#well NOT pokespe canon… but ACTUALLY—
silkhy-john · 1 year
Green: can you describe your relationship with Silver?
Gold: I’m his silly rabbit
Green: his what?
Gold: silly rabbit
Green: does he call you that?
Gold: no
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elirium · 5 months
Pokespe Timeline
Made a quick detailed timeline about all Events from Pokespe which can be dated up until (chronologically) the oras arc and a birthday chart with everyone. This is very long so everything under the cut
I'm not well read on anything after that so i will just put my very rough guesses for the rest beneath at the bottom.
Keep in mind there is never any year stated for anything (i mean except if i missed something) but given that this works out very well with the game releases im gonna stick to that. Otherwise all years references could be shifted up or down potentially. The timespan between all things and the month and day dates should defintly be correct.
italic means i dont have definite prove for anything but good evidence based on game canon or something else. Im gonna explain these things also beneath. Anything other i have to say also in the footnotes. This means i have footnotes but they are not timeline related just other things i want to say. Somethings i just say in (here) behind it, you will see. i also will stop writing peoples birthdays after they stop appearing.
Around 1850 - Ho-Oh reawakens Entei, Raikou and Suicune
1950 - Prof. Oaks Birth[1][2]
1.8.1958 - Giovannis Birth Option 1.
1966 - Prof Birch Birth [10]
1.8.1968 - Giovannis Birth Option 2. [3]
1973 - Oak becomes Champion
1976 - Steven Stones Birth [4]
1978 - Lances Birth
Between June 1979 and December 1980 - Karens Birth
Between June 1982 and December 1983 - Wills Birth [11]
1.6.1985 - Greens (f) Birth 💚
8.8.1985 - Reds Birth [5] ❤️
22.11.1985 - Blue Oaks Birth💙
3.3.1988 - Yellows Birth💛
24.12.1988 - Silvers Birth🤍
30.4.1989 - Kris' Birth💎
21.7.1989 - Golds Birth🪙
1.7.1990 - Rubys Birth❤️
20.9.1990 - Saphires Birth💙
Sometime around ~1990/1991 - Blue goes to Johto[6]
31.5.1991 - Emeralds Birth💚
6.11.1992 - X' Birth (probably)
Sometime between June 1991 and December 1991 - Green & Silvers kidnapping.
2.2.1993 - Yvonnes Birth (probably)
Sometime 1996 - Salamance attack on the Climate Reseach Center
1.6.1996 - Greens 11th Birthday💚
8.8.1996 - Reds 11th Birthday❤️
22.11.1996 - Blues 11th Birthday💙
1996 or 1997 - Beginn of the RGB Arc. (Depending on how long you think RGB lasts)❤️💚💙 (Look at Add. 3 for some math on this)
3.3.1997 - Yellows 9th Birthday💛
1.6.1997 - Greens 12th Birthday💚
Sometime between 21.7.1997 and 8.8.1997 - End of the RGB Arc. [7] ❤️💚💙
8.8.1997 - Reds 12th Birthday❤️
22.11.1997 - Blues 12th Birthday💙
3.3.1998 - Yellows 10th Birthday💛
1.6.1998 - Greens 13th Birthday💚
8.8.1998 - Reds 13th Birthday❤️
22.11.1998 - Blues 13th Birthday💙
3.3.1999 - Yellows 11th Birthday💛
30.4.1999 - Kris' 10th Birthday💎
Sometime in 1999 - Yellow Arc [8]💛
1.6.1999 - Greens 14th Birthday💚
21.7.1999 - Golds 10th Birthday🪙
8.8.1999 - Reds 14th Birthday❤️
22.11.1999 - Blues 14th Birthday💙
24.12.1999 - Silvers 11th Birthday🤍
Sometime in 2000 - GSC Arc starts🪙🤍💎
3.3.2000 - Yellows 12th Birthday💛
30.4.2000 - Kris' 11th Birthday💎
1.5.2000 - Earliest Possible date for Volume 12💎
31.5.2000 - Latest possible date for the beginn of the GSC Arc🪙🤍💎 [12]
1.6.2000 - Greens 15th Birthday💚
2.7.2000 - Rubys 10th Birthday❤️
21.7.2000 - Golds 11th Birthday🪙
22.7.2000 - Earliest possible date for the end of GSC.🪙🤍💎
Around August 2000 - Latest possible date for the end of GSC.🪙🤍💎 [13]
8.8.2000 - Reds 15th Birthday❤️
20.9.2000 - Saphires 10th Birthday💙
22.11.2000 - Blues 15th Birthday💙
24.12.2000 - Silvers 12th Birthday🤍
3.3.2001 - Yellows 13th Birthday💛
30.4.2001 - Kris' 12th Birthday💎
1.6.2001 - Greens 16th Birthday💚
2.7.2001 - Rubys 11th Birthday❤️
2.7.2001 - start of RS Arc❤️💙
The entirety of RS can actually be dated exactly but im not gonna do that
21.7.2001 - Golds 12th Birthday🪙 (between Chapters 199 and 200)
8.8.2001 - Reds 16th Birthday❤️ (right between volumes 18 and 19 if someone is curious)
20.9.2001 - Saphires 11th Birthday💙
20.9.2001 - end of RS❤️💙
22.11.2001 - Blues 16th Birthday💙
24.11.2001 - Silvers 13th Birthday🤍
January or February 2002 - FRLG Arc❤️💚
3.3.2002 - Yellows 14th Birthday[8]💛
30.4.2002 - Kris' 13th Birthday💎
31.5.2002 - Emeralds 11th Birthday💚
1.6.2002 - Greens 17th Birthday💚... Technically
1.7.2002 - start of the Emerald Arc💚
2.7.2002 - Rubys 12th Birthday❤️
2.7.2002 - end of the Emerald Arc💚
21.7.2002 - Golds 13th Birthday🪙
July 2002 - Silver brings Giovanni to that abondoned house or whatever
8.8.2002 - Reds 17th Birthday❤️
20.9.2002 - Saphires 12th Birthday💙
October 2002 - Blue gifts Silver his Rhyperion
22.11.2002 - Blues 17th Birthday💙
24.12.2002 - Silvers 14th Birthday🤍
Nothing noteworthy happens in 2003 and there are to many birthdays to list them all so
Kris and Gold turn 14
Silver turns 15
Ruby and Saphire turn 13
Emerald turns 12
RGB turn 18
I guess the only noteworthy thing on 2003 is that this is assumingly the first time they have a league with a winner since 1997.
Between January and April 2004 - HGSS Arc🪙🤍
30.4.2004 - Kris' 15th Birthday💎
31.5.2004 - Emeralds 13th Birthday💚
1.6.2004 - Greens 19th Birthday💚
21.7.2004 - Golds 15th Birthday🪙
2.7.2004 Rubys 14th Birthday❤️
8.8.2004 Reds 19th Birthday❤️
20.09.2004 - Saphires 14th Birthday💙
6.11.2004 - X' 12th Birthday (Probably)
22.11.2004 - Blues 19th Birthday💙
24.12.2004 - Silvers 16th Birthday🤍
30.4.2005 - Kris' 16th Birthday💎
31.5.2005 - Emeralds 14th Birthday💚
Sometimes 2005 - XY Arc
2.2.2005 - Yvonnes 12th Birthday (Probably)
1.6.2005 - Greens 20th Birthday💚
21.7.2005 - Golds 16th Birthday🪙
2.7.2005 Rubys 15th Birthday❤️
8.8.2005 Reds 20th Birthday❤️
20.9.2005 - Saphires 15th Birthday💙
Sometime between September 2005 and May 2006 - ORAS Arc❤️💙[14]
6.11.2005 - X' 13th Birthday (Probably)
22.11.2005 - Blues 20th Birthday💙
24.12.2005 - Silvers 17th Birthday🤍
My rough guesses for everything after, but as i said i am not well read on that so i might have made mistakes:
2009 DPPT
2011 BW
2013 B2W2
2015 SM
2019 SWSH
[1] - Age taken from Game Canon
[2] - As you will see later it is very unlikely from the ages that Oak is Daisys grandfather actually, but given thats also true in games canon, we gotta live with that.
[3] - super technically he could also be born in 48 or 38 or 28… you see how this goes
[4] - Age taken from Game Canon
[5] - I didnt write down all the Pokemon Leagues in this, but i think its fun to note that there was (if they never changed the shedule) held a league in the summer Red was born.
[6] - Basing this mostly on the fact that Oak implied in Chapter 39 that Blue was already in Johto when Green was kidnapped. I guess that line could be interpreted some other way as well.
[7] - If you assume a) the league is held every year around the same time (for the 21.7 date) and b) use Reds age from RS as Canon (for the 8.8. date))
[8] - Going exclusively by vibes. I would put it in between Yellows Birtday and Greens. Also like that one magazine idk says green is still 13 in this. I sometimes ignore that if its possible that people have their birthday within the time of the Arc, but thats the best i have for the Yellow Arc. -> between March and June
[9] - Technically it says in FRLG that Yellow is already 14, but Emerald Arc Says FRLG Arc was 6 Months ago and i think. March would not count at that anymore. But i guess you could do that however you want and put FRLG after Yellows Birthday.
[10] - Age taken from game canon.
[11] - I used to have a reasonong why he had to be born in late 1983, but i forgot what it was. will change it back when i remember again.
[12] - The guide says Green is in GSC 14, which does not work because the ending has to be after Golds Birthday and Greens Birthday is earlier. And even though Green only shows up within the last very few days of plot i jsut take that to mean that when the arc starts she would still be 14 even if she is not yet here physically.
[13] Similar reasoning as in [7].
[14] During XY it was implied that Ruby, Saphire and Emerald already got their mega stones, so assumingly XY and ORAS are rather close if not even potentially overlapping some... Setting both between September of 2005 and June of 2006.
Add. 1: X and Ys Birthday cant be said exactly because they only appear in the XY Arc and that one is not exactly enough dateable to say if they already had their birthday that year or not. So I just went with the 2 dates that are the most probably (as in build the biggest window of time for XY to take place with their ages correct.) Accordingly X could also be potentially be born a year later (== 6.11.1993) OR Y could be born a year earlier (== 2.2.1992). (Exclusive OR not both things similtanously)(hehehe you could say XOR)
Add. 2: Technically i know Golds age does not match always how it should be, but the official golds age do not match how time works anyway, so i ignored it. Only counted for gold in text age statements. I also had to use Golds age for a lot of things here, thus, things like the RGB Arc and the GSC Arc could end some weeks earlier if you choose to make him older.
(Valid options for making Gold older i guess are making him one year older (born in 1988), or two years older (born in 1987). These two + the option i went with give results conflicting with some other statements here, so do what you want.) (If you think Gold is born in 1988 then both the RGB and the GSC Arcs end between ~Mid May and Mid July. Again look at [7] + Kris Age stated in Volume 12)
Add. 3: The only time in RGB when every span of time was mentioned (beside everytime when we know a new day has started) is in chapter 12, when we hear that blue went missing 2 weeks ago. The last time we, the reader saw him, was in chapter 5. However that was back in Pewter City and he needed to get to Lavender Town in the timespan. The time blue took to travel between Pewter and Lavender will be shortened to t_B in the following.
So the time span between chapter 5 and chapter 12 is: t_B + 14d
If we assume the time passes on average between the chapters equally we get for the whole rgb arc: (t_B + 14d) * (40/7)
For a minimum value for the rgb arc if we set t_B to 0, it results in a littpe bit under 3 months, coincidentally matching the minimum time in my other way of thought.
To now estimate t_B i counted the days between these chapters in which Red was busy with plot points Blue was probably allowed to skip. I estimated at least 4 days for the Misty Plot, 1 day for Bill, 2 days for the Team Rocket plot, and 0 days for the snorlax plot. Which results in around 7 days.
Now, factoring in that red was still 14 days after blue in lavender town, red spend at least the ~7 other days traveling. While the math does not work exactly here of course, i just assume blues travel time was also around ~7 days at least. To fix the math problems i just assume 7 days is the average traveltime one would need from pewter to lavender.
Using this in the formula we result in a average length for the rgb arc of 4 months. Compare to the minumum timespan of a bit under 3 months, and the non existend maximum timespan. Also looking at hoe many assumptions and estimations we had to do here, additionally to the fact that neither Kusaka nor Mato probably thought much when they wrote that 2 weeks line. Honestly do whatever you want.
I did not fact check anything in here except Emeralds Birthday. I wrote most of this on the train on my way to uni, because i had nothing better to do and just what i remembered spontanous at that moment. I do think however that i am correct. I might have made math errors.
My before mentioned other way of thought, which also gave me a 3 months span, was comparing it to the length of the RS arc. This takes place for 80 days and implied that this is a fast time to travel the whole region and doing the gyms. While no one of the rgb Protagonists actually got all badges, i still would say it would have taken them longer than that. And it fits to my first math.
Now finally Birthdays:
1.1. Moon (probably 2004)
2.2. Yvonne (probably 1993)
3.3. Yellow (1988)
14.3. Casey (probably 2008 (using Game canon ages))
15.3. Lorelei
4.4. Dia (probably 1997)
30.4. Kris (1989)
4.5. Blake (probably 2001)
31.5. Emerald (1991)
1.6. Green (1985)
6.6. Perl (probably 1997)
2.7. Ruby (1990)
21.7. Gold (1989)
1.8. Giovanni (1958 or 1968)
8.8. Red (1985)
16.9. Whitely (probably 2000/2001)
31.8. Sun (probably 2004)
20.9. Saphire (1990)
5.10. White (probably 1996)
8.10. Black (probably 1996)
27.10. Platinum (probably 1996 or 1997)
6.11. X (probably 1992)
20.11. Blue (1985)
1.12. Henry (probably 2007 (using Game canon ages))
24.12. Silver (1988)
31.12. Bill
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epicspheal · 9 months
hi cami! hope youre doing well! id like to ask.. have you seen that pokemon zensho is now fully available in english? i only found out recently lol. you can find it at mangadex! if you have, what are your thoughts on it?
Hi there @soulsilvers I'm doing well thank you for asking! Yeah, I actually didn't know that they full translated Pokemon Zensho until I got this ask, so thank you for alerting me to this I appreciate it! So of course I had to read it all last night! Link here for anyone who wants to read it! It was so cute honestly. First Pokemon Concierge, now Pokemon Zensho making me cry and I'm here for it honestly. Like you said on discord, it definitely is very rushed at only 9 chapters. I definitely would've loved to see it have a few more chapters to explore more about Red and Blue's friendship (well here called Ash and Gary) and going through the league (I always feel like the elite four part of the Kanto story always seems to get the short end of the stick). Despite it's rushed nature, it does make up for it in being the most true-to-gameverse adaptation. But what I appreciated the most was the details that were added were very grounded. Like the problems the gym leaders were facing felt real. It was cool to see how Giovanni became the way he was because it has been hinted at that he's not always been the ruthless Team Rocket boss but something made him that way. I've grown to like Lt. Surge a lot over the years and I feel like his arc was really wholesome too. Many people criticize Kanto for it not being particularly story driven (which to each their own, some people like story drive gameplay some don't, groups are valid), but to say it's completely devoid of story is false. The theme of Gen 1 besides exploration is relationships. It's why the key driver is the rivalry (and strained friendship) between Red and Blue. The orphan Cubone, Agatha and Oak, even Mewtwo's existence plays on the concept of relations in a subtle way. Zensho takes this concept and runs with it throughout as Red travels through Kanto. Much like Pokespe, Pokemon Zensho does a good job at bringing smaller but notable NPCs into the fold and it was done in a way that was not overbearing (looking at Marvin from SwSh Pokespe taking Hop's spot). It was cool to see the SS Anne captain and Game Warden get some more screentime. Also props for this manga low key making non-binary Bill canon! I know some people who read it may not like this version of Red not being "badass" in that he does earn some of his badges without actually defeating the leaders but I think the way it's handled here was okay. I think part of Red's character is supposed to be how he puts caring for others first despite being so talented at battling and I think it's okay that there are adaptations that don't just fall into him being a legendary battler who sweeps everyone. Even though this is a retelling of Red's story I would say if I'm honest this was really Blue's story. Blue got a lot of focus in this manga and outside of Pokemon Generations we don't really get to see into Blue's mindset. I appreciated as you mentioned on discord, how despite everything it did still focus on the fact that Blue was still Red's friend despite everything. It's not something that's focused on a lot in gen 1 adaptations. And of course the rest of the Oak family gets some shine too. This is probably my favorite portrayal of Oak in that it retains some of his flaws but humanizes him too (although I wish they had devoted some time to his and Agatha's rivalry). And Daisy...even with her limited screen time very much still shone especially with her calling out Professor Oak for his harsh words towards Blue. And then of course the revelation of what happened to Blue and Daisy's parents. Give those kids (and this Professor Oak) a hug. This is definitely my favorite of the four Pokemon manga I've read thus far and if we ever got a short miniseries for the Gen 1 games again I would hope it would take more of the Zensho approach and be game accurate while still expanding on little lore details.
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cryptidanathema · 7 months
if not already asked, leon for the character ask :) basic but opinions vary!
(Also asked by @shinekittenace)
Why I like them: I fully expected this guy with his John Cena-esque go getter attitude and aggressively marketable ace to annoy the shit out of me, but the truth is is that hating Leon is like hating a puppy. You just can't. He's just a nice fuckin dude that wants to keep everyone safe even though he's just one man. There's also the fact that he's essentially a grown up ex-protagonist which the game delves into a little with his complicated emotions surrounding losing the title he's had since he was eleven by the end of the game and the fandom's done some FASCINATING psychological deep dives with. 
Why I don’t: I feel like GameFreak failed a bit with show don't tell with him. Some of the ways GameFreak try to make him seem really intelligent and capable are...a little on the nose to say the least. Like for instance him estimating how much Hop has grown during his introduction scene COULD be taken as a hint they don't get to see each other often but nah I really do suspect they wanted the kiddies to be like WOW THIS GUY IS SO SMART HE CAN DO MATH lol. I do kiiiind of suspect the fandom put more effort into analyzing the guy and the kind of havoc being a massive celebrity since the age of 11 can wreak on your personal life than GameFreak ever did but that's very much not a bad thing IMHO. I'm not one of those IF IT'S NOT STRICT CONFIRMED CANON IT'S OF THE DEVIL people (and honestly rather detest them) 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I...don't think the Anime showcased the better sides of his personality well (he loses the protective streak and just kind of comes off like a self-absorbed manchild that everyone loves because he can defy basic Pokemon battle logic in the same way Ash can. He's a protagonist But Annoying This Time) so I'm not terribly interested in seeing more. 
Favorite season/movie: See above. 
Favorite line: Tbh I don't have one particular standout one immediately coming to mind and I'm feeling too lazy to go through his quotes page rn. His catchphrase IS fun to meme about I will say. 
Favorite outfit: He absolutely kills everything that's not the Sponsorship Cape tbh. The guy has GOOD fashion sense despite the memes, corporate was just holding him back. 
OTP: Raihan/Piers/Leon for reasons I already went into in the Raihan response lol (the vibes between him and Rai are interesting and pretty damn hard to deny but Piers is holding up 90% of my mental health on his bony little shoulders rn and also I wanna see him and Leon interact more) I'd also love he and Sonia to work thier shit out, they are cute as FUCK together in Pokespe 
Brotp: The platonic Raileon enjoyer strikes again. Id also certainly take he and Piers being bros too. Also he and Nemona would be absolutely insufferable together and I'd love to see it someday lol 
Head Canon: One thing that was inspired the anime and a certain infamous wall punching scene is that through no real fault of his own he and Raihan's relationship was actually dangerously close to fraying for a bit. He WANTS to be a good and supportive friend to his favorite person but he's gotten fame and empty adoration pretty much handed to him for long enough that he can't REALLY understand what's going on in Raihan's head, the immense pressure he's putting himself under and the frankly unhealthy behaviors he's starting to develop. It's gonna take the pressure of the championship being gone for Leon to stop being the impossible standard Raihan's harming himself with and start being an uncomplicated source of companionship again. On a brighter note he's a good enough guy that once he becomes Chairman he's gonna prove he deserves that position by taking steps to reverse Rose's power consolidation to make sure no one person can cause that much trouble for the nation of Galar again. He'll prove his worthiness to rule by NOT being a total corporate dictator. 
Unpopular opinion: I've bitched about finding him annoying in the anime enough so instead I'll say I actually don't mind how involved he was in the game plot, it's honestly kind of weird other adults HAVEN'T been like "why are we letting random ten year olds go into very dangerous situations unaccompanied" before if you think about it
A wish: The same as the others, I'd love to see him again IF he's not miserable or acting like an ass. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Don't get lost in spacetime my neurodivergent king you've been through enough 🤞🤞🤞
5 words to best describe them: The tragedy of Superman, Pokemonned. 
My nickname for them: Lee suffices.
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cassioppenny · 1 year
are there any other nightmare insecurity entities haunting any of the characters besides missingno in milesverse..........ALSO. if theres anythnig different from canon abt any of the gym leaders id like to hear it :)
hm well dawn and serena are possessed by giratina and zygarde respectively but that probably doesn't count. i don't have any plans for anyone else being tormented by evil shadow selves rn. maybe i'll think up something as i continue my marathon but rn nightmare insecurity entities are red exclusive sorry
as for gym leaders
surge, koga, sabrina, and blaine are or have been affiliated with team rocket. koga and sabrina aren't really willingly working with them for koga his daughter is being threatened and for sabrina they promised if she works with them that the pokemon tower will not be torn down for a radio tower (her family runs the tower and even though she's scared of ghosts she doesn't want an important burial ground for hundreds of pokemon to get torn down for capitalism). blaine assisted in the creation of mewtwo along with fuji and some unimportant blond guy. and surge is just an asshole (he becomes less of an asshole after red beats him)
blue kept getting in trouble for not using a monotype team while he was a gym leader. he eventually got fired post gsc and green replaced him lmao.
falkner, bugsy, and whitney were brendan's childhood friends before he moved to hoenn
not exactly differing from canon but mv hoenn is basically an orasified emerald so wallace is champion and juan exists
again not really differing from canon but NORMAN ISNT A SHITTY DAD like yeah he sucks ass at communicating with his son but he's not abusive like pokespe norman
anyway brendan's parents didn't know brendan went off on a journey and they don't learn until brendan (and wally) show up at norman's gym since he ran away without telling them
i think it would be funny if fantina had a weird gay thing going on with johanna. send tweet.
i really like the unova gym leaders as is so idk what to change about them except for kurusu obviously. maybe hilbert will challenge all three butlers like ash did in the anime idk.
dude i have no fucking clue with the kalos guys they're really forgettable sadly
mina find the weird kanto simulation thing (let's go) along with the kanto trio so that's why she's in let's go
this is more of a team yell thing than a piers thing but even though team yell started out as a a bunch of spikemouth residents it quickly explodes in members as marnie becomes the most popular gym challenger to the point piers can't control the hype around his sister at all. this gets so bad that rose ends up pitching to marnie to rig all of her future matches to her favor so they could make a ridiculous amount of merch about her so her fans could be happy
i saw a comic about larry coming from the real world but then getting eebied into paldea and i thought it was funny so i might incorporate it into milesverse. though im not sure yet incase the dlc gives us actual larry lore or something who knows
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heartless-curr · 5 months
*folds hands together* 😎 welcome. we have some redwood art by @/soulsilvers who is to blame for this. and general old art in the tags. wonderful doodles btw, I can't believe you went and drew an extra doodle!! they're so great <3 I found your dad Lance post and you are the perfect person to influence with rare pairs and agendas I see. Two cool gen 3 gals?? Why not why not yk? If you look at Leaf's concept art, she has a Combusken with her in the snow. If you believe, maybe May is somewhere off screen. When I mentioned Evolutions, they just have that action-based personality that seems to click you know? That reckless adventure thing? If you go further deep into Pokemon lore with the Kanto war theory, Silph rivalry with Devon, and the economy. Then Hoenn is arguably better off than Kanto, which is more impoverished without a Champion in Gen 1 and Team Rocket running around. You have Birth Island, where you can find Deoxys in both FRLG and in Emerald. There are places they can meet. Siri play "a whole new world" from Aladdin because you gotta take your new bff not yet gf to a clean functioning region and watch her be baffled at all the new things and concepts. You will never find a food court in Kanto, they will charge you a million for a bike. I am also huge on extending the Dad Lance agenda to Leaf (she's the most neglected pokegirl in fandom, and excluded even here where Red and Blue aren't.) Some of this is Pokemon Special, some of this is the fact Trace calls her "big sis" in the Japanese version of Evolutions, some of this is beta!Blue (the first version of her character of the unnamed female protagonist) that we make angsty art of in a metaphysical sense as if these characters know they were deleted from the game. It's fun. In my little world, she was late to Giovanni's gym and found the HGSS cutscene of Gio leaving happening while she hid behind a lampost and kicked Lance's door down like "yo old man, you'll never guess what I just saw" except my brain is more complicated than that and I go back and forth on how the story plays out for one ask. It can get more angsty and tragic too because imagine texting your bff not yet gf while chilling in Lance's office (if Red is on a mountain, Blue is running the gym, then by all means, split the champion title between them so he doesn't collapse at his desk) and in Kanto: one day Cinnabar island erupts, and in Hoenn one day: there's a meteor set to destroy the world in 4 days. imagine their world being the world where ORAS Devon succeeded in transporting it into another dimension. what do you say at the end of the world? think about the potential Celebi holds when you want to save someone. think of the consequences of attempting to use a mythical Pokemon like that when Arceus/Mew find out. will you become the villain here just for that...?
YES I SAW THE SOULSILVERS REDWOOD ART i have to go rb that actually.... also yes when i first got the redwood request my first instict was to go "huh???" but i stopped and thought about them for 2 seconds and i'm now obsessed with them. my new favorite rare pair. and also yes i am the perfect person to influence with agendas and rarepairs. gestures at my own agendas like rocket siblings. i used to spend Hours with my friend coming up with aus and obscure dynamics i am So Susceptible to agendas.
also yeah leaf is absolutely one of the most just. underrated and overlooked female protagonists. from what i've seen it'd be her and the alola protag i think. and the reasons you've outlined are a huge chunk of the reasons why!
ALSO YESS THAT'S SO GOOD ACTUALLY!!! leaf after seeing the state in kanto seeing how Stunning hoenn is and just going ??????
also yes absolutely i believe in lance adopting leaf as well propaganda. i think lance is just That Kind Of Guy considering his canon spiels about being proud of seeing the rise of a new champion etc. also i'm a sucker for leaf and silver dynamics after pokespe.
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hakko-p · 1 year
FoundFamily!Rocket AU, AKA: an excuse for my Johto addiction
PokeSPE = Pokemon Adventures TR = Team Rocket
First, Giovanni and Silver. Same as normal PokeSPE - Silver's like two when he gets kidnapped by Ho-Oh, Gio starts TR just to find Silver, blah blah. But, I'm adding a little twist. Silver would totally join TR in this au like come on guys, missed opportunity. He wouldn't actually like TR, but try to make it crumble from the inside aided by you know, being Giovanni's son and being the direct heir once he joins.
… Which would make him more than confused when Archer still holds the title of first in line, because SHOCKER this is a found family AND actually adopted AU, and Giovanni has spent more time with Archer as an adopted son than Silver as his biological son, and Silver was literally one of the Dexholders, so OBVIOUSLY he trusts Archer more. I'd swear this isn't Giovanni & Archer father-son propaganda, but who would I be fooling? This is.
Yeah, Giovanni adopted Archer to be a stand-in son. While the reason he'd tell everyone in TR is as a back-up heir, that gets put into a LOT of question when Archer is still the first in line and Silver is second. Unlike Gameverse Gio, PokeSPE Gio has an actual heart and is a decent-ish father. He definitely adopted Archer to make the members of TR not freak out over how they had no one to call boss after Gio dies (this man is implied to have a terminal illness HE IS ON DEATHS DOOR), but also because he just wanted someone to call a son again.
What about the other three Rocket Executives? They're part of the found family, not the legal family. Ariana was the first grunt to truly stand out to Gio, so she was the first Rocket Executive who got it legitimately without getting special perks from Gio adoption. Proton was second, and Petrel was third. Ariana is always thinking she's better than everyone - including Archer - because she stood out to Gio.
Proton is seen as just… Generally tired and just wanting to get it over with in PokeSPE. BIG eldest sibling energy. Since Ariana can be described as a huge egomaniac, he has to carry most of the work of the TR Executives. Why not Petrel? 'Cuz Petrel actually commanded his Golbat to use Lick on Silver just so he could frame the other Executives. He is not to be trusted, and even Gio can sense that. So sadly, Proton gets shoved with most of the work since Archer has favoritism and when Silver eventually joins, not much TR work will be around to do anyways (not like Gio would give him the work if there was any, he'd have to seek it out himself).
Okay, this was only mentioned in PokeMAS (Pokemon Masters EX) but I think this is really funny. Archer is, canonically, the day shift of TR. Stealing that, Gio doesn't want his son to stay up all night and get into the more "dirty" parts of TR and that is just somewhat wholesome??? But it doesn't make that much sense, because I thought we've established with Silver that the Johto + Kanto police are nonexistant or easily bribed. Probably just a safety precaution but oh well.
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insecateur · 2 years
PokeSpe pulled the same shit with Ghetsis, who has a whole ass psychological breakdown that reduces him to maniacal laughter as he's arrested. (there's a post that here on tumblr praises both this shit and Lysandre getting paralyzed as karmatic justice, due to them valuing their mind and body respectively...)
Also Gio has a chronic illness?? Well... He did, apparently they used Celebi to cure it in the HGSS arc. Good to know this is a reoccurring thing PokeSpe does 🙃 (Would Maxie's alcoholism fall into this weird ableist territory too? I feel like the more I look into and think about this the worse it gets...)
(i'm assuming you sent this twice bc you thought maybe this one didn't go through- i'm replying to the first one if that's okay!)
oh yeah i read that about ghetsis, i think... :/ altho i think that one is (unfortunately) kind of canon to the games? i haven't played b2w2, but i do remember reading that he has a mental breakdown and is then said to become "unable to do anything anymore"...
(the praise is trash imo but the idea of them valuing the mind and body is interesting/rings true and does make me feel like this might actually be the intent, which sucks. lysandre is shown to be taking care of his body a lot in pokéspe...)
man, there really is a lot about pokéspe that i don't know, though! that's so interesting... a few years back, i meant to read all the way up to hoenn because i was intrigued by what i'd read about pokéspe archie and maxie, but i never could get into it long enough to get there...
in any case, whenever i actually sit down and read the x&y volumes carefully, i'll probably have some thoughts to share about them🫠
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kingofdinosaurs · 1 year
3 6 8 9 12 14 24
feel free to answer however many of em you want for any media you're into (that I actually know)
Tumblr media
sorry, unrelated, I just found out they let you DM people images now? What the fuck?
no yeah you can send people images now it rocks thank you for the bridge. going through all of them because im airport bored
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
ok well the worst one EVER was someone saying they thought potemkin should have died in xrd IN THE TAG which was. fucking rude and also totally stupid. honourable mention to that time so long ago i barely remember how it happened when i saw a pokespe fan assert that "wally could never have done what emerald did!" hey why do you think that. when wally was literally in the oras version of the battle frontier (I know oras was out because that's how i was a fan of wally. is it because he's disabled. i want you to fucking say it.
6. already answered!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
hmm... idk if it's even a common thing anymore because i avoid it like the plague but if i ever have to see "the knight doesn't have a mind or will" arguments again I'll like find whoever started it and put them in a jigsaw trap fuck you fuck you fuck you did you even play the game??? the delicate flower quest alone should be enough to prove you wrong. if the knight can't have its own agenda why the fuck would it go out of its way to do this small unnecessary kindness? also the narrative itself doesn't make sense if you assume the pale king is right about the knight, both in terms of "what was the fucking point then?" and because of the fucking. REASON THE KNIGHT CAME BACK TO HALLOWNEST. BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO HELP THEIR SIBLING. idk if this one is even common anymore but it was frustratingly common back in the day
9. worst part of canon
for persona there's so many choices i feel paralysed, as with blazblue, so I'll go with a wild card: dead cells! anyway anytime when someone acts like the beheaded is just cut and dry easy peasy The King like it can not be that fucking simple that's fucking stupid. he's literally the ship of theseus but a slime piloting around a headless corpse. like at this point you're just giving annoying youtubers ways to be more annoying quit itttttt
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
SYSTEMMMM i love system so fucking much I'm crazy about her. nobody gives a fuck about her because she's a relatively easy boss in a fighting game many people do not like (a crossover, no less!). but she fucking rocks so hard!!! she's so funny in every scene she's in, i really appreciate that about her. she's kind of like queen from deltarune if that helps anyone. it's not even hard to go watch like cross tag story mode it is literally all on youtube everyone who hasn't go meet her! she deserves some attention!
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
actually i can't lie i just like don't have it in me to trawl the fanfic mines anymore so idk what they're doing right now like it is No Longer my problem
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
oh god i have no clue. i don't get involved in arguments like this anymore for my health so i have no clue
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silkhy-john · 9 months
Secret dating fic between Silver/Gold cause I said so
and honestly Green/Red are more the “we didn’t even know we were dating until X pointed Y out” [we is definitely only Red though cause the denial is strong. If we’re speaking Spe I think the denier would be Green, but please tell me if you think otherwise and why, it’s been years since I last got to read Spe]
and Ruby/Sapphire already know what’s up with each other so yay for being the most self-aware couple [of besties in a relationship btw this is definitely about Spe]
and I really can’t imagine Diamond/Pearl/Platina dating people and ESPECIALLY not each other and yes this is Spe too
And the thing about Black and White is that I definitely ship one of them with Mr Natural Harmonia Gropius but you see THAT is subject to change depending on what I feel at any given moment [but more often Black than White cause I feel like White’s truest love is her JOB and I feel like the writing thrusts Black and N together more than anything.] Cheren has a will-remain-unreciprocated crush on Black and them’s the rules sorry (I made them up lol)
Whitley and Blake are here for fun and whimsical and shenanigans and goofy shenanigans with good friends and maybe, eventually, somewhere down the line (precisely 23 years cause, again, I say so) they get together and that’s a wrap. Yeah.
And… that’s where it ends.
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savebatsfromscratch · 2 years
Okay fine. Fine. I will talk about my 'Pokespe Better Powers' AU publicly.
(Basically, it's an AU where the dexholders other than Yellow ALSO have magical powers??? Also Yellow's power gets buffed a little bit because I was annoyed of how it was written in Fire Red Leaf Green compared to the Yellow series. It's not completely fleshed out yet, but it's very fun for me, so here goes.)
Source for the names (in the 'Main Dexholder' section. The others are headcannon): https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9dex_holder
Main Dexholders:
Red: He's "The Fighter" so I gave him super strength. It's nothing fancy, but I'd imagine it would take a second to get used to.
Blue (male): He's "The Trainer" so I thought it would be cool if he could like... have a commanding presence? Like he could tell someone to "stand up" and they would. (This would be able to be resisted, particularly if you had warning, but it would also not be able to be used on more complicated requests.)
Green (female): She's "The Evolver" so I thought it would be really cool if she could evolve and devolve (also mega evolve) Pokemon... just at will. The Pokemon would have to be okay with this of course, but the trainer is not to be consulted.
Yellow: She's "The Healer" and because she already canonically has a magical power, I think that it would be cool if I just gave her less of a cooldown. (Doesn't pass out quite as much, I think.)
Silver: He's "The Trader" (Or the Exchanger, whichever you prefer.) So I think it would be cool if he could swap the places of sentient things. (Like Pokemon and people.) He could tap one, run across the room and tap another, and they would swap places. It would have to be on a certain timer (like five seconds for Pokemon, ten seconds for people... or something), but I think it's cool. :)
Gold: Uh... Sooo Gold is "The Breeder," right? (Or the Hatcher. But I read it with Breeder first and this is going to be EXTRA cursed if you don't keep that in mind.) Okay so... TW for mentions of Omegaverse (SKIP IF YOU MUST.) What if he was like... able to have children uhhhh both ways? Yeah I know it's crazy. I made it up 'cus it was funny. qwq I swear it's mostly a joke. He seems overpowered anyway, so I didn't want to give him anything ACTUALLY good (even though he is my favorite).
Crystal: She's "The Catcher" (Or the Capturer, I think) so what if she could like... produce Pokeballs out of thin air? Like toss her hand up, and a Pokeball comes down into her waiting hand. (This is especially fun if there are just... berries disappearing off trees as she does this.)
Emerald: He's "The Calmer" and because I didn't want anything that made his cool mud shooting thing obsolete, I thought I could just enhance it by giving him the ability to get the mud he needs at any time he wants. Just... summoning mud from any place he wants.
Sapphire: She's "The Conqueror" so how about she has the ability to unleash a burst of confidence on her side or a battle, and a feeling of overwhelming dread on the other? (Not that that doesn't happen already.)
Ruby: He's "The Charmer" and I think that the Pokemon move "sweet kiss" describes what I'm getting at well enough. (Either that or something similar to "charm speak" from the Heroes of Olympus series. Which allows the user to basically persuade who they are talking to do do anything. The only problem there is that it's a bit too similar to Blue's power.)
Pearl: He's "The Determiner." I... I don't really know what to do with this information so I'm just gonna buff the power that he has. (Meaning his ability to see what move a Pokemon is about to use.) I know that kinda sucks, but I have no ideas man. Feel free to suggest some!
Diamond: He's "The Empathizer" so I decided on the ability to feel other people's emotions. Sort of the way Jayfeather can in Warrior Cats? If you know what I'm talking about?
Platinum: She's "The Understander" so, because I am very bad at coming up with powers, I decided on the ability to understand any language, written or otherwise. (Not including Pokemon languages though.)
Black: He's "The Dreamer" but he's not the only one. Because of this REALLY COOL narrative choice (seriously that could have some cool aus about it), I think it would be interesting if him and White could read each others thoughts. (And appear in each other's dreams.) Like, when both of them want too, they can hear all of each other's thoughts, but to make it so that White isn't always overwhelmed, that can also be turned off. There is still an 'emergency call' thought beam (?) though. So if someone gets stuck they could ask for help even if the other one wasn't planning on listening to their thoughts in that moment.
White: She's ALSO "The Dreamer," and I basically gave a rundown of her power in Black's entry lol. Just because they are connected.
Blake: He's "The Arrester" so I thought that if he wanted too, he could create chains out of nothing. Like, *taps something*, *draws hand away and a chain follows it*. If he closes his hand, the other end of the chain attaches to his wrist, if he taps something else first, it attaches there.
Whi-two: She's "The Liberator" so I thought she could be the other end of Blake's 'law of science breaking' so she gets rid of the chains that he creates. They dissolve and stuff. I bet it would be pretty. :)
X: He's "The Loner" (lol Professor Oak that's so mean). I couldn't think of ANYTHING for this power, so I had to ask my mom and she said "invisibility" and I think that's pretty good.
Y: She's "The Flyer" and even though I already based this AU in a wing AU (don't worry about it lol), I thought it would be neat if she could turn her arms into wings at will. (And also fly with them... obviously, otherwise the power would be dumb.)
Sun: He's "The Saver" (which sounds kinda cool until you remember it's about money). Because of this disappointment, I decided that he should be able to sense when there's a coupon or a discount on something if he wants too. Like, Person 1: "I want this desk but it's really expensive. :(" Sun: "There's a discount in the IKEA in Viridian City. Try ordering from there."
Moon: She's "The Mixer" which is about medicine, so I decided to make it about poison because of course I did. ...anyway I want her to be venomous.
Bonuses (some from Pokespe, some not):
Wally: First off, Wally is perfect. Second off I want him to be "The Captivator". Partially because it sounds really fricking cool, but also because it starts with a 'c' like the other trainers from his region. I think that this power could be used to draw everyone's attention onto himself. (Letting other people, I don't know, sneak across a room without being noticed.) This might put him in danger though, to be honest.
Shawna: This is probably gonna sound stupid, but I think a name like, "The Designer" would fit her pretty well. Her thing could be a (powered down) version of the Evillustrator from Miraculous Ladybug. (If you aren't familiar, he draws things and they appear in real life.)
Tierno: This is ALSO gonna sound dumb, but how about "The Dancer?" (Mostly because he likes dancing and I had no other ideas.) A possible power to go along with this would be giving him higher agility and speed than your average human. That could be VERY helpful in a whole array of situations!
Trevor: Because I gave the other two in his group of trainers dexholder names that start with the letter 'd', I'm calling him "The Decider." I can't really think of a power that matches how cool that name sounds, but maybe a little bit of a time slow? It would be very limited and would probably need a fairly long cooldown though.
Ash Ketchum (from the anime): I think the name "The Victor" fits him fairly well. So how about SLIGHT (and I do mean SLIGHT) HP drain on his opponent's Pokemon if he wants too.
Koya (from Pokemon DPA): I'm gonna call him "The Changer" because of his character arch in DPA. BUT, the power is gonna need some prefacing. I have another AU that I have had SINCE I FOUND these series (so like... six years ago?) that I seem to be physically unable of letting go of. Specifically for Koya. (As he is usually the main character.) Because of that I want him to have fire and dark powers. Meaning that I want him to be able to control fire, but that fire doesn't give off any light.
Hareta (also from Pokemon DPA): Maybe "The Befriender"? That might sound dumb. Well, in Pokemon DPA, Hareta sort of has this weird ability where he can become friends with (almost) literally anyone or anything. I don't know if that was on purpose, but that's pretty much what the power I'm giving him is. It's not gonna change much, but the character needed a nerf in comparison to the other ones.
Mitsumi (still from Pokemon DPA): I like to call her "The Gambler." I think her power could be better luck with slot machines (or in general), because she really likes them but she's really bad at them and it makes me feel sad. :(
Jun (last one from Pokemon DPA... or in general): I think he could have another 'double name' situation. I'm gonna call him "The Gambler" along with Mitsumi. This, again, will be the same power, making him more lucky. However, I am now deciding that when the two are in a battle together, they can choose to basically 'flip a (figurative) coin'. This will let them be 1. even MORE lucky (for that battle), or 2. UNlucky (for that battle).
Feel free to come up with your own powers/upgrades lol. This is very fun. :)
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epicspheal · 2 years
The League's Director (in Pokespe) when half the Kanto gym leaders are members of a criminal organization and the Elite Four tries to wipe out humanity: i sleep
Hi there anon! Haha this posts brings back a lot in regards to some past discussion regarding the role of the Pokemon League and dealing with criminal organization. Because it does seem odd that someone like Giovanni, nevermind the Elite Four and half the Kanto gym leaders could manage to slip by the league... Until you look at the league for what it is which is a very organized sports association. Sure it passes legislation but only in regards to the sport of Pokemon training (passing salaries, how many Pokemon can be carried at one time, etc) and at least in the Hoenn Chapter declaring a national emergency. So there is some power but ultimately with the fact that there is an International Police organization, armies for various regions (as hinted at with Lt. Surge) and local law enforcement there's very little the Pokemon League actually can do. Much like in real life people who go into sporting organizations or other professional organizations can be bad people on the side and have criminal dealings. And it's not the job of the professional organizations to handle them criminally, the most they can really do outside of cooperating with law enforcemen is decide to kick the person out and bar them from any future sanctioned events. So the idea that trainers can be league reps and still be evil actually makes a lot more sense when you look at it that way. And it also explains why in general most gym leaders, elite four, and even champions don't do as much you would think they would in regards to regional threats in the games and anime (I know we're talking about the manga mostly for this ask but I wanted to bring the games and anime up too because it's pertinent). Because again they're under a professional sporting organization and not a governmental one. It's not really in their job descriptions as part of the league to actively combat threats. Now if they happen to be detectives, G-men, soldiers and what not as their other jobs then yeah there's more of a professional reason to help but again it's not coming from the league itself which is just a global NBA/NFL/MLB assocation That doesn't mean they shouldn't try to help out. They absolutely should as a civic duty to their regions especially given their battle prowess which is helpful in dealing with various threats, but it's not a requirement in the job descriptions so they can most certainly not intervene and still retain their jobs because the Pokemon League Association.
As far as gym leaders/elite four/champions being criminals, well certainly the League should have the power to kick them out but the fact that they don't across multiple canons raises some implications. Either they don't really care or they may fear retribution if they try. After all especially when speaking of the Elite four they are incredibly powerful and certainly may decide to retaliate if they haven't been imprisoned. The people in the league association (running things in the background) may very well not be capable of handling a pissed off ex-league member and so they could be backing down on actually handling evil members out of safety concerns.
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cryptidanathema · 7 months
Why I like them: He's that guy that you THINK'S gonna be a total douche but is actually a really great guy once you get past first impressions. Liable to do something stupid trying to impress you. Dragon in human form. Canon fang haver. Brags about himself in the third person and should not be trusted with tapestries. Babygirl you need so much therapy /aff
Why I don’t: That hat that can't decide weather it's a sweatband or a beany. Seriously what is that thing on your head man
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Haven't watched any of his anime scenes tbh, kind of scared to after how dirty they did Leon. So I'll just use this section to show some love to the bit in Pokespe where he tries to take on Eternatus... himself. Not using a Pokemon. 
Favorite season/movie: See above 
Favorite line: ...I'm just gonna put "Especially you, Piers! The way you battled me in the Champion Cup... You really had my Dynamax Pokémon up against the wall!" and apologize profusely. Yes for ship reasons but also the fact that the guy starts hitting on a new rival in the middle of a Dynamax Pokemon rampage just feels weirdly on-brand? 
Favorite outfit: Shout out to that slightly douchey waistcoat ensemble with the Flygon shades from Masters...which he has a matching stupid, stupid hat for. 
OTP: Raihan/Leon/Piers and Raihan/Piers both qualify. Leon just straight up hits the "you don't even have to Ship It, some characters having had sex is just objective truth" threshold and they're often really sweet together, I just have to throw an alt boy in there too to get into it because my brain craves them like a body craves air. And Piers...they get tragically few scenes together but the ones they do get are so weirdly charged? Like someone else said there's a certain "should we be watching this?" energy to them lol 
Brotp: Leon also goes here, mostly because coming up for platonic explanations for the sheer depth of Raihan's brain rot in regards to that man leads to some FASCINATING relationship dynamics. I'm a big believer that romantic vs platonic indicates a relationship type rather than inherently implying a hierarchy of importance and these two are a great outlet for mentally rotating those themes. Also he and Gordie are fun in Masters, I like to think that they became friends while having shared sadboy time in the locker room. 
Head Canon: Probably my biggest is that with the way there's some pretty depressing shit left unsaid about the way he views himself, the occasional signs of anger issues he shows, and how he's the only member of The Rivalcule you don't meet the family of, the guy did NOT have a good childhood. On a lighter note, the guy has absolutely dogshit music taste. Like we're talking Skrillex and below here. The fact Piers doesn't strangle him over it is testament to the depth of his affection. 
Unpopular opinion: Don't really have one? 
A wish: Gigantamax Archaludon whenever the Galar remakes come out in 10-15 years, he deserves to just summon a wholeass suspension bridge (that notably has a weather-related signature move at that). And, well, just more of him in general. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Same as Piers, please don't throw this man into spacetime GameFreak 🤞
5 words to best describe them: Selfie boy kinda worries me 😔
My nickname for them: Rai, Rai-Rai...💖🐉
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asking you bc i want to start reading pokespe. where do i start, what do i buy etc, what is the manga like is it just pokémon adventures on amazon? lol
pokemon special is one of those manga series where every chapter takes place in the same universe and can have characters/plot threads in common, BUT generally speaking every chapter is its own arc, so you can pretty much start anywhere and read whatever sections you like without getting TOO lost
chapters are released in the same order as the games they’re based on, but the actual “timeline” technically goes like this:
red/blue -> yellow -> gold/silver -> crystal -> ruby/sapphire -> fire red/leaf green -> emerald -> diamond/pearl -> platinum -> heart gold/soul silver -> omega ruby/alpha sapphire -> black/white -> black 2/white 2 -> X/Y -> sun/moon -> sword/shield (still ongoing)
like i said every chapter is basically its own thing, it’s just that certain events from past chapters might get one-off references or past characters might get cameos. really nothing that would require in-depth knowledge of the entire manga canon
i don’t recommend the physical volumes; most of them have been translated by viz media, who have a history of censorship (swear words/innuendo in dialogue, certain panels depicting injury, etc), but they still give all the story, so if you don’t really care about specifics like that, they’re a valid option. otherwise, this website has scanlations of every volume up to black and white 2 (unfortunately not all these scanlations come from the same translators, so the left/right reading or certain things like nicknames may not be consistent, but nothing is censored), and everything from XY onward can be found on mangadex!
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cherubchoirs · 2 years
as a fellow cyrus enjoyer, I couldn't have put why I believe he's an interesting character into better words than you have??? thank god someone can explain it. what are your thoughts on pokemon special's approach on his character and possibilities of healing, if you've read it?
omgggg thank you so much!! i always get nervous posting my ideas and that goes especially for new characters i've found, so it makes me really happy to hear i'm at least resonating with some of his other fans!!
as for pokespe, i have read the dppt arc!! i actually want to reread it soon now that i've really fallen completely into a ditch for cyrus, but i personally seriously enjoyed it. what stood out to me in his characterization was the amount of passion and dedication he had to his cause and, frankly, to his interests. his engrossment in his plans doesn't come off quite as gloomy as it does in game (although it's just as self-important) and he seems more enraptured by his world of salvation. like he very much acts as though he's on the verge of finally dispelling all of his pain and tbh it makes him a little quirky which i found pretty endearing ;o; and while it's a bit hard to articulate, cyrus in pokespe feels like someone who has absolutely no thoughts outside of what he's doing to the point of not being able to see anything as outside of that framework. one of my favorite scenes was his confrontation with cynthia because i think it pretty starkly showcases this facet of his character - he's excited to be pelted by draco meteor because, well....meteors are from space! and since i see cyrus as being both single-minded to the point of folly and quite unconventional in his thought process, i really enjoyed how his reaction was written.
and then ohhhh my god mt coronet and the distortion world. i basically adopted the mt coronet scene for my own personal canon because that underlines how deep into this i truly believe he is. he is being torn apart and he's bleeding out of his eyes but he keeps. pushing. he doesn't let go. he doesn't falter. he doesn't let whatever pain he's in even register because this is what it means to rend an entire universe. all that strangeness melts away to reveal his core, a desperate man suffering so much that he would go so far, that his single-mindedness is woven deep into the very fabric of him, that it is him at this point. this plan is what he's become and the way he views the world is so ingrained into his being, how wretched it is wracks every part of him to the point clawing apart a universe. and like they didn't HAVE to do that but i thank them for it!!!
and then???? he gets to have a healing arc????? this choice is a really important one to me because i think it solidifies that cyrus isn't, at his heart, a bad person whatsoever. it shows that his expressed motivations are actually true, that recreating the world isn't just a vanity project to him but is sincerely a way to rid it of pain. he truly believed the spirit was lacking, that everyone being so incomplete led to violence and suffering, and so his obsession in finding a solution for everyone was more than justified. but he also isn't so far gone that he's no longer open to alternatives - he sees the protagonists join together in their cause to create completion, to make a single full spirit out of many, and it clicks for him. and it's just so interesting to make a character this deeply invested in his agonizing work be able to see the other side….and accept it without fighting against it.
returning to his backstory, cyrus had difficulty connecting with others and others, in turn, didn't try to connect with him. he was a child left alone with only machines to relate to, he became othered and placed outside of the world, and so he couldn't see humans as anything but incomplete because all he knew was loneliness. and he had to believe that's how it was, that bonds were superficial and ephemeral things because his isolation was so complete he had nothing else to go on. however, he recognized what the protagonists had done and he incorporated it into his worldview in his time spent in the distortion world. people can be completed together and those bonds are their bridges. and he's grateful. he's not angry. he's not bitter. he spent a life alone, believing relationships mean nothing and can only lead to ruin, yet he sees it, he reasons it out, and...he's grateful that his mind was changed and that he could see them be better. that's so neat to me!! and it speaks to something very unique about cyrus's character...his plans and perspective had become him but here he moves on because he's proven wrong. so much so that he agrees to help the protagonists in the end and his heart opens to make shaymin bloom. it's genuinely such a deserved ending for him that i almost cried over it like the baby i am!!! but cyrus is just one of those villains that is so obviously doing what he does out of pain and a genuine (albeit deeply misguided) attempt to help that it feels good to see him get a happy ending. and i love that he takes responsibility for the commanders too....it's just all so satisfying to me!! i love pokespe cyrus and i hope he's very happy for always ;o;
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piperchu · 3 years
Game!Ariana is Silver's mother, Pokespe!Ariana is not
Starting this off by saying this is purely a theory that has probably been made a million times, I do not claim that any of this is definitively canon.
I'm not gonna lean too heavily into appearances in the pokespe versions, since the manga hardly makes an effort to make Silver look anything remotely like Giovanni either (they also can't decide on one fucking hair color). I'll go into it more in the game and you'll see why. But just so we have appearances out of the way because the two different versions usually look different, here they are, side by side.
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MANGA APPEARANCES (no color because you cannot rely on anyone to make one fucking canon color design for Silver, although the general consensus among cover illustrations and official art puts him somewhere in the brunette range):
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I also do think it's important to put the Heartgold/Soulsilver overworld sprites in here because even though appearances do not dictate genetics irl, I sincerely believe that based on the uncanny similarity in the designs of Silver and Ariana's sprites, it was almost certainly an intentional choice to indicate that they're close if not immediate relatives.
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But let's get to the actual evidence.
Honestly? Apart from the sprites and official art, there's not much in the game to indicate a relation between Ariana and Silver. But as a designer and artist myself, I can attest that most of us do not consult Punnett squares when focusing on good design principles. So I'm not gonna spend too much time on something that the designers themselves likely did not put as much thought into. I honestly think it's impressive that Game Freak thought to make Giovanni's kid actually look like a combination of two of the characters in the game. Silver is a carbon copy of Ariana... with Giovanni's eyes. In fact I'd argue that this is the closest resemblance they've ever made two characters have that might be related. Even the protagonists rarely look as similar to their parents. It's just not good design to make two characters in the same game look so similar unless they are 1) the same model of an npc or 2) closely related.
But in Pokespe? Not so much.
Silver in the manga doesn't look nearly as much like a dead-ringer for Ariana or even Giovanni for that matter. In fact, I'd sooner say Red is Silver's half-brother than say Ariana is Silver's mom. I don't think I need to go into that theory, everyone knows what I'm talking about.
The reason I am so certain that Ariana is not Silver's mother is that she doesn't recognize him at all, not even when she is sent to battle and defeat him and Crystal. She's directly talking to them, and she doesn't bat an eye at Silver at all. There is only one Rocket Admin who knows who Silver is. And that's Petrel. Because Carr told him.
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That's it. Ariana doesn't know who Silver is. Because he isn't her son. Could they be related? Absolutely. Maybe she's his aunt, I don't know. But I would assume Silver's mother must have either left or died after he got taken, because the only known characters alive by the beginning of the HGSS arc who know that Silver and Giovanni are related are Green, Blue, Yellow, probably Red, Carr, Gold because he lent Giovanni Pichu to help find a cure to his illness, Crystal because I doubt Silver would keep that from her either, maybe Lance and maybe those three Rocket goons who keep showing up and were helping Giovanni find a cure as well (though oddly didn't know about Pichu), and Silver and Giovanni themselves.
Oh and Pryce but who wants to remember him if they don't have to
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