#well anyway. i got stuff printed👍
mihai-florescu · 1 year
E4E (enstarrie for enstarrie)
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Tom kaulitz x reader
ok I’m finally being able to work on this sorry it took me so long it was my birthday and I was busy 😭
p.s i put in that you have glossy red lipstick it important for the story sorry it can be anything shade of red 👍
update: i fixed some stuff lmk if I’m missing anything
It was right after your concert and you had to go to a fancy party right after but fans crowded you as you went to say hi. You got ready as fast as you could as the cosmetics lady’s doll you up. You put on a (color) dress and shiny (color) high heels. You and your band where so late you practically ran to the party. “Jesus Christ there was so many people”
You sighed exhaustedly. Your band was in a limo driving to the party bacicly speeding to get there in time. “I liked it but everyone was so pushy “can I get your number” “ Leave your girlfriend for me”” Rein mocked his fans as the rest of the band laughed. “Oh god lets just hope they don’t follow us”. You finally arrive as cameras flashing as your car pulled up to the stairs. You and your band are practically blinded by the light as you pretend like you where just in a rush. People yelled at you for interviews or to look at their camera the only thing you could think is how ANOYING. Finally your inside your eyes getting their break from being blinded by a dozen cameras in your face. People chatting and drinking or sitting around how boring but you had to be there. You leave your band and go get a drink and something small to eat. Just as you grab the drink something or someone catches your eye. He was wearing baggy jeans and a overly sized t shirt. What the fuck how unfair you could be wearing some like that I mean everyone else was dressed for the occasion what the hell happened to him. You didn’t mind it that much and just left for the snack table. “I like these ones better” his thick accent hits your ears as you had reached for something. You look over your eyes scanning him, it was the same guy with oversized jeans and t-shirt. He grabbed the small snack eating it as he checked you out. “ mmm” you hummed as you reached over grabbing the food and popping it into your mouth with out a thought. “ Dam these are good” “I told you” you continue to eat with him fighting over who gets more. He had gotten the last one and threw it into his mouth. “Whatever” you say with a smile as he just smirks chewing. “So what do you do anyway” his voice drowning out everything else “well I’m [singer, drummer, etc] in [band name]” he nodded in acknowledgement “what about you” “I’m a guitarists in Tokio hotel” “Oooo you big?” “in both ways yeah” his was voice smug and confident. You did get it a first but eventually resized what he said. “*gasp*ohh not like that” you looked at him as he laughed his eyes going to the floor. “What about you?” He chuckled “umm we are big but not super big you know” “oh ok” there was a bit of nervous silence between you after that question. “You from around here?” “No I’m from Germany you” “Oooo cuteee I’m from [where your from]” “ahh how nice” “yeah” you look around the room a see your band members calling you over frantically as if to meet some on “oh shit I gota go” “oh… how about I get your number?” “Oh yeah hold on” you grab a pen and napkin from the table and write your number and your name but before you give it to him you kiss the napkin leaving a glossy red lip print. You hand it over and wink before rushing over to your members smiling. You didn’t even know if he was into you like that but why not take the chance. He had put it in his wallet anyway taking out veras other numbers and leave them stranded on table just to have yours only plus you got to meet lady Gaga.
help free me from school guys 😭 I have been so busy I’m so sorry this took so long I’ll try not to take long next time 😭
anyway hope you like it and tell me if there is any errors or anything like that and I finally figured out how to do the keep reading thing 😍
Maru out 💋
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sharpth1ng · 2 months
hey again!! thank you for answering my ask, and for the clarification! i figured you probably had it all sorted out because you're a grown adult and seem to know your stuff but i still said something anyways just in case haha
i should have been more clear with my original ask but i myself still find all this stuff quite confusing so thats my bad sorry 😞 basically it has nothing to do with the labour of printing or if the company publishes it or not, it’s because fan fiction is already grey area, it’s ok when no one is making money off it. as soon as at any point someone makes any money off it, like these printing companies, or commissioning someone on etsy, or even just going somewhere local to get the pages printed, it now becomes illegal - fanworks infringe on the creator's intellectual property and you need a licencing agreement if it's not public domain etc blah blah blah you get it lol
as soon as the word "pay" comes in, it's illegal - you can't pay for anything, even if you are the one that wrote the fanfic (which fucking sucks). but your merch and stuff is completely fine because the references are based on your original writing, like theyre not gonna be like "how dare you sell this tshirt with a bloody B on it thats illegal!!" bcs that whole thing is entirely unique to your work and has no ties to the original property 👍
but thats just my understanding of it, and the specifications of it can get really confusing!! same thing happens with fanart too, technically you aren't allowed to sell fanart - that's why people often only sell it irl at cons to avoid copyright strikes. but then again there is people selling fanart on redbubble and in fanzines etc so like, i honestly don't know how that side of it works as well?? i think its under a different law since it’s a transformative work maybe...??
its all very confusing i wish clarification was more clear 😭 but you sound like you've looked into it and know what you're doing so thats fantastic, and i'm glad to hear. thank you again for answering so quickly i dont mean to be a bother. ur a talented writer and i loved debaser, keep it up 😊
Yeah no problem! I do appreciate the effort to give a heads up. And like to be fair I’ve done my research but I’m not a copyright lawyer or a legal scholar and the law on this stuff is very confusing to me.
In terms of the fanart stuff my understanding is that it is illegal to sell but for the most part fan Artist are too small for copyright holders to go after, it’s just not really a thing that’s done for the most part. There’s even a number of situations where selling fanart led to those artists being directly employed by the copyright holders. I think it’s very rare for fan artists to get sued for copy right and the only examples I know of are from Disney.
For the most part fanart sold is illegal, but it’s similar to torrenting content where its not really enforced so people do it anyways, and often at a pretty large scale. The stuff on red bubble and in fanzines is also illegal as far as I know, it doesn’t count as transformative.
Honestly I think it’s very unlikely that anyone printing my work would get targeted like that, mostly because this fandom is small and I’m even smaller. I only have a little over 1000 followers here and while that’s more followers than I’ve ever had before in my life it’s pretty much microscopic on the internet. Beyond that there’s less than a handful of printed copies as far as I’m aware.
Honeslty I have a lot of issues with copyright law- obviously it needs to apply to things like generative AI which is essentially a very environmentally damaging collage machine, but in terms of fanart and fanfiction I really don’t see how it could be construed as taking away profit from copyright holders.
People for the most part only read my work because they were already into scream, and a number of people have even told me my work got them to watch scream so if anything I’ve created profit for them. Fandom is the reason these original works have the legacy they do, and fanworks are a massive part of that because you can only consume the original content so many times before you get bored.
Beyond that we wouldn’t have some of our most highly acclaimed cultural works if copyright law had existed hundreds of years ago. Like, Shakespeare would have been fucked.
Alright lmao rant over. Tl;dr I’m doing my best to do this all in a legal way, but it’s good for folks to be aware that there may be an issue with the legality of printing my work even if they aren’t paying me. I think it’s unlikely any of you will face repercussions because this fandom is miniscule but if you’re worried maybe don’t post on Tumblr- but feel free to dm me or post in my discord 👍
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quantum27 · 1 year
for the artist ask! 6-10 why not ahaha
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
ohh well. Anytime I have a hyperfixation it changes my art both studying and accidentally and honestly I feel great about it cause artists have always done that. Van Gogh got obsessed over art prints from Japan and created beautiful works inspired by artists half way across the world. (When asked if he wanted to visit Japan he was like. Nah I'm good.) Anyway that's a little bit aside from the question but Tron ofc shaped how i do lighting and glowing stuff. And the way I draw eyes? Those are very much sonic the hedgehog moments. So that's in every drawing. But yeah. Uhhh. 👍
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
Oil Pastels. They're like crayons hard mode. I highly recommend the artist blackbean cms on YouTube. He also has an Instagram and TikTok but y'know. YouTube has his longform content. Also very funny artist.
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in?
It's hard to say I'll remember old projects and go !!!!!! But something I remember being very ambitious was a sonic fanfic where I was gonna. Multichapter. Rewrite the whole series with stuff with the characters in the fic with a whole. Lore with it and. I got a couple chapters in when I got the fanfiction.net burnout and also the ace attorney hyperfixation started. Combo meant that it just.... Never got off the ground again and realistically now I think it's a bit too much. Anyway uhhh yea I remember projects and it's not so much losing interest it's trying to go back to them and failing sjbdjfnd.
9 - previously answered
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
oughh. Folds. Especially as I've gotten better at drawing them. But folds are really satisfying to draw for me.
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aroace-poly-show · 1 year
This is my second time typing this bc tumblr is a bitch. Therefore, no pretty bullet points or fonts, I'm just gonna use dashes, then copy paste from my notes app.
I tried to not go too mainstream so you'd get plenty of new stuff. Many of these artists have plenty of other good songs too so if you particularly like one, check their other stuff!
Be aware some of these are violent and/or sexual as well as containing other potentially upsetting material, lmk if you need individual content warnings
- Belladonna Melodrama by Charming Disaster
- Constellation by Powderpaint
- Sex With A Ghost by Teddy Hyde
- The Woods by Sam Fermin
- The Fine Print by The Stupendium
- Sometimes by Nick Lutsko
- Farewell Wanderlust by The Amazing Devil
- Hell's Coming With Me by Poor Man's Poison
- The Haunted Phonograph by ThouShaltNot
- I/Me/Myself by Will Wood
- Love You Like An Alcoholic by The Taxpayers
- Scavenger by Shonalika (one of the members of Powderpaint from the second rec but i love them ok)
- Animal by Olivia Olson
- Falling Apart by Kim Boekbinder
- The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid
- Rule #4 - Fish In A Birdcage by Fish In A Birdcage (from the album Fish In A Birdcage lmao)
- Fire Drills by Dessa
- Achilles Come Down by Gang Of Youths
- Six Feet by Mike's Dead
- Beautiful by Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows
- Baby by Bishop Briggs
- Who I Am by Dope Saint Jude
- Fire With Fire by AlicebanD
- broken by lovelytheband
- Hello My Old Heart by Oh The Hellos
- Take All The Time You Need by Oh Honey
- Battle Cry by Shayfer James
- Dear Fellow Traveller by Sea Wolf
- Ship In A Bottle by Steffan Argus (I think)
- Dirty Night Clowns by Chris Garneau
- iT by Christine And The Queens
- This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller
and finally, and I think this is the most mainstream one but I feel like they're not as well known anymore as they used to be
- Brass Goggles by Steam Powered Giraffe (i prefer the 2009 version)
Bonus (if you speak German and/or don't mind music you don't understand): Antifascista by ZSK
I swear my music taste is usually more varied (and upbeat lmao) but I've been having The Depression
Hope you like a few of them!
i didn’t end up listening to all of them, i fell out of the wanting to listen to new music mood, maybe some other time i’ll finish them all but here’s what i listened to so far:
gonna categorize these songs cause its a lot kjfshjg, i will add my comments if i have any about songs in particular 👍
already in my library:
sex with a ghost, i/me/myself, achilles come down
i haven’t listened to sex with a ghost in FOREVERRR, i/me/myself and achilles come down are in a previous main playlist but i got kinda tired of them and i’m on a new main playlist at the moment. i did relisten to them just for the sake of it. i might add them back to my main playlist :)
couldn’t listen all the way through:
sorry i wanted to finish the whole thing but it really just isn’t my thing… its not bad just not for me
not my thing:
i love you like an alcoholic, animal
i have kind of mixed feelings about love you like an alcoholic tbh.
it’s okay:
broken, the woods, beautiful
the woods feels like that one vflower song to me, boccalla de verita? whatever its called, where it took me a while to get used to and now i actually really like it. i feel like i’ll probably like it eventually
beautiful is nice but its so long and i can tell i’ll get bored of it really quickly. its a bit boring for me tbh. its nice though i might listen to it occasionally :)
kinda catchy:
falling apart, belladonna melodrama, fire drills, constellations, the fine print, baby
ok i really like this:
dear fellow traveler, dirty night clowns, take all the time you need, haunted phonograph, battle cry, iT, rule 4 - fish in a birdcage,
downloading immediately:
antifascista, hello my old heart, hell’s coming with me
i never mind songs in other languages even if i don’t understand them!! as you can probably guess i have a ton of japanese (usually vocaloid) songs, and i had some other german song in my playlist at one point but i think i removed it from there and i can’t remember the name 💔
anyway antifascista FUCKS i like this a lot going into my main playlist immediately it’s loud and they yell and its a good pace i fucking love it
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i0-0na · 2 months
Entry 6: First Week
Date: 08.04.2024
A week finally completed!! I spent some time to myself, and it feels like the dust setting in and things have fallen into place. To be honest, I did start feeling a little homesick at this point and I was feeling kind of lonely. Whenever I went outside, I don’t know why but I felt as if people were staring at me (not everyone, but it definitely felt like it).
Thankfully one of my closest friends in uni was also going on the same student exchange programme as me (Dom). He arrived on 2nd April 2024, so we decided to meet in Akihabara the next day. I was so happy to see him because it meant that I now had a friend near to me. When we met up, we went around visiting multiple stores, we literally tired ourselves out so much lol.
Before the day ended, we decided to find somewhere to eat. The café we decided to eat at just so happened to be the one me and my mum ate at all those years ago, when I was just 12 years old, on my first ever trip to Japan. The food was good I had a hibiscus tea and I think I ordered the same food order as my mum all those years ago, matcha cake. Very tasty. Dom order Spaghetti.
The next day was when we were meeting the student exchange team, and other exchange students for the first time. To be honest I was quite excited to meet everyone in person! One of the students in the year above me who went on student exchange the year before to Tokyo, told me about how much she loved it and the people she met there so needless to say I was also a little hyped 😼.
It was a good meeting overall, we got a tour of the campus and then introduced ourselves to each other, then exchanged phone numbers and Instagram’s. In total, including myself, there was a total of 8 people on the student exchange, so far at least. Apparently, they said there were some arriving later so~
Afterwards some of us (on the course) were brought to the animation department and I was introduced to some of the core members of staff, including a graduate student called Stephen who was going to help translate all of our lectures for us (thx Stephen~). We had to take photos as well and for some reason I could not stop laughing ꉂ(≧▽≦) . Each time I went to smile I felt my face uncontrollably twitching to release the giggles which were caged inside my mouth.  The laughter spread to everyone in the room, so ridiculous ahahaha, I’m chuckling as I type even hahaha!! The reason for the slight chaos, was because as we did the group poses, I just kept alternating between ✌️ and 👍 gestures, and because of my iconic nature everyone decided to follow suit. It became quite comical. There were two other exchange students who would be studying animation with me, Dom and Matthijs.
With the induction day over, there was only one major thing for me to do now is to get registered at my local government office. It took a couple days to do this because, to be honest, I got lost trying to find the building… When I did though, I had to come in the next day to get my stuff printed, because they couldn’t print stuff on Sundays. I did all the filing for the documents on the day I was there anyways, so it was a quick process the next day! If you live in Japan, you need to get registered with 14 days of your arrival otherwise you could be faced with deportation (๑ ˊ͈ ᐞ ˋ͈ )” . Later that day, after the government office I wanted to explore more of the Hachioji prefecture, which was good because I found a Don Quijote. It’s like this store which sells everything, I’m being honest it literally sells like everything. From toys, to alcohol, lawn mowers, food, clothes, Vivienne Westwood and other designer brands, I literally could go on forever lol. What I found though were these really popular lashes in the gyaru community called Dolly Wink, it was super cuttteeee!!
As a final point Sakura season was kind of late in Japan, so it was supposed to finish its blossoming before I arrived but thankfully its just started to blossom now! Its so pretty (sparkles) It reminds me of home in a way. On my path to primary/high school there is the road I take full of cherry blossom on both sides and each time it turned spring I felt like I was in a shoujou or high school anime lol
Tumblr media
Either way that’s all for now, I’m so excited to actually start uni! Oh and another thing, university here is kind of similar to American unis, from what I heard in America you have to sign up to all your classes you want/need to attend, otherwise if you don’t, you end up spending a year under the course but taking 0 lessons. It seems it’s the same concept in Japan as well. Scary~ So I’ve been given a list of classes to sign up to so I’m going to think about what classes I want to do.
I hope the workload will be okay though lololol.
Song Listening to: if u think i’m pretty – Artemas
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