#we're getting so close to the end? aghhhh
asu-luv · 2 months
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Chapter 2
Prostitution is a very common thing nowadays, women who are desperate for cash or just need to pay off their debts thrive in this industry. But these women don't think about the heart breaks they cause for the wives of the men they sleep with, but with my sweet Tashima I would have never thought about him cheating on me. With a sex worker none the less.
We were the perfect couple, we grew up in the same village and became close friends, we were practically inseparable. But of course as we both matured and grown are parents wanted us to marry. At the time I didn't quite care, all the other men in my village were already taken or already put in an arranged marriage so I ended up agreeing to marry my childhood friend.
Hell, now that I'm thinking back what would have happened if I didn't agreed? Perhaps, I would still be single and he would have found his own wife. Would my parents have missed out on the big money they got for marrying me off?
Would I still be in this situation?
I look down at my husband's quivering form his back still oozing blood from the knife wound.
What is happening? That's a good question. I could feel every vein in my body pulsating and evey muscle growing stronger and something.... coming out of my head?
"A-ahhhh! Aghhhh!"
I heave as I quickly place my hands onto my forehead it feels like something's coming out of my head. "Fuck!" And it hurts like hell, it's like a headache but way worse, I could feel it, the top of my temple expanding as something pointy pokes out.
No matter how much pressure I put on it, it continues to stick out, I feel one of these things stab my hand that's when I reel my hand and stare back down at Tashima his eyes now as wide as saucers.
"M-monster! Beast!" He yells out in horror. His voice stinging my ears.
He's so fucking loud!
I can't even think straight, I don't know what happened but my ears are so sensitive now and I... I can actually smell Asumei's blood all the way from here. It smells so sweet, it's making me drool.
"Get away, don't kill me please!"
"Shut the hell up!"
I go to cover his mouth but I guess I got carried away. I ended up gripping his lips tearing them completely off leaving his bleeding tissue and his fully exposed teeth.
"Naghh!" He screams in pain, "ngh noutf!" (My mouth!)
I throw his lips across the room chuckling lowly, "You look so delicious right now, Tashima."
That... hunger from earlier it came back. I sharply inhale the scent of blood filling my nose. In mere seconds my eyes gloss over, I don't know what came over me but all I remember is gripping Tashima by his neck and hearing a sickening sound of skin tearing and bone crunching
. What have I done?
I stare at Tashima and Asumei's dismembered bodies chucks taken out of them. Did I really eat them? Everything went by so fast, the last thing I heard was Tashima's screaming, or at least his call for help.
I stare at their bodies all night, until the sunlight painted the house, light shoning in through the windows casting a warm glow over the bloodied bodies. I look down at my hands, completely red but something is different, my nails appear more sharp almost claw like. I guess that's how I ripped them apart so easily.
Your nails almost looked normal but they were now longer and the tips of them we're a dark shade of purple. You gaze at the corpses until the sun completely covers the kitchen, as the sun shines in light falls onto your form and suddenly you start to feel a burning sensation throughout your body.
You look down towards your fingers which where in the suns rays starting to turn to ash, you quickly reel away into a dark corner where the sun could not reach. After seeking shelter in the corner your fingers start to heal, the burning sensation now fading.
"I-i can't touch the sun?" you say aloud, as if someone is listening. You evidently decide to stay in the dark corner for the rest of the day, in fear that you will disintegrate in the sun.
Whlie residing in the dark space your mind wanders to what you have become, you remember your now dead husband calling you a monster. Have you really become such a thing? You bring your hand to rest on your temple, you feel something hard it's slightly rugged and the tips are sharp.
You reach over into the lower cabinet beside you, pulling out a pan that somehow in the dark space you managed to see your reflection.
Your usual brown skin is scarred with dark circles under your eyes, two large horns can be seen shrouding out of your head leaving even darker scars along your forehead (an: your horns are similar to the Hantengu clones).
Your eyes are now lacking their usual golden brown now it's replace with a darkened pink hue, you raise your finger against your lip revealing your sharp fangs which were recently used to tear into the flesh of Asumei and Tashima. You place the pan down sighing to yourself.
"I'm really am a monster."
You reposition yourself in a way where your knees tuck into your body, so now you can rest your head on your knees and let your tears fall.
"W-what am I gonna do? Oh gosh, t-the village will kill me for what I have done."
You take a deep breath your throat growing dry.
"I'm a murderer.... What would mother and father think?"
I'll be casted aside as their daughter, I will forever be known as a monster to them.
You lay your head back against the cabinet of the darkened space resting your hands against your sore eyes. You stay in that position all day thinking about your next move. Will you run away, deciding to never see any of your loved ones again? Or continue to feast on the bodies infront of you?
Ugh, no they look cold and blue. Files are all around them now.
Or you could kill yourself, it seems like the better choice regarding this whole situation. Who would want a ravenous beast with a crazed hunger for human flesh around anyway?
"Man, but I do like living though."
You groan, conflicted with your made up decisions.
"I'll have to run away." You decide on the safer option.
You remove your hands from your eyes seeing that the sun has set. You can finally roam free. Going with your decision to run away you begin to pack your belongings, but not before leaving a note, you'd thought that someone will eventually come looking for you and your husband. Although, you do not have a plan for the two bodies though.
Eh, not my problem
You go into the closet deciding on wearing the kimono your mother had recently bought for you. You'd thought it would be pretty suspicious if you ran out the house in bloodied clothes, also this one will help you blend into the darkness of the night.
"Now what about these..."
You look into the mirror poking at your very noticable horns.
"Oh!" Hidden under a plie of clothes you find your old Wagasa, you used it frequently to beat the summer's blazing sun. It'll be perfect for hiding them, it also might protect you from the sun but you're not about to taking that risk.
You go back into the kitchen, casually stepping over the bodies to fix yourself some tea. After the things you've seen and done you really need it. This is your favorite type of tea, you and your mother used to drink it together everytime you spent time together. It's made with some type of flower and a few other herbs, your mother hand picked the ingredients herself. You recall her saying that this type of flower only bloomed in the daylight. Now what was it called?
Ah, it was called the Blue Spider Lily.
Doctor's would often use this flower to treat gastric ulcers, wounds, and respiratory problems. But you just liked the taste of it. After gulping down your tea you feach a piece of paper, a pen, and an inkwell to write your goodbye letter.
To whom ever is reading this I am long gone, I left this place in the middle of the night in fear of what I've become... either I'm a monster or beast I can not stay in the village. I'm sure you've seen the disgusting massacre on the kitchen floor, you're probably wandering what attacked? Well, it was me I still don't know how but something drove me to this terrible state and now I must go. Please inform my parents that their daughter is no longer here. She'd turned into a cannibal, a murder, A Demon.
Y/n L/n ♡
You place the note next to the basket of sweets from the other day. Looking over at them you think to yourself,
Might as well
You pick up a mochi taking a bite, the usual soft outer dough now hard after sitting out in the open over night. No matter, you take a bite struggling until you swallowed. But you spat it back up, letting out a few wet coughs,
"I guess I can't eat normal food."
Coming to that new realization you make your way to the door ready to await your new journey, ready to start a new life as a Demon.
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rosesisupposes · 6 years
Destined, part 21
aka You Were Amazing
Character Tags: Virgil/Anixety ; Patton/Creativity ; Patton/Morality ; Logan/Logic ; Remy/Sleep ; Dante/Deceit
Chapter Pairings: Prinxiety (like a LOT)
Chapter Warnings: Steven Universe spoilers (vague), graphic kissing, allusions to smut, swearing, overwhelming fluff
Reader Tags: @residentanchor @royally-anxious @bewarethegrammarpolice   @fellowthomassandersfander @jemthebookworm @arandompasserby  @sparkly-rainbow-salt 
Summary: After centuries of acting as an oracle to heroes, quest-seekers, and villains alike, Virgil just wants to live as a normal, modern human. For someone who can see infinite probabilities, you’d think he’d know better.
<<Chapter 20 | Masterlist | Chapter 22>>
read on ao3
Roman had barely made it through the door and shed his shoes before he’d collapsed happily onto Virgil’s couch. He was exhausted. But he was here with Virgil, and they were going to watch cartoons. That would be good.
Virgil eyed his friend. The bags under his eyes were starting to look familiar. “Hey, we don’t need to stay up if you’re too tired. Do you need to sleep? It’s been a bit of a day.”
“What? Who’s tired, I’m not tired. I am so awake,” Roman sputtered. “C’mon, Little Bo Sleep, let’s watch some gay space rocks. I’m…not even a little… tired,” he covered his mouth as he yawned.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Yeah okay. You fulfill one world-saving prophecy and now you’re immune to sleep, makes sense.” “It’s true,” Roman mumbled, snuggling into the couch, yawns still punctuating his speech. “I am invulnerable to the... weaknesses of man. I scoff at the petty needs of... the lesser beings around me. The Sandman has no… power here. Sleep is for the... weak...”
Virgil glanced over. Soft auburn hair fell over eyes that were now fully closed. Seconds later, he heard a light snore. He is so ridiculous, Virgil thought with a fond smile.
He slipped his arms underneath Roman’s sleeping form and picked him up, carrying him over to his bed and depositing him gently among the blankets. He pulled a star-bedecked comforter over the sleeping man, who made a small sound of contentment and pulled it closer to his chest. Virgil caressed the man’s cheek softly, then grabbed another blanket and went to go sleep on the couch.
After all, being a Sage with a heck of a crush didn’t mean he wasn’t still a gentleman.
Virgil didn’t really sleep that night, but then again, he didn’t need to. He’d texted Remy, though, telling him he really needed the day off if that was alright.
Remy had responded with a string of eyes, eggplants, and fingers pointing and doing the ‘OK’ symbol, all emojis without a written word to be found. Virgil was confused, but it seemed to be approval, and he decided to not question it.
He was up and puttering in the kitchen the next morning when a voice suddenly asked, “Why am I in your bed?”
He turned to see Roman sitting up, sleepy-eyed with very messy bedhead. He kept looking back and forth between couch and bed, confused.
“Because I wasn’t about to let you sleep on the couch after the day you’d had, ya goof. I moved you after you fell asleep. Right in the middle of telling me how you weren’t tired, I might add. I’m never letting you forget that.”
“Moved… you carried me? You can carry me?” Roman levered himself out of bed to come poke at Virgil’s arms. “How are these skinny things that strong? Is this part of the maaaaaaggicccc?”
Okay, so Roman was a little weird in the morning. Not to mention this was the most unkempt Virgil had ever seen him. It was… oh sweet stars, it was so endearing.
“I don’t think it’s magic. It’s definitely not anything I have to concentrate on. I just, I don’t know, picked you up.”
“Ohhh do it again I wanna see,” Roman said excitedly.
Virgil rolled his eyes, smiling. “If you insist-”
“I do!”
Without another word, he placed a hand on the taller man’s back and knelt to put his arm under his knees, sweeping him into his arms. Roman yelped and threw both arms around Virgil’s neck as the purple-haired man laughed at him for being so easily scared.
“See, Princey? Easy. I could do this all day,” Virgil said with a smile. That was when they both realized that Virgil was now carrying Roman princess-style and their faces were suddenly incredibly close together.
Virgil’s face immediately went red and he practically dropped him on the spot, but managed to set him down gently and quickly went back to making coffee.
“So yeah I can carry you and I. Um. Breakfast?” he asked, trying to calm himself enough to use the french press.
“Sorry, what?”
“Can I get you any breakfast? Coffee is breakfast, right? Are eggs? Or sandwiches? I haven’t really figured this part of humanity out yet, Patton has been feeding me pastries since my first day and I’ve been too intimidated to figure it out on my own. Breakfast is an enigma.”
Roman chuckled and hugged Virgil around the shoulders from behind, his face still a little pink. “Never fear, Dark & Stormy. I’ll help you in a minute. First, I have got to get a hairbrush. What even is my hair right now, right?”
“Don’t ask me, you always look good,” Virgil said. He was turned towards the counter, but still caught the blush on Roman’s cheeks as he retreated to the bathroom.
It had been a good day. The mystery of breakfast had been partially unlocked (Pancakes: yes. Coffee: yes, but not on its own. No Virgil, I don’t care what Remy tells you, coffee is not a meal. Eggs: yes, but not always. Sandwiches: yes, but they have to have eggs), and Roman had been very excited to finally start watching Steven Universe. And to watch Virgil’s reactions.
Hours later, they had binged through almost three seasons with only a short break for a lunch and a much longer one for processing that “Garnet was lesbians the whole time???!!”
Virgil was thoroughly enjoying himself, even through the sad and dramatic moments. He had not cried, at all, not at any point, he did not know what Roman was teasing him about.
As the day went on, though, he found himself gazing more and more at Roman, who was currently tearing up as Steven was saved from the depths of space by his family of Crystal Gems.
If I could begin to be Half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love
Virgil sighed and quickly looked away. As he did so, he missed the movement to his right as Roman looked gently back at him.
When I see the way you act Wondering when I’m coming back I could do about anything I could even learn to love like you
Roman tentatively reached out a hand to lay on Virgil’s, who looked up, shocked at the touch. Roman leaned over slowly and kissed his cheek. The violet-haired man blushed, and turned his head to return the cheek kiss.
Roman smiled into the shorter man’s eyes. “I don’t want to push, but I would really like to kiss you more. Is that okay?”
“We’d have to stop watching the show, though. I was promised a full binge-watch,” Virgil said with a slight smirk, badly attempting to conceal how he very much would like that, yes.
“Virge, you adorable emo dream, this may be the one time in my life I could not care less about any cartoon show,” Roman quipped back, and pulled Virgil into an embrace. He still moved gently, letting them both relax or pull back if they needed, before his lips found Virgil’s.
If he hadn’t been blushing before, Virgil was definitely blushing now. He was acutely aware of every spot where Roman’s body was in contact with his. His upper torso, his arms, his back, and oh sweetness, his lips. Roman was so gentle as he held him, but under that softness was all firm muscle and steadiness. That steadiness calmed him like nothing he’d ever known, and made him feel so… safe . He wanted to stay here, wrapped up in Roman’s arms, forever.
Roman broke off the kiss at length, panting just the slightest bit. He was blushing, too. “I’ve been waiting to do that since the moment I met you,” he murmured. “Those beautiful eyes, and you looking at me like a deer in the headlights. But the reality…” he kissed Virgil’s nose, grinning, “the reality is so much better than I could have pictured.”
“Even with everything that’s happened? Scary nighttime showdowns and me being a secretly magical cougar?”
“Especially with you being a secretly magical cougar. What can I say, I like being flattered. Though, now that you mention it, I’m still a little… confused, I guess. About the magic.”
Virgil was tense. He understood the confusion, obviously, but was all too aware how insane his entire existence sounded to a human. “Was there anything in particular you wanted to know?” he asked.
“There’s… a lot, but the biggest is why was I surprised by this? Why have I never heard of there being real magic? Magic really exists, and has throughout history? Why doesn’t humanity know, or remember?” Roman didn’t appear angry, only curious, as he lightly ran his fingers through Virgil’s purple hair.
“Magical beings used to be a lot more prominent, but they started fading as the human population grew. So a lot of times, there were no humans around to remember them. Or so few that the recorded events morphed into folk stories and fairytales. And Sages like me were often in isolation or just acting as incorporeal beings from the ether, influencing without being physically present.”
“If fairytales are real, does that mean fairies are too?” Roman’s eyes were shining with curiosity. Virgil had been so nervous about sharing this information, but with Roman, it felt safe to.
“They were. I don’t think any are still alive, unfortunately. But there used to be all sorts of creatures, like fairies and dragons. Unicorns, too, but I only ever met one herd my entire life, when I was living in the highlands. There were also not-so-nice creatures, like ogres and specters and ghouls. Those, I don’t miss as much.”
“What about vampires? Is Dracula secretly a history book?”
“There definitely were vampires. I only ever met one, though, when I was very young and he… he was nothing like Dracula, to say the least. I met him at a drunken dance party, for one. And he didn’t prey on humans. From the future I saw for him, he never did, right up to his dying day.”
Roman sat back, contemplating this new information. “It’s funny, I always wanted there to be magic in the world, and adventures, and shining knights with glorious quests. Turns out all of that exists, I was just born a bit late for it. At least I had a quest of my own, in a way. Even if I was absolutely terrified the whole time.”
Virgil smiled, cupping Roman’s cheek. “Fun fact: so were all those shining knights. You ever heard that metaphor about swans? Gliding along, looking all stately and elegant above water, but below the surface it’s just frantic webbed feet churning as fast as possible? That’s how all heroes feel. But they make it through. Just like you did.”
“That actually does make me feel better. Guess I’m a swan now,” Roman said, laughing. “Fear me, evil ones, I will peck your eyes out. Honk honk, motherfucker.”
Virgil snorted, then laughed outright, particularly as he saw Roman’s expression, which was apparently his best impression of a fierce waterfowl. Grinning, he lay his head on Roman’s shoulder. “I’m glad I didn’t scare you off. You really are the most amazing man I’ve ever met. No magic needed.”
Roman nuzzled his purple head. “And you’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met. Magic or no.”
They both sat there, holding each other and basking in the warmth of their mutual affection when Virgil lifted his head. “Roman, I know it’s only been a week since I gave you my number, and this is probably really clingy and weird to ask so soon, and if you would rather not talk about this yet then that’s fine just please tell me I promise I won’t be hurt-”
“Virge, breathe. What do you want to ask?”
“Am I your… I mean, would you be my… I mean. Agh.” He took a deep breath and asked without opening his eyes, “Are we dating? As boyfriends?” About to continue explaining, or rather, babbling, he stopped himself, and opened his eyes.
To his delight, Roman looked absolutely touched. “I wanted to ask you first, but I didn’t want to move too quickly. I would be thrilled to call you my boyfriend, Virgil.”
“Oh, thank the stars. Google has been really unhelpful when it comes to this stuff. Almost everything is written for women dating men and it’s all about ‘what feels right,’ and I have nothing to compare to.”
“Virge - you looked up online advice on how to ask me to be your boyfriend?” Roman asked, looking sidelong at the smaller man.
“Oh no is that weird? I knew it would be weird-”
“Virgil, my sweet prince of the night, shut up,” Roman interrupted him, grinning. “It’s adorable. As a matter of fact,” he added, releasing his boyfriend (boyfriend!) and standing. “I hereby declare that I have The Cutest Boyfriend™ in this entire city!” He struck a triumphant pose.
Virgil couldn’t help it. He giggled until he laughed out loud, and laughed until he snorted. Roman looked for a second like he might decide to be offended at this reception to his grand declaration before giggling as well, falling back into the couch cushions.
They turned Steven Universe back on, but Virgil would be lying if he didn’t admit that he absorbed a lot less of the action as they progressed. It was still enjoyable, but Roman had taken to stroking a hand through his hair down to his neck and the effect on his thoughts was a puddle of melted goo and hearts.
But Roman stopped petting him for the last few episodes, insisting that Virgil not miss a minute until the final cliffhanger been revealed. Gay weddings were all well and good, but anything that made Virgil stop kissing his boyfriend (boyfriend!) was definitely homophobia and he needed to correct this personal offense as soon as possible.
Roman looked over to see Virgil’s glower as the last credits rolled and pulled him fully into his lap as their lips met once more. “Did you think I was ignoring you, stormcloud?” he murmured in between kisses.
“Roman, please, do me a favor and shut up,” Virgil responded with a breathless growl, leaning in further. Blood was pounding in his veins and cheeks and, well, other places. He wrapped his arms around the man underneath him, mouths locked in slick, wet kisses that sent shivers up and down his spine. Roman was doing something with his tongue that turned into biting Virgil’s lip and dragged an involuntary moan out of the Sage’s throat. His hands were scrabbling at the auburn-haired man’s back, trying to somehow get even closer as his slipped them under the man's t-shirt to make direct skin contact.
The sudden sensation made Roman jump slightly and break off their kiss. “Virge, did you want…?”
Underneath his purple bangs, Virgil’s eyes were dilated and dark, “Ro, yes, I want.”
“Fuck,” Roman half-moaned. “That’s… god, that is hot and I want nothing more than to say yes right now but I… we can’t. Or shouldn’t. Not tonight. Too much has happened and it was just yesterday that we were fighting that snake and I don’t… I want this, all of this, to be perfect. Not just endorphins and throwing caution out the window. Is… is that okay?”
Virgil dragged himself off his boyfriend, every inch of his body complaining at the sudden lack of heat. “Yes, of course, dear one. I… you’re right. Waiting would be healthier. And you’re worth it.”
Roman leaned in closed and dragged his teeth lightly down the curve of Virgil’s ear, startling a strangled gasp out of the other man. “Of course, that doesn’t mean I don’t want all of you this minute, right now, right here,” he murmured, grinning evilly. “I just want to take my time with you.”
“Goddamn, Ro…”
“And on that note,” Roman said, sitting up with a self-satisfied smirk. “It’s getting late, and I really do need to head home.”
Virgil growled, panting lightly still. “You are a goddamn tease, and I hate you very much. Boyfriends for just a few short hours and you’re already leaving?”
“Hey, I’ve already spent the night before even kissing you. Clearly our sense of timing and order is a little off,” the auburn-haired man grinned back. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the bakafé. And in your dreams tonight.”
“You’re the worst possible flirt. Text me when you’re home safe?”
“It’s a fifteen-minute walk, I’ll be fine.”
“I know, but I worry. Me and possibilities, Princey. I’m always going to worry.”
Roman stood to leave, but leaned down to plant a chaste kiss on Virgil’s forehead. “For you then, my favorite worrywart, of course.”
A red-and-white-clad figure was walking down the street jauntily. Whistles to a cheerful song floated in the dusky air around him, occasionally bursting into snatches of a sung tune.
“Therrrre’s an awful lot of awful things we could be thinking of, but for just one day let’s only think about love!” he trilled, spinning on one foot as he walked.
He was clearly distracted and happy.
Good for him.
The ‘distracted’ part was all his silent shadow cared about.
author’s note: The working title of this chapter was “Netflix And Chill(s Down Your Spine)” Was anyone actually hoping for six chapters of fluff? Sorry not sorry
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