#webby normal [self]
fatuismooches · 4 months
I think webttore and reader would have a humor that only they would understand. They would laugh so loud at an inside joke of theirs and it tends to annoy the other segments. Especially with their loud laughter together that would distract them, but would find reader endearing, but not the other person...
CANON. Webttore laughs in a lot of different situations. He laughs when he's annoyed. He laughs when he's amused. When he's angry. When he's just being his... 'normal' self. No agent else dares to laugh with him, and no segment is interested in his games. No one except you of course. Unsurprisingly, you're the only one who seems to understand him, and even more, play along. You and Webby would be an insufferable, unstoppable duo.
Another segment would say something and you'd give Webby the look, and immediately loud cackling follows, you trying to quell your giggles while Webby simply doesn't care. Or one of you would say something that seems normal and then just start giggling. Said segment doesn't even try talking again after that and the others are trying to block out the sound of the eccentric man's laughter ringing in their ears. Although they aren't fond of what you seem to be laughing at, they are fond of you so... they'll let it slide. For now. Still, they would be annoyed and a bit jealous. Is Webby's humor really that good? Why are you so connected with him? They can make you laugh too, you know! Just spend a bit more time with them, you'll see.
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raspberrysmoon · 15 days
oh my god wait im intrigued by this au so much . please say more
hiiii hehe im gonna use this as an opportunity to properly introduce levels!!! heres a link to two other ictd posts that have background information - one and two ! :3
so, levels! levels are a categorization of the powers of people in hatchetfield. they rage from zero to ten. here are the basics:
10 - wiggly - a lord or lady. godly, designated to exactly six characters. level ten characters are lord wiggly, lord nibbly, lord tinky, lord blinky, lord pokey, and lady webby.
9 - lumberaxe - inhuman, gifted, but not godly. other level nine entities include evelyn metzger and the witchwood.
8 - uncle wiley - semi inhuman, strongly gifted. some are able to cross the black and white. not godly, still looks human. some have open, 24/7 communication with patron and other lords. another level eight character is miss holloway.
7 - hannah foster -often have open communication with patron and access to not only their own gift but their patrons power as well. likely semi inhuman. other level seven characters include: holly cross, sheila young and lars metzger.
6 - sophia - high level gift; usually unable to access patrons power, but can draw on their energy as use it as their own power. low communication. other level six characters include lex foster and daniel laine.
5 - ted spankoffski - semi-open communication/one sided communication with patron. no obvious gift power, but definitely gifted. another level five character is seaton monroe.
4 - linda monroe - obviously gifted, but not so much that it’ll ever do much in a day-to-day life without training and/or enhancements. another level four character is alex bailey.
3 - grace chasity - gifted, but without self-held power. often held as toys. other level three characters include steph lauter, pete spankoffski, and sherman young.
2 - ethan green - very low, almost unnoticeable level of the gift. cannot be trained to be useful on the daily. can be enhanced, but not by much. other level two characters include sam sweetly and solomon lauter.
1 - jeri - not gifted, but touched. another level one character is deb reynolds.
0 - blake shapiro - not gifted, not touched. normal human level. other level zero characters include matilda waylon, lucy stockworth and the entire town of clivesdale.
now, levels dont dictate which powers each person has- only their strength. for example, jeri has more powers than alice woodward, despite being several levels below her. alice just happens to be stronger.
anyway. uhm. i outlined 23 chapters of the mainfic today. are any of you proud of me
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kazoosandfannypacks · 20 days
Hi! Do you have any takes on Gandra’s dynamic post-finale with any characters other than Fenton?
*cracks knuckles* you BET I do!!!!
Gandra starts working for good ol' "Rich Boss McDuck," and she gets along pretty well with all the Science Bros TM
Gandra and BOYD get along so swimmingly, especially because of their shared bad experiences with being used by Mark Beaks, but also just in general.
BOYD is always so so polite and pleasant toward her ["Miss Dee, how are you doing today?" "you can just call me Gandra, BOYD." "Alright, Miss Gandra. Is there anything I can do to help you today?"]
She and Huey also become good friends, too, and she gets him a weighted blanket for his birthday at some point.
Della and Gandra also get along really well, because they're both very adventurous and spontaneous in their fields and willing to take risks, though they also encourage each other's bad ideas. ["let's see what the FULLEST power possible on this plane REALLY is," and other lovely shenanigans,] and I feel like Della would spend a lot of time in the Gizmocloud trying out all kinds of awesome ideas.
Della and Gandra would also enjoy gaming together.
They could also bond well over Della's having to self-amputate and build herself a robotic leg, and Gandra's experimenting on herself. Cyborg buddies!
Gandra and Daisy also become friends as well, though not entirely intentionally. Fenton and Gandra end up getting married around the same time that Donald and Daisy do, and then they all have kids around the same time, so they all become friends because they're at similar places in life.
Gandra and Daisy and Della hang out together as a group a lot, too, and sometimes go shopping and stuff together when they need a night out.
Gandra and Donald become really good friends too!
As soon as everything settles back into a new normal after the finale, Webby starts spending a lot of time with Gandra, coming up with lots of cool gadgets and spy tools. Webby also eventually starts using the Gizmocloud to set up a training simulation room for the younger kids so that they can have a safe place to learn how to survive in all kinds of adventure scenarios and stay on their toes— after all, they're gonna join in on the family business someday!
Webby also never gets over the fact that she took the famous "I survived the first date" picture of Fenton and Gandra, and she points it out anytime she sees it hanging up at their house.
And yeah, that's all I got at the moment!
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alex31624 · 2 months
Hello Alex.
There is going to be a certain theme regarding the next series of questions I'll be posting to you. At the moment I am still trying to get the whole bit organized since I may need to post examples give or take. But in the meantime let's start it off.
This is a thought that may turn into a fiction for me at some date. After the events of the Phantom and the Sorceress, Lena has an actual body that will age normally. While she is being a self-taught sorceress, of course being helped by Violet, at some point she's going to need some extra education. Or at least pointed in the right direction to further her magical pursuits.
I am not sure how well you know the following characters, but between Dr Stephen Strange, the Earth Sorcerer Supreme of the Marvel Universe or John Constantine the "Don't give a shyte" Sorcerer from DC Comics which would be the better teacher for Lena?
First of all, I totally agree about Lena having a regular body and aging like any other duck. Also, I think she now is only 2 years older than Webby and the triplets.
Second, I'm a big comic book fan, so, yeah, I know Doctor Strange and Constantine. Sadly, I have no Constantine comics, but I do have one of Doctor Strange, not counting Avengers.
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So, Lena.
The always rebellious teen need guidance. And, even I was really inclined to say Constantine, I think Lena needs someone who can guide her in a more focus and organized way.
I think Doctor Strange should be the one teaching Lena. Maybe in the Ducktales Universe is the Ducktor Strange.
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godfrey-the-chaos-duck · 11 months
For Day 1 of Webby Week 2023....
Training/Death Traps!
"Granny, are you sure I'm ready for this?" Webby asked, looking uncertainly up at Beakley.
"I have every faith in you, Webby," Beakley answered, handing her a small shovel.
Webby was only four years old when her grandmother started training her. Not just in the finely-tuned sciences of combat and self-defence, but in ettiquette, musicianship, literature, and everything in between. To say nothing of her own research of Scrooge McDuck and his equally legendary family. Now, having just turned eleven, she had skills that most could only dream of.
She often wondered if this was normal, if other little girls were raised this way. It was certainly never mentioned in any of the novels she'd read.
But at the end of the day, it was all she knew, so she did it. And she enjoyed it - there was a certain thrill to mastering a new move, to flawlessly playing one of her cello pieces, even though her only audience was Beakley herself most times (Scrooge often got tied up with work, but the smooth notes made their way to his office anyway, and it warmed his heart to hear them), to reciting a poem by memory (Shakespeare's sonnets were some of her favourites, but she loved Emily Dickinson too).
Above all, the girl yearned that someday, Scrooge - no, Mr. McDuck - would notice her, would praise her, would perhaps bring her along on one of his famous adventures that he never seemed to go on anymore.
And to do that, she'd have to prove herself.
"Okay," Webby took a deep breath, looking at the labyrinthine paths that had been set up in the sprawling gardens of McDuck Manor. She had no idea what lay in store for her, only that when she reached the centre of the maze, she would be rewarded.
"Three... two... one," Beakley counted her in, before sounding a bell. Webby ran into the maze at once, and Beakley sat outside and watched. And hoped the young girl would be alright.
Webby ran her right hand along a wall - this was a sure-fire way to get through a maze (unless it was disjointed, of course, but this one wasn't). She marked her path by scraping lines into the dirt. More than once, she got turned around, but she always managed to right herself. She had to.
After three hours of walking and getting nowhere, the space opened up before her.
She had reached the centre.
Punching the air and giving a squeal of delight, she ran to a pillar in the middle of the clearing. She knocked on it - it sounded hollow. She ran her hands along the sides of the pillar, feeling for a crack, a button, a lock that could be picked with a hairpin - anything.
She felt something sticking out. She gave it a tentative press, and it folded over. It was paper. She pulled at it, and it came out.
"Congratulations, Webbigail!" it read, "Look under the pillar."
Ah. That was what the shovel was for.
She dug a small hole, and found a box.
"What's this?" she wondered aloud, opening it.
Inside was a small notebook.
The first page had a message, and the rest were blank.
"Dear Webby," the message read, in a neat script Webby didn't recognise, "I'm sorry I've been so busy. I promise I'll try harder to be there for you. Happy birthday, lass. ~ Scrooge."
Webby smiled, and she ran back the way she came through the maze.
Beakley was still sitting on her chair, and Scrooge was beside her, beaming with pride.
"Hello, Webby, darlin'," Scrooge said. The words felt pleasing to say, and even better for the girl to hear.
She ran up to him and hugged him tightly, tears of joy in her eyes.
"Thank you," she whispered.
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ai-higurashi · 5 months
hiiiii break and hide for bela I love her :3
Hiii, thank you for the ask ^^!
Love everyone wanting to see her break sjsjaj
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
Losing everyone that matters the most to her (her mother, Webby, Victor and a couple of agents she's worked very closely with since she was young) in a way that's exclusively her fault and in a situation she could not fight in. Death is normal for an agent. Losing partners, family members and protégées happens often and is even expected. She can deal with personal failure, sometimes you fight and you lose, you just gotta get stronger. But she would not be able to deal with watching without having even the chance to act.
It starts violent and explosive. If there's a clear culprit she can reach, they better consider themselves dead. She's already pretty lax when it comes to self-preservation on a good day and she's having fun, but at that moment she doesn't care about anything else except for her rage anymore, if she dies she dies, if there's collateral victims, so be it. If there's no one to redirect her anger to, objects will fly. Once she runs out of energy or things to break, she curls into the smallest ball and cries. And then enters auto-pilot.
Victor has witnessed it at least once. Could not get her to snap out of it for days afterwards.
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
If we go with canon compliant, I guess that she's not actually Webby's mum, for the obvious reason of "I don't want a bunch of murderous insane people to go after the baby and my mother more than they already do". She'd rather be considered a deadbeat mum than the cause their cover is blown.
(*side eyes to all the AUs where she found Webby instead and/or she had a daughter already so she just never tells a soul which one of the "twins" is not her bio kid*)
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twimshi · 1 year
Shattered Realities Prt3
Hobie Brown/Reader (3/5 part)
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"Yes or no?"
Maybe she was the dirty window.
(A/n I wanna preface that webbie is based of you, the reader but mainly as a POC with semi tan to dark skin but you can imagine her as whatever because she is a self insert in a sense so go nuts)
Also plz comment, l love replying
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[I also might start a discord server for the updates so just drop ur discord Id]
It's been about a few weeks since Webbies arrival and stay at Hobies, yet she still isn't used to some things.
"I'll be heading to out now" Says Hobie getting ready.
Webbie asks, getting bored of the mundane life she's been living "Wait what do I do here?"
"Uhm? I don't know, just chill. I guess? Don't watch any British shows without me, I heard kitchen nightmare is airing in an hour but I 'ought to handle this police chase real quick"
Before Hobie could gear up, he was alarmed by the sound of popping from the window.
"Woah, fireworks." Webbie said trying to stick her head out to get a closer look while Hobie is confused.
"Fireworks on a normal day? My god Webbie-" He shoots his webs to her shoulders inside to hold her back and closes the curtain with another
Webbie struggles in his webs, hands stretched to the window "Hey! you're blocking me the fireworks"
"Those are gun shots Webs" Hobie deadpans.
Sometimes Webbie forgets that there were scheduled protests in Old York.
She stops her struggling and backs away from the miror "Oh, noted....Wait, Webs? I didn't know we were on nick name basis"
Hobie shrugs "I've been calling you so many names all this time, and you notice when I call you Webs?
Her eyes glimmer, not paying attention to what he says "You need a nickname."
Hobie crosses his arms "Isn't Hobie short enough"
"Not short enough, what about Bee-bee?"
"That's like the same amount of syllabus. You make me sound like a cartoon character" He says, trying to make sense of the name "Plus it sounds odd, anyways gotta go now. Call me if you need anything"
Webbie taps his shoulder before he can go out "Erm...I don't have a phone to call you though, I could probably learn how to do smoke signals to communicate with you?"
"How would that even work in this small place"
"Like incase I burn your place or something, smoke signals"
"Thats it, you are officially banned from the stove"
Webbie looks at him in shock "I was only joking!"
He gives her a teasing look before trying to think of an alternative solution.
"Hold that thought" Hobie types something on his phone, there was a ping back "Right, I'll be back in a couple of minutes. Just sit tight"
Webbie does as told watching an animal programe that was playing on the television when Hobie swings back with a small device on hand and hands it to her.
"One of my ex-bandmates is a tech whiz, she had some extras on hand. It already has a sim card inside so its all set"
She takes the phone after thanking him, trying to figure out what type of model it was "Not complaining, but what brand is this phone? I just want to know to jog any memories because it looks familiar but mixed in with a bunch of other brands i know"
"Thats because it is a mix of brands"
Webbie tilts her head still confused.
"My bandmate experimented on a couple of phone scrapes to make the most efficient phone and came up with this, works like a normal phone. Just better" He explains.
"Woah, you even got me a tangerine charm"
Hobie gleams, almost proud of himself for getting the little phone charm "I got Pav a watermelon one, seems right to get a matching one with you too"
"Whose Pav?"
"He's my-" Hobie wants to say but is rudely interrupted by his watch beeping "Acrually it's better if you met him in person, I gotta bounce right now"
He swings out without another word and before Webbie could even peak out of the window he webs it shut with a note reading.
Don't even try, call me if you're burning -brown
Webbie contemplates burning the building down out of pure pettiness and dying the the flames.
Hobie returns after an hour of erands.
"You're finally letting me out of the house?"
"You make me sound like I'm holding you captive" He says making his way into the window "But actually, we can go out now-"
But Webbie has already made her way to the bathroom, changing her attire.
As promised, Hobie brings her around, taking her sightseeing.
She even got to take a picture with the clock tower which was called 'An doomsday clock' by Hobie.
Once that was done, it was late evening so Hobie decided to introduce her to his old band mates after bumping into them.
He decides to grab some snacks, leaving Webbie to converse by herself.
Webbie thinks of something to try to break the ice "Oh! If you had the chance to be any animal, what would you be?"
"A penguin" Says the one with a bandana
"Thats a tricky one, totally would be a salmon fish" The other with gauges in his ear says.
Webbie makes an 'ooo' sound, taking note of everything "I want to be a whale" She states "Not only are they the biggest mammals but oh!"
They jump a little, waiting for her to continue.
"I just remembered I like space! Like black holes and all that"
The other two seemed to be having a conversation on their own, so Webbie just speaks to the Jerm (the guy with the bandana)
The more Webbie speaks, the more excited she has with the overwhelming feeling of her memories resurfacing.
"And did you know that Venus is actually more hot than Mercury from the atmosphere, quite similarly....."
Webbie stops, realizing that his expression was slightly bored.
He shakes his head when she stops talking "Sorry Webbie just dozed there for a second, what were you saying?"
She covers her emotions "Actually that's all! Thanks for listening"
"Oh really? Well, you're welcome"
Their voices slightly blur as a familiar sinking feeling from when she was younger.
Webbie thinks she sees a child? A person? She settles on child with child person.
She thinks she sees a child looking at her mother.
Then she cant seem to here the words.
But she can feel them to her core.
They run into the bathroom and just stare into the miror, tears streaming down their face.
its like she could feel every emotion they felt from that rear view miror.
Theres a moment where they just cradle their head, trying to make sure they dont make a peep.
It hurts.
She feels hurt and its scary.
They child person stare into the miror, tears streaming down their face as they they slide down the wall - biting on their hands, making sure they didnt let any sound out.
It was lonely.
It was c̴̡̰͖̯̹̲̱̤͈͎̤̻̜̺̠͍͚̦̦̈̍̿͆̿ͅͅo̸̡͉̤̟̩̼̰̯̻̞̱͉̤̺̳̞͙̣̫̲͇̠̼̠̽̅̉̈̀͑́̽̌͆͘̚l̵̛̫̫̯̗̪̖͇̣͋̍̂́͒̒́̍̽̆̾̐͊̓̀̾͝͝ͅd̶̢̡͖̪̫͍̩̞͎̱̣̮̮͚̝̩̯͓̻͓̰͇̥̉́͜
Her thoughts are snapped back into reality when she receives a text from her phone from Hobie.
Of course, it was Hobie, the only contact on her phone.
She calms herself to make an important decision as Hobie send her an assortment of snacks for her to choose from saying she could only choose one.
Webbie makes her decision to settle on a hashbrown and skittles.
Hashbrown and skittles por favor (*¯︶¯*)
Hobie replies in an instant
That has the weirfedt combindsation evear
M texting eithj one hend si dstop your snar ky reples
Webbie snorts and sends him a reply
( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) okay illeterate slob
Webbie sets her phone down and dec8des to try,to engage in conversation again.
She compliments their earings.
"Have you ever thought of getting one?"
"I uh...not really? But I'm open to get like a super cool one, but only one, but like....a cool one"
"She should get a dermal piercing" His friend laughed and grabbed Webbie shoulder suddenly, who was slightly alarmed but played it cool.
She could totally be cool.
These were Hobie's friends, after all.
Her eyes kept darting between all of his band mates, hoping Hobie would get back when his unnamed friend spoke up "Come on guys don't"
Hobie walks back with the snacks on hand, paasing then to his friends "You getting along bug?"
"Y-yeah totally bro man"
He gives her a weird look, resuming conversation.
The laughther is interrupted when her a dermal piercing is brought up.
Hobbie turned immediately towards Webbie "Piercing? Did he or you say that-"
Webbie tries to reasure him, punchjng his shoulder lightly "You worry wart, of course I suggested it"
"Yeah man don't worry, she said she might get a dermal at Mikes"
"Come off it man, a dermal? You trying to poison her first experience?"
"Chill it was just a joke, no harm"
Webbie inhales smiling, trying to be cool about it even though she felt a little foolish about it "It's fine, I'm alright" She scoots to Hobie whispering "What's a dermal?"
Hobie looks around and points to his neck.
"Yeah ew, don't get crowd pressured to get something. Seriously."
Webbie pats his back "I know.It's fine, really"
Hobie doesn't look that convinced until she playfully punches him and sticks to him from the side.
He decides to let it go, shoving his hands in his pockets "You wanna drink?"
Webbie makes a thinking face "No but I would like to try?"
Hobie nods, confirming plans with his friends as they make their way to a nearby pub.
Webbie was slightly hoping for a margarita or a sweet type of alcohol but the place they went to only seemed to serve beer and chicken wings.
"Ew, this beer, taste like bread" Webbie gags after trying to drink it again "You might as well blend bread and mix hand sanitiser with it"
Hobie rolls his eyes at her "That's what all bear taste liks"
"Gross, it tastes like my broken dreams"
Hobie raises an eyebrow, interested "You got dreams?"
"I was being sarcastic!" She tries to take another chug to spit it out "I don't feel anything, this taste like garbage and im feeling good. Alcohol is one big lie"
He takes the mug away from her "That's enough beer for you. Usually it takes some time for people to feel it, gotta pace yourself for that"
She scrunches up her face at him "Gross"
The music booms louder and Webbie closses her eyes for a while to try to quite it down as Hobie slowly seperates from her to his friends at the other side of the island table.
She doesn't understand why she feels so, lonely?
Like all the people are laughing and talking but she feels like she's looking right at them from a dirty window.
Maybe she was a dirty window.
That needed windex.
The beer was the windex.
But she hated beer, so that still leaves her as the dirty miror.
She just asked for some water entertaining herself by watching the football on the TV.
She has a whole conversation in her mind about what's so interesting about balls getting tossed around.
Seems like it was a huge event because more people rushed into the bar.
It kind of felt like mash potatoes, Webbie would relish in some mashed potatoes with actual relish right now.
Unsure and a little fed up, she looks around the pub to find Hobie.
She gets up and squeezes her way towards him, sighing in relief and holding his sleeve like a lifeline.
She could almost fall asleep like that.
Hobie tilts his head back to look at, her distasteful smile in her sleepy state.
He says something to one of his friends who nods their head and wave at the confused Webbie as Hobie slowly menurvers them out of the crowded room.
He shoves his hands in his pocket and points to the street sign with his thumb "Wanna get smoothies then go to spider society? I have to check in for something, but we can get little bites before we go"
Webbie thinks her heart expands then sinks at the same time "What? No. You don't want to hang out with your friends? You talked about wanting to do this since like, last week?"
"What about it?"
"I just....I don't mind going home"
"Alright let's go home"
She panics.
Ashamed that he can read her mind.
She grabs his vest "No- I mean you go have fun, I'll go home. It's totally fine Beebee" her fingers tighten.
Hobie chooses to ignore the name "And I mean we can go home together, I hang out with them next week for the gig. Might as well do one more song"
"Hobieeee" She drags.
"Webs" He mirors.
"Yes Webs" He leans on a wall, looking at her, but his tone becomes gentler "What's got your panties in a bunch?"
"Okay I know that's slang, but it sounds so weird and secondly, what makes you say that
"For starters, you're being less" He makes some hand gesture "You"
"Whatttt?" She shurgs, trying to seem nonchalant "No way, bro......"
"Webbie" Hobie says firmly.
"Okay, fine so what?"
"You do know that I don't mind your silly annoying absurdness"
"You think I'm silly?"
Hobie rolls his head back, punching her shoulder lightly to get out of whatever sappy mood that was slowly forming "My friends don't mind you also. They're just a different demographic. Promise not to change your individuality"
"You sound like a self-help lecturer but alright Brown"
"I promise to always be annoying" Webbie smiles, looking up at him and knocks her feet against his.
She forgets how tall he was sometimes.
Hobie looks down at his feet and knocks his feet back to hers "Atta lad"
After some time Webbie pushes him back to the door of the pub "But for realzies, go back to your friends. Maybe I could go and take a nap at the spider society pub or something"
"Spider society does not, unfortunately have a pub. Trust me I've checked" He sighs thinking back "Throughly"
"I mean, the whole multiple universe thing that you explained to me seems like a whole space theory" She adds "Which means there is a possibility where there is a univerese where people drink alcohol like water"
"That would probably mean they found a cure for liver cancer. The universe would either be fun as hell or a living nightmare"
They both nod their head.
After just stalling, Webbie looks at Hobie again "But seriously, go back to your friends. I'll just go to Spider Society and hopefully avoid Miguel on the way there"
Hobie hums "Are your memories coming back?"
"Something like that, its just an uncomfortable feeling I get" She grips herself and let's go before Hobie can speak "Like when you think you're about to sneeze but can't"
"Thats oddly specific-"
"Or when you think youre about to silently fart but its really loud-"
"Alright, alright. You've made your point." Hobie opens up the portal. "I'll be home at around four, so give me a ring if you get back early"
Webbie hops into the portal waving goodbye with her last words "Okie Beebee"
"I ought to shank you for that-" The portal closses before he could even finish his sentance which leaves Webbie giggling to herself.
She makes her way to Margo (Byte) without pulling too much attention to herself.
By attention to herself, she means to avoid talking to any of the spider people which could be hard sometimes because they were all so friendly and funny.
Why couldnt Miguel be funny.
He's like one of the few spidermen that were not funny, well other than Spider plush, his backstory with uncle with Teddy Ben was quite heartbreaking so it dosent count.
Webbie calls out for Margo, who is estatic at her return
After hugging, she takes a selfie of the both of them with flash on.
"Oh, you got a new phone. Did Jess give that to you?" Margo quickly noyes.
"She was supposed to, but she seems kinda busy with the whole pregnancy and balancing multiverse, so I didn't bother asking again"
"Did you steal it?"
"I wish I was that cool, but no, Hobie got'em for me, and oh." She dangles her phone charm to Margo. "He evem got me a tangerine charm"
"Thats nice of him, how long are you staying here today?"
"Just for a couple of hours, wouldn't want to distract you guys"
"You don't girl, you good. Let me finish some documents them we'll talk"
Webbie likes spider society, everyone here was nice and fun.
Just being in company with Margo made her gleam in joy.
She doesn't even dig for more information about her memories unless specifically asked for.
Margo finishes up a report and looks at Webbie, who was sitting upside down on her phone "What are you doing?"
"Trying to send Hobie an animal fact, did you know seahorses mate for life? And slugs have like, four noses. Like what are they smelling in the seafloor other than salt and steel?"
"I did not know that" Margo says typing something on her own phone to notify Malala of Webbies surprise visit.
The two converse their weekly updates to each other.
"Yeah, I tried convincing Hobie to let me cook something but he won't let me near the stove because I made one joke about burning his kitchen-"
"Webbie!" A figure yells.
Malala takles Webbie to the floor out of pure excitement "Oof, good to see you to scarffy"
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming back!"
"It was a last-minute decision babes"
"Babes?" Malala Saya caught off guard "You hang out with Hobie too much. Anyways, how have you been?"
"Just dandy" Webbie says, feeling slightly woozy "Do you ladies happen to know where the snacks are, more specifically tangerines?"
"I think we do, mind if you get them yourself? I've got a mission to do soon and need a nap" Margo says.
"Same here" Malala adds.
"No worries my bromies, I'll to get it. Where is by the way?"
Margo chuckles awkwarly, not making eyecontact with webbie " Uhm...Just near Miguel's office"
"You've gotta be kidding me" She looks for Malala's eyes "You're kidding right malala?"
"Sorry Webbie" She says apologeticly.
"I'll be fine, why wouldn't I be fine approaching a tall angry man that gave me big time pain through a porwal....peetal" Webbie smacks her lips together trying again "Portawl....close enough"
Her speech becomes slured and vision becames a little messy as the alcohol finally settles in her stomach.
It honestly felt like sleep walking so she couldn't be drunk, at least she thinks so.
She finally finds Miguels office but hides behind some equipment when she hears Jess's voice through the intercome
"Don't you find it weird that the spider-9833 event isn't happening?" Miguel says.
"Right, it's been a lot of unscripted filler. Which is normal, but not to the point where no canon events have been happening lately"
"More anomalies have been showing up but thats normal, but its becoming more......Mundane"
"Are they linked to her?"
Webbie feels herself sweat, they dont even have to say who.
She knows its her.
Miguel sighs "Theres no way of confirming....Other than the bigger work load she hasn't been causing all that trouble and most of the events have been docile so there isn't a huge issue"
"Alright then, over and out"
She looks at her hands and back at Miguel thinking about the entire exchange between the two, did she really want those tangerines?
Webbie didn't belong here. Period.
Where would she go to?
She's so close to-
Miguel sighs, grabbing a picture frame, Webbie peaks her head inside more to get a better look.
It was a little girl, who she assumes is either a little sister or daughter.
He was looking at her so longingfully.
With such.
And longingful eyes as he plays a clip of a little girl and him playing soccer.
Webbie stands there for ten minutes watching Miguel replay the same clip over and over when she feels like she's intruded.
Well she has obviosly intruded, but alcohol has made her placid to stay in place.
She backtracks her steps and makes loud stomps with her feet to the door.
With a a sigh Miguel turns off the computer, returning to his stoic expression once more.
"Hi Migi-bear" There was no reply "Okay not on nick name basis. Hey, have you seen a box of tangerines anywhere?"
Miguel points to a corner, grufly saying "Right behind the table over there"
Webbie nods her head and scurries to the box, tripping on herself again causing her to slightly slide across the floor.
Miguel looks at the girl who immediately tries to sit up playing it cool by making finger guns at him "How's it going from up there"
"Are you okay?" Webbie could have sworn he almost sounded concerned, actually maybe he was, she couldnt tell.
"Of *hic* course bro-man" Why did she say that?
"Are you drunk"
"Er.....no?" He is totally falling for that.
"Do you actually think I'm falling for that"
He does a pose which can only be described as an angry old man when he finds used socks left by someone on the living rooom floor "Can you at least tie your shoe laces?"
She finally finds the box, looking back at Miguel sighing "It's a style choice..."
Webbie picks up the box and manoeuvres the box of tangerines, scooching side to side to try to get the box out of the room without dropping it.
Unsure, she gives him a slight bow for respect purposes.
Does he know its respectful?
Regardless he makes a grunt of acknowledgement.
It makes Webbie somehow.
"Found the hangover meds!" Margo hands the medicine to Webbie after she requested for it after beung unable to open her packet of skittles.
She chugs the medicine down, soering at the horrible taste, but in an instant, she's sobering up.
"You good to go now?" Margo checks.
"Yeah all good" Webbie grins rubbing her head "Argh, my heads all woozy now"
"At least you decided to come here today, those tangerines should be ripe in a day or two"
Webbie frowns "But I'm hungry right now for them"
"They're going to taste like rubber"
Webbie groans picking up the heavy box "The last time I came over there was only like six tangerines, you guys need to inform me if there's another tangerine lover out there"
Margo types out Hobie's universe's serial number and opens the portal "Actually Miguel ordered those for you"
"...He did?"
"Yeah, he got them sent in last week. Said you would and I quote 'Bother everyone' if you didn't have these"
"He does have a point" Webbie says trying not to think to much about Miguel as Margo hugs her and makes her way to the portal "See you next time Marge"
"Webbie you got my name wrong-"
But she's already gone into the portal
She smiles to herself.
She did a bunch of things today.
Got a phone.
Met new people.
Saw her two babes, Margo and Malala.
Got tangerines.
A job well done.
She didn't even flinch when she got out of the portal this time, becoming a normal thing.
Webbie groans as she placed the box of fruit down on the floor with her entire body bending forward.
"Ow- My back" She yells out, holding her back like an old man in his late sixties "My backkkkkkkkk"
Once she felt less sore, she plops herself on the couch, looking at the time. It was about four in the morning.
No sign of Hobie yet, she shrugged it off and slept off.
When she woke up, she didn't realize how hungry she was until she remembered she just ate a singular hasbrown and one skittle.
Yes a singular skittle, because she left the rest at spider society.
She nags herself in the miror for the mistake after ransacking Hobies house realizing that she might need to get a job because there was little to no edible food in the fridge anymore.
Webbie thinks back of the other week when she suggested to go out but was hit with an immediate 'Naur bruv'
Something about being unsure, which was a rare thing for Hobie to say considering his whole 'I break rules' agenda.
Webbie walks over to the box of Tangerines and Peels, one open with her hands "I know Margo said these aren't ripe, but meh"
It tasted like the balls you got at the gumball machine.
She should have listened to Margo.
They were indeed, not ripe.
This was an insult to all tangerines.
Webbie sighs, chucking the horrible tasting fruit into the bin, looking in the cabinet realizing the monstrosity she might have to eat.
It was approximately eight thirty into the night when Hobie walks back into the house tiredly.
He was not prepared to see the horror movie in front of him.
"What the hell are you eating?"
Hobie is home, and he is unamused.
Webie looks at him, taking another bite her food "Cereal"
"I can clearly see that, but it's what you eating it with"
"I- what the bloody hell are you doing?"
Hobie was very blunt with his question, and he looked like he just wanted the answer.
He was also a little disturbed from the cereal with water, and he raised an eyebrow.
Webbie just continues eating making faces while reading the newspaper "Not my fault you don't have milk....or any other edible stuff"
"Couldn't you eat it dry?"
"Yeah but it wouldn't be the same"
Hobie sighs "But...why?
"It was either this or gastric" she says, taking another aggressive bite.
Hobie is about to say something but she flails her hands around "But don't worry about it! I totally can live off this, Maybe I should get a job?"
"And feed this capitalistic society?" He scoffs.
"I'm litrally free loading here. I don't know why Miguel won't let me just stay at the spider society?"
"He did say you were distracting the rest of 'em with your annoying stories"
"My stories are not annoying!" She yells defensively but sooner realizes the true power of her storytelling bullshitery "But they do, in fact, distract the people...."
He signals her to his window "You know what? Let's go get some groceries"
Webbie nods excitedly, throwing away the watered soggy cereal into the sink.
Hobie chuckles as she hobbles to him wearing her shoes and helps her up the balcony which Webbie found odd since they used the door earlier.
"Question" Webbie asks, looking down from the rooftop.
"How are we getting to said store if we are supposed to get on the store on the roof-"
Hobie wiggles his wrist to her direction.
"Oh yeah..." Webbie takes a moment to process what this means "Oh yeah! Wait, so this means I'm getting one for myself? I don't even have the upper body strength like you, spider people. I've watched this one cartoon called invincible and my arm will totally-"
Webbie realizes she's rambling and stops to wait for Hobie to make any sound of annoyance.
But he's just watching her patiently adjusting his web shooters "Gonna keep going, bug?"
Webbie scratches her head "I mean, I totally could but I'm reading the air so I'm gonna let you speak"
He clicks something on his wrist "Alright then, you cool with me holding yer waist?"
"Uhm why?"
"Yes or no?"
"Yes but why?"
"We're gonna swing there"
"Swing? Swing as in you're gonna" Webbie makes finger motions "Pew pew us there?"
Hobie nods.
"Excuse me for one moment" Webbie turns around and squeals before turning back to Hobie with a stone cold expression, offering her hand like a little lady in movies "I am ready"
He grabs it with as muxh grace before hoist her arm around his shoulders "Don't puke on the way there"
"Now this is a targeted insult to-ME!" Webbie says as Hobie runs at full speed and shoots his webs to a building and jumps off the roof.
Webbie has a tight grip on him.
Thankfully, his grip is tighter as he swings from building to building.
Though she feels the motion sickness coming through.
She can't help but hold a wonder look at the cars and buildings that she passes by.
It was almost surreal looking at the people go on their day.
Hobie lands behind an aly, taking of his mask and throwing on a bomber jacket quickly.
Webbie could definitely see Hobie in those fashion changing magic shows.
Where the lady would wear a horrendoes leapord dress one minute, and the next moment, she was wearing a ballroom dress.
The only difference between them was spandex, and a hint of punk and grunge.
Other than that, there are totally no differences.
They walk into a little quaint conner shop, Hobie seems to know the owner and gives him a little dap on the shoulder.
"Pick out some stuff" Hobie says to Webbie, handing her a basket.
Her eyes follow him as he picks up a carton of milk "You say that like you have a bunch of cash"
"I don't" He chuckles, going to pick out some fruit "Did I tell you that I was briefly a runway model"
"You need to stop getting cooler" Webie's places her hands on her hips, trying to imitate a model's pose.
Or at least that's what he thinks, with her odd pose.
"Want me to teach you some stuff?"
Webbie inhales and does a little hand spasm motion, staring at Hobie excitedly nodding.
Hobie and her stayed at the same spot, simply conversing about posing techniques.
"And you gotta strut your hips and make sure you put your chin up- No, not that up"
Webbie currently looked like a disoriented baby flamingo trying to replicate to various vouges magazine poses.
"You look lopsided"
"No, I'm doing it right. Your head is just lopsided" She says confidently as her legs cross each other, on the verge of falling on the floor.
"They're not-"
The owner clapped his hands to their direction "As much as I love to watch two people bond, I've gotta close up so if you lads could wrap it up"
"Right right" Hobie grabbed a few more things and was ready to pay "You would be a horrible runway model"
"That's why I'd be an amazing story teller duh"
Hobie nods along and pays for the groceries heading to the back aly again to put on his mask and offers a hand "If the lady would mind"
"Why thank you gentleman-" She tries to finish her sentence but he's already grabbing her waist and swinging without warning it almost seems to be on purpose to get a reaction out of her.
Her thoughts are replaced with the slight motion sickness.
Through the piss smelling city she finds solance in his shoulder.
"You enjoying the view?" Hobie says swinging.
"Yeah! Pleugh" She shouts, spitting out some stuff from her mouth that was probably bugs "Totally!"
Hobie takes a glance at the girl in his arms, whose eyes are barely open, trying to get used to the swinging.
He let's his gaze linger, slowing down as she slowly peels herself from his shoulder to look at the view.
Webbies eyes lit up like starlight, which was obviously scientifically impossible but it did.
Hobie just watches the many emotions on her face.
He decides to take the longer route home this time, swinging through the more lit parts of town.
She smiles like she just found out her favourite cartoon got rebooted.
Regardless, Hobie decides to make new tech for her.
Was the city that good to have Webbie gleaming?
But also maybe it was.
He ought to appreciate it more often.
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tokuvivor · 2 years
DuckTales Character Songs! (Part 2)
Alright, now we’re cooking here! This time around, I’m going to be focusing on important recurring characters that debuted in Season 1.
Again, giving some brainstorming credit on this to @glowyjellyfish, plus, also, a little bit to @shychick-52, since one of these is in her pinned list.
Flintheart Glomgold
Rasputin by Boney M.
Ah, Rasputin. The Russian mystic who wouldn’t die. And like Rasputin, Glomgold is a very fiery, polarizing character who will say and do anything to get to the top, even if he has to resort to power beyond his normal means (not unlike The 87 Cent Solution!)
Bradford Buzzard
Takin’ Care of Business by Bachman-Turner Overdrive
He didn’t really have a bigger role until Season 3, but he still counts for here! Anyway, Bradford is very serious, by-the-book, and business-oriented, so this song works perfectly for him.
Ma Beagle and the Beagle Boys
Bad Boys by Inner Circle from Cops
Pretty self-explanatory here. Moving on.
Gyro Gearloose
The Scientist by Coldplay
Yes, the title is obvious. But the lyrics can be seen as speaking more to his guilt over his past actions (“Nobody said it was easy, it’s such a shame for us to part,” “I was just guessing at numbers and figures, pulling the puzzles apart,” etc.), such as what happened at Tokyolk and with the Spear of Selene.
Demons by Imagine Dragons
All throughout Season 1 (and even in later episodes), Lena had personal demons regarding Magica that she couldn’t easily shake. Like the lyrics said, she wanted to hide the truth from Webby and everyone else, but there was nowhere to hide. And she always kept up walls that prevented her from getting too close to people (“Don’t get too close, it’s dark inside.”) And even after she broke from Magica’s control, she was worried that she could still turn out bad, but with the help of others, especially Webby and Violet, she was able to overcome those demons in her mind.
Gladstone Gander
Life Has Been Good to Me by Randy Newman
Gladstone is a naturally lucky character. Whatever happens in the game of life, the dice roll in his favor. I guess other than the events leading up to and within The House of the Lucky Gander!, life is good to him.
Mark Beaks
How Bad Can I Be? by Ed Helms from The Lorax
Life is all about survival of the fittest at times. You gotta do what it takes to survive, even if it means screwing others over. That mindset is 100% Beaks to me. The last half of the song, especially, where the Once-ler is bragging about his business and building an economy, absolutely screams Beaks to me.
Zeus, Storkules, and Selene
Zeus: The Gospel Truth by Lillias White, LaChanze, Roz Ryan, Cheryl Freeman, and Vaneese Thomas from Hercules
Storkules: The Harder They Come by Jimmy Cliff
Selene: Song About the Moon by Paul Simon
I feel it would only be appropriate if I put the three deities of Ithaquack together. First off, I kinda had to throw a Hercules song in there somewhere, and this one brilliantly tells the story of how Zeus came to power. On the second note, Storkules is absolutely a pillar of strength, and he’s very determined, too. Just like the real-life myth and the movie, he will take on any and all opponents, no matter how big or daunting they may be. Finally, we have Selene, the goddess of the moon. The moon is very powerful, graceful, and beautiful, just as she is. The song here explains how in order to write a song about the moon, you need to capture its features, its essence. And in order to write a song about the heart or a face, tie it back to writing about the moon. It just shows how influential the moon can be, just as Selene is in making decisions as a goddess.
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toonqueen · 10 months
Duckvember Day 24: Adventurous Duck
So @cataradical and I have a thing with some Nega-verse OC kids going on adventures much like how the Ducktales Triplets and Webby go on adventures. Though, since it is the negaverse so they are allowed to roam wild more and do these adventures without adult supervision. Mainly because the adoptive ‘Dad’ of most of them is Gladstone’s Negaverse version. And he lets his kids run free because his uncle had him locked in the basement as a kid so HEY let the kids do what they want.  If I had time to write some full stories with them I’d be sure to have to be a parody of Stranger Things. Instead of them checking out paranormal stuff, they are the paranormal stuff.  Soooo I think listed oldest to youngest: PICTURE BY @cataradical
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Rouenna: (tallest with the black hair) Negaduck’s and Nega Morgana’s accident baby. Usually stays with her mom but can be found running around with this group of kids. Even though Macawbers and Despells don’t get along, Magica is nice to her when she’s at the house. Its not her fault her mom is a subpar jerk. Teehee. Rouenna is @cataradical and its not mean to say she is dumb because cata says she’s dumb. ;-; She got good magics tho weh.
(Nega) Gosalyn: following the canon version we saw. She’s now a teenager and been taught light healie magic by Nega Magica. She wears a sailor moon style outfit at times. Whee. Still her normal bubbly self. 
Kage: Also @cataradical  but my char Faustina gave him his name. A clone of Negaduck that SHUSH made. The plan was to have him rapid grow in a tube to adulthood and then replace the real Negaduck with him so Scrooge to backdoor take over St. Canard somehow. Something like that. Nega Scrooge is worse than Negaduck soooo. Negaduck tho attacked the lab before that could happen, breaking Kage’s tube at him being 8ish years old? Kage lived on his own a bit before Faustina found him and they hung out because they’re both RAD. Of course Faustina’s parents then adopted him. Whee. Kage ends up being the leader of these hooligans. The only non-magic user in the group. I see him a lot as Robin in the Teen Titans. The smart strategist is surrounded by people with powers but handles himself fine without powers. WHO NEEDS POWERS WHEN YOU GOT CHAINSAWS AND BLADES BRO. Though he might be the one with smart plans he’s still as chaotic as Faustina and Rouenna though. So how is he gonna reel in those two when he can’t reel in himself sometimes lol. I’m sure Gos helps with that. 
Faustina:  She is Nega Magica and Nega Gladstone’s kid. She wears fluffy dresses and acts like a cute little Victorian child much like Nega Gosalyn. However, she does not have the same attitude. She is a little beastie that can use ‘blood’ magic and has been known to bite people. I mean the others in the group bite too but she has the worst bite hehehe. 
Orin: (not pictured)  He is Faustina and Kage’s adopted baby brother. He actually doesn’t come on adventures being that his is a wimpy BABY. His only job is not to narc to his  parents where the rest of them all went. Also Cata’s char. 
I see them going on a lot of the same adventures the 2017 duck kids go on. Also, Faustina needs to ‘consume’ a certain amount of luck before her 13th birthday or she implodes so a lot of the treasure hunts are for luck related artifacts too.
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sherbetlemonss · 11 months
hi! any headcanons on how the McDuck trio interacted/hung out before the show? I am now obsessed with them, they don't directly see each other as siblings but are united by Dad McDuck™, I love it so much brilliant
Hi thank you sm for this ask :D I’ll try my best to answer in a way that make sense but I can’t promise that I will 😅
Rambles under readmore bc ik some peeps don’t want to see my nonsense probably lol
Ok so basically
With Gy and Webs I feel like Gyro would have met Webby when she was young and when she got a little older she’d always want to hang with him and whenever she could she’d see if she could visit Gyro in the lab because she thought his work was cool and whatnot. Maybe Gyro found it irritating at first but he eventually got used to it and (I liked the thought of this silly hc before the mcduck trio was come up with or whatever) Webby is like the first one of the main kids he’s actually nice to (I have a dumb comic for this but it’s OLD like 2020 old so that’s staying in the depths of my old ibis gallery)
With Lp and Gyro it’s like kind of the same thing, Lp obvs works for Scrooge and wants to befriend anyone he meets that also works for Scrooge, he loves having work buddies/buddies in general, so naturally he tries to be friends with Gyro. Gyro is Not having it at first, y’ know being his normal abrasive self, giving his passive aggressive or more so aggressive replies but it doesn’t deter Lp at all. After their first interaction Lp visits Gyro in his lab sometimes to the disdain of Gyro, Launchpad usually like idk has a one sided conversation with Gyro and then leaves; maybe Gyro secretly appreciates the company. Then that turns into longer visits and eventually Gyro slowly warming up to Launchpad and actually contributing to the conversations (albeit curtly at first) and sometimes Launchpad brings lunch for Gyro since Gyro doesn’t take breaks as often as he should.
Canonically (I think) Webby and Lp don’t meet until the Woo-oo! So ig they start getting to know each other after that, but then again, I have never been one to adhere to canon but I also can’t think of anything else rn I’m sorry
This might not make any sense but ya, I feel like they grew closer during the show and once Scrooge started to go back to his old self and stuff so yeah 👍
Feel free to send in any other questions because I know this may not make sense or if I didn’t answer the ask right at all 😭😭 but ya :]
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random-bi-writer · 4 months
sorry if ths is weird but can you do your danganronpa fic but with the wheel trend?
Danganronpa: Disney's Heroes High but the Wheel decides their fate? Well, can't say I'm not interested but I'm going to do this by normal Danganronpa rules and not include what happens in my fic or the self-murder stuff.
I'm going to leave my reactions in this. (They'll make sense if you read the fic.)
Protagonist: Molly
The fact that this landed on Molly is hilarious.
But in all seriousness, I think Molly has enough skill and brain to lead a class trial.
Support: Mabel
Hmm...Okay, look. Molly can be smart when needed and Mabel is actually helpful and sometimes even smarter than Dipper but-
This two are way too chaotic to be left alone.
Antagonist: Willow
For a moment, I thought this was going to land on Libby-
Willow being an antagonist is kind of weird, the only reason I think this would work is how stressed she was during season 3.
Chapter 1 Victim: Luz
...Wow Luz is forever stuck in Chapter 1, huh?
Chapter 1 Blackened: Huey
The first motive must have been insane if Huey is the blackened.
Chapter 2 Victim: Hunter
...If this wheel is going where I think it's going, then Antag Willow is starting to make more sense.
I'm not actually sure how anyone would kill Hunter, he's the most alert out of everyone.
Chapter 2 Blackened: Marcy
NO! I do not want to imagine Marcy's execution!
Chapter 3 Victim number 1: Mabel
Shit. Well, Support Mabel was nice while it lasted.
It's also kind of weird because Mabel was originally going to leave the group after Chapter 3.
Chapter 3 Victim number 2: Dewey
Wow- you just decided to kill two of the most charasmatic of the class? Shame on the wheel.
Also weird, considering that Dewey was supposed to die in Chapter 3.
Chapter 3 Blackened: Sasha
I honestly expected her to survive longer.
I have no idea how this murder would play out.
New Support: Webby
Okay...Webby is smarter than Mabel.
But I think she's more chaotic than Mabel, and no one is ready for a Molly and Webby team up.
Chapter 4 Victim: Libby
Okay. Using the bestie on the angst chapter. I hate it here.
Not gonna lie, I was kinda expecting Libby to fall on the mastermind tag.
Chapter 4 Blackened: Anne
None of the Calamity Trio survived? That's so sad.
Along with the fact that they all got executed.
Chapter 5 Victim: Webby
Seriously? Another dead support?
Well...the murder had to be intentional on both sides, if this is Webby we're talking about. Maybe the murder was like Kokichi's levels of plan?
Chapter 5 Blackened: Louie
...Yeah, definetely Kokichi kind of plan. The murder was probably going to be involve with tricking the mastermind.
New Support: Dipper
Okay, Dipper makes more sense as a support than the other two.
Especially with the way the story goes with protag Molly. Losing three best friends in a row would be rough on her and Dipper would understand what she's going through and try to comfort her.
Alright...the moment we've all been waiting for...
...Are you serious?! After my speech on you being the new support!?
Okay...only way for Mastermind Dipper to make sense if it's Bipper.
And the survivors are; Molly, Willow, Amity, and Gus.
And the summary of their dynamic is a girl who killed the God of Death being friends with three kids traumatized by genocide and ended up getting more traumatized with the killing game.
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sewers-headmates · 3 months
more self indulgent Hatchetfield alters for anyone to use? yes. here are The Lords In Black!
These will be gatekeeper, creator, and protector alters! If you need any of those i highly recommend these guys even if you don’t know the source. Big scary gods!
small note you may ask, what is a creator? Creator is a term we found for an alter who helps create things innerworld. They are normally god like and tend to do innerworld maintenance and take care of structures iw!
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Name: Wiggog Y'Wrath
Nicknames: Wiggly, The King In Black, The Lord In Black, Lord Of Despair, The Wiggly One
Age: Ancient, Ageless (transAge, trans6-10)
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual
Species: lord in black
Source: hatchetfield (Black Friday, The Witch In The Web, NPMD)
Roles: gatekeeper, SysKid/Little
cisIDs: shapeshifter (can take any form he desires normally in the theme of green), no empathy, tentacles, glowing eyes, massive size (lovecraftian horror vibe), brother
transIDs: transDoll, transChildlike, transChildish, transAge, trans6-10, transHarmful, transGod, transHuman-ish, transCultLeader (specifically The Church of the Starry Children), transSysLittle, transSysKid
Other Labels: to summarize not the nicest but a playful and malicious protector
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Name: Bliklotep
Nicknames: Blinky, The Watcher With A Thousand Eyes, The Watcher, HE
Age: Ancient, permaTeen
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him, they/them
Sexuality: bisexual
Species: lord in black
Source: hatchetfield (watcher world, the witch in the web, daddy, NPMD)
Roles: gatekeeper, observer
cisIDs: shapeshifter (can take any form), paranoid, stalker, multi eyes, aldrich being, brother
transIDs: transHarmful, nullEmpathy, transRich, transLoner, transFangs, permaTeen, perma16, transStudent
Other Labels: presents very fem despite being male
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Name: T'noy Karaxis
Nicknames: Tinky, The Bastard of Time and Space, The Weaver of Impossibilities, The Tinkerer, The Nightmare Goat
Age: ageless
Gender: demiboy
Pronouns: he/him, they/them
Sexuality: gay
Species: lord in black, transGoat
Source: hatchetfield (Time Bastard, The Witch in the Web, Daddy, Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Roles: creator, memory gatekeeper
cisIDs: shapeshifter, NPD, ASPD, orange hair/fur, fluffy, deranged, insane, sibling
transIDs: transSpecies, transGoat, transHarmful, transTormentor, transAbuser, transManipulator
Paraphiles: sadist
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Name: Nibblenephim
Nicknames: Nibbly, The One Who Feasts In The Dark
Age: ancient, trans18
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him, it/its
Sexuality: pansexual
Species: lord in black, transHuman
Source: hatchetfield (The Witch In The Web, Honey Queen, Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Roles: social protector, hunger alter (eats for the body)
cisIDs: shapeshifter, hyper feminine, sharp teeth, pink hair/fur, fluffy
transIDs: transCheerleader, transSpecies, multiSpecies, transHuman, permaHungry
Paraphiles: sadomasochist, odaxelagnia, vorarephilia
Other Labels: polyamorous
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Name: Pokotho
Nicknames: Pokey, The Singular Voice, Otho
Age: ancient
Gender: nonbinary
Pronouns: they/them, it/its, he/him
Sexuality: gay
Species: lord in black
Source: hatchetfield (TGWDLM, The Witch In The Web, Yellow Jacket, NPMD)
Roles: gatekeeper, creator
cisIDs: shapeshifter, NPD, apathetic, blue eyes, hive mind
transIDs: transHarmful, transASPD, transCultLeader, transAbusive, transHarmed, permaVictim
Paraphiles: masochist, consang
Other Labels: polyamorous
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Name: Webby
Nicknames: The Queen In White
Age: ageless
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: asexual lesbian
Species: queen in white
Source: hatchetfield (The Witch in the Web, Yellow Jacket, Black Friday)
Roles: protector, caregiver
cisIDs: shapeshifter, white hair, spider, psychic
transIDs: transMother, transHarmless, transLovely, transWhiteEyes, ageless
Other Labels: ambiamorous
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ANOTHER MASSIVE POST DONE! Please please let us know if you use them! I highly recommend these guys or at least a few! They helped our system so much lmao! but yes i love them and I love making hatchetfield alters
-mod richie
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pidayforpi · 1 year
[Extreme self-indulgent cartoon/anime infodump below]
(Confession: I watch the Japanese dub for DT17 as well (among other cartoons).
And one dumb thing I like to do with (especially) Japanese voice-acting is looking up what other characters the VA voices.
And on Monday, I did that with DT17's cast...compared with JoJo's cast.
→ Gladstone Gander = Tonio Trussardi (Tokuyoshi Kawashima 川島得愛) is cool
→ (Melon) Mickey = Donatello Versus (Takanori Hoshino 星野貴紀) is still cool
→ But Lena = Gwess (Momoko Taneichi 種市桃子) is really something
"Webby, Webby, Webby, Webbyyyyy~ ♪"
(Additional infodump that is actually longer and more serious:
As you can see from the list above (yes, that's it, afaik), the DT17 dub cast don't really star much in JoJo. Actually, they don't really star much (majorly) in other anime as well. The only other VA with a famous role is Della's, who voices Nami from One Piece (yes).
I think the most famous VA in DT17 are those for The Three Caballeros: Donald, José and Panchito, who literally also voice three characters from Dragon Ball (Beerus, Frieza, Piccolo, respectively). And two of them are guest stars.
There are many reasons why this is the case: First of all, I'm only looking at voice-acting. Some of the dub VA are actually not VA by profession, but instead, say, live actors/stage actors/narrators etc. IIRC, the previous official Japanese voice of Mickey Mouse, who had voiced Mickey for almost 3 decades, isn't even an entertainer by profession.
Second, some of the VA are quite young, both in terms of age and career. That doesn't necessarily equate to fame, but there is a certain relation.
So. Why am I saying all of that? Because despite all those things, the dub is fire. It is above average at worst, absolutely amazing at best. Call me a weeb, but I have never seen a Japanese dub that is worse than the original voiceover.
HDL sound just as distinct, Webby sounds just as hyper, Fenton sounds just as adorable, Gyro sounds just as crazy misunderstood, LP sounds just as the himbo he is, Scrooge sounds just as...old (there is legit an "old people's way of talking" in spoken Japanese). And of course, Yamadera-sensei perfectly replicates the Donald Duck speech...but in Japanese. (Donald speaking "normally" is literally just Yamadera speaking normally as himself)
The same goes for other animation dubs as well, such as LotTC (the two Sheldgoose are so damn funny), GEAH (Sam is the MVP there with his amazing voice change), or RotTMNT (I legit watched the Japanese dub first). The VA themselves may not be famous, but they still do an excellent job that could be worthy of the fame.
Mad respect to that dedication and talent.
Oh, and if that isn't enough: They dub the goddamn songs as well. They sing them themselves, in Japanese, with Japanese lyrics that fit, sound good, and are accurate.
Remember the "Waddleduck" theme? Yeah, they dubbed that. The "It's a Date!" song? They dubbed that too. Donald's "Hear My Voice"? Yamadera sang it himself, both in normal voice and Donald Duck voice.
And all those silly, out-of-the-blue songs from LotTC? They dubbed them. All of them. Sheldgoose's song to the moai and lava geckos is my favourite.
[Attached with the Japanese version of that song. The only part they didn't dub over was the Spanish part, but otherwise I think it is very neat.]
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thebardscipher · 2 years
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write? Oh this depends on fandoms and fic and au lol Let me go look at my AO3 to see what I'm currently playing in lol or played a lot in in the past...
For Sonic in general its probably Tails (there is a reason like 90% of my AUs center around him). He's just this kid that's smarter than most adult but at the same time is still a kid. Also I like writing him having a slight rebellious streak because I write him at like the age of ten, and "I'm not a child anymore, I don't need to be guarded at all times, I've done things on my own, I can help out here!" (And also, his role model is AND he was raised by Sonic who is also very much a "I'm going to help out even if the situation could put my life at risk" person) so I like writing him going "I'm going to do this potential dangerous thing!" "No, you could get hurt!" *Already leaving to do said thing* "You can't tell me what to do!" Except in one of my AUs, where my favorite character to write is Kero (yes, Kero for Cardcaptor Sakura) because its such a DIFFERENT setting and set of characters. Sakura is this NORMAL 4th grader who is suddenly flung into having magic, questions the fact that there IS magic but not HOW THE MAGIC WORKS. Isn't willing to pick a fight (which is part of Sakura's charm DON'T GET ME WRONG! Her being an absolute sweetheart even to things that could possibly be threatening her life is one of my favorite things about her) and creates a whole new card due to her emotions. And instead of dealing with a kid like Sakura, Kero is now dealing with this chaotic ten year old who goes on world saving adventures every week. Who's response to "If the cards are not caught, a great disaster will befall the world" is "Is it going to break into pieces? Surely it can't be worse than that, so I think we can handle this." Who doesn't question the magic, BUT ASKS HOW THE MAGIC WORKS and has a full notebook of what Kero can tell him up to that point and who, again, is in a fight on a near weekly basis. And again, Kero and Sonic will tell Tails "Hey, this cards sounds dangerous and life threatening....maybe we should wait until you have a card powerful enough to take care of it" and Tails is like "No." and sneaks off in the middle of the night. For Disney Dreamlight Valley currently, its my self insert/the player character. You could argue Oswald and coming up with all the little stories that the characters in the valley are slowly remembering, but I think writing The Player Character is more fun because she can be as chaotic as I want her to be or as "Okay let's solve this mystery" as I need her to be. Also I can throw in little bits about myself (there's this section of her walking on sand with Donald laughing at her because she hates the sand. That's me....sand is no...) and have it still completely in character. I feel like this might be a cop out though soooo sorry. For when I wrote a lot of Ducktales fanfics, it was Lena. I like characters who have a small dip into villainy but throw the show of kindness and love and just the fact that people care about them, they realize that they don't have to be. And relationship she had with Webby and its just *bounce bounce bounce* vs "yeah sure whatever" was fun. Its been a while since I wrote in that fandom though... Its like 2:30am and I feel like my thoughts are a bit rambley now, sorry about that lol
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andreaxweber · 2 years
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kerli koiv. non-binary. she/they. pansexual panromantic. ⇝ hey, isn’t that andrea weber? i think that the thirty two year old from dublin, ireland works as the manager in criminal records, but outside of that people describe them as tattooed arms, blue electric guitar & a tuxedo cat in the living room window. i hear they are overprotective & loud, but they are also known to be caring & creative. consider giving them a visit at their home in delilah’s den gated community and get to know why they’re called the ghost.
Andrea was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland although you wouldn’t believe them as their accent seems to sound American. Their accent does show when she gets either really excited or really annoyed at something, then people see that she wasn’t lying.
Their mother is a music teacher and their father is a paramedic. She is also the eldest of the three children, their brother being two years younger than her. Their youngest sister is still at home with their parents.
She got their love of music from their mother, learning as much as she could even learning piano and guitar. Their music taste is a mix of their own favourite music and their parents who had similar tastes.
Their childhood was fairly normal, but she was known to be very quiet person in school, keeping to themselves and getting lost in daydreams than talking to people. She did have some friends in primary school but grew apart from them once she hit secondary school.
She still spent time to themselves in secondary, excelling in music,German and English, but once classes was over people would torment them to no end. They would take their things, hide them on them in places she couldn’t reach and trip or push them in the halls or in gym.
The bullying and stress of school began to take a toll on them in their last year to the point that she began to self harm. Their parents and brother found out about it and explained it to the principal who sorted it out.
She thought that she was in the clear, but it seemed like she wasn’t, there was something happening to them and she didn’t know who it was or why they were doing it, always feeling unsafe.
By the time of her college years, they had moved over to the states for it as her brother was living there.
They stayed living over in Anchorage, finding it quite peaceful, they soon found themselves becoming the manager of Criminal Records, being surrounded by something that made them so happy all the time puts a smile on their face.
Small facts:
Has multiple tattoos, mainly on their arms and two on their back thanks to their brother.
She is Pansexual
She is Wiccan and has been for fifteen years.
Their nicknames include Andy,Ann and Webby
Although she is quiet when you first meet them, they are very talkative once she gets to know a person.
Has a cat called Sooty
Is normally seen in dark clothing or bright clothing, very rarely mixing both.
Is still close friends with one of their ex’s both of them believing they were better off as friends.
Has been known to play Dungeons & Dragons in their spare time as an elven bard. 
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lifeneedsrot · 7 months
🪱hewwo uwu!!!! I’m Taaaaaazzy, Tazelein, contender for #1 worst person ever! I love being horrible and hated. Temporary intro post to make our blog less blank
Alter in a system and the biggest source of shame and self-loathing for the system, very toxic and terrible! I’m the evil one <3
Me n a few others will use this account, ssssooooo I’ll give you the run-down of who will probably be here! We use silly emojis to represent who’s talking elsewhere but I’m the only one writing this post. Made this account for us filthy nasty horrible rotten disgusting evil alters that the host likes to pretend don’t exist!
“🪱” me! Tazzy wazzy. Any pronouns work, the other alters refer to me as “he” for simplicity but I exist beyond pronouns. I’m the filthiest, rotten, worst thing ever! You cannot hurt me in any way that matters. Advocate for my right to wrong anyone
“🕸️” Webby-do-darling-sweetie-baby. Webbarachne or Webber is what they go by. “Websie” is a no-no nickname that gives them horrible flashbacks! They use any pronouns, with a preference for “it”. They are my offspring that was produced with Aranya! Also cannibalized us both, but, we’re back now <3. Websie likes bondage quite a bit and fantasizes about kidnapping people and tying them up in an attic to keep forever. Little babypie got us cancelled big time for abusing our ex
“♣️” Aranyarachne. My ex-wife! We were never actually married. She goes by she/it. Disgusting spider thing, big titty goth milf arachne spider centaur thing. She’s a dommy mommy who loves oviposition and laying her eggs in you until they hatch and cannibalize your body!
“🐜” Suzie. She’s a human girl that Aranya kept as a pet. Weak little thing. Pathetic wet thing. Doesn’t really understand pronouns, we just call her “she” for convenience
“🏛️” what name are they going by again? Oh right! Lambsilk. Cult enthusiast! Wants to start a new religion. Definitely not related to their fascination with cults! They’re definitely not interested in starting a cult. Idk their pronouns, simplyplural says they/them
“❣️” Redmageddon or red! Suuuuper obsessive. Wrote love letters with the body’s blood <3 (how cute!)… used to be some sort of weird begging to get our ex to torture us or something, now adores our only friend who stuck around after we got cancelled for being an abuser! It/its pronouns preferred, they/them accepted begrudgingly
“🎊” my niece! Puerejynx, goes by Jynx. Hates me. Wanted vengeance on someone for ruining her life, and then she unfortunately realized that she ruined her own life and doesn’t want vengeance anymore! Still loves horrible things. A spoiled rotten brat, thinks she deserves everything in the world, god complex, all the best things <3… pronouns fluctuate, she is always acceptable
“🫐” my nephew, Solynx. He/they. Cursed by his daddy (my cutesy baby brother) to be unable to use language to communicate, but he gets around it. Very boring and normal and vanilla and uninteresting. Once referred to as “the only sensible person in the system” which translates to “literally the most boring person in the system”
“🎆” the bitch with anger issues. Starbound. A lazer-shooting dragon. Also an angel, but who gives a shit? We call her she/her for simplicity
“🦤” Sethil, fey/fem/feir. A victim of absolutely horrible, atrocious abuse! Isn’t that cute? Probably won’t front, I’m just including fem because fey’d be disgusted to be on this list!
“🚀” Rocket, he/him. Hates everyone, thinks we’d be better off alone. Looks like Rocket from GOTG, only vaguely similar in identity, doesn’t consider his source to be “him”
“💋” Amour. Any pronouns, usually she/her, only refer to her with the utmost disrespect and fetishization. A whore.
“🦊” Ren Hana, he/him. Introject or whatchumacallit from BTD/TPOF. Considers his source to be “him”
“🍂” Lawrence, he/they. Introject or whatchumacallit from BTD. Idk what his relationship to source is and idc
“🩸” Yuri, she/her. Introject or whatchumacallit from DDLC. Considers her source similar to her and enjoys the story, but not actually her
There’s more of us but they don’t want to be associated with me in any capacity <3!!!! Which I don’t really care about and I’d love to humiliate them and doxx ourselves and get cancelled and then murdered, but unforch I’ll be kicked out of front if I try 💔
Anyway, all you need to know about us is that we were cancelled for abusing our ex! We absolutely did everything they said we did <3. It was super accidental though and we didn’t mean it 🥺
I don’t give a shit about human politics. You all deserve to be tortured forever without the mercy of death. I only support people’s wrongs, not their rights <3
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