#we’re missing some staples here
leolingo · 6 months
QSMP SHIPS AS VCT 2024 TEAMS according to ME
made this post for my own enjoyment 100% disclaimer: not everything fits
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*2023 picture, but the roster didn’t change, so.
a LEGACY at this point. half of the lineup has been active in the scene for years, advancing in tournaments with scrappy fights but never winning. the other half came later, complemented the existing parts and immediately pushed them into powerhouse status. considered the best in the WORLD by many. some players look up to them, every player wants to take them down. they’re the active team with the highest number of international trophies. had a slow start this year, and are currently out of the spotlight — bumped off by newer talent. still, given that all 5 players are in the world’s-best conversation for their respective roles, it’s hard to count them out. definitely not a crowd favorite in brazil, a big sore loss in home-soil stands in the way, but the ones who do acknowledge them have great respect for their game. coincidentally my second favorite team overall.
PISSA -> LOUD (2024)
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household name. consistently not only good, but often GREAT despite roster/staff changes, and still the overlookers persist. been in the scene forever, making it to big stages from their very first run. the name of the game is teamwork, despite also fostering some of the most consistent and individually talented players in the scene over the years. fairly reserved internationally, not as flashy as some of the others, but still EXTREMELY popular in their corner. brazil’s pride and joy — my #1!!!!!!!! + have made top 4 and are in contention to win the current tournament stage even though no one believed they’d do well, after losing their star player at the end of last year. they play tomorrow! any positive energy is welcome :P
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used to be promising at the very beginning, then fell off into obscurity for years. this year, though, they’re BACK! in peak form like they never left, baby. some of the most beloved personalities in the community are here! slow and steady wins the race — a couple bumps in the form of SEVERAL roster/staff changes and several disappointing results never stopped anyone. the long-term fans, those who never stopped believing, are some of the most intense I’ve ever seen. very popular online and homecrowd buff is real for them no matter where in the globe they’re at. they have also made top 4 in the current tournament and are, by a good portion of viewers, expected to win! also somewhat beloved in brazil (we exported one the players, after all. they owe us SOME of the success) but mostly we just like to pick on them. it’s fun :)
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ok these motherfuckers never win. most times they don’t even qualify. it’s so fun to root for them though. i heard they were decent maybe a billion years ago, when the game had just come out and no one was TRULY good. they have yet to go back to that. they lose so consistently it’s a community meme at this point, and viewers are PERPETUALLY clamoring for players to be dropped. their duelist has been on the internet’s chopping block for years and he’s still there! streets say THIS YEAR THOUGH! this might finally be when he gets booted and they bring in someone else! do i think it will happen? i’ll believe it when i see it. most believers lost hope a long time ago, and i truly believe the only reason the org is still afloat is because everyone in there is very clouted individually. they sell SO much merch. no game wins in sight, though. in the meantime, i wish them the very best :3
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honeybeedrabble · 8 months
Dangerous Desires (ix) - Home Coming
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CW: spanking/brat taming, hair pulling, biting, licking, breast play, marking, unprotected piv (dont be stupid), rough sex, slight fingering, degradation, choking, cream-pie (DONT BE STUPID), probs some shit editing, LMK what i missed !!
word count: 10K 💀💀
18+ MDNI !!!!!
You stood in front of the hokage, heart beating out of your chest. You were nervous, that much was obvious. However you couldn’t wrap your head around why you were summoned. Lady Tsunade finished writing her last few words into her notes, stapling them together and setting them aside to address you.
“You must be wondering why I’ve sent for you,” she started, sitting up in her seat. Her face was somber.
“I can’t say you’re wrong.”
“What I’m about to tell you is something only a very select few know about.” Tsunade started, hands clasped together on the desk. “We’re about to go to war.”
You were shocked- was Kakashi really telling the truth?! Was he right all along?! Your emotions were everywhere and it was evident on your face.
“I know, I know it’s a lot to take in. I myself am not sure if I’ve taken it in yet.” She seemed stressed, you could see the worry behind her soft brown eyes.
“Lady Tsunade… who are we at war with?”
“My dear who aren’t we at war with?” She sadly laughed to herself. “Truth be told we’re fighting against a greater force than we know. I hate to say this but we’re looking at a fourth great ninja war.“ Your eyes widened, body filled with anxiety.
“A fourth great war? Are you serious?”
“I’m as serious as death. In fact, there’s going to be a five kage summit soon and I’ll need to attend to talk about said war.”
“So… The war isn’t with the other nations? I mean… if there’s going to be a summit with all five nations, doesn’t that mean neither is the threat?” You asked, still confused.
“Then who’s the threat?”
“I can’t discuss that with you.”
“Then why have I been summoned Lady Tsunade? If you can’t tell me who the enemy is tell me what I’m here for.” You were starting to get angry, worried for what you’d been told previously.
“You need to fight in this war.” Tsunade said plainly. “With medical jutsu like yours we would be idiots not to use you. I’m telling you now that we’re not asking you to enlist, but rather we are drafting.” Kakashi was right.
You couldn’t believe him, it was impossible to. How could this be happening? It wasn’t long since you’ve been here and already you’re being drafted in the war. It was exactly how Kakashi had told you, no denying it. This is your job, what you were sent to do, the only thing you know how to do, so damn right you’re going to use your blessing to help all you can.
“I’m well aware of my capabilities my lady, and in fact I find it a great honor to be drafted by you personally.”
“You’re taking this a lot better than I thought you would, I must thank you for that.” She sighed a relieved breath, hand clutching her chest.
“I have no other choice but to. This is what I signed up for when moving to Konoha. I decided the day I learned my first medical justu I would help the world become a better place. If you hadn’t drafted me I would’ve signed up myself. It’s my duty, this is my home.” Your words moved Tsunade, she smiled softly at you. Her face dropped suddenly.
“I’m glad you believe that, and I’m glad to have someone like you be so ready for whatever is to come, really I am. But because you’re going to be in the war I need to to preserve your chakra. Because of this, I forbid you from working at the hospital.” She looked away from you, knowing she didn’t want to see the determination wash away from your face in real time.
“Are you… are you firing me?”
“I’m afraid so. I cant have you waste any of your precious chakra on a few sick patients when we are going to have armies full of injured shinobi on the front lines. We have enough medical personnel at the hospital already, so with you being as high ranked as you are we must save you for the battlefield. You understand don’t you?”
“Lady Tsunade what more do I have other than my job? How long will it be until we are in war? I-I can’t be out of work that long.”
“I’m sorry but my hands are tied.” Her voice was almost as sad as yours, she worriedly watched as your eyes started to well with tears.
“Please my lady. Don’t do this to me.” She got up from her desk and walked over to you, hugging you tightly against her.
“It’s going to be alright, I promise. I just need you to rest up. We’ll be destroyed without you, please just trust me.” You hugged eachother until you could calm down, you wiped any tears that fell and stepped aside.
“Lady Tsunade I have a request to make.”
“What is it dear?”
“I want to go home. Back to my village and see my parents one last time before I go to war. I think it’s only reasonable to see them one last time, as me coming home alive and well is uncertain.” Tsunade stepped back and looked at you, a hand draped softly on your shoulder.
“I accept the request. How long will you be gone?”
“Probably under a week.”
“Then so be it. You’re dismissed.”
You walked out of the office and back home with an intense sadness inside of you. You gave up on Kakashi because you loved your job. Now your job has been stolen from you and it was all for nothing. Everything that had given you value- that had given you purpose- is now gone. You wondered if you should even return home or not.
You decided it would be a good idea if you told your friends Machi and Gale you’d be gone for the next few days, back at home until you decided you needed to come back. They understood and wished you well on your journey.
Kakashi was a mess, thinking about how poorly he treated you during your sexcapade, saying he hated you and fucking you so roughly he wasn’t sure if he had hurt you or not. Who care if he did? You hurt him worse. You hurt him in a way nobody else has. How could you treat him like he was somebody only to leave him like he was nothing? At least, that’s how he saw it.
Business at The Poison Sandwich was slow today, maybe the sadness was in the air. Kakashi ate his BLT, thoughts of you racing through his head. Even up until he heard your name uttered by the two girls you held dearly as friends.
“So she went back home.” Gale said to the cook behind the counter.
“I’ve been thinking about visiting a few of the sandwich shops in her village for a while now actually.” Percy smiled from behind the counter.
“Wait… she went back?” Kakashi interrupted, unsure if he heard right.
“Yeah, yesterday. Said she’s be back in a few days.” Machi said, looking over at Percy. “He said he was going to go the her village pretty soon to try out the food there.”
“Is this true Percy?” Kakashi asked his friend, who nodded as he discarded his white apron.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Can I come?” Kakashi asked, cursing himself. What was he thinking?
“Well as long as you don’t have any other plans for the rest of the day, I see no problem. I’m heading off now, so get ready.” Percy said, untying his apron and tossing it on a nearby countertop. “Ladies, you don’t mind closing shop for me, do you?”
And of course, as enamored with the man as they were, had zero issue and took care of business as he and Kakashi took off.
Kakashi was shocked to see the strange motorized bike that Percy had built, looking it up and down in shock and awe at the mechanism.
“What is this, if I may ask?”
“Well I’m not a shinobi like you so getting around to long distances isn’t easy for me. I built this myself as a way to make the trips easier.” Percy said, tossing Kakashi a black helmet. Kakashi caught it and reluctantly adorned it, his silver hair peeking out from underneath.
As Percy started the machine Kakashi sat in the back behind him, pondering why he had felt the need for such an impromptu visit to your hometown. He didn’t know why he felt this way, especially after the way you had treated him. Once again he felt alone, abandoned by your heartlessness and eager mindset to go fight off in a war that he felt would mame and kill you the second you had your back turned to the enemy.
“Kakashi… what’s been going on with you?” Percy asked, snapping Kakashi out of the trance he found himself in.
“I’m sorry?” He asked, puzzled at his friends sudden questioning.
“Listen... Gale, Machi, and I all know about your secret affair. And we don’t care- we support it honestly. But ever since you two have had a falling out… we’ve noticed a change.” Percy’s voice was somber as he drove throughout the thick forest, focused on the destination while his heart was stuck in the conversation. Kakashi was silent a moment, his mind was racing. Was it safe to tell his friend the truth? To let the secrets of his beloved lay out in front of someone who was only watching from the outside?
“I’m not sure I understand,” he replied monotoned. His outside demeanor was cool, but anyone who really knew what was going on inside his mind could tell the intricacies of his tone, picking up the way his voice would lilt anxiously as he declared this inquiry.
“Well I’m sure you do, so don’t play dumb with me Hatake,” Percy snapped, he wasn’t playing games- Kakashi was sure of this now.
“Well what do you want me to tell you? Sometimes people don’t work out the way they meant to, we don’t have control over these things. All you need to know is that me and her are… we’re complicated.”
“Bullshit.” Kakashi was taken aback.
“What are you talking about?” The wind was blowing through his hair, headband threatening to blow off his eye. He held it tight, looking at his thighs for avoidance.
“I’m talking about your seriously psychotic desire for control. You’ve wanted her from the moment you met her, haven’t you?” Percy asked, revving the engine of his bike.
“More than anything…” Kakashi admitted, vision still remained on his thighs.
“And ever since then, what have you done?”
Kakashi thought about it for a moment. What had he done? He had fucked you on his desk, broken into your home and stolen your underwear, touched you while you slept, fucked you at work, fucked you on missions- gods... the list could only go on.
“I’ve done all I could.” He clutched his fists, hating how horribly his stomach churned. “And yet it still wasn’t enough.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that my love for her has consumed me, my body, brain, and soul. She’s all I think about- ever. She’s everything, and everywhere. No matter what time of day or night, I can feel her down to the very air I breathe. I’ve tried for what has felt like forever to have her all to myself.”
“Why all to yourself?”
“Because the thought of her with anyone else makes me violent,” Kakashi said, regretting his words the very moment they spilled past his lips.
Percy remained quiet, Kakashi wasn’t sure if it was so he could talk more or not. He stayed silent for a while too. He wondered wether Percy was judging him, then again he didn’t care too much, it wasn’t him who was worried about public appearances.
“Sometimes I can feel my blood boil when I see another man talking to her. She makes me feel at peace, not just in my mind but in my soul. I love that woman down to the marrow in my bones and to think that some other man could see her and only see her for her beauty, only see her for something to use makes me sick. I can practically feel the bile in my throat just thinking about it.”
“So she makes you feel calm?” Percy didn’t seem to be turned off by the way Kakashi spoke of you, it was as if they were having a conversation so casual it was comparable to one about the weather.
“It’s beyond that,” Kakashi felt his heart flutter as he thought of you, his mind running with excitement just at the opportunity to talk about you.
“Sometimes I think about my past and all the people who have left me. Some of them chose to, some of them didn’t. Regardless, whenever I’d get attached to someone they’d leave, I didn’t have any control over it. Maybe it was because I was weak, or too young to have any real say in the matter. But now it’s different. I’m stronger and I’m older, no matter how you look at it I’m ten times the person I was all those years ago.” Percy remained silent, listening intently to his friend. Something he wouldn’t do to much of as Kakashi wasn’t the type to open up easily.
“When I met her, I knew instantly I loved her. It was a fact just as true as the sky is blue. I don’t think about all the horrible things from my youth whenever she’s around, not when all I can think about is the possibility of my old age spent with this wonderful woman. And the only way to have a future with her is if she doesn’t leave. I’ve grown beyond a simple lust for her, I've realized I can’t escape these feelings. I learned about her past, her favorite flowers and I’ve showered her in as much affection I can show without being too much. I’m sure I’ve crossed that boundary already but I can’t help it, I have too much inside to not let go of.”
“So you want something serious with her?”
“Why call it quits now? After everything you’ve gone through, why give up?”
“Because she’s going to leave me,” He ran a hand through his silver hair, holding back a tear that was heard through the slight crack in his voice.
“She told you she doesn’t want to be together anymore?” Percy asked, wondering if what his girlfriends told him about you was true or not. He remembered hearing how you liked Kakashi too, but was afraid of ridicule, yet still craved his love beneath it all.
“She wants to fight in a possible deadly battle. I cant disclose much but that’s all I can say.”
“But she’s strong isn’t she? Plus she’s a medic, so wouldn’t she be able to heal herself if anything happened?” Percy asked, unsure about the severity of this “battle”.
“You don’t get it,” Kakashi sighed, leaning his forehead against Percy’s back. “I can keep her through affection and intimacy, that’s one thing we both know we have for each other, it’s apparent. But I can’t keep her from getting herself killed. Death is around every corner for people like me and her.”
“Shinobi, you mean?”
“Exactly. I don’t want to be in love with someone and yearn for them every second we aren’t together just for them to leave and die. It’s not fair to torture myself like that. I’d rather call it quits early before I’m doomed to live a life of suffering. I couldn’t deal with it.”
“Kakashi, you already are.” Percy didn’t care to tiptoe around the fact, he was tired of all the beating around the bush. Kakashi sat there a moment, his head still resting against his friends back.
He closed his eyes, occasionally catching himself to hold onto the bike better as they jostled over small rocks and bumps along their path. Kakashi didn’t have much to say about that, but it did prompt a lot of thinking, not that he could do much with Percy being such a chatterbox.
“You need to hear me out with this, okay? Love is like a sandwich-“
“Good gods, spare me the metaphors…”
“I’m going somewhere with this trust me!!” Percy yelled defensively, his volume mostly washed out by the breeze blowing by. “You can have all the amazing fillings you want: intimacy, shared experiences, passion, romance, all that is great but without the bread that keeps it together it’s just a bunch of things slopped together. What makes a sandwich a sandwich is the bread that keeps it together- a solid foundation, trust. And sure, it’s going to be messy at times, but that just comes with that delicious journey we all sign up for.”
“Is there a point to this analogy?”
“Obviously, dumbass. You have all the makings for a great relationship except for the bread… the trust. The bread you’ve got is thin- real thin. Meaning it’s not able to keep all that great stuff inside. The only way that meals gonna end is with everything falling out. Do you know why your bread is thin?” Percy asked, dodging a large rock in the middle of the path.
“Because of my insecurities…” Kakashi admitted, his face heating up.
He sat with this realization, mostly because he was metaphorically eaten up alive by one of his best friends. That aside, he looked at the bigger picture. Was he really that insecure about his trust in you? He knew you were strong, but was he actually just insecure you would rather die than be with him?! Was he really that codependent on you? That wasn’t possible, not with war being such a great threat. Percy didn’t know that though, so that’s another thing to factor in. Regardless, there still was valid food for thought presented to him.
“Well how far away are we now?” Kakashi asked, looking around at the new environment.
“Wont take longer than a few minutes, bud. Relax, we’ll be there in no time.”
Percy was right of course, only a few minutes later and the two were parked outside the large wooden gates. Sounds of children’s laughter and music could be heard just beyond, as well as the smell of amazing food clouding their senses. Kakashi and Percy walked in, delighted by all the new sights and sounds, it seemed like a festival was taking place, although they had zero clue what it was for.
While it did seem magical at first glance, Kakashi knew the truth behind this villages facade. When he truly looked around beyond the vibrant colors and fun attractions, he saw very sick people lurking around the streets, some even begging for spare money. He sighed to himself, judging all the men who walked by with their expensive robes who were laughing at the sick and elderly.
“Kakashi! Over here!” Percy called to him from beyond the crowd.
Kakashi looked over to where his friend was and saw a small shop next to some sort of brothel-esque building. He tilted his head in curiosity at him, raising both arms in a shrugging position.
“No- come over here! This is the place I came here for!” Percy called louder, holding open the shops door to signal he was about to enter.
Kakashi jogged over there, still overwhelmed by all the excitement going around. When he caught up with Percy, he suddenly felt something very familiar. It was that calmness in his soul he had described to Percy earlier. He spun around, trying to see what it was and if he could follow it.
“Something the matter?” Percy asked, shutting the door.
Kakashi turned his head and saw a small staircase on the outside of the establishment that led to a second story door. He furrowed his brow looking at the door, feeling a strange calling towards whatever was just beyond it.
“No… I guess it’s nothing.” He said, turning towards Percy as he opened the door and walked inside.
It was a small restaurant, a few tables here and there as well as a large island that a middle aged man stood at.
“Hi, welcome in fellas! Take a seat anywhere you want, I’ll get you both a few menus to look at!” He said cheerily, ducking behind the island to grab two menus.
Percy sat at the island in front of the man, Kakashi followed and took the seat next to him. The older man gave them their menus and went in the back to give them some time.
“Are you hungry at all?” Percy asked, skimming the drinks side.
“I could eat,” Kakahi responded, suddenly craving a sandwich more than anything.
There were quite a few options to choose from. Some vegan options, some vegetarian, and some sort of dessert types with various different fruits, custards, and cream fillings. Kakashi was in the mood for something more traditional and hearty, deciding he would ask for a grilled chicken sandwich.
The man reappeared with a small notepad and pen, leaning against the countertop.
“You two ready to order?” He asked, looking at Kakashi first.
“Yeah, may I please have the grilled chicken sandwich?” He asked, pointing to the menu. The man wrote it down and then asked for Percy’s order.
“I’ll have this breakfast sandwich,” Percy said.
“A little late don’t you think?” The man laughed, taking both menus.
“Well you know… breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Why not have it anytime of day?” Percy laughed. The man furrowed a brow and Percy grimaced, embarrassed by his joke falling flat.
Kakashi couldn’t help but feel that comforting aura getting stronger around him. He looked around, maybe it was the environment? Just then it became much stronger, as if all this muscles had relaxed in just that moment. It felt less like an aura and more like a chakra. He quickly looked behind the man and towards the curtains that led to the back. What he saw he couldn’t believe.
You emerged from beyond the curtains, holding two cups of water in your hands. When you looked up you immediately locked eyes with him. You must’ve felt the same muscle relaxation as Kakashi, you suddenly dropped both cups catching the eyes of the room.
You had arrived to this hometown of yours not too long after you left Konoha. You watched as children ran around happily through the village with their prizes from games going on throughout the streets. You sighed, walking down the paths of the place you once called home, knowing the happiest of people were just tourists in this living hell your family and community was trapped in.
You approached your families restaurant, smiling at the nostalgic feeling it filled you with. You grabbed the handle and walked in, your father standing just behind the island. He called you name excitedly, rushing over to you to hold you in a tight hug.
“You’ve come home! What are you doing here? You didn’t get kicked out, did you?” He teased, letting you go to get a good look at you. You nervously laughed.
“No, it’s not that.” You said, rubbing the back of your neck.
“Well whatever the reason is, it’s nice seeing you again.”
“Um… can I talk to you upstairs for a moment? There’s something I need to tell you… it has to do with me being here actually.”
He nodded and held the curtain for you to walk through. Beyond the kitchen in the back was a small door that led to a staircase, that staircase led to the small flat you and your family grew up in. When you both had settled down in the living room, you had assumed your mother would be there, however she was not. Puzzled, you two sat on a nearby couch and you faced him to ask.
“Did mom go out somewhere? I mean… I didn’t see her in the restaurant or kitchen and it’s a little late to still be in bed…” Your fathers face fell, looking at the carpeting.
“Your mother is uh… well there’s no easy way to say this. Your mothers in the hospital.” You felt your heart drop.
“What’s wrong with her? Why didn’t you send a message?! I could’ve come home to help her- what’s going on dad?!” you asked, voice shaking.
He sighed deeply, rubbing his temples with one hand anxiously.
“We aren’t sure what was wrong with her but… we knew that with the big move and that new job of yours you’d have some real stress. We couldn’t put that on you, so we made the decision to send her to a nearby hospital to get her checked out.”
“Fuck…” you sighed, holding your head in your hands. “You need to take me to her, I can heal her… or fix her or… something- anything! Gods dad, what the hell?! Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
“Sweetie it’s fine, your mothers going to be okay-“
“Dad that’s a lot of money! For crying out loud, how are you going to afford the hospital bills?”
“We’ll be fine! as long as you’re okay we’ll be just fine.”
“Here, let me see if I have any extra money on me,” you reached into your pockets for your wallet. Your father quickly nudged your arm away.
“Please don’t, you have enough on your plate already. Why don’t you tell me what you needed to say earlier, okay?” He asked, putting on a small smile.
You frowned.
“Well, since we’re getting everything out in the open…” You took in a deep breath, letting it out with a shaky breath. “I’m going to war.”
You felt your heart shatter the way you watched your fathers face drop again. It was as if he was being told his only child was about to be killed right in front of him.
“Dad, I know how it’s sounds but I don’t have any other choice. There are people who need me, I signed up for this- this is my job.“
“I understand.” He said softly. You frowned, pulling him into a hug.
“I wanted to see you and mom one last time before I left… I know it’s a worst case scenario but… if anything were to happen, I wanted to tell you both goodbye.” You heard your father sob in your ear, holding you tightly. You couldn’t help yourself from crying either and wept with him on the sofa.
“I know you’re strong, and I know you’re valuable, but I’m still so worried,” he sputtered, you patted his back to comfort him but it did next to nothing.
“I know, but I promise you I’m not going down without a fight. I swear to you and mom I’m not going to let myself be weak.” You said sternly, almost as if you weren’t choking back a rivers worth of tears.
After a few more minutes and you and your father had calmed down, you sat there and discussed the situation of war. What it meant for you and your family. You said that with the money you had, it’ll all go to them if you died and they’d be able to move far away, to a better village and have a good financial place for themselves. Your father wasn’t pleased to hear about this and almost cried again. To get his mind off of it, you told him about your job and all the people you met at Konoha.
“Machi and Gale, huh? They sound quite nice! You even have your own students, sounds like you’ve adapted pretty well,” you dad smiled, tears drying on his cheeks.
“I have,” you smiled back, a blush forming in your face when you remembered Kakashi was one of the first you grew close with, even if it started out so riske.
“What’s that look for, hmm?” Your father asked, teasing you for the small blush across your face.
“It’s nothing,” you replied, putting a hand to your cheek and feeling the warmth on your skin.
“Don’t lie to me, I know that look pretty well. You must’ve met someone who isn’t just a friend or a student to you, so tell me!” He laughed, playfully swatting you on your arm.
“I mean, yeah there is someone,” you smirk, shortly after your face fell.
“Um… is everything alright?”
“Yeah, It’s just… things are complicated right now.”
“Oh,” you father said sadly, crossing his arms.
“But he’s a really great guy!” you perked up.
“He?” Your father asked. You nodded. “Does he have a name?”
“He might.”
“He might? What might it be?”
“It might be Kakashi.” Just the your fathers arms uncrossed, his eyes widening.
“As in Kakashi Hatake?”
“Oh great,” you sighed, hating this conversation immediately. “Yeah, why?”
“Because that’s the famous copy ninja! I’ve got to say I’m impressed.” You groaned, holding your knees to your chest now.
“Please stop embarrassing me.”
“I’m not trying to, I’m just suprised that a man like that can be in a relationship with you.” Immediately you grew defensive.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Your brows furrowed.
“Woah, I didnt mean it like that! It’s just… he’s known for being such a hardened shinobi. Who knew there was a heart beneath the mask?” He nervously laughed.
“I knew.” You added. Your father frowned, nervously fidgeting in his seat.
“I’m sorry, " you sighed. "I didn’t mean to be so snappy. It’s just that we’ve spent a lot of time together and he means a lot to me. I’ve seen a lot of his sides and even though he drives me crazy I can’t help but love him regardless. He makes me feel seen, and appreciated. No matter how bitchy I am he keeps trying, nobody else has ever been this patient with me. And what makes things even crazier, is that I feel so drawn to him. It’s like my whole life has led up to the moment we’d meet. Oh, what am I saying? This is starting to get weird, I’ll stop while I’m ahead,” your face felt extremely hot, you avoiding looking at your dad.
“No it’s fine, I get it.” He said, patting you on the back.
“Yeah, thanks.” Silence.
“So what makes things so complicated?”
“‘What isn’t complicated’ is a better question,” although you knew that answer was something entirely too inappropriate to say.
“It’s that bad?”
“Yes and no. It’s a long story, I couldn’t get into it.”
“Well whatever the case may be, you sound like you really love him. In fact, I caught onto you saying that,” he smirked.
“Please stop.”
“Fine.” he raised his hands defensively, then stood up from his seat at the couch. “Now we can sit here moping all day or we can spend time together like we used to. What do you say?”
“Moping sounds good but we can’t afford that right now so let’s work the restaurant like we used to.” You smiled, following him down that stairs.
So that’s what it was, it was you all along. He should have known better. Kakashi stood up, uttering your name back to you. You weren’t sure what to do. Truth be told you didn’t forgive him for putting you out on the spot like that, but you also knew there was no real reason for him to forgive you either.
“I’m sorry but would you excuse us for a minute?” Kakashi asked Percy as he motioned to speak to you outside.
“No.” Percy said, fidgeting with his napkin. Your father shot you a concerned look, finally putting two and two together. You patted him on the back reassuringly.
“It shouldn’t take long, we’ll just have a chat upstairs.” You reached into your pocket for a set of keys, walking out the front door of the establishment, Kakashi on your tail.
You two walked out in silence and he followed you up the outside stairs, staying quiet as you unlocked the door and stepped inside. He looked around and it appeared to be your old bedroom, posters and ribbons hanging on the walls. It felt homey to him, more so when he noticed preserved flowers laying on your desk, jasmine to be exact.
“So did you follow me here or did you-“ he cut you off with his lips against yours. Your eyes grew wide in shock. But the moment he put his hand on the small of your back you felt entirely different. Your eyes closed softly and your hands tangled in his hair. You felt a familiar fire burn in your chest, your heart fluttering as his beat in tandem with yours.
“Kakashi,” you sighed, his grip on you becoming tighter. He pushed you against the door, keeping his grasp on you impossibly firm. “Now’s not a good-“
“Stop talking, damnit.” he huffed, his breath hot against your skin. Immediately you shut your mouth, only opening it again to allow his tongue to brush up against yours.
You locked the door while you were still up against it, then resumed pulling on his hair. You also pushed your body against his firm chest, feeling your loins flutter as his breathing became heavier and his kisses more desperate. Kakashis tongue prodded into your mouth, caressing your own as if it lost it, rejoicing in the feeling of finding it again. His body language spoke the same dialect, his arms tense while they wrapped around you, legs locked in place as they cornered you against the wooden door.
You grabbed onto his vest, yanking it off of him and it was only for a moment when his arms left your body. His vest sliding off of him and landing on the floor, he swiftly kicked it away and then resumed his primal grip against your body. He pulled you into him, a breath of air escaping your lungs the moment he ripped your body off the floor. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, head falling to your shoulder while his teeth sunk into your neck, you let out a small grunt from the pain that you couldn’t welcome enough.
“Kashi?” you whispered heavily. He cut you off with another sloppy kiss, the rough smack of his lips against yours had you digging your nails into his back through his body con long sleeve. “What are you doing-“ another kiss “here?”
“What does it look like?” He huffed, hands sneaking past your shirt as he caressed your back with his long fingers. Your breath hitched at the feeling of him touching your bare skin, hair on the back of your neck raising while the tickling sensation of his calloused fingertips roamed your skin.
“I know what you’re doing, but why?”
“I needed you,” he rasped, fingers digging into your skin, his own nails now dragging down your skin. You shuddered in his grasp, thighs clamping down tight around his abdomen. “Must I need any other reason?”
“No…” you knew this was rhetorical, but the gratification you gained from answering him regardless heightened your arousal, giving into him just like you always did. “Needed me for what?” you asked, your chest rising and falling as you struggled to gain your composure.
“I just needed to see you,” Kakashi muttered licking the slight teeth marks that curved along your neck. “I missed this… the way things were before. Y’know I thought about inviting you over the other night?”
“To your apartment?” You were suddenly curious. He nodded, his hands now rubbing down your back, causing you to shiver once again. “What would we do?”
“I don’t even know. I was just so empty without you, even you being in my presence would be enough for me. However, I’m sure we’d find ways to entertain ourselves,” He leaned in closely to your ear “Wanna know how exactly?”
When he said this he thrusted himself into you, his hard package pressing right up against your clothed cunt. You moaned, grinding down on the new stimulation the moment you could, completely void of embarrassment or shame.
“Y-yeah,” your heart was practically in your throat now, however you felt the heartbeats much, much lower.
“Well, I had something in mind,” he hummed, his hands now on your asscheeks, gripping them harshly.
“Ngh- Like what?”
“I was thinking about how bad you’ve been lately,” his breath was almost burning the skin of your neck, you wanted him to so badly rip your clothes off of you and take you to bed. His hair smelled so good, you kept digging your fingers inside of the fluffy mass, gently pulling at it while it tangled between your fingers. He grunted slightly.
“Just like how you are right now,” it came out a purr, vibrations coming up from deep inside his chest. “You’ve been a bad girl. Sometimes I can barely recognize you.”
You didn’t know why you felt so ashamed about his words, a wave of regret crashing hard against you.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, unsure why the apology came so easy.
“So you admit you’ve been a bad girl?” he asked with amusement in his tone, his voice hoarse as he spoke deep into your neck.
“I’m as bad as they come,” you admitted, legs wrapping around even tighter. He chuckles softly.
“Oh? Well then I think we both know what that means,” his cock twitched underneath his pants, you had to sink your nails into your palms to avoid getting handsy. “I think you need to be punished severely.”
The hair on the back of your neck stood up, goosebumps rising on your skin immediately. He carried you over to your bed, tossing you down on it. You crashed against it, a loud squeak echoing through the room. You blushed, hoping to whatever god there was that nobody downstairs could hear.
“What are you going to do with me?” You asked, your hands rubbing where he bit you on your neck.
“You want to know your punishment?” An amused smile spread across his face. You nodded. “Well that’s for me to know and you to find out.”
You felt frustrated, already wanting him to lash out on you, it felt like torture the way he stood over you, patently keeping his hands to himself.
“Please?” you whispered, one of your hands moving south of your body, he watched as your sunk your hands under your waistband, eyes blowing wide when your mouth fell open.
He grabbed your wrist and yanked it back out, pinning it down and above your head.
“I think you need another spanking.” You bit your lip, trying to hide your excitement, your panties already wet when he increased the pressure of his hand.
He sat down next to you, letting go of your wrist and instead using his hand to grab your hair into a tight pony tail, causing you to sit up.
“Should I bend over your lap?” it came out as a mewl, your desperation evident on your face.
“How funny that you just want to jump straight into it,” he smiled in your face, shiny teeth gleaming back at your from beyond his perfect lips. “Sweet girl, maybe you do know how to behave,” he kissed you softly, then had you bend over his lap.
With one hand still firm in your hair, the other pulled down your pants, your panties coming down with it. You clenched around nothing as the cool air hit your wet cunt, a shiver was sent up your back.
“Such a slut, excited for her spanking.” He caressed your soft globes, you hummed excitedly, almost moaning at the delicate touch. “If I hadn’t done this previously I would’ve assumed you didn’t know what this was. Is that true? Are you a stupid girl who doesn’t know what a spanking is?” he cooed, his hand grabbing you hip harshly, fingers digging into your skin.
You grunted, knowing with this much pressure he would leave bruises along you skin for days, weeks even.
“It’s not pleasant, at least not the way I do it, remember? It’s gonna hurt, way more than a few soft taps.”
“I’m hoping for it,” you replied back, surprised by your own response and enthusiasm.
“Oh yeah?” he also seemed surprised, pleasantly surprised. A wicked smile was plastered on his face, searching your eyes with his own. “How long have you been wanting this for? I mean, you’re so obedient. I cant help but assume you’ve fantasized about this ever since last time,” his grip of your hair tightened, you smiled up at him devilishly.
“I’ve been wanting this since I last saw you.”
“Good answer,” he smirked. “Are you ready?”
You nodded quickly, arching your back as the tension builds up in your body.
“An even better answer." his fingertips glided againsty the curve of your back. "I don’t care if you scream or cry, in fact it would make this more enjoyable,” he hummed, pulling on your hair. “Now sit still.”
Kakashis hand came down hard on your backside, a loud slap echoed in your ears. You let out a depraved moan, biting your lip as the stinging starting to settle on your asscheek. He took a moment to take in the look on your face, ogling the flush of color across your cheeks. Quicker, and much harder this time, he struck you again with his ever-so-firm hand.
You whined, squirming in his lap until he spanked you again. After his next, you dug your nails into the mattress beneath you, huffing deep breaths in and out. Kakashi laughs softly, watching your soft ass turn a bright pink as he punished you.
“How many can you handle? You want me to get creative?” he asked happily, softly rubbing circles on your abused skin.
“Y-yesss…” your voice was trembling.
“If you say so. But it makes me wonder… how much pain can this pretty little ass take?”
“I deserve it, we both know I’ve been bad,” you mutter, nails coming out of the mattress as you slowly began to get less tense with each rub of Kakashis hand.
“Yes you have,” Kakashi exclaimed amused. “Do you know how bad? Answer me.” He smacked you again, and all you could muster was a string of whimpers and groans, no real words coming to your mind.
“Answer me properly. I don’t want to hear your little moans. I want a real answer. Tell me what you’ve done.”
“I… I’ve kept you a secret…” you whispered, your hand stroking his knee. “And the worst part is I’ve been fantasizing about you this whole time.”
“Interesting. For how long, give me a number.” He pulls your hair, tilting your face upwards so your eyes are locked.
“8 weeks,” you confess, looking away to avoid his strong gaze.
“8 weeks? How filthy have you been? What’s the most inappropriate thing you’ve fantasized about me doing?” He pulled your hair tighter, forcing you to look back at him.
“I’ve thought about you defiling me.” Kakashi raised an eyebrow.
“That’s all? I’m not going to lie, I expected more from you.” His hand move from your ass to your hip, once again squeezing it tightly. You winced.
“I-I’ve thought about you waking me up just so you can use me to get yourself off,” you blurted out. Kakashi perked up, much more interested.
“Anything else? You’ve had 8 weeks,” clearly he was having fun toying with you. It felt like torture dumping your fantasies onto him, but you couldn’t help spilling your guts.
“I’ve thought about pleasuring you.”
“Go on.” His grip became looser, yet still firm.
“I’d use my mouth.” He smirked.
“Is that all?” You wanted to melt into his lap, escape his massive presence.
“And my hands…”
“Well, don’t you have a plethora of talents,” he teased, bringing his hand back and quickly down his to your ass. You flinched, but before he could make contact he stopped himself, laughing softly. Your face burned hot.
“Anything else? I mean, 8 whole weeks is a looong time,” he raised his eyebrow again, looking directly in your eyes.
“Spit it out, don’t be a tease. I know you can say more.” His words made your skin tingle.
“I’ve thought about how mad you were at me, ignoring me all the time at the office. So I thought about trying to rile you up, get you even angrier. Just so maybe you’d snap and use me without holding back.” He loosened his grip on you.
“You really want that? For me to take my frustration out on you?”
“Yes.” You gripped his knee tighter.
“You really are a bad girl, aren’t you?” He smirked, grip getting firmer in your hair again.
“I am.”
“Do you have no shame? Ass in the air, panties off, pussy soaking wet, and looking me in my eye while you tell me about all the filth you’ve imagined about me. Sweet girl, you’re more perverted than I thought.” He pulled your hair back further, his mouth connected with your more a quick kiss.
“I bet you’ll say anything at this point if it’ll make me happy, huh? You’ve completely given yourself to me, isn’t that right?” With lidded eyes you nodded looking up at him.
“Are you mine to use?” Amused curiousity lingering in his voice.
“Yes.” Right after you confirmed this, another rough smack was right up against your ass. You yelped, once again digging your finger into the mattress.
“You like that, don’t you? You like getting hit by me.” You nod. Another rough smack. “Say it.” he practically barked.
“I- I like it! I like getting hit by you!” You wanted to curl up in embarrassment, once again hoping nobody could hear you. Kakashi had a wicked look on his face.
“I wonder how many times can I hit this ass of yours before you cry? Are you a tough girl?” He asked condescendingly.
“Yes…” He hit you harder, producing a loud moan out of you. He laughed.
“Are you tough or what? You seem to be enjoying this more than I expected,” this time he struck you lower, so that his palm was right up against the back of your thigh. You desperately squirm again, breathing shakily. He hits you there again, smiling to himself.
“Oh? Am I hitting a sensitive spot?” You almost shrieked when he smacked it again. “So I did find a sensitive spot,” he leaned down closely so that that he was almost in your ear.
“I’m going to keep smacking you, riiight here until your crying and begging me to stop.” And that’s what he did. Over and over again, watching as you rubbed your legs together, slick coating the feverish in-between of your legs.
“How many more spanks can you get before you cry? 10? 20? I know you can take it,” he kept spanking you, each one lighting you up until your ass was red. As he spanked you, he enjoyed watching your eyes roll back, your whimpers echo softly in your room, and your body spasm after each moment of contact.
“You must nearly be at the edge, huh?” Your eyes rolled back to normal, welling with tears. “Awww, is that it? Is that all you can take?”
He delivered the final blow, you moaned loudly, tears flowing down your cheeks. You felt lightheaded, pain and pleasure circulating inside of you. The erotic sensation making it's way up your spine, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up.
“Aww… did I do that? Did I make the tough, pretty girl cry?” You nod, unable to verbalize a single thought. “Such a good girl, taking it like a champ. I have to say, I admire how well you kept your composure… well at least most of it.”
He pulled your hair back, your head coming closer to him and he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. You shut your eyes and bit your lip, your heart melting at his sudden tender affection.
While still having a good grasp of your pony tail, Kakashi slung you over to the side, trapping you against him and the bed. He had you pinned, your wrists above your head. When he towered his large form over you his lips brushed against yours, his scent was everywhere. You closed your eyes again, and felt how his eyelashes fluttered against your cheek as he bent down lower and licked up your neck.
You smirked, a sudden tickle causing you to slightly spasm, Kakashi laughed softly when he saw it. He instead turned to biting you, the feeling of his teeth in your neck filled you with the most euphoric nostalgia. You sighed, legs bending so your knees could squeeze his waist. He rutted his hips into your core, and you shuddered as the wet juices pooled in your cunt and trickled down your legs.
Kakashi looked up at you, lips curled into a cocky smile, pressing softly against your own. You parted your lips, his soft tongue dragging along your plump lip, before his teeth gently trapped it and he bit into it possessively. You never started the day thinking he'd be showing up at your old home, about to fuck you senseless into the mattress you've spent countless nights on. It seemed to you like Kakashi's fate was to always appear, and so was your passionate desire for him.
Kakashi's kiss could make your loins ache like a wildfire, yet it could also make your breaths slow and your heart melt. Maybe it was fate?
I am safe here. His arms are open, his tongue is tender, and I don't need to struggle anymore.
Its all you could think about, really.
Two fingers circled your drenched clit, Kakashi watched your hole clench around nothing. He licked his lips watching your pretty cunt swallow his didgets shortly after, curling up as he pumped in and out.
“She’s so pretty…” he hummed, his knuckles now shiny with your arousal.
Your toes curled the more he pumped you, his fingers working fast. You roughly grabbed his wrist, stopping his movement. He looked up at you, a single brow cocked.
“Something wrong?” his voice was smooth, eyes soft as they watched you with adoration.
“T-that’s not what I need…” You murmured, breathing in and out as if you’d pass out.
“Tell me, what do you-“
“Cock. Yours.” You demanded. Kakashis eyes grew wide, a sinister grin plastered in his face. He retracted his fingers from your cunt, a silent moan escaped your lips when he moved.
“I never thought I’d have you so needy, sweet girl.” Kakashis hand traveled to his waistbands and pulled them down, hard cock slapped against his body con shirt, precum making his tip glisten.
“I can’t help it.” You admitted, your eyes breaking away from his to stare at his erection. Your legs spread wide, and you wriggled excitedly.
Kakashi ducked down to kiss you, cupping your cheeks as he rutted against you, his length rubbing up and down against your clit. You moaned into the kiss, a smile on your face as your pleasure spread. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, getting even closer as you two enjoyed eachothers embrace.
Kakashis tongue made its appearance in your mouth again, the soft tip of his tongue swirling with yours, just to retreat and wetten your lower lip.
“Don’t tease me…” you whispered, breaking the kiss only to resume it quickly. He laughed gently, his hand moving south to grab the base of his cock and align it with your entrance.
“Well, aren’t you one to talk?” With one swift motion he went balls deep inside of you again, a shiver running up his back as he bottomed out, his public bone flush with your clit.
You both grunted, then began to lock lips as his hips drilled into you. You both knew you didn’t want to waste any time, each time he bottomed out you grounded down on him further, feeling his warm precum coat your walls as your own arousal spilled out and onto the sheets.
“Always wet for me…” he smiled, kissing down your jaw.
His cock was heavy, stretching you perfectly and throbbing each time it hit that tender spot inside of you that made you digs crescents into his back with your nails. He loved watching your lashes flutter when your eyes rolled back, and he devoured your lips whenever they opened to produce a guttural moan.
“I love you…” Kakashi cooed, a finger of his now playing with your clit.
“Love you- haaah- too…” you replied with a whine between words.
Kakashi pulls your shirt off of you, then quickly grabs both your wrists in one hand. He pins you down, and you’re unable to move. He retracts his hand from your clit and presses his forearm under your tits, pushing them up and drooling at how pretty they sit. He ducks down and sucks a nipple, his soft tongue spreading hot spit over your sensitive tits. He moans, cock throbbing as you pulse around him.
He looks up at you, your face red and forehead slightly sweaty. Fuck, you look so sexy. He groans your name, biting your tit, sucking a hickey into the soft flesh in his mouth. You’re seeing stars, vision blurry as your orgasm comes washing over you. You’re whimpering his name, shaking and yet unable to move under his massive presence. He lets go of your tit in his mouth and watched over you. You were his own personal porn star, cumming for him- cumming on him. Whimpering his name as you choke his girthy cock and take him while he resizes your cunt.
“Filthy… you’re making such a mess.” His pace was quicker now, your cries of pleasure louder as he beats your pussy into the mattress. “Bad girl…” he hums low, almost a growl.
You can’t fight back the violent euphoria, your poor cunt wants more of him, regardless as to whether or not you can take it.
“S’ good…” you mewl, erotic and soft squelches filling your ears as he continues to stuff you with his member, his own orgasm on its precipice.
“You really are a slut of this cock, huh?” he teased, thrusting hard, keeping his dick stuffed deep inside you as he pressed his pelvis against your clit. His nails dig into your wrists, your fingers try to grab onto him but you just can’t reach.
“No more playing games,” he grunts, a hand letting go of your wrists to wrap around your throat firmly. You gasp, your air running thin. “You want me?” His hips retreat, then slam harsh inside of you. You wince, eyes snapping shut when you moan.
“Tsk tsk, look at me.” you follow his order, your brows knitted tightly together, looking up at him through your lashes. His teeth glimmer as he grins mischievously, his grip on your neck tightening. “Nah, you need me.”
You feel like you’re about to pass out again, legs shaking viciously and you felt light headed.
“My body always misses this pussy… fucking made for me.” He nips at your jaw, railing you at the one pace he knows you and he both like it. “Mine.”
He wants to mark you up, leave you purple for everyone to see. So when he notices how hard it is for you to breathe he lets go, and takes delight in how you choke for air. He sucks deeply at your neck, throbbing inside you when he imagines how it’ll look after.
“M’gonna cum again…” you almost plead, hips tilting up to meet his own, welcoming his gorgeous cock back inside of you where you knew it belonged.
“I bet you want me to cum inside you,” he mutters, letting go on your sensitive skin before he sucks another purple bruise into your neck.
“Please.” Is all you manage, your slick now running down your ass.
“Always a slut for my cum…” He bites your shoulder, his tongue licking at the red skin underneath. “Can’t fuck you once without you begging for a creampie.”
You cum for a second time, begging for his hot cum to fill you up and pour out. Kakashi complies, a few more rough thrusts and he’s pumping you full of his burning seed, you feel impossibly full as you throw your head back. Kakashi moans heavily, still pumping you with his cock, loving the way you squirt on him with your own spend.
“You can play with yourself thinking about this tonight,” he says low, kissing you hard while he continues to shoot ropes into you. You twitch, legs spasming as your orgasm refuses to subside.
“N-no. I wanna be with you tonight! I wanna do it again!” You beg, wrapping your legs even tighter around him. His eyes widen and he licks your neck playfully.
“My sweet girl, if I bring you home with me tonight I won’t stop until the sun comes up.”
“I’m prepared to lose a few hours of sleep if it means I can spend them being your whore.” You respond shamelessly. He lets go of your wrist and you grab the back of his head, fully making out with him as you play with his silver mess. “I love you. I don’t care anymore.”
Kakashi hums in delight, pulling out of you, your shared cum sticking to his own thighs now.
“You mean you’re all mine?” He knew the answer.
“Mmhmm… And I’m sorry about the way I was acting before…” You admitted, hands running in his hair.
Kakashi rested his face against your tits, his arms wrapped around your waist.
“What do you mean? I should be sorry. I shouldn’t have been such a scummy person to make you choose me or your career, especially when I knew how much you love it.” His voice was soft and somber, you kissed the crown on his head.
“We both messed up, yeah?” You slightly giggled.
“Yeah,” he laughed back. “If you’re sure about going into this war with me I want you to know something.” He picked his head up, towering over you again. His palm rested against your cheek as his eyes looked deep into yours.
“I don’t care who we’re facing or what we’re up against. I don’t care who’s getting hurt but I do know one thing,” His brows furrowed. “I’m not leaving your side once. I’ll cover you, I’ll fight for you, I swear I’ll kill for you- I already have and I will again if I have to.”
He softly kissed the tip of your nose.
“That goes for me too,” you sighed, one of your hands caressed his shoulder. He grabbed that hand and kissed the back of it, then pulled you off the bed.
You two got dressed, although you chose to change into a turtle neck, and went downstairs. The restaurant was more packed and there was chatter all around, the nerves you may have been heard upstairs disappearing completely.
Percy turned around when Kakashi approached the seat next to him and reclaimed his seat. You walked around the counter and began to wipe it down. Your father came out from behind the curtain that led to the kitchen.
“Here’s that sandwich,” Your dad said, handing your boyfriend the plated food. “Enjoy, son.”
“Son?” Kakashi asked, taking a look around to see if people were watching him. When the coast was clear he quickly lowered his mask for a bite, then put it back on.
Nobody could see the smile underneath he had while he chewed, but you noticed the crinkle underneath his eyes.
“Not bad,” Percy said, polishing off his meal. “What’d you think, Kakashi?”
“Yeah,” he looked up from his plate, watching as you walked around the restaurant, taking orders and handing out drinks. “It was good.” It tasted like home.
A/N: after a much needed break/hiatus i’m finally back RAAAAHHHHH !!!!!!! for everyone asking if i plan on continuing the mafia AU yes i do but i feel like it’ll be a small mini series.
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theblueflower05 · 1 year
Just a Little Taste
A/N: Welp. Somehow my breeding/breastfeeding kinks manifested themselves into a story. I wrote this sky high on painkillers and I am a little in love with the whole premise. @tiredmamaissy -I hope more than anything that you enjoy this. You deserve all of the goodness on this site. Your Masterlist is my personal spank bank lol
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: This story is Filthy. Smut with very little plot. Breastfeeding. Pussy Eating. Slight mommy kink if you squint. Very pregnant reader getting pleasured, because pregnant beings can still be sexual. Aged up!Neteyam
You are responsible for cultivating your own online experience, please do not interact if any of these tags are triggering to you. Minors DNI.
Summary: You’re eight months pregnant with Neteyams child, and after a long day, you both need a little relief. Neteyam x Human! Reader
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"Sugar, Honey, Iced Tea
Bumble-bee on the scene.
Yeah, I'd give up my bakery to have a piece of your pie"
- See You Again, Tyler the Creator ft Kali Uchis
Life in the village is always busy. Constantly bustling with life and movement as everyone; human scientist, Avatar and Na’vi alike, rush to keep things afloat.
High Camp is so different then Home Tree had been, the rage of war adding a constant edge to long days and restless nights. You miss the comfort of a slow life, of hazy days down in the jungle. The jagged cliffs of the Hallelujah Mountains still don’t quite feel like home to you.
Still, you go about your daily duties.
Being a Pandoran raised human had always given you a different insight, the two massively different cultures you we’re brought up in clashing and mending to create a skill set that was like no other- it had taken many years of painful trial and error to find your place within the Omiticaya, but healing had always come naturally.
Both holistic and surgical alike. You’d spent years shadowing Mo’at and learning the ancient herbal ways of the people, while well as taking advantage of the many PHD toting scientist back at Hell’s Gate. Medicine had no boundaries, was a way for you to feel close to both sides of yourself. To broach the gap between human and clansman.
You find your skills being needed more than ever. The ever constant raids against the RDA means your hands are rarely idle, forever in movement as you tend to the wounded. Some days you sit in the big Healers Tent with Mo’at and the other Taskarem, and others you’re in the makeshift Medi Bay, which is really more of an Avatar Pod Trailer turned OR, with the handful of human surgeons.
The long hours spent on your feet leave you sore and exhausted, but you have to pull your weight.
Even if said weight is far heavier than usual as of late-
“Y/N” you’re broken out of your thoughts by Max- as he enters the trailer with a holo-tab in hand and a concerned look in his dark eyes “What are you still doing here?”
“I was just finishing up inventory- our antibiotic stock is back way up. Jake was right, those helicopter raids were more than worth it” you’d sorted out the tiny vials of vital medicine by hand, not wanting any to be misplaced or mislabeled.
“You don't think maybe you should head home?” He continues and you sigh.
You miss your tent, and the soft bed of furs that lay inside the secure warm flaps. And the man that waits for you inside of the patchwork leather walls-
“I’m fine” you assure. And really, you are.
It's a fact you have to keep reminding people of.
Yes, you’re as big as a Strumbeast, but you are no less competent. No less able bodied.
Pregnancy is one of the most natural parts of life, a base staple in all’s existence. There are plenty of pregnant Omiticaya women who were expected to play their roles, even as the battle raged outside the safety of the mountain cave system.
It was the nature of your pregnancy that was more…fragile then average. Inside your womb grew a child that would be the first of it’s kind. A scientific mystery: no one had even known it was possible for Na’vi and humans to procreate.
And yet all of the evidence now lies under your shirt. Your stomach round and pronounced, full of growing life.
Full of the love between you and the Olo’eyktan’s eldest son.
Neteyam had left his permanent mark on you. Had part of himself growing inside of you. The thoughts we’re enough to make your knees buckle if you focused on them too hard.
“You’ve been here since 6am, you really should get some rest. Take one of the empty bunks if you want. Have you checked your blood pressure-”
You’re a grown woman. You’re not going to huff and puff and roll your eyes, but fuck, do you want to.
Everyone was so overbearing lately.
Norm and Max we’re constantly breathing down your neck; “The baby has a different growth rate then a human child, we need to monitor the way that your body is responding” Followed closely by Jake who watches you with sharp eagle like eyes and Neytiri, who used to all but ignore your presence, constantly checking in on you throughout the day. Mo’at’s always poking and prodigy, and Kiri almost always has her hands on you in some way shape or form.
You are glad for the support, happy that this baby would be so loved.
But really, you missed being treated like the competent, independent woman you knew you we’re.
“My blood pressure is fine. I thought since we ruled out preeclampsia we weren’t going to worry about it anymore” you know that it’s not going to silence his worry, but still. You can try.
Max goes on one of his science mambo jumbo spiels, and by the end of it you’re waddling out of the lab and back to your hut, annoyed as shit but placating your pseudo father figure all the same. Only a month and a half mor of this and then things could go back to normal.
Everything had just…changed so quickly.
You 're a caretaker by nature. Caring for others is easy, feels right. You’d tucked the much older scientists into bed when you we’re just a pre-teen. Made dinners. Looked out for Spider and the other Sully’s-
And the role reversal still didn't quite sit right with you. Your control freak ways didn't do well with not being the one in charge- you’d been stripped of your title so to speak. You we’re supposed to relax into your new role, enjoy being doted over before the nine month’s we’re over.
You and Neteyam’s shared tent is in the centered in the cave, close to his families, but standing on its own. As private as anyone could get in the busy, close quartered camp. The walls of the hut are familiar, adorned with your combined belongings. Cozy and familiar.
You shimmy free of your confining bra, step out of your cargo pants, then toe off your boots, releasing your swollen sock covered feet with a groan before collapsing into your well loved bed, the soft blankets and familiar scent of your mate lulling you into a deep state of peace.
It’s kind of wild how quickly you can fall asleep these days. Growing a little person from scratch tends to burn a lot of energy and the moment you relax, you’re out like a light.
You don't wake up, even when the horns are sounded for the return of the War Party.
Not when Neteyam makes his way through the camp and enters the tent. He’s wearty, grime covered and hunched over. He only softens when he sees you, tucked safely, into his bed. Your eyes still closed and face still scrunched up as he strips out of his battle band and shin covers. He’s quiet, washing off with the large freshwater basin in the corner before making his way over to his much-missed bed mat.
It isn't until he's crawled under the blankets and wiggled his way as close to you as possible that you begin to stir. His large cat like snout nuzzles into the vulnerable crevice of your neck, chuffing hot breaths against the smooth skin.
You’re not upset at him for waking you up, a drowsy half alert smile stretches over your lips as your hands run up his strong back. Gently working the tense muscles.
He gets so greedy when he comes back from the War runs. He needs to be comforted, to be held and you are all too willing to comply.
Everyone else infantiles you now, and yeah, Neteyam could get a little intense and overprotective, but your relationship had always worked because you were the one person in all of Pandora that babied the future chief.
He was such a sweet man, with so much responsibility on his plate. You loved nothing more than holding him in your arms. Letting him release any and all tension because you had him. You, a tiny soft skinned human, were the barrier between him and the ruthless world.
You’d be such a great mother to his children. His hind brain purrs at the thought. That even through all of the controversy, he knows he’d chosen the right mate. Little and fierce, he hopes the baby is just like you.
“Are you okay?” You ask, tone hushed in the darkness of the tent. The only light coming from the small dying embers of the firepit in the center of the space. Hypnotic shadows dance along the canvas walls and Neteyam's breathing grows shallow as he sinks into it.
The way you smell. The way your heart beats, strong against his cheek. The way your plump body feels so good under his wandering hands. He hadn't been okay, just moments ago. He was delirious, so sick of the fighting that he felt ill with it.
But how could any of those bad feelings exist when he had you waiting for him? Ready to welcome him into your body, your heart, your mind. He doesn't think he could survive without knowing the solace of your love.
“I’m okay, narlor(beauty). Just missed you” he mutters, still trying to dig his face deeper into your skin. He wants to escape inside of you, you chuckle at his futile attempts to mend you both into one entity. His large palms rest against your bloated belly, tenderly and your heart flutters “Missed you both so much”
Being so loved is overwhelming.
You wouldn't have it any other way.
“I missed you, my sweet baby. I missed you all day” you assure him with the words you know he needs to hear. “Our son here thought it would be fun to jump on his sa’nok’s bladder all day. It was like was playing the wokau(pendulum drum) all day long- I spent hours in running back and forth to the bathroom”
Neteyam's laugh is deep and rich. Thoroughly pleased to listen to your stories of your day, eager to hear every minute detail. Desperate to drown out visions of blood and gun smoke with your voice.
“Ah, you have to be nice to your momma, little one” he chastises the bump, raising your shirt over your head, wanting that flimsy barrier gone. His lips trail over the tight skin of your bulging belly as he speaks to his child.
Your son, still safe inside your soft body, knows his fathers voice already. Recognizes that slightly accented cadence, and squirms inside of you happily.
Neteyam usually speaks strictly in Na’vi to your unborn child-
“He needs to know the language of our people, first and foremost”
-he’ll spend hours whispering his mother tongue into your flesh. It always leaves you boneless and shaking. Feeling so special and cared for. Na’vi, though your second language, is familiar to you. You’re fluent in the language- but fuck. The way your mate speaks it is the most beautiful thing. It’s musical, he tells sprawling stories with his colorful words.
There is one English he’s very fond of though. Every time it leaves his plush mouth it makes you grin, sharp. Knowingly.
“Are you gonna be nice to momma, Neteyam?” you question him after a while. His ears quirk, swiveling on his head and his tale flicks once, in obvious excitement.
You know what he’s wanted, ever since he woke you up by nuzzling at your chest. Ever since he peeled off your top and left your heavy breasts bare. Did he think you missed the way his golden gaze would flick to them, eyeing them hungrily.
He needs this as much as you do, but as usual, your sweet boy is too selfless to ask. Won't trouble you with his wants unless you bring it up first.
You reach for his big hand that rests on your belly, and drag it to where you need him. His palm enveloping your tits, the rough callus’s catching on your sensitive nipple just right-
Your pregnancy had been different than regular humanoid pregnancies. Your body worked hard, thrown into overdrive in an attempt to keep up with the fast growing fetus in your womb. You’d started lactating months ago, far earlier then normal. Your breasts firm, full with milk. Ready to feed the child that had not yet come into the world.
At first it had been both painful and embarrassing. You had no child to drink what you were producing and the other breastfeeding women in the tribe we’re hesitant to feed their babies your tawtute(human) milk. Already over emotional due to the hormone change, you’d wept at the fact that you had no one to give what your body readily made.
The fact that you couldn't be a bigger part of your community due to your human heritage, combined with the intense pain that came from having backed up ducts had been too much,
Eventually you’d turned to Neteyam, both your eyes and shirt soaking wet. Begged him to help you. And of course, as always, he did.
It should be awkward, or shameful- but connecting with him on any level is something you cherish. Why would this be any different?
“I’m always nice to you, aren't I, love?” Neteyam gruffs as he gently works at the breast in his hands. Its firm and full of milk, his mouth waters “Do they hurt again?”
“Mhmm” you whine pathetically, and you’re not lying. The skin of your chest is now marred by stretch marks and you’d had to stuff precious, hard to come by toilet paper down your bra all day to keep them from spilling over “They’re so full, Nete”
“Oh” He hums, thumbing at your nipple “Poor momma, I’ll help you. Don't worry” his lips are wet against your skin as he kisses his way to your breast, his tongue peeking out to circle your puffy nipple. A pearlescent drop of milk tops the rosy bud and he groans as it hits his taste buds.
He tells you that you taste good, often. The juices of your pussy, your spit soaked kisses. He’s always been greedy for it, his tongue bullying its way into your holes, desperate for your essence. Your milk is just as delicious as the rest of you.
It quickly goes from kitten licking, wide wet stripes against your pebbled nipple to sucking your big breast as far into his mouth as he could. Careful of his fangs as he gorges himself on your flesh.
He’s loudly appreciative as he suckles on your nipple. Grunting and humming and moaning at the flavor. Your arms come around him, cradling his head to your bosom because it feels so good. Having him this close, knowing that he'd do anything to take care of you. That he truly loved the way you tasted-
Many people thought you and Neteyam would never last. It was lust, they’d claim. Curiosity. A childhood friendship that would fizzle out eventually. Na’vi needed Tsaheylu, it was the lifeblood of all their relationships. Why would the much desired future Olo’eyktan stay with you if he couldn't even properly bond you?
While you couldn't deny that there we’re doubt filled moments that you yourself wondered why he’d chosen you and stayed so loyal to you…you still felt your own form of connection to him. While you’d love to make that sacred bond with him, you didn't feel any less close to your mate.
You never thought that you could be so intertwined with another being.
As Neteyam takes his fill from your breast, you massage the base of his Kuru, firm enough that it makes him hiss. You have no special braid of your own, but he’s always been very free with his when it comes to you.
You can do with as you please. Stroke it. Lick it. Massage it. Hell, he’d even let you touch glowing pink tendrils at the end of it before. Let you feel his exposed nerves, so vulnerable and raw in your hands that he had shed tears as you explored.
Nothing was taboo in your relationship. There was no space undiscovered between you.
Your bodies we’re so very different, and yet you knew his like the back of your hand. All of the strong muscles and hard sinew. The cobalt expanse of his skin didn't have one blemish that you haven't memorized. You could point out his striped pattern in a sea of other Na’vi.
And he knows you right back.
Loves to dig his fingers into your doughy hips, into your pillowy thighs. Your wide ass and ample chest. He loves your form, goes crazy for all of your alien curves. He never cared for your human modesty, he’d wanted to part your ass cheeks and stare at plump of your pussy for as long as he could remember. Wanted to strip you of all of those clothes and just stare.
The fact that he gets to do just that, for the rest of your lives, is his favorite, favorite thing.
You watch him eagerly as he slowly nurses. You can't get enough of the sight of him, his hollowed cheeks, the bob of his throat as he swallows your free flowing milk. He's so strong, his muscles flex in the dim light. All of that strength, and yet he’s so very gentle with you, his rough tongue laving at your sore buds every couple minutes. Soothing and tickling you all the same.
You giggle at a particularly quick swipe, letting out a small squeal as Neteyam’s tongue plays with the flesh in his mouth. His eyes peek open, glittering with mirth and low boiling heat as he meets your gaze. Whin his lips split into a smile, a dribble of translucent white milk escapes. Trickles down from the corners of his lips.
Heat pulses between your legs and you know he can smell how aroused you are.
Neteyam has always been able to turn you on without even trying. A well spoken word, or even a pointed look could get you running your thighs together. All desperate to get him alone and put your hands all over him.
You hate that you cant kiss him the way you want to, your Exo Mask, while necessary to your survival can be suck a fucking menace sometimes.
Your thumb traces his lips, the ones you want pressed against your own so bad. You rub the spilled milk from his chin. Cleaning him up in a way that's so simple, and so beyond erotic.
He breaks eye contact first, like he just can't look at you anymore. His brows all scrunched up, his chest raising and falling rapidly. He releases your sloppy nipple, completely covered in his saliva, and presses his face against the damp skin. Making a sound of distress.
Your fingernails skritch at his scalp, tangled in his many braids “What is it, baby?”
“I wanna fuck you so bad. Eywa, do you even smell yourself, Y/N? So good. I have to-”
“Yeah, yeah, okay” You nod, agreeing blindly. He can have whatever he wants.
“Fuck you hard, though. Gotta pound you. I know I shouldn't but it’ll be alright, huh? Won't hurt the baby?” his face is still buried in your skin, you cant even see his expression as he pleads for your pussy. It makes you so hot.
You push at his chest, needing him to get off of you for just a moment. He’s heavy as shit, a dead weight- doesn't really move until you're pouting and demanding for him to just give you a little space.
Enough that you can wiggle out of your panties and spread your thighs wide for him. Your swollen, sticky pussy on display for your mate.
His nostrils flare, and his thin tail whips wildly behind him.
When he swings your thick thighs up onto his broad shoulders, you let out a low, appreciative moan.
“Such a good boy for momma” you praise him the way the people praise the Great Mother. The cradle of your thighs a sanctuary where you both come to worship.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Welp, I should be finishing up Part Three of First Love/Late Spring or plotting out future installments of The Sweetest Sylaung, but here I am writing nursing filth. Lol I truly have zero regrets, this story was so very self fulfilling(even though it partially came from a request). I hope you guys enjoyed though
As mentioned many times before, requests are currently open. Please send in all that good shit. I could use a good distraction from real life!
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bejeweledblondie · 1 year
Chinese Food
Task Force 141 x F! Reader
Summary: Y/N is an American who’s Price’s Secretary with Task Force 141, being from America & let alone NYC where Chinese Food is a staple she is appalled with what Brits refer to as Chinese food
A/N: do not come for me if you’re British this is inspired by the whole Chinese Food TikTok debacle I’d also do anything rn for vegetable dumplings & lo mein god I miss New York City (my hometown) so much
Warnings: none
“I’m going to order some Chinese who wants?” Gaz asked. It was their monthly game night, & you being Price’s secretary got dragged into coming. You were still fairly new & he thought this would be a good way for you to meet everyone. So here you are sitting around a Monopoly table. Everyone started to shout out different food items, & Gaz started to add them to his DoorDash cart. You just ordered some lo mein. Mid game the food was dropped off. Everyone put down their Monopoly money & walked into the living room. One by one everyone started to grab their orders out of the bag. Y/N looked down at the labeling on a styrofoam container that was handed to her & looked confused. It read out in scribble sharpie “chips.”
“Uh I didn’t order french fries.” Y/N said trying to hand the fries back.
“Oh those come with your meal.” Gaz said opening his container. She looked at him confused, back home in New York that would be blasphemy.
“What?” Y/N replied confused. “You don’t eat french fries with Chinese food.” They all stopped to look at her.
“Uh yeah you do.” Soap said. “Here let me show you how to eat Chinese food.” You had lived in New York City your whole life & not once had you seen Chinese food eaten this way. Soap picked up the curry sauce & your eyes got wide.
“Woah woah woah.” You said super loudly. “What the hell is going on here? I’ve never see this before. And I grew up in New York City!” They all stared at her super confused. “Who mixes french fries with Chinese food?!”
The whole room erupted into different reactions & explanations about the food, then it turned into America vs. Britain. There was a lot going on.
“Okay relax One Direction.” Y/N said to calm everyone down, which that sarcastic comment really silenced everyone. “The next time we’re all in New York I’m talking all of you to my favorite little Chinese restaurant in Chinatown. Deal.”
“Deal.” They all said in unison & kept saying.
“At least you don’t microwave your tea.” Gaz said.
“I drink sweet iced tea.” You replied, & everyone look at you like you just said the most appalling comment on the planet.
“Dear lord.” Simon said & shook his head. This was going to be a long evening.
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softspeirs · 6 months
These Heartbeats Clear (4): Rosie Rosenthal x OC
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A/N: You mean I was supposed to watch ep 7 and Rosie run towards a recently landed B-17 all heroically and not write something where he helps with the wounded? *laughs maniacally* These Heartbeats Clear Masterlist
four (loss & grief)
Heads tilted upwards, every stood-down pilot, crew member, and civilian on base counts the number of planes coming in.
It's always fewer than they expect.
The 100th is taking so many losses at this point in the war, Rosie is not surprised when two planes barely make the runway. Red-red flares, wounded aboard. Landing gear screeching, holes in wings smoking, and he's moving before he can even think about what he's doing.
The hatch is open and a slew of bullet casings come tumbling out, a crew member not far behind, dazed. Rosie reaches for him out of instinct, gripping his elbow to keep him upright.
"You're all right, son." He says, but the Captain either doesn't hear him, or hasn't processed it. Rosie lets go.
His attention is drawn, as it tends to be, to the arrival of Lieutenant Grace Fleming. Her face is pale, but set in grim determination.
She meets his eyes for a split second. If she’s surprised to see him there, she doesn’t show it, instead she focuses on the man in front of her, fallen to his knees. His breath comes in fits and spurts.
“Captain—“ She barks, eyes flicking up to Rosie’s once more. “A hand.”
It’s not a request. If he’s here, he has to make himself useful. Another nurse on her left, they’re lowering the man to the ground.
“Need him on a litter right away.”
“Count of three.” Rosie confirms, another member of the medical corps arriving at their side with a stretcher.
“Nurse—“ the man stutters, blood seeping from between his chattering teeth. “Miss Grace, please.”
Grace freezes for only a moment, but it’s enough for Rosie to see. Her jaw clenches. “I’m here, you’re alright. Try to slow your breathing for me, okay?” Her hands are gentle as she clasps his. She presses their interlocked hands to the man’s chest, leaning over him. “You’ve got a bad leg wound and some shrapnel elsewhere, we’re going to get you inside and take care of you.”
“Please,” he begs again. “Grace, I don’t want to die.”
Rosie is relieved when Grace looks at him, nodding once. “Count of three.” She says.
One, two, three, and they’re lifting. Into the ambulance the young Lieutenant goes, and Grace is right behind. Rosie helps her in, hands gripping around her waist and hoisting her inside before he can second guess touching her like that.
“Later.” She says to him quietly before shutting the door.
It didn’t need to be said - their sunset meetings on the hard stand have been a staple for the both of them since he came back from the flak house.
He turns back to the chaotic scene behind him, wanting to help. Scenes like this are becoming more and more common. It makes alarm bells ring in his head. Somehow, though, it makes him more sure about his next move.
He waits around on the hard stand for a half hour before a feeling in his gut has him turning back towards the barracks.
He goes to the women's hut first. Shaking his head at his sudden nervousness, he raps his knuckles on the door. Entering uninvited seems wrong, and when the door is opened in front of him, he hastily whips off his hat and clutches it between his fingers.
"Captain!" The woman says, and Rosie is embarrassed to admit to himself that he doesn't know her name.
"I'm looking for--"
"Grace?" Word has gotten around, then. "She hasn't been here. Still at the hospital as far as I know. She missed dinner."
Rosie frowns. That's not like her.
Following his gut, he thanks the woman at the door and turns on his heels, heading in the opposite direction. Not for the first time, he wishes he had a jeep or a bike at his disposal - he knows he could find someone to give him a lift, but he doesn't want to draw any more attention to his meeting with Grace than he apparently already has.
The hospital is eerily silent. He forces himself inside - he still hates the smell and the way everything is so blindingly white.
A few men he recognizes from the landing earlier are in bed, most asleep. Their wounds range from what appear to be minor to a man who is bandaged nearly from head to toe.
There is still blood on the floor.
He steps carefully past the last bed. Still no sign of Grace.
Water runs in a small room to his left, and he makes his footfalls a little heavier in hopes that he doesn't startle her if she is indeed still here, preparing to leave for the day.
He peers around the corner to see her, hands deep in the washing basin. She is scrubbing at her hands so hard, she sounds out of breath. A sick, sinking feeling hits him in the gut.
"Grace." He says her name softly. It comes out hoarse. He takes a few steps closer when she doesn't react. "Grace?"
She's still scrubbing at her hands. When he gets close enough, he can see the color of her skin - bright pink, the water so hot steam is rising from the tap. The soap running from her fingers is clean, not a tinge of any color that shouldn't be there running down the drain.
Her hands are shaking.
Without saying anything else, he reaches for the tap and shuts it off. She doesn't stop rubbing at her hands, her knuckles, her fingernails.
"Grace." His voice is firmer this time. His hands settle over hers. He almost pulls away because of how hot her touch is, but the shaking only gets worse in her long fingers, and he grips her tighter out of instinct.
"He didn't make it." She says, voice like he's never heard it before. Flat. Emotionless. "The Lieutenant from--" She stops, and it's not really a cry, but more of a strangled noise that leaves her throat. "His plane was called Borrowed Time."
Rosie's throat is tight as he watches her. He gently guides her away from the sink, hands still tight around hers. "Come on, sit down for a second."
"I can't-- I have to get the blood off."
"Gracie, you're clean, okay?"
"He-- he begged me." She looks at him then. There are tears in her eyes, but he knows her well enough to know she won't let them fall. "He didn't call for his mother, or for God. He begged me."
Rosie throws all caution to the wind. He pulls her sideways so she's half in his lap. His arms go around her, tugging her close, her head finding purchase on his shoulder. Her breathing is strangled, and he knows she's trying not to break.
"You did everything you could." He assures her. "I know you did everything you could."
"You don't know that. Not for sure."
He's shaking his head before she can even finish her sentence. "Yes, I do. There's no one better than you, Grace."
She's quiet for a long time before she pulls away from him. His arms open automatically, and he clears his throat as a sudden awkwardness lands between them like an anvil. "I need to get out of here." She whispers.
"Come on." He says, holding his hand out to her. It feels like an eternity waiting to see if she'll take it.
She does.
Lemmons appears at some point to hand over a hastily wrapped parcel of sandwiches and sodas. Rosie looks up at him gratefully, even more grateful when Ken doesn't say anything - he's gotten used to seeing Rosie and Grace out here together.
Grace's face is a mask of stoicism, but Rosie knows better by now. He can see the crease in between her eyebrows that only shows up when she's tired or worried.
He can see the way her shoulders slump downward, her posture normally ramrod straight from years of being shouted at by her parents.
When they're alone again, he watches her carefully for signs that she's knitting herself back together. He doesn't know if his more-than-forward touch in the hospital was wanted, so he doesn't try again, though his fingers itch with the urge to take her hand or pull her close so he can feel her warmth.
"Your twenty-fifth is coming soon." She says suddenly.
He frowns at her. "Why are you thinking about that?"
"You have to go home, Rosie." Her voice trembles.
He takes a step backward. "What? I--"
"Captain Rosenthal, so help me, if you go up there again, you're going to end up in a hospital bed, and if you make me have to tend to you like that, I'll never speak to you again."
His hands go to his hips as he weighs his words. He doesn't want to upset her, he doesn't want to pretend that everything is going to be fine -- hell, he might not make it back at all, let alone without a scratch.
"I can't promise you that."
She stares at him. "You're going to re-up after twenty five." It's not a question.
"The thought has crossed my mind."
She wraps her arms around herself, and he sees it for what it is, shielding herself for what she sees as an unavoidable blow coming her way.
He takes a few steps closer to her, unable to stand the distance any longer. "I'm going to come back." His voice is firm, full of the conviction he feels because he trusts himself, he trusts his men, and because he has something to come back for. He's tired of pretending that's not the case. "I'm going to come back, and I swear I won't have more than minor mending for you to do, all right?"
She looks up at him, the slight widening of her eyes the only indication that he's standing closer than she thought he was. But she doesn't back away.
Her arms fall from around her waist, and reach for him instead. He lets out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.
Her touch moves from grasping his hand up to his elbow, and then she's tugging him closer, folding him into an embrace. This time it's him who finds a spot for his forehead on her shoulder, inhaling as he feels her grip him tight.
"Thank you." She whispers. Whether it's for the promise of coming back or for pulling her back from the brink today, he wants to tell her that she doesn't need to thank him, that he would be the one to pull her back a hundred times over if it meant he'd get to have these moments with her.
When they pull apart, arms still around each other, he watches the fading sunlight in her eyes and thinks he's never wanted to kiss someone so badly in his entire life.
How he restrains himself, he has no idea.
They walk back to the barracks hand in hand after he stares her down, laughing when she rolls her eyes at him demanding she eat some food in his presence before she goes to sleep.
At the door, he watches her shoulders straighten and hears her take a big, deep breath. He recognizes the motions because he does them too, every time before he hauls himself through the hatch again.
Once more unto the breach.
He's so proud of her. For fighting her way through the hardest day of the war for her so far, for getting up each day and finding a way to be a comforting touch, a healing hand, and a smiling face for these men. He wonders if she has any idea how many lives she's saved, and not just from medicine.
One day he'll have the courage to put into words what she means to him, too.
Today, though, he raises his hand in a farewell as he takes a few steps backward, and laughs under his breath as she blushes just a little.
Her smile plays on a loop over and over again as he falls asleep that night.
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cha-melodius · 5 months
Could I please get Firstprince at some sort of pet store?
(HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRICKET!!!! This is the fill for your fandom fest request of firstprince at a pet store. Thank you for being such an excellent doc gremlin and wonderful friend, I hope this fic brightens your day!!)
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The Hazards of Unsolicited Toy Advice
(T, 2.2k, read it below or on AO3)
There’s a staggeringly gorgeous man loitering by a display of chew toys.
The sight of him momentarily brings Henry to a complete halt, which confuses David. He reaches the end of his lead and looks back at Henry with his head tilted, clearly wondering what could have interrupted their usual pilgrimage to the elaborate collection of bones, pigs’ ears, and various treats that make this store worth going out of their way to visit. Unfortunately for David, Henry needs a moment. He knows he’s being kind of weird, but surely he can be forgiven. It’s not every day one comes across the personification of pure sunlight in a pet store.
The man doesn’t seem to notice Henry’s watching, thankfully. His full lips pout thoughtfully as he pokes idly at a few toys, picking them up and putting them down again without much intention. A few dark curls fall forward over his forehead as he props one hand on his devastatingly narrow waist, perfectly emphasized by the way his tailored button-down is tucked into navy chinos that hug a truly perfect arse.
David chuffs softly, pulling Henry out of his reverie. Right. The beautiful man looks like he could use some decision-making assistance, perhaps. Henry will take whatever tiny opening he can get.
“If you need some advice on toys, I have some experience,” Henry said, only realizing the way it sounds once the words are out of his mouth.
Unfortunately, the beautiful man does not miss the innuendo. He looks up at Henry, warm brown eyes fringed by the longest eyelashes Henry’s ever seen flashing with mirth as his face breaks into a grin and, oh, if Henry was in trouble before, it was nothing on this. The man’s entire face lights up, nearly blinding in its brilliance, and Henry’s stomach swoops.
“Do you, now?” the man returns as his lips settle into a smirk. He looks Henry up and down, and Henry doesn’t think he’s imagining the interest in his expression.
Henry’s cheeks are heating, but he holds the man’s gaze. “Yes. David is a bit of a connoisseur.”
The man’s eyebrows shoot upward. “David? Is that your…”
“My dog, of course,” Henry says, gesturing toward where David is sitting obediently at his feet. “He’s got quite the collection.”
“Dog named David, ok,” the man mutters, laughing a little to himself. “Does he have a favorite?”
Henry reaches out and plucks a rubber toy shaped like a duck and hands it to the man. “This one is probably his first choice.” At his feet, David makes a noise of interest, and Henry glances down at him. “You have this one at home, Davey.”
The man turns the toy over in his hands, but before he can say anything an employee walks up and hands him a plain brown paper bag with the top stapled shut and some numbers written on the side.
“Anything else, sir?” she asks.
“No, that’s it. Thanks,” the man says, then looks at Henry and lifts up the duck. “Thanks for the advice.”
“Yes, well, if you need any further toy suggestions, we’re here regularly,” Henry manages to say, and it sounds like just as much of a come-on as he means it to.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” the man replies, smirking, then heads off to the front of the store.
Henry runs into the beautiful man again a couple weeks later, standing in the same place as last time. He’s wearing a t-shirt and jeans today with his curls combed and tamed, and is no less stunning for it (though Henry’s always been partial to curls). Today, Henry is slightly more prepared; he’s thought about—ok, fantasized about—running into the man again. This time he’s getting a name, at the very least.
“So, was it a success?” he asks as he walks up to the man. Warmth blooms in his chest at the look of recognition that takes over the man’s face, though it’s quickly followed by a furrowed brow.
“The toy. Did your dog like it?”
“Oh. Yeah, definitely,” the man says, bobbing his head a little. “Any other suggestions?”
Henry lets his gaze skim over the toys until he sees the plush strawberry David’s been favoring lately and picks it up, but the man shakes his head apologetically. “No soft toys.”
“A penchant for shredding them apart?” Henry guesses.
“Hard to keep clean,” he says, wrinkling his nose.
“Always an important consideration for any toy,” Henry agrees sagely, only for the man to raise his eyebrows again. It seems to happen with alarming regularity. As does the way Henry’s cheeks heat. He clears his throat and picks up a rubber toy with numerous large holes punched through it. “What about something like this? You can put treats in these for a bit of a challenge.”
The man looks at the toy consideringly before taking it from Henry. “That one could work.”
“I’m Henry, by the way.”
The man opens his mouth, only to be interrupted by another employee with a brown paper bag. After accepting it, he looks back at Henry. “Well, thanks again, Henry,” he says with a little wave, leaving Henry decidedly unsatisfied with the outcome of this encounter.
“The toy with the holes was a hit.” 
Henry turns to see the beautiful man approaching him this time. He’s already got his brown paper bag clutched in one hand this time, and his other stuffed in the pocket of his jeans.
“That’s good to hear,” Henry replies, smiling. At his feet, David starts wagging his tail, apparently having by now decided that the man is a friend. “You’re back again.”
“Turns out you have good taste in toys,” the man says, shrugging a little.
“You’re not the first person to tell me that,” Henry says without really thinking about it, and the eyebrows shoot up again. Henry coughs. “I mean, dog toys.”
He does not mean dog toys.
The man grins wickedly, like he is not fooled. “Well, be that as it may, I thought I might try my luck a third time.”
Henry thinks that it’s about time that he tried his luck, actually. “How about, you tell me your name, and I’ll give you another suggestion,” he counters.
“Oh, I wasn’t aware this toy advice came at a price.”
“Too steep for you?”
“Nah, that’s a bargain, sweetheart,” the man replies. “I’m Alex.”
“Alex,” Henry echoes softly, tasting the name on his tongue, and Alex’s lips part slightly. “And what about your dog?”
It seems to take Alex a moment to parse his question. “Oh, Miss Piggy. She came with the name. I adopted her from a friend of a friend that was trying to get rid of her.”
“That was good of you.”
Alex shrugs. “She’s low maintenance, and it’s kind of nice to talk to someone else in my empty apartment. Not that she talks back.”
Henry tries to suppress the little thrill of hope at the fact that Alex doesn’t live with anyone. “I understand,” he says. “David isn’t much of a conversationalist, but he’s an excellent listener.”
“How long have you had him?”
“Since he was a puppy.”
“So you chose the name David,” Alex says, a touch incredulously.
“I did,” Henry confirms. “It’s after Bowie.”
Alex blinks, like he’s re-evaluating something. “Oh. That’s cool.” He crouches down, which of course makes David start squirming in desire to get to Alex, but he stays sitting next to Henry’s feet. “He’s very well-behaved. Can I pet him?”
“He’d like that.”
Alex reaches a hand out to scratch behind David’s ears, which David immediately presses into, his tail thumping rapidly on the floor. “Who’s a good boy?” Alex coos, and Henry honestly counts himself lucky that Alex’s soft smile is directed at David instead of him; he might not survive it. But then Alex looks up at him in his current position practically kneeling on the floor, and Henry comes very close to shuffling off this mortal coil right then and there anyway.
“So,” Alex says as he stands again, brushing his hands off on his trousers, “what kind of toy advice do I get for my name?”
Henry very nearly suggests some quite different toy advice in response to that question, but manages to bring his brain back online at the last second. “Well,” he says, picking up a tube-shaped rubber toy, “if she liked the treat toy, then this one is a similar idea.” He holds it out to Alex, but he doesn’t let go when Alex grabs the other end. “I have another request.”
The eyebrows go again. “This is an expensive toy.”
Henry shakes his head. “Not a price. But I’d very much like to take you to dinner, if you’d be interested.”
The dimple in Alex’s cheek deepens and he drops his gaze before looking up at Henry through his eyelashes. Christ, but this man is lethal.
“I’m interested.”
Alex tugs Henry in by the front of his jacket as he backs up against the front door to his flat, and Henry wastes no time before sealing their mouths together again. At the end of their first date, Alex had dropped him off outside his building and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of Henry’s mouth; it had been utterly lovely, but Henry has to admit he’s very much enjoying this, the conclusion to their second date. Alex’s tongue in his mouth and the cut of his teeth, Alex’s hands grabbing onto his waist, Alex’s thigh pressing in between his.
“You wanna come in, baby?” Alex asks in the gaps between their kisses.
The endearment makes something warm settle in his gut, and he grins against Alex’s lips. “Thought you’d never ask, love.”
They stumble through the door, and despite the fact that Alex has now attached himself to Henry’s throat, Henry finds himself distracted, listening for the tell-tale sound of claws on the hardwood. Nothing comes, though. Perhaps Miss Piggy is a heavy sleeper?
“What’s wrong?” Alex asks, clearly noticing his inattention.
“Sorry,” Henry says, shaking his head. “I was expecting your dog.”
For some reason, that makes Alex look down and bite his lip, and when he finally meets Henry’s eyes again, he looks decidedly sheepish. “I, um. Don’t have a dog.”
Henry blinks at him. Opens and closes his mouth. “You don’t?”
Alex shakes his head. “No.”
“So you let me suggest you dog toys…”
“Because when a ridiculously hot guy wants to talk to you about dog toys, you talk about dog toys,” Alex says, a little helplessly.
It’s honestly hard to be anything but insanely flattered, but he still doesn’t quite understand. “So all of that about adopting Miss Piggy, and the toy reviews… it was all made up?”
“Oh, no, it wasn’t,” Alex says, nonsensically. Then he takes Henry by the hand and leads him into the living room, where there’s a terrarium set up along one wall. Amongst the water dish and a fake-rock hut, Henry spots the duck, and the toy with the holes, and the tube, which has the head and tail of a small brown-and-tan-patterned snake sticking out of one end. “Miss Piggy is a snake,” Alex tells him. “A western hognose, to be specific. Hence the name, I guess. I was in the pet store buying frozen mice for her the times I saw you. I did adopt her from a friend of a friend who didn’t want her anymore, and she does like the toys, as you can see.”
Henry bends down to get a closer look at the snake, who has big eyes and a little turned-up snout. “I never thought a snake could be cute,” he says, unaccountably and unexpectedly charmed by the small creature.
“She’s a drama queen, is what she is,” Alex says. When Henry looks at him questioningly, he explains, “When they feel threatened, they either pretend to be a viper or play dead. Turn over onto their back, tongue hanging out and everything. She hasn’t done that since right after I got her, though. I think she’s happier here.”
Alex gets a kind of soft, fond smile on his face as he talks about the snake, and Henry can’t help but be ridiculously charmed by that, too. He takes a step closer to Alex and slips his arms around his waist, pulling him in and pressing a kiss to his temple, and Alex’s smile widens.
“What was that for?” he asks.
“You care for her,” Henry says simply. “It’s endearing.”
“Of course I do,” Alex replies. “How could you not love that face?”
“Mm,” Henry hums in agreement. “I suppose this means we don’t have to worry about her waking us early in the morning to go outside.”
Alex’s eyes sparkle as he turns in Henry’s arms, looping his own around Henry’s shoulders. “You planning on spending the night, baby? What about David?”
“Is it terribly forward if I said I already arranged to have someone take care of him tonight?” Henry asks, biting his lower lip.
“Not any more than what I was gonna ask you,” Alex says, smirking as his fingers play idly with a flippy piece of Henry’s hair.
“Which is?”
“Well, y’know, I wanted some advice.” He leans in close, until his lips are brushing the angle of Henry’s jaw, and murmurs, “On a different kind of toy.”
Henry doesn’t need to be asked twice.
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dbnightingale24 · 2 years
You’ve Always Been My Dream
An Andy Barber One Shot
(Best friend’s Dad)
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I promise that I genuinely mean it when I say that I’m going to update and finish all of my stories, but my brain never shuts up and I’m always coming up with new ideas, so now you all have this. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but I hope you all enjoy it. Jacob’s best friend falling for his dad? My brain couldn’t just let this be a simple ‘porn with a plot’ type of deal. Nope, we’re about to have a whole fucking saga. Enjoy!
Word Count: 40,641
Warnings: Family drama, Age gap, Swearing, Drinking, Infidelity, Drinking, Arguing, Fluff, Angst, Mentions of gambling, SMUT (MINORS GET AWAY), Unprotected Sex (reader is on birth control, but it’s not mentioned), Daddy kink, hints of BDSM, Anxiety, Depression, Sexual assault (teacher makes a move without consent),...I’m sure I missed something, but I can’t think of it right now.
@fuckingbye​, thank you for my kick ass mood board! I love you so much! Also, looking forward to the next time I can tackle you with a hug and not let go.
Song(s) That Inspired This Story: How Do I Make You Want Me? (And Make It Last Eternally?)
Summary: You didn’t expect to be a staple in Jacob’s life, and with the way Laurie kept Andy on a leash, you NEVER expected to become a staple in Andy’s life. However, life has a way of turning things around and changing everything you thought you knew.
I do not give consent/permission for my stories/ works to be posted elsewhere. I do not condone this type of behavior, this is for entertainment purposes only.
“You never come over anymore,” Jacob scoffs as drives you home from a night out with him and Sarah.
“I just have a lot going on,” you defend, looking out the window as you fidget with your fingers.
“Did something happen? Did my mom do something?”
“What? No! Nothing! I really just am busy. I know I’m not in college like you and Sarah, but I still have a job.”
“No, I know that...you know what I mean, Y/N. You used to come over all the time-”
“I didn’t even start coming to your house till I was 17.”
“And from 17-22, you would come over all the time. Now, getting you to come over is like pulling teeth.”
“I just...I don’t want to get too comfortable with your family. We come from two different worlds and-”
“You know my parents love you.”
“It’s not that it’s just...it’s really easy to get caught up in the world of the Barbers, and I don’t want to do that. Your parents automatically include me in everything, spend money on me as if it’s not a big deal, and I just...I need to remember my place.”
“So you’re mad at my parents for having money?”
“Jacob, why are you giving me a hard time about this?”
“Because I miss hanging out with my best friend!”
“You can hangout with me anywhere!”
“It’s easier for us to hangout at my parent’s house, cause I have a shit tone of papers to work on, and the last thing I need is a distraction.”
“If something happened, you know you tell me,” he says with a sincere sigh as he pulls up to your Mother’s house.
“I know I can, but nothing did happen. I’ll come over tomorrow after I get off work, okay?” you mutter in pure annoyance and defeat as you look out the window and see your Mother’s car isn’t in the driveway. “I wonder what club she’s at tonight.”
“How is it that she has time to go out all the time, but no time to find a fucking job?” Jacob questions, and it’s not hard to spot the disdain in his voice.
“Well, ya see, when my Father left, he was nice enough to leave some of the money he won. Why work when you can go to a club and find a nice rich man to bankroll you?”
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine. Everyone in my fucking family sucks, no big deal. I’ll be out by the end of the month, which is less than a week away.”
“It’s still fucked up.”
“Jacob, I’m not going to sit here and stomp my feet about it. We went from being dirt poor, to having entirely too much money, to both of my parents showing their true colors. I don’t care, I just want to get away from all of this shit.”
“Does he at least try and see you?”
“Every fucking weekend.”
“You should at least talk to him.”
“I don’t want to.”
“He won his money, bought this house, got a new little girlfriend, moved out overnight, then served my Mom with divorce papers out of the blue. Divorce papers that your Father gave her. My dad can go fuck himself,” you spit.
“Have you told your mom you’re moving out?”
“No because fuck her.”
Jacob waits a beat before he says anything. “See? This is why you should come over more often! We have so much to talk about!” Jacob laughs and you chuckle softly.
“Tomorrow, I promise,” you smile before leaning over and giving him a small kiss on the cheek, “text me when you get home?”
“I always do.”
“Thanks for tonight, I need it,” you nod before getting out of his car.
You close the door and quickly make your way up the stairs, doing your best to avoid the Massachusetts chill, waiving once more at Jacob before disappearing inside the house.
“Hello?” you call out, knowing that you’ll be met with complete and total silence.
When no one answers, you roll your eyes with a scowl before heading into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of vodka out of the freezer. You don’t bother to grab a glass, opting to just take the whole bottle before you make your way upstairs, and hide away in your bedroom. You’ll never tell Jacob, but hanging out with him always makes you feel small.
Well, that and what actually happened.
You take a swig from the bottle before laying down and thinking about the entirety of your friendship with Jacob, thus far.
“Hey, just ignore them,” you said as you nudged Jacob’s shoulder, trying to make him feel less humiliated because of all the attention.
“Everyone here thinks I’m a killer so-”
“I don’t,” you offer with a small smile, as you try and usher you both through the hallways of 10th grade.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
“Because I know what it’s like to have people never be nice to you,” you smiled weakly. “The people of Newton are just as sweet as they are cruel.”
“You must be new here.”
“I know who you are, Jacob. Wanting a bully dead doesn’t make you a bad guy, it just makes you honest.”
“And you are?”
“I’m Y/N,” you smiled as the bell rang for third period.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he smiled sheepishly.
“You too,” you smiled, outstretching your hand to shake his.
From that moment on, you two were inseparable. You were 15, he was 16, but he was only older than you by a few months. The first handful of times he’d asked to come over and hangout, you’d told him no because you have work. You could tell he didn’t believe you, so one Monday, you decided to bring him along with you to the library. After that, his parents wanted you to start coming around, because ever since that day, Jacob started looking for a job.
“I don’t get why it’s such a big deal,” you laughed as you two walked to your locker “teenagers have jobs.”
“I don’t.”
“Yeah, but you also don’t like to leave the house. Besides, doesn’t Sarah have a job?”
“Why do you think they love her so much?”
“Well, for as honored as I am, you know why I have to work. I help pay the bills.”
“After, I go home and finish up my homework.”
“Have you thought about college at all?”
“I don’t have good enough grades for a scholarship and there’s no way I can afford it, and continue to help out.”
“They’re grants and you can apply for loans-”
“So I can have to deal with years and years of debt? No thanks,” you scoffed as you two made your way to your way to the lunchroom.
“Well, there’s always-”
“Jacob, it’s fine, honestly.I’ll graduate from this hellhole and get a job as a temp or something. Eventually, I’ll move out of this stupid town and won’t have to think about any of this shit anymore...where’s Sarah?”
“We got into an argument.”
“Please don’t tell me it was over me again.”
“She just needs to spend time with you.”
“Hey, I’m sitting at the same table as you, no need to shout.”
“It’s just so infuriating. Besides, if she paid any attention to the rumors, she’d know you’re too young.”
“Yeah, you need someone around my dad’s age,” he smirked.
“Exactly,” you laughed, stealing a fry off of his plate.
Little did you know, that joke would come back to bite you in the ass later in life.
Nonetheless, Jacob convinced Sarah to go to lunch with you two. After just 5 minutes of being around you two, Sarah realized that she had absolutely nothing to worry about, and almost instantly fell into rhythm the debate you and Jacob had been having for weeks:
Which is better? French fries or mozzarella sticks, and why?
After that, things seemed to finally calm down. You went to school, you went to work, you came home, listened to your parents argue about money and whose fault it was that there was none of it, and you went to bed.
For as great as everything was, there was still one issue: you still hadn’t met Jacob’s parents.
“You didn’t come to my birthday over the summer-”
“I apologized for that.”
“I know, but my parents are starting to think I made you up.”
“Sarah can vouch for you on that.”
“Why do you need me to meet them? I don’t do well with parents.”
“Why not?”
“The moms hate me and the dads wanna fuck me. I tend to just stay away from parents. I barely talk to my own.”
“My parents aren’t anything like that and you know it.”
“You missed my birthday, you didn’t come over for the holiday party-”
“You’re not going to drop this until I agree to come over for your graduation celebration, are you?”
“Ugh, fuck you, Barber.”
“June 16th at 1. Thank you,” he smiled before he walked off.
You knew you were paranoid, but the rumors always lived rent free in your head and the stares and judging glances never stopped.
There have been so many variations of what actually happened that day your 9th grade year, that you’re shocked you remember what actually happened. Yes, you do have a thing for older men, but you were never dumb enough to actually go after one. Your curves had come in by the time you were in 7th grade, which meant that it wasn’t hard for you to catch anyone’s eye. So, it came as no surprise when you caught the eye of your 9th grade History teacher, Mr. Matthews.
Everyone’s favorite teacher.
It didn’t matter that he had approached you first, it didn’t matter that you asked him to stop sending you unsolicited dick pics, and it didn’t matter that you pushed him off of you when he kissed you. What did matter was that your “friends” had heard you say multiple times that you couldn’t wait to get older so that you could date older men, it mattered that you were often referred to as one if the prettiest girls in school, and what mattered was that everyone knew you weren’t a virgin.
When you finally found the courage to go to the principle and tell her what happened, showing her all the pictures and texts, it didn’t matter that there was proof that you didn’t want it. What mattered was that you got everyone’s favorite teacher fired.
After that, your friends stop calling and coming around, dads started looking you over more often when they picked up their kids from school, and mothers didn’t want their sons dating “such a tramp” (as one mother so lovingly put it).  
Almost over night, you became a recluse. You worked as much as possible, you stayed in the library on your free periods, and when you weren’t too burnt out, you did your homework. By the time Jacob Barber came back to school, you had become such a recluse you barely paid attention to the fact that he was in your class. However, the site of someone shoving him into a locker and calling him a “murderous fucking psycho” broke your heart. You two bonded on being outcasts and bullied, and that’s how you two ended up being best friends.
“The Barbers seem like nice people, sweetheart,” your mother encouraged as she helped you style your hair.
“I just-”
“Listen, those fuck heads at the school are just that: fuck heads. Not everyone is going to see you in the light that they see you in. You didn’t do anything wrong-”
“I know I didn’t, but still.”
“Just relax, you’re gonna have a great time,” she reassured you as she placed her hands on your shoulders.
As luck would have it, Mr. Barber wasn’t there when you went to Jacob’s party. Jacob said he got called into work or something and that he wouldn’t be home until later. Laurie was unfailingly kind in her words and very welcoming, but her eyes told you differently. She would look you over and you knew she was trying to decide if you had been telling the truth all those years ago. You tried to talk yourself out of it, but the fact that whenever you came over Mr. Barber was always gone let you know that you weren’t being delusional.
But, you got over it.
Laurie was always nice to your face and she never stopped you from being friends with Jacob. As far as you were concerned, everything was fine for the most part.
Then, as fate would have it, your father hit the lotto of all things. He was quick to pack up the little bit that you all had and moved you all into a house only a few blocks away from the Barbers. You thought that would be the end of the arguing, but that somehow only made it worse. You kept hoping that they’d work it out, but one day you woke up and all of his things were gone. The next day, your mother answered the door to Andy Barber serving her divorce papers.
You practically lived in Jacob’s room for a month after that.
The only thing that made it worse? Your Father had been in a relationship with another woman for months. So, your Mother took the money that he left and decided to spend it on herself. You didn’t matter at all anymore. New purses, a new car, a shit ton of alcohol, new clothes, she just kept buying whatever she wanted and sleeping with whoever she wanted.
You were left to navigate through all of the bullshit by yourself.
You would have thought that with the news of what happened with your parents, and what your Father did, you would have found some favor with Laurie.
You didn’t.
While she started buying you things for the holidays and your birthdays (always signing them from both her and Andy), invited you over for holiday dinners, offered to let you throw celebrations for your birthday at the Barber household, but she still never wanted Andy around when you were there. Yeah, it hurt that she still didn’t trust you after so much time had passed, but you let it go. As long as you didn’t have to hear about her hating you, it was easy for you to pretend that she genuinely cared about you and that Andy was an extremely busy man.
See,the thing is, Laurie desperately wanted to like you but she just couldn’t.
You were kind, respectful, thoughtful, patient, and extremely caring. Yes, you loved Jacob and looked out for him when you two were out in public, but in a way, that made her even more wary. You never showed any interest in Jacob and he was completely wrapped up in Sarah. It didn’t help that half the time Jacob went out with you, he’d come home completely shit faced and alone. When she’d ask where you were in the morning, Jacob was always truthful and said “I don’t know, she went home with some guy she met at the bar.”
Yeah, Laurie wanted to like you, but just couldn’t bring herself to for a number of reasons, and you told yourself you were fine with it.
Until you overheard a conversation in their kitchen a year ago.
“Would you mind grabbing beers from downstairs?” Jacob asked as his eyes stayed glued to the screen in front him.
You don’t know how many times you’ve seen ‘Borat’ at this point, but you could quote it line for line. A talent you weren’t necessarily proud of.
“It’s your house.”
“It’s my parents house.”
“Even more reason for you to go and get it.”
“Y/N come on, this my favorite part!”
“You owe me, Barber,” you muttered before you got up and quickly made out of the room.
It’s not like you meant to creep downstairs, but you knew how Laurie felt about you, and Jacob had invited you over unannounced because he just wanted to hangout and was worn out from college.
You were more than ready to run into the kitchen then run back upstairs, but the voices you heard coming from the kitchen made you come to a complete stop.
“Laurie, this is fucking ridiculous! She’s our son’s best friend and I’ve never even met the girl!” Andy snapped in a hushed tone.
“You saw her at graduation!”
“That’s bullshit and you know it! The fact is you still have this idea about some stupid revenge!”
“Why wouldn’t you? And why not with her?! The whole town knows-”
“Jesus! She was a fucking child when that happened, and she very clearly didn’t-”
“She was a child then but she isn’t now!”
“Do you hear how fucking crazy you sound?!”
You leaned in a little bit more than you meant to and quickly took a step to regain your balance, but the floor creaked and you instantly knew you were found out, so instead of trying to run off in the other direction, you walked into the kitchen as if you’d just gotten there.
“Oh Y/N! How’s Borat?” Laurie smiled with a small laugh as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Same as its always is,” you chuckled awkwardly as you made your way to the fridge “sorry to interrupt though, Jacob just wanted me to grab a few beers.”
“As silly as it sounds, you’ve never met Andy! Andy meet-”
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” he smiled at you sincerely as he outstretched his hand.
“I get it, you’ve been extremely busy, it’s not a problem at all,” you smiled sheepishly before taking his outstretched hand and shaking it.
He didn’t look you over, he didn’t ogle you, and he didn’t give you a suggestive smirk. Instead, his eyes let you know that he was sorry. He knew you’d heard what they had been talking about and he felt embarrassed and awful.
It made your heart flutter just a little.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you,” you laughed awkwardly before letting go of his hand and opening the fridge, accidentally grabbing the entire six pack “I should get back to Jake.”
“Y/N, what you heard tonight-” Laurie started as you shook your head.
“I didn’t hear a thing,” you lied with a sincere smile before exiting and making your way back upstairs.
“What took you so long?” Jacob asked as you closed the door to his room.
“I finally got to meet your dad,” you chuckled nervously as you handed him a beer.
“It’s about fucking time,” he chuckled as he took the beer from you. “How’d that go?”
‘Well you know....me and parents.”
“Oh God, were they weird? Was he weird?”
“No, it was just me, like always,” you lied before almost completely downing an entire bottle of beer. “Hey, do your parents argue a lot?”
“All the fucking time,” he scoffed as if it were not a big deal.
“What about?” you questioned before you finished off your beer and grabbed a second; wasting no time in opening another one before you took a giant swig from it.
“Anything, honestly. My dad went through this really bad depression the summer before I met you. He was drunk every day, never wanted to leave the house unless it was for work...him and my mom were fighting a lot. Sometimes over me and sometimes over him and the secrets he decided to keep. Anyway, since then, they’ve been arguing about everything. For the last 3 or 4 years, they’ve been arguing about some girl.”
“My mother swears that my father is out on some revenge quest with some young woman, and she lays into him about it every chance she gets.”
“Do you know who?”
“Nah, I just know she works at a library or something,” he shrugged.
You loved Jacob so much, but sometimes he could be a complete and total fucking idiot.
“Well,” you started before downing the entire second bottle “I’ve gotta get going.”
“What?!” Jacob exclaimed as he paused the movie. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, I just have to get back.”
“To what? You know she’s drunk at some club-”
“I have work tomorrow, Jake. At the library,” you muttered, hoping to drop the hint that you were the girl his parents had been arguing about for years.
“That’s not until the afternoon!”
“I’m working the full day, I need the money.”
“Y/N, did something happen down there?”
“I promise everything is fine,” you lied with a reassuring smile “I’ll call you when I get home.”
“At least let me drive you home.”
“It’s a short walk, I’ll be fine,” you laughed as you grabbed another beer and got up. “I’ll call you when I get home,” you repeated before you walked out.
You quickly made your way downstairs and practically ran out the door, pretending you didn’t hear Laurie when she called after you.
From that day on, you’ve barely ever stepped foot inside the Barber household. When you’d run into Laurie at the grocery store, you’d make polite small talk and pretend you didn’t know how little she actually thought of you, and you went out of your way to avoid Andy.
In Laurie’s defense, if you were her, you’d have anxiety about women trying to steal your husband all the time.
Besides the fact that he’s annoyingly good at his job, Andy Barber is insanely attractive. Girls throw themselves him, guys envy him, and you’d overheard a few women at school talk about how they changed their workout routines just so they could catch a glimpse of him swimming. Women wanted Andy and they didn’t try to hide it. So, when some young woman comes along, who’s never shied away from the fact that she likes older men, of course she threw all logic out the window and decided to keep her husband as far away as possible.
So, out of respect and not wanting to cause more stress for Jacob, you stayed away. The last time you saw him was the beginning of the month.
“I feel like you’re busier than usual,” Sarah commented as the three of you hung out in the living room.
Sarah was cuddled up against Jacob on one side of the sofa, and you were laid out on the other side, half paying attention to the movie playing.
“That’s because I am,” you groaned as she chuckled.
“Well, why don’t you slow up? The library can’t possibly need you as much.”
“I’m not working there anymore.”
“Oh? And why weren’t we told?”
“Because it’s a surprise!” you whined as they both start to laugh.
“Well,” Jacob started as he turned his attention towards you “now you have to tell us.”
“It’s a surprise!”
“Nope, we gotta know. It’s gonna bother us all night.”
“You both suck, I hope you know that,” you scowled as they both continued to laugh “I started working as a secretary at that advertising agency not far from the college.”
“Sloman and Brothers? Well look at you!” Jacob exclaimed. “The next time we all go out, dinner will be on you!”
“You say this as if I don’t have bills.”
“Your Mother is still making you help out?”
“No, I’m finally getting my own place.”
“Yes,” you laughed as you felt his genuine happiness and love for you.
“That’s great, I’m happy for you,” Mr. Barber’s voice came from behind, which caused you to jump and sit straight up.
“I thought you guys were gonna go out for dinner,” Jacob said casually, not paying to your complete change in your demeanor.
Sarah did though.
“Change of plans,” Laurie smiled, but you could see irritation in her eyes. Whether it was towards you or Mr. Barber you couldn’t tell, but Jacob’s eyeroll let you know it was directed towards Mr. Barber. “Andy’s right though, Y/N. That’s amazing and we’re so happy for you.”
“Thank you,” you smiled awkwardly before you got up “but I should be going now.”
“What? The movie isn’t even halfway over!” Jacob protested.
“I know, but I do have work tomorrow, and I have to get boxes to start packing my stuff in, it’s not a lot but still.”
“Actually, Y/N is making a good point. I think I’m gonna head out. I can give you a ride back to your place.”
“What the fuck?!” Jacob snapped.
“Jacob!” Laurie reprimanded.
“Watch it, bud,” Andy warned.
“Jacob, it’s fine. You’re picking me up after work tomorrow, we’ll hangout then.”
“Yeah fine,” he huffed before standing up and giving her a small hug and a kiss on the lips. “I love you, let me know when you’re home safe, okay?”
“I always do,” she smiled at him.
“And you,” he nodded as he turned towards you “don’t start packing without me.”
“As if I have anyone else to call,” you teased with a soft small.
“Hey, finish up that paper. I know it’s a pain but you’re almost done and it’s due tomorrow,” Sarah reminded him and you sighed, knowing what was coming next.
“Jacob, we pay your tuition and you barely work.There’s no reason for that paper to not be done already,” Laurie snapped as Andy ran a frustrated hand through his hair.
“It’s almost done,” Jacob scowled.
“You shouldn’t be doing anything until that paper is done!”
“Stop it, Laurie.” Andy sighed
“Stay out of it, Andy!”
“Stay out of it? He’s my son too!” Andy shouted back.
“Okay, I’m gonna grab a fucking beer, then I’m going to work on this fucking paper. I love you both, enjoy your night cause I sure as shit won’t,” Jacob all but growled before storming out of the living room and into the kitchen.
“Um, bye Mr. And Mrs. Barber,” Sarah said sheepishly before heading out.
You followed right behind, giving them both a small wave. Jacob was about to have the night from hell and you felt awful.
“I shouldn’t have said anything, I feel like an asshole,” Sarah practically cried as you two got into her car.
“It’s not your fault, Laurie was angry the minute she set foot through the door. Whether it was with me or Andy-”
“Yeah, what’s going on there?” Sarah asked as she started her car.
“Something tells me you’re not taking me home, are we?” you groaned as you slumped down in the seat.
“Nope, we’re going to talk about this all of this over dinner.”
For the next hour, you told Sarah all about your friendship with Jacob and how Laurie had been silently against it from the beginning, but would never say anything about it to your face. When you told her about the conversation you’d overheard between her and Andy a year ago, she was understandably pissed.
“She seriously believes that you seduced Mr. Matthews?” she snapped.
“I honestly don’t know if she believes I did or that if she’s just afraid that now that I’m older, I’ll go after Andy. Mind you, tonight’s the second time I’ve ever seen the fucking man.”
“Wait, what?”
“Laurie makes sure to keep him out of the house and away when she knows I’m coming over. The first night we finally fucking met was an accident. Jacob invited me over to watch ‘Borat’ and didn’t tell Laurie first. Hence the quiet argument in the kitchen.”
“That’s such fucking bullshit! I mean, I kind of had an idea that something was wrong when he told me that his parents had been fighting about a girl that worked in a library, I kinda assumed it was you, but I had no idea it was this fucking ridiculous. I’m gonna take a guess and assume that Jacob knows nothing about this?”
“Of course not. I’ll never tell him about the conversation because it’ll only make things worse for him at home, but he’s never going to put the library thing together,” you scoffed as the waiter dropped off the second round of drinks.
“Yeah, I love the man, but he can be so clueless at times,” she chuckled before taking a sip of her margarita. “Can I ask you something? And please don’t take it as-”
“You can ask me anything, Sarah,” you laughed.
“Do you have a crush on Mr. Barber? I mean, I know you find older men attractive and-”
“I don’t know the man,” you laughed with a shrug “I mean, I’m not blind; the man is gorgeous, but that doesn’t mean I have a crush on him. Would I have a one night stand with him? Who wouldn’t? However, he’s married and Jacob’s dad, and I’d never put Jacob through more hell than hes already been through.”
“You really do love him, don’t you?”
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him,” you smiled softly.
“Have you tried dating guys our age?”
“Yeah, and it sucked,” you chuckled. “I don’t know, I just don’t have anything in common with guys our age.”
“There’s Jacob.”
“Yeah, but I don’t feel that way towards Jacob. You know that.”
“No, I’m saying that if you can have fun and enjoy someone our age, the way you do with Jacob, why not try it with someone else and try out dating them?”
“I’m just always bored with guys our age, I don’t know how to explain it. The conversation is boring, the sex is bad, and there’s no spark. Just a dull fucking flame,” you muttered before taking a sip of your Mai Tai.
“Are you the type of woman who calls a man ‘Daddy’?” she giggled.
“Only if he works for it,” you smirked as she burst out laughing.
The rest of the dinner went great and you told Sarah (and yourself) that would all be sorted soon enough.
You’re just hoping and praying that you’ll be able to keep Jacob in the dark long enough until you get out.
Your mother coming home and giggling at something the guy who brought her home says, pulls you out of your thoughts. You take another giant swig from the bottle before closing it; settling under your covers and quickly finding your way to sleep land.
It can’t always rain...right?
The hard knock on your front door brings a smile to your face and you run downstairs to answer it, happy to finally get the fuck out of the hellhole your father purchased.
Also referred to as a house.
“Okay, so basically everything is packed and...oh?” you stop when you open the door and see Jacob standing there...with Andy.
“Yeah,” Jacob laughs as he makes his way inside “it’s Saturday and he has nothing better to do. Wasn’t hard to convince to help me move a few desks.”
“Where’s Mrs. Barber?”
“Oh, she’s out to lunch with some friends. When’s your mom gonna be back?”
“She’ll be gone all day. Apparently the last guy she brought home really stuck,” you scoff before turning to Andy “thank you. I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” he smiles at you. “How many desks are we moving?”
“2 desks, 2 drawers, and 1 closet.”
“And how you were you two planning on doing that alone?”
“Hope, Mr. Barber. A lot of hope,” you smirk as he laughs.
Jacob and Andy are quick to grab the desks, drawers, and closet, while you finish boxing up the last few things you have. It’s sad that you don’t even feel a little upset about leaving. You only feel relief.
Andy volunteers to drive the moving truck, while Jacob drives his car and you drive your own.
And just like that, you’re all moved out. It’s like you were never even there.
“Y/N, this place is amazing!” Jacob exclaims as the three of you make your way inside your new place.
“I still can’t believe it’s mine,” you snort.
“I’m so happy for you!”
“I’ll be happy once I deal with my mom. God knows how long it’ll take for her to figure out that I’m gone,” you mutter.
“Hey, lets not worry about that right now. Lets get you moved in,” he smiles at you, and you can’t help but smile back.
As you all unloaded the truck, you take notice of how much Jacob is checking on Andy, and how hard he’s working to make him laugh and smile. You also notice how upset and worn out he seems, even though he tries to hide it.
“Hey,” you call to Jacob after Andy steps out, going to get another box “what’s going on with you?”
“Nothing,” he lies with a soft chuckle “just excited-”
“Jake, you know better.”
“I don’t wanna dampen your day.”
“You not telling me will dampen my day, cause I’ll be worried.”
“I wish they’d get a fucking divorce already,” he sighs, leaning against the wall.
“Who? Your parents?”
“All they fucking do is fight, and if my mom’s real pissed, she takes it out on me. I don’t see the point of them staying together anymore, because it really is just for show at this point. I don’t even know why she’s so mad all the time. She’s been angry ever since everything happened and it just feels like it never went away. The only reason I even fucking stayed home for college was to lookout for him. Remember I told you about the really bad depression he went through a little while back?  He was always drunk, never left the house, cried a lot? She would just...she holds all these fucking grudges. Things she needs to let go of, but refuses to. He stays because he loves her and he feels like he owes me something.”
“Are you mad at him?”
“I mean...I was. Everything was happening at once, I was on trial for murder, and I was just a kid. I was angry, but I got older and I understood. My dad’s not a bad guy. He loves the shit out of me and my mom, and he cares about people in his own way. No, he isn’t some patron saint, but he they’re people with far worse dads than mine. A good example? His own dad. I don’t know, he just doesn’t deserve this.”
“Be that as it may, you can’t make yourself miserable over the problems of two grown adults.”
“You’re one to talk.”
“We’re standing in the middle of my brand new apartment. I am one to talk, babe,” you smirk at him and he laughs softly. “Listen, I really don’t anything about your dad other than that he loves the hell out of you. He wouldn’t want you making yourself miserable for all of this, and you can’t make him leave your mom. It has to be a decision he makes on his own.”
“I just feel guilty.”
“Trust me, I completely understand, but there’s really nothing more you can do besides be there for him when he needs or wants to talk. You don’t have to stay in that house to do that.”
“I hate it when you’re right.”
“So...all the time?”
“Fuck you,” he laughs as you wrap in him in a hug.
“It’s gonna be okay, Jake.”
“Thank you.”
“Always,” you smile as you two break apart.
“Forgot my phone, I have a call to make,” Andy chuckles with a shake of his head as he makes his way back into your apartment,
You two make eye contact for a split second, but it’s long enough to let you know that you heard everything that was just discussed.
He doesn’t say a thing about it and acts as if he didn’t hear anything, but you still feel bad. You hope and pray that he doesn’t think that you’re coming off as judgmental and rude, because that’s the last thing you want. You just want to be there for Jacob because he needs it. All he has (outside of his parents) are you and Sarah, and you want to make sure that he knows that he can have better if he really wants to.
So can Andy.
By the time all the boxes and furniture are setup, you’re all beat.
“I feel like I should buy you both dinner,” you smile halfheartedly at the Barber men who just laugh in response.
“We should be buying you dinner,” Andy retorts.
“No! You both spent your Saturday helping me move in! It’s the least-”
“You’re a young woman moving into her first apartment on her own, with no help from anyone, and at a young age. It’s a big deal. What’s your favorite place to get food from?” Andy asks with a sincere smile.
You ignore the butterflies in your stomach as you focus on the correct answer to his question. “Um, you know the Chinese place not too far from your job? Great Dynasty?”
“I love that place! They have the best dumplings!”
“They do!”
“Should I step out while you two have a moment?” Jacob laughs and you flip him off.
Andy takes everyone’s order, and you laugh when the both of you almost end up getting the same thing, and Jacob promises to be the one to pick it up since Andy ordered. You find your record player easily enough and pull out your favorite The Clash album, before asking the both of them what they want to drink.
“Keep in mind, you both have to drive,” you smirk as you pour yourself a glass of whiskey.
“You like the Clash, you favor whiskey, you have great taste in Chinese food, and you love black and white movies?”
“And how would you know that I love black and white movies?” you chuckle as you cock an eyebrow.
“Jacob has a big mouth,” Andy mumbles.
“You make me watch them all the time!” Jacob defends.
“And how many times have I had to sit through ‘Borat’? I don’t wanna hear it,” you shoot back before sticking your tongue out at him.
“This is turning out to be a lot more fun than I thought it would be,” Andy laughs “do you have bourbon?”
“I raided my mom’s liquor cabinet, so I have everything,” you smile before turning to Jacob “except beer.”
“Why are you always against me?” he grumbles as you and Andy burst out laughing. “I’ll go buy some and by the time I’m back, the food should be just arriving.”
“You can calculate time when it comes to school, but in high school...”
“Watch it,” he warns and you giggle.
“Either of you want anything?” he questions, grabbing Andy’s car fob off the kitchen island.
“Chips and salsa, please,” you smile at him.
“You can’t live off chips and salsa.”
“Watch me,” you smirk and he chuckles “and wear your damn seat belt.”
“Jake!” Andy snaps.
“It’s only sometimes!” he quickly counters before turning to you “traitor.”
“You shouldn’t be driving around without it!”
“I swear, you’re such a mom,” he scowls before turning his attention back to Andy “you be nice to her.”
“I’m always nice, it’s your mother you have to worry about,” Andy mutters and you almost choke on your whiskey.
“Fair point,” Jacob scoffs before walking out.
Leaving you all alone with Andy Barber.
“Well, this is awkward,” Andy smirks and a small giggle escapes your lips as you pour him a drink.
“Only a little bit.”
“Listen, about Laurie-”
“You don’t have to-”
“I do, because you don’t deserve to feel like you’re the problem, cause you’re not. I know that you heard what she said that night and I’m sorry. It was...rude, disgusting, and wrong. You’ve been nothing but a great friend to Jacob, and I don’t know why...you were a child-”
“I’m not one now,” you scoff with an eye roll before taking a sip of your drink.
“Is it bad that this is the third time I’ve seen you and I feel terrible?”
“You have no reason to feel terrible. Honestly, neither does Laurie. I see how women look at you and how they talk about you, and then there’s me: your sons best friend, with a reputation. Whether it’s true or not, doesn’t matter because the seed has already been planted. She’s just trying to-”
“She’s trying to make sure I don’t do to her what she did to me,” he mutters before he can stop himself. He quickly looks at you with shock in his eyes “forget you heard-”
“I won’t tell Jacob,” you tell him reassuringly, but your heart breaks a little and he can tell.
“She only did it the one time, it was after the trial and she had her doubts and reservations. She’s not a bad-”
“You don’t have to explain yourself or your marriage to me. You see my family, I’m not about to start throwing stones.”
“I just don’t want you to think the worst of her. I heard what you told Jacob-”
“I wasn’t trying to tell him to abandon you-”
“No, I know, I just...you’re right, he can’t fix what’s wrong between Laurie and I. I wish I had known he stayed just for me. I would’ve told him to go to Yale. Did you know that he was accepted into Yale?”
“He was accepted into a lot of colleges. He read and showed me every single acceptance letter.”
“If I’m honest, I thought he stayed for you. I’ve always believed he’s in love with you.”
“Everyone seems to think that. We’re just friends though. I should want to be with him, but it’s just not...he’s not my type.”
“What’s wrong with him?”
“Nothing,” you laugh before taking another sip of your drink “I’m not his type either. We’re best friends.”
“I can’t imagine you not being someones type....I don’t mean to be-”
“You’re fine,” you chuckle softly.
“You’re oddly calming to talk to.”
“Jacob always says that.”
“So,” he starts as he clears his throat, taking a seat “I feel like I have a lot to learn about you.”
“There’s really nothing to know,” you laugh “I have two friends, I don’t talk to my parents much, I work a lot, I tend to drink a bit too much at times, I have a horrible sleep schedule, I drink entirely too much coffee, I love to cook, I laugh entirely too loud when I think something is funny, and I cry every time I watch ‘Titanic’,” you finish with a smile before finishing off your drink and pouring yourself another glass as Andy laughs.
“I’m sure there’s more to you than that.”
“I’m as plain as they come.”
“Well, I guess I’ll just have to pay closer attention and find out for myself.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Where does Mrs. Barber think you are? Couldn’t help but notice that you weren’t there on Tuesday.”
“She thinks I’m working,” he sighs as finishes off his own drink and pouring himself another. “I feel awful-”
“Why? You haven’t done anything wrong. You didn’t say it, she did.”
“I should’ve stood up to her.”
You take a minute before you speak. “Mr. Barber-”
“Andy. Please call me Andy. ‘Mr. Barber’ makes me feel like an old man. Just because I am one doesn’t mean I wanna feel like one.”
“You’re not old but okay,” you chuckle softly “Andy, I don’t wanna overstep, but...you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to. You don’t owe anyone anything. Jacob talks about you all the time, you’re his hero. You did what you thought was best and I can’t fault you for that. Hell, I wish no one knew about what my dad did and all it was, was cheat and be an asshole. I just...from the way Jacob talks about you, how hes always talked about you...you shouldn’t have to put yourself through hell to feel like you’re a good man,” you finish softly.
“How old are you?”
“I am in the middle of being 23 and it’s a fucking doozy,” you chuckle and he laughs.
“Jacob’s lucky to have a friend like you.”
“He’s also lucky to have you as a father,” you smile at him, as the record comes to an end. “Any requests?”
“You may hate them but...Alice in Chains?”
“They’re my favorite band in the world, so you’re in luck,” you practically squeal as you make your way over to your record box.
You two spend the rest of your time alone together talking about music and movies, laughing and bonding over how alike you two are, but the minute Jacobs steps foot into your apartment, you change the subject. You know you have nothing to be ashamed of, but it just feels personal and like you both shouldn’t be saying anything in front of him.
From that moment on, you and Andy decide that whatever you two decide to talk about is between you two. You have private phone calls with him, you two text all the time, and you both FaceTime often. No, you’re not trying to lure Andy Barber in, but talking to him is so freeing and honest. He’s fun to talk to and it’s not like you talk to a lot of people to begin with.
“Lets grab drinks,” Andy says from the Bluetooth device that’s connected to your car.
“You know we can’t,” you laugh as you press on the brakes as you reach a stoplight.
“I hate talking about all of this shit over the phone.”
“Yeah well, Laurie will hate you and lay into Jacob because of it.”
“This is so dumb.”
“You could get a divorce.”
“Then hangout with you so she can hate you?”
“She already hates me, Andy. Who cares?”
“I do.”
“It’s not fair to you, and it pisses me the fuck off.”
“Well, you’re sweet,” you smile before grabbing your phone, switching it back to personal use, turning your car off and getting out “but I’m fine.”
“Well, I’m not. Am I an idiot? You’re an adult and so am I. We should be able to hangout without having to deal with anyone’s shit.”
“Without Laurie’s shit.”
“We’re not doing anything wrong.”
“She won’t see it that way...shit,” you groan as you get to your apartment, seeing Andy leaning against your door.
“I wanted to see you,” he says simply as he hangs up.
“Why did you even suggest drinks if you were already here?”
“I knew you’d say no.”
“A good conversation isn’t cheating,” he reassures you. “She doesn’t know I’m here and I’ll never tell her.”
“Isn’t that a problem in and of itself?”
“It’s only a problem because-”
“If you tell me to go, I’ll leave right now,” he promises sincerely.
How are supposed to tell him no? How are you supposed to turn him down?
Somehow, you’ve become Andy’s therapist and best friend. It’s not like you two do much of anything besides talk, and you only see every other week. Of course Andy is attractive, and you aren’t going to lie and say that it isn’t nice to have someone to talk to who you feel like actually gets it, but at the end of the day, he’s Jacob’s dad and Laurie’s husband. You refuse to cross that line.
“How was work?” he asks, pouring you both a drink as you go into your room to change.
“I’d like, for once in my life, to not be fucking looked at like I’m a fucking sex doll,” you scowl as you pull on sweatpants then your Boston University crew neck.
“You can tell your boss.”
“Complain to my boss about my boss? No thanks,” you sigh as you step back out into the living area, making your way over to the kitchen.
“You could just quit.”
“Then how would I pay for this nice apartment?”
“You’re extremely smart and talented, I’m sure you’d be able to find another job in an instant.”
“You are annoyingly kind,” you smile as you take a seat at the kitchen island. “Where does she think you are tonight?”
“Work,” Andy responds nonchalantly as he passes you your drink.
“Would you like for me to call her and tell her that I’m here?”
“I would like for you to get a divorce.”
“I owe her-”
“You don’t owe her shit, Andy.”
“If you’re against her so much-”
“I’m not against her, I’m against you feeling like you need to pay penance.”
“Do you still love her enough to go through all of this?”
“It’s not that simple.”
“Andy, how old are you?”
“42...about to be 43.”
“That explained so much so fast,” you chuckle before taking a sip of your drink. “You’re still young. You can leave Laurie, find someone new, and not feel like you have to hide your friendships or who you really are.”
“She just needs time.”
“How much more time does she need? Andy, you’re not that guy. Don’t be that guy.”
“What about you? I don’t see you making-”
“Y/N!” Jacob called from the other side of your door.
You and Andy both exchange panicked looks as you hear him put the key you gave him into the keyhole. Andy quickly runs into your room as you down his drink and put it into the sink.
No one is doing anything wrong, so you’re not sure why the both of you feel so guilty.
“Why didn’t you answer?” Jacob asks as he makes his way inside.
“I was mid sip,” you laugh awkwardly.
“You’re wearing the crew neck I got you.”
“Gotta support my favorite guy,” you smile at him “what’s up?”
“I have a question and I don’t want you to freak out.”
“Well, now I am freaked out,” you mutter before taking a sip of whiskey.
“It’s not anything bad, I just...it’s...do you think...Christ, why can’t I find the words?!”
“Just spit it out.”
“Do you think I’ll be moving too fast if I propose to Sarah?” he spits out all at once.
“I’m gonna talk to my dad about it, but I tell you everything, so I wanna run it past you first.”
“I mean, you two have been together forever and you love the hell out of each other....have you two even talked about getting a place together?”
“We’ve been looking at apartments, but we haven’t decided on anything yet.”
“Well, I 1000% think you two should get married, but you need a game plan. I’ve known you long enough to know that you don’t have one.”
“Well, where should I start?”
“For one, graduate first. I would imagine that planning a wedding and trying to graduate at the same time is annoying and stressful as hell. Next, decide on a place to live. I know you two have had a million sleepovers, but it’s not the same as actually living together.”
“Sarah could be the worst fucking roommate ever and I’d still propose. After all the shit shes had to put up, and all the shit we’ve been through...I love her so fucking much, Y/N.”
“I know you do, Jake,” you smile at him.
You can only imagine the smile on Andy’s face right now.
“Okay, graduate first, move in together, then propose. Got it. Graduation isn’t that far off anyway.”
“Aw, look at my little adult,” you beam and he flips you off.
“Will you go with me to pick out a ring? It’ll be me, you, and my dad...well, if he says yes.”
“You know he will,” you laugh softly “what about your mom?”
“I just feel like she’ll be a dark cloud. She’s so fucking moody lately, her and my dad have been arguing a lot, and she’s been a real ass to me.”
“Don’t. It’s fucking hell living in that house, and part of that is because of her and how she is. I don’t know what her fucking problem is, but I’m tired of always getting shit on because she’s having a bad day. I wish I never wrote that fucking story. She’s always going to think I’m a monster and she’s always going to be bitter about the fact that everyone looked at her as a bad parent.”
“She loves you, Jacob. I don’t have many talks with her, but the few that I’ve had, she loves. She may fuck up from time to time, but what parent doesn’t?”
“When’s the last time you spoke to yours?”
“We’re not talking about me,” you mutter as you down the rest of your drink before pouring yourself another one.
“I don’t get why I have to make nice with my mom, but you don’t have to with yours.”
“It took her a month to realize I moved out, Jake. Laurie would notice in a second.”
“Also, once she realized I moved out, she called me crying and bitched me out. She said I abandoned her just like my father did, even though it took her a fucking month to realize I was even gone. As for my dad, he’s getting married and wants me to be supportive. He told me that he didn’t abandon me, but he just needed to start over because too much had happened. So, that’s why you need to make nice with your mom and I don’t have to make nice with mine.”
“I didn’t mean...I’m sorry,” he sighs as he leans against the the kitchen island. “Ya know, I really fucking hate your parents,” he scowls and you laugh. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“There’s nothing to talk about. Both of them are selfish assholes,” you shrug. “There’s nothing more to it.”
“You’re a liar but I won’t press the matter. I gotta go though, I’m having dinner with Sarah and her family. I’ll text you later, I love you,” he smiles before leaning across the island and kissing your cheek.
“I love you too, Jake,” you smile as he goes to leave. “Wear your damn seat belt!”
“Jesus, yes mom!” he call over his shoulder before walking out and closing the door behind.
“Holy shit!” Andy beams as he steps out of your room and you burst out laughing. “He wants to propose! I’m so fucking....holy shit!”
“And he’s gonna come to you for advice soon,” you smile at him before taking his glass out of the sink and pouring him a drink.
“Why did you drink it?” he laughs.
“I panicked!”
“Why did you go running into my bedroom?”
“I’ve never seen it before,” he smirks and you let out a small laugh. “You know, you’re really good with him.”
“Who? Jacob? What do you mean?”
“You always know the right thing to say and how to calm him down. I forget that he’s the older one.”
“Jacob just needs patience and understanding. Just take your time with him and he’s fine. He’s a great guy, he’s just a little dark at times. We all are,” you shrug.
“Your parents-”
“Guess what I don’t wanna talk about?”
“Talk to me, Y/N. I’m not Jacob, I will push.”
“Why? It’s not a big deal. I’m fine.”
“No you’re not.”
“And how would you know?”
“Cause I know you. Talk to me.”
“It just gets fucking irritating. They’re both adults but neither of them acts like it. I’m fine not talking to them, my life is much less hectic, but it would be nice to actually have parents instead of always having to be the parent,” you sigh before finishing your drink and slamming the glass down.
Andy says nothing as he rounds the island and slowly makes his way over to you. He wraps his arms around you tight and you swear it’s the best hug you’ve ever gotten.
All of Andy’s hugs make you feel like you’re home.
“I’m sorry,” he says softly. “You deserve so much better from everyone and I’m just so sorry. I’m sorry I can’t make it better for you.”
“I’m just tired. I’m so fucking tired,” you sob into his chest, wrapping your arms around him.
“I know you are, honey.”
“I’ve been doing everything all the time and I’m just ready for a fucking break. I just...ugh! I’m sorry.”
“Hey, don’t you dare be sorry. I vent to you all the time about everything. You can cry to me whenever you want about anything.”
“This isn’t your job. I shouldn’t be-”
“Y/N, you don’t have to be strong all the time. I want to be there for you like you’re always there me for me. If there’s anyone who deserves a good friend and someone to lean on, it’s you,” he tells you softly as he gently rubs your back.
If Andy Barber were anyone else, he’d be perfect for you. However, he’s not yours and you need to remember that.
“Are you staying for dinner?” you sniffle as you let go of him.
“Do you want me to?”
“I always want you to stay,” you scoff without even thinking. Mortification runs through your body as you realize what you just said. “I just mean-”
“You’re fine,” he chuckles. “What do you want? I’ll cook.”
“I’ll cook.”
“You need to relax.”
“I actually like cooking,” you laugh.
“How about we cook together?”
“A fair compromise,” he smiles at you.
After going through everything in your fridge and freezer (which really isn’t much), you both decide that something simple is the best choice. You make cheeseburgers and french fries in a happy silence, while The Doors play quietly in the background on your record player. You’ve never realized just how at ease he makes you feel until this moment.Everything feels so normal and simple.
You’re happy.
“Okay, what do you wanna watch?” you ask as you two sit on your sofa.
“I chose last time.”
“You’re a guest.”
“No, you just don’t like making decisions.”
“You’re annoying,” you tease and he chuckles. “How about...’Vivacious Lady’?”
“I don’t think we’ve watched that one yet.”
“Then ‘Vivacious Lady’ it is!”
Halfway through the movie, his phone rings and he rolls his eyes when checks it before ignoring it and putting it down.
“She can wait.”
“She’s gonna get pissed.”
“She’s always pissed.”
“She’s gonna think you’re cheating.”
“She always thinks I’m cheating.”
“I’m happy right now, Y/N. So fucking happy. I just want to enjoy it a little bit longer before I have to go home and deal with whatever bullshit she has waiting for me this time.”
“Why do you stay with her? You’re not happy, Jake isn’t happy-”
“Do we have to get into it now?”
“I’m just...before Jacob’s trial, we were so happy. I don’t know, maybe it was all fake because she never knew the truth about my past. She fell in love with the version of myself that I made up so I could forget about my past. It’s really fucking hard to accept that it’s over. Yeah, she says she loves me and she wants to make it work, but I don’t know how much I believe it. Yeah, we both make good money, but I’m the DA. That title still has some pull around here and people are nice to me just because I’m Andy Barber. She likes that. She likes it a lot. I keep holding on to hope that we’ll get back to how we were, but I just...I don’t know. Saying “it’s over” and following through are two very different things. I guess I’m just in denial,” he sighs before downing the rest of his drink.
You pause the movie and turn to look at him. “Stop feeling like you owe her something-”
“Just hear me out,” you interrupt softly. “The argument can be made that mistakes happened on both sides, and yeah, fine. In that sense, neither one of you owes each other anything. However, you didn’t cheat, she did. You’re not keeping her on a tight leash out of fear that she’ll cheat on you like you did her; she is. You’re not the one taking your anger out on Jacob, she is, and you aren’t the one who gave up on the marriage. She is. So, why are you putting yourself through hell? What does it prove? That you’re willing to make yourself miserable for someone who you don’t love the same way you did before? Things happen, and sometimes things fall apart. You making yourself miserable isn’t going to change anything. You heard Jacob tonight. He wishes you two would get a divorce, and I think you do, too.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Because you’re here with me instead of at home with your wife,” you tell him softly.
Andy sighs before rubbing the back of his neck, “you’re annoyingly smart.”
“Yeah, Jacob says the same thing,” you smirk at him before resuming the movie.
“You know...you’re gonna find someone who’s gonna treat you right.”
“I’m not holding my breath,” you snort before finishing off your drink. “Do you want another?”
“Why don’t you think you’re gonna find a good man?”
“Do you want another drink?”
“Oh no, you don’t get rake me over the coals then decide you’re gonna shut down.”
“I’m not shutting down,” you mutter, reaching across him and grabbing his glass before getting up and grabbing your own and getting, making your way over to the island.
“Then what’s going on?”
“If I say it out loud, it’ll sound stupid and I don’t exactly want to feel stupid in front of you.”
“Why would it be stupid?”
“Talk to me, honey.”
“I just...I know what people in this town think of me, okay? I don’t date guys my age, because they’re too immature for me. I don’t take the older guys I sleep with seriously, because I know they’re just looking for a good time. The few that I gave a fair shot to, got mad because I wasn’t some dumb young thing they could control. As long as I’m here, I’m never going to have anything real. That’s just...that’s how it is and it’s whatever. I fuck around from time to time and it gets me by.”
“Why did you think that would make you sound stupid?”
“Because I sound like a child.”
“Wanting to be loved doesn’t make you sound like a child. It makes you sound like a regular adult. A regular person. We all want to be loved.”
“Yeah well, you’re sweet.”
“I mean it, sweetheart. There’s nothing childish about wanting to be loved as you are, and for who you are. God knows you’ve more than earned it.”
“I just don’t like being vulnerable, you know that.”
“It’s me.”
“Especially with you.”
“What does that mean?”
“You can always see right through me and it just...sometimes, it feels like you know exactly what I’m thinking. I feel like...sometimes you know me better than Jacob.”
“You don’t like that?”
“It’s getting late and you should go.”
“What did I do wrong?”
“No, you’re upset. What-”
“Andy, you didn’t do anything, honestly. I’m just...I wish there were more guys like you,” you smile softly. “Maybe then, I wouldn’t hate it here so much.”
“The feeling is mutual,” he quietly responds.
“We should call it a night. We both have work in the morning, Laurie’s already wondering where you are-”
“We were having a good night, and I feel like-”
“Don’t feel like anything, because you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just in a weird head space.”
“Why do I always feel like I put you in a weird head space.”
“Am I doing something wrong? Did I make you uncomfortable?”
“Andy, you do everything right, and that’s the problem. I shouldn’t feel like you’re the guy doing everything right. I shouldn’t feel as comfortable with you as I do,” you confess softly.
“Do you want me to go?”
“No, and that’s why you should,” you almost sniffle.
Andy lets out a sorrowful sigh, and in a way, that makes you feel worse. He’s fighting off the same thing you are. You both know that the intimacy you both crave isn’t right. It’s not so much sexual as it personal. You want him to hold you until you fall asleep, and he wants to. You want him to pepper your cheeks with soft and loving kisses, and you can tell that he’s dying to.
You’re dying for Andy to be yours and he wants nothing more than that.
For now? You’ll just blame the alcohol and pretend you won’t remember in the morning.
“Let me know when you’re home, okay?” you ask as you both stand by your door.
“We can just pretend-”
“No...no we can’t. Lets just stop while we’re ahead,” you smile weakly, ignoring the pain in your heart.
This is the right the thing to do.
Andy stands there with outstretched arms, and you’re more than happy to make your way over to him as he engulfs you in one of the best hugs hes ever given you.
“You’re better than all the rest,” he whispers into your hair before kissing it and letting go of you, opening the door, and walking out.
In that moment, you decide to let go of all of the fantasies you’ve ever had about Andy Barber. He isn’t yours (even if he does divorce Laurie), he’s Jacob’s father, and he’s never going to see you as you see him. If anything, you’d just be a welcomed distraction and a fun time. So, you start seeing him less and come up with excuses as to why he can’t come over. You miss him like crazy but what’s the point? Why torture yourself (or him) over something that can never happen?
Everything works out well enough until December.
“Okay, so ya know how I said you, me, and Sarah are gonna have a movie this Friday night?” Jacob asks from the speakers of your car asks as you drive home.
“Well, I completely forgot that, that night is the holiday party at my dad’s job. Which, I usually don’t care about, but he’s getting an award and I wanna be there for him.”
“Aww, that’s great, Jake,” you smile as you come to a stop light. “We’ll reschedule for another day-”
“Well, I want you to come cause I still want to hangout.”
“I don’t even want think about the cost of-”
“You don’t have to! My mom isn’t going and I ran it past my dad, and he’s fine with it!”
“Why isn’t your mom going?”
“Who knows,” he scowls “they’ve been arguing a lot more lately. I’m pretty sure I heard him throw out the word ‘divorce’ at least three times last night, and she was crying and begging him not to. I’m fairly sure hes been sleeping on the sofa.”
“How’s the apartment search going for you and Sarah?”
“On hold for the holidays, but we think we found a place we wanna move into by February.”
“Good, get the fuck out of that house.”
“I try not to think about it, anyway, will you come? Sarah is more than happy to go shopping with you for a dress.”
“When is it?”
“This Friday.”
“You usually have Saturdays off!”
“Does it really mean all that much to you?”
“Don’t make me feel like an asshole about this.”
“Oh, now you feel like an asshole?”
“I...I’ll go,” you sigh as you pull into the parking garage of your complex.
“Don’t make it sound like a death sentence.”
“You have to sit by him and I’ll sit on the other side of Sarah.”
“Why can’t you sit by him?”
“I’m not married to him, nor am I related to him, and he’s the DA. Me sitting by him won’t look good.”
“I didn’t think about that. Yeah, you’re right. I’ll sit by him, Sarah will sit by me, and you’ll sit by Sarah.”
“I just need to wash off today, it was shitty and I’m tired.”
“If you’re this upset about it-”
“I’m not, I’ll see you Friday and please let Sarah know that I’ll text her later about dress shopping later.”
“It’s just been a really long day, Jacob.”
“I love you.”
“And I love you. Talk to you later?”
“Sounds good,” he sighs before hanging up.
You turn off your car and think things over for a bit before deciding on something you probably shouldn’t have.
“Well, look who it is,” Andy scowls after answering his phone.
“Why isn’t Laurie going to the party?”
“We got into an argument, she doesn’t want to go, and I do.”
“Why doesn’t she want to go?”
“I want to see you.”
“Why are you staying away?”
“You know why.”
“We haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Have you told Laurie where you’ve been spending your time?”
“Why does she need to know?”
“I miss you, Y/N.”
You sigh in defeat and run a hand through your hair, “I miss you too.”
“Let me come over.”
“What did you two argue about?”
“Let me come over and I’ll tell you all about it.”
“Two hours, that’s it. After two hours, you have to go home.”
“Two hours it is,” is all he says before hanging up.
You don’t know why you have butterflies in your stomach as you make your way inside of the building and up to your apartment, but you can’t shake them. You’re not going to do anything (you never do anything with him). Simply being alone with him sets your body alight with passion and excitement.
You’re quick to change: the big, black, knitted wool sweater he seems to like you in and a pair of gray sweatpants. You hurry into the kitchen, grabbing one of the bigger wine glasses and filling it. You know you should’ve told him one hour instead of two, but you really do miss him. You miss him so fucking much.
You get halfway through the glass when you hear him knock on your.
“You should turn on the heater,” he says after you open the door, stepping aside to let him in.
“I did just get home from work,” you mutter, quickly closing the door.
“Yet you changed and have a full glass of wine.”
“Priorities,” you shrug.
“You’re gonna catch a cold,” he scolds as he makes his way over to the thermostat.
“Germs get you sick, not the cold.”
“Why the attitude?”
“Why isn’t Laurie going to the party?”
“Why do you need to know?”
“Why don’t you want to tell me?”
“Because you’ll get mad and I don’t want that.”
“Jacob said you threw around the word ‘divorce’ a few times.”
“That I did,”Andy sighs as he finally takes off his coat, leaving it on the coat rack he bought you as house warming gift, before making his way to the kitchen and making himself a drink.
“She won’t agree?”
“I don’t like not seeing you, Y/N.”
“You didn’t come over here for this, don’t start that shit,” you sigh, quickly regretting your decision to agree to see him.
“Why are you avoiding me?”
“You don’t wanna tell me about your argument with Laurie, I don’t wanna talk about this,” you shrug.
“Why are you arguing with me right now?!”
“Because you’re annoying, Andy!”
“I’m annoy-you’re annoying!”
“Then why are you here?!”
“Because I miss you!” he snaps, slamming his glass down.
You take a deep breath before finishing off your glass and making your way to your to kitchen and pouring yourself another glass. “Why isn’t she going to the party?”
“Will you just stop it? You miss me too.”
“Yeah well, I fucking shouldn’t.”
“Why not? We’re just friends-”
“Andy, just because I’m the younger one doesn’t mean I’m naive enough to be believe-”
“Don’t. Don’t you dare. You know I would never try to belittle you or think  less of you because you’re younger. That’s not fair.”
“Then why-”
“Because I know what can’t happen. You’re Jacob’s best friend and I know that what people think of you still bothers you. I wouldn’t ever do anything to make your life harder, especially while I’m still married. I would never ask that of you. So, we’re just friends. All we can be is just friends,” he finishes with a frustrated sigh.
You’re ready to tell him that he can do whatever he wants to with you, when your phone goes off.
You scowl in irritation (even though you know it’s for the best) as quickly make your way to the bedroom and answer your phone. “Hello?”
“We’re going dress shopping!!” Sarah squeals and you can’t stop yourself from laughing a little.
“That we are.”
“We never go shopping together, I’m so excited! What time should I pick you up tomorrow?”
“You don’t have to pick me-”
“Oh no, we’re making a day of this! Call in sick and then I’ll pick you up and we’ll spend the day shopping!”
“You are way too excited about this.”
“It’s gonna be so much fun! I feel like we haven’t spent a day together in so long!”
“I’ll text my boss tonight and tell him I feel like shit. He’s got a crush on me anyway, so I’m pretty sure I can get my way for a while.”
“Ah! This is perfect! Oh! Lets do brunch! I’ll pick you up at 12:30 and we’ll brunch first, then shop!”
“Sounds like a plan,” you laugh.
“Ugh, I can’t wait! This is gonna be so much fun! I’ll text you later, okay?”
“Sounds good, see you tomorrow?”
“Fuck yeah!” she squeals before hanging up.
You laugh to yourself before shaking your head. What the hell did you get yourself into?
“Wanna watch a movie with me?” Andy asks as you make your way out of your bedroom.
“We don’t have enough time for a movie.”
“Just stop. There’s no fucking time limit on this.”
“There should be.”
“Andy this isn’t right and you know it.”
“I miss watching movies with my best friend.”
“Laurie should be your best friend.”
“But she isn’t, not anymore,” he states softly, meeting you intense gaze. “Lets order dinner and watch a movie. I’m not going to do anything and you’re too good of a person to do anything. Lets just get sushi and enjoy the night.”
“You’re paying for the sushi,” you mutter, making your way to your little living area.
“Sounds like a plan,” he laughs softly, following right behind.
As you text your boss a bullshit excuse as to why you won’t be in tomorrow, you tell yourself that your Andy Barber fantasy is over, but it’s just a lie. Andy just basically admitted that he feels the same for you as you do for him, and it only makes you want him more. After you two finish dinner, he lets you choose the movie for the night, and you decide on ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ without hesitation.
One of your favorite movies.
You don’t know if it’s because of how much wine you’ve had, or how tired you are, but you find yourself cuddling up against him and not pulling away when he wraps his arms around you. You want, more than anything, to stay this way forever. Every so often, he presses soft kisses into your hair. and want so badly for him to kiss you everywhere else.
You’ve never felt so happy and safe and, at some point, you drift off .
“What’s happening?” you question lazily as you feel yourself almost floating, curling into Andy.
“It’s time for bed,” Andy chuckles softly.
“I don’t wanna go to bed.”
“Then you shouldn’t have gone to sleep.”
“Are you staying?”
“You know I can’t,” Andy sighs as he rests you down on the bed.
“I want you to,” you fuss as you get comfortable under the sheets.
“Don’t be difficult.”
“Then stay here.”
“You know I can’t,” he repeats as he gets off the bed.
“At least until I fall asleep?”
“I’d stay forever, if I could,” he tells you softly as he gets in next to you.
You turn over and hold him tight as you lay your head on his chest.
“Thank you,” you tell him softly as you quickly fall back into a state of unconsciousness.
“Anything for you,” he tells you softly, kissing the top of your head as he strokes your back softly. “I would do absolutely anything for you.”
When you wake up, you’re alone and somewhat heartbroken, and that irritates you. You already knew he wasn’t going to stay, and you know you can never be with the man, so why do you keep letting yourself fall for him more and more? Even if Andy was single, he’d still be Jacob’s dad. Jacob would never be okay with it, and you would never ask him to be.
You need to get over him.
“Hey, what’s up with you today, hun?” Sarah asks, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“You’ve been a million miles away since I picked you up,” she laughs. “You’ve barely touched your mimosa.”
“I just have a lot on my mind,” you laugh awkwardly before taking a sip.
“Care to share with the class?”
It sucks that your only other friend is your best friend’s girlfriend.
“You can’t say anything to Jacob,” you all but whisper.
“I won’t say a word.”
“I mean it, Sarah. You have to promise me.”
“I promise, Y/N. What’s wrong?”
“I...uh...I uh, think...I know I have a thing for And- I mean, Mr. Barber,” you quickly correct before downing the rest of your drink.
“Oh no.”
“Listen, I know nothing can ever happen, I’m not dumb, but I just...I don’t know, Sarah. We just bonded the day he helped me move into my place, along with Jacob. It started with just texting every so often, then phone calls at night, and then he started coming over. Nothing has happened, but...what the fuck is wrong with Laurie? How could she cheat on him?!”
“I’m sorry, come again?”
“Fuck, don’t tell Jacob!” you groan as the waiter comes over.
“Are you two ready to put in an order for food?” he kindly asks.
“Uh no, but we will take two more pitchers of mimosas as well as two pitchers of Merlot,” Sarah smiles at the man as you face palm yourself.
“Will do,” the man smiles awkwardly before walking away.
“We have to find me a dress, still.”
“Oh, we’ll find you a damn dress alright. Now what happened?”
“Some time after the trial, Laurie was still having reservations about everything, and she cheated on him. He said that she cried to him about it at 2am a few weeks later, and that’s when things really started going even more downhill. He doesn’t want Jacob to know because he thinks it’ll make everything worse.”
“It definitely will, but Jacob isn’t a child. He has a right to know.”
“I know I know, but it’s frustrating.”
“Imagine how I feel,” you smile sarcastically as the drinks are delivered. “So, anyway, I knew that I was starting to become too attached, so I’ve been seeing him less. Now, there’s this fucking party tomorrow and I don’t want to go, because...ugh, when Jacob called and told me yesterday, he said Laurie wasn’t going because they got into an argument. He said Andy threw around the word ‘divorce’ a few times, and I just...what the fuck am I supposed to do? So, I called Andy and asked him what it was about and all he kept saying is that he wanted to see me. He said he’d tell me if I let him come over, so I finally agreed.”
“Well, did he hint at what the argument was about?”
“He never told me. We ordered sushi and watched ‘Breakfast at Tiffanys’,” you sigh.
“I told him that we have to stop, because it’s wrong, and he said that he knows we can’t do anything, because I’m Jacob’s best friend and he knows that it still bothers me that everyone in this shit hole thinks so little of me. He also said he’d never ask anything of me while he’s still married.”
“Which means, if you had a different best friend...”
“So, that’s been running through my mind all day.”
“What makes it worse is that this is exactly why Laurie didn’t want me around him-”
“Fuck Laurie, I’m sorry but that was bullshit. You didn’t hit on Mr. Matthews, and she fucking knew that. She made you feel like shit because of her own insecurities.”
“Be that as it may, she was afraid of me stealing him and now look.”
“I mean, it’s not like he wants to stay in the relationship. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve gone to that house and have heard them arguing. He usually gets fed up and storms out, and will stay out for hours.”
“I’m trying to do the right thing.”
“But you both want to be together.”
“He’s married, Sarah. Everyone here already thinks I’m man stealing whore, I don’t need to actually prove them right.”
“Fuck this town and the people in it. Mr. Matthews wasn’t even all that great, and you were a kid. They should’ve fucking stood beside you. This town is really good at blaming the wrong fucking people.”
“Speaking of that, there’s Jacob.”
“He’ll get over it.”
“He won’t like it. I’m younger than him!”
“Only by a few months! Listen, he’ll throw his little hissy fit, then he’ll be happy, cause both you and Andy will be happy.”
“You’re surprisingly happy about this.”
“I mean, I can see it. It doesn’t seem too far fetched to me, the more I think about it. You two are more alike than I ever thought.”
“You’re supposed to be telling me to stay away from him.”
“Probably, but it seems like a stupid thing to say. I’m not telling you to sleep with a married man, but it’s not even like he wants to be married anymore. Jacob told me that shes been begging him to go to marriage counseling, and he doesn’t want to. He’s over trying.”
“Even if he does leave her, which I really don’t believe he’ll do, what-”
“Why don’t you believe he will?”
“He’s in denial about it and why wouldn’t he be? They’ve been together for so long.”
“Babe, everyone can see that time is running out on that marriage. Jacob said he seemed pretty adamant about that divorce last night.”
“I’m not holding my breath. I don’t know, I just...I don’t know. What if Jacob thinks I’m the reason Andy is pushing so hard for this divorce?”
“So what if you are? You two haven’t actually done anything, have you?”
“I mean, we cuddled last night and he held me until I fell asleep, only because I asked him to though. He kissed the top of my head a few times.”
“Oh, you two are desperate for each other,” she giggles before taking a giant swig of her drink. “I see where Jacob gets it from.”
“Before Jacob and I started having sex, he was always afraid that he was moving too fast and that he was gonna scare me off. After everything that happened, he was afraid sex would scare me off,” she scoffed before rolling her eyes. “Anyway, that was his way of showing me that he’s ready when I’m ready. Longing stares, holding me close, kissing the top of my head or my temple, just little ways to show that he’s ready to take the next step but that there’s no pressure.”
“I don’t think that’s what Andy’s doing. We were both just sad. He misses me and I miss him.”
“He told you that?”
“He said he misses watching movies with his best friend. When I told him that Laurie should be his best friend, he said she isn’t anymore.”
“Well, what are you gonna do?”
“The only thing I can do, stay away and mind my business. I won’t be the reason for their divorce.”
“Hate to break it to you, honey, but there’s no avoiding that at this point. Andy Barber has a thing for you, and he’s not getting over you any time soon,” she smirks softly before grabbing her drink
As the day goes on, and you two get drunker, her words roll around in your head.
Does Andy really have a thing for you, or is he just sad and looking for someone to make him feel better? Is it really all that wrong to explore since he’s trying to get out of his marriage anyway? If you ever decided that it was something you wanted to try and explore, would Jacob actually ever get over it, or would he hate you forever?
The more you think about it, the more annoyed you are. Why are you setting yourself up? You can’t ever be with him, so why does it even matter? None of it should matter.
“You have to pick on a dress,” Sarah slurs as you two clumsily make your way around the store.
“Everything feels inappropriate.”
“Well, if you’re not going to reel him in, you can at least reel someone in for the night,” she smirks at you and you let out a loud laugh.
“You’re a terrible influence!”
“I just want you to be happy,” she smirks with a shrug before her eyes land on a dress. “You have to try this on!! You’ll look so good!”
“Sarah! No!I can’t-”
“Why not? Make him fight harder for that divorce.”
“You know you like it! Try it on!”
“Try it on,” she repeats, giving you the dress.
You begrudgingly take the dress and make your way to one of the fitting rooms, quickly undressing and pulling the dress on. The fact that it fits you like a glove only irritates you more, because you really do love it. However, you don’t want to wear it in front of Andy.
“Well, come on, lets see it!” Sarah calls from the other side of the door.
You scowl as you make your way out. “Don’t say anything-”
“He’s gonna have a hard time keeping his hands off of you,” she snickers as she looks you over “you look amazing.”
“I shouldn’t wear this-”
“The damage is already done, you may as well enjoy it,” she shrugs.
“I forgot how much of a trouble maker drunk you is.”
“I live for the chaos, baby,” she smirks and you burst out laughing.
At some point, Sarah calls Jacob and asks him to pick the both of you up. You know you shouldn’t, but you feel so guilty when he pulls up outside of the store. You haven’t done anything with Andy, so you don’t know why you feel like you’ve betrayed Jacob.
“Why are you so quiet back there?” Jacob smirks as he looks up at you from the rear view mirror.
“Words are hard,” you mumble as you gaze out the window.
“Bullshit, you haven’t been yourself in weeks. What’s going on with you?”
“Leave her alone,” Sarah snaps with a slur.
“Why do you get to know and I don’t?”
“Because I’m a lady and boys have cooties,” she says matter-of-factly, with a s smirk while Jacob laughs.
“Fine fine, what time should we pick you up tomorrow?” Jacob asks as pulls up to your complex.
“You don’t have to-”
“It makes more sense for us all to go together. I promise we won’t stay too long. I think my dad is just looking for a reason to get out of the house, honestly.”
“Does your mom knowing I’m going?”
“I don’t know, probably. They had another one of their famous mind numbing arguments, so who knows. He kinda stormed out last night and didn’t come back till late, and I haven’t seen him yet today. I’ll just tell her when I get home, no big deal,” he shrugs and you feel a pang of guilt.
Another painful reminder that Andy Barber is off limits.
“I’ll text you when I get home from work tomorrow, and we can choose a time then. For now, I need to lay down,” you sigh as you grab the big black garment bag that contains your dress, before opening your door and getting out. “Jacob, thank you for picking us up, and Sarah, thank you for getting me entirely too drunk,” you smirk as they both laugh. “I love you both, please be careful.”
“Yes mom,” Jacobs scowls and you flip him off, before stepping back and he pulls off.
The minute you get into your apartment, you hang the garment bag up on the coat rack, followed by your coat, before toeing off your shoes. You know you shouldn’t but you go into the kitchen and make yourself a drink, just wanting to be numb.
You’re in the middle of searching for the menu to your (and Andy’s) favorite Chinese place, when the your phone starts going off.
“Hmm?” you answer lazily, still looking for the menu.
“What color is the dress you got?” Andy asks and you roll your eyes.
“Go away.”
“Don’t start this shit.”
“You can always hangup.”
“We both know I won’t. Plus, I’m drunk and am in no mood to be responsible one right now.”
“It’s 4:30 and you’re drunk?”
“Sarah and I had a talk during brunch that we both needed to be drunk for.”
“What was it about?”
“Don’t you worry about that.”
“Ya know, for a while, you told me everything.”
“Yeah well, you and Jacob can pout about it together, because I didn’t tell him either.”
“Ah, you and Sarah had a talk about you and me.”
“There is no you and me,” you huff, finally finding the menu and ignoring the pain you feel in your heart at what you just said.
“I’m trying to get her to sign the papers-”
“What does that mean to me? It doesn’t change the fact that you’re still Jacob’s dad. We just talked about this last night,” you sniffle as you put your glass down and wipe your eyes.
Fucking alcohol.
“Please don’t cry, sweetheart,” he begs softly. “Listen, if it’s making you this upset, don’t come tomorrow night-”
“That’s not an option because Jacob is really fucking excited. Also, I just got a dress just for this.”
“I’m sorry I’m so selfish.”
“It’s not like I’m not either.”
“There’s not a selfish bone in your body,” Andy sighs and you can tell he’s at war with himself. “Should I tell Jacob to go over?”
“No, because I’m not gonna tell him why I’m crying and he’s already worried about me, because he can tell something’s wrong.”
“She’s just as drunk as me. It’ll be like the blind leading the blind.”
“Well who? You know I don’t like leaving you alone when you’re upset. Especially, when you’re crying.”
“You don’t like to leave me alone at all.”
“That’s true,” he chuckles softly and a small smile comes to your face.
You could listen to him chuckle and laugh all day.
“You don’t have to worry about me, Andy.”
“It’s not like I can stop it. It’s not like I haven’t tried to stop it.”
“You have work to do.”
“I’m done.”
“Then go home.”
“Laurie’s home so I’d rather not.”
“Then what are you gonna do?”
“Sit in my office.”
“You can’t do that, Andy.”
“It’s my office, I can do whatever I want,” his says with a little smart-ass tone, and you can tell he’s grinning.
“I don’t like the thought of you sitting all alone in your office.”
“Well, I don’t like the thought of you sitting all alone in your apartment.”
“What are you gonna do for food?”
“Order Chinese food and have it delivered here.”
“Just come over,” you mumble in defeat.
“You just said-”
“We’re both about to order Chinese food, and I’m more than sure we’re about to get it from the same damn place. Just...just come over.”
“This is...it’s the last time. After this, we can’t do any of this anymore. We’re just making the wound worse, and it’s not fair to either of us. So, I’ll put in the order-”
“I can put in the order and pick it up.”
“I already have the menu out and I know what we both want. Just get over here.”
“Yes ma’am,” he laughs softly.
You quickly call the Chinese place and order 2 containers of dumplings (fried) for you both to split, a sushi platter that consisted of a dragon roll, Alaska roll, a tempura roll, and a kani roll, an order of the house special lo mein for Andy, an order of Singapore mei fun for yourself, and an order of two egg rolls for the both of you.
If it’s going to be the last hangout, you may as well make the most of it.
Finally, you go into your room and change out of your clothes, pulling on a pair of Boston University sweatpants and a ‘Rolling Stones’ t-shirt, before putting your hair up in a messy bun. After pulling on your fuzzy socks, you make your way into the kitchen and grab a glass, putting in only one ice cube before pouring some bourbon in it.
As if perfectly timed, there’s a soft knock on your door, and a small smile comes to your face.
“You didn’t waste any time, did you?” you giggle as you open the door and step aside, holding out the glass you made for him.
“Wanna get in as much time as I can since this is the last time,” Andy sighs as he takes the glass out of your hand and makes his way inside.
“You know I’m right, Andy.”
“That doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“Lets just enjoy the night, okay?” you scowl as you make your way into the living room and grabbing your drink.
“Why are you still drinking?”
“Because it’s been a long fucking day, Andrew.”
“Well, when you say my name like that,” he smirks as he makes his way over to you, and wraps his arms around you. “How’d you sleep?”
“Shitty. You?”
“Sofa again?”
“Of course you know about that.”
“Jacob tells me everything, you know that.”
“So why-”
“So why won’t she sign the papers?”
“Ask her.”
“I’m asking you.”
“Honey, I don’t know. I don’t have a single fucking clue,” he glowers as someone knocks on the door and announces ‘delivery’.
Before you even have a chance to move, Andy’s pulling out his wallet and making his way over to your apartment door. He pays the person, takes the food into the kitchen and grabs a couple of plates for you both, before finally bringing everything into your little living area.
“You didn’t have to pay.”
“You ordered it, the least I can do is pay for it. However,” he laughs as he takes a seat next to you “I wasn’t aware that you were gonna order the entire menu.”
“Only of all our favorite things. Figured we’d make the most of the night.”
“And you’re drunk.”
“Both can be true,” you tease before sticking out your tongue, and he laughs softly.
You’re both about to start opening up the food when there’s a knock on your door. Both you and Andy look at each other with a raised eyebrow before you answer.
“Hey, it’s uh...it’s Mrs. Barber,” she responds softly.
Andy is up before you can look in his direction, grabbing all of the food, plates, his drink, and placing them all in your bedroom, before coming back out and grabbing his coat off of the coat rack and disappearing into your bedroom.
The man is efficient.
You try to calm your nerves as you slowly make your over to the door, suddenly feeling a bit more sober than you were before. “Hey,” you smile as you slowly open the door, realizing that she’s never seen your place...and that you’ve never been alone with her.
“I just realized I’m the only Barber who hasn’t seen this place,” she smiles awkwardly as she makes her way inside.
“That’s right, Mr. Barber helped us move everything in,”
“I know you were out with Sarah-”
“How is she?”
“She’s fine, sleeping it off in Jacob’s room,” she chuckles before anxiously rubbing the back of her neck. “You’re always so thoughtful and that makes me...”
“Mrs. Barber-”
“You can call me Laurie. You should. I honestly shouldn’t even be here, but I do want to tell you that the place looks great,” she mutters awkwardly as she looks around.
“Well, thank you, but-”
“Before I say anything else, I want to apologize. I know you heard what I said few years ago and you didn’t deserve that. It’s not that I have an issue with you, you’ve been nothing but great to Jacob. You don’t know how happy it makes me that both Sarah and him have you in your life, but...”
“You don’t like me around Mr. Barber.”
“I know you’ve done nothing to warrant it, but I know how you are-and there’s nothing wrong with that !” she quickly defends when you quietly scoff. “You’re young and gorgeous, and you should have fun while you’re young, before you start the next chapter of your life. Hell, sometimes I’m jealous because I never got to explore that part of myself. I fell in love and became a mother young, and that’s...I’m paying the price for it now,” she smiles weakly. “The thing is, Jacob and his father are more alike that people tend to realize-”
“Jacob’s never had a thing for me.”
“I hear the conversations you two have, the debates, your taste in music and movies, hell, you two have the same favorite Chinese place,” she laughs incredulously. “No, you’re not Jacob’s type, but you’re definitely Andy’s. I know Jacob tells you everything, so I know that you know that things are a bit rocky right now. I have no one to blame but myself, but I’m trying to fix everything and I can’t...I can’t do that with you in the picture.”
“So, do you just want me to stay away all together?” you sniffle, doing your best to hold back your tears.
“I’m fine...I’m fine with you being friends with Jacob. He needs you in his life and we need you in his life. I just...I know you’re going to the party tomorrow and that’s fine. Jacob’s excited and you bought the dress today...it’s fine. However, after this-”
“Stay away from Mr. Barber,” you nod with a soft smile.
“I know-”
“I’ve never done anything to you, Laurie. Even after you said what you said, I didn’t yell, I didn’t tell Jacob, and I didn’t make you feel like shit. I kept it to myself.”
“I just want you to keep that in mind the next time you decide to think little of me. I will steer clear of you and your husband, you don’t need to worry about me,” you smile softly.
Laurie says nothing. She just stands there and nods before slowly making her way out. The second the door closes, your bedroom door opens.
“She had no fucking right!” Andy all but yells as he storms out.
“Andy stop, she can probably still here you.”
“There’s no sense in making it worse,” you sob, finally letting your tears fall.
“Oh honey,” he sighs, making his way over to and wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. “You’ve done nothing-”
“No matter what I do, she’s always just going to think of me as some home wrecking whore. It doesn’t matter that I never did anything wrong. It’s never going to matter.”
“Stop it. You are a fucking saint, Y/N. You haven’t done a thing wrong, and you’re probably the most selfless person I know. Let’s just...let’s enjoy our dinner, okay?”
“You have no reason to feel bad, you’ve done nothing wrong. Between the two of us, I’m the guilty one. Lets just enjoy dinner, okay?”
Andy does his best to cheer you up as he brings the food back out, and puts on a movie you love, but even he can tell that you’re a million miles away.
“She’s always going to think less of me,” you sniffle as you throw your container of food down. “What’s the point of me trying to do the right thing, if this is how it’s always going to be? What’s the fucking point?”
“Honey, I know it’s easier said than done, but just ignore Laurie. You’ve seen enough and you know enough, to know that no one can do right by her. Especially because she’s incapable of holding herself accountable for anything.”
“If she’s just going to act like this, I don’t see why we don’t...” you trail off.
“Why we don’t what?”
“Nothing, just forget I said anything.”
“Andy, please don’t,” you smile weakly.
Andy’s only response is letting out a deep sigh before pulling you close and holding you tight. You settle up against him and take in his scent and his warmth, knowing you’ll never have a moment like this with him again. As he gently kisses the top of your head, you find yourself drifting off to sleep and wondering what it would be like to have all of affection.
You wonder what it would be like to have all of his heart.
When your alarm wakes you up the next day, you’re in bed alone and under the covers. You feel anger towards yourself as your eyes start to water, for not staying awake longer. The last night you got to spend with him and you fell asleep almost immediately after dinner. You wanted nothing more than to just stay in his embrace and hear his voice as much as possible. You were robbed of full night with your most favorite person, and you have no one to blame for it but yourself.
You try and get yourself out of your funk as you get ready for work, but you just feel empty and lonely. What you’re doing is for the best, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. By the time you arrive at work, you’ve cried and have had to reapply makeup twice.
You can’t wait to get to the part where this doesn’t feel like the hardest thing you’ve ever done.
“Oh, that’s not a face that looks ready for the holidays,” your boss smirks as he makes his way over to your desk, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes.
“How may I help you, Mr. Hathaway?” you smile the best you can as he leans against your desk.
“I’ve told you at least a hundred times, call me Thomas.”
“And I’ve told you that I’m not comfortable doing that. It’s unprofessional.”
“Maybe I want us to be unprofessional,” he smirks suggestively.
You take a deep breath before putting your pen down and look up to meet his sultry gaze, “how may I help you, Mr. Hathaway?”
“Go out with me tonight.”
“No thank you.”
“Why not?”
“Besides the fact that you’re my boss and it would be unprofessional, and that I don’t want to, I have plans tonight.”
“Oh? And what are you up to?”
“A party.”
“A party that you can’t bring a friend to?”
“It’s not that type of party, plus it’s not my party.”
“Well, make sure to let your friend know I’m offended.”
“I will make sure to let the DA know you’re offended,” you scoff without thinking.
“I’m best friends with his son and Jacob invited me. No more and no less. District Attorney Barber is happily married.”
“I guess I’ll just have to try again another time,” he shrugs with a mournful sigh. “I’m not a man who gives up easily,” he winks before getting up and walking away.
It takes all of your energy not to let out a frustrated sigh and slam your hand down on your desk, but you remember how much you make and that you have bills. You grab your phone and instantly start to text Andy, before remembering that you have to stop going to him about everything. You want to tell Jacob, but you know he’ll just rip his head off. Telling Sarah is basically the same the thing as telling Jacob, so you just throw your phone back into your drawer and let out frustrated sigh and fight back tears.
It hasn’t even been a full day, and you miss the fuck out of Andrew Steven Barber.
Andy’s P.O.V
“Andy, did you hear me?” Lynn asks as she shakes me out of my thoughts.
“I’m sorry, I’m here. What’s going on?”
“Tonight, for the award-”
“Oh yeah, no, that’s completely taken care of. Jacob is going to present it since Laurie isn’t coming.”
“Is everything okay there?”
“Not really, no, but you’ve known that for a while,” I smile weakly as I take off my glasses and look up at her.
“Andy, if this is anything I did-”
“Laurie was Laurie long before anything happened with Jacob. The cracks were always there, we both just decided to pretend they weren’t. We were never supposed to end up together.”
“It’s fine, Lynn. Sometimes things just don’t work out.”
“Andy, its not that work hasn’t been amazing as always, but you just seem far away. You’ve been going non-stop for a few years now, and it’s understandable if you want a break-”
“I’m fine, Lynn. I’m just tired of fighting her on this divorce. I’m tired of a lot of things. Work keeps me going and that’s what I need right now.”
“Jacob is graduating soon and he’s gonna propose to Sarah this upcoming Summer. Probably his birthday, cause their anniversary isn’t until Fall. I need something to keep me going, Lynn.”
“Just...just let me know if you need time, okay?”
“Will do,” I tell her reassuringly as she gives me a small smile.
As she walks out, I can’t help but think of you. All I want is you. Every time I have to leave you, it’s the hardest thing in the fucking world. Now, I don’t even get to leave you, and for what? What’s the reason for two adults not being together? One way or another, I’m leaving Laurie, so that just leaves Jacob. I’m putting my happiness on hold for my son, who is moving out and getting married soon anyway?
I owe him that though. I owe him and I owe you.
You’ve been through so much already and you don’t need anymore shit messing up your life. You don’t need me messing up your life. This town is so fucking stupid for not even trying to understand what a beautiful soul you are. You’re courageous, funny, charismatic, caring, generous, thoughtful, and...
And what am I doing?
I can’t fall for you. We can never happen, so I need to get over whatever the hell is going on in my head. This isn’t serious, I’m just upset. I’m hurt and you’re a more than welcomed distraction.
Except you aren’t.
You are so much more than that. When I’m around you, I feel like I can finally breathe again. Your smile lights up my heart and when you laugh, I swear it’s a melody God composed just for me. Holding you has now become an all consuming addiction for me and I don’t known how the hell I’m supposed to survive without it now.
How the hell I’m supposed to survive without you.
Everything about you is everything that I love. It’s insane ton me that no one sees all the love you have inside, and all the kindness you hold in your heart, and it infuriates me that people let you down at every turn. I don’t want to be another selfish asshole to let you down though, so if you saying that we need to stop seeing each is for the best....
I run a frustrated hand through my hair and let out an exasperated sigh, as I take out my phone and look for the one video that always makes me smile when I’m fed up and overwhelmed.
“Andy! I know how to drive!” you laughed as you slowly turn the corner.
“There’s no one on the road and you’re driving at the speed of ‘no’.”
“Your car is nice! I don’t wanna damage it!”
“You’re not gonna damage my car at 2am! If you were this nervous about it, why did you offer to drive it?”
“Cause it’s a really nice car and I really wanted to drive it,” you told me innocently as I burst out laughing. “Besides, you’re the one who wanted to go out at 2 in the morning for ice cream!”
“I had a hankering,” I shrugged as you started laughing again.
“And you couldn’t bother Jacob because....?”
“He’s a terrible conversationalist this late, especially when you first wake him up.”
“That’s a painfully good point,” you giggled as you came to a complete stop.
“The ice cream is right there! Why are you stopping?!”
“Cause there’s a fucking stop sign! It’s the law! You of all people should know that!”
“I’m not a fucking cop!”
“You’re just as good as one!”
“You’re insane, did you know that?”
“Why are you recording me anyway?”
“So, that the next time you tell me you’re a perfectly capable driver, I can pull up the this video and show you that you are not,” I snickered.
You deadpan and turned towards me, before flipping me off, and there was no way to stop the full bodied laugh that left my body.
“I am a capable driver! We got here in one piece, didn’t we?” you laughed as you finally pulled into the parking lot.
“Sweetheart, we left your place at 2 and we’re just getting here at 2:20.”
“It’s a 10 minute drive!”
“It’s a 24 hour ice cream shop!”
“Thank God, or else I’d be fucked.”
“Oh fuck off,” you laughed as turned the car off.
That was the best night I’d had in a while and it made me realize a lot of things. Things that felt guilty for...things I still feel guilty for. I had more of a connection with my best friend’s son than I ever had with my own wife, and I had only known you for...2 months? How fucking pathetic is that?
We sat on the hood of my car that night, eating ice cream and talking until the sun came up. We were both so open and vulnerable with each other and that’s when I started that things were different. I wanted to change so many things after that night, but it was out of my control. All of this has felt out of my control and I can’t change that, can I?
I can’t stop myself from loving you, believe me, I fucking tried.
Before we left, you took a selfie of us as the sun was coming up, and it’s my favorite photo ever. Your smile is so big and genuine and I’d never felt so content in my life.
Ugh, what the fuck am I doing? I can’t do this to you. I can’t put you through more hell. That’s not love, but holy fuck do I wish you feel my love for you. Feel it and know just how great and deep it is.
As I look at the photo of us, I know what I have to do tonight. No, I don’t like it one bit and it’ll hurt like a mother fucker, but what else can i do? Staying away is in your best interest, and I’ll do anything to keep you happy. Happy and safe.
How else am I supposed to show you just how much I love you?
Y/N’s P.O.V
“I’m sure you look amazing!” Sarah sighs from your phone as you finish up a few last minute touches on your hair.
“I should have gotten a different dress,” you mutter as you look yourself over in the mirror. “My shoes are all wrong.”
“Stop it, no they aren’t. If it makes you feel any better, Mr. Barber seems to be just as anxious as you are.”
“He’s getting an award tonight.”
“Yeah okay, we’ll blame it on that. That makes sense,” she scoffs. “Listen, we’re gonna be leaving soon, so just clam down. I’m sure you look beautiful and we’re all gonna have a great time tonight. Just take a deep breath and we’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Sounds good,” you sigh before hanging up.
You know that everything is fine, but the thought of seeing Andy after everything that happened last night, it’s just too much. You know you can always say that you just don’t want to go, but you also can’t. Not when it’s this close and not when you’re so desperate to see Andy. Even if you can’t hold him, you can still hear his voice, and that’s better than nothing.You start pacing around in your apartment, trying to relax and telling yourself it’ll be okay. For fucks sake, you’re going to be in public with the man. If neither of you would act on anything private, there’s no way anything is gonna happen in public.
But still. The thought alone of just seeing Andy makes your whole body hot, and feel insanely alive all at once. Plus, you know Andy is going to look amazing, because he always does. How you’re supposed to be out with all of them tonight and not think some of the thoughts that you’ve been thinking lately is beyond you.
There’s also the fact that it’s just Andy. Andrew Steven Barber. In such a fast amount of time, he’s become the center of your world. You want to keep him safe, happy, laughing, and...
Well, you want him to feel loved.
Whether it’s late night drives, late night phone calls, movie nights, listening to him vent, holding him while you two sit in silence, or just indulging in his favorite movies when he’s frustrated...you want him to know that he’s so insanely loved.
That he’s insanely loved by you.
You can’t love him though. You’re not supposed to. He has been off limits since the day you met, even before then. Maybe it would be different if you two would have met when you were younger, but Laurie made sure that didn’t happen. No, when you finally met Andy, you were both adults and all of the rules that should’ve been in place went out the damn window.
Now, you’re just a woman with a broken heart, in love with a man that can never be yours.
Your phone buzzing pulls you out of your thoughts, and you take a deep breath before looking at it.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The Dark Lord: We’re here!
You look yourself over in the mirror one more time, making sure your grandmother’s blue, rhinestone encrusted butterfly pins are set perfectly, before grabbing your coat and purse, and slowly make your way out.
“Your hair looks amazing!” Sarah beams as you get in the backseat of Andy’s Audi.
“It’s alright.”
“No, it looks so good! I love it so much!”
“It really does look great,” Jacob smiles as he turns to look at you from the front seat.
“And you all haven’t even seen my outfit,” you laugh nervously as you close the door behind you. “Thanks for the ride, Mr. Barber.”
“Thanks for coming,” he smiles as your from rear view mirror, “your hair really does look nice.”
“Thanks, yours doesn’t look so bad yourself,” you smile softly as you put on your seat belt. “Excited for your award tonight?”
“I have a feeling that it’s out of pity, so no,” he scoffs as he pulls off.
“Dad, you’ve worked hard your entire career,” Jacob encourages “you deserve this.”
“It would be a lot easier to believe if-”
“Mr. Barber,” you interrupt softly “you’ve dedicated your life to your career. I don’t know what the award is for, but I know you deserve it. The work you do always finds a way to show its reflection of yourself in life.”
“That’s funny,” Jacob chuckles “my dad always says that.”
Sarah gently squeezes your hand and gives you a sad but reassuring look.
You’re in for a long night.
“You haven’t danced all night!” Sarah whines as another song she loves comes on.
“Go dance with your boyfriend,” you snort as you take another sip of your whiskey neat.
“Are you going to be a sour puss the entire night?”
“Sarah, since I’ve taken my coat off, I have been hit on nonstop. The last thing I want is to go out on the floor and make it worse for myself. I should’ve gotten another dress,” you sigh, contemplating finishing off your drink completely.
“Okay, what happened?” she asks sincerely, taking a seat next to you “you weren’t completely defeated last night and now-”
“Laurie came over last night, while Andy was hiding in my bedroom-nothing happened,” you quickly explain once you see the look on Sarah’s face. “We were about to have dinner when Laurie came by, and Andy ran into my room to hide. Anyway, she came over and said...she said some things,” you scowl before downing the rest of drink, quickly standing up and grabbing another drink for both you and Sarah, as a waiter with full tray walks by.
“What things?” Sarah all but growls as she takes the drink from you.
“She has asked that I stay far away from Mr. Barber. I can continue to be friends with Jacob, and it’s fine that I came here tonight, but after all is said and done I need to stay away. I’m a threat to her marriage, even though I haven’t done anything, and that in order to keep her marriage to keep her marriage afloat, I can’t come around because I’m Andy’s type.”
When Sarah says nothing, you look up and see her trying her best to hold on to her resolve and you scoff.
“Yeah, that’s how I feel too.”
“She’s the one who cheated! She’s the one who said those nasty things about you!” Sarah whispers harshly.
“Which I reminded her of by telling her that I never made her feel as small as shes always made me feel, I never told Jacob and started drama, and I never made a scene.”
“What did Andy do?”
“He wanted to go after her and yell at her, but I stopped him.”
“It only would’ve made it worse. She doesn’t know we’ve been hanging out in secret, and she’d start a shit show. She wouldn’t care about the impact that it would have on Andy or Jacob-”
“Or you.”
“I don’t matter in all of this,” you smile sorrowfully at her.
“Babe, yes you do-”
“Jacob has been through enough and so has Andy. Why the hell should they have to endure more hell over me? Because I’m in love?”
“Because you deserve to be happy!”
“Sometimes we just don’t get what we want, and that’s fine. At some point, I’ll get over it and things will be alright.”
“He shouldn’t be with her!”
“That doesn’t mean he should be with me, Sarah,” you sigh as you fight back your tears. “I can’t force him to leave her, I’m not going to beg him to leave her, and I’m damn sure not about to make anyone’s life harder. I know Andy is pushing for a divorce, and I hope he gets it, but him being with me will never be okay. Age difference aside, she’s going to turn this whole town against him, and hes worked too hard. Hes done too much, and Jacob? You and Jacob?”
“We can all just move!”
“Why can’t you both be happy? Why does she have to win? Yeah, Mr. Barber and Jacob deserve to be happy, but so do you! He wants to be happy with you! He loves-”
“Don’t,” you warn as a single tear falls from your eyes. “Just don’t.”
“This isn’t right and you know it.”
“Why can’t you just-”
“Because you’re my best friend too! You have been through so much and you’ve handled it so much better than anyone deserves. If it were me, I would’ve gone off on everyone a million times over. Both you deserve a win! You deserve a win,” she sniffles softly as she wipes her eyes.
“Hey, what’s going...babe, what’s wrong?” Jacob asks, instantly seeing the distressed look on Sarah’s face and tears in her eyes.
“Nothing, I just need to go for a walk,” she sobs before getting up and quickly making her way out.
Jacob looks to you and you just shake your head “go after to her and clam her down.”
“Just go, Jacob.”
“Fucks sake,” he sighs before following after her.
“What the fuck was that about?” Andy whispers as he takes a seat next to you.
“Just spreading holiday cheer,” you smile sarcastically as you raise your glass and take a sip. “Seems like everyone is a fan of you tonight.”
“Honey, please tell me what’s wrong.”
“Don’t. Don’t do that when you already know what’s wrong.”
“Listen, just because-”
“Andy!” a tall man greets, pulling both of you out of conversation.
You look him over and instantly recognize who he is.
“Neal,” Andy greets with a warm smile.
“Just wanted to congratulate you on tonight, you’ve more than earned it.”
“Thanks, I really appreciate it.”
“I’m sorry, don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t think we’ve met,” Neal smiles at you, and you glare straight through him.
Fuck Neal Loguidice.
“Neal, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Neal Loguidice,” Andy smiles awkwardly, noticing that your glare isn’t going anywhere.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Neal smiles at you as he looks you over, extending his hand, which you just stare at.
It’s Andy’s job to place nice with his coworkers, not yours. Neil fucked over both you guys so, as far as you’re concerned, he can go fuck himself.
“Well,” Neal starts awkwardly as he clears his throat, “I guess I’ll see you around, Andy.
He’s quick to smile with a small nod before almost rushing off.
“Well, I guess that’s that.”
“Fuck Neal,” you mutter before taking a sip of your drink.
“Sweetheart, lets take a trip to my office.”
“Lets not and say we did.”
“We need to talk.”
“This isn’t the time or the place.”
“Please, let’s just go to my office,” Andy pleads desperately.
You can hear the pain in his voice and it only makes all of it so much harder, “let’s go,” you mumble, standing up and grabbing your drink.
The walk to his office is tense, quiet, and fairly quick. You try to keep a good distance from him, but you also long to be near him. By the way he’s holding out his hand, (like he wants you to take it) he feels the same.
“Somehow it’s exactly how I thought it’d be, and at the same time, it’s not,” you comment with a soft smile as you take a seat in front of his desk.
“You’ve thought about my office?” Andy chuckles as he closes his door.
“You’ve called me from here enough, it’s hard not to wonder what the place you love so much looks like.”
“You know the place I love is any place you are,” he sighs heavily, taking a seat at his desk and opening the bottom drawer, “you look miserable.” He takes out a glass and a bottle of bourbon, “I feel like I’ve done nothing but make your life miserable, and that makes me feel like shit, cause you’ve done nothing but make mine better. In so many ways.”
“It’s nothing you’ve done and you know that.”
“Me not being in your life would make it better though, wouldn’t it?”
Your silence just causes him to shake his head as he pours himself a drink.
“What do you want me to say? Obviously, there are parts that would be easier if we weren’t as close as we are, but since you’ve been in my life, I’ve been happy. So fucking happy. I look forward to our late night calls and texts, I’m so happy when you randomly stop by and we go on drives, I can listen to you talk about anything forever, I just...you’re married and I’m the town whore,” you scoff.
“Stop that, you didn’t do anything-”
“It doesn’t matter, Andy. You heard Laurie last night! She believes I didn’t do anything, and she still wants me to stay the hell away from you!”
“Yeah well, Laurie’s a bitch,” he mutters before sipping on his bourbon, placing it back down.
“What? It’s just you and me right now, there’s no need to lie. We don’t lie to each other and we’re not about to start now.”
“Fuck her! Fuck her and this whole fucking town! You haven’t done anything to deserve this! I’m so sick-”
“Baby, there’s Jacob,” you interrupt softly, reaching your hand across his desk to hold his free hand.
“There’s Jacob,” he sighs heavily, grabbing his drink again with his other hand and taking a long sip from it. “You look so beautiful tonight. Absolutely gorgeous,” he smiles at you, his eyes watering a little.
“Please don’t-”
“I’m going to stay away. Even after all is said and done with Laurie, I’m going to stay away, because I refuse to be another person in your life to let you down. I love you too much for that and you deserve better. You deserve so much better from everyone, and I want to be someone who does that for you.”
“Andy, you know it’s not what I want-”
“You don’t have to explain anything to me. I know it’s not what either of us wants, but you’ll never do anything and I’ll never ask you to. Enough has happened and this is for the best. It’s the right thing to do...you feel it’s the right thing to do, and I’ll abide by that.”
“Andy, I...wait a minute, what do you mean you love me?”
“What do you mean what do I mean? I love you. Of course I love you, how could I not?”
“Wait, you can’t-”
“You don’t get to tell me what I do and don’t feel, sweetheart. You are funny, kind, charismatic, tough, sexy, energetic, witty, smart as hell...I could go on forever,” he chuckles humorlessly as he grabs his glass and takes another sip. “I love you just as much as you love me.”
“You don’t know that I love you-”
“You’re not as slick as you think you are, sweetheart.”
“I don’t want to-”
“I don’t want to love you either, but it’s starting to feel like we didn’t have much of a choice. All I want is for you to tell me the truth. In this room, in this moment, tell me the truth,” he begs softly.
You give his hand another gentle squeeze and a weak smile as tears start to fall from your eyes, “I love you, too.”
“I’ll stay away from you. I’ll stay away and keep you safe.”
“It’s the least I can do. Like I told you before, you’re the least selfish person I know. It’s time you get something back.”
“I don’t want this, Andy.”
“Neither do I, sweetheart. However, you think this will be best, so I’m abiding by your rules.”
“If you don’t want this, why are you-”
“Because you do, and I love you. When you love someone, you don’t force your ideas and wants on them, you listen to them and do you your best to make them happy.”
“I love you, Y/N. It’s as simple as that. If this makes your life easier, I’ll do it. Anything that makes you breathe a little easier, I’ll do it.”
For the next 10 minutes, neither of you say anything to each other. You just sit there in silence, sobbing softly while you both drink, holding hands. It’s the closest to heaven you’re going to get, so you just want to live in it as long as possible.
However, you both know you need to get back and that Jacob’s patience is wearing thin, so you’re the first to get up and head back. When you get back to the table, both Jacob and Sarah look irritated.
“Hey, can I talk to you for a moment?” Jacob asks softly, standing up once you reach the table.
“I’d really rather not.”
“Just come on,” he scowls, taking a hold of your wrist and practically dragging you out of the room.
“What the fuck?!” you yell the second you two are outside.
“What is going on with you?”
“No, you protect me from everything and everyone all the time, but this is the first time that you’re not letting me do it for you. Sarah won’t tell me a damn thing, you’ve been distant and moody, getting you to hangout is like pulling teeth, and I’m fucking worried about you!” he shouts, almost out of breath.
The sight of him has your eyes welling up all over again. His eyes show nothing but pure and genuine concern, his shoulders are tense, and he looks like he’s at his wits end.
This is why you can never be with Andy.                  
“I’m fine, Jake,” you sob.
“Hey, it’s me. You can always talk to me. What happened? Did someone hurt you? Is it your boss? Did I do something? Y/N, please just talk to me.”
“I’m just never...I’m just unhappy with my life right now. I’m so fucking unhappy and I feel like that’s just how it’s always going to be,” you cry, finally letting go.
“Hey no, that’s not true at all! Stop it,” Jacob coos softly as he wraps you in a tight hug. “This isn’t like you at all, Y/N. What happened?”
All you can do is continue to sob, so Jacob walks you both over to a nearby bench and sits you both down. You continue to cry into Jacob’s shoulder, and he gently strokes your back. You can’t help but feel like a complete idiot.
Why did you set yourself up? You’ve always known that Andy is off limits, so why did you ever start making yourself available to him? Why did you ever let yourself get excited at the thought of spending time with him? Him opening up made you feel so fucking special and for what? Him memorizing all of the things you love and make you happy; it shouldn’t have mattered at all.
But it did.
Andy Barber was the first man you’d ever met that made you feel like you were more than just an object; more than just a thing to fulfill men’s fantasies. He took the time to know you, he took the time to learn all of the things you love and make you smile. He was always there for you (no matter how big or large the problem was), he was always able to make you laugh, he was always able to pull you back when you’d go too far off the deep end. He always listened to you without judgment...from the day you two met, Andy had been everything you dreamed of and more.
Even Jacob, with all of his well-intentions, he still looked at you with bedroom eyes from time to time. Hell, he still does every once in a while. Maybe it’s because Andy’s older and more experienced, but he has never made you feel like you’re good for only one thing. From day one, Andy has always made you feel like a person instead of an object. He made you feel like everything about you mattered, not just the parts that could get men off.
“Tell me what’s going on, Y/N,” Jacob coos as your tears finally start to slow.
“My fucking parents,” you lie, trying to calm down and figure out the most believable thing to tell him. “The fucking holidays...they know Christmas is my favorite fucking holiday and they’re bickering about who I should spend it with. When in reality, I don’t want to spend it with either of them.”
“Just spend it my family. My mom loves you, you and my dad are best friends whenever you two are around one another, you and Sarah are best friends-”
“No, it’s not...it’s not just that. I fucking hate this stupid town. I just...I’m just worn out, Jake. I’m exhausted and just need a fucking break. I wish I could just start over and be someone else.”
“The world would be a much shittier place if you weren’t you. Why didn’t you just come and talk to me?”
“You have so much going on already-”
“Listen, you are the best friend I could ever have. You make all of the time in the world for me, of course I’d do the same for you. I just realized that I’m an asshole who dragged you out here without a coat. Lets get back inside,” he smiles and chuckle, wiping your eyes. “Are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Just know that there isn’t anything you can’t tell me. I’m always here for you, no matter what,” he promises sincerely.
Well, if you didn’t feel like shit before, you sure as fuck do now.
You two head back inside and when you get back to the table, it’s obvious to you that Sarah and Andy had a talk. Andy looks defeated and Sarah looks even more heartbroken than she did before.
“What’s wrong with you two?” Jacob laughs as he takes a seat.
“I think I’m going burn these shoes,” Sarah laughs.
“I told you you’d end up hating them!”
“But they were so cute!” she laughs as he dips down to kiss her. “Next time just carry me out of the store.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he smirks “dad, what’s up with you?”
“Just wish tonight could’ve gone differently.”
“Don’t let mom being mom ruin this for you. It was a great night and I’m sure she’ll regret it. Just focus on everyone here who actually supports you.”
“You’re right,” Andy smiles weakly. “Lets say we get out of here, huh?”
“Yeah, I don’t think my feet can tolerate much more of this,” Sarah laughs as she stands up.
“Dad, it really was a great night,” he tells him reassuringly before taking his suit jacket off the back of his chair.
If only Jacob knew how shitty the night really went.
The days leading up to Christmas are the loneliest days you’ve ever experienced. Some days, you’re able to talk yourself out of a breakdown, and other days they’re unavoidable. Since you can’t talk to or see Andy, you settle for the next best thing: watching old video and reading through old text messages. It’s the only thing you can think of to dull the pain without actually seeing him. Every day you hope he’ll cave, but you know he won’t because that’s not who he is.
That’s not the man you fell in love with.
It doesn’t help that Jacob keeps begging you to come over for Christmas. You know he means well, and that it’s part your fault because you lied to him at the party, but the thought of seeing him with her fills you with so much anger. It’s all bullshit, because he isn’t happy at all. Having to sit there and watching them fake it for hours will only drive you insane. Plus, you know she’ll make a show of it because you’ll be there, and that’ll only anger Andy and make him uncomfortable, and you could never do that to him.
Sarah’s been giving you small updates from time to time, and she says he’s barely home. When he is, he’s a recluse, the arguments have gotten louder, and he’s easily irritated. Part of you wishes she wouldn’t tell you anything, because all it does is make things harder, but at the same time you’re happy to get them. You want updates on him because you need to know how he is. The fact that he’s so unhappy and frustrated makes you even more upset. You just want to hold him and make everything better, but you can’t. You want to take a late night drive with him and tell him it’ll get better, but you can’t. You want to take care of him the way hes always taken care of you, but you can’t.
You just want your Andy to be okay.
Eventually you got Jacob off your back about Christmas by lying and saying you decided to spend it with your mother, because you’re worried about her, which is why you’re now laid out on your sofa (in just the extra large AC/DC crew neck he got you on a whim), watching ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ while eating a pint of strawberry cheesecake ice cream. You can’t have your ideal Christmas, so you may as well settle for second best.
You roll your eyes when you hear your cell phone going off and choose to ignoring (hoping that Jacob, your mother, or father) would take the hint and go away. However, when it goes off for a second time, you scowl before answering it.
“Hello?” you answer harshly, hoping whoever is on the other line will take the hint and go away.
“Well, Merry Christmas to you too,” a familiar deep voice responds with a soft chuckles.
“Hey sweetheart.”
“What...you can’t-”
“I told everyone I needed to go for a drive, it’s fine.”
“We’re not supposed to-”
“Come to the window,” he demands softly.
Almost instantly, you’re on your feet and looking out of the full window in your small living area, “you get to see me but I don’t get to see you? That’s not fair.”
“Let me rectify that,” he laughs before letting his window down and smiling up at you, “better?”
“Much,” you smile with a small wave “why aren’t you home?”
“I am now.”
“It’s Christmas. I wanted to get as close to being with the one I love as I could.”
“You have amazing legs, sweetheart. Is that the AC/DC crew neck I got you?”
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“It is,” you laugh softly with a small sniffle.
“Are those tattoos I see on your thighs?”
“Yes they are,” you laugh, remembering how much your mom hated them and cried when she first saw them.
“How did I not notice them at the party?”
“The dress covered them.”
“Well, I was robbed.”
“Andy,” you laugh “what are you doing here?”
“I miss you.”
“I miss you too, baby.”
“I also dropped off your Christmas present.”
“What?! Andy-”
“Relax,” he laughs softly “it’s not some big to-do. I know you’d hate that.”
“I didn’t get you anything! I wasn’t-”
“Seeing you right now is a gift, even if it’s not exactly the way I want it to go. I’m happy, honey. This is more than enough.”
“Andy...” you trail off, fighting back tears.
“Go to the door and get your present. God, you don’t know how hard it was for me to not knock on that fucking door.”
“How long have you been out there?” you ask as you make your way over to your door, quickly opening and closing the door after you pick up the neatly wrapped gift.
“Longer than I should,” he laughs.
“You didn’t have to do anything for me,” you smile softly as you sit on the window sill.
“Open it!”
“I am! So damn pushy,” you laugh as you pull the wrapping paper off. “Oh...Andy...this is so fucking thoughtful.”
“I did good?”
“I’m putting it in bedroom and the other on my key chain holding my car keys and the key to my apartment,” you sob as you look over the thoughtful gifts.
One of was a medium sized framed picture of the selfie you two took while sitting on the hood of Andy’s car, while the sun rose and you two eat ice cream. The other, was a quote from ‘To Have and To Have Not’ that said “If you want anything, just whistle.”
“I should have gotten you something,” you sniffle as you dry your eyes.
“This is more than enough.”
“I love you, Andy. God, I love you so fucking much.”
“I love you too, honey.”
“You should be here.”
“I know I should be,” he sighs heavily “how’s ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ going?”
“Same as it always goes,” you laugh softly.
“I’m gonna go.”
“Please...just a couple more minutes?”
“You don’t know how hard it was for me to not knock on your door and beg you to let me in.”
“Who says you would have had to beg me for anything?”
“I just...I keep thinking what this day would’ve been like if I spent it with you. Really spent it with you.”
“Yeah? What do you have in mind?”
“We would’ve had breakfast together, watched sappy Christmas movies, exchanged gifts, watched more movies together...”
“And then what?”
“Hands where I can see ‘em, Barber,” you smirk and he chuckles “we would have taken turns showing each other how we appreciate each other.”
“Tell me not to come up there right there right now and show you how much I love you.”
“Why not?”
“Because it can’t happen, baby.”
“I just want to be with you, honey.”
“I feel the same,” you smile weakly.
“I’m gonna go. Merry Christmas, I love you.”
“I love you, Andy. Merry Christmas.”
As you watch him drive off after he hangs up, you clutch the key chain tighter  and wish that you’re selfish enough to tell him to stay. All you want is to fall asleep and wake up him by your side, holding you close and kissing you deeply. It’s not fucking fair that the one person who finally makes you feel alive is the one person you can’t be with.
So, from that day on you’re even more frustrated and irritated. Why can’t she just give him the damn divorce? He clearly doesn’t want to be with her, so what the hell she still trying to hold on to. She knows that Andy will give her whatever she wants, so why she can’t she just let it go? As for Jacob...if he really hates the idea of you then obviously you’d back off, but what it really be so bad to try?
Ugh, you don’t know why you keep thinking about it, because it can’t happen. Even with Laurie gone and Jacob magically accepting it, there’s still the fact that you have a reputation that will never change. You could never do that to him. He’s been through enough, and the last thing you want is to add another obstacle and frustration to his life.
You can’t be with him, so you just need to let it go. You need to let all ideas of Andy Barber go.
“Darling,” your father calls, pulling you out of your thoughts “you didn’t answer my question.”
“I didn’t hear it,” you mumble before taking a sip of your coffee.
“Are you going to be mad at me forever?”
“Can we not do this today? It’s a nice Spring day and I’m just not in the mood.”
“You’re acting like I’m some sort of-”
“First of all, I’m not acting like anything. You’re an asshole and you know what you did was fucked up. I know how you lost all the money in the first place. You gambled it all away, not giving a damn that you had a wife and child at home. You did what you wanted, then picked fights with mom over it. THEN, you somehow managed to beat the odds and win the fucking lottery, and you’re still a dick. You start seeing her,” you snap looking over at his young bride “and start picking the most idiotic fights with mom. Then, to top it all off, you fucking leave like a coward. In the middle of the night so you don’t have to deal with any of the aftermath. As if that wasn’t bad enough, you had my best friend’s dad serve mom the papers! So let’s not sit here and pretend you’re not a complete dick, because you are. Second, you brought her here and didn’t bother to fucking tell me about it, because you knew I wouldn’t fucking show if she came. You’re trying to force me to be okay with her, when you know I’ll never be okay.”
“You left!” you snapped, slamming your down on the table. “You left and you left me all alone to clean up the mess that you made! I don’t wanna hear it!”
“Y/N-” his new wife starts.
“If you wanna leave this place without a broken fuckin’ nose, I suggest you shut up,” you warn, glaring at her. “As for you, don’t sit here and act like it’s damn surprise that the sight of you makes me sick!”
“What about you?! It’s not like you’re some saint! Everyone knows that Laurie Barber doesn’t want you around her husband!”
“That’s because she’s a cunt! I haven’t laid a hand on Mr. Barber and I haven’t seen him in months! Don’t try to paint us as one and the same, because we are so much less alike than you’d ever think!”
“Y/N, stop. I had no right and I’m sorry-”
“Jesus, are we done here? Have we put one another through enough?”
“Are we done?!”
“Yes,” he sighs sorrowfully, hanging his head in defeat.
“Fucking amazing,” you mutter before throwing your towel down and getting up “feel free to never call me again.”
As you walk out, you can’t help but feel bad. Yes, your father has had it coming for years, but your outburst wasn’t because he’s a piece of shit, it was because you miss Andy. You haven’t seen him since Christmas and it’s driving you insane. Is that all you two have now? Stolen moments on holidays? Stolen moments where you two can’t even touch or hold one another? Why can’t you just let it go? Why can’t you let Andy go?
You’ve studied the photo he gave you for Christmas a million times, hell you even hold while you sleep sometimes. Why? Because it’s all you have. Sometimes, you tell yourself that you’ll just move and start over, but just makes everything hurt more.Yeah, you’re away from him now, but being another state away? Another country? It’s just too much.
You try to get your mood together as you get ready to go over Jacob’s house, but you know he won’t be there and she will be. How you haven’t got into an all out fist fight with Laurie Barber yet is beyond you, but with the way your day is going, you won’t count anything. As you try to put together a decent enough outfit, your phone goes off and you pray it’s someone who won’t want to make you throw yourself out of a window.
“So, I hear you went to lunch with your father and I’m the big bad witch.”
Prayer denied. “Hi mom.”
“I don’t know why you even bothered to go at all, why you try to have a relationship with him.”
“The same reason we keep up this charade, mom: he won’t leave me alone.”
“Don’t be a bitch.”
“You started it.”
“Why don’t you settle down? Everyone knows you love older men, and older men love to settle down. Laurie Barber is so desperate to keep you away from her husband, why don’t you go after him?”
“It’s 5:30 in the evening, mom. You’re this drunk already?”
“Well, I was bored,” she sighs with a humorless laugh.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have time to entertain you. Talk to you later,” you mutter before hanging up and almost throwing your phone down.
It’s not like you were in a good mood to begin with, but after having to deal with, but there’s no way in fuck you can be in the Barber household right now, especially with Laurie being there. You let out a heavy sigh knowing that the call you’re about to make isn’t going to go well.
“Hey!” Jacob answers enthusiastically and it only makes you feel worse. “Are you on your way?”
“I uh...I’m not coming. You guys have fun without me.”
“I don’t need it today, Jake. I had the lunch from hell with my father and then my mother called me, drunk, and decided to tell me that she thinks everyone in town still thinks that I’m a whore.”
“What the...are you serious?!”
“Don’t Jake, just don’t.”
“She can’t talk to you like that!”
“She’s my mother, apparently she can do whatever she wants.”
“I’m gonna-”
“You’re not going to do anything, Jake. Just leave it alone. I’ll handle all of it at some point, I just need to decompress.”
“So you’re gonna find someone to sleep with?”
“Well, I haven’t been fucked in months and I’m having the day from hell, so why not?”
“It seems like you’re always having the day from hell.”
“Jesus, not you too! Can I just catch a fucking break?! We can argue tomorrow?!”
“I miss my best fucking friend! I feel like I haven’t seen you in-”
“Jacob, when you’re in this house, watch your mouth!” you hear Laurie yell and you feel your blood start to boil.
“Jake, I’m sorry I let you down and I love you to death, but I can’t fucking do this right now. I need time away.”
“Fine, whatever. Talk to tomorrow,” he grumbles before hanging up
You can’t catch a fucking break.
You throw your phone down before heading into your bedroom and searching your closet. Maybe getting fucked will help you. No, it obviously won’t be getting fucked by the man you want, but something has to be better than nothing at this point...right?
You pull out one of your sexier dresses, making sure to tie it low, so there’s a good view of your cleavage,you wear your favorite skinny open-toed black heels, and apply your makeup perfectly. It’s not lost on you how good you look, and you’re hoping to be back at your place soon enough, but all of it feels wrong. If you’re not going home with the one you want, why are you going out at all?
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The only thing you can come up with is that you need some sort of release before you snap on someone.
By the time your car service pulls up to the bar, you’re regretting going out at all, but you have to try. You can’t make your whole life about Andy, and you have to try and move on. Moving on doesn’t mean finding Mr. Right, it just means not letting yourself get wrapped up in one person that you can never be with. You’re determined to leave with someone.
However, by hour two of your excursion, you’re ready to throw in the towel.
It’s not like you haven’t been hit on by attractive men, but they’re all the wrong men. The more you try and force yourself to be engaged and attracted, the less you feel encouraged to go through your plan. As you sit at the bar, wondering why you can’t just give him up. ‘How Do I Make You Love Me?’ by the Weeknd starts playing.
“Well, this is a welcomed surprise,” a deep familiar voice says as he takes a seat next to you.
“Of all the gin joints in the world,” you smirk before finishing your drink “how may I help you, Mr. Barber? This really isn’t the type of place I ever expected to find you in.”
“Wasn’t my idea,” he smirks as he nods towards the other end of the bar, a few of his friends nodding at the both of you.
“Why aren’t you at...cause I’m supposed to be at your house right now,” you chuckle humorlessly as the bartender brings you another whiskey neat.
“How many of those have you had?”
“Not enough,” you grin “I’m sure Laurie called you to tell you it’s safe to come home.”
“I don’t want to be in that house.”
“And why is that, Mr. Barber?” you slur slightly as you turn to look at him.
“It’s not a home unless you’re there and you know that,” he confesses softly. “Why are you here?”
“I’m trying to get over you.”
“Don’t do that,” he begs quicker than he means to.
‘How do I make you love me? (How do I make you fall for me?)’
“Why not?”
“Because you’re mine and I’m yours. Don’t throw us away so quickly.”
‘How do I make you want me? (And make it last eternally?)’
“You’re right, lets get you home.”
“That defeats the purpose.”
“Don’t make me watch you go home with someone else, please.”
“You can leave now.”
“I don’t wanna leave without you.”
‘I only want what’s right in front of me.
It’s quite unusual, seeking approval,
Begging for it desperately’
“We can’t keep doing this to each other,” you tell him softly as you look away from him.
“Let me take you home,” he begs softly.
“What if I said I don’t want you to take me home?”
“I’d call you a big fucking liar,” he smirks before looking at the bartender “she’s done here and would like to settle her tab,” he smiles as he pulls out his wallet.
“If I hadn’t see you, I would be able to pretend,” he confesses softly as he hands the bartender his card, “but I wouldn’t leave until I saw you leave, and it would fucking kill me.”
“I love you, Y/N. God, I love you so fucking much, and it drives me insane, because I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t want to fall asleep next to you every night, I shouldn’t want to hear your voice every second of every day, I shouldn’t want to hear what my name sounds like when it leaves your lips as I fuck you senseless, I shouldn’t want to shower you with gifts, I shouldn’t want to kiss you all the time, I shouldn’t fucking love you, Y/N. Even if there wasn’t Laurie, even if you weren’t Jacob’s best friend, you’ve been through enough hell and you deserve to be young and finally fucking have fun. You should be hooking up, dating around, and just having fun. We shouldn’t be what we fucking are to each other, but I just...Jesus, I love you. I’ve tried to stop and do the right thing, but I just...you live in my head and my heart. I can’t get you out, and I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, because I don’t want to be another person in your life asking too much of you,” he finishes, letting out a defeated sigh as the bartender hands him his card. “If I hadn’t been here tonight, I could pretend that you’re at home watching ‘Casablanca’ for the millionth time, but I’m here and I see how you look. Someone else being buried deep inside you, feeling your warmth, getting to know you intimately...I just can’t handle that. Finish your drink and I’ll let the guys know I’m taking you home,” he says softly before walking.
You instantly down your drink, because what else can you do? The man just poured his heart out, telling you that he feels the exact same way you do, so what else are you supposed to do? You’re in public so you can’t cry, you can’t hug him, and you sure as shit can’t kiss him. All you can do is drink your fucking drink and ignore what you’re feeling.
As he makes his way back over to you, he cocks an eyebrow and you just nod. The walk to his car is quite and so is the car ride to your place. You want to say something, but you don’t know what to say. The only thing you can think of is how much you love him, how much you want him, and the fucking lyrics to that song.
‘How do I make you love me? (How do I make you fall for me?)
How do I make you want me? (And make it last eternally?)’
All you want is Andy and you want everything with him forever. It also doesn’t help that his confession about wanting to fuck you senseless won’t stop playing in your brain on surround sound. You know that part of the reason for it is because you’re touch starved, but it’s not like that matters much anyway.
The only touch you’re starving for is Andy’s.
By the time he pulls into the parking garage of your complex, your brain is at war with itself and going a million miles a minute.
“You didn’t have park down here.”
“You’re drunk, I’m not letting you go up there on your own.”
“I can take the elevator, Andy.”
“Good, so I can drop you off and come right back down.”
“Honey, it’s been a long fucking day. Just let me do this, please?”
“Fine,” you huff, getting out of the car and slamming the door shut.
“Why are you mad at me?”
“Like you said, it’s been a long a fucking day-”
“No, talk to me!” he snaps grabbing your wrist.
“Jesus Andy!” you yell, but as you turn to meet his gaze, you see that his eyes hold nothing but love and pure genuine concern.
Why are you two so fucking gone for one another?
“Andy...just let me go.”
“Talk to me.”
“This can’t ever...you deserve better! You talk about how much I’ve been through, what about you?!”
“What about me?”
“Your dad, losing your mom right before college, everything with Jacob, all of the shit Lauries’ put you through...you think I want you to have to deal with the scrutiny that comes with dating the town whore?”
“You’re not-”
“It doesn’t matter, Andy. They’re all committed to seeing me in that light-”
“But I’m not,”he says firmly, but his tone is still soft as softly grips your shoulders.
“Andy, I love you. It honestly hurts, because you were never...this was never supposed to happen. You’re a dream that’s never supposed to come true.”
“Sweetheart, you’ve always been my dream,” he tells you softly as he rests his forehead against yours.
You want to live in this moment forever.
“You have to get me upstairs,” you sigh, looking down at your fingers interlocked with his.
“We should get started then, shouldn’t we?” he questions so softly you barely hear it.
You two continue to hold hands as you walk to the elevator, and you don’t let go for the ride up to your floor. The only time Andy lets go of your hand is when you’re fishing out your keys, and even then he’s reluctant to let go.
“You’ll let me know when you��re home safe?” you question as you both step inside your apartment, but you can barely focus on hearing his answer.
“I always do. I’m sorry I-”
Before the last bit of the sober part of your brain can protest, you’re pulling Andy close and kissing him as if you’re life depends on it. It’s not desperate or messy, but it does a good job of showing just how much you need him. How much you’ve always needed him.
You expect him to stop and pull away, but his response is the exact opposite. He pins you against the wall and deepens it, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you as close to him as he can. His tongue traces the outline of your bottom lip as his hands start to explore your body, and you gladly give him access as you run your hands through his hair, gripping it just enough to get a grunt of approval.
It feels like you’re finally alive; every bit of your body tingles with excitement, and every part of you that he touches feels as if it’s on fire. You’ve never felt something so all consuming and powerful, and you never want it to end. Andy’s awoken something deep inside of you, and now you don’t know if you can survive without him.
You barely were before.
He starts to trail skillful kisses down your neck as he fumbles with the front of your shirt, trying to untie it, and it feels like heaven. “Andy,” you moan as your eyes flutter shut and you lull your head back.
He freezes almost instantly.
“Fuck!” he breathes heavily into the crook of your neck. “I gotta go. Shit!”
“What? No! Why-”
“Don’t, sweetheart,” he sighs as he stands up straight, “fuck, I’m so sorry-”
“Andy what did I do? What’s wrong?”
“You are perfect, you could never...it’s me. I know better and still...you’re drunk!”
“What does that have to do with anything? I love you whether I’m drunk or sober. I want you whether I’m drunk or sober.”
“It would be one thing if we were both drunk or sober, but I can’t do this and not feel like I’m taking advantage of you!”
“I kissed you!”
“Because you’re drunk!”
“Okay, so I acted on liquid courage, so what? It doesn’t change-”
“Honey, please.”
The look on his face lets you know that he’s at war with himself and it breaks your heart. “I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m the one who’s sorry. I can’t keep...you aren’t mine.”
“Yes I am, Andy,” you tell him softly holding his torn gaze. “I’m all yours and yours alone. No one’s touched me since that day you showed up at my apartment for drinks, and I’ve been in love with you since that night we went out for ice cream and watched the sunrise. I am all yours and I only ever want to be yours. Drunk or sober, you’re all I’ll ever want.”
“God, this isn’t fucking fair,” he grumbles, resting his forehead against yours. “I’m so fucking in love with you...I wish I could show you...I’m gonna go, sweetheart.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I don’t want to, but it’s for the best. I’ll text you when I’m there.”
“I love you.”
“I love you,” he sighs heavily, kissing your forehead before leaving.
In no time at all, you’re undressing yourself and getting yourself off in bed; Andy’s name leaving your lips every time you reach your climax. No, it’s not ideal and definitely how you wanted to end your night, but it’s enough.
For now.
Andy’s P.OV.
“Jesus Laurie, just drop it! It was three weeks ago and I told you about it!” I yell as we have the same argument, for what feels like the millionth time.
“What were you even doing in a club, Andy?!”
“You didn’t want me here, remember? You wanted me to out of the house, because Y/N was supposed to be here.”
“Well, she very clearly wasn’t, Andy! I text you that it was okay to come home-”
“I’m not a fucking dog, Laurie! You can’t just command me around-”
“I’m not trying to command you-”
“Yes you are! For fucks sake, just sign the divorce papers! There’s nothing to save! Let it go!”
“Stop saying that! What? Are you in love with someone else? Are you-”
“Yes Laurie, I am in love with someone else, and you refusing to do the one thing I ask you to do is making it all that much harder to move on!”
“Why am I the only one fighting to make this marriage work?!”
“Because you’re the one that cheated!” I shout as I make my way into the living room. “You never loved me, because you never knew the real me, and that’s fine. It’s my fault, but now...what’s the reason to keep this up? Jacob’s about to move out, you clearly have other interests-”
“That was once!”
“It was twice, and one of them was an actual fucking relationship! Laurie, I can’t keep-”
“I love you! I know I’ve fucked up and I’m sorry, but we can salvage this!”
“There’s nothing to-”
“Yes there is!” Laurie yells, throwing her glass down.
How the fuck did we end up like this?
“Look at us, Laurie. There’s nothing healthy or right about us anymore. We just don’t work anymore. This doesn’t work and there’s no reason for us to try and force it. Just let it go. Let me go. I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“You just need time, Andy. We both do.”
“Laurie, I’m in love with someone else and I’ll be in love with her until my dying breath. I did everything in my power to fix this and now I’m tired. I’m tired and I’m done.”
“You just need time.”
“No, I need a fucking divorce. I’m done, Laurie.”
“I’ll spend the night at my parent’s place and give you time to think about it. We’ll talk about it more when I’m back in the morning.”
“Laurie, you can be gone for a week. You can leave for a month for all I care. I’ll still want a divorce!”
“Just think on it!” she snaps before heading upstairs.
I let out a frustrated grunt before heading into the kitchen and pouring myself a glass of bourbon. 12pm on a fucking Saturday and I’m already pouring myself a drink.
I don’t know how many times I can have the same fucking argument before I truly snap. I’ve done all I can to be graceful about this, and maybe that’s the fucking problem. I keep trying to spare Laurie’s feelings and am unable to show you that I’m all in.
It’s not like it’s lost on me that our relationship is going to be hard, but I don’t care. I don’t care about the stares, I don’t care about the whispers, and I don’t care about the backlash. Jacob? He’ll be pissed, but he’ll get over it. If he can’t...then it’ll just something else that we have to work through.
I love you. I just want to be with you.
“Alright, I’ll call tomorrow when I’m on my way back and we can-”
“Laurie, I’m moving out. I’ve found a condo and I’m gonna start packing up my stuff next week.”
“You just need time, Andy,” she mutters as her eyes start to water.
“Laurie, please just sign the damn papers. We tried and it just didn’t work-”
“We’ll talk when I get back tomorrow. We both just need to cool off,” she sniffs before turning and walking out.
Why can’t any of this be easy? I just want you. I just need you. For the sake of Jacob and you, I’d really rather not get into an all out war with Laurie over this, but I’m done. I can’t keep telling you I love you and not actually showing you. Not actually prove it. I’ve gotta figure out a way to get out of this and get you back in these arms where you belong.
I need to figure out how to make you mine.
Y/N’s P.O.V
As you pull up to the Barber household, you only see Andy’s car in the driveway.
You quickly pull out your phone and dial Jacob’s number, praying that he answers.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. We should be leaving soon,” Jacob sighs as soon as he answers.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just didn’t think we’d be at her parents so long, and now I feel like an asshole because I bullied you into hanging out.”
“Don’t feel like an asshole,” you scoff, rubbing the back of your neck, “I’ll just head home and you can-”
“No no, just stay there. You know where the spare key is and I’m sure my parents won’t care. Just hangout in my room and we’ll meet you up there.”
“No, because if you go home, you’re just gonna wanna hangout there for the night. We all swore that we were gonna go out tonight. Between work and school, we all need this.”
“I promise that I won’t make us all stay in the house.”
“You’re so full of shit,” he chuckles as you start laughing, “we really should be leaving soon. Just make yourself comfortable and we’ll see you in a bit.”
“Sounds good,” you smile before hanging up.
You know that it’s in your best interest to go home, especially since Andy’s home, but you don’t want to let Jacob down. You’ve been a moody bitch for months and it only got worse after everything that happened with Andy.
You haven’t seen or spoken to him since you two briefly made out in your apartment. Hes tried calling and texting, but you’ve been too embarrassed and ashamed to answer. How could you be so careless? So empty headed? He’s married and you’re best friend’s dad. What made you think it okay?
The fact that you love him.
Drunk or sober, it was bound to happen. Trying to hide from your feelings could only get you so far for so long. You and Andy had been playing a dangerous games with fire for a while, and it only made sense for it all to come to a head when you’d been drinking.
However, facing him after everything...it feels impossible.
But you’re not about to let Jacob.
You take a deep breath before getting out of your car and looking the house over. You’ve been in this house a million times, but this feels so much heavier. It feels heavier and it feels wrong.
How are you supposed to go into the family house when you know you’re part of the reason it’s about to be broken up? No, you’re not the main reason, but it’s become very obvious didn’t start pushing hard for the divorce until you two started spending all your free time together. It also doesn’t help that you told him just how in love with him you are.
You let out an exasperated sigh and rest your head on the steering wheel. You owe Jacob, plus he said he’d be home soon. As long as you hide out in Jacob’s room and avoid Andy, you should be fine.
The second you get out the car, you race up the steps (not wanting to be seen my the neighbors for fear of them telling Laurie), grab the spare key from the inside of the porcelain frog that sits on the top step, and and practically run inside. You expect to be met with some sort of noise, but it’s eerily quiet.
“Hello?” you call out.
No response.
Non response.
‘I guess he’s out with Laurie,’ you think to yourself with a shrug.
You check your phone and see that it’s 5:40. The plan was to head to the restaurant at 6, so you just have to hold out for a little bit. You quickly make your way upstairs, and stop right outside of the Barbers bedroom. Well, Laurie’s bedroom since Andy never sleeps in it anymore. For just a moment, you contemplate going in and grabbing one of Andy’s sweaters. It’s not like anyone’s home. You can quickly spray it with his cologne, throw it in the trunk of your car, and none on one would have a clue.
But you can’t.
Besides the fact that it’s stealing (and borderline crazy), it’s not going to help anything at all. In fact, sleeping in something of his that smells exactly like him,  will only make it worse. You’ve got to stop. You complete your journey to Jacob’s room and lay down on his bed, hoping and praying that Jacob get home before Laurie and Andy do.
As much you try to fight it, you find yourself falling asleep, finally realizing just how tired you are. It makes sense, because you did spend last night crying over Andy.
Just like every other night.
You’re not worried because you know that Jacob will have no problem with waking you up loudly and rudely. You fall asleep hoping that, for once, your dream won’t be about Andy.
However, you know in your heart that it will be. Everything is always about him.
You’re awoken by a loud thunder clap, and you almost fall out of the damn bed. It’s pitch black and you can heavy raindrops against the window and the  roof, and you try to figure out what fucking day it is.
You check your phone and see that it’s 10:30, you have three missed calls from Jacob, one unread text from him, and a flash flood warning.
The Dark Lord: I’m assuming you’re asleep. I’m so fucking sorry, when we were finally ready to leave, this stupid storm started. Sarah’s parents begged us to stay until it was over, but it only got worse. Now we’re 6 wine glasses in and in no shape to drive. Not to mention, this rain isn’t letting up any time soon. PLEASE stay at my house, I don’t want you driving in this shit, and I promise to make it up to you. I’m so fucking sorry.
You roll your eyes as you look at outside and see that Andy’s car is still the only car that’s at the house. Maybe everyone decided to stay where they were at.
Y/N: I’m finishing off the bottle of whiskey that’s in your room.
The Dark Lord: That’s more than fine. We’ll all out to breakfast or lunch tomorrow. Again, I’m so sorry. I love you.
Y/N: It’s fine, I’d rather you be safe more than anything else. I love you and tell Sarah I love her too. I’ll see you both tomorrow.
You toss your phone down onto the bed before grabbing the bottle he keeps tucked away in his bottom drawer. Deciding that you’re not in the mood to wear pants, you change into one of his hoodies while turning on his TV. All you’ve eaten today is a granola bar; you’re hoping that you’ll get drunk and knock out quickly. Even though you drink the bottle quickly, it’s not working: you’re at the end of the bottle and you’re only buzzed. You groan in annoyance and decide there’s no shame in raiding the Barbers’ alcohol cabinet since no one’s home.
You make your quick trek down the steps and you’re so focused on your task at hand that you don’t notice anything else around you. You just want to get back in bed and go to sleep.
“Watch your step, there’s glass,” Andy slurs, causing you to scream and jump at the same time.
“What the fuck, Andy?!”
“How did you not know I was here? My car’s parked outside.”
“I called for you when I first got here! I called for anyone!”
“Oh, I was knocked out. I was drunk by 3:30, slept it off. Woke up again at 7 and decided I was still thirsty.”
“What happened?”
“Nothing, I’m fine.”
“You’re drunk, not fucking stupid. Don’t lie to me.”
“What were you going to get?” he smirks, finally looking over at you.
“A glass and a bottle of something to drink so I can go back to sleep.”
“Grab a glass and have a drink with me.”
“Let me go put pants on.”
“It’s not like I haven’t seen your legs before.”
“This is different.”
“How so?”
“We’re alone.”
“Which makes it even better.”
“Go grab your glass, honey,” he urges reassuringly, with a wave of his hand and a car dealer smile.
You ignore all of the voices in your head telling you not to do it; instead you watch your step and grab a glass from the kitchen. You take a deep breath and look at the pictures on the fridge: Jacob, his parents, Jacob and Andy.
‘Don’t do anything stupid,’ you tell yourself mentally before making your way back into the living room.
“Since when do you like the Turner Classic Movies channel?” you ask as you take a seat on the sofa.
“Well, ‘Maltese Falcon’ was on earlier and I wanted to impress you, then ‘Fall of the House of Usher’ came on and I just never turned the channel,” he shrugs and you laugh. “Sorry you got stuck here.”
“It’s fine. Better than being stuck in my apartment.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“Needed to get out. I wasn’t doing good in there all alone.”
“You should’ve answered my texts or returned my calls.”
“And deal with having to face you? No thanks, I’m good,” you chuckle humorlessly as you pour yourself a drink, down it in one shot, and pour yourself another.
“Is loving me really so terrible?”
“It is when we can’t be together.”
“Why can’t we?” he asks, turning his full attention to you. “You got bangs.”
“Sarah said I should.”
“Good choice on her part, you look amazing. You always look amazing.”
“What happened, baby?”
“I lied to you,” Andy starts as he pours himself another drink, “I said Laurie only cheated once, which was complete and utter bullshit. The first time she cheated, it was a full on affair. They had hotel dates, he took her out to dinner and bought her flowers, fucked her a lot, but I forgave it because I wanted to try and make it work. She’s my wife, the mother of my son, and we’ve been together forever, so of course I wanted to make it work. Then, the night that I was at your place and we were watching ‘Vivacious Lady’, when I didn’t answer. She went out and cheated again.”
“What the fuck?! Andy, I’m so fucking sorry!”
“So, I’ve been pushing even harder for the divorce and she still refuses. She thinks I just need more time, which I very much don’t. I’m not in love with her, and the more that I think about it, I don’t think I ever was. Sure, I had feelings for her, but never like the feelings I have for you. Not even close. So, we got into an argument, she threw the glass down in frustration, she asked me if I’m in love with someone else and I told her yes, and she said that I just need time and we’ll talk about it when she gets back in the morning from her parent’s house.”
“Andy...I’m so-”
“Why are you sorry? What did you do? You didn’t tell her to cheat, you didn’t tell her to lie to me about it, and you sure as shit didn’t push her into someone else’s arms. She did that. If anything, I’m sorry. I keep telling you that I love you and then I don’t prove it. I don’t show it.”
“It doesn’t matter because we can’t-”
“Why can’t we be together, sweetheart? I’m leaving Laurie, one way or another, and Jacob will get over it. I love you and you love me, so why can’t we be together?”
“The town-”
“Fuck all of them. Who gives a fuck what they think? Who gives a fuck if they turn up their noses? You wanna move out of state? Let’s go. You want me to fight any asshole who gives you a hard time? I’ll fucking do it. I love you. I want to be with you. That’s not changing.”
“Come here, sweetheart,” he coaxes softly, and it’s like your body can’t help but obey; it’s on auto pilot.
With your drink in hand, you slowly make your way over to him and straddle him, “I should go back to my place.”
“Not in this weather, and we both know you don’t want to. You belong right here with me, just like I belong with you.”
“How are we supposed to be together? Laurie will go out of her way to make your life miserable-”
“Isn’t that what she’s doing now?”
“You are so fucking beautiful,” he comments softly as he looks you over. “So fucking beautiful and the best fucking soul I’ve ever known.”
“You’re drunk,” you basically whisper as you look over his features.
His grays aren’t necessarily noticeable, but the ones you see peeking out accent him well. He looks exhausted but not old, frustrated but not worn out, and anxious but not terrified. He looks like he just needs someone to take his mind off of things for a while, and you want more than anything to be that for him.
“Ya know, I really like your tattoos,” he chuckles as his hands smooth over your thighs.
“Yeah? You don’t disapprove?”
“Hard for me to do that when I have a few of my own.”
“If you want, I can show you tonight.”
“What do you want?”
“I want to love you until you’re spent, honey,” he whispers hotly against your neck before kissing it.
“Andy, are you sure you want this?” you moan as you grind against him slightly.
“You don’t know how many times I’ve gotten off to the thought of you being a begging mess beneath me,” he groans as he starts rubbing your clothed clit, making you let out a desperate whimper. “Lace panties?”
“I didn’t...I didn’t think anyone would know. It’s laundry day.”
“Lucky me,” he chuckles, picking up his pace. “Ya know, if this thin material is already soaked, I wonder what that perfect little cunt feels like,” he smirks as he pushes your panties to the side, before lightly tracing over your aching lips. “God, this pussy is just begging for me, isn’t it?” he questions before easily sliding two fingers in you.
“Andy,” you moan softly, gripping one of his shoulders tight with your free hand, giving in to what you’ve wanted for so long.
“Aren’t you just the perfect girl?” he husks as he starts to slowly fuck you.
“Baby, please don’t stop!”
“I’ve barely done anything and you’re so ready for me to destroy you.”
“I haven’t been touched in so long...been dreaming of this, Daddy,” you whimper as he picks up his pace.
“God, I can’t wait to taste this fucking cunt! What a good little girl!”
“Oh, someone’s close,” he smirks as he curls his fingers, rubbing that spot that brings you to life.
“Daddy please!” you cry out as you press your forehead against his.
“Cum for me, baby! I’ve been dying to taste this cunt and I can’t wait to be deep inside you.”
“Andy!” you cry out, cumming hard on his fingers as you get lost in the euphoria of it all.
He fucks you through your ecstasy, pressing soft kisses to your temple, as you try and come back down to reality. You’re well aware that there’s no coming back from the line you two just crossed, but you also don’t care. You don’t want to come back from it. The both of you held off long enough and it’s way past time for you two to truly express how you honestly feel for one another.
He slowly removes his two fingers before smearing your lips with them. Before he has a chance, you kiss him deeply as you grind your hips against his. He groans into your mouth, and it’s enough to send you off all over again.
“You taste so much better than I ever imagined,” he broods once you two break apart. “Tell me you want this as much as I do.”
“I’ve never wanted anything more,” you whisper, leaning in closer. “I think you should take what’s always been yours, Daddy,” you finish before gently biting on his ear lobe.
In almost a blink of an eye, Andy’s hold on your waist is tighter and he’s standing up as if you’re weightless. You wrap your legs around him before going in for another all consuming, passionate kiss, surprising yourself with just how well you’re able to keep a hold of your drink.
Andy only makes it halfway up the stairs before he’s pinning you against the wall, and furiously making out with you while grinding himself against you.
“Baby please,” you whine, desperate to feel his skin pressed against yours.
“Wait...waited so fucking long to have someone as perfect as you,” he breathes out as he trails kisses down your neck: “I wanna savor every moment of this.”
“You can have anything you want from me tonight, baby. You can take everything you want from me.”
He marches you up the hallway, a step at a time, pace quickening the closer he gets to the already open bedroom door. He kicks the door closed behind the both of you before gently letting you down off him and lying you onto the bed (you finally placing your drink down on the nightstand), leaning over you with an eager smile, raining kisses onto you like a spring shower.
Right as he’s about to pull off your panties, he stands up straight and takes a step back, “take off the hoodie.”
The command is soft, but is stern enough to let you know that he’s done being cute about everything. You keep your gaze on him as you sit up, before slowly removing Jacob’s hoodie, which leaves you only in your lace black bra matching your panties.
“Now, you have to show me something,” you encourage as you slide one of your hands down between your legs.
“Anything you want,” he husks as he fights the urge to start palming himself over his pants; his eyes never leaving you and your movements.
“Lets start simple, baby. Take off your shirt,” you moan, separating your legs so he can get a better view of you caressing your clothed clit, biting your bottom lip so you can suppress a moan.
It’s hard not to focus on the bulge in his pants and how much you want what he’s concealing inside your mouth, but the second his shirt is off, you can’t take your eyes off of his chest.
No, he isn’t littered in tattoos, but he has a few on his perfectly sculpted pecs, and his abs look like you can cut diamonds on them.
Andrew Steven Barber is perfect.
“My turn, get that fucking bra off,” he pathetically moans as he finally gives in and starts to palm himself over his pants.
You’re slow to stop your movements. You move your hands up to the back of your bra, unclasping it, letting it fall down in front of you; before removing your arms from the straps, letting it fall freely and tossing it to the side.
“Fuck me,” he growls as he starts to crawl on to the bed, but you hold up your foot to stop him.
“Gotta make it fair, Daddy. Pants off,” you pout as your hand resumes its place in the middle of your legs.
“Don’t keep me waiting, sweetheart.”
“Then take them off,” you demand with a moan and a seductive smirk.
He almost falls over with how fast he tries to get his pants off, but the second they’re off, you feel your cunt clench around nothing but the sight of him in his boxer briefs.
He’s about to ruin you for every other man.
He slowly crawls onto the bed before forcing your hand out of the way and ripping your panties off, “I’m done waiting.”
It’s not lost on you that Laurie and Jacob could come home at any moment, but you’re so far past the point of caring. The both of you have waited long enough and no one is doing anything wrong. You both did your best to be as responsible and mature about this as you could be. The waiting is over.
He belongs to you just as much as you belong to him.
“Andy,” you whine as he hooks your right leg over his shoulder, kissing up your inner left leg.
“Don’t be a brat,” he warns, slapping your cunt as he continues to kiss up your leg, changing once he reaches your thigh and he slowly runs his tongue up its lower side, teasing your clit with little kitten licks.
“Shit! ‘m...I’m so sorry, Daddy! Won’t do it again,” you promise with a silent cry as you grip his hair, grinding yourself against his face.
“Such a needy little thing,” he chuckles before teasing your entrance with three fingers, “this pussy... tastes like a fucking dream!”
“Daddy please!”
“Daddy’s gonna take care of you, don’t you worry that gorgeous little head of yours,” he coos before using his lips to pull on your clit, while he easily slides two fingers inside you.
“Oh God, yes!” you cry out, arching your back a little as your free hand squeezes the sheet. “Just like that, baby!”
Andy takes his time exploring you with his tongue, licking and sucking on your clit as if trying to commit it to memory, before removing his fingers and licking your soaked folds, while his thumb skillfully circles your clit.
“N-need you so much, please,” you mewl, releasing the sheet and starting to claw up his back.
If Laurie finds out, oh well.
“ ‘m so fucking close!”
It’s almost as if you’ve activated a primal need in him, because his mouth is instantly back on your clit, licking and sucking on it with more determination than before while sliding three fingers inside of you, curling them and hitting that spot that makes you blossom like a flower for him.
“Fuck!” you wail, squirting hard as you feel your body ignite all over from pleasure, curling your toes.
You try to regulate your breathing as Andy cleans up between your legs, but the thought of what’s to come has you writhing in pure want and desire. The only thing that brings you back is the feel of the tip of Andy’s tongue slowly making it’s way up your body.
“Please,” you whimper, arching your leg and scrunching up the sheets with your toes.
“What did Daddy say about being a brat?” he growls before taking one of your nipples into his mouth and swirling his tongue his tongue around it, while his hand takes the other, kneading it between his fingers before pinching it.
“I’m sorry, I-oh fuck! I just need to feel you! Dreamt of...oh my...Andy!”
“My sensitive, sweet girl,” he smirks against your nipple. “So, so needy.”
“This is the only time you’ll get rewarded for misbehaving,” he warns before resuming his painfully slow trail up to your lips.
Once his lips are finally on yours again, you grip him tight and moan at the taste of you that lingers on his tongue. You’re so wrapped up in him that you don’t notice him shimmying out of his boxer briefs. You’re on the verge of begging again, when you feel him pushing his way inside of you, his kiss swallowing your gasp.
“I swear this pussy was made just for me,” he grunts as he bottoms out.
“Oh my God!” you cry as he stretches you, trying to adjust to him, but loving the way he’s pulling you apart.
“You take me so well, baby,” he groans as he starts to fuck you hard and fast.
“S-so...so full!”
“Yeah baby? You like the way this fat cock stuffs your tight little cunt?”
“Oh fuck!” you sob, his filthy words pushing you closer to your release. “So much better than I imagined!”
“Of course my filthy girl thought about me fucking her stupid. That’s what you want right? You want Daddy to fuck you stupid?”
You moan in response, wrapping a leg around his waist, moving your hips along with his, digging your nails into his back.
Andy isn’t having that.
“Use your words, sweet girl, or I’ll stop,” he warns and it only turns you on more.
“Yes what?”
“Y-yes I wan...want you to fuck me till I can’t think, Daddy! Fuck, right there! P...please!” you sob pathetically as a few tears escape your eyes from pleasure.
“That’s my good girl,” he smirks before dipping down and starting to bite and suck on the hollow of your neck.
“Jesus, you’re gonna make me...oh my God!!”
“Never want to be without you again,” he moans, sliding a hand down between the two of you, starting to massage your clit.
“Oh...oh, fuck!”
“I love you so much!”
“I love you...Andy! I can’t...mmm yes!”
“Let go for me sweet girl! Cum all over my cock!”
“Jesus, FUCK!”
Your cunt clenches tightly around Andy’s cock as you squirt hard. You start clawing at the bed, praying that you’re not ripping them, as Andy fucks you through your high. You know he’s whispering sweet nothings in your ear, but you can’t focus on anything except how good you feel all over.
“Such a good girl,” Andy praises as he pulls out while you whine at the emptiness you now feel. “Get on your hands and knees for me,” he instructs as he strokes himself while looking at the blissed out mess on his bed that is you.
When your only response is to stare at him blankly, a sinister smirk plays on his lips.
“We’re not finished yet, honey. Didn’t think I’d be able to fuck you so stupid, so fast,” he tsks as he flips you over with ease.
It’s not that you don’t want more, you’re brain just isn’t keeping up with anything at the moment. You’re slow to get on your hands and knees, but the second you are, you’re moaning in want.
You can’t get enough.
“Never thought you’d be so fucking amazing,” he grunts as he thrusts himself inside you. “You take Daddy’s cock so well, honey.”
“Please don’t...don’t stop,” you whimper as you strangle the pillows.
“This pussy is mine and mine only, got that sweetheart?”
“Only ever want you, Daddy,” you sob as he starts pumping into you faster. “I’ll only ever need you!”
“Never knew someone as perfect could exist, baby. Especially in my fucking world....shit! The way this pretty little cunt squeezes me is perfect!”
“Make me cum again, please! Fuck me like a pretty little whore so I can make a mess all over your bed, please!”
“Jesus Christ!” he growls, gripping your hair tight as he picks up his pace.
“Ah shit! Just like that! Fuck, you make me feel so fucking good! I love you so much!”
“Say it again,” he demands, before slapping your ass.
“Yes! Fuck, I fucking love you, Andy! I love...love you so much! “
“Fuck, let go for me baby! Give it all to me right now!”
“Fuck!” you shout, your orgasm demolishing whatever energy you have left.
Andy lets out a low and guttural growl as he wraps an arm around your waist as he paints your walls with his seed. He hunches over and leans his forehead against the back of your head, and you both try to regulate your breathing as you come down from your highs.
“You are everything to me, and I...I love you so much,” he breathes out after a moment. “Nothing will ever change that, I promise.”
“I just want you, Andy. I love you and I’m here for you always. I won’t turn my back on you. I won’t hurt you,” you promise softly.
Andy slowly pulls out and, if it weren’t for him guiding you, you would’ve collapsed onto the bed. After he gently lays you down, he walks out of the bedroom and you get under the covers and try to get comfortable, but you just want Andy to hold you. A small laugh escapes your lips when you look over to the nightstand and see your drink from earlier there.
Funny how a few drinks and a couple of confessions can change a night completely.
Reach over and down the rest of it, before laying on your back and going over the events that just happened.
“I can’t tell if you’re in a good mood or not,” Andy laughs, coming back in with a wet towel in hand. “What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asks as he pulls back the covers.
“I love you,” you smile at him as he starts to clean up the release between your legs.
“I love you too, honey,” he chuckles, “what’s going on?”
“Just...if...ya know what? Never mind.”
“Talk to me, sweetheart. This doesn’t work if we don’t talk to each other.”
“What even is “this”?”
“What’s wrong, baby?”
“If you don’t want this anymore after tonight...I understand.”
“I know you’re not a douchebag and I know you would never do anything to hurt me, but I also know that we’re both pretty fucking buzzed and upset. If you acted on impulse-”
“Hey, I love you. I have loved you for so long and this isn’t something I’m just going to be over tomorrow. I don’t want to just fuck you, even though it is insanely,” he smirks and you scoff. “I want to help you, support you, care for you, be your best friend, be someone you can count on, you can cry to. Y/N, I want to be everything for you, all the time, forever. I love you,” he smiles at you.
You sit up and pull him close, and you both get lost in a passionate and soul consuming kiss.
You never meant to fall for Andy, you never meant to add any complication to his life, and you sure as shit never meant to fall in love. However, when he makes you feel like you do now, you can’t seem to find a single reason to feel any shame or regret over anything you two have done.
You don’t feel an ounce of shame or regret over what you both have decided to start.
“Lets get some sleep,” you smile at him once you two break apart.
“Sounds good to me,” he nods before kissing your forehead.
He quickly discard the washcloth in the hamper, then gets in next to you and pulls you close. As you fall asleep to him peppering kissing along the side of your neck, you know that you’re going to be okay.
Everything is going to be just fine.
You giggle as you feel hairs tickle the inside of your legs.
“What are you doing?” you laugh with your eyes still closed.
“Time for you to wake up,” he murmurs against the inside of your thigh.
“And what does you being in-between my legs have to do with me waking up?”
“It’s breakfast time and I’m starving,” he simply mumbles before licking your clit.
“Andy,” you gasp as you reach down, gripping his hair.
“That’s right, honey, come alive for Daddy.”
He slides three fingers into you with ease and you don’t stop the silent gasp that escapes your lips as he starts sucking on your clit. You didn’t appreciate it as much last night, because you were focused on what you truly wanted, but the feel of his beard hairs on your thighs only heightens everything for you.
“Fuck! Daddy, if you keep...oh God! Yes, yes....I’m right...GOD, YES!” you exclaim as you squirt hard on his fingers, more than sure that some of it got in his beard.
“What a good little girl,” he praises before cleaning up the mess between your legs.
You’re never gonna tire of the way he makes you feel, or the praise he gives you.
“We can’t do this!” you giggle as he kisses his way back up your body.
“She said she’ll be home in the morning, and it’s very much...fuck!” you whimper as he thrusts himself inside of you.
“I think after last night, we both know it won’t take me long to bring you off,” he teases as he starts relentlessly pumping into you.
“Daddy, I-”
“Andy!” Laurie’s voice rings out from the entry way as the door slams shut.
“Shit!” you whisper as Andy stalls within you almost instantly.
As you both lay there, sheer panic written all over your faces, you can’t help but think about what the future has in store for the both of you. Yeah, if Laurie catches you both, it’ll be hell to pay.
But what about Jacob? It’ll crush him and what will happen to your friendship. Both you and Andy scamper around as quietly as you can, as you do your best to avoid your panic attack.
“Andy!?” Laurie calls again as she searches around downstairs.
You both stop and look at each other, and the look on Andy’s face tells you that you’re both thinking the same thing:
What the fuck did you two just get yourselves into?
taglist: @maroonsunrise83​, @fuckingbye​, @emerald-evans​, @whxre4cevans​, @autumnrose40​, @greeneyedblondie44​, @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​, @pono-pura-vida​, @nomadstucky​, 
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iamnotoriginalphil · 2 years
Unprofessional (Alex Blake x Reader)
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Synopsis: You get trapped in a closet with the last person you want to
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: none
You rattled the door handle, not able to accept that the door was locked. Growling, you twisted it harder, nothing happening. You slammed your hand against the wooden surface, cursing at the jolt of pain it sent up your arm.
“It’s no use.”
You don’t know that. You can’t fucking know that,” you hissed.
“I do.”
A hand landed on your shoulder, and you could have screamed. You knew she was right. Clearly the door wasn’t about to open for you, trapped on the other side in the closet. You turned, facing your companion, fingers clenching at your side.
“So what do you suggest we do, Blake?” you asked.
You might not have been so antsy if you were locked up with anyone but her. Alex Blake. The woman you had been doing your best to stamp out your raging crush on. The woman who even in the shadowed darkness managed to steal your breath just by looking at you.
“Bad with enclosed spaces?” she asked.
“It’s not…” You pinched the bridge of your nose, “I’m just frustrated.”
“By?” You could hear the amusement in her voice.
“Who knows how long we’re going to be stuck in here,” you replied, “as if we don’t have better things to do than sit and wait.”
She lent against the shelving unit, her hip cocked, arms crossed over her chest. You had to look away or else be overwhelmed with your own thoughts. Eyes lingering right where they shouldn’t. There is no way she wouldn’t notice not even a foot and a half away.
“When we hear someone come by we’ll shout for help,” she said, “we’re hardly in an isolated part of the building. I’m sure we won’t be waiting long.”
You didn’t have the heart to tell her any time would be too long. She was close enough that when she shifted you could hear her, so aware of every tiny thing in such a small space. Her hand brushed against yours and you jumped back, hitting another shelving unit and stumbling forward once again, right into her arms. Your cheeks turned to flames and you mumbled an apology as you drew back, slower this time, more controlled, not hitting any furniture.
“Alright, your behaviour is telling me you are on edge in this situation,” she said, those eyes watching you, “it might help to talk about it.”
“It won’t,” you snapped.
“Alright.” She was clearly trying to appease you.
You let yourself settle into the silence, not looking at her, not able to without her seeing exactly what your problem was. It would be written all over your face. You just knew it. Especially to a profiler.
But then when you weren’t looking at her, the image you’d walked in on burned itself into your mind. Alex, reaching up to grab something off the top shelf, shirt riding up, long body stretched out. Maybe if you hadn’t been so distracted you wouldn’t be in this situation now.
“So what were you in here for?” she asked into the silence.
“A pen,” you replied, “all but one of mine have gone missing and the only one I had left ran out of ink.”
“I was looking for some staples,” she said, “I didn’t realised I’d used so many already.”
“Real shortage of stationary going around,” you said, still not looking at her.
She hummed, not giving a proper answer. Your eyes flicked up, finding her staring at you, the flickering light above making her nothing but different shades of shadows. You had to look away.
“Somethings going on,” she eventually said, once the silence had stretched taut, “you’re not just frustrated.”
“No, it’s just frustration,” you replied, too quickly. You pressed your lips together before you said anything else.
Fingers brushed against the back of your hand again. You flinched back, eyes darting up to find her watching you, head tilted to the side. It was like she was flaying you, exposing your insides for further inspection.
“Do you have a problem with me?” she asked, sounding just a little hurt.
“No!” It came out too loud for the small space.
“You’ve begun to avoid me, you won’t look at me, you react as if you’re physically repulsed when I touch you,” she listed off, “you used to text me on the weekend.”
“I didn’t realise that was something you liked,” you said, looking down at your twisting fingers.
“I might not if it was Morgan or Hotch,” she said, drawing just a little closer until she was all you could see, “but I did when it was you.”
You couldn’t avoid looking at her any longer. You took a moment, letting your eyes trail over her, the sparkle of her eye, the apple of her cheeks, the curve of her lips. Your heart ached just looking at her. She was too wonderful for your world.
Something in her face softened and your heart clenched. She’d seen too much. You’d shown her too much. It was all too much.
“What’s going on here?” she asked after letting you stew in silence.
“What do you mean?”
Her fingers tilted your chin up until you were looking her in the eye again. You inhaled sharply, the feeling of her fingers sending your nerve endings into overdrive. Your lips parted and it must have been a trick of the light when you saw her eyes dart down, watching as your tongue dragged over your lower lip.
“If you don’t have a problem with me I’d like to know why you’ve been avoiding me,” she said, “if I’ve done anything to make you uncomfortable I’d rather know.”
“You haven’t done anything to make me uncomfortable.” She still wasn’t letting you go.
“I thought maybe you’d realised something. That my behaviour had crossed a line you weren’t okay with,” she said.
“Behaviour?” You couldn’t concentrate when she was looking at you that way.
“A certain fondness I have for you. I know it’s hardly professional but…” She shook her head, a small smile curling up her lips, “I’ve been acting with a certain familiarity towards you. I thought you’d noticed.”
“Familiarity?” Your head was spinning.
“I just need to know if you would rather if I kept my distance now,” she said, “be purely professional.”
“What’s the other option?” you asked.
“The other option?” she asked.
“Well, you haven’t done anything to make me uncomfortable, but clearly you think your behaviour has been other than professional. So if one option is you keeping your distance, what’s the other? What does that… look like?”
You watched her take a breath, chest rising and falling. Her fingers were still on your chin, thumb brushing against your lower lip. It made your breath catch, mouth falling open just slightly. She stilled.
“You haven’t noticed the way I am with you?” she eventually asked.
“I…” your hand reached towards her, stopping short of her other hand, “tell me.”
“Well.” Her smile was sweet, “I text you back on the weekend.”
“So I’ve noticed,” you replied.
“I bring you coffee,” she said, “and sometimes, when I’m feeling brave, I seek you out for a conversation.”
“Alex, none of that is unprofessional,” you said.
Her fingers brushed against yours and it sent a jolt of electricity up your arm. You hadn’t noticed, but she’d also shifted her body closer, her warmth stroking along your skin. She dipped her head and you thought you were about to combust.
“You should hear my thoughts when I do those things,” she murmured, lips brushing the shell of your ear, “I don’t think anything about them is professional.”
“Alex,” you whimpered.
“So which is it, sweetheart?” she asked, drawing back far enough to look you in the eye, “which option are you choosing?”
“Whichever one gets you closer,” you replied.
“That can be arranged.”
Her hand slipped from your chin to cup your cheek and then she was kissing you. You finally allowed yourself to touch her, finding her hips, her waist, pulling her closer, pressing yourself against her, anything to feel her. She kissed you like you were the air she breathed, like she’d been deprived and was finally allowed to feast, like you were the only thing in her world.
She pushed you back until you felt your back hit the shelving. You gasped into her mouth, clutching her tighter, hands pressing into her spine. The brush of her tongue had your knees weak and she was the only thing keeping you up. Her other hand, resting on your hip, tightened at the sound of your muffled whimper. You didn’t mind the shelf biting into your back when all that mattered was her and the fire in your veins.
Her touch was electric and all you wanted was to feel her everywhere. She was pressing against you, soft curves stealing your breath, tongue making you lose all sanity. It didn’t matter that you were still at work, she was making you desperate with desire. You wanted her mouth on you, on all of you.
“Seriously guys, this is not how you-“
Alex drew away from you, blinking into the light streaming through the now open door. Bunched up, staring in, JJ was looking exasperated while Morgan and Penelope were grinning, sharing a covert high five behind JJ’s back. Your mouth fell open, tongue sliding along your bottom lip, still tasting Alex, still feeling her body brush against yours.
“C’mon guys, this is an office,” JJ said.
“Technically it’s a closet,” Alex replied, “and unless I’m slipping, I’m guessing the reason we were locked in here was not a coincidence.”
JJ glanced over her shoulder at the two who were trying to look as innocent as possible. You were still watching Alex, the flicker of frustration that passed over her face, the hand still on your cheek, thumb brushing the corner of your mouth. It was making it impossible to focus on anything else.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Penelope was saying, “we definitely didn’t steal all the pens and all of the staples in the office and then make sure that you would run out at the same time and then wait to follow you to this closet and making sure the door locked when you were in there and then slowly close the door without you noticing so you would have to finally talk to each other and confront the fact you’ve both been pining for each other for months and haven’t done anything about it and… wouldn’t… do it… without… input.”
“While I don’t appreciate the interference, I can’t fault the results,” Alex said.
You had to take her hand from your cheek, that thumb still managing to distract you. She shot you a look, lips quirking up when she realised the issue. Instead, she laced her fingers through yours, giving your hand a quick squeeze.
“Right, well, I think enough has been done for the rumour mill today,” JJ said, “so we should all go back to our desks and just… be professional about all of this.”
Your cheeks flamed and you couldn’t look at her as Alex guided you from the closet. Still, you couldn’t stop the smile on your face, even when she removed her hand from yours before entering the bullpen. You sat at your desk, shooting her a quick look. She was already looking back. You had to fight to look down at your work. Then realisation hit.
“I forgot the fucking pen.”
Tags: @trippol-threat​
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galactandro · 2 months
also EPIC spoilers about the movie so here’s your warning and yes i will be ranting on for a very very long time
then we got all of those fourth wall jokes and the whole feige/cœcåinę jokes oml. then we got a whole tva thing (that was very inappropriate in more ways than one)
bros stapled hair falls out 😭 and we see a little fake hair stuck to his hair for the whole thing.
he wakes up in the tva and we meet Paradox (aka the worst person ever i absolutely hate him-)
ANYWAY he gives us the whole “matter and be something” spiel (AND WHY WAS THOR CRYING) but wade is like stfu imma go find another logan to be my anchor being
first we get comic accurate wolverine BEING SO SHORT HE HAD TO JUMP OFF THE BAR CHAIR 😭
then i think we got the 80s afro wolverine (hilarious)
and then we got the wolverine hulk show down AND WADE GOT FLUNG I LAUGHED SO MUCH HAHA
then we’re finally met (i think) with our “worst logan in the multiverse” (which is total bs) but we see him wearing his outfit (which i’m pretty sure we’ve never seen hugh jackman wear)
then they get pruned and i was so dam confuzzled. cuz i was like hold up im sorry what
but then we see them appear in the void with 20 CENTURY FOX STATUE AHHAHAHAHAH. THE ANOUNT OF MARVEL, FOX, AND DISNEY JOKES WE GET IN THIS. like when deadpool says “welcome to disney, mr. pg-13 except for one movie” LMAOOOO
we get an epic deadpool vs wolverine fight and we get like a lot of those because they’re not trying to really kill each other and both of them heal super fats so it’s jsut comedy at this point
and now
and then
and then
when my movie theatre watched this basically everyone was stunned. like we started absolutely going wild.
we see sabretooth, pyro (which i’m pretty sure is the same actor from X2), and toad like hello? i already thought this was crazy. anyway sabretooth gets his head sorta sliced off by wolverine (also why isn’t there a yellow font on tumblr?) anyway
we get a fight and they end up getting captured and get driven to CASSANDRA NOVA. LIKE WHAT. SINCE WHEN WAS CASSANDRA NOVA THE VILLAIN sorta OF THIS. BROIOOOOOOO
she brutally murders our beloved johnny storm after wade said he said a bunch of very odd things about her that was hilarious.
fast forward A LOT we were basically given a bunch of plot advancements and all of that stuff but i don’t want this to be super long so imma cut this short
we get four AWESOME CAMEOS.
we get these awesome cameos and my movie theatre erupted into wild cheers bc we got the same actors from the original blade and x-23. WE GOT GAMBIT WHO IS LEGIT ONE OF MY FAV MUTANTS. WE GOT ELEKTRA LIKE BRO WHAT
AND WE GOT TBHS THING WITH GAMBIT SAYING ABSOLUTE NONSENSE AND DEADPOOL SAYS, “i’m sorry gorgeous, but i feel like we’re missing some critical exposition. who’s your dialect coach, the MINIONS?” AND I ABSOLUTELY LOST IT THAT WAS SO HILARIOUS AHJHAHHAHA
after this they make some plan about how to get logan and wade back to their (sorta) timeline and go ahead to carry it out. we get an epic “final boss” like fight and cassandra shows that she has a sling ring that seems to be from a dr strange variant with pieces of the reality and time stone (i think).
next we get this whole thing with the 100 or so deadpool’s with blake lively and ryan reynolds’ kids as different variants. and they also snuck in a little stan lee cameo there (miss the legend ❤️)
we have that whole thing with the time ripper and how if a person goes to stop it the anti matter and matter absolutely would rip them apart. we see deadpool make the hero play after stalling for a bit but he couldn’t reach the other side. THEN WOLVERINE STEPS IN AND DOES IT TOO OML (also i’ve noticed i haven’t talked that much about wolverine BUT I PROMISE I LOVE HIM 😭) we get shirtless hugh jackman and everybody in my movie theatre went wild… again. it was SO FUNNY 🤣. we get a whole ending with b-15 as the tva leader sorta. and paradox getting reprimanded as he should and we for sure thought that they’re dead.
NO THEY ARE NOT. they walk in like the queens they are and then that’s basically the ending.
EXCEPT FOR THE EXTRA CREDIT SCENE. then we see that all the things that deadpool accused johnny of saying before he basically got his skin ripped off WERE ACTUALLY TRUE. WE ALL COLLECTIVELY SAID LANGUAGE BECAUSE OML IVE NEVER SEEN CHRIS EVANS SO DIRTY MOUTHER (not me not understanding half the things that he said-)
ANYWAY I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS MOVIE. IT WAS WORTH IT. i noticed cute little easter eggs and the cameos omg the cameos
bye 👋
*hehe we saw gambit (if you can’t tell i love his character)
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myloveforhergoeson · 24 days
hi! stealing @partiallypearl /@praetoravila 's lovely olive and writing a story about her and roxy becoming friends in a world where their boyfriends are professional hockey players instead of singers. born as the wag (wives and girlfriends) au in our dm's comes the completed (read: lightly edited...) product here! experimenting with some new friendship and relationship dynamics hehe <3 i hope you all enjoy. i love olive soooo much <3
blow me (one last kiss) ~ 6.5k
The Staples Center was utterly fucking freezing. 
No building should ever be allowed to be this cold, Olive thought, bundling into her thinly lined bomber jacket. Just scanning her ticket at the front gate and walking into the arena had been enough to make every hair on her body stand on end, and now, as she navigated the packed hallways to find the seating designated on her ticket, she was beginning to find the prospect of another few hours at this temperature nearly unbearable. 
Logan had warned her, over and over again, in the last few days to dress accordingly. It had taken many massages, offers to help her with carrying heavy things to and from work, cuddle sessions, and even a nudge from Wren for Olive to even entertain the idea of going to one of his games; His over-the-top attitude had her convinced that when he advised her to layer up, he’d been thoroughly overexaggerating. 
“Surly what I’m wearing won’t matter when I’m rubbing shoulders with the guy next to me,” She scoffed at his words, between bites of the lasagna Logan had spent so much time meticulously whipping up in the kitchen in his final, and ultimately successful, attempt to get her to agree to attend one of the Kings games. “If we’re packed in there like sardines - Sounds like so much fun by the way - I’ll be fine.”
He just smiled at her, brown eyes gleaming under the candlelight as if he were straight out of a stupid chick flick, “Ollie… You think I’d let you sit up in the nosebleeds?”
Taking another spoonful of lasagna, Olive stared down at her plate, hoping the low light hid the heat rising to the tops of her ears. 
The two of them had spent the rest of the night talking about the team’s upcoming schedule, planning out times they’d be able to connect while he was in town, how best to get a hold of each other when he was away… All things Olive had never considered before diving headfirst into a relationship with a professional athlete, but were now on her mind more than ever. Thankfully, he’d be in town for the next few days before jetting off to somewhere on the East Coast.
I’ll be sure to leave the time-zone calculations to him…
As she followed the signs pointing her to the marked section on the thick cut paper clutched between freezing hands, she took the descending staircase down, down, down to the very front of the row. The very front of the row which also happened to be the first row in the arena. 
Being a starting player on the team, she’d assumed he’d use a bit of sway to get her a good view, but certainly not one of the best ones in the house. 
Reserved: Olive Pasqualina read the sign draped over the padded chair Olive stood in front of, with a soft, warm-looking sweatshirt on the seat.
With a grumble, the girl swiped the paper sign and crumpled it in her hands, throwing it to the sticky arena floor at her feet, before scooping up the sweater and sitting down, balling it in her lap. 
Already, the material was warming up her fingertips, which she hardly noticed as she peered through the thick plexiglass in front of her at the wide expanse of playing field. To her left, the perfect view of where the Kings sat - if she wanted to stare at the back of Logan’s head for part of the game - and to her right the opposing team’s bench. In the center of her vision was the red line, with a spectacular view of the entire ice rink so she wouldn’t miss out on even a second of the action. 
Logan had truly gone all out for his girlfriend’s first Kings game. 
Messing with the sweatshirt in her hands again, Olive considered wearing it, but that would just prove that Logan had been right about her attire, so for now, she draped it over her legs to quell their bouncing as they tried to heat up the skin beneath her blue jeans. As far as she could tell, the Kings logo was embroidered onto the front of the purple fabric and Mitchell was written, big and bold, across the top of the back. 
He must have been crazy if he thought she’d wear such a thing… At least out in public. 
It would make her look like every other crazy fan girl in the stadium, toting their merch around, covered from head to toe in Kings gear like some kind of freaky uniform, not unlike the woman currently stepping around Olive’s seat to get to her own. 
From her Kings pom-pom beanie, to her logo patterned scarf, to her fleece jersey emblazoned with Diamond arching around her shoulders, she was sporting exactly the opposite look Olive wanted to embody. 
God, if they sold Kings thongs no doubt she’d be wearing one…
It wasn’t until the superfan waved in her direction and sat down right next to Olive in a reserved seat of her own labeled Songbird, that she realized this wasn’t just some puck bunny with a front-row season pass.
Logan mentioned a couple of weeks ago two of his best friends had gotten engaged, leading to an engagement party at one of the nicest restaurants in L.A., rented out by two people too enamored with each other to properly interact with the invitee list that Olive guessed stretched a mile long. He swore up and down he was one hundred percent on the list to be a groomsman, considering he and Logan had practically known each other since pre-school, and that James had just been waiting for the perfect time to ask him. 
When James and his fiancee had announced the ceremony would be taking place in the Amalfi Coast just as soon as the season was over, she’d nearly doubled over in laughter.
How any couple could just ask a large group of people to drop all their plans, commitments, jobs, whatever for a handful of days and fuck off to some beautiful coastal resort on the whole other side of the world to celebrate the two of them was beyond Olive; As if she wanted to spend her precious time off focused on anyone but herself and Logan. 
How selfish… Olive ruminated, allowing a side glance at the girl one more time to confirm that she was the girl attached to James’ hip at the restaurant. If her shining green eyes as she scanned the ice for her fiancee weren’t the first hint, the second would be the gigantic, glittering ruby slid around her ring finger. 
Just as Songbird sat down, the lights in the arena began to dim, and she shot up to her feet again, clapping and cheering her pretty little head off, like she was experiencing the most euphoric feeling in the world. 
And maybe, for a moment, Olive felt it too, pulling her eyes off her seatmate and up to the large jumbotron above them, playing a promotional video for the Kings before the game began. Pulling the sweatshirt tighter against her legs in anticipation, her heart skipped when a short clip of Logan hit the screen, and the fans in the arena lit up at the sight of their favorite player. She couldn’t help but take some pride in the fact his cheers seemed to be louder than most of the other players.
At least by sheer number. If it had been purely based on noise levels, Songbird might have had everyone beat when James’ segment rolled. 
Despite being a relatively new player to the Kings, traded over from the Minnesota Wild to play offense just two years ago, Logan had managed to solidify his place on the team quite quickly. Not only did he get along well with his teammates, but their play styles just seemed to click together in an unexplainable, yet effortless way. Maybe it had to do with the fact three of his childhood friends had eventually found their way to the Kings too, like James, in addition to the team goalie, Carlos, and captain, Kendall. 
“The odds of that happening are nearly a million to one,” He’d explained to her ages ago, cuddled up on the couch as they watched Make It or Break It. “But for it to happen with the four of us? All on one team?... If I weren’t a man of science, I’d almost call it divine intervention.”
In response, Olive just snorted. 
 The rink in front of her slowly filled with machine-made fog, video screen drawing eyes away from the playing field in the process, though she wouldn’t doubt for a second if it was just actually that cold in the building. A few moments later, all of the lights shut off except for a bright, white spotlight, illuminating the side of the arena the Kings emerged from, and the crowd lost it as the players came skating out into the rink, more lights following the players one by one.
A handful made their way directly to the bench, while others zoomed this way and that, gliding across the ice with so much force, yet so much control, it nearly astonished Olive. Of course, she jokingly poked fun at Logan a million times for his puck-in-net profession - “Practice is all day today? How hard can it actually be to score a goal?” - but had never seen him show off the culmination of his hard work. Skill and expertise he had been crafting since his Pee-Wee hockey league in Duluth, Minnesota.  
The SportsCenter highlights she’d looked up after he mentioned some particularly good games didn’t count. Not that she’d ever tell anyone she watched them anyway. 
When she spotted a flash of short brunette hair, stick in one hand and helmet in the other, and the mountain of black and purple padding covering his body, Olive didn’t even bother catching the sweatshirt before it fell to the ground. She was on her feet, slamming her hands together so hard they were sure to be bright red, the same color no doubt appearing on her cheeks.
Due to the bitter cold…
Kendall, James, and Carlos all came out with him, the four of them chattering about something as they made traversing over the slippery ice look as easy as walking. 
Like their teammates, Olive figured they’d either secure a spot on the bench or warm up around the rink, so she bent down to grab the piece of clothing off the ground. 
When she popped back up, to her surprise, two players were on the other side of the glass - Jesus Christ they’re fast - peering back at them. However, the taller of the two had his eyes laser-focused on the girl beside her, mouthing something Olive wasn’t able to decipher. A second later he and Songbird were all but making out across the barrier.
As her gaze shifted to Logan, the expression on his face was almost identical, though when their eyes met, Olive immediately looked to the floor. 
With a few taps on the glass with his hockey stick, he nabbed her attention again, mouthing, “I love you.”
She pretended not to notice the smile stretching across her face, matching the one cutting the most adorable dimples into his cheeks. Gripping the shirt in her hands, she replied, “Love you too, Mitchell. Good luck.”
It was a longer message, but she knew she got her point across when he nodded, eyes still never leaving her, as he moved to slide his helmet on. 
“Oh,” His mouth formed the shape, gloved hand pointing to her midsection. “Wear your jersey.”
Normally, she’d fight him. Tell him she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself, that she wasn’t interested in being branded with his name for the entire world to see. But he was right, it was cold, and he’d gotten it special, just for her. Though the thought sparked some heat in her chest, it wasn’t enough to stop the shivers. 
“Okay,” Olive promised before he skated off, one more sidelong glance over his shoulder in her direction that made her heart leap into her throat. 
I will, she declared silently, just for you,
“That looks so good on you, Olive!”
A voice flittered down from the aisle and Olive looked up from her phone. The game had taken its first intermission; Neither the Kings nor the Knights had scored any points. 
“I needed to see it from the back to take it in… God, it fits like a glove!”
Two large popcorn bags bigger than her head obscured Olive’s view of Songbird’s face. How she managed to see the jersey on her back was beyond her. 
Before Olive could say anything in response, the other girl practically dropped one of the bags in her lap, and the usher trailing behind her gently placed a large can of Diet Coke in the cup holder of her seat. 
“Hey, woah-”
The fanatic hadn’t even mentioned she was going on a snack run, and Olive hadn’t mentioned she was hungry. Or that if she were, she was more than capable of getting up and getting things herself. 
“Thank you, Victor!” Songbird chirped, taking her seat and collecting the Bud Light from the usher’s other hand. “If I had more hands, I could’ve grabbed some Skittles, but alas…”
In response, the man smiled, “Always happy to help Mrs. Diamond.”
The squeal that left her mouth after he ascended back up the stairs almost broke Olive’s eardrum. “That flatterer! Oh, I can’t believe he just called me that… Can you have a heart attack if your heart beats too fast? Because I think I’m about to,” she twittered on before finally taking a handful of popcorn to her mouth. 
For a second, Olive reveled in the silence as the other girl chewed. She had many questions, but was worried asking them would set her up for a lengthy conversation for the rest of the game. Both of them were there to support their partners, not make silly idle chat. 
Taking note that Olive hadn’t touched either of the items she’d brought, Songbird stuck her lip out. “Remember when Logan pissed you off a few months ago and he sent you that big rose bouquet?”
“Excuse me?” 
A fire started in the pit of her gut, licking its way up her body. She clenched her hands into tight fists. What gives her the right-
“I told him it wasn’t enough; Took James’ Corvette, picked Logan up, and forced him into a Target to buy all of your favorite snacks. That little basket he dropped off at your door with the in-person apology was so much better.”
Silence hung in the air. Olive blinked, still trying to figure out where this conversation was going. Damn the crescent-shaped indents that may appear cutting into her palms later. 
“That’s how I know what you like,” She finished, reaching into her cup holder, taking her beer, and twisting off the cap. “So you can’t tell me you don’t.”
One breath in. One breath out. Olive slid her fingers inside the sleeves of the jersey and focused on the soft fleece inside, while the other girl nearly chugged her drink. 
Some days were easier to manage her IED than others.
“Right. Got it…” Slowly, the girl dared to reach for some of the salty popcorn, thinking of it as a strange kind of peace offering from this near stranger. “You stole his Corvette?”
Closing her black, glittered eyelids, Songbird nodded. “Would’ve been too much commotion if I drove up in my Rolls, don’t you think?” 
For a second, Olive almost felt bad she couldn’t remember her name. 
Overhead, the buzzer sounded, marking the start of the second period.
A particularly rough play landed Logan in the penalty box; Songbird shot to her feet, booing the referee and banging on the glass in front of her as though the call ruined her entire life. 
Is that what I’m supposed to be doing too? Olive wondered until her phone rang, vibrating over and over in her back pocket until she managed to grab it and take in the caller ID.
One of her young clients’ parents was attempting to get a hold of her, suggesting what would likely be a long conversation she didn’t want to have off the clock. However, if one of her clients was struggling to find a helpful coping strategy for their anger or anxiety, she couldn’t let them go through that alone. 
Over the years, Olive had been afforded much patience and grace by her loved ones as she learned her own effective techniques. This was her way of paying it forward. 
Quickly taking the call, she slid out of her seat and climbed the stairs to the main concourse, finding an exit stairwell with minimal people inside where she was better able to assess the situation and work it through with the individuals on the other line. 
It didn’t take long to talk her client through one of the meditative techniques they’d discussed in their last counseling session, though every once and a while the crowd outside would roar, and Olive feared it may carry through the line and distract from the calming environment she was trying to form with her words. Even though it was often a challenge to find effective strategies for each of her clients, and meditation certainly didn’t work for her, it was always interesting to see what led someone else to feel more in control of their emotions. 
With a promise to send over some more meditative techniques to the parent over email on Monday Olive made her way back to her seat… But not before Googling “James Diamond girlfriend” to put her mind at ease. 
For a moment, she considered following it up with “Logan Mitchell girlfriend” just to see what was out there about her and the hockey star, before remembering it would probably flood her eyes with images of actress Camille Roberts too. 
The moment she sat back down in her seat and took a long sip of her cool drink, her eyes immediately found Logan out of the box and skating on the ice again. 
“Did you get the box I sent you?” 
Olive did her breathing technique again, preparing for some more meaningless small talk with her seatmate. 
Cocking her head, she turned to the girl beside her, running one hand through her thick, black hair. “What?”
Immediately, Songbird’s lips pressed together tightly. “Never mind! Logan did well while you were away… Almost got a goal before the other guys swept it away. I’ll tell James he wasn’t show-boating enough as a distraction after the game… And he calls himself a center… ”
Any word after “never mind” flew in one of Olive’s ears and out the other, not bothering to make a home in the auditory processing center of her brain. She could handle a lot; a high-intensity job, a famous boyfriend, and entertaining the whims of the rich girl beside her, but one thing she still struggled greatly with were surprises. 
“Roxanne.” Olive cut, thankful for the excellent internet connection in the Staples Center. The girl beside her immediately stopped talking, brows raising, pom-pom beanie falling limp to the side. “Surprises… Make me anxious. So, again, what box?”
Carefully, Roxy ran a few purple-painted nails through the ends of her hair, revealing the #1 tattoo, James’ jersey number, behind her ear. “The… um…” Her eyes shifted to the rink and followed her fiancee for a few seconds too long before she turned back to Olive and took a deep breath. “The bridesmaid proposal box?”
Taking another sip of her soda was a bad idea; Olive almost choked on the sweet liquid the moment the words left Roxy’s mouth. 
“I’m so sorry - I didn’t know surprises weren’t okay! That’s completely my fault!” She apologized, holding her hands up in defense. For a moment, Olive thought she might grab her shoulders or something, but she refrained, looking her right in the eye as she continued to speak. “It’s full of a bunch of fun stuff I thought it would be fun to propose with; Monogrammed matching PJ’s, a nice bottle of rose, a cute mug… A bunch of other little goodies too! And I swear the card I wrote inside for you is far more articulate than my freaking-out speech right now.”
For a world-class songwriter and performer to struggle with her words, Olive found a slight hint of amusement amid her shock. “Don’t we… barely know each other?”
Roxy wrung her hands together, “Not really! And this seems super weird to you…? Oh, God, I’m sorry. James told me this come on too strong-”
“Screw what James said. You’re asking me to be part of the wedding party, not him.”
Wait… She was inviting it now? When did she stop choking and start smiling? What happened to destination weddings being a selfish, dick move?
Roxy’s eyes lit up again, shining as bright as the rock on her finger. “Right! I am! Because the wedding isn’t for months, we have so much time to get to know each other, and I want to be friends with you so badly… Like every time Logan mentions you, I swear you get cooler and cooler but I’ve been so busy with my band’s tour and everything… I practically begged him to put your seat right next to mine today.”
Shifting around on the cushioned chair, Olive clutched at her drink, using it like a lifeline as she let the writer’s words swirl around her head. Her chest inflated like a balloon.
Goddamn, she had to give Songbird some credit for laying all her cards out on the table.
“You’re crazy,” Olive remarked, and just as she finished the stadium broke out into such intense cheering, that the floor shook beneath their feet. The jumbotron above them played the same video over a few times; Kendall making the first slapshot into the Knight’s goal. “And I’ve never been to Italy before.”
Looking back over at the bride-to-be, the girl’s eyes were beginning to well over with happy tears. “Me neither. And honestly? Don’t tell anyone… but I’m terrified of the plane ride over.”
Olive also took back her thoughts about not being able to support Logan’s game and get to know Roxy at the same time. As the game rolled into the last period, the Kings and Knights were tied 1-1. 
At this point, the two of them had chatted and cheered until their throats were raw, pounded on the glass until their hands were bright red, and ate so much popcorn their stomachs were starting to ache… All-in-all, a day the counselor would look back on fondly.
She’d also get to brag to Logan she got the wedding party invitation first… Not that that mattered in the slightest…
Now, all everyone was waiting for was the first team to make the next goal. Whoever scored first would ultimately end up being the winner of the game as the clock ticked closer and closer to zero. Neither the Knights nor the Kings were letting up. Logan and James had been slammed into the boards more times than Olive could count, Carlos had blocked at least 7 shots, and Kendall was doing his best to chart out which plays the team should chance in their last few minutes. 
The Kings had even used their time-out, trying to regroup as best they could before play resumed again. In the blink of an eye, Logan was on the left side of the field, then the right, speeding down right in front of her, lining up to take a wide-open shot-
Until the same Knights player that had been tailing him all night, the one his teammate had been supposed to guard slipped by, ramming into Logan’s side at what looked like full speed just before his stick hit the puck. 
Pads crunched. Roxy let out a frustrated scream. Olive felt her stomach hit the floor just as Logan collided with the ice, bouncing back up slightly from the sheer impact of it all. 
It took him a few seconds longer than normal to recover, and get back up on his feet as quickly as he could, but not before slinging an arm around his ribs, tilting his covered head back in what his girlfriend could only assume was a wince in pain. His fists clenched, the same way Olive’s did when she felt an intense bout of anger bloom within. 
To see how the people in her life processed their emotions was interesting; Typically Wren and Logan went about it the same way. Taking a step back, deep breaths, and evaluating the situation from an analytical standpoint. Is this worth my time and frustration? Is there a better course of action?
When Olive was younger, she was more of an act-first, think-later kind of girl. Her temper ruled her life. Landed her in juvie, and earned her a less than pleasant new adornment around her ankle. 
Though things were different for her now, that didn’t make her IED any less of a factor in her daily life. Logan had seen her through numerous incidents and was always by her side to make sure he was able to help whenever she asked.
So, when he finally caught his bearings, he skated over to where the puck was in play, shoved off his stick and gloves, before throwing a tremendous right hook right into his aggressor's jaw. All of the air left Olive’s lungs. 
She was too far away to hear any words being exchanged, but as if they could sense it, the other players immediately cleared the surrounding area as Logan’s opponent, Heinrich, recoiled from his attack, dropping his own stick and gloves in return before reaching out a hand and balling it into the Kings player’s jersey, throwing a punch of his own. 
The glass in front of her rattled, probably from her new friend at the rate she was yelling, and the arena slowly filled with a mixed chorus of reactions. Some screaming for Logan, others rooting for the Knight’s player, while a few just let out their own whoops as their thirst for violence was quenched. 
And she just stared at him, jaw hanging half open as she watched her seemingly mild-mannered boyfriend lay into a man almost half a foot taller than he was. Each graceful arc of his fist as he reared back and slammed it into Heinrich’s body had an effect on her, lighting a fire under her so quickly that she jumped to her feet as well, joining Roxy at the glass shouting her own, “You better kick his ass, Mitchell!”
By the time the referees pulled the two off of each other, they were bloody, beaten messes, and maybe Olive was slightly biased, but she was pretty sure Logan was being dragged away the victor. Her cheeks were on fire, her chest so warm as she crossed her arms across her body.
God, he’s hot.
Forget bragging about the wedding invitation, she was almost ready to climb over the barrier separating them and jump his bones in front of the entire Staples Center. 
She couldn’t keep her eyes off of him, watching with eyebrows glued to her forehead as he spat out a mouthful of dark red blood against the blindingly white ice in Heinrich’s direction. Still unable to hear, she watched the Knight’s defenceman shout something in Logan’s direction and he struggled against the referee again. 
Practically foaming at the mouth, Logan’s response could be read across his lips for miles and miles. “Not in front of my girl.”
Olive had to cling to Roxy’s arm to stay standing after that, heart hammering against her rib cage louder than her newfound friend rattled against the glass partition. 
Now clinging to her equally as tight, the musician let out a loud wolf whistle as both Logan and Heinrich were sent to the penalty box for their little showdown. “I wonder how much of a fine that’ll rack up…”
A fine? Olive wondered, taking into account how much of a penny pincher her boyfriend tended to be. Now, his getting into the fight was all the more enchanting, considering his professional reputation and finances were on the line. Silently, she chastised herself for being so into his aggression, before a moment later Roxy sighed and complained James would never get into fights because he was “too pretty.”
Ah… She gets it.
As both players skated off to the bench for what was likely the remainder of the game, Logan diverted his path there to skate by where the two girls stood, gear tangled up in his arms as he did his best to quickly put his gloves back on. 
From where they stood, mere inches separating her and her boyfriend, Olive could already see the damage to his handsome face splotching in dark purples and blues across his jaw and cheeks, maybe even one of his eyes. The worst though, was the blood running down his bottom lip from where Heinrich had thrown a punch hard enough to split it open, hence all the blood the hockey player was leaving on the ice. 
Tapping his stick on the glass, just because he could, not because he was trying to gain her attention, Logan just grinned and looked at his girlfriend, a bright smile forming on his face and showing off all the blood between his teeth and mouthguard. 
“Hey, Ollie,” he mouthed, still too much noise in the stadium to properly hear each other. The King's fans behind her started going crazy, trying to lean down into the space she was standing to get his attention, but he paid them no mind, just staring at Olive as though she were the only thing in the world. 
And she felt like the only thing in his world too, even as he raised a gloved hand to wipe some of the blood pouring down his chin. No doubt, when he took his gloves off later, she’d pull his hands into hers, and study the bruises blooming across his knuckles, looking for the splitting skin symbolizing the scuffle he’d been in. “Red’s not your color,” she mouthed back. 
“I know-” Reply cut short by the blowing of the ref’s whistle, Logan glanced over his shoulder to see the black and white striped man gesturing toward the penalty box. He was more than overstaying his welcome. Gently, he took one of his fingers and tapped it against his lip, leaning into the glass between them. “Kiss it better?” 
Out of her peripherals, she noticed the video on the jumbotron above them change. Now, she and Logan were the only ones in the frame, showing their interaction to the entire stadium. 
When did Roxy let go of me… And when did she pull her phone out to film?
The ref sounded his whistle again but Logan didn’t move. 
Olive shook her head, glancing from side to side and noticing everyone in their section looking her way. “Later.” 
“Now,” her boyfriend demanded, eyes narrowing, losing the boyish sparkle they normally held. 
At this point, Olive placed her hands on her hips, cocking one to the side as she spat back, “Box. Now. Or I’m going to shove my foot so far up-”
Two referees were heading in Logan’s direction now. The both of them were holding up the entire game at this point, and they both knew it, too lost in their exchange to care.
“I’m not moving.”
“Too many people watching.”
“Since when do you care?”
Balking, Olive realized the referees were almost at his sides, ready to haul them apart from each other before she could make up her mind. “You owe me.”
Hesitantly, the girl finally leaned in to meet him, pressing her lips up against the glass right where the corner of his lip was waiting on the other side. The glossy shimmer she had applied before the game was left in her wake, and Logan grinned like an idiot again. Still so much blood in his mouth. “Whatever you want, baby girl.”
By then, he’d happily followed the refs over to where he needed to be, and Olive just fell back into her seat as though she were in some sort of silly love trance. Logan Mitchell had just cast some sort of spell over her, one she’d certainly have to learn by rewatching the video Roxy was still taking on her phone over, and over, and over again.
“I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? We have to set up a date to go shopping together,” Roxy cooed, rubbing her hands together in the tunnels leading toward the King’s locker rooms. 
They had barely won the game after Logan’s little stunt. James and one of the other players Olive wasn’t familiar with had run one of Kendall’s well-designed plays to fake their opponents out, feigning shooting the puck to the left when they’d sent it halfway down the arena to the right. The counselor thought her eardrum might shatter at Roxy’s racket when James scored the goal, and now, the girl was literally bouncing on her heels as her eyes kept darting between the door and her new friend. 
“Right… Maybe dinner would work better instead?” Olive suggested, trying to divert their time getting to know each other into something they’d both enjoy.
James opened the door to the locker room, laughing at something Carlos said as they exited together, carrying his gear duffel and stick and Roxy’s attention was immediately lost. “Yeah… Sure… Absolutely…”
As if the center could sense the slightest shift in the energy of the tunnel, he turned his head in her direction and Carlos rolled his eyes.
Olive tried not to let out a snort as the goalie raised a finger to his temple, swirling it in a circle and crossing his eyes in an attempt to make her laugh as the two practically ran to meet each other halfway. His message was clear: These two are nuts!
Of all the things she had learned that evening, that fact was certainly true, especially when Roxy launched herself into his outstretched arms, bag and stick now clattering to the floor as she wrapped herself around him, squealing this and that about his game winning shot. For all of two seconds, it was a nice, wholesome scene, until James started to murmur something in her ear about her dark leggings, hands creeping down her back. “Sick of the black… I need to see you in white as soon as possible, songbird…”
Roxy didn’t waste any time rushing him out of the arena as soon as possible, leaving Olive and a few other family members straggling in the tunnel as they waited for their player to emerge from the locker room.
After a lengthy session of stalking her new friend’s ScuttleButter, the girl hadn’t even noticed the time had passed until she looked up, half an hour after the game ended, and she was the only one left in the long corridor. 
It would’ve been easy to just call him and ask where he was, but Olive knew better than to rush her meticulous, clinical partner. No doubt his after game decompressing was just as important as his quiet time before driving to the stadium or his lengthy at home stretching routine before his long days at practice. Lord forgive anyone who got in the way of him and his rituals. 
Her phone battery was nearly on the verge of dying when she got a notification from ESPN - Maybe she had an alert tone set for every time the topic”‘Logan Mitchell” trended, sue her - and one hundred different angles of the fight he and Heinrich got into earlier in the night flooded her vision. The clips should have made her gut wrench, but instead they made her stomach somersault, thinking of his final words to his opponent.
Not in front of my girl…
She sighed, audibly, like a schoolgirl laying on her bed, kicking her feet and giggling as she talked to her friends about her crush. 
“What’s that for?” Someone asked, and Olive nearly jumped out of her skin despite recognizing her boyfriend’s comforting voice almost immediately. Standing, leaning against the locker room door, his arms were crossed, gear set against the wall beside him, just watching her scroll through the clips. 
“Mitchell,” She chastised, poorly attempting to cover up her surprise and she locked her phone and placed it in her back pocket, slowly making her way toward him. The dim light in the tunnel was doing well to disguise the remnants of the fight on his face. “What did we say about surprises, jerk?” 
“Only to do it when I feel like messing with you?”
Immediately, she threw a punch to his shoulder, almost instantly regretting it as he let out a breath of pain, hand flying to cover the area she’d hit. “Jesus, you sure didn’t pull that one…”
Olive didn’t apologize, instead, she reached up to cup his face with both of her hands, feeling his cold cheeks against her warm fingertips, and pulled him into the kiss he’d requested ages ago. 
“You can take it, big boy. No matter how much you whine, I'm not playing doctor when we get home…”
Face falling in mock disappointment, he rolled his hurt arm before slinging it around her shoulders, picking his things up in the other hand and beginning to lead her out of the corridor. “Not even after my first pro-league fight?”
“Not after you embarrassed me in front of the entire Staples Center,” she shot back, leaning into his touch. “The video Roxy sent me of your stupid little stunt makes me want to beat you up too.”
His eyes lit up, “She got it on video? Ollie, you need to send it to me.”
“As if,” She scoffed in return, pulling her phone back out and feigning disinterest in continuing their conversation. “I’m too busy researching flights to Italy to do anything else.”
Brows knitting, the cool Los Angeles winter air hit the two of them as they made it out into the player’s reserved parking lot. “Italy…?”
Olive nodded, counting back from three in her mind until he froze, letting his hockey stick clatter to the black asphalt below. “She asked you? Before James asked me? God I’m going to wring his neck-”
“Easy, killer…” His girlfriend attempted to soothe, though she couldn’t bite back her smile as she teased, “Save that for when I’m living my Mamma Mia! dreams and you’re stuck here twiddling your thumbs.”
Cheeks crinkling, he sputtered out a whole bunch of nonsense as they climbed into the front and passenger seats of his sleek, silver BMW. All she caught was, “Three dudes… Wedding… Kill…” before she burst out into laughter and they drove off into the night, bruised hand in hand.
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supernatural-hunter1 · 5 months
“Me and the LOV” Part 3.
⚠️ small mention of blood due to Toga😅⚠️
Hours went by Since the league left the safe house I was listening to some music on my phone while I was cooking dinner. Luckily, this place had some ingredients that I need to make whatever meal I had planned? I was singing along to ‘Good Girl’ by Carrie Underwood. But mid-singing I heard the vehicle pull up and the front door open meaning the others must be back from their mission, Toga’s voice was raining through the hallway as the entered through the door, “Y/n, We’re Back!” She called out, “I’m in here.” I called back. They made their way to the living room, and I paused my music so I could go out to greet them as I entered the living room from the kitchen. “Hi, everyone welcome ba….” my ghost almost left my body the minute I saw Toga covered in blood and praying that 20% chance it’s not hers? “Oh My Gosh! Toga, why do you look like Carrie?” I said, as my tone changed to a bit more concerned seeing the state she’s in.
As she was about to approach to hug me, I took a step back and told her to go clean herself off and then come back to hug me afterwards she nods, and then disappears out of the room. I told the others that dinner would be ready within an hour, which gave me plenty of time to help them patch up any of their injuries if they have any? I go back into the kitchen and opened up one of the cabinets and pulled out the first aid kit I said it on the counter Real quick to check on the dinner I was making and it was ready, I grabbed the aid kit and my phone and headed to the living room to help the others.
The first person I went to help was Mr Compress, I let everyone know that dinner was ready and to go ahead and serve up after I got through with treating their wounds. I helped Compress with his injuries, “Y/n?” he Spoke, “hmm?” I hum softly in response, “If you don’t mind me asking, where are you from. i noticed a little accent you let out whenever you speak?” he asked. I shook my head and gave him a soft smile, “Not at all, I’m from (whatever countryside) in America.” I said. As I finished up with him, and moved on help Spinner who only had a couple of bruises.
“Here, let me take care of those for ya.” I said, approaching him. Sitting the aid kit beside me, as I pulled out the things I need to help take care of the bruises, as I treated his wound, I noticed he was looking down at his hand, slowly moving his fingers. “what’s wrong?” I asked. And he looks up at me “Oh.. it’s nothing i punched one of those ‘heroes’ during the mission, but at least I made him cry though.” He nervously laughed while rubbing the back of his neck, when he said about punching the hero. “here let me take a look.” I said softly as I gently take his hand in mine, his hands are a little bit bigger than mine as I take my thumb and gently press down on each of his fingers. “does it hurt?” I asked?
He shook his head and rubbing the back of his neck, with his other hand “not really, I didn’t hit him that hard. Although I wished I did, so I think I’ll be fine.” he says nervously, while trying to hide a slight blush, I slightly glanced up at him with a small smile. “well, I don’t feel anything that’s broken which is a good thing so it should be okay for now.” I said, letting go of his hand as I looked back over to the aid kit, I noticed a small box of staples. I picked it up and looked at it for a minute before lifting my head up to look over at Dabi’s direction. As he was on the other side of the room. “Yo, Dabi are you good over there I can bring the aid kit over if you need it?” I asked, And he shook his head, “Don’t worry about me I’ll live but thanks for the concern,” he said, waving his hand off I just give him a light nod. as he was about to walk out of the room, he glanced down at his hand, and noticed one of his piercings (staples) was missing?
He goes over to a broken mirror that’s hanging on a wall and also sees another piercing (staple) also missing he turns back over to me as I was helping out Twice with his injuries. “on second thought y/n, maybe I could use your help for a minute.” Dabi said, I look over to him and nodded. I pick up the aid kit and walk over to help him replace some of the missing staples, and even replacing the loosen ones, once that was done, everybody help themselves to dinner, and after I cleaned up everything I went and joined the others. to a bit of my surprise But yeah, uncomfortably concerned Shigaraki made a spot for me to sit beside him so I walk over and sit next to him.
I was talking to Shigaraki, Toga comes walking up to us, and she stands right in front of me she reaches into her pocket pulled out a small vial of blood and hold it out to me “here Y/n it’s some of the blood that I collected off of you, after we brought you back with us when you were half-dead.” She said as she hands me the vial I shake my head “No you go ahead and keep it, besides, i’m 15% sure that’s not even my blood? so It probably came off from one of Demming’s goons when I was trying to escape from them.” I said, a wide smile Appears on her face and her eyes light up. “Thanks you, Y/n!” she said excitedly.
“Oh, and fair warning Toga?” I added. Stopping her in her tracks before leaving the room Before turning her head towards me, “even if that really is my blood? Just don’t come crying to me if you get possessed.” I warned. She tilted her to the side, was a confuse expression “what do you mean by that?” She asked? I sighed “because of my demon blood.” I shrugged, Shigaraki also looked at me in confusion? “Wait, demon blood? I thought your quirk was a combination of both Werewolf and Vampire?” he asked?
I nodded, “that is true, but I was also born with demon blood so technically that makes me a werewolf/vampire demon hybrid or a ‘supernatural hybrid’ to make it less confusing?” I said, Now that got everybody’s attention Shigaraki asked me about what my true backstory I sent my bowl of goulash on the coffee table in front of us, and I took a deep breath and explained about my origin. (I’ll do a side story about explaining readers origin story relator.) “wait a second, it all makes sense now. You’re the daughter of Aleena Von Helsing and the MMA fighter Drax Vanghoul?” Compress said.
“I read in a newspaper article once about how they adopted all of the rescued children from an orphanage that burnt down many years ago?” he added, I nodded “Yep, that’s mi mama and Papa, my mother’s quirk is ‘supernatural hunter’ and my father‘s has a ‘monster based’ quirk. And as for all of my siblings, they also have ‘supernatural based’ quirks” I said, shrugging my shoulders I continued explaining to the others about my family history and my quirk abilities and how I somehow ended up with the combination of both my parents and my siblings abilities as well, sometime later it was starting to become time for everyone to get some rest before the next day comes, after saying, good night to everyone, I headed into my room Once I got to the door of my room turning the handle to open it and head inside.
After changing into comfier clothing, and getting ready for bed, I immediately flopped down on the mattress sighing with exhaustion from the day, I reach Over two the nightstand, grabbing my phone and turning it back on, scrolling through the notifications, of every missed calls, text messages and voicemails, from all my friends and family as I clicked on one of the voicemails Tears start to swell up in my eyes. as i listened to my sister Delilah’s voice I can tell by her tone that she was trying not to cry, as she was talking about the news about what was happening and praying that I was okay? Turning the phone back off, I turned my face to my pillow letting out tears as a quietly cried myself to sleep.

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I just rewatched 1x02 of The Bear, and took notes to get deeper into these fucked up silly guy’s heads, so here we go!!
Tw: workplace abuse, intentional emeto
The staff at EMP wear white tops, black pants, and a blue apron which Carm continued after his switch to The Beef
With both the “why?” bit and “Do you like working with fucking idiots?” “I’ll do better,” the only accepted response is that a mistake was made and it was their fault
“Do you like working with fucking idiots?” “I’ll do better.” “Say ‘yes Chef’” both serve to paint Carm as a fucking idiot and to show Chef as always deserving his respect
There’s a constant flip flop between absolutely tearing Carm to shreds and making him feel like dirt beneath Chef’s shoe for the problem that occurred and making sure he’s keeping work flowing at a rate and quality that’s acceptable to Chef (which it never will be)
I’m sure you’ve seen the “Chef saying ‘you should be dead’ was off screen so you can’t tell if it was actually Chef or if that was in Carmy’s head,” and I lean more toward the latter. I know it’s plausible (which is really fucked up), but I just like the narrative possibilities for Carm starting to hear Chef’s voice. It sounds different too. It’s whispered, but Chef had to be careful about who heard that one more than everything else, so idk
His eyes are kinda hazy through the whole thing, and when it’s over, he stalls for a second before blinking hard and brushing it off. He still sounds kind of off-kilter after though.
There’s a time skip I never noticed before where one moment, he’s desperately calling hands, and the next, they’re cleaning up after service. Maybe unintentional but maybe slipping in a little of that s1 unreality and showing that Carmy misses time sometimes
Marcus just loves messing with Richie, first his cologne and second “DeVry, we’re serious about success!!” and he’s so real for that
SYDNEY: [mocking laughter] <333
Carm doesn’t actually clean the floors with a toothbrush, he had a rag which feels… weird. His floor-cleaning toothbrush is such a staple in fics
He walks to and from work
On his coffee table, he has an ash tray, a mason jar of water, and some clutter I couldn’t make out
“YOU KILLED MICHAEL” on the order tickets is an interesting one. I’d probably tie this most easily to the train of thought that he wasn’t there, but he could have helped, and if he never left, Michael would still be alive. Maybe he thinks the pressure of having to deal with him as a kid contributed or that his success as a high end chef made Mike feel like shit by comparison, but idk, there’s a lot of ways you could go here
“That’s um… a lot of words.” We have a work day here and reading about managing his business is not fast and exciting and Carmy is a little blood-sniffing shark, if he stops moving, he’ll die. Fr kinda love him for this but am pissed at him for just shoving it back to Syd
“Is my hair on fire?” I had to look up a definition, but Carmy’s starting to wonder if he’s just totally fucked and if The Beef can make it out of this. It’s interesting to see him so unsure of whether he’s going to make it. “Not yet, no, but you need help,” just feels nice. It’s both sugar-coated and completely accurate
I love Ebra for just listening to T rant about how much she hates Syd, and later, he just fuckin rocks it when Syd calls orders out. Ebra’s one of my favs <33
Syd with her journal shows the first signs of her impatience and Richie interrupting her with the inspector I think finally flipped the switch of her just absolutely despising him
Them getting a C and seeing everyone go through the 5 stages of grief is so funny omg
Syd breaking up fights and stubborn idiot-proofing by getting the right caulk was so hot girl of her
“Fak, fix that fuckin sound.” I want to know what made the difference between this and the “I don’t mind it” alarm during the s2 Cicero meeting
“He’s a baby. Don’t get Carmen into trouble, y’know? I was a baby too once, Sydney. Nobody gave a fuck.” This is pretty self explanatory, but… yeah ouch
Carm’s willing to vent to Jimmy about work with the slightest encouragement. Might point to them having a closer relationship, or maybe Carm would vent about work to whoever will listen
“I asked you where you’ve been.” So he hasn’t seen Cicero or his mom since moving back, and I feel like him and Nat had at least texted or called before 1x01 but probably not seen each other, could be wrong on that though. So he just dove headfirst into the restaurant the second he got back to Chicago, and hasn’t even talked to the family he’s been self-isolating from for the past 5 years
I love Carm’s phone password being 11111
Edit: I’m watching this ep yet again, and the flowers on the table in the scene with Pete are the same from his cooking show dream in 1x08!!! Maybe tying in that he feels like his slow breakdown is being seen by everyone he knows, not just those connected just by cooking. Or maybe it’s connecting his conversation with Sugar to how he was also struggling especially hard at the time of the dream, but then, I feel like it would be in Sugar’s kitchen when they’re talking about it. Idk but I love this detail a lot
Sugar doesn’t seem to treat Pete super great :’(. She kinda pushes him away after he hands her the phone, and he instantly assumes that she’s telling him to shut the fuck up. She is the sibling trying hardest to change and be healthier, but she did indeed inherit that Berzatto temper and fast pace to the point of rudeness
Carm’s “Did you hear I apologized? :D” is so funny to me
Carm will vent to Sugar when something happens that’s more in the mental side of things. He wants to be casual about it, doesn’t want to think too hard into how deeply fucked he is, but he needed to talk to someone about almost setting his apartment on fire
Apparently he sleep cooks “sometimes,” and that wasn’t the only time
We know that the breathing difficulties started “sometime in New York maybe?” and I feel like crying out of nowhere is a little more recent, but the nightmares could’ve started at any time, or maybe he was saying New York for all 3, who knows
“I don’t want to bother you.” When considering who to tell what, he does consider his perceived burden on the other person
“I was throwing up every day before work… kinda dug it.” This quote has naturally festered in my brain for the past couple months because it says so much about him. He experiences stress nausea and maybe it became an intentional way of gaining control and consistency in an environment that fought so hard to make him feel faceless and powerless. It shows how far he is willing to go for this. He’ll do whatever it takes, including making himself vomit from anxiety. In his mind, it helps him become a better chef. Could also illustrate his likely connection between perfection and suffering. He kinda dug it. He felt like that self-destruction was necessary for him to excel. I could go on all day
He stayed there because “People loved the food. It felt good.” Here’s his stated motivation. His actual motivation is some messed up combination of that and lot of stuff he talks about in his Al-Anon speech: the excitement of being that good at something for once, just keeping going, hoping that one day, Mikey would acknowledge how good he was at it. People loving the food was confirmation that he was really fucking good at this. More than anything though, he wanted Mike to love the food
When the health inspector reveals that a pack of cigarettes was left by the stove, it doesn’t cross his mind that it was him. He was the CDC at EMP, he wouldn’t make a mistake like that, but he did, and now, this is just reinforcing how fucked everything’s gotten, especially himself. He’s just the type of person who leaves cigarettes by stovetops now
And yeah, that’s 1x02 - Hands all good and done!! Again, I don’t know how far I’ll get with these, but they’re very fun
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unholywriter · 2 years
So glad you asked! Pffft.
I would love an enemies to loves with beloved Percival! The more angst the better! :P
Plot can be whatever you wish!
Have a wonderful day!
We love the enemies to lover’s tropes! That’s actually what was gonna be a base too what I was gonna write for my fanfic~ 👀 So I guess here’s part one.
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III
Warnings: None.
Tumblr media
“We’re all Runways.”
Chapter One - The Tavern and the Job of Ironheart.
Being a runaway Monk fresh out in the open world left Nor’i to no full extent to the freedoms she tried to reach. She knew one day they’d find her, but what went on behind those closed doors made her stomach churn with absolute horrid disgust. So she left.
She didn’t stick her nose into any business that could follow and travel back to her, wanting to keep a clean trail as short as possible. But being a Water Genasi, pointed fingers could be inevitable. With that - for those first couple of years she was a ghost. Then she met people. People that got her into the trade, brought her into a business that made coin and lots of it. She did jobs for money, smashing abominations of creature’s heads in. She’d admit there came a kind of thrill that she couldn’t quench. Although that thirst nearly (did) get her and a lot of her party members killed. Learning was the easy part, the hard part was remembering with regret. Once she saw the light leave the eyes of some one who trusted her. It stayed with her, burning - never leaving with a gnawing ping of pain at the back of her head and in her heart.
It was the third year of being a Mercenary. The sixth year that she left. For now she traveled by her lonesome, pack on her back, hood over her head as she entered a village with snow spitting heavily to the ground. Griping the fur of her cloak, she soldiered on entering a tavern in sight at the edge of Ironheart’s city line. The snow at her boots was kicked off as she felt the warm air tickle her neck, pecking her nose and slowly creeping down her spine. A warm-felt, welcoming shiver made a sigh leave her lips.
She scoured the inn as she shuffled to an empty small table near the back of the room. She didn’t need sleep, it was nearly seven AM in the morning and from a cave not to far she camped at, Nor’i managed to catch enough for the time being.
“Early drinker my fine friend?” A tavern keeper came by with a fresh tankard of what could possibly be water, ale or some kind of hard liquor. She sat it down easy, eyeing the new traveler with a delicate gaze.
“Early wander.” Nor’i piped back, beckoning a small smile.
“You’re the adventuring type then huh? Got any fine stories to pass around?” She cleared a few other late night drunks messes as she kept her ear out for a reply.
“Only if you have any fresh jobs up for grabs. Maybe I can start a local tale.” Nor’i cracked a larger grin sitting down and bringing the drink to her lips.
A small laugh came from the barmaid, she then pointed to the wall closest to the bar side of the Tavern. On it stapled high with help wanted’s, some crossed out, some nearly torn to shreds. A few fresh and left be. “There are many to choose from. Although a very frightening, recent accident happened. A young boy had gone missing and his remains were found scattered from here up into the mountains. He was a noble man’s son, so the money would be paid handsomely for your trouble for hunting down who or what nabbed that poor little trouble maker.”
“Did you know the kid of the father well?” Nor’i didn’t leave her violet eyes. They were like the southern lights and it fascinated her.
“Lord Euston’s son would pop around here with a few older kids time to time, his father was a frequent. Lost his youngest daughter to a yellow fever a couple years ago. Tragedy never seems to leave that family alone.” She sighed with sorrow, whipping the table down now. Nor’i brought the drink too her lips again as she slid the washcloth right underneath.
“He lives further in Ironheart I assume?” Nor’i questioned for some more info. This could be the job that could bring her to the streets of Emon if she wanted it too. Becoming a well known mercenary? It sounded good to her alright, she needed the break. Especially with all the past baggage from last year.
“Yes, a secluded noble home on the far left side before you hit the main square.” She grabbed the handles to quite a few tankard’s that bewildered Nor’i with how her tiny, little hands could hold that many at a time. “I do hope I was some help. The Euston’s deserve some resolve.”
Nor’i grabbed at a small pouch at the side of her belt, grabbing at some gold to pay for her drink and a room. “Actually, if could grab a room and pay for this fine ale - I can be on my way to see what I can find out.”
“The ale is on the house.” She let a soft emotion cross her features. One that told Nor’i thank you for taking an interest. She seemed genuinely worried, and Nor’i suspected she cared for the boy more than she let on. Maybe even Lord Euston himself. “Eight pieces for as long as you need. Just please do be careful. I’d hate to hear you’ve become scattered across the mountains next.”
“I’ll certainly try to keep all my limbs attached.” Nor’i dropped the pieces in her hand and got up. Grabbing her pack, she was led to a room up the stairs at the second floor. The barmaid waved a goodbye as Nor’i entered. Dropping her pack on the small desk she began to pull out her items. Rations, a journal. A spare set of light clothing and a nightdress. Along with that was her full wooden rose staff, a piece of ingenuity as it folded into itself to make it easier to carry. But once it was in full, it was as sturdy as a rock and hit like a brick.
Another sigh left Nor’i’s lips. Being a drifter was lonely, and she didn’t know what laid ahead. But, she knew she still wasn’t ready to find another group so soon. She then snapped the staff to the side like a whip and out came it in full. Slamming the end down to the wood floor creating a thump she smiled at her trusty friend. She was down for anything though, eventually this loneliness will be all to much to bear. But for now, a family needed some Justice. Maybe more people in Ironheart are apart of this mystery one way or another. And one way another, she would find out.
Exiting her tavern room, she wanted to go find some shop keeps and prepare for this dreadfully possible, morbid adventure. Before she could take a step to the left to close the door — she slammed straight into this tall, lanky stranger. The impact hit her like a falling meteorite. Falling down to the floor, Nor’i’s ass hit hard. Her staff clanked to the floor next too her, and shortly after she looked up she peered into the eyes of the most vibrant greenish set she’s ever seen in her life. “Pardon me.”
A soft accent was heard as he past her. Getting up she watched as he grabbed a key, and entered the room right next door.
What a jerk. Couldn’t even help her up and apologize? A narrow of her eyelids, and a huff through her nose was all that was seen and heard in the hall after she began to head back downstairs and leave the tavern.
Into Ironheart she went this frigid morning.
Chapter Two
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country-lee215 · 1 year
Missed You
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Luke’s grip tightened on the steering wheel as Bo moved to kiss Y/N again. He hadn’t been thinking when he took the keys from Bo earlier, completely forgetting that sitting in the passenger seat meant having Y/N in his lap. It took everything he had to keep driving and not pull the General Lee over so he could join in the affection. They had a plan, after all, the boys had sat down and planned out a nice picnic date for Y/N as a bit of a welcome home celebration.
Y/N had been out of Hazzard for a few weeks, living with her aunt and uncle a few counties over. They’d called her and said they needed some help around the house after her uncle had an accident on the farm and ended up breaking his leg. She, of course, promised her assistance and was heading out of Hazzard for their farm by that afternoon.
The boys missed her terribly. Sure, they’d call every once in a while, a few nights a week if they had the chance, but it was nothing compared to having her with them. Just hearing her voice was nowhere near as good as holding her close.
She was only a few hours away at most, but for Bo and Luke, it felt like she was on the other side of the country. Most of the time, the farthest they’d ever been from her was only down the street. The longest times they’d go without seeing each other was whenever the boys went hunting or she was busy with her family or friends. But those were only a few days long at most.
But for weeks? They’d never been apart that long before. And the toll it was taking on the boys was obvious.
Bo was quieter, more drawn-in than usual. Then the phone would ring and it would be Y/N and he’d be back to his cheerful and rambunctious self for a few hours. Luke was quicker to snap. He missed Y/N, that was the only reason for his mood, and whenever he caught himself snapping at someone who didn’t deserve it, he was quick to apologize.
Y/N made a small noise as Bo kissed the spot behind her ear, his hand on her jaw to hold her face close to his, and Luke’s resolve crumbled. No longer able to stop himself, he reached out blindly for her hand, lacing his fingers with hers when he found it. He pulled his eyes from the road for a minute, deciding they were the only ones out here anyway so there was little to no danger, and scattered a few kisses across her fingers.
“I think you two missed me,” Y/N teased, one hand rising to thread through Bo’s hair, the other squeezing Luke’s. There was a soft smile on her face and a warm look in her eyes that had Luke laying more kisses over her fingers and palm.
Bo huffed a soft laugh, continuing to press kisses along her neck. “What gave it away?”
“Just wait till we’re in the field,” Luke murmured, spinning the wheel to take the last turn towards Dawson’s Meadow.
Y/N giggled as Bo pressed up against her back and littered a few kisses across the side of her face as the trio crossed the rickety old bridge leading to the meadow. They’d been coming to Dawson’s meadow for as long as any of them could remember. Dawson’s was nice, a secluded area and mostly surrounded by trees on all sides. There was a small pond a little ways away, reachable by taking a well-worn path through the trees.
The meadow was a staple in their relationship. Everything happened in the meadow. It was where they’d spent their afternoons when they skipped classes in high school. Bo and Luke would use the trees for target practice while Y/N supervised or occasionally stepped in to take her own shot. It was where they had picnic dates and sat out to watch the stars. Many conversations happened on those nights, some important, some not, but meaningful all the same. It was where they exchanged their first ‘I love you’s after a long day of running around town. Dawson’s meadow was their haven, their spot away from the world where nothing else mattered but them.
Luke took the swinging picnic basket from Y/N’s hands, guessing by the look in Bo’s eyes that the blond was fixing to pick her up and carry her into the meadow. The blond did just that only a second later, scooping her up in his arms and spinning around in a circle. The bridge creaked under them and Luke hopped off the end, waiting on the edge of the path that led out to the meadow.
“Did Daisy pack the basket?” Y/N asked, looping one arm around Bo’s neck to steady herself as the blond stepped off the bridge. There was no point in asking him to put her down, he wouldn’t set her down anyway.
Luke chuckled and nodded. “She did. Me and Bo figured you might want food you can actually eat.”
Keeping hold of Bo’s neck, Y/N smiled and stretched out a hand to bring Luke’s face close for a kiss. He made a pleased noise against her mouth, tilting his head into her hand.
“C’mon,” Bo murmured, jostling Y/N slightly to interrupt the kiss. “Let’s get to the meadow first, I wanna kiss her too.”
Luke gave her a smile but did as his cousin requested and turned to continue down the path. Bo followed along after him, Y/N making sure to press a few smacking kisses to his cheek as he walked.
Luke laid on his side on the picnic blanket, his one leg propped up and his other leg bent to make a seat for Y/N between his legs. She sat cross-legged, ripping up a roll between her fingers as she relaxed against Luke.
“So what did you guys do while I was gone?” Y/N asked, popping a piece of roll in her mouth.
Bo smiled at her, plucking another petal from the wildflower he was pulling apart. “Worked on the farm. Outran Rosco a few times. Helped Cooter get some parts from out of town. Raced a bit.”
Luke sat up slowly, throwing an arm around Y/N’s waist. “And y’know, missed you and missed you and missed you.”
Nodding his agreement, Bo tossed a flower petal at Y/N to draw her attention back. “Daisy said we were bein’ all mopey since you left.”
Y/N let out a mocking gasp. “My boys? Mopey? Never.”
Bo grinned and sat up, lunging for Y/N and tickling her sides. She shrieked, before falling apart with laughter as Luke joined in. They had her tucked between them, each tickling one of her sides and keeping her close.
“Okay! Okay!” she laughed, squirming. “I take it back, I take it back.”
Satisfied, they both pulled away slightly, Bo keeping one hand on her hip and Luke letting his chin rest on her shoulder. She was breathing a little heavily, a wide smile on her face.
“My boys,” she murmured again, lifting one hand to Bo’s face, her thumb sweeping over his cheek.
Luke grinned at the love-sick look on his cousin’s face and pressed a soft kiss to Y/N’s jaw. “I like the sound of that.”
Bo had taken the mostly empty picnic basket back to the General Lee, leaving Y/N and Luke with the blanket. Y/N had a small pile of wildflowers at her side, quietly braiding them into a flower crown as Luke watched her steady movements from where he was laying at her side.
She caught his gaze and blushed under his attention. “What?”
“C’mere,” he muttered, leaning up to pull her in for a kiss. Y/N smiled against his lips, pulling away for one second to drop her half-finished flower crown as Luke sat up. She shifted, moving to straddle his lap and press her hands to his abdomen.
“I missed you,” Y/N said, letting her fingers draw circles over his middle as his arms wrapped around her again.
Luke smiled and kissed her again, letting his nose bump against hers. “Missed ya too, darlin’.”
They kissed a little while longer, slow and sweet kisses with soft smiles and quiet murmurs in between. Y/N’s hand found the back of Luke’s neck, sliding up to tangle in the hair at the back of his head and scratch lightly at his scalp. He let out a low noise, kissing her a little deeper and pulling her closer.
Bo, coming back from the General, whistled approvingly, causing both of them to look over at him. He had a wide smile on his face, hands on his hips as he walked back through the tall meadow grass to reach the blanket.
“Look at you two,” he teased, standing over them and grinning. The late afternoon sun shone through his blond hair, haloing his face in warm colors.
“If you sat down,” Luke said easily, a little annoyed with Bo’s interruption. “Maybe you could be a part of it.”
Bo grinned and sat down, quickly pressing a kiss to Y/N’s cheek. She laughed at his eagerness and pulled him in for another as Luke tightened his hold on her waist.
“Talked to Uncle Jesse while I was with the General,” Bo said. He let his hand slide under the hem of Y/N’s shirt, fingers skimming over the top of her hip. “Told him we might be a while so he ain’t gotta wait for us for supper.”
Y/N smirked and brushed some of his hair out of his face as Luke nosed along her jaw. “So we’ve got a few more hours?”
Bo nodded, shrugging. “Somethin’ like that.”
“What’re you thinkin’ about, darlin’?” Luke asked.
“How do the two of you feel about maybe going for a swim?”
Their eyes lit up and they looked at each other, wearing smirks of their own.
“I think,” Bo murmured, pulling her close for yet another kiss. “That’s one of the best ideas I’ve heard all day.”
Luke laughed and hugged her tightly. “Great idea.”
Beaming proudly, Y/N shimmied off Luke’s lap and stood up. She bent to press a kiss to Luke’s forehead then one to Bo’s. “First one there gets an extra kiss. And maybe a little more, we’ll have to see.”
She smiled innocently and took off running towards the path leading down to the pond, both of the boys scrambling to chase after her and trying their best to beat each other to the pond.
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satans-helper · 10 months
Reaching for Stardust - Part XIV
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Read Looking for Space here / Playlists / Read RFS on Wattpad
Word Count: ~3000
Warnings: sexy time ;)
Indeed Josh was desperate–though thankfully not literally dying–to get home. With the green light from his doctor given that his heart rate improved and the antibiotics were in full swing, I gathered him into my car and we headed back to the apartment where his brothers still were. My tires crunched over salt and leftover snow as we drove into the monochromatic gray of our little world, the heat blasting over both of us but really so high just to keep Josh warm. He looked better–warm color had returned to his face and he actually appeared to be pretty well-rested despite not having slept in his own bed. 
“You’re feeling better?” I asked when we hit a red light. 
“Yes, mama. Certainly better,” Josh told me, then sniffed a little. “Thanks for doing all of this.”
“Anything for you.” I reached over to squeeze his knee. “I’m so glad you’re on the mend. I don’t want to bring you to the hospital ever again. Not for an illness, anyway.”
“I’ll do my best. What about you? I don’t want you to get sick either.”
“So far, so good.” I hit the gas again. “Maybe the universe knows both of us can’t be sick at the same time. But the boys are gonna stay today and tonight to help out and keep us company. They were coming up Thursday anyway. Might as well stick around now, right?”
“That’s good that they spent the night.”
“It helped. As soon as I got home without you, it felt intolerable.”
Josh let out a dry laugh. “I love you.”
I looked at him for a moment before I had to make a turn. “I love you more.”
In my peripheral vision, I could see Josh stare out the window at the snowy streets and say, “Impossible.”
Back home we were greeted by loud, excited jeers of triumph over Josh’s road to recovery as well as a few bags of sick staples–more soup and broth, more Gatorade, a package of those little boxes of fruit juice, some zinc, cough drops and a big box of Rocket Pops, which Josh immediately tore into. He plopped himself down on the couch with the Rocket Pop in his mouth while Jake sat down next to him, Sam paced the living room while monologuing about how disgusting hospitals were and Danny helped me put everything away. 
“You sure you guys wanna crash here again?” I asked him while he shoved the box of popsicles next to our other half-empty box of popsicles. “Don’t get me wrong–I love it. But I bet it feels pretty cramped. You should all be sleeping in beds.”
“We’ve agreed to stay here tonight,” Danny told me, balling up one of the empty plastic bags. “After that we’re gonna go back home.”
“Aw. Sam will miss you.”
“We live like, three blocks away from each other,” Danny replied with a little laugh. “So do you think Josh will be able to go to Thanksgiving?”
“I don’t know. Guess we’ll see.” I lifted a can of chicken noodle soup. “For now, this will have to do.” 
Jake ended up playing nurse more than I did–he spent the entire day doting on his twin, making sure he was taking his meds, feeding him, keeping him hydrated and comfortable. That gave me a chance to catch up on work, though Sam and Danny were distracting in their own right no matter what I did to try and carve out my own space. It was nice though, the coming together of everyone again for a prolonged period of time in a home base, even if that had been instigated by Josh getting sick. What mattered was that he was fully on the mend and we were all spending time together, and I found myself no longer thinking about death but rather thinking about how it might be possible to have this all the time. A commune was always sort of a joke idea, but couldn’t it be real? Why couldn’t we be tied together like one big, happy family? The boys had had that for many years. I was a newer addition. I wanted it to stay like that. I was pretty sure they all did too. Being apart made no sense and I got caught up in this fantasy while I tried to stay tied to my computer screen. Ultimately, no other place in the world felt as good as home did.
Things winded down even further after we all watched a movie. Jake, Danny and Sam took their respective couch and sleeping bag beds in the living room while I got some long-awaited alone time with Josh, who seemed absolutely delighted to be back in our bed. He snuggled back against the pillows in a clean set of pajamas–the fleece set patterned with puppies in Santa hats that I’d bought him two Christmases prior–looking cherubic and adorable and more healthy than he had at the hospital. 
Then he wiggled ferociously, hips shimmying on the mattress with an abundance of suppressed energy that finally could resurface. I smirked, standing in front of our dresser with my own pair of clean pajama pants waiting in my hands, and asked, “What’s up, buttercup?”
“I feel,” Josh began, bringing one hand down to his crotch. He grabbed himself, groping in a very uncharacteristic way that completely captured my attention. “Pent up.”
“Yeah, I bet,” I said, my attention drifting from changing my clothes to getting Josh out of his. “It’s been days since you…got off. Right?”
Josh nodded, palming himself through those silly fleece pants. It was one of those times where his almost innocent-seeming, unfathomably adorable nature butted up against the more robust biological male sex drive; how fascinating it was to see the mingling of those sides as often as I did. 
“Yeah. Days,” he said. “I think I need some help.”
I stepped over to the side of the bed, bending down to pet back the curls that had fallen down past his ears. His hair was growing out just a little bit. I secretly wished he’d let it all grow out completely and return to the wild, messy free set of long, sunkissed curls that I just loved running my fingers through. He looked up at me with the softest eyes, the dark, shiny irises reflecting the dim night table lamp, and I thought back briefly to the bachelorette party. 
“I have an idea,” I told him, already retreating to grab one of the gift bags that was still sitting in the corner of our bedroom. One peek inside allowed me to see that bottle of edible body oil–raspberry-vanilla flavored. Questionable, but certainly worth trying. With that now in my hand, I swiveled to face Josh again: “You should get naked.”
Josh gave me his best puppy dog eyes. “No foreplay?”
I shook the bottle, the wet, gloopy sound making him perk up. “This is all foreplay, baby.” Before I got ahead of myself, I paused. “I should get a towel.” 
I slipped out of the bedroom to the hall to grab one of our least desirable towels from the linen closet, then peered further down the hall to check on the boys–Danny and Sam were chatting, the TV blinking in front of them, and Jake was lounging beneath one of our extra throw blankets, the book in front of his face illuminated by the end table lamp. We were all basking in different lights tonight, I thought as I crept back to the bedroom, but I thought my Starshine was by far the brightest.
But he could also be the loudest. I grabbed the little fan from our closet and set it up on the dresser next to the humidifier for some extra white noise, pointing it away from the bed, and motioned for Josh to move to the side so I could lay the towel down. He got up entirely and stripped down to nothing, and I watched, soaking him up with my eyes. True aging hadn’t exactly hit either of us yet–sure, a few new, at first odd-looking lines had grown into our faces, our tolerance for certain foods had changed, hair grew differently–more slowly, it seemed–metabolism slowed down just a touch. More than anything, I could see that some of his juvenile, boyish looks had developed. But true aging was far off, I felt, and it was even further away for Josh, who continued to embody such youth and vitality despite getting older that it sometimes felt as though getting old would never touch him. 
Again, I thought as I dropped to my knees in front of him while he laid back on the bed, almost like he was immortal. That’s a big part of why him being in the hospital was so scary–because until that moment, Josh had seemed completely, totally untouched and eternal. 
I almost asked if he really felt up for a “full release,” but he was already hard and looking very eager, thighs spread and his erection firmly pressed against his belly. But I did remind him of one thing after I squeezed a bit of the oil into my hands: “You’ll need a shower after this. This stuff feels sort of sticky.”
“That’s okay,” he said, voice still a little hoarse but still an improvement from a few days prior. He laid back, propped up on his elbows, watching while I brought my hands to his calves. When my hands slid up to his thighs, he laid back flat, stretching his arms up over his head. “Nice and slow seems right. I’m beat.”
“I bet you are.” I broke contact to get more oil–it smelled okay, like the artificial raspberry I was used to from candy and a touch of sugary-sweet fake vanilla, but I was still a bit apprehensive about the taste. I worked my hands around his thighs, massaging gently and intentionally ignoring his most sensitive part; his quads were strong, perpetually taut, and his inner thighs were delightfully soft, his skin pliable as I worked my hands over them. I leaned forward to lick–mostly to try the taste, really, which ended up being a primarily bitter, fake fruit flavor. It made me pause for a second, which Josh noticed, looking down curiously. I slid my tongue between my teeth, making a sour face, but the after-taste was actually less unpleasant. 
“How is it?” he asked, still keeping his hands behind his head. I wasn’t sure everyone got to see it in action, but there were plenty of instances in which Josh could exhibit impressive patience.
“Not terrible?” I replied, then finally wrapped my hand around his cock, hot and hard within my palm, and Josh laid his head back down. The oil did serve as a solid lubricant, I could give it all the credit there–the slide was slick and easy but I went slow, massaging his thigh and up to his hip with my other slippery hand. I ran my thumb over the little slant of bone, fingers splayed over his side, then back down and around to squeeze his ass as best I could. It didn’t take much effort until Josh was whimpering–a little too loudly. I squeezed a little harder in warning and said, “Best to be quiet, babe. They’re not asleep out there.” 
“I’m too pent up!” Josh replied in a frenzied yet hushed huff, thrashing his arms. The whole thing made me laugh but I slid my hand back to his inner thigh, massaging again, and he stilled with a silent nod, pressing his lips together tight. So I carried on, petting his leg and up to his side while I stroked him, studying the slight curves of his body and the heat that was radiating from everywhere. Thankfully, however, it wasn’t a fever anymore. It was pure arousal, all those hormones festering for too long in that beautiful form. 
“You’re still the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” I told him with complete intention, my eyes grazing from his tense neck down to the quivering belly. “Even when you have pneumonia.”
“You don’t get to talk if I can’t,” Josh replied, abs tightening while his cock twitched in my hand.
I laughed softly. “Fine, fine.” I brought my face lower while I pushed one of his legs to the side a bit. “Fair’s fair, I guess,” I added before I pressed my mouth to his inner thigh, beginning with a kiss, carrying on with a long lick and ending with a bite. With Josh holding back another whimper that I could see caught in his throat, I decided to go all in, swiping my tongue up his length while I gently squeezed his balls.
It still caught me by surprise how abruptly he came. I pulled back just in time to let Josh’s abdomen catch a bit of the release, the rest caught in my fist while I kept pumping him and, throughout it, he was biting his lip to keep himself as quiet as possible. His fists clenched the sheets until his knuckles were white, every muscle in his body visibly tightening and then contracting. He thrashed a bit to tell me no more, so I released him and wiped my hand on the towel beneath him.
I sat by his side, placing my cleaner hand atop his chest. “You should really breathe, though. For the sake of your lungs.” His heartbeat was strong, though–I could feel it beneath my palm.
Josh let out a long breath through his nose, then covered his mouth with his arm to cough a bit. “Sorry,” he said, sounding more spent than he did earlier, but in a good way. “Wow. Alright, darling, I definitely needed that.” He looked down at himself and groaned. “But now I do need to hop in the shower again and I really don’t feel like moving.” 
“If I could carry you, I totally would,” I told him, bending down to give him a long kiss, sickness be damned. “Want me to run you a bath?”
Josh’s hand gently clasped the back of my head, keeping me pinned in front of his face. “Only if you take the bath with me.”
I suddenly remembered the three other people in our apartment. “Maybe we should just make it a quick shower,” I said to Josh, looking behind myself at the bedroom door. “We’re not the only ones here tonight.”
Josh huffed dramatically. “They can hold their piss for a little while.” He rolled out from beneath me and got on his feet, taking the dirty towel and tossing it into our laundry basket, then planted his hands on his hips as he stood in front of the door. “Come on, love.”
I relented and, in the bath, I leaned back against the tub and held Josh between my legs. “I hate to say it, but you might need to skip Thanksgiving this year,” I told him as I rubbed soap beneath his armpits. “Do you think your parents will be really upset?”
“They completely expected me to miss it. My mom cried more than you did.”
“Well, I’m not surprised. It’s gotta be hard to see her baby in the hospital, even if you’ve been there like a hundred times before.” 
“Not a hundred.”
“Close enough. Too many times.” I ran one hand up to the back of his neck, massaging a little, and gave him the reminder of, “You’re not allowed to go back to the hospital ever again.” 
Josh laughed, turning his head to look over his shoulder at me. “What if I need to?”
“You won’t. This was enough for a lifetime.” I plunged my hands down in front of him before bringing the soapy water up to his chest, running them over his pecs and shoulders; he hummed contently and I moved my touch beneath his arms. The scrubbing motion of my fingers and palms made him start to laugh and wiggle, water splashing around us. I put my chin on his shoulder, turning to nibble at his ear: “Ticklish?”
Through more uncontrollable laughter, Josh said, “Yes, you know this!” He wiggled some more, slippery hands flying to my wrists. “Play nice.”
“But I love hearing you laugh like that,” I told him, although I did, after another second, cease the torment. I nuzzled into his neck, closing my eyes. “Even though I’m sure the boys have a very clear idea of what we’re doing now.”
“Spooning in the bath? They’re imaginations could never,” Josh said, flicking water away from himself to let it splash against the tiled wall. “So, doll–what’s next on our list for the wedding? I have to admit I haven’t been thinking about it much these past few days.”
I resumed rubbing his shoulders and up to the nape of his neck. “Me either. That’s been weirdly kind of nice. But I think we’re settled for a while. We finalized the cake order so that’s good to go. Everything else is set.”
“Except the ‘couple’s shower,’” Josh reminded me, tilting his head back to try and meet my eyes. 
“Yes, that. I’m glad we’re not just doing a bridal shower. So lame,” I said with a chuckle, twirling a damp curl between my fingers. “Not everything has to be so separate and weird. I need you there for that for sure.” 
A brisk knock on the door made us both turn our heads. “Hey, lovebirds,” Sam called out. “Danny’s gotta piss so can you wrap up whatever it is you’re doing in there?”
“He can’t ask us himself, Sammy?” Josh asked with a laugh.
“He’s shy,” I reminded him, patting his shoulder. “Okay. Let’s get up.”
Tagging: @sparrowofrhiannon @starbuggie @lightsofthe-living-gvf @sanguinebats @gvfrry @clairesjointshurt @bizzielisteningtogreta @jjwasneverhere
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fioreofthemarch · 1 year
Finding Her - Chapter 8
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until he does. [ Previous | Next | First | AO3 ]
A photograph of Blachery Plain in Necluda; the ground undulates gently between small knolls and shallow ponds. Ruined walls dot the landscape, and now among them are chunks of sky islands that have fallen to the surface. Between the ruins, wildflowers grow. 
A photograph of Fort Hateno and the aftermath of a fierce battle. In the foreground is a motley crew of Hylians and a single Goron, lead by their Captain, Hoz, who carries a hand sewn Hyrulean banner. They stand with fists raised, victorious. 
A photograph of Hateno Village from a distance, the lights from its houses twinkling in the dusk. Wafting lazily across the horizon is a dragon, Naydra, a tail of silvery blue light following in its wake.  
A photograph of a lone house in Hateno, in the old pre-Calamity style. It has a single chimney and a rendered brick exterior. Beside the house is a small garden with a large oak tree and a pond that glints in the moonlight. There are frogs in the water, strategically located beneath a concert of fireflies that have gathered at the pond.  
Caption: Haven’t felt like writing. But Hyrule is still beautiful, so had to snap a few photos. 
Log date: 20:30 6th month, 19th day, 104AC Location: Hateno Village Weather: Mild, clear skies. 
Well Zelda, I’m here. Our house is just how we left it.  
Did we ever call it ours? It was always just ‘the house’. I’m going to stop by the house. We’re out of Hylian Rice at the house. Did you close the shutters at the house? It gets hot during the day. 
I guess I’d always assumed that, after the Calamity, you’d go back to Castle. But you said you’d prefer somewhere with people, so we came here, and I offered to sleep on a mattress while you took the bed on the loft. That didn’t last long, did it? Two teenagers, with no responsibilities or parental oversight, spending all day together and sharing a candle-lit dinner every night? I think I woke up in your arms before the summer was over. 
Not that I’m complaining. We made our own little world here and fell in love in the quiet comfort of home. I’ll never be able to praise Hylia enough. Now that it’s been a couple years I was thinking of adding a few extra rooms. Enough space to live comfortably, for a library or a world-class pantry or… or a nursery. I never told you any of that. Why did I never tell you any of that? 
Silver linings. The house is safe, just like the rest of Hateno. I know you’ll be glad to hear that, wherever you are. 
A photograph of the pantry underneath the stairs. It is mostly empty except for a few jars of staple goods like wheat and rice, some limp looking vegetables and an empty bottle of milk. There is an old loaf of bread, tough as rock salt, and a half-eaten nutcake, blooming unpleasantly with mold. 
Caption: Need to get provisions for the house. 
Log date: 12:00. 6th month, 20th day, 104AC Location: Hateno Village Weather: Humid. Summer showers later in the day. 
Busy morning. My gut tells me something is brewing in Hateno, otherwise I’d be back on my horse and riding out of here by now. Started by nosing around the new well next to the house. Definitely didn’t read Zelda’s diary and definitely don’t have some new gear that she made to hunt down in Hyrule Castle. But if I did, I would be very grateful, just so that anyone reading this knows, and am sorely missing a certain someone’s expert tailoring. Because I do miss it, quite a bit. 
Anyway. Bought carrots and goat butter from the general store. Traded some nuts for milk with Dantz up on the hill. Making creamy vegetable soup for dinner. 
Popped in on Robbie at the Tech Lab. He asked if Josha managed to reach me with the Message Medallion and laughed at my shock. He said he wasn’t mad, more proud she’d been brave enough to try. To show he meant it, he added a sensor to the Purah Pad and gave me a Travel Medallion, which he swore to Kakariko and back was 100% reliable. We’ll see. 
From there wandered back down the hill. Stopped by the school. Symin looked harangued. Half a dozen kids in his care and no second teacher to help wrangle them. I promised him I’d come back tomorrow and take a class if he wanted. He said he’d just be happy to have a moment to sit down. 
Saw Mayor Reede tending his field. Tending is the wrong word. Attacking, more like. Taking to it with a farm hoe with so much vigour the dirt was flying five feet into the air. His wife Clavia saw me passing by and pulled me aside to ask if I had a moment, but seeing my arms full of groceries she said she’d find me later. Next ran into Medda by his new Hylian Tomato crops. He asked if I still wanted a garden put in at the house and I told him I’d have to check with Zelda first. Eugh. So used to saying that, in the past when her being away meant she was down at the shops or working late at the Tech Lab, or on a research trip and home soon. Medda just sighed and put a hand on my shoulder. Real sorry, we’re all real sorry, he said. 
Next dropped into Sayge to get the paraglider serviced. He said to come back in a day, and asked if I had any photographs of wild animals he could use for new designs. I showed him a photo of a cucco I took in Kakariko Village and he said ‘Everyone knows what chickens look like’. Gotta dig through the dozens of photos I have on this thing now. Gotta be something good on here. 
Finally, to Cece’s, for a new Hylian hood — except she’s not open for business at the moment. Something about a new collection of hers. Can’t say I’m holding my breath. Not really a mushroom fan. I’ve eaten too many on the road that turned out to not be mushrooms and to actually be poisonous fungi. But I suppose that’s not the mushrooms' fault, and her designs seem really popular now, especially after Zelda took a liking to them. She had this pretty mushroom dress she used to wear around town, wonder if it’s still here…  
Back at the house now, making the soup. I’ve laid out dinnerware for two, lit a candle, and said a prayer to the Goddess, which used to be done just before we ate, one hand in Zelda’s as she sat across from me at the table. Old habits, I guess. 
Overall, nothing seems amiss in Hateno, just yet. Will stay one more day. 
A photograph of the cauldron outside of Link and Zelda’s house. A carrot, mushroom and wild greens soup bubbles gently. It’s at least enough to feed four, or more. 
Caption: Maybe Medda will accept soup and an I.O.U for the garden. 
Log date: 16:00. 6th month, 21st day 104AC Location: Hateno Village Weather: Warm, partly cloudy.  
Nevermind, something is indeed amiss in Hateno. Should know to trust my gut. 
It happened in a flurry. I was back at Cece’s to bargain for a hood (really need some new, clean clothes) when Reede barged in. Stamping his foot and red as a pepper, demanding she take down the mushroom lamps, and she, unphased, called him an out of touch old fool holding Hateno back from true prosperity. Your mushroom decor is ugly! Your vegetables are boring! Pointed fingers and lots of shouting. The tension in the room was so thick I was prepared to Ascend through the roof to get out of there. 
It all came to a head when Cece proposed an election to decide the fate of Hateno. Now every other resident is asking who I’m voting for, Clavia suspects her husband is up to something, and Cece’s sister Sophie claims she has a dark secret. Plus Reede and Cece both want my help with their campaigns — Cece gave me a stack of mushrooms to hand out (like… bribes?) and Reede is trying to hunt down an old family recipe (unsure how that will help him).
It would be so easy to teleport to a shrine on the other side of the Kingdom. Or build a Zonai glider and soar away. Or throw myself into the nearest Chasm. Politics was Zelda’s expertise. And every moment I’m here is another moment I could be out looking for her. 
But. I’m still here. Hateno might not be covered in Gloom or under threat from some monster but… this is my home, and these are my people. Zelda’s too, aren’t they? It’s something we haven’t had since the Calamity. And now they’ve asked for my help. I’ve never said no to that before. It would be wrong, to start here, to start now. 
Whoever we choose as the new mayor, I hope we choose soon. 
A photograph of two large racks inside a Hateno-style house belonging to the dairy farmers Dantz and Koyin. On the shelves are wheels of cheese - a novel invention once thought lost to Hyrule. Koyin poses happily in front of her creations, blushing as her photo is taken. 
Caption: Forgot to mention. It’s cheese! Cheese! They make it out of milk! It’s gooey and rich and perfect. I bought as much as I could carry. 
Log date: 21:00. 6th month, 23rd day 104AC.  Location: Hateno Village Weather: Cool and clear. 
Well, sometimes the trouble sorts itself out. 
Cece’s big secret is that she likes Reede’s vegetables, and Reede’s big secret is that he likes Cece’s designs. Who would have thought. After another argument between them on Election Day, Sophie and Clavia banded together to help them see that they could just work together, and all agreed. Reede is still mayor, but Cece’s designs remain the new life blood of the town. My role in the end was to be just nosey enough to uncover all that needed uncovering, and to cook a great meal in the process. It’s Hylian Tomato Pizza all around while the town celebrates the end of the election. I managed to get a new Hylian hood from Cece, plus a hat she made that in all honesty reminds me of some of the poison fungi I once ate… 
First light tomorrow I’ll saddle up Spot and we’ll head back on the road. Earlier today I saw Naydra heading north, towards Lanayru. Was standing just outside the school when she passed overhead (I made good on my promise to help Symin out for an afternoon). One of Zelda’s students, Aster, took my hand and pointed towards the sky. ‘You see it too, don’t you Mr. Link?’ I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know anyone else could see the dragons. I just nodded and told her I was thinking of heading the same way. Lanayru is nearby, and from my map looks to be having trouble with its water. I could be there in a day. 
I’ve since checked my notes and it looks like the next geoglyph (and next clue to Zelda’s whereabouts) is actually in the Gerudo Highlands. It doesn’t change my plans. I’ll get there, in time. I want to help the people of Hyrule in the here and now, rather than chase memories of the past. I know given the choice Zelda would want me to put their safety ahead of hers, as hard as that is to accept. I have to believe that doing so will lead me to her, or otherwise go mad with worry. 
And if she really is different now? If her journey to the present changed her? I guess… we can try coming here. We can have dinner. Light a candle, say a prayer, share a meal. It’s where we started after all. I’d do it all again if it meant just one more day, with her, here in our home. 
A photograph of the school in Hateno. The children play out the front of the modern, colourful building, while Symin supervises. He wears a large sun-hat and carries a whistle. Naydra flies high overhead, heading north, and much, much higher above is a golden dragon, heading south. 
Caption: Didn’t notice the Light Dragon there too. One is an omen, two is a sign. Off to Lanayru it is.  
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