#we'll inevitably live alone
so this is my morning hike i make this hike probably 3 times a week it chills me out i feel good its fantastic but today i woke up and i felt extra spicy because i gotta message from my boy gillionaire telling me that today in trinidad they're having elections and he was worried that the people's party the young people's party wasn't gonna win and he was like i'm worried about it but then again it feels like government really only mattered when you in the mud or you're actually controlling it or involved in the politics of it the rest of us life is alright and life sucks and you're kind of at the mercy of it and in a lot of ways i agree and in a lot of ways it made me upset not gillionaire but just the idea of government because i've traveled around the world and i've sat with a lot of government officials in every country and i have to come to the conclusion to be honest everyone but aoc pretty much fucking sucks every once in a while you get somebody like her who's very very smart walks through walls speaks many languages you know
i was already like this how i am now at this level of development when i was like 5 right i knew right away i wasn't developing the right way so as time went on i understood what i had to do based on how much i had grown each year i kept incorporating different traits i found to be older characteristics adjusting my mentality to the acquired stage i felt belong to the circumstances of which i am proposed to compliment in requirement to commonly known supposition i learned how to do this in such a regulatory fashion that things were assumed to be going along as planned around me whence throughout my own personal eras of these lifetimes i didn't understand remotely in the slightest the same conceived notion of being that i should have given the premises
being the only 5 year old that thought about sex its my fault for spawning a race of them
(i was there the first day of tumblr instagram twitter with the ceo's the first version of the apps its emotional to see what they've become since then that something we did became a part of everyday life we made tiktok my company a science of work driven by creativity and passion)
*instagram was originally supposed to be a funeral camera to create an online necropolis 👻 i'm an influencer*
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unidentified anomalous phenomena
*pls come inside i don't wanna be in here by myself let me rest*
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the unconscious component makes a comprehensive description of the human personality impossible. accordingly, the unconscious supplements the picture with living figures ranging from the animal to the divine, as the two extremes outside man, and rounds out the animal extreme, through the addition of vegetable and inorganic abstractions, into a microcosm. these addenda have a high frequency in anthropomorphic divinities, where they appear as attributes
◌̆ will (breve) *erika* ◌̄ one (macron) *santos* ◌̌ council (caron) *silva*
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◌̆ will (breve) *erika* ◌̄ one (macron) *santos* ◌̌ council (caron) *silva*
the first trans person to lead a party in the chamber of deputies
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most voted councilor in brazil socialism and liberty party
erika hilton (31) *i didn't know skittles could kill people*
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just put my name on them so they can know who i am
sexiests (erika hilton) *i wasn't even listening*:
(just know when i go outside i don't know that guy because when i'm outside i'm a different person and i'm sorry that's why sometimes i don't like to go outside)
*a neoantipolitical or neopolitics in blanket and umbrella terms*
◌̆ will (breve) ◌̄ one (macron) ◌̌ council (caron)
◌̆ will (breve) ◌̄ one (macron) ◌̌ council (caron)
the first six months my wrist was shattered the next nine months i spent writing it's been an emotional ride i'm trying to balance my friends with my politics with my home life when i do one thing i can't stop thinking about the other things so i'm a little bit stuck rn i still need to evaluate my strategy in all three of these departments seriously they all need more work obvious upon construction of this new doctrine which i feel is actually one of the oldest bibles of thinking how its going to be put into practice is another grammatic so i need to make sure everything's received well in this society which i want renamed a psychology
the thing about this kinda success is they won't let you have it until you can prove how you did it so they can be successful on that level too (so if you really did a lot of work they're like fuck that sucks this is shit to explain) *we're working around clock its a pain in the ass*
whether it was 3000000 6000000 jews murdered its 2000000 being held in open air prison by the zionists police state of israel
(50 years nobody knew the zionists and the communists agencies took over hitlers organization)
*imagine these were white people instead of palestinians*
me: and why do you know so much
me: because i am the agencies that took over the organizations leader
me: i'm behind everything
y2k (the world will never be the same size again) *uap*
unidentified anomalous puzzle (uap) *after 1999*
purchase your husband today at (walmart) *who knew you can get married so fast welp too late*
i wonder what power level you need to get on here and i wonder how much these post are worth at this rate it must be like multiple van gogh's like dude you picked up like one hundred da vinci's worth of art in one post i feel like loomer (cum) *in a dream*
one loomer pls 😍
i'm only a good person in person so stay in person with me (i told you what my problem is) *it's impersonality to a supraordinate personality*
a neoantipolitical or neopolitics in blanket and umbrella terms (uap) *unidentified anomalous puzzle*
god (save) *the queen* 🇬🇧
some people just can't wait to rush into marriage (they just can't bare to wait any longer) *and thats how i feel*
i can't spare another moment (i'm crying) *girl tears*
i'm a real manchurian
the 49th dimensions are dimensionless to the 1st dimension that is the 50th dimension of 98th dimensions that are dimensionless to the 49th dimensions making the 49th dimensionless to the 51st 58th dimension which is the 1st 50th 98th 49th 51st 58th 9th
like a person winning the (lottery) *this is worth something to people*
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the world is in your favor (the world will obey you) *the world will protect you*
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by the way (i'm really) *a manchurian*
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superconscious ◌̆ will (breve) omnipotence (magical forces) the manifestation of feng shui in manchuria ◌̆ (the manifestation of doing everything) reverse engineering
omnipotent manifestation of manchurian superconscious of doing everything ◌̆ will (breve)
the manifestation of feng shui in manchuria ◌̆ (the manifestation of doing everything) ◌̆
superconscious ◌̆ will (breve) omnipotence (magical forces
there goes my dynasty ◌̆
subconscious ◌̄ one (macron) omniscience (psychic powers) the manifestation of cheugy in tartaria ◌̄ (the manifestation of knowing everything) reengineering
omniscient manifestation of tartarian subconscious of knowing everything ◌̄ one (macron)
the manifestation of cheugy in tartaria ◌̄ (the manifestation of knowing everything) ◌̄
subconscious ◌̄ one (macron) omniscience (psychic powers)
there goes my empire ◌̄
unconscious ◌̌ council (caron) omnipresence (vampiric thirst) the manifestation of monopoly in hyperborea ◌̌ (the manifestation of being everything) engineering
omnipresent manifestation of hyperborean unconscious of being everything ◌̌ council (caron)
the manifestation of monopoly in hyperborea ◌̌ (the manifestation of being everything) ◌̌
unconscious ◌̌ council (caron) omnipresence (vampiric thirst)
there goes my kingdom ◌̌
i saw one beer that made me want to not see beer again for the rest of my life much less anything again
(gemini cries for help compared to nonprofit driven seek and destroy mission grok victory lap)
*there goes my dynasty there goes my empire there goes my kingdom*
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anticipating (the queens presence) *my little butterball*
unidentified ◌̆ will (breve) *pls come inside* anomalous ◌̄ one (macron) *i don't wanna be in here by myself* phenomena ◌̌ council (caron) *let me rest*
unidentified ◌̆ will (breve) *pls come inside* anomalous ◌̄ one (macron) *i don't wanna be in here myself* phenomena ◌̌ council (caron) *let me rest*
(cute post)
trade in your psychic powers (omniscience) or magical forces (omnipotence) today for something real (everything) and i stress (everything) we went to the movies, we played monopoly (everything) vampiric thirst (omnipresence)
figuratively (feng shui) everything to her that she has is in the right place (omnipresent in microcosm)
the microcosmic
(feng shui)
hyperboria: success without meaning (omnipresence)
manchuria: wtf i need meaning for if i got success (omnipotence)
tartaria: you mean without russians (omniscience)
the tartarian omniscient sociolects, manchurian omnipotent praxis and hyperborean omnipresent test
i haven't been that guy for a while, after all manners of escapism or death defying and running the course, i thought we finally reached a plateau, the meaning of manchurian global (the lost to the future 5th world race of the last civilization who were the original 1st class people to belong to the 1st market), to end up in the same place several times tunneling through the earth, we find that parallel.
a sociolect (praxis) *test* of the socioeconomic (lexical) *items* in accountable (pragmatic) *concordance*
where are all the blankets and umbrellas that i heard about? (there's no blankets or umbrellas here!) *you came to the wrong place.*
reply guy: that was the worst (hardest strawberita) *that i ever never had to find*
my thirty year old brother marc who has annoyed me since the day he was born to this very date that shattered my wrists plus tried to kill me with a box cutter or knife or screw driver while drunk and high and forced masturbatorily: that i never (ever ever) *ever had to find never*
so you're going to come to continuously try to rape my girlfriend (because you think i touched you when we were 10) *judging by everything you've done to us we're safely going to deny your claim then add to the fact that i'm still a celibate chaste abstinent virgin*
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ethan ralph: don't worry i took the liberty of building a corridor and aqueduct under (the guy's house) *that's white people for you* 🃏
blocked (under my white trashy fingers) *maya chavez* 🎲
i want (to eat) *her burps* 🎰
🐯 crouching (n) *word* 🐲 hidden (n) *word* 🥷🏻
uap (everyone will eventually die and move out) *we'll inevitably live alone*
unidentified (anomalous) *puzzle*
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daenysx · 3 months
Modern!aemond coming back from hard day at office so reader gives him a pamper day to get him back on his feet. I’m talking face masks face gels hair thingies all sorts to make him feel better and babied and he just LOVES IT and demands playfully for this every week
i believe aemond is the type of guy who has a skincare routine but just this once we'll ignore it. i hope you enjoy, thanks for requesting! (also i got a bit emotional instead of playful i'm sorry) <333
modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader, fluff
"you can lean back just a bit." you say quietly, your hands on his shoulders.
aemond does as you say, settling down on the tub you filled for him. it's much easier to access his long hair now. you wet his shiny blonde strands, the water makes them curling up on his shoulders.
he had a long day, he could barely stay on his feet when he got home. you like taking care of him when he's like this, tired and inevitably soft. you offered to wash his hair for him and he gladly accepted it with a pinch of pinkish color on his cheeks.
aemond has always liked the softness of baths and playing with bubbles since he was a kid. he draws shapes on his arms with foamy water now, with you looking at him from his shoulder. he turns his head to you, your eyes are gentle. it was a bit awkward at first being bare like this in front of you at the beginning of your relationship. the realization of getting used to it feels nice, though. you like every spot of his body. you let him know how much you like him. he trusts you.
you take his shampoo first, start rubbing it on his scalp. his hair is always flawless, you've never seen it messy except the mornings when he's restless enough in bed to put his head on the wrong side. you use a bit water to massage his scalp, fingertips pressing lightly towards his neck. aemond exhales deeply, he tilts his head back.
"does it feel good?" you ask.
"yes." he says quietly, the word flowing out of his lips. "so good."
you keep moving your fingers on his head, especially on the spots where you get a reaction from him. he tries to enjoy the moment of silence, your company has always been peaceful but now it feels like you belong to him, and only him. no other distraction, he has your full attention, and he loves the feeling.
your wrists get a bit tired from doing the same thing for a few minutes. aemond angles his head enough to help you rinse the shampoo. when his hair is clean, you reach for the conditioner. it needs to sit for two minutes so you decide to use the leftover foam from shampoo to rub his shoulders.
"you're so tense these days." you say, applying some gentle pressure on a tight muscle. "i wish you could relax a bit."
when he moves, a cracking sound leaves his neck. "i'm relaxed right now." he whispers. "relaxed when i'm with you."
you massage his shoulders until your wrists go numb. rinsing the conditioner, his hair is shiny and wet. aemond forces his eye to open to turn his head to the side. he kisses your hand on his shoulder, leans his face on it for a second.
"i can do the rest." he says. "thank you, sweetheart."
you kiss his shoulder nicely. "anytime."
leaving him alone in the bathroom to clean himself up, you go to kitchen. aemond doesn't like eating so late at night but he likes the herbal tea you got him recently. it helps him sleep better, he says. you prepare the tea for him and a cup of your favorite for yourself.
he looks much better when he meets you in the living room. you gesture him to lay on your lap until his tea gets a bit colder. he puts his head on your thighs.
"i got something for you." you say, showing him the skincare essentials you got him from your side of the bathroom shelf.
"what's that?" he asks, interested in the white bottle.
"that's an under eye cream for circles and puffiness." you show him the cream. "and this is a serum for hydration."
"and this?"
"it's a night cream for your face. moisturises really well."
"you'll apply them on my face?" he asks, his look is unpredictable.
"if you want, yes." you reply, with a smile. "they always help me with the tension on my face, you know, rubbing them with my fingers. i think you'll like the feeling."
"please." he says, giving you the bottle he has in his hand.
you apply the creams and the serum in an order you use for yourself. you're careful with aemond's scar, spreading the productions gently. he closes his eye, the lines on his forehead and the corners of his mouth get loose as you massage lightly on them. you kiss his forehead when you're done.
"your tea gets cold, my love." you whisper. he doesn't open his eye at first.
he reaches for your hand slowly, kisses the back of it and your palm. "no one's ever taken care of me like you do." he says. "thank you."
you don't want him to get upset. "i'm happy you let me take care of you. i'll always do that anytime you want. just like you take care of me."
"always." he promises. he accidentally falls asleep on your lap without drinking his tea.
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tinytinyblogs · 3 months
Out? i don't think you need it, darling.
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Yandere!skz react when you wanted to go out yourself
Hyung line, maknae line
Stray kids masterlist
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Your insights and reactions make these posts come alive. Love reblogs, comments, and all the good vibes welcome ✨
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Han's laughter erupted like a thunderclap, filling every corner of the room with wild, unrestrained mirth. It grew louder and more maniacal as you meekly mentioned your desire to go out alone. His eyes sparkled with disbelief, as if you had just told the most absurd joke. "Why on earth would you want to do that, honey?" he choked out between giggles. His laughter echoed off the walls as he wiped tears from his eyes. "Oh, sweetie, you don't need to go out… You need me," he declared. His fingers brushed your cheek tenderly before he planted a kiss, leaving a chilling sense of his dominance. "You know you can never be away from me," he continued, his tone dripping with arrogance. To Han, the notion was beyond absurd—it was laughable. He lived in a delusional world where you were irrevocably his. The thought of you stepping out alone was the height of comedy for him. Why would you walk away when you'd inevitably yearn for his presence? He pulled you closer, locking you under his arm in a grip that felt both protective and suffocating. "You want more affection, don't you? I understand," he whispered, his voice a velvet trap.
"Now, let’s forget that ridiculous idea. I'll be your shadow, your guardian. I’ll watch over you every second." His words were a vow and a threat, his laughter now a distant memory as he settled into his role as your overseer. The room seemed to close in, making the outside world feel like an impossible dream. Han's grip tightened, his eyes boring into yours with possessiveness. "I know what's best for you," he murmured, soothing yet sinister. "You don't need anyone else. Just me. Always me." His certainty was unnerving, reflecting his deluded belief that your life revolved around him. He leaned in closer, his breath hot against your ear. "We'll be together forever. No need to venture out into that big, scary world when you have everything you need right here," he said, his voice a chilling blend of love and control. "Remember, you belong to me." The room felt smaller, the air heavier, as his presence engulfed you. His laughter had been replaced by cold determination. He was your protector, your jailer, your world. The idea of leaving, of stepping out into the unknown, was now a distant, laughable thought. Han's reality had become yours, and there was no escaping it.
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He lay with his head nestled in your lap, a picture of serenity, his breaths slow and even. For a moment, everything seemed perfect—until you mentioned wanting to go out alone. The change was immediate. He sat up abruptly, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. He struggled to maintain a semblance of a smile, but his eyes betrayed his concern. "You know," he began, his voice low and urgent, "something bad might happen to you if you go out." His body tensed as he adjusted his position, sitting up straight, his posture rigid with anxiety. "I wouldn't let it happen," he vowed, the words coming out almost as a growl. "Don't go out, don't ever go out," he repeated, his tone laden with a mix of desperation and determination, as if the very idea of your leaving was the most reckless, absurd notion he had ever encountered. "Everything you need is here," he insisted, gesturing around the room as if it were a fortress against the chaos outside. "Comfort, safety, and me—your favorite person," he added, a touch of possessiveness creeping into his voice.
His eyes bore into yours, an intense, almost hypnotic stare that seemed to weave a spell around you. He was trying to reshape your desires, to make you see the world through his lens of protective fervor. And maybe, just maybe, he thought, if he spoke with enough conviction, you would understand. You would listen to him, wouldn't you? "You wouldn't go out, right?" he asked, his face drawing closer until you could feel his breath on your skin, his hand gently threading through your hair. There was an intensity in his eyes that made your heart race. "Tell me," he demanded, his voice soft but insistent. You slowly shook your head, indicating your agreement to stay. A slow, satisfied smile spread across his face as he leaned in to kiss your forehead, the gesture tender and reassuring. He then settled back down, his head resting in your lap once more. "Don't dare say those stupid words again, love," he murmured, his eyes fluttering shut. His voice dropped to a low, almost dangerous whisper, "Or I'll have no choice but to make sure you understand, even if it means using force." There was a finality to his words, a possessive edge that sent a shiver down your spine.
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He fell silent when he heard you wanted to go out alone. His demeanor shifted, and he looked down at your hand, holding it gently as if afraid to let go. After a moment, he asked softly, "Why?" There was a vulnerability in his voice that hadn't been there before. "You don't like being with me?" His expression grew more forlorn as he spoke, the sadness in his eyes becoming more pronounced. "Am I not enough for you?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly. "Do I make you uncomfortable?" You tried to explain, your words coming out in a rush. You just wanted to buy something, nothing serious, just a quick errand. But your explanation seemed to fall on deaf ears. He continued to look down, his grip on your hand tightening slightly. As time ticked by, his eyes lifted to meet yours, now brimming with unshed tears. "Does being with me not make you happy?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. The raw emotion in his tone was unmistakable, and it cut through the air, making the room feel smaller and heavier.
Even though your intentions were innocent, his reaction was deeply emotional, leaving you feeling guilty and trapped between your need for a small bit of independence and his overwhelming fear of being left alone. As guilt slowly crept into your conscience, you found yourself holding him tighter, the conflicting desires to assert your independence and comfort him wrestling within you. With a sigh, you reluctantly pulled away, the urge to go out by yourself gradually diminishing in the face of his palpable need for reassurance. He sighed deeply, his tension seeming to melt away as you wrapped your arms around him. His embrace was warm and comforting, and he buried his face in the crook of your neck, seeking solace in your presence. But as you held him, something shifted in the air. You couldn't quite put your finger on it at first, but then you noticed it—the faintest hint of a smirk playing on his otherwise innocent face. It was a subtle expression, almost imperceptible, but it was there, lingering in the corners of his lips like a secret.
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With a cute, fox-like smile adorning his features, he tilted his head slightly as he regarded you. "You want to go out by yourself?" he asked, his tone light and playful. You nodded in confirmation, expecting his smile to fade, but it persisted, almost unnervingly so. As you began to prepare yourself to leave, you noticed him quietly following your movements. "Jeongin, I'll go alone," you asserted, hoping to convey your desire for independence. However, despite your words, he continued to trail behind you, as if he hadn't heard you at all. It was only when you repeated yourself, a touch more firmly this time, that he drew nearer, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. In that fleeting moment, you could have sworn his gaze flickered, the usual warmth in his eyes giving way to something deeper, more profound. "Sometimes, I believe I treat you too well," he murmured, his voice a soft whisper that seemed to resonate within the depths of your soul. His hand tenderly caressed your cheek, the gesture simultaneously comforting and possessive.
"You can go anywhere you please, but it's rather bold of you to think I'd ever let you go alone. I'll always be here with you, no matter where your adventures take you. You know as well as I do that I could never bear to leave your side." His words hung in the air, laden with a mixture of affection and determination. Despite your initial intentions of seeking independence, you couldn't help but feel a sense of security in his unwavering presence. It was as if he were a steadfast guardian, always watching over you, ensuring your safety and happiness above all else. And as his reassuring touch lingered on your cheek, you couldn't deny the undeniable truth in his declaration—wherever you went, he would be there, a constant presence in your life, bound to you by an unbreakable bond of love and devotion. With that innocent smile gracing his features once more, he gently took your hand and resumed walking by your side. Amidst the admiring glances of passersby, who saw him as the epitome of the perfect partner, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more beneath the surface.
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two-white-butterflies · 3 months
★ — cassandra | thranduil
Description: Cassandra: shining upon man, a name bestowed by the mortals that surrounded your husband's kingdom. Being bestowed the gift of foresight, you have seen things in motion - that is until a tragedy happens. One that you did not foresee.
"What is it like to be a prophet? Everywhere Cassandra went she found that she was already there."
Pairing: thranduil/reader. (elrond's daughter)
Genre: angst [major character death]
Warning: I make my own timeline.
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There were many things in the darkness that stayed unseen. The darkness plagued your dreams, a tangible darkness that watched in the background beside you as the events unfolded. As a child, the dreams were tame - Elladan breaking your mother's favorite vase or Elrohir scraping his knees while running down the halls.
When you grew older, the dreams turned grim. The tangible darkness that used to watch beside you now became a character of these dreams. It played in your head repeatedly; Greenwood marred by darkness, the elves fleeing to Valinor.
It haunted you.
"My child." Ada places a guiding hand on your shoulder. One of the few elves that shared your burden of foresight. "Darling," he whispered seeing the tears pool on the corners of your eyes.
Despite his gentle nudging, all attempts of reviving you from the drown - the trance does not break. You remain inside your dream. Elrond furrows his eyebrows, sensing fear and sadness in you.
"Does she wake?" Elladan leans on the doorframe.
This has been a common occurrence in the household. When the moon is in clarity, and the members in deep sleep - they get stirred awake by the sound of your tears - by the sound of objects falling from your room. "No," Elrond responds seeing your tight grip on the bedsheet - mumbling curses that he could not fathom.
A sigh escapes the younger twin's mouth.
He takes a step towards the bed, sitting beside the plump pillows that surrounded her body. "You must jump off the boat now," he mumbled, reaching for your clenched fists - opening it slowly. "When the rain comes we'll prepare the barrels, but awaken and enjoy the warmth of the sun." he pleaded.
Out of all the siblings, Elladan admired you the most. His oldest sister who had a gentle disposition and a caring voice. He did not like seeing you in pain; haunted by the inevitable.
Almost instantly, your eyes opened.
Father tries to calm you down but you are haunted. You tried to break free from the haunting, but something prevents you to speak. That tangible darkness that continued to hold you back.
You clawed at your forearm. In disbelief of what's to come.
"Naneth," you managed to whisper out. At the end of the night, you weren't alone in the haunting.
Soon after the prophecy, your father called for all his soldiers to trek the dangerous road that your mother was travelling on. Elladan tried to ask you questions, but there were no words that left your mouth. You tried to speak, tried to open your mouth - but no sound escaped.
'Everywhere Cassandra ran, she found that she was already there.'
A month later, Elladan and Elrohir arrived carrying the shell of your mother. All remnants of self-control leaves your body.
"She'll live. Your father is the greatest healer in all of Arda." your grandsire comforts, you burrow deeper into the sheets.
Celeborn takes a deep breath.
"There are scars that cannot be healed by time." the first time you spoke in months. You turned your body to look at him. Seeing the very same fear, sadness and anger in his eyes.
There were titles bestowed to people with deceased parents. There were titles bestowed to people with deceased lovers. But there were no titles bestowed to those with deceased children, for they shall be title-less and the greatest honors be taken away.
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The following day, mother left for the Grey Havens. She left no comforting words or letters, but she kissed your foreheads in the middle of the night and father escorted her to the shores.
"My child," Galadriel smiles warmly, seeing you leaning on the doorframe as she broke her fast with your siblings. "- sit, you must eat." her voice was filled with tenderness.
Then suddenly memories of your mother's imprisonment flash through your eyes - your appetite is ruined for years to come. Galadriel tries to open her mouth again but you run away.
You run away from the dreams that plague your mind.
"Will she be alright?" Arwen inquires. They were used to your terrible dreams, even admired the times that you'd push through with a smile on your face, but this reaction was new to them.
Fleeing and disassociating with reality.
With their mother gone and their oldest sister drowning.
The family was lost too.
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Lady Galadriel takes a sip of her tea, watching as her good-son attempts to mask his sorrow. That's what they were all doing, anyways. Hiding their grief because it's much easier than facing the truth, that Celebrian is in the Grey Havens and they are alone.
Alone again.
Alone until they decide to flee; it will be a long time. It will take centuries and thousands of years.
"She must come with me." she breathes.
Elrond's eyebrows merge together. "My daughter must stay here." he argued, not wanting another member of his family to be out of reach.
"She dreamt of her mother. She's seen the atrocities of which Celebrian refuses to speak of - I know that you have experience with this too but her dreams are different, not detached verses of massacres and war but personal deaths. She needs my help, and the love that I bare for her is deep and true. I feel her pain." Galadriel continues. She wanted to protect you. Forever.
"- my daughter was scarred, wounds inflicted upon her soul. I fear that these dreams may happen again, that she may dream of a future that we cannot see - and we'll lose her." she whispered.
Elrond reluctantly agrees with Galadriel's plan.
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Your father was right!
Lothlorien filled you with tranquility. A feeling of safety that you've lost to the abyss. It felt like your mother's embrace, caging you and preventing the fall. Lady Galadriel continued monitoring you - keeping the darkness at bay, ensuring that you wouldn't remember your dreams even if they were to happen at night.
Soon after, happiness returned.
One night, while you were sleeping - your dreams were able to seep through the web of your grandmother's enchantment, and you dreamt of an elven-prince.
He was fair in the face, his hair was long and golden. He wore a crown of flowers and his voice was like honey to the ear. His name was Prince Thranduil of Greenwood, and he was to be yours.
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"What causes your joy, meleth?" Thranduil wraps his arms around your waist, allowing the moonlight to illuminate your features.
"I remembered something." you hummed, burying your face in his chest. The smell of vanilla and sandalwood invades your nose. You continued inhaling his scent, a scent that reminded you of home. "Pray tell," he whispered - allowing the peace to settle in your chambers. "The birth of our twins," you smiled.
The happiest day of your life. Erynlas and Legolas were born, they were born in the longest summer of Greenwood. Your father told you that it was a good omen, that your children would bring good harvest. The locals of Laketown were quick to send gifts down the river for the elfling, and all was well in Arda.
"I remember your panic-stricken face." you pointed out, he responded with a small chuckle. "I was afraid, but seeing our children brought relief." he admitted.
"We must enjoy it while it lasts. I remember Elladan and Elrohir, they grew up swiftly and my parents were left longing for the days when they were elflings." you continued. "Our children inherited your gentle disposition," he noted.
"- and none of your petulance." you were quick to retort.
"None yet." he smiled, as if knowing something that I didn't.
There was silence between them; the kind of silence that persevered between two people who understood one another.
"You were dreaming, yesterday." he opened his mouth, unable to see your face that was buried in his chest. "Dreaming about what?" you raised an eyebrow, long having forfeited the power of remembering your dreams. "You were mumbling things, kept saying 'no'." he reported, concern was evident in his features.
As much as you tried to remember the dreams, you couldn't.
"Was it your foresight that made you dream such?" he inquired. Your eyebrows merged together, and that familiar tightness on your chest returned. What if something was to happen on your family?
You had to exhaust every possible option to keep them safe. "I-I don't know, but it could've been just a nightmare." you comforted him. You pulled away from his embrace, opting to stare at his face.
"- and if it wasn't then I promise to keep us safe." you promised.
"I promise the same." he vowed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "- but you must rest, for we shall have an early morning tomorrow." he noted, reminding you that you were about to leave Amon Lanc to escape the darkness that wished to take hold of Greenwood.
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You awakened in the middle of the night. Lifting the covers off your body, you frowned, not seeing your husband so you decide to tiptoe towards the children's rooms. A groan escapes your mouth, feeling that horrible headache forming at the back of your head. Could this be? This must be another one of your dreams.
Your husband was telling you about the words that escaped your mouth whilst sleeping. Was the truth about to reveal itself?
You walked through the empty hallways, seeing no guards on their post. Peculiar. Your hands danced through the fabric of the tapestries that littered the walls. Weaves of forests and elves.
Even art created by Thranduil.
You entered the Twins' bedroom, seeing them slumber peacefully in their beds. Erynlas, the heir, inherited your husband's features. Her long flowing locks and piercing blue eyes, a copy of your husband.
Legolas, was the same, although he had your eyes and your demeanor. He was always patient, allowing his sister to play with his toys, not shedding a single tear when she grabs it from his hands.
You pressed a kiss to both of their foreheads.
If this was a dream, then why isn't anything happening?
Have your dreams evolved to find a different form? That tangible darkness wasn't watching or standing beside you. The darkness wasn't in this room. Have you found peace?
You shouldn't have spoken too soon, because a second later a dagger was pressed to her neck. "Look what I've found," the human opened his mouth with a chuckle. They were mercenaries. You've seen that crest before, but you couldn't remember where.
"Idiot, the bounty says that we're supposed to kill the prince." the other man rolled his eyes, but the man holding a dagger to your neck chuckled. "I think this ones an elf, a princess methinks." he took a slice of your neck, allowing little blood to trickle down your nightgown.
This scene has already played before, in your dreams, but you couldn't remember it - you couldn't remember until it's already happened. And wherever you went, you found that you were already there. "I wonder how much they'd pay for her head." he pondered.
"The Lurgburz would give us a fortune, but we were sent here to kill an heir. She is not an heir." the other man responded. You wanted to speak, but the darkness prevents you from raising your voice. 'I am an heir too. Lord Elrond's.' but the visions make you mute.
There were tears spilling out of your eyes. You felt weak. Hopeless against them.
"Then let's kill the prince's heir. Much easier than killing the prince. He's a great warrior, I've heard and if his wife's awake. Won't he be awake too?" the man continued holding the dagger on your neck.
"Which means that we have to make this quick." the other man reached for the dagger in his pockets. "Which one's the heir?" the man stared at you, and he'll forever be haunted by that look in your eyes. Red, wide, in fear.
"No," you mumbled watching as the other man stands in the middle of their cribs. "If you don't tell us then we'll kill them both." he threatened and air runs out of your lungs.
"No," you continued to mumble. They found joy in toying with you. They found joy in threatening a creature that was older than them. The other man lifted Erynlas' blankets, seeing a pink nightgown on her body. "This one's the heir," the other man stated.
"We should kill the boy, a boy is more valuable than a girl." the man surmised, forcing his mortal standards unto your elvish ones. "No, not the boy." you whispered - your subconscious knowing something that your conscious mind didn't.
Your subconscious knew that Legolas was the key to Arda's freedom. That he'd be a part of the Fellowship, and thus, he couldn't die. "She speaks," the other man teased, raising his dagger pointing it on your daughter's neck. And the tangible darkness that used to haunt you, that used to watch beside you, became a guiding hand.
Told you to grab Legolas and run.
The man's grip on you softened, he walked towards your daughter's crib. "No, no...." you mumbled, staring at the room once covered with leaves and little toys that you bought from Laketown.
You reluctantly reach for Legolas in his bed. Lifting him off the mattress while he continued his slumber. The darkness told you that Erynlas was born to die, while your son was born to live.
You walked down the stairs, about to return to your chambers but the darkness stops you from doing that. Instead leading you towards King Oropher's chambers. You open his doors - to your surprise they weren't locked tonight.
King Oropher stirs awake, seeing a figure enter his chambers. "Good morrow?" he paused, thinking that it was his handmaidens that had come to wake him. But once his vision turns back to normal, he realizes that it was you - and he sees the tears in your eyes, lips mumbling words that he could not fathom.
He repeats your name, seeing you sit on the floor - rocking your body back and forth. He was about to speak again, but you prevent him from doing so. "They took the heir." you cried out - unable to even speak like a mother, in fear, forced to speak like your perpetrators.
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A/N: Made for my own self-indulgence. Inspired by EP1 of HOTDS2.
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doudouneverte · 10 months
Back to Home | Chapter four: Phantom from the past and the future
a/n: I think we can say "here we go again"
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Pairing this chap: Natasha Romanoff x teen!reader; Wanda Maximoff x teen!reader; Avengers x teen!reader
Summary: you're separate from your moms and she's separate from her sons, and even if the avengers are against it the meeting is inevitable
Warning: @g-athenaathens @darkstar225
Tag list:
Chapter Three | Serie Masterlist | Chapter Five
'"Why are you doing this? I'm sixteen now; I can't be stuck in my room like a prisoner all my life." You yelled to your moms.
"Hey! Don't raise your tone with me, little one." Natasha said.
"Girls, calm down, please." Wanda tried to appease the tension. "Nat, you know she's exactly like you, so don't give her any reason to scream more than necessary. And Y/n, baby girl, we already talked about this."
"But why? It's not like I can't defend myself. I didn't train with you two to just stay all my life in school." You argued.
"We don't train you to be a hero, but to protect yourself. We don't want you to be hurt." The sokovian said, and you rolled your eyes with a loud groan.
"Not this card again. It's always the same thing with you."
"Where did you get this attitude?" Nat raised her voice. It started to really become something bad.
"Nat please…"
"No, no. I'll not let her talk like that. Hear me out if we say no avengers mission for you; that means NO AVENGERS MISSION FOR YOU." You looked at her, then at Wanda, but when the witch nodded, you snapped.
You turned around and walked straight to your bedroom, slammed the door, and used your power to lock it.
In the living room, Wanda had to block the redhead to rush to your room.
"How can she be so stubborn?" The Russian asked no one.
"I think from who she got that." The Maximoff twin remarked. "But don't worry, she'll be back when she's hungry, and we will try to talk about it more carefully this time."
The redhead sighed before crashing down on the couch. "I hope you're right. I don't want her to be hurt, but it will be worse if she hates us forever." She said with a defeated expression.
"Don't worry, it's just a phase; it will pass… I think." Her wife said after sitting next to her.
"Sometime I feel like I'm not the mother she deserves." The ex-spy confessed.
"Hey, don't say that. You're exactly the mom she deserves. We couldn't be a family without you."'
Some footsteps stop in front of your cell, making you raise your head. And when you thought nothing could be worse, you totally forgot about that.
You just stared at the woman in front of you without saying anything. Thankfully or not, she didn't seem to want to be the one to engage in any conversation. The atmosphere started to be tense until you both heard new footsteps. You knew them like the back of your hand, and it was the same for the other woman.
"Hello Wanda." Natasha greeted her, earning a shocking expression from the Sokovian.
"But how?" The witch asked quietly.
"It's a long story, but we'll talk about it later. First, I need you to follow me." The Russian said. You recognized that's tone. It was the 'Russian irritated spy tone' that meant that whatever was happening, you knew that they had a lot to say.
In the meeting room, the atmosphere was tense. Wanda was there in front of the people she could almost call family a few years ago, but now... Now, a lot of things have changed. She lost the last thing that made her smile when she lost Vision, and when she tried to find some comfort alone when everyone left her, everybody seemed to be against that.
Steve took a deep breath, earning almost the attention of everyone. But he was not the one who talked first. "So, are we just staying there and looking at each other?" Sam asked.
"We are waiting for someone." Steve announced, earning a curious look from Wanda, but the Sokovian didn't have time to ask anything before she heard footsteps entering the room. Furry came and sat in front of the witch while everyone still stood, a little unsure of how to act in front of their ex-coworker.
"I hope you didn't lose yourself coming here, Maximoff. You didn't write us any letters, so I thought that maybe you forgot about us." The one-eyed man said.
"I'm not the one who gave up on you." The now ginger woman replied.
"I like the new look, by the way." He said completly ignoring her acusation. "I don't know if any of them told you why you are here." When the woman shook her head to say no, he nodded and showed her the footage of your intrusion. "As you can see, we recently received the visit of a strange girl who said she was..." He snapped his fingers a few times, trying to find the missing word.
"She said her name was Scarlet." Natasha finished.
"That's right, thank you, Romanoff. Yes, she said her name was Scarlet, but it's not the strangest thing. Look at this." He said showing her when you used your powers to knock down the mightiest heroes. "See, I don't really believe in hazards. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that she had anything to do with you. At least until you prove me the opposite."
"And what am I supposed to do?" Wanda asked, even if she knew.
"I need you to investigate her mind to know what she wants. She said that she wanted to go back 'home, but I think she may hide something from us. Like, why does she fight perfectly like one of my best agents, or why does she actually have some power similar to&nbsp; yours?"He explained. "I'll let you two weeks to resolve this mystery." He said while he made his way out of the room.
"And why should I do this?" Wanda asked, making the man stop and look at her.
"We both know that the young Maximoff is somewhere here, and I'm sure that she didn't give up the idea to help people. Roger will show you your new room." He said, finally, before leaving for good. The silence quiclky filled the room, making the Sokovian a little nervous.
You were lying on your bed trying to process what happened when you heard someone stop in front of the door. You didn't have time to look at them before the door opened, and they entered.
"I never thought that someone would resume Dreykov's work." They said while you sat up to look at them. "I don't know if you know me, so let me introduce myself. I'm…"
"Nick Furry. I already know you." You replied, making the man in front of you chuckle.
"And who are you? Except Scarlet Widow."
"What do you mean?"
"I led the biggest group of spies in this country; do you really think that I will content myself with a false alias?"
"You led it so well that you didn't know that some Hydra agents were in your rank." You mocked.
"Oh, a funny one, I see." He paused for a moment to analyze you. "I don't know who tried to copy Romanoff, but I need to assume that they conditioned you well." He said, making you look confused.
"What do you mean?"
"You're not here to kill her because you would already try it when you came here." He continued ignoring your interogation.
"You didn't rep-"
"Maybe they sent you to kill Wanda and take her place as one of the Avengers."
"Can you stop-"
"Except your eyes, you look like a perfect mix between them. It's really impressive. And do you know what is more impressive? You don't seem to care about being trapped here. I don't know what Barton did to your little weapon, but it sent a signal somewhere far away, almost too far to be caught." He stated.
"But you did." You finshed now totally serious.
"It's obvious that you're not from here, so what are you? A khree? A Skrull?"
"I'm a human!"
He stood up and looked around before making his way to the door. "We all have our secret Ms.Scarlet but they will never last forever." He informed you before leaving.
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jerzwriter · 1 month
Mono~poly Chapter 5: Beautiful Days
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A Tobias x Casey AU - Information and Notes
AU Premise: What happens when something that was supposed to be just fun turns into something real? When true love enters the equation between two people who view the very concept of love in different ways, can it work? In this alternate universe, we'll follow Casey and Tobias (and some others along the way) on their journey, where a happy ending is what both desire, but (as in life) nothing is guaranteed.
Fandom: Open Heart, Choices** Pairing: Tobias Carrick x Casey MacTavish F!MC Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Jackie Varma and OCs: Vivian Carrick, Jordan Carrick, Rose D'Allesandro, Addie Larkin, David MacTavish, Peter MacTavish, Diana Ellington-Rourke Rating: Teen Words: 5,300
Chapter Summary: The chapter begins with friends and family gathering for Tobias and Casey's big day. There is much revelry to be had, but for some, emotions run high. Later, the couple has settled into a happily married life where the honeymoon never seems to end. But as they prepare to celebrate their third anniversary, Casey receives an offer that is hard to refuse. Will that change things?
A/N: Participating in @choicesaugustchallenge Day 30 - Summer Wedding. A huge thank you to @angelasscribbles for prereading this for me!
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The news spread like wildfire. It only took days for all of Boston to be abuzz over the engagement of Drs. Tobias Carrick and Casey MacTavish; it only took a few more before it was news in their hometowns, too. The announcement was met with a blend of joy and levity. While those who knew him had had a few years to get used to Tobias trading his swinging single life, and most were thrilled about his union with Casey, a dose of good-natured ribbing was bound to take place.
His mother, Vivian, was overjoyed and initiated her plans to deliver an August wedding that would leave people talking for years at once. With two confirmed bachelors as sons, she never thought she’d live to see this day, and she wasn't containing her excitement. When she stopped in to see Casey the morning of the wedding, she informed the young woman that she was erecting an altar for her daughter-in-law-to-be in her backyard, and Casey wasn't sure if she was joking.
In Casey’s corner of the world, her mother, Rose, was equally enthusiastic. Her reaction warmed Casey’s heart despite her fears over the inevitable conversations about how her father, David, would fit into the wedding plans. Those negotiations were fraught with tension and left Casey in tears - that’s the thing about the emotional baggage childhood delivers: it never fully goes away.
But Tobias was having none of it; he was totally serious about eloping if they failed to get their act together, and Casey was completely on board. That ultimatum was all Vivian needed to hear before she put the fear of God into both the D’Allesandro and MacTavish families. She promptly called a meeting, telling Tobias and Casey that she would take care of it all. Within an hour, Vivian emerged from the locked room with a satisfied grin and nary a hair out of place, assuring, “They will behave.”
Now, after months of planning and fuss... the day was finally here. It was time to celebrate the happy couple's love and commitment, and they were on top of the world.
After a chaotic morning, Casey was enjoying a quiet moment alone before the ceremony began. The soft hum of voices and laughter of guests who had gathered outside seeped through the venue’s walls as she adjusted the final touches of her wedding gown, its delicate lace and satin catching the light just so when Ethan entered the room.
His arrival went unnoticed. So, he leaned against the doorframe, allowing himself a few precious moments to take her in. A broad smile tugged at his lips, despite a hint of sadness lingering in his eyes. Clearing his throat to make his presence known, he moved toward her with the ease and familiarity of their long-standing bond.
“It’s not too late to run away,” he said with a playful grin. “Just say the word, and I’ll drive the getaway car.”
Casey turned toward him, her smile bright as her eyes met his. Ethan. Her dear friend, Ethan. While some might balk at a bride having her former lover as one of her bridal attendants, Tobias wholeheartedly supported her choice. He understood the depth of their friendship and was pleased that Casey would have him by her side on this special day. He wanted nothing more than for his bride to have everything her heart desired.
“Come on, Ethan," she teased. "You and Tobias buried the hatchet years ago. Do you really want to hurt him that bad?”
“Of course I don’t," he smiled. "And that would absolutely kill him.” He took a deep breath, his eyes still reflecting the bittersweet emotions in his heart. “You look absolutely stunning, Casey. You’re going to take Tobias’s breath away.”
“Thank you,” she blushed.
“He doesn’t deserve you – you know that, right?”
Casey winked playfully and adjusted the layers of her skirt. “I know!”
The tender moment burst when Jackie rushed into the room, her nervousness palpable. “Hate to bust this party up, but the photographer needs us in 15 minutes, and I have to finish getting the princess camera ready.”
Ethan’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Not ready? She's gorgeous! How can you improve on that?”
Casey chuckled softly. “See, I told you I needed him around to bolster my ego! But I do have some last minute touches to complete.” She shooed Ethan away. “Go - go join the other attendants and have fun. I’ll be down before you know it.”
Jackie clapped her hands the moment Ethan exited the room. “It’s almost showtime! You ready?”
Casey beamed with a joy that radiated from inside. “You better believe I am! I can’t believe it’s already time!”
Jackie looked at her friend in the mirror, her smile faltering just a bit. “I’m so happy for you,” she whispered. “But you do have the prenup in order, right?”
The smile fell from Casey's face. “Jackie! Is that any way to talk to me 30 minutes before my wedding?” She tried to keep the mood light, but there was an unmistakable trace of annoyance in her voice. But it would take more than that to deter Jackie.
“You didn’t answer?”
Casey’s heart sank as she turned to her friend. “His family’s attorneys sent one over last week, but Tobias lost his mind. He insisted he didn’t want one; we’re going to be together forever, so…”
Jackie rolled her eyes, and it didn't go unnoticed. “Jackie, really? You’re my maid of honor! Tell me you’re joking about this! These are supposed to be the happiest moments of my life.”
Jackie’s internal struggle had her light-headed. She loved Casey, and she loved Tobias, too. She couldn’t deny their relationship had proven even the greatest skeptics wrong; they’d be relationship goals personified if not for that one promise. She was the only one who knew Casey had made it three years before, and if Tobias ever called in the offer of dabbling in non-monogamy, she wasn’t confident her friend would be able to handle it; if that happened, she doubted their marriage would survive. Still, Casey was relying on her, so Jackie forced herself back to the present.
“You know I’m an asshole,” she grinned. “I’m joking, girl. I love you, and I love Tobias, too. Come on. Let’s get you ready to marry your man.”
Casey took a deep breath as Jackie delicately placed the veil on her head. She’d have to be a fool to pretend she couldn't read Jackie's thoughts. Yet, at this moment, her heart was overflowing with joy, leaving no room for doubts. She loved Tobias with all her heart, and his love for her ran just as deep. She couldn’t imagine being happier than she was today. Yes, Casey was confident... this was forever.
The ceremony went off without a hitch; a Hollywood director couldn’t have scripted it better. Tobias wiped away tears as Casey walked down the aisle. She had opted to walk alone, and at that moment, he silently promised she’d never be alone again. Casey had struggled to hold back her tears - her make-up was flawless, after all - but her husband’s heartfelt vows diminished her resolve. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house when the officiant pronounced them husband and wife; the joy was unmistakable.
Vivian had meticulously planned the reception to be an elegant affair, but with Tobias & Casey as the bridal couple, there was bound to be some debauchery. Still, the revelry was kept in check, and after a couple of hours of staying glued to each other’s side, they began making the rounds. Tobias was on the dance floor with his friend Addie, who Casey had finally managed to wrangle into a bridesmaid’s dress.
“And they said it couldn’t be done,” Addie grinned.
“Ehh, that was a long time ago. Tell me you haven’t expected this from the moment I met Casey?”
“The moment? No. Absolutely not,” Addie laughed. “A year in... mmmm... maybe. But all I know is I’ve never seen you smile like this. I’m really happy for you, T.”
Tobias’s beamed, his face a picture of pride, joy, and contentment. “Thank you. I’m happy for me, too.” As they continued to dance, Addie leaned in closer, and Tobias returned to the playful banter that marked their friendship.
“Hey, I just realized... you’re here alone tonight. You’re always whining that you only get plus ones on your invites. Casey and I give you a plus two, and who do you bring? No one!”
“Relax!” she chortled. “It wasn’t intentional. My boyfriend is traveling with his band, and my girlfriend was going to come, but her Mom got sick, and she had to fly back to Dallas yesterday.”
“That’s too bad. I was hoping to get to know them better; I swear you’re hiding them from me.”  
“That’s not true,” she insisted. “The three of us are just pretty independent. But on the upside, I’m here stag, so if I run into any cute guests...”
Tobias barked out a laugh, “They won’t have a chance against you!”
Just then, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to find his mother, resplendent in an emerald green satin gown. “Mind if I cut in?” she asked.
Addie raised her hands with a playful smile. “As if I’d argue with you, Vivian.” She gave Tobias a quick kiss on the cheek before hurrying off.
Tobias took his mother in his arms, his heart full of love and gratitude. “Have I mentioned how grateful I am for all you’ve done for us today?”
“A few times,” she nodded. “But please continue. I think I'm entitled to hear it multiple times since you made me wait so damn long for this day."
Tobias chuckled, and then his gaze landed on Casey. “I think it was worth the wait, don’t you?”
Vivian followed his line of sight and nodded with a smile. “Absolutely! Casey is a gem. I love her as if she is my own." She turned back to her son with a sigh. "You did good, Tobias. Now, don’t mess this up!”  
“I promise, Mom. See that smile on her face? I intend to make sure she looks that way every day for the rest of her life."
“That’s what I want to hear,” she smiled as they swayed to the music. “Is she enjoying the day?” taking a half-step back, she changed her tone. “Has her family been behaving?”
Tobias winced slightly, and Vivian knew he was grappling to decide if he should tell her the truth. “Overall, yes... but her Father and one of his relatives were overheard discussing how relieved they are that she ended up marrying a man.”
“Oh, for God’s sake!” Vivian spat. “Do I need to intervene?”
“No,” Tobias laughed. “We don't want bloodshed at the wedding, Ma. Besides, Casey shook it off, and her cousin, Peter, made it very clear that they needed to knock it off. Let’s just say I’m confident there won’t be any more incidents.”
“Well, as long as Casey is all right.”
“She is; she told me nothing is going to spoil today for her... for us.”
“I’m glad,” Vivian smiled. “Because this is a glorious day and if anyone messed it up... no promises on the bloodshed.”
The reception was winding down, but the sounds of laughter, clinking glasses, and soft music still filled the air. Casey was sitting at a table with friends, their spirits high as they recounted funny stories from the past and talked about the day’s events. Casey had her head tilted back in laughter when Tobias slipped up behind her and pulled her into a passionate kiss.
“All right, this has been the best day of my life, baby, but we have a honeymoon in Bali to get to... and honey... do I have plans for you.”
Sienna raised an eyebrow as she put down her drink. “So, what you’re saying is, in a couple of days, this will be demoted to the second or third best day of your life?”
Tobias’s brother Jordan chuckled from the other end of the table. “Well, their honeymoon is 14 days long, so this is going to be his 15th best day real soon.”
Casey rolled her eyes as the group burst into laughter, and then she looked at Jackie and Sienna’s way. “I should go get changed. Jackie, Sienna, mind helping me out of this dress?”
“Hey!” Tobias interjected with a teasing grin. “Isn’t that my job?”
“There will be plenty of time for that on the honeymoon,” Casey winked, giving him a gentle shove before she headed off, leaving Tobias and his friends behind. He ordered a bottle of the restaurant’s finest Scotch to continue the celebration. When it arrived, Ethan took it in hand, visibly approving the choice. He poured a glass for everyone as the toasting began.
“Here’s to Tobias!” Bryce started. “The man who swore he’d never do something as crazy as this, and look at him now... he’s totally whipped.”
“Seriously,” his brother, Jordan, chimed in. “I’m so happy, and not just because you took some family pressure to get hitched off of me! As the now sole confirmed bachelor of the Carrick family, I wish you the very best... Casey is precious - now, don’t screw this up!”
Ethan was the next to go. “To Tobias. You’ve married a wonderful woman. Casey’s very lucky but nowhere near as lucky as you. Remember to appreciate every moment.”
“Salut!”  the friends toasted as Ethan forced a smile. Seated at Tobias’s side, his friend Addie looped her arm in his and raised her glass.
“Hey, I’m not getting left out of this!” she insisted with a grin. “Cheers to my dear friend Tobias—the one person I thought was less likely to settle into monogamy than me. Just look at you proving us all wrong. But I get it... Casey is amazing, and I’m genuinely, truly happy for you.”
“Thank you," he winked. "So, you gonna join me over here on this monogamy train."
“Oh, no fucking chance!” Addie laughed.
There was only one person left, Casey’s cousin Peter. Both were only children, and they grew up closer than most siblings, and all eyes were on him when he raised his glass.
“Tobias, I’ve watched the love between you and Casey grow over the past three years. It’s hard to believe, but every time I see you, it appears to deepen and grow. I couldn't be happier for both of you. Here’s to a future filled with love, laughter, and everything your hearts desire. But remember... be good to her.”
“I wouldn’t dream of treating her any other way," Tobias insisted.
“Good,” Peter laughed, giving Ethan’s shoulder a playful slap on the shoulder. “Then you’ll save the two of us the trouble of having to dispose of your body.”
They all raised their glasses and drank. The warmth of the Scotch reflected the warm feeling in the room. Surrounded by love and well wishes, Tobias and Casey continued their journey. Neither could wait for the life they were about to build.
The fluorescent lights in the diagnostic team’s office created the illusion of midday, even as dusk approached outside. What had once been a sterile, impersonal space had transformed over the years, thanks to Casey’s loving touch. Shelves that were once filled solely with medical journals and textbooks now showcased lush plants and carefully chosen photos. Ethan had initially approved the more formal shots— the team at award dinners, conferences, and the like—but Casey had managed to slip in some candid moments, too. Memories that highlighted the friendship the members of the team shared. Now, photos of them at local festivals, picking pumpkins in the fall, turning green at amusement parks, and smiling on a sunset cruise dotted the room. She had argued that they spent more time at work than they did at home, so their space should reflect that. Eventually, Ethan relented—with Casey involved, no one was surprised.
That cozy spot was where Casey, Ethan, and Jackie found themselves today as their workdays wound down. The faint hum of hospital activity provided a soothing background noise as their conversations turned to weekend plans. Ethan was attending a philharmonic concert, Jackie wanted nothing more than to catch up on sleep, and Casey couldn’t have been more excited to celebrate her third wedding anniversary.
“Three years already? How is that possible?” Jackie marveled.
“You made it to three years!” Ethan joked. “How is that possible?”
“Meh,” Casey smirked. “We have oodles of kinky sex and great communication – we’re set for life!”  
“Ugh,” Jackie groaned. “Did you have to bring the conversation there, Ethan?”
“Me?!” He protested. “Casey’s the one who turned this conversation.”
“Don’t act all puritanical, Dr. Ramsey!” Casey laughed. “My third wedding anniversary should bring back good memories for you, too.”
“This again?” Ethan moaned. “When are you going to let it go?”
 “As soon as you call her! You convincing Addie to go home with you once after my wedding is not enough to satiate me! You should know that! You two would be so good together.”
“Wait! Is that how he told you it happened!” Jackie jumped in. “I was there, and Addie was the one doing the seducing. Ramsey didn’t stand a chance.”
Ethan took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. “It was a one-time private thing. You all really have to move on.”
“Fine!” Casey sighed. “I’ll just go on representing the happily married contingent of the diagnostic team for the foreseeable future.”
Just then, Tobias entered the room, his larger-than-life presence immediately commanding attention.
“Is that my beautiful wife talking? If so, you represent that contingency very well, baby.” With effortless charisma, he leaned over Casey’s chair and placed a lingering kiss on her lips.
“Great. Now we’re subjected to these two,” Ethan grumbled as Jackie groaned in agreement.
“What?” Tobias grinned as he poured a cup of coffee. “We’re at work! I know how to contain myself, you know.”
The room went silent as three sets of eyes stared at him incredulously. “All right, all right,” he smirked. “I know how to dial it down... to a degree. But you can’t blame me,” he added, sitting beside Casey. “The honeymoon never ends with this one.”
“Why are you here so early?” Casey asked, politely steering the conversation. “Your shift doesn’t begin for another hour.
“Correct, but yours ends in fifteen minutes. I thought we could grab dinner together in the cafeteria before you head out. You know,” he said, looking pointedly at Ethan. “Because my boss is an asshole who keeps scheduling us on opposite shifts.”
“That’s not true!” Ethan defended. “I go out of my to....”
“Relax! Relax!” Tobias laughed. After all these years, he still knew how to push Ethan’s buttons. “I’m teasing. Honestly, you do a great job making sure Casey and I get time together, and I appreciate it.”
Casey’s expression grew momentarily serious as her eyes met Ethan’s with a knowing look, but if Tobias noticed, he didn’t let on.
“So what do you say, baby? Dinner?” he asked.
Casey looked at her watch and nodded. “I do have errands to run after work. But if we go right now, I can squeeze you in.”
“Oh, honey, you can’t say squeeze me in and....”
“STOP IT!” Jackie yelled, holding her ears, and the happy couple laughed as they walked down the hall.
They settled into a quiet corner of the cafeteria, two chicken potpies—one of the better offerings—steamed between them. Casey smiled warmly at Tobias and reached across the table to gently squeeze his hand. She was so happy to see him, but she knew they had to tell him some news.
“Tobias,” she began, her voice tinged with apprehension. “You know the research Ethan and I have been doing on the inequities in diagnosing women’s health conditions?”
“Of course,” he replied, digging into his food. “You’ve been passionate about it. I really believe that if you keep at it, you could help bridge that gap and make a real difference.”
“Well,” she said, a mix of pride and nervousness in her eyes, “Apparently, you’re not the only one who thinks so. The National Institutes of Health agrees, and they’ve offered us an enormous grant to continue our studies. They want us to create a blueprint and train others nationwide.”
His eyes widened in disbelief as he grabbed her hand. “Honey! That’s incredible! This is huge! I’m so, so proud of you!”
“Thank you, baby,” she said softly. “But... I’m not sure I’m going to participate. I told Ethan I needed some time to think about it.”
He looked at her, both shocked and concerned. “You... you what?”
“Tobias, it’s difficult enough for us to make time to be together now. If I take this on, it’ll be in addition to my regular work. It means long hours and a lot of travel; I don't know if it's a good idea.”  
“Hon, we’ll figure it out,” he said firmly. “This is the opportunity of a lifetime. You can’t turn it down. I won’t let you.”
Casey’s face twisted, her eyes filling with tears. “But we were talking about possibly starting a family soon,” she whispered. “This would put that on hold indefinitely.”
“Possibly,” He replied gently. “We didn't even decide for sure if we wanted kids.”
“But we were leaning that way.”
“And we still can,” he reassured her. “I’m the old one here, you’re not. If we have to delay it, so be it. But baby, you can’t pass this up opportunity.”
“You really wouldn't mind?” she asked, her eyes searching his face for any sign of hesitation.
“Mind? Do you have any idea how much I'm going to brag about this?” he grinned. “I'm going to be incorrigible. What does your wife do? Oh, that’s cute. Let me tell you about my wife.” He slid his chair closer to hers and brushed a stray hair from her face before he gave her a playful kiss. “Not only is my wife gorgeous,” he kissed her again. “Not only is she hot as hell,” another kiss. “She’s brilliant, and she's going to change the world.” He pulled her closer, this time capturing her lips in a lingering kiss, deeper and more intense. “My wife,” he whispered, “is perfect in every way, and I’m so glad she’s mine.”
A lump formed in Casey’s throat as tears filled her eyes. “Have I ever told you how happy I am that I married you?”
“Yes,” he grinned. “But tell me again.”
“Have I told you how...” but Tobias silenced her by gently placing a finger over her lips.
“Not now,” he whispered. “Later, when I get home from work. In bed, naked... tell me then.”
“Hey, if that’s how you want me to tell you, I won’t just tell you... I’ll show you, too!”
“That’s the idea,” he smirked.
Casey hugged him, noticing the time on the clock over his shoulder. “Oh, shoot! I’m sorry, honey, but I have to go.”
“What's so important that you’re cutting our time short?” he asked, holding tight to her hand.
“I have anniversary plans to attend to,” she smiled as she cleared her place.
“But that’s not until Saturday?” He groaned. “Why do you have to go now?”
Casey gave him a knowing look. “I need to make sure my lingerie is in order,” she winked. "You wouldn't want to interfere with that."
“All right,” he sighed dramatically, making a show of dropping her hand. “Then go! Get out of here. Please, go!”
“Fine!” she giggled, picking up her tray.
“And remember,” he called after her, “the traditional gift for the third anniversary is leather. Feel free to add that to the mix.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as she walked away.
Tobias chuckled to himself as a resident glanced over, looking a bit horrified. “What?” Tobias grinned, unbothered. "One more trip to HR won’t kill me.... and she's worth it."
Casey hustled out of Edenbrook and headed toward the South End neighborhood they called home, with a smile tugging at her lips. The whole “lingerie situation” was already under control —she’d taken care of that weeks ago. But she had another stop to make, the Beacon Gallery.
She’d commissioned a painting by an up-and-coming artist to give to Tobias as an anniversary gift, and he asked for her to stop by and see it before he finished the work. The piece was eclectic, blending hues of their favorite colors and incorporating elements and symbols representing key moments from their time together. The general viewer might not decipher its meaning, but Casey knew Tobias would take one look at it, and his heart would melt.
The way Casey spoke about Tobias and described the deep love they shared moved the artist to name the piece Eternal Love. Casey smiled at the sentiment, believing it perfectly captured their bond.
But the gallery's owner balked at the idea. “That’s tempting fate!” He insisted. “Why do anything to welcome bad luck.”
Casey brushed him off, replying with confidence. “We don't need luck. We make our own own.”
The evening was beautiful, so when she left the gallery, she decided to take the long way home, strolling through the familiar streets she knew and loved so well. She was headed toward their favorite bakery to pick up a few things for dinner, when something unexpected caught her eye—a new gallery, one she was certain they’d never visited before.
She tried to recall if Tobias ever mentioned a new gallery opening. She was certain he had taken her to every existing gallery in Boston and beyond, and she was confident this one was new.
With her curiosity piqued, she crossed the street and gazed into the window. The artwork displayed was stunning—vibrant colors, bold strokes, and intricate details that she knew Tobias would love. The gallery itself looked almost empty, as if it was still being set up, so she decided to step inside.
The scent of fresh paint and varnish greeted her, as did crisp white walls that made the few displayed pieces stand out even more. Several other pieces remained wrapped, leaned against each other and a few sculptures were scattered throughout.
An abstract painting in the back of the gallery caught her eye. Its swirling, contrasting shades of blues, pinks, ombre, white, and gold danced across the canvas, evoking images of the four seasons. There was something both calming and chaotic about it, and it resonated with her. She reached out, almost touching the canvas, when a voice broke the silence.
“Hello,” a woman’s voice echoed.
Casey turned to find a tall, slender woman headed her way. Her sea of dark curls streaked with golden highlights was piled on top of her head, with a few curls cascading down onto her flawless tawny skin. She was beautiful in a way that was almost surreal like a figure in a painting come to life. Her movements were fluid and graceful, and as her warm, dark eyes met Casey’s, she momentarily forgot how to speak.
“Oh!” Casey replied, taking a startled step backward. “I’m so sorry—I didn’t realize! I’ll come back when—”
“No, no, it’s fine,” the woman said with a melodic laugh. “I won’t make any friends in my new neighborhood if I shoo everyone away.” She wiped her hands on the paint-splattered apron tied around her waist and extended a hand. “I’m Diana. I'm an artist - and I own the gallery, too.”
Casey relaxed, taking the woman’s hand. “I’m Casey. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Is all this your work?”
Diana looked around the room with pride. “Most of it is, but not everything.” She nodded toward the painting Casey had been admiring. “Do you like that one? That is mine.”  
“I do,” Casey replied, eyes returning to the painting. “It’s beautiful and captivating. From one angle, it’s so calming, but from another, it feels chaotic. It’s like it symbolizes… life.”
Diana’s smile widened. “That’s exactly what I was going for. Not everyone sees it right away. Are you an artist yourself? Or a collector, perhaps?”
“Me?” Casey laughed, shaking her head. “Oh, no! When it comes to art appreciation, I’m a novice at best. My husband is the connoisseur in the family. He may be a doctor, but art is woven into his DNA. He’s spent the better part of the last six years trying to bring me up to speed, but I'm afraid I still feel like a fish out of water around it.”
“Well, you’ve got a great eye,” Diana smiled. “And I love that you’ve taken an interest in something so important to your husband. That’s very special.”
“Thank you,” Casey smiled. “Actually, I just came from the Beacon Gallery. Our anniversary is Saturday, and I commissioned a painting for him. But I’ve got to admit…” She glanced back at the abstract. “I think he’d like this one even more.”
“Well, I certainly won’t stop you from buying another piece,” Diana winked, and Casey couldn’t help but be charmed.
“So, you’re new to Boston?” Casey asked.
“Yes,” Diana replied. “I have other galleries; my largest is in LA, and I have a smaller one near my home in Colorado. But I’ve wanted to establish an East Coast presence for a long time now. I came to the SoWa Winter Festiva last year and fell in love. Do you know when you can just feel from that start that it's going to be a perfect fit?"
"I do," Casey grinned. "When will you be opening? I can’t wait to see the rest of your work.”
“I officially open in two weeks, but I’m hosting a grand opening party next Saturday. It’s by invitation only, but I’d love for you and your husband to join us.”
Casey’s eyes lit up. “Really? Oh my God, he’ll be thrilled! Our anniversary is this Saturday—that would make the perfect addition to my gift.”
“I love that,” Diana said, clapping her hands together. “How many years are you celebrating?”
“Ah, leather,” Diana playfully winked. “I assume you’ve already taken care of the traditional gift?"
Casey burst out laughing. “You knew that too quickly—you must be married yourself.”
“I am, and I have a crystal anniversary coming up. Fifteen years next month.”
“Fifteen?" Casey was stunned. "Wow, what did you do? Get married at ten?”
 “I knew I liked you the moment I laid eyes on you, Casey," Diana chuckled. “But now, you're my best friend! I’m so glad you stopped by—you’re officially my first friend in my new town.”
“I consider that an honor,” Casey said, genuinely touched. Her eyes landed on a stack of brochures on a nearby table. “Mind if I take a few of these? I work at Edenbrook Hospital, and I could hand them out to some of my peers.”
“I've got a beautiful new friend, and she's helping me spread the word? This really is my lucky day,” Diana said, handing her a stack of brochures and two elegant invitations. “I really hope to see you both at the grand opening.”
“I wouldn't miss it!” Casey smiled, tucking the brochures and invitations into her bag. “And don’t be surprised if I stop by before then. I wouldn't mind another sneak peek."
“Please do!” Diana enthused. “I’d love the company, and you can tell me all the good places to go in the neighborhood. If I don't find a good iced matcha latte soon, I might lose my mind."
“Ah! I know just the place! I'll be sure to stop in if I see you here!"
Casey walked home with a sense of contentment. Her day had started with a bright opportunity and now, she felt like she found something special in that gallery... and in Diana. She couldn’t wait to tell Tobias all about it.
When she arrived home, she set the brochures on the kitchen counter, and her fingers brushed over the invitations as she thought about how much Tobias would love this surprise. It really was the perfect addition to her anniversary gift: a new place they could explore together and a night where they could dress up to boot! She already had the perfect dress in mind.
She carefully hid the invitations in a box toward the back of her closet, not far from the lingerie and a few leather items that would be making an appearance on Saturday, as well. The thought made her smile; she couldn’t wait to celebrate! As she glanced at the clock, she realized Tobias would be home in a few hours. She had so much to look forward to. As she stepped into the shower, allowing the steam and warm water to envelop her, she felt a peace that soothed her to her core. It had been a wonderful day filled with new opportunities, new connections, and the promise of even more to come. She was so fortunate, and she couldn’t wait for all that was ahead.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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antianakin · 7 months
I was thinking about that moment in AOTC today where Padme falls out of the gunship and the one thing Obi-Wan says that convinces Anakin not to jump after her is "What would Padme do in your position" and Anakin responds that she would do her duty.
Except. This is entirely untrue. And we've been shown THREE TIMES in this film alone that this is untrue. We'll see more in ROTS and more yet in TCW.
But this moment is ALREADY UNTRUE in the moment that it's spoken. The first time we see Padme do otherwise is when Anakin tells her he's planning to just... abandon his job as her bodyguard in order to go find his mother and her reaction is to say "cool, I'll come with you then." Both of them are SUPPOSED to stay on Naboo in the safety of her people and this out of the way villa, and even if that weren't true, there's no real condemnation from Padme when Anakin specifically states that he's planning on NOT doing his duty by her anymore. The second time is when Anakin is explicitly ordered to stay on Tatooine and NOT go to save Obi-Wan on Geonosis and Padme refuses to abide by that and convinces Anakin to go against his duty for a second time. The third time is when she chooses to tell Anakin she loves him in the Geonosis arena, setting aside all of the reasons she knows she shouldn't be in a relationship with him due to their positions as a Jedi and a Senator. You could even include the moments where Padme decides to pretend Anakin didn't mean it when he said he believed in a democracy despite how very troubling that is to hear from the mouth of a Jedi even if it WAS a joke, and when Padme choosing to condone Anakin massacring a village of Tuskens and keeping it secret from the Jedi.
So there are three moments where Padme either condones Anakin abandoning his duty or abandons her OWN duty and two moments where Padme choosing to look the other way when Anakin demonstrates a questionable behavior because she cares about him and doesn't want to face the reality of what she SHOULD do in that situation, so she just... chooses not to. There's even a quick line when Anakin and Obi-Wan are being seen of by Obi-Wan and Typho and Obi-Wan says something like how he hopes Anakin won't be too reckless and Typho says he'd be more worried about HER. So we're told from almost the beginning of this story that, between the two of them, PADME might be the one more likely to do reckless things whenever she wants.
And of course if we move forward into ROTS, we've got Padme just blatantly ignoring the entire issue of what will happen once the baby is born and imagining this beautiful fantasy where she and Anakin raise the baby on Naboo together, despite the fact that Anakin's duty as a Jedi will make that impossible, despite the inevitable fallout she knows is coming if the Queen figures out she's pregnant while also still being a Senator (which is, ya know, inevitably going to happen eventually), and despite the fact that she and Anakin are STILL LIVING A LIE and so raising children together isn't going to happen the way she thinks it will. Her fantasy is just that, a fantasy. Padme is refusing to do the right thing and be honest about her situation and letting someone else be a Senator in her place so she can pursue starting a family.
We've also got her entire reaction to Obi-Wan showing up to tell her Anakin killed children and the way she just refuses to believe Anakin COULD kill children even though she is one of two people who knows for certain that he's already done so. She refuses to help Obi-Wan find Anakin and, once she gets to Mustafar, her first attempt at reaching him is to convince him to RUN AWAY WITH HER rather than to face any kind of justice for what he's done or ask him what happened. Padme was all righteous about "so this is how liberty dies" earlier, but she's doing the exact same thing on Mustafar with Anakin by refusing to believe Obi-Wan and trying to help Anakin escape instead of acting like the Senator she's supposed to be.
And then you get to TCW where you've got Padme letting Anakin manipulate her into abandoning her responsibilities early in season 1, Padme straight-up LYING TO HER QUEEN in order to get Anakin assigned to the Blue Shadow Virus mission on Naboo, and Padme making the extremely ill-advised choice to give up Grievous as a hostage in order to get Anakin back from Dooku. There's also the first Clovis episode in I believe season 2 when Padme is upset with Anakin the one time he DOES leave her in order to do his duty and punishes him by taking the mission to spy on Clovis that he's trying to convince her not to take.
So it's almost LAUGHABLE that the thing that keeps Anakin on the gunship is thinking that if their positions were reversed, Padme would do her duty when we've had more than one piece of evidence IN THIS FILM ALONE to show that Padme would've fucking jumped if she'd been in Anakin's position.
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ineffabildaddy · 10 months
on today's episode of understanding good omens through my own life:
a story about my ineffable inevitable queer teenage experience with an intense, volatile, fiercely affectionate 'friendship' that was definitely not just a friendship in retrospect.
when i was eleven, i started secondary school, and i met a girl who quickly became my best friend (i'm a trans man, and i also understood myself as a girl at the time. i still understand myself as a girl at that time). we became known as a unit because we couldn't get enough of each other, and we did absolutely everything together.
on the first day of our second year, we saw each other for the first time in several weeks because she had been away in her home country that summer. i had been counting down the seconds until she came back. when she was in the process of giving out souvenirs from her trip to all our friends, she waited until she saw i was alone and approached me. she handed me a ziploc bag full of shells and rock fragments.
"i picked these out for you at the beach," she said.
i thanked her and asked her to show me the bags of shells she'd made up for the others.
"i didn't do this for the others. i only did it for you," she responded, and walked away.
i had never felt anything like what i felt in that moment, and i haven't since. i was a lonely kid, especially before that age. what i mean to say is... no one had ever done anything just for me. no one had ever thought of me when i wasn't there; no one had ever taken the time to give me something that they had so carefully picked out; no one had ever stated with such conviction, in what was said or what was unsaid, that what they had done for me was not to be enjoyed by anyone else.
i like to remember this when i try to understand this moment in good omens:
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i can't begin to comprehend what aziraphale must have felt in that moment, but remembering that day of my own life is the closest thing i've got.
mere months after that day, we started to argue. we had a huge falling out. i told her that no one on earth was capable of hurting me quite like she was (thirteen year-old me, in her own twisted way, thought that was a compliment). she told me in no uncertain terms that she couldn't stand me. we stopped talking.
a few months after that, we reconciled and we became closer than ever, but that tension, that unrest, was always lying under the surface, just waiting to gnash its teeth - and sometimes it did. these were also the years in which we were discovering our queer identities, and it took us a long time to really understand each other's journeys in that regard.
at sixteen, we both left our school and moved to a different institution till we graduated at eighteen. though we were at the same sixth form college, we just had different lives and didn't hang out anymore, though we remained on good terms. now, we text every once in a while, and we always say we'll meet up, but we never do. in october of last year, i bumped into her for the first time in maybe four years while coming home from a pavement gig. she was sitting on the doorstep of her parents' place with a roll-up cigarette. it was like no time had passed.
looking back, i can say with full confidence that i was in love with her. i do not know how else to understand our relationship. she drove me up the wall the way she did because i had never felt anything like what i felt for her for anyone else - and i haven't to this day.
even now, every time she is even mentioned in conversation, i dream about her the night following. and i still have those shells, hidden away in a wooden box i've never shown anyone; it's not too far from the shoebox that contains every note she ever passed me, every doodle she ever drew for me, every card she ever wrote me. in other words, i was permanently altered by our relationship, and her absence from my life has never diminished that. the same can naturally be said of crowley and aziraphale, to a much, much greater extent. i relive my memories of us because they help me understand many things about myself and others, and i've recently found that good omens has encouraged this.
this ended up longer than i intended but i hope you got something out of it.<3
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carlsdarling · 1 year
How do you feel about step brother Carl..
Stepbrother Carl headcanons
Just some random headcanons. Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw
When your mom told you that the two of you were going to move in with Rick und his two kids, you weren't thrilled. You didn't want a new dad (yours had died long ago, right at the beginning of the apocalypse) and you didn’t want a stepbrother and a stepsister also. Your mom looked at you sadly. "I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone, Y/N. Can't you understand that? And Rick is a sweet, decent guy. You like him, don't you? He doesn't want to be your father, just your friend." Yes, you already liked Rick, as well as you liked Carl, but that doesn't mean you wanted to live with them and a cry baby!
However, it turned out that you and Rick got along fine. The same was true for you and Carl - you definitely got along too well.
The next problem was not far away, however. You had only been living with Rick for about three weeks when your mom caught you and Carl watching a movie on the couch in the living room, cuddling under a plaid. A serious talk ensued, in which your parents made it clear that a relationship between the two of you was undesirable. "You are too young for this, you would break up again, and then the harmony of the family will be permanently destroyed. Please do not do it," Rick said insistently.
Carl and you were not dating at that time, but you were in the process of falling in love with each other. Then you resisted it for a while and tried dating other people, but your feelings for each other were too strong. Carl and you felt very miserable. You soon refused to date anyone else; you just wanted Carl. Him or nobody. You often cried in your room at night when he was seeing Enid, and then got terribly angry with him, shouting at him and ignored him. Carl couldn't stand that for long. So you met secretly in lonely places somewhere in Alexandria, sometimes out in the woods, to make out (as if you weren't living under the same roof!).
On a road trip, Carl scavenged condoms, and you two had your first time shortly after in the haystack of the horse stables. You were both super nervous, but it was wonderful and loving, and you've been doing it regularly ever since - even though it's almost never possible to do it at home unless your parents are away for an extensive period of time.
Once Glenn caught you naked in the haystack, but promised to keep his mouth shut.
Again and again you found excuses that you supposedly had to do something together, and so your parents did not suspect anything at first.
But it became more and more difficult to hide your feelings for each other, and finally the inevitable happened: Your parents came home too early when you were taking a shower together and had left the bathroom door unlocked. You thought you would be alone with Judith until the evening. Your mother walked in just as Carl was fucking you eagerly from behind, moaning loudly. Rick stood in the hallway looking utterly shocked. He hadn't expected Carl to actually have sex yet. Your mom, though, had a suspicion. "Get dressed and then come into the kitchen," Rick ordered tersely.
There was a terrible fight where you all yelled at each other, and ultimately Carl got his way. He said to his dad, "We're over 18, you can't forbid us anything anymore, and if you don't accept that we love each other and are in a relationship, we'll go to Hilltop and live together there, and you will rarely ever see us." In response, your parents reluctantly gave in and allowed you to officially share your bedroom and bed.
Despite their concerns, you two are even closer now and love each other more than anything. They have realized that you simply belong together. ❤❤❤
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amourtoken · 2 months
Ruffilo gives me this energy that's like "first spontaneous love you met in high-school or like early college that changes your whole life" if that makes sense
Like you two meet and it's just an instant spark that only gets more intense the longer you know him. He's everything you've ever wanted and needed and then some. Nicky makes a point to do absolutely everything in his power to show you how much he cares about you and how important you are to him, because he feels like he really can't live without you now that he's met you and he wants to share every experience he can with you.
he shows up at your house randomly to sneak in or beg you to come outside so be can take you on some random adventure even though it's way too late to be out (neither of you truly care). He's a big fan of taking you to get high and stargaze while talking about every weird life question you could possibly think of. Are aliens real? Do you think we've met in a past life? Will we meet in the next one? I hope so.
You inevitably end up losing your virginity to him on one of these random 2 am outings and he feels bad about it to this day cause he wanted it to be different but you constantly reassure him it was special enough.
When Bad Omens takes off and he starts getting more busy he does everything he can to make sure you know you're on his mind. He writes little notes for you to open on specific days and brings or sends flowers to you every chance he can. When he goes on tour he leaves a bunch of his comfy hoodies with you so you're not entirely alone and he calls you literally every night cause he can't go a full day without seeing you to some degree. He falls asleep on the phone with you a lot.
Whenever he gets home he comes straight to you, lifting you off the floor in a hug and burying his face against your neck. The world could be ending and your arms would make it all better. Eventually he finds a way to bring you on tours with him cause he just can't keep leaving you behind, you end up working merch for them so it all works out fine anyway.
He gets the entire group involved when he proposes to you. You find out they've kept it a secret for over a whole year so he could do it at just the right time. He thought about doing it onstage but he's a relatively private guy, he wants it to be about you and him, not everyone else. He surprises you with it while in your hometown by dragging you out on one of those stargazing late night dates like you two used to go on again and of course you say yes.
He's one of those people that you lay in bed at night next to and think about how fucking lucky you are to have met and how you love them so so much your chest genuinely aches. You think about those old conversations a lot and one constantly pops up in your mind.
"Do you think we've met before? Like, in a past life or something?"
"Maybe. Feels like I've known you forever."
"Do you think we'll meet again next time too?"
"I hope so."
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sweetandscarlet · 2 years
unrequited love | pt 3
notes: after much waited anticipation, the 3rd part is finally here 🤠 enjoy lovelies <3 pt 1 & 2 if you haven’t read them :)
warnings: 18+, smut, stepmom!wanda, stepdaughter!reader, age gap, mommy kink, mentions of masturbation, reader having major mommy issues, slight fluff/angst, cunnulingus, strap on use, fingering, hair pulling, dirty talk, degradation, blow jobs. minors DNI!
words: 6.6k
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to say the past few days had been intense was an understatement.
ever since your dad came home earlier than expected, you and wanda had become slightly estranged. the distance made your heart clench with worry and neglect, but, if you were being dramatically honest with yourself, you knew deep down the reason was that it had probably thrown wanda a little bit (or maybe a lot) to see him, given the circumstances you two were in.
albeit, scarcely hurt, you tried not to take it to heart too much. instead, you hurled yourself into uni work as a distraction. anything to take your mind off of the fact that you and wanda were mere seconds away from teetering over the edge and crossing a boundary that you could never undo.
"darling! what're you doing home so early?" wanda called out, still frozen in place on the staircase. her body reluctant to turn around and descend back down to greet her husband.
she watched as you silently stepped out of the doorway and into the hallway, and as much as it hurt to see the look of disappointment and panic written all over your face, she was just relieved that you hadn't actually done anything. the redhead could never live with herself if you had both been caught in her husbands and hers shared bed.
"i'm so sorry, detka" the sokovian whispered, her hand reaching out just a few inches before deciding she should just leave it and go welcome her husband as a good wife should. "we'll talk later, just- let me handle this"
you in fact did not talk later. ever since your father returned, wanda hadn't had a minute to herself, let alone any time to speak about what you both did, or almost did. she now had to return to her role of the attentive wife and cater to his needs, not her own.
but, to say you were an impatient person, in your opinion; you were dealing with the situation pretty well. after practically flinging yourself into uni work and even asking your professor if they had anything extra you could work on, you decided it would probably be best if you went for a walk to clear your head.
so that is exactly what you did, you showered, got dressed and headed downstairs. you didn't bother telling anyone where you were going, instead just opting to leave out of the front door and tell your father and wanda where you had been when you would inevitably see them at dinner time.
after around twenty minutes of mindless strolling around the block and eventually settling on a park bench, you felt a buzz in your back pocket.
guilt fluttered in your chest at the thought of it being kate, knowing full well you had hardly spoken to her the past couple of days and that she was probably messaging you, understandably worried at the space between you two.
when you pulled your phone out of your jean pocket, your heart did backflips as you looked at the screen.
wanda: hey, where did you go? are you okay?
you chewed on your bottom lip upon reading the message. how on earth could you respond to that? of course you aren't okay, you were upset and riddled with shame and treachery. you had done the one thing you had forced yourself to never act on. months of battling with a part of your brain that told you to just go for it, even if it would change the trajectory of your life. all for it to change in the blink of an eye.
you: hey, i'm just on a walk. i'm fine, how are you?
you shouldn't lie, you should just be honest, but the nagging feeling of not doing that over text lingered greatly in your mind.
you: actually, i'm not. can we talk? i miss you.
wanda: i'm sorry this is happening. i miss you too, come home, malysh. let's talk.
butterflies fluttered deep in your chest, eventually making their way to your stomach and settling there. i miss you too.
you instantly rushed a reply that you would be back soon before shoving your phone into the pocket it resided in and walking out of the park, and back to your house. every single feeling you could possibly feel hit you as you walked. questions running through your mind like an emotional marathon about how the conversation would go between you two.
"wanda?" you called out, closing your front door behind you as you stepped into the house. as you kicked your shoes off, a tired and almost dishevelled redhead walked through the kitchen door, letting it swing behind her before coming to a halt.
wanda stepped closer to you, a small smile on her lips seemingly growing as you came closer into her view before eventually, she closed the gap and your bodies were pressed together; perfectly might you add.
before you could ask what she was doing, wanda's hand snaked around the back of your neck and pulled you in for a kiss. you could feel the want and desperation radiate into it as you kissed her back, your hands falling to her hips and tugging her impossibly closer to you.
when you both pulled away to breathe, wanda's hand trailed from your neck, cupping one of your now-flushed cheeks. "you have no idea how badly i've wanted to do that these past few days"
your mind reeled at that, knowing that she wanted you just as much as you did. "me too," you breathed out, your chest rising and falling as you spoke. "i couldn't even touch myself at night because all i wanted were your hands on me"
"fuck, i-" the sokovian choked out, the grip on your cheek hardening slightly at the thought. "you can't say things like that"
"it’s true," you feigned a pout, your hands on her hips moving down to cup her ass through her jeans. "you left me dripping wet the other day and even then i couldn't do anything about it"
wanda trapped her bottom lip between her teeth to suppress a moan at your words. "you're a fucking tease, you know that?" your attempt to bite back a grin failed and wanda's eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "and you're also lucky i’m not going to slap that smirk off of your face right now, now come on, i made you a snack and then you and i are going to talk as promised"
you nodded, whispering a thank you as you pushed the gnawing ache for wanda into the back of your mind. you followed her through the swinging door and into the kitchen, your steps behind her small as you followed her like a puppy.
"how have you been?" you asked meekly, pulling one of the dining table chairs back to sit on it. "did you sleep well last night?"
wanda hummed in thought for a moment, her attention focused on the countertop on which two plates rested. you smiled as she turned around, your sight landing on the food that was perfectly prepared and smelled utterly sensational. it truly amazed you how good of a cook she was.
"i've been okay, albeit slightly whiplashed to see your father coming home that night" wanda confessed, before setting down the plates in front of you and then in front of where wanda would be sitting. "do you want juice?"
"um, sure! thank you" you reach a tender hand out, running your fingers down the arm of her sweater. "i wish that didn't happen, but i guess the silver lining is he didn't catch us on the sofa"
the redhead's eyes trail down to where your hand resided on her arm, wanting so desperately for the material to be out of the way and to feel your hands on her skin once more. "i guess you're right, that would be a hard one to explain"
a chuckle escapes your lips, watching as wanda moves away from your touch and over to the refrigerator to pull out the jug of juice before stepping over to one of the cupboards to pull out two glasses.
"do you regret it?"
the question had been lingering on the tip of your tongue ever since you woke up the morning after. you wouldn't admit it but it ate away at you bit by bit the more the days passed, all you wanted to know now was where you stood with the older woman.
wanda remained facing away from you, her hand shifting to rest on the countertop in front of her. you listen as a shaky exhale leaves her plump lips, the sound making anticipation bob in the middle of your throat. she didn't regret it, right?
"i don't, malysh," she spoke aloud, thick red locks and her back were still all you could see. "i never will"
"then why can't you say that while you look at me?"
wanda picks up the glasses from the counter before slowly turning to face you. your heart skipped a beat as you watch her nervously chew at her bottom lip. you don't think you've ever seen this woman nervous, always keeping her emotions at bay and never wearing her heart on her sleeve.
"we're both with someone, y/n. god, i'm married and you're-"
"in an unhappy relationship, which is clearly how you feel or you wouldn't have reciprocated"
wanda sighs, stepping towards the table before positioning the glasses in front of your selected seats.
"i know, i know. it's just- it's a lot more complicated for me, i made a vow and i just hate myself for breaking it. i never would have dreamed to cheat on my spouse, let alone it being with their daughter"
your head falls and all you can do at this moment is let indignity and guilt plague your mind like a disease. you stare at your food numbingly, watching as it slowly grows cold. but, you can't eat right now. you can't. the only thought running through your head is of the woman standing in front of you.
"if i could change the way i feel i would, it would make life so much simpler but i can't wanda, i want you" you push the chair away with the back of your legs before striding over to where wanda stood, your hands instantly moving to cup her slightly tinted pink cheeks. "no one's ever made me feel the way you do, and i owe it to myself to at least try and see where this could go between us"
the redhead sighs against your touch, nuzzling herself into one of your hands, basking in the warmth they bring. "detka.."
"don't say anything, just.. let me take care of you"
wanda's head moves in your hands as she nods, and that's all the permission you need to close the distance between you. the moment your lips touch one more, a small groan of appreciation rumbles in the back of your throat, the days that had passed without her soft lips against yours were agonising but god was the wait worth it.
you pull away slightly, your lips ghostly over hers. "where's dad?"
wanda catches your gaze when her eyelids flicker open and she bites back a whimper at seeing your now blown-out pupils. a clear-cut sign of how badly you want her. "he went fishing with one of his work colleagues, he won't be home for a while"
a smirk twitches at your lips, curling just vaguely at the corners. you hum in thought before responding. "i've been very good lately, i was so patient waiting for you mommy, i think i deserve dessert first, don't you?"
"fuck, please" wanda whimpered out, nodding eagerly; her hips bucking at the way the title rolled off of your tongue, so delicious and sweet coming from your lips. she wanted- no needed to hear you say it again. "you have no idea the number of times i've dreamt of sitting on your face, squeezing you between my thighs and all you can do is just lie there and eat my pussy like a good girl"
a guttural moan escaped your throat, your hands faltering from her face before deciding to rest them on her hips, gripping slightly.
wanda took this opportunity to lean forward and let her warm tongue run against the delicate skin of your neck, before leaving an open mouthed kiss against your pulse point. the feeling of that combined with the filthy words wanda spewed out, sent a jolt of pleasure to your clit.
"come with me darling," wanda beckoned, stepping backwards as she tugs at your arm to pull you through the kitchen door, past the back of the sofa and up the staircase. "i've waited too long for this moment"
the pace in her footsteps confirmed it as they moved with certainty and purpose, her hand instantly turned the doorknob when you reached her room, and she yanked you inside before kicking the door shut with the back of her heel.
"go sit down on the bed, detka," wanda purrs, "mommy's going to give you what you deserve"
you hear a click of a lock turning behind you as you faced the large bed, your legs working on autopilot as you reached the edge of the mattress, sitting down instantly. your clothed thighs rubbed together on their own accord, trying so desperately to satiate the evergrowing feeling of uncomfortableness that twitched and pulsed between your thighs.
wanda hummed in approval as she sauntered over to the bed, seeing you sit so obediently for her increased the fire that sparked in the pit of her stomach. "so pliable for me, darling. now, do you want to watch me undress or do it yourself?"
you shook your head immediately, your hands already moving to reach out for her. "please, can- can i? i've thought about doing this myself so many times"
a wide grin creeps it's way onto wanda's face, twitching at the corner of her lips at your reaction. "go ahead then, sweet girl"
you didn't have to be told twice as you surged upwards and off the edge of the mattress, your eyes flickering up to the redheads before letting your hands rest on her hips; your fingers fidgetted with the hem of her sweater as anticipation swirled in your mind.
you lifted the material upwards, letting wanda raise her arms to help assist you in pulling it over her head. once you did, your felt your mouth dry up at the sight of wanda in a red lacey bra, her full breasts sitting perfectly on display. fuck, you wanted nothing more than to rid her of it and claim your mouth around one of her nipples.
"can i?" you asked, your voice small as your eyes stayed trained on her chest.
all wanda could do was nod in response, her mind too occupied with the sight of your eyes darkening as you watched her intently.
you stepped closer, your arms reaching around to find the clasp of the bra. your head dropped slightly, just enough for you to pepper wet kisses along the curve of her breasts. you let your mouth work on the exposed skin, your tongue swirling and sucking at it until you were satisfied. once you were, you pulled at the clasp, unhooking it instantaneously.
"you're so beautiful" you mused, your words coming out almost a whisper when you let the bra fall down wanda's arms and drop to the floor. "so, so beautiful"
you thought the urge to continue pressing your lips against her soft skin, instead opting to do as you were told. undress her.
you felt the soft carpeted floor under your kneecaps as you bent down to kneel before her. your eyes now aligned with curved hips and thick thighs that you wanted so badly to touch.
a thought echoed briefly in your mind that every single dream you've had of pleasing wanda was finally about to come true.
letting the fleeting realisation pass by in your mind, you focused your attention on working the button of wanda's jeans, your hand trailing down to pull at the zipper. an audible groan escaped your lips at the patch of matching panties that peeked through the opening of the jeans.
you had no idea what wanda was doing right now but if you had to guess, a smirk was displayed proudly on her lips at your reaction.
your hands smoothed up the side of her hips before hooking your fingers through the hoops of the jeans, pulling them down until they pooled at the redhead's feet.
wanda watched as your hand wrapped around the back of her calf, lifting it just an inch until her foot raised from the floor and you could easily pull her foot through the bunched-up jeans. you repeated this with the other foot until wanda stood before you with nothing but her underwear.
you couldn't help but move forward at the sight, your mouth displaying open-mouthed kisses on the soft smooth skin of her thighs.
"ah, ah, ah," wanda tutted, one of her hands threading through your hair at the back of your head until she gathered enough in her fingers to give it a harsh tug. "god, so eager to please mommy, you're adorable"
your head bobbed up and down, vigorously agreeing with her. "yes, i- please, i want to make you feel good"
"i know, detka and you will," wanda husked, her voice now much deeper and laced with lust at the sight of you on your knees for her, head lolled back in her grip as you pleaded up at her with blown-out eyes. "get back on the bed and lie down"
you scrambled from your knees when wanda let go of her grip, pushing yourself up from your position on the floor. you didn't even look as you jumped back enthusiastically, once again landing on the edge of the mattress before shuffling backwards until you were on display for the older woman in the middle of the bed. you let yourself fall, your eyes now staring up at the blank ceiling as the soft comforter rested under your back.
"good girl," wanda uttered, stepping towards you until you felt a dip in the mattress. "i can't wait to use that pretty mouth of yours"
wanded shifted into view, her lustful eyes staring down at you as she straddled your lap, the action made you squirm under her gaze but the older woman didn't stay there long, her intentions residing much higher up your body.
she moved once more until her figure rested above your head, your eyes being greeted with lacy red panties and a wet patch that made you gulp hard and your mouth to instantly water at the sight of her arousal.
the scent consumed all of your senses as the strong desire for you was prominent between wanda's legs. you inhaled through your nose, wanting so badly to greedily take in everything wanda had to offer you.
a sinister chuckle came from above, the delicious sound invading your ears. "did you just smell mommy's pussy? such a dirty girl"
a whine rumbled at the back of your throat, effectively answering for you. but, before you could shamefully deny such a thing, wanda's slender fingers pulled her panties to the side; giving you the perfect view of her wet and ready for you. "stick out your tongue, little one"
without so much as a thought, you immediately obeyed, and soon after a moan followed as you felt wanda lower herself fully until she rested on the flat of your tongue. the taste of her intensified the fire growing in your belly and you made quick work to lap desperately through her folds.
"i knew you'd be great at this, detka," wanda mewled, her hips jutting back and forth in an attempt to match your pace. "such a good slut"
heavy pants and breathy moans echoed throughout the room, bouncing off each wall before eventually coming back to you and imprinting themselves deep in your brain as they reverberated loudly in your ears. you continued to swirl your tongue through her folds, inching itself closer to where you so hopelessly wanted to put your fingers. you teased her hole slightly before retreating upwards, flicking your muscle over her swollen clit before engulfing it between your lips to gently suck at the bundle of nerves.
"svyatoy yebat', just like that" you felt the older woman's legs vibrate around your head, her hands flying to your hair to grip it tightly and force your head to stay where it was. "shit, you're going to make me cum already"
oxygen was beginning to creep its way less and less into your brain, the need to breathe was resonating loudly in your mind but, you didn't care. the only thing you wanted to do right now was to watch wanda fall apart above you and to hear her moan your name.
you continued to suck, your tongue moving to swirl around to give her just that extra bit of stimulation that would effectively push her over the edge.
"such a good girl for me- fuck, mommy's cumming, mommy's cumming" her words left her mouth in a breathy chant, her hands tightening in your hair as she gasped loudly and before you knew it, wanda stilled above you and her thighs squeezed around your head, trapping you beneath her.
a strangled cry escaped wanda. "shit, shit- don't stop, yn, don't stop"
you continued your torturous pace on her clit, your efforts never faltering as the older woman whined and whimpered through her orgasm. your eyes stayed trained on her, your gaze never breaking contact so you could watch every single reaction and noise that came from above.
after a few moments passed, wanda's body ceased from her tense position; her body slowly starting to relax as she came down from her high and her pants grew more even.
pride beamed brightly in your chest as you slowed your movements before eventually halting them so as to not overstimulate her. the thought of you pleasing your stepmother this much brought you so much joy and satisfaction. you would do it every day if you could, for as long as she wanted, even if your tongue ached and your body grew tired.
"oh malysh, that was... i don't think i've ever cum so hard" wanda exhaled, her hands in your hair loosening its grip as she shifted to move from your face. a soft laugh fell from wanda's lips as she looked at your appearance, your hair was dishevelled and wanda's cum had left your lips, chin and cheeks sopping wet. "god, i've made a mess of you"
you instinctively licked away what you could, smiling at the taste that resonated on your tongue. it took everything in you to not cockily remark on what wanda had just said, instead, you pushed the thought in the back of your mind, keeping it there as a reminder of how good you are for her. "you taste so good"
"i bet you taste even better, detka" wanda mused, her thumb coming to your cheek to wipe away any excess that you had failed to lick away, before switching to the other one. they felt hot under her touch, your cheeks flushed pink and radiating warmth that made the older woman's heart jump. "i can imagine you're all sticky down there, want me to make you feel better?"
you nodded your head enthusiastically, whimpering out a 'yes' before moving to rest your upper body weight on your elbows. "want you so bad"
wanda just hummed in response, the bed dipping once more before the mattress raised again and she was no longer next to you. you watched tentatively as she moved over to the mirrored closet in front of you, pulling on one of the sliding doors before kneeling down to root inside. she instructed you to strip down to your naked form and stay on the bed, you obliged as you made quick work of it and instantly rid yourself of all that you wore before hastily chucking them into a pile across the room.
you were about to question what she was doing until wanda spoke. "hmm, here it is. i must be honest with you detka, my intentions to have you have been stronger than you think. when we were at the mall, i slipped away while you were at the bathroom and bought this"
she stood from her position, turning to face you with a grin splayed on plump, pink lips. "i was hoping one day i could use it on you.. i'm glad it's sooner rather than later"
your curious eyes drifted down and you couldn't help but gulp at what you saw.
in one hand was a scarlet red dildo that was generous in size, and in the other was a black harness.
"would you like to try it?"
you eyed the toy and the harness before meeting wanda's predatory gaze. there was fleeting silence for a split second as you settled yourself on your tucked legs, resting your weight on them to sit up straight. "yes please, i want you to do whatever you want to me"
"your manners are endearing, y/n. any specific position in mind?"
"i-" you trailed off, god what didn't you have in mind? you would gladly have her put you in whatever position suited the redhead best, whatever would appease her hunger for you. but, as your eyes faltered slightly to your reflection in the mirrored doors in front of you, your brain screamed to tell her what you had in mind. "i want.. i want you to take me from behind and for you to make me watch"
confusion spread across the redhead's face for just a moment, until it clicked in her brain and she turned to her right, your reflection and hers staring back at her. "my my, you dirty girl. i love how your brain works"
wanda stalked towards the bed, before coming to a halt as she reached the edge of the mattress. you watched in awe as she slipped into the harness, adjusting the straps so they were secured snugly against her hips and thighs before attaching the dildo to the rubber ring in the middle of the harness.
"are you going to get mommy's cock all nice and ready for your pretty pussy, baby?"
you nod eagerly, shifting forward on your knees until you reached the end of the bed and wanda and her toy were directly in front of you. your mouth salivated at the sight before you; your stepmother with a thick cock strapped to her waist towering over you. to think less than an hour before, you were taking a stroll outside to help clear your mind of wanda and now here you were, about to take her in your mouth until she deemed it good enough for her to fill you up.
"are you ready, sweetheart?" wanda purred, a delicate hand threading through your locks before scratching softly at the skin, her enchanting way of soothing you. "don't be afraid to get sloppy, i want to see you drooling for me, dear"
fucking hell.
"yes, yes i- i'm so ready, please mama"
the older woman felt her heartstrings tug at the new nickname. such a good girl, she didn't even have to coax it out of you. so obedient and perfect, just like she knew you would be.
"open your mouth and stick out that talented tongue of yours, moya lyubov”
you did as instructed instantly as your jaw slackened and your tongue fell loosely to hang over your bottom lip. this caused wanda to chuckle darkly at the way you obeyed so quickly; so eager to please.
she wasted no time as she guided your head forward with the palm of her hand that rested in your hair, her grip tightening just slightly to control your movements.
a twang of pleasure contorted in your stomach as wanda coached you closer until the tip of the dildo rested on the flat of your tongue. you groaned around the head of it as it pushed further into the warmth of your mouth and a couple of inches of it disappeared inside.
"well done baby, taking me so well, just like i knew you would" wanda's voice was raspy and low as she spoke, her gaze never stuttering from the view of you below her. she watched in awe as you greedily took everything she gave you and it took everything in her not to snap her hips forward until she eventually reached the back of your throat.
a muffled moan vibrated around the fake cock as wanda's praises hit your ears, her words stirring you on to take more of her even if your mouth constricted it.
"take deep breaths, my love, you're doing amazing." her words of encouragement filled the silence of the room as more of her filled your mouth. "nice and slow"
you gagged slightly as you felt the tip of her eventually reach the back of your throat and your lips came into contact with the soft skin of her stomach, but you did as wanda said, taking in deep breaths through your nose as she stood still, letting you get used to the intrusive feeling.
finally, after a few moments passed, your throat relaxed around her. wanda hummed in approval at how well you were doing, her fingers continuing their delicate scratches against your scalp.
"atta girl, now start sucking detka, i'll do the rest"
you suctioned your lips around the dildo upon request, and your tongue that rested under it swirled around experimentally even though you knew wanda couldn't feel it. but, nevertheless, that wouldn't stop you from putting in the effort.
wanda's hand ceased its peaceful movements against your head, quickly turning harsh in her hold as she began to move your head up and down, guiding it to meet the pace of her hips when she started to thrust gradually into your mouth.
you mewled around her, your mouth filling with saliva that soon crept its way into the corner of your lips, begging for a way out.
"god, malysh.. you look so pretty like this, taking me so well. it's like you were born to be mommy's cock slut"
a wanton groan rumbled deep from your chest, humiliation mixed with pleasure settled there as your eyes flicked upwards, instantly being greeted with wanda staring down at you; admiration strongly apparent in her gaze.
after a few more wet thrusts, wanda slowly pulled out of your mouth leaving you gasping for much-needed oxygen, your chest rising as your laboured breathing calmed with every intake. she was clearly impressed and evidently happy with your work, the dildo that was attached to her was dripping with your saliva, the coating slick and soaking wet that shined from the aluminated lamp on the bedside table next to you.
wanda didn't utter a word as she rounded the bed, a delicate hand smoothing down your back and over the curve of your ass. when she reached the other side, you felt the bed dip. your head shot up to see wanda behind you, a smirk on her lips as she watched you catch your breath.
slender fingers trailed from your ass and down to where you so desperately needed her the most. she moved the tips over to the inside of your soft thighs before eventually teasing your outer lips which were now puffy and wet. "oh my, y/n, you're absolutely soaked. is all of this for me?"
as quickly as you got your breath back, it was just as quickly taken away from you when wanda traced her fingers through your folds, parting them with two fingers before moving them up and down. you choked out a moan when they retreated away from your swollen clit and down to your hole, pushing them in inch by inch.
"all for you, fuck- that feels so good"
wanda hummed pulling out slightly to push a third digit in, "look at you sucking in my fingers like a good girl, is this how badly you've wanted me, detka?
you cry out a strangled 'yes' at the stretch until eventually, wanda's knuckles pressed flush against your lips, your eyes falling shut at the feeling. "all i think about is you using me like a toy, just for your own pleasure"
the redhead's fingers moved at a languished pace, letting you grow used to the intrusion even though her fingers slipped inside you with ease. "eyes on me, sweetheart, i want you to focus on mommy only"
you heeded immediately, your eyelids flickering open the moment the words left wanda's lips.
"i think you're ready for my cock now, don't you?"
your mouth fell open in a gasp as soon as the older woman retreated her fingers. you groaned at the empty feeling, your walls contracting around nothing, just begging to be filled again.
"yes, please, i want it so badly mommy"
wanda wasted no time as the hand that had just been inside of you seconds before moved to wrap around the girth of her strap-on, spreading your wetness onto the length of it and mixing it with your saliva. "don't forget, dorogoy, if you want me to stop, i will"
you nodded desperately in response, your mind relishing the feeling of the way your body buzzed with anticipation. "okay"
that was all the permission wanda needed before using her hand to guide the dildo towards your sopping folds, running it up and down your slit to collect all of the wetness that she could. wanda gingerly pushed her hips forward, your lips parting as she continued her movement.
your eyes clamped shut as you felt the tip of the faux-cock push its way inside, but wanda's words boomed loudly in your mind, so you forced yourself to open them and keep your gaze focused on the reflection of wanda.
your heart stuttered in your chest at the sight.
to see the woman you had been lusting over for the past few months knelt behind you, her cock pushing through your velvety walls with her mouth dropped open in an 'o' shape was mind-whirling, to say the least.
it made you shudder at the thought.
"you're doing so well, baby, just a little more"
all you could do was bob your head in response. it wasn't long before wanda had pushed in the entire length and her stomach pressed flush against the back of your thighs. although your cunt stayed a soaking mess, it burned at the feeling of being so full. you don't think you've ever taken anything so big before, the thought only intensified the sensation even more.
"it's okay, angel, you'll get used to it," wanda cooed, raising both hands to grasp at your hips to keep you steady, "just breath through the pain, it'll start feeling good soon"
just as promised, after a few brief moments passed, your walls fluttered and a spark of pleasure formed in the pit of your stomach.
you instinctively moved your hips forward just slightly before pushing back, your mind reeling as you tested the waters before eventually picking up the pace.
"seems like you're ready," wanda remarked, sarcasm dripping from her words with a smirk creeping at the corner of her lips as she watched as you began to gradually ride the dildo. "now let mommy do all the work, all you have to do is stay there and look pretty while mommy uses your cute little cunt”
you whined at her words, the way she spoke to you made your brain turn to pathetic mush as submission and humiliation settled deep in the crevasses and as good as it felt, you did as instructed and halted your movements.
the moment you did, wanda slowly pulled out before she gave a sharp snap of her hips, burying the dildo deep inside of you. the action caused your arms that propped you up to buckle from under you, and your head to fall to the mattress.
“ah ah, this is your fantasy, my love. get back up” wanda voiced, a hand snaking up the smooth of your back, then to your neck, her fingers wrapping around your jugular before lifting you back up until your back pressed flush against her chest.
the redhead continued her torturous pace, her thighs slapping against the back of yours harshly with every thrust, and all you could do was stare back at yourself and watch. when wanda rounded her other hand around you so both of her hands were wrapped firmly around your neck, that's when you lost it.
"fuck, fuck," a strangled moan fell from your swollen kissed lips, your breath growing more ragged the rougher wanda got with you. "right there"
a smirk itched at wanda's lips as she watched from behind you, her mind and body putting in all the effort as she rutted into you, all the while holding you upright. one of her hands tightened its hold on your neck as she let the other one fall to where your breasts were, she trailed her hand down before grabbing a handful and kneading and squeezing it roughly a few times until her hand moved to pinch the nipple between two fingers.
"i want you to cum just like this malysh, tell me when you're close, okay?" wanda's voice was hoarse, her accent coming out slightly as she panted in your ear.
all you could do was nod your head, your mind too foggy to come up with the words to respond. you moved your hand up to your body until you met wanda's, cupping the back of it in an attempt to feel her.
"look at how pretty you look, y/n. such a good girl for me, i can see how much you're fucking loving this," wanda uttered against the shell of your ear, her tongue flicking out to lick a stripe against your neck before suctioning her lips around your skin to suck harshly, her teeth nibbling slightly against your flushed skin. "i bet you'd love it if my cock was real, so i could fill up your abused little pussy with my cum"
the words that left wanda's mouth, in a dark and husky hiss, echoed loudly in your ear as every thrust of wanda's hips that fucked upwards hit against your g-spot, it was quickly beginning to make that tightness in the pit of your stomach grow.
your moans grew louder, your chest heaving as you gasped for oxygen that was being fucked out of you with every movement that wanda made. you whined out as wanda continued to pinch your nipple, twisting and pulling it as she squeezed harder around your neck.
it was all too much and you could feel your body teetering over the edge.
“wanda fuck, i’m gonna cum. please don’t stop mama, please” the words were raspy as they left your lips, struggling to fully vocalise yourself as wanda’s hold on your neck didn’t let up.
but she heard you anyway. she always would. wanda’s sole purpose right now was focusing on every movement of your body, every pant and breath you took, every moan that you choked out and every whisper of broken words that you spoke.
your eyelids fluttered shut as you felt the all familiar feeling in your stomach tightening, just mere seconds away from the coil snapping.
“don’t close your eyes, detka. watch me as you cum, can you do that?”
you nodded instantly, forcing your body to open them and as soon as you did a long moan ripped itself from your throat as you held eye contact with the woman behind you. your body trembled as the orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks, instantly tensing up as the shock waves flowed through you.
wanda watched in amazement as she held your body up, her hips continuing their thrusts but decreasing in pace as she helped you through it. she watched as your mouth hung open, whining and panting as you shook in her hold.
after a few moments passed, the redhead felt your body relax and sink into her touch. to avoid overstimulating you; even though she had thought about it many times, she could tell you were spent, so she slowly came to a halt until her cock just stayed nestled deep inside of you.
wanda’s gaze on you never faltered, her eyes focusing on the way you gasped for breath, your chest heaving up and down as you tried to calm your beating heart. it was ethereal in wanda’s opinion, you looked so beautiful all fucked out. sweat beads slowly ran down your face, a few strands of hair clinging to your head as you lolled your head back against her shoulder in exhaustion.
“are you okay, darling?” wanda spoke against the shell of your ear, her voice shaky and just barely above a whisper. she paused for a moment, letting herself catch her own breath before continuing. “that wasn’t too much was it?”
you shook your head, taking in a long breath before responding. “no no, i- that was just.. it was really intense”
a soft smile creeped onto wanda’s lips at that. “in a good way or bad way?”
“in the best way i-“ you shifted slightly in her hold to snake an arm around the back of her neck, your blunt nails scratching lightly at the skin. “have you ever been with a woman before because that was.. god”
a low chuckle hit your ears, the divine sound causing your walls to clench around the dildo. “i might have.. but, that was all back in my college days”
you hummed in response, ignoring the fleeting moment of question that this could possibly be another experiment to her.
“how about we both shower and we could finally get around to that dragon show you like?”
your eyes widened giddily at that, your hand falling from the back of her neck to rest on the soft skin of her thigh, your thumb rubbing in slow circles. “together or..?”
wanda’s laugh echoed in the room, “yes, together” she moved her hand to rest on the back of yours, letting herself take in the delicate moment of your first time together, something she would remember for as long as she lives. “now come on, the smell of sex is deafening in here”
tag list by request: @fxckmiup @natashaswife4125
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hymnserendipity · 16 days
Break up Geto
Angst, mention of death, no gender mention
Geto has been colder lately, ever since the girl in his custody died he has become very thoughtful and unfriendly despite all your efforts to make him smile. You moved in with him to be close to him and never leave him alone with his thoughts because that's the only thing you can do.
One morning as you woke up alone in bed you reach the living room, seeing him sitting on the couch, not bothering to look at you. “We should end this” Geto says, gazing at the clouds lazily drifting by the window. You’re sitting beside him now, wearing his shirt, shocked. “There’s no reason to delay the inevitable.”
Because any relationship he’s in isn’t meant to last. Not in his line of work. You may as well be dating a dead man walking. He’s clung to you for so long in search for any sense of normalcy. "W-what? Why?" Geto takes a long drag of his cigarette before replying. "You really need me to tell you why?" He knows you're not that naive. That you don't actually need him to spell it out for you. "Yes. Yes, i do." He puts the cigarette out in the nearby ashtray, exhaling a long breath. "You already know why" he says, his voice taking on a tired edge. And you knew you did. "Because I'm a sorcerer. Because I can't offer you anything permanent. Because I can't give you the life you want. You know all this." "I want you. I don't want anything less and anything more." He laughs, harsh and biting. "You're being naive." His gaze flicks over to you, eyes narrowing. "You can't tell me you're perfectly fine with me coming home with bloody clothes. That you feel comfortable with the fact that any given day could be my last."
He exhales, looking away again. "Hell, do you even understand what you're saying? You're really okay with the thought of spending every waking moment in fear about a future you can't control? Being constantly, painfully reminded of how temporary I am?"
"I will never stop thinking of you anyway. I'll make you live every moment, every day, every week. I'll be by your side because you choose to be a sorcerer and i choosed to be with you."
"You-" Geto cuts himself off as he processes your words, stunned by your determination. He knew you'd be stubborn about it, but this was not what he had expected. "Are you hearing what you're saying? Do you have any idea what it even means to date a sorcerer?"
"I love you, Suguru. And i know that you feel the same. I can cross the street and risk it anyway. So what, we shouldnt go other roads just because something can happen?" He growls, frustrated by your tenacity. "It's not the same." He can't believe he even has to explain this. "When you cross the street, it's a calculated risk. You weigh the odds, you assess your surroundings, and you make a choice. But with me? With us?"
He leans in, his eyes intense. "The odds are always stacked against us. It's a matter of when, not if something bad happens. Can you live with that?"
"Yes. And you?"
"You're being foolish" Geto mutters, shaking his head. But he's already wavering in his resolve. He can feel it in the way his heart beats faster in his chest, the way his throat feels tight. He's weak to you, and he can't stand how much you'll mean his downfall.
He closes his eyes. "We'll never have a normal life" he tells you, his voice a ragged whisper. "We'll never have a future. Can you accept that?"
"If we will get married or have kids and one day it will be finished then we will figure it out. But for now i don't want you to tell me to broke up. I want to hear from you if you love me or not. Geto opens his eyes, his gaze fierce. "Of course I love you" he says, his voice rough with emotion. "I've loved you for a long time now. But-"
He sighs, frustrated and conflicted. "You need to understand what you're signing up for. This won't be some fairytale romance. It'll be hard, and it'll be painful, and it'll be dangerous. Can you really handle that?" " I don't want you to face everything alone. I'll be here with you no matter what." Geto tenses as you move to sit on his lap, his instincts telling him to push you away. But he knows that would be pointless. You're here to stay, and he can't find the willpower to make you leave.
"You're a damn fool" he mutters, not quite able to look you in the eye. "You're going to get yourself hurt." "I'll not let you suffer alone." Geto can't help the bitter laugh that escapes him when he hears your words. "You can't protect me" he says, resigned to your stubbornness. "I can take care of myself. That's not the issue here. The issue is you, putting yourself in harm's way for my sake."
He tilts your chin up, forcing you to look at him. "I don't want you to get hurt. I can't let you get hurt." "I'll not end up hurt, i do a normal job" "It doesn't matter" He insists, growing more frustrated by the second. "You're underestimating the danger you'd be in just by being with me. The things I've seen, the things I've done- you have no idea the kind of people I've tangled with. They wouldn't hesitate to use you against me. Can you honestly say you're prepared to face something like that?" "I Won't let you leave me and face everything by yourself, got It?" Geto lets out an exasperated breath, his hand still holding your chin in place. He wants to shake you, to make you understand the implications of your choice. But he knows it's futile. You're as stubborn as he is, and just as determined.
He brings his forehead down to meet yours, his eyes squeezed shut. "You're impossible" he mutters, the last remnants of his resolve crumbling. "How can I possibly resist you when you're this damn stubborn?" He lifts his head back up, staring into your eyes. "You understand what you're signing up for, then? You know this won't be easy. You're prepared to face danger, pain, heartbreak?"
He waits for your answer. He knows what it will be, but he needs to hear it from you. He needs to know that you're not taking this lightly. "Yes, yes, absolutely yes. I want to be by your side." Geto searches your eyes for a long moment, looking for any hint of doubt. But all he finds is certainty. Damned it.
"Fine" he grumbles, pulling you close. "Don't blame me when you eventually regret this."
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flooftyfizzlebeans · 8 months
Not me thinking about the desperate situation that would lead to cannibalism
I'm imagining the temperature drops. Over the course of a few days, the snow on the mountain creeps downwards until the whole town is soft and blanketed. Maybe the island drifted north. Maybe it's a Snakolyte plot to save us from the hivemind. Maybe it doesn't matter.
Crops die. Bugsnax disappear. Soon the town scatters once again.
Some stay put where Filbo dependably makes a fire every day. Some try to flee to the desert, only to find the temperatures are only slightly warmer. It doesn't make up for the lack of shelter.
Lizbert and Eggabell are forgotten.
Of course Snorpy and Chandlo flee. Beffica too. They'd rather go alone than see what is inevitably going to happen.
Those that remain take refuge in Grmables barn. As the snow grows heavier, we have to huddle for warmth. Make fire indoors. It's too cold out to chop trees. My frostbitten fingers are proof enough of that. We're running low on firewood. Everyone is so hungry. Our paradise frozen before their very eyes.
Cromdo drops the salesman bit and uses all of his stock trying to keep the group alive. Shelda's meager rations keep hope in their eyes. Floofty has a few chemicals that won't kill is to burn for warmth.
But.... The morning when Floofty desperately tries to shake Shelda awake to no avail... Neither Filbo or I are strong enough to keep the fighting from breaking out.
Blows are exchanged, the shouting becomes too much. Harsh words turn to claws on flesh, blood in the deep snow. Filbo drops like a stone. I feel a paw take mine and drag me out of the town.
When I come out of my daze, Cromdo's made a fire in a cave, put a blanket over my shocked form. Hes making pine needle tea. Surprisingly, going up the mountain might save us.
"Who am I kidding? There's no hope." I sigh.
"I know, but that doesn't mean you stop fighting. Just means you change tactic." Cromdo scolds me.
"And run like cowards?" I poke the fire aimlessly. "They're dead down there. We're all dead."
"We survived because we're cowards. We'll keep surviving like cowards."
I sit with that. He pours me another cup.
"Yknow, I chose this cave because I hid some booze in here. Think Beffica took it before I could though."
I smile. The thought is nice.
I stare into the fire, replying the images in my mind. I know what I must do.
When Cromdo falls asleep, I tick him in, and leave him alone.
When he awakes the next morning, he awakes to a fantastic smell. Bacon? Hamburgers? He's never smelled anything like it before in his life.
He gets out of his cocoon of stolen blankets, catching me setting the table. One of my blankets for a tablecloth, plates from.... somewhere. Forks and knives. There's a stick in the middle I'm trying to light on fire to try and simulate a candle.
On the plates are large cuts of meat, cooked and served beautifully.
"Hey, kid? What are you-"
"Have a seat, sir."
....and he does. He sits across from me, both of us bundled up.... but keeping up the charade that it's a fancy restaurant. I see him hesitate... before taking the first bite.
"Wow, I didn't know you could cook."
"I didn't need to, until now."
We chat. We talk about our normal lives. What we did in the city. The lives we left behind for this dump. He talks about his daughter. His ex wife. I talk about the string of unlucky articles that put me on thin ice.
His hand finds mine once again. This time, it's an invitation to stay near.
We finish our dishes.
"I really... enjoyed this." He starts.
"Me too."
"So uh.... who did we just eat?"
"I don't think it's best to know." I say.
Cromdo thinks for a moment.
"Yeah, you're right."
We sit in silence.
His paw on mine, he leads us back to bed. We're both so tired. We lay down on the cold stone floor, wrapped in each other's arms, under all our cloth and blankets and insulation...both deciding...
not to keep the fire burning.
The sun sets.
The sun rises on an empty Snaktooth. No grumpsues. No bugsnax. No life.
Only blood and ice.
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d3adgayw1zardwr1t3r · 4 months
Jegulus / Jegulily Microfic (can be read as both)
TW: flashback/panic attack (it's not super clear which)
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, toddler Harry Potter, everyone lives/no one dies, Jegulus, Jegulily, if you squint, Lily is fantastic, Jegulily co-parents Harry
Summary: Regulus is recovering from a flashback/panic attack, Harry, James, and Lily all help take care of him <3
Rating: Teen for paniced themes
Word count: 1.3k
It was quiet. It wasn't a bad quiet, it was a sort of quiet that felt like what home should be. Comfortable. Safe. Tense, at times. It was a homely quiet.
Regulus Black had been having a shit day, a really, inevitably, utterly shit day. He's spent the Saturday doing all the unfun errands, alone nonetheless.
Lily was having afternoon tea with her girlfriends (platonic? Maybe not? He wasn't sure on the current crush status, he might ask tonight if she was 'round the house.) James was with Harry for the day, presumably at home, Regulus wasn't sure.
It wasn't a sunny day. Atleast not when Regulus was on his way home. It was raining, pouring, and the thunder screaming. He was a half block away, he could see Harry in his little red boots and a slytherin-green Pancho (it's a multi-house family, ofcourse Harry doesn't choose a team, what is the 4 year old? The sorting hat?)
Regulus can see James on the front stoop, under the over-hang 'Finally' Regulus thought, he gets to see his sun.
Regulus is 3 houses down when the sky decides to roar louder than a crashing plane. Regulus is 3 houses down when he suddenly cannot breathe. Regulus is 3 houses down when he feels like his lungs are filled with water and he's drowning again.
James Potter is standing outside, playing with Harry in the rain. Lily had gotten home a few minutes ago, she was inside getting clean clothes and making Harry a little snack as a surprise for the fawn. James Potter sees Regulus when he's half a block away, and he's excited to see his bright star again.
Regulus was a fast walker, he'd be home in a moment. James directed his attention back to Harry, who was splashing in puddles, and definitely was going to need a bath tonight
A sharp crack of thunder and lightning tore through the sky.
"Hey, little love, let's step inside and get dried off, Papa's right down the road!"
Harry giggled excitedly, "Yay!!" He turned to look down the street, and surely enough, his papa was right there. Something didnt look right, was papa crying..? "Dada, what's wrong with Papa?"
"What do you mean, little love?" James looked up the street, and 3 doors down, Regulus was frozen, face pale and hyperventilating, 'shit'
"I see little love, I don't think Papa is feeling very well, can you go inside and find Mama to help you with your rain clothes? We'll be inside shortly, okay Haz?"
"Okay Dada" Harry said nervously, he wanted to help, but he wasn't sure what was wrong, so he listened, pulling open the storm door and disappearing inside.
Regulus black was in James Potter's eyes within 30 seconds of sky's war cry.
"Love, it's me, you're okay, you're almost home, you're with me love, it's alright." James frantically reassured
Regulus could slowly ground himself, he was okay, he was almost home, he was with James.
"C'mon love, let's get you home, it's alright"
Regulus nodded, but he did not move. Thunder shook the sky, and Regulus jumped each time.
"It's okay love, I'll bring you home, I've got you, you're here, with me."
Regulus barely registered getting picked up, one of James arms wrapped around his lower back, and the other supporting his entire body under his legs. Regulus tucked his head in the curve of James neck, eyes closed.
"We're home, love"
'I'm home'
"We're safe, it's alright"
'I'm safe'
Regulus could see again, but he kept his eyes closed. It was too much to register right now. All he needed was James.
A moment ago, Lily had heard a tiny Harry potter crash into the house, rain boots being tossed to the floor, she set down her book immediately to find her little guy. When she stepped out of the living room, she saw a disturbed Harry, frantically trying to tear off his rain coat. The zipper caught.
"Hey little love what's wrong?" She tenderly asked. Harry got upset like this sometimes.
Harry just made a high-pitched, frantically sad noise
"Here Haz, let me help you" Lily zipped the coat back up a little to get it uncaught, and them back down and right off. Harry sniffled as small tears fell under his foggy glasses.
Sometimes it was hard to talk when Harry got upset, and all the adult new this, so it's best to stick to simple questions
"Uppies?" Lily offered, Harry nodded. As she picked him up she glanced out the storm door and saw Regulus in James' arms, and she peiced together the situation as best she could.
Lily carried Harry to the kitchen and set him on the counter as she spelled the kettle on. She walked to the fridge to pull out a small container, grabbed 2 spoons from the drawer, and walked back to stand next to Harry, handing him a spoon and giving him a little kiss on the head.
If Regulus had opened his eyes, he would have seen Harry and Lily eating sugar covered strawberries on the counter of the kitchen island. Regulus kept his eyes closed, he was fighting his own battle right now.
James carried Regulus to his room, dark and peppered with books and pens. Carefully, he placed Regulus on the floor in the back corner, Regulus's favorite place to sit, and sat down next to him. They shuffled around for a moment amongst the pillows and blankets, James wrapped Reg's favorite blanket around him, without a word. Did you need a word when you were home?
Regulus opened his eyes as soon as they reached his room, and as soon as he was on the floor wrapped in a blanket, he curled up all the way against the walls in the corner, protected by his sun.
James wrapped a comforting arm around Regulus, and pressed a loving kiss to his forehead. An unspoken 'you'll be alright, you aren't alone, I'm here with you, and I love you'
It was unclear how long they spent huddled in the corner together, but time didn't matter when they had the rest of their lives together.
A gentle knock came to the door, Regulus flinched but didn't jump. Lily cracked the door to peak inside. "Hey loves, if it's alright, Harry would like to come and bring you something?"
"Yeah, c'mon in fawn" Regulus quietly stated.
Harry stumbled in, holding a large mug that was only half full (a negotiation with no spilled fluids) and in dry clothes, although the scent of rain proved he still needed a bath tonight. His eyes were a little red, James felt a pang of guilt when he'd realized Harry had been crying, but he seemed alright now, and that's what matters.
"Hi Papa" Harry sniffled, holding out the mug of tea
"Hey, small star" Regulus took the tea and gave it a curious sip 'mint with just a little sugar' he thought, it was perfect.
Harry dug into his cargo short pocket and brought out a small bandage "I brought you a bandaid because you looked hurt, and I saw Dada carry you through the kitchen so it had to be bad, and bad boo-boos get band-aids"
Regulus lightly giggled at the sweetness and gratefully accepted the bandaid, "That's very kind of you, thank you, little star"
"You're welcome Papa, I love you!!" Harry said, as he scooted in with his dads, between James' legs as he played with Harry's still damp hair.
Lily looked over lovingly at the pile of human in the corner. She was perfectly content with this life. She silently closed the door as Harry sleepily lay against his Dada's chest.
Harry's bath would have to wait till tomorrow.
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pidges-lost-robot · 10 months
No cause the thing is, how I imagine the wolf to have adopted by Keith in a Canon where he didn't dip and go on a space whale so he could be the 'tall' leader the team needed (somebody is projecting the growth spurt they wished they had onto keith and it shows) is initially Keith and the team are on mission on some comet and Keith finds Kosmo hiding, a little injured and clearly a scared little guy. It seems like the little guy had been alone for a while and while Keith's trys to help protect the leg he injured, the wolf chomps down on Keith. In paladin armour he's unfazed but stops what he's doing to allow Kosmo to settle which seems like the case.... for like 2 seconds until Keith finds himself falling from a height into the tree. He instinctively cradles the wolf from the impact and gets around to finished the bandaging, finding some food for him it.
Hunk stumbles upon this and begins crying like he's just lost someone cause that's his immediate reaction to anything cute. The team arrive and Lance is having feelings about this cause it just makes his crush on Keith too obvious to him after like half a season of oblivousness but we'll get to that later. Keith realises this guy has no where to go and asks the team if they can bring him with them, at least until his leg heals and then they can bring him back. Most of the team is very apprehensive cause like this is a fucking wolf.
The team unfortunately decided against the wolf making Keith a little sad but he agreed they were probably right about him getting too attached.
When they get back on the ship, he does some research on the wolf and figures out that it is a species of common domesticated wolves so it likely had an owner that didn't look after it well, but also that it'd hopefully still adjust well to the wilderness on the comet.
Keith goes to his room to mope about this a little until his hears that familiar teleporting noise and is ambushed by Kosmo.
They have already long since flown away from the planet but Keith has grown attached and can't bare to just drop the guy in the wild. Coran was only guessing when he said the guy would adapt to the well but he's a domesticated wolf so Keith can imagine this guy was brought up in people's homes and doubts he'd do well just being expected to suddenly live out of them. But there's an obvious problem, despite this ships size there's only 7 people and they all live in each others back pocket. This wolf will inevitably be discovered. So he tries to train the guy as best as he can get him food.
In the meantime, Lance discusses with Coran his feelings surrounding Keith and Coran unceremoniously dumps on him the knowledge that he has had romantic.feelings for Keith for a while now and he already knows and due to their already very close bond before voltron and cause he already told him, he knows Hunk definitely knows. Lance's brain malfunctions and he's left in utter confusion and also.fury for hunk not telling him.
Also meanwhile, Shiro has had some issues with accidentally teleporting (this is my explanation for him disappearing and they find him quickly this is an ongoing thing shush) and the reason they'd been on this comet was due to it being in similar circumstances to Shiro so could offer some explanations to why he's teleporting and how to manage it day to day
Keith for a good while hides Kosmo but Kosmo likes playing fetch and has started teleporting and giving him other people's stuff. The first to notice is hunk as his is meticulously organised tools and frankly he's going to be disappointed in whoever took them without saying, eyeing Pidge. Keith tries to sneak the tools back into Hunks possession but gets caught by Hunk and then Kosmo.seeing what he brought Keith is back away from him, teleports in front of Hunk.
Hunk is sworn to secrecy cause Keith didn't do this on purpose and the wolf is cute. But Hunk is rumbled when Lance confronts him about knowing his feelings for Keith but being vague enough that Hunk thought he knew about the wolf. And Pidge finds out Hunk and Lamce keep having eye conversations at dinner and Keith looks guilty and she is offended that she was left out. Allura finds out cause she randomly finds Kosmo and begins trying to find out how he got onto the ship in the first place and gets him a bed and some.food and water to stay in a room near hers
Shenanigans ensue
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achaotichuman · 5 months
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Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren’t go a-hunting For fear of little men; Wee folk, good folk, Trooping all together; Green jacket, red cap, And white owl’s feather!
-The Fairies by William Allingham
A Court of Song and Desolation
Character/Story Boards
The Court of Song and Desolation
A Court of Outcasts, Thieves and Assassins
Tamlin Fairburn
Baile Fairburn (Tamlin's eldest brother)
Aletris Fairburn (Tamlin's second eldest brother)
Tamlin and his brother's analysis and moodboards
A Court of Dark Spring
Tamlin x Lucien Vanserra
She had eyes like starlight and a grin that could outshine the moon, "We'll rule the world."
"What if we fail?"
"Then we'll burn it all down."
In hindsight maybe it could only have ever ended like this. Making a man who was never made to rule, High lord. This was all inevitable.
With his Court in ruins and everyone gone, Tamlin lives amongst the broken pieces of his Court and has no intentions of changing that. Lucien, however, will not stand to leave his oldest friend alone.
When Lucien takes Tamlin back to the human lands, they discover a darkness coming for Prythian. If something does not stop it, it will completely rewrite the way Faeries and humans alike live as they know it.
Major Archive Warnings-
Rape/Non-Con/Underage/Graphic Depictions of Violence/Major Character Death
Fandom- A Court of Thorns and Roses.
Part one of A Court of Outcasts, Thieves and Assassins.
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