#well that is one stupid unintentional fall done right
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I want you to know, that you are important to me.
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I think Dot And Bubble kinda sucks. There's individual parts I like in concept, I see why it works for people, but it's way less than the sum of its parts, it doesn't come together well.
I like the idea of the ending. It's taking a big swing at big themes, the last scene is genuinely pretty chilling, and it's set up well through little moments throughout the rest of the episode.
But god does it fall flat to have the episode switch to a big discussion on racism after 50 minutes of "it's because you be on that samn phone."
I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt, like "oh this recontextualizes it, maybe the Bubble isn't about social media per se, it's a metaphor for the racist social bubble the characters keep themselves in," but...I really don't think that holds up to scrutiny. It is absolutely a you be on that phone episode. It's what most of the comedy of the episode stems from. Lindy can't WALK without her phone telling her where to go. It's not subtle.
At first I thought they were doing interesting things with Lindy being flawed but sympathetic. Like, when she first sees the monsters and tries to go back to work and ignore it because she's terrified, I thought they were like...saying something there. Like she uses distraction by social media as a shield from The Horrors, as we all do sometimes. But as the episode goes on it became more and more clear we aren't supposed to sympathize with Lindy. She is a bad person in a completely unambiguous way. Which I think really undercuts the tragedy of the ending! Like, why should I be sad about the Doctor being unable to save these racists if their racism really Is their defining trait as people? If they're swlfish and stupid and have no other qualities as people? You can't play the ending for tragedy when I WANT them to get eaten by the slugs.
I saw someone say part of the idea is that the Dot grows to hate them BECAUSE they're racist, but that isn't supported at all by the events. It hates them because they be on that phone. It thinks they're vapid and annoying like we're supposed to. Why would it even think they're racist? They're ALL WHITE. What opportunities does the Dot have to see them being racist if they live in a completely racially segregated community where all their media engagement is with each other?
And it sucks because I like the idea of this premise! I like the idea of an episode where the Doctor is trying to save people who don't want him, specifically, to save them, because they're racist. You can do things with that! You can explore that, have commentary on it! Have the Doctor struggle with it! But to just shove that theme into the last five minutes of a shitty Black Mirror episode, just have it swing in at the end and not even give the Doctor DIALOGUE to react to it, just him laughing and screaming in exasperation (great performance by Ncuti Gatwa to be clear), it's like...the scene works fine in isolation, it is emotionally affecting, but you could have done so much more with it. I want the episode to actually be ABOUT racism, not be about how nobody talks to each other in person anymore read a book you damn kids oh and also racism is a brain poison byeeee.
All that and also the episode is so badly paced. They agonize over the twist that the slugs are killing them alphabetically for SO LONG and it's NOT INTERESTING. If it's unintentional it's bad writing. If it's an intentional choice to make Lindy seem as stupid and annoying as possible for needing it explained to her over and over, it's still bad writing because they've been making jokes about that the whole time already, and it's not even interesting characterization that contributes to her story.
So yeah. Saw people predict this one would be the first stinker of the season and they were right but not for reasons I could have possibly predicted. Dot and Bubble reminds me of Kerblam in that it is fascinatingly bad. I want to dissect it in a laboratory.
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That day, Abel woke at 7am. Usually, he disliked rising so early, but if his maths was correct, his grandfather was to come home that day or the next, and he didn't want to be caught off guard. He had to clean and reorganise the tower in a way that could have no faults discernable, and he still wished to have time for himself for art and reading, at the very least. He doubted he'd have time to do much more if he wanted everything to be perfect. Cleaning up took the better half of his morning. It was long, and annoying. Clothes were neatly folded and disappeared, paint stains were scrubbed and one by one, his room and the rest of the tower were slowly turned into the perfect version that he was expected to maintain.
Once that was done, he finally took time to dress, picking clothes of a plain, formal cut. Finally, he started on the long, annoying task of dealing with his hair. It took a stupid amount of time to get the long brown curls to behave, though he was used to it. Of course, it grew over the years to a point where managing it has gone from a slight annoyance to a hindrance, but obviously couldn't cut it. Not when it would destroy its value and his. Abel was sitting at his desk, sketching into the pages of his book, when the call came.
It suddenly tore him away from the fictional world and his depiction of the hero, a handsome and confident young man, strong and adventurous ; back to the sheltered reality of his tower. With a sigh, he closed the book and walked to the window.
At the foot of the tower, his grandfather stood, looking up at him in a way Abel could only picture as severe - he rarely looked at him any other way - even though he was too far away to distinguish.
"Abel. Let down your hair, now."
The young man sighed, rolling his eyes. He had long stopped expecting kindness from the man. Without a protest, he shifted to let his hair fall down the tower, until it was low enough for the old man to grab hold of it.
Even with magic, and even though he was practised enough to position himself in a way that made it hurt as little as possible, pulling his grandfather up was far from comfortable. Abel did so anyways. When finally, the man stepped inside, he threw a critical glance at his grandson, and at the room around them, before finally giving a curt smile.
"Thank you, dear. I know how exhausting this is for you." Then perhaps you should find another entrance, Abel thought, though he shook his head politely.
"It isn't, I promise," he replied instead. This earned him an eyebrow raise.
"I'm sure. Though no one could blame you, given how small you are for a boy your age."
Abel winced. He tried to stay grateful for the protection the tower offered, but it was difficult to, when his grandfather acted... well, frankly, like a twat. The man was generally polite, but he often sounded passive aggressive and Abel doubted it was unintentional. Though obviously, it was understandable, given all the trouble he had to go through to keep them safe. And thus, Abel tried to stay patient.
"Welcome home, grandfather," he said, forcing a smile.
The old man nodded, put his cloak away, and sat at the table. Abel took a deep breath, nervous. He knew what he wanted to ask, but it was difficult to get the words out, when he knew how likely it was to be told no. Still, he had hope.
"Listen, in four days-"
"Abel, could you please fetch us a meal?"
"...Right. Of course."
He was frustrated by the interruption, but maybe when they would both be seated on a table, and with a nice meal in front of him, his grandfather would be more receptive. As efficiently and quickly as he could, he managed to prepare something for the both of them, and put the plates on the table before sitting himself in turn. His grandfather didn't wait for him to start eating, not that he was very hungry, too preoccupied by the worry of how to make his request.
"So, about friday-"
"I have already told you how I feel about talking while eating, Abel," his grandfather scolded, none too gently.
"I apologise."
As soon as they were finished with their meal, he again tried to speak, but George interrupted before he could get a word out, to get him to sing. He clenched his teeth and held back a comment, but complied anyways, trying to get on his grandfather's good side. He ran a hand through Abel's hair, a perfunctory and cold gesture, as his grandson sang. From the brown waves, a soft glow started, strange and magical, and when Abel was finished singing, the grey of his grandfather's hair was slightly darker, and he stood with more ease, as age faded from his muscles.
"Thank you."
"SO! ...Next friday is my birthday?" He got a blank stare in return. "People usually get gifts on their birthdays."
"Birthday gifts are for children, Abel. But then, I suppose you're still rather young."
"I'm turning twenty." He quickly realised his tone wouldn't be appreciated, and added: "Please, I just want to go see the floating lights."
"...You wish to go out of the tower in order to see the stars?" George deadpanned.
"Not the stars, I'm not stupid enough to not know the difference."
"Watch your tone, young man." Abel paused.
"Sorry... I'm sorry, it's just... these appear, every year, on my birthday. I just want to understand, to know where they come from! I have to know what they are," he pleaded.
"You want to go outside, to watch something you could easily observe from your window?"
Abel nodded quietly.
"We had this discussion before, Abel. This tower, is here for your safety. The outside world is dangerous, especially for us. I have enemies, and you're an easy and vulnerable target, especially since your parents died."
"I know you wish to leave and start your own life. Any young man would. But not yet."
"Feeble, clumsy, and underdressed. Untrained in any combat, and-"
"Who's fault is that?!" he finally exploded.
Silence fell, followed by icy blue eyes glaring at him in a mix of shock and anger. Abel immediately regretted his outburst.
"What. Did. You. Say?"
"I only meant... that is, you're the one who raised me, and..."
"Are you implying that I somehow failed you, when I always did everything to protect you and keep you safe?!"
"You're naive if you think someone like you could survive out there, even if you ever were to learn how to defend yourself."
I did, he almost said, but he knew that would only make things worse. His dagger was little more than a sharpened letter opener, and he was aware that what he could learn reading books and training by himself would hardly be sufficient in any real combat. If anything, his grandfather was right on that, at least.
"I'm sorry. You're right."
"Of course I am. I'm just asking that you don't raise this topic again, dear."
Abel nodded. It's not like this discussion was in any way more productive now than it had been the other times he had dared to ask to see the rest of the world.
"Yes, grandfather."
"Good. Now, I have matters to attend to. I shall be back tomorrow."
Abel watched him leave, trying to ignore the bitter taste it left in his mouth.
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catsockpuppet · 8 months
guysgusy i made a sad fic thing of my oc’s woooooo!
it’s kind of poorly written because i mostly wrote it for me buuut, here.
also, wanna say that there is a mention of unintentional cutting? like cannoli accidentally cuts himself on his claws. idk if him cutting off his fur should be mentioned as a warning but it’s there.
Cannoli sat on ‘his’ bed, curled up in a ball. Technically, he wasn’t even in his own bed, just the bed of some random hotel he and the others were staying in for the night. The apartment was hot and stuffy, making Cannoli just wanted to rip off his fur and sit in a bucket of ice until he froze. Sitting up, Cannoli absentmindedly tugged on his fur before glancing around the empty room. Hades had gone somewhere with Calix and Orchid, leaving Cannoli alone. Cannoli absolutely despised being alone like this. It was one thing for him and Hades to just not be hanging out, but this loneliness was.. Different.
The night wore on, Cannoli could feel every individual second passing. Every click of that stupid wall clock made him feel insane, if he could sweat he’d be absolutely drenched. Cannoli stumbled into the bathroom after finding a pair of scissors in the hotel room and began cutting his fur down. He’d always made a point of keeping it somewhat short, but this was the furthest he’d ever cut it. Even going so far as to cut his hair. Letting the long curled locks fall into the sink. Cannoli looked at himself in the mirror, hating his reflection just as much as he always did. At least I’m not melting anymore. He thought, his hands balling into fists as he looked at himself.
“Fuck!” He hissed, realizing his claws had cut open his palm. Cannoli glared at his claws. Why did he have them? They grew so fast, he didn’t even bother trimming them anymore. Sticking his hand into the sink, Cannoli hissed as the water hit his wound. Refusing to pull away from it until he heard the hotel door slam open, followed by muffled voices.
“Cannoli?” A voice called out.
Fuck. Cannoli turned towards the bathroom door. The last thing he wanted right now was for Hades to see him, it’d be humiliating. More humiliating than if Calix or Orchid saw. A knock sounded on the bathroom door, breaking Cannoli out of his trance.
“You in there, man?”
“Y- Yeah. Come in.”
Hades entered the bathroom, his eyes widening at the sight of Cannoli. “Holy fuck,” He exclaimed, shutting the door behind him before Calix saw. “What happened to you?”
“Thanks.” Cannoli scoffed.
“Dude- Seriously,” He says, stepping closer to Cannoli. “There’s fur everywhere, and-” Hades cut himself off with a gag.
Shiiit. Hades saw the blood. Cannoli quickly covered his hand, hiding it from Hades. “I’m fine, Hades. Honest.”
Hades frowned a bit, opening his mouth to protest before deciding against it.
“Well,” He began, grabbing the scissors off the counter. “At least let me help fix it.”
Cannoli sighed, there was no way he could talk Hades out of this. “Fine.” He responded flatly, watching as Hades stepped closer.
Hades gingerly avoided the wound on Cannoli’s hand as he began to trim the fur, trying to suppress gags whenever he caught a sight of the blood. After a while, Hades finished fixing Cannoli’s fur and hair. Smiling triumphantly at his work. “Perfect!” He hummed, turning towards the bathroom door when Calix knocked on it.
“‘You two done yet? Orchid needs to shower.” He called out, prompting Hades and Cannoli to leave the bathroom. Calix’s eyes widened at Cannoli’s appearance, but he didn’t say anything. Turning away quickly and glancing at the mess of fur on the bathroom floor.
“God- neither of you are cleaning that, are you?”
“I’ll clean it.” Hades offered, causing Cannoli to shake his head furiously at Calix.
There was absolutely no way Hades would be able to handle cleaning the bathroom after Cannoli got blood on the floor. Calix sighed. “I’ll clean it, prince.” He said, stepping into the bathroom and gesturing for Orchid to follow him in. Orchid’s eyes were glued to Cannoli until Calix closed the bathroom door behind them.
“Are you cold?” Hades asked suddenly.
“Hm? No, I’m fine.” Cannoli lied, desperately hoping Hades couldn’t tell. He felt horrible for lying to his best friend, but what else could he say? Tell Hades he was freezing? That’d just make him more concerned than he probably already was!
“Oh! I got an idea,” He said, grabbing all the blankets off his own bed and placing them on Cannoli’s.
Cannoli chuckled, raising an eyebrow at Hades. “And, how will you sleep?”
“I can share with Orchid,” He said.
Oh. Cannoli’s heart sank. That shouldn’t have hurt as much as it did. Why did it hurt so much? Orchid was basically Hades’ kid, why’d he care about Hades laying with them? “Right.” He said firmly, trying to hold in tears as he spoke.
Hades (thankfully) didn’t pick up on Cannoli’s stress, which isn’t exactly a surprise. The guy never presses issues, if someone tells him they are fine he believes it which is both a blessing and a curse. Cannoli watched as Hades sat down on his now-empty bed before following suit and laying in his own. He laid sprawled out and on his back, staring at the ceiling blankly.
“A bee’s wings beat 190 times a second.”
Cannoli didn’t glance at the TV as it was turned on. He already knew what it was, Hades watched it practically every day. The thing was some bug documentary that he’d liked since he was little. Soft purrs filled the room, and Cannoli’s eyes watered. Shit- why the hell was he crying? It’s just some stupid purr.
Calix stepped out of the bathroom, finally having cleaned up the fur. As he opened the door, the once muffled sounds of Orchid humming in the shower became more clear, before it was closed once more.
“Are you seriously watching this documentary again?”
“Mhm!” Hades hummed in response.
Cannoli didn’t bother to tear his sight off the ceiling above him, but he could hear the sounds of bedsheets moving around. He knew what was happening, Calix was sitting down in his bed. He heard Calix and Hades talking, but he didn’t bother to engage or even follow the conversation. It’s not like the conversation affected him, it was just Hades talking to his new best friend. He hated Calix. And Orchid. Why did he hate them? It’s not like they did anything to him. They make Hades happy, so why should he be upse-
“Cannoli?” Hades asked suddenly, breaking Cannoli out of his thoughts.
“You’re crying.”
He shot up, wiping tears from his eyes. Fuck, they both saw him crying.
“Are you alright?”
Hades’ question felt like daggers through him. His friend’s voice was filled with concern which just made him feel worse. Surely it wasn’t really concern, right? It was probably pity, or maybe he felt guilty because he thought it was his fault.
“I’m fine.” Lie. Liar. How the fuck can you lie to him?
“Okay..” No, no, no! Hades, please, don’t feel guilty. I’m sorry.
“I’m going on a walk.”
Stop me, please. Don’t let me leave.
But Hades didn’t respond, he simply just watched Cannoli walk out of the hotel room.
The night air was freezing, and Cannoli hadn’t bothered to grab a jacket or anything of the sort. He felt a hand on his shoulder. Not a soft furred-hand, but someone else’s. Calix’s.
“What do you want?” No, stop it you idiot, you’re making this worse. Just talk to him.
Calix didn’t waver, even for a second. He stood his ground, not allowing Cannoli to brush off the situation. “I want to make sure you’re okay.”
Cannoli scoffed.
“Seriously, dude. You cut off your fur, y’know, the thing you need to keep warm.”
“I can keep warm perfectly fine.” Liar.
“You’re shivering.”
Cannoli didn’t respond, ignoring Calix as he started walking down the sidewalk once more. Calix kept up.
“What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing.” You fucking liar.
Calix sighed, continuing to follow Cannoli down the sidewalk. Keeping up with ease, even when Cannoli purposefully walked faster to try and lose him.
“Hades told you to be here, didn’t he?” Cannoli hissed.
“No,” Calix shook his head. “He told me to stay. But something’s wrong with you, and I want to know why.”
“Why do you care? Your job is to bring Hades back to that hell hole he lives in.”
“Yes, I know that. But-”
“Don’t try to come up with an excuse. You’re in love with him, and that's the only reason we aren’t home yet.”
Calix didn’t respond, Cannoli had struck a nerve and he couldn’t help but feel proud of himself.
“Listen,” *Calix began, his voice softer than usual. “If this is about Hades, I’m not trying to ‘take him from you’ or anything like that. Once you guys are home, I’ll probably never see you two again regardless.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s.. It’s okay. I’m sorry for overreacting, it’s just.. He’s all I really have, y’know?”
“I know, now- let’s get back to the hotel room before we both freeze.”
“Yeah,” Cannoli chuckled. “Let’s.”
- - - - - -
They returned to the hotel room, finding Hades sat on one of the beds with Orchid in his arms. He lit up when he saw Calix and Cannoli enter.
“You’re back!”
“Mhm,” Cannoli hummed, sitting in bed next to Hades. “Sucks for you. You’re stuck with me.”
“I guess it does,” Hades responded, gesturing for Calix to sit with them.
Calix sat on the other side of Hades, who readjusted a bit so they could both share Orchid’s weight on their laps. Cannoli sat on the edge of the bed, unable to repress a smile as he looked at the two.
Everything was going to be okay because he had them. He didn’t just have Hades, he had all of them. Cannoli sighed contently, watching as the three fell asleep.
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antiwhores · 2 years
Bakugou’s game.
Angst with no comfort so if you a pussy leave on god. Tw: no spell check, cheating and shit. Well kinda, unintention cheating? Intentional but not intentional- DAMN JUST READ THE STORY.
Summary: Bakugou plays with your feelings in an attempt to make you get jealous but he goes to far and shit.
Part two!
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All night all you’ve seen is just Katsuki being flirting with her. A new girl, Kaminari had brought her as a plus one. Apparently she was a family friend. They weren’t dating, she just begged to go so he said yes. She was a fan of a lot of the people attending.
No one noticed except you. Another plus of having a secret relationship. He always does this when he’s feeling petty. You both had a fight before about something insignificant. You called him stupid during the argument. In your defense, the whole thing was stupid. He was stupid, you were stupid, etc.
You watched as he completely ignored you the entire night. He would barely glance at you. Only giving his attention to the girl.
He was playing a game, a game you hated. A game you couldn’t win at. He’d done this before to get a rise out of you. When you’d get jealous enough and confront him he’d get hard and start to fuck the security into you.
It worked at first, but theres only a couple times you could play this game with him before the insecurity wasn’t temporarily.
Suddenly the dress you wore looked ugly. Your makeup wasn’t as good as hers. Your hair wasnt what he liked. Your body wasnt as fit as hers. Everything was wrong.
You poured yourself another glass of alcohol to numb your senses as everyone chatted at the table you occupied. The glass blocked the sight of her hands wrapped around his bicept. Unfortunately, it couldn’t block hearing either.
“Oh my god, I would do anything to wake up to you. Im so jealous of whoever got the privilege!” She whined, lip pouted. You had learned her name was Essy, you didn’t want to trouble yourself with memorizing it but you couldn’t help yourself. You imagined him moaning her name instead of hers. It hurt. You downed more alcohol.
“I could make that happen,” He smirked at her brightened up face. “Only if you show me how you foreign girls sleep.”
That was the last straw. You couldn’t stand it anymore.
You calmly stood up, “Excuse me you guys, I gotta go take care of something.” “Are you sure y/n?” Kaminari questioned. “I still haven’t taught you my sick dance moves!” You faked a laugh, “Next time!”
Everyone waved you off as you headed towards one of the vacant rooms. This place was a mix of a hotel and club. It was opened late nights only and gave people a place to stay and party to prevent driving home drunk.
As soon as the door closed you let out a shaky breath. You climbed over to the bed to start your thinking. You had little time before Bakugou would come in the same room, expecting some jealous fucking. You couldn’t do it anymore. You hated feeling so replacable.
You sucked up the tears that begged to fall as the door opened. Just as you had thought, Bakugou came waltzing in with a smirk on his face. He was midway of unbuttoning his shirt. You felt angry how easily he thought it was to get you to just submit to his body even after he’d done horrible shit.
He threw your bag onto the bed, “You forgot this, its like you wanted me to come in with you.” You clicked your tounge, “No, its just cause I was too distracted by your new girl fondling you.” He unbuckles his belt, smirking at your comment. “Hmm, well shes still waiting for me out there so you better stop being bratty.
Your face felt hot with anger, He cant take a fucking hint? You shot up to walk away. You didn’t want to freak out on him right now. You felt way too exhausted to not act rash. But he grabbed your neck and pulled you into a heated kiss. “Mmm, bet that slut doesn’t walk away mid moment.”
Although it was meant to be some sick joke you couldn’t stop yourself. Your hand had crossed his face, making a loud sound, before you could even process what you were doing. “I can’t fucking believe you.” You sobbed. He stopped his advances, “What the fuck?! Why’d you slap me?” Heavy tears started to fall down your face as he grabbed his face. “I can’t do this anymore.”
Your knees buckled into the wall, “I cant.” He stared in shock at you for a couple of moments before speaking again. “Why the hell are you crying?! You know I don’t actually want her!” “Except I dont!” You yelled, “You haven’t looked at me all night, not even a glance. You’ve given her all your attention. You went out of you way to make my night horrible. She’s been all over you! You’ve been all over her. You threatened go sleep with her for Christ sake!”
He pulled your arm away from your face, “That was all an act to make you jealous dumbass! I only wanted you this whole time.” You pulled your hand away from his. “An act, huh? I never liked this act. It makes me insecure, you make me insecure. And you think you can just pull your dick out and I’ll be okay?!”
He was frozen, you thought about how he definitely wasn’t expecting this. He probably thought he would get his dick wet and all will be swell. Stupid. He followed you as you went to grab your purse and car keys. “I only want you! I did that to get you!” You headed for the door, “Well, you cant go get to her, as you said like a minute ago. Shes waiting for you, isnt she? Cause I’m not playing this game anymore. Im done Katsuki.”
You reached for the doorknob to leave but he pushed you up against the door. “What the fuck? What do you mean?” He looked panic, good. “I mean, we’re done.” His face paled at your comment. His whole body tensed and his eyes widened. “You’re…. You’re breaking up with me?” He possessively grabbed your waist to wrap his hands around. You arched away, “Get off me.” “Im sorry, I won’t do it again. Just stop. Stay.” “Get off me.” He started to tear up with his teeth clenched. “Please y/n! Ill do anything. Ill buy you anything. I’ll do everything you say. Ill even go out there and fucking destroy that bitch myself! Just please-“
You pushed him away with all your might. It wouldn’t have worked if he wasnt so suprised you would try so hard to get away from him in the first place. “Dont ever talk to me again Bakugou. Enjoy the single life.”
You were glad that he was too shocked to go after you.
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kstewdeux · 2 years
June 14th, 2022 - Intimacy
Summary: Inuyasha probably needs therapy for trauma. Alas there aren’t therapists in the feudal era so cuddles are substituted for Xanax.
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Two years in and it was still surreal that Inuyasha not only never slept sitting up but he would actually get annoyed - in his sleep no less - when she wormed out of his hot water bottle body’s hold. This sleeping arrangement was great for winter, don’t get her wrong, but in the summer, absolutely not.
And, quite unfortunately, summer was in full swing right now. During the day, you could actually see the heat waves dancing over the ground and if walking around nude had been an option, Kagome would’ve done just that.
Except, you know, social norms said that was a big ‘no no’ and a very jealous half-demon she was lucky enough to call her husband would drop dead of a stroke were that to happen.
In any case, tonight like so many others, Kagome had moved to sit by the door to get some air and almost immediately Inuyasha began to shift and groan. A part of her felt bad - especially when he began letting out soft whines and rubbing his face along the futon. The muscles on his bare back twitching beneath his sweat glistened skin.
Then, out of nowhere, he startled awake with a panicked gasp.
The whisper was hoarse and despairing before he rolled onto his stomach while his hands shot up to press against his neck. Watching his ribs expanded with his audible shuddering breaths, Kagome was already scrambling to stand when, without warning, he went rigid then limp. Both ears swiveling in her direction as he propped up on one elbow and began to glance around.
When those disbelieving amber eyes finally landed on her small figure half-kneeling by the doorframe, his heart absolutely melted behind his eyes and a relieved half-smile graced his lips.
It was a look she’d never witnessed before and just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished.
“Don’t scare me like that,” he chuckled warmly as he reached up to rub the crust out of his eyes, “You can’t just leave.”
“I didn’t leave you. I’m still in the house,” Kagome teased as she settled back to sit on her ankles. Something dark and deep danced across his face that he wasn’t quick enough to hide.
“I know that stupid,” he offered tiredly as he slowly sat up and stretched his arms above his head, “Just saying you can’t leave me without saying something.”
“Again, didn’t leave you. Very much here,” Kagome snickered before noticing the way he closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh of what could only be relief.
“I mean, don’t go places at night. Scares me when you’re not here,” Inuyasha mumbled with a faint blush before inhaling sharply and quickly amending, “I mean, shit, you used to get kidnapped constantly and you can be a real idiot. Get hurt falling over a twig or something.”
For the first time in the past two years, Inuyasha appeared to be admitting - in a clearly unintentional way - that being away from her had been hard. That there was a very heartbreaking reason he was so hell bent on keeping her in his arms at night. Not once had he actually said anything more about their separation - other than a flippant ‘knew you’d come back’. Sango had hinted that Inuyasha had struggled to stay positive at times and had straight up disappeared for a month after the well closed but Inuyasha denied he had any problems with their rude separation. That he only disappeared to let people know Naraku had been defeated and the jewel was gone. Who he told he’d never say but that was his story and he stuck to it. Looking back, the reason he probably denied having a hard time was because, by all accounts, Kagome seemed to have carried on with her life and coped with the loss extremely well. She’d graduated from high school. Maintained the life she should’ve had. Meanwhile, Inuyasha…
Inuyasha tried the well every three days and put his life on hold waiting for her to come back. Miroku once mentioned that Inuyasha refused to go on exorcisms that would take longer than an afternoon. Speculated why that had been - something which had earned the poor monk and bump on the backside of his head.
In short, Inuyasha wanted her to believe he’d been fine when things went down. No different than when he insisted he was fine when a literal acid covered hand had pierced his internal organs. While some might chalk that up to him truly having supernatural healing abilities and being emotionally constipated, what it came down to was that he didn’t want people to worry about him and most certainly didn’t want their pity.
“You go on exorcisms without me. All the time. What makes nighttime so different?”Kagome asked slowly as she got to her feet and made her way back over. Inuyasha’s moon illuminated blush deepened and he averted his eyes.
“It’s dark.”
“Okay but you can still see in the….”
“Yeah but……it’s just…when I lost you it was dark,” he interrupted awkwardly- his entire body shying away from her gaze, “In the jewel I mean. Was, ya know, dark.”
As much as she wanted to comfort him, Kagome bit her tongue and waited to see if he was going to continue.
“Dream about it. A lot,” he offered barely above a whisper - clawed elegant fingers gesturing towards his temple, “I’ll wake up and…and get all confused. Think you’re still gone and you being here is the dream. If you’re here…”
Calloused fingers gently rubbed his sternum as he let out a heavy reluctant sigh and sagged.
“If I can feel you, that…that doesn’t happen.”
Kagome’s heart cracked with such ferocity it was within the realm of possibilities that Inuyasha could hear it.
“Oh Inu…”
“But I’m not stupid. I know you don’t like me holding you when it’s like this,” he interrupted with a heavy sigh as he scratched the back of his neck, “It’s hot and shit but m’gunna think of something, okay? Make it better ‘cause I…”
Pausing, Inuyasha tried to figure out a way to put what he needed into words looking more miserable by the second.
“I just can’t do this anymore, ya know?” he attempted with a tired weary sigh while his fingers returned to absently rubbing at his chest, “I need you to be here or else I just…I just can’t okay?”
Heart aching, the urge to hold him and make all the bad memories go away was almost overwhelming.
“Come here.”
Sighing, he shook his head.
“M’okay and you’re not,” he mumbled before laying back down and adjusting himself under the thin sheet, “Imma figure something out. You’ll see.”
“Fine. I’ll come to you then,” Kagome huffed playfully as she crawled over the floorboards and leaned down to nuzzle his jaw - earning herself a happy little hum. She was rewarded in another way as well. He didn’t say those words often and when he did, it made her heart sing.
“Love you,” he sighed contentedly, “Hope you know…”
Inuyasha’s breath caught when she placed a sensual kiss against his throat and moved her fingers to gently stroke his chest. Arching his neck slightly to give her better access, Kagome pulled back just enough to see his lips parting and a look of bliss wash over his face.
“I’m never going anywhere ever again,” she soothed as she dipped her mouth back and relishing in the way his body began to writhe.
“G-good,” he managed in between soft whimpers and light pants - a muffled moan escaping when her fingers slid down his torso and lightly caressed his bare stomach.
“Fans would be nice. Or maybe a cold bath before bed,” she breathed against the skin where his human ear would be. Half-listening, Inuyasha nodded absently while his hand fisted in the blanket. Kagome’s fingers moved further south and his face contorted in ecstasy. Wiithout further warning, Inuyasha gracefully and effortlessly twisted and pounced.
Time passed much like one might expect for a young married couple until they were both panting for breath and sweatier then they had been…
Albeit much more indifferent towards the suffocating humidity and uncomfortable heat. And this time Kagome had no complaints when Inuyasha gently gathered her into his arms and molded his body against hers.
“Love you,” came a masculine mumble as his lips gently caressed her shoulder, “Always.”
“I know.”
A tired snicker and weak nuzzle comprised his affectionate reprimand before his breathing evened out and the arm holding her in place went slack.
For the record, after some trial and error, Inuyasha did figure out how to keep his wife comfortable enough to stay in his arms.
Although…it was kinda weird that she never complained about being too hot ever again.
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prettytoxicrevolver · 3 years
Acrylics | Headcanon
Requested? Nope
Warnings? None
CC's Included? Corpse Husband, Dream, Awesamdude, Wilbur Soot, Sapnap, BoomerNA, Punz, Quackity, Karl Jacobs
Word Count: 1,730
My first ever set of headcanons! Pls feel free to tell me if they suck or if you want more!! My requests are always open :)
-you’ve had earrings for years now and didn’t think acrylics would mess you up
-you were definitely wrong
-you suddenly became notorious for dropping earring backs, losing them in the carpet, and fumbling around for minutes at a time
-corpse had noticed you had started to take longer and longer getting ready
-he knew you loved changing your earrings, matching them to your outfit, and making a whole outfit out of it
-and yet one morning you two were actually headed out to get breakfast together
-when you were taking a while he decides to check on you and see if you’re okay
-he walks into the room, watching you pout in frustration as you tried again to put in your earrings
-he can’t help the small smile on his lips that occurs, watching as you tried over and over to put the jewelry in your ear
-he walks over, placing his hands on your shoulders until they fall down over your hands
-“let me help”
-he takes the earrings out of your hands, nudging you to turn in his grip
-he brushes your hair back before focusing intently on putting the earring in
-he’s scared about hurting you but you’re too busy focusing on the butterflies in your stomach to even notice
-he fastens the earrings with ease and without a second thought he presses a kiss to your forehead before telling you to turn and look in the mirror and see if it’s okay
-you’re practically glowing and that alone make corpse smile
-from now on he puts your earrings in for you
-the minute you got your nails done you realized what a struggle opening cans was going to be
-you loved Redbull and soda and pretty much anything that came into a can so you were definitely struggling
-dream watches as you leverage the can tab with a knife and pop it open that way, an adoring smile on his lips
-he watches you do this for a while, finding the action absolutely adorable for whatever reason
-one day you head to the fridge and grab a can of Redbull and Dream takes it out of your hands instantly
-he pops it open without a word and hands it back, pressing a kiss to the side of your head as he walks away
-you stand in the cold air of the fridge for minutes afterward, struck at how such a perfect boy could notice something so minute about you
-he always opens cans for you now
-having a difficult time typing never even occurred to you when you got your nails done
-you figured you’d either find a way around it or use text to speech if it got really difficult
-and it did get really difficult
-you had a 10-page essay due and the idea of ripping your extremely expensive nails off had crossed your mind more than once
-when you’re on your third page and can’t type one word without a mistake you let out a muted scream before dropping your head onto the desk
-Sam who had been sitting in the room the whole time offers a concerned look
-he makes his way over to you, rubbing your back slowly
-“what’s wrong baby?”
-“these stupid nails keep messing me up,” you whine leaning your head into his chest
-he picks your hand up, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand before nudging you out of the seat
-“what are you writing about?” he asks as you plop down onto the floor
-“what are you writing about? I can type it,”
-you swore you were about to get down on one knee and propose to him
-“uhm it’s about the similarities and differences of an older text and a newer text and why it’s fundamental to use both”
-“alright. tell me what I need to write next”
-you spent the next few hours telling Sam your plans and thoughts about the paper while he typed, your heart slamming appreciatively in your chest
-you had done pretty well with your hair after getting your nails done
-brushing it out, pulling it up, even twirling it around your fingers caused no issue and all ease
-however, when you see a TikTok tutorial of a girl pulling her hair up with butterfly clips this is when the trouble starts
-you sat in front of your bedroom mirror, twisting your hair and attempting to clip it in place, and proceeding to drop the clip over and over and over
-the frustration is unreal, and at one point you almost start crying in annoyance
-Wilbur walks into the room clueless and stops in his tracks immediately
-he kneels on the ground behind you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders
-you lean back into his touch and let it calm you as you drop the clips from your hands
-”what’s wrong my love?” he whispers calmly while pressing kisses to your head
-”I can’t get my hair right,” an unintentional whine coming out of your lips
-Wilbur reaches down to where the clips lay on the ground and gather them up
-”what do you want me to do?”
-you’re practically crying for a whole other reason now
-”i’m just trying to twist my hair up and pin it back” you explain
-wilbur watches you pull the hair back before opening the clip and securing it into place
-he smoothes down the hair as if he’s done it a million times and presses kisses to your head
-he’s the first person you call now when you need help with your hair
-okay you’ve never been great at opening sauce packets before
-but now that you got your nails done it’s downright impossible
-the first time you tried you swore it took you 30 minutes to even get it a little bit open
-so when you and Sap go to Chick fil A and sit down to eat you’re already groaning in annoyance as you pull out the chick fil a sauce packet
-Sap watches with amused eyes and a slight smirk as you struggle even getting the plastic between your fingers
-he grabs it from your hands without a word, tearing it open before placing it back in front of you
-every single time you go to a fast food place now he does it subconsciously whether you have acrylics on or not
-your heart aches a little every time he does it, nothing but love for the sweet boy before you
-alright so you’ve never been a huge gamer in life
-sure you played the occasional game when you were younger or when your older brother needed help beating a level but that was about it
-when you met Boomer you realized how little you knew about video games, specifically minecraft
-while you never played the game you listened to Boomer tell you all about it and explain
-however when he started playing Halo in his free time that’s when you became interested
-your dad used to play the game 24/7 when you were younger, beating it a multitude of times on the old PC in the computer room
-and when he saw your interest piqued, he knew he had to teach you how to play valorant
-similar shooting games, right?
-you sat on his lap, his hands on top of yours as you try to work around having the longest fingernails ever and learn a new game
-you swear instead of you actually playing Boomer was doing all of the work
-it made your heart happy anyway
-you joked with him that when the fingernails come off you’ll beat his ass in valorant
-”Whatever you say my love” he assures pressing a kiss to your shoulder
-okay but opening jars normally is hard
-how the fuck were you supposed to open them with long ass fingernails on??
-you did probably the most ridiculous tips and tricks from TikTok to try and loosen the top of the jar
-nothing worked
-punz watched you amused day in and day out whenever you tried to open any jars
-some days he even let the jar loosen before hiding it back again and watching as you cheer excitedly, opening it on the first try
-one day you’re having a particularly hard time opening a jar, going as far as cursing in frustration over the opening
-punz walks over to you, pulling the jar from your hand and popping it open with ease you watch admirably
-you lean up and press a kiss to his cheek and he flushes underneath your touch
-now every time you have a jar you can’t open you’re right by Punz’s side pouting and holding out the food
-obviously, Alex has always opened doors for you
-he’s even gone as far as smacking your hand away when you try to open a door for yourself
-and when you get your nails done? Forget about it
-he barely lets you lift a finger, not wanting for you to ruin your brand new manicure
-he’s seen you pull off quite a few nails by missing the door handle and hitting it a bit too hard
-there’s no way he’s gonna make you lose more
-”i’m going to work!” you yell out to Alex as you walk out the door
-he rushes in behind you unexpectedly and out towards your car
-he already has the door opened and is offering a big grin
-you lean up and press a kiss to his lips, your heart surging at the idea that you had gotten the best boyfriend in the world
Karl Jacobs
-kinda like typing, you never thought you’d have an issue writing stuff down with your nails on
-however, this time around you got your nails a little longer than usual and it was a struggle
-as you’re scribbling down a grocery list you mess up practically every other word in sloppy writing
-Karl tilts his head when he tries reading the list and smiles
-”baby let me write the list,” he whines the next time you go shopping
-you tell him everything you need and Karl writes it down in perfect hand writing, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he gets up
-you’ll never not be shocked when he does something so simple but precious
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Stiles doesn’t know why he did it, but it’s too late now and he’s now crying over a fucking Charlie-horse. Any second now a werewolf is going to appear and judge him.
Fury and sadness had welled up inside him—not the first time and not the last—and when the bubble burst he lashed out. Not at someone else, not at a wall, not a pillow, or anything even remotely sensible. He had punched his own leg as hard as he could and screamed. He knows someone heard it, because he got a text alert almost a second later. He knows Scott or Derek or fucking Issac will show up any minute now, probably concerned for him. Definitely concerned, and god, he doesn’t want that. He wants to hold on to his anger a little longer, and get some rage-fueled work done. He wants to be allowed to be angry, and not be talked down and talked down to. He wants to cry over the stupid pain in his stupid leg that he caused, and maybe something more. Maybe a build up of frustrations and loss.
Stiles hears the window open, ignores the shout of his name as he looks up to find Derek wolfed-out and ready to fight something. Typical, fly-off-the-handle Derek-like response. It’s actually kind of nice that he cares enough, he thinks. Stiles also wants to tell him that he’s fine as normally as possible, but it stutters out of him softly. Like an apology.
“I–I’m fine, Derek.”
“What happened?” He demands, claws still at the ready.
Derek’s concern shifts from fight to confusion so quickly and apparently Stiles has to wonder why he ever thought the man was stoic. The brows narrow, eyes go to his leg, and those sharp teeth already are gone.
“A Charlie-horse,” he says flatly.
Stiles almost weeps with relief that the concern has all but vanished. Derek is often an excellent source of productivity, even if it usually stems from unintentional—and mutual—aggravation. He shifts from the floor to the bed with minimal wincing, rubbing at the dull ache in his leg muscles.
“Yeah, it’s nothing serious,” he says, eyes sliding away from Derek to his computer screen. He forgot to close it before—
“You screamed in anger, Stiles.” Derek moves across the room, forgoing all rules of common curtesy and looking at the article on the screen.
“It’s not like that,” he snaps back, willing himself to regain some essence of control in this situation. “It’s not a big deal, seriously.”
But Derek’s already reading the words, scrolling down to the bottom of the science article where the numbers are. Where it says the number of months to years they’ve extended people’s lives with their brand new medication. Their actual lives, too. Not a shadow of it, falling apart memory by memory. Stiles looks back to his leg, unable to face the expression forming on Derek’s face now.
“I knew it was coming,” he says to his thigh. “It’s not like it wouldn’t happen, science improves no matter who’s already dead and gone.”
“Shut it,” he huffs out, raising his head to glare at Derek. “I don’t want hear it, and you know why. You have to know.”
Derek moves towards him now, hunkering down in front of him and looking him right in the eye. “Platitudes are not my thing.”
Stiles snorts.
“I’ve heard enough of them from extended family and friends during the funerals,” he continues, shrugging. “Mostly the same three ones, but sometimes someone would come up with a new one, or start swearing.”
“My mom’s brother showed up drunk and yelled ‘fuck cancer!’ Really loudly before someone took him aside and explained that it was frontotemporal dementia,” Stiles replies, quirking a weak smile.
“Fuck frontotemporal dementia.”
“Yeah… fuck it.”
Derek hesitates, and Stiles can feel him weighing the words before he asks, “you didn’t get a lot of time with her… after the diagnosis?”
Stiles clenches his hand over the probably bruising area of his leg. The answer is ‘no’, but it’s more nuanced than that. How can he explain his life being cut away with a million little slices? That they were loosing her long before they got an actual diagnosis. That it was scarier before they had a name for it because then, then they still had the idea that it could be fixed.
“It was 3 months,” he grits out. “Before that, though, we had an entire year of fear and confusion. She got sick a lot, too. Weird infections or skin sores from not remembering to take care of herself.”
Derek’s hand appears in his field of vision, startling him. He isn’t going to…?
Stiles opens his mouth to tell him that this isn’t what they do, it’s not who they are. But nothing comes out as the hand turns his away from clutching at his jeans and gives it a gentle squeeze.
“You can let it out,” is all Derek says.
Stiles starts to shake.
“You can let it out.”
So he does.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
you come home drunk and both your siblings Harry and Gemma are home watching a movie
Ur mom Anne is asleep and you snuckrf out to a party and got drunk maybe, and you come and when Harry is like “YN? What r u doing?” And the first thing u say is “I’m not drunk” and just start rambling stuff
sibling!harry isn’t talked about often enough so here we go;
(this turned sad pretty quickly fyi….)
You were flat out drunk.
Pissed. Wankered. Plastered. Hammered. The whole combination of all of them together.
If someone were to ask you to spell your name you would reply with a bunch of letters that didn’t even exist in yours and you knew this because it had just happened.
“You’re so drunk.” Your best friend Hannah giggled, but their was a tone of concern behind her voice. She knew that you were a lightweight, but didn’t keep tabs on you the whole night to keep track of how many drinks you’d had. Turns out, too late, too many.
“No, i’m Y/N dummy!” Your words slurred as you stumbled over on the grass outside of the party you’d just been at.
It had been your good friends Will’s birthday party and it was all very exciting because it was the first big house party for people your age - in your school. Will’s house was massive, too, and it was the talk of the town. Unfortunately your stupid, annoying, over-protective older brother had told you no when you’d asked him if you could go. You’d gone to your mum first, the lovely Anne, and she’d said maybe, but once Harry had twisted his way into her head to describe everything the party wouldn’t be she’d said no.
Luckily for you, your bedroom window was right next to a huge tree - one that you could easily climb onto, up and down. So that’s what you’d done.
As soon as you’d arrived at Will’s you had a drink in your hand. Then another, and another and so on until the point you were at now - wasted. You had originally drunk so much out of spite of Harry, but you ended up trying to the point where you honestly didn’t even notice you were drinking alcohol.
“Y/N get up, c’mon. I need to get you home.” Hannah sighed, looking around to see if anyone was around to help.
“Noooo! Harry will be there and he’ll shout at me.”
“Why? Harry’s nothing but lovely.” Hannah had a not-so-secret secret crush on your brother - as did the whole of your town. And the country. And the world. It was hard living in the shadow of Harry Styles, but you did love him just not when he sucked the fun from the universe.
“That’s what everyone thinks.” You rolled your eyes and kept them shut, just wanting to go to sleep now and the grass seemed comfortable enough.
“You should be so lucky Y/N.” Hannah argued back.
“Sure doesn’t feel like it sometimes.”
“You’re so ungrateful, do you know that?” Hannah scoffed, clearly pissed off with your whining antics, “You know what? You can walk yourself home.”
And with that you were left to the front grass, confused as to what you’d done wrong to make her so pissed off so quickly. You thought you were just sharing feelings and having a heart-to-heart, but clearly Hannah found offence to your words. No doubt she was pissed off at you for being a bitch about Harry, but that’s just the way it was. He was your brother. Your famous older brother who adorned the hearts of billions. Sometimes that’s all you ever feel like - ‘the sister of Harry Styles’ - to the point where you just wanted freedom and release. Sure, this was not the healthiest way for release but it did make you forget who you were just for the day. You often felt misunderstood and it was times like this when you could feel a little better.
“Fuck.” You sighed, knowing you’d just pissed off someone else in your life. Now, you’d have to get yourself home and confront your even more pissed off brother, sister and potentially mother. That’s if they were even up. Or if they cared enough.
You’d always felt left behind.
It was no doubt unintentional, but you felt like you were the least cared about in the family. Harry was the golden angel and could do no wrong and Gemma was just a responsible queen, according to mum. You, well… You were the “irresponsible and reckless” one of the bunch according to most media outlets and even your family. Maybe it was true? You never saw yourself as those things, but you could see how the sneaking out and drinking - and at a young age - could be seen as.
You picked yourself up off the floor, stumbling as your head started spinning fast. You felt sick, tired and cold and you hadn’t noticed your nose runny and eyes teary until now. You tugged the sleeves of your long t-shirt down, silently wishing you’d brought a jacket, and pulled your phone out of your pocket.
No charge. Great.
The walk home didn’t take too long, but completely wasted did not make it easy. You bumped into people and got cat-called by hideous and vile men. You felt unsafe, but you kept yourself together and attempted to get home as quickly as possible.
“Fucking pull yourself together.” You talked to yourself as you stood at the bottom of the tree, climbing it the best you could with a cloudy mind. The branches scratched your arms and your legs felt so fatigued, but you were honestly too exhausted to care anymore.
As you clambered through your window the last thing you expected was to see Harry laying on your bed.
“What the fuck!” You screamed from shock at him being there, stumbling over your own legs and falling onto the floor. Harry sat up immediately.
“What do you mean what the fuck? Y/N? What the fuck?” He threw the question back in your face, throwing his arms up in despair.
“Oh please, save your judgement Harry. I don’t need it today.” You gathered yourself from the floor and walked into your en suite bathroom, after switching on the light.
“Where were you huh?” He didn’t cut his questions.
“Out.” You mumbled, throwing cold water over your red and puffy face. Your hands were freezing and your head pounding, so the last thing you needed was Harry yelling at you at how much of a disappointment you were.
“Are you drunk?” He walked into the bathroom, clearly not understanding the meaning of personal space. “Are yo- are you crying?”
“Doesn’t matter.” Tears started welling up in your eyes again.
“What doesn’t matter? Being drunk, you crying, getting home late, sneaking out?”
“None of it!” You snapped, looking at him with so much sadness. “None of it matters. I- I don’t matter.” You sank down on the cold tiled floor, resting your back against the wall opposite the bath. The tears fell and stung you eyes. You embraced your legs with your arms after pulling your knees up to your chest.
Your whole body language screamed to Harry that you were not okay and he was upset for you.
“Y/N..” Your name came out soft and fragile from Harry’s mouth.
“I’m fine.”
“No you’re not.” Harry sunk down against the wall next to you, not touching you but close enough for you to know he was there for you. He let you cry until you decided you were alone enough to let him comfort you. You brought your head up and let it rest on Harry’s shoulder, to which he responded by putting his head on top of yours.
“I’m just really tired Harry.” You whimpered, using your long sleeve to wipe your nose dry.
“Of what Y/N/N?”
“Being a nobody.”
“You’re not a nobo—”
“Harry I am—”
“No you’re not.” Harry ended the argument quickly, before continuing. “You’re not a nobody Y/N. You’re my sister and bestest friend in the whole world. I care and worry for you more than anyone. I love you more than anyone, just don’t tell Gem or mum that! I’ve never thought of you as anything but my favourite person and someone I can rely on for my happiness, and I apologise if i’ve taken that for granted recently.”
“It’s okay, thank you.”
“You’re my most important person and i’m sorry you’ve been feeling this way, but trust me, Y/N, when I say that drinking away your problems, and even rebelling, is not the way to make things better. It always makes it worse.” Harry spoke from personal experience.
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, I am too.” Harry sighed, kissing the side of your head. “Just worry about you too much to see that sometimes i’m holding you back.”
“I like that you worry about me, it makes me feel important.”
“That’s because you are. Most important person in my life.”
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daegalfangirl · 2 years
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love maze — i like the way you think (32)
you were sat in between renjun and jaemin, aika to jaemin's right. the others sitting in front of you four were jeno, donghyuck, eunbi, and ria. you sigh, taking a long sip from your drink.
"i hate this stupid fucking book. i'm literally just a few seconds away from throwing it into the nearest fire." aika slams her head on the table.
you were all assigned the same book for some project and decided to read it and then review in groups since it was a pretty lengthy book and some of you had very... poor memory.
you hear quick footsteps approaching, all of you turning to the owner of the sound. "sorry i'm late!!" she takes a seat next to renjun as everyone greets her. you feel overwhelmed as you now realize the unintentional yet unfortunate seating of your side.
"just like... read and when you're done with a chapter review it and talk about it with someone else." eunbi decides, and a few of you hesitate to grab the book but eventually open it and start reading.
it feels like an eternity until you realize you're still on the first page, too focused on your worried thoughts to read the printed words.
you hear ria and eunbi start to speak and suddenly more people begin to finish the chapter. you feel stuck, out of place. it's something you've never felt before.
you begin to flip pages every few minutes to pretend that you're reading. you catch eunbi writing notes on her notebook from the corner of your eye. you suddenly feel self conscious when you hear mia giggle and slap renjuns arm.
that's when it hits. all of this has made you self aware and insecure.
"hello? earth to y/n?" donghyuck claps his hands, successfully snapping you out of your trance. "the first chapter is long but it's not 30 minutes long, how are you not done yet?" you glare at him for his snarky remark.
you were about to excuse yourself, pretend that your brother texted you, and just leave. however, it all felt too obvious. you settle on giving him the middle finger before speaking up.
"there's 5 people on my side, including me. since i had no one to talk to i just kept on reading into the next chapters. duh, stupid." you correct him with your lie, and everyone seems to fall for it.
all but jaemin, who sneaks a glance at your page number.
page 8. that's not even close to the end of chapter one. jaemin notes this, reminding himself to stay behind with you.
"i think it was obvious that you didn't read any of your book." jaemin says, walking next to you as aika follows along. she snickers at his comment.
"i did read it? don't patronize me, na jaemin." your poor attempt at gaslighting the boy does not go unnoticed.
"what's the name of the main character?" aika says, turning her head to you. you remain awfully silent, and aika bursts into laughter. you slap her shoulder and roll your eyes when jaemin starts joining in on aika's fit of giggles.
"you're both so evil." you cry out.
"that's why we're your best friends." they both say in sync and you ick at how well they resonate with each other.
"disgusting couple. you two are perfect for each other but definitely not better than me and renjun." you snort with a growing smile, eyes searching for renjun.
you find renjun, a very clingy mia by his side, quite literally. her arms held onto his one arm as if she was a koala and he was a tree. you quickly look away, your smile fading.
the topic of renjun is dropped instantly, and you were left oblivious to the worried glances jaemin and aika.
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❝ oh my god! you're cute. ❞
you've been popularly known as a bitch, and you agree. that's not the issue here. you enjoy messing around with boys for quite a while, their heart in your hands. you never expected for it to go the other way when you bump into a boy at the corn maze. yep, and it gets worse when you find out you're not the only girl head over heels for him. you're becoming a better person, but karma was bound to strike for what you've done in the past. maybe it's about time you understand how it really feels.
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s1ater · 3 years
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the older boy, part two. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which reader’s friends warn her about the older boy with the red mohawk but she doesn’t listen
warning/s 🚫: swearing
slater’s note 🗯: omg slater finally uploaded 😮
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part one, part two
hawk: miss me princess?
you squinted your eyes from the bright glare surfacing from the screen of your phone. it had to be about close to midnight and it was almost something you expected, this text.
he always texted late, always catching you minutes before you decided to clock out for bed, and always drawing out your sleep schedule. so instead of going to bed at 11:30 like normal, you ended up wide awake well around two hours later.
y/n: you flatter yourself too much
hawk: is that so? thought you always looked forward to our nightly convos
y/n: other than them being nightly, sure
hawk: i’m a busy man
you rolled your eyes, “sure you are.”
y/n: that’s probably why i never see you outside of school then huh
you couldn’t careless on why you never saw hawk outside of school. it seemed to be rather a blessing from all the things you had been hearing about him lately. it was just fun to tease.
he liked being teased as weird as it sounded, it fired him up as he stared at the screen of his phone, smirking. hawk knew you knew why you never saw him and why he never saw you. you guys weren’t friends, barely acquaintances, only two oblivious lonely people who wanted someone to fill their hormonal needs. 
hawk: you never see me sweetheart because you never want to
y/n: that’s a lie
hawk: is it?
y/n: i’d love to see you
hawk: i’m sure you would, but face it princess, you’d chicken out halfway through before you’d even see my face
y/n: lies, you sure you’re not talking about yourself?
but was it really a lie? you wondered, thinking whether or not your wits and nervousness would overcome you before you actually saw the face of eli if you were to ever hang out with him.
you bit your lip thinking about earlier today when moon said to stay away from eli for rather obvious reasons. one being he was violent and angry a lot of the time and two... he was a teenage asshole who’d fuck you over the minute you showed vulnerability.
hawk: let me come over if you’re not a pussy
you bit your tongue at the sight of the message. great, you thought. now you had to come up with some excuse only to prove hawk right; that you were a pussy. the thing was, you didn’t actually think he’d want to see you.
it was like a silent agreement that your relationship was flirting only, nothing else. he was like a side hustle along with all the other boys who hit you up through your snapchat.
y/n: sorry babe, i only let boys who actually talk to me in real life come over
hawk: alright, fuck you lmfao
eli mindlessly smiled at his phone screen while shaking his head. he knew you’d be a challenge, and he knew you’d turn him down any minute or mention of hanging out.
he found taunting and teasing you amusing and sometimes the highlights of his days but sometimes it also got boring with how you didn’t put out as easily as the other girls.
y/n: sorry bud
hawk: alright, goodnight princess ;)
it was uneventfully windy as you stood outside waiting for moon’s red car to pull up and drop you home. you almost swore as you came into realization that she probably forgot about you, again.
you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear as you checked your phone once again, absent of any notifications that would relate to moon.
you were beginning to feel sick, the kind of sick that resonated in your stomach from a sprout of loneliness. you shook your head, pushing yourself off the brick high school wall deciding you better start walking now if you wanted to get home before five.
your feet begun to burn five minutes into walking the shortest route you could think of as a way home, “fucking, moon.” you shook your head, taking out your phone again. she always had the strangest memory problems and seemed to always goes m.i.a. the moments you need her the most, such as.. when you were desperately in need a ride home. 
“need a ride?”
you almost jumped in surprised, not realizing a car had pulled up next to you as you were focused on your phone. you dipped your head down to the low window of the old red cadillac pulled up next to you, their windows rolled down, old rap music turned down low in order to speak to you. 
“nice car,” you quirked your brow with a slight impressed smile. he was one of the last people on earth you would expect to give you a ride despite your conversation the last night. 
“you want a ride or not, princess?” “oh, i wouldn’t want to ruin your special me time, hawk.”
“get in the fucking car, y/n,” he rolled his eyes, quickly done with your bullshit as he put the car in drive. you reluctantly got in the nice car, swinging your bag to the floor as you couldn’t help smile to yourself. 
“you know i’ve never been in a karate kid’s car before,” you mumbled lightly, examining the interior of the car better, your fingers running against the smooth dashboard, impressed by how well restored the old car was. 
“is that so?” he glanced at you, a slight smirk on his face. 
“who restored the car?” you mumbled, your eyes still looking around almost like a kid in a candy store, only more subtle, trying to hide the fact how impressed you were with the car. 
he glanced at you again, almost taken back by the question. it was never a question he had heard before, especially by a girl. he smirked, trying to hide his own surprisal, “you know larusso? guy helped me out with it.”
“nice,” you mumbled, leaning back into the seat, done with your examination. 
it was silent now, and you almost sat comfortably if it weren't for the voice in the back of your head yelling at you that the whole thing was a bad idea. you wanted to ignore it so badly, because you had never actually ever saw a red flag from eli other than the fact that it’s basic knowledge he’d a fuck boy. 
he seemed like a generally good guy. no not a good guy, a guy that was your type. eli wasn’t at all the good guy type but more or so the douche that was only nice to certain group of people, you being on of them. 
because he wanted to fuck you. 
“got something on your mind?” he glanced at you, almost nervously like you'd hop out the window with any wrong move he made. 
“no,” you said it fast making him smirk, almost as if he knew what you were thinking, almost as if he were familiar with the typical female anxiousness. familiar with the fast talking, redden cheeks, lip bites, fingers fiddling, all of it, it seemed as if he just knew. 
and eli was, it hadn't taken him long when going through girls to pick up on the similar body language they all seemed to have. because really, down to the bottle, they all did the same thing; always rubbed their lips together prompting for kisses, using a different fragrance than usual when finally alone, fingers tapping, lessening the clothing on their body than the usual outfit. all similar, and he could almost see it in you despite this being an unintentional meet up... and you weren't trying to pounce on. 
“actually.. yeah,” you lightly bit your bottom lip as you looked at your lap, trying to think of the best way to ask him the question that had been on your mind for awhile; “what do you expect from me, eli?” wow, what kind of question was that?
it was an honest and upfront one, something he wasn't used to, practically sending him into shock as he had to look at you fully to see if you were actually serious and not pulling his leg, seeming like something you'd do. 
but you really wondered. 
“uh- i, what?”
you awkwardly laughed, looking to him, “no, i mean i really don't give a shit, i’m just not about to lead you into something you think you’re going to get nudes in, because your really not.” 
wow, really? 
he almost swore aloud, biting his lip hard, now realizing you really weren't going to be easy, not as easy as the girls who put out the moment you called them pretty, or even the ones who you had to take on a date before they even sent. 
he laughed it off, shaking his head as if you were a fool for thinking that, “you really think that low of me?”
no worries, there’s always plan b; make you feel bad. 
you laughed in return, “yeah, i really do.”
but he forgot you weren’t that stupid to fall for feeling bad just for something you weren’t about. 
“you wouldn't be the first.”
“so, I've heard,” he gripped his neck, eyes now glued to the road before turning into a neighborhood off from the main road, his mind following the map basically glued in his mind from driving past your house to dmitri’s. 
he parked, now seeming to ignore you as his whole plan begun to fall apart right before him. 
“thanks, eli,” you nodded to him, jumping out of the car with your bookbag in hand before beginning to trek up your front yard. 
“anytime, princess.” 
join the taglist lil doggy
@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @write-from-the-heart @hawkwhore @hawkandtory @lovelyyy-luna @itsnotsoni @w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @bebybailey @mrfeenyisswag @supernaturalcat7 @hawkshairdye @amongtheweepingwillows @mya-bleu @disgustedchild @ktz-bb @venussecrets
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Daily Life - Scaramouche
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Ahhh ye I loved writing those. For anyone who hasn’t seen them I’m linking the posts from when I did this theme with Kaeya and Diluc as well as the one with Zhongli, Xiao, and Childe
He's... not much of a morning person. He's actually pretty quiet in the mornings, he's still groggy and having to wake up and all that. So he doesn't say much, just kinda nudges you. Do NOT make him do it twice, though, no doing the thing where you groan and roll over or beg for more time. He'll just yank the covers off of you. 
That's if *he* wakes up first, though, which is... unlikely. It's more likely you will find yourself in the reverse situation -- telling this grown ass man that yes you have to get up. Yes you have to go to work. You're going to be late. Come on. Get up. I'll make you food if you do. Please. It... takes a while. He’s actually late quite a bit due to his tendency to wait until the last possible minute and drag his feet. Not that anyone ever has to audacity to actually confront him about it. It can almost be kinda... cute? In a weird way. Just don’t actually say that out loud.
But still, it's rather surprisingly quiet. Yeah, sure, he could get food from his work, there's certainly a sort of eating area where they provide food for the masses of the underlings, but it's gross so, eating here it is. He used to do that before. Not that he would actually, god forbid, sit around and mingle with anyone, but he used to take it and go munch on whatever was provided, by himself. Just because it was easier and the man has probably never cooked anything in his life, doesn't know how to, but you do right? Well, if you don't, figure it out. Now that he has you he shouldn't have to go out of his way to get fed, you can do that, make yourself useful. 
He has the same thing going on as mentioned in the daily life post for Xiao where he just kinda... creepily watches you go about your morning. Except not from the other side of the room, no, he just follows you around. The days actually have an awkward start because you don't want to be the first one to speak and risk making him grumpy, so you just kinda wait for him to talk. It's never a "good morning," he just jumps straight into telling you what the day is going to look like plan-wise, or complaining about this or that. But he will stand kinda right beside you the entire time, if you're making food he just stands there and leans against the counter and talks to you. If you're getting ready and have to go get this or that he'll follow you into each room and keep talking. Boy is clingy.
You could look at it as a blessing or a curse that the man takes you everywhere he goes. You don't get locked up and chained to a bed with nothing to do, but you also... have to deal with him pretty much every waking moment. If you've proven yourself annoying when not given things to do, you get things to do, simple measures to keep your attention consumed and not bothering him. Books and pencils and paper and whatever. But if he has a task to be done, it's your job, will call out the occasional go put this over there or go get that and bring it here. Why should he stand up and do it himself when you can? And it's in your best interest to do it immediately and quickly. 
If it's a mission sort of day, going from place to place, he just drags you along wherever he goes. Expects you to just stand there quietly and not interrupt while he's talking to important people. If there's like, actual physical combat... well, if combat is expected, it's one of a few times you'll get left under the care of someone else (value and cherish these precious moments), and if it's unexpected hostility from someone, well, you know the drill -- go run away a hundred yards or so and stay behind something until it's over. And don't you dare think of using the opportunity to do something stupid or run. You tried a few times in the past... it didn't go over well.
The two things you get a lot of throughout the day is complaining and fucking. The first is usually after interactions -- some subordinate that has to come up to him to talk to him, some connection he's forced to converse with for the sake of a mission -- either way, he gets grumbly as soon as they're out of earshot. Honestly it's not hard to deal with, just kinda agree with everything he says, give a nod and smile and say he's right. You don't even really have to listen to what he's saying. As for the latter, fucking follows a predictable pattern, you can pretty much accurately estimate that you're about to get bent or pushed to your knees at specific times -- namely, whenever he's particularly stressed or nervous about something, when someone beneath him fucks something up or upsets him in any way, or when you specifically do something to upset him, be it intentional or unintentional. Lots of quick rough fucks throughout any given day, really.
Now, there are a very very very few days where you genuinely can't tag along, this is pretty much for your own safety and to prevent him from being distracted by concern for said safety. This is only when there is a planned conflict with formidable enemies. It's one of very few times you'll ever be left alone. Not under the care of any one person, but likely two or three personally appointed guards that he knows well enough to trust. During this time, they are given the instruction to keep an eye on you while you're given your normal idle task options like reading. It's not very eventful, and there's not really any opportunities for escape, it's just boring.
Unlike a lot of the other yans, you don't get a "honey I'm home now listen to me rant about my day" sort of deal, because you've been with him all day and heard him complain throughout. That doesn't mean the complaints don't continue, but he gets quieter once settled in for the evening. It's also the softest time you'll get -- at that point he's tired from whatever events occur throughout the day and has less energy to be irritated.
He never really verbally insisted on it, but the habit of bathing together just kinda naturally formed from the first few days when he had to drag you back and forth to follow a normal living routine. It's very very quiet. You never asked him to, but he just automatically does everything for you, scrubs at your body and hair before you get the chance. It's... not very gentle, but he's not intentionally trying to be rough or anything. Nor is it intended as a gesture of kindness or anything, you're pretty sure he just kinda started doing it since you were stubborn and refused to move a muscle when you first came here, and now does so on autopilot, without really thinking about it. You've decided to not bring it up. It's nice enough.
He's actually kinda particular about his sleep. He can stay up late if needed, but prefers to go to bed more or less soon after, and no, you can't stay up on your own, if he's going to sleep so are you whether you like it or not. He doesn't fall asleep immediately, just kinda lays a while and stares off in thought. As long as he knows you're awake, he's not gonna make any movements to touch you or anything. If you pretend to be asleep though... you might get somewhat cuddled. And if you decide to move to lay on him on your own or nuzzle up to him, he's not going to fight it. Will probably be surprised and embarrassed, but will lay there and allow it, maybe gently pat your head.
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If i may ask; can i please have how the org 13 members act around their crush? Thank you in advance ❤️
Masterlist - Incorrect Organization XIII - Tip Jar!
You might also like: when they realize they’re in love with s/o
This was a long-ish one that’s been sitting in the back of my drafts forever lmao - I hope you all enjoy, especially since it’s a bit of long read!
Special thanks to Miss Silverspoon, PhantomMuze, and Sam for helping with Luxord, Saix, and Vexen. Such babes.
Xemnas - Least likely to actually show it. I mean, there will be signs, but it won’t be blatant that he’s acting a certain way because he’s attracted to you. There might be some favoritism (giving you better missions, not scolding you when something goes wrong, looking the other way in certain situations.)
Overall, it’s going to be subtle. You definitely won’t pick up anything weird, but the other org members might. Saix will definitely be the one to come up to you, grab you by the shoulders and give you a good shake. “Please, he’s driving the rest of us crazy.” And you’re like “what the hell???” Saix: “Xemnas has been giving you the best missions and staring at you for five minute intervals. In his language, that means he’s practically a wanton hussy.”
Xigbar - Not ashamed in the slightest. He won’t even act any different. He finds you attractive, you find him attractive (Xigbar: “Everyone finds me attractive, obviously.”) So why bother wasting time?  He doesn’t really call it a crush, though. He thinks crushes are for children and he’s a man, god damn it, he doesn’t have crushes.
An unintentional sap. Before he plucks up the courage to say something to you - and it takes him longer than he will ever admit - he finds himself going soft for you. Thinks you’re pretty, instead of hot; wants to hold your hand instead of slam you against the wall. It’s a bit infuriating to him at first, but also maybe kind of worth it.
Xaldin - Ohhhh, man. He’s been in love before; he’s been hurt before. So he is ready to rein in that shit immediately. But it’s so difficult because he likes you so much and you’re so awesome. He’ll decide to give it a chance eventually, but it will take some time. He would definitely be content with just being friends, though, because he really doesn’t want to ruin what the two of you already have.
He makes sure to always be there for you. Always helps you when you need it. A gentleman in the ways that matter and a feisty, flirtatious beast in the ways that don’t. The type of guy to flirt by making sure that he takes his shirt off after a sweaty workout and casually flexes/stretches when he knows you’re watching but also makes sure you’re hydrated and wrapping your fists correctly when you spar.
Vexen - You’ll probably know about his crush before he does. He’s so absorbed in whatever his task is - his experiments, his theories, etc. - that he doesn’t even notice that his eyes linger on you and his posture automatically straightens when you walk into the lab. He’ll instinctively turn his body in your direction so that you’re almost always in his line of sight.
Doesn’t yell at you for walking into his lab when he’s obviously busy. Actually asks you for your input, likes talking to you and discussing his theories with you. You’re smart, but some of his experiments are beyond you, and he doesn’t mind explaining in simpler terms when you ask questions. It blows Zexion’s mind because he has a running tab on the different ways that Vexen throws people out of his lab and he’s never done it to you.
Lexaeus - not much for flirting. He’s come to terms with the fact that he likes you, but you’ve both known each other long enough that you know him, so there’s no way that he can pretend to act a certain way because you would know that something wasn’t right. It’s very difficult to tell that he has a crush on you - there’s no blushing, no flirting, no favoritism. He’s just his normal self.
When you finally figure it out, you realize that he showed his crush in subtle ways instead - offering a hand to pull you up after sparring, holding open a door for you, and apparently glaring at people who come up to flirt with you when he accompanies you to the market for groceries.
Zexion - “IT’S NOT LIKE I LIKE YOU OR ANYTHING, GO AWAY.” This emo little bastard doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions. He lost his heart at a really bad time, when he was still growing into himself, learning balance between anger, frustration, patience, euphoria, etc. so he’s very unfamiliar and uncomfortable with the idea that he likes you.
There may be a few gentle shoves and punches in the shoulder. He has so many feelings and has no way to put them into the world other than violence - because that’s really all he knows nowadays. But it gets better!!! You learn together.
Saix - Honestly, God help you if Saix gets a crush on you because he really doesn’t make it easy. If anything, he’ll be making your life difficult. He overcompensates about not giving you any special treatment, giving you harder and more difficult tasks/missions, or your workload might remain the same but his expectations are almost impossibly high. He’s not only trying to prove himself to the others; he’s trying to prove to himself that he doesn’t care.
He’s more difficult to be around tbh, and yeah, he’ll definitely seek you out which is a pain in the ass when you’re trying to avoid him. You’ll have to be the one to barge into his office, slam open the door, and yell at him that he’s being an asshole. He’ll probably back off a bit, but.... he’s really only rough on you because he knows you’re capable of more.
Axel - Axel falls in love unapologetically. He’s head over heels almost immediately and not even ashamed of his crush on you. Flirting becomes almost a part of your friendship because he’s just that comfortable with you. His mood is already so bright when he’s around you, but now it’s like the sun and you can’t help but meet his smile with your own grin.
But it gets to be kind of weird on his end because... you don’t realize that he’s being serious when he flirts? So many pick up lines. So many compliments. But you’re just like “oh that same old Axel haha,” and he’s left banging his head against the wall because he likes you so much but you’re so oblivious.
Demyx - He won’t even notice that he has a crush on you tbh. It will take him forever to notice. He knows he’s attracted to you, but he’s attracted to a lot of people so he didn’t think that it would be any different! A crush?? In this economy??? But he’s grateful, you know? Because there really couldn’t be a better person for him to have a crush on - like he could have a crush on Xemnas, of all people, and that would just be disastrous.
Doesn’t act differently until he realizes he has a crush. When he does realize, he’ll get nervous and clumsy. Shouting from across the hall, “HEY LET ME GET THE DOOR FOR YOU” and runs, trips, and knocks out a tooth. Just completely ridiculous stuff. You kind of notice that he’s acting strange, but it’s just Demyx, and it will probably take Vexen going up to you and saying “please put him out of his misery before he accidentally kills himself trying to flirt with you”
Luxord - Luxord is so charming, more charming than he usually is. He always has this endearing aura around him, and man, he turns it up when he tries to flirt with you. A gift giver - small things, a dessert you might like, a flower he stole from Marluxia’s garden, lunch when you’re busy, etc. Very aware of how to approach you; also knows where to stop before he goes too far. Knows how to read you pretty well in that respect.
Loves the romance that comes with having a crush because there’s so much raw potential. Feelings are confusing, they take a while to grow, but the idea that something amazing can be coming in the future is a great feeling to him. Great potential hangout ideas that don’t necessarily have to be dates, but they help you both metaphorically test the waters about what a real relationship could be.
Marluxia - arguably the most romantic out of everyone. Surprisingly?? Also the most sensible. Of the mind that, you know, if you like someone then do something about it. He has a crush on you? Why not just give it a shot, then? He’ll bring you flowers! Accompany you when you go somewhere! Take you for garden walks! Take you out to dinner!
Somewhere along the line it just becomes a relationship and not just a crush and he’s like, yeah I did this. When everyone’s like “omg how did you get her to like you back” he’s just like “because I did something about it unlike all of you idiots.”
Larxene - Listen. Listen. Larxene is a strong independent woman who doesn’t need someone else in her life to make her feel loved and powerful but damn, you’re so awesome and she has the biggest crush on you even though all of her instincts say that she’s being dumb. Will ask you to spar with her as an excuse to get close to you and don’t be surprised if she’s extra harsh when sparring - she definitely won’t be pulling her punches.
When you get closer, she’ll open up to you in a way that she won’t open up to anyone else, which is a big, obvious flag for you that her feelings may be more than friendship. She doesn’t like talking about herself or her past, so hearing things she’s never told anyone (except maybe Marluxia), makes you feel really great about being her friend.
Roxas - Man, he is such a cute little marshmallow, not shy in general but shy around his crush. He’ll do his hardest not to blush around you, but he does get nervous. So nervous, in fact, that he might make you think he doesn’t like you because he’ll tend to avoid you when he can. He doesn’t want to look stupid in front of you.
This baby feels things deeply, despite the lack of a heart. He always has felt things more deeply than others. Likes physical contact so when he gets over his fears of being around you, he’ll probably end up asking to hold your hand, randomly hugging you, giving high fives, etc.
Xion - Only really falls for people that she’s already friends with, because she knows them and she’s comfortable with them. It’s subtle for her, though. She’ll realize her crush one night and suddenly she can’t even speak to you without blushing, cheeks a bright pink against her pale skin. She’ll stutter, too, and she hates that’s she’s so nervous for no reason because you’re friends!!! And she has no reason to be nervous!!!
She’s also so helpful when she has a crush! Like Demyx, she’s eager to help you with whatever you’re doing, whether that’s mission reports, cooking, cleaning, etc. Unlike Demyx, she actually gets the job done and doesn’t get injured when trying to help. You’re always so grateful and thankful and that just makes her blush even more.
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bokutokoutarou · 4 years
@bitesizedgarbage​ asked: Head canons about the bois reaction to their s/o showing up at their doorstep at 2 in the mcfreakin morning. You know the bois love. And you know them well. :3
hehe ofc i do ;)
warning - everything is sfw but kuroo’s part is kind of suggestive oops
⌜ •   °    +   °   •   ⌝
— including tsukishima, daichi, kuroo, sugawara, akaashi & bokuto
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☆。*。☆。 Tsukishima Kei
His window was open, so he darted out of bed the moment he heard your voice shouting “Kei...Kei...Kei”
“Are you insane?” he asked you, opening the door to reveal himself in a baggy sweatshirt and boxers. “It’s two in the freaking morning — you’re going to wake up my whole street”
“A-are those dinos on your boxers?” you asked him, staring at the tiny green dinosaurs scattered all over the material of his shorts
“Uh, n-no...” he stuttered, his face turning bright red
They totally were
He felt like the biggest asshole on the planet when you broke down and told him that you had a fight with your parents and didn’t know where else to go
He gave you one of his sweatshirts to change into and he set up the couch for you to sleep on, but five minutes later he heard a knock at his bedroom door
“Kei...I’m sorry for bothering you, but it’s really dark and I’m kind of—“
“Come here” he told you, and within seconds you were curled up next to him. But after a couple of minutes, you two gave up on trying to sleep and ended up watching Jurassic Park together
“Do you want to watch the next one?” he asked you when the movie ended, but he let out a quiet laugh when he saw that you had fallen asleep on his chest
“Goodnight, stupid,” he smirked, pulling you closer to his chest before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep
Your boyfriend may be cold at times, but he does have a heart, and it only beats for you
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☆。*。☆。 Daichi Sawamura
Daichi is so overprotective, so upon finding you at his doorstep at two in the morning, he immediately pestered you with a thousand questions at once
“Are you okay?”
“Are you hurt?”
“Did you walk here by yourself? That’s not sa—”
“Relax Daichi,” you interrupted your boyfriend, letting out a light laugh at his overprotective antics. “I’m only here because I can’t sleep”
“Oh,” he rubbed the back of his neck before breaking out into laughter. “Well why didn’t you just say so? Come in”
He grabbed you by the hand and guided you to the living room. “Here, just let me set up the couch and—”
“I kind of wanted to be beside you...” you bit your lip in embarrassment. Daichi was such a gentleman that he hadn’t even caught onto the fact that you didn’t come over to merely sleep on his couch
“Oh...” Daichi turned red, but his lips immediately curled up into a soft grin. “Sorry, I should have known”
It wasn’t long before you were snuggled up beside your boyfriend on his bed, your head on his chest and his hand rubbing small circles on your back
“Sweet dreams, [Y/N],” he whispered upon seeing you fast asleep on his chest, and he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your hair
With the soft melody of his heart beating against your ear, and the warm feeling of his arms wrapped around you, it was safe to say that you never slept better in your life
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☆。*。☆。 Kuroo Tetsurou
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Kuroo smirked upon swinging open the door and seeing you. “Couldn’t fall asleep because you were thinking about me?”
“Jesus Christ, Tetsu,” you sighed. “I had a fight with my parents”
“Oh...”  his smirk fell from his face. “Well, uh, come on in”
He brought you upstairs to his room and tossed you one of his sweatshirts for you to change into. It wasn’t long before he suggested a couple of things for you two to do to take your mind off the fight...
“Tetsu, what the f-”
“I’m just kidding...” he grinned, letting out a light laugh before he bit his lip. “But my parents aren’t home, so we could if you wanted to”
“You’re such a dork,” you hit him lightly on the shoulder, and within a couple of moments you both burst out into laughter
“You know I was just playing around, right?” your boyfriend chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Now come on, let’s watch a movie”
You two ended up eating nachos and watching Mean Girls in his living room (it’s his fav movie you can FIGHT me on this)
After the movie was done, you two went on an ASAP Science binge-session because he’s a total science dork and loves to watch those videos his free time (you’ll never admit that you enjoy them too though)
Maybe it progressed into something more, maybe it didn’t. Yet no matter what happened between you two, you were glad that your boyfriend was there for you when you needed him most
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☆。*。☆。 Sugawara Koushi
Suga’s a light sleeper, so upon hearing you knocking on his door he got out of bed immediately
“[Y/N] ... it’s 2am,” Suga frowned, concern filling his warm brown eyes upon finding you at his doorstep. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry for waking you up, Koushi,” you apologized, “I couldn’t sleep and I...I just really miss you”
Suga.exe has stopped working
“A-are you alright,” you asked him when he didn’t respond immediately. “If you don’t want me here I can lea—”
“No, stay!” your boyfriend interrupted you, still red in the cheeks. “I missed you too”
You two didn’t end up going to sleep immediately. Instead, you ended up baking cookies (SUGA IS AN AMAZING COOK AND THAT’S A FACT), cuddling on the couch, and having a Disney movie marathon in his living room
Even though you and Suga had already seen most of the movies before, you both yelled at the screen dramatically every time a ‘plot twist’ happened
You ended up falling asleep in Suga’s arms halfway through The Lion King, but your boyfriend didn’t go to sleep just yet
He ended up staying up all night with you on his chest, his eyes glued to the screen as he instinctively twirled your hair in his fingers
Your eyes fluttered open by the time Suga finally passed out, yet upon seeing your boyfriend sleeping angelically with his arms wrapped around your waist, you giggled softly and closed your eyes again
You ended up falling back asleep even though you weren’t tired, because the last thing that you wanted to do was to leave your boyfriend’s warm embrace
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☆。*。☆。 Akaashi Keiji
Akaashi is actually sane and has a rigid sleep schedule, so needless to say, he was exhausted when you knocked on his door at 2am and interrupted it
“You’re aware that it’s two in the morning...right?” he yawned softly upon opening the front door. He didn’t even check to see if it was you — he just knew
“Yeah...” you sighed, rubbing your eyes tiredly. “I’m just too nervous to sleep. I have a big test tomorrow, and I’m really scared, and—”
“It’s okay, [Y/N],” Akaashi interrupted your nervous ramblings with a soft smile. “Just come in”
He brought you to his kitchen and made you both some tea, and although he was exhausted, he helped you go over the material you were studying.
After two hours of reviewing, you were too exhausted to function, and you were finally ready to go back home and sleep
“Thanks for helping me, Keiji,” you told your boyfriend after taking a final sip of your drink. “I think I finally feel better, I’m going to go home and—”
“Home?” your boyfriend’s tired eyes widened in surprise. “You can’t go home at this time — it’s not safe. And look at you...you’re exhausted”
“I-I’m not exhausted,” you lied, but an unintentional yawn escaped your lips at the end of your sentence. “Okay...maybe I’m a little exhausted”
You were truly drained from studying, so the next few moments were a blur. One moment you were in the kitchen, and the next moment you were snuggled up beside Akaashi on his bed, your arm draped over his torso and his arm on your back
You didn’t know how you had gotten there, but you did know that you no longer felt the need to go home, because Akaashi’s arms were your home now
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☆。*。☆。 Bokuto Koutarou
"[Y/N]!” Bokuto’s lips curled up into a wide grin when he saw you at his doorstep at 2am. “Did you come here for a sleepover?”
‘Sleepover’...pfft, that’s funny. If you came to Bokuto’s house thinking you were getting any sleep, you were wrong because there was no way in hell that that was happening
Y’all made a pillow fort in his living room and blasted music, scrolling through tiktoks and showing each other memes like complete clowns...until you two heard a loud knock on his front door
“Listen,” Bokuto’s neighbour started to speak. “You’re lucky I’m friends with your parents and didn’t call the police because it’s four in the mcfreaking morning and I can hear your party from my bedroom”
Bokuto just tilted his head to the side in confusion. “Sorry, but we’re not having a party, we’re having a sleepover”
You internally face-palmed because your boyfriend was so clueless sometimes (but he’s totally adorable so it’s alright)
After the irritated man left, you and Bokuto went back to your fort and lowered the music so you wouldn’t get any more angry visitors
You let out a soft yawn, and you were about to suggest for you two to go to sleep when your boyfriend whacked you with a pillow and declared that you two were having a pillow fight
Your pillow fight ended up turning into a tickle fight, which somehow ended up turning into a playful make out session (you totally weren’t complaining though)
You and your boyfriend hadn’t gotten an ounce of sleep by the time the sun rose, yet you didn’t regret going over to Bokuto’s house one bit because you had the time of your life
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fatgum-sugarplum · 3 years
honey make this easy
For @natsuonii and @viixens Creature Feature Collab!
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Violence mention, death mention, murder mention,  blood mention, choking, light condescension, bittersweet ending, smut
It was his eyes. Those dark eyes that held you in your sleep, following you through nightmare and dream alike, those dark eyes that belonged to a dead man. 
“We killed you. You’re dead.” The words were barely a whisper in the dim light of the room. They trembled like your limbs. 
“It didn’t take.”
18+ Only Minors DNI
It had been quite awhile since that fateful night, the night you’d chosen exactly whose side you were on. No going back from what you’d done. Nights like this it kept you awake, the images running through your mind like some movie you’d seen one too many times. You always revisited it somehow. You shouldn’t feel guilty for it, not with everything that’s come after, not with the lows you’d sunk to since, but somehow…
It was his eyes. They were dark enough to fall into and drown and if things had been different you could see yourself doing exactly that over and over again. Instead he was six feet under and you were absolutely the one who put him there whether you pulled the trigger yourself or not. You’d thrown your lot in with your current employer and hardly looked back. Everyone after him had been a breeze, some of them you even sent under entirely on your own. Their eyes didn’t haunt you, their voice a ghost in your ears. They didn’t make you wish you’d been different, not like he did. 
Tonight it should have been something else keeping you awake. Bodies had been piling up, bodies of people you knew and worked with. Eviscerated brutally, but according to the whispers that was never the cause of death. No matter the cuts and lacerations, every last one had the telltale angry purple markings across their neck of strangulation. To hear your partner say it, it looked like a hell of a painful way to go. It should be thoughts of them coming for you next. Instead it was that long ago night that you just couldn’t seem to get away from.
A sound somewhere in the quiet of your apartment caught your attention. It was mundane enough, a sort of rustling sound that easily could have been the curtains or your cat, but some deep instinct inside of you awoke that said it was anything but the usual. Your hair stood on edge and all you could think of was danger. You sat up in bed staying stock still as you strained your ears to hear anything else. A heavy silence was all that hung, somehow a physical weight on your chest and shoulders, threatening to choke you with its presence. Something was wrong. Something was here. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but the sensation made you feel distinctly prey-like. 
Slowly you put your feet to the floor and started your way out of your bedroom, groping blindly for the first thing you could grab for a weapon as you kept your eyes up, scanning the room. You froze in your motions when your eyes finally landed on a figure in the corner of the room next to the now open window. It was tall, masculine as best you could tell in the darkness, wearing all black. Despite everything about your occupation as the right hand to a villain, dangerous in your own right, you found yourself shaking. You opened your mouth to ask him who he was when he moved, sliding the window closed and reaching next to him to flick on the light. 
It was his eyes. Those dark eyes that held you in your sleep, following you through nightmare and dream alike, those dark eyes that belonged to a dead man. 
“We killed you. You’re dead.” The words were barely a whisper in the dim light of the room. They trembled like your limbs. 
“It didn’t take.” The voice was gruff, low. You remembered it well.
“Why are you here? How did you even find me?” You paused, a cold realization hitting you. The bodies. Quieter this time, “Are you going to kill me?” 
He didn’t answer, moving from his place near the window to your couch where he lounged far too casually. He didn’t regard you fully, instead glancing at you from the corner of his eye. Clearly he wasn’t concerned about you attempting to fight him. “Where’s your boss?” 
“Are you going to kill me?” You asked again, moving slightly closer to him on shaking legs.
“Are you going to answer?” 
You swallowed. Did you want to live? Absolutely. Betraying your boss would kill you just as quickly as he would, though maybe less painfully. Maybe. He just as easily could torture you for hours for your insurrection, make you die begging and pleading for forgiveness because there’d be no point in begging for your life. But maybe…
“I find it hard to believe that none of us answered.” Your voice had more of its steel back now. 
He sighed and ran a hand through a mess of black hair. For some reason the only thing you could think of was how soft it looked. How it might feel between your own fingers. You shook the thought away before it could take root any further. “Think so little of your colleagues?” The question had no actual interest in it. 
“I just don’t think many of us are so blindly loyal that we’d rather die than turn in our employer. We can find other work.” 
“Are you?” 
“I’m deciding.” You moved to your arm chair across from the couch, closer than he seemed to expect by the raised eyebrow and quiet interest in your form. 
“What is he to you?”
“You’d kill a stranger for money.”
“I didn’t kill you.” 
“Funny how you thought I meant me.” He sat up then, leaning in. You noted how he seemed almost weary. Was it some sort of trick to make you feel more at ease before the kill? Or was it an unintentional slip of a mask? Maybe he just didn’t care what you saw. You didn’t care to question it much further.
“So what are you then?” You leaned back in the chair. “We buried you.” 
“Like I said, it didn’t take.” He chuckled, the noise sending a heat through your limbs you didn’t expect. He spread his arms in a mock showmanship and in an exaggerated and exhausted tone, “I’ve returned for my vengeance.” 
You snorted. “Been working your way up the chain? Half of these people weren’t even working with us when…” you swallowed. 
“When your boss put a bullet between my eyes? I know. It’s the message that counts, I think,” He frowned. Definitely a slip. 
“Do you...know what you’re doing?” You ventured. 
“Most of the time.” 
“He’s either at the base or his apartment.” 
“Good girl.” He rumbled. That sent a shiver down your spine, the heat in your core growing worse. God, he had to know, didn’t he? He stood, patting your head twice before starting for the window again. 
“Wait.” You didn’t turn but heard his footsteps stop. “What are you going to do?” 
“I thought a smart thing like you would know.” 
“I was there. Why only kill him?” Maybe it wasn’t the best question to ask a man who’d already murdered several of your colleagues, but thinking before you spoke was never your strong suit. You felt more than heard him turn to regard you, and then he was at your back, a hand on the chair as he leaned into your ear. 
“It’s all purpose, drive. I want to sink a knife into him and let him see just how it feels. You…” he paused and you could swear you heard him growl, “I think I’ll sink something else into you.” And then he was gone. 
The next two hours passed at a snail’s pace. You couldn’t get back to the comfort of your bed and so opted for returning to the armchair you’d previously been in, curling up as you turned on the television for background noise. You thumbed your phone and swallowed down a nervous lump. What did you just do? What if word got out, what if they all knew you’d done it? You could skip town. You’d done it before, you could do it again. Disappear, become a ghost--
No. No, no one would know. You had to believe that. No one would know, and this...man? Monster? Your own ghost? You knew his name, saw it in the news, why was it so damn hard to just think of him with his name. He--Aizawa--wouldn’t come back and you’d be left alone to follow the new boss or pack up and find your own. Hell, maybe it was all a dream. Dead men don’t walk. 
But you wanted him to come back, didn’t you? Wanted to hear that growl in your ear again, the strangely alluring danger of his presence. Wanted to know what the strength he possessed that led so many of your colleagues to the grave could do when pinning you to your bed. They weren’t useful thoughts but god were they not going away any time soon. 
Your eyes snapped to the window as a soft click reached your ears and broke through your thoughts. Sure enough there was the form you’d been half hoping and half dreading to see once more, crawling through with a predator’s ease. It set goosebumps dancing across your skin, a soft warmth radiating from your abdomen through the rest of your body. Your eyes met his and for a brief moment you imagined him a secret lover sneaking through your window at night against both of your better judgement. The metallic scent of blood threw you out of that fantasy fast enough, grounded you to the reality of the situation. He maybe hadn’t been before--no, he certainly hadn’t been before--but he was a killer now. A killer who had dispatched most of the crew you ran with. Could you have been so stupid as to believe he wasn’t viewing you as a loose end? So daft as to think the words he’d left you with earlier weren’t malice? 
“You’re still here.” His deep voice broke the silence between you. You swallowed. 
“Was I not supposed to be?”
“The smart thing would have been to run.” He crossed to you, slow and deliberate, “After all, what can I do to you? You must have thought it over, you’re an intelligent girl.” If anyone else had dared to call you a girl of all things you’d have put a bullet between their eyes. As it stood, hearing it rumble from his chest had you clenching around nothing. 
“Maybe I wanted to see what you meant by ‘something else.’” You mused, swallowing down any fear. He chuckled at that, leaning in as he placed a hand on the back of the chair above you. He dwarfed you in this position. The smell of blood was stronger now with him so close, but you couldn’t make out any of it on him. It was almost as though he was the scent. Like the deed he’d just done marked him somehow. It thrilled you more than it should have. 
He brought his face close to yours so his breath ghosted across your lips as he spoke, “You know, for a woman who stood by while her boss murdered me...you’re awful compelling.” 
“Compelling?” The question was far quieter and breathier than you meant for it to be. Your heart pounded against your ribcage, so loud you could swear he could hear it. His soft chuff of amusement didn’t help with that notion. 
He ran the back of his free hand slowly down your cheek, along your jaw, down your neck. His eyes never left yours, watching for every minute reaction. You were giving him a damn feast, your pupils dilated, your lips trembling, short, soft breaths leaving your slightly parted mouth. He wanted to eat you up, take everything you’d give him and then some, but he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to savor this last meal. 
Aizawa had felt himself slipping the minute your boss’s body had crumpled to the floor in front of him. He didn’t question why the force that had pulled him from the grave decided you weren’t on his revenge list. He was more than happy to leave you alive, more than happy to use his last night on this earth absolutely ravaging your body. He’d left that place without his customary clean up, quite aware that even if there was evidence left behind it wouldn’t matter to him come morning. Besides, he had a different kind of prey to get back to. 
Now here you were, trembling beneath him, so beautifully conflicted between if you should run or if you should give in. As his hand ghosted across the skin of your neck he turned it suddenly, pressing down ever so slightly. Your breath hitched as you involuntarily arched it into his grasp, a silent plea for more. A beat. Your eyes locked together. A beat. 
All at once the tension snapped as his lips came crashing down on yours with a growl that was absolutely feral. You moaned into the kiss, hands coming up to tangle in that soft hair as you roughly tugged. He groaned in kind, pressing down harder against your neck, just enough to cut off your airway. The deprivation was absolutely delicious. His heated kisses started to trail along your jaw, mixed with rough nips and licks. You angled your body in an attempt to press it up against his and he chuckled. 
“What a needy little mouse…” He let go of your neck and listened to you take that instinctive gasp of breath to fill your lungs once again. He replaced his fingers with his mouth, biting down hard. You whined, tugging hard at his hair again which earned you a growl in turn. Fuck you needed him in you. 
“Please what, little mouse?” 
“Need more, please!” You whimpered out, squirming in that chair. He watched you with such a fierce hunger in his eyes you were certain you’d die on the spot. 
“More what, little mouse? Be specific for me.” 
God damnit. You squirmed more, movements desperate. “Need you against me, please...want you in me…” Some part of you registered that you were supposed to have more dignity than this. Maybe it was the danger or the regret or some fucked up mix of the two but he was making you absolutely dizzy with want in a way no one else had before. 
“There we go. Was that so hard?” He practically purred into your ear just before yanking you up against his frame. You remembered how strong he’d been before, how difficult putting him down had been for you and your boss, but god it was like it had been enhanced tenfold. You pushed against him, hands feeling along the corded muscles beneath his clothes as he kissed you, walking you backwards toward your bedroom. 
You managed somehow to not stumble, falling back the second you felt your legs hit your bed. You scrambled back up to the pillows, keeping your eyes on him the entire time as he followed you on hands and knees. He reminded you of a panther stalking its prey, gorgeous and so very lethal. You shivered, biting your lip at the thought. He brought his lips to yours again, tongue finding its way into your eager open mouth to taste you. 
You started at his shirt, tugging it up as far as you could without his help. He broke the kiss long enough to tug it over his head and throw it to the side before diving back in, holding you close against him as your hands traveled along his bare skin. It didn’t take long for him to treat you in kind, hands fisting in the material of your flimsy tank top and wrenching it violently. The sound of ripping fabric sent a jolt of pleasure through you. You could get a new top later, right now all you cared about was getting the rest of these damn clothes out of the way. 
You pushed your shorts and panties down your legs, impatiently kicking them off the second you could. He watched you, not bothering with his own further than moving them down enough to pull his hard cock out. You licked your lips as your eyes flicked between his face and that damn beautiful cock. You spread your legs for him and he smirked. 
You groaned, pressing your head back against the pillows. “I already did!” 
“I could just go. Leave you soaked and wanting, poor little mouse. You and I both know your toys just won’t make you cum like I can.” The wicked, lopsided grin on his face made you want to punch him. You whined loudly. 
“Please fuck me, Shota...” You squirmed your hips a little, giving him your best doe eyes, praying it would make him merciful, “Please...want you to make me cummm…” 
He leaned in then, caging you in beneath him as he nipped your earlobe, “Aw, you do know my name, little mouse.” He pushed in then, using your slick to hilt himself entirely inside your warm cunt. You let out a ragged gasp, hands flying up to grip his back, digging your nails in. He groaned, resting his head against your shoulder for a brief moment, “Fuck you’re tight.” 
He started moving in earnest then, hips snapping against yours as he drove his cock into your already sensitive hole over and over again. Little cries and curses left your mouth as he fucked you. God this was perfect, he was perfect. It felt like you were made just for him to break. If things had been different, maybe you could have had this every single night. The part of your mind that still clung to solid ground felt the pang of guilt. You pulled him down into a rough kiss, letting him swallow up your noises. 
He gripped both your hands, holding them down against the mattress as he pushed up to get a better look at you, gaze ravenous as he took in your bouncing tits, the sweat sheening against your skin. They traveled to where his cock drove into your tight cunt, watching as he abused your soaking wet hole. Through gritted teeth, “Fuck baby you were made to take my cock.” 
You whined again, tightening around his thick length at his words. The heat in your core grew worse, a coil threatening to snap if wound too tight, and damn was he doing his best to do just that. You panted out between moans, listening to the groans and growls he let out above you, no thought at all for how loud either of you were being. Fuck the neighbors, they could listen in and wish they were getting fucked this good. 
“F-Fuck Sh..Sho gonna...gonna cummm~!” You managed, words clumsy on your tongue. He groaned, low and deep, fucking you harder into the mattress. You nearly screamed then, the pleasure too much to handle for your sensitive body. 
“That’s it, little mouse, cum on my dick..” He groaned out, a primal growl in his voice. You moaned loud, reaching up to grapple at his back as he let you out of his grasp to once again cage you beneath him, picking up the pace as his own thrusts became erratic. You dug angry red lines down his back as you came undone around him, that coil snapping inside you as you screamed out your pleasure. The deep groan in your ear as he pumped your abused cunt full of his cum had you tightening around him, milking his cock for all he was worth. 
You weren’t sure how long you two stayed like that. All notion of the passage of time was alien to you, the only thing keeping you grounded his hot skin against your own. The heat was almost suffocating. With it all still that scent of blood that you were certain now was just him. Slowly he pulled his cock from your dripping cunt, chuckling when you gasped in response. 
“Doing okay there, little mouse?” 
You snorted once you had your bearings, “Quiet.” 
“Never.” He placed a kiss to your cheek, far more affectionate than you expected for the situation, before rolling off of you onto his back. He draped an arm across his sweat slicked forehead and looked to you with tired eyes.
“Planning on staying then?” You questioned. You didn’t understand the anxiety that twisted in your gut in the split second it took for him to respond. 
“I’ve had a long night.” 
“You have.” 
“Let’s play pretend then. You let me hold you tonight.” 
“And pretend you won’t kill me in the middle of the night?” 
“And pretend I’m not the man you murdered.” He responded. There was an ice to the words that had your gut twisting again. You didn’t reply, just slotted your body against his, placing a hand on his chest that felt so cold to you now. You rested your head against his shoulder as he wound his free arm around you, pulling you in close. You waited a few beats, the only sound in the room your ragged breathing. Why it struck you as odd took a few moments. Normally at this angle you’d have heard your partner for the night’s heartbeat hammering against his chest, but Aizawa’s own body was so silent. 
“Your heart--”
“Right.” You swallowed. He may be walking around and, at least, semi-functioning, but he was still dead. You still did that. “In the morning…” 
“Don’t worry. I won’t be here.” 
“Right.” You fell silent then, a deep guilt and anxiety taking over the post-orgasm glow. You didn’t want him gone in the morning. You wanted to fix what you’d done, you wanted to have him here, to give him a proper apology. 
He let out a soft sigh. He expended more energy than he expected and already he could feel himself slipping away. You didn’t need to see it, should be asleep when he finally faded away. It was a few minutes before he spoke again. “Good night, little mouse.” Your soft breathing was his only response in the dark. Good, at least he tired you out properly. He pushed himself up slightly, looking down at your face. There was a troubled look on that sleeping face, one that some odd part of him wanted to soothe away. 
These feelings were confusing, too much for him to unpack in the short time he had left. At least they weren’t something he had to unpack, really. Just something he had to “live” moment to moment with. He placed a soft kiss on your temple, carefully untangled himself from you, and started for the door to your room when he paused. He reached down, scooped his shirt up from the floor, and left, draping it across the chair in your living room. 
In the morning you wandered bleary eyed from your cold bed to the soft light of the living room. The window was partially opened. You frowned, crossing to it to close it when your bare foot stepped into a soft pile of...something. You looked down, squinting. Ash. Next to the window was a small pile of ash. Your eyes scanned the room then, landing on the black shirt laying across the back of your chair and you knew. 
Gone. He was gone. Mission complete, nothing tethering him to the world anymore. You pulled that shirt to your chest, cradling it against your heart. Your heart felt cold, that guilt writhing in you as you swallowed hard. You didn’t deserve what this meant, but you’d take it anyway. Forgiveness. 
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teamddixon · 3 years
A New Normal - Part 3
Summary: Set in the future of the TWD timeline, this   story follows Daryl, Y/N and her brother through their journey in the   world of the undead. It wasn’t like Daryl to let people in to his heart easily, but it was Y/N’s smiles that had captured him completely, and   before he knew it, there wasn’t a scenario Daryl could think of about   his future that didn’t have Y/N in it.
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A/N: Hi everyone, here’s the third part of the installment, with a peek at a jealous Daryl! It’s shorter than the usual parts, and I know the link between paragraphs are pretty bumpy to read. Sorry! (Any writers out there that also feel like the very same piece of their writing is written by different people depending on their mood that day?) It’s literally almost 4.30am as I am posting this, so I believe there must be quite a number of mistakes. But really hope you’ll still enjoy it!  As usual, photos/gifs are not mine, but any mistakes in this are certainly mine.
Two months into their constant moving, they met and saved a lone man who was almost attacked by a walker. It was pure coincidence that they had walked past that back alley that day when he was there. Before the walker had a chance to sink its foul mouth on the man’s face, Daryl had shot and killed the walker off with one swift arrow. Y/N quickly ran towards the man to help him, only to find out he had suffered a bad sprain on his ankle while trying to fight off the walker. His injury would have indirectly killed him had Daryl not acted when he did. The man introduced himself as Gerald. After losing his friends two weeks ago, he had been out there on his own, surviving, while grieving his loss – a feeling Daryl, Andrew and Y/N knew all too well. As the night was approaching, they quickly helped Gerald into an empty warehouse down the street and stayed with him.
Although Y/N had no medical trainings, she knew what was needed to be done to remedy a sprain. Daryl and Andrew worked together to lock down the warehouse and Y/N worked on nursing Gerald’s ankle. Using the gentle glow of the moonlight through the warehouse windows, she gently removed Gerald’s boots and carefully wrapped a piece of cloth around the ankle to compress the area. She then grabbed a few empty flattened boxes from the warehouse shelves, stacked them up and instructed Gerald to elevate his ankle. Satisfied and convinced that Gerald was comfortable and resting, she stood up. But after squatting for almost five minutes by then, her legs had fallen asleep. As she tried to stand up, her legs gave way, causing her to fall straight down onto Gerald. Her head swiftly hit Gerald’s, and their lips almost touched. Still reeling from shock from the sudden fall, but otherwise uninjured, Y/N heard a low grunt from behind her and then a hand pulling her up. She grabbed on to the hand tightly and looked up to see a flash of darkness on Daryl’s face. Before Y/N could make out his expression, it was gone. “Thanks.” Y/N muttered, feeling unsettled by Daryl’s expression.
Daryl felt an emotion he had never experienced before when he saw Y/N nursing Gerald’s injury. He knew that Y/N was trying to be nice, but seeing her so close with Gerald had aroused that emotion from somewhere within him. He didn’t recognize what he was feeling, except that he wanted to pull Y/N away from Gerald and keep her next to him, just for him. He didn’t like seeing her touching Gerald’s legs, even though he fully understood what she was doing. When Y/N fell on Gerald and their lips had almost touched, he felt the immediate urge to rain down his punches on Gerald, even when he was fully aware that the fall was unintentional. Having no full understanding of the emotion he was feeling, he stayed away from Y/N that night, much to her disappointment. Few words were exchanged between them that night. Y/N felt that Daryl was avoiding her, even though she had no idea why.
“Can’t you tell how Daryl is feeling?” Andrew rolled his eyes at Y/N where she sat, unable to fall asleep. Daryl was at a corner, his eyes closed, seemingly asleep. “Come on, sis. You really don’t know?” Andrew tutted.
“What? What do you mean?” Y/N frowned. She was still feeling uneasy about her interaction with Daryl earlier that evening. Andrew sighed dramatically and shook his head, unable to believe how Y/N could have missed it. “He’s obviously jealous.” Andrew said matter-of-factly.   
“What?!” Y/N whispered-screeched. “He’s… jealous? Of what happened with Gerald just now?” She looked suspiciously at Andrew.
“Why else do you think he was acting that way, huh? Think about it.” Andrew patted Y/N’s shoulders and walked away. And Y/N did thought about it. Could Daryl possibly really be jealous of her and Gerald? They had only just met, and beyond his name and what happened to his friends, Y/N barely knew Gerald. She was just helping out a fellow survivor, and there was nothing more beyond that. Y/N turned to look at Daryl’s sleeping face. She quietly stood up and moved over the Daryl, and laid down next to him. Even after the evening they had, Y/N still wanted to be as close to Daryl as she could. She would clear things up with him when morning comes.
Y/N volunteered to follow Daryl on a run the next day so she could catch him alone to talk. It was a good sign for Y/N that Daryl hadn’t objected. Knowing that Y/N needed her time to sort things out with Daryl, Andrew offered to stay behind with Gerald. While they scavenged the nearby buildings, Y/N stayed close to Daryl, and seeing that he was no longer avoiding her, she felt relieved. Although few words were spoken between them, Y/N was no longer feeling as unsettled as she was the night before. It was almost as if things had gone back to normal between them. After an entire morning of walking and killing walkers they meet, they finally settled down inside a car they found in a parking lot for lunch. As Y//N and Daryl shared the bag of wild berries that they had packed, she cleared her throat, finding the right words to say to Daryl.
“Daryl?” Y/N finally spoke up. “Can I ask you about what happened last night?”
“Mm?” Daryl mumbled. He was no longer eating the berries, but was visibly chewing the insides of his lips. Daryl’s eyes darted between her and outside the windows, avoiding to look directly at Y/N. Y/N didn’t know then, but Daryl had heard her conversation with Andrew the night before. It was the first time he had felt the way he felt, and had Andrew not pointed it out, he would not have connected his emotion to jealousy. It was new to Daryl, but as soon as he knew what he was feeling, he understood immediately what had made him felt that way.
“Were you… jealous?” Y/N whispered shyly. She looked at Daryl and waited for him to look back at her. When he did, she saw him respond with a gentle, almost unnoticeable nod. A smile crept across Y/N’s face. She felt something tingle in her heart.
“I didn’t like seeing you with Gerald.” Daryl finally said, breaking the silence. Y/N let out the breath she had subconsciously held and looked up at Daryl, their gaze meeting. “Why?” Y/N daringly probed.
“I don’t like seeing you so close to him, is all.” Daryl replied, looking away. Y/N’s chuckles brought his gaze up again. Daryl looked at her, confused. “You were just repeating yourself! You didn’t answer my question.”
Daryl grunted dismissively. A part of him was afraid to tell Y/N the reason of his jealousy. Daryl felt silly, and maybe even ashamed about the reason why. Gerald was a lot younger than he was, making his age closer to Y/N’s. Daryl had no idea until Gerald came into the picture, that he was insecure about the age gap between him and Y/N. Seeing Gerald and Y/N together, albeit an innocent interaction, had inevitably made him felt that Y/N would be better off with someone younger, someone like Gerald. Seeing how Y/N and Gerald had almost kissed was even harder for Daryl to bear. He knew it was an accident, but that doesn’t stop him from feeling robbed of Y/N from him. That kiss, even if it was an almost-kiss was supposed to be his, not Gerald’s. Daryl knew he was being absolutely ridiculous and stupid, but he couldn’t stop that voice in his head.
When Daryl didn’t answer, Y/N spoke again. She felt a strong wave of courage to do what she was about to do, and she wanted to do it before she lost the courage again. “It was an accident. I didn’t kiss Gerald.” Y/N’s voice quivered slightly. She leaned in close to Daryl, and gently planted a kiss on his lips. “You’re the one I want to kiss.”      
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