#weiss and yang are my favorites ngl
constantvariations · 2 years
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More color meddling for our titular team! I might need an intervention lol
OG Pic below
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spinedog · 6 months
Seeing as you made a sort of RWBY equestrian AU a while back, what draft breeds do you think that Team RWBY would have? Draft horses being my personal favorite breeds
Ngl I had to do some research to answer this one - I like draft horses a lot, but I really don’t know as much about them outside of my ‘research horse breeds obsessively’ phase in the preteen years. That said! These are vibes-based more than anything, and having the capacity to match the overall colour theme for that character was the most important factor, and matching general personality characteristics was second. Because this is RWBY.
(For the sane folk who are not current or ex horse people: draft horses are the breeds intended for pulling heavy things. They are usually big, docile, and slow. They’re not generally popular in most equestrian events, but draft crosses (specifically warmbloods) are VERY popular in things like dressage and showjumping.)
Ruby - Clydesdale
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Protagonist energy - it’s the draft breed that most people could actually name, but are also athletic and easy to work with. You’d have a hard time finding someone who doesn’t think they look pretty/cool in some capacity. Also I have seen clydesdale races and you should look it up, it’s hilarious.
Weiss - Boulonnais
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A rare (and declining) breed from France called ‘Europe’s noblest draft horse’. They were originally a popular workhorse but were nearly wiped out by the end of WWII. I could see the Schnees having a few of these as status symbols, but a workhorse is still a workhorse at the end of the day and Weiss would put one of these to good use.
Blake - North Swedish Horse
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This one was the toughest because, frankly, I have a hard time seeing Blake with a draft horse at all. I know Friesians are literally right there, but in my mind they are the least subtle horses in the world and I just can’t see Blake on anything but a small horse that moves quickly. So, I compromised - the North Swedish Horse is much smaller than the average draft and meant for forestry work in the wilderness as well as agricultural. They’re probably the draft you’d want for keeping a low profile.
Yang - American Belgian
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Went back and forth between this and a Haflinger, but the Belgian is what I had in my head originally and it won out in the end. Generally well-rounded draft that is still Super Goddamn Strong, taller and lighter than its European counterpart, and obviously has the capacity to have the long blonde mane that is mandatory for anything related to Yang.
Thank you for forcing me to relive my horsegirl roots, and hopefully this makes some amount of sense!
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Mind if I request Coco, Winter, Yang and Velvet (all 4 from RWBY) with gender neutral video game reviewer S/O?
Of course, honey! I didn't know what you wanted, so I just did head canons, sorry (030) I also ran out of ideas so I didn’t do Velvet, I might do her later when I have inspiration, sorry once more-
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Coco Adel
Okay, she 100% calls you Her nerd
She won't admit it, but she loved watching your video's before you met.
She's played a few games, lesbhonest
So she loves making requests on what games you should play/review and she loves how you analyse them properly without any bias
If you’re streaming she’ll either burst in to embarrass you or she’ll join the stream and Superchat heaps of flirty shit LMAO
Will stop if you seriously don’t like it though. She understands its a job as well as a hobby
(won’t stop the superchat flirts though.)
But your viewers LOVE her
Honestly whenever you go live everyone is like: “Omg is ur gf gonna be here as well????” Or “@GAYMER WHERES UR GF”
Honestly you can’t tell if they’re there for you or your fashionista S/O sometimes
Enjoys hearing about your interests and opinions on games, she may not seem like it though. Its more of a ‘talks a lot/listens dynamic’
She finds it cute when you ramble over a new game you played, or a certain character from a game.
As mentioned above will join your streams, sometimes she games with you mainly its just her cuddling you and trying to distract you.
Overall a very fun relationship
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Okay no offense but how did you bag her LMAO
She sometimes questions how she fell for such a dork but when she sees you smile shes like “Omg please stop being so cute I’m supposed to be calm and composed rn.”
Doesn’t fully understand your interests in games or reviewing them but nonetheless, she tries to engage
Im imagining you trying to teach her how to play your favorite games in her rare offtime but it doesn’t really work out
She just sticks to watching you game
Has only appeared once in a Livestream and it was an accident 
“Love, where do you keep the- oh, sorry, I didn’t know you were live, excuse me.” 
Okay wait Winter calling you love JKAJDEIJDEIO
The chat eXPLODED with things like “OMG WHO DAT!?!?” and “WOW MOMMY” and other things like that
everyone thinks Winter is mommy now and who am I to disagree
You told her and she just rolled her eyes LMAO
Believe it or not she does remember everything about everything you tell her about.
Despite not playing any games with you she makes an effort to engage in conversation about the things you love
Besides the point but your viewers beg for her to come on to a live again and she always responds with a no LMAO
Still doesn’t understand your love for games but she understands her love for you <3
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(okay this fanart tho-)
Yang has a side channel on DustTube (YT) and you can pry that away from my cold dead body.
Thats actually how you two met! Fellow gamers, shes more into just the playing side rather than the analysis stuff 
But she thought the way you analysed everything was really funny so she was like, lets contact them!
She loves streaming with you whenever she has time
Sometimes Ruby will join you two but it’s mainly 1 on 1 dates rather than hangouts
Both of you use gamer terms and memes around her team and Weiss and Blake are like “Wtf is this language”
They love and hate you because the PUNS
The two of you love making puns and they really love that you make her happy but please, stop making puns every 0.00000000000000001 seconds.
She loves cuddling together while gaming, its just so heartwarming and cute
sometimes you two fall asleep like that
Okay but the ragequits are memes in your following now.
Like: #IPULLEDAYANGTODAY or “Guys I almost made like @AsImP’s gf today pls help”
She finds some of them funny but like, it gets kinda old
But like, everyone thinks your gf is damn hot ngl
Loves playing horror and fighting games with you Has probably broken a controller out of surprise from a jumpscare.
100% most compatible relationship in my head
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mansionofmuses · 4 years
Alright fuck it I figured it's time to put my nuts in the ring when it comes to writing up rwde reviews about shiddy writing.
I already made a post about how closure doesn't exist in rwby, so that SHOULD trim this a bit. Hopefully.
These last two of seasons of rwby have been ASS and idk even know where to start. So lemme do some character progressions instead of jumping all over the place. Let's start with my fav: Neo. And I'll be as unbiased as possible.
Starting from v6, she came back and teamed up with Cinder. Cool? Cool. Fair enough. V7 onwards she's been treated like a BITCH by Cinder and has visibly shown her disdain for that on screen. And yet she still chooses to hang with her? Why? Like... Genuinely why? Is Neo not like the stealth queen? And the driver of a thousand vehicles? Why does she even need Cinder? Could she not have just jacked an airship herself, flown to Atlas after getting the info from Cinder, and began her hunt there? Instead she's just some minion to her now? Okay fine so let's say their team up makes sense in some odd world. Why the fuck would Neo agree to go to Cinder in the Satan Whale? Why? Why the fuck is she there? After being denied multiple times to get to Ruby and even being treated like shit with visible disdain, she should have absolutely left with a middle finger to Cinder. But nope. We get to see her be visibly uncomfortable in this cult and clearly wants out. Which she does, so good shit. She snatches the lamp and heads out. Fair enough, I guess? I don't know why the fuck she trusts Cinder to go back to her after being treated like shit. After Cinder's doodoo attitude towards her, Neo should be like "wow maybe she's lying to me about roman lemme check with this genie bitch" but no. And don't say "oh well she can't talk so jinn wouldn't be able to answer her." Fuck that. 1. I should hope that the password wouldn't be so ableist against mute people. 2. Neo's resourceful as hell. Text to speech and boom. There ya go. Instead she goes back to Cinder like a lost puppy after being shown multiple times how much she hates her. Why the fuck does she need Cinder to get to Ruby? I have no fucking idea! And then everyone's favorite scene. I know I know she killed Blake's hip atta-- I mean character devel-- I mean Yang. That scene. Was doodoo. And I'll get into more intricacies about it much later. But for now, why the hell was Neo so sloppy in that assassination? Like gurl you revealed yourself so early from, apparently so far away? Pretend to be a passerby with everything disguised (I saw that lamp) impale her and boom. Done. Not sure why she went for a slash either when a thrusting weapons like that would be best for a quicker impale. It would have made any on screen death so much more confirmed instead of up in the air bullshit.
Next we have Ironwood. Oh James. How far you've fallen. I don't really understand what the hell they're doing with this character any more. Like... At all. I fully expect him to turn into the joker and join salem at this point lmfao. At first he was complex, but cool, right? Ok a stern leader who still wants to help people and see team rwby in beacon grow and be successful. Fair enough. Then came v4 and he was like "hey yang. Heard about the arm. Here ya go homie." That was pretty cool to give to a young veteran. Fair enough. But good god once v7 hit, everything just went haywire. He started making the dumbest decisions. Kind of. I understand how he's like "aite let's sack mantle to ensure atlas lives cause otherwise both parties will be dead." except idk why he didn't just make a plan to evacuate everyone to mantle first but whatever. I mean team rwby did it like... In a day? Shouldn't have been hard. Then he started losing his fucking mind. There was an entire thing about trust issues and plans (ngl I didn't care enough to pay much attention) and he ends up wanting to arrest the kids more than actually stopping Salem. Like homie. Why. You have a gang of strong ass hunters on your side, don't just throw that away. They could say "acab fuck the police anarchy reigns" and you should still keep them just to fight literal satan on your doorstep. But he fucking drops everything and resources and materials on arresting them. Like why???? And then he just shoots a child just because? And he goes around full fascist mode and his character is just gone at that point. He literally actively wants to kill the people of Mantle now instead of stopping Salem and I don't fucking get it. He could literally plot with salem about how to nuke mantle and I'd be like "shoulda seen it coming". And then when he gets outta jail he kills Jacques... Just cause? Like why? I understand Jacques let Salem's forces in and eventually led to this shit show, but like... Atlas was falling. Just leave. I don't understand. But I guess it's to show how hateful he is towards those who oppose him, so whatever. Idk I'm so done with him. This man is just so boring I just can't wait for him to get killed off so we can be done with him. I'm sure I missed a fuckload of intricacies about Ironwood but I really don't care at all about this schmuck.
Next on the shitlist is the entirety of team rwby. Just to compact it all into one. Ruby has been getting on my nerves SO much. She is so holier than thou and always right. If she had just openly talked with Ironwood about all these secrets and shit, none of this would be happening. Yeah there would be panic, but homie what's the alternative? Fight in secrecy against the police and Salem?
"hey Ruby I noticed that lamp you keep hanging around. What is that?"
"oh uhhhh definitely not a grimm magnet HAHAHAHAH"
Like no shit everyone's gonna be pissed when you lie to them and keep these secrets. Also these plans are dogshit. "We gotta get a message out." To who??? The rest of the world is gonna see some lil kid be like "hey Ironwood's gone crazy and some evil witch bitch is here tryna kill us all." Like who are they gonna believe? A random girl or the fact that ironwood is the head of the largest military state in the world? For all they know it's just some prank and it's totally unbelievable.
Team RWBY sippin team for v8 and doing nothing all volume? Nice. "But they needed to protect Nora." You mean to tell me Ruby, May, Blake, and Weiss all had to be there to protect someone. The Grimm attacked once and that was it. You guys have no medical history. At all. All you did was wrap her up and drink tea during the volume where there's a literal war happening outside. You don't just "wait for help" you ARE THE HELP you're hunters you fucks! Go out and get shit done. Have like one person stay behind just in case shit goes wrong. Preferably Weiss so she can have those meaningful conversations with her family members she never fucking had. But whatever. Ruby and Yang get into... A fight? That lasts for five seconds when they leave and then when they see each other again it just doesn't matter so I'm not sure why the fuck it was brought up at all. It had no impact whatsoever. And there's a ton more I'm sure I'm just burning out at this point. But let's just talk about the big shit. Yang's death. Everyone's saying she'll come back because plot armor but I'm in the "I genuinely think she's dead" group. She turned to Dust as she fell. I mean who knows maybe Deus Ex machina rears it's convenient head. I hate hate hate how that scene was done. That was such an unbelievable death. Weiss, Ruby, and even Blake all have ways of catching her. Easily. Weiss has like fifty ways of catching someone between summons and semblance. Ruby can teleport around the world. And Blake can just shadow clone jutsu her way there but WHATEVER. I guess everyone was too busy being nerfed and sucking ass. Again. And the reactions? Dog shit. Even when she sacrifices herself for Ruby, it's still all about the bees. It's so genuinely annoying. Ruby just whispers her sisters name and that's pretty much it aside from a >:( face here and there. Weiss doesn't even grieve she just comforts Blake who's losing her shit. And I don't know why Weiss doesn't grieve cause SHE WAS HER HOMIE TOO LIKE C'MON RT LET'S SEE SOME UGLY SOBBING DAMN so now everyone's gone feral (except Weiss who just doesn't give a shit about Yang apparently.) And despite Blake saying "yo let's not kill people aite Yang?" She's gonna say fuck that and have it out for Neo and Cinder out of revenge. Alright I guess. That's fair honestly. Challenging ones own morals based on emotions. Good enough. But god I just wished we could see more from Ruby and Weiss during that. Also I'm so sick of the "oh this character fell are they dead are they not?" Thing that rt keeps doing. Just have Neo impale her and go. Easy as that. On screen confirmation. I'm sure team RWBY has a fuckload more to crit but I'm done with this topic.
Winter. Bootlicking to the extreme that she casts aside her own sister and doesn't care if her friends die. Nice. No closure at all after she turns back to being a good guy I guess. I'm done with her. Not a whole lot to say.
The aceops are just so dumb. I'm done with them. Everytime they talk about genocide for the good of atlas I'm just rolling my eyes. Just say you're fascists and move on. And idk why the fuck harriet is gonna bomb an empty mantle. Atlas is already falling on it, you literally have no reason to do this. And this plot point is stupid as hell. Next.
Cinder. I'm not sure why they decided to randomly drop her background story into the mix. Like I don't think anyone gives a shit after all the crap she's done. I'm so sick of rt trying to make her some "uwu woe is me" woobie after doing so much shit and killing so many people. Her uwu crying moments are just stupid. Honestly watts is one of my fav characters just for telling her how crappy she is. Next
Hazel. Homie is dumb as hell. He hates Ozpin because his sister died in a mission. Fair enough. Why the fuck would you ever join Grimm Hitler when Grimm are what killed her in the first place??? Like??? Just hate him on your own time dude, jesus. And he is consistently hypocritical and it's so stupidly funny how bad this character is.
"HOW MANY MORE CHILDREN WILL YOU HURT OZPIN" as he beats the piss outta Nora, Ren, RWBY, Oscar, and probably some random five year old on the street while shouting OZPIIIIN to the skies. It also didn't take a whole lot to convince him how stupid he was thank god. His character was so cool in design and in theory but good god he got executed soooo fucking poorly. Kinda glad he's dead just so we don't have to deal with his stupidity. Next.
Emerald. This bitch. I can't. I LOVE how easily rwby just forgave her. It was so stupidly funny. "oh but yang was ready to fight her at first and snatched her weapons" yeah for five fucking minutes. Then came the part where she helped stabilize Penny and gave a half assed speech about switching sides. Meanwhile everyone's just magically forgiving of her like OH THAT EMERALD AHAHAH like she didn't help orchestrate the fall of Beacon, the death of many, including Penny, and all the terrible shit that's gone down. No resentment from RWBY except for my favorite line delivered this volume. It was Weiss's ever so beautiful "SHUT UP" LOL (I play Smite and I love how her VVGQ Quiet voice line sounds the same. So when I heard this line, I thought of Smite and immediately laughed. Kudos to you Weiss.)
Salem. The hound attacked Penny in the mansion... Why? You already established connection with Watts in jail. Did he not tell her "ay she cool with us." And in turn did she not tell him "ay she cool with us don't hit her"? I guess not? Cause the hound and penny shoulda bounced together the second they met up lmao. Other than that, salem's done nothing this volume except try to be scary and get her ass beat by hazel. She could easily just go out in the field with her grimm and blasts some people or SOMETHING GOD so far our main villain is just so boring and unimposing that literally every other villain, including her subordinates, feel more like threats than her.
Now I'll just talk about scenes.
The scene with ambrosius was COATED IN CONVENIENCE. Apparently Ozpin didn't tell the gang about the WinMore button they could just fucking walk to until now because??? Idk. I LOVE how team rwby just assumed that penny would be okay when they took her robot parts out. Realistically she should just be a floating husk of aura and nothingness. Like she never had organs. I don't understand how she's a real person now? Which, by the way, I'm pretty fucking insulted about how they handled that. Why make Penny human? She was already a real girl and accepted by her loved ones. Like shit, she was a character that a LOT of transgirls, myself included, could relate to on a personal level and we LOVED how Ruby handled it in v2. It was cute! It was sweet! She said she was a real girl back then and it made all of our collective kokoros go doki doki. Fun stuff!
But now? It feels like none of that was validated until she got an actual human body. Like damn I wish I could just get my ideal body within seconds. Shit. I've seen and heard a lot of upset from my fellow tgirls about how doodoo that scene was, because it's implying penny wasn't a real girl until after she got her human body and that's probably how most of the rwby fandom is gonna see it too. "oh wow penny's a real girl now!" And just forget Ruby's cute speech in v2. So annoying. Minor nitpick, if she's got the aura of a black man inside of her (her father), and her robot body is gone, why the fuck isn't she black? Like? Idk minor nitpick I guess. But anyways back to ambrosius scene. I love how rwby had the answers for everything within the hours worth of planning they were given by Ironwood's motive. Totes believable. And yet the "one way ticket to vacuo" thing was the simplest shit they could have avoided lmfao. Like THAT is what you trip up on? Not the portals you're trying to make or the assumption that penny lives without her robot parts? Insane. (side note: how did oscar have a flashback to that scene if he wasn't even there?)
And now everyone's favorite scene. Yangs death. Already covered it early I just wanted to add more on. This scene is insane. Like... If they actually go through with killing her (i don't see how she could have survived turning into dust) then roosterteeth is dumber than I gave them credit for. Like... They have to realize the shitstorm they're gonna receive right? First they kill off clover, an lgbt+ coded character. Next is Yang? A main character who is WIDELY loved by all. Apart of their most pandered ship in existence: bees. (Both the ship and the character make them so much money in merch btw so this was stupid from an objective standpoint.) You can't just kill a main character that is heavily lgbt+ coded in THE most popular ship in the show. Like... How dumb can they be? They're gonna lose so many fans at the very least. Sales? Down. Death threats? Way up. It would be astonishing if they weren't up to their necks in shit in backlash by that decision. Bury Your Gays trope strikes again folks. But this time with everyone's favorite! Like I just... Idk that decision was stupid and that scene hardly was given any real pomp or circumstance it deserved. She's a major title character and that scene lasted like a minute lmao. It's gonna be RWBY without the Y. RWB. As in rt is a bunch of rubes for making that decision. A cynical part of me thinks they did that just because they want an excuse to off Neo, another really loved character. (Well if everyone hates her now we can kill her off cause god knows we don't know what to do with her), but I'm not gonna make this about her. I honestly don't know how to feel about this death tbh. On one hand it's shitty and *points to essay above*. On another it lets Blake be her own character for once. We get to see who she is on our own. And we can finally shift gears from The Bees Show featuring Some Plot to RWBY without the Y. But again that scene was done horribly with doodoo writing already explained up above. They're gonna use this as some edgy excuse to have the heroes start killing again or grieve or whatever bullshit shock value.
(now that I think of it tho, Neo shoulda killed yang in v2. How the fuck did Raven know she was finna die again. Lmao)
Anyways, that's my two cents. I'm sure there's so much more I forgot. Love or hate my ramble idc these are just my thoughts. I'm sure I made doodoo arguments at some points so feel free to call me an idiot and point them out. Imma bounce. My fingers fucking hurt lmfao
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
RWBY V8E3 LiveThoughts
Its Saterday and that means its time for everyones favorite post spam; Orca-mun bullshits about RWBY! And here we go.
On a personal note I barely ate anything today so my brain is jittery. I ate something before this of course but one does not solve low-food jitters instantly. So we’ll see how this goes.
Also the more that I hear the opening for this season the more I hear things that I have had Ash say before.  “The hope to change the world is just a childish dream”. It comes off in the song as kind of a poke at Ruby and her team, same way as how V3s opening was all about loosing and falling, but here I cant help but hear it in the voice of Ash, caustic and sarcastic, angry at the world for his own issues and putting it onto the “blind, naieve Huntress’s” Ironwood now has his team focused on.
Actually again, a lot of the song is talking about stuff that is probably coming up in the show. “The path we tried to avoid is already here”. “Path home is suddenly clear”. Basically hinting RWBYs going back to Vale at some point. But we knew that already.
And again, the part with time stopping while Cinder walks among the fighting reminds me of a shittier version of the I Know You trailer for Halo Wars 2.
And now the episode actually starts. Apperently, riding the pnumatic tubes does NOT instantly kill you. Im...half dissapointed. At the same time it makes sense, they seem to be fully sealed so. 
Doesnt seem like its fun though thats for sure.
Dear Blake; please stop being adorable.
Oh, and we get to see how Penny see’s the world too. Interseting. Wireframe with data...and shes unintentionally doing the Konami Code if Im not mistaken.
Also cool to see that the active camo semblance works exactly like Halo’s active camo, ergo; its bending light, not true invisibility, since you can JUST BARELY see the shimmer where they are.
And this moment is a painting I like to call; Five Lesbians and a Robot in an Elevator. Legit shocked Atlas doesnt have elevator music...
And we finally, FINALLY get some reference on the storm. Shorter Atlas trooper sayd “they cant get too close to that storm without getting shot out of the air”.  Okay...so Salem actually has defenses against airships? Couldnt they have SHOWN THAT?
Also, props to the female VA for sounding like AN ACTUAL FUCKING SOLDIER. “CO can get us some answers”...hell yeah. And then Nora’s randomly a dick for...no reason.
Penny’s finger has a scomplink just like in Star Wars.
And they didnt think to remove Peitro’s security clerance, alright then. Someones gonna know they were there though since she used his ID...but maybe thats part of the deal. They get in and get out fast.
Central Command is so dissapointingly small. I HATE IT. ITs two rows of consoles and like...8 dudes. No, wait...three rows? For a place this big it should be six times the size and look more like NASAs mission control.
Nice to have some data on how Ruby’s semblance works though. She apperently breaks herself down to her component molecules and negates her mass and HEY thats how I said Ash moved! DAMMIT RT
Also I guess Remnant follows SOME laws of physics.
NGL Blake is suddenly being a better character now that shes not held down by Yang. Might just be me though. 
“Busy” says Ironwood. In my head, the five minutes before this shot; EXECUTIONS EXECUTIONS ALL THE EXECUTIONS. MUCH PURGING, VERY CLEAN NOW.
Oh I LIVE for the sudden look of shock on Watt’s face. Bro KNOWS what Ironwood can do. That said, obviously hes going to turn on him because...duh. Its Watts. But hey, least hes a little afraid. Unless its an act.
His acid snark against Penny is refreshing. “Magic science project” indeed.
Oh, thats why hes so worried. FOUR DUDES AIMING GUNS AT HIM. Nice. 
“Authorization granted to handle any threats with lethal force”. GOOD. 
Oh no, Nora’s got an idea now. Im worried.
I get the feeling the random office geek guy that Nora trips is someone from RTs office, hence the “#1 Dad/Dud” mug. Dumb
Home made sign. Really. REALLY.  UGH GOD DAMMIT RT. 
Funny sign though.  Also the scream from the tech is so fake its not even funny
Wow. For fuck sake. Thats how they get through. Seriously.
Seems I paused at the right moment. Blake is very confused about being inside Ruby.
Nice to see that Atlas follows OSHA regulations and has railings on its weird catwalks.
Hardlight forcefield door? Interesting. I guess May went off to steal an airship or something.
Also this is something I JUST remembered but I thought Johanna was the trans member. Actually thats May. So thats my bad.
Why’re there holes on the base of Penny’s gloves...
No logiccal sense to half of Atlas’s tech, glad to see that hasnt changed any.
Blake is me when my dads working at his office and taking way to long to do anything.
Blah blah okay talk less do more shit. Character stuff BORES ME
Hm. Nora speaks the truth.
ANNNNDDD its the Ace Ops. Now lead by Hare.  ...no cuffs. No heavy equipment. No gas weaponry. Nothing. They know exactly how strong these people are and instead they show up with ALL OF THEIR OLD STUFF. Are you fucking serious.
STOP TALKING AND JUST KILL THEM ALREADY DAMMIT! Marrows comment is how I feel. But I think hes lying. As does he, I think.
I like how its Vine doing the talking, and that they start by trying to REASON with them. They’re scared. They know they might not win again.  They’re taking the cowards root. To no ones fucking shock.
UHHHGGGG all of this fukcing mind shit with Penny is really pissing me off.
Good, now the fighting starts. Thattttss why they;re on the platform.
Hey, actual teamwork out of the Aces, kinda. I guess their boss being dead helped.
Okay seriously how the HELL is she not fighting this easier? Shes a robot, surely she has predictive combat algorithms...
Man Marrows getting SHIT ON this fight.
Mmm. Hare thighs. I like
Weiss says the truth for once
And all the fancy work and fighting is ended simply by a beefy woman grabbing Penny. I like that honestly. Simplicity, brutality.
Wait never mind.
HAHAHAHAH OFF THE Wall and now she flies. No shock.
Good shit. Good work Marrow.
Well that works. JESUS FUCK Nora.
Yow they’re not DEAD. Excuse me
Oh look Nora’s...wow. Cool, scars.
Still mad Pennys swords are on wires, but hell. Wire funnels are wire funnels. Or would those be incoms? I dont quite remember the distinction.
Marrows quiet look is kinda sad. Oh good nora’s not dead.
But they are down a person and...ah. They’re letting them go. Death Star tactic.
New ship design, havent seen this one before. The whole top part opens which is interesting to me. And then she just GONE. 
Ah. So thats what they were doing. Cool.
Obviously gonna backfire, but hey, who knows. Maybe RT will surprise us.
Annnddd thats it for the show.
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salumiserafina789 · 4 years
Last post for the yeaaaar is a follow up to this one!
jul and alex on volume 2: - jul: [adam shows up] damn why he looking kinda fine tho - 'press f to pay respects to sun getting rejected' - they freaked out at the dance part - jul: i rarely ship hetero ships, but thIS- jul and alex on volume 3: - 'oh thats a dark opening... i like it' - 'did you know team sun is based off of a kpop group?' 'wAIT WHAT-' - jul cried at the arkos conversation. i dont blame her. - sun: [finger guns in blake's direction] blake: [blushes] jul: sHIT SHIT SHIT REWIND - qrow: [shows up] them: ooooOOOOOO- - during the fight: 'theyre destroying so much school property!' - they have now heard the questions that bring half the fandom to its knees: 'what's your favorite fairytale?' 'do you believe in destiny?' and they have seen the ~maple leaves~ - us: finishes ep8 me: ok so after this, all hell breaks loose and there's more trauma for the rest of the volume. want to finish it next year? jul: normally, when the episodes cause me this much trauma, i'd just stop for the rest of the night and watch again tomorrow... i want to watch it now - me: 'you know its time to panic when even ozpin is panicking' alex: 'oH SHIT-' - jul: velvet's accent gives me joy - alex (this is literally what she put in the chat): dont tell me that pyrrah fucking dies i hate it here shes too perfect i bet theres something bad gonna happen. oh god. lourdes, who is an up-to-date rwby fan (also what she put in the chat: nah, thats too much. the whole show will go brr - ~meanwhile, in dm~ ✨ Lourdes ✨ PHI HAHAHAHAHA IM CRYING HAHAHAHHAHAA THEY WILL BE EVEN MORE BROKEN, IM SO EXCITED HAHAHAHA IM LIVID ✨ Phi ✨ HAHAHAHA ✨ Lourdes ✨ I ASCEND AS I CAN RLEATE TO THEM SO MUCH JSJSJSJ ✨ Phi ✨ RIGHT RIGHT SFIUBRIUGBEIURT ✨ Lourdes ✨ SOEFRDS SHUSHHHHH WUDGSIHUGEYFD ✨ Phi ✨ "oh man is she gonna die" ✨ Lourdes ✨ HEHEHHEHEHEHEHE ✨ Phi ✨ HAHAHAHA ✨ Lourdes ✨ I EVIL LAUGH ✨ Phi ✨ THIS IS WHAT WE TELL NEW FANS ✨ Lourdes ✨ WKEIURYGFHBDE WE GIVE THEM FALSE HOPE HWEWEW ✨ Phi ✨ "U ARE WEAK AND THE VYTAL FESTIVAL IS COMING FOR YOU" ✨ Lourdes ✨ HAHAHAHAHHHA NOH?! IM SORRY MY FELLOW FRIENDS, BUT YOU GUYS TOO SHALL FALL WITH US ✨ Phi ✨ YEAH HAHAHHA - they were alluding the seasons to team rwby - amity's artificial biomes: show up alex, a genshiner: WOAH DOMAIN lourdes, a genshiner: DENDRO AND ELECTRO - coco: shows up allyza, also a current rwby fan: its the maam! miss maam you are awesome - [during the coco & yatsuhashi vs emerald & mercury match] alex: Jesus Christ the geyser - [during the winter and weiss convo abt their semblance] alex: thank you big sister, you go girl also alex: DUDE SHE HAS CHONGYUN POWER - (about weiss) alex: she is broke,,, cant she just use her semblance to make shaved ice,,, sell it and shit - [during the match with team fnki] alex: whats this music, i love the jazz me: its called rwby vs fnki alex: dammit thank you, i love me: ill send links to the ost later alex: ngl i kinda want team fnki to win tho - ozpin and the squad: [explaining maiden shit to pyrrha] jul: fuck i hate it here - me and lourdes, continuously: just watch jullia: "just watch" maam we are anxious - [ep 7 i think] me: lets play a game called the plot is starting u should be terrified me: do you remember this match lourdes :> me: oopsie here comes the beginnig of the end - alex, about cinder: manipulative mfer,,, but shes so pretty, i hate it jul: you love women who throw up red flags - [the amber vs cinder, emerald & mercury fight] alex: JESUS CHRIST alex: THE EYES alex: THATS SCARY alex: THIS IS A CHILDE BOSS TYPE OF BEAT - ironwood: [informing team rwby that yang has been disqualified, explaining seeing things on the battlefield etc] jul SHUT UP MR GENERAL jul: MR KEEPING YOUR ROBOT DAUGHTER A SECRET me: ok so fun fact in the manga she actually does see him as a father figure jul: o.o - alex called torchwick a 'budget version chuuya' - we will continue to chapter 10 on january 2 :> - and they said ozpin has the most death flags :>
Happy New Year everyone!! I hope you all get to do the things you want and need to, stay safe!
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schnees-and-schnugs · 5 years
RWBY for Fandom 001 Ask Meme.
Send me a fandom and I will tell you..
Favorite character: oh boy I cannot chose between the schneeblings, so... The schneeblings are all my favorite characters. I just want them to all be happy!
Least favorite character: a little controversial, but ig I'd have to say Nora. I don't hate her but shes definitely my least favorite. I was always eh about her in the beginning bc she just came off as your stereotypical cRaZy ChAracTer but now Im leaning towards dislike bc she was just not my cup of tea in vol 7.
5 favorite ships:
Character I find most attractive: Irondaddy 😏 also ngl yang fulfills my butch dreams
Character I would marry: yo I would marry Salem in a second goD
Character I would be best friends with: volume 1 Blake bc honestly I'm more similar to Loner Blake than I'd like to admit
A random thought: I would let Salem top me in a second I don't care of that makes me a monster fucker
An unpopular opinion: idk if this is actually an unpopular opinion but I'd be majorly disappointed of the writers just wrote off the many issues Weiss/Winter/Whitley/Willow have as just being Solely Jacques and now that hes gone all those issues will suddenly disappear. For example, I'd like to actually see Weiss and Whitley work through their issues (resentment, abandonment, etc) instead of it just being ~Wow whitley's realized how wrong he was in being understandably angry at his family!! Now he's not a big meanie anymore!~ that would grind my gears a little. But ig I would understand if they went the east writing route...
My Canon OTP: this only serves to remind me that literally none of my ships are canon
My Non-canon otp: I can't chose between Sunflakes or Richfarmers. They're both so crack and so cute, and thats exactly me taste.
Most badass character: Ironwood. You can't get anymore badass than the character who has Hero as their song amirite??
Most epic villain: you literally CANNOT get more epic than Salem and her fuckign WHALE. change my mind.
Pairing I'm not a fan of: bmblb bc my dumbass was so certain until vol 5 for some reason that yang x mercury was endgame- and I didn't even ship it, mind you, I just thought it was Obvious- and then the turn to bmblb gave me whiplash. But also bc I was never really active on the Tumblr rwby fandom while watching the early volumes so I was looking at yang and blake's relationship from a blank perspective and I just Didn't See It until they made it painfully obvious.
Idk I just don't vibe with it.
Character I feel like the writers screwed up: ohhhh boyyy... I'm going to have to say Adam Taurus, y'all I'm sorry. I just had such high hopes for him in relation to the faunus oppression plotline but he just never branched away from Blake's own personal arc. I would have LOVED to see some characterization from him that wasn't just... resentment and spite. I feel like this is very intertwined with the crwby writers also admitting that they botched the faunus oppression plot. Maybe they just didn't know what to do with his character? Or maybe they did but it was executed poorly? I lean more towards the second one bc I CAN see what they were going for, it just wasn't good, at least to me.
Favorite friendship: Ruby and Weiss are highkey cute as hell,,, I love them
Character I most identify with: Oscar bc I, too, am baby and stressed
Character I wish I could be: literally none of them. You couldnt pay me to be in the situation they are in rn.
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strxngersmind · 5 years
so my dad just finished all of rwby... here are some highlights
my favorites are bolded for a quick read.
“why... do they look like that” at the animation in the red trailer.
“shes 15?!”
“why is she fighting a giant knight while singing”
“she can fly??” before i explained her glyphs a little lol
“okay thats blake but whats the guys name”
“workers dont deserve to die!!”
“shes 17!” at the lets kiss and make up bit in the yellow trailer
“look she’s captain marvel!”
“i like her... whats her name again?” yang, dad. her name is yang. “that’s carol danvers.”
volumes 1 and 2
his favorite characters were yang, pyrrha, and nora. also glynda.
although he hated weiss until about mid vol 2.
liked blake but kept talking about how he wants to know more about her.
liked blake and sun’s “forming relationship” as he called it.
started saying “meow” anytime blake was on screen.
said he liked roman but cinder was a cooler villain. “she has minions!”
volume 3
oh this was fun to watch
“look she’s thor!” about nora during the jnpr fight.
he was very excited to see pyrrha become a maiden.
called adam “a fucking bitch-man” when he hurt blake. screamed “fuck you!” when he hurt yang.
the adam “fight” is the only time my dad didn’t say meow when blake was on screen. he was on the edge of his seat really.
cried when pyrrha died (my dad almost never cries at tv shows)
"why did meow [blake] run?? why didnt she stay?”
“who the fuck is that?!” to salems reveal.
“you’re mean...” said to Me because i got him into rwby in the first place.
“i dont want to watch anymore...” [5 minutes pass] “put on the next season already.”
volumes 4-5
he said he was grateful for the animation change and that he liked it better.
he was very happy when he saw yang with the new arm.
“she’s back! captain marvel is back!”
“look at her ears! they move!!” after blake threw away her bow
laughed A Lot when blake slapped sun for following her.
he called ghira “daddy meow” and i choked on my drink ngl
he became very protective(?) of weiss while she was in atlas and also called jacques a “bitch-man”.
“so are ruby and jaune gonna end up together now? because he belongs with pyrrha!” pyrrha is dead, dad. “still!”
he rolled his eyes just about every time adam spoke.
called the nuckelavee “the horse bitch”
also,, he genuinely believed that oscar was a maiden (before ozpin started talking) for some reason???
oscar is a boy... ”but what if he’s not?” but he is. he is a boy. maidens can’t be boys. ”he’s a maiden.”
[v4] “can qrow turn into a bird?” keep watching and find out. “if he can’t, thats dumb” why? “because his name is the bird!”
“ohhh the cowardly lion! i get it.” when lionheart talked with salem.
he was very excited every time raven showed up. he really liked her.
yelled “kill him” when adam was cornered during the battle for haven. was very disappointed when he ended up running away.
“why didnt yang tell them raven was the spring maiden? what do they think happened to the powers if vernal died?”
volume 6
“but what did ruby get her??”
he was pretty sad that sun was leaving. he also really liked him.
“can she be dead now” when cinder was revealed to be alive
noted that all the characters were really mastering their semblances over time.
“please be blue will smith” to jinn being summoned
he LOVED the salem/oz backstory. “now it makes sense”
jumped on the “hate ozpin” train.
“she cant be killed?? he’s using kids to fight and he knew they couldn’t win!” pyrrha died for this cause, too. ”he killed her!!”
also, he still says meow every time blake is on screen. he never stopped... for 6 volumes...
[at saphron/terra reveal] “how many lesbians are on this show? not that its bad but how many?” [tells him about the *confirmed* lgbt characters] there’s a few more that are unconfirmed but its looking like they will be eventually. “is it meow [blake]?”
dramatically gasped when adam showed up at the comm tower
“noo bumblebee!” when yang yeeted her bike at adam
“shes using a giant robot to fight kids?? is she okay?!”
[”we’re protecting each other” scene] “same shit but that’s sweet”
cheered when yang caught adam’s sword
[adam falls off the cliff] “well damn. i think he’s dead dead.”
[first bee scene in airship] “so are they together now?”
“now i have to wait until october? thats 3 months!” ive been waiting since january! “yeah but now i have to wait!”
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lucytara · 5 years
what are your favorite outfits for each of the rwby girls?
yang/blake are a pretty even split for their latest outfits im ngl, but coatless blake will always hold a place in my heart. they both look older, which i love, because i think by now they’re nearing 20 - so it’s awesome to see their outfits evolve with that. they look hot! i support them! i think they’re gonna walk into mantle mall with the goal of turning the other’s head! weiss’s new look is also amazing and she DEFINITELY looks older - the hair, the dress, incredible. ruby’s look hasn’t changed a ton so tbh i don’t have an opinion
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iamconstantine · 5 years
RWBY V2 E12: Breach
* Jaune is in for one hell of a wake-up call * Oh!!! Her call did get through!! * Are they allowed to just command the ship like that? They’re students.
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* If I see ANY of you saunter or smirk at a time like this I will pop your head off like Barbie dolls * “So? What do we do?” Well you’re not going to do anything Useless McChucklefuck * Yeaaaaaah they could use some backup * HERE WE GO! HERE WE GOOOO! * Nora Valkyrie:
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* Is the team starting to doubt Jaune or am I just imagining things? * Come on Jaune don’t run away...stand your ground! * Let me guess: it’s actually Pyrrha doing all the damage * No? No! HE DID IT!
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* This friendship is as pure as water from a Brita filter but this is NOT THE TIME * I need confirmation: Is Sun a himbo? * Well I think it’s safe to say this situation is covered
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* YOU SMIRKING FOOL * Ngl Emerald is cool. Like her style
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* PLEASE LET THE ZWEI V MERCURY FIGHT ACTUALLY HAPPEN * Oh, hey! It’s these guys who...have never gotten a lot of screen time before!! * This is more of an “Everyone is Here” than the last episode, huh?
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* “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my favorite clothing store. Prepare to die!” * Is her purse her weapon?! * OH HELL YEAH * Glynda is 1014102387% done
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* Don’t look at her * Well this went surprisingly well! I’m assuming no one died...? * “Not every story has a neat and happy ending” please tell me this isn’t going to be another “If you think this will have a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention” and fans will stress over how this show will end * Everyone is admiring the sunset but there’s another ten minutes to go so I’m not trusting this * You got the right idea, Yang. Take a nap. * Yes! For once, you shall all sleep! * I’m very cautious about Ironwood. Part of me really thinks he’s trying to help and do his best but the other part of me is worried he’s going down the route of “the only one who can protect this place is ME” * Ozpin dgaf * ohhhh noooo don’t tell me he’s going to trust Roman * Without the hat Roman looks like that Giradeel guy from Zelda * “Those stupid kids really made a mess of things” Who the hell you calling stupid?!
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* Is Adam the leader? Or like...one of the leaders? * Oh no is he only doing this to get back at Blake? * Alright alright hang on this can’t be it there’s too much time to go * Yep, here we go
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* Uh oh
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* UH OH * STAY TUNED NEXT TIME FOR YANG’S MOMMY ISSUES I GUESS?! * (how did Yang know where she’d be?) * okay, so!  * This season was DEFINITELY an improvement over the last season! We’re still lacking some development for Nora and Ren, but otherwise, each character has some pretty good character growth! * Ruby has grown into her role as a leader; she doesn’t seem nearly as worried about failing her teammates anymore. That said, she clearly has a problem with being impulsive - going after Cinder, the White Fang, etc. I’m hoping we get some focus on someone telling her to maybe wait before running into danger * Weiss has accepted her role as a team member, still uptight but acknowledging she must work with the others for their success. I’m a bit disappointed there wasn’t any more focus on her prejudice against the Faunus; ending it with the last season’s finale seems a little too clean and simple * Yang gets some focus for her motivations and origins, and to me, is the most relateable of the group. She wants to be a thrillseeker, a traveller, not necessarily a hero to write down in history. And that’s fine * Blake’s need but perceived incapability to help comes to light. Clearly the events of the last season have made her realize that she’s closer to, but not having reached, the point where she can actually make some change. She’s as free and capable as she’s ever been and now there’s a bucketload of responsibility to go with it. * Jaune’s focus is less on his own skills and more on his insecurities and maturity, I think - willing to admit that he has to let Weiss go, that Neptune isn’t a bad guy, and he should focus more on the friends he has than the girlfriend he wants. Pyrrha clearly has feelings for Jaune and even though she is somewhat hypocritical telling him to be honest with himself, it’s understandable since she’d be saying “I know you like her but I like you so maybe change your mind?” * This season feels like a “branch”, not necessarily a bad thing. The last season was clearly an experiment, and the next season seems to be when things really hit the fan. This season made the wise decision to establish things and build on them without going headfirst. You can’t jump from the lightheartedness of the first volume right into the nitty-gritty trouble of what will come. I think there’s still a problem with establishing and then dropping things - Nora disappears halfway through after her reveal as an android, Weiss and Blake do not interact despite the last season’s finale, etc. * Overall my least favorite episode was probably “Search and Destroy”. Not that nothing happened, it it was the most “setup-y” of the episodes. It raises questions only answered in the next episode, and mostly just shows the girls getting to the abandoned city and establishing how they’ll run into the White Fang. I was going to say it was “Best Day Ever”, but that episode was contained within itself as a last relaxation before the storm came in. * Favorite episode of this season was probably “Burning the Candle.” The interactions between Blake and Yang were heartwarming, and the episode gave Yang much-needed development. It didn’t at all feel forced, like they were just scrambling to do something with the characters and just pushed Yang and Blake together for the sake of it. Usually having a “downtime” event like a party or vacation or whatnot in the middle of a rise in drama can be tricky, since the audience may be left thinking “We don’t have time for this!! Get back to work!” the episode makes it clear that, well, the girls can’t do much of anything, anyway, and they don’t have reason to believe the staff of Beacon isn’t handling everything * Very interested in seeing where the next season will go!
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constantvariations · 2 years
Hi, it's the same anon. We see Jaune and his sister's relationship before the trip to Atlas. It's warm. They fool around. Also, Jaune without hatred or aggression tells Ruby he has 7 sisters. Compare this to Weiss. We learn Jacques is bad not even from Weiss. We find out it is Blake who is talking about SDC. In v1 we are shown motivated the characters to go to Beacon and what their relationships are with their families. We see the difference between the Weiss and Ruby families. We are immediately given to understand Jacques is a bad person. We are given to understand that part of Yang's family is fractured and she loves Summer as her mother. But she keeps looking for Raven. We see Summer is dead. We see Summer was a good mother. We see who Ruby got her inspiration from. Ruby has a favorite uncle. Even Blake tells us very little information about herself. Yes, she grew up among the White Fang and went to protests. But she still has privileges. They talk about the problems of the faunus, but do not show them. We know there is a White Fang. They have protests that have gone too far. But we don't see any racism toward the fauns. Even in the most racist kingdom, we don't see racism. We see an unfortunate example of racism when the heroes just show up in town. And that's it. That's just it. There is a faunus among the Ace-Ops and no one cares. No one makes racist comments. Although Marrow's portrayal of himself is very racist. They made him a dark-skinned dog/wolf on purpose, didn't they? And they kept trying to show us how good he was. He was getting into all the timeline they had. He was a very handy tool when they decided to make James evil. Jaune doesn't talk about being forbidden to train. Jaune just went along with the crime. Blake had a reason for running away. Jaune had no reason to run away. He's just a fantasist. He didn't even know anything about the aura. Aura is a hunter's most basic skill. I wouldn't be surprised if they told us that Jaune had an abusive family all along and was forbidden to look at guns because he was a boy.
Hello again, anon! I have no idea what draws you to my blog in particular for these, but I am pleasantly surprised
Jaune’s family is mostly an enigma. Yes, we see him and Saphron (honestly I forget she exists 99% of the time) and it is a saccharine sibling dynamic, but they never mention any of the other sisters. No names, no shared memories, nothing beside the fact that Jaune and Saphron are the only ones not living at home. (Ngl when I first heard that my immediate thought was that it was a cult family and these two were the only ones to escape. It’d be a really cool subplot imo.) I think there’s a single off-handed line about Jaune’s parents in one of the early seasons, but I don’t care enough to check. Either way, there’s no concrete evidence as to the web of dynamics in the Arc family
I can’t agree with the assessment that Blake, in talking about the SDC as a whole, is the one to introduce the idea of Jacques not being a good person. A company isn’t a person. That’s like trying to pin all of RT’s own scandals on one person instead of acknowledging it’s a massive mess with dozens of participants. It’s still Weiss who talks about Jacques as a person when she tells the group that his anger at business gone bad made for a difficult childhood, and it’s through her story that we learn more of who he is as both a father and a businessman
I’m not entirely sure the purpose of the comparison between the RWBY families. It circles back to your issues with Blake and the White Fang, but I don’t know how the two connect. Unless they weren’t supposed to? It’s difficult to read long asks when there’s no paragraph breaks between topics
The racism in RWBY is poorly implemented because its writers were and are cowards about their world. They want the aesthetics of deep themes and adult topics, but have no idea about how to actually do that. What we end up with is la croix racism, where bigotry looks like high school bullying (Velvet getting her ears pulled, Robin calling Marrow “Wags,” some drunkards being mean to Blake)
When you make peace with the fact that RWBY is written by people who have no idea what they’re doing, you’ll have way more fun with this series. It won’t erase the bad writing, the promises of representation that they backpedaled on, the inherent bigotry throughout the show, BUT it will give you enough distance from the Watsonian universe that you can pluck the parts of the show you like and run away with them in your imagination
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That’s why there’s so many rewrites - and the especially fun thing about that is how every individual’s experience/interpretation will dramatically change how they rearrange RWBY. No Remnant will look exactly the same as another and I think that’s beautiful
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revelarete · 5 years
Tag People You Wanna Get To Know Better
I may suck at this tagging stuff, so sorry 'bout that.. Nonetheless, thank you for tagging me @princelygoro!
Top Three Ships: Ngl, this is always a hard question to answer. But I will have to go with:
Joshua x Neku (Don't @ me, I'm right. They have goddamn potential to help each other grow and become better people).
Komaru x Fukawa (They helped each other with their personal struggles and they look cute with each other).
Aoyama x Mina (Aoyama is so respectful towards her and Mina is super encouraging! Adorable)!
Honorable Mentions To: Akeshu, Freezerburn (Weiss x Yang), Soriku, and Shizaya!
Favorite Color: Black, blue, yellow, purple, and pink! The bi colors plus yellow just makes me feel calmer. And black goes with anything.
Lipstick or Chapstick: Definitely chapstick. Make mu lips Feel Good™ and I just smudge lipstick too much to warrant buying it.
Last Song: Moonrace by Messer Chups.
Last Movie: Roma, mostly because it peaked my interest when I watched the Oscars and saw that it had a lot of nominations. And it was really good (movie looks beautiful).
Now, I curse @wakeless-dream, @phantom-donuts, @useless-protagonist, and @daemonesss. I know you all somewhat, and would love to know more!
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rerwby · 6 years
Volume 5 OST
I don’t normally have such verbose opinions on the RVVBY music (it’s like writing a review for fiberglass insulation) I managed to sit down and listen to this album the whole way through. My feelings on these tracks feels like a culmination of all my feelings of previous RVVBY music. I won’t try to be lengthy about this but I got some solid thoughts.
First of all, can we just collectively agree to stop making every fucking RVVBY song put on Youtube use fan art? Like can we just get a solid fucking static picture of the volume cover art maybe? I’m sick of the mediocre ship art used for goddamn everything and it looks incredibly unprofessional. Also since these are RT fans you know they don’t give a flying fuck about credit.
The Triumph Not to kick this off on such an upbeat note but this is one of my favorite OP’s. Maybe my favorite. Maybe. I could not fully appreciate this song when the episodes were coming out because the opening itself was the biggest trashfire to come out of this show. Like, sorry I can’t get hyped up on 10 seconds of Ruby and Ren and Jaune sitting on a couch. Listening to it alone though? Big improvement.
Jeff Williams does this thing where he’s clearly way too proud of his proud choice and rhymes, and usually lines end with a big focus on stupid vernacular. Trust me, this will come up later. The Triumph manages to avoid that. This Will be the Day does as well because it’s a pretty hammy song with a better, more consistent tone. “Back to reality, back to the show” is an awful, terrible, horribly ironic line in the context of Volume 5, but it’s not as in your face as it could be, so it gets a pass from me. I also think “That’s when you learned you were messing with gods” is awesome, sorry. It could be more awesome if these characters like, seemed more like gods? And they don’t? So eh.
Then the second verse happens and it calls back to the first with “Yeah I’m a girl but I’m also a god” and I’m like, oh, so you’re just gonna- oh, okay then. Yeah let’s just beat the one good part like a dead horse, sure. That really ruins the song for me ngl.
It also manages to avoid the formulaic trend of post-second verse slow sappy breakdown. Time to Say Goodbye and Let’s Just Live do that and it gets old after a while. If you’re gonna give me hype music then stick with it. Not that Let’s Just Live really hypes you up.
Overall it’s like a 7/10 for me because it has a good pace and it doesn’t scream “look at how clever I am!” at every turn.
Ignite The song I was most excited for and the most disappointed by. I wrote about it here and I’ll try not to do anything more than summarize what I said there.
It’s obnoxious and the lyrics are way too dumb. Not funny dumb, not hammy dumb, nope, just dumb. It’s not even in the style of Yang’s usual dumbness, which by all accounts should now be under Armed and Ready’s foot since that is now the prime Yang theme. The major problem is how obvious these issues are. Like you can’t not hear how bad the writing is.
Then Lamar comes in, and I usually enjoy him since, like I said above, he brings with him some hammy, corny lyrics that manage to be fun. But he’s phoning it in here. He’s mumbling and tripping over his own words. God I didn’t even understand what mumbling truly sounded like until I heard that verse.
4/10 and I hate to write that on a Yang theme but this song is everything wrong with these soundtracks.
Path to Isolation Which brings us to my favorite annual game of “Count How Many Times a Weiss Song Uses the Word ‘Mirror.’” Spoilers: it’s a handful.
It’s fine. Weiss songs have always been fine. The worst thing I can say about them is that you have to dredge through their slow-ass, repetitive openings to get to the good part. 5/10
All Things Must Die aka “Slow And Brooding Villain Song That Turns Into a Rock Anthem #5″ aka “Sacrifice And Divide Did It Better But Even They Were Only So Good” aka “We’re Not Even Going For A Subtle Title Here.”
I don’t even know whose perspective this is sung from anymore. Like Cinder is our designated villain song candidate but she has like no autonomy this volume so that falls flat, meanwhile Salem still has no clear motivation. Hazel and Adam might be the most developed(?) bad guys this volume but this song has nothing to do with them. 4/10
This Time (From Shadows Part II) I’m writing about this one before Smile for a reason.
A song called From Shadows Part II deserves better, lol. Also given the fan art uses on the version I found posted, this is a Blake+Sun song? I don’t know. It starts with the beautiful piano solo from the original which was godlike and relaxing and also dramatic.
Lyrics are just shitty but in a shocking twist they’re hard to hear other than THIS TIIIIME in the chorus which...I’m fine with. I’m legit convinced that the fewer lyrics you can make out in these songs, the better. This all sounds rather nice and has a good flow to it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s kinda just trash. Absolute filler. Fluff. Churned-out melodrama to keep the White Fang kindle going.
Also I guess in hindsight it’s weird to have Jeff singing here since this song is supposed to represent Blake moving on with new resolve. Like before it was clearly Blake and Adam singing, but now it’s Blake and...Sun? Adam again? Like some non-canon reformed Adam? Idk. At least it’s tonally a good contrast to Part I. It’s easy to listen to the song without focusing on the lyrics which is rather soothing, but it’s still nonsense. 5/10
Smile (From Shadows Part 0)
No yeah I made that part up, but I think this song is a better From Shadows Part 0 than This Time is a Part II. I’m dead serious. They gave us an Ilia song and made it more interesting than her character is in volume 5, if not extremely on the nose.
Because my god, it’s on the nose. It’s just Ilia’s backstory about blending in to avoid all the pain your oppressors brought you and biding your time until you can rip the smiles off their faces...oh I don’t think that’s how Ilia’s backstory went. This is much darker. Very Count of Monte Crisco and dare I say actually interesting. It makes Ilia sound way more compelling than Blake while also making her out as a foil to her. Except I don’t know why the fucking hell the character presented in Smile would ever join the White Fang, especially under Adam’s authority, and then follow him so blindly. But I guess as of last volume’s OST we should be use to that disconnect between show plot and music lore.
7/10 for being accidentally interesting.
All That Matters
It’s....fine? Fine-ish. Obligatory slow and sappy song because ofc. Casey at least sounds like she’s in her comfort zone. It just doesn’t mean much to me.I guess it’s the theme of the girls being back together but I have my own issues with that, which is mainly that three of them were already reunited halfway into Volume 5 and it was only Blake’s arrival that really pushed them into sappy territory.
5/10 it’s not bombastically terrible enough to merit a lower score and not interesting enough to be higher.
I’m Her Daughter After All - RVVBY Volume 5 Official Score
I don’t know why this song is here because it’s an actual non-lyrical official part of the soundtrack, which is mind-blowing. You’d think Jeff was contractually obligated to have his blood’s voices dip their toes in every track.
It’s a nice medley of Yang’s themes, namely I Burn and Armed and Ready. It also makes you appreciate how Yang’s musical themes have actually evolved, unlike those of the other characters. Why do we have this Western thing going on? Qrow had it too in Bad Luck Charm. I don’t mind it since I think it’s kinda neat, but 6/10 for being a random score track.
Mayday! Lancers! - RVVBY Volume 5 Official Sc- wait
They did the score thing again. I don’t know why. I also forgot the Lancer scene actually happened in Volume 5 until I heard this. Like, Weiss did so little in Volume 4 that I’m attributing stuff that happened in V5 to last volume.
It’s fine? It’s nice to have a non-lyrical Weiss song, actually. 5/10
Armed and Ready ie The Appeal Of The Original Was Lost On Us
This song did not need a remix lol. Armed and Ready is actually damn good, is a great proper evolution of Yang’s theme that successfully moves her out of the shadow of I Burn, and was a really, really good climax to her recovery arc. This turns it into a dance remix, which ironically is the exact sort of thing the original moved her character away from. 4/10
Gold (Acoustic)
As I listened to this I realized it wasn’t just the original vocals played over an acoustic cover; Casey actually re-recorded the song. That’s blowing it out of the park for a RVVBY remix. Also it’s like, good.
I always liked Gold for whatever reason. I just thought it was uplifting and it did the nice thing where the lyrics are simple and flow well. The loud instrumentals had me unsure if it made for a good complement to the lyrics or if it was just a bad choice. This just sounds wonderful. Most importantly, it makes you really appreciate Casey’s singing talent. More than anything, she sounds absolutely comfortable singing this song. No stressed notes, no weird word choices, no ham. This is just a nice song and it’s my favorite on this album. 8/10
Let’s Just Live (Remix) “The Obligatory OP Remix Oh God Triumph Is Gonna Get This Treatment Next Year
It doesn’t go above my expectations but I like the new instrumentals. Reminds me of Stickerbrush Symphony. I think it’s much more fitting than in the original and is a true improvement on it. 6/10
The final issue I have with this album is this, and it involves some statistics. This is a 12-song album. That isn’t strange. But here are some numbers for you:
Ruby Songs: 0 Weiss Songs: 2 Blake Songs: 1 (2 if you count Smile) Yang Songs: 4 Remixes: 3 Scores(?): 2
Just to put that in front of you. Remixes comprise 1/4th of the album, glorified scores are 1/6th, and Yang received 4 whole slots (one-third of the album!) while Ruby, the protagonist, got absolutely none. Nothing in this album is about just Ruby, and I think she kind of deserves that. I mean she did nothing this volume so whatever, but we didn’t even get Glorious Score Track Of Jaune Healing Weiss so that’s super strange. They didn’t even shaft her in lieu of anyone, she was just left out.
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random-french-girl · 6 years
Okay I just got home from the rwby volume 6 premiere, so have a list of all the things I loved about the episode:
- all the team feelings. it was so good to see rwby fighting together again! they were so in sync! TEAM RWBY AND THEIR BUNK BEDS! the four of them reading and playing video games and being cute and relaxed except blake but we’ll get to that <3
- speaking of, i loved all the blake stuff we got. the scene with ilia was super cute, same with blake and sun. i’m happy these two got a nice send off. 
I know everyone talked about the cheek kiss but tbh? it was a cute friendly goodbye and i liked it.
ngl... i thought the ilia scene almost had more romantic undertones/teasing than sun’s scene. the camera panning from their feet to their faces as if they were kissing... anyway... both scenes were good. 
the only thing i’m sad about, is that we didn��t get to see blake’s parents
also sun saying he’s the worst leader ever... rip... hashtag character development 
- okay, my favorite little moment was blake separating the train wagons, directly paralleling her trailer, and hallucinating adam on the other side. It was great, and told us a lot about blake’s state of mind. she is not okay.
especially when you counter it with adam’s obsession and rage over her... yeah that fight is happening in volume 6.
- BLAKE AND YANG’S SCENE. OMG. everything i ever wanted? blake being all angsty and awkward, not knowing how to act around yang, trying so hard to help?? and yang being mildly irritated but also comforting and soft?? MY HEART GUYS
also that moment when weiss and ruby pop their heads behind yang when she’s talking with blake... the whole audience laughed it was BEAUTIFUL
- Ozpin is still shady af, and yang is Not Happy about it, and ruby kinda told her off when she started yelling at him? i’m interested to see where this tension leads.
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bingbong21 · 7 years
RWBY Vol. 5 Ep. 7 Thoughts
- *sees still* I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT MY ENTIRE LIFE - Master Chef Ren - Speaking of Ren, have I mentioned how much I love my son? He’s the best. My fiance may think he sucks at life, but I for one love him and his weapons - God bless Prankster Weiss - Nora and Ruby are so pumped for Yang’s arm, and tbh so am I - Okay so I’m pretty sure launching your arm in a match counts as a tie - I love this entire scene so much. Like it’s been so long since we’ve seen these kids just being kids - LOOK AT MY SON SPITTING OUT WISDOM - But also, I like how they are reflecting on everything. Especially when people like my fiance hear that they’ve grown and are like “How?!” - Fun police Qrow here to police yo fun - Ngl, watching this show with my fiance makes it 100% less enjoyable. He keeps interjecting, questioning, and basically just kinda criticizing? And I’m just like “Please sit and watch quietly, please and thank you.”  - And no, I can’t just watch without him cuz then he gets upset at me for watching without him. Even though he doesn’t enjoy the show nearly as much - BACKSTORY TIME?! - Yang is not impressed - Okay but tbh Ozpin looking so proud while everyone else is horrified? Seems legit - I KNNNNNNEEEEEEEWWWWWW IIIIIITTTTT - I HAVE NEVER FELT SO VALIDATED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE - Look Mr. Grumpy Pants that I’m getting married to has been doubting and putting down the Ozpin Equals Wizard theory since it came out in Volume 3 despite all the obvious signs pointing towards it, I’m freaking pumped right now - I love Mama Bear Yang - “It’s that you always know the right thing to do.” Main characters tend to have that power Yang.  - Nora is the Slowpoke Meme and I love her - OH DAMN IT’S MY FAVORITE EVIL POWER COUPLE
Overall: I ain’t gonna shut up about Ozpin being the Wizard for a while ya’ll. 
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