#well in this case a sunflower bc I couldn’t get the literal sun on this
watmalik · 4 months
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I fixed it.
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Being with Roger would include...
A/N: This is my first time doing headcanons so please feel free to give me criticism!
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Meeting him:
Deaky had been the one to introduce you both
Roger called Deaky, hoping he wasn't busy
And Deaky had invited him to come to help him help a friend fix her grandparents garden
And bc drummer boy had no one nothing to do
So he came to the address
There you were
Bent over, pulling old soil out of a pot that was basically falling apart
Roger could barely pull his eyes away from your ass until Deaky nudged him
“You’re staring, Rog,” Deaky warned
Bc we stan a protective best friend
And Roger rolled his eyes
He knew he wanted you.
From what he could see at least
So your ass, basically
Then you turned around, pulling a glove off to wipe your forehead
Leaving a brown stain across it
It was hot as fuck
So everyone, yourself included, was wearing shorts
Your brother had even taken his shirt off
You were wearing a light blue tank top, a dark stain decorating the front of it with denim shorts
Your knees were bruised from kneeling on the floor to pull up dirt
But Roger felt his heart sink
You were already taken
His eyes wandered over to your brother
Not knowing that he was, well, your brother
Suddenly, you sprinted over to Deaky
And wrapped your arms around the fluffy haired boi
“Hey, Deaks! Thanks for coming to help!”
“Hi, love, no problem. It’s nice that you’re helping your grandparents”
Deaky felt Roger tense beside him
But as soon as you both made eye contact, you daren’t look away
He was gorgeous
Big blue eyes and soft blonde hair
Your mind just went “woah”
Roger felt very much the same
Before Roger could even introduce himself, you had pulled him into a hug
Boy was s h o o k
But you pulled away as quickly as you had hugged him
“Sorry, I’m a hugging person. Name’s (Y/N)”
You were grinning and looked so shy behind your pink tinted sunglasses
Rogie just fell for you right there
He was so fucking anxious tho
He’d never felt like this for anyone
So he pushed it aside
Hoping it would go away
(It didn't)
“Hey, sweetheart. I’m Rogah Taylah,”
You couldn't help but giggle at the way he pronounced his name
Roger’s heart fucking soared
“Good to meet you. Thanks for coming,”
A little girl ran towards you before Roger could say anything
Roger’s heart sunk more as you picked her up, spinning her in circles
“Auntie (Y/N)!”
Poor boy felt like he could breathe again
“Hiya, Ally! How was school? Was your daddy late again?”
Deaky had already wandered off, taking position by your grandparents, chatting to them as he weeded one of the healthier flowerbeds.
“Daddy wasn’t late!” Your niece cheered
“When I was your age, your daddy was always late picking me up! Now, why don’t you go help your daddy over there!”
Ally sped off and Roger couldn't keep his eyes off of you
Boy was whipped already and he didn’t even realize it
You turned back to the blonde and he snapped his eyes away
Fucking embarrassing
But you just smiled at him, grabbing his hand with your gloveless one and tugging him over to where you had been working.
Deaky watched as red rose on his friend’s cheeks, eyes narrowed slightly.
It turns out, you were emptying a broken pot to replant some sunflowers in a new pot
You gently instructed him on what to do, adjusting your sunglasses every so often before gesturing for him to start on the pot next to your own.
Eventually, he got to work, following your instructions and pulling the old soil out of the pot, only to have the pot begin to crumble a few seconds later.
You laughed at the panicked expression on his face as he desperately shovelled the soil from the pot into a bag.
Roger suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe, his heart fluttering at the sound
That boy fucking  B L U S H E D
After fifteen minutes or so, Roger had shrugged off his jacket, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows
And you couldn’t stop watching the muscles in his arms move whenever he moved.
However, despite how secretive obvious you were being
Roger caught you and sent a wink your way.
Your cheeks turned pink, and you turned back to the sunflowers you were planting.
Roger then noticed the new pots had delicate sunflowers adorning the bottom of them
“Did you do that?”
You looked up in surprise
No one else had noticed
“Did you paint the sunflowers onto the pot?”
“Um, yeah. It’s probably weird. I just like sunflowers,”
“It’s not weird. It’s cute. I love it,”
Your stomach felt like it was full of butterflies
“C’mon we need to finish planting these then we can start getting some of the weeds out of the grass and refill the bird feeders,”
It was then that your dog, a fluffy husky with heterochromia eyes decided it was the perfect time to jump on you.
You toppled sideways, falling into Roger’s eyes and you both burst out into warm laughter.
Everyone’s eyes looked over to you and they all smiled while your dog, Alfie just barked at you.
So you hopped up to get him some more water and a little of the food you had stashed at your grandparents just in case.
As soon as you’re gone, Deaky wanders over, leaving your brother and niece with your grandparents.
Deaky’s cleaning off one of the outside ornaments that had been a little neglected in its time in your grandparents garden
“So, you seem to be getting on with (Y/N) very well,”
“Yeah, she’s lovely-”
“Cut the bullshit, Roger. You like her. I just want you to know if you hurt my best friend, I will fucking end you, band or not,”
Roger gulped and nodded harshly, directing his eyes back to the sunflower he was trying to plant
“Need some help there, Rog?” You came back outside, placing the bowl of food and water in the shaded area your grandparents were sat
But you bent over
And all rog could see were your boobs
And that boy nearly melted
And not because of the sun either ;)
But Deaky saw and kicked the drummer a little too harshly before going to help your sister-in-law with trimming some of the overgrown bushes
“Uh, n-no, I- I think I’m alright th-thanks, love,” Roger snapped his eyes away from you
“Really because you’re trying to put more seeds in instead of soil?”
You were teasing but Roger could feel his ears heating up.
But by the time the garden is finished, a whole six hours after you’d started, it was all worth it.
You were all sweating profusely, covered in dirt
But your grandparents were overjoyed.
So, you began loading some of the rubbish bags into your car to take them to a gardening recycling centre on your way home
Roger and Deaky were helping
You happened to come out as Roger was struggling to pick up a particularly heavy bag
Then you just lifted it up like it weighed nothing
That's when he fell in love
“It was nice to meet you, Roger,” You smiled after strapping your dog into the back seat of your car.
The drummer scratched his neck
“It was nice meeting you too, darling,”
Without another word, you pressed a bit of paper into his hand and kissed his cheeks before adjusting your sunglasses and getting in your car.
Roger grinned as you drove off
You’d given him your phone number
Being with him:
Calls you sunflower
Him being the best dad to your fur baby
Cuddles all the time
Constantly holding hands
In the studio? Must hold hands
At a dinner with his bandmates or your friends? His fingers are locked with yours
Sex? You can bet that boy is holding your hands tighter than ever before
He’s your best lay ever btw
Him constantly waking you up with late nights drumming sessions
When Queen gets big, he buys a huge house with a massive garden
And you two spend every spare moment in the garden
Decorating the place with sunflowers
Loves bringing you to shows
Because right at the end he gets to take you on stage for a few seconds 
And he likes showing you off
Gets so fucking mad if he hears a groupie talking shit about you
or anyone for that matter
Brian literally had to pull Roger off of Paul after he called you a slut
Roger nearly fucking murdered him
Deaky is so protective
He’s constantly asking if Roger’s treating you right
Honestly, Deaky is glad you’ve found someone who makes you happy
He just knows roger’s reputation
But because he spends so much time with Roger, he can make sure Roger doesn’t cheat
When Roger proposes, it's so calm
he hadn’t even been planning it
he just blurted it out one morning before he left for tour.
But he didn’t regret asking you
not one bit
He fucking adores you and your husky.
You both own his heart
He doesn’t know who he’d be without you
Tears are rolling down your cheeks and you nod silently, pulling the blonde into a kiss
and you’re both so happy.
Life couldn’t get any better
tags:   @writingfortoomanyfandoms @metaphorical-love-for-a-car@queens-n-roses @freaky-dcaky @yourealegendfred@fierce-bab@dusthas-beenbitten  @bensroger @iaminlovewithmydrums @strangeandwonderfulconcepts @babebenhardy @benhardyjones @silvver-rose  
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