#well hehe... i just had my last classes for the semester so im free >:)
u think u have it bad going on twitter in public.....i opened tumblr for 0.02 seconds while i was waiting for my students to finish a practice question this morning and u guys were talking about cringefail governor cock. i almost passed away on the spot <3 /lh -mas
SORRY TEACH it wont happen again 😔 right class 👁️👁️
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
hows studying going how’s your it read going how is your LIFE give me a detailed run down
i’m doing okay!!! i had a super restful summer off from school and just working which i enjoyed. but this semester i switched schools to a different university so that’s been a lot,,, lots of studying and lots of work but i’m finally taking classes i’m actually interested in so sometimes i actually enjoy studying :] i still have loads of work to do so it’s pretty overwhelming at times but i’m getting through it!!! i just made it through my first round of midterms last week, so i’m feeling pretty good 💪
the it read is also going well!! it’s slow, but it’s going!! my original goal was to finish it by halloween, but i’m only on page 260 so that won’t be happening lol. i was a little bit disappointed, but it’s ok!! i’m trying to focus more on enjoying the book than how fast i can read it. i haven’t read IT since 2017/2018, so it’s really nice to go back and reread it now that i’m fully invested in the losers club!! it’s also reminding me of how much i love book eddie hehe <3 plus it’s nice to get back into reading in general. i haven’t consistently read in a LONG time, this year i’ve only read like 4 books and the past few years have been less… so rereading a book that i enjoy and getting back into has been real fun :] i just wish i had more free time to sit back with a book and just read!! oh well, i’ll just have to wait until winter break for that </3
hmm what else has been going on in my life !!? hmm i’ve also been writing a lot more!! i have a few reddie wips on the go, i have a halloween fic that i’m working on and hoping i can get up soon, so that’s exciting !! i’m also looking for jobs atm, one that actually relates to the degree im studying for which is….. exciting but also a little scary :P but overall my life is good right now!!!! very busy, pretty hectic, but good!!!
HOW ABOUT YOU MY LOVE <3 how have you been! what have you been up to! give ME a detailed run down <3 <3
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renjunphile · 3 years
Far Away, So Far Away | Yoon Jeonghan
⇢ word count: 6.9k ⇢ pairing: svt's yoon jeonghan x female reader, slight svt's joshua hong x female reader ⇢ tags&warnings: college!au, best friends to lovers!au, coming of age!au ⇢ synopsis: cat plasters, blonde angels at the library, free pepero from the vending machine and café study breaks; medical school is not exactly how you thought it would be. enter your best friend's best friend from LA and it all goes to hell. ⇢ notes: some scenes are shorter than others and follows y/n through many years. i may or may not return with various scenes in a spinoff that explores other happenings in this time frame and beyond :) yes they are in medical school but that very much does not appear significantly in this story sorry about that hehe im a medical student tho so i wanted to feature it heheh
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You meet Yoon Jeonghan on the first day of Medical Studies, thus your third year at university. You had just completed your two years of pre-medical education and was excited to start your degree properly. It was 9PM, yet the library was deserted. To be fair, why would anyone be at the library on the first day of the semester? You had been there since 6PM, furiously typing away to write up your lecture notes and then recapping on the previous year. You had only noticed him when you walked in, but his back was turned and all you saw was glossy medium-length blonde hair. You had thought the hair colour was bold for anyone, but you hadn't expected a skinny boy with sharp cheekbones.
"Excuse me?" his voice was high pitched and airy, "Do you have a band-aid?"
You were stunned to find that the boy who had been behind you, who rolled his chair closer to you, had an angelic face to match his angelic voice. It took you a few seconds to snap out of your trance.
"Oh, yes. I do. Are you ok?" you quickly scrambled through your bag, pulling out a pack of plasters with small cartoon cats, "Sorry, I only have these."
He held up his left hand, showing a small gash across the side of his index finger, "Just a paper cut, but they're the worst and I don't want to get anything in the cut. Thank you; they're cute."
You unpeeled the longest one you had and made the move to put it on his finger. In hindsight, it was probably a bit awkward for Jeonghan and you should have given him the plaster instead, but you weren't thinking straight because his whole demeanour was distracting you.
"I'm Jeonghan, by the way. 3rd year medical student or first year clinical. Are you a medical student too?"
Ah, that's right, you were in the library in the medical building, "Me too, 3rd year."
"No way! We should be friends," Jeonghan grinned, showing off a set of pearly white teeth, "You know people say to me that it's weird finding friends after first year, but I think that's ridiculous. I make friends every year of my life. You know, I only met my best friend Seungcheol last year."
"Choi Seungcheol? Who's resting face either looks like he's grimacing or wants to cry?"
"Oh, you know him? Yes, him. I'm gonna tell him you said that," Jeonghan laughed, and his laugh matched his aura.
"You don't even know my name. But he was in one of my sociology classes last year. Didn't speak to him a lot though. And what if i'm a really horrible person? Do you go around asking everyone to be your friend?"
He cocked his head in thought, "I mean yes, I kind of do and never actually properly befriend them, but I think you're probably a nice person."
"How do you know?" you furrowed your eyebrows at him.
"You gave me a plaster, for one. That's a nice act. Your plasters also have cats on them and your laptop wallpaper is cute," he winked, "You're cute too. But i'm not flirting."
Your cheeks heated up and you quickly closed the laptop screen behind you, "I'm Y/N."
"Well Y/N, do you come here often? I've never seen you around here."
You shrugged, "From time to time. Usually, I go to the floor above, but I felt like having a change today. And I like to go to cafés to study more."
"Well, i'm always here. I'll get your number if I see you again. That means we're destined to be friends," he got up and swept the things off his desk and switched the lamp off, "Go home soon and rest well, okay? Hope to see you again."
He sauntered away without another word and you were left with your mouth hanging open in intrigue. He was so open, which wasn't the case with most people you met. He seemed really nice and he just have a cloud of positivity around him. You also wished to see him again.
You were ashamed to admit that in the week after meeting the mystery that was Jeonghan, you were looking for him everywhere you went- in your lectures, in your walks to and from campus, in your nighttime library sessions- but he never appeared. You wondered if you actually made him up as a result of exhaustion and excess caffeine intake, because how hard would it be to spot a tall boy with platinum blonde hair in a crowd?
"Y/N," you heard the voice again Tuesday the following week in the same spot at the library, "Hi."
He sat in the cubicle next to you this time.
"Are you real?" you squinted at him, resisting the urge to swat your hand out to see if it would just go through him.
He burst out into laughter, "Excuse me? Am I real? I would hope so.
"I didn't see you in the full cohort lecture Wednesday morning and i'm really good at Where's Wally," you humphed.
He took out his laptop chuckling, "You were looking for me, huh? I overslept. Got Cheol to take the notes. Sorry for worrying you."
You scoffed and turned away, "I wasn't 'worried'. Just curious."
"Hmm, okay. Study well," he started typing on his laptop, and the clicking forced you to stop staring st his high cheekbones and fair skin and start doing your actual work.
It was earlier this time- only 6PM- but you had been there since 4PM already. You were planning to leave soon, do your grocery shop and probably waste the rest of your evening in bed, but you decided against it and continued typing on your essay due in a few weeks.
It was an hour later when Jeonghan spoke again.
"I'm going to get coffee from the vending machines. Do you want anything?" he asked you kindly. You had slowed down your work by this point, but more than anything you could have achieved at home.
"No thank you," you smiled, "I'll watch your stuff."
"But what if you're the one that steals?" he teased before walking away, "Be right back. Thanks."
You didn't want to be creepy by staring at his things, which only consisted of a closed macbook, a water bottle and a black rucksack under the desk, so you tried to focus on absolutely everything else. By the time he came back, you were staring outside, eyes focused on a light in the distance.
"I got you some Pepero. You had these on your desk last time," he offered out the cardboard box.
You shook your head, "Thank you, but I can't accept that. You're so nice. Have it for yourself."
He rolled his eyes, "Take it. You can offer me one if you really feel guilty but it was like less than 2000 won," he dropped it on your desk and sat back down.
"Are you sure this isn't a bribe for me to be your friend?" you joked, opening the box and tearing open the plastic.
"As if. I have tons of friends," he took a stick from the box you had presented out over to him.
"Humble, Jeonghan. Humble," you smiled, turning away, "Focus on your work. Thanks for the Pepero."
So Jeonghan did get your number and your social media. And so did all his friends apparently, because one by one, more and more people "followed by jeonghaniyoo_n" followed you too. With each boy, you would frantically DM the boy asking him what he had been telling them. Each time, he would just say that he just said he met a friend in the library.
Jeonghan got funnier and more chaotic the more time you spent with him. He would comment obscene things under your posts and upload the most unhinged stories on his socials. For the rest of the semester, you and Jeonghan would meet and cross paths in the library, sometimes planned and sometimes unplanned. If it was early enough, he would sometimes suggest a coffee or a drink in the café across the road when you left the library together. You studied, but you also found out a lot about Jeonghan considering he was so open.
You found out that he had about 10 times more friends than you and he seemed to somehow find time to spend with everyone even when the two of you would be at the library 3 or 4 times a week. You started meeting his friends two or three at a time. First, it was Seungcheol (who didn't recognise who you were and felt terrible that you knew you had a class together and he didn't) who came along to a library study session. To say the least, absolutely nothing got done in that hour and you were soon told off by the librarian for being so loud, after which you left (voluntarily). Next, Junhui and Minghao - 2 Chinese exchange students who both studied Dance. Jun was hilarious to you and Minghao was so captivating even with the little words he spoke. Jihoon and Soonyoung seemed total opposites when you bumped into them at the café, but Jeonghan told you that they were the best of friends. You had met Wonwoo, Seokmin and Mingyu just in passing when you saw Jeonghan in the halls of the medical building and decided to say hi. You got kicked out of the library for the 2nd time when Seungkwan, Vernon and Chan came to pick up Jeonghan for dinner and made so much chaos in the 5 minutes they were there that the librarian actually asked the group to leave. You joined them for dinner that night. You had only been told stories about Joshua, or Jisoo as they sometimes called him, but he was Jeonghan's best friend from 1st and 2nd year who was doing a year abroad in Los Angeles before starting his Medical studies.
Still, he did things that made you wonder how such a person like him exitsed. He would always get you a snack when he went to get coffee in the vending machines and squeeze your shoulders whenever you collapsed at your desk in frustration of the difficult content you were facing. They always said that 3rd year was the hardest.
Jeonghan was incredibly smart, but incredibly kind too. He would explain and re-explain content that you couldn't grasp and never look down at you for anything you didn't understand. He took notes for you when you couldn't be bothered to attend lectures and he brought you food for 3 days straight when you were down with the flu.
Over the year, your life changed and the boys began integrating themselves into your life. At one point, you even found yourself at lunches with his friends without you. Sure, you had friends before Jeonghan and you still do, but Jeonghan and his friends were so randomly welcoming to you and such great company that you started spending more and more time with them.
"Y/N. You're not even working," Jeonghan scowled, "Let's go to the café and work there."
He snapped you out of your trance and you began packing your things up, "Sorry. I was up late last night."
It was the end of the year and finals week. To say the least, no one had been getting sufficient sleep and you were ingesting copious amounts of coffee.
"Shua is coming back at the end of winter. End of February, I think. Just before the new year starts in March," Jeonghan said as you two strolled slowly to the café, "The group will be complete."
"I can't wait to meet him," you replied politely.
"Don't fall in love with him okay? You're my best friend!" he pouted, hanging onto your arm.
"Jeonghan! You've never said that about any of your other friends!" you exclaimed, laughing.
"But Joshua is handsome. And he's from LA. Has this whole cool vibe around him but he's actually a dork."
"Okay, you date him then."
"Just promise me!"
"I'm not going to date him, Jeonghan."
You met Joshua on his third day back to Korea when Jeonghan dragged you out to lunch with them. His Korean was rusty after a year back at home, but he spoke so softly but with so much excitement. He too was a medical student, but since he did the year abroad, he was an academic year behind you, Jeonghan and Seungcheol. He asked all about the year and all the exams and everything under the sun. Unsurprisingly, he too was great company and you put it down to Jeonghan being an amazing judge of character.
"Y/N?" Joshua hovered over you in the library in the second week of the new term, "Do you mind if I sit?"
You nodded enthusiastically and smiled at the boy, "How are you? How's it going so far?"
"I've done a week and a half of content and i'm already overwhelmed," he sighed, "I won't even ask you if it gets better because I know it doesn't. Have you seen Hannie today?"
You pondered, "No, I think he went home right after his classes today."
"Are you guys dating?"
You were taken aback by his abrupt question. You almost couldn't get your words out at the way you got flustered, "No. Not at all. He's my best friend and I'm one of his many. He would have told you if we were, right?"
"I don't know about that man sometimes," Joshua chuckled, "But okay, phew."
"Phew?" you raised your eyebrows.
"Phew," and then he turned away and began working.
Over your 4th year, Joshua and Seungcheol seemed to join your library sessions more and more often. Only the 3 of them were medical students in the group, so it made sense. Sometimes, Jeonghan got pouty about it since he wanted his alone time with you, his best friend outside that huge group (as much as he tried to convince you that you were part of that group, you weren't) and he liked the way the pair of you functioned in the year before. It was just routine to be together silently typing away slash crying in your little corner of the library.
You were at the library every day since you hated working in your apartment, but Jeonghan worked some evenings of the week. Soon, Joshua started turning up every day too, usually with coffee in hand for you or a snack. Soon, Joshua started to also do all the things Jeonghan had always done for you. Whenever Jeonghan would be working, Joshua would ask to go get dinner at the café across the road as a study break, and you never refused because you got hungry when studying.
It seemed as if Jeonghan never noticed and you never thought anything of it either since you were used to the treatment by Jeonghan, who never insinuated anything, so you thought it was all out of Joshua's kindness.
Joshua asked you out at the start of your 5th year, his 4th. You had noticed him get more and more forward at the end of the previous year, but you never thought too much of it. He was just being nice, right?
It was during a late night study session after hours had passed since Jeonghan and Seungcheol returned to their shared apartment. There was no one else at the library so late since it was again, the start of term, so it was just you and Joshua and bright lights illuminating rows and rows of pristine books.
"Hey, Y/N?" Joshua called over to you. You were falling in and out of sleep and his next question certainly woke you, "What do you think about going on a date? With me?"
A date? With Joshua? You had never considered it; well maybe once or twice whenever he'd do something flirty that Jeonghan had never dared to do, but you always dismissed the thoughts. You thought hard about it. Joshua was incredibly handsome and incredibly kind. He treated you often and you could hold a conversation. You were comfortable with Joshua, but were you comfortable in the same way as with Jeonghan? No- you had pushed those feelings away already that came up for Jeonghan every so often. You were allowed to explore. Besides, you were already 23 and never had a serious boyfriend nor had you tried dating as someone in their 20s often do ; those high school jerks didn't count.
Joshua looked at you with waiting eyes- hopeful eyes. You just couldn't say no.
"Han, can we talk?" you had encountered Jeonghan on his way into the library. He gave you a grin and hooked onto your arm as he changed his course to the café.
"Of course. I missed you! I haven't seen you in like 3 weeks! Work got so busy and I was always too tired to come to library," he pouted. You knew- he texted you everyday.
It had been 2 months since yours and Joshua's first date and he had taken you on 3 more since then.
"I have something to tell you," you treaded carefully. You didn't know how he would react but you hoped he would be happy for you.
His smile dropped, "What is it? You're making me nervous."
"I- um. Joshua asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday," you finally declared, your stomach turning in all directions.
His whole body stiffened as his arm fell from yours, "What?"
"We're- we're dating now. Officially," you clarified, "I ho-"
"I asked you not to date him. A year ago. You said you wouldn't," Jeonghan was looking at the floor, "Y/N?"
"It just happened, Han. He asked me on a date two months ago-"
"Two months ago? And you didn't tell me?" he spat, stepping away from you. You were metres away from the café, destined to never make it in, "What kind of a best friend are you?"
Your mouth dropped, "Jeonghan! I just wanted to see where it would go before I told you. And you were so busy with work-"
"It's my fault now?"
"No! Jeonghan, why are you acting this way?"
"What if you break up? And I have to choose between you? And you know I would choose you a million times over, but then I'd have to lose him," Jeonghan turned away from you. You hoped he wasn't crying.
"Han, don't think like that please. Are you made at me? I thought you'd be happy for me."
"I'm happy for you, Y/N, but I can't believe you both kept this from me."
He started increasing the distance between the two of you, still with his back turned.
"Han, I love you. You're my best friend. I don't want to lose you over this."
"I love you too, and that's why this is so much worse."
And then he walked away.
Joshua was the perfect first (real) boyfriend. He took you on dates, he called you beautiful, he supported you when you were struggling and he never did anything wrong. He always made you smile and blush and you really just couldn't fault him.
Jeonghan stopped appearing at the library. He did once, a week after you told him. You were even alone with seats around you, but he walked past you and put his headphones in. You wished that you had the courage to approach him and beg him to speak to you again, but you couldn't bring yourself to.
Four months after you told Jeonghan, Joshua had told you that Jeonghan stopped coming to things, or that he'd give excuses or cancel last minute. You had even called Seungcheol, but he softly asked you to not call about Jeonghan again before you could even say anything.
Six months after you lost your best friend, Joshua only attended every other meet up with the boys, because he knew Jeonghan wouldn't attend if he did.
You had asked him one day, cuddled into his chest if dating you was worth it to lost his best friend.
"But I got you," he rubbed the pad of his thumb on your cheek and pushed the hair back behind you ears, leaning in for a soft kiss, "Han will come around eventually."
You closed your eyes and burrowed yourself closer, "Did you ever talk to Jeonghan? After I told him?"
"I did," Joshua admitted softly, "He said the same things to me."
"Yeah? I hope he comes around for the sake of you and the boys," you mumbled against his hoodie. Inside, you just wanted your best friend back.
5th year crawled by slowly and felt more lonely than usual even though you had Joshua by your side. You got even closer with the friends you had before Jeonghan and you threw yourself into work. Somehow, in 6th year, you stopped seeing Jeonghan around, but that was probably because you got allocated to different hospitals to do your rotations in. He was probably enjoying his time away from you on the other side of the city.
"So," you began.
"No. Y/N, let's just be normal friends and talk about medical things like the medical students do," Seungcheol groaned from across you, grasping his steaming coffee mug in the middle of the hospital cafeteria.
"I wanna know how he is, Cheol," you pleaded, "He doesn't answer any of my messages and it's almost been a year! Cheol, I thought he'd be angry for like 2 months."
"You hurt him, Y/N. Both of you did. It felt like you betrayed him, even if that wasn't your intention."
You sighed and placed your head in your hands, "I just don't understand why, Seungcheol. I thought he'd get over it and be happy that his two best friends got along and were dating. I would never have excluded him or anything. I never cancelled any plans with Jeonghan for Joshua when me and Joshua were going on dates and hanging out. Just because I had a boyfriend didn't mean he couldn't be my best friend anymore."
Seungcheol's bleep started vibrating and he sighed deeply at his still half-full mug, "Joshua started doing things for you that Jeonghan had always done right? Think about that. See you at the wards, gotta take this."
Seungcheol's words plagued you for months after. You were confused by what he meant. Did he mean Jeonghan liked you? Or Jeonghan was hurt that Joshua would be replacing him? Even still, you knew that Jeonghan couldn't have liked you. He was so straight forward with everything else so if he did, he would have at the very least shown it.
You had just celebrated your one year anniversary with Joshua and you felt like you were happier than ever, but it always just felt like something was missing from your life. You guessed that Jeonghan's departure had a bigger impact on you that you thought.
Halfway through 6th year, you were coming to the end of the semester and preparing for end of semester exams again. You found yourself spending more and more time at the library and in your little corner of the school. Joshua had texted you that he would be going out to dinner with some of the people that he did clinical rotations with and Seungcheol was too tired after your own rotations at the hospital in West Seoul.
You mindlessly took a seat, leaving an empty seat between you and the next person. When you turned you head, you were shocked to find Jeonghan, head tilted down and headphones in.
Mouth agape, you almost scrambled up to leave before he noticed you, but he did.
You grinned awkwardly at the boy, "Jeonghan! You changed your hair!"
His hands reached up and fumbled with the short,  dark strands, "Yeah, I guess I did."
You liked the blonde on him, but his dark hair suited him in the same way; it was just different to the Jeonghan you knew.
"How's rotations?" you asked, not wanting to cut the conversation despite his eyes practically begging you to.
"Um, it's okay. Just how rotations are. Cheol says you have a good hospital," he replied. It hurt that he wasn't speaking to you in his normal, enthusiastic voice. He seemed diminished, or dimmed around you.
"Yeah, it's good," you gave him a tight lip smile.
"I- um. Happy birthday, by the way. For yesterday?" he offered, "I saw a video of Shua, Jihoon, Seungkwan and Seokmin performing that song. 20?"
Your heart melted at the fact he remembered. Or at least was kind of enough to greet you. You had spent the previous night at a swanky bar surrounded by all your friends.
"Thanks, Jeonghan. I wish you came."
From: Yoon Jeonghan | 3:00 AM
From: Y/N | 3:01 AM
Jeonghan? Why are you still awake? Are you okay?
From: Yoon Jeonghan | 3:05 AM
You kndow thayt song that youir boyfriend perfordmed for your birtday 2 months afgo
From: Y/N | 3:06 AM
Are you drunk?
[Call incoming from Yoon Jeonghan. Decline / Accept]
"Y/N. I'm drunk. I got drunk because we went out but I got sad."
"Jeonghan, why are you texting me?"
"Jihoon is a traitor. I hate him now too. And Seungkwan and Seokmin."
"Why? Over the song?"
"I wrote that song Y/N. Not Shua. Not even Jihoon. Not even the other two."
"You did?"
"At the end of our 4th year for Jihoon's final year project. It's mine, Y/N. It's mine."
"I'm sorry, Han. I didn't know."
"Don't call me that. I wrote that song. For you."
[The phone makes a noise to signal the phone being hung up.]
"What's wrong?" Joshua traced circles with his thumb onto your skin as he held your hand. It was the vacation after the end of the year and Joshua was leaving for Los Angeles the day after.
"You know the song you guys performed at my birthday 3 months ago?"
"Yeah?" Joshua visibly retracted from you and pulled his hand away, sensing your mood.
"Jeonghan called me drunk last month and he told me th-"
"That he wrote it about you?"
"You knew?" you sat up, "And you still made me think it was yours? Or Jihoon's? And you dedicated it to me knowing Jeonghan wrote it?"
"Y/N, why are you upset? Jeonghan never gave you the song, so why would I waste it?"
"Joshua, you knew that Jeonghan liked me?"
"Everyone did, Y/N. It was so obvious," Joshua scoffed, rolling his eyes, which infuriated you.
"And you still chose to ask me out? Without asking him first?" you gawked, standing up to leave.
"He never confessed to you. It's his fault for not confessing after 2 years, Y/N. Besides, would that have changed your mind?"
Your silence told him everything.
Joshua sighed, "I knew I could never be your Jeonghan no matter how much I tried. I love you, you know?"
"I need some time, Joshua."
"Are you breaking up with me? Over a song? Over Jeonghan? Seriously?"
"I'll see you after you get back from LA."
"I heard that you and Shua broke up," Seungcheol began warily. The two of you were at a coffee shop, catching up after Christmas, two days before your graduation.
"From where?"
"Ah. Yeah. Just issues about um, plagiarism?"
Seungcheol stifled a laugh unsuccessfully, "Plagiarism? Did he steal your work from your previous year and pass it as his own?"
"He sang the song Jeonghan wrote for me on my birthday and he knew Jeonghan wrote it about me," you sighed, "Why did everyone know apart from me?"
"I don't know Y/N. We all thought you were in love with him too and then you suddenly started dating Joshua," Seungcheol shrugged.
"In love?"
"You'll have to ask Jeonghan about that."
"Congratulations," Jeonghan approached you, flowers in hand, "For you."
"For me?" you gawked at the gorgeous bouquet of your favourite flowers, "Thanks Han. You too."
"You're coming to lunch right? With everyone?"
You paused, "I don't know Han. I don't wanna ruin your-"
"You should come. I want you to come," he gave you a small smile.
"Best friends! We did it!" Seungcheol was hyper as he swung an arm around each of you and pulled you in tight, "Eomma! Take a picture!"
You and Jeonghan were groaning in secret delight and mid-grin, you caught Jeonghan's eyes that softened.
"Jeonghan, you better smile or I swear to God- cheese!"
Seungcheol's mother indicated she topped taking pictures and continued talking to Jeonghan's parents.
"Y/N, are you coming to-"
"She is," Jeonghan interrupted, "Let's get these robes off and get going. Jihoon's and Wonwoo's cars just left. Is Shua here, Y/N?"
"No, he's still in Los Angeles." He had texted you congratulations that morning though.
"He didn't come for your graduation?" Jeonghan's eyes were wide as if he were offended.
"We broke up a couple of months ago."
"You did? Oh."
Seungcheol grinned awkwardly between the two of you.
"Happy first day of residency, Dr. Y/L/N," Jeonghan breathed next to you, looking up at the looming hospital building the same way you are.
"You too, Dr. Yoon," you mumbled, "I can't do this. They're going to shout at me. I don't know anything."
Jeonghan chuckled, shoving a disposable coffee cup in your cold hands, "6 years of medical school for you to doubt yourself? C'mon, Y/N. Let's go inside. Lunch together, yes?"
It was by pure luck slash fate that you and Jeonghan were allocated the same hospital in Seoul to complete your residencies at. Unfortunately, Seungcheol was an hour commute away just outside of Seoul, but still lived with Jeonghan in their bachelor's pad.
The two of you joined the group of junior doctors awkwardly hanging around in the foyer. Eventually, you were given an introductory talk and sent off into separate wards to begin your training. Jeonghan was separated from you, as suspected, but you were told everyone would be given the same lunch slot.
Since it was the first day, the staff took it easy on you and arranged the day to mostly be about getting to know your surroundings and the actual processes for the ward. There were a few other older residents who gave you advice (don't even dream of nice, long sleeps and make sure you have a big water bottle) and consultants who greeted you warmly.
"I think my consultant hates me already," Jeonghan slammed his tray on the table, causing it to shake.
"It's the first day, Jeonghan. What have you done?" You knew the boy could cause quite a ruckus due to his incredibly big brain but incredibly snarky tone and large pride.
"It wasn't my fault! I just said that the paracetamol brand he described wasn't in regular use anymore after a study done last year. It's not my fault these old hags can't keep up with their fields!"
You looked around to see if anyone heard you, "Jeonghan! Don't say that around here. You probably said it in your mean tone so lay off it for a while okay? We're bottom of the barrel here."
Jeonghan groaned deeply and started stabbing into his food, "Maybe i'm going to die, Y/N. Before we even date."
You punched his arm and turned away as your cheeks heated up, "Who says we're gonna do that?"
"Me. I said," he huffed, "Just wait."
A month into residency, you begin having lunch with the other residents. You and Jeonghan were the only ones who came from your university and the others all didn't know each other either. They all seemed to be nice, except a little problem you liked to call: Jeonghan's insane ability to attract crushes on him wherever he went. Enter Yoona, a Yonsei graduate with gorgeous, long black hair that whipped back and forth in a pony tail as she strutted wherever she went. The worst part is, she just wasn't that bad of a person. So, when Yoona started sitting next to Jeonghan at lunch and asking about his day and giving him coffee, you felt guilty feeling jealous.
You and Jeonghan hadn't said anything about your relationship ever since you and Joshua broke up. Sure, you started hanging out more after graduation and yes he'd buy you coffee and snacks and go grocery shopping with you and invite you to cafés or to go shopping and was sending you memes and texting you every day. But he never said if he liked you.
To be fair, when he was drunk, he only said that he wrote that song for you in 4th year. He liked you in 3rd and 4th year. He never said anything about now.
"Y/N," Yoona caught up to you in the corridor one day after lunch, "You've known Jeonghan for a while now, right?"
"Yes, we went to SNU together."
"Do you know him well? Do you know if he has a girlfriend?"
You grimaced as you shook your head, "Nope. He doesn't."
Her eyes lit up, "Really? Okay. Don't tell him I asked. Gotta run." Her pager began beeping as she started running, "Thanks Y/N! Bye."
You hadn't intended to say anything to Jeonghan at all, until he encountered you also in the corridor two days later.
"Yoona just asked for my number," he deadpanned with glaring eyes, "Because you said that I don't have a girlfriend."
"You don't. Yoona is gorgeous and smart. You'd look great together."
"You're impossible," he rolled his eyes and stomped away, "Dinner at our flat. Cheol is cooking."
"Should I invite Yoona?" you called out teasingly after him, to which he flipped you off.
"Yoona asked me out on a date," Jeonghan mentioned casually as the two of you walked up to his apartment 3 weeks later.
"Did you say yes?" you hummed as if you weren't that interested. You were.
"No, i'm not interested in dating at the moment," he said.
"I'm not interested in dating her," he clarified, "We should go on a date soon."
You laughed, "That's not the way to ask a girl, Yoon Jeonghan."
He rolled his eyes at you, "Do you want to go on a date with me, Y/N?"
"Say it like you mean it."
"Stop torturing me. You know I hate this."
"Yeah, I enjoy it," you smirked, "Jihoon gave me a copy of that song you know? Of just you singing it."
"Oh yeah? Did you like it? I'm sure their voices were better than mine when they performed it at your party."
You had reached the front door, but before Jeonghan could unlock it, you grabbed his arm and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, "I really loved it. You should sing it for me some day."
Jeonghan's arms were wrapped around you tightly as you cuddled on his couch. Seungcheol had groaned at the sight of the two of you when he returned from the hospital and stomped into his room, pointedly slamming the door on his way. An episode of Friends was playing on the TV, but neither of you had been paying attention.
Jeonghan had taken you out on the most tranquil and beautiful first date the day before at a flower field just outside of Seoul for the morning. He then paid for your lunch at the farm kitchen and took you for an afternoon coffee at the café you used to frequent across the street from the library. By the end of it, the both of you were staring up at the third floor of the building across the street, reminiscing each memory you had in your little corner of the library.
He placed a kiss on your forehead to snap you out of your trance, "What are you thinking about?"
"University," you hummed, "A good time."
"Not so good for me when I had to spend 2 years away from my best friend," he huffed, glaring at you, "Did you ever like me though? At all?"
"Mhm, loads. When we first met, when you took care of me when I was sick, when we did that road trip in the summer, when we had that snowball fight on campus, when-"
"Why did you never tell me?"
"I wasn't going to tell someone I thought didn't like me that. I just thought you were really nice and treated everyone else the same. Why didn't you tell me?" You countered.
"Have you ever seen me buy coffee for Cheol? No. You haven't," Jeonghan replied, "I liked you so much and I was going to give you the song at the start of 5th year, then you told me you were dating Shua."
"I know. I'm sorry. Miscommunication lost us 2 years," you sighed, "Speaking of, Shua needs help with the KLME and he asked for help. Have you spoken to him recently?"
"Mhm, unlike him, I had the courtesy to ask if it was okay if I took you on a date," Jeonghan nodded, "Except you were mine first."
"No I wasn't," you rolled your eyes.
"Yes you were," he argued.
"I'm still not yours," you pointed out.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
"Nuh-uh, I told you. You have to say it."
"No!" Jeonghan groaned, "Stop torturing me!"
"Say it. No, sing it."
"Fine. I hate you," he huffed, but kissed your forehead before he started singing, "I wanna be your morning baby. From now on, be alright. Spend it together, morning baby; I want you to be my night. Everything you think of will become all of me. Look at me and be my lady. You're my twenties."
You grinned at his divine vocals and nodded furiously, reaching up and connecting your lips to his for the first time.
"Absolutely not," Jeonghan fumed as he saw your figure that tried to recoil away as you saw him approaching, "Absolutely freaking not."
"Han! I need to study! Leave me alone," you whined, closing your laptop as you knew you weren't getting out of this. You got a good hour of work done anyway.
"It's your birthday," he emphasised and tugged on your arm, "C'mon, let's go to the café. I got you a cake," he held up the small box he carried by the ribbon.
You rolled your eyes and bit back a smile. It was your 21st birthday and you had planned to celebrate with your friends for dinner at your flat, but you thought you could try to sneak in a few hours of work before the party. Jeonghan had realised this when you said you'd just meet him later at the party instead of get lunch with him.
"I can't believe you went all the way across campus," you muttered, hooking your arm along with his, "We're celebrating later anyway."
"But I want to celebrate with you alone too," he pouted, "Because you're my best friend."
"Seungcheol is your best friend."
"No, you're my best friend too," he kissed your cheek as you exited the elevator. The poor woman coming in must have wondered why you were the colour of a tomato.
Sitting down at the café and served with free drinks from Chan, who had got a job there, Jeonghan revealed the cake. It was just a small lunchbox cake but in your favourite shade of pink, rose quartz. There were small little white flowers and clouds dotted around, along with thick, chunky icing reading "hbd bestie. ily<3". There was a small angel drawing at the top, resembling what you always called him, and a cat to represent your cat plasters.
"Do you like it?" Jeonghan grinned.
"It's cute. I love it," you returned the smile and pinched his cheeks, "Thank you, Han. You're an angel."
"Jeonghan? Are you crying? I thought you were going to the library with Y/N?"
Jeonghan cried all the way home. Like a baby.
"I hate him, Cheol. He betrayed me."
"Who did?"
"Shua and Y/N are dating," Jeonghan spat out and collapsed face down into the couch, still crying.
Seungcheol's eyes widened and he raced to the boy, patting his back, "Shua knows you like Y/N. Why would he do that? I'm sorry Han. Maybe if you tell her how you feel-"
"No. Why would she agree to date Joshua if she liked me? I'm never talking to her again."
"Jeonghan, don't be rash. She's your best friend."
"She betrayed me," he cried out, at the verge of wailing at this point.
"She doesn't know how you feel, Han," Cheol tried to comfort the sobbing boy softly.
"But it's so obvious. She's the only one I buy Pepero for," Jeonghan sniffled, "What if I beat up Shua?"
"No, Jeonghan. You can't do that."
"I'm going to jump Joshua Hong."
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jayflrt · 2 years
Ahh Alice 🥰 yeah summer classes are WHEW I'm taking 2. One is a 5 week session so it ends next week and I'm hype 🤩 we literally had a test every week in that class and we'd do a new chapter of material every single day it was INSANE but I think I'm gonna get an A in the class so that's all that really matters, right??! The other class is either 8 or 10 weeks idk but it ends late July! That one is definitely still accelerated but definitely more manageable that the other. Even tho my professor wants us to read over 100 pages in the textbook while also watching 4 hours worth of lecture videos 🙃 but at least I have a week to do that rather than a night jsjjssj but since I'll still have the other class I don't expect really doing anything over the summer :(( it's my first summer away from my family 😭 hopefully I'll be able to go home for a weekend or something but I don't expect doing anything exciting other than that 🥲 but since I'm at my apartment I spend time with my roommates when I can and I've made some new friends through them so I'm dealing with it well :)
And yes oml ofc I thought of you 🥺 my favorite enha account!! I've been in Enha feels so bad bc of iland ndnsnsns I've had my enha Playlist on repeat and I think I listened to attention please 75 times in one day so... 😳 I've been spending most of my breaks between hw watching their videos hehe it feels like I'm stanning all over again! I love it tho 🥰 I stayed up later than I should have (I still have lots of hw to do today) last night watching their Weverse crack videos 💀 my ult group is on weverse now so I'm active more on there than I used to be so the videos hit harder now since I know the struggles LOL plus I'm in the big enhypen discord and they're doing a 2 year anniversary event where your favorite pics and stuff and yeah IN THE FEELS!! Is there any work of yours that you're most proud of that you'll want me to check out first?? Doesn't have to be enha either~ I'm excited to get back into reading bc I really do love it 🥺 I expect my fall semester is going to be very similar in terms of insane workload so I'm going to try and enjoy the freedom as much as I can starting in a week 🙏🏻 I love you! 💙
oh my gosh my college also offers 5 week summer session courses and it’s sooo grueling 🤧 last time i was literally thinking “i never wanna do this again” LOL so props to you for sticking through 🤩 you’re gonna do great and get to enjoy a fun summer ahead i just know it 💗💗 YESSS COP THAT A !!! and a test a week is so brutal 😭😭 like i thought two midterms was bad but .. a test …….. a week 😰
i’m glad your other class is manageable tho !! that’s a nice break from your five week course 🤧 also omg i’m glad it ends july so you still have some break to relax during (i think) 🥰 omg nooo :(( i hope it feels homey where you’re living at least! and i’m glad you have your roommate and friends to keep you company <33 i’m also here if you ever wanna talk :’))
PLSSS IM SO TOUCHED 🥺🥺💖💖 so insane bc we talked on my nct blog before this blog even existed !!! ATTENTION PLEASE SUPREMACY 🤩 i constantly loop upperside dreaming it’s tooooo good 😮‍💨 and getting back into a group is such a fun feeling :’) i’ve been watching more enha content recently too and i’m glad bc it makes me feel more excited for their cb ♡ also omg i hope you get to finish your work soon and get some rest! 🤧🤧
AHH THATS SUCH A SWEET QUESTION HAHAH :’)) i suppose i’m pretty proud of my spiderjake fic “i’ll save your (again)” on my enha masterlist :o but tbh feel free to just read whichever piques your interest !! i know sometimes ppl are just in the mood to read for a different group or different genre so just go for whatever you like 💝
AHH SAME IM SCARED FOR THE FALL QUARTER LMAODJD for once i actually got all the classes i wanted !! downside: i had to take an 8 am section 😵‍💫 so i will be suffering this fall 😭 also love u too !!! <33
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studylilo-blog · 6 years
Today is the 2nd week of school (or 14th week of school, to be exact) after the June holidays and it’s when the actual teaching and learning begins. The 1st week was full of taking back results for the mid-term test we had the week before the 3 week June holiday and chatting about what to expect this term and minimal teaching. 
SOOO results. I would say i’m not entirely pleased with myself and expected to get better results for certain modules and some really surprised me. Here is a summary:
CLEANROOM: 55/75 = 74% = B (one more mark to B+ .-.)
BIOCHEMISTRY: 43/50 = 86% = A 
BIOMATERIALS: 38.5/50 = 77% = B+
BIOMECHANICS: 58/100 = D+ 
BIOFLUIDS: 76/100 = B+
Note: These results are not final and each carries a different weightage of about 20% to the overall grade of the module. The grades that i’ve put at the side are just a guide for me to gauge my final results so i know what to expect. 
Let me talk about each result and my thoughts about it. Here comes the long ass part so just skip this if you don’t want to read my recount and reflection.
CLEANROOM: I was expecting to get an A. I mean i’m not mad with my B but i genuinely thought i would score an A for it because I felt like my answers were well-answered and it was one of the exams that i felt confident in as i was well-prepared and memorised the content thoroughly. I will say that i am disappointed and i will definitely work better for my assignment and the upcoming semestral exam that is 50% weightage to make up for this blunder that i do not understand.
BIOCHEMISTRY: This was one of the unexpected ones. After the exam, I was not confident that i did well and expected a B because i could not answer one of the long answer questions properly and it’s the highest marks in the whole paper. I managed to write something for it because i read the part before the exams and had a slight impression so i just wrote that down and prayed for the best. When the paper came back, i was awarded 5/6 marks for it and it did not feel good. It felt as if i was cheating although i didn’t, but i just felt like i didn’t deserve the 5 marks because i smoked through it. That being said, I will work on my memorisation skills, prepare earlier and study everything for the next test instead of trying to spot chapters because it’s always good to be prepared when the materials are already provided and it’s not even that much. JUST STUDY.
BIOMATERIALS: This was definitely an unexpected one because i did not prepare for it well at all. I was expecting myself to fail or barely pass because i only read through the content once hours before the exam. During the test, I smoked my way through some short-answer questions with some common sense and guessed several MCQs cause i had zero clue. When the teacher showed the list of results, i thought i read it wrongly because the person above me scored 53 and the one below is 91 (but i’m definitely not that cause that’d be a miracle with my half-ass answers) and so i was seriously thoroughly shooketh with my 77. 
BIOMECHANICS: This is my low point this semester. I was underprepared and was rushing to finish tutorials until wee hours in the morning but i could not. When i opened the paper, i was overwhelmed and could not think of the method to do for some questions and had to skip here and there until i thought of it. Definitely need to start earlier and be more consistent with my studying. Last minute work is never good for me (except for some miracles). 
BIOFLUIDS: I was quite disappointed cause i thought i could get A worthy marks.  I thought that i would only be getting 1 question wrong but i had some careless mistakes here and there and that caused me to have B+ marks. I have to be more prepared for this too. I only did the past year paper and tutorial before the exam and that’s definitely a no-no for the upcoming one. 
BIOSTATISTICS: This is my pride and honour hahaha. I felt rather confident after this paper as i was well-prepared and my cheat sheet served me well. Although there were a few questions that i felt iffy about, I felt like i could get at least 80 marks (which is A ). When i got my marks, I saw that i got 79.5 and i was like NOOOOO cause that’s just 0.5 marks away from A and i was kinda disappointed in myself. Then the teacher said they will round up to 80 and i was like yay but not really cause it’s not what i actually earned. Moreover, my classmate sitting beside me got 81 (that was the highest) and it just didn’t settle well with me cause i felt like i could have gotten an 80 or more. Not to gloat or anything, but i was just like “ogei nvm” in my brain cause 79.5 is already considered good considering that only 3 people scored above 70 and my classmates who are scholars did not do well, so i felt kinda happy but not really HAHA. ANyways, after the teacher (mi luv) went through the questions and we were checking our marks, i realised that she missed out on my 4 marks and so I got 83.5 (which is rounded off to 84) WOOHOOO and i was really happy this time because i worked hard in class, paying attention to mi luv, answering her questions and being 10000% present 95% of the time. SO basically, i’m really proud of myself for getting this mark and my investment in mi luv’s lessons really paid off haha. I’m not joking, i really love this teacher HAHA idk why but to me, she’s a cute old lady that teaches well in her own slow-mo manner and alot of my classmates don’t like her but see where that got them HUEHUEHEUHEU my investment in mi luv proved to be gre8t okai i shall stop gloating hehe. 
I should be more consistent with my studying and start earlier. Do my work conscientiously and properly. Do my tutorials on time so i can clarify any doubts during lesson time way before the exam period. I CAN DO DEEZ!
- Li
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