#wef technocratic fascism
agape-philo-sophia · 2 years
➝ Orchestrating Plandemic for Great Reset — Globalization for Full Spectrum Dominance 🚨
The Globalization Agenda of the Great Reset is intended by the evildoers to usher in the One World Order or Agenda 2030 as the fourth industrial wave transitioning humanity into transhumanism and technocratic control, which is planned to bring the complete and total slavery of the entire global population on the earth surface.
"Yearly the World Economic Forum (WEF)/Davos brings together the world's most powerful CEO's along with governmental policy decision-makers.... The World Economic Forum is a facilitator for the goals and objectives of the United Nations - which is world government."~ Joan Veon
The Octagon Group in located in Davos, Switzerland is the same group behind the current World Economic Forum and fourth wave of the transhumanist Great Reset that have a Black Sun chain of command extending to the Moon and other planets. These same lunar entities and their preferred bloodlines have been administering an assortment of surface cataclysms by obliterating chosen demographic areas for decimation.
"The Global Power Elite works out policies to advance their interests with regard to the management and protection of global capital and the enforcement of debt collection worldwide They are strategically placed to impose these policies through their members' positions within individual states and transnational state institutions. The enormous concentrations of economic power translate into enormous influence over global policymaking. The Global Power Elites of the Transnational Capitalist Class make efforts to protect their interests through global organizations like the World Bank, World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, the G20, G7, World Economic Forum, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Bank for International Settlements, and other transnational associations... Within this system, nation-states become little more than population containment zones, and the real power lies with the decision makers who control global capital." ~ Peter Phillips
Take note and pay attention to those in positions of globalist power or in the governments that are promoting the globalization-socialism agendas of the World Economic Forum and the Davos, Switzerland elites. Proclamations from Prince Charles and other elite world leaders as well as those politicos onboard with the globalist agendas, are publicly talking about changing the entire world all at once and soon.
Schwab published the book COVID-19: The Great Reset - make it clear that he is only initiating everything to save the planet from the “human virus”.
It is a new form of fascism that found new political forms in the 21st century in order to continue its core project of adapting humanity to socialism by authoritarian means. Schwab uses this new fascism ostensibly to save the planet, but actually it only protects the interests of the rich. In his eyes, humans are the virus from which the planet must be saved.
People have to realize: it was never about a virus, it was always about the Great Reset.
The scale of change that globalist elites are calling for through the vehicle of the Great Reset, requires the implosion of the current world structure in order to lay the foundations for their One World Order tyranny. Pay attention to the flowery words and empty promises propagandizing the Great Reset with online pictures of deliriously happy people with key phrases like, “you’ll own nothing and be happy”. This is the largest attempted stealing and transfer of national wealth and power for instigating global human slavery under the Luciferian Covenant, along with the theft of every last drop of global human resources through an orchestrated plandemic with the strong-arm response of bullies designed to abolish western culture. Expecting that nations hand over the reins of regional power to the Power Elite Controllers that finalizes their long-term plans to finally strip away all human rights, in which they own everything and everyone and begin the systematic confiscation of personal property, individual choice and the extermination of the undesirables.
"The WEF's agenda matches goals set out by the United Nations to achieve Agenda 2030. In the future, the less-developed world will not rise to the developed, rather the other way, as advanced civilizations must go down to their living standards to become 'sustainable'. COVID-19 has created the perfect justification for this shift. The 'well-timed' New York pandemic exercise, Event 201, on October 18, 2019 was co-sponsored by the World Economic Forum and the Gates Foundation." ~ TOTT News
The United Nations, World Bank, World Trade Organizations, NATO and International Monetary Fund are promoted to serve global free trade and enforce the rule of the law, to prevent economic disputes within nations that may arise into warfare, yet they are the same organizations that were put in place after World War II to fully protect the monopolies represented in the Power Elite Controller’s international business interests. Many of which rely on the hidden components of human slavery, human trafficking, drug running and child sexual slavery as a part of their international and off planet business models.
Thus, the majority of people are not aware of the Power Elite agenda that is aggressively pushing for increased globalization through the implementation of Marxist-socialist governmental structures in the western nations is not just for the purpose of centralizing global control by dissolving national sovereignty. The biggest secret of the globalization agenda is that through the highest cabal networks that have full control over all transnational corporate conglomerates, these are operating on an international scale on and off planet, in which implementing globalization and centralized automated bureaucratic control with AI makes human trafficking, global human slavery and genocide of the deplorables much easier to implement and manage.
➝ We Continue To See The Chess Pieces Coming Together More Than Ever Before 🚨: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1432349031010406408?referrer=MindCom
➝ The Papal Bloodlines Black Nobility Crime Families 🚨: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1430532570327552008?referrer=MindCom
➝ The Unholy Roman Church — Control Power Tri-Entity Pyramid 🚨: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/903253137500381184?referrer=MindCom
➝ For Thousands of Years These Satanic Demon Rats Have Been Managing and Controlling Their Human Cattle 🚨: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1427437874696949769?referrer=MindCom
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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Episode 272: BREAKING FORMATION The HighWire with Del Bigtree Published June 16, 2022
mim·ic - they are the mimics of real ethical people
To copy or imitate closely, especially in speech, expression, and gesture:
ANTI MMIC [anti-medical/military/industrial complex representing technocratic corporate fascism]. Stand against the mimics of true, genuine and considerate medical, political, military, and media leadership representative of the public good.
The answer to the despotism of the CCP is not another CCP! [Input program error. An error of poor quality input. Programmed corruption.] The correct answer is the true application of good G-dly conduct that stands the test of the threshing floor of G-d.
The truth of the Aborigine is to be a REAL HUMAN BEING. Media has made many into ‘actors’, touting ‘narratives’ and programmed ‘scripts’.
[Frankly, this is where learning meditation, breath work, and Qi Gong are so helpful in maintaining a healthy frame of mind. When times of understanding towards our fellow are most important.]
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mariowil · 4 years
Innovation has never come from the top. Let alone from a small group at the top. Innovation has always come from mavericks outside the system. But an interest group can only dominate by repressing the majority -- especially the mavericks and individualists, and the awkward, introverted sods who don't wear masks and have no social distancing skills and don't even hear the orders because they don't watch TV. ..Here's the evidence: Look at the proposals at the World Economic Forum and the World Wildlife Fund revealed this past month. No! Not the cozy panda or the claims that it's to 'save the climate'. That is all a front, like Covid, like vaccines, like the offer of a techtronic future where your fridge tells your car to go collect groceries. Read the proposals from WEF and WWF: you won't have a car and you will be content with your ration...Look the Commodity Traders, Industrial Chemicals, GM seeds and fertilizers, Amazon and UN2030 and Agenda 21... DNA-altering Big Pharma working together with Big Tech to map your DNA, trace contacts and work with the Banks to determine your social credit and digital wallet... Now interpret: what does those elements working together mean for the world you are going to live in?Look at the narrow strata of interests behind them. Who owns them? Then look at the tax-exempt foundations and the future they are discussing. What do they use their philanthropy to promote?By the way, if you're not yet convinced that the International Monetary Fund and World Bank have always been a Trojan horse for banks and corporations and the vested interests behind them, watch the documentary Princes of the Yen.They will Map the Future but it will not work. The best analogy is from plants. Back in the 1930s the dust bowl was largely man made. So was the Irish famine of the 1840s. In both cases farmers had abandoned diversity and planted the same few high-yielding varieties of corn and potatoes. When the blight came it spread rapidly through identical varieties and the bulk of the crop got wiped out. Managed outcomes have a habit of backfiring...Innovation does not happen in totalitarian economies because by definition the outcomes must benefit a specific interest group. That is why the fascists and the Bolsheviks both worshiped Ford! He's right there in Brave New World: Our Ford. They loved his ideas but they could not make them work. They had to import innovation from the USA. They bought whole production lines, entire factories from Ford. The same thing will happen with the glorious Globalist, One-World, Carbon Neutral, Climate Friendly, Soylent Paradise. Except we won't have the USA.We are being sold a lie: That we'll get our digital comforts in a controlled society - yet wealth is rationed... ... ... Equity for all: everybody gets what they deserve - yet everyone gets the same... ... ... Surveillance and social control - yet with the freedom to innovate...These goals are not compatible. Technocracy = corporatism = fascism = reactionary. We are being sold a lie in the guise of the need to "save the planet" or "save the environment" or "rebel against extinction" or "fight the carbon" or "fight the virus" but the answer is always the same: give up your liberties, close down the market, centralize control.
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power
exists and will persist. (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
No, it’s the MEDICAL-Military-Industrial Complex MMIC
In July of 2009 CDC instructed the state to STOP testing for swine flu. This would have made sense if those being tested were overwhelmingly testing positive for the virus. But that wasn’t the case. Sharyl Attkisson, an award winning investigative journalist for CBS, discovered the CDC knew as early as July of 2009 that there was no emergency. She requested data from state health departments and found that very few of the patients being tested actually had swine flu.
Nevertheless, on Friday October 24, 2009, President Obama declared a national emergency.
The Greater Good Movie https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thegreatergoodmovie
[This is an interesting fact. It would seem that our government has failed, prior to this time, in appropriately assigning a national emergency.]
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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Thinking About China The World Economic Forum Wants Your Face John Mac Ghlionn May 26, 2022
The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, has just ended. The theme of the five-day event, “Working Together, Restoring Trust,” was both vague and troubling, in equal measures.
Remember, this is the WEF we are discussing here, an international organization actively pushing “The Great Reset.” The theme could just as easily have read: “Suffering Together, Restoring Compliance.”
Among the many issues discussed, members focused on the spread of misinformation and disinformation. How, they asked, can the proliferation of harmful content be combatted? It’s easy, they answered, how about introducing digital IDs?
The WEF recently rolled out the Global Coalition for Digital Safety, an initiative designed to “accelerate public-private cooperation to tackle harmful content online.” In an effort to remedy the scourge of malicious material, the WEF has brought together a “diverse group of leaders who are well placed to exchange best practices for new online safety regulation and help millions of connected citizens improve digital media literacy.”
These “diverse leaders” include head honchos at the likes of Google, Microsoft, Interpol, and a number of government ministers. Another coalition member is Yoti, a company that strives to make the internet a safer place. How so? Through the use of digital IDs.
The dangers posed by digital IDs cannot be emphasized enough. As the researcher Brett Solomon—a man “who has tracked the advantages and perils of technology for human rights” for well over a decade—previously noted, the mass rollout of digital IDs “poses one of the gravest risks to human rights of any technology that we have encountered.”
DOWNLOAD THE WEF 2022 ‘PUBLIC FIGURES’ LIST https://www.scribd.com/document/575082668/WEF-AM22-List-of-Confirmed-PFs#download&from_embed
DOWNLOAD THE WEF GRADUATE LIST https://maloneinstitute.org/s/WEF-GLT-and-YGL-list-04May2022-by-country.xlsx
DOWNLOAD THE WEF PARTNERS LIST https://icedrive.net/s/WQYGhgwbxYyf3RiuwiATzZ6VyGgw
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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CLEAR ENOUGH? Learn Something New Today
[It’s high-time for these uninformed and misinformed special-interest community organizers and currency manipulators be stopped, and that these  perpetrators of scientific and medical preferential disinformation regarding climate change and experimental gene manipulation, who have effected mass murder by the hundreds of thousands of tainted vaccines, be put on trial.]
DOWNLOAD THE WEF 2022 ‘PUBLIC FIGURES’ LIST https://www.scribd.com/document/575082668/WEF-AM22-List-of-Confirmed-PFs#download&from_embed
DOWNLOAD THE WEF GRADUATE LIST https://maloneinstitute.org/s/WEF-GLT-and-YGL-list-04May2022-by-country.xlsx
DOWNLOAD THE WEF PARTNERS LIST https://icedrive.net/s/WQYGhgwbxYyf3RiuwiATzZ6VyGgw
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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Dutch farmers fed up! Block highways in protest of crack down || Jared Bedke https://odysee.com/@AlisonMorrow:6/dutch-farmers-fed-up!-block-highways-in:0
5 Lessons |  DUTCH FARMER PROTEST 2022 https://odysee.com/@PoplarPreparedness:9/5-lessons-dutch-farmer-protest-2022:9
Government OUTLAWING farming during a food shortage? When there are empty shelves, [then] to ban making food? In the Netherlands the government has agreed to do just that and farmers are having none of it.
Mass tractor protests on roads, at government offices, and now at food distribution warehouses. Dutch farmer protest 2022 is gaining support and demanding the government back down.
White House Is Quietly Modeling For $200 Oil "Shock" https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/white-house-quietly-modeling-shock-200-oil
Dutch farmers form tractor blockade in 'massive' protest over nitrogen policy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOrasUB5GzM
[CCP deep state psyop and moneymaker, steer and bewilder the public, create chaos while robbing the moneychanger bank. First here then there then back again. Money wave generators using others equipment, and savings.]
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americanmysticom · 2 years
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Globalists have entered the kill phase of Great Reset; Remember the Deagel population forecast? It now makes total sense
This was a big week for the globalists. They feel it’s their time, go time, to launch the most difficult phase of the Great Reset so they can get on with what they call the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
[It’s high-time for these uninformed and misinformed special-interest community organizers and currency manipulators be stopped, and that these perpetrators of scientific and medical preferential disinformation regarding climate change and experimental gene manipulation, who have effected mass murder by the hundreds of thousands of tainted vaccines, be put on trial.]
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, as explained by World Economic Forum guru Klaus Schwab, will lead to a “fusion” of every human being’s physical, biological and digital identities. It’s basically the dawning of a new era based on transhumanism and technocracy, something akin to what was laid out in the novel Brave New World.
But they can’t get there until they reset everything. Kill off the old. Bring on the new.
Resetting the world isn’t something you can pull off by just pushing a button. It requires a series of well-designed global crises, as Schwab and his chief advisor Yuval Noah Harari have said on more than one occasion.
So the globalists have been meeting this week in Geneva at the World Health Assembly and they have been meeting in Davos at the World Economic Forum summit. The two cities, Geneva and Davos, are both located in Switzerland, about three hours apart by car. Between these two meetings, the globalist predator class will be getting their instructions on what to do and what to expect over the next 12 months. I am calling this 12-month window the opening salvo in the kill phase of the Great Reset.
Schwab opened the meeting at Davos by saying “the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, by a powerful community, as you here in this room.”
Schwab said “we must prepare for an angrier world,” which I take as a bad sign that the globalists are getting anxious, feeling that if they don’t take drastic action soon all their plans to erect an end-times global government could be wasted.
Schwab added that, “We have the means to improve the state in the world, but two conditions are necessary:
“The first one is that we act all as stakeholders of larger communities.
“And second is that we collaborate.”
My question for Klaus is this: Collaborate on what?
And what does he mean, exactly, by “improve” the state of the world?
Improvements for whom? I believe he’s referring to improved conditions for the 1 percent who run the big banks and corporations and their minions, which might jack it up to 3 or 4 percent. For the rest of us, they have an agenda of misery.
Time for a culling
If we look at the WEF/UN agenda, which is supported wholeheartedly by the governments of the U.S., U.K., E.U., Canada and Australia, it’s all pointing to a mass culling of the human population. They have triggered the kill phase.
DOWNLOAD THE WEF 2022 ‘PUBLIC FIGURES’ LIST https://www.scribd.com/document/575082668/WEF-AM22-List-of-Confirmed-PFs#download&from_embed
DOWNLOAD THE WEF GRADUATE LIST https://maloneinstitute.org/s/WEF-GLT-and-YGL-list-04May2022-by-country.xlsx
DOWNLOAD THE WEF PARTNERS LIST https://icedrive.net/s/WQYGhgwbxYyf3RiuwiATzZ6VyGgw
[Is the WEF connected to the COVID-19 release? Is the WEF organized pandemic games the planning phase to more well-timed pandemics? Is the WEF the perpetrator of the Monkeypox release? Does the group mind of the WEF look upon mankind as cattle? And WHY?
As the WEF herds mankind by creating fear, it is incumbent upon all of us to say a RESOUNDING NO, and make an end to this technocratic terror, and technocratic terrorism at large.
It’s time for uninformed and misinformed special-interest community organizers and currency manipulators be stopped, and that these perpetrators of scientific and medical preferential disinformation regarding climate change and experimental gene manipulation, who have effected mass murder by the hundreds of thousands of tainted vaccines, be put on trial.]
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