#we're an Obsidian recommendation blog here
not-poignant · 1 year
Thank you for telling us about Obsidian! I've used World Anvil in the past before but quickly grew frustrated for some of the same reasons you mentioned. I downloaded Obsidian last night to test out with the new rpg I'm running and finally! I can visualize info in a way that's accessible to me and it makes sense! I'm about to spend my whole day building canvases out haha and I'm so excited to do so!
It's fun right?
I think it really suits those of us who kind of know what we need and are excited to get writing on that vs. those who need templates and everything in advance which World Anvil is great at offering, but for me the slow load times and having those templates just weighs me down.
I've always written way more into plain Word documents re: worldbuilding than I ever have into a place like World Anvil even when *transferring that information* - because I wasn't sure how to transfer it (i.e to what categories).
Obsidian, on the other hand, is so light-weight. It also saves into documents automatically, which means you have everything there even if you don't want to open Obsidian. But I frankly love the graphics so much and the little graph to see how much I've achieved and where the stubs still are. It's been a big game changer and it's the number one reason I've been able to introduce solid details re: characters (how they look, surnames etc.) that I've always wavered on a bit more in the past!
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obsidianmama · 2 years
Welcome to the Obsidian Mama Blog, my parenting sideblog! My main blog is @obsidiannebula, I follow from there. I am a parent and early childhood educator. I have a preschooler and a lot of thoughts and resources to share about parenting and how children deserve to be treated and how we can raise good humans without resorting to violence and intimidation (how do you teach that violence is wrong by using violence anyway?). I also want to share knowledge and experience I've gained as a neurodivergent (AuDHD specifically, with a healthy dose of anxiety that may in fact be OCD) parent, and to a lesser extent currently as a queer parent. I know Tumblr is a bit of a weird place for this, but I know there are some people who have children or are caregivers of children who can benefit from the same resources that have saved my sanity and made me a better parent. Also I want a dedicated space for dumping all of these thoughts rather than letting it take over my main blog. You know how it is.
I make plenty of mistakes, and will be open about the struggle of having to re-parent yourself while a screaming toddler is hanging off of your pants. This is not going to be full of pictures of Pinterest-able bento box lunches for toddlers or present an image of a serene parent who is perfectly calm and sensible in all situations and who always knows exactly what to say to get a child to cooperate. We're really messy over here. The apartment needs swept and I raised my voice a few hours ago because L grabbed a Coke can that I had left too close to the edge of my desk and spilled some down the front of herself. Ok? I'm not perfect and I won't pretend to be.
Your own additions and insights are welcome, but keep them in good faith.
Recommended Resources: Resource Masterlist
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