#welcome to devildom in future timeline arc
7 brothers, the next class is started 5 minutes again any of you must not leave the school before it's permitted to go home.
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I'm still here at RAD school.
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Yaho I'm here~~⭐
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*reading book* I'm present!
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*munch munch* I'm present too
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The great mammon still here!
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Lucifer why some of your fans are horny of your revealing outfits and normal well dressed outfit or your bathing outfit and your face and eyes??
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They're are kinky that's the answer!
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I feel it's just normal I'm dressed like that, I don't feel I'm so hot or so sexy or something, I'm feeling, this is how I look, then kinky fans barking and snarl at me!? And wanna incarnate as every part of me for sake of obsession.. and then wanna marry me and want me to step on you?!
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It's plain creepy if you ask me..
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operation: call mammon via D.D.D
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Heh you know it anon..
*Shuichi's D.D.D phone showing dialing process and it's now calling Mammon, then the call connects to Mammon*
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Whoa that was quick.. uhm hello this is detective Shuichi.
Mammon on call: oi human! What ya want? Tell me what ya gonna assist with the great mammon?
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Uhm.. well I'm not speaking as detective really, I'm new exchange student on RAD you remember?
Mammon on call: oh yeah yeah, so what purpose you're callin' me?
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*ahem* Lucifer calling for you to get here for instant!
Mammon on call: oi you! Please don't be scary as lucifer, I know you don't mean it right?
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I don't mean it! Really!
Mammon on call: fiiine I know it, but I got you I'm on my way! See ya human, uhm what's your name anyways?
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It's Shuichi Saihara.
Mammon on call: right! Shuichi I memorize that see ya Shuichi! *Call ends, beep!*
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Seems you two being friendly at each other already.
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Yeah obviously.
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Seems you easily to be friend with anyone in devildom.
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He seems reliable to me
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Oh so you're new human exchange student? I'm Belphegor 7th born avatar of sloth, just call me Belphie.
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I'm Shuichi Saihara ultimate detective.
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It's a pleasure to meet you.
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Hehe pleasure to meet you too Belphie!
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the foreseer soul arrival
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whoa Zayne look at that..
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Oh..? Yeah that's akuzon shipping centre I recall.
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You had good memory
*Then zayne and others having fun doing their exploration on devildom streets*
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Now this is what I called doing our time together as besties, ya know what I mean heh! The great mammon know how to spend quality time for y'all!
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I'm such a genius ya know.
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Yare yare...
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Was it obviously showing off?
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What ya mean Shuichi, Lucifer?? I'm not greedy as you know.
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Haha I know.
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Explain what job that you take mammon, was that.. greedy?
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Uh.. yep?
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*smuggly* Exactly!
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Screw ya two!
*then Zayne said things that may creep them all, as if he's not himself, he's speaking like his past self, foreseer*
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So am I gettin fate that I can have friendship than a love relationship that Astra hate? That's possible for my prophecy though.
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Wait waaait is that you foreseer!!?
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Hmm? Yes it's me..
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Uhm.. well some people knowing everything about you and your tale!
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is that so?
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Yeah! Like they know all things about you.
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Yeah that's so cool! Ya know I'm mammon avatar of greed ya know me well! This my bros and Shuichi cutie pie!
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And I'm lucifer morningstar avatar of pride nice to meet you.
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Oh I am foreseer, I'm the one who royal envoy seeks back then.. you can call me Zayne if you want.
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You're a royalty?
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No, I'm a demigod.. I'm once astra's tool and he commanded me to act like emissary of the divine.
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whoa.. you're must be important person then.
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Shuichi your clone twin is berserk again! He punching the wall and raging and say unhinged stuff! Then he playing victim!
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You say whaaat!??
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Damn.... that's really terrifying and unhinged!
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Oh yeah I don't know he seems have a issues on accepting word "taking a break"
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Oh.... Yep.. doing blind rage thing punching the wall repeatedly and calling that person who did leave for a while "stupid biatch" is thing that called bad word or curse word or whatever is.
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I just don't know why he has that damn rage issues.. since when he becoming so wrathful like that if he triggered?
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Since a year ago?
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He really does have rage issues.. he's terrifying..
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Alright then.. I guess my clone twin is just mentally sick, so he have difficulty to accept the fact person who leave is having real issues.. then he rage in complete unhinged manner let's say like that so.. uh..
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I'm agree my exchange student.
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Levi, how you think about gamer rage?
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*sighs* they just need a break, they given sign that their brain has been burnout then, they keep playing game, after they lose at game.
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They just exploded into gamer rage quit and destroying everything including their gaming set up! Screaming, swearing, and even slamming their desk.. Kowai.. but I know those human gamers ignore those signs that they need to take a break.
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Gamers need a break and their relaxing time off screen right?
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end of arc "Luke sweet treats"
*Shuichi and others arrived at house of lamentation surprise surprise there's Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and Simeon the thing is where's Luke? Shuichi look around*
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Where's that little archangel Luke?
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Mmmmm *he sniffed the air* I smell cookies here!
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*he immediately beamed* cookies!?
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Where where!? *he looked around*
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Hahahaha! Don't tell me you're hungry right now Beel!
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Luke is on kitchen Shuichi baking some treats for party.
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Ehh!!? You didn't tell you held the party on here after class!?
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What? Surprised?
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Heh you didn't announcing it at first, anyway I'm appreciate the party..
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Yayyy finally fabsnap video material!
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Okay then so I'll go to kitchen.. *he goes to kitchen*
*he heard sound of mixing dough and some baking noises as he goes into kitchen he see Luke baking and making cookies or other cake treats*
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Uhm... so.. why you're doing all those stuff alone can I help you or something?
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Huh? *He turned around and he see the exchange student that he see earlier* oh sure, and you are?
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I'm Shuichi Saihara, ultimate detective, I'm new exchange student on RAD, you must be Luke right?
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Yep you got it! I'm Luke I'm an angel, an archangel.
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Nice to meet you allow me to help you, I'm sure you feel like you need another second baker right?
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*luke just giggled and permitted Shuichi to help him baking cakes and cookies for the party*
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*he sighed as he approached fridge for instant cup of noodles with hell sauce* I'm starvin'
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Well those cookies shape are sooo cute!
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*he continues baking and decorate cakes and cookies with Shuichi* Heheheh I know right? Well I'm pretty much like baking since archangel Michael is likes some sweet treats!
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Heh that's shocking, I didn't expect archangel Michael is have sweet tooth!
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Actually yes it is he have sweet tooth, I ever made halo laced cookies for him and he likes it!
*after baking and decorate cookie and cakes done, Shuichi and Luke back to main room*
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Sorry if you waiting for so long
*he see unfamiliar exchange students that he didn't know who are they*
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Shuichi glad you come back from fun baking and stuff, anyway these 3 guys is new exchange student on RAD I could say they're mages and one another is an assassin I believe they're humans
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New exchange students!?!? Whoa that was fast?
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Heh surprised right so.. we just want to add more exchange student to RAD seems RAD well known outside of devildom isn't it?
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Uhmmm... Nice to meet you sirs...
*one of them that have big almond shapped with blue eyes with short brownish blonde hair spoke*
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You must be Shuichi right?
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Uhmm yes.. I'm Shuichi Saihara ultimate detective.
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*he goes to Shuichi and bow to Shuichi height level and shake Shuichi's hand* Oh nice to meet you I'm Xavier, well if you like you could call me with my real name, Shen Xinghui
*then he see other 2, one with mature looking face like lucifer but with hazel eyes and black short hair, one another with short saturated purple hair and dark purple eyes*
*end of arc*
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Satan what Asmodeus post there it's all about his make up set and perfumes on his devilgram account and his fabsnap was live
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I think it's usual for him due he's beauty vlogger at fabsnap and deviltube.
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Yet he starting to get famous out of nowhere heheheh
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Lucifer you feel levi is a tsundere?
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Hmm? Oh I mean I just noticed
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Well he is introverted tsundere otaku and also 3rd eldest of demon brothers, so far I'm eldest
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I'm the most mature..
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Wait... uhmmmm
*a silence*
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Nevermind heheh..
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I think you would look great in the council uniform too Shuichi, it would compliment your hair well! Lucifer look after him okay? I want to see this man become more stylish (maybe with Asmo's help as well)
[-The anon who called Shuichi adorable in his RAD uniform I don't know how anon names work]
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Hehehe.. thanks..
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Ah I will look for him, perhaps I should attend him to dress up events? We should make him more cuter
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Makeover majolish time ⭐
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Heheh okay.. if you want me to join any dress up events based on devildom holiday
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Heheheheh that's the spirit
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I make sure Luke handling for the sweets and treats.
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Oh nice so... still there..? *He counting his grimm*
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*transform into demon form* mammoooooooonn!!?
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Gah!! Lucifer!! *He just go back from gambling and too bad Lucifer finding his debts*
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Lucifer how scary you can get? If you transform into true form?
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*he turn into demon form* oh yeah? Did you think this is scary?!
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How about this!? *He has smug expression*
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*he chuckled* Just kidding, I'm just noble fallen angel, and I did transform to demon form only if I'm too excited, mad, or threatened, why you fear me a lot anons? That's okay.
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Lucifer, one more thing that we anon say, don't let Shuichi behave exactly like the one that he refer that character his twin.
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I'm not letting him becoming that wrathful carbon copy of Shuichi
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Thanks anon I'll try to stay strong whatever what happens.
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Diavolo how barbatos react if he meet with solomon..?
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He be like bombastic side eye.. *he laughed*
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Don't remind me of him young master..
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Ahahahaha my apologies..
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Pleasure to meet you Lucifer, look good as always.
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It's a pleasure to meet you too sunny Starscout.
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Levi can you look at your big brother?
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Eh!? Lucifer!? Are you..
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Huh? Levi what is it?
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Can believe it you're cool....!! It seems come out straight from anime! Aww you're sooo cuute!
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Oh my gosh my otaku sense is tingling.. you're cute
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Oh..? Levi what you mean by saying that it's me Lucifer not some sort of anime character
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Lucifer ah okay
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Seems I know what that magician anon do.. but it's definitely styled like anime from human world.. what it's called again..
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It's Danganronpa
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Yeah that's it true!
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Uhm Lucifer can you said "no that's wrong" objection thingy
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Like what? I don't know what is that
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Like this
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No that's wrong!
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So yeah that's how it's done
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Heheheh you want me to do that?
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No that's wrong!
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Hahahah! That's look great!
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I think I'm nailed it
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Hahaha! That's cool! No that's wrong! That's soo cool!
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M!A Danganronpa Lucifer 4/30
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The tale of seven lords part 1
*at next day a few Hours before they go to RAD school, Leviathan knock Shuichi's room and Shuichi open the door*
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Shuichi... can you come to my room for talk?
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Uhmm about what?
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Nah I'll tell it later, you just come with me I'll tell you something.
*they go to Levi's room*
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Wha.. what is this!?
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So... this is my anime figures.. this is seraphina, this is azuki tan, and there's lot of them.
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What about that.. little girl with all pink?
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Oh that's ruri chan, my favorite character, she's cute and she's brave, she's magical ah... she's also shattered some bad demon with her power petunia thingy, she's really really magical!
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Sorry for that, but I think is.. well.. I want to tell you about the tale of 7 lords
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The tale of 7 lords huh?
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The tale of 7 lords is a masterpiece work made by christhoper peugot, it's adapted by hundreds of novels, DVD, anime, and theatre version of it, well my favorite character is lord of shadow, what about you?
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.... Maybe the mc or protagonist?
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That's henry good choice, so the seven lords has it's unique characterization.
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So first one is lord of corruption, he's the eldest one and, he's most controlling and he's most feared of others.
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Second one is lord of fools, he always thinking about money, he do anything for money, and sometime he is having golden pig that he loves than anything else, and of course being dunce and fool same as his name lord of fools.
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Third one is lord of shadows well the one who be friended with henry of course, yet he ever give a high five with Henry, *sighs* what a good friendship they had, not to mention he's brooding recluse.
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Fourth one is lord of mask he's scary he acts as a high-status, upstanding member of society, but in truth he's inhumane and cruel well he's 4th eldest, it's reminds me of satan.
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The fifth one is lord of lechery, he's always be horny and only thinks about seducing others. Well he only love himself literally.
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Sixth one is lord of flies, he only has one thing on his mind: food, he always thinking about food, like beel honestly.
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Last one is lord of emptiness, well he's random, he's really hard to predict or understand.. but he really sleepy all the time, hmm seems reminds me of belphie.
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Is lord of corruption is scary? I think he's same like lucifer right?
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No he's more than that, he always plotting and planning in secret.
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Seems similar like lucifer that we know, the most feared, planning and plotting in secret
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But he sometimes act cruel and sadist
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Oh.. that's creepy
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I know right! But the scene that i know is..
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In Volume 5, the supply lines of the Lord of Flies gets cut off after his land is invaded by hostile forces. The Lord of Fools sends food supply to him, but the food spoils because of the rain, causing a disease spreading across the Lord of Flies' land.
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What!!? Spoiled!?
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Yes all food that been sent is spoiled, thinking about it's make me cry well, it's because lord of fools was trying to help his brother, that's what he want to do.
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..... Such a brotherly friendship.
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