reaching them over the bannister of the balcony, “fine.”
The brief moment of joy you got from his submission faded fast as you made the mistake of looking down at the gap between the tree and the balcony.
“Actually…” you said, bravery fading.
“What, are you scared?” Rafe taunted.
“No!” you insisted. You smiled at him, suddenly feeling like the two of you were ten again and he was daring you to jump off the trampoline into the pool in your backyard.
Now or never. With a deep breath and a sharp yelp, you threw yourself out of the tree and towards his waiting arms on the balcony. As promised, he caught you, and pulled you quickly over the bannister. His arms wrapped around your waist, yours around his shoulders, he held you there just a few inches off the ground.
You flattened your hands against the taut muscles of his shoulders, delighting in the strong warmth of them. But before you could fully revel in the feeling of being in his arms, he released his grip on your waist and you dropped the final few inches to the ground. Rafe quickly stepped back, breaking the lock your arms had around his neck. Despite the southern summer heat, the air between you suddenly felt ice cold.
“Rafe,” you whispered, stepping towards him, but he only pulled further away.
“You shouldn’t be here,” he said without even looking at you.
Rafe started back towards his window, and something gave you the feeling he was not going to invite you to follow him through it.
“I need to talk to you,” you started to explain.
Rafe whipped around to face you, the way he towered over you at his new height sending goosebumps down your spine.
“Why don’t you go talk to your new boyfriend instead?” He snapped.
You were so stunned that you let out a little laugh, which only made his furrowed brow scrunch even more in anger.
“What are you talking about?” You asked.
“I saw the pictures your camp was posting on their website all summer. I saw you wrapped around that douchebag.”
It took a moment of confused silence for you to realize what he was talking about, when it finally dawned on you, you laughed again. He turned from you and started heading towards the window again, but you caught his arm, your hand not able to fit even halfway around it.
“No, Rafe,” you explained, “That was just Andy, one of the other campers. We were doing a trust fall exercise. He dropped me like two seconds after that!”
Despite himself, Rafe turned to look at you, eyes examining you nervously. 
“Are you ok?” He asked in a small voice, wishing desperately that he didn’t care.
You smiled softly, there he was - your boy. 
“I’m fine,” you assured him, showing him the small scar on your wrist. “Just a little scrape.”
A moment passed, he avoided your eyes but allowed you to step closer, your hand sliding down his arm and slipping into his, his fingers reluctantly intertwining with yours. You knew exactly what words he was struggling to find, but decided to let him get there on his own.
Finally, “Why didn’t you answer my letters?”
Your other hand reached into your back pocket and pulled out the envelope you had tucked away. You held it out to him wordlessly. He took the letter and held it to the light coming from his room, examining it with a confused look. The envelope was addressed to him at Tannyhill, from you at camp. When he finally noticed the “return to sender” label, it all clicked.
“They kept getting returned to me, I don’t know why,” you said as you squeezed his hand. “I asked to use my phone to let you know but they wouldn’t let me. I almost just snuck out of camp and came home so I could explain it to you.”
“Your mom would’ve been so mad,” he said, finally, finally smiling at you.
“Then she would’ve just taken away my phone and we’d be back where we started,” You said. “There’s like twenty more letters like that. I don’t know why they never made it to you, it’s like someone was sabotaging me.”
Rafe seemed satisfied with your explanation and the remaining bit of anger on his face melted away completely. He stuffed the letter in his pocket and suddenly threw his arms around you, lifting you in the air as you yelped in surprise, giggling as he started planting sloppy kisses all over your face and neck.
“Shhh, baby, my parents will hear you,” he whispered. “They’ve got me locked in my tower because I failed my last quiz in this fucking summer school pre-calc class.”
“Rafe!” you said in mock-scandal. “Naughty language!”
“Oh, baby, I can say way naughtier things than that,” he growled in your ear, your cheeks now burning from real-scandal.
“C’mon,” he said, setting you down and grabbing your hand, to lead you to his still-open window. 
He placed his large hand on the small of your back as he helped you through the window, climbing in after you and closing it slowly so as to not make a sound.
You and Rafe had done some more-than-kissing things before, but that was the night you gave yourselves to each other completely. He held you after, softly kissing the scar on your arm from when Andy had dropped you.
“Never gonna let that Andy asshole touch you again,” he said between kisses. “He can find his own girl, you’re mine.”
You giggled and he looked up at you in confusion.
“Rafe,” you were laughing hard now. “Andy’s gay.”
He broke into a bashful grin, a quick blush of embarrassment swept across his cheeks before he grew serious again and started kissing up your arm.
“I don’t care,” he said. “They should all know - all the Andys and Jakes and Chads and whoeverthefucks,” his kisses had reached your neck, “no guy is ever gonna get to touch you like me.” He pulled back and looked into your eyes with a sincerity that squeezed your heart. “Gonna love you forever. Gonna marry you, make you a mom. Never gonna spend three months, or even three fucking days away from you again. That what you want?”
“Yes,” you breathed, meaning it with your whole being.
The memories flooded your brain as you opened the door and stepped into the home you used to think would be yours someday. The party was swelling, the vibe feeling so familiar and so uncomfortable at the same time.
You made your way straight to the kitchen, desperately needing a drink. Every step you took sent a memory flashing through your thoughts like a shock to your brain. You passed the living room and saw movie-nights-turned-make-out-sessions on the couch, playing mario kart with Sarah and Wheezie while Rafe laughed at your hyper-competitiveness, prom pictures in front of the fireplace. You passed the dining room and saw the first family dinner you were invited to, how you made Ward laugh with a story about fishing your own dad used to tell, how Rafe squeezed your thigh under the table in pride. You entered the kitchen and saw the time you and Rafe set off the smoke alarm trying to make pancakes, the time he lifted you onto the counter and went down on you when his family was out of town. And then, standing by the keg, you saw the girl who invited you, clearly plastered already.
“Omg!” She yelled when she saw you.
Everyone else in the large kitchen turned and looked at you. It felt dramatic, but you could swear the whole room fell silent when they saw you, a comical record scratch playing in your head.
The girl who invited you ran over to you, beer sloshing over the side of her solo cup and onto her shirt. 
“I can not believe you came,” she said, loud enough for everyone to hear. “I completely forgot when I invited you, about, you know, you and-”
“Can I get one of those?” you cut her off quickly, gesturing towards her drink.
Before she could answer, a loud crash came from outside the kitchen’s open french doors. The heads that had all been watching you suddenly snapped toward the sound towards the crowded back yard. When the loud bellow of a man’s voice rang out, the people in the kitchen all ran towards the unfolding scene. You pushed through the crowd and out the doors, drawn inexplicably to the voice. Your heart dropped to your stomach when you realized why - it was Rafe.
There in the backyard, packed with drunk people and lit by string lights, Rafe stood with his fist clenched in the collar of some guy’s white button up, forcefully pulling the scared looking dude toward him while he yelled.
“I said none of that fucking cheap shit,” Rafe yelled at the guy you now realized was a cater-waiter. 
“I’m sorry sir, I-” Rafe threw the man down and he fell back in the dirt.
“This isn’t some ghetto block party out in The Cut,” Rafe yelled. “Do you know who’s fucking house you’re at right now?”
The crowd around you watched, most smiling in support of the man they looked at like he was a rockstar. You cringed at the looks of admiration in their eyes and took Rafe in with your own.
He looked different, harder. His floppy blond locks had been shaved off, and he had traded old t-shirts and jeans for slacks and a polo. He was as tall and built as you remembered, but instead of it being endearing, it was just scary as he looked down at the poor server like he was gonna kill him.
Then he spat on him. He actually spat on another human being. It disgusted you in more ways than one, and you felt your heart breaking in your chest as you realized you had no idea who this man was. The boy who held you on that night four years ago and promised to be yours forever clearly didn’t live here anymore. You turned quickly and pushed back through the crowd, unable to watch another second of this sickening display of toxic masculinity.
Rafe glared down at the pogue-scum in the dirt below him, an eerily familiar feeling washed over him as something moved quickly in the corner of his eye. He turned at just the right moment to see a whip of long hair disappear through the crowd.  But it wasn’t. It couldn’t possibly be. Surely, it was not you.
(chapter 2)
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a/n: Hiiii this is the first fic I've posted in about 10 years!! Hope you enjoyed, forgive me if I'm rusty! More chapters to come :)
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rcmclachlan · 3 months
Return of the Mack
For @alchemistc. Hope you feel better soon!
At the fire academy, three things are beaten out of every trainee: fear, a normal sleep schedule, and the social influences that prevent one from intervening in the event of an emergency. Some have jokingly called the third one the Anti-Bystander Effect, because if someone needs assistance—whether it's to stop an assault, run into a burning building, or help a little old lady find a quarter she dropped—a firefighter will immediately rush in to save the day. It's a special brand of classical conditioning that instills an elevated sense of responsibility in every trainee, and it's paid in full by the state of California.
Which is why it's so odd for there to be three capable firefighters standing around doing nothing while there's an old man clearly in need of dire assistance. If the LAFD higher-ups knew they were actively choosing to watch the carnage unfold instead of lifting a finger to help, they'd all be shitcanned. 
Luckily, there's a fourth firefighter on the scene doing the absolute most. 
"I thought we made a pact to keep him from using his powers for evil," Eddie says, taking a dispassionate sip of his coffee. 
"Is it evil if he's actually using them in service of a greater good?" Hen's attention is half on what's going down and half on the Notes app on her phone, where she's typing out the week's grocery list. "You know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend?"
Draped over the railing like his bones have melted, Chimney gives a sage nod. "He's like a one-man Suicide Squad." 
In the apparatus bay, they watch as Vincent Gerrard uses the distraction of B Shift heading home to duck behind one of the engines, most likely to regroup after being thoroughly ambushed the second he stepped into the station five minutes ago. He slumps back and breathes. The moment of weakness costs him: a grinning demon rounds the corner and makes a bee-line for him as though he can taste blood in the air.
"So, which one of you said 'spreadsheet' three times in a mirror?" Ravi sidles up next to Chimney and unwraps a breakfast burrito from Delia's. 
Chimney gives him the stink-eye. "I hope you brought enough for the whole class."
"Nope," Ravi says, taking a cheerful bite.
"None of us summoned him," Eddie says. He leans down to try and catch the conversation being had, but he's too high up. For a second, he thinks he hears the words 'crack whore' but it's probably a trick of the bay's acoustics. "He's everywhere, always, just watching and waiting for you to slip up. Like God."
"Or the Devil," Hen says in agreement.
"Or Santa," Chimney adds.
Ravi chews thoughtfully. "I thought we threw out all the clipboards. Who gave him that one?"
"Tommy," Eddie, Hen, and Chimney say through a simultaneous, long-suffering sigh. 
It's not just any clipboard. It's the king of clipboards. It's the only clipboard that has ever fucked. The thing is a navy blue polycarbonate beast with "Buckley 118" embossed in fire engine red on the back, and the clip looks like it was forged in the fires of Staples HQ. 
At the bi-weekly Beer and Bitch Night last Friday at Golden Road Pub, Tommy had pulled it out of a bag and presented it on one knee like he was proposing, or bestowing a sword to a king. The entire brewery was then given front-row seats to an intense game of tonsil hockey that nearly went into overtime until Eddie threatened to call Athena because Bobby looked like he was seriously reconsidering sobriety.
"Does he know what he's unleashed?" Ravi sounds genuinely curious. 
As if on cue, Chimney's, Eddie's, and Hen's phones chime with three incoming messages. 
T.K. 07:26am: Has it started? T.K. 07:26am: Remember: you promised one of you would film it T.K. 07:27am: I'm offering 3 nights of free babysitting to the first person who delivers
That last one is followed by a gif of J. Jonah Jameson shouting "Bring me Spiderman!"
Hen frowns down at her phone. "Who the hell is that?"
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that," Chimney mutters.
H.W. 07:28am: Why are you so desperate for video?  E.D. 07:28am: What 40-something year old still pinky swears? H.H. 07:28am: Clipboard Buck better not be a weird sex thing for you, Kinard
Tommy's typing indicator appears, then disappears. Then appears and disappears again. Then appears—
"Yeah, no." Chimney hastily pockets his phone. "Those two were made in a lab for each other, I swear to god."
Down in the bay, Gerrard has moved to stand almost directly underneath them. While they can't hear what Gerrard says to Melanie Wu, an electrician so talented she could probably take down the entire grid with her eyes closed, that puts such a dour expression on her face, they can hear it when Buck, popping up behind Gerrard like an insane Jack-in-the-box, says, "Don't worry, Melanie! This is something to bring up during Thursday's workplace conflict seminar."
"What seminar?!"
Buck isn't cowed. He taps his clipboard and says, "The one I scheduled with Chief Alonso. You know, the mandatory one we all need to do in order to keep our certification—well, we'll keep it as long as nothing comes up during the seminar that might call into question our ability to do the job."
There's a charged moment where it almost looks like Gerrard might take a swing at Buck, but then he notices the audience hanging above him like a Greek chorus and shouts, "Someone'd better top off the fuel and DEF or—"
"Already done, Cap." Buck makes a show of turning to the second page on his clipboard and lists off, "All fuel, DEF, oil, and coolant are set. Tires have been aired up. Hoses have been drained and cleaned, and re-rolled. Engines were all waxed yesterday, all medical supplies have been inventoried and stocked, and I've made a list of the harnesses and cutting torches that need replacing. Just need you to sign off on everything. Sir."
The ingratiating smile on Buck's face would fool even the wiliest of senior officers, and Gerrard himself looks like even he's not sure if what just happened was disrespectful, but they know better. 
"Diabolical," Ravi whispers, awed. 
Hissing through his teeth, Gerrard spins on his heel and storms away in the direction of the little office in the administrative section of the firehouse where he's taken to holing up like a miserable groundhog until they get a call that forces him back out. If he sees his shadow on the firehouse wall, it's six more hours of bullshit.
As soon as he's gone, all the firefighters that had stopped to watch the show burst into laughter and applause, and Buck cracks up, taking sweeping bows and blowing kisses to his adoring fans. 
Chimney rolls his eyes and looks to see what Hen's expression is doing, because no one gives good face like she does, but she's holding her phone in a way that clearly means—
"You're filming this?" Chimney demands, betrayed.
She gives an unrepentant shrug. "Three nights of free babysitting? I'm not proud."
"You do know this means Buck's going to get laid and be absolutely insufferable about it, right?"
"Three nights," Hen bites out through very audible regret.
Buck looks up, flashes a grin, and the second he clocks the phone he salutes it with the clipboard. Then he struts after Gerrard, calling almost lazily, "Cap, wait up! I wanted to talk about setting up a mock exam for everyone who's planning on taking the TCFP D/O!"
They all watch him go. Silently, Hen sends off the video with the air of someone about to make a drug drop. 
"So, when does Taylor Kelly's exposé come out again?" Eddie makes a dubious face in the direction of the administrative offices. "Because I don't know that Gerrard won't off himself before it does."
"We win either way," Chimney points out. 
"It comes out next Monday," Hen says, slipping her phone into her pocket and elbowing Chimney in the arm on her way to the stairs. "Karen and I are hosting a watch party that night and you're all invited."
Ravi beams. "Thanks, Hen. I'll definitely be there."
"And you'll be bringing dinner from Taco Azteca—for everybody. Make sure you get enough carne," Chimney calls over his shoulder as he follows Hen. 
"I'm not a probie anymore," Ravi whines. "You can't haze me like this."
Snickering, Eddie pats him on the shoulder and says, "You do this and I'll make sure you're not sitting anywhere near Buck and Tommy when Taylor drops the bomb about Gerrard and Ortiz."
"Extra al pastor and buche it is!"
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reallyromealone · 3 months
Can I request an smiley x reader omegaverse like omega reader is Mikey’s sibling. Like the first time that smiley sees him he instantly knows that’s his fated omega but he has to go through Mikey to try and court reader plz and thank you.
Title: lover
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Characters: Sano family, Toman, smiley
Fic type: omegaverse
Pairings: smiley x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, Omega male reader, protective Sano siblings, fluff, cute, soulmate
Mikey was always an overprotective brother, scaring off anyone who went near his siblings and (name) especially as the Omega was a cutie that grabbed everyone's attention much to his older brothers annoyances.
The Sano brothers always chased off suitors, keeping him away from gang shit but sometimes it was unavoidable.
"(Name), what are you doin' here?" Baji asked as (name) sat at the steps of the shrine doing his homework "Shinichiro doesn't need help at the shop and home was boring so Mikey dragged me here" (name) explained simply as mitsuya nodded "you never been to a meeting, have you?" He asked and (name) shook his head "nyope but Mikey would rather die than have be go out and about and Iza is busy with his own stuff so.... Here I am"
(Name) Met a few Toman higher ups, though (name) was usually helping shin or grandpa so this was one of his first times meeting a few people here.
(Name) Was curious as two motorcycles pulled up, a set of twins hopping off "so why the hell are we here?!" The pink haired one yelled out and (name) was entranced immediately, a small chirp leaving his lips and the smiling teen whipped his head around to see the Omega and a rumble left his throatbas the world halted for them, (name) feeling the need to get closer to the Alpha.
(Name) Snapped from his trance as Mikey looked ready to murder at the lovestruck look his brother was giving Smiley, he didn't want any fucker near his brother and definitely not one of the biggest Fuckboys in the gang. "(Name)! I will bring you home I swear to god!" Mikey barked and (name) rolled his eyes "oh please! I'm not doing anything!" He fired back and the blond groaned annoyed "just stop making eyes at my captain and smiley stop looking at him like that or I'll kick your ass!"
That did nothing, Everytime smiley shot the other a flirty glance, (name) smiled all flustered and that just egged the Alpha on further.
"I swear to fucking god!" And (name) went back to his homework.
"He is NEVER going to a meeting again!" Mikey said angrily as they got home, Izana glancing up as Emma and shinichiro made dinner "what happened?" The teen girl asked, tilting her head slightly and (name) pouted "I didn't do anything! Mikey is being dramatic!" (Name) Huffed as he sat beside Izana "Iza! Make Mikey stop being a drama queen"
Shinichiro looked at Draken who was leaning on the door frame "ken, what happened?"
"(Name) Met his dated pair" he said simply and the room was silent as Izana moved to sniff his brother "you don't smell like (scent)" the white haired man accused and they looked at him expectantly and (name) pouted as grandpa made a grunt "when do we get to meet em?" The old alpha asked and (name) huffed "after I get to meet him!"
"So you are trying to kill me!" Mikey cried and (name) rolled his eyes.
It wasn't till the following week that (name) saw smiley again, the two halting as (name) went to get groceries for dinner "it's you!" (Name) Was over the moon as the older kawata looked at him with a flirty grin "watch out now, Mikey might kick my ass" he teased and (name) huffed "he wouldn't dare" oh Mikey would but (name) in turn would throw shit at him.
Smiley walked with (name) around the store as they chatted, falling so easily into a routine as the Alpha kept his fated pair close as the Alpha paid for the other "you don't have to!" (Name) Looked guilt as smiley shrugged "not gonna let my mate pay for shit"
The two walked to the Sano house as shinichiro was reading a magazine on the engawa casually "OI! one foot apart you shits!" The eldest barked out and (name) pouted, the other two brothers poking their heads out and Mikey glared as Izana stared coldly at the elder twin "(name)! Didn't I say no dating till I'm dead!" Mikey grumbled out and (name) rolled his eyes "I'm older than you!" (Name) Fired back as the two squabbled leaving the eldest siblings to judge smiley "this house is traditional when it comes to courting, if you want to be with him it's not gonna be easy"
Shinichiro wanted his younger brother to date a nice alpha not.... Not smiley.
Anyone but smiley--- I'm almost anyone because he's seen the people his brothers hang out with.
Maybe like mitsuya, yeah mitsuya would treat him well.
And thus started the courting process, all dates had a a chaperone of one of the siblings, the two never getting to be alone (unless you count the times smiley snuck into (name)s bedroom so they could makeout) and the brothers judged any gift that smiley got (name) "looks cheap" they said but (name) was giddy at anything his mate to be got him.
(Name) Got him little trinkets and a cute bracelet set that the Omega seemed very proud of and Smiley wore the matching bracelets with pride.
"Where ya taking him"
"What are you gonna do?"
"Hope you booked a reservation for three"
Smiley was ready to throttle his close friend and his family but knew they were just worried about their pack Omega dating though thank fuck grandpa Sano was chill with him and actually seemed happy that (name) found his soulmate.
"These goofs are all planning on moving out, (name) is the only one who is interested in running the dojo" grandpa Sano said randomly while Smiley waited for him to finish getting ready "you're a good kid, I know what my boys do so I know you can hold your own" he continued and smiley for once wasn't so well... Smiley but instead Nahoya.
"So what do you want to do, after school?"
"My brother and I want to run our own ramen shop, we have a name for it and everything"
The old alpha hummed, seeming pleased with his response "hardworking young man, (name) is a strong young man, doesn't like to be tied to his omega status despite his brothers attempts... Let him do what makes him happy" the elder man asked him and nahoya nodded "if he wants something, I'll do whatever I can to provide it"
"Good, now (name)! Hurry up! You're making this young man wait forever!"
"I'm coming I'm coming!"
Grandpa Sano watched how much love was between them, he hoped he could get to live to see them get married.
Maybe even to see a few pups.
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queers-gambit · 23 days
Pretty Boy Swag
prompt: your big ass family comes to town and hosts a town-wide family reunion. after they meet your boyfriend for the first time, your proximity is criticized, and when you try to fall back, Eddie's swift to your side again. -> or when someone else calls you clingy, you try to fall back but your man doesn't want that.
pairing: Eddie Munson x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Stranger Things
collection masterlist: Clingy Baby
word count: 6.2k+
note: AQPDO got me back on my Joe kick, Goddamnit
warnings: Eddie being the man we all want and deserve, kinda AU timeline (Eddie lives, Vecna still happened, and school is back in session? it confused me too, but fuck it we ball). shitty family members being judgmental. the fuck is this plot? idk her. there's insecurity, drama, anxiety, obviously some angst, but mostly hurt / comfort. drug use (it's Eddie, c'mon), kinda abrupt ending, author's lowkey a pyromaniac and advises you do not play with fire or gasoline.
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The summer was soon to end, leaving behind a muggy, thick heat that broke several air conditioning units around town from power usage. Windows were left wide open for cross breezes, doors, too; and fans were cranked up high. There was a rather nasty storm on the way in, but luckily, with it, came the usual drop in temperature - just in time for the coming week's activities. The last week of summer before the dreaded school year began anew, but luckily, it was officially senior year.
Eddie jogged up the rickety porch stairs and opened the unlocked screen door that was close to rusting off its hinges; the front door open and an oscillating fan turned on to blow a breeze at Ed.
The door swung open without effort, banging loudly and making Wayne glance up, "Hey, kid."
"Hey, Unc."
"There's a sandwich in the fridge, if you're hungry," Wayne cleared his throat, smoking a cigarette at the tiny coffee table covered in stacks of bills.
"Thanks," Eddie mumbled. "Here," he dropped a small wad of bills to the table.
"The hell's this?" Wayne scoffed, glaring up at the kid - who shrugged.
"Should be enough for utilities and water, maybe a bit for groceries," Eddie answered, grabbing a beer from the fridge and sighing with a grunt as he dropped into the arm chair.
"You selling dope again?"
"It's consistent money."
"You know I don't like that shit, kid."
"Which is why you don't see it - you just get the cash."
Wayne scoffed in amusement and smirked, nodding while releasing a deep sigh. "All right, uh, thanks, kid. I appreciate this."
Eddie nodded, brows furrowing as his mind whirled from his excursion in town; musing, "Something's gotta be in the air."
"Mhm. Tell you what, people are... Really in the market to buy this week. Everywhere I went was so crowded - I couldn't even get Goddamn cigarettes - "
"Watch your mouth, boy," Wayne reprimanded automatically. While he was all too used to Eddie's foul mouth, he still didn't like him using the Lord's name in vain. "It's all that, uh, anticipation," Wayne shrugged, dividing a few cash bills to an envelope, "got people all excited."
"Anticipation about what?"
"For the L/N Reunion."
"The what?"
Wayne looked up, offering a stale look, "L/N? Your girlfriend's family?"
Eddie sounded exasperated, "I know that - I'm asking what the hell you're talking about?"
"The L/N family, they've lived in these parts for generations. So, when they have these, like, uh, family reunions, it's an entire town-wide event. Everyone tries to go. I guess you must've been... Oh..." He shrugged, "8 or so last time they were all here. Whole place gets energized, they all participate; you know, it's a big cookout and shit."
"It's usually a good time," Wayne assured, taking another drag. "And when it's not, it's because it's a really good time. They use the field out back behind Sullivan's old place?"
"No shit," Eddie chuckled, taking a slug.
"Uh-huh," Wayne hummed, the cig bobbing; ash dropping to dust the bills. "They get a bunch of tents and shit; catering, too - it's like a big carnival. Heard some might drive some caravan in." Eddie was briefly reminded of his adventures in the mobile home with Steve Harrington and Company, yet there was no time to dwell because Wayne was questioning, "Your girl didn't say anything to you 'bout this?"
Eddie's head slowly shook, "No, but she's comin' over tonight."
"I got work."
"I know."
Wayne chuckled, "Which reminds me, I grabbed you a box of condoms."
"Oh, Unc, no!" Eddie begged with a groan.
"You're too young for a baby, Eddie!"
"Doesn't mean buy me condoms, old man!"
"You could just say thank you!"
"I'm not thanking you for condoms!"
The screen door hit the frame in a startling bang, the thin metal slipping from your shocked grip. You stepped into the trailer home, giggling, "Whaaaat the hell did I just walk in on?"
"Oh, hi, baby," Eddie greeted in a grumble; one hand wiping his face, trying to hide his embarrassment, "so glad you heard that!"
"Hey, honey," Wayne followed, you stepping inside and depositing your usual purse by the door.
"Everyone okay?" You asked teasingly.
"Yeah, Eddie's bein' dramatic again," Wayne spoke casually. "Hey, I, uh, I heard about the Reunion. That's gotta be real excitin', 'uh?"
"Oh, God," you groaned lightly, Eddie straightening himself up to invite you onto his lap. "Honestly, Unc? I was hoping this might be the one place in town I could escape from talking about that."
"Oh, sorry, I didn't - "
"No, no, I only mean, it's been nonstop in my family," you pouted. "Everything's gotta be perfect, so there's this, like, palpable tension, which makes it a madhouse, you know, 'cause everyone's coming into town. It's peaceful here."
"They all stayin' at yours?" Eddie asked softly, acutely aware and in-tune with your tangible anxiety; deflating himself and his energy to better absorb yours.
"Yeah," you pouted.
"All of them?"
"Until the festivities kick off, then most are gonna camp."
Wayne frowned, "When was the last time you saw 'em all?"
You breathed deeply, mulling his words while Eddie took a swig of beer; fingers flexing to pet where he held your hip. "Years ago," you answered, "and while it's really nice to spend time with them all, it's just..." You trailed off, frowning.
"A li'l much?" Wayne supplied.
"In the simplest terms, oh yeah," you sighed deeply. "I'm really grateful to still have time with them, don't get me wrong, but Christ Alive. There's four people in my room, we have two cousins in the attic, there's an Auntie in my parent's room, another couple in the basement - it's an absolute mad house!"
Wayne nodded with sympathy, seeing the way you pouted and dropped into Eddie's chest under his chin. His brows instantly crinkled, collecting you closer into his chest in comfort; keeping you curled across his lap. Wayne glanced at the wad of bills Eddie had contributed and sighed, gathering up both paper and cash bills. As he cleaned up around him, Wayne spoke, "You can, uh, stay here, if you wanna."
"Huh?" You gaped, looking at Wayne in earnest shock. "No, no, no, it's not - I just meant to complain to get it off my chest, you know? I wasn't fishing for - "
"I know, honey, but I can physically feel your stress from here," he chuckled. "Tell you what, if you agree to make dinner, you can crash here for the week."
With a grin, you nodded, "Your bodies might go into shock, I'm gonna force y'all to eat vegetables."
Both men laughed in amusement, the tension melting as you were obviously relieved by the fact that you wouldn't have to stay at your family home for the duration of the Reunion. It loosened you up, the trio happy to indulge in witty, harmless banter before Wayne was filing the bills in a mucked-up manilla folder. He stood to get ready for work, leaving you and Eddie in the armchair.
"Can I ask a favor?" You whispered into his neck, slowly pressing open, languid kisses to the sensitive skin.
"Anything you want, baby."
"I should go pack an overnight bag."
"Want me to come, too?"
"No, no, I was gonna ask you to go grab us dinner while I was gone," you mused, smirking gently; his head tilting back and sighing through his nose. "Oh, don't - "
"No, no, baby, it's fine," he scoffed, "we've just been dating 4 years and I haven't met your family. Like the whole family."
You scoffed, "So?"
"Do you not, you know, like, want me to?"
"I think it's more really not wanting you to meet them, Eddie - it's different."
You tried to stand, but his arms were like vices; keeping you in place and speaking softly, "Baby, how? Don't you think it's time? Nothing - not even your family - is gonna make me love you less. Plus, like, isn't the whole town invited to this Reunion?"
"I mean..."
"Did you think we were gonna avoid each other the whole week?"
"I was kinda hoping we wouldn't even go, if I'm honest," you admitted sadly, "but I'm a really good girlfriend, so we're going 'cause I know who would be most inclined to buy whatever product you might have left."
"Wow, you're gonna bring me new customers? Your family, too, huh?"
"Who said anything about family?" You smirked.
"Baby," Eddie sighed, pinning you with the beginnings of his puppy dog eyes, "if you're embarrassed, you can just say that - "
"Of what? Of you?"
"Well, yeah, or of us."
"Eddie, that's the farthest thing from the truth!" Guilt sounded through your words, "Baby, I love you - but I know my family and I don't want them to, like, infect you."
"Not possible," he hummed, bringing you in close to press a kiss to your lips in reassurance.
Not wanting to dwell, you quickly changed the subject and whispered against his lips, "Will you please go pick up a pizza from Reggie's?"
Eddie's head reared back slightly, his expression morphing into confusion, "Reggie doesn't sell pizza, baby."
"He does for me, I'll call it in if you can pick it up. It's just in the opposite direction of my house."
"Baby gets what baby wants."
You scoffed a laugh, kissing him again and standing finally, offering your hand to him; helping yank Ed from his seat just as Wayne was reappearing. After calling Reggie, you all left at the same time, shuffling out into the parking lot together to bid Wayne goodbye; waving as he drove off. Then, Eddie swiftly huddled you into the backdoors of his van; holding your legs around his hips.
Shocked laughter racked your lungs, holding onto his shoulders as he nuzzled directly into your neck and balanced your weight in his arms. He breathed in deeply, you petting the back of his head, both feeling yourselves recharge; usually trying to refrain from these grand gestures of PDA in front of Wayne. "Missed you today," Eddie mumbled, lips tickling your ear, causing you to slightly squirm.
"We were apart all of, what? 4 hours?" You mused quietly with a grin.
"Too long," he whined.
"I know, pretty boy. Which is why we have to hurry up - the faster you go get dinner and I go home, the faster we can come back here. I'm thinking... Blunts and movies tonight?"
Ed lifted up, your chest feeling cold from his retracted heat; but his face was calculating, then agreeing, "Yeah, we gotta go, let's go, c'mon, let's go, let's go, let's go!"
Max could hear your laughter from where she pet her neighbor's dog.
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Honestly? The only thing missing from the Reunion were actual carnival game prizes - like stuffed animals, goldfish, novelty gags, sports team embroidered plush memorabilia.
There were caravans of RV's - both rented and owned - lined up with cars of all shapes, sizes, colors, and passenger capacity; Christmas lights strung up around them like spiderwebs. Patio tables were erected to host intimate groups of people while banquet tables were used to boast an array of foods and drinks. Different speakers were set out and connected, playing the same soundtracks - while others at other distances played different genres. The soft ground from previous rain had hardened from the amount of feet (of all sizes) stomping over the mud and grass. Solo cups dotted the area like stars splatter the sky.
Oh! There was also a clown missing! The Reunion did not hire a clown - unless you count Uncle David...
"You scared yet?" You asked, sitting in the open passenger seat of Eddie's van, the back doors wide open to host the attending party members. Eddie was leaning at the hinges beside you, facing the back of the van, quickly dropping his gaze onto you and straightening up.
Eddie shifted subtly, side-stepping so he stood in front of you for a semi-private conversation. "Oh, please, think I'm the scariest guy 'round these parts. Your family's harmless."
"Oh, uh-huh," you mused, scoffing a small chuckle before taking a lazy pull of your red solo cup; matching those scattered in the field. Don't worry, though, 'cause your cousins were Litter Bugs and would pick up any and everything they come across when clean-up commenced. It was a rule of the Reunion - leave the area better than you found it.
"You good, baby?" Eddie asked softly, trying to keep his voice quiet; which was easy, since Robin and Steve were cracking boisterous jokes to the group.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah," you nodded, eyes glazed as you peered over Eddie's shoulder to survey the absolute (controlled) chaos your family entertained.
"Yeah, 'cause that's so convincing."
You sighed and leaned forward some; legs hooking around Eddie's and encouraging him forward so your chin rested on his sternum. "I promise, I'm okay," you whispered with a smile, "just a little overwhelmed."
He nodded, petting a loose strand of hair off your face. "You've not really seen your family much," he noted, "been hiding here with us the whole time."
"I'll... Get around to it."
"Eddie," you sighed, pulling back to still look up at him - curse his gangly frame.
"C'mon, baby," he pouted, "come introduce me to your family. Huh? I think it's time, I'm excited."
You felt frozen for a moment before Dustin's voice was whining, "When's dinner? Whole field smells like good eats."
Eddie pinned you with a small 'told you so' look, chuckling as you groaned and nudged him back a little to slide from your seat. "All right," you announced to the group, "c'mon, let's go mix and mingle. Play nice and they'll feed you."
You didn't even hear the small chorus of chuckles as your ears blasted the hammering sound of your nervous heartbeat. You cleared your throat as the group grabbed their things, Steve and Eddie closing the van doors before congregating together to begin stalking across the mud. With the red solo cup in one hand, your other was snatched swiftly by Eddie - tugging playfully to jolt you into his side and secure his arm around your shoulders.
You could see Hopper and Uncle David laughing almost to the point of tears; both with beers in hand, several others dotting around them to share in mirth. Wayne was tearing into a bacon cheese burger with an ice cold beer and a table full of "uncles" - or family friends you just called "uncle". Joyce Byers was playing corn hole with that PI the Hollands hired, Murray Bauman, to find their daughter, Barbra, years ago when Will Byers first went missing, too. They were being cheered on by a sea of cousins - all heavily intoxicated and keeping score on a chalkboard. The Wheelers were seen playing a few table games; Holly happy to play with your aunt's Australian Shepard, Auggie, while her parents were distracted. The Sinclairs were dancing together under the strung Christmas lights, Erica accepting a gargantuan size cotton candy to share with a few friends. Well, honestly, with the way she was eyeing the sugary treat, you wouldn't be surprised if she inhaled it all by herself.
"Hey now, baby girl! Ova here!" You heard, glancing over automatically just to catch sight of your father waving you over to where he and his siblings stood with a few cousins, your mother, and a couple siblings.
"Baby," you mumbled, squeezing his hand. He instantly parted from Steve and followed you; both missing the looks exchanged amongst your family, a few perking their brows swiftly and others even rolling their eyes. "Hey, guys," you greeted kindly when you arrived around the patio table.
"There she is!"
You were happily received by your loved ones, exchanging pleasantries before automatically returning to Eddie's side. "Um, hey, guys, can I introduce you to my boyfriend, Eddie?" You made the proper introductions, holding his arm as he offered his dominant hand to shake as he greeted the family members he had begged you to meet.
"Got you this," your father purred, handing you a full plate of ribs and all accompanying fixings.
"And this, for Eddie," your mother handed you his plate carefully. "You know Cooper's cookin' goes first."
"Thank you, guys," your boyfriend appeared as if out of thin air over your shoulder, leaning in to peck your mother's cheek. He straightened up to shake your father's hand and take both plates from you as your sister stood from her seat.
"Here," she waved, letting you take her spot because it was the only place beside an open seat so you and Ed could sit together.
Darlene, some distant cousin, daughter of your Aunt Rebecca, scoffed, "What? You two have to sit right next to each other?"
You pulled a face, "Girl."
"It's no biggie," your sister instantly defended, "and it's Eddie's first time here, can't let him sit alone."
"Mhm," Darlene snickered, your hand subtly latching onto Eddie's thigh to give a comforting squeeze. He dropped a quick wink, leaning over to take a fork full of baked beans from your plate - humming obnoxiously when he ate it.
Before you knew it, a couple hours had passed, the sun setting, and the bonfire was being structured. In fact, your name had been hollered for aid, looking to Eddie out of habit. He smirked at you, petting the hand he held with his thumb, nodding slightly - not in permission, but in assurance. Before either could say something, your Aunt Rebecca mused (but really scolded), "Oh, Jesus Christ, you two! You're not gonna fall apart if you're not together 20 seconds, he'll be fine to hang while you get the fire goin', girl. Go!"
You bristled at her tone, but only minimally rolled your eyes at Eddie before pecking his lips as you stood from the chair you had been offered. "Be back, baby," you whispered, and as you straightened up, raised your voice, "don't listen to a single thing they say and don't let them bully you!"
Laughing over jeers, you offered your middle finger, slapped your hand into Cousin Allison's, then skipped towards the wooden teepee pyre. Turns out, all "adults" were too intoxicated to deal with the bonfire and your cousins all too nervous to use gasoline - hence why they needed help. So, you playfully pushed them back and fixed the structure; stuffed kindling in ideal places, sprinkled a responsible amount of gasoline, and with a piece of old newspaper, used a lighter to ignite the flame. Then, when it caught, you carefully used it to catch along the gas-soaked kindling. Once that initial contact was made, you dropped the paper and stepped back because, a moment later, the entire pyre caught flame with a small but defining whooshing sound.
The cousins cheered you on, amusement shared as Cousin Maxwell handed you a fresh solo cup as a reward. You blew past the praise, knowing they were just being dramatic for humor's sake; making your way back towards the group you had left - intent on making s'mores with Eddie. Except, Aunt Rebecca stood to meet you, just enough of a distance away that her words weren't overheard.
"So," she smiled, "he seems real nice."
"Hmm?" You took a sip of your drink.
"Your boyfriend."
"Oh," you nodded, "yeah, no, he's arguably the nicest guy I know."
"Even more than that Harrington fella?" She asked, eyeing your friend and twiddling her fingers flirtatiously. Steve smirked and waved back.
"Uh-huh. C'mon, Auntie," you nudged her, "your husband's right over there."
"He's fine," she scoffed.
"Well, all right - "
"Hang on," she halted you from leaving, seizing your arm. "I was just wondering, you know, how nice a boy can be with all them tattoos? I mean, only delinquents defile themselves like that."
You scoffed, "I seriously doubt inking your skin is an indication of kindness in a person - but that's a good one."
Rebecca halted your departure again by asking, "Well, how healthy do you think this is?"
"Be more specific, Auntie."
Her eyes rolled, "Your relationship, girl, pay attention."
You chose not to engage fully, just sighing, "It's the healthiest relationship I've ever known - not much thanks to you, since nobody in this family would know a healthy, functional relationship if it punched them in the face."
With a fake smile, you pulled your arm from her grip and only managed two steps before she was sneering, "You sure it's healthy the way you cling to him?"
"What was that?" You asked, slowly turning to face her.
"You're so clingy, it's actually concerning! David, Kyle, Bethany, Darlene, Casey, and Tom all agree with me, and not to mention, your mother told us that's normal behavior for you two - which is just a red flag, sweetie. You're lucky, though, 'cause when I was your age, my mama would've slapped me silly if I hung all over my boyfriend like that in front of her. You know it's distasteful, right, honey? Men don't like that - they don't want girls who are desperate for love that they claw onto them."
"I'm not clawing - "
"Whatever you're doing, sweetie," she mocked, "it's not a good look. I can smell your desperation - you do know, there's gonna be more boys later. This Eddie guy? He's not your end all, be all. First loves are fun, sure, but this is where you make your mistakes - so, take notes and then try not to do the same shit with your next man. Okay, pumpkin?" She patted your upper arm as if a child winning a sports participation trophy. "The kid is nice and all, but he's not gonna last, honey. Women in our family are prizes, you see, so, it takes a real stud to earn us - not some long-haired, tattooed punk. Don't embarrass this family anymore than you already have by thinking this is a sustainable relationship."
You slapped her hand away and stepped into her space, snarling, "You wanna try that again?"
Eddie glanced over and saw the two of you; needing a double take when he realized how tense the exchange looked. "Shit," he whispered, sitting up in attention while nudging Steve.
"Huh?" Eddie pointed, Steve turned, and after a beat, repeated, "Shit."
Rebecca stuttered and tried to explain, "I-I-I'm just saying - "
"Sounds like you're making pretty snap judgements about the man I love - based on what? His fucking appearance? Do you fucking hear yourself? Like, you're reprimanding me for dating when you're not even my parent. You need to take several steps back into your lane."
"I'm not reprimanding you for dating! Just for... For..."
"For dating Eddie?"
"For being so dangerously desperate!" She snapped. "Jesus, a kid like that? You don't have to cling too hard, he's lucky to just breathe your air! So, maybe loosen the reins, babe, it's not a good look to keep a man so... Beneath you so close and so tight."
Eddie launched from his chair in time to hear you laugh in response. "Yeah? Yeah? This comin' from the woman whose husband cheats on her more than he remembers their anniversary or her birthday? Is that what you mean by desperate?" You narrowed your eyes, "You're right - that is a real bad look. I mean, I've had years to watch you and decide, that's not what love is. That's not respect. Wow. Being desperate for love really is embarrassing, isn't it? Thanks for the advice, Auntie, but don't worry - first place for worst relationship is still steadfast yours. I mean, Eddie and I are actually compatible, you know? He and I actually like one another, mutually love another. Now, I know you're not used to that, so I guess I can excuse you mistaking 'love' for 'desperation' and being 'clingy' - "
"Baby, hey, hey, hey," Eddie caught you around the waist and pulled you back a few steps. "All good, it's all good - don't gotta argue, c'mon. Walk away, just walk away, c'mon, come with me." You scoffed in amusement while Rebecca looked close to tears, Eddie directing you in the opposite direction to force space. "What the hell was all that?" He asked in worry, arm slung around your neck as he checked over your shoulders to make sure you weren't being followed.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."
"Didn't seem like it. C'mon, baby, what happened? Talk to me."
"When my family drinks, you know, they can just get a little mouthy."
"What'd she say?"
Insecurity exploded in your chest, freezing your tongue and heart, pumping icy shards through your body. You didn't want to worry nor upset Eddie by being honest, so you sighed, "Oh, just some dumb shit. She honestly sounded jealous... And bitter..."
"Ah, Uncle Paulie isn't giving it to her, huh?" He teased and you laughed, if only to not tip him off to the brewing storm of emotions threatening to take over.
"Guess not. Hey, uh," you glanced around, "you wanna get outta here?"
"What?" Eddie chuckled, "Baby, no, nah, c'mon, night's just starting. Fire's finally lit, and look," he pointed, "Dustin's challenging Mike to corn hole. And... Is that...?"
"Max and Lucas playing... Pong?"
"Looks like," Eddie smirked. "Think we're bad influences, baby."
"They're not even drinking - how much of an influence can we really be? Do they even pay attention, learn from us?" You teased, arms crossing across your chest in a light hold as Eddie tugged you a fraction closer to place a kiss on your temple. "Well, can we go back to the van and smoke? I left your hoodie in there and it's getting kinda chilly."
"Oh, you left it, huh?"
"Since I was the last in it? Yep."
Eddie chuckled and kept you under his arm all the way to his van, opening the backdoors and letting you climb in first. He shut the doors after himself and instantly rocked onto his back; you mimicking his position.
You both just stared at the ceiling for a moment; breathing together; existing as one. Then his head turned, yours did the same, meeting each other's eyes and without a single word exchanged, let your lips spread in matching smiles. Like two charged magnets, you both leaned in at the same time to let your lips meet in a sloppy meshing; playful, heated, and quick-tempo'd.
When Eddie pulled back, he whispered, "I love you."
After returning the sentiment, you both sat up to rest against the metal van walls and Eddie reached over to snag the wee box he used to store (some) of his drugs in. You breathed a sigh of relief while watching him, engaged in a new and distracting conversation - grateful he seemingly forgot about Aunt Rebecca's bullshit already.
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Yet those words seemed to haunt you.
It's been about two weeks since the Reunion and you felt as if you were slowly losing whatever was left of your mind. School had officially started and with all your AP classes, you were already juggling several assignments.
Everywhere you went, everything you did - you second guessed the amount of energy, effort, and diligence you put forth into everything! School! Friends! Family! And you know who suffered the most? Eddie - of course he did! He was closest to you, of course he was on the frontlines; enduring some kind of silent attack.
You didn't know what to do - so, you did nothing! You avoided Eddie because you were afraid of being ridiculed like a bug under a microscope in biology class. It seemed reasonable; not wanting to dig a deeper grave, not wanting to give further room for judgmental assholes to feel comfortable enough to voice their opinions. It drove you insane, living in silence, in this empty space; going from joined at the hip to severed Siamese Twins.
"Hey," your mother perked up when you came through the front door, "what're you doing home?"
"Uh, I live here?"
She sat up from her lounging position, "No, I meant, it's Thursday - isn't Thursday date night with Eddie? You didn't go last week."
"Oh, uh, no, not this week, Ma, I've got this crazy essay I'm swamped with."
"Hm," she nodded slowly.
"Hmm? No, no, nothing, it's nothing," she waved you off, and just before you could take a step, she continued, "it's just - last week, you said you had some big test to study for. And now you're blowing him off for an essay? Honey, school just started, you shouldn't be this stressed and upset so soon."
"What can I say, Ma? I'm not blowing him off, I'm focusing on school. You know, the thing you love yelling at me to do?"
"I'm happy you're buckled down, sweetie, I'm just not used to you being here so often. You know? Since you started dating Eddie, I feel like you're only really home some weekdays, and sometimes, I don't even see you! Now, you've been home and I'm just worried something might be, I don't know, wrong."
"The only thing wrong, Ma, is the amount of work I have to do."
She sighed and nodded, offering a tight-lipped smile; finally allowing you to make your escape. First, you stopped in the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and bag of trail mix, then, you made your way to your room; throwing your windows open, turning your stereo on a low volume, settling at your desk, and rolling a joint - but setting it aside for now. You unpacked your supplies, cracked your knuckles, and got to work handwriting ten pages on The Lord of the Flies.
There came a knock at your door, eyes cutting to your clock and noting you'd been working about an hour. Waving smoke from the freshly lit joint away your face, you plucked it from your lips, inhaled sharply, and called, "C'min!"
Eddie slipped in your room.
"What're you doing here?" You asked in shock, tilting your head back when he stood over you and accepting his kiss. The ends of his hair tickled your face from where he dangled himself over you.
"It's date night."
"Yeah, but I told you I had work, baby," you pouted at him, watching him set the paper bag he brought in front of you and taking the joint from your stalled hand.
"Mhm," he agreed while taking his pull, holding smoke in his lungs and still speaking, "which is why I brought it to you."
"Oh, yeah?" You chuckled, opening the bag and revealing your usual burger and fries order. "Eddie - "
"Eh?" He grinned, producing a milkshake from behind his back, "Ta-daaaa!"
"Oh, a man after my own heart!" You laughed, "You're literally perfect - thank you. This is really sweet."
He smirked and sat in the plush chair you left beside your desk just for him. "All right," he reached out to pick up the essay prompt as you ate a fry, "let's see here, uh... Lord of the Flies?"
"Yeah, it's about - "
"No, no, I know," he nodded, "I read it."
"You did?"
"Why do you sound so surprised?"
"I thought you didn't read anything except your D&D manual and Hard Rock Magazine?"
"Oh, ha-ha, don't forget Playboy," he mocked, you smirking. "All right, well, let's get crackin'."
"What?" You asked, watching him toss aside the paper prompt and pick up the novel.
"I'm helping you," he shrugged like it was common knowledge.
"You? You're gonna help me write this essay?" You laughed, handing him the half-eaten fry - which he accepted into his mouth without hesitation.
"Why is that funny?"
"You don't even do your own homework, baby!"
"Yeah, well, figured I'd help if it'll get done faster, you've been acting real funny."
Eddie pinned you with a harsh look, "You've been distant."
You froze, knowing you're caught, but still responded, "Uh, no?"
"Uh, yes? Since the Reunion, I've barely seen you. And even when I do, it's at school. You don't come over, you don't invite me over, you canceled our date last week, tried to today, too. Baby, look, if something's wrong, you gotta tell me 'cause I can't fix shit if I don't know what's wrong."
"Nothing's wrong - "
"Try again."
"Are you serious right now?" He asked, his voice no longer light and lithe, playful nor silly. "You might have yourself convinced, princess, but I know you better than that. Something's up, something's wrong. Talk to me, please."
"Why does something have to be wrong? Why can't I just be, like, tired or stressed? Or both?" You avoided his eyes, taking the joint from him.
"If you really want me to believe that, answer when you started smoking with homework?" This made you pause, shrugging in embarrassment. Eddie scoffed gently, "Lemme guess? You're just stressed?"
"It's not a lie!"
"But you're not telling me the full truth!" He leaned forward in his seat, reaching for your hand, frowning deeply. "Baby, I just want to help you. Since the Reunion, you've been distant, and I think it's to do with whatever your aunt said."
Tears filled your eyes, mutely taking another long inhale; gently ashing the joint in the tray on your desk hosting several stubbed-out filters. Swallowing the saliva that had pooled in your mouth harshly, you coughed gently upon exhaling the smoke; tears pooling and slowly cascading down your cheeks. Eddie sat closer in worry - literally sitting in a balancing act on the edge of his seat.
"You're right," you squeaked, unable to look at him; fingers beginning to shake. "Y-You're right, and I'm sorry, I just - I didn't know what to do, how to feel - "
"That's why you gotta talk to me, baby, so we can figure shit out together. Right? I help you, you help me," he spoke gently, reaching out to caress the back of your head. He sighed, standing, ushering, "C'mere, c'mon, stand up for me. C'mere."
He lead you to your bed, letting you sit as he toed out of his shoes before joining you. He settled on his back and pulled you in tight to his side; your arms like a vice around his waist, resting on his chest that was dampening from your tears. He rubbed your back and shoulders, up to your head, down to your waist and hip. Eddie spoke softly, encouraging you to talk when ready.
"She scolded me, I guess," you whispered, "because according to her, several other family members think I'm too clingy."
"She said what!?"
"Eddie," you groaned, his voice loud under your ear.
"Sorry, sorry - I just - she said you were too clingy? What? Seriously? Like - Like with me?"
"Yeah. Said it wasn't a good look," you admitted, and then, Eddie just remained silent as you poured your heart out and admitted all that was said. It felt like a never ending cycle; confessing that you loved Eddie so effortlessly, you didn't think you were loving him 'wrong', but your Aunt Rebecca's words made you second guess your own emotions.
And it honestly angered Eddie. No, not (only) about you being upset - but the reason for you being upset. He wished he knew the night it happened, remembering hearing your response to Rebecca, understanding your words now. He wished he knew, he would've had a word or two for your aunt; angry that this woman successfully made you doubt yourself. Doubt the way you love Eddie.
"Hey," Eddie whispered, hand on your jaw to gently encourage your head up so your eyes met his. "Don't do this."
"Do what?"
"Pull away from me. Try to change, doubt yourself, do different. Baby, I love you - and no, you're not fucking clingy. And even if you are, I love it because I love you, and that means loving all of you, exactly the way you are. Fuck your aunt, fuck anyone who had something to say, their jealousy and bitterness and ineptitude are their problem, not ours. And anyone who makes it our issue can get bent." You were honestly shocked into silence, just staring up at Eddie in a daze of wonder. "What?" He asked.
"I'm just processing you using 'ineptitude' correctly," you teased in a whisper.
"Oh, you little - " He laughed, rolling onto you; fingers digging into your flesh and wiggling. Your laughter was loud and genuine, Eddie grinning in amusement before just staring down at you; gently petting hair off your forehead. "Listen to me. Hey? You listenin'?"
"Yes, Eddie," you chuckled.
"Don't ever pull away from me," he told you sternly. "I need you close to me, always. I don't care what anyone ever thinks or says - you're not a bother, not to me, never to me, so, please, for my sake, stay close. I'll fuckin' fall apart without you."
Overwhelmed by emotion, his sweet words, and how they instantly settled your anxiety, you didn't respond verbally. Your hand shot up to hook around the back of his neck and pull him down - but it's not like he resisted. Eddie let his mouth descend onto yours in a heated display of passion, his hips involuntarily rolling forward to roll his hips so his bulge ground into your clothed cunt. His tongue was hot, wet, sliding against yours in a raunchy pace that made your head spin until you were dizzy.
And in exactly 436 days, Aunt Rebecca, Cousin Darlene, and any other outspoken family members sat at home, bitter, while the rest of you (and the town) celebrated yours and Eddie's union of Holy Matrimony.
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
Some College AU
It’s about an hour after what Eddie is now naming “The Incident” when he storms into Nancy’s room. He glances down to the left where Nancy's roommate leaves her red converse - announcing she’s in the room. But right now, they're gone and only Nancy's shoes are in the spot. So, Eddie flops down on the plush rug in the center of the room and covers his eyes with his hands.
“Nancy, I fucked up. It was so embarrassing,” Eddie sighs and hears the telltale click of a laptop shutting from above him. She must be in her lofted bed, but it doesn’t matter because he needs to rant. “You know, maybe I should go ahead and drop out and save myself the embarrassment of once again running into the human embodiment of every single wet dream I’ve ever had.”
There’s a slight gasp that Eddie knows is Nancy’s “Eddie we’ve been friends forever, but there are just some things I do not need to know about you” gasp. But it’s not her turn to talk. In fact, she’s the exact reason he’s in this predicament because without her convincing him to apply to the same college and actually go with her, then he would never be here.
Eddie groans and rolls over onto his stomach burying his face in the rug. He points up behind him gesturing vaguely towards where Nancy is sitting and says, “This is all your fault, but thank you for always shampooing your carpet it smells nice.” It comes out more as a muffled mess, so Eddie sighs and turns his head to the side.
“But anyways. I had my damn intro to economics class, and please tell me why we have to take foundation courses later because I think it’s the stupidest thing on this planet except for me at the moment. Because before that class a beautiful, kind man had to clean chocolate milk out of his sweater because of me. And this is exactly why I will never show my face in the dining hall again or anywhere on campus, so I will never run into that perfect man again. End of story.” Eddie finishes his rant, knowing he’s going to say more because he still feels like a stupid idiot. Because yes, spilling a drink on someone is bad, but that’s just clumsiness and nerves and that’s forgivable. But when Adonis himself is target of said drink, and the drink is goddamn chocolate milk… that’s unforgivable.
Eddie groans and rolls onto his back to stare up at Nancy who will likely have her head poked over the side of her bed with that flat look of “are you done yet?” solely expressed through a tight smile. Only, Nancy isn’t peaking over the side of her bed. But out of the corner of his eye, he spots someone else glancing over the edge of Nancy’s roommate’s lofted bed.
Holy shit. It’s hot dining hall man. “Fuck shit fuck damnit,” Eddie eloquently says, scrambling to get up and immediately backing up into Nancy’s desk. “What the fuck?” Eddie heaves out. He’s died, and gone to his own personal Hell, that’s the only explanation for it.
“I’ve never been called beautiful before,” the man says with a big smile, cheeks slightly pink, and holy shit he’s so beautiful. Maybe Eddie has died and gone to his own personal heaven. Then the man is climbing down the ladder and giving Eddie the view of his life before he’s right in his space. “I’m Steve,” he says, holding his hand out.
Eddie automatically takes it and wills any part of his brain to work but it’s all been turned to goo as he shakes his hand. “What are you doing here?” Eddie asks, and he thanks himself for at least somehow reacting although he sounds pretty breathless.
“Robin’s my best friend. I'm just waiting for her to get back, but I think her and Nancy went out to get groceries or something. But it’s nice to formally meet you…” Steve trails off, and Eddie notices he’s still holding his hand with his very clammy one.
“Eddie,” he supplies when he realizes what Steve is prompting. Gosh he has such nice lips... and eyes… and hair… and a really nice nose honestly and… Eddie stops when he realizes he’s blatantly checking the man out once again. “Shit,” Eddie mumbles under his breath and takes his hand back.
“I’ve also never been called the human embodiment of someone’s wet dreams before,” Steve says. Oh shit. He’s really going to bring that up and not move past it. Eddie sighs, and prepares to apologize when he notices… Steve is smiling. An overwhelmingly charming type of smile as if he was flirting.
Eddie opens his mouth and says the first thing that comes to mind, “I spilt my chocolate milk on you.” He cringes. Okay, thinking before speaking is something else he needs to work on this semester. Got it.
“You did,” Steve says with an amused smile. He points to his shirt. “Changed and everything. Plus, the other sweater is fine, and it was too warm to wear today anyways.”
That is an absolute lie because it’s freezing outside. But Eddie doesn’t call him out on it. Instead he says, “Blue is a nice color on you. In the color way, not the… depressed way. Jesus H. Christ.” Eddie pauses, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. He opens them and with a wide smile he says, “Hell of a way to make a first impression.”
“I’ve noticed you around before,” Steve admits as if it were no big deal although their campus is fairly large, and Eddie had somehow never seen him before today, so he has no idea how that was possible.
“How have I never noticed you before?” Eddie asks honestly but takes pride in the way it makes Steve’s face flush. “Maybe you can make it up to me - all that lost time when my eyes were not graced by your beauty.” Yeah, he's still got it.
Steve laughs pleasantly and looks away somewhat bashfully, but he quickly recovers and leans into Eddie space. “Just tell me how to make it up to you, and I’ll do it.”
Eddie swallows. Oh, this is dangerous. He is dangerous. And Eddie knows exactly what he’s going to request first-
The door opens, and Eddie and Steve’s heads snap to the side. Nancy walks in and freezes.
“What’s wrong Nance? Why did you-” Robin walks in and also freezes. She takes a second to recover before she cracks a big smile and nudges Nancy. "You owe me ten bucks."
Nancy sighs and sets her grocery bags down then digs through her purse emerging with ten dollars which she hands to Robin. What the hell?
"What's that about?" Steve asks, not taking a step out of Eddie's personal space, but he's really not complaining.
"Robin bet ten bucks that you two would somehow meet and hit it off before we could introduce you guys," Nancy says then turns and smacks Robin on the arm. "You planned this didn't you?"
Robin puts her hands up. "I had no idea Steve or Eddie were coming over. Not my fault that we gave them copies of our keys."
"They're for emergency use only though," Nancy says then turns an accusatory finger at the boys. "What was your emergency?"
Eddie catches a quick glance at Steve. They both know what Eddie's "emergency" was, but Steve looks a bit reluctant to admit his. A quick glance towards Nancy, and Eddie is immediately spilling out the truth, "I ran into a hot guy in the dining hall and spilled chocolate milk all over him and needed to rant."
Nancy looks disappointed but satisfied in the answer, so she turns to Steve expectantly. Steve shoots Eddie a quick glance and runs a hand through his hair. He gives in and admits, "A cute guy spilled chocolate milk on me, and I wanted to talk about it..."
Eddie gapes at Steve. There's no way. There's absolutely no way this gorgeous man was there for that reason. Holy shit. Steve turns to Eddie and softly smiles at him, and Eddie absolutely melts at the sight.
Robin laughs, "Nancy, you owe me twenty bucks." And bless Nancy, she reaches into her purse and hands Robin ten more dollars as Eddie and Steve continue to stare at each other.
Maybe going to college was the best thing Nancy has ever convinced Eddie to do.
I currently have about zero time to be writing stuff, but I missed you all and missed getting to write steddie content, so I'm just glad to get something down.
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penelopepine · 4 months
Don't be a stranger! Pt. 8
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Simon "Ghost" Riley x FemReader
Content: Neighbors AU, fluff, developing relationship, non-con drug use, light angst
Simon instantly felt his heart drop, “What do you mean she’s gone?” His voice was cold as he spoke. If Johnny is saying what he thinks he’s saying then someone is going to die today, that Simon can guarantee. 
Before Soap can respond though a gunshot rings out. "Soap, where are you? What's happening?" 
"We're at the small grocery store in town! Things here went from zero to hundred real quick; Beads is nowhere in sight." 
Right away Simon is moving; he has to get to you. "What the hell were you two doing off base?" 
"Just- I'll explain when-," Soap suddenly pauses , "Price?!" 
"Soap, go 4 aisles down; Gaz is there with Beads." Price's voice suddenly cuts through the phone. 
Price? Gaz? What were they doing there? An immediate uneasy feeling rises in his chest. This whole thing wasn’t making sense to him. 
He could vaguely hear Soap speaking to Price. The only thing he could make out was the clear anger and confusion in his voice. Moments later Price’s voice comes through clear as day, he can only assume that Price took Johnny’s phone. 
“Ghost, stay where you are.” 
“Price what the fuck is happening?” Simon growled. 
“Ghost.” Price took a deep breath before continuing, “It was all a set up. We planned for the possibility of Beads being targeted and taken once stepping off base. They did exactly what we thought they would do.” 
He couldn’t fucking believe what he was hearing, “You used her as bait! Did you keep her in the dark too, or was I the only one that wasn’t given the truth?” 
“You, Beads, and Soap weren’t told anything. The situation here is under control though now, and once we're back we can discuss more. Laswell is already waiting for you in the main meeting room; she’ll explain everything a bit more to you.” 
Simon hung up. He didn’t want to hear anything more from him. If you’re hurt in any way there will be hell to pay. This whole plan shouldn’t have happened; much less with him not being told about it. 
He almost wants to disobey Price, and go find you right now. The only thing stopping him is also wanting answers for what is happening. As much as he wants to be with you he knows that you're mostly likely on your way to him right now. So he turns and storms his way to Laswell. 
Once reaching the meeting room he gives a sharp knock, but doesn't wait for an answer before opening the door anyway. Laswell is sitting already with a serious look on her face. "Ghost, sit down. Let's talk about everything calmly." 
Calm was the last thing he was feeling right now. All he wanted to do was yell; yell at everyone involved with making this plan. "Explain then." Simon sneered before sitting right across from her. 
"On Monday Soap and Beads approached Price about leaving base to go to the grocery store. Beads apparently wanted to make a special meal for you, and Soap said that he would gladly accompany her." 
"A Russian terror group broke into both of our flats. They know that she is connected to me. Leaving base shouldn't have even been considered." Simon argued back. 
"She's been here for almost a month, Ghost. There has also been no other signs of them attempting to get to you." 
Anger filled Simon's veins, "Of course there hasn't been any signs! They've been waiting for us to mess up, and this, sending her out there, was what they were waiting for." 
Laswell doesn't react much to his anger; only giving him an unimpressed look, "We had no way of knowing that though, and we couldn't have kept her on base forever. Which is why when Price asked about what I thought about letting her leave I agreed, but not without planning for the possibility that they would attack her." 
"Why wasn't I informed then?" 
"We knew that you wouldn't have agreed to it. You would have gone with her in full gear; which would have only brought more attention to yourselves." 
"And the reason for not telling Johnny then; the one who would have been right by her side if he had known?" 
"Soap is amazing at what he does, but he is not an actor." That Simon could agree with; which is why he would have much rathered Johnny to be obviously lying to you, then him not there to protect you. “We had a small team following them the entire time. Price and Gaz were watching her the entire time.” He knew Laswell was trying to calm his nerves as much as she could right now. Simon knew though that the only thing that could calm him was seeing you; making sure that you’re alright. 
“So Gaz training recruits and yours and Price’s meeting was a lie to keep me unassuming then?” He lets out an almost defeated sigh, “At least tell me she's alright.” 
Laswell for the first time doesn’t answer him immediately. She seems to be taking a few moments to assess his emotions before answering, “Price called me before you arrived. She is safe, whole, alive, but she did end up getting hurt. One of the men grabbed her before injecting some kind of sleeping drug into her-.” 
It was sudden ding from Laswell’s phone that stopped her from continuing. She took a few minutes to write them a message back before finally turning her attention back to him.
"She's here."  
Simon didn't wait to see if she had anything else to say before he was standing and walking out of the room to the med bay area. He feels guilty; he knows that he had no way of helping you avoid this since he wasn't told of the plan. You had been there though because of him; you had apparently wanted to do something special for him. 
If he could he'd go back and tell you that just being around him is all he needs because you are special to him. 
He's vaguely aware that Laswell is following him. Simon isn't interested in speaking to her anymore though. The only thing that matters is making sure you're ok with his own eyes; everything else can wait. 
Which is why he immediately goes to just walk past Price who was clearly waiting for him in front of the med bay doors. 
"Ghost." Price puts his hand on Simon's shoulder stopping him from entering. 
Simon knows that he could break Price's hold and continue on his way; he stops though, willing to give him one chance to explain his piece. "Price." 
“I know you’re upset, Ghost, and you honestly should be. Believe me though when I say that we were watching her the entire time. She got hurt, yes, but there was no way I was going to allow them to leave that building with her.” 
He trusts Price, trusts him with his life. Simon also knows that Price wouldn’t lie straight to his face about something like this, “I want to be included from this point forward. I don’t care if you think I’ll disagree. I need to be involved when it comes to her.” 
“I promise.” Price says with sincerity, “Now would you like to see her? She’s being taken care of right now; we can go to her room if you want to.” 
Simon doesn’t say anything else, only nods his head. The sooner he can see you the sooner he can finally breathe again.
Laswell during all of this had been silently typing away on her phone. "John, Ghost, I'll leave  you two here. The men from the grocery store are ready for questioning. I'll call on either of you if needed. Hopefully this can end the whole situation," she pointedly looks towards Simon now, "You and your friend will be able to walk freely if so." She then turns and walks down the hall away from them. 
Placing a hand on Simon's shoulder, Price directs them back to the doors, "Let's go." 
Price led them inside down the white sterile halls of the med bay till they reached your room. “Are you ready to go inside?” 
Without answering he pushes past and into the room. Then there you were, lying down asleep in a standard hospital bed. A doctor was also there standing next to you writing some things down on her clipboard. 
“Ghost, this is Dr. Withers, she has been the one taking care of her.” 
The doctor gives them both a nod, “She’s doing well. We’ve already done a blood test, and nothing except the obvious seems wrong.” Looking down at her clipboard she flips through a couple pages, "It seems they weren't able to inject very much of the drug; she'll be in and out for a few hours, but she should be waking up soon." With that she leaves them alone with you. 
In the silence that follows Simon makes his way to your side, sitting down next to you, placing his hand near yours. Price stands at the end of your bed, but his attention is solely focused on Simon. "You really care about this girl don't you?" 
"…I love her." He whispered to himself, but it was clear as day for everyone in the room to hear. 
Simon couldn't believe that he actually said it. He's been fighting with himself about what he was going to do about it, debating ignoring the feeling all together. In the end though this wasn't something he could run from. He loved you. 
“You love me…?” Your gravelly voice calls out. 
Note: Ahhhh I finally getting this chapter out! Thank you for reading this far. I also hope you have enjoyed the series as much as I have. The next chapter will most likely be the last update on this.
Also a special thank you to @nexthyperfix for beta reading this chapter for me!
Taglist: @nexthyperfix @yourdaydreamerfan @tf141gloryhole @just-pure-trash @definitelynotaclown
@141tfsan @arminarlertssword @openup-yourmind @evie-119 @v1x3n
@whos-fran @trcyyyyy @azkza @kaoyamamegami @yyiikes
@leryg0 @pansexualhailstorm @trulovekay @kdidgg @ane-sthesie
@zhongtar @shinebright2000 @blackhawkfanatic @cmbghost @prozacprinc3ss
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corpsebasil · 1 year
Bonnie and Clyde Part 2
Ghostface’s girlfriend may not be a killer, but she’s the brain of the operation.
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You lay on the couch, your feet propped against the cushions as you stare at the tv, scrolling through Hulu. You’d never felt so bored in your life. It felt like you’d been on house arrest the past few days. The only time you could leave was between one to four am and even then, Wayne wouldn’t let you do anything but walk around the block.
The front door opened with a rustling noise and you groaned, moving to prop yourself up on your elbow. Ethan entered the apartment, grocery bags on his arms, and gave you a smile as he moved to set the bags down in the kitchen.
“Ethan,” you called out, standing up and following him. “Ethan I cant take this anymore.”
“Take what?” He asked, oblivious to your frustration.
“I feel like a prisoner.” You scoffed, moving around the counter to help him put up groceries. “I swear to god I’m going to lose my mind.”
“This was your idea.” He pointed out, raising a brow. “How are you supposed to be dead if they see you out walking around?”
“But how much longer?” You whined, dropping your head on his shoulder. “I want in on the action.”
“No.” Ethan scoffed, pulling away from you to put a bottle of wine in the fridge. “There’s no way I’m letting you anywhere near a knife. Or a Ghostface costume.”
“So Quinn gets one but I don’t?”
“You were the one who said you didn’t want to kill.” Ethan sighed, turning to rest his back against the counter. “Now you’ve changed your mind?”
“I would recreate Saw if it meant I could leave this fucking apartment.”
Ethan laughed and moved towards you, pressing a kiss against your mouth. Then another, then another as you clutched his shirt, holding him to you.
"Relax, okay?" He murmured, biting your bottom lip before he pulled away. "Listen, I'll talk to my dad. You know how he is. But you're the one who's coming up with all the ideas—we can’t risk you.” Then he laughed. “I’m pretty sure Richie would come back from the dead and beat my ass if you got hurt.”
"Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I want to be holed up." You argued, glaring at him. “It was my idea for Richie to get with Sam. Mine. I’m the one that found her in Modesto. I’m the one who convinced Amber to join in. Don’t you think I can handle this?”
“I’m not saying you can’t.” He said, frustrated. “I’m just saying you’re more useful as the mastermind behind this whole thing.” He tilted his head, smirking. “Besides. You look so much prettier without a knife in you. Sam seems pretty hell-bent on killing us all.”
“Ugh.” You groaned. You went to the couch and flopped down on it.
“The theater shit is happening tomorrow.” Ethan said, walking over to run a hand down your leg. “It’s almost over, okay?”
“I want in, E.” You said, glaring up at him. “I’m tired of waiting for—”
The front door opened and you sat up, staring as Wayne and Quinn entered, a Domino’s pizza box in Wayne’s hands. Quinn immediately rushed over to you and you barely had time to screech before she was pouncing, laughing as the two of you fell off the couch and onto the livingroom floor.
“Bitch!” You gasped, laughing as the two of you rolled a couple of inches and Quinn pinned you, a satisfied smile on her face.
“Someone promised me they’d have a Stab marathon.” She said, raising a brow at you. “For inspo. Pizza and a movie?” She wiggled her eyebrows. You rolled your eyes but grinned.
“Fine. Fine. Get off me.” You said, sitting up as Wayne brought the pizza into the Livingroom.
"Stop harassing Y/N." Wayne scolded, passing you a plate as Ethan moved to sit on the ground next to you, immediately pulling you onto his lap.
"She doesn't look bothered." Quinn said, sending you a teasing smile as she got herself a slice and turned on the tv. You stuck your tongue out at her, wiggling in Ethan's lap as his arms looped around your middle.
"Stop moving like that." Ethan murmured, nipping the top of your ear as you squeaked. Quinn made a retching sound as Wayne valiantly ignored you, preferring to watch the intro to Stab over watching his son get handsy. "What's your favorite scary movie, Y/N?"
"You two make me sick." Quinn grumbled, and you laughed.
The next night you sat on Ethan's bed as he got dressed, shoving the Ghostface costume into his backpack. He was about to leave to join up with the Core Four, a term that you secretly loathed.
"You sure I can't come?" You asked, pouting as you watched him get his stuff together. "It would be funny. The big reveal."
"If something goes wrong you can keep up the act." Ethan said, moving over to drop a kiss onto your head. "Someone has to make sure we win this time. If we don't come back, you'll say we kidnapped you or something."
"That sounds like the lamest alibi ever." You scoffed. "Kidnapped? Really?"
"Well I don't know, maybe you were kidnapped."
"I practically roleplayed as a human bowling ball when you threw me at Tara."
"You're a talented actress."
"I want to go."
You stared each other down for a moment, his dark expression matching your own, before he pulled his knife out of his backpack and moved closer to you. You ignored the flutter in your stomach at the wicked gleam in his eyes. He grabbed your waist, pulling you closer, before he slowly lifted his hand to run the tip of his knife across your cheek.
"You're staying here." He murmured, brown eyes fixed on the tip of the blade as he moved it to rest on your bottom lip. The blade was cold and, when your tongue darted out to lick the dangerous point, Ethan's eyes narrowed. "You're just as sadistic as me, you know that?" He asked, putting his knife away as you grinned. "Fucking love you."
"Love you." You breathed back, kissing him hard until a knock hit the door and Quinn said it was time to go. "Fuck em' up, baby." You said, kissing Ethan one last time before he grabbed his bag and left for the theater.
So you sat on the couch when they left, bidding them happy hunting, and scrolled through your phone. And you waited, all night, for Ethan to come home.
@tsukilover11 @user27017201172 @nellyboosworld @gcldtom @xyzstar @iheartemmaroberts @heart-an0n @sadieswifenocaplol @laylasbunbunny @isaidoop @marijulila @just-here-to-read-fanfictions @pumpk1n-writes @burningfanflowercash
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thiefoflight68 · 2 years
Bakusquad x Fem!reader Insert
I recently read a great story on Tumblr by @succubisblog
Bakusquad G*ngbang Drabble 18+ - Link to story (also reblogged on my Tumblr account). If you want to read it first.
Love a great GB, but got me thinking about how I could make a sequel with a TWIST! You know I LOVE me some fluffy GngBng!!
STOP! If you are not over 18, please DNI
4 men 1 woman/use of slut/whore/praise/daddy/baby girl. Blowjob, toys, penetration/ references to anal sex
Sitting in the living room, you suck down a coffee while typing on your laptop, you glance at the clock, not much time, you need to finish.
“Hey, (y/n), you’re not streaming yet?”  Looking up you see Mina come out of her bedroom. She stumbles and collapses onto the couch.  “Fuck,” she moans.
“What the hell?”  You move in time as her head almost lands in your lap.
“Sorry,” she spins around looking up, her skin white and sweaty.  Touching her forehead lightly you frown, furrowing your brows.  “Crap,” she touches her face, “that bad?”
“Kinda,” you turn your attention back to the computer. “I heard you went to the frat party last night.  The football players?”  You give her a hard stare.
“They had a live band!” She whines.
Shrugging you laugh, “you know why those guys hire them, right?”
“I know, I know, but-”
“Fuck!”  The door slams as your other roommate storms into the apartment throwing down her grocery bags.
“Whoa! What the hell girl? What’s wrong?”
Looking up she just shakes her head, putting away her food.
You notice Mina covering her face, glancing between the two of them, you watch as food is all but thrown into the fridge. 
“Seriously, what’s wrong?”
“Mina,” she shoves her empty bags into the pantry and stalks to the couch.  “Next time you get drunk at their fucking frat house, you” she points in her face, “are on your own!”  Marching down the hall she disappears into her room, slamming her door.
“What happened to-” you pause seeing the look on Mina’s face.  “No,” you cover your mouth, looking down the hall and back at her, she nods.  “With her?”  She nods again.  “Of all the people, I never thought she’d get pulled into that nonsense.”
“Helllloooo!” Ochako opens the door, her cheeks red from the cool air.  Pulling off her coat, she plops into the chair across from you.  “It feels nice in here, but we should turn the heat up,” she rubs her arms.  You throw a blanket at her.  Laughing she wraps herself up, “what’s wrong with her?”  She nods towards Mina.
“Hungover.” Mina moans loudly as emphasis.
“Crap you didn’t go to the frat party last night did you?” 
“I did but Bakugou called an Uber for me.” You snort loudly grabbing your computer, you begin typing again.  “What?!” Mina looks up at you.  
“Only because,” you cast a look down the hall, “someone else was getting gangbanged, otherwise it would’ve been you Mina.”
“Oh shit!” Ochako leans forward, “did-”
“Yes,” Mina sighed, getting up. “She came to get me last night because I was drunk and I guess she got sweet-talked into playing with them.”
“She hates them!”
“She does,” you agree.
“You can’t trust them,” Mina quips.
“Then why’d you go?” Ochako’s voice is icy, almost snippy.
“They had Wrong Way/One Way playing last night,” Mina pulls the other blanket off the couch and curls around the fuzzy softness.  “You know how much I like them...” her voice trails off as she picks at the edge of the blanket.
“How does anyone get sweet-talked into ‘playing’ with those guys,” you roll your eyes.  “They think they’re god’s gift to sex.”  You look back at the computer keeping your eyes downcast, you don’t want them to see the disappointment in your eyes. “Who was there last night?”  You side-eye Mina.
“I think just Kiri, Bakugou and Denki?” She shakes her head, “I can’t imagine all those cocks at once could be that good,” giggling as she buries her face in the blanket.
“Um,” Ochako coughs slightly blushing, “it’s pretty amazing.”  Looking up, your brows shoot up.  Blushing redder, she looks away.  
“You too?”
“Not all of them, it was just Bakugou and Kirishima,” she jumps up, going into the kitchen, she grabs the kettle.  “Anyone want tea?”
“I do,” Mina looks up, “I can’t believe you fucked them Ochako!”  She bites her lip, “so is it true?”
“What true?” Ochako flips the heat on the kettle and pulls out the tea.
Shrugging she picks more at the blanket, “I heard they can make you orgasm like ten times.”  You peer at her for a moment and look back at Ochako.
“Ten is an exaggeration, but,” she smiles wistfully, “it was close.”
“Seriously?” Mina stands up, her skin growing paler, “oh shit, I shouldn’t move that fast.”  
“Sit down before you puke on the rug,” you push her back.  “So, how many times did they cum?”  Ochako crinkles her forehead.
“Crap, (Y/n),” she laughs, “I can’t remember, maybe two times each?”  
“Anything else?”
“Anything else?” She tilts her head, giving you a quizzical look, “besides cumming?”
“Did they tie you up?  Blindfold you?”  You turn off your computer, it’s time to stream soon.
“Oh!” Ochako blooms another shade of red.  “No, Bakugou controls the whole thing, he told Kiri what to do with me,” a soft smile plays on her lips.  “And he gets pretty verbal, things like ‘be a good whore’ and ‘look only at me’.  He has a daddy kink too.”   She pours hot water over the tea and lifts one for you.
“He does?” standing up you grab the tea cup, “thanks.”
“What are you doing? A research paper on them?”  Ochako laughs nervously as she hands Mina one of the mugs.
“Sort of,” you give her a weak smile as you pick up your stuff and walk down the hall.
“Good luck on your stream,” Mina calls as you head into your room.
Sitting down on your bed, you sigh heavily.  Katsuki Bakugou was someone that had been stuck in your head for a long time. You’d been in a freshman class your first semester with him and his whole crew.  They’d been different then, as nervous as everyone else, well everyone but Bakugou, he’d been cocky from the start.  
Stop it! 
Scolding yourself, you focus on getting ready for class,  Rolling out your yoga mat, you set up the ring light, still trying to shake off those feelings from long ago.  Try as you might though, unwanted memories continue floating through your mind.  Somehow you’d ended up at the same table as them and had been assigned to a project with Bakugou.  It had been a complicated research presentation and you’d had to meet several times.   What you discovered was that he was actually a fairly nice person, not something most knew about him.  While you had hid it well, it was during that time you’d fallen for him, nursing a one-sided crush.  It was right after that project he’d pledged the fraternity with all of his friends and then you rarely saw him, except for tests or presentations.  You found out someone was taking notes for the group and based on the stories you knew they were either on the football field or throwing parties.   Their fraternity parties were getting more wild and word spread about their legendary gangbangs.  You’d steered clear of them at that point and pushed away your feelings for Bakugou.  Well, at least tried, you still listened to the rumors and it was the growing stories of their sexual prowess that had piqued your interest.   Not that you ever planned on getting sucked into their shit, but it was around that time you started your journey into increasing your own sexual abilities.  You weren’t sure why…or did you know?  Smiling, you sit and flip on your stream.  In some way you still feel weirdly connected to him, like a itch that had never been scratched.   You’d been motivated to think you could be his equal or maybe better and deep down you do know why.  “Ten orgasms,” you mutter sarcastically but an intense ache throbs through your clit, sucking in a deep breath, you look up at the ceiling.  The fantasy you nursed was quite simple, you’d dreamed that you could make him so desperate from your sexual abilities that he’d devote himself to you.  Laughing off the wild dream, you see the camera light click red. 
“Alright, we are almost done for tonight everyone,” you sit down on your mat.  The room is softly lit now by candles, your ring light turned down.   “Great job, remember this session is for new people and I know,” you hold up your hands, “in the beginning you don’t think you feel anything.  Trust me, I was there once too.”  Pausing as you read some comments, you laugh at the sarcastic quips, “I promise in a few months your muscles will get stronger and before you know it, you’ll be able to really tell the difference.”  Stretching your arms over your head, you read more in the chat. “Hi Simpplaidgirl,” you laugh to yourself, the user names always make you chuckle.  “I stream twice a week to go over exercises and questions.  I know these seem really basic but,” you sit up tall pointing to your lower abdomen, “we need to increase the strength in our pelvic floor muscles before learning how to isolate our vaginal walls.  The beginning is just doing contractions, but as you advance we will move on to squeezing and learning how to move the right and left sides compared to the front and back of our canal.  In fact, you will be able to lock, twist and pulse your partner’s penis deep inside you.” You wink,  “I can even suck a vibrator completely into my vagina, push it out and pull it back in again,” wiggling your fingers, “with no hands.”  Grinning you see the comments flying through one after the other. “I know, I know but look if I can do it, so can you.  Right now though we need to stretch and then anyone who wants to stay,” you hold up a dildo, “we’ll be going over blowjob techniques.”  You lay back looking into the camera, “now, lift up your right leg and cross it over your left.”
Running as fast as you can down the hall, you see the room number, “finally,” you hiss out and dash into the room.  Stopping you manage to grab the door before it bangs shut behind you.  A few people look up and then back to the professor, who is writing out the lecture notes on the board.  Scanning the room you spy a table with a couple of open chairs and race to it, sitting down quickly, you pull out your laptop.  Taking a moment to breathe you pick up on what the professor is saying.  A small cough to your right gets your attention, looking over you freeze, hands hovering above your keyboard.  It’s him, your heart leaps in your chest, blood pounds almost painfully through your body.  A cocky grin sweeps across his face, winking Katsuki smirks at you.  You finally manage to smile back but realize he’s already focused on the lecture again.  Shaking your head you quickly start copying what is on the board.   After a few moments you cast a quick glance back around the table, your stomach doing a flip, they’re all there.  Eijiro smiles at you briefly as he types into his computer, Kaminari is busy playing on his phone.  Swallowing hard you realize you picked the absolute worst seat in the world, the only one missing is Sero.  The door closes again and someone crosses the room and sits in the empty seat next to you, looking over you almost groan out loud, it’s Sero.  He grins at you as he pulls out his computer.  Focusing on the professor you refuse to smile back, trying to pretend you’re anywhere else.  The lecture isn’t long, you breathe a sigh of relief as the professor wraps up.  
“I have a small project for each table to complete over winter break,” he points to a stack of papers. “This isn’t difficult but it’s an excellent warm up for our final.”  Someone grabs the papers and starts handing them out.  “Let’s not get fancy, whatever table you're with right now is your group.  Please write your names on one of the papers going around so that I know who is at what table.  This should only take you a couple of weeks, so good luck everyone.”
Your mouth falls open as the TA slides the blank sheet of paper onto your table.  Denki writes his name and pushes it to Kiri who slides it over to Sero, grabbing the sheet from him, Bakugou quickly scribbles on it and hands it back to the assistant.
“Uh, wait!”  You reach out towards the TA as he walks away.  “Hey,” you glare at Katsuki, “what about me?”
“What about you?” 
The gleam in his eye makes you pause, “I need to put my name on the list.” You wonder why you’re even arguing.  “I actually have to get a good grade in this class,”  you huff, as much as you hate to work with them, you have to keep up your gpa for your grad school applications.
Packing up his bag, he shrugs, “I put your name down.”
“You - You know who I am?” Your voice slowly rises in disbelief. 
Ignoring you, he picks up a packet, “let’s meet on Thursday to get this done.”  All three men look at him curiously.
“We have two weeks Bakugou,” Sero laughs, “what’s the rush?”
“I want to get it done, what the fuck’s the problem?”  
Peeking at them as you push your computer into the bag you see everyone exchange quick glances, Kiri looks at you, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Thursday good for you? Um, sorry I don’t know your name.” Kiri asks, still looking at you.
“(Y/N), I’m Mina’s roommate,” Kaminari swings his head to look at you, a lascivious look on his face.  You scowl at him, “other roommate.”  
“You room with Ochako too,” Eijiro closes his computer, his eyes twinkling.
“I do,” your voice clipped, you grab one of the project packs.  “I have a better idea, let’s assign duties and that way we can work online.”
“We have to get to practice,” Bakugou shoves back his chair.  Reaching over he writes a number on your paperwork, “text me to confirm Thursday or we’ll find another day.”  He starts for the door.
Staring at the phone number, your mind is spinning, you need to figure something out quickly.  “Thursday I have something and I’m usually slammed during the week, how about this weekend?” You smile wide, they always have parties or games, weekends would never be good for them.
“We can do Friday,” Kaminari is already looking at his phone, “bye week this week.”
“Oh, what’s a bye week?” You ask lamely, Friday night was definitely worse.
“Means no game,” Kiri throws his bag over his shoulder, “we can meet anytime after 5, just let Bakugou know when you can get together.”  Giving you a long look, he follows the rest of the group.  
“(Y/N)?” You turn to see Ochako at a table across the way. “Where were you?” Standing, she watches them leave, “I saved you a seat.”  
Closing your eyes, you want to cry, “I forgot they changed rooms this week and went to the auditorium.”
“Oh shit. So, who are you working with on the project?” She cocks a brow knowingly.
“No one,”  you groan, grabbing your bag.  “Let’s go.”
Sitting on your bed, you bite your lip, your finger hovering over your phone.   Finally you type in his number.  You’ve already decided that a public place was the only way you’d meet with them.
(Y/n) - Friday is fine, 6 pm at the library
The text sits unread, waiting a few minutes, you breathe out.  “Crap,”  you set down the phone just as it flashes with his response.
(Bakugou) - Library closed early on Friday, meet at our fraternity house - same time.
“What?!”  Opening the campus website you scroll quickly to the information page, there on the top is the announcement of the library closure on Friday through Monday.  “Nooo!” You wail, staring at the screen trying to think of any other place.
(Y/n) - No, a cafe instead
(Bakugou) - You know I don’t like working at places like that, fraternity house or ask the prof for a different group.
You can practically hear the growl behind the text.  “Shit,” clearly he knows who you are and remembers the time you’d spent working on the last project.  He’d never wanted to meet anywhere public and had always insisted on the private dorm study rooms available only to freshmen. Sighing, you debate your choices.  Your phone flashes with another text.
(Bakugou) - Worried?
Snorting you glare at your phone. “Yes,” you mumble.
(Y/N) - No
(Bakugou) - See you Friday then, 6 pm - our house.
“Ugh!” Flopping down on your bed, you hug your pillow.  Why, why, why? Why did you wait to take this class with Ochako, you’d be done by now!  Why did you forget the classroom change today?  Sighing you close your eyes, outside of asking for a table switch, which you dreaded, the damn professor had been anything but nice, you’d have to go and work on the project with them.  Picking up your phone you read through the texts again.  He’d remembered you, a small thrill courses through your body.  You’d figured he’d forgotten, but he’d actually remembered your name.  Sitting back up, you touch the screen of your phone, the thrill turning into a deeper ache.  Friday night, hugging your knees, the swirling of nervous energy in your stomach turns into a full storm blowing through your body.   Isn’t this what you’d wanted all along?   “Here’s your chance girl, grab it,” you whisper but you're still trembling.  You’d spent over two years perfecting your skills for one man, you steel yourself, even if he comes with a pack, it was worth everything. It would be a challenge but you wanted him to be the one having ten orgasms.  Laughing, you jump up, opening your closet and begin picking out your clothes carefully.  
Getting out of your car, you smooth your clothes.  You chose a simple black skirt and a soft low cut blouse that showed the swell of your breasts without being blatant.  Underneath you wore black silk thigh highs with your favorite dark pink lingerie set, a butt plug firmly in place.  You’d hydrated, eaten right, cleaned everything and packed your toys, since your past boyfriends always struggled to bring you to orgasm, you’d decided to bring your personal equipment, in case the rumors weren’t true.  Working your way to the large fraternity house, you knew you were more than prepared physically.  Squeezing your pussy walls together in a quick whipping motion you try to make yourself feel confident.  If something did happen and anyone was going to be begging for more tonight, it would be them.  The fantasy you’d nursed for three years was taking shape as you stepped up on the wide porch, gripping the handle of your backpack tightly, you bravely knock on the door.  It swings wide as Denki smiles and waves.
“There you are.”  
Your heart leaps in your chest.  Smiling back your calm face hides the crazed emotions rolling through your mind and body.
“Come in,”  he motions for you to follow him through the large home.  Walking through the expansive hallway, you stare at the multitude of paintings and pictures, the house is really beautiful.  
“How does this place stay so nice?”
“What?” Denki turns to look at you following your gaze. 
“The parties,” you explain.
“Oh, those are held out back,” he waves his hand over his head, “there’s a rec room that way, we try to keep these areas free of all that shit.”
“That's gotta be hard,” you note the wood is in almost perfect condition.  He laughs and bounds up the steps, turning he watches you come up the rest of the stairs not moving as you step on the top step.  
“You’re really pretty,”  Kaminari appraises your body, “what a waste.”
You choke for a moment, “ a waste?” You blink, was he being serious?
“Yeah,” he looks over his shoulder, “we were given strict instructions-” 
“Denki!”  Bakugou shouts, interrupting as he strides out of a wide door across from the stairs, “where the hell is she?”  Poking your head around the smaller blonde’s body you smile.
“Here.”  You see his eyes flare for a moment as he clicks his tongue. 
“We don’t have all day, let’s get this done.”  
Following Denki, you walk into a room that appears to be an oversized library or office, you aren’t sure which.  A large desk sits to one side surrounded by endless shelves of books.  Several large tables fill the room, Sero and Eijiro sit with their computers, both don’t look happy.  You set your bag on the table, “great way to spend Friday night, right?”  You mutter apologetically.  Sero glares over at Bakugou then down at his computer.  
“No one had plans,” Katsuki sits down pointing to an empty chair, “take that seat.”
“I grabbed some more drinks and snacks,” Sero pushes more food onto the table, without glancing up you grab some chips and begin munching.  It’d been three hours and you were exhausted, but true to his word Bakugou had made everyone power through and you were finally done.
“A title page and that’s it,” leaning back you stretch and stand up, bouncing around trying to get the blood back into your legs.
“I’ve got that,” Kirishima finishes typing while watching you jump around.
“That’s it?”  Denki lays on his arm, closing his eyes in relief.  “If this was an easy warm up, man, that final is going to be killer.”
“We could study for it together if you want,” the words are out of your mouth before you realize what you’ve said, you close your mouth.  He lifts his head for a moment then plops back down.
Feeling relief at his non-committal attitude you sit back down.  The whole night had been so normal you really meant what you said.  The group had studied and put together the project, no stares or winks, some smiles and a few glances at your chest, but nothing else.  Your confidence had been growing by leaps and bounds as you’d watched them work together naturally.  Clearly Bakugou was in charge, Kiri and Denki seemed to rely on him the most, both flanking him on either side.  You’d chuckled at how they hung on his words and actions.  Eijiro was sincere and hard working, seeking praise from Bakugou while Kaminari just played around the whole time and only offered a few bits of help when Katsuki snarled at him. Sero seemed to be the only one that would challenge Bakugou at anything.  It was at these times that Katsuki would listen and make his decision, whereas with Denki and Kiri, he usually immediately dismissed them, until Sero agreed with them and then he would soften and contemplate the disagreement.    
“We’re done,” Kirishima looks at his phone, “and it’s still early.”
Glancing at your own phone, it's just after 9, your nerves start to pick back up.  Would they say something now?  “Glad that’s over,” you laugh self-consciously, cleaning up your stuff, you peek up at Bakugou.  He’s focused on his computer.
“I sent everyone the project,” he looks up.  “I don’t think we have to present this one, but if we do, we’ll figure it out later.”  His red eyes land on you, “is that cool?”  He notices a slight hesitation flicker across your face as you nod.  “I guess that’s a night then,” standing he stretches and comes up behind you, reaching for your bag.
“Why in a hurry?” Denki snickers softly, leaning his chin into his hands, he bats his long gold lashes.
“Cut it out,” Katsuki grabs your bag and pulls your chair out, he glares at Kaminari.
“What’s up Bakugou?” Sero tips his head, “don’t want to share her?”
“Share me?”  You step back, colliding into Katsuki’s solid chest.  “S-sorry!”  You jump forward stumbling, his hand catches your arm holding you steady.
“Oi, stop moving around.”  Casting an annoyed look at Sero, his jaw clenches.  “She isn’t someone that could handle this group.”  Tugging on your arm, he softens his tone.  “Get your computer and I’ll walk you to your car.”  
“Can’t handle this group?”  You spin around glaring at him, “I’m not some baby!”  Fiercely grabbing your bag in Katsuki’s hands, you pull it away from him.
“I’ve got it,” Bakugou barks, pulling at the same time.  
“Wait! NO!” You watch in horror as the bag tips upside down, one by one your toys spill out onto the floor.  First your clit vibrator, followed by your vibrating beads, then the bottle of lube lands with a thud, spinning a few times and rolling to a stop at Bakugou’s feet.  
Tilting his head, a cocky grin crosses his face.  “Maybe I judged you wrong (Y/n)?” Leaning over he picks up the items from the floor and sets them on the table, still holding the small vibrator.  He cups your chin running a thumb across your lips.  “Were you hoping for an after-study session?” Lifting the device he pushes the button to start the buzzing. 
You hear chairs scrape back as the others stand.  “Whatcha got there?” Sero picks up the lube, “this is good stuff, what are you planning on doing with this?”  His tone is playful.
For a moment you want to run and hide, to take back all the preparation, maybe you weren’t ready for this group.  Looking down you try to think of what to say, slowly looking up you stare into those molten red eyes, gazing at you openly now, a fire ignites deep inside you.  The surge of desire you’ve been holding back all these past years floods your senses.  Biting his thumb still on your lip, you smile.  “The vibrator,” you reach up and touch the button to turn up the intensity, “is because no can bring me to orgasm without this,” your voice edged with the challenge.  Grinning wickedly, his thumb slides over the device to turn it off.  
“Then I guess we won’t need it,” tossing it back on the table, he flicks a quick look at Sero, “grab the lube.”  Laying a hand on your backside, he squeezes your ass. 
Watching the vibrator bounce on the table, you tilt your head, “you sure about that?“ You tease, looking around at the others, moving around you, their eyes gleaming with desire.  “Are we going to do it here?” you thump the table.  There is a flicker of uncertainty for a brief second in Bakugou’s eyes, you smile inwardly to your toes, you’ve surprised him.  “Not that I mind, but is there somewhere a bit more comfortable?”  You reach out and run a finger along his jawline, “since there’s so many of us.”  Rough hands land on your hips.
“Let’s go to Bakugou’s room,” Eijiro kisses your ear sending a tremor through your body, his fingers kneading your hips. 
Tipping your head back so your lips are as close to his ear as possible, you run your hand through his hair, “what a good boy,” you murmur so softly only he can hear, his face flushes a deep red.  He stares at you, the same look of uncertainty shines in his eyes.  You conceal a triumphant smile.   
Bakugou jerks you suddenly from Kiri’s grip, slamming you into his chest, looping his arm heavily over your shoulders.  “This way,” he leads you abruptly out the door and down the hall, opening his bedroom door.  The others walk quickly behind him.  Stopping he swings you around, his mouth covers yours in a punishing kiss, rough and urgent, you revel in the fierceness, looping your arm around his neck you push into him, demanding even more.   You feel hands sliding up your skirt.
“Wait,” you try to pull back but Katsuki presses you tightly against his body.
“No waiting, (Y/n), you’re ours now,” Denki snickers, closing and locking the door.
Peering around Bakugou’s shoulder you give Denki a smoldering look that freezes him in his tracks, “if you want to play Kaminari, then everyone plays by my rules.” Sweeping a gaze at each man, you lift a brow, “otherwise nothing happens.”  
“Too late-”
“What rules?” Bakugou growls, cutting off Sero, he lays a heavy hand on your face, “go on.”
“No filming,” you peek again at Denki, who is already holding up his phone, his gold eyes darting to Katsuki.  “If I tap someone or call out that I’m in pain, then everyone has to stop so I can get comfortable again, afterall,” you level a sultry gaze at Katsuki who is looming above you, “this is about pleasure, right?”
“Yeah,” he points to Denki, “no camera,” turning back he waits for a moment but you’re quiet, “anything else?”
“One last thing,” taking a deep breath you summon every shred of courage possible.  The fantasy that has played in your mind is now a possibility, you’re going to grab for the brass ring.  “If I can make all of you cum before I do, you all have to be my devoted slaves for one month.”
“Your what?” His brows furrow.
“You heard me,” you smirk at Katsuki’s incredulous look, “if I win then for one month, you and your crew have to do whatever I ask.”  You spread your hands over his chest, “maybe slaves is too harsh a word.”  You look at all of them, “let’s say devoted boyfriends for one month if I can make all of you cum before I do.”  His tongue clicks lightly as he studies you.
“All of us cum first? Shit, I’ll take that bet any day.” Sero laughs. “What do we get?”
You glance at Sero, “If I lose, then I’ll be the devoted slave for whoever doesn’t cum during the next thirty days.”  You pat Sero’s shoulder, “are you in?” You turn to Eijiro whose face is still bright red, “Kirishima?”  
“Well, I, uh,” he’s staring desperately at Katsuki.
“You serve all of us or no deal,” Bakugou snaps, “and we choose who goes when and where.”
Twisting your lips, you nod slightly, “okay, I agree to serve all of you but” you shake your head, “we decide together on who goes when.”  You don’t want Bakugou first, your body is already too fired up from touching him.  You know you need to finish off the others first, if he’s last and  feeling pressured you had a chance with him.
“Worried?” He laughs sarcastically, “or maybe your bark is worse than your bite,” he hooks his thumb into the corner of your mouth, opening your lips you let him press inside, you don’t answer.  “Who goes first then?” He doesn’t take his thumb out of your mouth, you flick a glance at Denki, then to Sero and last to Kirishima.  Chuckling he grins wide.
“Denki, you’ve been underestimated again,” he laughs as your eyes widen.  Digging his thumb deeper, he steps within an inch of your face, “our cameraman has delayed ejaculation, that’s why he mainly films, he takes too long.”
“Why?” You mouth around his thumb.  
“Cause I like a strong grip,” Denki sidles up alongside you, “been masturbating so long, I only cum with a tight fist, no pussy gives me that feeling.”  
Pulling out his thumb, Katsuki sweeps his gaze up your body, “so, I go last? How about you warm up Sero in your mouth while Denki fucks you for the next hour or until your senseless?”  He pulls off his T-shirt. Your eyes go owl wide as you stare at his chest.  Laughing at your expression, Katsuki tosses his shirt to the side, “this is like taking candy from a fucking baby.”
The rest of them take off their shirts, looking around, you realize you’re in the middle of four of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen.  “My turn,” you shake off yourself mentally and slip off your shirt, exposing the lacy bra you’d chosen.  This piece has always been your favorite as it shows your breasts off perfectly.  You hear a soft whistle.
“Damn, (Y/n), you hide those way too well,” Kaminari’s eyes are glued to your chest.  He was definitely a boob man, reaching forward you take his hands and put them on your breasts feeling your nipples harden under his warmth.  Whatever it took to get him excited fast would make it easier to get him to cum.  His hands begin to knead you roughly, pinching your nipples, your body wakes up pushing a soft moan from your lips.
“Don’t make this too easy on us,” Kaminari leans over pushing aside the lace and suckles at your nipple.  Another moan, this one louder erupts from your lungs.  His tongue flicking at your hard nub.  His mouth feels amazing but you know getting yourself to orgasm isn’t easy, something only you’ve been able to do with your toys. You can hear the others begin removing the rest of their clothes, you reach and unclip your skirt letting it pool at your ankles, exposing black thigh highs and your strappy thong with small chains running around your hips.
“Fuck,” you hear Kiri breath out, turning to him, you grab his face and pull him in for a deep kiss, playing with his tongue.  Sero’s mouth closes around your other nipple, you utter a guttural groan in the kiss.  Two at once with different tempos is mind blowing.  
“Since everyone is so busy, let me start back here,” Bakugou walks behind you, slapping your ass appreciatively.  Getting down on his knees, he pulls your thong aside and pauses, tapping your butt plug.  “Looks like we have someone that likes ass play.”  
“What?” Sero snaps his head up, “seriously? Oh shit,” he breathes out.
“No ass for you Sero, you’ll cum just thinking about it, in fact, her fucking ass is off limits for everyone.”   
“Fucking shut it, after she cums Sero, win the damn bet and you can fuck her ass all you want for the next thirty days.”  Pushing his face between your legs, he begins licking up your already drenched folds.  “She’s nice and wet already,” he laughs, reaching deep with his tongue.  
You shiver at the sudden intrusion, heat building into your pussy, you focus back on the kiss with Kiri, pushing away the intense throbbing now pulsing under your clit.
Sero latches back onto your nipple, now nipping, “I’ll fucking make you cum, (Y/n). I want that ass.”
“I think this little slut will cum before one cock splits this pussy,” Bakugou smiles as he feels your walls flutter in reaction to his mouth.  “You like that?”  He runs his hands up your legs enjoying the silky feel of your stockings.
“Mmmm,” you move your hips back to push his mouth against your clit.
“Kinda risky, don’t you think?”  His mouth wraps around your swollen clit as he begins to suck.  You mewl loudly at the sweet feeling of his tongue dragging you into his mouth rhythmically.  
“F-Fuck,” you kiss Eijiro deeper, reacting to the others working on your body.  You’ve never experienced so many sensations at once, you need to get Denki into your body before you give them too much time.  “Lube?” You pull back digging your fingers into Sero’s soft hair, he bites your nipple and looks up, black eyes glittering.  Reaching back, he pulls the bottle off the table.  Snagging it, you pump some in your hand, you grasp Denki’s swollen cock.  Slathering him liberally, you fist his dick tightly and begin to stroke.  His mouth falls open releasing your nipple as he gasps from your grip.  You feel Bakugou pull away from your pussy.
“Kaminari,”  he stands quickly, grabbing your hand.  “You’ll fucking cum too fast that way,” he growls, “fucking dunce head.”  Pushing him sideways, he grabs your face from Kiri’s mouth, squeezing your cheeks, “on all fours, now.” His hand presses hard on your back.  
Stumbling forward you grab Sero to balance yourself, his hands guide you down. “Thanks,” you mumble, getting yourself comfortable.
“Shove your dick in her mouth,” he nods to Sero.
“I know what the fuck to do Bakugou,” he grins as you look up opening your mouth wide, tongue hanging out.  “What a good fucking slut,” Sero strokes your cheek, “let’s see what you can do with this,” he smiles, shoving his dick into your face.
Playful, he likes playful.  Looping your fingers around his stiff cock, you suck hard, working the tip with your lips and tongue.  Denki’s hands are on your ass, spreading you open, you shudder waiting as he slides his hard dick against you.
“Damn you look so fucking good,” Denki licks his lips, “don’t even need lube, you’re so fucking wet.”  Sliding slowly into your pussy, his eyes close as you grip him tightly.  “Oh fuck yeah, that feels good.”
Bakugou wiggles himself under your body, his mouth latching onto your nipple, he sucks hard.   He reaches down at the same time, fingering your throbbing clit.  “Gonna make you cum fast,” he pinches your clit.
Squeezing your eyes shut you move your hips as his fingers start to pull at the increasing restlessness inside you.  Distract yourself.  Concentrating back on Sero, you tease him as you bounce and suck on his cock, slowly taking him all the way into your mouth.  Finally you plunge his cock against the back of your throat.  Glancing sideways you see Kiri is watching you with a tight expression on his face.  Pumping lube in your hand, you reach out for him.  He catches your fingers and guides you to his stiff cock, its huge, side-eyeing him again, you see it, thick and long.  You shudder again as Denki pushes deeper starting to pump into your pussy, the incredible jolt from his cock and Bakugou’s finger on your clit has you groaning on Sero’s cock.  
“That’s it baby, cum for daddy,” Bakugou times his rhythm on your clit with Denki’s thrusts. 
Clenching your throat around Sero, you’re surprised by the first telltale pops pulling tautly deep inside your body.  You have to finish Denki off and fast.  Fighting the growing orgasm, you lock down on him just as thrusts hard inside you.  He likes it tight. Caught in your vice grip, you feel him try to pull back a few times, his cock stuck in your pussy.
“Hey-”  Your next move rips the words from his brain.
Squeezing his cock with all your strength, you move the walls of your pussy back and forth, stroking him in a fast twisting motion. 
“H-HEY!” Denki squeals, you feel his hands on your ass trying to pull back even harder. His attempts make you almost giggle as you raise your eyes up to Sero and open your mouth around his dick, letting saliva spill down your chin, you smile.
“Good girl,” he murmurs all of his attention on your mouth.
Keeping Denki in an iron grip, you begin to contract your pussy quickly, pulsing along his whole shaft, mimicking a tight hand job.  His cock bulges as you stroke faster.  Grinning, you continue to suckle Sero as you run a thumb over the tip of Kiri’s cock, precum gushes over your fingers.  The masterful finger on your clit is driving you wild but you continue to push it out of your mind concentrating hard on making Denki cum.  
“(Y/n)” Kaminari whimpers as his cock starts twitching, whatever you’re doing feels just like an iron fist squeezing his whole dick. “Don’t - fuck - don’t-“ his balls pull tight as a deep pulsing rips through his muscles.  Digging his fingers into your hips, he screams, “OH HELL!!”  
The finger on your clit stops as you pull Kaminari’s cock deeper into your pussy with another fast contraction, his body shaking as he lets out another loud cry, his hips thrusting unmoving against you as hot cum fills your pussy.  Sighing, you relax your body, pushing your mouth down Sero’s length again. One down.
Feeling your pussy release him, Denki pulls out fast, falling back, he catches himself as he lands on his ass.  Sagging onto the carpet, his body still trembling, he looks up to see Bakugou sit up and stare at him sprawled on the ground.
“Did you fucking cum?” Disbelief on his face.
You see Katsuki out of the corner of your eye move behind you, pulsing your pussy outward, you push Denki’s thick cum out so he can see your first victory.  If your mouth wasn’t filled with Sero’s cock, you’d laugh at his deep growl of frustration.  Opening wider as Sero thrusts, you catch his cock on the ridges of your throat, swallowing rapidly, you squeeze and release the tip of his dick.   His fingers dig into your hair as he starts shaking, yanking your face into his body, he thrusts hard.  Your tongue moves non-stop, coaxing him to orgasm.  A large hand grabs your fingers wrapped around Kiri’s dick.  
“Stop,”  Bakugou unhooks your hand.  
“Fuck!  Bakugou, that felt fucking good.” Kiri catches his breath.
“Yeah? Too fucking good, you wanna be her bitch for a month?”
“No?”  For a moment Eijiro isn’t really sure he cares.
“Sero!” He snaps, but he can see his jaw is slack as he thrusts into your mouth.  His head tips back as he moans loudly.  “Fuck! Sero!”  Too late, Katsuki watches his eyes flutter as he pumps hard, his mouth working open and shut, gritting his teeth at the last moment.
Sucking hard, you’re rewarded as cum fills your mouth, hot and tangy, sliding down your throat and overflowing over your tongue, you grin as you pull back.  Opening your mouth you turn to Katsuki, cum oozing down your lips, eyes twinkling, you hold up two fingers.
“Kaminari,” he yanks him to his feet.  “Go back to the study, get her vibrating thing, it's on the table.”
Sitting up on your knees, you smile, “worried?”  You try to keep a light teasing tone but your stomach clenches, if he uses the vibrator, you’re toast.  Standing slowly you press yourself against him.  “I guess you’re like all the others then?”  Licking the cum from your lips slowly, you frown, “no one can ever get me off without that toy.”  He squints at you, his eyes a fiery red.  Grabbing your throat, he tightens his hand for a moment, you relax under his fingers.  “Daddy,” you whisper hoarsely, “don’t hurt me,” his hand starts to cut off your airflow.
“Don’t fuck with me,” he snarls.
“Not yet,” you croak, winking as you look towards Kiri, “he’s next.”  
“That’s right,” laughing harshly Katsuki releases your throat, “it’s his turn.”  Slapping his friend on the shoulder he smiles.  “Eijiro, time to use that big dick on our girl here and get her so cock drunk, she won’t know which end is fucking up.”  Denki bursts through the door with your toy handing it to him.  Palming the device, he puts it on the bookcase.  “We’ll see how you like Kiri first,” he smirks knowingly. Pushing you roughly down again, his hand lands on your ass with a loud crack.
Pain sings across your skin as you jerk up, pushing you down again, his hand lands on your other ass cheek.  Crying out you close your eyes, sucking in a deep breath.
“Those are fucking hot Bakugou,” Kiri fingers the perfect white hand prints outlined in red on each side of your ass.
“That’s right,” Katsuki settles himself in front of you, grabbing your chin, he forces you to look at him.  “Daddy’s in fucking charge now and our little girl is gonna cum so hard, she’ll paint your dick white Kiri.”  Pointing, he nods at him, “no fucking mercy.”  Grinning wide, Eijiro grabs your hips and pushes himself inside you in one thrust. 
“F-f-f” you stutter as your pussy spreads wide, painfully full.  Thrusting deeper he manages to hit your favorite spot. “N-No,” you stammer as he begins to fuck you hard.
“That’s it,” Bakugou feels your body letting go, your eyes are clouding over. “Look at me,” he locks eyes with you, “Now I know why I've always liked you,” he grins, “you’re such a cocky little slut, would’ve never guessed.”  He laughs as your face begins to melt in pleasure.  “You rattled me by taking two out at once, but Kiri’s gonna drill you now.”   
FOCUS!  Your brain is numb but your body responds, wriggling forwards you try finding Kiri’s rhythm, “so big,” you whisper. 
“Where’re you going?” Kiri wraps his hands around your waist. “You’re not going anywhere slut,” pulling your body backwards, he relishes in the cries coming from you, your head jerking back at his merciless fucking.
“He's deep in there, huh, baby girl?”  Bakugou slides his fingers into your mouth, “suck,” he hisses at you.  
Nodding you wrap your lips around his hand, Kiri’s cock is pushing at building the climax at an unrelenting pace.  Control! Control! your mind chants, your endless training takes over, you clamp hard with all your muscles at once to slow him down. Timing your squeezing with his thrusts, you begin milking his cock.  
“Oh wow,” Kiri’s eyes grow wide, he’s struggling to thrust, stopping he begins to grind in deep instead, he gasps as your pussy begins sliding up and down his cock, starting at the base and moving upwards suckling the tip and back again.  
“What?”  Bakugou sees his pace change, he looks back at you.  “What the fuck’re you doing?”
Tears gather in your eyes, Eijiro’s cock is making you want to forget and just get carried away by the orgasm that’s growing beyond anything you’ve ever felt.  Moving your pussy furiously, you continue milking Kiri, your teeth biting down on Bakugou’s fingers still in your mouth.
Tugging his hand from your mouth, he sees the look on Kiri’s face, “don’t fucking cum!”  He leaps up to grab him.
Your pussy stretches painfully as Kiri’s cock bulges, YES!  Ignoring the pain you move faster, milking with speed now, no more slow strokes.  Closing your eyes you work hard as the telltale twitching begins, his fingers gripping painfully into your hips.  Katsuki yanks his hand from your mouth, but you’ve got him.  Eijiro’s balls, pressed hard against you, start jerking as a loud grunt fills the room.  More hot cum fills your pussy, gushing out, dribbling down your leg.  Panting hard, you drop to your forearms, letting him go as you relax trying to breathe. “Three,” you can barely talk, you're so close to cumming yourself.  You're tired, more than ever, you slide off his spent dick and fall to the floor, swiping at the sweat on your forehead.  Your hips thrusting unconsciously as your body is begging for release.
Seeing the look on Bakugou’s face, Kiri grimaces as he sits back. “I’m - I’m sorry, that,” he puts a hand on your ass gently, “she’s,” he grows quiet.  
“She’s what?”
“Fucking amazing,” Kiri moves back not making eye contact.  
Staring down at you, Katsuki watches as your hips move, you’re close to cumming, closer than you probably think.  Katsuki thinks for a moment, you obviously enjoyed Eijiro but you’d still managed to not orgasm, something has to take you over the edge.  Lifting his head, he points to the door, “everyone get the fuck out.”
“Hell no!” Denki’s lounging in the chair debating if he should still try to video everything, he wants everyone to hurry up so he can feel your pussy again.  “This is better than porn man!”  The look that crosses the big blonde’s face makes him jump up.  Grabbing his clothes he shoots out the door, “let me know if I’ve gotta fuck toy or if I’m the chump,” he laughs as he goes out the door.  Kiri stands unsteadily eyeing Bakugou.
“You sure?”  he picks up his pants and slides them on, “I can help-”
“What about her ass?”  Sero sighs, he squats down running his hand up your back.
Turning you smile up at him laughing, “if he loses then I’ll still let you fuck my ass.” Sero glances up at his glowering friend.  
Leaning closer he smiles conspiratorially, “he loves his balls to be played with, he’ll cum in an instant.”  Jumping up, Sero races out the door.
“Damn idiot!” Katsuki roars.  
You try to call out thanks but you’re too tired.  Instead you turn back and smile at Bakugou, who’s glaring at Sero’s retreating body, “you and I alone?” You're not sure what he’s doing, but the few minutes rest has helped, you’ve caught your breath and managed to tamp down your orgasm as best as possible.  Flipping over you catch sight of Katsuki standing over you, his body is powerfully built, you see bruises across his left thigh, probably from football.  Your eyes drift to his cock, you wince inwardly, it’s stiff and almost as big as Kiri.  “Are you sure you want to be with me by yourself?” You keep your voice confident but you’re worried, Kiri had you at the edge.  Sero’s hint might help but considering how you’re feeling you’ll probably cum first.  His hand extends towards you, taking it hesitantly, he pulls you to your feet and into his arms.  
“You’re the one that slipped away a long time ago,”  he kisses your cheek, moving to your ear.
“Am I?” you practically purr as he runs his tongue along the shell of your ear, teasing you.  
“Mmmm mmm.”
“Why don’t I believe that?”  You tip your head laughing softly.  “Are you trying to seduce me into cumming?”  His chuckle vibrates against your ear, sending a spray of chills down your arms.
His hands wander over your body, touching lightly, he nuzzles your neck feeling your pulse beating wildly.  “I’ve wanted to explore your body for a long time.”
“You have?” Your voice hitches slightly, closing your eyes, his breath is warm as he kisses your neck, his tongue igniting every inch of skin he licks.  You’ve wanted to hear and feel him for so long, his touch is maddening, you have to keep it impersonal.  “Then fuck me,” you wrap your hand around his silky cock.  
Gritting his teeth, he pulls you into a kiss, “not yet,” he sucks at your lips, “I want to check out this body first,” pushing you back on the bed, he hauls you up propping you against the pillows.  His mouth works its way down your neck.  Listening to your gasps and moans, he follows your sounds as he runs his tongue along your collarbone, nipping at your skin, his rough hands massaging your breasts.  Dipping his head, he pulls your nipple into his mouth, biting and sucking.
His hands on your body are too much, you can feel the throbbing tension returning fast, the taut ball tightening under your clit. “No,” you groan, his mouth sucks harder.  Clamping your mouth shut you realize he’s reacting to your moans.  Holding your breath, you try to keep yourself from making any noise.  You try to focus on anything to keep from cumming but it’s just a matter of time, his mouth is stealing every thought from your head.  You need him to hurry and just fuck you but even then you could be out of luck.  
“That’s it,” Katsuki can see you can barely hold back anymore, you're trying to stay quiet but he can see you’re close.  Smiling in his victory, he moves down between your legs, now for the final blow.
“No!” Jerking up, you buck your hips away from him.
“Hold still,” he grabs you tight, his tongue already swiping up your clit.  “You taste like cum.” He lifts his head as you sit up grabbing his blonde spikes, your eyes wide.
“Please daddy,” you beg softly pulling out all the stops now, “just fuck me, isn’t that what this about? It’s me against you.”  You see him contemplating what you’re proposing.  Your exhaustion mixes into your broiling emotions, words start tumbling from your brain.  “I - I never stopped liking you,” red eyes register surprise and something else.  “I’ve been perfecting my technique for you, all of this time,” weaving your fingers into his hair, you tug, continuing your confession.  “I’m really tired and,” you laugh, “close to cumming, so you’re probably gonna win, but let me show off a little bit of what I can do,” your brows raise pleadingly.
Watching you closely Katsuki can tell you’re not bullshitting, sitting up he presses your legs open.  “Don’t worry (Y/n), when you lose you can show me all your little tricks, I plan on using you everyday for the next month.”  
Dragging his face to yours, you kiss him urgently, “fuck me then right now, please?”  You moan in relief as he lines up to slide into you.  Never have you wanted anyone so badly.  Moving his cock along your pussy, he flicks the tip of his dick against your clit, sending your hips straight off the bed. 
 “Beg me again,” he pulls away from the kiss to watch you.
Looking into those blazing eyes, you realize he’s dancing on the precipice with you, both so fucking turned on you’re ready to explode. Look only at me, remembering his words, you hold his gaze. “Please, I want you, I want your cock in me daddy,” you squirm your hips but he slaps your thigh.
“Hold still then baby girl.”  Sliding his hands under your ass he grabs a pillow and shoves it underneath you.  “Gives me the perfect angle for that right spot,” rearing back, he slams deep into you in one thrust.  Pausing he closes his eyes, your tight, way fucking tighter than he expected, especially after Kiri’s big cock.  Waiting expectantly, he doesn’t feel anything but your soft tight pussy.  Licking his fingers he begins to rub your clit expertly.
His cock is so deep you convulse around him, “sh- fu-“ you stammer, the popping jolts under your clit start exploding, your walls clenching tight.  You try to relax, calm down.  Breathing deep, you use the fluttering of your building orgasm to work to your advantage.  Creating a whip-like motion with every clench, you massage his cock from bottom to top, stopping to contract and suckle the tip buried deep inside.  Licking your hand you reach down and gently clasp his balls at the same time.  A low growl erupts from Katsuki, you feel him bulge inside your pussy.  Your body erupts in a shuddering tremble.  Bucking your hips you push into him harder.   “Kat-”
“What the hell are you doing?”  He cuts you off, voice raspy, he can’t focus, his finger stalls as you grip his cock with another incredible squeeze that slides up, feeling like your pussy is sucking on his dick. Grinding against you, he tries to thrust but the pleasure is overwhelming.
His face, just inches above your own, is tense from holding back.  Using the last of your strength you clamp around him and begin to twist his cock back and forth, continuing to pulse from base to tip.  
“Sh-shit!” His head tips back as he feels the massive pull through his muscles, his balls jerking hard, grabbing your hips he drives hard as thick streams of cum drench your pussy, your cry surprises him as you rear back, body shaking.  Falling to his forearms he watches as you writhe in pleasure, his fingers moving again on your clit, “that’s it baby,” he concedes his loss “cum for me.” 
The orgasm hits so hard you cry out, your body clenching so tight you feel a cramp snake down your calf, then the deep tremors roll through you, one after another, holding Katuski’s body tight, you press into his chest, his arm wraps around you, finger moving on your clit, his voice echoing in your ear.  “Kat?”  You look up dazed, completely drained, you sink back into the pillows.  “Did I? Did I really win?”
“Uh, (y/n)?” Mina steps into your room, eyeing the clothes strewn on the bed.
“Oh hey Mina,” coming out of your bathroom you fasten your earring.  “What’s up, I thought you were going out?”
“I was, but Ochako ended up having an extra spot in her family's cabin in the mountains and invited me up with everyone for the week and,” she pauses and points over her shoulder, “more importantly, why the fuck is half the football team in our living room?”
Giggling you pluck your jacket off the hanger, “it isn’t half the team Mina, just four of them.”
Eyebrows shoot up as she leans out your bedroom door and looks down the hallway.  “Okay, why is Bakugou in our apartment?” She glares at you.
“When do you leave for the cabin?” you change the topic.
Blinking for a moment, she shakes her head, “them first.”
“We’re going out,” you shrug and slip past her.  Grabbing your arm she spins you around.
“You are going out with all of them?”
“I sure am,” you smile, “just having dinner and maybe a movie. Denki wants to see some strange horror film they’re presenting on campus.”
“Why are you talking like this is no big deal?”  She’s whispering loudly.  A small cough in the living room interrupts her. 
Patting her head, you push your finger on her lips, “because it is no big deal.”  Turning around, you smile and walk down the hall as she cautiously follows you. "So," you look at her, "when are you going to the mountains?”
“You’re going somewhere?” Kaminari’s head pops up from looking at his phone.
“I am,” Mina slinks into the room.  “I came to grab my bag and say goodbye.”  She looks at Bakugou lounging on the sofa before eyeing you again, “can I really leave you alone with them?”  
“You can,”  pushing yourself between Sero and Katsuki, you run your hands along both their thighs.  “We’re just hanging out, I promise.”  
Huffing slightly, Mina grabs her suitcase and walks slowly to the front door, “okay, text me if you need anything,” squinting hard at each man, she thins her lips, “I mean anything.”
“See you,” you sigh as she leaves.  
“Are you really alone all week?”  Katsuki runs his finger along your cheek, he grins as you shiver.
“I guess I am, I didn’t realize she was going too,” Sero lifts you up and slides underneath you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I’m hungry but we could just get delivery.”
Sitting down at your feet, Kiri nudges your legs apart, laying his head on one leg.  “The movie doesn’t start for a couple of hours.”
“Wait, are we going to fool around?” Denki jumps up, “I get to go first!”
“Fuck you, you went first last time, I go first,”  Kiri pushes up your skirt, nipping at your tender skin.
“I don’t care when I go, but (Y/n) promise me her ass,” Sero nuzzles your neck.
“Hold up,” Katsuki growls at them, keeping his hand pressed on your cheek, twisting his lips, he smirks slightly,  “what do you want to do (y/n)?”
Laughing, you catch his hand and kiss his palm, “another bet?”
“No,” his red eyes catch fire, “no more bets, tonight, we’re gonna make you cum.”
“Really?” Your eyes widen.
“Really,” Sero chimes in with Katsuki.
Kiri licks your leg, “absolutely.”
“How many times?” Your voice is hesitant.
Coming up behind you on the sofa, Denki kisses the back of your neck, a thrill slides down your spine.  “How many times do you want to cum?”
“Ten,” you blush a deep red, “please, I want to cum ten times.”
“Whatever you say,” pulling you into a deep kiss, Katsuki begins to slide your jacket off your shoulders.
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
Mcyt bbut a Karen makes their S/O cry? :0
It's the readers first ever encounter with one in the wild and at first Y/N just,,, tries to ignore the woman/leave but the Karen does the usual of not letting em leave and then Y/N gets overwhelmed and starts crying?-
BAHAHHAAB I LOVE FUCKING WRITINF ABOUT KARENS I CANNOT LMFAOOOOOO ; thank you for the request lol ; I got a random strike of writers block halfway through and its very obvious I'm sorry
MCYT ; wild karen encounter
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language, iterations of homophobia/transphobia & fatphobia, Karen activity, reader is described as nonbinary
Tumblr media
you two went different ways while clothes shopping and you were looking at more fem/masc (whichever doesn't conform with your sex) clothing
you felt someone glaring daggers at you so you glanced up and saw some random ass woman staring at you, accompanied by her 13ish year old son
she started making remarks about how you shouldn't be looking at those clothes and it's not "modest" for a little young man/woman like you
like mf you're nonbinary huh
you try to ignore her, meanwhile her son looks SO uncomfortable and wants to very obviously leave
she starts recording you out of no where to call you slurs and the sons just like "mom stop" and of course she doesn't
you end up crying and trying to hide it while you defend yourself but you get quickly overstimulated and flustered
the yelling caught Tommy's attention so he quickly walks over like "woah, woah, woah, what's going on?"
and she starts SCREAMING at poor Tommy about you
he looks at you literally wiping your tears while she's STILL recording it and he just peacefully flames her ass
"it doesn't matter what the hell they wear, clothes don't have gender and I could care less about what my partner buys and wears and how they express themselves. go post that to Facebook and look like a fuckin' idiot."
he pulls you away to the changing rooms so you can talk in private and eventually try on the clothes you were looking for
while he was going that he got a hold of a nearby security officer and told them about the situation since you'd both been illegally recorded on the premises of the store
he didn't wanna press charges for you or anything but at least wanted the woman escorted out to look more like a dumbass, considering the security guard had to call the police because what she did was a crime
couple days later you found the video and bodycam footage of the woman being detained and arrested for resisting arrest and recording someone without consent on private property, which is marked as a felony where you live
live laugh love Tommy bc everyone in the video description was hyping him up and saying how bad they felt for you and even the son 🫶
dude you can't even go grocery shopping without people bitching about you guys
you were just trying to pick out some chips and this lady walks past with a scoff
ran quickly turns around like, "Sorry, can we help you?"
she quickly starts yelling about how you gay people are all going to hell and shit
ranboo quickly spits back but you get overstimulated and really take it to heart and you tear up a bit
the lady notices and points it out
she then follows you around the store, yelling at you and shit while they're on the phone dialing the non emergency police line because wtf is wrong w this lady???
before you're questioned and after she's detained, you guys stand alone and try to calm yourself down because you were just getting really stressed about it because wtf do you even do in that situation
gives you a big hug and reassures you that it's okay to cry
he's generally just proud of you in general for being able to hold yourself together for the most part
you two were going out for a little movie date, and dressed in tuxedos to watch Saw X
some dumbass dude was making snarky comments to his wife about you two considering you were holding hands while ordering snacks
Freddie turns around, having heard the guy talking about you thinking he dropped something "can I help you?" He asks in the nicest tone possible
the man and his wife both start making nasty comments about "this generation going to hell" and how you're brainwashing Freddie or something???
you almost immediately start crying because you're trying to ignore it and talk to the girl behind the counter filling your popcorn bucket who doesn't know what to do
she quickly pushes the security button under the counter because she can see your distress and how Freddie was just like stunned as he looked between the couple and you cause like wth
once they're escorted out you're the first in the theater so you guys sit there and talk it all out because you got really overwhelmed
he gives you a hug and reassures you that you did nothing wrong and you're gonna enjoy the movie
the dude had a warrant out for his arrest for not paying child support anyways L
you two were out on a walk in a park holding hands and shit and passed this little family down by the creek
the mom just goes full fucking demon mode and starts recording you guys and shouting at you
niki quickly retaliated with a "leave us alone!" before walking off
you were visibly pretty shaken but she reassures you everything is okay and she probably wasn't even recording
she ends up finding the video a few days later
thankfully all the comments were supporting you two and flaming the lady's ass lmao
you guys were out doing stuff (getting shit at home depot for quackitys new house and peojects) and some Karen was judging your abilities to handy-man basically
"actually, my partner is the best handyman I know! so shut the fuck up"
the Karen immediately goes to the front to get a manager or some shit
meanwhile yall quickly checkout and leave
while leaving you see her getting detained for resisting an officer with violence and threatening an officer 🥰
that becomes a story you tell at every single "family reunion" (meetup with friends)
he still boasts about yelling at someone like that
you guys were out getting snacks for a movie night with friends that were staying over
some Karen made a comment how you needed to go on a diet or some shit since you were the one carrying the basket full of unhealthy snacks
foolish quickly whips around and flames her ass
you just kinda stand there like "wtf"
foolish slings an arm around your shoulders and leads you away since she wouldn't stop blabbering and was threatening to call the cops for some reason
back in the car he reassures you that you do not need to go on a diet and you don't need to listen to the lady whatsoever
movie night was 10/10 you watched Barbie & roasted Saltburn bc that movie wasn't good like at all
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 3 months
Against Instincts
Summary: Dean made a very serious mistake but much to his surprise, Reader forgives him & the two share a special moment.
TW/CW: Abuse (by Reader's father), Mention of Dean hitting Reader, Dean doubting himself, Mentions of injuries (bruises, welt, etc.), Angst Angst Angst, Dean Winchester x Reader
Requested?: No
Word Count: 1,979
A/N: Idek where this came from. It sorta spawned from me wishing Dean could show up & rescue me from my dog shit life (I'm not being abused I just have a lot of bullshit going on with my parents) & also just me feeling angsty as fuck. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the read. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Much love to all!
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(Y/N)’s POV 
    John Winchester was a hard ass at times but he was never cruel. I think that's why when his teenage son, Dean, returned from what was supposed to be a quick grocery store run with myself around the same age in tow claiming, "Her dad is a monster. We have to help her," he couldn't just ignore me & send me on my way. He visibly stowed his anger at Dean's tardiness & observed me. I’m sure he took note of the bruises scattered across the little bit of skin I had visible, some were old, some were new. He probably noticed the split lip paired with a blossoming black eye. Yet, he ushered me into the car with orders for Sam & Dean to stay put. 
    When he pulled into my driveway my face felt warn with embarrassment. From the outside, my house looked like no one had lived there in years. He walked me to the front door & knocked. When there was no response, he knocked again.  
    I looked up at him, “He’s probably asleep.” I opened the door & walked in. Inside, the house was spotless. When I entered, my father stirred on the couch & sat up.  
    He was very clearly drunk as he slurred his words, “Where the hell have you been, girl?” 
    I looked down at my shopping bags in my hands, “I went out to get milk & bread.” 
    My father rubbed his eyes, still having not noticed John standing just outside the front door, “Ain’t you got something to clean? Make yourself useful & get me beer first.” 
    I hid my face from John as I shuffled over to the fridge & retrieved a beer as instructed. I walked over to the couch & handed it to him, “What would you like me to clean?” 
    He looked up at me, furious, “Are you dumb? You should be able to figure out how to clean by now.” Dean was right, this man is a monster. I took a few steps back & looked around me for something to clean.  
    In the blink of an eye, my father jumped up from the couch & grabbed my arm, “Get your useless ass into the kitchen & wash those damn dishes,” he yelled before shoving me so hard toward the counter that I lost balance & hit the floor. John rushed over & offered his hand to me as my father lazily wandered over to the couch & plopped down. I gently took John’s hand & was hauled to my feet.  
    Suddenly, my father noticed John’s presence, “Who the hell are you?” John said nothing & simply pulled the me to the front door, placing himself between me & my father who was still plastered on the couch. Before the door shut behind us, I heard my father grumble, “Good riddance. She’s worthless anyway.” Tears rushed to my eyes but I fought them back as John pulled me toward the car. Once we were safely inside, he sped back toward the motel. 
    There was never a missing person’s report filed or police involvement. My father never bothered to look for me. People we encountered never questioned why I was with the Winchesters. It seemed everyone assumed I was their daughter & sister. Sure, life on the road was never easy & sometimes John was hard on me but I would much rather stay with the Winchesters than to go back to my father. At some point, I stopped only giving my first name when introducing myself & began introducing myself as (Y/N) Winchester. They were the closest thing I had ever had to a family. 
    I am pulled back to the present at the faint sound of voices outside my bedroom door. They’re too quiet to make out what is being said but I roll over grabbing my headphones to play music to drown them out completely. 
Dean’s POV 
    “What are you doing?” Sam asks, shaking me from my thoughts. I stay silent. “Dean, what’s wrong? Why are you sitting outside of (Y/N)’s door in the middle of the night?” I look down at my lap. “She tried to get you to talk to her didn’t she?” I nod. “What’d you do? Yell at her?” 
    I clench my jaw, “And hit her.” 
    Sam is taken aback, “You-” It’s quiet. “You can’t apologize to her if you’re just sitting out here on your ass.” 
    “She’s hasn’t cried,” I mumble. 
    “How do you know?” Sam asks. 
    “When she ran out of the room, I realized what I did & followed her. By the time I made it to her door, she had already shut it.” 
    “So, you-” 
    “I’ve been sitting here trying to convince myself to knock & she hasn’t cried at all,” 
    “You know when she doesn’t cry she’s-” 
    “I know,” I grit my teeth, “She’s angry.” 
    “Well, like I said, you can’t make it right sitting out here.” 
    “Not long after she left her dad & hit the road with us, I promised her that I’d never let anything happen to her. I’d always protect her.” 
    “I hit her, Sam. I’m no better than that piece of shit that calls himself her father.” 
   “Dean, don’t. That man let a stranger walk out of his house with her. He didn’t give two shits that he hurt her. He wouldn’t be sitting outside her bedroom door nearly in tears trying to convince himself to apologize. You’re better than that guy. You’re her best friend & you need to talk to her.” I tossed Sam’s words around in my head for a few moments before he walked off saying, “If you do decide to get up & knock, I might think about rescuing you when she beats the shit out of you.” 
    “I deserve whatever she does to me,” I mumble to myself. 
(Y/N)’s POV 
    After a few hours of listening to music, my headphones beep that they’re dying. I pull them off & toss them toward the end of the bed, making a mental note to charge them later. For a few moments, all I can hear is the music still playing through my dying headphones. Then, there’s a knock at the door. I hold my breath hoping they’ll go away. I’m sure it’s Dean but I’m hoping it’s Sam. If I face Dean right now, I might kill him. Okay, maybe not kill but definitely maim. 
    Another knock sounds. I begrudgingly toss the covers off of my legs & get up. As I pad over to the door, the knocker speaks, “(Y/N), please let me in. I am so unbelievably sorry. I know I don’t deserve it but please let me check on you.” I’m quiet, mentally arguing with myself about whether I should open the door or not. “Okay... I understand. I’ll leave you alone.” 
    I rush to open the door. His head shoots up to look at me. The worry & fear on his face hurts my heart. I know Dean. I know him better than I know myself sometimes, which is why I never expected the outburst from him that I got. I clench my jaw, “I’m fine.” Dean scans my face before breaking eye contact & looking down at his feet. I leave the door open & return to sit on the end of my bed. He stays put at the open door so I give him a look that says, “Well, come in.” 
    He begins making his way to me, “(Y/N) I-” he drops to his knees in front of me & drops his head into his hands, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me & I know that’s no excuse but please know I never wanted to hurt you I just got angry.” When he looks up again, there is tears in his eyes. His voice cracks as he reaches up, “Can I?” 
    I nod. He gently runs the pad of his thumb over the welt & slowly forming bruise on my cheek. I notice his jaw clench as he pulls his hand away, “Let’s hear it...” 
    I tilt my head at him with confusion on my face, “Hear what?” 
    “How you never want to see me again & I’m a piece of shit. I’m sure you’re probably wanting to give me a couple good right hooks for what I did,” his voice is small & quiet as he continues, “I deserve it.” 
    I think for a moment, “You’re right. I want to beat the shit out of you. The crazy & scary thing is I’d rather crawl into your lap & you hold me like we used to do when I would wake up screaming from a nightmare about my father. I want you to tell me everything is okay & that you’re here & you’ll keep me safe.” I let my words hang in the air for a second & it breaks my heart to see him break a little too. “But... you hit me, Dean... You’re supposed to make sure no one ever hurts me but you hurt me. I want so badly to just brush it off & move on but I can’t. Every instinct in my bones is screaming that I can’t trust you.” 
    He nods solemnly, “I understand. I’ll leave you alone.”  
    He stands to leave but I grab his arm, “Contrary to my usual belief, my instincts aren’t winning this time.” I tug him to sit beside me on the bed, “Dean, you’re the most important person in my life. Somedays, you’re all that keeps me going... I can’t lose you, not when I know that outburst is not who you are.” He’s quiet but a look of hope grows on his face. I continue, “I forgive you.”  
    A small smile graces his features, “Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me. I promise I will never hurt you again. I promise I’ll do better.” I nod & we’re left in silence for a few moments before he speaks again, “You were trying to get me to tell you why I’ve been distant lately.” I nod, he takes a deep breath, “I-... I’ve been trying to distance myself from you because... because I love you (Y/N). It terrifies me because I know you deserve better & I know you don’t feel the same way so I was hoping distancing myself would make those feelings go away but if anything, it made them worse & I was just super frustrated that it wasn’t working so when you came to me asking what’s wrong I just exploded.” he pauses, “I’m sorry you got caught in the blast radius.” 
    I take his hand in mine, “I’m gonna break this down piece by piece. First of all, idk how on earth you think I’m gonna find anyone better than you. You always take care of me & keep me safe. You know me better than anyone. You understand me better than anyone. I won’t find that anywhere else. Second of all, how dare you assume I don’t feel the same way,” I giggle, “When did you become a mind reader? Thirdly, why didn’t you just tell me you needed space? I would’ve understood. I didn’t enjoy just being left in the cold by my best friend & the man I love.” 
    He looks me in the eye, “I don’t deserve you, ya know that?” I shrug. He chuckles, “I’m sorry I didn’t just say something. I’ll add it to my list of things to be better about.” 
    I squeeze his hand, “While you’re at it, add stop doubting yourself to the list.” I place my free hand on his cheek, “I wish you could see yourself the way I do.” 
    He leans his forehead against mine, “I love you, (Y/N)” 
    I smile, “I love you too, Dean.” 
More Dean Winchester
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fbfh · 11 months
Hey! Then in hoo it is mentioned that Leo has dealt with a lot of bullies and horrible people since Esperanza died, I could ask for something like him and his s/o going to do something normal like shopping and end up running into one of these people And they keep making fun of Leo so his s/o defends him and comforts him or something like that(sorry if it seems confusing, English is not my first language haha)
first of all your english is great babes!! not confusing at all <33
ah yes. the bitchy girls. the asshole mean girls who have a fucking superpower for sniffing out adhd and autism and other neurodivergent traits like fucking blood hounds. the devils in lululemon leggings and nike sneakers who worship the ground hailey bieber walks on and keep their marc jacobs tote bags full of knives to stab anyone and everyone in the back with the moment the see an opportunity to.
those girls.
Leo's been able to avoid them for a while. Drew was the worst at camp, but she was a watered down version of them - Leo realized at some point that Drew adopting those traits was her own way of dealing with shit, and the more time she spent at camp since Piper became head of cabin, the more chilled out she's gotten.
There were barely any mean girls at MIT, none he had trouble avoiding at least. But now he's here, back in the real world, shopping for groceries for your little apartment you have together. And in the real world, fresh out of nursing school, is Emily. The exact same Emily from the school he went to before camp half blood. At 15, Leo went through a lot of shit. School was hell, his foster family was so bad he ran away enough to be sent to the wilderness school, and he was at one of the lowest points of his entire life.
You don't know who she is, but from the look on Leo's face, the sudden, sharp drop in his energy, the way he starts picking at his hands and gets all jittery. He hopes he can get away with it, hopes she won't even recognize him.
"Oh my god... Leo Valdez?"
you grimace at her voice, the way she mispronounces his last name, and your hackles rise. She looks at you in shock, seeming to hold back a laugh.
"Wait, is he your boyfriend?"
She says it like it's some joke, like this whole thing is hilarious.
"He used to be so awkward!" she giggles, "Wow, you look exactly the same."
Leo can read you like a book, and he knows you are SO pissed off for him.
"Yeah," You say with an equally sarcastic smile, "I had no idea you guys were the same age, you look so much older. I never would have known you guys were in the same class."
She blanches a little, and you double down.
"Leo actually just graduated top of his class at MIT. He has, like, a dozen job offers already." You smile at him proudly. "So how about you, are you... doing anything?"
"Mhm." She nods, the humor suddenly gone. "Nursing school. I just started."
"Oh," you nod, glancing over at Leo and sharing a subtle look with him, "well, we better get going, we have some open houses to get to."
As you walk away, still close enough for her to hear, you mutter to Leo, stifling a smile.
"Wow. The mean girl to nursing school pipeline is real." You chuckle, "And like, she does know it's not 2016 anymore, right? Cause her eyebrows don't seem to..."
He's so surprised that after an interaction with her, after all these years, he actually feels... okay. Outside the shithole of high school, with you by his side, she doesn't seem nearly as intimidating as she had. He's not sure how you got him to realize that so quickly, but he realizes that there's nothing that feels that intimidating when you're by his side. And you're right, her eyebrows are just as awful as her personality.
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
The Canary
Me and stupid shit again
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Support on Ko-Fi, I'm poor
"Ah, 50k in debt for a linguistic degree you didnt get while working at a grocery store- Can't get any better then that!"
You had said that morning- Your sarcasm rolling off your tongue like a goddammit curse as you headed off to work.
And yet here you are now...
Your ass tied up on the floor of the grocery store while men armed to the teeth walked around talking- you felt oddly fortunate however, these guys were clearly grunts at the bottom of the food chain in terms of 'bad guys' hell they were speaking a language you had studied so you could pick up what they were saying as well.
You had been in the meat section when the explosion went off- The cow statue having saved your ass from being turned into a tube of ground beef, but now you were a hostage..
"Hamil told us we needed the hostages, 6 of them exactly for this while they set up the explosives down the block.. we just gotta wait for the signal" The man said in the different language. You taking mental note of this-
You spot a little girl and her mother among your fellow hostages, your heart breaking at rhe sight as you saw the man approach her. Her mother clearly trying to undo her child's rope and get her to slip away down the aisle. However pausing when one of the men approached her and the girl.
"Hamil said Makarov gave us the clear so we could do as we pleased as we wait right?" The man said, one of his peers rolling his eyes in disgust and calling him dirty.
"Whatever we got some time to kill" He grumbled, beginning to undo his belt as he grabbed the screaming mother who was trying to shield her daughter away from the possible assault. You sitting up fully at this point and your brain going on autopilot.
"Woah Woah Woah Man! Got that weak of game you have to rape some Mom now?!" You yelled, the man pausing his actions. Tossing the sobbing women away from him and marching to you angrily fixing his belt-
"What did you say?" He hissed angrily flashing his gun at you. "I'll fuck your mother how about that-"
He said angrily, You took note of all the men now staring at you and not at the other hostages- Keeping them distracted... maybe enough for the little girl to slip away?
"I've already fucked your mom asshole- I have her saved as slip and slide on my phone" You say with a crooked grin- A few of the men snickering at your joke, Oh Fuck Yeah!
"What did you say!? Do you not see the situation you're in now?" He growled.
"Aww can't take a joke big guy? Come one gotta lighten it up somehow-" You see in your peripherals the girl slipping away as you chattered.
"Got a big mouth huh? Why don't we put it to use?" He chimed, you really wanting to turn this guy away from molesting you or anyone else.
"Listen it would be a waste of space- like if you throw a hotdog in a cave" You chimed, smiling as he looked ready to rip you apart but instead punched you across the face. OWWW!!
"Is it BDSM tuesday?.. Eh not doing it for me though big guy maybe rub your nipples and give me a wink?" You say, His friend who had called his dirty giving a hearty laugh at this.
The man glared down at you and spit in your face, clearly wanting to kill you in some way but needed you and the others for their plan. You pretended to taste it like a fine wine, Looking him in the eye.
"Oh?~ Cock flavored spit?- New Age?" You chimed making the man face red as a tomato in rage as his mate to the left laughed.
"Was this a little self yoga or did Unicorn overthrew give a hand?"
He smacked you with his pistol making you cry out-
Fuck that hurt!!
You defiently had a cracked bone somewhere in your face and the fresh taste of blood in your mouth didn't exactly help those feelings.
"Say something smart now!" He yelled angrily.
"A pistol whip!? What is this 1995? Give your balls a tug you tit fucker! Or are they so shriveled up you can't grab them?" You say with a smile, the man grabbing your collar and pressing the gun to your temple.
"I no longer care what Hamil wants! I'm killing this little bastard!" He screamed, you wincing at his breath.
"You can't! I don't want Makarov on my ass!" His peer yelled ready to pry him off you.
"Just put a sock in their mouth or something if they are bitching that much!"
"Well if you're gonna kill me so close a breath mint would be nice? You do realize Tiktacs aren't just a penis size right?" You chuckle nervously, you eyes catching a shadow moving behind the men now all staring at you. Their backs turned to the shadows.
"You know what- I'll shut up after one last joke? Eh?" You say nervously, The man yous been tormenting cocking his gun- you see a man silently stalk out, a skull mask covering his face as 4 others moved in perfect formation behind him.
"No more fucking jokes!" He yells, rage in his eyes.
"Okay- But I tried" You say cheerfully before closing your eyes. In seconds gunfire went off around you and quick screams surrounded you.
"Clear!" You hear sounded as you crack open your eye to take a peak.
"Holy fuck-" You sigh out and give a nervous laugh. Looking at the dead men now littering the ground as the soilders file into the area quickly-
The guy in the skullmask- The one who you spotted getting into position behind the guys comes to you and undoes the rope around your wrist in record time as the other men do the same to your fellow hostages.
"A medic will be here soon to check over your injuries" He said in a surprisingly deep voice- accident not lost on your either. He reached a hand down to either help you up or pick you up to extract you from the area.
You grab the man's vest quickly to stop him before he could, He stares at you hard in confusion.
"Listen, Those guys said that there were bombs down the block and were waiting for a signal. They have others- I can understand them and thwy said they followed someone name Hamil who talks to Makarov... I-Im a linguists and um.. can understand them" You say quickly, The masked man narrows his eyes at this and speaks into a radio on his side.
"We have info that more bombs are down the block- Scout the area and evacuate further" he said as he went back to helping you up. A quick thanks leaving your lips as you pulled off your work hoodie and passed it to the mother to cover her up.
The men escorting you out of the grocery store.
"Got to say, never seen a Canary get the best of those guys-" The Mohawk guy said with a smirk on his face, supporting a old man who clearly had a broken foot.
"Gotta use my gifts somehow- and Canary?" You shot back,
"Always fuckin' churpin" He said with a smile. A laugh now coming from you as you nod. Once outside the medics quickly swarmed all of you and prepared to take you all to the hospital.
You spot the masked guy again- Giving him a head nod. "Thank you Mr. Spooky!" You call out rather loudly- earning a amused glare from the man who rolled his eyes.
"....Your quips- Were... quite amusing.." He said calmly, You looking at the hardened man with a smile on your busted face- The others in his little boy band also cracking some smirks as they walked off finishing their jobs- which you assumed was down the block.
You give a bow of your head in a mildly dramatic flare. Wanting a shot and a nap at this point as the
"Glad my show went well"
- The little girl got out and went to the police that were waiting outside- explaining what you were doing and immediately getting checked over by medica
- TK141 had actually gotten to your location a little earlier then when you saw. However Soap had to stop everyone since he almost fell out at the cock flavored spit take.
- The whole team had been laughing on the inside or holding back laughter the whole time they heard you chirping at the men holding you hostage.
- The Nickname 'Mr. Spooky' will follow poor Ghost for the next few months-
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tryingtograspctrl · 5 months
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SUMMARY - You move from your small town in Louisiana all the way to New york and land yourself a job as the Avenger’s personal chef, just when you think you’ve built a comfy life outside of your sister she finds her way in again and manages to turn your world upside down.
A/N - I decided to dabble into the invisible sister trope and let me just say mannnn this is gonna be long but i promise it’s not gonna be boring so stick with me please!
Warning: mentions of childhood trauma, mentions of anxiety attacks, manipulative behavior and foul language.
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The two of you had been compared to each other since you were toddlers.
You were always the clumsy one, the one that cried too much, the one that didn't keep anyone entertained for long enough.
As you both grew into young adults it was obvious that you weren't as liked as your older sister. She was fun and outgoing, a party girl, someone that people could hold a conversation with, a favorite not only amongst friends but relatives too.
It really hurt when you began to notice that everyone ignored you and gravitated towards her, if you got the chance to talk to anybody all they'd care about was her.
Its not like you were super insecure, you knew you were pretty, you liked how you looked, you thought you were pretty funny and had a lot of interesting things to say but that didn't matter when you were next to your sister. You knew that if it came down to the two of you, you wouldn't exactly be first pick.
Your sister wasn't always the nicest to you either, neither were you to her but that's just the way the two of you were. Like every other sibling relationship sometimes you fought and didn't speak to each other, other times it was like the both of you against the world.
When other people were around it was a different story, obviously fueled by all the praise she'd treat you like shit, often using you as a stepping stone to boost her own ego, to attract more attention to herself.
Despite how rocky your relationship could be you two were attached at the hip, doing nearly everything together so it came as quite a shock when you packed up all your things and decided to leave your small home in Louisiana for New york.
"What the hell am i supposed to do on my own?!" She huffed throwing a tantrum like a child.
"What you always do, don't act like you can't survive without me. We both know you got a bit more pull in this town than me." You snorted.
"I'm serious y/n if you leave i'll jump off the roof of this house." She whined.
"Would you stop it?" You started to get annoyed.
"No you stop it! You can be so stupid sometimes you know that? Dropping everything and leaving your home, your family? You tremble like a scared puppy at the thought of going to the grocery store alone but you can move halfway across the country by yourself? Please you're probably gonna have one of your little anxiety attacks in the uber on the way to the airport.”
"You know i really thought for once you'd be supportive of a decision i decided to make on my own, but you never do change do you? All my life i've stuck beside you, going where you went, doing what you wanted to do being your fucking shadow. For once i want to take control of my own life, i want to go somewhere and start fresh, go somewhere where i could possibly be known by my own name, not just as your sister." You spat, hot angry tears streaming down your face.
"This was never about you missing me when I'm gone, it was about you hating the fact that you won't have your puppet with you wherever you go anymore." You grabbed your bags loading them up into your car.
Your sister never showed up to the airport to see you off, she didn't call you when you landed, and she hasn't spoken to you since that night at your home.
Three years had passed and you'd be lying if you said your move to New york was all sunshine and rainbows.
Your passion was cooking but you loved to make sweet treats so you always leaned towards those sorts of jobs and you had been through many in your first year in the big apple.
One shitty bakery job after another had you ready to eat your words and pack your bags to move back home but you'd never give your sister the satisfaction, not after everything she said.
So you stuck it out, bouncing around hoping that one day you'd land somewhere worthwhile and eventually you did in the most unexpected fashion.
It had been a long day at work, you were swamped the entire time because you were the only employee in the shop. Frank was a cheap son of a bitch that couldn't stand the idea of hiring more workers and having to pay them as-well so he insisted that you do the work of multiple people, you baked all the goods, took orders, cleaned the shop and pretty much everything else one person alone shouldn't be doing.
And to make matters worse everyone insisted on being an ass, you weren't sure if it was god punishing you or if there was just something in the air that morning but everyone decided to give you a hard time.
"Hey could you hurry the fuck up? I'm already 10 minutes late." A man yelled as you went to the back to grab another pan of donuts.
"Listen i'm doing the best i can here, i only have two hands and as you can see i'm the only one here." You sighed handing the man his pastry.
"Yeah what the hell ever." He snatched the bag and left.
"Morning sir what can i get for you?" You wiped the sweat off your forehead doing your best to smile.
"I'll take a dozen, and you'll be taking the rest of the day off. Sorry folks shop's closed!" The guy announced.
A bunch of curses and groans were thrown around but nonetheless they all cleared out.
"Sir you can't do that! My boss is gonna have my head." You frowned in protest.
"Considering the fact that i now own this place whatever i say goes and i say you have the rest of the day off. Mind taking a walk with me?" He took a bite out of one of his donuts.
You were a bit embarrassed to find out who you were talking to was the Tony Stark and you didn't even recognize him right of the bat but he brushed it off.
Apparently he had been interested in purchasing the shop for quite some time, it was a childhood favorite of his and he felt pretty bad once he found out Frank suckered yet another young ambitious baker into his schemes, he knew then he had to take the place. Not surprising Frank practically threw the keys into Tony's hands once he made an offer. Money was everything to that man, apparently it meant way more to him than the little bake shop his grandfather built from the ground up and handed down to him.
Tony had also took quite a liking to you and he insisted that you be the team's personal chef.
"You guys are superhero's when do you even have the time to sit down and have a meal?" You looked at him in disbelief.
"Never really, most things we take on the go which also seems impractical but it helps us feel grounded in a way." He shrugged.
"Plus i'm really tired of having to pretend to like Steve's cooking, it'd be nice to have someone that actually knows what they're doing in the kitchen." He shook his head.
"Wait ste- i mean Captain america cooks?" You laughed.
"Barley, he nearly burns down the kitchen every time he steps into it." He bumped your shoulder snorting.
"Okay." You spoke up after some time.
"Okay?" He raised a brow, knowing exactly what you meant but wanting you to say it.
"Okay i'll do it, i'll be your personal chef." You smiled brightly at him.
"Great, you can start tomorrow." He nodded handing you his card which also had the address to the tower on it.
That's how it began.
Part two: here
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chasedbyatlantic · 7 months
highway to hell, joel miller
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masterlist summary: IN WHICH — ellie drives a car for the first time with you and joel attempting to teach her, but it doesn't go as you had imagined.
warnings: post outbreak!joel, pre jackson!era joel, female!reader, implied relationship, protective joel, secretive-ish joel, ellie being a fucking comedian as per usual, stripping, swearing. lmk if i missed anything!
wordcount: 2.7k
a/n: this is genuinely so funny to me. i can SO see ellie doing all of this HAHA. plz request ideas for fics i am out of them!!!! also if u want me to write for any other characters. remember to like, comment, reblog, and follow for updates! xoxo
It was no earlier than eight in the evening. The sun was just below the horizon (it was late autumn), and the breeze had started to pick up. You, Joel, and Ellie had been up since before the sunrise this morning, continuing your journey down to Wyoming. Right now, you were in the outskirts of the Illinois countryside, in some small town that was in a time capsule from decades ago.
Before the outbreak, you had worked with Joel (and his brother Tommy) in their contracting business, as a secretary (well, secretary-in-training). You decided to stick with him during his travels after the apocalypse had commenced, despite his bitching and complaining about you being there. Though, the complaining only happened for a short while, he learned to appreciate you and enjoy your company, you were one of the few people he had cared about in this horrible world.
It had only been a few months ago since you had met Ellie for the first time. You didn't like her at the start, to say the least - she was an 'annoying little shit', like Joel would say. All Ellie did all day was nag and pester both you and Joel, but she, as well as the two of you, learned to interact peacefully with one and other. Now, all three of you were inseparable. You sure as hell didn't mind this, but Joel didn't want Ellie (or you, for that matter) near him when he would get himself in shit. Oh well, you can't have everything you want.
Ellie was talking to the two of you about something she had probably learned from all the books she had read at the Boston QZ. To be honest, Ellie had taught you lots of things. Not any survival things, far from that, but brainy things that you would have probably needed if you actually ever lived a normal adult life - paying the government, how much you should ideally spend on groceries, etc.
You weren't paying attention to the girl beside you, tuning her out completely. You were far too tired to be in any more conversation than you had to be in right now, and you just really couldn't give a shit about the percentage rate of silverback gorillas being born in American zoos in the late nineties compared to the early eighties. As Ellie was talking, you had spotted a nice little home of sorts, one that the three of you could spend the night in.
"Hey," You had interupted the other two who were in small conversation, "we can spend the night there." A nod was sent from you to the direction of the small home. The other two went silent, Joel had sped up a tad bit, now in front of you and leading the way. "Wait out here, lemme check't out." With that, he was off inside.
Ellie turned to you, breaking the silence. "When're you gonna teach me how to drive, princess?" That was the nickname she gave you, princess. According to her, it was because everyone had always treated you like royalty. You thought different, but it was whatever. "How old're ya'? Twelve? Not yet, missy." This had earned a gasp from Ellie, like she had just seen a ghost. "Fourteen, actually! More adult than yo-"
She had gotten interrupted by Joel stepping out of the small home, "It's clear, y'all're safe t'come in." He did his little head motion, signalling you guys to come in. You began to walk, and Ellie was on your heel. You brought your hand around her shoulder, roughing up her hair. "Soon, promise."
When you two had entered the tiny abode, it reeked of old. You weren't sure if it was the contained moisture, or nobody cleaning the place in twenty years, but it smelled old. "Fucking Christ! Someone open a window!" was exclaimed from Ellie as she moved out from your grip, and plugging her nose. You and Joel had eyed one another, before you moved to the two windows (one each) and hoisted them open. An immediate relief was sent through the room, with a nice breeze of wind following suit.
"So much better." Ellie groaned, now moving over to the couch in the middle of the room. The house was not big at all, there were a total of three rooms. The living space, a bedroom, and a bathroom. The bathroom was totally out of commission, so that meant only two rooms. "Ya' can have the bedroom," Joel had said to Ellie, "We'll take the livin' room."
"Sleep with a fucking pillow divider, please. I am not babysitting any kids in the near future." This had earned a stern look from Joel, and a wack from you. "Bed, now." You told her after she yelped from the hit across her shoulder. "Jesus! Let me go piss, and then I'll go!" You tsked as Ellie quickly and efficiently moved out the front door, to go and do whatever she needed to do.
"Un-fucking-believable." You had only managed to get out, before sitting down on the couch. Joel had let out a small sigh as he removed his gun that was slung over his shoulder. "Kid's got'ta mouth." He sat down beside you, arm now draping around your shoulder. "I fucking know! How does she even- even know what that shit means? Swear ta' god, I was her age'n playin' with barbies."
After not replying to this, knowing it was just going to keep setting you off, he began to unbutton his shirt. You had glanced down, taking the hint Joel was giving to you. You had tugged at the hem of your jeans, sliding them off. This wasn't for sex, not tonight. You two had known each other for years, and you trusted each other with your lives, so you were both able to get undressed in front of each other without a caring what the other would think.
After Joel was just in his jeans, and you were just in your shirt and underwear, you two had melted into the couch. The couch was the cleanest part of the entire room, which was a huge plus- though, even if it wasn't, you would still have a great sleep on it shortly. Joel had his arm wrapped around you once again, and you were pulled into his bare chest. He hated PDA, so it was perfect when the two of you were just alone- even though Ellie knew something was up between the two of you.
"Can we take the day off tomorrow?" Your voice wasn't loud, just barely loud enough for him to hear. You ear was pressed against his chest, head rising everytime he inhaled and exhaled. "'M sorry, ya' know we can't." After Joel had said this, an audible exhale was heard through the room. Joel's thumb started to rub up and down your shoulder, his hand staying in place. "Don'tcha worry, baby. Only a bit longer, then we'll get time, 'kay?"
Before you had time to respond, you heard a booming sound coming from a bit away. It was an engine. You shot up, causing Joel's arm to fall off of you. He had grunted as he sat up, his brain running a thousand miles per minute right now. Then, you two both had a moment of realization. "Ellie."
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It felt like an eternity for the both of you before you had your clothes back on, when in reality it only took about fifteen seconds. "We shouldn't have fuckin' let her go out there." Joel had stated as he grabbed his gun and quickly made his way to the door. You were on his heel as Ellie was to you earlier, praying nothing had happened to her. If something did, you would never forgive yourself- and Joel sure as hell wouldn't forgive you either, despite it not being any of your fault.
The door had burst open as the two of you emerged from it, eyes scanning everywhere all at once, looking for the small brunette. As you did this, you could see some sort of headlights approaching quickly. You had grabbed Joel's arm and pulled him down with you. By the speed the car was approaching at, they wouldn't see you at all if you were on the ground. Joel had his gun aimed towards the approaching vehicle (the only reason he hadn't taken a shot was because he couldn't get a clear one, due to how fas the car was going).
Before you could even process it, the car was stopped in front of where you and Joel were, and the window had rolled down. A honk or two was set out, very loudly. You still weren't able to process what was happening, neither did Joel. Finally, after a moment or two, you snapped back (harshly) into reality). "Is that-"
"Get in fuckers, we're going on a road trip!" The familiar brunette you two were so scared you had lost was, in fact, sitting in the front seat of this random pickup truck, the biggest fucking grin on her face. You were on your feet just after Joel was on his, he looked like he was about to kill someone. "Get out'ta the fuckin' car, Ellie." He had slung his rifle back over his shoulder once he knew that she wasn't some sort of raider.
"No can do, Joel-ly boy. I already got yours and the princess's bags in the back. Hop in, I need to show you this cool fuckin' shit I found!" You had only turned to look at Joel, his view still at the young girl. He was thinking to himself. First of all, how the fuck did Ellie find the keys for the corresponding car, and how the fuck was she able to drive it without any previous experience or help? He was dumbfounded at the moment.
All you could do was grab Joel's arm and lead him to the car, Ellie was refusing to get out and well- you promised to teach her how to drive. God, he was going to kill you later. "I told her I'd uh- you know, teach her." You had audibly gulped, your eyes not meeting Joel's. He was silent, the only thing heard was some Brittany Spears song Ellie had playing.
Once your eyes had met his for a split second, he gave a 'fine, but we're having a long talk about this later' look to you. You opened the door for him like the nice person you were, and he hesitantly got in. You were so nervous right now, you felt like you had broken Joel's trust by doing this. But hey, if for some reason Ellie is on her own in the future, she needs to know how to drive a car.
You made your way to the other side and got in the passenger seat. Joel was sitting in the middle seat of the second row, his hands resting on the shoulder of the seats in front. Once the door was shut, you most definitely did your seat belt up. You had turned your head to eye Ellie, as she just grinned at you. "First rule, always wear your fuckin' seatbelt."
You could tell her heart fell by this, "Right- my bad." She quickly pulled the piece of material over her chest and into the lock. "Alright, now-" She had reached over you, and to the compartment in front. "I found some killer albums. Ones that our Joel-ly boy would love. I'm playing them so the mood isn't totally fucked."
You shook your head, eyeing Joel through the rearview mirror. He met the gaze, looking absolutely annoyed. Though, he was silent and just watching what the two of you were doing. Ellie had finished fumbling with the tapes, and removed the one that was playing. She put the new one into the radio system, and tossed the recently-played one into the compartment. The play button was hit.
"Okay, uh- where do I start? I guess now we talk about the gears? Basically, you'll take the shift and-" Your heart had dropped as you were suddenly cut off by the engine roaring, and now going about eighty miles an hour. For some fucking reason, Ellie was laughing. You and Joel were sure as hell not laughing, as a matter of a fact, Joel was screaming with you.
Some 'oh my fucking god!'s and some 'stop!'s were heard through the music, that was now blaring through the car's speakers. Taking a fraction of a second to listen into the music, you had figured out it was Highway to Hell by AC/DC, an old rock band that was popular when Joel was growing up. How fucking fitting for these circumstances.
Joel's hand, from the back seat, had found your shoulder as he held you to the back of your seat. He didn't have his seatbelt on, but he didn't care. He had to make sure you wouldn't go fucking flying through the front windshield if Ellie came to a halting stop. "Stop the fuckin' car! Slowly- off the gas! Jesus Christ!" He was screaming from the back.
Sure, adrenaline was an exhilarating feeling every once in a while, but going eighty miles an hour in a car from someone with zero driving experience? Not exhilarating one bit. Though, Ellie would beg to differ. She was draining out the screams and panicked tones coming from both you and Joel, and was just having a great time.
After another minute or two of screaming and pleading for the girl to stop, the song came to an end- and so did her manic driving. "Ellie-" You were panting, like you had just ran a marathon. In reality, you were panting because you had just held your breath from the exact time the engine accelerated, until now. "-Ellie, pull the fucking car over. Please god." You were in no means religious, but right now you felt like you needed to go to church and pray.
Ellie didn't really know how to pull over properly, so she just- swerved off the road and pushed the car's "off" button. Joel's hand had fell from your shoulder, and he brought both to his face. He covered his face by his hands for a moment, and Ellie smiled to herself. She felt accomplished by this, even though she almost fucking killed everyone (including herself).
After a moment of silence, Joel had made a sound. It sounded like he was crying. Both you and Ellie, in unity, had turned to him in the backseat. It was so muffled that you did think Joel was crying. You immediately brought your hand to his knee, your heart still racing from what had just happened.
It was only after you did this that you realized he was in fact not crying, but had bursted out with laughter. Joel fucking Miller, the most serious man on the planet, was laughing after he almost just died. You had removed your hand from his knee and turned back forward, shaking your head and crossing your arms. "This isn't funny, Joel!"
Ellie turned back after you, glancing in your direction. She couldn't help but burst out with laughter too. Not at you, but at everything (it also didn't help that she, along with you two, were exhausted). Your gaze went from forward, to the left of you, to Ellie. You could only shake your head, disappointed.
But, if you were disappointed, why had you started to laugh as well? This situation sure as hell wasn't funny, to you at least. "I hate you guys." You managed to get out between your laughter fits. Even if you were setting a bad example right now, you couldn't help it. Everyone's laugh was so contagious, despite the current situation.
Moments like this, you would remember forever. You would remember this as the time your psycho kid almost killed you while driving for the first time, and all three of you bursting out with laughter afterward. Even though the world had ended, you couldn't help but enjoy the small moments like this, where you almost died (but didn't), just being surrounded by the people you had loved more than anything. You had learned so much from moments like this, like not to let a fucking fourteen your old girl drive a car without proper lessons, or that Joel Miller was in fact not made out of stone, and he was able to laugh alongside the rest of you.
Even though the world you used to know was gone, you were happy that, whenever it came, you would get to spend your last minutes surrounded by the people you loved most. Joel and Ellie.
highway to hell, ac/dc
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ynscrazylife · 1 year
if you still do avengers reqs, what would the avengers and y/n talk about in the avengers resident groupchat? y/n!stark x peter 🙏🙏
The Avengers Groupchat Would Include . . . 
Let’s start off with who’s in this groupchat: you (obviously), Peter, Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Clint, Wanda, Sam, Thor, Scott, Vision & Carol (Rocket was in the chat but he got kicked out, Ayo’s in there but she doesn’t chat much, Nebula would be there but she doesn’t get how to use a phone, Rhodey has better things to do than be in there)
Let’s be honest, Carol did not see the sense in her being there because there’s not gonna be WiFi throughout the galaxy.
“LTE, Carol!” — You, probably
Thor also didn’t really get it because there’s not WiFi on Asgard, but he’s too kind to say no
Naming the groupchat was hell. Every second, someone would change it (usually either you, Peter, or Sam) until Tony put his foot down and programmed FRIDAY to make it so no one could change it from “Avengers”
Natasha’s usually the one who sends reminders about training
Steve will send reminders about meetings 
Lots of pictures of each other are sent, mostly when they don’t know photos are being taken of them
The conversations range from someone asking what people want from the grocery store (Scott goes on grocery runs) to fierce debates over who’s the better fighter (It’s Nat, no one can beat her in sparring)
Tony will ask you and Peter if your homework is done (which you both annoyed, then Natasha yells at you)
It’s best to silence the notifications because they’re too, too much
Regular FaceTimes are a thing even though you’re usually all in the same tower
“Thor, your video cuts out when you go over Heimdall’s bridge.”
Wanda and Vision usually ask if they can double date with anyone (ends up being Scott and Hope or you and Peter)
Peter will send cute pictures of you that the Avengers ADORE. He’s tickling you? He’s recording a video. You fell asleep? He’s taking a picture.
“Peter, you’re not tickling her right. You have to get her knees.” — Tony
Clint’s kids love to take his phone to chat with the Avengers
And they LOVE chatting with them
“Auntie Nat, when are you visiting!” “Soon!!”
Sam and Peter both send lots of memes
“I don’t get it.” — Steve
Bruce doesn’t talk much but you know who’s a great texter? THE HULK
Hulk is the king of keyboard smashes
“Someone get Nat to do the lullaby.”
Hulk has smashed Bruce’s phone on multiple occasions tho
“Should I invent armor for Bruce’s phone?” — Tony
Yelena will steal Nat’s phone to troll the chat
Clint sends updates on his farm
Pepper will confiscate Tony’s phone when he needs to work so she’ll end up chatting
Everyone loves chatting to Pepper
Tony managed to get wifi on Carol’s ship so she’ll send updates from space
Thor tries to text, it doesn’t go great
When badgered by Natasha, Ayo will text
Nebula has occasionally hopped onto the group chat when Peter Q helps her
The group chat was SO ACTIVE when you and Peter went to prom
They were spamming the entire time, asking for pictures and updates and telling ya’ll not to drink
If anyone’s sitting out of a mission (usually you and Peter), they’ll text in the group chat to annoy those who are on the mission
Getting Nat to swear in the group chat isn’t rare but it is dangerous
Vision, Ayo, and Steve text with perfect grammar, short and to the point (Steve has a tendency to go on tangents, though).
Tony’s style switches constantly depending on his mood
Natasha, Sam, Wanda, you, and Peter text with abbreviations and lowercase sometimes
Carol usually sends photos, not many texts. She’ll occasionally send an lol or lmao.
Scott is always cheerful. He uses lots of smiley faces.
Tony will put an ironic amount of obnoxious emojis.
Clint’s tired and his texting reflects that. As short as possible usually.
There’s always something chaotic going on
But there’s also some of the funniest moments
So will Natasha
The Avengers are a family and they love each other so much, it’s definitely represented in the groupchat
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certifiedstarrr · 6 months
Open Arms - Matt Sturniolo
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warnings: panic attack, kissing, use of y/n, degradation thoughts, use of pet names, & fluffy fluff
summary: y/n has a panic attack because she was petrified of falling behind and disappointing people around her. Not wanting to be to annoying or clingy to Matt, and trying not let people down. Matt assists and reassures that she’s not letting people down and she’s doing great.
a/n: sorry if this is bad, but leave reqs in my inbox anytime, ily💕 also i know after party pt.4 has been put off awhile but i’m making time to fix it😭🤞
wc: 1k
not proofread (a bitch dont got no time for that shit)
based off of this song ↓
“when no one’s around me, you lost and found me, i was surrounded, with open, open, open, Open Arms”
y/n’s pov
fucking stupid idiot. you should have done it but look where you are now. from before i had 2 things on my to-do list
“well, i’ll do it later.”
i wrote it down on my to-do list. i pet my dogーkelani and hug her,
“it’s okay i will get to it.”
i wrote down “get this week’s groceries and kelani’s dog food”
just make sure to get to it y/n.
i had well over 7 things on my to-do list. i should’ve just done it while I could. so fucking dumb y/n. why do you let this happen? first it was my college classes, food for my dorm, the triplet’s birthday, my car repairs, my sister’s wedding back in london , my mom wants me to visit her in new york, and I have to study for my literature exam. if I don’t get anything for the triplet’s birthday they’ll definitely be disappointed, if i don’t visit my momーshe’ll definitely be upset; and if I don’t go to my sister’s wedding in london, i’m going to be seen as disrespectful to my elders.
i felt something bad was gonna happen but i wasn’t sure.
I was leaning on my bed, going through the list over and overーscolding myself each time. a sharp pain drilled through my chestーa new type of painーsomething i’d never felt before. but this? this hurt like hell. and all at the same time my vision got blurred and breathing became impossible. i’d decided that i had to call matt. he’d surely know how to deal with this, right? as i continued sobbing repeatedly, with breathing impeccably difficult, and my vision completely shattered. my phone rung a couple times, then,
finally he answered.
“hey baby what’s up?”
“matt i- n-need help”
my voice was in a mid-whisper but he still heard it.
“please help m-“
my voice was cut by me dropping my phone.
all of a sudden, my palms sweat and feel prickly and my clothes are overly tight. i hug myself and get into a fetal position, feeling like everything is wrong and i’m going to let everyone down and be one big disappointment.
matt’s pov
we were filming friday’s car video when i got that call from y/n. her voice sounded like she was crying, but she said help me. what the fuck happened?
“hey guys something is wrong with y/n”
“what happened?” chris questioned.
“her voice was all shaky and it sounded like she was crying or shit”
no questions were asked. nick didn’t yell or go on a rant about leaving. just driving.
when i got to her room she was laying on the floor in fetal position, weeping, sobbing. god i hate to see her like this. curls laid out around her shoulder and her beautiful face covered in tears.
"yes baby its me"
"i don't know what to do matt," y/n said in between sobs whilst grabbing her chest trying to breathe.
i held y/n against me and tell me what's wrong.
"what's wrong y/n?"
"m-my vision went blurry and breathing became impossible and my palms felt like they were being poked by a million needles, my clothes got too tight and and-"
"you're having a panic attack y/n"
she didn't hear me so she went on about what happened.
"im going to let everyone down mattーthey're never gonna forgive me,"
"i have too much on my to-do list and if i dont do it i'm letting everyone down"
"look baby we're gonna take it one step at a time, one thing at a time."
"let's breathe in on 3, okay?"
y/n’s pov
i took a nice breath in then repeated the same motion, breathing out. my vision got better, my clothes stopped feeling too tight, palms stopped being pricked.
"thank you matt"
"of course y/n"
we crossed off things of my to-do list, one by one, and before i realized i only had 2 things left on to-do list; like before.
i've never had a panic attack before and that attack could have been worse. but before i could spiral and get lost inside the darkness, i found my light.
matt was my light.
he was there for me, and always there with Open Arms
extra: first of all, im so so so so so sorry for starving you all to fucking death; this fic took me forever😭😭
but tysm for reading !!
xoxo, riri <3
taglist: 🏷 @lovingmattysposts @elliesturniolo1 @elliewrites1 @sturnsbitch @lovingmattysposts @luvmxtt @novasturniolo03 @tyjna6 @sturnlova @sturniolo-lover1317 @patscorner
(comment here be on the taglist !!)
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