#well damn.. swing me around like a rag doll and spit me to the ground like a gum. the vibes are immaculate 😞☹️
hyunpic · 9 months
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the-dead-skwad · 4 years
Independent Part 1 X Tig Trager X Reader
My first Sons Of Anarchy fic. I dunno what it is about Tig but damn he’s hot. I have quite a few ideas for where this is going.
Summary: You catch the eye of Tig, going on a date at a sons party. 
Mentions of abuse and some fighting. Smut to follow. 
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You saw red as you started your bike, you tried to take a breath to calm down but it didn't work. You revved the engine and kicked the stand from under you. Your sister ran out your shop "Y/N! Please don't!" But it was too late. Smoke followed behind you. 
Pulling into the parking lot you saw a bunch of men standing around. You knew exactly who owned this garage but that wasn't going to stop you. If you got your ass beat you'd be fine. You could see him talking to someone, he had his back to you which was perfect. Bikes coming in and out of the place made no reason for anyone to turn around as you stopped. You put it back on the stand and took your helmet off leaving it hanging off the handlebars. You pulled your baseball bat from its own little sheath just under the right side of your seat. 
"Hey doll you okay?" One of the bikers called over to you. He had messy black hair and piercing blue eyes. 
You smiled "Just fine thanks." You swung the bat round in your hand before walking towards the group of men. "HEY! TONY!" Shouting as loud as you could.
He turned to look at you "Oh shi-"
Before he could finish you swung as hard as you could, the bat connected with his cheek shattering it completely. Blood sprayed as he fell to the ground. All the men around you shouted. Before anyone could stop you you hit him again. "You think its okay to hit women?" Everyone stopped as soon as they heard you. You bent down to get closer to his face. "I'm telling you now Meg is coming to live with me. You don't call her, text her, you so much as think about my little sister again and I will kill you." You stood back up and placed your boot on his cheeky pressing his face closer into the dirt "That isn't a threat asshole. That’s a promise." You kicked him as hard as your could in the stomach before turning on your heal back to your bike. You wiped the blood off your bat on a rag hanging on the back of your bike. 
"Jesus girl." The same biker looked at Tony spitting blood in the dirt "You got a swing and a half on you." 
"He got what was coming to him." 
"No doubt." He smiled sweetly at you."I gotta know your name." 
"Gotta know or wanna know?" You winked at him "Come by my store one day. Studio next to the barbers and I'd kick that piece of shit outta here if I was you." You revved your engine before speeding out the garage.
He turned to the guy stood by him "Jesus man.. she's wife material." 
Back at your studio you flicked through the bookings. Your afternoon was empty and it was your day off tomorrow. Looked like you could close up early for once. You went into the back office, your sister sat across the sofa with an ice pack on her head. "Hey bro, how you feeling?" 
"My head hurts but personally I feel better. Thank you again." 
"No problem." You sat at one of the desk chairs "We got a free afternoon and all day tomorrow. Wanna do something?" 
"Err," She pulled a face "I'm not quite ready to go out yet. I think I'm going to get settled at yours, have a shower and watch a  film."
"That’s fine. Sounds like a good plan to be honest." You stood from the chair "I've already cashed up so I'll go and lock the doors and I can take you home." 
"Perfect." She stuck her thumbs up at you. 
Leaning over the counter you grabbed your keys, as you turned a man stood at your door scared the life out of you. It was the biker "Fuck man." You opened the door "You scared the shit outta me." 
"Sorry about that gorgeous." He leaned on the door frame.  
"You're very eager." raising one of your eyebrows at him. 
"There's something about you doll.. Amazing."
"Wow, thanks. The names Y/N"
"Tig." He smiled at you "Look if you aint busy tonight one of our boys is getting out tonight, throwing him a party at the club house. You should come." 
"Well..." a smirk crept up your face "I suppose I could swing by."
"Want me to pick you up?" 
"And give you my address? I aint that easy Tig. I know where it is." 
He smiled again, his eyes were so mesmerizing "Ight, see you at like 9?" 
"Sure." You leaned in, closing the already small gap between you and kissed him on the cheek. He walked away with a grin stretched across his face as you closed the door behind you. You went in the back to help your sister carry her stuff. 
She frowned at you "Who was that and why you smiling so damn much?" 
"Ermm.." You turned to look at her as you picked up one of her bags "I think I have a date." 
"You what? The most independent woman I don't ever need a man ever has a date?" The way she spoke made you laugh "Who on earth tricked you into a date?" 
"His name is Tig." You turned to say the second part under your breath "He's an SOA." 
"Wait!" She tried to stop you but you ran past her to your bike. "Hey!" She ran out the studio after you "Did you just say he was an SOA?" 
"Yeahhhh.." You locked the studio door and threw her bag into the back of her truck. "Look I know the rep they have. He seems nice but he probs just want to sleep with me." 
"And your okay with that?" 
You shrugged "A girl got needs." 
"You're gross! I'll see you in like 2 minutes." She started her truck and drove off. You were in such high spirits you really fancied a detour on the bike, but you had to go home and try to find an outfit. 
"No!" You threw your self on the bed.
"Stop being dramatic!" Meg was face first in your wardrobe. "You have loads of clothes!" 
"I'm going to a party at the god damn sons of anarchy club house. I can't go to nice because all those hot groupies will show me up but I don't want to look like a groupie at the same time." 
"Sis they are called prostitutes and you are not a prostitute now shut up and put this on." She threw a dress at you. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror, black velvet dress with the sides cut out, Dr marten boots with boot socks rolled down, checkered shirt. Pretty much your entire body was tattooed which went with your outfit perfectly. 
"You sure you don't want to borrow some heels?" 
"I don't wear heels and I'm going on my bike." 
She held her hands up "Fair enough. Well I hope you have a great time and I won't wait up."
"Yeahhh I wouldn't wait." You walked to the door.
You're disgusting!" She threw a pillow at you as you left. 
-- Pulling into the parking lot you started to get a little nervous. You were so busy with the studio it had been ages since you went in a date. You pulled up in an empty spot. The music was blasting out already. People everywhere, most of them half naked women.
As you clipped your helmet to the handle bars a voice came from not far behind you. "Hey." 
You turned to see Tig "Hi." You smiled at him as he walked over to you. 
"You look beautiful." He passed you a bottle. 
"Thanks." You took the bottle from his hands and kissed him on the cheek. He walked in with you and most people stared straight at you. You finished your drink straight away. "I'm gonna need something stronger." 
"I like your thinking." He grabbed a bottle of Jack from the table and poured you a couple of shots each. 
You felt instantly better. He started introducing you to all the other sons. They were all really nice to you. Some a little pervy but Tig was definitely the worst. He hardly actually looked at your face. 
The night was going really smoothly. You and Tig got on like a house on fire and all the guys treated you as though you were already one of the family. As you returned from the bathroom you noticed a girl with her tits just hanging out trying to sit on his knee. You could hear what he was saying "Look miss, its real nice you got your boobies out but I have a girl with me tonight." 
"Awh but you know I'm way more fun that her." 
Marching over you tapped her on the shoulder "Excuse me?" She spun around and got right in your face "He said he aint interested sweetheart." 
"And who the fuck are you? No one has ever said no to me." 
You looked her up and down "I highly doubt that." Your comment made Juice spit out his drink. 
"You his old lady?" 
"I don't belong to anyone hunny." 
She pushed you at the shoulders "So you aint important." 
Tig stood up to stop her but you put your hand out, this was your fight "Touch me again I'll knock you the fuck out." 
She did, pushing you back again. With one move you headbutted her in the nose, knocking her to the ground. She grabbed her face and started shouting. "Shut up and get out my face." You sat back down next to Tig. "Stupid bitch." You grabbed hold of the bottle of Jack on  the table and took a huge swig. You lit a cig and leaned back in the chair. 
"God damn girl!" Juice cheered. "Gemma's gonna love you." 
You looked over at Tig who was just staring at you. "That was the sexiest thing I've ever seen." He launched at you kissing you deeply. At first it took you back but then you sank into the kiss.  He tasted like cigarettes and whiskey which just made you even more turned on. Breaking the kiss you sat back in your chair and took another drag of your cig. You looked around the table to realize all the guys were all over the women they were sat with, paying no attention to you guys. You looked into his icy blue eyes, a smirk crept up your face. You could tell on his face he was thinking the exact same as you. You both stood without saying anything to anyone else around the table. He grabbed hold of your hand as he walked past some of the rooms. You stopped for a second to admire the bike on display. He spun you around so you were facing him. 
"Am I boring you?" 
"Not at all." You leaned into a kiss. The pace picked up fast and before you knew it he had pushed you against a door. Wrapping your legs around him he kissed down your neck. 
You were so close to having sex right there in the hall way when Opie rounded the corner. "Fuck sake man... Can't you at least do that in your room." 
"Fuck off."Tig's voice was muffled as he was face first in your breasts. He moved one hand off your ass and he reached for the door knob. He pushed you through the door and threw you onto his bed. He stood over you for a second and lick his lips "You ready baby."
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leahxx129 · 4 years
The Last Descendant (Sam Winchester x Reader) pt.1
The idea for this fic series was born many-many months ago and I even started writing it then, but I ran out of inspiration. Now I’m fully charged and almost done, so I’m going to start posting the chapters. If everything goes as planned, there will be five parts. I hope you enjoy! :)
Summary for pt.1: You are after a vampire but when you finally get the chance to eliminate him, a stranger unintentionally sabotages your plans, almost getting both of you killed in the process. 
Warnings: decapitation, implication of sex
Word count: 1.780-ish
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* picture source: Giphy
It’s almost midnight and the bar you are in is thriving. Loud piano music and raucous laughter fills the air besides the smell of cheap booze and smoke. It almost makes it hard for you to concentrate, but just almost. After all, you are you and if there is one thing you are damn good at, it’s keeping an eye on the target no matter what. And tonight, your target is a vampire. Your muscles tense up in your body as he finally signals to the chick he was hitting on to get out. You wait a couple of seconds before you start following them. The chilly air outside awakens you even more. You take a left turn to the alley where you’ve last seen the golden locks of the girl he was with and you get hit by something huge and heavy – to much of your surprise a man has been thrown at you like a rag doll.
„Oh, he’s got a partner!” the bloodsucker says in a way too loud and cheerful tone to your liking, given your head is still slightly buzzing from the impact. „Back in the days, hunters picked their partners more carefully, sweetheart!” he adds sarcastically „The idiot came at me with nothing but his bare hands.”
You can hear his footsteps getting closer and closer so you gather every ounce of strenght in your body and push the moaning man off you. Just as you get up, the vampire grabs you by your throat and lifts you up, your toes barely meet the ground.
„You know… you’re fairly pretty for a hunter.” he breathes as his teeth start  descending. „You’re gonna make an exquisite corpse.”
„I’m… I’m n-not… a hunter!” you manage to spit out while clawing at his fingers for air.
He draws his eyebrows together in confusion, slightly loosening his grip, which allows you to pull the hidden machete out of your overknee boots. Before he could react, the blade glides over his neck effortlessly, but not deep enough to decapitate him. He immediately lets go and stumbles backwards, choking on the venom that’s invading his system. A small smile forms on your lips. The blade’s working. Honestly, you were quite certain it would, but in your line of work nothing brings more pleasure than getting proof up close. The blonde’s blood-curdling scream makes you realize she’s still there.
„He’s not human, girly! I ain’t gonna do anything to him he doesn’t deserve.” your reassuring speech doesn’t seem to comfort her at all, which results in you losing your patience and starting to yell „You know what, just get out of here! Move! NOW!!”
She never stops sobbing and trembling but does as you command her. With her gone, you turn back your attention to the vampire. He’s fallen to his knees, still choking. You can see the fear in his eyes - the kind you only see when they know they’re gonna die - and it gives you satisfaction.
„You know… you’re kind of not that ugly for a monster.” you give him a taste of his own medicine „You’re gonna make an exquisite headless corpse.”
A fraction of a second later his head rolls by his body and stops somewhere beside the dumpster. 
Your mind is racing. Killing him on spot wasn’t exactly how you planned the whole ordeal. You wanted to follow them to the guys apartment, wait for the girl to go home, and get done with it there. The body would have been discovered days later and by then, you would’ve been at least two states farther... If you do a sloppy job and leave evidence the whole thing could be traced back to you and you definitely don’t want that. Your train of thought is disturbed by the man who landed on you. He seems to have gained conscousness and tries to get up. Boiling anger spreads through your veins as you stride to him and yank him up by his jacket, not being intimidated by the fact that in vertical he’s a lot taller than you.
„What the hell were you thinking, dude?! You almost got us both killed!” just as you finish your sentence the strong smell of alcohol hits you right in the face „Ugh, Jesus, man! Is there anything in that bar you didn’t drink??”
He shrugs, mumbling something that suspiciously resembles to ’water’ when the idea breaks through.
„Do you have a car, Abercrombie?” He nods. „Great. And do you have the keys as well?” Another nod. „Awesome. Where did you park?” He starts off but almost instantly trips in his own leg. If it’s not for you, he’d end up flat on his face. „Woah, woah… take it easy, buddy! You know what, just give me the keys and I’ll get the car. You wait here.” you extend your hand to him.
He eyes you up and down suspiciously but ends up handing you the keys anyway.
„It’s an Impala a… a block away… be careful with her. She’s my brother’s car.” he grumbled in a deep voice. The raw emotional expression on his face takes you aback and you comply, something which you rarely do.
„Okay… I will.”
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You can’t help but smile at the room service guy’s awkardness as he puts down the breakfast you’ve ordered in front of you. Your satine bathrobe is a little too low cut and a little too short, which of course doesn’t escape his notice. The small pink blotches on his cheeks give him away instantly.
„Thank you, hotstuff!” you say winking when he’s finished serving. The compliment cathces him off-guard and he lets out a nervous laughter, then turns to leave, almost knocking off a vase in the process.
The door closes and you make a mental note to tipp well when you check out of the hotel. You’re definitely not a snob, but if you have a chance to choose between a run-down motel room or a hotel, it isn’t really a question. You can afford it, so why not? You pour yourself a huge cup of coffee, go over the bed and pull the curtains apart to check on Mystery Guy. Still comatose. Alright. You get back to the dining table and start to consume your meal when Mystery Guy begins to groan.
„Mornin’ Abercrombie!” you greet him as he’s scanning the environment squinting. His eyes pop wide open as soon as they land on you. Naturally, his first intinct is to search for his gun under his pillow.
„Lookin’ for this?” you swing the gun around your pointer finger. He pulls a face as he rubs his temple. „You see, I thought it would be your first move and I don’t like being pointed at with a gun, so…”
„You took it. Of cousre you did...” he tries to sit up but groans as pain shoots through his body.
„Easy, pal! You had what I’d call a rough night, I’m even surprised you’re in a condition to speak.”
He furrows his brows.
„Why? What happened last night?” a thought hits him and he checks under the covers. „Did we..did we uh… is that why I’m naked?”
You’re trying your best not to burst out laughing.
„You mean did we have wild and kinky sex and that’s why every fiber in your body is aching?” he nods shyly. „Nope. I’m not the reason for that, sorry. However, I am the reason that you are alive and kicking right now.”
„Care to ellaborate?”
„Sure. Last night you got so hammered that you went after a vampire without a single weapon. He was about to rip that pretty face of yours off, but then I stepped in and saved your bacon-”
„Speaking of… who’s that ’I’, exactly?” he interrupts.
„Very subtle... My name’s Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N. You weren’t a man of manners either, Abercrombie, so I’d appreciate a name drop as well.”
He seems to blush a little at your pet name for him.
„It’s Sam. Sam Winchester. So now you can stop calling me Abercrombie.”
You almost choke on your coffee. There is no way in hell... You saved Sam Freaking Winchester’s ass?
„You’re bluffing.” you finally manage to vocalize.
„No, I’m not. Why would I?”
You eye him for a while. He’s right. Why would he lie about something like that? From what you’ve heard, everyone around the Winchesters has a tendency of dying too soon and no sane man would want to pose as a death magnet by claiming he’s one of them if he’s actually not.
„Okay. Well then, I gotta say… you and your brother made yourselves quite a name amongst hunters. Although not everyone’s a fan…”
„Yeah. Rumor has it that you saved the world multiple times but only because you were the ones who almost brought an end to it multiple times.”
He swallows hard.
„Do you believe these rumors?”
„I don’t judge people based on stories I hear, Sam, I judge people based on their actions I see.”
He nods in agreement.
„Anyways, let’s get back to what happened last night. After I’d saved you, I got your car and put the corpse in the trunk – which by the way is still there – and since you couldn’t really tell me where you were staying at, I brought you here. During the ride you leaned in and started smelling my hair. Insisted it smelled like vanilla and strawberries. Then you wanted to puke out the window, but it wasn’t even rolled down, so yeah…That’s still there too.” the horrid look on his face earned a small laughter from you „Wait, this isn’t even the best part yet. When we got here it took me fifteen minutes of begging to get you in the shower and when you finally finished, you came out of the bathroom in your birthday suit.”
„You’re joking, right?!”
„Nope, I can’t say I am. But don’t worry, I’m a lady, I didn’t look.”
You can see the redness of embarrassment creeping to his face.
„God, I’m so sorry. This is humiliating.”
„Relax, it can happen to anyone.”
An awkward silence falls to the room, neither of you know what to say next. You want to ask him why he went after the vampire drunk but decide against it. It’s non of your business after all and you don’t want to get involved. The blade is working, your job is officialy done in this town. You eat the rest of your eggs and bacon in silence, then go to the bathroom and get ready to leave. Sam watches you curiously as you gather your stuff from the room and head to the door.
„There’s aspirin and water on the nightstand for your hangover and there’s some breakfast on the table. The room is going to be paid for for today so feel free to stay and rest a little.”
„Thanks, Y/N. For everything.”
„Yeah, you’re welcome... oh, and the next time you’re on a hunt, try not to get yourself killed, Winchester.”
„Okay, will do!” he shoots you a shy smile as farewell.
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