#web hosting census
moyalucom · 2 years
HostGator - Easy, Affordable and Unlimited Web Hosting
HostGator – Easy, Affordable and Unlimited Web Hosting
Ever since its conception nine years earlier, HostGator has provided web hosting sets to thousands of satisfied clients all across the globe. The biggest success of this web hosting company has been the fact that they have an ideal package for just about anybody, from a beginning to a top notch specialized. If you read a HostGator review, you will get to know the range of sets offered by this…
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oussnet · 2 years
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gendercensus · 5 months
Check on your Patreon pledges!
I'm starting to gear up for the big annual Gender Census survey, which means I'll be hitting the "collect everyone's pledges" button on Patreon for the year in the next few days. This will cover the costs of the server software, web hosting, etc.
So head to our Patreon page to check that your pledge is what you'd like it to be!
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swissforextrading · 7 months
Glacier shrinkage is causing a “green transition”
01.03.24 - Glacier-fed streams are undergoing a process of profound change, according to EPFL scientists in a paper appearing in Nature Geoscience. This conclusion is based on the expeditions to the world’s major mountain ranges by members of the Vanishing Glaciers project. Microbial life will flourish in mountain streams because of ongoing glacier shrinkage. This is what a team of scientists from EPFL and Charles University, Prague, report in a paper published in Nature Geoscience. Their observations are based on samples collected from 154 glacier-fed streams worldwide as part of the EPFL-led Vanishing Glaciers project, which is funded by the NOMIS Foundation. Video from the longread article about the "Vanishing Glaciers" project published in April 2021. Glacier-fed streams are murky, raging torrents in the summer. Large quantities of glacial meltwater churn up rocks and sediment, allowing very little light to reach the streambed, while freezing temperatures and snow in other seasons provide little opportunity for a rich microbiome to develop. But, as glaciers shrink under the effects of global warming, the volume of water originating from glaciers is declining. That means the streams are becoming warmer, calmer, and clearer, giving algae and other microorganisms an opportunity to become abundant and to contribute more to local carbon and nutrient cycles. “We’re witnessing a process of profound change at the level of the microbiome in these ecosystems – nothing short of a ‘green transition’ because of the increased primary production,” says Tom Battin, a full professor at EPFL’s River Ecosystems Laboratory (RIVER). Example of algae flourishing in a glacier-fed stream. © EPFL / Martina Schön / RIVER Changing composition In their paper, the scientists looked at the nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, in the stream water as well as the enzymes that microorganisms living in the streambed sediment produce in order to use these nutrients. Then, they looked at changes in both of these over a very large gradient of streams fed by glaciers that differ in size. “Glacier-fed-stream ecosystems generally have limited quantities of carbon and nutrients, particularly phosphorous,” explains Tyler Kohler, a former postdoc at RIVER and the paper’s lead author. “As glaciers shrink and the demand for phosphorus by algae and other microorganisms grows, phosphorus may become more limiting in high-mountain streams.” Hence phosphorus, a critical building block for life, will become even more rare in downstream ecosystems, including larger rivers and lakes, with yet unknown impacts for their food webs. Members of RIVER lab in the Mounts Rwenzori, Uganda, in 2022. Tyler Kohler is the fifth person from the left. © EPFL / Matteo Tolosano Advanced stage in Uganda These findings are supported by a paper published in Royal Society Open Science in August 2023 by scientists from the Vanishing Glaciers project. In this study, the authors analyzed the microbiome of a small glacier-fed stream in the Rwenzori Mountains, in Uganda, where the “green transition” was already at an advanced stage. Here, the nutrient and enzyme composition was also much different, and algae were abundant. “What’s happening with the Rwenzori glacier gives us a glimpse of what Swiss glacier-fed streams will look like 30 or 50 years from now,” says Battin. One outcome of this change is that as glacier-fed streams host more microbial life, they will play a bigger role in biogeochemical cycles such as CO2 fluxes. The RIVER team plans to build on this research. They are conducting a census of the microbial biodiversity in glacier-fed streams and, using various lines of genomic information, are exploring how diverse microorganisms are able to dwell in one of Earth’s most extreme freshwater ecosystems. * This research is part of the Alpine and Polar Environmental Research Centre (ALPOLE) in EPFl Valais Wallis Sandrine Perroud http://actu.epfl.ch/news/glacier-shrinkage-is-causing-a-green-transition (Source of the original content)
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learntoearn07 · 7 months
E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet. These e-commerce transactions typically fall within four types: business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-business.
The terms e-commerce and e-business are often used interchangeably. The term e-tail is also sometimes used in reference to the transactional processes that make up online retail shopping.
In the last two decades, e-commerce platforms -- such as Amazon and eBay -- have contributed to substantial growth in online retail. In 2011, e-commerce accounted for 5% of total retail sales according to the U.S. Census Bureau. By Q2 2020, after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, e-commerce accounted for 16.5% of retail sales. Since then, it has fallen slightly to about 15% as physical stores reopened.
How does E-commerce work?
E-commerce is powered by the internet. Customers use their own devices to access online stores. They can browse products and services those stores offer and place orders.
As an order is placed, the customer's web browser communicates back and forth with the server hosting the e-commerce website. Data pertaining to the order is relayed to a central computer known as the order manager. The data is then forwarded to databases that manage inventory levels; a merchant system that manages payment information using payment processing applications, such as PayPal; and a bank computer. Finally, it circles back to the order manager. This ensures store inventory and customer funds are sufficient for the order to be processed.
After the order is validated, the order manager notifies the store's web server. It displays a message notifying the customer that their order has been processed. The order manager then sends order data to the warehouse or fulfillment department, letting it know the product or service can be dispatched to the customer. At this point, tangible and digital products are sent to the customer, or access to a service is granted.
Platforms that host e-commerce transactions include online marketplaces that sellers sign up for, such as Amazon; software as a service (SaaS) tools that let customers rent online store infrastructures; and open source tools that companies manage using their in-house developers.
Comparison of six common types of e-commerce
The different types of e-commerce are classified by the parties participating in online transactions.
Types of e-commerce
The main types of e-commerce business models include the following:
B2B. This refers to the electronic exchange of products, services or information between businesses rather than between businesses and consumers. Examples include online directories and exchange websites that let businesses search for products, services or information and initiate online transactions through e-procurement interfaces.
B2C. These transactions are when businesses sell products, services or information to consumers. There are typically intermediaries or middlemen that handle shipping, delivery and customer service, however. The term was popular during the dot-com boom of the late 1990s, when online retailers and sellers of goods were a novelty.
Today, there are innumerable virtual stores and malls on the internet selling all types of consumer goods. Amazon is the most recognized among these sites, dominating the B2C market.
Direct-to-consumer (D2C)
. This is where a business that manufactures or produces goods and services sells directly to consumers online without any middlemen or distributors involved, in contrast to B2C e-commerce.
Consumer-to-consumer (C2C).  
This is a type of e-commerce in which consumers trade products, services and information with each other online. These transactions are generally conducted through a third party that provides an online platform in which the transactions are carried out.
Online auctions and classified advertisements are two examples of C2C platforms. EBay and Craigslist are two well-known examples of these platforms. Because eBay is a business, this form of e-commerce could also be called consumer-to-business-to-consumer. Platforms like Facebook marketplace and Depop -- a fashion reselling platform -- also enable C2C transactions.
Consumer-to-business (C2B).
 This is a type of e-commerce in which consumers make their products and services available online for companies to bid on and purchase. This is the opposite of the traditional commerce model of B2C.
A popular example of a C2B platform is a market that sells royalty-free photographs, images, media and design elements, such as iStock. Another example would be a job board.
Business-to-administration (B2A).
 This refers to transactions conducted online between companies and public administration or government bodies. Many branches of government are dependent on various types of e-services or products. These products and services often pertain to legal documents, registers, Social Security, fiscal data and employment. Businesses can supply these electronically. B2A services have grown considerably in recent years as investments have been made in e-government capabilities.
Consumer-to-administration (C2A)
This refers to transactions conducted online between consumers and public administration or government bodies. The government rarely buys products or services from individuals, but individuals frequently use electronic means in the following areas:
Social Security. Distributing information and making payments.
Taxes. Filing tax returns and making payments.
Health. Making appointments, providing test results or information about health conditions and making health services payments.
Mobile commerce. Also known as m-commerce, mobile commerce refers to online sales transactions using mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. It includes mobile shopping, banking and payments. Mobile chatbots facilitate m-commerce, letting consumers complete transactions using voice or text conversations.
Advantages of e-commerce
The benefits of e-commerce include its availability, accessibility, speed of access, selection of goods and services and international reach.
Around-the-clock availability. Aside from outages and scheduled maintenance, e-commerce sites are available 24/7, enabling visitors to browse and shop at any time. Brick-and-mortar businesses tend to open for a fixed number of hours and even close entirely on certain days.
Speed of access. While shoppers in a physical store can be slowed by crowds, e-commerce sites run quickly, depending on compute and bandwidth considerations of both the consumer device and the e-commerce site. Product, shopping cart and checkout pages load in a few seconds or less. A typical e-commerce transaction requires a few clicks and takes less than five minutes.
Wide selection. Amazon's first slogan was "Earth's Biggest Bookstore." It could make this claim because it was an e-commerce site and not a physical store that had to stock each book on its shelves. E-commerce enables brands to make an array of products available, which are then shipped from a warehouse or various warehouses after a purchase is made. Customers are likely to have more success finding what they want.
Easy accessibility. Customers shopping in a physical store might have difficulty locating a particular product. Website visitors can browse product category pages in real time and use the site's search feature to find the product quickly.
International reach. Brick-and-mortar businesses sell to customers who physically visit their stores. With e-commerce, businesses can sell to anyone who can access the web. E-commerce has the potential to extend a business's customer base.
Lower cost. Pure play e-commerce businesses avoid the costs of running physical stores, such as rent, inventory and cashiers. They might incur shipping and warehouse costs, however.
Personalization and product recommendations. E-commerce sites can track a visitor's browsing, search and purchase histories. They can use this data to present personalized product recommendations and obtain insights about target markets. Examples of how such insights are used include the sections of Amazon product pages labeled "Frequently bought together" and "Customers who viewed this item also viewed."
Disadvantages of e-commerce
The perceived disadvantages of e-commerce include sometimes limited customer service, consumers not being able to see or touch a product prior to purchase and the wait time for product shipping. Security issues can also be a problem.
Limited customer service. If customers have a question or issue in a physical store, they talk to a clerk, cashier or store manager for help. In an e-commerce store, customer service can be limited. The site might only provide support during certain hours and its online service options might be difficult to navigate or not able to answer specific questions.
Limited product experience. Viewing images on a webpage can provide a good sense of a product, but it's different from experiencing the product directly, such as playing a guitar, assessing the picture quality of a television or trying on a shirt or dress. E-commerce consumers can end up buying products that differ from their expectations and have to be returned. In some cases, the customer must pay to ship a returned item back to the retailer. Augmented reality is expected to improve customers' ability to examine and test e-commerce products.
Wait time. In a store, customers pay for a product and go home with it. With e-commerce, customers must wait for the product to be shipped to them. Although shipping windows are decreasing as next-day and even same-day delivery becomes common, it's not instantaneous.
Security. Skilled hackers can create authentic-looking websites that claim to sell well-known products. Instead, the site sends customers fake or imitation versions of those products -- or simply steals credit card information. Legitimate e-commerce sites also carry risk, especially when customers store their credit card information with the retailer to make future purchases easier. If the retailer's site is hacked, threat actors may steal that credit card information. A data breach can damage a retailer's reputation.
E-commerce applications
Many e-commerce apps use online marketing strategies to improve the customer experience and get customers to use the platform. These include email, online catalogs, shopping carts, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), file transfer protocol, web services and mobile applications.
These approaches are used in B2C and B2B e-commerce activities, as well as other types of outreach. They include emailing targeted ads and e-newsletters to subscribers and sending text messages to mobile devices. Sending unsolicited emails and texts is generally considered spam, so more companies now try to entice consumers online, using tools such as digital coupons, social media marketing and targeted advertisements.
Another area of focus for e-commerce companies is security. Developers and admins should consider customer data privacy and security, data governance-related regulatory compliance mandates, personally identifiable information privacy rules and information protection protocols when developing e-commerce applications. Some security features are added during the design of an application, while others must be continually updated to address evolving threats and new vulnerabilities.
E-commerce platforms and vendors
 An e-commerce platform is a tool that's used to manage an e-commerce business. E-commerce platform options range in size from ones for small businesses to large enterprises. They include online marketplaces, such as Amazon and eBay, that simply require signing up for user accounts and little to no IT implementation.
SaaS is another e-commerce platform model. Business owners subscribe to a service where they essentially rent space in a cloud-hosted service. This approach doesn't require in-house development or on-premises infrastructure. Other e-commerce trends include open source platforms that require a cloud or on-premises hosting environment or complete manual implementation and maintenance.
Examples of e-commerce marketplace platforms include the following: Alibaba, Amazon, Chewy, eBay, Etsy, Newegg, Rakuten, Walmart Marketplace and Wayfair. Vendors offering e-commerce platform services for clients hosting their own online store sites include the following: Adobe Commerce, BigCommerce, Ecwid, NetSuite Commerce, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Shopify, Squarespace and WooCommerce.
Government regulations for e-commerce
In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council are among the primary agencies that regulate e-commerce activities. The FTC monitors activities such as online advertising, content marketing and customer privacy. The PCI Security Standards Council develops standards and rules, including PCI Data Security Standard compliance, which outlines procedures for the proper handling and storage of consumers' financial data.
To ensure the security, privacy and effectiveness of e-commerce, businesses should authenticate business transactions, control access to resources such as webpages for registered or selected users, encrypt communications and implement security technologies, such as secure sockets layer and two-factor authentication.
History of e-commerce
E-commerce began in the 1960s, when businesses started using EDI to share business documents with other companies. In 1979, the American National Standards Institute developed ASC X12 as a universal standard for businesses to share documents through electronic networks.
Statistics showing how e-commerce grew early in the COVID-19 pandemic.
E-commerce grew significantly in 2020 as the pandemic took hold.
As the number of individual users sharing electronic documents with each other grew in the 1980s, the rise of eBay and Amazon in the 1990s revolutionized the e-commerce industry. Consumers can now buy many items online, from e-commerce-only vendors -- also called e-tailers -- and brick-and-mortar stores that have e-commerce capabilities. Almost all retail companies have integrated online business practices into their business models and sell online.
COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant spike in e-commerce transactions. With shoppers confined to their homes for an extended period, e-commerce jumped to a record high of 16.4% of total U.S. retail sales in the second quarter of 2020, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. It has since leveled off at around 15%. The Census Bureau keeps a record of quarterly e-commerce data dating back to 1999. In Q3 2023, total U.S. retail e-commerce sales were estimated to be $284.1 billion.
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nicohickman · 1 year
Safeguarding Census Precision During The Course Of An International Widespread COVID-19
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The COVID-19 pandemic has actually delivered lots of problems all over the globe, including the conduct of national demographics. Since the census is one of one of the most crucial means of knowing a country's demographics, its reliability as well as integrity should be preserved in all opportunities. Along with the astronomical interrupting the typical method to gathering census information, it has come to be crucial to think about exactly how the census may be guarded. This post highlights exactly how information integrity may be maintained to make sure census accuracy throughout a worldwide pandemic.
Taking Care Of Census Difficulties in the course of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has interfered with the event of census data. Initially, the plan was to utilize door-to-door enumeration in many nations to collect census records. Having said that, this procedure is certainly not practical since it raises the danger of gear box. Consequently, numerous countries have considered alternative strategies like mail, telephone or even on-line polls to pick up data. While these strategies may seem to be feasible, they may certainly not be totally helpful. Email shippings can be had an effect on through mail delays, some people may certainly not have access to telephones or internet solutions and also internet polls might not come to individuals who are actually certainly not tech-savvy. Governments need to have to make sure that all residents know alternate approaches and also have access to get involved fully in the census. If you should require much more resources regarding census campaign, you can check out https://www.kpbs.org/news/evening-edition/2020/07/11/covid-19-relief-efforts-offer-census-organizers-op web site.
Addressing Technical Obstacles
Census functions rely intensely on modern technology, and the pandemic has actually led to technological challenges. There may be raised hosting server lots that might affect the reliability and also productivity of internet polls. The telephone or even power structure in specific places could also be actually affected, triggering postponed celebration of information. To resolve these challenges, authorities need to ensure the essential infrastructure is in spot. This can be such as ample bandwidth, reliable power sources, and trained specialized personnel. By optimizing the commercial infrastructure, it is actually possible to maintain a very high degree of precision as well as honesty in the records gathered.
Importance of Citizen recognition and also engagement
The accuracy of census information relies on the energetic involvement of citizens. It is their obligation to make certain that the details gathered is actually correct and also current. To market resident recognition as well as involvement, governments need to take on social recognition projects. Such initiatives teach residents regarding the value of census data as well as the different stations that are actually on call to supply information. They likewise help resolve fears and fallacies consumers may have regarding the confidentiality of their individual records.
Ensuring Information Privacy as well as Privacy
Some of the absolute most important elements of a census is the discretion as well as privacy of the information picked up. Folks need to really feel positive and safe in sharing their personal information. Federal governments must guarantee that all information collected is actually handled along with miraculous discretion. Records personal privacy plans have to be in location, preventing unapproved access, sharing or even misuse of the information. Charges for infractions have to additionally be stringently enforced.
Usefulness of Data Top Quality Checks
The final stage of a census campaign operation is information handling, and also data honesty is actually important. Random questionnaires, studies and also examinations may be used to confirm the information collected during the course of a census. It is vital to identify erroneous data early, and therapeutic action may be required to repair it. Corrective activities and also quality checks make sure that census records is accurate, timely, and reliable.
The COVID-19 pandemic has interfered with the typical setting of collecting census data. Federal governments worldwide must have plans in place to make sure information stability is actually sustained to guarantee correct results. Census strategies have to secure consumer privacy, make sure common participation, and proper processing of records. Although unmatched challenges rest ahead of time, the well-timed factor as well as dealing with of the enumerated obstacles will go a long way in achieving an effective census. The usefulness of the census to a country's development is important, and its accuracy can certainly never be overemphasized in the contemporary planet.
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seeklovenet · 2 years
What Is Your Evaluation Of Free Australian Courting Sites?
What Is Your Evaluation Of Free Australian Courting Sites?
There are 26 million matches made on Tinder per day; however only some of the people that get matched contact one another and set up a date. Dating web sites have been around for decades; however, today it has by no means been simpler to discover a good friend, acquaintance, or long-term relationship. The technological age has superior to a degree the place singles are not going out to a bar or celebration to socialise. More than ever courting apps and websites have turn out to be the most popular platform to attach with other like-minded folks around the world. According to census knowledge, over 83% of Australians have entry to web from their home. This means there’s never been a greater time for Aussies to find love on-line than now.
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Initially, Tinder’s users had been in search of easy hook-ups, but just lately more customers are finding long-term relationships by way of this app. You simply swipe left or proper and if somebody has done the identical dating sites reviews uk on your account, this will decide if you're matched or not. In Australia, Tinder has virtually 5 million users and there's no limit to how many individuals you can swipe over.
Aussie On-line Courting Faq
All Premium Light memberships grant users entry to 100% of eHarmony’s features, ranging from $65.90/m for 6 months, $45.90/m for a yr, and $35.ninety per month for two full years. The discounts when registering a membership turn into higher the longer the time period you select. The solely main draw back to not paying for a membership is that you simply won’t have the power to see profile photos of different users. Australia is residence to more than 4.5 million citizens and relationship is no longer just for the younger generations. From teenagers to over 50s, heterosexuals to the complete LGBTQIA group, listed here are the best on-line relationship sites if you stay in Australia.
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That will present you with nearly one hundred different choices to look into in your journey for the ideal Australian relationship app. % of inhabitants that’s single – Good news, over 50% of the population in every of the cities we research are single. This means there are a ton of Australian singles you'll be able to meet via on-line dating. There is one web site that stands out to our staff and and has gotten a ton of curiosity from Australia’s elders–and that’s SilverSingles.
Finest For Seniors: Eharmony
That’s what makes it an excellent selection not just for Australia relationship however for all among you who're on the lookout for a stable and committed relationship. In addition to this, the site is equipped with multiple sensible options so you probably can specify what sort of particular person you are looking for. Match.com Australia has a fine number of options that can not be discovered on different sites. If you need to minimize all the effort, you can even register on the positioning through your Facebook account. Thanks to numerous handy filters , one can specify the hunt and improve the probabilities to find the soul mate utilizing this page.
People who observe our courting web site suggestions have on average 2 more dates per thirty days. Hi, my name is Collette, I was born, raised in New York the place i still at present live. This neighborhood is a safe place for women and like minded men who want to keep away from misogyny, sexism, degrading comments and racism. Possibly one of the best part about this app is that it hosts gay cruises and exciting tours the place users can select to journey to fulfill or just have fun. This app is the most effective gay online relationship website in case you are on the lookout for something protected, sociable, convenient, and simple to use.
The purpose we included this one on our record is that its recognition goes past the boundaries of a single country and area. Wanting to establish a dating platform that might be created by a girl with a lady in thoughts, the Bumble was born. There are devoted sections based on various places in Australia so you'll be able to additionally narrow down your search. The complete and well-structured system helps you slender down the quest by displaying only those with whom you'll find a way to establish a quality relationship.
There is an app for bizz individuals that can help seek for the job, nevertheless. On the draw back, Fb profiles are not verified for the legitimacy, which implies that there could additionally be plenty of scammers here. If you opt for the first method, all the data from this social media account will be imported instantly, minimizing the trouble that often comes when registering. The platform is well-organized due to multiple navigational and drop-down menus and tabs as properly.
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According to out there search knowledge over 5,000 users are looking for the site. This means that there is a fixed circulate of new singles signing up from areas like Perth, Adelaide, and Melbourne . The website has been rated extremely nicely (9.7/10) and better of all is 100 percent dedicated to online courting over 50.
Every day at not a member will obtain his/her every day dose of “bagels” . Men receive as a lot as 21 recommendations, whereas ladies will be listed only those that match their criteria. There are some details that make an enormous difference between POF Australia and heaps of other courting websites. The website is organized in a way that both those on the lookout for a committed relationship and people thinking about hook-up stand good chances of discovering the associate on this site. However, in case you are willing to invest some money and provides an opportunity to a paid membership, loads of useful features might be at your disposal. Bumble is an ideal place not only to satisfy people, however do the bizz as well.
We focus on courting site evaluations and how to efficiently get started with on-line dating. This page is also not particularly focusing on the Australian market, however surely is among globally most popular among customers, primarily those that use finest relationship apps Australia. Similar to nearly all of courting platforms, to speak with different customers, you should have a paid subscription which can unlock the versatility of messaging choices. With any type of relationship you get out of it what you put into it. If you’d like to begin exploring some more of them we suggest giving our dating website review section a peek.
Where Am I In A Position To Find Extra Australian On-line Relationship Options?
You also can enter your favourite music, books, and so forth. and join some RSVP groups. Founded on Valentines Day 1997, RSVP is the location that I would undoubtedly join whether or not you may be an expat in Australia or an area looking for love. It is user friendly and has actually improved since I first entered the location way again in 2013.
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As it name says, there’s plenty of fish on this website ready on you to catch them! Aside that it sounds unusually perv, it’s greater than only a hook-up site. Then, girls have the likelihood to ship personal messages, males do not have such privileges. At this level, the consumer selects both to start the convo or keep on swiping through different accounts. EHarmony is a nicely known courting web site that helped millions meet their family members. The website is huge and you have to use filters to improve your search outcomes.
How A Lot Do These Aussie Courting Apps Cost?
Having entry to the good outdoors is an enormous part of courting in Australia and based on the Australia State of the Environment, Canberra is the Australian city with essentially the most greenspace per capita. It is price noting nevertheless, that higher Melbourne has probably the most parks, gardens, and reserves. If you may be like me who does the “cast the web wide” method but loves being on a finances, you will notice that your wallet shall be drained faster than you'll have the ability to imagine.
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The highest subscription is $39.ninety eight relying on the length of the subscription you choose. In the world of online dating only a few utterly free options are actually worth your time. Luckily, this doesn’t imply you must shell out the massive bucks to find love online in Australia. Every website that we’ve really helpful on this web page has a free membership tier out there that will permit you to poke round and resolve whether or not or not the app is an effective match earlier than paying for something. Average value of a 1 month fitness center membership – If you’re relationship on-line in Australia (or anywhere else really…) you need to look your greatest.
That being stated, it’s excellent for anyone that happened to be in Australia, or lives there. This platform has a little bit of a scientific approach to dating, and that’s reflected in one of the main highlights- Compatibility Matching System. In addition to this, there’s an extensive list of traits where you can categorical your preferences precisely and enhance the chances to discover a appropriate associate.
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hakesbros · 2 years
40 Cities That Could Possibly Be Poised For A Housing Crisis
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Cohen Stadium, situated in northeast El Paso, hosts minor league baseball home video games for the El Paso Diablos. The El Paso Locomotives, based in 2018 are the cities skilled soccer staff . The sun houses for sale in el paso tx shines in El Paso approximately 302 days per 12 months, earning it the nickname “Sun City.” The excessive desert group was established in 1850.
Ft. vacant residential lot located in Edge Water on the Pointe planned neighborhood. Easily discover what you're in search of with the Flexmls Academy. MLS Administrators and real property professionals have respective useful resource centers to keyword search, watch movies, be taught what's coming, and more. Census Bureau, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the 2020 American Community Survey and RealtyTrac, GOBankingRates identified the forty cities most at risk for experiencing a widespread housing disaster. The research examined elements corresponding to mortgage delinquencies, foreclosures and home-owner and rental vacancy charges. "My sale worth was $150,000 more than I thought. I didn't have to have open houses, I did not should put up a sign...no hassle, it was very handy."
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moyalucom · 2 years
Introduction To Domain Names and Web Hosting
Introduction To Domain Names and Web Hosting
Before you can get started in your venture to make some additional easy cash online you should understand a little bit about how domain-names and web hosting works. I will also talk about free hosting solutions which you can use and are perfectly OK to help you start off without having to pay for domains and hosting. A domain name in simple terms is a name in which you kind in to your web browser…
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sciencespies · 3 years
New view of species interactions offers clues to preserve threatened ecosystems
New view of species interactions offers clues to preserve threatened ecosystems
As the health of ecosystems in regions around the globe declines due to a variety of rising threats, scientists continue to seek clues to help prevent future collapses.
A new analysis by scientists from around the world, led by a researcher at the University of California San Diego, is furthering science’s understanding of species interactions and how diversity contributes to the preservation of ecosystem health.
A coalition of 49 researchers examined a deep well of data describing tree species in forests located across a broad range of countries, ecosystems and latitudes. Information about the 16 forest diversity plots in Panama, China, Sri Lanka, Puerto Rico and other locations — many in remote, inaccessible areas — had been collected by hundreds of scientists and students over decades.
Lead researcher Christopher Wills, an evolutionary biologist and professor emeritus in the UC San Diego Division of Biological Sciences, says the new study addresses large questions about these complex ecosystems — made up of trees, animals, insects and even bacteria and viruses — and how such stunning diversity is maintained to support the health of the forest.
The new analysis, believed to be the most detailed study of such an enormous set of ecological data, is published in the journal PLOS Computational Biology.
“Observational and experimental evidence shows that all ecosystems are characterized by strong interactions between and among their many species. These webs of interactions can be important contributors to the preservation of ecosystem diversity,” said Wills.
The authors note, however, that many of these interactions — including those involving microscopic pathogens and the chemical defenses mounted by their prey — are not easy to identify and analyze in ecosystems that feature tens to hundreds of millions of inhabitants.
The researchers employed a detailed computational tool to extract hidden details from the forest census data. Their new “equal-area-annulus” method identifies pairs and groups of tree species that show unusually high or low levels of between-species interactions affecting their recruitment, mortality and growth. The authors found, unexpectedly, that closely-related pairs of tree species in a forest often interact weakly with each other, while distantly-related pairs can often interact with surprising strength. Such new information enables the design of further fieldwork and experiments to identify the many other species of organisms that have the potential to influence these interactions. These studies will in turn pave a path to understanding the roles of these webs of interactions in ecosystem stability.
Most of the thousands of significant interactions that the new analysis revealed were of types that give advantages to the tree species if they are rare. The advantages disappear, however, when those species become common. Some well-studied examples of such disappearing advantages involve diseases of certain species of tree. These specialized diseases are less likely to spread when their host trees are rare, and more likely to spread when the hosts are plentiful. Such interaction patterns can help to maintain many different host tree species simultaneously in an ecosystem.
“We explored how our method can be used to identify the between-species interactions that play the largest roles in the maintenance of ecosystems and their diversity,” said Wills. “The interplay we have found between and among species helps to explain how the numerous species in these complex ecosystems can buffer the ecosystems against environmental changes, enabling the ecosystems themselves to survive.”
Moving forward, the scientists plan to continue using the data to help tease out specific influences that are essential to ecosystem health.
“We want to show how we can maintain the diversity of the planet at the same time as we are preserving ecosystems that will aid our own survival,” said Wills.
Story Source:
Materials provided by University of California – San Diego. Original written by Mario Aguilera. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
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brooklynmuseum · 4 years
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Stronger Together
Hi Brooklyn. We hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. The times are difficult and it is valid if you may not feel your best. It is okay to feel your feelings, and take your time to heal during these moments. As you navigate these difficult times, remember that you are a part of the community that is here to support you. The Brooklyn, and New York community at large, is one of the most vibrant and resilient there is!
If you have questions, or have more you wish to see or to spotlight, reach out. We want to hear from you. Please email [email protected]
Also, text 'COVID' to 692-692 to get important COVID-19 related updates sent straight to your phone. You can text 'COVIDESP' to get updates in Spanish.
Local Business Highlights of the Week: 
Oxalis is temporarily closed for service, but will offer pick up and delivery on Friday, Saturday and Sundays from 4pm-8pm of fresh and prepared foods, cocktails and wine. Place your order, or pre order at www.boxalis.com , by phone at (347) 627-8298 or by email at [email protected]
No-frills Korean flavors are still being served at the famed Kimchi Taco. Take out and no-contact delivery available from 12-10pm daily. 
A reminder to complete the 2020 Census today at my2020census.gov. 
In this webinar, you will learn about the guiding principles the Census Bureau is implementing for the use of administrative records and research findings for the housing and demographic questions on the survey.
On May 12th, United Way is launching United We Count, United We Vote – a civic engagement campaign to mobilize people in civic participation and collective action during this time of uncertainty and social distancing. Register for the event here.
For literature on the 2020 Census and how it may affect your community, check out the reading below:
How Changes to the 2020 Census Timeline Will Impact Redistricting
Census in a Time of COVID-19: What can we do as individuals?
Resources for children and families
COVID-19 has dramatically changed our lives. All New Yorkers deserve to celebrate, honor, and memorialize their loved ones. Get funeral & burial guidance from the City of New York.
If your work schedule was reduced as a result of the coronavirus and you are unable to pay your rent, you can apply for a Cash Assistance special grant request to get benefits for emergencies.
The City of New York's COVID-19 Hotel Program provides free hotel stays to eligible New Yorkers who cannot isolate where they live and frontline workers in the healthcare industry who wish to reduce the risk of transmission at home. This will help New York City stop the spread of COVID-19.
Scholastic Learn At Home allows open access to daily learning journeys divided into four grade spans—Pre-K–K, Grades 1–2, Grades 3–5, and Grades 6–9+, covering ELA, STEM, Science, Social Studies, and Social-Emotional Learning. 
CORE: CHILDREN OF RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES is dedicated to serving food and beverage service employees with children, who are faced with a health crisis or a natural disaster and are in need of support and in need of our help. If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, you can apply here. 
Resources for artists, freelancers, and gig workers
Rauschenberg Emergency Grant Program provides one-time grants to artists of up to $5,000 for unexpected medical emergencies.
Max’s Emergency Relief & Resource Fund is a one-time grant award of between $500-$1000 ($1,000 when funds are available) to assist artists in all art disciplines who have a steady work history, but who are experiencing a temporary financial set back.  Visit their application here. 
In light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the artist community, on March 18 Foundation for Contemporary Arts launched the FCA Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund. To find out your eligibility, click here.  
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of American have developed an Emergency Fund to help genre writers pay medical expenses not otherwise covered by insurance. Visit their website for more information.
Employment Resources
New York State is waiving the 7-day waiting period for Unemployment Insurance benefits for people who are out of work due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) closures or quarantines. Visit the New York State Department of Labor (DOL)  website for more information.
The New York State Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act requires businesses to give early warning of closing and layoffs. More information for business is available from the New York State Department of Labor. 
Find Employment through Virtual Workforce Career Center online. The Virtual Workforce1 Career Center system connects New Yorkers, via web or phone, to one-on-one help from professionals who can help.
NY Job Listings during Quarantine organized by Davide Chen. 
PTFB is offering assistance in finding employment at Northwell Health for FOH/BOH foodservice and housekeeping positions. Find out how to apply here.
Resources for the Undocumented Community
List of Resources for Undocumented People in NYC may be located here. Document is translated in three languages, English, Spanish and Portuguese. 
For more information regarding DACA, check out Informed Immigrants.
CUNY Citizenship will be live, May 13th at 12:00PM on Facebook with Shawn Rahman, Managing Attorney for Training and Capacity Building with the latest immigration updates.
Contact Jesus Perez if you are an undocumented student at Brooklyn College who needs support via email: [email protected] or phone: 718.951.5023
Funding Opportunities
The Carroll and Milton Petrie Student Emergency Grant Fund was created to provide eligible students facing short-term, nonrecurring emergencies with a one-time grant to alleviate the situation.  To find if you are eligible, visit the Brooklyn College’s Website. 
Volunteer or Participation Resources
The NYC Network of Worker Cooperatives has joined the national #ShareMyCheck campaign to encourage those in a relatively stable position to donate all or a portion of their check to people who are not eligible for these checks - those that are historically and contemporarily most impacted by economic and health crises. 
LGBTQ+ Resources
Ohher Publishing angels is offering $50 relief funds for trans/non-binary/two spirt people of color who are in need of community support right now. To learn more, visit Leste Magazine. 
Trans Lifeline is a trans-led organization that connects trans people to the community, support, and resources they need to survive and thrive. If you are in need of mental health assistance, visit their website here. 
 Upcoming Webinars
Tuesday, May 12: 2:00PM-3:30 PM: Brookings’ Reopening the Coronavirus-Closed Economy
Wednesday, May 13, 6:00PM-7:00PM: Make The Road New York will host a Seminario Web De Estudio Comunitario (community study webinar) on Facebook live.
Thursday, May 14, 2020 4:00pm-7:00pm: New York City Network of Worker Cooperatives is hosting a COVID-19 Health Awareness Training. The goal of this program is to Increase health and safety awareness for workers in industries with potential exposure to COVID-19.  
Remember to Follow Our Elected Officials For Up To Date News:  
Stay up to date with information provided by Governor Cuomo. Follow our New York State governor on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for up to date information regarding new health guidelines closures, and executive orders. 
The Mayor has a new Daily Message available on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube every morning. If your constituents have questions, comments or concerns, they want him to respond to, they can send them using the hashtag #AskMyMayor 
The Office of the Brooklyn Borough President provides the most up-to-date information and resources to Brooklynites. Follow these pages regularly and follow Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams on social media for real-time updates.
Congresswoman for the 9th District, Yvette D. Clark is working hard in Congress to support our local communities. Follow the Congresswoman on her Twitter to receive updates on what is going on in Washington DC and resources available in your ‘hood!
Follow updates and news from Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo on Facebook and Twitter. Cumbo serves as the Council Majority leader for Brooklyn’s 35th District- Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Crown Heights, Prospect Heights and Bed-Stuy.
Follow New York City Council Member Robert E. Cornegy, representing Brooklyn 36th District- Bedford Stuyvesant and Northern Crown Heights on Twitter , Facebook, and Instagram for important updates regarding COVID-19 updates. 
Check out New York City Council Member Brad Lander’s resource page aimed to help NYC-based freelancers and artists navigate these uncertain times. Have your voice heard, fill out the survey and explore what benefits might be available to you. Follow him on Twitter for important updates.
Follow updates from the NYC City Immigrant Affairs office on Twitter interested in renewing your DACA application form. Call ActionNYC at 1-800-354-0365. 
Roxanne Swentzell (Kah'p'oo Owinge (Santa Clara Pueblo), born 1962). Making Babies for Indian Market, 2004. Clay, pigment. Brooklyn Museum, Gift in memory of Helen Thomas Kennedy, 2004.80. © artist or artist's estate
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arcticdementor · 4 years
Eleven predictions, presented without judgment.
First, Biden defeats Trump in November in a historic landslide—think FDR over Hoover, Nixon over McGovern, or Regan over Carter and Mondale.
Second, and in addition to the Biden Blowout, Democrats take both houses of Congress by decisive margins.
Third, the media—transformed from a nominally neutral institution into an overtly partisan one—heralds the Biden Blowout a historic mandate to pursue a fundamental realignment of American government along "progressive" lines.
Fourth, by the end of Biden's first term, Democrats will have secured one-party rule for the foreseeable future. The means will be (1) consolidating control of government, (2) aggressive de-Trumpification, and (3) new "progressive" rulemaking.
Fifth, consolidation of government will be achieved by (a) ending all immigration restrictions—there will be millions and millions of new "Americans” by 2024; (b) gerrymandering, taking advantage of the 2020 Census delay; and (c) court-packing, to dilute Republican efforts to appoint conservative judges. There will be new Supreme Court seats, new circuit court seats, and new district judges; naturally, “diversity” will be the most important criterion for appointees.
Sixth, de-Trumpification will be understood as justifying any measures necessary to erase Trump's policy legacy (such as it is) and to ensure “nothing like this” (i.e., a nationalist government) “ever happens again.” You can count on:
(a) a rollback of any and all immigration restrictions and an immediate end to any border walls (or other controls); (b) a rollback of reforms to the campus sexual tribunals under Title IX; (c) stepped-up pressure to force organizations to adopt anti-bias training in all forms; and (d) stepped-up pressure on social media companies and web hosts to de-platform dissidents—by 2024, @Steve_Sailer, @bronzeagemantis, @Cernovich, and many others will be off Twitter and perhaps purged from the internet entirely.
Seventh, progressive “reforms” will emanate from every organ of the administrative state and from Congress. Most notably, you can be assured of a "Truth and Reconciliation" style commission to address the historical legacy of slavery. The result—reparations—is predetermined.
Eighth—and almost too obvious to say—is that reparations will be explained as a necessary but never sufficient step to reconciliation; indeed, you will be told that "nothing” can atone for the sin of slavery, so calls for expropriation will intensify, not diminish.
Ninth, Biden will begin at least one new major military conflict by 2024.
Tenth, any prediction that Biden's election will somehow moderate the zeal of today's "woke” vanguard will be proven wrong. Biden, manifestly suffering from dementia, will cede governance to cadres already steeped in @wesyang‘s Successor Ideology; things will get more oppressive.
Eleventh, the Biden Blowout indeed heralds a new, likely permanent ruling coalition: the marriage of monopoly capital (cc @WokeCapital) and their shock troops, the evangelical progressives (the “woke”), united against their common foe—the white middle class.
The dynamic to watch is whether the new ruling coalition can manage the system's fundamental contradiction: that, for all the hate directed at whites, it is the quiet competence of white people (and especially white men) that keeps the lights on, literally and figuratively.
Will the evangelical progressives prove too emboldened and zealous to manage? Too thorough a purge of white people from institutions and organizations will hasten their collapse.
But conversely, if not suppressed vigorously enough, white Americans may begin to think and act like the reviled minority they are rapidly becoming, paving the way for a figure even more formidable than Trump.
Either way, for good or ill, the Biden Blowout will come to be seen, far more than the election of Trump, as the definitive end of the postwar American order, comparable to the end of the Roman Republican and birth of the empire.
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katieshugars · 5 years
Christianity in India
Christianity is one of the most well-known religions in the world and it is considered the third largest religion in India. It is believed that Christianity was introduced to India over 2,000 years ago. According to a 2001 census, about 2.3 percent of India’s population classified themselves as Christians. While there are many different denominations within the Christian movement, most of the different branches are represented in India. As of 2009, the northeast part of India has the largest growing Christian community.
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The top two religions in India are Hinduism and Islam, which has created some present-day conflict. Particularly, Hinduism and Christianity have been at odds with each other because of politics and extremism. The Hindu majority in certain Indian states have prohibited people from converting to Christianity. This conflict of religious restriction has put a wedge between religiosity in India. In addition, there has been friction between Muslims and Christians, as those who converted to Christianity face threats and attacks by some Islamic terrorist groups.
Because of the historically rooted Christian customs in India, there are four locations of worship that are sacred in regards to the early Christian development:
Goa – Basilica of Bom Jesus (most popular church in the area)
Kerala – Parulama Church in Munnar (most popular church in the area)
Tamil Nadu – A major pilgrim centre for the Christian population
Meghalaya – All Saints Church (oldest church in Shillong)
As of 2019, India has been under the ruling of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. While Prime Minister Modi is admired by the Hindu population in India, there have been some issues concerning other religious freedoms. Christians in particular are facing nationalism by extremists who want everyone in India to convert to Hinduism.
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India, under Prime Minister Modi’s authority, is not “safe for the church.”
While attacks from certain Hindu groups among those in India is not a huge concern, the Christian Church is still outgrowing the persecution. Morgan Lee, a digital media producer for Christianity Today, and Caleb Lindgren, a co-host, interviewed Reverend Vijayesh Lal, who is “the General Secretary of the Evangelical Fellowship of India.” Reverend Lal said that violence against different religious minorities occurred under the ruling of Prime Minister Modi and he “basically did nothing.”
Among the negative realities of Christianity in India, there are great benefits as well. Christianity has not only spread the “Good News” about Jesus Christ, but it has preserved some of the 6,500 languages, education, health, and defense.
Christianity in India is like a David within a Goliath country.
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How does Christianity in India connect to Cross-Cultural Psychology?
Christianity is a dynamic aspect of all cultures, including India. Religion, specifically Christianity, has influenced the culture of India in the ideas, institutions, and interactions of Christians and how they are to think, feel, and act. An etic of Christianity is that the Church (the people) are called to spread the Gospel, regardless of the costs or benefits. An emic within Christianity in India is that the Church is deeply impacted by its leaders, like Prime Minister Modi, and other religious majorities and minorities, which influences the willingness to be bold in faith. India seems to be a more interdependent culture, as worship among Christians is relational, adjusting, and deeply rooted in their environment. 
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gibsongibson92-blog · 6 years
Your Manhattan Beach Movers Moving Company
Your Manhattan Beach Movers Moving Company
Flat Charge Shifting (impartial) in Rockville. On the other hand, a mover has to offer a stable fee and assure the safety of your items right from the pickup point to your new house or office in Manhattan, California the place you unload them. Many artists name LIC residence. I figure if I wait lengthy sufficient I could send them a pair bubble gum wrappers and they're going to call it even Steven. He mentioned my solely possibility was to wait it out and see who would sue me, whereas I kept searching for work. It also just isn't a bad idea to really drive around the realm so you'll be able to check out the neighborhoods and the schools when you've got kids so you might be acquainted with the surroundings. After visiting the museum and gardens we came back to the motel and took a swim earlier than packing and check out. We began out toward Loveland, Colorado and found a motel for the night there. As an agent of United Van Traces, our workforce has the sources and help it needs to perform even essentially the most complicated initiatives. Manhattan Beach (Our Home Page) properties have been selling like sizzling cakes, even with its astronomical housing rates.
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The Eisenhower Tunnel, on Interstate 70 was not finished till 1979. This cross was one in every of the primary routes throughout the Rockies before the tunnel was completed. We will assign a relocation representative to your move to verify the transfer is executed perfectly, and your online business can move nicely from one spot to another. For those who favor, you possibly can ship us a message utilizing our contact type and we are going to get in contact with you as soon as we can. We take the stress out of discovering trustworthy Manhattan Beach, CA shifting companies and all you must do is fill out the brief kind below. Give us a call right this moment to talk with a shifting specialist or fill out our on-line quote type to request a free, no-obligation transferring estimate. The relocate partners be sure that the article are transport without any harm and the goods reach the ending objective on time and in good type. No matter how good you suppose you might be at packing, this is a really complicated course of.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Higher education’s gatekeepers are well aware of lopsided K-12 systems that disadvantage many of America’s youth and contribute to inequities in selective college admissions. Many have embraced holistic admissions processes that consider a host of factors beyond high school GPA, test scores, and the rigor of high school coursework in an attempt to both widen the set of factors signaling applicants’ potential and fit at an institution and to more fairly evaluate students in the context of educational and environmental opportunities.
To address opportunity gaps and improve equity in admissions, many selective colleges in the U.S. consider the backgrounds of applicants as part of their holistic admissions process. However, background information is usually not standardized nor available for all applicants. Furthermore, since many selective colleges are flooded with thousands of applications from students who live and learn in settings that can be unfamiliar to admissions staff, applicants may be considered for admission without full consideration of their background. Because such applicant information is often spotty and incomplete, applicants from higher-opportunity backgrounds may ultimately have a leg up in the admissions process.
Landscape: A Tool that Puts Applicants in Context
In a paper recently published in Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, we investigated whether providing colleges with new or better information about each applicant’s background can improve equity in selective college admissions. Our analysis examines if the chances of admission and enrollment changed for applicants after selective colleges gained access to a new web-based tool called Landscape. The College Board developed Landscape to provide admissions staff with standardized information on educational disadvantage at the neighborhood and high school level for each student who applies.
Two main components of Landscape are the neighborhood and high school challenge indicators. These are provided: (i) at the neighborhood level, which is defined by a student’s census tract and (ii) at the high school level, which is a roll-up of the census tracts of college-bound seniors at a high school. Applicants from the same census tract share the same neighborhood data and indicators; applicants from the same high school share the same high school data and indicators. The challenge indicators are placed on a 1-100 scale that reflect comparative percentiles. A higher value on the scale indicates a greater level of challenge related to educational opportunities and outcomes compared to other neighborhoods/high schools in the United States.[1]
To estimate how this information influenced the admission decisions of colleges and enrollment decisions of students, we compared the outcomes of colleges that piloted Landscape over four admission cycles: three cycles before each college gained access to Landscape and in the tool’s first cycle of use. Our results are based on the admission decisions of 43 selective institutions for over 3.7 million applicants who applied to attend in the 2014-2015 to 2019-2020 school years.
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moyalucom · 2 years
HostGator Web Hosting
HostGator is known as one of the best (if not the best) web hosting providers. already though they also provide other sets like SSL certificates, domain registration and script installation, web hosting is their dominant service. At this time HostGator provides home to over 2,500,000 domains and has more than 300 employees. They offer 45 day money back guarantee. They also assure your website…
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