hanahxru · 10 years
weisdonner replied to your post:How is it that you can eat enough for a family...
: /
( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
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My biggest struggle is that Qator-senpai won't notice me---
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qunmi · 10 years
weisdonner replied to your post:The K.
Excuse you. That scarf is vintage.
It'll dry and still be stupid looking. 
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hanahxru · 10 years
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Huffs because being pretty is difficult.
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Yakuza AU -- casually leaves this here
Nine couldn’t sit still. Sitting seiza just wasn’t his style, and thanks to his Mama going over negotiations that he really didn’t care for, he had no choice but to be there. Every so often Nine would glare at the man sitting across from him and Arecia, wanting to punch out his teeth and maybe gouge out the second eye that was not marred by an eye-patch. He hated this man with a passion, and he knew that his family did too…so why were they here?
Territorial rights of course.
They had to split up the territories evenly and cleanly, but sooner or later there would be mayhem on the streets thanks to the top two clans. Nine’s pantsuit was being grasped by his fists, and when Qator glanced at him and smirked he was just about ready to lose it. Arecia was the perfect dignitary, and for once instead of just sending her son, she came herself which was more of an honor than anything else. If it was just Nine…
Well, he and Qator would not have a civil conversation and there would indeed be weaponry.
Qator was with a bodyguard and there was another outside of the room. Nine served as Arecia’s bodyguard as well as another one right outside guarding the entrance and probably glaring at the other side with as much vehemence as Nine did to Qator. Either way, the whole affair left a bitter taste in Nine’s mouth as he sat there, listening with an angry heart as he was well aware that Qator had taken the lives of many within his clan.
He vowed to kill him one day, but today was not that day.
"Are we done here yet? I know this whole thing is bullshit." He just couldn’t help cutting in.
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qunmi · 10 years
The K.
Underwater Kiss
   Oh gods.
Oh — How was she even going to accomplish this little feat? A small spark of an idea for it. A firm expression of regret beginning to well up somewhere in her at the very thought of completing this challenge, that pushed down as she walked out of the hall to the pool of water. Waving a hand to one of the soldiers near by; for him to get the male from where ever he may have been for the time being and make it urgent, and the location. A shake of her head.
  How he would fall for that, she would never know.
Removing her jacket, anything fairly metallic — from the gloves to that of the boots, and the pants who’s bracers — unfortunately were not detachable, putting it in some hidden place — a corner or a cubby of the such. Plunging into the deep end of the pool. A shuttered breath as came back to the surface, the body trying to get use to the frigid water. Useful for training — useless as of the time being.
Qun’mi pressed her back to the wall trying to keep from buoying in the water too much, to remain out of sight as she heard the approaching footsteps. A few having passed between jumping in the water and the footsteps; she began sinking out of sight beneath the water waiting for curiosity to get best, not before waving a hand in “i’m here” gesture. Waiting for the classic questioning of her actions as to just what she was doing.
Waiting for a moment before lurching upward, grabbing Qator by the( rather silly looking) scarf around his neck — whether he fell into the water or just neck beneath it — on her force of pulling, as long as he got underneath the water was all she was caring about. With whatever breath left, she pressed her lips to his for a few moments.
Pulling herself out the water and the pool, panting lightly but with an expression of undoubted mortification. 
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qunmi · 10 years
"--Now this must be a coincidence."
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