#welcome to dreamworld triplets
thetiredartist101 · 4 months
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wolfusmoonstudio · 8 months
I redesigned the WtD Character twimblos, and I may or may not make more later.
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thedreamworldlibrary · 3 months
Nothing Bad Happens Chap. 5-It's Wilight Time!
It’s Wilight Time!
It has been a while since I last worked on this fanfic, and while writing this I almost left out some important details that were brought up in the first two chapters. But this chapter is…SO CUTE!! I had fun writing this chapter. I think I have way more fun writing, shipping, and random chaos!
Big thanks too @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
It’s been a week since Wiatt started working at Dreamworld. Things have been fine for the most part; for the starters, he began to get along with the other workers at the facility. Pen and Audrey were cool and helped him out, but Hayden may be a jerk, but Wiatt considered him a friend. Audrey reassures him he’s a good guy he just doesn’t open up.
Second, Wiatt hasn’t seen Litho possess Sara-heck, the female founder hadn’t brought him up since he got here. It didn’t mean he was still around causing trouble or Sara wasn’t sharing it around with everyone.
Finally, Wiatt and Lewis have been talking again and the new mechanic has been wanting to ask Lewis out on a date again. It was his day off after today, and he was ready to ask Lewis out.
“Thanks for helping me with Starlight’s decorations, darling,” Lewis said. The two were walking from Staract and heading over to the staff room to chat and hang out.
“No problem,” Wiatt replied. “Listen, are you free tonight?”
Lewis thought for a bit, “No. Sara, Oliver, and I are just gonna relax at our place.” He answered. A blush quickly appeared on his face knowing what Wiatt was going to ask him. “Why?”
Wiatt started to blush too and let out a nervous chuckle. “W-Well you see. I was hoping-“ Wiatt was cut off when Pen came through the door.
“Lewis! We need to back up at Madhouse! The kids started to play pin the lollipops on Hayden and other co-workers.” Pen explained. 
Lewis sighed, “All alright, Sara and I will be over there.” He said. “Sorry, darling. Ask me later.” Lewis then went with the other worker to help him with the moody worker.
“O-Okay,” Wiatt replied. He let out a disappointed sigh as he sat down in one of the chairs. He thought for a bit about how to ask Lewis out, but his mind told him that his friend was one of the founders and he’d always be busy.
Plus what if Lewis doesn’t want to date him anymore? It worried Wiatt a lot that he decided to put his head down and decided to think this through.
However, in the shadows, Starlight saw the poor boy looking down and decided to go to Lewis and speak with him.
Meanwhile outside of Madhouse. Lewis, Sara, Pen, and Hayden finally calmed the kids down and with help from LoliPop they were able to play a new game that didn’t involve wasting candy. Even though the four were covered in candy, Hayden got the worst of it.
“Well, Sara, Lewis. I’m fucking done for the day.” Hayden said as he removed the lollipop from his hat. “If you need me. I’ll be at home taking a mental health break and won’t be back till Monday.” He marched off, removing as much candy as possible from his body.
“I’ll talk with him. Don’t worry.” Pen reassured the two founders. He went over to find Hayden, which wouldn’t be hard to find thanks to the trail of candy.
Once the two were gone, Lewis and Sara shared a chuckle as they removed some of the candy from their clothes. “Okay, not to be mean, but that was pretty funny,” Sara said, laughing.
“I don’t mean to be mean too darling, but I agree,” Lewis replied, laughing as well. The male founder glanced around and smirked before leaning into his friend’s ear, “Did you see that one kid who took the lollipop and stuck it into Hayden’s a-”
“Lewis!” Starlight called out, cutting off the founder.
The two founders gave a smile to show the animatronic they weren’t just joking about their co-worker. “Y-Yes Star,” Lewis replied.
“Could we talk in private, darling?” Starlight asked.
“Sure. I’ll be back darling.” Sara nodded letting her friend go with his favorite animatronic. Lewis then followed the animatronic back to Staract so the two could talk privately. 
Once at the animatronic’s main attraction, Starlight took Lewis backstage so they could talk. “Darling, there’s something I should ask you about Wiatt.” He started.
“Like, you want to get to know him?” Lewis asked as he used one of the crates that held the props as a chair.
“No,” Starlight replied. “I mean, Oliver told me a week ago that you and Wiatt broke up.”
Lewis’s eyes widened as he turned away from the star animatronic. “I-It was my choice, darling.” He replied in a low voice.
Starlight let out a scoff, “your choice?!” He asked, getting closer to the person he shares his soul with. “What do you mean ‘your choice’?” 
“You share my soul, you should know.”
“Lewis, even though I’m alive with half of your soul. I don’t share your memories.” Starlight replied, crossing his arms.
Lewis let out another sigh, frustrated this time, “Fine. I broke up with Wiatt before we graduated high school because I was moving out here to build Dreamworld.” He explained.
Starlight’s arms dropped and his eyes widened hearing what Lewis did. “Lewis, why did you do that?” He asked.
“Well, it’s been my friends and I’s dream to build this place. I just felt like having Wiatt around would be a distraction.”
Starlight put his hands together and took a deep breath. “Lewis Apollo Bright, you mean to tell me, you broke up with this lovely, lovely man because he’d be a distraction to you?” He asked, his eyes glowing red and purple on each eye.
“Look, I know you're mad, and yes it’s a very big mistake!” Lewis exclaimed, before calming down.
Starlight’s eyes went back to normal as he frowned at the human. The founder realized what he did was a mistake, and the animatronic felt bad. He decided to sit next to the human that gave him life, and spoke up, “Care to explain, Lewis?”
Lewis nodded, “when we broke up, Wiatt and I kept in contact. I told him how things were going and he told me things were fine on his end. Then Dreamworld was nearing its opening. I wanted to ask Wiatt to work for us, but then I had that ordeal with Sara and…” Lewis paused, feeling like he was about to cry.
“Wiatt wouldn’t understand, would he?” Starlight asked, guessing that’s what Lewis was trying to say.
“I know Sara and Wiatt don’t get along, and he knows a bit about Sara using my soul to bring you to life. If he was told the whole story…” Lewis paused again, “he’d probably look at me as if I was crazy and go off on Sara.”
“And you want to keep both of them instead of the two pulling you like a pair of kids fighting over the last toy.” Starlight finished.
Lewis looked up at the animatronic in shock, “I thought you said you don’t have my memories?” He asked.
The star animatronic chuckled, putting his arm around the founder, “I don’t. I do have your feelings and how you feel about Wiatt right now.” Starlight said.
The founder chuckled, blushing a bit, “I do want to ask him out. He tried to earlier, but I got called in by Pen to assist with the pin the lollipops on the workers' situation.”
Starlight chuckled, “Well why don’t you make the first move, then?”
Lewis’s face turned red as a tomato at this point, “w-what?! N-No darling. I-I can’t!” He stuttered.
“Sure you can!” Starlight reassured him. “You are a theater kid, use some of those skills to ask the one you love out.”
Lewis groaned, covering his face with his hands, “It’s gonna be so embarrassing.”
“It won’t,” Starlight reassured him. He got up from the crate and held his hand out, “Now come on, darling, let’s go to your Prince shall we.” 
Lewis looked up at the star animatronic who smiled at him hoping to build his confidence boost. The blush started to fade from his cheeks as he took Starlight’s hand, got up, and headed toward the staff room where he last saw Wiatt.
Once arriving, Lewis saw Pen, who convinced Hayden to stay a little longer, talking with Wiatt. The latter shared a laugh, probably talking about what happened at the Madhouse earlier.
The male founder blushed remembering Wiatt’s laughter and that it would make him laugh too. He felt a nudge from Starlight, motivating him to go and ask Wiatt out. Lewis nodded and started to walk towards Wiatt, only to run the other way and go straight to the boys bathroom.
Starlight groaned, putting a hand to his face, “Oh for heaven’s sake!” He yelled. Looks like he has to be the one to step up and set up Lewis and Wiatt’s date. Starlight made his way towards Wiatt and tapped the boy on the shoulder.
Wiatt and Pen looked up at the star animatronic, “Oh hi Star.” He said.
“Sorry to interrupt you two, but could I speak with you privately, Wiatt?” Starlight asked.
“Oh, sure,” Wiatt said, getting up. “Talk to you later then?”
Pen nodded, “of course.” He replied.
“Thanks. Later Pen!” Wiatt then followed Starlight towards the hall away from any other co-workers. “So, what do you want to talk with me privately about?”
“Nothing special, just Lewis wants you to stay in after hours with him,” Starlight explained.
Wiatt felt his face blush. “O-Oh. He does?” He asked. 
“Mhm.” Starlight nodded in reply.
“For what reason?”
“Oh, he needs some help with some prop deliveries. Sara and Oliver turned him down, and he needs the muscle strength.” Starlight lied.
Wiatt raised an eyebrow, he knew Starlight was lying, and that he had plans for the founder and him. However, Starlight had a bit of Lewis’s soul, and that meant they both knew how to act and improve, so he’ll let it slide.
“Alright,” Wiatt replied.
“Splendid!” Starlight exclaimed as his eyes sparkled with stars. “I’ll go let Lewis know.”
Wiatt gave a smile and sighed he finally got his date with Lewis. Even if Starlight had to play wingman to get it. He was a bit nervous, but happy he could finally start where he and Lewis left off. “Yes!” He whispered.
“You what?!” Lewis shouted.
The founder was in his office, completely freaking out hearing that the animatronic set him and Wiatt out on a date. Starlight figured this was going to happen, and had to call for backup from the Triplet animatronics. Masquerade was patting the founder on the back in hopes of relaxing him, but it didn’t work.
“Well darling, if you weren't going to make a move then I’ll do it for you,” Starlight explained.
Lewis was sputtering, he couldn’t talk because he couldn’t argue or even reason with the animatronic since it was technically like arguing with himself.
“Don’t worry Mr. Bright,” Masquerade said. “If anything we can help you.”
“Yeah, we know a thing or two about dating.” Melody
“Well, you two do,” Mimic added. “I’m not interested in dating.”
Lewis’s eyes widened in horror realizing the triplets and Starlight, heck even any other animatronics helping him on his date with Wiatt would be a bad idea.
The thought of it made Lewis chuckle, and not in a good way. “No, no, no.” He said. “None of you are going to be a part of this. Except Starlight.”
Now, it was the star animatronic’s turn to stare in horror, “W-what? Me?” Starlight asked, pointing at himself.
Lewis nodded, “you're the one who played wingman, so only you can help out with this ‘date.’” He said.
The triplets crossed their arms in disappointment, but a smirk appeared on Melody’s face as he nudged his brothers and pulled them into a circle. The purple triplet whispered something and once released from their circle a smirk appeared in the other two animatronic’s faces before they left the office to plan their idea.
“Lewis, you seem tense about this.” Starlight started, “I thought you would be happy asking Wiatt out?”
“I am,” Lewis answered. “It’s just me and Wiatt hadn’t had a serious date since our senior year of high school.”
The founder smiled about that date. It was the Friday before Spring Break and before he, Sara, and Oliver were to prepare for the robotics competition to help them with Dreamworld. He wanted to take Wiatt out on a date first as a mix of a confidence boost and to relax before the event. The two spent the whole day at a local outdoor mall, shopping at a retro game store, and then having lunch at a local burger place Lewis likes to take his friends out. On that date, Wiatt was the first to kiss him, and oh my stars he wished they never parted lips!
Lewis was so lost in thought of his last date with Wiatt, that he was smiling like an idiot which caught the attention of Starlight who was chuckling. Lewis blushed in embarrassment and quickly tried to rub it off, which made the animatronic laugh.
“Nervous, huh darling?” Starlight asked.
“Yeah,” Lewis replied. “It’s like a first date.”
Starlight smiled, and went over to Lewis before putting his hands on his shoulder, “I know you two will be fine darling.” He reassured the founder.
“I hope.”
By closing time, all the workers went home except Wiatt, who stood behind and went over to Lewis’s office. As he was walking, he pulled out his cell phone and looked at the photos of him and Lewis during their high school years. 
One was a photo where Wiatt hugged Lewis tight; he lifted him off the air as the latter gave a sheepish smile. The other photo showed Lewis and Wiatt at the park under a tree. Lewis was asleep on Wiatt’s shoulder and the smaller boy had to take a quick photo because of how cute his boyfriend was when he slept. The last photo was at a Senior Year party hosted at a classmate’s house, the photo was supposed to be just Wiatt and Lewis, but Sara and Oliver, who were dragged in, photobombed the couple.
Despite it, Wiatt let out a chuckle as Sara did have her good moments. He didn’t like her, but he didn’t hate her. Though he won’t admit it.
“Mr. Wiatt?”
Wiatt looked down to see Melody, dressed in a light blue vest holding a clipboard and purple crayon.
“Right this way, sir.” He said, pointing around the corner where Lewis’s office was.
The mechanic went around the corner and saw Masquerade at the front of the door, also wearing a light blue vest. “Have a seat sir, your date’s been waiting for you.” He said.
Wiatt went inside Lewis’s office, and was in shock to see the office was turned into a restaurant table with Starlight as the waiter, wearing a uniform and a fake mustache. Lewis was on one side of the table with a forced smile on his face, though it looked like he wanted to jump out the window with how the animatronics were embarrassing him right now.
“Uh…” Wiatt started before letting out a nervous chuckle. “H-Hi.”
“Hi, darling,” Lewis replied, between his teeth.
“Ah, I see we have a lovely couple together now.” Starlight started. “Why don’t you take a seat darling.”
Wiatt nodded and sat down in the seat across from Lewis. The two gave a nervous smile, both blushing because they didn't know what to say. They tried to speak, but instead of words, it was nervous chuckles.
Soon, two cups filled with ice, and two cans of orange soda, were put on the table as Starlight and Mimic, also wearing the same vest as his brothers, handed the couple their menus, which were the menus used at the facility for their guests. “Your menus,” Mimic said.
“Oh thank you,” Wiatt said, taking a menu.
“Well take your time, lovely couple. I’ll be back.” Starlight said leaving the couple alone.
Once gone, Lewis was able to breathe and remove his smile. He slammed his head on the table, “why did they have to help me!?” He complained.
Wiatt chuckled, “They're trying their best, Lewis. It can’t be that bad.” He reassured the founder.
Lewis looked up with a small glare, before putting his head back down.
What the couple didn’t notice was someone turned on one of the security cameras and was watching this whole date go down.
From the security office, Sara heard about the planned date from the triplets, as the trio wouldn’t stop talking about it all day. She decided it would be nice to stick around and watch Lewis’s date like she and Oliver did back in the day.
“This is going to be entertaining.” Sara chuckled.
Sara then heard a knock on the door, and not a second later it was open. It was Oliver, “Sara, what are you doing in here?” He asked.
Sara’s eyes widened as she quickly turned to Oliver. She gave a sheepish smile to her best friend, “Oh hi Oliver. I’m just checking the cameras before we go home for the night.” She lied.
Oliver was almost convinced until he saw something familiar on the screens. He walked over to the screens and was shocked to see one of the screens was Lewis and Wiatt on their little date. The shy founder glared at his friend for spying on their other friend and his boyfriend.
“Sara, I can’t believe you're spying on Lewis on his date with Wiatt!” Oliver exclaimed.
Sara crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “Oliver, it’s not a big deal. We did this a lot back in high school.” She explained.
“Yeah, high school, we're in our 20s now and should set a good example as we are adults running a children’s entertainment center.”
“Oliver,” Sara started putting a hand on her friend’s shoulder, “don’t you want to see the chaos of Starlight and the triplets handling this date?” She asked, hoping to persuade her friend.
Oliver was about to speak and thought about it. Yes, it would be funny to see the triplet animatronics handling Lewis and Wiatt’s date. However, his conscious got the better of him and he shook his head, “No, as much as it would be funny, no.” He replied. “Now let’s go home!” 
As Oliver started to march out of the security room, Sara smirked, having one more plan up her sleeves. “You know, Lewis has the key to the apartment right?”
Oliver froze and groaned as he marched back to Sara. The female founder smiled and pulled a second chair for her best friend. The male founder put his bag down on the ground as he sat on the chair, disappointed with himself.
“I’m gonna regret this,” Oliver said.
“I’m not!” Sara exclaimed. “Now how would you feel about snacks?”
Oliver growled at his friend, as the two sat and watched Lewis and Wiatt’s date unfold.
Back with Wiatt and Lewis, the two kept their faces on the menu, hiding the blushes that were forming on their faces. Each time one of them took a peek, the other would too before hiding his face again. Wiatt chuckled and put the menu down.
“Remember when we went on our first restaurant date?” Wiatt asked.
“Y-Yeah,” Lewis replied, putting the menu down, his face still red. “It was the first Friday of summer break.”
Wiatt chuckled seeing Lewis remembered their first date. “You came late, and instead of coming in a sweater vest like you always wear, you came in with your Portal T-shirt instead.”
Lewis chuckled remembering that day. “Yeah. I don’t have that shirt anymore, I gave it to Oliver’s little brother. He wears it as pajamas.” The two shared a chuckle as the blush started to disappear from their faces.
Starlight smiled seeing the two getting comfortable with one another and decided to come out and ask if the couple was hungry. “So has the lovely couple decided what to order?” Starlight asked.
“Uh, yeah,” Wiatt replied. He looked at the menu and didn’t know what to pick. “Maybe just the cheese pizza.”
“Perfect!” Starlight exclaimed, writing down what the couple would order. “Well, I’ll get that started for you. In the meantime, I’ll play some lovely tunes.”
Starlight took Lewis’s cell phone and connected it to Bluetooth. He went through his Spotify and found a playlist labeled My Darling which had a drawing of Wiatt on it. He set it on shuffle and soon the song I See the Light started to play.
Lewis’s face turned red again as he turned to the animatronic, “Starlight, please tell me you're not playing my private playlist!” He yelled.
“It fits the mood, darling,” Starlight said before leaving the room.
Lewis stuttered, embarrassed that his playlist was being played in front of his boyfriend. “Oh god.” He groaned.
Wiatt blushed and smiled, “Don’t be embarrassed. I have a song that fits us too.” He said.
Lewis looked up and gave a smile.
“I-If you want I can play it later.” Wiatt stuttered and gave a sheepish smile.
“Sure,” Lewis replied, the blush slowly fading.
The two stared at each other, smiling like idiots as they slowly held hands over the table. Wiatt leaned in and Lewis was shaking thinking Wiatt was going to lean in for a kiss, but Wiatt stopped and asked Lewis a question.
“These guys do know how to cook right?” Wiatt asked.
Lewis gave a horrified look, forgetting about that. “I don’t know?!” He exclaimed, “Yes Starlight is a part of me, but if he has my cooking skills. That I don’t know.”
Wiatt chuckled, “Honestly I wouldn’t mind burnt pizza or lunchable-style pizza for a date.”
The founder gave a nervous chuckle before groaning and putting his head down again. “This is so bad.” Lewis thought.
Back in the security room, Sara and Oliver were sharing a bag of popcorn. “Sara, this is way better than whatever is on TV,” Oliver said.
“Told ya,” Sara replied.
Back with the couple, Wiatt gave a small smile, “Hey.” He spoke up, which made Lewis look up. “It may be bad, but I’m having fun. Isn’t that what a date is?”
Lewis gave a small smile, “Y-yeah. I guess so.”
“Are you having fun, Lewis Bright?” Wiatt asked.
Lewis blushed, he stuttered a bit. “O-Of course I’m having fun, Wiatt Nicholson!” He replied, feeling offended, “I-I just haven’t had a serious date with you for a very long time, and it feels like we're starting over.”
Wiatt gave a light chuckle. “That’s how it feels like for me too.”
“Huh?” Lewis asked.
“I guess I’m just more calm about it,” Wiatt said.
Lewis smiled and Wiatt smiled back. The two stared at each other lovely and were ready to kiss, for real this time.
“PIZZA FOR THE LOVELY COUPLE!” Masquerade yelled.
Lewis and Wiatt screamed as they fell to the ground. The animatronic flinched and looked down to see the boys, groaning as they slowly tried to get up.
“Are you okay?” Melody asked.
“Y-Yeah.” Lewis replied, “I’m fine, darling.”
As the two slowly got up, Wiatt saw something on Lewis’s chest he hadn’t seen before. He saw what appeared to be a scar. He stopped Lewis from getting up so he could get a closer look at the injury.
“Where did you get that scar, Lewis?” Wiatt asked.
Lewis got nervous at this point and tried to think of something to hide the fact that he got this scar because of Sara. He glanced up at the animatronics hoping they could give him some advice, but the four animatronics looked nervous at him.
Seeing as the animatronics were without ideas, Lewis thought of one good explanation. “It was an accident darling. I was…building one of the attractions and some metal struck me on the chest.” He lied.
Wiatt wasn’t convinced, he knew Lewis was lying. “I know you're lying. Sara did this to you.” He said.
Lewis looked down, seeing Wiatt saw through his lie. “She did.” He revealed. “It has to do with how Starlight was brought to life, but it’s a lot to take in if I explained it.”
“Knowing that it involved Sara and souls. I’m too afraid to ask what the details were.” Wiatt replied.
“Trust me, darling. It’s for the best.”
Lewis slowly got up and held his hand out for Wiatt. The smaller boy smiled took his boyfriend’s hand and got up.
The two stared at each other wondering what they should say to each other because finding out that Lewis was injured to bring Starlight to life brought the mood down.
“Sorry if I brought the mood down, darling.” Lewis apologized.
“No, I should’ve brought it up after the date or kept my mouth shut,” Wiatt replied. The couple paused for a bit before Wiatt had one more thing to add, “Just when you're ready, tell me, okay.”
“I will darling. I will.”
Wiatt gave a small smile and a kiss on Lewis’s cheek. The founder blushed and gasped, turning towards the boy who just kissed him.
The smaller boy turned red and got nervous seeing he kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. “I-Oh sorry!” Wiatt stuttered. “I-I should’ve waited before I kissed you! It was the wrong timing…” Wiatt kept on stuttering while Lewis smiled, blushing a bit. “I-I’m sorry I should of-mhm.” 
Lewis cut Wiatt off as he pulled him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him.
Wiatt’s eyes widened in shock, tears started to pour from his eyes, and he closed them and melted into the kiss.
“Awww!” Starlight, Melody, and Masquerade said at the same time.
“Eww,” Mimic added grossed out by the kissing.
In the security room, Oliver and Sara fist-bumped each other knowing Lewis would be the one to kiss Wiatt on the lips.
Wiatt and Lewis were at it for a while, they both wanted to stay like this forever. However, they both let go and stared at each other’s eyes, blushing.
“One of us needed to make the first move, darling,” Lewis said.
Wiatt chuckled, “Smooth as always Lewis Bright.”
Lewis chuckled back, “Sweet as always Wiatt Nicholson.”
The two ended up kissing on the lips again.
Mimic was grossed out and covered his eyes, but his brothers hugged him in awe at the couple kissing. Starlight’s eyes glistened seeing the two kiss, if he was human he’d be crying real tears.
The couple let go of the kiss and decided to enjoy the rest of their date. “So, we’re back to where we started now?” Wiatt asked.
“Indeed darling. I’m glad we’re dating again.” Lewis answered.
“Me too.”
The couple was about to sit down and enjoy their pizza but were horrified at what it was.
It was a cheese pizza, but other than the base of the pizza that was cooked, the cheese, and sauce weren’t, plus it was topped with gummy worms and popcorn.
“It’s our special couple's Cheese pizza!” Masquerade announced.
“We added our favorite toppings to commemorate the event,” Melody added.
The couple chuckled and looked at each other, “that’s sweet of you three,” Lewis started, giving a forced smile again.
The triplets smiled back.
“However, we’re kind of tired for the night,” Wiatt added.
“That’s alright. I’ll give it to the two people in the security room.” Mimic revealed.
Lewis and Wiatt’s eyes widened in horror. The founder forgot about the security cameras and someone was watching the whole thing go down. Though Lewis realized something, the pink triplet mentioned two people watching the cameras.
“You said two, right darling?” Lewis asked.
Mimic nodded with a smile.
Lewis sighed grabbed his boyfriend’s hand and dragged him into the security office. The founder opened the door with force, causing the other two founders to turn in fear seeing their friend pissed off.
“Sara Brooklyn Covetman! Oliver Schmidt Acrimony!” Lewis growled.
Oliver whimpered and pointed at Sara, “It was her idea!” He yelled, throwing the female founder under the bus.
“Oh and the whole: I bet you $20, Lewis will kiss him on the lips was your idea, Oliver!” Sara yelled, calling out her friend.
“It doesn’t matter who started,” Wiatt spoke up. “You saw our date!”
“And let’s just say it was better than what’s on television,” Sara commented.
Lewis crossed his arms, still glaring and growling at his friends. Sara saw Lewis wasn’t joking around and gave a nervous chuckle. “You two are gonna regret it.” He hissed.
“Quick, run Oliver!” Sara yelled, grabbing her best friend’s hand and the two rushed out of the building.
“You get back here you two!” Lewis yelled chasing after his best friends.
Wiatt blinked before chuckling seeing Lewis got a balance of keeping his boyfriend while still having his two best friends by his side.
AKA: Out of Context thanks to my friend @theitalianscribe
Wiatt: This is fun!
Lewis: I wanna jump out a window
Sara and Oliver: eating popcorn and drinking soda while watching this
It has been a while since I last worked on this fanfic, and while writing this I almost left out some important details that were brought up in the first two chapters. But this fanfic is…SO CUTE!! I had fun writing this chapter. I think I have way more  fun writing, shipping and random chaos!
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crackshipparadise · 9 months
Until I Found You Chap. 5
((Posting the entire story like this now instead of links! If you wanna read chapters 1-4 click here!!!))
Happy New Years!!
Here is more of my lovely crackship for you all to start off the new year!
So, I did see the prologue and Episode 1 for WTDW Season 2 and I had to change a few ideas that focused around Norman.  I won’t say till we introduce him, physically, but yeah how I portrayed him in Chapter 2 would have to be re-written or explained in a future chapter.
All I can say is, Sara is living the trope of a protagonist falling in love with a childhood friend (Norman) and the mysterious/bad boy (Artemis/Moonjumper). 
Big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
On Friday afternoon, Artemis parked in front of Dreamworld Entertainment and smiled looking at his niece in the backseat. “Well Hayley, we’re here!” Artemis announced. 
Hayley had brown hair tied into a ponytail with a yellow ribbon, blue eyes, and wore a yellow and white jacket over a purple t-shirt, black jeans, and brown sneakers. She smiled looking at the window and quickly got out of the car.
“I can’t believe I’m finally going to Dreamworld!” Artemis’s niece beamed in excitement.
Artemis chuckled as he got out of the car, but before he could take a hold of his niece’s hand, Hayley bolted inside the facility.
Inside, Wiatt was setting up Halloween decorations when suddenly the door bolted open and he ended up losing his balance, only to hang onto the decorations for dear life.
Artemis soon followed after his niece, ignoring Wiatt who was struggling not to fall to his death. “Hayley, don’t run off like that!” He yelled.
“Sorry, Uncle Artie!” Hayley replied, giggling.
“H-Hey! A little help!” Wiatt called out.
Artemis and Hayley turned to see Wiatt hanging on to a banner for dear life. “How’s it hanging, Wiatt?” Artemis asked.
Wiatt glared, however, as much as he wanted to curse at him, he saw that Artemis had a kid. “Ha, ha, very funny.” He replied. He tried to use his feet to get on the ladder again, but it was too far away from him.
Hayley saw Wiatt needed help and went over to drag the ladder to him. Feeling his foot touch the ladder, Wiatt was able to steady himself using the banner and wall as a balance.
“Thank you.” Wiatt said, giving a sigh.
“You’re welcome!” Hayley replied.
“Waitt, meet my niece, Hayley.” Artemis said.
“Hi there!” Hayley beamed waving to the mechanic. 
Wiatt gave a light chuckle and waved back, “hi.” He replied.
“Wiatt, do you know if Sara is in today?” Artemis asked.
“She is! She's in a meeting with Lewis and Oliver, so I wouldn’t bother them right now.” Wiatt replied as he continued setting up the decorations.
Artemis and Hayley looked at each other before giving a smug smile. “Okay. Come on Hayley, let's go see my friend.”
Wiatt’s eyes widened seeing Artemis and Hayley walking towards the Employee Only entrance.
“W-Wait! Hold on!” Wiatt yelled. “I said you can’t bother them right now!” He groaned seeing Artemis nearing the door and not listening to him.
Just before Artemis opened the door, the founder trio opened it themselves, having been done with their meeting, and wanting to check on the workers and guests at the facility. Sara froze in shock seeing Artemis was here, earlier as usual. 
“Oh! Y-You’re here.” Sara said, stuttering a bit.
“As I promised.” Artemis replied with a smile.
Sara smiled back and looked at Hayley, “is this your niece?” She asked.
Artemis nodded, “this is Hayley. Hayley, this is my friend, Sara.”
“Nice to meet you, Miss Sara!” Hayley beamed.
Sara chuckled, “She’s so cute!” She commented.
Hayley giggled, “thank you.” She replied.
Sara and Artemis giggled and smiled at each other. Seeing the two wanted to talk alone, Lewis decided to speak up.
“If it's okay with you, darling, may Oliver and I show Hayley around the facility?” Lewis asked.
“Oh! O-Of course.” Artemis smiled, giving a slight blush. Sara was the same, nodding as well.
“Y-Yeah, uh… Artemis come with me.” Sara stuttered as she took his hand. The two looked down and pulled their hands away, blushing harder.
Hayley’s eyes widened as she gave a smug smile. “Ooooh.” She commented. The adults turned towards the kid as Artemis gave a nervous chuckle. He quickly left with Sara to her office for alone time.
Hayley chuckled seeing her uncle in love as Lewis and Oliver began to give the young girl a tour.
Once at Sara’s office, Artemis and Sara breathed in relief as they were able to escape the embarrassment. “Sorry about that. Hayley has a unique personality.” Artemis said.
“It’s fine.” Sara reassured him. “She’s very sweet.”
“She is. It’s funny how she went from a shy little girl to someone open, quirky, and silly as she calls it.” Artemis explained.
Sara giggled in reply.
Artemis sat down and smiled staring into Sara’s eyes. “So… getting ready for Halloween?” He asked.
Sara sighed, “well, sorta…” she replied.
Artemis frowned, “what’s wrong?” He asked. “You work at an entertainment facility! It’s got to be fun!”
“It is. Every month Lewis, Oliver and I come up with ideas for what fun events should take place here. Lewis and Oliver decided to hold a Halloween masquerade ball.” Sara explained.
“That sounds fun!” Artemis exclaimed, but saw Sara was still sad. “Uh, you look bothered, is anything wrong?”
“Well…” Sara paused before taking a deep breath. “I’m not mad about the event, it’s just that Lewis wants this to be a masquerade ball and I’m not good at dancing.” She admitted.
Artemis gave a light chuckle, “that’s not true, everyone knows how to dance!” He exclaimed.
“Not me!” Sara exclaimed. She paused knowing it was a little lie, “W-Well I know how to dance, but like line dancing and just having fun, not ballroom dancing.”
Artemis gave a smug smile and put his hand on Sara’s shoulder. “Well look no further, because I can teach you.” He revealed.
Sara blushed and looked at Artemis in shock. As much as she would love some dance lessons, the thought of it feeling like it’s a fairytale made her blush again.
“N-No that’s fine!” Sara stuttered, turning away to hide her blush.
“You sure?” Artemis asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Y-Yeah!” Sara replied.
Artemis smirked and sighed, “alright I won’t push it.”
Sara sighed and smiled, “thanks.”
Artemis smiled, but he still wasn’t done teasing his friend yet. “So, if you're not into ballroom dancing, what about dresses?” He asked.
Sara groaned as she slammed her head on the desk. “Don’t get me started.” She muffled.
Artemis gave a chuckle, hearing dresses clearly weren’t Sara’s thing. He then looked at the photos on Sara’s desk, and saw one of a young man with blonde hair with his arm around her. “Hey, Sara.”
“What?” Sara asked, her face still covered.
“Who is this handsome man with you?” He asked.
Sara looked up and her eyes widened seeing Artemis looking at the photo of her and Norman. “Oh!” She exclaimed. “That’s Norman, he’s…an old friend.”
“An old boyfriend or just a friend?” Artemis questioned.
“Friend, but he always saw me as his girlfriend.” Sara replied.
Artemis understood, and put the photo down. He was about to ask, but Sara interrupted him.
“We didn’t date. He just had a crush on me, that's all.” Sara explained.
Artemis gave a sigh, but he had one more awkward question to ask. “So do you see me as a friend?” He asked.
Sara felt the blush coming back, as anxiety ran through her. “W-Well! I-I mean we just met so…y-yeah.” Sara stuttered. 
That’s your response Sara! You're stupid! Of course you want to see him more as a friend!  Sara thought to herself.
Artemis smiled, “I’m glad. I see you as a friend too.” He replied.
Sara smiled, that’s a relief. I guess. Glad I didn’t say I love him at that point, She thought to herself.
I think I played it safe by calling her friend. Artemis thought to himself.
What the two didn’t know was Masquerade was watching their conversation. He rolled his eyes before leaving the employee’s only area.
Meanwhile, Hayley was playing some arcade games at  the Arcadescape after her tour. While she played, Mimic and Melody were watching the young girl as Masquerade came by checking on his siblings.
“So how are you enjoying your time here, Hayley?” Masquerade asked.
“It’s great! I’ve been wanting to come here for a long time now!” Hayley beamed.
“Masquerade, Hayley is amazing at this game! She’s about to beat Ben’s high score!” Mimic beamed.
Hayley smiled proudly. She then looked around to make sure no one was listening. “So what did my Uncle talk about with Sara?” She whispered to Masquerade.
Masquerade sighed, “Sara talked about the Halloween masquerade ball, your uncle asked if she sees him as a friend and she said yes, and your uncle replied he sees her as a friend too.” He listed.
Hayley groaned in frustration. “Not again. He’s always like this, he finds someone, says they're friends, and then the person they crushed on gets married to someone else!”
Mimic chuckled, “wow you really want your uncle to not be lonely!” He beamed.
“It’s not that. I can sense feelings a mile away, and I can sense my love meters are going strong!” Hayley beamed. She then saw the “Employee’s only door and smirked, “I just have to break the ice.” Hayley said.
The triplets smirked and decided to help Hayley with her mission. With everyone distracted the triplets went to the Employee’s Only door and ushered Hayley in. Once inside the triplets took Hayley to where Sara and Artemis are located.
“In here.” Mimic said. The triplets and Hayley looked through the door and saw Sara and Artemis talking and laughing with each other.
Hayley chuckled, “I knew it.” She said. 
“You can sense it from here?” Mimic asked.
Hayley nodded, “I told you, I can sense it!” She exclaimed as she made beeping noises. 
The triplets giggled, enjoying Hayley’s personality. However, their giggling stopped as they froze in fear.
Behind them, was Sara and Artemis crossing their arms seeing the kids sneaking into the employee’s only area.
Hayley stopped laughing and turned around, shocked. She then gave a sheepish smile and chuckle seeing they’ve been caught.
“H-Hi Uncle Artemis.” Hayley sheepishly said.
Artemis sighed and rolled his eyes as he carried his niece, which made her giggle. “I’m so sorry, my niece here loves to be sneaky! It happens a lot!” He explained.
Sara chuckled, “it’s fine. My co-workers bring their kids and their siblings here.” She explained, reassuring him.
Artemis smiled, but not before looking down to see Hayley giving him a smug smile. He gave a nervous chuckle, “w-well you must be hungry! C-Come on let’s get something to eat!”
“Well we got food here. I’ll treat you guys.” Sara said.
“Are you sure?” Artemis asked.
Sara nodded, “you got those books for me, it’s the least I can do.”
Artemis smiled, “alright, but just so you know I've got to pay you back for this!”
“We’ll see.” Sara replied.
As she walked off, Artemis smiled and followed his friend out of the employee’s area. The triplets blinked and looked at each other and smiled seeing that Hayley was right, Sara was in love.
In the lobby, Artemis and Hayley sat down as Sara brought over pepperoni pizza for the three of them. “Alright, here you guys go!” Sara exclaimed.
Hayley clapped, and was ready to grab some pizza. However, Artemis stopped her, “what do we say?” He asked.
Hayley sighed, “thank you Miss Sara.” She said, politely.
Artemis smiled, “good, now you can grab a slice.” He said.
Hayley smiled and took a slice of pepperoni pizza and took a bite of it. “It’s so good!” She beamed.
“Glad you like it! It’s Oliver’s secret recipe!” Sara beamed, taking a slice of pizza for herself.
Artemis took a slice and his niece was right, it was good. “I’m guessing how the food was made was your friend’s recipes?” He asked.
“Yep, food was an afterthought, and luckily Oliver knew how to cook and we got these amazing meals!” Sara answered.
Artemis chuckled and smiled lovingly at Sara. The latter blinked and smiled too as she nervously drank her soda.
Hayley looked at her uncle and his friend, and decided to drop it on her uncle, “so, are you sure you're not my Uncle’s girlfriend?” She asked, giving a smug smile.
Sara’s eyes widened as she spit out her soda, not knowing it hit her co-worker, Hayden, who was sitting down with his other co-workers. She coughed trying to apologize for what she did, while Artemis sat down there embarrassed at what his niece just said.
“H-Hayley you don’t just drop that on someone!” Artemis yelled.
Hayley chuckled before eating more of her pizza. Artemis sighed knowing Hayley wouldn’t care.
“You okay?” Artemis asked.
“I-I’m fine!” Sara coughed, “I’m fine!”
Artemis went over to Sara and rubbed her back. She looked up and smiled.
Inside the vents, Winnie watched the whole event play out and chuckled. “Perfect.” He said, his eyes glaring at Hayley.
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ever-ive-been · 1 year
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someone make a joke about rex being from jurassic park. so now the triplets gotta investigate
lil bit rushed an messy but i forgot the triplets colors and i had to hurry so this is kinda just a sketchy one. might go back later and fix it up one day
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Masks always silence questions until everything returns as directed eventually
Just perfect, is that how you think your performances should be? or were you told that?
Oh where have you gone, are you looking for your missing brother? don't you remember not to stay up late in places where you shouldn't be?
However, you don't remember who you learned that from, you didn't remember why that mimicking ghost looked so familiar. you do remember now, you remember everything now.
Now it's just right, is that what you think now? as you put on a mask of your shell, you join your mimicking brother, trying to get your final sibling to join. remember, you're the responsible one.
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saltyr3mix · 1 year
WTDW-tober DAY 4: Maintenance
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decide im not coloring it because i honestly dont want to. you get the picture right?
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theitalianscribe · 1 year
I have decided.
My Welcome to Dreamworld OC would be a cleaning robot. Think M0 from WALL-E or the mouse droids from Star Wars.
She/(They?) was a janitor that saw too much, so she was taken and her soul was split. Enough of her soul was left to pilot one of the cleaning bots, but not enough that she can make it talk. It can beep, though. The rest of her soul is being fed to the gateway.
I don't know what the robot looks like yet. It either will have the same color scheme as one of the main cast or will look like a cloud and have a way to move along the ceiling to clean it. Also at some point someone figures out that it likes holographic sparkles. Maybe one of the kids at Trampoland's arts and crafts corner puts a sparkly sticker on it and this sticker is the one thing it won't clean off.
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thatawkwardbryce · 7 months
...BTW I'm making some more fanart of the triplets
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dreamnoteprincess · 1 year
Had this cute Welcome to Dreamworld dream where the triplets are using Wiatt’s camera to make videos. Then some lady (presumed Karen) tries to get footage of the triplets being alive only to be scared off because of one of their pranks
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We are very cool and we love voice chatting ( kinda) and we sometimes do role-plays we are usually in character and not at the same time
We especially need Starlight 😢 if you want to join the group chat I will be posting the link below 👇
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thetiredartist101 · 3 months
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Drew Cheer from Welcome To Dreamworld because I got bored!
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wolfusmoonstudio · 4 months
Can we get a full design for characteristics au ppppppppplease?
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Creaturistic is a very expansive universe and it would take forever to create a design references for every character, so I tried to create a height lineup with the main crew and founders in the universe I realize I should have put Wiatt in it but, idk *shrugs*
Here are the individual refs if you can't zoom in or the image quality goes to crap:
Jake, James & John (2'8):
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Sara (5'2):
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Carly (5'6):
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Lewis (5'7):
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Eric (6'1):
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Ben & Liz (6'3):
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Oliver (6'7):
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Mike (7'2):
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Alyssa (10'2) (Note: Her whole length is the same as canon Glory, 16'3 ft, but her tail accounts for part of it, so her height is different on land than in water):
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thedreamworldlibrary · 3 months
Dreamers of Myths & Legends Chap. 5-Pokeball Heist!
Next chapter! Next new team member on the squad! I get excited writing the chapters of the new team members because holy crap I go so in detail on those chapters. This fanfic was 18  pages long and that’s possibly my longest one!
Thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
Eric hummed as he cooked breakfast for his daughter and the researchers. He decided to make waffles and scrambled eggs with some fresh fruit. Carly on the other hand was making breakfast for Ridley, Oddity, and the researcher’s newest member, Sprigatito.
“There. Done,” Carly sighed, finishing making the Pokemon their breakfast. “Okay, breakfast is ready!” She put the tray of Pokemon food down, as Ridley, Oddity, and Sprigatito ran downstairs. “I hope you all like it, it’s Pokemon food sprinkled with fruit and a zest of Oran Berry.”
Ridley and Oddity’s eyes sparkled and started to eat their breakfast, which made them sigh happily at how good it was.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed.
“Aipom!” Ridley exclaimed too.
Before she could eat, Sprigatito wanted to thank the young girl for making her breakfast, “Meow!” She exclaimed as she nuzzled onto Carly’s knee, thanking her for the food.
Carly squeaked and stepped back from Sprigatito and hid behind her father.
Sprigatito was confused and felt hurt wondering why Carly stepped back.
“Sorry darling,” Lewis spoke up as he came downstairs. “I should’ve told you, Carly has a fear of touching Pokémon.”
Sprigatito sighed and looked down. Lewis gave a light chuckle as he petted the Grass Cat Pokémon. It made her feel better.
“It’s okay Sprigatito. I like you, I just can’t touch you.” Carly explained hoping to cheer for the Grass-type Pokemon.
Sprigatito understood and went over to the other two Pokemon eating their breakfast.
“Eevee! Vee!” Oddity exclaimed telling Sprigatito to try Carly’s breakfast.
Sprigatito went over and took a bite of her breakfast and smiled at how good it tasted as she started to eat with the other two Pokemon.
Lewis smiled as he sat down and soon Wiatt and Oliver came down. “Morning.” Oliver said, letting out a yawn.
“Morning you two!” Lewis exclaimed. Oliver and Wiatt sat down as Eric and Carly brought over breakfast for the boys. 
However, Eric saw someone was missing. “Uh, where’s Sara?” He asked.
“She’s up in the room. She is waiting for a phone call.” Wiatt said, starting to cut into his waffle and eating it.
Lewis knew what the phone call was and got up from the table. 
“You okay?” Oliver asked, looking up at his best friend.
“Yeah. I’ll be back darlings. Just going to check on Sara.” Lewis said. He left the kitchen and went upstairs to check on the female researcher.
Sprigatito and Oddity looked at one another and decided to check up on Sara too. Ridley watched his friends leave and saw they left some of their breakfast left. He shrugged and decided to eat their breakfast too.
In the researcher’s room, Sara stared at her Rotom Phone and waited for it to ring. She got up earlier than usual so she could look her best for her phone call. Feeling like it took forever, her phone rang and quickly she answered it.
On the video call, was a person with dark skin, dark brown eyes, and messy dark brown hair with two white flicks framing their face. They wore a blue t-shirt and wore a purple beanie.
“Celio!” Sara exclaimed.
“Morning Sara! How is everything at Mr. Gale’s research center?” Celio asked.
“Great! We’re currently researching mythical Pokemon.” Sara replied, but she didn’t seem so pleased about it, “wasn’t something I expected but one of the researchers wanted to do it.”
Celio chuckled and soon the sound of bleating came into view. “I know you’ve been excited to talk to her.” They said looking at whoever made the bleating noise. Celio moved their Rotom Phone over to a Skiddo who looked happy to see her trainer.
Sara chuckled seeing her Pokémon looking all happy and healthy. “Skiddo!” She exclaimed.
Skiddo bleated in joy and started to jump in joy seeing her trainer again.
Lewis slowly opened the door and smiled seeing his best friend in her phone call with their caretaker and Pokémon.
“How has she been doing?” Sara asked.
“Fine.” Celio replied, but soon she frowned, “However…” 
Sara was confused as to why her caretaker paused like that. “Is something wrong with Skiddo?” She asked.
“Since you left Skiddo would be in your room all day and wait for you. She’ll eat, but not a lot, and will sleep all day.” Celio explained.
Sara saw in the video called Skiddo walking around before going to the floor and looking down. She frowned seeing her Pokémon like this.
“Aww, I miss you too Skiddo,” Sara replied. “Celio, if you’d like I can make it back home to Santalune City right away! I’m sure Eric would understand.”
“That’s why I called you,” Celio said cutting off their child. “I was thinking of sending Skiddo over to you to help you out with your research?”
Sara’s eyes widened, “but before I left. I left Skiddo with you so you can have help with the DayCare Center.” She explained.
“I know, but I feel like you two need to be together. I’ll be fine, don't worry.” Celio said, reassuring Sara.
Sara felt tears in her eyes and smiled. Her best friend was finally coming along with her. “Alright. Send her over and I’ll go pick her up.” She said, accepting it.
Celio smiled and gave a light chuckle, “Skiddo come over here! I’m sending you to Sara!”
Skiddo overheard and smiled widely as she ran over to Celio, knocking them down. Sara flinched at the scene and worried for her caretaker. “Are you okay?”
Celio had swirls in their eyes as Skiddo looked concerned for them. “I’m fine. I just forgot about Skiddo’s strength.”
Skiddo chuckled nervously, forgetting her strength too.
Sara smiled and chuckled. “I can’t wait!” She cheered jumping from her bed. However, she was so excited she forgot that she was on the top bunk and banged her head on the ceiling, fell off, and rubbed her head in pain.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed running over to Sara.
“Ow. Ow. Ow.” Sara repeated in pain.
“You okay darling?” Lewis asked.
“I’m fine.” 
Oddity and Sprigatito went over to the girl to see if she was okay. Sara gave a small smile and petted the two Pokemon. “Hey you two, would you like to meet a new friend?” She asked.
The Pokemon duo’s eyes widened when hearing about a new friend that would be joining them and got excited. Sara chuckled seeing the two were excited to hear about Skiddo coming to join them.
Lewis smiled, “I’m guessing Celio is going to bring over your Skiddo so she can be part of the research team.” He guessed.
Sara smiled and nodded. “I’m so excited! I’ve been missing her for a long time!” She exclaimed.
Lewis gave a light chuckle seeing his friend happy. 
“Come on.” Sara said, as she grabbed his hand and started to go down the stairs, with Sprigatito and Oddity not far behind, “we got to get to the Pokemon Center and pick her up!”
“But Sara, what about breakfast?” Lewis asked.
“Breakfast could wait!” Sara replied, too excited to eat. She and Lewis passed by the kitchen, which was noticed by the others before Sara came back, still dragging Lewis. “Oliver, Wiatt! Hurry up you two we have to get to the Pokemon Center!”
Wiatt was surprised, he swallowed his food without chewing it. He drank some orange juice to wash it down. “N-Now?!” He exclaimed.
“B-But we’re still eating.” Oliver reminded her.
“No time!” Sara yelled. “Hurry up, slowpokes!”
The boys saw Sprigatito and Oddity following behind and they stopped to tell the boys they were going to the Pokemon Center. “Eevee! Vee!” Oddity exclaimed, telling Wiatt to hurry up.
Wiatt and Oliver looked at each other and sighed, seeing the two weren’t gonna enjoy their breakfast after all.
The four researchers were walking to Celadon City when Celio texted Sara that it was the Pokémon Center they sent Skiddo. Sara hummed as she walked ahead of her friends excited to see her Skiddo again. Her friends on the other hand were tired as they didn’t have much breakfast and had no energy.
“Darling, I know you're excited to see Skiddo, but we haven’t eaten breakfast yet,” Lewis said.
“I mean we did, but not enough of it,” Oliver added.
Sara turned to her friends with a glare, “Guys I haven’t seen Skiddo in a while. I want to know if she made it safe here.” She explained.
Wiatt sighed, “Skiddo is your best friend, right Sara?” He asked.
Sara gave a small smile and nodded. “I’ve had her since I was a little.” She revealed. “She helped me through a lot.”
“I guess you two are like me and Oddity,” Wiatt revealed as he petted his Eevee.
“Vee.” Oddity sighed.
“Yeah in a way,” Sara replied.
“I understand why you're so excited, it’s almost like seeing an old friend you haven’t seen in years,” Wiatt stated.
“Right, and I can’t wait for Sprigatito and Oddity to meet her! They’ll love her!”
Sprigatito and Oddity smiled excitedly to meet their new friend.
However, once arriving at the Pokemon Center, Sara screamed, “WHAT?!” so loud that people outside the Pokemon Center heard it.
“W-What do you mean Skiddo didn’t arrive?” Sara asked, shaking like she was gonna faint. The guys stood behind her hoping they would catch her if she fainted.
Nurse Joy sighed, “I’m sorry, but it's not just you. A lot of trainers have been missing Pokemon using the transporter lately.” She explained looking at the transporter. “When trainers call me to send their Pokemon in or trainers go transport their Pokemon to someone else it glitches a bit, but where the Pokemon goes is unknown.”
Sara looked distraught over Skiddo going lost. She knew she would have left the facility for a bit to see her Skiddo in person.  
Even though Wiatt didn’t get along with Sara from time to time. He knew how close Sara and Skiddo were and would feel the same if something happened to Oddity.
“How did it happen?” Wiatt asked.
“Well, every month the Pokemon Transporter gets checked up every month to make sure it’s working properly.” Nurse Joy explained. “However, a trio of workers came by earlier than usual and told me there was an emergency at all Pokemon Centers and they should be checked. They did their job and said it was all fixed, after that Pokeballs wouldn’t get to their exact location.”
The researchers all looked at each other and nodded knowing Nurse Joy was tricked. “Did you by any chance see who the people were?” Sara asked.
“They were very weird looking, and they left a business card for me in case I call them back or recommend them to the other Pokemon Centers.” Nurse Joy replied. She pulled out a poorly made business card that looked to be drawn by a kindergartner.
The business card had drawings of Team Rocket in a maintenance worker outfit, but even though the card was poorly drawn Wiatt and his friends didn’t recognize the trio.
“Who was hired, professionals or a daycare?” Sara asked, insulting at the art style.
“Beats me. I never heard of them.” Oliver said.
Soon the sound of running interrupted the four researchers as three young boys ran to Nurse Joy with the look of worry on their faces.
The first boy had fluffy light brown hair, pale green eyes, and a bandage on his cheek. He also wore a pink shirt, black trousers, and gray shoes.
The second boy had fluffy black hair and had pale hazel eyes. He wore a dark brown vest over an orange short-sleeved dress shirt, gray jeans, and black shoes.
The last boy had fluffy dark brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a lilac shirt, light blue shorts, and purple sneakers.
From the looks of their hairstyles, the three boys seemed to be triplets. 
“Nurse Joy!” The boys exclaimed at the same time.
“Did our Pokemon come back yet?” The boy with the pink shirt asked.
“Yeah, we need to do more practice battling!” The boy with the purple shirt added.
Nurse Joy sighed, “I’m sorry boys, I haven’t gotten a word about your Pokemon yet.”
“Aww.” They sighed.
Sara frowned sympathizing with the boys, “Lost your Pokemon too, huh?��� She asked.
The triplets nodded in reply.
“This is Jake, John, and James.” Nurse Joy introduced the triplet boys. “They’re regulars at the Pokemon Center, asking questions about Pokemon, and even doing practice battles outside so they come here to heal their Pokemon.”
“Hello.” The triplets said at the same time.
“Hi, boys,” Sara replied. “I’m going through the same thing with my Pokemon.”
“Yeah, we transferred our Pokemon here yesterday, and they still haven’t returned!” Jake explained.
“Look, maybe there’s a logical explanation about this,” John reassured his brother. “Maybe they got teleported to a different Pokemon Center and we just have to ask Mom and dad if they can take us there.”
“I’m afraid not.” Nurse Joy spoke up. This caused the brothers to turn to the nurse. “I’ve called every Pokemon Center in the region, even in Johto, but none have seen the missing Pokeballs anywhere.”
The triplets and Sara frowned and sighed knowing that’s one question answered. “But where have they gone?” James asked.
Meanwhile, miles away from the Pokemon Center, Team Rocket was up to their no-good tricks. Like from the business card, it was them who messed with the Celadon City’s Pokemon Transporter and all the Pokeballs we’re being teleported to them.
“Look at all the Pokemon we got!” Meowth exclaimed.
“I know we’ve done this trick repeatedly, but we were successful this time!” Team Rocket’s James added as he added the Pokeballs into the bag.
“Plus, we made sure our teleporter was away from the city,” Meowth added. “That way we got a headstart to make our getaway.” 
Jessie got done packing her set of Pokeballs and glared to see the guys hadn’t packed up yet. “Hey are you two gonna slack around, or help pack up the Pokeballs?” She asked.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet shouted.
“That means you too!” Jessie yelled.
“Wobba!” Wobbuffet sighed. Meowth and James sighed as well and went back to putting the Pokeballs back into their bags. 
Back at the Pokemon Center, The group decided to have an early lunch since they didn’t finish their breakfast. Sara just stared at her food, still sad as there was nothing to do about her missing Skiddo.
“Darling,” Lewis spoke up.
Sara didn’t even look up and just stared at her food.
“Aren’t you gonna eat?” Lewis asked again.
Sara sighed, “No. I’m not hungry.”
The boys looked at each other and felt bad for the girl.
“Sara come on, you gotta eat,” Oliver said to his friend.
Sprigatito paused from eating went over to Sara and jumped on her lap. She was surprised till the grass-type Pokemon started tapping her paws on Sara’s chest. “Huh?” Sara asked confused.
“Meow! Meow!” Sprigatito called out pointing at her toe beans.
“You want me to touch them?” Sara asked.
Sprigatito smiled, “meow!” she beamed.
“O-Okay,” Sara said, and she did what Sprigatito told her. The female smiled blissfully as Sprigatito’s toe beans were so soft to touch. As she did a nice aroma smelt the air making Sara feel more relaxed. “This smells good! Thank you Sprigatito!”
“Meow!” Sprigatito replied, as a yout welcome before joining Oddity back to eat.
Lewis leaned over to his Pokemon, “Is that your way of cheering up people, darling?” He asked.
“Meow!” Sprgiatito replied, as a yes. The group laughed, and Sara felt better and decided to eat.
Lewis smiled seeing his best friend cheer up again, and gave Sprigatito a pet on the head. “Thank you, darling.”
Sprigatito smiled, purring at the pets. 
“We are not going all over Kanto by ourselves!” John yelled. The researchers turned to see the triplets having lunch too and discussing ways to find their Pokemon themselves.
“Hey, isn’t that the triplets we met earlier?” Sara asked.
“It is,” Wiatt replied, nodding.
“Come on, someone knows something that happened.” Triplet James said. He then let out a gasp, “If it’s a band of Pokemon thieves, we can take them down and save the Pokemon!”
John looked horrified at his brother, “how do we fight bad guys without Pokemon?” He asked.
“With our Bewear hands of course!” James exclaimed.
John groaned and looked at Jake, “you have any ideas, Jake?” He asked.
“Uh…no sadly,” Jake replied.
Sara got up from her seat and went over to the brothers. “Hi, boys.” She said, causing the boys to turn to her.
“Oh! Hi Miss.” John said.
“You three still bummed out about your Pokemon, huh?” Sara asked.
“Yeah.” The triplets sighed.
Jake looked up at the girl, “Miss. Do you miss your Pokemon?” He asked.
Sara nodded, “Yeah. I’ve had her when I was around your guys’ age.” She said.
James smirked, “So you want to fight Pokemon hunters and get our Pokemon back?” He asked.
Sara chuckled nervously, “Not fight, but find a way to track our Pokeballs down.”
The triplets thought for a bit until Jake got an idea. “What if we send another Pokeball and find a way to track it.” He suggested.
John thought about it, “but how are we gonna track it down?”
“We put a tracking device on it,” Wiatt suggested as he and the rest of the research team came by to join the conversation.
“Great! Now how are we going to find a Pokeball?” James asked.
The triplets and Sara thought for a bit till Jake got an idea. “I got an idea.”
The four turned towards Oddity and Sprigatito with a creepy smile on their faces. The two Pokemon turned white as a ghost as they cried out in fear and ran into their trainer's arms shivering.
Lewis and Wiatt looked at their Pokemon and held them tight as they gave a small glare at the four. “Darling, Sprigatito went through a lot!” Lewis scolded, reminding his best friend about Sprigatito’s past. Lewis looked down and petted the Grass Cat Pokemon, “I’m not gonna put her back in her Pokeball and send her to who knows where the Pokemon have been transported.”
“And Oddity hates being in his Pokeball,” Wiatt added.
“Well, how are we going to track down our Pokemon then!” Jake exclaimed.
Oliver smiled, “maybe we don’t need a Pokeball with a Pokemon in it.” He said.
The group looked at the tallest member of the research team wondering what plan he had in store to find everyone’s missing Pokeballs.
Later, Oliver used a spare empty Pokeball and put a tracking device inside before putting the Pokeball in the transporter. “Now we just put the Pokeball here, and…” he clicked the button to send it over. Once the Pokeball was transported, Oliver went on his Rotom Phone and saw the Pokeball was sent into the middle of the woods.
“Odd, I’d assume the location would be an unknown building, not in the middle of the woods,” James said.
“It could be someone built a handmade transporter and put a device so the Pokeballs would be sent to that location then here.” Oliver thought.
“Come on! Let’s go find our Pokemon!” Jake exclaimed as he ran out of the Pokemon Center, and his brothers followed.
“W-Wait boys!” Lewis yelled chasing after them. Oliver, Wiatt, and Sara chased after the triplets and hopefully, they could catch them in time.
“Don’t worry Skiddo, we’re coming.” Sara thought.
Back with Team Rocket, the trio was done packing up all the Pokeballs. “Finally, that took us forever!” Team Rocket James exclaimed.
“Yeah. Glad that was the last of the Pokeballs.” Meowth added.
“Alright, let’s get-” Jessie was cut off when she and the rest of the trio turned around to see their transporter send out another Pokeball. Team Rocket looked down at the Pokeball that rolled out of their transporter machine.
“Great!” They both sighed. 
“Well, who is willing to unpack their Pokeballs to make room?” Meowth asked.
Without hesitation, Jessie and James pointed at the Scratch Cat Pokemon. “You!” They both exclaimed.
“Me?!” Meowth exclaimed.
“Yes, you!”
Meowth groaned in disappointment, unraveling his bag and hoping he had room in the bag to fit the last Pokeball. However, due to how many Pokeballs were in the bag, everything spilled out. Meowth screamed and quickly gathered all of the Pokeballs before any of them rolled away. “Phew…That was close.” He sighed.
“Now come on, let’s get-” Jessie was cut off as the recently sent Pokeball opened and showed a tracking device. “Hmm…What’s this?”
“Looks like a tracking device,” Meowth answered.
Soon, Team Rocket heard footsteps coming by and looked up, freaked out. “The Pokeball should’ve teleported right here,” Oliver said. He and his friends and the triplets and Team Rocket stared at each other for a few seconds.
After staring at each other for a while the two parties screamed. “The twerps!?” Team Rocket shouted.
“Team Rocket!” Wiatt and the researchers shouted, knowing it was them all along.
“So you three were the ones who stole the Pokeballs, including my Skiddo!” Sara yelled.
Wiatt growled, “Give the Pokeballs back, Team Rocket!” He demanded the trio of villains
“Eevee! Vee!” Oddity added, hoping Team Rocket would listen to him.
Team Rocket glared and decided to jump into their motto now.
“Prepare for trouble, we’re one step ahead!” Jessie started.
“And make it double, don’t lose your head!” Team Rocket James exclaimed.
“To protect the world from devastation.” Jessie continued.
“To unite all peoples within our nations.” Team Rocket James continued as well.
“To denounce the evils of truth and love.”
“To extend our reach to the stars above!”
“Jessie!” Jessie exclaimed.
“James!” Team Rocket James exclaimed, as well.
“Hey isn’t that my name?” Triplet James asked, cutting into the motto.
“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!” Jessie yelled.
“Surrender now or prepare to fight!” Team Rocket James added.
“Meowth, that’s right!” Meowth finished.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet exclaimed.
Triplet James’s eyes sparkled seeing a villain had the same name as him. “Wow, it’s amazing that there’s someone with the same name as me, and he’s a bad guy!” He beamed.
“Aww thank you!” Team Rocket James replied, smiling at the kid.
“Jimmy, you gotta remember whose side you're on,” Meowth said.
“Right, sorry!”
“Same here bro,” John said, reminding his brother.
“Yeah, remember they’re the bad guys and stole our Pokemon!” Jake replied. To make sure he turned to Team Rocket.  “Uh…you're the ones who stole the Pokeballs did you?” 
“What do you think, twerp?!” Meowth yelled. “See all these Pokeballs we stole here from the Pokemon Center! That was us!” He exclaimed. 
“We used a special link cable we attached to the inside of the transporter machine so instead of the Pokeballs being transferred to the Pokemon Center.” Jessie started.
“They’ll be transferred over to us.” Team Rocket James finished.
Wiatt and the group glared at Team Rocket for their evil plans. However, Sara was mad that her Skiddo was in their hands, and wouldn’t give it back.
Seeing Sara angry, upset Oddity and Sprigatito. The two growled and ready to battle Team Rocket to save the Pokeballs.
“Don’t worry darling, we’ll get them back,” Lewis said, determined to get his best friend’s Pokemon back.
Team Rocket smirked and grabbed their Pokeballs too, ready to battle as well. “So the twerps want a battle, huh?” Jessie asked.
“Don’t worry, this will be easy.” Team Rocket James added.
“Alright, Gourgeist let’s go!” Jessie exclaimed.
A super-sized Gourgeist came out of Jessie’s Pokeball, “Gour, Gourgeist!” 
“Carnivine, you're up!” Team Rocket James yelled. However, the second Carnivine came out it went ahead and latched on to James’s head and biting on it. “Seriously! Not in front of the children!”
Carnivine quickly let go and joined Gourgeist to battle against Sprigatito and Oddity. The latter group of Pokemon growled and were ready to fight.
“Let’s go, Sprigatito use Leafage!” Lewis commanded.
“Oddity, let’s use Shadow Ball!” Wiatt commanded. 
Sprigatito jumped up and released Leafage from her neck shooting them at Team Rocket’s grass-type Pokemon. While Oddity released Shadow Ball from his mouth and launched it at Team Rocket’s Pokemon.
“Dodge it!” Team Rocket yelled.
Carnivine and Gourgeist dodged the attack, but it went towards Meowth who got hit and dropped his bag filled with Pokeballs.
“Hey you two when it comes to dodging, make sure it doesn’t hit me!” Meowth yelled.
“Gourgeist, use Dark Pulse!” Jessie commanded.
“Carnivine, use Bullet Seed!” Team Rocket James commanded.
Gourgeist fired a beam of dark purple rings from her mouth, while Carnivine shot small little seeds from their mouth.
“Dodge it!” Lewis and Wiatt yelled.
Oddity and Sprigatito jumped dodging the moves, with Sprigatito using dance moves to miss.
“Oddity, use Shadow Ball once more!” Wiatt commanded.
Oddity launched a Shadow Ball attack towards Team Rocket’s Pokemon, which pushed them back towards their trainers, also knocking the bags of Pokeballs off them.
“Alright, Sara, go find Skiddo. Lewis and I can battle them from here.” Wiatt said.
Sara nodded and went to the pile of Pokeballs, trying to find the Pokeball her Skiddo was housed in. She turned each of the Pokeballs she picked up to the front looking for Skiddo’s Pokeball as it was different from the others.
Oddity saw the young trainer desperately look for her Pokeball and decided to leave the battle to help her.
“Oddity, where are you going?” Wiatt asked.
The Eevee sniffed each of the Pokeballs until he saw one Pokeball that had a pink flower sticker on it. Tilting his head he grabbed with his mouth and went over to Sara.
“Eevee!” Oddity muffled.
Sara turned and her eyes widened seeing the Pokeball in Oddity’s mouth. It was  Skiddo’s Pokeball.
“Oddity! You found her!” Sara beamed. Oddity dropped the Pokeball in Sara’s hand and in return, she petted him on the head.
“Vee! Eevee!” Oddity beamed.
Sara gave a light chuckle and looked down at her Pokeball. Giving a determined look she was ready to take over the battle.
Lewis and Wiatt decided to let the female researcher battle Team Rocket take over the battle and stepped back a bit.
“Alright, let’s begin shall we,” Sara said. “Skiddo! Let’s go!” 
Sara threw her Pokeball and her Skiddo came out of her Pokeball. Once landing, she turned back and smiled at Sara. The latter smiled, feeling tears in her eyes, seeing her Skiddo was safe and sound.
“So that’s Skiddo,” Wiatt said as he grabbed his Rotom Phone to scan Skiddo into the Pokedex.
Skiddo, the Mount Pokemon. A grass-type.
It’s one of the first Pokemon to live in harmony with humans. It would give people rides on its back to transverse on mountain paths.
Team Rocket glared seeing it was no longer a two-on-two but now a two-on-three battle. “Big deal! You have three twerpy Pokemon, but we can still handle them with our Pokemon!” Meowth yelled.
Lewis and Wiatt were ready to help out Sara and Skiddo but were stopped by Oddity and Sprigatito.
“Eevee! Vee.” Oddity said.
“Meow. Meow.” Sprigatito added.
“Are you saying you want to let Sara and Skiddo battle Team Rocket themselves?” Wiatt asked.
“Vee!” Oddity replied.
Wiatt and Sara looked up, as the boy gave his friend a nod to battle Team Rocket.
Sara nodded back and turned to face her Pokemon, “Just like old times, right Skiddo?” Sara asked.
Skiddo bleats and smirks ready to fight.
“Gourgeist, use Leech Seed!” Jessie commanded.
Gourgeist launched a seed at Skiddo, but the Mount Pokémon stood still and took the Leech Seed. However, instead of draining energy, it boosted Skiddo’s attack before the Pokemon broke free from the seeds.
Jessie and Gourgeist looked shocked that their attack didn’t do anything.
“Carnivine, use Vine Whip!” Team Rocket James commanded.
“Carnivine!” Carnivine shouted launching vines as Skiddo caught them with her horns, causing another boost to Skiddo’s attack.
“What’s going on?” Jake asked.
Lewis’s eyes widened, “I know what Sara’s doing. She is using Skiddo’s Sap Sipper ability!” He exclaimed.
“Sap Sipper?” John asked.
“An ability Skiddo has, darling. Anytime Skiddo gets hit with grass moves it will boost her attack.” Lewis explained.
The triplets smiled and turned to Sara and Skiddo. “So that means Skiddo is gonna be strong!” Jake exclaimed.
Team Rocket looked frightened as Skiddo was ready to fight. However, Jessie wasn’t going down without a fight.
“Alright if grass moves won’t work!” She started, “Gourgeist use Dark Pulse!” 
“Skiddo dodge and use Vine Whip!” Sara commanded.
Skiddo ducked the Dark Pulse, and soon vines came out of her leafy mane and grabbed Gourgeist. Skiddo then threw the Pumpkin Pokémon into a nearby tree. Due to the double attack boost it hurt Gourgeist.
“Alright, Carnivine use Razor Leaf!” Team Rocket’s James commanded.
Carnivine shouted while launching Razor Leaf at Skiddo.
“Dodge it! And use Take Down!” Sara commanded.
Skiddo jumped to the left before running over to Carnivine as a yellow aura appeared. She then slammed into the Bug Catcher Pokemon, who then flew back into Gourgeist and Team Rocket, slamming them into a tree.
“Alright, let’s finish this with Bulldoze!” Sara yelled.
Skiddo then stopped her hooves on the ground as a shockwave of rocks on the ground headed toward Team Rocket. The evil team screamed, fearful of the attack headed towards them, and sent them off into the sky.
“If it wasn’t for that tracking device, we’d be winners!” Jessie yelled.
“We would’ve gotten away with it if it wasn’t for those meddling twerps!” Team Rocket James yelled.
Meowth sighed, “Wrong catchphrase James. We don’t say that…we usually say…”
“Team Rocket’s blasting off again!” Team Rocket yelled as they blasted off into the sky, and a star twinkled.
The triplets cheered for Sara and Skiddo seeing they won the battle and saved the Pokemon.
Heck, even Wiatt was impressed seeing his friend being a very skilled battler. “She’s…good,” Wiatt said.
“That’s Sara for ya, darling,” Lewis replied.
“We did it!” Sara cheered.
Skiddo ran over to her trainer, as the latter kneeled and hugged her Pokemon tight, nuzzling her. Sara laughed and teared up a bit. It was a mix of emotions for both of them; reuniting after being apart for so long, as well as winning a battle against Team Rocket.
By sunset, the researchers brought back everyone’s Pokeballs back to the Pokemon Center. They told Nurse Joy the truth about Team Rocket pretending to be mechanics to fix the Pokemon Teleporter and that the nurse will call the right mechanics to fix it up, and hopefully they’ll have something set up so Team Rocket won’t try the same nasty tricks again.
“Thank you so much for finding the missing Pokeballs.” Nurse Joy said. “I’ll send a notice to trainers who’ve lost any of their Pokeballs that they’ll be transferred over to them at the nearest Pokemon Center.”
“That’s great!” Wiatt exclaimed.
“Found them!” The triplets yelled. The four researchers turned to the triplets and saw they had found their Pokeballs.
“Glad you got your Pokemon back?” Sara asked.
The triplets nodded. Then triplet James spoke up, “Hey Miss! Could we battle your Skiddo one day?” He asked.
“Sure, hope you got some strong Pokemon, because she’s strong!” Sara beamed, petting her Skiddo.
Skiddo bleated in reply, ready to take on some challengers.
“Now, now boys. Aren’t you supposed to be heading home? It’s getting late.” Nurse Joy reminded them.
“Oh right! It’s almost dinner time!” Jake asked.
“Thanks again, Miss! Good luck!” John yelled as he and his brother ran home.
“Bye, guys! Hope to see you again!” Wiatt yelled.
“Eevee! Vee!” Oddity yelled, saying goodbye as well.
Once seeing the triplets off, Sara turned to the boys, “Well, shall we get going?” She asked.
The boys nodded ready to get back to the facility, have a nice dinner, and get some sleep. 
Before they left, Skiddo used her vines to lift Oddity and Sprigatito on her back. The two Pokémon smiled and thanked Skiddo. The latter belated in reply. Skiddo looked at her trainer and used her vines to wrap Sara’s hand almost like holding it.
Sara looked down as Skiddo smiled and belated. Sara smiled back and started to run back to the facility, “come on! Let’s go!” She beamed. She and Skiddo ran giving her a head start while the others followed long behind them.
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Saving the dead x welcome to dreamworld universe swap
I know there will be many who are new here so for context: saving the dead is an original webcomic I’m working on where earth has been destroyed by aliens but the humans who lived there became ghosts and now live on the ruins of the earth
This is a universe swap I did with saving the dead and welcome to dreamworld so the animatronics you see on the first image are based off the main characters in the comic and I basically imagined what kind of animatronics they would possess and in the second image you see most of the dreamworld cast if they “lived” in the apocalypse and were ghosts in the comics style
(On the third slide you see Winnie and the main villian of the comic Alaric bonding cause they will be besties if they knew eachother)
I tried my best to match the animatronics to wtd’s style and I hope I did good (also I’m not too happy with Robyn’s design because I knew I wanted them to be inspired by Rex but they came out too similar) also I wanted to draw loli and pop and the triplets as their alive verison but the number of characters was already overwhelming for me and I had to draw Alyssa and Mike cause theyr my favs
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Also if you aren’t tired of reading here’s a pinned comment from my insta page of me explains the saving the dead au
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pr0gram-m3r · 1 year
just making a welcome to dreamworld discord , join if u wanna idc really-
Allowed: Ocs , Art (obviously <<<333) etc
Not allowed: NSFW of ANYTHING, homophobia,Transphobia,Zoophiles, or anything else that’s disgusting/disrespectful.
Be respectful to everyone
Nothing inappropriate
Put a spoiler + trigger warning on gore images
No homophobic,Transphobic,Zoophiles, or anything else that’s disgusting/disrespectful.
Be respectful or your being fed to lost entity lmao-
don’t run near the pool.
run near the pool.
Characters available: Eric Gale / Ribbondancer , Carly Gale / Cheer, Carlos Nicholson/ Winnie , Edmund Avidmiser / Litho, Agnus Avidmiser/ The Collector , Celio Klein, Damian Klein, Millie, Gruff, Lorenzo.
About the Litho role, Please ask Sara for it.
(@Sunnyboi09 is me :} )
Characters Taken: Sara Covetman, Oliver Acrimony/Colins, Lewis Bright/Starlight, The Triplets, Hazel, Nightlight, Ben & Liz Acrimony / Lolli&pop (two people in the server are the twins.) , Alyssa/ Glory (not online that much), Mike/Rex, Alison…
That should be it, Enjoy your stay. :)
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