#weezie big city greens
gloriasato · 1 year
the gangs alll hereee!
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yippee-optimistically · 3 months
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gabriella and cricket attack GO [I FORGOT ONE 😭😭😭]
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also. whole lot of characters i havent drawn/colored so much yet + some little teen concepts
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finished s3 recently it was very good. seasons just keep getting better
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Had to come back and edit a lake episode Tilly in
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disneytva · 5 years
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Community Sue,Andromeda,Kiki,Bennie & Weezie will Be Back on Big City Greens Season 2 Also Expect Something BCG related For San Diego Comic Con 2019
Yesterday  Marieve Herington had a giveaway livestream of BCG where they awnsered some fun questions and revealed some stuff:
What this 5 dudes and gals have in common well that they will be back on Big City Greens Season 2!!
Also a little birdie told me that we might see some Big City Greens action on San Diego Comic Con so stay tuned.....
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megansfavourites · 3 years
All Pokédex entries from the Vida Translations Pokémon Silver (Part 1/2)
(Part 2 here)
I did this just for the sake of nostalgia. I modified my save file to fill up the entire Pokédex so that I can enjoy all the Pokédex entries I read as a kid, which I later learnt were just made-up stuff by fans. The most memorable one that I can still recall is Mareep’s entry, where the fan translator claimed, “So called because of Mary, who had a little lamb.” (I’m typing this off the top of my head. Let’s see how much of it I’ve correctly remembered!) All spelling and grammatical mistakes are preserved.
BULBA: A strange seed on its back grows with it.
IVYSA: Its bulb grows so large it, can’t stand up!
VENUS: The plant blooms when absorbing solar.
CHARM: When it rains, steam rises from its tail.
CHARL: Its tail can raise temperatures to 10000C.
CHARZ: Spits fire hot enough to melt boulders.
SQUIR: After birth, its back hardens to become a shell.
WARTO: Often hides in water, stalking preys.
BLAST: This POKeMON has pressurized water jets.
CATER: It has suckers on its feet for climbing.
METAP: It’s vulnerable to attacks when its shell is soft.
BUTTE: Flaps its wings to release very toxic dust!
WEEDL: It has a sharp venomous stinger on its head.
KAKUN: Can only harden its shell for protection.
BEEDR: Attacks using the big stingers on its arms.
PIDGE: Flaps its wings at ground level to kick up sand.
PDGTO: This POKemon will fiercely attack any intruder.
PIDGT: Can fly up to twice the speed of sound.
RATTA: Small and fast, it attacks with sharp teeth.
RATIC: Uses its whiskers to maintain its balance.
SPEAR: Flaps its short wings fast to stay up.
FEARO: Can keep aloft without resting.
EKANS: Moves silently, eating PIDGEY’s eggs whole.
ARBOK: The poison on it’s fangs is the deadliest known!
PIKAC: When several gather, lightning strikes.
RAICH: Its long tail serves as a ground.
SNDSH: Lives deep underground far away from water.
SNDSL: Can roll up into a spiny ball when scared.
NIDOF: Its venomous barbs make it very dangerous!
NIDRA: Likes physical attacks like clawing.
NIDOQ: Uses its hefty bulk to execute powerful moves.
NIDOM: In danger, it will use its poison sting.
NIDRO: An aggressive POKeMON that is quick to attack.
NIDOK: Uses its tail to smash, bind then break.
CLEFY: Many admire its magical and cute appearance.
CLEFB: Runs and hides the moment it senses people.
VULPI: The tail split from its tip as it gets older.
NINET: Grabing one its tails could curse you.
JIGGL: Sings its enemies to sleep with its melody.
WIGGL: When angry, it will inflate to a huge size.
ZUBAT: Uses ultrasonic to avoid objects while flying.
GOLBA: It attacks by draining the blood out.
ODDIS: If you yank it out of the ground, it shrieks.
GLOOM: Oozes nectar which is used to attract prey.
VILEP: The larger its petals, th more poison it holds.
PARAS: The mushrooms grow by drawing the blood.
PRSCT: The parasite has taken over the bug host.
VENON: Lives in the shadows of tall tress.
VENOM: Its wings show the poison it holds
DIGLE: Lives about a yard underneath ground.
DUGTR: DIGLETT triplets. Triggers huge earthquake.
MEOWT: Wanders streets looking for loose coins.
PERSI: Its fur raises a high price on the black mart.
PSYDK: Its attacks are strongest with a headache.
GOLDK: Often mistaken for the Japanese monster KAPPA!
MANKE: Extremely quick to anger.
PRIME: Always furious and tenacious to boot.
GROWL: Barks and bites to repel any intruder.
ARCAN: This POKeMON runs agilely as if on wings.
PLWAG: Prefers swimming to standing up.
PWHRL: Capable of living in or out of water.
PWRTH: Can swim up to 70miles per hour.
ABRA: Identifies danger and TELEPORTS away.
KADAB: Emits alpha waves which cause headaches.
ALAKM: Its IQ is said to be around 5000!
MCHOP: It trains in all types of martial arts.
MCHOK: It must wear a powersave belt to move!
MCHMP: Its punches can hit you clear over the horizon.
BELLS: This POKeMON feeds on bugs and insects.
WEEPI: Spits out POISON POWDER to kill its prey.
VICTR: Said to live in colonies deep in jungles.
TCOOL: Anglers who hook them are often stung.
TNTCR: It’s tentacles can paralysed anything!
GEODU: People often mistaken them for boulders.
GRAVL: Rolls over any obstacle without break!
GOLEM: It can easily withstand dynamite blasts.
PONYT: It can trample anything fast in a little time.
RAPID: This POKeMON will chase anything that moves.
SLOWP: It takes 5 seconds for it to feel pain.
SLOWB: The SHELLDER on its tail feeds on scraps.
MGMIT: Uses anti-gravity to stay suspended.
MGTON: Formed by several MAGNEMITEs linking together.
FARFE: Uses its spring of green onion like a SWD.
DUODO: Makes up for its poor flying with fast feet.
DODRI: While two heads sleep, the other stays up.
SEEL: The hard horn its head is used to fight.
DEWGO: Swims at a steady 8 knots in any water.
GRIME: Appears in filthy areas with pollution.
MUK: It is thickly covered with a vile sludge.
SHELL: It is vulnerable only when it shell is opened.
CLOYS: When attacked, it launches its horn fast.
GAST: Cloaks the target and outs it to sleep.
HAUNT: It is said to be from another dimension.
GENGA: It likes to mimic the shadows of people.
ONIX: As it grows, it hardens like a diamond.
DROWZ: Occasionally gets sick from eating bad dreams.
HYPNO: Uses a mix of PSI moves such as HYPNOSIS.
KRABB: Its pincers are also used for keeping balance.
KINGL: The large pincer has 10000HP of crushing power.
VOLTO: They are easily mistaken for a POKeBALL.
ELECT: Often explodes with little or no provocation.
ECUTE: When disturbed, they quickly attack in swam.
EXTOR: Sometimes one of its heads will drop off.
CUBON: No one has even seen its real face.
MAROW: It throws the bone it holds like a boomberag.
HMLEE: It runs smoothly with long, loping strides.
HCHAN: It fires punches in lightning fast volleys.
LICKI: Its long tongue is twice its body length.
KOFFI: Stores many kinds of toxic gases in its body.
WEEZI: Two Koffings fused together over many years.
RHYHO: It can easily knock a trailor flying.
RHYDO: Capable of living in molten lava of 3600C.
CHANS: Said to bring luck to those who catch it.
TANGE: It is swathed with wide vines like seaweeds.
KANKA: The baby doesn’t leave the pouch.
HORSE: Shoots bugs with ink from the water surface.
SEADR: Swims backwards by flapping its wing like fins.
GOLDE: Its tail fin billows like a dress.
SEAKI: Can be seen swim up in rivers in autumn.
STARY: Can regenerate any appendage which it lose.
STARM: Some people value the core as a preciousGEM
MRMIM: Doesn’t like to be interrupted while miming.
SCYTH: Has ninja-like agility and speed, can move fast.
JYNX: Seductively wiggles its hips as it walks.
EBUZZ: Normally found in power plants, but few.
MAGMA: It can always hide very easily among flames.
PINSR: It will swing the enemy and throw it.
TAURO: Charges furiously while whipping with its tails.
MAGIK: In the past, it was stronger than it is now.
GYARA: Capable of destroying entire cities in rage.
LAPRA: LAPRAS can ferry people across the water.
DITTO: Capable of copying an enemy’s genetic code.
EEVEE: It may mutate if it is close to stones.
VAPOR: Lives close to the water, and has a long tail.
JOLTE: Accumulates negative ions in the air.
FLARE: It stores thermal energy in its body.
PORYG: It is capable of moving in cyberspace.
OMANY: Long extinct. Can be resurrected again.
OMAST: Died out when its shell became too heavy.
KABUT: Was resurrected from a fossil found.
KTOPS: Its sleek shape is perfect for swimming.
AEROD: It goes for the throat with its fangs.
SNORL: As its bulk builds it becomes more slothful.
ARTIC: Appears to people lost in icy mountains.
ZAPDO: Appears from clouds when it drops lightin.
MOLTR: Each flap of its wings makes a flame.
DRATI: Thought to be made up until one found.
DRAGO: Has the ability to change the climate.
DRITE: Its intelligence is said to match humans.
MEWTW: It was created by a scientist after DNA Tests.
MEW: Still said to be a mirage by many experts.
CHIKO: The leaf on its head stands for butty.
BAYLE: Its necklace produces a very burning scent.
MEGAN: Its petal necklace emits a depress strench.
CYNDA: Don’t touch this POKeMON’s back its hot!
QUILA: Its back of flames arcs and kills enemy.
TYPLO: Its anger can break glass when it gazes.
TOTOD: This POKeMON has a very powerful jaw.
CROCO: Grows a tusk for every battle it wins.
FERAL: Its massive jaws can bite and tear up anything.
SENTR: Strangely, it evoles into worm POKeMON.
FURRE: Its burrow is narrow so others will not fit in.
HOOTH: Odd-looking. Has only one leg with four claws.
NOCTO: Its eyes can see even in complete darkness.
LEDYBA: Flies away for days, and returns with mate
LEDIA: The new rival of SCYTHER and PINSIR.
SPINA: Waits in its own web for preys that come near.
ARIAD: It spins thread from both ends of its body.
KUROB: A new evolution of ZUBAT and GOLBAT.
CHINC: Lives underwater, but has electric powers.
LANTU: Its light can reach the surface from 5000m.
PICHU: This POKeMON wastes electricity when it laughs.
PI: People think that it came from a star.
IGGLY: Has a very soft body, so it always bounce.
TOGEP: Bonds with the first person seen at birth.
TOGEC: Still has the markings from TOGEPI’s egg.
NEITI: Closing its eyes makes it look like a seed.
NEITO: The two eyes at the bottom scares ppl.
MAREE: Its name is like Mary, who had a little lamb.
SLOOM: If its tail is cut, it will evolve backwards.
DENRY: The light on its tail helps guide lost ppl.
BELLO: A SOLAR STONE power gives it all its ability.
MARIL: Its tail can be filled with water or air.
AZUMA: Said to be the cousin of RAICHU.
SUDOW: It is always smiling until it enters a battle.
POLIT: Rumoured to be the rival of POLIWRATH.
HOPIP: Sounds similar to JIGGLYPUFF when sleep.
FLAFY: Its gentle ways make it popular to train.
JUMPL: A nocturnal POKeMON.Blooms on every full moon
AIPOM: Has a very long tail with a hand on it.
SUNKN: Said to feed on bugs and germs using its seed.
SUNFL: It never blooms until it warns to attack.
DUNSE (Yanma): A lonely bug POKeMON which has no evolutions.
AMPO: Found living in cold waters, catch using bait.
QUAG: Moves very fast in cold waters and land.
ESPEN: An EEVEE change in the day with PSYCHIC.
UMBRE: An EEVEE change in the night with EVIL PWRs.
MKROW: If seen at night, it will cause bad luck.
SLOWK: A new evolution of SLOWPOKE and SLOWBRO.
TRILX: Found in caves and lives in loneliness.
ANNON: A ghost POKeMON which has many different form.
SOONA: Its eyes is always close due to pains.
GIRAF: It is immune to sneak attacks with its 2heads.
SKARM (Pineco): Views the surroundings un-noticed.
FORET: Two Jet guns pop out during attacking.
DUGLA: A weird looking POKeMON that eats fishes.
GLIGA: Sticks to the enemy’s face, stinging them.
STLIX: Its body is much harder than diamonds.
SNUBB: Looks stern, but it is a gentle POKeMON.
GRANB: The most loyal POKeMON ever known.
WOBBU (Qwilfish): Uses the spikes on its body as defence.
SCIZO: Appears to have three heads when it attacks.
TSUBO: A rare POKeMON that hides in crack rock.
HERAC: The irregular horn on the top is for ATTK.
MISDR (Sneasel): Uses the sharp nails it hides for DEF.
HIMEG: Teddy Bear-like POKeMON liked by girls.
RINGU: The ground stomps as it moves along.
SLGMA: Leaves burnts on the ground as it moves by.
MAGCA: Lava flows from its body due to the heat.
URIMU: Found in dark caves with a low temperature.
INOMU: Resembles an entire boar head, moves slowly.
CORSO: A cute POKeMON that is loved by all.
REMOR: Swims in water with the help of only 1 fin.
OCTIL: Spits out pure black ink when escaping.
DBIRD: Holds a mystery bag it used in battle.
MANTI: Hard to be found it roams round the oceans.
WOPER: A Steel Bird POKeMON with hard armors.
HOUND: Talks differently to friends and enemies.
HDOOM: Able to throw flames of 5200C.
KINGD: A new evolution of HORSEA and SEADRA.
PANPY: Uses its long nose to do all the work.
DOPAN: A charge at enemies makes them fly away.
PORY2: A modified version of the PORYGON ONE.
STANT: Said to be related to the reindeers.
DOOBU: It marks its territory by painting dots.
BARUK: Can evolve into a HMCHAN, a HMLEE or HMTOP.
HMTOP: Try not to be bewitched by its graceful dance.
SMOCU: A baby POKeMON by breeding JYNXs.
ELEKU: A baby POKeMON by breeding Electabuzz.
MABY: A baby POKeMON by breeding magmars.
MILTK: Produces delicious milk for the elderly.
BLISY: If you eat its egg, you are very lucky.
RAIKO: The thunder Lengendary DOG POKeMON.
ENTEI: The second most powerful legendary dog.
SUICI: The Ice and Water Legendary DOG POKeMON.
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manaboutworldmag · 5 years
Gay-friendly Illinois: Five Romantic LGBTQ Getaways
Illinois is home to a number of romantic, LGBTQ-friendly getaways within easy driving distance of Chicago, from kick-your-feet-up spots where you and your partner can take a breath, to hipster beer-and-bike meccas where y’all can let loose.
Galena: Vintage Shopping, Vintage Setting
Just three hours west of Chicago you’ll find Galena, a small but vibrant town known for its immaculate nineteenth-century architecture and bustling arts and shopping scene. For you antiquey gays who can’t get enough small-town charm, Galena is for you.
Plan to arrive early and check in to The Aldrich Guest House, a queer-owned five-bedroom B&B that’s hosted President Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant. Owners Doug and Robert have warmly arranged and decorated each room with comfy beds, high-end linens and personal touches.
The Inn at Irish Hollow is another gay-owned B&B, an aspirational place to stay. From the cozy interiors, the three-course weekend brunch, the seven-course dinners, and the lovely and welcoming gay hosts, this is one of our favorite places in Illinois.
The gorgeous Jail Hill Inn is another option. A 135-year-old, four-story brick gem of a hotel perfect for couples looking for a romantic getaway. The hotel was rated the number 1 B&B in the United States on TripAdvisor’s Travelers’ Choice Awards.
Once you’ve dropped off your bags, head out to explore the small-town charm of Main Street, strolling hand-in-hand along the dozens of quaint shops nestled in historic, red-brick buildings. If you and your partner are looking to feather your nest, stop in at Pinder Pottery, where a small handful of local potters are spinning beautiful and functional pottery. At Common Cents Resale, old housewares and vintage furniture are restored, restyled and sold at reasonable prices.
After some light browsing, grab lunch at One Eleven Main, a farm-to-table hotspot with a seasonal menu featuring locally-sourced ingredients. But if Galena’s historic sites have you in the mood for something more traditional—or you’re trying to turn up the romance—try Fried Green Tomatoes. Despite its name, the restaurant serves up traditional Italian fare with a farmhouse chic ambience. Before you leave Main Street, pick up a bottle (or three) at Galena Cellars Vineyard & Winery.
Spend the rest of your evening relaxing back at the hotel and wake up to their award-winning breakfast (with coffee brewed from a local roaster!) before heading home (or continuing on your Illinois journey!)
Galena remains one of Illinois’s top LGBTQ friendly cities, a charming, artsy, welcoming place that’s as quirky as it is inclusive.
Instafamous in Pontiac
For Route 66 fanatics, your trip begins on Michigan Ave. in Chicago and stretches for 300 miles, filled with some of most interesting and ‘grammable spots throughout the state. Somewhere in the middle of the historic highway, you’ll find Pontiac, a small town hidden gem central to American culture, literature, and industry, from the Grapes of Wrath to the Beats and Disney-Pixar’s Cars.
You’ll want to book a room in The Three Roses Bed and Breakfast, situated in a pristine Victorian in the center of town. Or, if you’re looking for something a bit more modern and chic, check out the ACRESinn LOFT—an 1,800 sq.-ft. loft overlooking downtown Pontiac. Both options are relaxing, romantic settings close to all attractions including the Route 66 Association Hall of Fame & Museum. Be sure to peek around the backside of the building where you’ll find one of Illinois’s most iconic Route 66 murals (and unofficially the state’s selfie capital!).
You can have an early breakfast at Three Roses or take a short walk to Edinger’s Filling Station, a favorite diner among locals, with a vintage Route 66 ambiance serving homemade American breakfast and brunch dishes. They’re famous for their homemade pies, so save room for a slice.  
After breakfast, stroll with your better half down Main Street and pose in front of the many ‘grammable murals depicting Americana (including Coca-Cola, RCA Victor and the iconic line of Pontiac automobiles).
Beyond Pontiac, Route 66 extends down through Springfield and takes you through Alton, where Illinois meets Missouri. If you’re up for a classic American road trip, fire up your playlist and keep on truckin’ along Route 66.
Springfield: Love in the Land of Lincoln
Since this is the land of Lincoln, why not stay at the President Abraham Lincoln Springfield – a DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel? It has a great location right in the center of town. Breakfasts here include house-made baked goods like blueberry muffins or buttery, flaky croissants.
In the morning, stroll past the cute, gay-owned Cardologist (a little greeting card and knick-knack shop perfect for sending postcards!) before settling in for a tasty meal at Incredibly Delicious, a locally owned French Bakery and Café located in the historic Weber House near downtown Springfield, Illinois. Founded in 1995, they specialize in artisanal breads, traditional croissants, handmade pastries, specialty cakes, and desserts. Their breakfast and lunch menu changes daily and pastry selections change seasonally. Be it savory or sweet, you will find your new favorite treat behind their doors.
Afterward, head just one block north of the hotel to the Dana-Thomas House — a Frank Lloyd Wright landmark — to tour its ornate, yet still-modern-feeling halls and rooms.
Continue your architecture lovefest with a guided tour of the recently-renovated Governor’s Mansion. Built in 1855, the mansion’s renovated exterior showcases the styles of the different governor’s that called the mansion home over the years. Tours usually last just over an hour.
For even more woodworking artistry, head to Sangmon Reclaimed, where local firefighters and veterans take the wood from torn down barns and reclaim it, rework it, and reimagine it as new pieces of art, architecture, and furnishings. A fascinating look at the Midwest traditions.
Once you’re up to the gills with house envy and dreaming of a nest with your partner, take a short cab ride or a decent walk (25 minutes or so) up South 6th Street to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. The library is mainly intended for researchers but the museum is a must-see for anyone, and particularly appealing to children if you’ve brought the family. Another short cab ride will take you to President Lincoln’s (and his family’s) final resting place, a monolithic, granite tomb in the Oak Ridge Cemetery.
For dinner, consider the upscale American Harvest Eatery, serving up familiar dishes with twists, all artfully plated and made from fresh Illinois ingredients. If you and your partner are looking for a night cap, hit up the Station House, a queer bar and dance club spinning great tunes.
Pontiac maybe be small, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in friendliness, local vibes, homecooking and history.
Urbana-Champaign: Beers, Bikes, and Beers
Millennial hipster queers will fall hard for Urbana-Champaign. Just over two hours south of Chicago, this college town is home to a variety of breweries, eateries, and arts and culture gems. Plus, there’s dockless bike sharing in the area so you’ll burn off those calories as fast as you consume them. (But, please, no drinking and biking!) Can it get more romantic than good food, delicious beer and (sober) biking?
If you’re looking for a charming, Southern feel, stay in the queer-owned Champaign Garden Inn. The Victorian Queen Anne-style mansion, surrounded by lush gardens, is a short walk (ahem, stumbling distance) from downtown Champaign, which makes it a safe bet if you’re planning to brewery hop.
Kick off your brewery crawl at the Riggs Beer Company, The Blind Pig Brewery, or Destihl Brew Works, recognized as three of the top breweries in Illinois. Wherever you go, do not skip the Sipyard, a beer garden in downtown Urbana operating out of a shipping container in the middle of an outdoor graffiti gallery.
For dinner, go big at the Black Dog Smoke & Ale House. While not romantic in the most traditional sense, nothing brings a couple closer than sharing a rack of ribs. They also have spicy southwest potato salad. Enough said.
One of Illinois’s most beloved twin cities, Urbana-Champaign is the future of the state, with a nod to the past, it’s always looking forward, whether it be art and breweries, or welcoming festivals and queer-owned hotspots.
Alton/Elsah: Charm on the Mississippi
Alton and Elsah are small-town twin cities along the Mississippi River on the Missouri border, about four-and-a-half hours south of Chicago. Their scenic, down-south feel and pace are well worth the trip on a long weekend—especially if you and your partner are looking for a respite from city life.
Nestled in the bluffs below the Great River Road, The Green Tree Inn in Elsah is a charmer, with hospitable hosts who’ve held numerous gay weddings at their property. Next door is a quaint general store stocked with incredibly hard-to-find sodas, sweets, cakes and any toiletries you might need.
Once you’re settled, drive the majestic Great River Route along the Mississippi River. It’s beautiful and relaxing—perfect for cranking some music and soaking in the views.
After your drive, ward off the afternoon sleepies with some award-winning espresso from Maeva’s Coffee, one of several community-oriented businesses in a former schoolhouse in Alton. Maybe split a piece (or heck, just get two slices) of their famous quiche while you’re there (there’s a vegetarian option, too!).
Then, for lunch, check out Weezy’s Bar & Grill for some good ol’ Route 66 kitsch. This roadside diner is a legend, and you’ll love their classic burger and fries while you snap pics of the Route 66 memorabilia that adorn the walls here.
But small towns don’t necessarily mean small nightlife. Bubby & Sissy’s is the big, gay exclamation point on Alton’s after-dark scene. The welcoming bar is known for its drag performances on weekends with special performances from the famous Shelby Right Back.
Elsah and Alton are quite the pair — so different with a shared sensibility and easy-going charm. There’s history here, but the towns also look forward, always evolving, always innovating, always welcoming.
More Gay-friendly Illinois
This is just one of our many favorite stories and hotspots to help you discover gay-friendly Illinois for yourself. Continue your exploration here.
LGBTQ Guide to Chicago: The Windy City Heats Up This Spring and Summer
Inclusive Art in Elusive Places
Personified: Douglas and Robert, the owners of the Aldrich Guest House
Personified: Jonna Cooley, an LGBTQ trailblazer
Personified: Josh Laskowski, the sunshiny morning voice of WQQB FM
Big-Time Pride in Small-Town Illinois
Top instagrammable Spots in Illinois Outside of Chicago
Enjoy a more immersive Illinois experience in the magazine:
ManAboutWorld is an app-based travel magazine by gay men which provides travel inspiration and trip-planning information for all whether you’re in the LGBTQ+ community or are an ally. It’s built exclusively for mobile devices and is not available in print. We first published these articles in the spring 2019 issue and make them available here for your enjoyment. The app and issues are all free. Download it for Apple devices or Android devices.
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gloriasato · 1 year
some doodles + an alternative tilly
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