#well now hazel/frank is the FAILURE jason/reyna. to me
hazellvsq · 7 months
roman prequels where the 4 main roman characters were all there for at least a few years together. jason and reyna are the main characters dealing with the impending titan wars, their own rises to power and relationship as co-leaders, and their tragic pasts. hazel and frank are the secondary leads who despite having equally compelling plotlines exist solely to provide comedic B plots. like so:
plot A: jason fights sirens who tempt him with the truth that he never wanted power and wants more than anything to escape.
plot B: hazel gets stuck in a tunnel and has to get frank to dig her out before she misses evening role call.
plot A: reyna negotiates an uneasy political truce with the amazons, complicated by not knowing that her sister was now the leader.
plot B: frank's grandma turns up and keeps EMBARASSING him in the dining hall by yelling about his destiny or whatever.
plot A: dramatic heart-wrenching flashbacks to jason's abandonment
plot B: flashback where hazel's death is scored to looney tunes sound effects
the two plotlines usually intersect in some convoluted way. the sitcom continuity button resets at the end of each installment - reyna and jason never lose their positions no matter how badly they mess up, frank and hazel never come off probation even if they do something right. if either pair fights or admits to romantic feelings, it gets resolved at the installment's end with no change in the status quo of the relationship. the biggest developments come from the story's tone - what starts as one tale of heroism and another tale of comedy dovetail into an increasingly dark and absurd overarching plotline about the futility of "new rome"
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mcmactictac · 3 years
Hello and welcome to the 7 (plus nico and Reyna) watching Encanto headcanons
Leo- likes Camilo. Projects on him and laughs about it as a funny joke. He jokes about being the handsome guy who makes everyone laugh. Sees Julieta and mirabel interact and is no longer laughing. That scene in the kitchen messes him up, he misses his mom so badly. Also being the most fluent Spanish speaker, he picks up on most of the little references and stuff. if people have questions about something he will turn to them and explain what it means. Dos oruguitas Is an incredibly sad song and all of his joking stops when he hears it. He hums the song for days after they watch it and grows to find it comforting. Really appreciates all of the subtle things in the movie that make him go “hey, I do that”
Hazel- her mother reminds her of abuela. She sees herself as Bruno because she also feels outcasted for powers she can’t control. She did the best she could and cared for her mom but it was never enough. The same way Bruno never met Abuelas expectations, she feels like a failure, a curse. Always felt very isolated and out of place when she came back. She feels bad about how poorly he was treated and thinks he forgave abuela too quickly.
Annabeth- Percy did the 👀 thing everyone jokes about to annabeth when surface pressure came on. She totally relates to carrying too much. She won’t say anything but she also feels like Isabella. Especially on her relationship with her mom and Isabella’s relationship with abuela. She wishes she could be perfect and seen as good enough, despite it being inauthentic. It’s refreshing for her to see Isabella let go and grow by letting go of her expectations for herself. She thinks it’s a good movie but will choose to repress any emotions that come with it
Percy- this movie messes with Percy to his core. He’s got a split of Luisa and Mirabel. Man has WAY too much pressure placed on his shoulders yet always feels disconnected from those around him. Julieta and agustin remind him of Sally and Paul. Hispanic Percy lives rent free in my mind so dos orguitas has him absolutley SOBBING and annabeth is like bro are you good. Percy is just doing the silent sob to not get peoples attention. He also thinks about annabeth as Luisa first, talks with her about it and she’s like “yeah but you really remind me of her too like think about these lyrics” and Percy takes a second and is like. “Wait. I AM carrying too much.” He’s also a huge Bruno sympathizer and thinks he deserves so much better.
Frank- Frank thinks this is a great movie! His grandmother and abuela are very similar to him and sees a lot of the sane traits reflected. The unintentional passing of trauma. He relates to mirabel and is not afraid to say it. He heard waiting on a miracle and was kinda like :o . He spent so long waiting on a chance to be recognized, for someone to really SEE him and even after he gets the blessing from Mars he still feels lost like Mirabel is. Likes the end of the movie with the resolution between Mirabel and abuela. He also adores Antonio. Would protect him with his life.
Piper- I’m gonna say she sees herself as Dolores now let me explain myself. She’s always cast aside but not in a Mirabel way. Like she’s there but is just kinda off to the side and no one really pays her any attention. She’s powerful and empathetic, a wonderful character who struggles to find her place and what to do with her family. She’s there, but not quite there. Although this movie isn’t as impactful for her she still talks about how it’s a good movie that showcases intergenerational trauma really well. It’s not a concept she’s foreign too, she just doesn’t feel pulled toward one particular character
Jason- Jason’s just vibing. He relates to Isabella and Luisa but not on an earth shattering level. He goes mhm yeah I get that and moves on. He also sees lupa as abuela and does not see a problem with it. Jason would pull up like “yeah I think abuela was right to be so hard on Mirabel it made her stronger” and 8 different heads spin towards him. He doesn’t really get it. Piper and Leo have to have the “this is not acceptable behaviour and this movie shows the dysfunctional relationship in this family. This is not healthy behaviour” talk with him. It’s awkward
Reyna- my god did she see Isabella at first and go uh the pretty girl gets everything so easy and then she sang and she was like ahaha. Wait. If anyone asks, she did not find any character in the movie super relatable but she thought it was good. Dos oruguitas was a hard hit for her. Hylla reminds her of Luisa
Nico- I know Nicos Italian but I feel like he knows a decent amount of Spanish. My brain just says he picked it up growing up. This movie messes him up and not why everyone thinks. It’s the end with dos oruguitas that ruins his life because it reminds him of Bianca? Like the way abuela is sobbing on the ground all alone that sends him right back to when he learned Bianca was dead. The song reminds him of Bianca. Leo and Reyna understand the words but doesn’t get why it hits him so hard. Percy gets the words but It takes him a while after watching it to understand why it was so hard for Nico. But it’s random one day when Leo is humming it as Nico is in the room and Nico tenses up a bit and Percy has the “oh” moment. He blames himself for making Nico relate to that song. Shocker to no one, Nico is also a big Bruno fan/sympathizer though not really a kin. Nico would have left and never gone back.
These are all just random headcanons of mine but I’d love to hear any other thoughts on it!
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hola-ninos · 4 years
You  ll  Part 4
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Summary - After coming back to find Nico gone from Camp Jupiter, you meet an old friend who takes you with them on their new adventure.
Word Count - 1.2k
Warnings - there isn’t anything bad, except for spoilers of Mark of Athena and a very upset Hazel.
A/N - Sorry it took so long! I’ve been having a rough time with school and sports, and I’ve also hit a writer's block while trying to think about what would happen in these. I just started re-reading Mark of Athena, so that gave me a renewed sense of inspiration. Let me know if you liked it!
“Annabeth?” you said, staring at the girl who had just judo flipped your brother. “Y/n?” she replied, smiling before running to scoop you up in a hug. “Girl, I thought you were dead!” she squealed, giving you another squeeze before turning back to Percy. After your quest with Percy, Hazel, and Frank, you not only regained most of your memory, but you also learned that Nico was gone. He had warned you that night, after explaining what you were in your past life, that bad things were going to happen when he went to the Underworld. That things might be wrong. He made you promise that, no matter what, you wouldn’t go after him. You crossed your fingers, promising yourself that you would be there to protect him, no matter what. The night after the fight with the giants was tense. Reyna had told you how Nico had left and been gone for the entire time you were. You had a sick feeling that this time wasn’t like the others, and no matter how hard you tried to shake it, you knew he was in trouble. Even Hazel knew. She had said something at dinner when Annabeth was asking about your quest. After a few sushi rolls and Percy glaring at you, the weirdest thing happened. Shots were being fired at the Roman City. You watched as Octavian climbed down from the Argo II, screaming about how Leo had gone crazy. You were immediately mobbed by countless angry Romans. You ran to the nearest water fountain, Percy joining you only seconds later. After a very quick failure of trying to calm the mob, you followed Annabeth and Percy up the rope ladder of the ship. Getting to the top and finding Leo loading the ballistas to fire at the city. Percy tackled him, and Annabeth made a hasty escape, turning the boat away from the angry Romans. As Annabeth landed the ship about 69 miles away, you grabbed a medical kit for Leo. ‘Nice’ you thought, cleaning up Leo’s wounds. This was going to be a rough trip.
Well that was rough.
You left them alone for 5 minutes, and Percy comes back with a hoof imprint on the back of his head. Piper explained why that had happened, but still. If you were Blackjack, you would have run away too. Dinner was just as bad, Piper having to charmspeak some evil eidolons out of Jason, Percy, and Leo. Today was hard, and you were finally ready for a good night's sleep. Unclipping your necklace, you let one of Nicos rings fall into your hand. He had given it to you, the night before he left. He had promised he would come back, and explain everything. He left the cabin that night, kissing your cheek and promising everything would be ok. Luckily he hadn’t swore on the River of Styx, or he would be in big trouble. You slipped on his ring before hopping into your bed. Finally trying to rest, you fell into a nightmarish sleep. 
“We need him alive for a few more days,” one of them says. There’s two. They look the same, twins. Giant twins, which could only mean one thing; Otis and Ephialtes. “Otherwise, the seven won’t take the bait and rush to save him.” Him? Who was this boy they had captured? “Hmm, I suppose. I’d like a little more screaming. The slow death is boring. Ah, well, what about our talented friend? Is she ready to receive her visitor?” One of them made a sour face, looking at the other with a very crabby look. “I really don’t like talking to her. She makes me nervous.” 
“But is she ready?” “Yes,” the giant responded. You decided to focus on their surroundings, because they were clearly somewhere important. Moving your conscious around the room, looking for clues. Spotting the jar, you slowly pushed yourself into it. As you broke through the wall, what was inside, horrified you. It was Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, stuck in a coma.
“He’s been going back and forth,” Leo said, “and he didn’t tell either side.” Jason sat forward, his expression grim. “You’re wondering if we can trust the guy. So am I.”
You were so close to slapping them silly. You had woken up and told them about your dream after finding Percy and Annabeth. Percy said he had the same dream, and then finished it with a fist bump to you. ‘Sibling tings’ he had said. That was the only humor you had had that morning. You were genuinely terrified. If Nico died- ‘No, don’t think that’ Nico was going to be alright. You were snapped out of your train of thought when Hazel spoke up. “I don’t believe this. He is my brother. He brought me back from the Underworld, and you don’t want to help him?” she yelled in disbelief. You couldn’t agree more. Slamming your knife into the table, you pushed yourself out of your chair. “I don’t know who the hell you people think you are, strutting into this ship and saying that we just don’t rescue someone who is one of our own. You may not trust Nico, but he is still part of this damn team, so you better start acting like it.” you finished slumping down in your chair and glaring at Jason and Leo. Hazel stood up out of her chair, and looked ready to kill Jason when Frank put a hand on her shoulder. “Nobody’s saying that guys. Nobody better be saying that,” he said in a reassuring voice, while giving a dangerous look to Leo. Leo shrugged and tried to explain himself. “Look guys, all I mean is-“ he didn’t get to finish before Jason cut him off. “Hazel, Y/n, Leo is raising a fair point. I remember Nico from Camp Jupiter. Now I find out that he also visited Camp Half-Blood. That does strike me as...well, a little shady. Do we really know where his loyalties lie? We just have to be careful.” he explained, but that just made Hazel and you more upset. Hazel shook with rage, and you watched as a silver plate hit the wall next to her, splattering the wall with scrambled eggs. Unchecked madness filled your body, and suddenly everyone who had water in their cups were soaked. “You, the amazing Jason Grace, the praetor I have heard legend about. You were supposed to be a fair, good leader. But now, you…” you tried to finish, but you couldn’t be in there anymore. You stormed off Hazel following in close pursuit. You both went into your respective cabins before slamming the door with as much force as you could, shaking the entire ship. You felt hot tears of frustration slip down your cheeks. You couldn’t let Nico die. You couldn’t leave him alone. Nico would not die as long as you lived. 
@mariesunflowerchild​ and @subjecta13-thefangirl, thank you luvies
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