#weird plots
chipmunkweirdo · 22 days
One of my biggest talents is taking the most ridiculous plotlines ever and somehow making them work.
So, here’s a teaser plot for my next mini tale. It came to me in a wacky dream. Can you tell?
The Special Avocado: Theodore finds an avocado that looks like Dave’s face and all the Chipmunks have different ideas about what to do with it.
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beautysnake · 2 months
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quick warmup since I dont have time for a full blown art fight attack today! Little cat things :>
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egophiliac · 6 months
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was gonna wait 'til I'd done all the poms, but it's been a day, so have Vil with a Salazzle 🍎
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ruporas · 2 months
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birthday party (id in alt)
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bastardlybonkers · 6 months
thinking about how marcille thinks that her feelings for falin are parental while the audience can see the attraction that she either cant see or doesnt want to see
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parental doting, nagging her to use the stuff she bought her
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this fucking cover. every single relationship pictured here being parent/caretaker and the one being taken care of.
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how when marcille starts this matching scene its like a mother bathing her child, right up until falin rises over her and grasps her hand, to which marcille is very suddenly confronted with a cocktail of complicated feelings, attraction, fear, shock, confusion. this isnt just a horny scene guys Look at marcilles face, her eyes, the black background on their clasped hands. how marcille doesnt blush until the interaction is over, then slips right back into the comfortable dynamic of calling falin cute and small and inviting her into her bed
this is how marcille sees their dynamic. parental, caretaking. safe.
is it that kui genuinely meant it like this and we as an audience found a different interpretation? is it that marcille is dense to her own feelings, misinterpreting protectiveness for parenting? is it that marcille doesnt Want to understand her own feelings? is it that shes an elf, and elves generally infantilize shorter lived races? is it a conscious or subconscious method of self protection, denying herself the fact that shes in love with someone who wont even make it past her own young adulthood?
(also im gonna need you guys to be so fucking serious here if you even Think about making the claim or god forbid saying that Im making the claim that farcille is ""problematic"" because marcille has complicated and nuanced feelings for falin im going to combust)
edit for clarification: i meant if the attraction was intentional not the parental feelings lol just making sure cause i think some ppl mightve thought i meant it the other way around
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larri0li · 6 months
make a wish
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avelera · 6 months
Laois from Dungeon Meshi legit feels like someone said the generic blond main character guy in a fantasy story can never actually be an interesting character in his own right and Ryoko Kui went, “Oh, bet?”
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starryjaybird · 7 months
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Conceptual drawings (I guess?) of a scene where Leia opens up and tells Rey about what broke their little family apart and why.
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modmad · 12 days
TPoH: Update!
Update here on the TPoH website!
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Read TPoH from the start here.
Have you still not got your nice warm Assok socks or a shiny butterfly pin? Head on down to Topatoco town and introduce yourself to my store for books, shirts, stickers and more!
Kickstarter ahoy! Book 4 is on the horizon! If you want to be notified the second the kickstarter for Volume 4 starts, go and sign up over here :D
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And if you're a long termer you can always support me on patreon; even one dollar a month helps!
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lafeae · 2 years
L K and Q for the ask meme!
L: what’s the weirdest AU you’ve come up with?
Somehow I feel like we could be here all day with this one. If there’s an AU, I’ve probably thought of it at least once, unless it was crossover, and even then, I did a very strange crossover waaaaaay back when.
There’s actually a toss-up: one is a Yu-Gi-Oh crossover I did with House M.D.
Plot: Kaiba is a wealthy benefactor to Princeton-Plainsboro hospital because House was able to diagnose Mokuba with an ataxia syndrome. While he’s there, he has a seizure and the team has to find out what’s wrong with him. I don’t recall what sort of disease he had, but at one point they thought it was Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, what is commonly called Mad-Cow Disease. It wasn’t that, that was the ‘scary’ diagnosis before they found out the real reason. Unfortunately, I don’t know what the real disease was.
This story is a beautiful combination of my nerdy fandoms, and if I was actually a doctor, I might have been able to write it convincingly.
Second: An Inuyasha stockcar/NASCAR AU
Plot: Sesshomaru is a driver who gets into a really bad accident on the track and ends up paralysed (I think?) and the power of love and hope from Rin helps him heal, and also there’s a big battle on the racetrack with Naraku at the end because there’s also magic still in this world, but I don’t remember anything other than what I told you. I was 13/14. It was not good.
K: Whats the angstiest plot you’ve come up with?
One that wasn’t shared and I exclusively kept in a notebook when I was a moody teenager ~16.
Kaiba is also an edgy teenager, he’s dealing with his literal internal self still talking to him. It was a very amateur look at depression and how e vis ourselves that more or less climaxed with him having a chess match with himself, and every wrong move he made, a corrosive goo was eating? him, threatening to let the “bad” version takeover. I think now I might be able to manage the plot about like….self-consuming depression and how it reflects on the outside better, but really it was an edg-y version of depression, self-hate, suicidal overtones with no actual plot other than suffering. Nothing like…tying it up.
It did spawn a poem I still remember:
Mirror, mirror
On the wall
Don’t you care about me at all?
Why do you show me this horrid scene?
Why do you show me this horrid thing?
You love to give the thing I despise
And yet offer nothing to idolize
I rip you apart,
Into cracks
In hopes you go away
Mirror, mirror
I will look at you one day
And I will say:
I think I like you better that way
Because when you’re shattered, you don’t mock me
And you don’t make me feel ashamed
(There’s another stanza, about getting better and loving yourself, but I actually don’t remember it. This is the best recollection I have of a poem/drawing that I ripped up a loooooong ago).
But yes, all the angst. All the edge.
Q: Any discarded plot lines/scenes/stories?
I had a whole ass story idea with three different chapters or so, set in Edo Perios Japan, wherein that Jounouchi is possibly a supernatural entity of some sort, but he’s thrown into a daimyo’s castle jail because he’s an unwanted foreigner possibly spreading Christianity which was very…unwanted at the time. They also barely let in any foreigners besides the Dutch.
The truth of the plot was that he knew a Hyakki Yagyō—a ghost parade in Japanese folklore—was due to pass through the town with the castle. He was something like a witch who could sense these things, perhaps even a half-demon (hadn’t decided), but his rambling just came off as crazy. So eventually, he was going to get just Kaiba and Mokuba out of the castle before it caught fire, mostly because he can convince the brothers and become a little enamoured with Kaiba, but also because Kaiba and Mokuba are under rather brutal conditions from Gozaburo, the daimyo of the castle, who pretty much would feed his sons to the wolves for a shred of power from the shogun.
So yeah.
Here’s what I did get done: The Jailhouse Fire
Thank you for the asks!
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okayto · 11 months
Neopets is so funny right now. It's a 24-year-old website and half its pages haven't been updated in 15 years. Its ostensible audience is children. The core active audience appears to be nostalgic 20-40-year-olds. Old code means no accounts or pets can ever be renamed. The virtual pound is full of virtual pets named after Justin Bieber. It has an economy and inflation is rampant. New ownership is combating this with the stimulus of random super-rare items via daily quests and events, while the equivalent of Neopian Upper-Crust complain that their investments are deflating. You can't say seaweed or grapes.
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grimark · 2 months
i love how in the first two seasons of doctor who, Mickey Smith, regular human guy who i am led to believe works as a car mechanic, has absolutely unparalleled hacking skills just whenever the plot requires it. first time it happened it was bc the doctor gave him the top secret UNIT password that lets any random dickhead with a laptop fire a missile out of a submarine directly at london. but all on his own he's casually clicked his way into high security military databases at least twice since then. if you were a character on a tv show in the 2000s, just knowing how to turn a computer on was enough to give you hacker superpowers.
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spacecapybara · 2 years
Do you think there was ever a play with a mystery at its heart back in medieval/Shakespearian times where they wanted to make sure the idiotic local ruler seemed smart. So they had to have a hint that he but not the public would understand to figure it out before the public did. So they used the fact the public was illiterate to have a large banner stating the answer but it would only reveal it to the ruler cus he could read.
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waitineedaname · 1 year
did Mei know Scar was a serial killer? she's not stupid, she must have figured it out pretty quick, but she obviously did not give a shit. I like to think she was just like not my country not my problem, good luck with your revenge based quest Mr. Scar!!! and then moved on with her day
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wasyago · 1 year
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something incredibly self indulgent
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next on doctor who: ruby steps on a sidewalk crack. they find her birth mother by searching for people with broken backs
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