#well yule mainly
whenlilyfallsinlove · 6 months
dancing with our hands tied
george weasley x gryffindor! reader (ft theodore nott)
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"honestly, the yule ball is so stupid." your complaints could be heard from the opposite side of the hall as you sat, a piece of toast in your hand, in between your two best friends fred and george weasley.
you had met them in your first year, on the train to hogwarts. ever since that day the three of you were inseparable. fred weasley was the louder, more cheekier twin. he had caught your attention first, mainly from his loud nature. you would consider him one of, if not your closest friend. then there was george weasley. the quieter, yet still charming twin. he was kinder. but he was different from fred. you had fallen for him in your second year. no one knew, except angelina johnson, but you had sworn her to secrecy and she wasn't the kind of girl to gossip.
"you're only saying that 'cos you don't have a date." fred smirks at you.
"neither do you." you respond, raising an eyebrow. george chuckles at this, which makes you feel quite proud of yourself.
"yeah well watch this." you watch as fred chucks a piece of paper at angelina. she turns to look over, confused. she gives you a questioning look and you shrug.
"will you go to the dance with me?" fred mouths, and gestures a dance.
you and george snort. surprisingly, angelina nods and turns back to her friends.
"and that my friends.. is how it's done." fred turns back to the two of you.
"unbelievable." george mutters, chuckling.
"yeah yeah, well done. anyway my point still stands." you sigh, playfully.
"well maybe if we find you a hot date, you might change your mind." fred winks at george. he knew of his brothers feelings for you, and boy was he taking advantage of it.
"yeah.. i'll pass." you say, avoiding eye contact with george.
george looks dejected.
"leave her alone fred, if she don't wanna go, she don't wanna go." george tries to mask his disappointment.
"yeah fred." you giggle.
"fine. but don't blame me when you die alone." fred playfully rolls his eyes.
that was the last the topic of the yule ball was brought up that day, the conversation quickly changing to the new pranks the twins had come up with and quidditch, but you couldn't shake off the feeling that something was up. george was acting... weird. i mean.. you weren't entirely opposed to the ball, if he asked you to it, you'd gladly say yes. maybe you'd have to make the first move?
for next few days, you had spent your time trying to work up the courage to ask george to the yule ball. i mean.. even if he said no, you could try and play it off as if you wanted to go as friends. it was fine.
"guess who has a date for the yule ball." george's voice broke you from your thoughts, as the two of you sat together in the library where you were supposed to be studying for your upcoming potions exams.
your heart stopped. a small part inside of you hoped he wasn't going to say him but of course, who else would it be?
"who?!" you say in fake enthusiam.
"me!" he announces, waiting for you to respond. a small part of him was hoping that you'd object and want to go with him yourself. unfortunately, he knew that wasn't in your nature.
as for you, you were struck. i mean, you knew it was your own fault. you were very vocally anti-yule ball. that didn't stop you from feeling heartbroken, though. but you knew you had to power through it.
"who's the unlucky girl?" you chuckle, feebly.
"katie bell." he responds, almost sounding.. apologetic?
"right. good for you." you mutter.
"yep." george responds, trying to search your face for any emotions. he saw none. maybe he needed to get over this.
you nod at him straight-faced.
"i uh- just remembered.. i gotta go meet fred. bye." george abruptly stands up, and leaves without another word.
"bye then." you respond, and sigh.
"well l/n that was the most painful thing i have ever witnessed and i'm friends with draco malfoy" theodore nott sat down in george's empty seat. he was your old herbology partner, and he was pretty nice.. for a slytherin.
"cheers nott. you should be thankful for my free entertainment." you smile weakly.
"you got it bad for weasley.. wow y/n i thought better of you." he teases.
"yeah yeah whatever, leave me alone." you frown, and turn back to your potions book.
"wait i didn't mean it like that.. look i have a proposition." theo responds, seeing your face.
you nod at him to go on.
"come to the yule ball with me to make him jealous."
"you what?!" you chuckle at the absurdity of what he had just said.
"hey! any girl would die to be you right now. it'll be fun! and i'm sure george won't be able to keep his eyes off us." he nudges you playfully.
you sigh. "fine." you fight off a smile, you couldn't deny the fact that theo was charming.
"i'll be at the gryffindor common room on the night. make sure you look hot." he smirks.
"will do." you smile.
maybe this was the distraction from george you needed.
you wandered back to the gryffindor common room with a smile on your face. the twins were quick to notice this.
"what are you smiling at?" fred says, as you take a seat beside the twins on the comfy armchairs.
"you all doubted me, guess who also has a hot date to the yule ball." you pretend to wipe dust off your shoulder.
george's heart dropped. he didn't like this one bit.
"yeah right, who?" george asks.
"nott." you smile.
"theodore nott??" george announces. "why.. that guys a dick."
"and a slytherin." fred adds.
"look he asked me. now we all have dates." you respond, trying to ignore the looks on their faces.
"yeah well.. i don't like him." george glares.
"well.. it's only for one night." you roll your eyes.
"but still... why would you go with him?!" he mutters.
"because he asked me?!" you respond. "i'm going to bed."
you stand up and leave to go to your dorm. what was his problem? you could go with whoever you wanted.
george sighs.
"mate, you need to tell her you like her eventually.. and maybe not act like an idiot about it." fred attempts to comfort him.
"that is not happening." george responds adamently.
the next few days you avoided george at all costs. after your last exchange, it felt like it was the right thing to do.
before you knew it, it was the night of the yule ball. angelina had put a charm on your makeup so it remained flawless and you wore the most beautiful dress you owned. you felt pretty.
as you walked down to the common room, george couldn't help but mutter a "wow". you were glowing.
"hope you're not checking out my date, weasley." theo teases.
"shut up nott." george growls, fred only laughed.
as you approach the boys, you felt george's eyes on you.
"hi." you mutter.
"l/n you look..."
"beautiful." george cut theo off, smiling at you, you felt your cheeks heat up and smile back.
"damn right, come on." theo offers his arm out for you and you take it.
"i'll.. see you guys there." you smile at the twins and make your way to the hall.
"i know this isn't a romantic date but.. you still wanna dance? kinda wanna have some fun too." theo asks when you arrive.
"gladly." you smile.
the two of you dance for most of the evening. you had a pretty good time but you can't help but look over at george who was laughing with katie.
"hey y/n.. now's your time." theo mutters cheekily to you, as you watch katie approach one of the beauxbuxton boys, who happily accepts her offer.
"thanks theo, you've been a great date." you smile, as theo winks back at you.
you make your way over to george, and take katie's empty seat.
"so you having a good time georgie?" you smile at him.
"it's been alright. better if i came here with someone else though." he chuckles.
"really?!" you reply.
"yes. look y/n, i'm sorry about the other day. i guess i was just.. jealous." george sighs.
you felt your heart pound. "jealous?"
"yeah.. i brought katie here to make you jealous. she was in on it of course, i just.. really like you y/n." george says, sighing.
"oh george, i brought theo here for the exact same reason" you exclaim.
"you did?!" he grins.
"yeah.. the truth is.. i really like you too. i've just been too nervous to say anything." you smile.
george grins back and takes a hold of your hand.
"so you wanna dance y/n?"
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invissimp · 9 months
Yule Blues
Draco malfoy x reader
Summary: Confusion during the holiday season wasnt something you wanted to deal with especially with the Yule Ball in a few weeks.
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Snow. Thats always how you knew Christmas was around the corner this year the first snow falls just so happened to be on a trip to Hogsmeade.
Although you were walking with Hermione, Ron, and Harry your plan was to meet up with Draco at the three broomsticks halfway through the visit.
Draco usually didn't even bother trying to get you from your house friends mainly because they were overprotective of you since your best friend is their "rival".
So that's why you decided it would just be better meeting him somewhere other than him trying to find you in the small village.
Glancing towards the left seeing Ron looking at Hermione while she was explaining how the Yule ball was going to work. On your right was Harry since he and Ron weren't really on 'talking terms'.
Although you felt bad for Hermione for leaving her alone with Harry and Ron while they weren't talking to each other. The other part of you was happy to finally visit the three broomsticks with Draco since last year you only did once.
Glancing down at your watch almost every 3 minutes to see if it was time to go see Draco. Although there was a good chance he was already there you still didn't want to leave your friends so soon.
"You know we're not stopping you from seeing Malfoy right?" Your red headed friend asked.
Taken aback from his niceness towards Draco even if it was hard to make a comment about Draco mean Ron always found a way to.
"You guys wouldn't mind if I went ahead and left to go see him?" You asked
The two boys just nodded their heads while Hermione let out a simple yes to the question. Before they could even say bye you were gone heading towards the three broomsticks.
Bringing your gold and red scarf up to your nose since it was still a couple minutes walk. Glancing around to see people from different houses and schools walking into each store wanting to see what was in each one, especially the third years.
Smiling to yourself thinking of how last year Draco mentioned in one of his letters towards you during the summer he said that he wanted to be the first one to take you to all the stores. (you both knew that wouldn't happen) He really did enjoy your company.
Ron would always joke that he liked you more than his own housemates and he fancies you.
You had always denied the first part but the second half is something you wished to be true since in all honesty you were completely in love with Draco Malfoy. Would he return your feelings? Most likely not he probably fancies Pansy Parkinson.
Shaking your head to get out of your thoughts only to be met by a Durmstrang student, Steven Bottom. There had been rumors about his plan to ask you to the Yule ball. If worse comes to worse then yeah you would go with him. Although you would prefer to go with a boy from a slytherin house.
“Ah Y/N what a pleasant surprise to see you here.” The Durmstrang student said with a grin.
You always knew you were somewhat short compared to your friends, especially Ron and Draco but Steven was a good 6’4(1.9 meters). Smiling up at him “Nice to see you as well Steven.”
Although his name didn’t get called from the goblet you knew he put it in there. You two had been in the library a couple times so you can explain to him what all happens at Hogwarts and just to hang out with someone new to school.
Although you had been walking by yourself to the three broomsticks, why not walk with Steven. “Care to walk with me?” 
Nodding his head to your question already following you.
“So has anyone asked you to the Ball yet, i’m sure their has to be some people that want to go with you?” The Bulgarian asked with just the slightest hint of desperation in his voice.
Now the smile on your face has went down a little but not by a whole lot “Yeah a couple people have but ive said no to all of them I been waiting to be asked by a certain person.”
Now that definitely caught his attention “So no date yet just making sure?”
Shaking your head for a no to his question while glancing up at him just to see him wearing the same grin as he had before when you first ran into him today.
Seeing that you were only about a minute away from your destination was a plus since you really didn't want to keep this conversation going and end up rejecting Steven just to wait for a boy who won't even ask you.
Taking a deep breath of oxygen before asking you “So can I be that certain person to ask you to the Yule ball I mean we can have a great time there and it wont be a waste of your…” Draining out his rambling once the three broomsticks came into sight and thankfully Blasie was outside.
“Bloody hell Y/N your finally here I thought you werent going to show and then I would have to deal with a pissed Draco all night which is NOT on my bucket list.” The slytherin said warning that Draco might be in a bad mood.
Glancing down at your watch to see that Steven had slowed your walk down just by talking to you and now the trip was a little over halfway. Looking up at Steven to see disappointment in his eyes made you feel bad a tad bit, just a tad.
“We can finish this conversations some other time yeah?” you said more like a statement than question before walking into the three broomsticks.
This place has never failed to feel welcoming, hell even the most sad human could walk in here and be cheerful just for the day. Looking around to see Madam Rosmerta had put up the Christmas trees and decorations. 
Obviously it was busy since it was the first day, darting your eyes around looking for the boy youve been waiting to see all day. Finding him in the back corner which you couldn't really see because of one of the many Christmas trees.
Smiling softly at him, you knew he had been looking at you since you've walked into pub. Taking in his appearance his gloves and scarf had been on the table corner and your seat across from him had already been pulled out for you to sit in.
Walking over to the table and pulling off you gloves. 
“Well look who finally decided to show up only 10 minutes late.” The seeker said sarcastically while moving your gloves over on the table.
Glaring at him “I could just leave right now and never talk to you again.” You said with a serious face on.
Knowing you was just lying to him he rolled his eyes. That was his specialty knowing your humor and personality better than anyone could.
Sitting down finally after almost 2 hours of walking.
Talking with Draco made time fly by fast for sure it had only felt like 5 minutes but in reality a hour and half. That means only about a half hour longer to talk to him.
“So what was you and Bottom talking about in the street he seemed pretty happy about it before you walked away?” Draco asked
Confused on how he would know but Draco read your face and pointed towards the window that had a perfect view of where you and Steven were talking.
“Oh he was asking me about the Yule Ball and if I have a date yet to it.” you replied softly, now that was something that caught Dracos attention he doubted he wouldnt know if you were going with someone but you never know.
“So are you?” He asked trying not to seem to interested, shaking your head a no “Just waiting for a certain someone to ask me but if he doesnt then I might go with Steven.” 
No way you could ever go with someone but Draco, seeing you even talk to someone else gets him mad enough but dancing would be another level of madness. 
Nodding his head to your response. “So have you been asked or ask anyone yet?” You said curiously with just a hint of hopefulness in your eyes.
Draco knew lying was terrible, although hes done it before he hated doing it to people he cared about(even though it was just you and his mom). Draco didnt know why he said what he said it just kinda came out of his mouth. “Im going with Pansy I also asked her.”
Looking at your eyes to see the hopefulness fall out of them and be met with sadness and a weak “Oh.”
Now the converstation had gotten awkward enough to the point you might as well just walk away.
Which is exactly what you did. Before Draco could even realize it, you had gotten up and left the pub leaving him behind with your gloves.
Trees. Christmas trees to be exact had been put up all around the school to celebrate the spirit. Each student also got to make a ornament each year to put on a tree.
Some were common like a snowflake, bulbs with intials on it. The weasley twins always did magic on theirs to make it extra special and stand out.
This year Heromione made hers a cat with whiskers that move every few minutes. Ron’s was a simple broomstick that he had Hermione make it where it can fly around to different trees each day.
You never put much thought into your ornament since you’d only see it for a week and a half. But this year you and Draco planned on doing matching ones. His was to be a black swan and yours a white one.
It was your mission to avoid him of course but that didn’t stop you from still fulfilling your part of the plan. It was late at night and Ron requested food from the kitchen, Harry offered to come with you but you denied since it was better for just one person to get caught and not two just in case.
Knowing that the chances of running into anybody were slim and Harry had already checked the Marauders Map before you had gone out to make sure Flich wasn’t anywhere around.
Stepping foot into the kitchen to see just a few elves around. Requesting the food that Ron and Harry wanted along with a few drinks.
Hermione told you to make it quick since their was no warning if any teacher decided to take a stroll around the halls. Getting the food from the elves and responding with a small “thank you” before walking up and out into the hall.
Walking back towards the Common room felt even longer, the longest thing that you’ve experienced even potions or charms. It was bound to happen after all, footsteps were heard from behind you. Here comes detention for a week.
You could recognize that voice from anywhere, the one where you heard for weeks but haven’t had a conversation with. Draco Malfoys voice.
The inner gryffindor in you was not coming out, all you wanted to do was run away and not stop to talk to Draco.
Before your plan to run away could happen the slytherin done turned you around to face him.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He stated like it was simple knowledge. If anyone else saw him they would say he looked angry or annoyed which he did. But his eyes had just a hint of sadness in them.
Over the years knowing Draco’s facial expressions have gotten easier, enough where you can see across the great hall with one glance to know if he was going to have a good or bad day. Which was him making fun of Harry or leaving his comments aside.
Deciding to test your luck with him and see if you can get away with it. “No I havent just been busy with the Ball and stuff like that.”
“It’s the truth.”
“You know I can read you like a book right?”
Having no comeback to that and just looking at him. It was bound to happen eventually knowing that he would talk to you. This wasn’t one of the ways you pictured him finding you alone.
“Why did you leave out of the blue in hogs meade after I talked about the Yule ball?”
Well he definitely got straight to the point for once, Draco wasn’t known for that usually everyone would have to guess about what was wrong with him or what he was trying to say.
Not right now though, not when you his bestfriend, crush had been avoiding him for weeks now even after he planned on asking you out that same day and just say it was a joke about Pansy.
Lost at words to respond to him, he looked as though he was going to say something. You couldn’t bare to hear it, how he was going to make fun of you about not having a date.
So you ran. Ran as fast as you could, faster than when you pranked Ron. Running down the hallways to stop by the fat lady portrait, you could hear Draco’s faint footsteps in the background.
Saying the password and slamming the portrait shut to be met with Harry, Ron and Hermione all staring at you with wide eyes.
“I like draco Malfoy.”
Part 2
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sureallavnder · 9 months
Proper date? - Draco Malfoy
parings - 4th year draco malfoy x 4th year reader
summary - the two of you spend some time cuddling after the yule ball
warnings - none
a/n - omg this is all fluff just pure fluff enjoy
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“That was so much fun Draco!!” you yell excitedly winding your way through the many halls boyfriend in hand.
The two of you had just finished up at the famous yule ball which did take a bit of convincing to get Draco to agree to come to.
But once he agreed you knew it would be the best night of your life.
You’d made it back to your shared slytherin common room and expressed a big sigh of relief as even though it was fun it was also extremely exhausting.
But now it was just the two of you as most others had gone to bed as it was way past midnight at this time.
You slowly walk him down to the couch and pull him onto it with you.
“I love you” slips out of your mouth. You hadn’t really said it much before as you had only started dating this year.
Pulling you into his lap he nuzzles into your neck mumbling back an “I love you too.”
This made you do a slight squeal in excitement as you wished you said it more as words of affirmation was your love language.
You started tracing your dainty hands on his singing to yourself. Draco loves when you do this and hums while holding you closer.
His hands feel cold but comforting like a winter snow, something you’d always loved.
“Draco,” you say quietly, “can we go on a proper date?”
Even though you and draco had been officially dating for a few months and had semi “dates”, well you wouldn’t really call them dates. It’s mainly been the two of you at the three broomsticks with the rest of your friends tagging along, so no not really proper dates that you wish for.
“What do you mean love” he replies.
“Well… i want it to be just the two of us” you say cautiously.
“You know what baby, let’s do it. Just us.” Draco responds lovingly.
You hum and cuddle into him in response to this. You always loved cuddling into him, it was practically your favourite activity.
You notice yourself dozing off and you’re so sleepy after the party that you let yourself fall asleep wherever you are which happens to be in Draco strong arms.
He notices this and giggles to himself “oh baby, you’re adorable.” He smiles a smile only you get to see.
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rocksanddeadflowers · 9 months
It's the winter solstice today so I am again thinking about Lyfrassir celebrating Yule on the Aurora to try and keep Yggdrasilian traditions alive. Hanging up spmistletoe (space mistletoe) or spcedar (space cedar) etc to bring in greenery, or cooking a large traditional feast, maybe they request Marius and other willing mechs to preform Yule carols.
I think specifically Marius would have many feelings about Lyfrassir celebrating Yule, not just bc of the violinspector thing but bc the lore I picked up, Marius is Space German, so he presumably had a variation of Yule in his past. (Also the fanon(?) idea of Marius having written The Wassailant album in his universe, like the Kofi Young album, is chef's kiss btw.)
Just.... Lyf emotionally rambling on about the celebrations they grew up with while Marius teaches them to make Thomas Wheel breads bc he may block out much from his past but he somehow remembered this and it means so much to Lyf that he may as well.
I want the others trying to help the holiday spirit. I want Tim to tell Marius that this is just like Christmas and he should definitely kiss Lyf under the mistletoe bc it's tradition and he rants about Santa Clause bc what do you mean you guys didn't have that? I want Brian to bake gingerbread cookies shaped like octokittens. Raphaella flying around hanging up decor and occasionally scooping up Jonny and forcing him to help (he acts way more upset over it than he actually is). I want the Toy Soldier being compared to nutcrackers but it actually ends up playing Mari Lwyd which, while being mainly Welsh it's close enough and its absolutely lovingly terrifying. Ashes insists on a Yule Log that's an entire tree (Lyf explains that's just an exaggeration or myth but also won't kill their fun). Nastya and Aurora shift the day-night lighting cycles to feel as close to a Midgard winter as possible. Ivy is honestly the only one trying to find genuine traditional celebrations (both out of caring for Lyf and bc she needs this to be accurate period) to help Lyf with.
They pick a night to feast and drink, a few trading presents while they get drunk off of wassail or muled wine and singing different winter holidays carols from each cultural background that had them. Lyf is ever grateful for their newfound family. They're fucked up and frankly quite concerning, but it means the world to find that deep down, in their own way, they all truly care.
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wholesomefluffdaddy · 4 months
Wednesday's new court mandated therapist is having her keep a journal of her thoughts and feelings. Wednesday finds this to be a complete waste of time and decides instead to use it to record her observations of her unusual roommate Enid Sinclair. Wednesday POV.
Entry 18
Current Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent 🌒
Today Enid suggested we head into Jericho for Christmas shopping. I informed her that this was unnecessary for me as I had already finished making my Yuletide gifts before the final month began. She looked a little taken aback but I was quick to clarify that it did not mean I wouldn't join her in town. I donned my jacket and took her hand in my own. She lit up again at once and immediately pulled me out of our dorm.
As we walked through the halls on our way down to the bus she asked me many questions about Yule. I had no qualms in educating her about its history, symbols, and traditions.
'Woah! So it's kind of like an old timey Christmas?' Was her response. I cannot describe the physical pain this caused me. 'Willa, are you okay?' She asked as we boarded the bus.
'Perhaps it would also be prudent to discuss the history of the holiday you celebrate as well.' I said, taking a calming breath as we sat down. I could tell that it would be a long trip to Jericho.
-YourFavoriteFruitBat is now livestreaming-
"What's up guys! YourFavoriteFruitBat here along with my girl GayMerGirl as we head into town! We're going to see how long I can stand in the local churches before I catch fire!"
"You're not seriously doing that are you?"
"Hey chat it looks like we've got a guest appearance by QBB - Queen Bee Barclay!"
"Don't call me that."
"So what are your plans for town today?"
"Well, I guess they now include staying away from the churches."
"Aw, come on Bianca don't be- Wait, chat's going crazy. Hold on. Oh shit! I guess we've also got an impromptu episode of Wenid Watch!"
"So this is still a thing?"
"Yeah, it's become even more popular over the past couple weeks. I remember when Yoko started filming them occasionally as a joke but now everyone is super invested."
"Like, their relationship?"
"Yup! It's the whole 'will they won't they' kind of thing. Except they're finally together now, I think."
"Shh! Quiet you two! This is a rare sighting of the two love bats outside of their nest!"
"-and it was the psychoactive component of the amanita muscaria, or fly agaric, that caused hallucinations, with the most common hallucination being that of flying reindeer."
"Wow! But wait, if people only hallucinated the reindeer flying then how did the Christmas Werewolf win the werewolf games?"
"The… what?"
"The werewolf games! How did the Christmas Werewolf win if the reindeer he ate didn't actually fly?"
"I am unaware of such a tale."
"You not know about the Christmas Werewolf? Ha! Quit joking!"
"This is no jest, cara mia."
"You know, the Christmas Werewolf."
"Mi amor, I am afraid that you repeating it does not give me any greater clarity."
"…You? You really haven't heard the story of the Christmas Werewolf?"
"No. I am woefully ignorant."
"Please enlighten me."
"Okay! So my dad always told the story just before the twelve days of Christmas began back when my brothers and I were just cubs-"
"You know, kid werewolves."
"Ah, I see. Continue."
"The Christmas Werewolf, okay so you know how werewolves remain wolfed out for the twelve days of Christmas right?"
"Really? Okay, uh, there's a lot I'm going to need to cover then. Anyway, werewolves who have completed their first full wolf out stay wolfed out during the twelve days of Christmas. That's when we compete in the werewolf games."
"And what happens in these games?"
"Well, we test our strength and stuff, like running and hunting and jumping. There's also alcohol involved but that's mainly for the older werewolves. Anyway, so the story goes that a long time ago on a cold winter's night all the local werewolves gathered together for the werewolf games. Everyone got to play except for one little werewolf. None of the other werewolves would let him join in the games because they said he was too small and weak and could never hope to compete. The little werewolf was very sad but determined to prove them wrong."
"The other werewolves laughed and said they would let him join in the games if he could jump over the wall of a nearby castle. The little werewolf saw how tall the wall was and knew he could not jump it all by himself. He wandered off into the woods and that's when he saw it: Santa's reindeer. The little werewolf got an idea. If the reindeer could fly, maybe he could too if he ate one."
"That took a rather unexpected turn."
"So, he comes up with this whole big plan to catch one of the reindeer. Long story short he succeeds and eats one of the reindeer and goes back to the other werewolves. Anyway, he wins because he can jump super high now and gets crowned the Christmas Werewolf."
"And how did Santa respond to the death of one of his reindeer?"
"Well, I mean, that's why Santa doesn't deliver presents to werewolves. And why we can't enjoy hot chocolate at Christmas. And also why his reindeer wear silver bells, so werewolves never eat his reindeer again."
"That… makes sense."
"I know right? But if the flying reindeer were hallucinations, how did the Christmas werewolf make the jump?"
"I would suppose that with this werewolf being quite clever he found some alternative way to clear that castle wall."
"I guess."
"Enid, if the character of Saint Nicholas refuses to bring gifts to werewolves why have you hung stockings?"
"Oh! Those aren't for Santa! It's for the Christmas werewolf to leave dried venison. It's symbolic of the meat of the flying reindeer."
"Why stockings?"
"Well, you can't wear stockings when you're wolfed out, silly. That's why he puts it in there."
"Of course. And the tree?"
"Werewolf Christmases are mostly spent outside, since almost everyone is wolfed out. So we have two trees that are decorated the same. One inside for the cubs that haven't wolfed out and one outside for everyone else. You can find your family by the tree outside that is decorated like the one inside."
"There appears to be much I do not know about werewolf Christmas."
"I don't know. I think they're mostly the same. I mean, you spend time with family and people you care about, you give gifts, and you compete to see who is the strongest."
"Must one be a werewolf to partake in these games?"
"Uh, technically no but they are very challenging if you aren't."
"What is the prize of winning said games?"
"Well, you get to be the Christmas Werewolf."
"And what does that entail?"
"You get first pick when it comes to meals, everyone has to listen to you, you get bragging rights, and you hunt the Christmas reindeer so you can put venison in everyone's stockings."
"Interesting. Tell me the games again."
"Willa? You're not- you're not thinking of competing are you?"
"Would it be inappropriate for me to?"
"No but, you're not, you're kinda-"
"You're small."
"Is the story you told me not about the small and clever overcoming brute strength?"
"Yes but Willa- My family is super competitive."
"As am I, querida."
"Willa no."
"I am merely curious, mi loba."
"Well chat? What do you think? Do you think Wednesday Addams has what it takes to compete in the werewolf games?"
"I worry for the werewolves to be honest."
"Bianca's got the spirit! I'm adding a poll down in chat. Chat, do you think Wednesday has a chance? I guess we'll have to wait till after winter break to find out!"
-YourFavoriteFruitBat has ended the livestream-
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cervicrazed · 4 months
🩷🐖 + bamjak!
heh....just what I was hoping for 😈
You & @the-goblin-cat both asked for Bambs so I'll condense em both into this neat little long post for your viewing convenience
Disclaimer: Some of these questions refer to different forms of love, but I'll be focusing mainly on the romantic since Bambi & Jak are (kinda) in a relationship
Sapphic Love Lore under the cut!:
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^ The sapphics in question ^
01) How does your character view the idea of romantic love?
Jak L. -> thinks romantic love is fleeting, like puppy love or the honeymoon phase. Not to say she doesn't still fall in love herself, she just doesn't expect it to last. It's always a bittersweet affair.
Bambi -> Mostly unexplored territory for her. She's had one unofficial crush w/ Yule (@fvriva's/your🫵🏽 character) but idk if I'm allowed to canonize that
In her mind, romantic love means you get to kiss your friends without it being weird.
02) What was your character's first heartbreak, and how did it influence their approach to relationships?
Jak L. -> Her first heartbreak was when she was younger; not allowed to live in Human settlements, she would leave secret messages in tree knotholes to see if she could make friends. She spent over a year writing secret messages with a girl named Fey before they agreed to meet in person. Jak thought she looked beautiful, Fey screamed and called her a Demon. The experience caused her to become more secretive with her writing and communicating in general
Bambi -> Has yet to have her first romantic heartbreak, though the mixed signals she keeps getting from Jak may be ill omens of it.
03) Does your character believe in soulmates, and why or why not?
Jak L. -> She's believes they exist, but that the forbidden magic of a necromancer (or curse!) is what keeps the souls together, not love. While technically something that could happen in universe, she has no evidence for it other than her bias against preordained fate.
Bambi -> She hopes the concept is real, but doesn't like the idea of waiting around for the perfect someone to fall into her lap. If she does have a soulmate, she feels they better get a move on and meet her already.
04) What traits does your character find most attractive in others?
Jak L. -> She's definitely attracted to rule-breakers and contrarians, since she attributes that to being a big part of her identity. She doesn't really like rebellion with no direction even though she's also guilty of that at times
Bambi -> She wants to keep her options open, but she's definitely attracted to Jock/Athletic girl-adjacent people. Wrestling and physical contact are sort of like her love language, and she'd hate to engage w/ someone who couldn't keep up with her.
05) What does your character fear most in a relationship?
Jak L. -> Jak's Ex put a curse on her in a misguided jealous rage; any and everything she loved would rot away in front of her. The Ex then promptly died as they rotted alive The pain of longing is worse than a broken bone in Jak's mind, but she'd rather that than have the same fate befall Bambi. Until she finds a way to break her curse, she's terrified of even admitting her affections out loud.
Bambi -> Above all, Bambi hates being lied to. Her worst fear about being in a relationship is that her partner would turn out to be someone completely different than who she fell in love with.
06) How does your character handle jealousy or insecurity in relationships?
Jak L. -> Not as well as she thinks she does! She tries not to stare when Bambi flirts with other girls, but in her mind she's biting and maiming her suitors with her teeth.
Bambi -> Barely gets jealous if at all. In her mind, if the girl she's entertaining actually likes her, there's really no competition to be had. She'll either 'win' or she won't. She's more likely to leave a relationship if her partner's jealousy becomes too controlling.
07) What past relationship still impacts your character's current life?
Jak L. -> Her relationship with the Ex that cursed her. Very actively prevents her from pursuing a potential romance with Bambi, even though they'd both like to. It eats away at her if she thinks about it too long
Bambi -> Technically hasn't been in any prior relationships but I would still count the unofficial Yule crush on a meta level; it helped me think ab what kind of partners Bambi might find herself with + how she'd react to different situations they'd find themselves in
08) How does your character show love and affection?
Jak L. -> The only way that feels safe: teasing. Treating her crushes like she'd treat her siblings is the only way she feels she can show her affection without killing them. There are moments when she'll slip up and be a bit more intimate than she intends, but they're immediately walked back as quickly as they happen.
Bambi -> Whittling isn't a skill she likes to show off partially because she's not that great at it, but she enjoys the idea of being represented in an object. 'Even when I'm far away, you'll still have a piece of me right next to you'
It's a comforting thought to her.
09) What significant change has your character experienced in their understanding of love?
Jak L. -> Struggling with her feelings for Bambi made her realize that maybe romantic love isn't as fleeting as she hoped first thought. Maybe true love involves a hurtful longing - she isn't sure but she hopes she's wrong.
Bambi -> She hasn't yet, but I want her idea of what love is to evolve; she starts off assuming love is something you can only really give to one person; once it's gone, it's gone.
10) What sacrifices has your character made for love, and were they worth it?
Jak L. -> She's given up a lot for love, and not even just for the Ex that cursed her. The sacrifice that leaves her with the most regret was her relationship with her adoptive parents Nelle and Basil. After a bad argument she ran away to be with the boy she was seeing at the time; only for them to break up a few weeks later. She's been too embarrassed to go back to them.
Bambi -> She hasn't had to sacrifice anything yet, but she will. :)
11) How does your character's cultural or familial background influence their views on marriage and relationships?
Jak L. -> grew up in an orphanage run by a centaur named Basil and his human wife Nelle. They set her standard of what love was supposed to look like as well as showing her Human/Monster relationships can be healthy and loving. Though she respects them greatly, her aversion to authority leads to her antagonizing them more often than not. Another way she learned to express her love.
Bambi -> grew up mostly in isolation with her two dads. They're the only example of love she's really ever seen - and since they don't talk much about how they met (and boy has she tried to weasel it out of them) she's mostly confused on how a romance is supposed to start or what it feels like. Her flirtations with Jak feel close to what she imagines it to be.
12) Does your character have a relationship that everyone else misunderstands?
Jak L. -> To walk back her feelings with Bambi, she'll often redirect her attention and hang out with Kennedy Leeds (13th son of the Jersey Devil & Bambi's first friend); so most of the characters in Dead Wood think she's got a crush on him instead. This is easy to deny, but for some reason nobody seems to believe her. It doesn't help that Kennedy actually has a real crush on her in turn.
Bambi -> Her relationship with her estranged sibling Iniko. Those who know of their reputation assume Bambi is also a contract killer looking for trouble, or worse yet, that she's working with them for some nefarious purpose. She has no idea what they're talking about, assuming they're referring to her dad (she doesn't know she has a sibling yet..)
13) How does your character handle rejection or unrequited love?
Jak L. -> She takes rejection in stride, but has yet to be on the other side of unrequited love. She's terrified that by the time she's free of the magic that binds her, Bambi will no longer feel the same.
Bambi -> She channels her hurt into physical activity (wrestling, bare-hand fishing, etc). Once the activity is over, she expects the hurt to be over as well. It doesn't always work that way, but in her mind it's better than sitting and wallowing in it.
14) What lesson about love is your character still trying to learn?
Jak L. -> In her eyes, the only lesson left to learn is how to undo her curse so she can finally love again. However, I'm hoping to toy around with how she expresses her love in the meantime - teasing can only take you so far.
Bambi -> Differentiating between romantic, platonic, and sexual love and how each one affects the people she knows. Right now she more or less sees Love as an amorphous thing you're born with and can share with others. How to share it is where she keeps getting stuck.
15) How has your character's professional life affected their romantic relationships?
Jak L. -> Her job as a 'Travel Buddy' definitely helps her meet new people, but she doesn't allow herself to get any closer than 'just friends'. On the bright side, she has a lot of friends willing to help her out at a moment's notice.
Bambi -> Doesn't technically have a job, unless you count being her Uncle's errandboy. Her relationships are affected by it in the same way they would be if you went on a fantasy quest with a group of friends. If anything, it grants her more opportunities to bond, flirt, and generally get to know the person better.
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the-al-chemist · 9 months
The Lights That Never Go Out
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Chapter 8: All The Things I’ve Always Missed
A/N: A heads up, we are going full on ‘When Harry Met Sally’ in this chapter. Sorry, Nora Ephron, but I’m having what you’re having. Written using @thethreebroomsticksfic’s Yule Bash prompt ‘Fireplace’.
Warnings: mentions of grief and canon character death.
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25th December, 1998
Charlie and his brother and sister-in-law stood on the doorstep of the Burrow, waiting in the cold for someone to let them in. From outside, the house seemed almost quiet, but he knew that inside there would be a bustle of activity. There always was at this time of year.
The door in front of them swung open, and they were greeted by a waft of warm air that smelt of pine and roasting turkey, and the exuberant hugs of their mother, Molly.
“Merry Christmas, boys. And to you as well, Fleur.”
Molly’s arms opened to Charlie immediately after Bill, and as he returned her embrace, he looked at the kitchen behind her over her shoulder. The hob was covered in boiling pots, and piles of plates and crackers were stacked on the kitchen table. The walls of the room were covered in decorations that half-hid and half-distracted from the cracks in the plasterwork and missing paint that Charlie had yet to finish.
The Burrow was messier, more chaotic, and just as homely as he remembered it being.
Charlie’s mother frowned slightly before closing the door, and she turned to both of her eldest sons, confused. “Is Artemis not with you? I thought you were all coming up here together from yours.”
“That was the plan.” Bill strode across the kitchen and looked carefully at the cooking food as if inspecting it. “But her bed was empty this morning.”
As his mother’s eyes widened, Charlie removed his shoes with his back to her, not wanting her to see the disappointment on his face. He hadn’t told Artemis in words how much it meant to him that she be at his side today, but she had told him so solemnly that she would be there that he suspected that she realised. Maybe his suspicions had been wrong. After all, the two of them seemed to have lost their understanding of one another recently.
“Don’t look so worried, Mum,” Bill continued. “She went to the Three Broomsticks last night, chances are she’s probably still there, was too drunk to Apparate home. Charlie’s left her a note at ours so she’ll know to come straight here once she gets back.”
That wasn’t why Charlie had left the note. Artemis would know where they had gone, but he hated the idea of her returning to Shell Cottage on Christmas morning to find it empty, to find that they’d all left without her.
Bill’s reasoning may not have been strictly correct, but it stopped their mother from looking quite so concerned at the idea of Artemis’ absence.
“What is it with you all going out and getting so drunk on Christmas Eve, of all nights?” she asked, tutting quietly. “You know, Percy just sent his Patronus on to say that he and George are going to be late this morning. Apparently George went to the Leaky Cauldron last night with Lee Jordan and came back in a right state. They were supposed to be coming early to help lay the table, but it doesn’t sound like George will be much help to anyone today, from what Percy described.”
She spoke very quickly, the way she always did when she was anxious. Charlie got the idea that it had nothing to do with laying the table, but decided it was better not to ask her what was really bothering her. After all, he already knew the answer to that question. He shrugged.
“Is there anything Bill and I can do to make it easier?”
Charlie may have mainly been offering to help his mother in order to change the subject, but he was being genuine enough; he didn’t mind helping. Still, his offers were declined. With nothing for him to do, he made his way into the sitting room to join his youngest siblings.
He found them both on the floor; Ginny lying on the rug attempting to encourage a cat with long fur and a squashed-looking nose to play with a paper chain, while Ron sat playing chess with his friend Harry, his girlfriend reading a book in the chair behind him. The pine tree in the corner of the room was boasting an impressive pile of presents, and a fire was crackling in the hearth.
His face and heart warmed by the fire, Charlie took a seat in another one of the armchairs so that Bill and Fleur could stay together on the sofa. Ginny looked up at them all hopefully from the carpet.
“Is Artemis here not yet?” she asked. “Is she coming at all?”
Charlie shrugged. “Should be, unless she’s changed her mind since I spoke to her yesterday.”
It was possible. It might even be probable. Then again, Artemis had always had a tendency to be late. Hopefully, she would turn up in the next hour or so, though a part of Charlie was beginning to doubt that.
“Does she not like to spend Christmas with her own family?” said Hermione, her eyes lifting from the pages of her book for the first time since Charlie had entered the room. At her feet, Ron let out a quiet scoffing noise.
“Doubt it. Most of her family are a bit crap, aren’t they? That’s why she used to spend so much time ‘round here when Bill and Charlie were at school.” He used his wand to direct his bishop diagonally across the board before adding, “Bit like Harry, only Artemis never tried to get off with my sister.”
He had spoken in a low voice, his comment clearly meant for Harry’s ears, but not low enough. On Charlie’s other side, Ginny looked up and gave their brother a pointed and mischievous grin.
“Not yet,” she said, and she wriggled her eyebrows and pursed her lips. Ron pulled a face before his attention returned to his chessboard.
Charlie said nothing. Hoping that if any of the others noticed his cheeks growing pink, they would assume it was from the heat of the flames, he turned his face towards the fireplace. Hanging from the mantelpiece was a row of stockings, the ones he and his siblings used to open each Christmas morning during their childhoods. Now that they were all adults, the stockings were empty, but all seven of them were still there.
Despite the ransacking of the Burrow, the Weasleys’ Christmas stockings had fared better in the war than the children themselves.
There was the sound of a loud crack in the garden outside, shortly followed by a knock on the kitchen door and Charlie’s mother making an excited-sounding noise. Moments later, she and his father Arthur entered the sitting room with two more Weasleys in their wake: Percy and George.
“Wonderful,” Molly said. Her cheeks were flushed and her smile a little too wide. “Almost everyone is here. I think we are only missing…”
Her voice did not break, but she stopped speaking so quickly that the end of her sentence seemed to disappear entirely rather than tail off. Her smile fell from her face, and everyone else fell silent. The only sound that could be heard were those of the fire and Celestina Warbeck on the kitchen wireless.
They were missing a great deal. They were missing laughter, a pair of bright eyes, a lopsided grin. A son, a brother, a friend. Charlie struggled to take his eyes off the middle most stocking on the fireplace, the one that once would have been — the one that still should have been — Fred’s.
Of course, it wasn’t just Fred who was gone. It was Tonks, who had been the first friend Charlie had made at school. It was Lupin, Tonks’ husband and the father to her child who would now have to grow up without his parents. It was Moody, who Charlie had barely had more than one conversation with, but had been as fierce in battle as he had in loyalty. It was Dumbledore and Snape, and all the others whose lives had touched on theirs over the years, and countless more who they had never even met. It was George’s ear, Bill’s unscarred face, and Percy’s sense of self-worth. It was the inexpensive yet priceless family heirlooms and photo albums that they had been unable to recover in the wreckage of their home.
Right now, though, it was mainly Fred. From the missing stocking over the fireplace to the brother who was missing both an ear and his double. Every joke that wasn’t being made, every tear their parents tried to hide, each one was because Fred was gone.
Charlie looked to his father, who had one arm around his mother’s shoulders. He looked to Bill, who had Fleur’s hand resting on his knee. He looked to Percy and George, the former of whom patted the latter on the shoulder. He looked to Ron, reaching up to interlace his fingers with Hermione’s, and Ginny, returning the sad, sympathetic smile Harry was offering her. All Charlie had for comfort was the warmth of the flames in the fireplaces, which had all of a sudden become far too hot for his liking.
“Excuse me, I’ve got…” Charlie stood up. He cleared his throat. “Erm, bathroom.”
He did not need to go to the bathroom, he just needed to go, to get out of the room which was growing too small and crowded, too loud in spite of the quiet atmosphere. He needed to be alone, despite the fact that he couldn’t ever remember feeling quite as lonely as he did in that moment. So, instead of heading for the bathroom, he continued up to the very top of the house, to the attic, where he opened the window and stepped out onto the roof.
Sitting up here, his back against the warm stone of the chimney, he was completely out of sight, out of the reach of anyone. No one knew where he was, no one could find him, no one could demand anything of him. There were no brothers, dead or alive, no dragons, no one he could let down. There was just him, just Charlie, entirely alone in the world.
It was exactly how he had always liked it, but today, more so than ever before, his solitude felt more solemn than it did soothing.
He missed the way things had been in the past, before the war, when everything had felt simple and unfettered. He missed his brother. Right now, he missed Artemis, the assurance he had always felt in her presence, the mutual understanding they had always shared, or used to share. He had wondered time and time again what it might feel like to have her lips on his, but he would give back each one of their too-few kisses if only to get those things back again. He loved her, he had done for years, but she was his best friend first and foremost.
Perhaps that was why he loved her. It was certainly why he missed her so much. It was why he had always been there for her, and why it hurt so much that she wasn’t there for him today of all days, the day he needed her the most.
The midwinter sun was not yet at its zenith, and the morning air was crisp and cool. The sky was too vast and empty even for Charlie to continue looking at it, so he closed his eyes.
His eyelids snapped open at the sound of his name being called out. Unsure whether or not he had imagined it, he sat up straight and turned his head in the direction of the still-open attic window.
He hadn’t imagined it. Scrambling over the roof tiles towards him was Artemis, her hair more dishevelled than usual and her eyes dark and tired-looking. Charlie blinked twice.
“I was starting to think you weren’t going to come after all,” he said as she reached him. Artemis opened her mouth as if to speak, but closed it again without saying anything. Charlie shrugged. “How did you know I’d be up here?”
Artemis half-laughed. “Lucky guess?” She made an awkward humming sound. “No one knew where you were, so I…”
Her voice tailed off. Charlie nodded, not sure if he should speak or not. Artemis took a deep before continuing.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here earlier. I know I should’ve been, but I decided to get the train back to London, and then I just started walking around and before I knew it it was morning already.”
“Wait, you’ve been up all night?” Charlie asked her.
“Yeah,” said Artemis. Her eyes were almost damp-looking. “I was thinking, and I couldn’t stop thinking because the more I thought the more confused I was, but also the more it made perfect sense. I mean, I don’t understand it, but it does make perfect sense. It makes so much sense that I don’t know how I always missed it before. You know what I mean, don’t you?”
Charlie didn’t know what she meant at all. He said nothing. Artemis bit her bottom lip.
“I think you know what I mean, because I think you’ve realised it, too. I think you realised it before I did, and I feel so stupid for not… for not noticing, and for not feeling the same way before, and for trying so hard not to feel it.” She screwed up her face. “I am saying it all wrong. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright,” Charlie told her, not entirely sure what she was getting at, but Artemis shook her head, her eyes more tear-filled than ever. “You don’t need to be upset, whatever it is you—”
“I love you.”
His words died on his tongue in an instant, but his mouth remained half-open.
“I… I just love you,” Artemis repeated. Charlie was still unable to say anything. He watched her as she swallowed hard and blinked. “I don’t mean as just a friend, I mean that I really, really love you. And I don’t know when I started, I just know that I do.
“I love you because you’re kind and patient and brave. Because you never take shortcuts, and your hands are all rough, and you always manage to stay calm, even when you’re actually really panicking. Because you have dimples when you smile properly, and you knit me ugly socks every Christmas, and you make stupid infuriating jokes when I’m angry, and you’ve never let me down or not been there for me when I needed you, not even once.
“I love you because you understand me, and I understand you, and no one else understands either of us like that. Because you’re the best person I know, and you make me better just by being with you. I love you because you’re good, and because you’re you, and because I don’t how you do it, but you feel like home and freedom, both at the same time.”
Artemis’ tears had begun to fall from her eyes. Every word that passed from her lips echoed, dreamlike, in Charlie’s head. They intermingled with his own thoughts, which were chasing one another around his brain so fast that he couldn’t catch hold of a single one.
“For Godric’s sake, Charlie, can you just say something, please?”
Charlie opened his mouth and closed it again, twice. No sound came out either time. His eyebrows furrowed, and he took a deep breath before he found himself capable of speech.
“You think my socks are ugly?”
For some reason, that was the first thing he could think of to say. Artemis gave a little sniff and almost giggled.
“Yeah, they’re really ugly,” she said. “That’s why I like them.”
“Right.” Charlie breathed. “Right. Yeah. Yeah, that’s how I feel about you, as well.”
“What, I’m ugly and that’s why you like me?”
“No!” said Charlie. “No, I meant the whole ‘feeling like home’ thing. Sorry, I…” His voice caught in his throat, and he had to cough to clear it. He smiled at Artemis. “What I mean is that I love you, too.”
“In the same way, or—”
“In all the ways. I love you in any way you can think of, and probably more. In every single way a person can be loved, I love you.”
There was nothing more Charlie had to say. Anything else he could possibly say had already said by Artemis. She hadn’t missed a single point.
“You happy with that?” he asked. The smile on Artemis’ face was all the response he needed, but still he felt a wave of relief wash over him as she nodded her head.
“That’ll do for me,” she said quietly. There was a pause, one that felt distinctly less awkward than any that had passed between them in the previous week. “So, now what do we do?”
Charlie considered her question. His answer came quickly and easily. There was one thing he wanted to do more than anything else in the world.
“I’d like to sit here for a while and just be with my best friend,” he told Artemis. “Is that alright with you?”
“More than alright.”
His heart both full and light, Charlie shuffled over so that there was room for Artemis to sit beside him. Behind them, the warmth that rose up the chimney from the fireplace in the living room, where the rest of his family were gathered without them, completely unaware of where they were or what anything that had been said. He looked down and saw that Artemis’ hand rested so close to his that their smallest fingers were only just touching.
“May I?”
With Artemis’ nod of assent, he took her hand in his own, fingers laced. Without even thinking about it, he raised their linked hands to his lips and kissed her wrist. Artemis smiled at him, and rested her head on his shoulder, a gentle weight that seemed to displace all of the rest of the world.
The rest of the world didn’t matter, not for these few moments, not right now. For now, it would just be Charlie and Artemis, just being, together hand-in-hand beneath the great expanse of sky.
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autistic! theo nott hcs because i want to
in first year he claimed a table at the library and sat at it so many times he couldnt sit anywhere else. one day he comes in to see some random sitting in 'his' seat and accidentally pops the poor lads inkpot out of rage. there was a hasty reparo from theo and a very quick exit after that
has broken so many quills from bending them between his fingers its unreal. he buys them in batches of ten or twenty and has broken all of them by terms end
hates getting his hair cut but also hates feeling his hair on the back of his neck. every month or so its a constant internal turmoil
really likes potions but hates touching the slimy ingredients so often ends up compromising with his partner with him doing the "boring stuff" like precise weighing or stirring to get out of touching the awful textures.
hates divination bcs there are no solid rules. the phrase "its up to interpretation" puts him into fight-or-flight mode
once stupefied someone as a reflex when they grabbed his shoulder. he was very deep into a good book and it scared the shit out of him. do not grab him ever
has learned how to use silencing charms that follow him so he doesnt have to hear the loud noises in the corridoors. this also makes it very hard to get his attention
uses sarcasm often but half of it is by accident. he just doesn't tell them its accidental
"hey, wanna go to x?"
"well. doesnt that sound exciting?"
"no need to get snarky, theo. i'm just saying it could be fun"
*was being completely serious* "fine, then. i suppose there's no harm in trying it"
brilliant poker face purely because he forgets to show emotion half the time in any way thats noticeable if you arent either used to it or looking for it
very twitchy. like, he cannot sit still. he can try. but it wont last long.
'quiet kid' until you ask him about time travel or something he's interested in. then you can't get him to shut up. i am a firm believer in theo nott who wanted to be an unspeakable but was put off by the confines of the ministry so decided to research mad shit by himself
loves the dungeons' low light level. no light means less headaches.
has the exact same breakfast every day: two toasts and a tea. except on holidays and his birthday, in which he has fruit pastries, or on sundays, where he has jam and toast
only found out he was autistic bcs a random kid he was working with asked him if he was 'on the spectrum' and he was so confused on what 'the spectrum' was that he fell down a research rabbithole and realised, oh
"sorry if this is overstepping, but are you on the spectrum?"
"the what"
"yknow, the autism spectrum"
"pardon my english, but what the fuck is an autism"
*two weeks of looking into it later*
*staring into a mirror* "ah"
hated the yule ball.absolutely despised it. went anyway because it was a once in a lifetime thing, but mainly hated it apart from the bit at the end where everyone left.
does that thing where if one side of him taps something, he. has to tap the other side to feel balanced again. if you do it you'll get what i mean, if you dont doit im sorry i cant explain it
loves pressure. sleeps with two blankets so he can feel properly buried
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copperbadge · 2 years
Mr Badge, as an (unwilling?) connoisseur of Hallmark Christmas movies, do you have any recommendations for particularly good or enjoyable ones?
Ah, see, the problem is they're so much of a muchness, and I never pay attention to titles, so I could be like "well there's the one about the cookies" which, there's actually like 15 about cookies, and I have no idea which is the one I saw, and also because they're made in about two weeks by like, four guys with a binder and a camera, often the information about them online is incomplete.
I do have a few, but I also want to caveat that Hallmark Christmas movies are rarely something you just sit down and watch. Usually they're something you put on in the background while doing other things, or you sit and "watch" them while surfing on your phone or doing handcrafts or something. Most of them are extremely difficult to focus your entire attention upon. :D
If you can catch the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries "Happy And Friends Yule Log", it is far and away the finest yule log out there. The focus will be, for a while, on a fireplace with a merry fire burning, flanked by gifts and Christmas trees...then it will cut to a Christmas ornament for a minute, and when it cuts back, kittens and puppies (and the occasional potbelly pig) will be cavorting in front of it. I believe all the animals in the film are rescues, and Happy The Dog and Happy The Cat, who are the "hosts", are adorable. (You can see an earlier year's here.)
Also if you're looking for a bit of a very gentle romcom without the Christmas angle, basically any Hallmark movie featuring or produced by Kavan Smith is A+ by Hallmark standards, especially since as he's gotten older he's generally cast women his age to play opposite him, and they don't really worry too much about airbrushing out the odd wrinkle or grey hair. He really loves Hallmark movies and he has really good taste in scripts.
Finally, if you're looking for ideas for movies to watch, listen to the podcast It's Christmastown -- they review and analyze Hallmark movies, so you can listen to the podcast, get their view on it, and then decide whether you want to watch it. Jeb and Dave are really funny, too, and super nice to talk to.
Anyway, I have a few titles below the cut...
Christmas At Pemberley Manor is a fun one especially if you like Jane Austen because it has nothing to do with Jane Austen. It's just a modern-day AU with about the skill level of a tenth grader just trying out fanfic for the first time. It is, however, still pretty charming, and has the closest thing I have ever seen to an actual villain in a hallmark movie. Also the Darcy character is fun to watch because he's so clearly a better-written character trapped in a Hallmark film. I believe it's got at least one sequel, though I haven't seen it. (I've heard the other Hallmark Austen AU nonsense, Unleashing Mr. Darcy and its sequels, are pretty good, but I haven't seen them.)
A Shoe Addict's Christmas was memorable at first mainly for the title, but if you can put up with Candace Cameron Bure's....bureness (I would normally recommend avoiding the ones she's in because she generally insists on a high level of evangelism) it's actually a really charming story and Jean Smart is fucking hilarious in it. :D And I think...the thing about A Shoe Addict's Christmas is that like many Hallmark movies, under the fluff there is something interesting about the way these movies view womens' lives. You can make all the jokes you want about Big City Woman Coming Home To Get Negged By A Man but that's actually pretty rare. Most Hallmark Christmas movies are about a woman who is unhappy with her life and is challenged -- yes, by the love interest generally, but that's how romances work -- to examine her choices and make ones that are better for her. Which is very much what this movie is about -- a woman reliving her life through memories of the shoes she wore and loved, and wondering what would have happened if she'd made different choices.
There's one about a bakery getting bought out that I thought featured a man as the baker and a woman as the Agent Of The CEO but I can't find that one so I think I must have mixed it up; in any case Christmas In Love is a movie about a kringle bakery that I recall as being pretty enjoyable.
This is a Lifetime movie and I'm going to caveat that also I am Not A Jew, but as a student of Judaism I actually really loved Mistletoe & Menorahs, which is about a toy executive who gets mistaken for being Jewish and has to learn Jewish custom and tradition in order to make a big pitch to one of the executives. It was written by a Jewish man and clearly some of the artistic staff were also Jewish, and I think there's a depth to it that I really found delightful. The example I always point to is that her Jewish love interest, at one point, is waking up from a nap and goes to the door wrapped in a blanket to let her in, and the blanket is fringed and draped to look (obviously deliberately) like a prayer shawl.
Netflix also has one, or had it, IDK if it's still available, called A Christmas Prince, and it was heavily influential in how I designed Fete For A King. I thought an extremely nice touch was that the prince's younger sister is visibly disabled and as far as I can recall it's not a huge deal ever, there's no magical healing or even a desire to be different, she's just...disabled and present as a whole human. (I'd need to rewatch so like, don't necessarily take my word for it, but I recall really liking the sister both as a person and as disabled rep.)
Netflix also has a whole series of Christmas movies starting with The Princess Switch which are about a princess and a baker who look startlingly alike, and both The Princess Switch and Princess Switch 2: Switched Again are fascinating. I can't really say whether or not they're good, but they're so fucking bonkers it almost doesn't matter. They're the best kind of zany because they're not playing it for ironic laughs, they really commit to the bit.
Lastly, I have mixed feelings about the Signed Sealed Delivered For Christmas movie (which is a holiday movie based on a pre-existing series, but you don't have to have seen the series to understand it) because it's got some weird problematic evangelical stuff in it, but also the Signed Sealed Delivered films/series -- about a crew of people who work in the dead letter office of the USPS -- are kind of charming. They have a really compelling setup and feature a number of characters that very obviously code as autistic, who work in jobs where their skills are appreciated and get nice romances with pretty people. And the romantic hero drinks YooHoo out of a wineglass which you really have to see to understand the weird hilarity of.
Hallmark also has an app that if you download it will put every new Hallmark Christmas premiere movie on your google calendar (ask me how I know: my mother did this and it put every Hallmark film coming out that year on our family calendar) and they usually release between 20 and 40, so sometimes it's good for a laugh just to sit down and watch one and giggle at the production values or weird writing.
Anyway, I hope you find some enjoyable ones to watch this holiday season! If you see any you like drop a comment or a reblog so other people who are interested in the bizarre cultural phenomenon can watch too :D
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cat-s0ul · 1 year
TW: poisoning, morally grey reg, bamf reg, minor death of Walburga and Orion by a minor reg
What if 16 y.o Regulus Black to avoid taking the dark mark (because Blacks don’t bows to nobody thank you very much) runs a scheme for poisoning Walburga and Orion Black in some countryside mansion overseas during school period to avoid suspicion. But the killing happens so many months before he had calculated so he is still a minor who needs custody and the closest family member to look after him legally is Sirius (who is already of age).
Regulus isn't mad by the result of the deaths, that was the objective by the way, he is almost of age, only a few months and he is turning 17 so fighting for emancipation is not worthy and probably Sirius will look at the letter of notification and judge that he will be doing well with Kreacher at the end of the term.
Oh how wrong he was.
Sirius is mainly confused. That is a statement. On one side, it is a relief that Walby and absent Orion are gone and not treating the world with his nonsense bigotry anymore but how was that possible? They were the most paranoid people he met and according to the letter, there was no fighting just a weird heart attack for the old hag and the natural death of his father by his illness. And on another side, what the hell??? A custody notification informing him that he might be the new guardian of his brother whom he hasn't talked to properly in years less seeing him since he left Hogwarts. Sirius could ignore the situation and let his strangled llittle brother under the care of his beloved elf until he turns 17 and unlocks the Black fortune to do whatever he wants to but it's almost Yule and maybe his parents weren't the best and most affectionate people to pass the holidays but nobody deserves to be alone or worse with his crazy cousin.
Sirius was still off of himself when decides to contact the headmaster to arrange a meeting with Regulus knowing that his little brother would refuse to speak to him in Hogsmeade or anywhere to be honest except if he is called by a professor. James would make a joke about how artful he can be when wants to, Godric, Sirius wants to tell them about this mess. His friends definitely would know what to do with all this.
So there is him in the Slughorn’s office waiting for Regulus to arrive having no idea what to say. When he heard the door being opened, Sirius quit pacing to look at him.
Regulus somewhat got to be taller than him within the months without noticing each other. It's annoying. Sirius was about to say hello or something stupid before his brother cut him off with a slight scowl “Sirius.”
“Hey Reggie, long time without seeing you” Sirius tried to smile at him but the fast almost imperceptible incredulous look on the other boy's made him uncomfortable
“Why are you doing here? I was believed to meet Professor Sloughorn” How he managed to sound so boring within seconds was a mystery for the older brother. “Well, he is gone to talk to Dumbledore” Sirius shrugged. “Nonetheless some days ago, I got some impressive news I would say, not you?”
“Only you would say impressive news about the Father and Mother's deaths” Regulus huffed. “But that doesn't explain why you are here”
“Well, dear baby brother, besides that distinguished news, I got another letter which got my attention,” said, handling the custody notification. Regulus took it and opened it with a dull expression that quickly switched to an offensive one.
“No” he blurted out “I refuse to- I refuse to you being my guardian”
“Don't be too harsh” Sirius chuckled humourless “I would be worse or maybe not due to your acquaintances but your dear Bella is the other option”
Regulus shivered and Sirius put on a smug smile “Who would believe that Sirius Black is a better option for Little Reggie than Bellatrix, I hope that Mother is turning over his grave due to your reaction”
“Stop it,” Regulus uttered “I will be fine on my own”
“I don't think so” Sirius commented “You are turning 17 the next year and you will need money for your school supplies in the summer”
“That's rich of you to say,” Regulus remarked “You don't have the money nor a house since you left last year. I would rather live with the Lestranges than the Potters”
“That's not true or dear mommy don't tell you about the will of old Uncle Alphard” Sirius scowled at him “And the Potters are the best, but well, if you don't want to, we would live in the old Alphard’s flat”
“I have a home. You know it well enough 12 Grimmauld Place with Kreacher”
“Come on, Reggie. You don't like that house neither do I, I swear never put a foot there again”
“Your problem” Regulus shrugged “and I didn't agree with you having my custody. You are barely responsible enough and I would rather emancipate”
“I have never dreamed of it before”
Regulus snorted at that “Liar”
“Well it's not my fault that dear mommy and father are dead before you were of age”
“I am completely aware of that” Regulus grimaced Sirius contemplated his little brother for a while.
“What?” finally Sirius asked, “What do you mean?”
“Nothing” Regulus smirked. “And if you excuse me, I believe that I have prefect responsibilities to do”
But before he would finish talking, Regulus was off of his sight. To be sincere, it could have been worse than this. There is still hope with Reg preferring him to Bellatrix. And if Regulus killed his parents, well, they deserved it.
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curtvilescomic · 9 months
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No, not a mutant. Tried to paint Her late dog as a belated yule present. Hope She accepta demon hounds as well. There are reasons beyond having one eye and being lazy to why I mainly write comics and leave art for the gifted and ones willing to put in hours. One hour I don't get back
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thecatsandthecrone · 9 months
Wheel of the Year: Yule
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Photo by Ksenia Yakovleva on Unsplash ☽🔮☾🕯🃏🌕🕸✨🍃🍄🧿🌙✩ 🪄📚
Yuletide, Yule, Christmas… one of the biggest festivals in the wheel of the year and definitely one of the most popular ones, as it got adapted into Christianity and popularized as the "day of the birth of Christ". It is now known, observed and celebrated all over the world, be the country Christian or not. Even if Christmas is celebrated the 25th of December, Yule os more commonly celebrated between the 21st and the 23rd December on the North Hemisphere and between the 21st and the 23rd of June in the Southern Hemiphere.
Yule comes right after Samhain and before Imbolc. While pagan in origin, Christianity took from it, adapted it and turned into the majour festival of this religion.This is also one of the easiest to celebrate big time without needing to come out of the broom closet: a lot of the imagery of Christmas actually mirrors that from Yule, in fact.
Yule is the celebration of the winter solstice. Yule celebrates midwinter, and the longest night of the year. What this signifies is that the reign of darkness is over, the tipping point has been passed, and the reign of light is coming back. From now on, days are becoming warmer and warmer, sunnier and sunnier and life will start to come back to Earth, as winter winds down.
We don't know exactly where the origin of the word "yule" comes from, but it is suspected it might come from Old Norse, the word “jól", which meant a celebratory feast. The festival also has ties to Germanic and Scandinavian gods such as Odin, and it also played a part on their folklore.
Yule is a time for rejoicing. It mainly celebrates letting go of the old, accounting for the past year, cleaning house and making room for the new, shiny coming things. It's a time for rebirth, new beginnings and hope. It is also a time for reflection and introspection, to make sure not to repeat the same mistakes of the past year, and to try to steer ourselves in the good direction. It is also a time to chase away the darkness through joy and merriment: ignoring that the harvests have ended and our reserves are almost empty, let's celebrate and make merry for the good times are coming soon!
It doesn't matter where you live: Christmas, and therefore Yule, has become so popularized and commercialized that you probably can celebrate it inside your home and outside the house for the entire month of December. In most countries of the world illuminations, jingles, people dressed up as something or other and all sorts of shiny decorations will help you get in the holiday spirit. This is also one of the strong suits of Yule: you can still celebrate as much as you want, deck the halls and get into the holiday spirit… while still being extremely subtle about the fact that you practice witchcraft !
If you'd like to celebrate Yule, here you have a short list of options available to you. Some might be more adecuate to solitary practice, others might be best if you are part of a coven.Some allow you to get all materialistic about it, while others will help you keep in touch with the more traditional, raw side of the festival. Whichever you choose, make sure to enjoy yourself and look forward to the hope and hapiness this event brings us !
-Candles: Ever wondered why candles feature so prominently in Christmas decor ? Well, it's part of an old tradition where candles and fires were lit for Yule, both to light up the longest, darkest night of the year and to honour the Sun and call it home. Both candles and fire are incredibly popular motifs for Yule and many traditions include them, so if you can, light some: battery candles will do as well !
-Decorate: It's pretty evident that decorating is also a big theme in Yule. Christmas has become extremely commercial and big, lavish, expensive decorations have become the go-to; but just like with all the other festivals you don't need to break the bank to bring that holiday spirit home. Buying commercial decorations is not the only way to deck the halls: crafting your own, or collecting seasonal items such as pinecones, holly or mistletoe from nature are all fantastic options. Just make sure you are not damaging any plants or taking any protected species (holly is endangered in many countries) and you are golden !
-Crafting: Yule celebrates the longest night of the year, which means up until then the hours of night, of dark and of cold have been too long to go outside. This makes Yule a great festival to sit by the bonfire (or by candlelight) crafting decorations. Sew, crochet, felt, draw or create in any way that pleases you both to decorate your house and to offer gifts to your loved ones. I would recommend creating an evergreen wreath: they are so simple to make and so elegant !
-Bake: Like I mentioned just before, the days before Yule are too dark and cold to be out of the house much. The harvest season has also ended, so fresh ingredients are lacking: baking with dry ingredients such as flour served a double purpose back in the day (cleaning up the pantry from non-perishables that would sustain you through winter and starting the oven that would light up the entire house). Cookies and biscuits are traditional, but so are breads, pies, cakes, pizza… highly caloric, sugary food is favoured as well: you need to put on some weight to be able to deal with the freezing winter temperatures!
-Feast: "Feast", "festival"… close enough. You can't have a festival without feasting, and what are you going to do, not eat all those delicious cookies you just baked ? To really honour the season and bring some good luck and prosperity your way, make sure to share that feast with your loved ones or to do some charity !
-Share: While Christianity and Christmas might have popularized the "charity" aspect of Yule, it was always important to share during this season: those neighbours that weren't as fortunate in the past year might be running low on supplies and ingredients. Therefore, sharing is extremely important during Yule if you have extra, no matter what shape it takes: share your abundance by inviting your loved ones to a feast, give lovely gifts to those around you, share your time and joy by volunteering at a soup kitchen…
-Divination: Yule is close enough to the end of the year that you might be wondering what it has in store for you. Using a pendulum, scrying, tarot, tasseomancy… any way is good to discover what the future might hold and to look forward to it.
-Deep cleansing: Yule is a moment of saying goodbye to the past and honouring rebirth and new beginnings, so it is a particularly auspicious moment to make inventory, clean house and make room for the new and coming. This might be more metaphorical (looking back in the past year and letting go of what didn't serve you) or more physical, like really cleaning your house. Cleanse yourself and your house and don't forget to protect yourself to keep the wacky energies at bay.
-Shadow work: Yule is a particularly good moment for self reflection, for looking into the past and for being honest with ourselves. Shadow work will help you come to terms with the most painful parts of your past and of yourself, make a clean break with them and, if you can't let them go, make strides to integrate them into yourself and to start the healing process.
-Honouring: Yule marks the day where the Sun, the brightness and the warmth start to return to us. It would be a good moment to honour the Sun, honour your deities, honour yourself and everything and all that have allowed you to come to this place. Meditation, self reflection, gratefulness, offerings to your deities… all things that help you feel connected to yourself and the world, and everything that makes you feel grateful and hopeful for the future, works here.
-Decorate your altar: We can't have a festival without decorating your altar ! Add colours, motifs and themes that remind you of the season to your altar. It's also a good option to add offerings to any deities you might work with.
Colours associated with Yule: White, black, red, green, silver, gold Crystals associated with Yule: Black obsidian, red jasper, carnelian, calcite, sunstone Food associated with Yule: Apples, spices, wine and alcoholic beverages, baked items, meat, berries, sweets
I hope you have enjoyed this post. If you would like me to continue making posts like this please support me so I can continue making them: you can support me by donating here https://ko-fi.com/bunnymatchamochi or by visiting my Etsy store here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LovenestAtelier?ref=profile_header Reblogs and likes also help ! Thank you so much for reading me !
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 10 months
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"So... it has been some time, but we are reaching a new threshold and peak within our organization. However, I do not wish to discuss business with my Court today, so much as celebration - It is soon to be a time of celebration as the world reaches the end of the month of December - and as much as no two celebrations are truly the same, there are so many similar celebrations for the Winter Solstice or near it, that it is hard to deny that overlap may be inevitable, or not entirely undesirable in as disparate and varied a group as ours."
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"Therefore and thusly, I wish to announce that until the Eve of the New Year, all members, wards, employees, allies, and associates of the Court of the Wanderer - as well as their guests - are welcomed to join a series of ongoing Festivities - Mainly Yule, but all who wish to share their own celebrations and cultures are invited, no, encouraged to do so! Please do not hesitate to ask myself or your department heads if you need help with logistics, planning, or requisitions for any such accommodations for your contributions, and I hope to see everyone merry very soon!"
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themarginalthinker · 1 year
Hey there I have a question: do you think the boys would like celebrate any holidays or birthdays with each other? And if they did what would they do?
Good question! And one I've considered as well!
I think it's different for all of them, including Michael and even Star. It also largely depends on three things - how much they individually care, how old they are, and what exactly the holiday/event means to them. (Under readmore due to length lmao sorry -_-")
David: Turned in the early 1870s - The biggest holiday for him would likely be Christmas as he was some denomination of Christian (though if you asked him, he'd say with a roll of his eyes that he'd be in Hell purely for how little he actually attended church when he was alive). The custom of Halloween came over from Ireland and started to comebine with other fall celebrations into the fetus that would become what we today know as Halloween in about the 1840s with the immigrants coming from the potato famine, and David's parents were children when they immigrated, so he'd have some idea of that.
I think he still likes the idea of the holidays, but it's hit or miss whether he celebrates them any more. In a lot of ways, he sees them as a very human thing, and though he can still see the spirit of celebrating or commemorating the passage of time, certain points of the year like Equinoxes or Solstices (times of power), he may not do anything particularly special.
He also doesn't celebrate his birthday for similar reasons. He keeps a memory of it, but...any more, it's just to add another tally mark on the wall of his mind to count the years, the decades he's been alive.
Dwayne: Turned in 1900 - Dwayne doesn't tend to enjoy European holidays. Most of them are pretty well tied with religion, and given his history, and his outlook on most of humanity, he tends to avoid much of anything to do with them. Even if he was human, I think the sheer commercialism would drive him batshit up the belfry. And really, it's not limited to Christian celebrations either - the new age witchy stuff with Samhain, Yule, the Eight Major Wiccan holidays; even eastern religious stuff tends to put him off (though that's more for lack of familiarity and the similarities he sees in white people adopting the language of eastern philosophy but not actually understanding it feels much, MUCH too close to home.)
Dwayne will enjoy drinks at a party, but he won't really stick around for anything more. If you want to give him a gift or something, fine, but don't expect one back.
This attitude doesn't really change when Laddie comes into the picture, but Dwayne doesn't want to make him sad, so he lets the kid have fun with the others.
Dwayne does not know his birthday. I am unsure what cultural practices the Haida people of the western coast of Canada had in regards to birthdays or something akin to it, so I cannot write that for him, but regardless, because of what happened to him, Dwayne does not remember even what time of year his birthday was in. He counts the years like David does though, and just marks it at January 1st for convenience's sake.
Paul: Turned in 1956 - Paul does enjoy most of what we consider to be modern holidays! Paul came from a pretty religious family, mainline Protestant (his father was a pastor of their church), so he definitely celebrated the big ones, like Christmas and Easter. Now. Whether or not he liked them.....well. He likes them here and now. Paul enjoys candy, sweets of most kinds but especially candy. He likes the way the seasons bring different flavors with them - peppermint in winter even on the sunny west coast, chocolate at Halloween, popsicles in the sticky summer, and more recently - yes, he's that bitch - pumpkin spice in the fall. Oh, and drinking. Paul mainly celebrates with lots of indulgences of many kinds, and is always down for a party no matter what it is you're having it for.
Sometimes, though, you CAN catch him in an off moment, usually right after the holidays, or during ones like Easter or Christmas, where he won't. Really be in the mood. Paul doesn't 'come down' so to speak often, but when he does, he ends up hitting the proverbial floor of his emotions pretty hard. Sometimes, his past gets the better of him still, and seeing as his bane is being affected by holiness, it still hurts to pray, but that doesn't mean he won't do it - even if out of a sense of chasing the ghosts off his back.
Paul treats himself for his birthday, and when Marko came to the pack, of course he wanted to do something nice for Paul. Usually a little gift, or just saying 'whatever we do together tonight, happy birthday'. He keeps birthday trinkets from Marko especially close.
Marko: Turned 1980 - Marko is similar to Paul in a lot of respects. Even more modern, but oddly both more and less religious. We call Paul a 'good Protestant' and Marko a 'bad Catholic', and it's true. Marko's family did pretty much the whole nine yards, having come right over from Italy and then having their son. Marko's idea of holidays usually involved a lot of church, which wasn't...unfun? He had friends, but it wasn't ever the most exciting thing for a rambunctious kid to be doing. Marko likes summer and fall holidays the most, when it's basically just an excuse to eat a lot of food, drink and lot of drinks, and have fun.
He and Paul have a blast treating Laddie - they even went trick or treating with him the year that they had him, Marko having made Laddie a custom wolf mask and tail with a pelt that Dwayne had saved from a coyote. Star was. Well. She was impressed with the craftsmanship and didn't want to spoil Laddie's pure vibrating joy at the gift. She saved her complaints for later.
Marko isn't sure how he feels about his birthday to be honest. A part of him still wants to celebrate it, because that still makes logical sense to him. After having done it for the past 18 years of his life it feels more weird to stop than not. And. It's not really about the gifts, but being an only child (and a boy) he had a fair amount of attention poured onto him, but he feels...weird asking for that from the Boys, even if by all rights, they'd give him attention for a special day. Marko and Paul will share some pastries and drinks, maybe a body (or three) and Marko is satisfied. Sometimes he wonders if he will ever stop bothering, like David and Dwayne.
On the whole for the pack, holidays tend to be small affairs. Feasts Hunts, similar to the hunt shown in the movie are actually much rarer events, only occurring once and a while throughout the year. This is getting a little into oc and YCCM territory, but there is a coven of vampires called The Sarahs that the Boys end up meeting and becoming allies with, and they spend major holidays with them when they're invited.
Vampires have things they celebrate...sort of as a culture? They're not a monolith, and indeed, pretty isolated. A pack from just a state over will look totally different than another, and largely depends on what the members celebrate or decide to do.
Vampires tend to commemorate when they were turned more than when they were born, they celebrate Centennials (hundred year marks), they celebrate 'rainbow teeth' which is when they get old enough (usually older than about 200 or so) and their teeth start showing the opalescence of their bones and blood. They celebrate first kills, if it was consensual. They celebrate mateship.
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It's nice to have people you can talk to openly about being a system and the experiences and feelings that come with it. I feel like most of us don't really have many people we can truely be ourselves around, for some of us maybe there's nobody at all (if you're one of those people I hope you can find somebody who's supportive and trustworthy who you feel safe to open up with soon) and it's such an isolating, lonely thing to live with.
Our mom technically knows we likely have DID (well I'm leaning a bit more towards OSDD but our old therapist told her we have DID) but it's something that's hardly ever spoken about I wouldn't be surprised if she's forgotten about it by now and we never shared any details about our system or anything with her. Our brother also knows and he's cool about it but still we really don't talk about it much, he has our simplyplural but hardly ever checks it which I'm fine with I still feel uncomfortable with him really knowing I guess even though I love and do trust him? We mainly just talk about DID through the lense of media like Moonknight and stuff with him.
We've had friends who've known us as a system before some were pretty good with it, but we don't have any of those friends anymore. We've also had two system friends at one point but sadly we grew apart from both of them too. And I don't think with any of them we properly opened up.
But then there's my qpp, we've known them for four years and they've known us as a well 'us' for almost all of it. It took a while before we really opened up and I'm sure we still have ways to go but I trust them so much, more than I have with anyone and it's so great. They're so understanding and non-judgemental, they treat the others amazingly and have never made us feel like we're crazy or a burden. And I love them so much.
For Christmas/Yule they got us the DID rabbit from plushiedreadfuls and I felt so seen, like sure it's just a stuffed animal but it just means so much to me and the rest of the system. We named them Astaroth and we bring them with us outside a lot to help cope with stuff ranging from dissociation, anxiety, flashbacks etc. Today was a rough day for me and Aspen and they honestly helped a lot and idk they just remind me of my qpp and it makes me happy.
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Sorry this just became a rant about my lively qpp but like they're the bestttt!!
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smittenbyvillains · 1 year
WolfStar + OC raising Harry
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Yumi and Remus often made Breakfast for Harry.
Sirius helped Harry get ready for school days before Hogwarts.
Harry called Yumi Mama, Remus Papa, and Sirius Dad.
When Harry left for Hogwarts everyone cried. (Mainly Sirius).
Yumi went with Harry to Hogwarts as she was a professor's assistant.
All the professors already knew Harry as Harry sometimes came to Hogwarts with Yumi.
Harry watched Remus, Sirius, and Yumi dance together when they came for the Yule ball.
Every Friday they had movie nights as a family.
Yumi came running whenever someone hurt Harry or he got hurt in general.
When Remus joined in teaching Sirius whined his way to stay there as well as a dog.
Remus always gave Harry chocolate on bad days.
Harry would tease Yumi and Remus when they taught together.
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