fan-clan-fun · 9 months
Due to the length of the submission, I'm posting it as is. It looks like a lot of work was put into this though, so good job!
The Generous and Excitable
Leader: Applestar — white she-cat with pale yellow eyes  
Deputy: Dawnpelt — long-haired light cream tabby tom  
Medicine Cat(s):
Larkleap — long-haired golden tabby tom 
Bluebellfur — calico she-cat with a fluffy tail 
Ambassador: Songclaw — dark-colored she-cat  
Stormfoot — long-haired light brown tabby tom 
Bloomfur — long-haired golden brown tabby tom 
Brookflower — long-legged pale tortoiseshell-and-white tom 
Weedsong — three-legged smoky black tom with darker splotches 
Curlycloud — very small flame-colored she-cat 
Lionstripe — deaf smoky she-cat with hazel eyes 
Sunpelt — long-haired flame-colored she-cat 
Paleclaw — battle-scarred black she-cat with amber eyes 
Storkflight — dark brown tabby tom with dark blue eyes 
Blackbelly — white tom with blue eyes 
Sleekwing — big dusky brown tom  
‎Lightningwillow — snowy white jack.
Harepaw — long-haired golden tabby she-cat 
Stumpypaw — long-haired charcoal tabby she-cat  
Leafwing — swift calico she-cat with a twisted left hindpaw and orange eyes (permanent queen) 
Thistlefoot — pale tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat (mother to Shrewkit, a red tom with a sliced ear; Crowkit, a light gray tabby she-kit; Brightkit, a long-legged smoky black she-kit; and Owlkit, a silver she-kit, all 8 moons old (apprenticeship delayed due to injury)) 
Liontail — long-haired red she-cat (permanent queen)  
Mudstone — calico tom 
Graywish — mottled golden tabby she-cat  
SkyClan's hunting grounds are a large mountain range covered in a dense forest. Its main trees are redwoods and firs . It is a tough and dangerous place for loners and any other cats who don't know how to survive there.
In the treetops of a large cottonwood. The dens are in old owl's nests or woven from thin branches and padded with moss for insulation. The main gathering point is in the clearing below, which is accessible via a thick vine. There is a stream running through the main clearing, which contains plentiful fish.
Treecutplace - A place where Twolegs grow spruce trees and cut them down. The place is not too dangerous, so sometimes cats go there to hunt.
Twoleg Dock - A twoleg dock off the shore of a small lake, which is usually used by them for anchoring their water monsters.
Dog Den - A sandy cave in a boulder, where a Dog has made its den. Because of this, the cave is always avoided by patrols.
Water Monster - An abandoned twoleg water monster (boat) anchored on the shore of a small river.
Leaders can retire, giving away all of their remaining lives except one
The clan is led by a council of the leader, medicine cat(s), ambassador and deputy
The clan is entirely made up of kittypets and loners
Religion: they listen to what StarClan has to say, but ultimately make their own decisions
The Idiotic and Capable
 YELLOWSTAR—a cream classic "pseudo-tabby" tom, with long fur, and green eyes.
 MURKHEART—a blue she-cat, with short fur, and copper eyes.
 BUZZARDSTONE—a short haired, chocolate she-cat, with amber eyes.
 SCOUTWISH — icy white senior tom with a heavily scarred face.
CORMORANTWHISKER—a black she-cat, with short fur, and green eyes.
CROWHEART—a black she-cat, with short fur, and gold eyes.
TANSYTHROAT—a red spotted "pseudo-tabby" she-cat, with short fur, and copper eyes.
SPIDERCLAW—a black she-cat, with short fur, and copper eyes.
ROOKLEG—a short haired, black spotted tabby tom, with gold eyes.
POPPYWHISKER—a short haired, chocolate and red, mackerel calico-tabby she-cat, with green eyes.
‎Dove— spiky-furred, chocolate tortie point senior molly with a heavily scarred face and body and a seemingly permanent frown.
BEEPAW—a red mackerel "pseudo-tabby" she-cat, with short fur, and copper eyes.
SLUGPAW—a short haired, black tom, with hazel eyes.
GORSEPAW—a short haired, red mackerel tabby tom, with amber eyes.
LIMPETPAW—a chocolate and red, spotted tortoiseshell she-cat, with short fur, and copper eyes.
EGRETEAR—a short haired, white she-cat, with amber eyes.
COOTBLAZE—a black and red, mackerel calico she-cat, with short fur, and amber eyes.
CUCKOOSTORM—a blue she-cat, with long fur, and amber eyes.
FOXSTRIPE—a red mackerel "pseudo-tabby" tom, with long fur, and gold eyes.
‎‎Shatterblossom — silver classic tabby tom with a heavily scarred face, missing claws and thick fur like a lion's mane, partially deaf.
AngelicaClan's hunting grounds are mostly made up of thick forested hills. Its main trees are sycamores and alders. The ground is covered in fallen leaves. a river runs through the center of the territory. There are mountains to the north.
Sheltered beneath the canopy of several ancient aspen trees, providing the AngelicaClan cats with dens beneath the roots and in some low-down owl's nests. The camp is surrounded by dense undergrowth. The entrance is a fallen tree that forms a bridge over the wall.
Dark Woods - A patch of dense woodland, where many strange plants grow. Prey likes to hide here, but so do bears..
Water Monster - A twoleg water monster (boat) anchored on the shore of a small river.
Heron's Barn - A small twoleg barn that is home to an aggressive loner named Heron, who often attacks clan cats.
The Salmon Stream - A wide brook which usually contains all sorts of fish, mostly Salmon, in all seasons.
The Mole Tree - An ancient cottonwood tree where many Moles live, but also a dog.
The clan is led by a council of the leader, medicine cat(s), and deputy
AngelicaClan has a specialized rank the Ambassador since AngelicaClan accepts any loners or kittypets who wants join they have someone help the loners and kittypets get use to the territory the Ambassador, who must be a former kittypet/loner themselves. AngelicaClan shares this rank with Skyclan   
Religion: they listen to what StarClan has to say, but ultimately make their own decisions
The Delightful and Well-developed
‎ ‎ ‎Dandelionstar — black tabby senior jack with a dull pelt and strawberries tucked into their chest fur.
‎ ‎ ‎Magnoliagrowl — gray-and-white jack with an oddly-shaped paw.
‎ ‎ ‎Rosefeather — young, black-and-white broken mackerel tabby jack.
‎ ‎ ‎Acorngale — freckled chocolate torbie-and-white jack.
‎ ‎ ‎Splashwillow — bark brown tabby senior tom with a heavily scarred face and body.
‎ ‎ ‎Gravelprance — thin, silver mackerel tabby tom.
‎ ‎ ‎Falconbounce — mackerel tabby tom.
‎ ‎ ‎Cometfeet — pleasant, chestnut molly.
‎ ‎ ‎Flickeringstrike — lilac-ginger calico tom, virtually deaf
 ‎Pumpkinpoppy — densely-furred, silver tabby senior jack.
‎ ‎ ‎Mistletoemouse — bony, caramel-and-white jack with darker-colored ears
‎ ‎ ‎Brook — wiry-furred, cinnamon-and-white senior tom with a heavily scarred face, a long scar across his side and large ears.
 ‎‎Flamingmelody — calico jack.
‎ ‎ ‎Sailpaw — coltish, brindled silver molly.
‎ ‎ ‎Azaleapaw — copper-and-white tabby jack.
‎ ‎ ‎Dustpaw — newly-apprenticed, beige tabby tom.
‎ ‎ ‎Thistlefrost — honey-colored tabby molly.
‎ ‎ ‎currently caring for:
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Dancekit — lilac-and-white molly.
‎ ‎ ‎Heatherwish — freckled chocolate caliby jack, partially deaf.
‎ ‎ ‎Hazelflower — stout, caramel tom with a dull pelt, orange ears and faint tabby markings.
  Rainacorn — elderly, mottled caramel tom with a seemingly permanent frown, a long scar across his back and paralyzed hind legs.
CinderClan's hunting grounds are in an abandoned twolegplace. It is very overgrown, and all of the wooden doors have rotted away. It is now mostly flooded. CinderClan is unbothered by twolegs.
In a twoleg watch tower. The main rooms are used as dens, with the leader's den closest to the entrance. A large hole in the attic wall serves as a lookout point.
The Hickory Bridge - A fallen Hickory tree that forms a bridge across a small ravine. 
Tall Willows - A large grove of very tall Willow trees that was planted by twolegs. It is home to many lapwings, but also some snakes.
Water Monster - An abandoned twoleg water monster (boat) anchored on the shore of The Carp Stream.
The Carp Stream - A brook which usually contains all sorts of fish, mostly Carp, in all seasons.
Cave - A large cavern on the side of a hill.
Kits are usually named after a recently deceased cat
Warriors and queens vote on important clan choices
All kits are named by the leader
Religion: they have their own ancestors that they follow, called ClawClan
The Hardworking and Reliable 
‎ ‎ ‎Voltstar — silver senior molly.
‎ ‎ ‎Ripplegrip — agile, honey-colored speckled tabby molly.
‎ ‎ ‎Duckspeckles — red tabby molly.
‎ ‎ ‎Greenwave — freckled chestnut-and-white tom with a white leg.
‎ ‎ ‎Gladewave — tortoiseshell senior tom.
‎ ‎ ‎Mumblingwater — dappled snowy white tom.
‎ ‎ ‎Birchfluff — solid ashy gray molly.
‎ ‎ ‎Lilycinders — mottled lilly white tom.
‎ ‎ ‎Chivefish — brindled smoky black senior molly with rose petals tucked into her tail fur.
‎ ‎ ‎Flinteyes — black-and-white senior jack with a sagging pelt, a cream-colored tail tip and a cream-colored paw.
‎ ‎ ‎Slitheradder — smoky black molly with light amber eyes.
‎ ‎ ‎Stagfall — dappled beige tom with a cream-colored chest.
‎ ‎ ‎Tarbeard — lavender tabby senior molly with a dull pelt.
‎ ‎ ‎Squirrelprod — freckled caramel tom.
‎ ‎ ‎Shedpaw — coltish, mottled honey-colored-and-white molly with tiny emerald eyes, cream-colored paws and black socks.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Warrior Name : Shedfern.
‎ ‎ ‎Rainpaw — solid blue-gray tom with one crooked tooth.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Warrior Name : Rainhackle.
‎ ‎ ‎Boltcloud — cute, black-cream tortie point senior jack.
‎ ‎ ‎Cardinaldapples — copper senior jack.
‎ ‎ ‎currently nursing:
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Windkit — russet molly with a wide gremlin-like face.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Warrior Name : Windmist
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Briarkit — mottled russet molly with light yellow eyes, very dark tabby markings and a cream-colored chest and underbelly.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Warrior Name : Briartooth
‎ ‎ ‎Hatchfern — elderly, honey-colored tom, completely blind.
‎ ‎ ‎Woodsong — reddish-orange jack with a seemingly permanent frown, a triangular face and large ears.
‎ ‎ ‎Bubblingash — chocolate-and-white tom with icy blue eyes and a mostly silver face, completely deaf.
BarnClan's hunting grounds are in a series of barns and farm land with a twoleg railroad to the north.
Camp: in a large twoleg barn, the stables are used as dens with the leader's den closest to the entrance. A large window in the attic serves as a lookout point.
Sleeping Monster - A sleeping monster that hasn’t moved for as long as any cat can remember.
Carrionplace - A place where Twolegs throw garbage and scraps. There are many rats there, so it is a popular hunting place for BarnClan cats.
Twoleg Railroad - A wide twoleg railway. However, it is abandoned and twoleg monsters hardly ever drive across it.
Island Rocks - A warm pile of stones near the shore of a small river. A very good hunting spot because many sparrows live there in burrows.
Tumble's Barn - A twoleg barn that is home to a friendly loner named Tumble, who often helps clan cats.
Pine's Barn - A large twoleg barn that is home to a lazy kittypet named Pine.
Kits are sometimes stolen from other clans and raised without knowing the truth
Warriors get to pick their own names
Religion: all BarnClan cats are reincarnated when they die, so they see StarClan as impartial judges of what kind of life a cat should be reborn into, rather than ancestors
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locsta-beats · 1 year
"ETHEREUM" by Jaybkird Locsta COMING SOON!!! #weedsongs #weedgotmefaded ...
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paraphraze615 · 5 years
HAPPY 420 Y'ALL! IF YOU NEED SOMETHING TO BLAZE UP TO, THE LINK'S IN THE BIO! #LinkInBio #Paraphraze #SwishaSweetDreams #420 #FriedDay #IGot5OnIt #IndicaBadu #MaryJane #MountKushmore #OGTriggeration #KeepItOrganic #StonerMusic #SmokingPlaylist #WeedSong #WeedSongs #DrGreenthumb #HowHigh2 #HowHigh #HalfBaked #CheechAndChong #RollItUpLightUpSmokeItUp #InhaleExhale #StonedIsTheWayOfTheWalk #EverybodyMustGetStoned #BuddahLovaz #ThisIsForAllMySmokers #HitsFromTheBong #SmokeSumBitch #GetHighToThis #StonerMuzik (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwdoQvlg-wr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gviqtohdjfn2
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holtavequince · 7 years
Me and my homies was high as shit when we made this 😂🔥😭🔥💨
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sidestreetked · 4 years
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What’s the top strand right now? Good Kush Good Drink Bad Girls x SideStreet KED Out Now On All Platforms #stoners #kush #hash #topstrands #strand #buds #stonergirls #legalizeit #rec #420 #420culture #stonermusic #weedsongs https://www.instagram.com/p/CGXXUi5AuVI/?igshid=1wk6ryxp7aeyi
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clayday420 · 4 years
Mary Jane off my album Kickback Time #clayday #clayday3xr #claydaymusic #weedsongs #maryjane #kickbacktime #stonermusic https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSa3BmlTmi/?igshid=ivr3ter6kkgj
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slickthepoet · 4 years
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Enjoy your #medication and #meditation with #slickthepoet HAPPY 4-20 #tidalplaylist #420 #Spotify #420 #fanappreciation #spotifyplaylist #marijuana #weed #weedsongs #Classics (at New Orleans, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_M_B3flxbB/?igshid=13qscsaufqing
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devincole2112 · 5 years
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10 of the Best Weed Songs to Listen to When High
Getting stoned? Here are all time top 10 marijuana/weed songs to add into your playlist and listen to when high with stoner songs.
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paraphraze615 · 2 years
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MAKE SURE TO ADD THIS TRACK TO YOUR PLAYLIST BEFORE BLAZE UP TODAY! 4️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ #NowPlaying #SwishaSweetDream #SwishaSweetDreams #Paraphraze #ThovoBeats #SincerelyYours #420Music #420Muzik #420Playlist #SmokingPlaylist #WeedSongs #WeedMusic #WeedPlaylist #SomethingToSmokeTo #StonerMusic #GetHighToThis #420Community #420BlazeUp #BlackStonersMatter #PassBluntsNotJudgement (at High As A Kite) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ccj7QN3gfor/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ykmodi · 6 years
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Thats our talented artist Krrip Kapur Suri Next single GANjA GANjA please bless him and the co starsss with ur love and blessings and share it thanks❤🚬Dizzy Dizzy Dizzy 🚬 Are you guys feeling high? 😎 This the #teaser of a #newsingle #ganjaganja 🌿#poster sung by urs only @iamkrripkapursuri feat. @rishinakandhari @apuravbasotia and @panizarahnamaaa 🕺🏻👯‍♀🕺🏻!!COMiNG SOON!! STAY HIGH till we release some more JOINTS 😎 . . . @majestic_aces @thebucketlistfilms @faisal_miya__photuwale @prateek_basotia @basotiaapurav @iamkrripkapursuri . . . #ganjagirls #ganjaboys #ganjaganja #ganjah #weed #weedmemes #weedgirls #weedboys #weed🍁 #weedsongs #weedmusic #bigfanofbobmarley #ganjaburn #ganjagoddess #ganjafriend #ganjalove #ganjajoint #ganjarap #smoke #smokeup #highonlife #weedporn #bobmarley #bobmarleymusic #bobmarleyfans #bobmarleys #bobmarleysong #casting #celebrity #management #artist #artistsoninstagram #singer (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btf3GIKHi0n/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gcs71z7qpz7h
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maryy-janes · 5 years
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fuckin in love 🥰☘️😈
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africantheartist · 4 years
#MyGrade🍁💨🔥 from WESTMORELAND who knows about where am from #Orangehill🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲 leave a comment down below your 1st experience smoking weed #herbalistproblem #badnuhbumbo💀😁😂🤣 ..... ..... ...... #artist🎙 #entertainer #producer #dancehall #reggae #songwriter📖 #viralvideo #gainwithafricantheartist #motivator #weedsong #herbalistproblem #weed #herbalist #ganja #Medz #marijuana #weedpolice #likesforlikes #jamaica #westmoreland #6ix FASHiGLA✡ https://www.instagram.com/p/CBI9rHmgueD/?igshid=nxtbxnfzupmo
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hudsonglover · 4 years
"The Devil's Edible" • the ultimate showdown of me versus the weed demon. link of whole song & full 420 comp organized by @livingsquares in bio <3 . . . . . . . . . #pianoballad #weedhumor #420 #420daily #weedlife #weedmemes #weedsong #funnysongs #weedart #420weed #420meme #indiemusic #lofimusic #bedroompop #dawlessjamming #greenscreen #specialefx #mortalcombat #retrovideogames #musicjam #pianojam #weedsong #musicjam #musicvideoshoot #experimentalmusic #analogmusic #videoart #lofipop #vhs #retrovisials (at Humboldt County, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_OKaOOBvKm/?igshid=q2oq0dooamxe
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paraphraze615 · 4 years
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Oh, look at the time. 4️⃣:2️⃣0️⃣ #NowPlaying #SwishaSweetDream #SwishaSweetDreams #Paraphraze #SincerelyYours #Thovo #ThovoBeats #Mood #MoodAF #MoodMuzik #WeedMusic #StonerMusic #SmokingPlaylist #StonerPlaylist #WeedSongs #WeedMusic #WeedPlaylist #SomethingToSmokeTo #420 #420Music #420Muzik #420Playlist #LightTheBlunt #SativaSaturday #SativaSaturdays #SmokeSumSaturday #SmokeSumSaturdays #StonedSaturday #StonedSaturdays #StonerSaturday #StonerSaturdays #StonerMusic (at 420) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBWZrxAf9y/?igshid=1olr7wyit5v8v
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freevibegh · 2 years
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Now listening to some vibes from ma man @wizkhalifa and other artists like @juicyj and @snoopdogg 🔥 What's your favorite weed song? Playlist link in bio - - - - - #weedsong #hiphopmusic #wizkhalifasongs #spotifyplaylist #weedlovers #freevibeonit #feelit (at Kumasi, Ghana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CddYsGUj4ZK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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