#wellness courses in delhi
nupalcdc · 8 months
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Empower Delhi's youth with vocational training! Beyond textbooks, it shapes well-rounded individuals, fostering life skills and preparing them for a dynamic future. 🌟📚
Read more at http://tinyurl.com/7ek2ehdc
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indianschoolofyoga · 1 year
Self-Care Sanctuary: How Yoga Nourishes Your Well-being
Self-care is gaining prominence in today’s time. People have realized the importance of self-care in order to be sustainable over a long period of time. It is no longer considered selfish, in fact, it is considered vital and people look forward to various ways in which they can bring self-care to their lives. Yoga is one of the most commonly accepted ways to self-care. It is known to nourish not only your body but also your well-being. If you are also looking forward to pacifying your lifestyle consider some of the best traditional yoga schools in Delhi and nurture your well-being.
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Ways in Which Yoga Nourishes Your Well-being
Physical Well-being
Yoga is increasingly accepted as a form of exercise as it tones the muscles to improve posture. Additionally, it also contributes positively to your organ system. Yoga enhances the blood flow to maintain the ideal range of blood pressure, rejuvenates cerebral functioning, manages hormones, controls blood cholesterol levels, ensures healthy cardiac muscles, enhances lung capacity, improves the release and circulation of digestive enzymes, and boosts the immune system and metabolism. Thus, it helps to fight against various diseases including but not limited to epilepsy, brain stroke, sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, hypothyroidism, PCOD, infertility, tuberculosis, asthma, chronic bronchitis, COPD, and emphysema.
Mental and Emotional Well-being
The past few years have seen a rise in the awareness of the importance of mental health among people. Yoga increases blood circulation to the brain and nerves which helps in soothing irritated nerves and mental rejuvenation. Additionally, mindful breathing and meditation practiced during yoga help to guide against negative emotions such as anger, sadness, irritation, mood swings, and depression. Further, it attracts positive energy and boosts self-confidence. Yoga regulates the secretion of serotonin in the blood, which is a natural mood enhancer and makes one feel happy.
Spiritual Well-being
When yoga is accepted more than an exercise, as a lifestyle it can be used to make spiritual progress. Yoga preaches focus, stability, and clarity which are essential to make the spiritual journey easy. The practice of spiritual yoga aids the detachment of the immortal soul from the mortal physique. Strict adherence to all the principles of yoga helps the soul to reach salvation. While that may not be everyone’s goal, yoga can be practiced with the simple motive of enjoying better spiritual health than ever before.
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Nutritional Well-being
Guided practice of yoga pays due attention to the diet. The nutrient supply during such practices is ushered by Ayurveda and focuses on the yogic principles of ahimsa (no violence) and sattva (purity). The diet prioritizes plant-based foods, unprocessed and whole foods, and mindful eating. It focuses on taking time and appreciating the nourishment each meal provides. This diet is healthier in comparison to a regular diet as it primarily belongs to a higher trophic of energy thus acting wonders for your body and energy level.
One easy way to commit to this life-changing experience is to learn it with a motive to teach others. This would give you more than one reason to be disciplined about your practice and keep you motivated to hit your training classes daily. For this, you can join an online Yoga teacher training program and be a certified yoga instructor.
Enroll in Yoga Training Now
Whatever may be your goal, the Indian School of Yoga is the right partner to achieve it. They have a group of experienced yoga trainers who are certified yoga instructors in Delhi. Their experience not only makes you an active yoga practitioner but also induces in you the characteristics of being a good trainer. The institute is Yoga Alliance certified which makes you eligible for insurance and provides international exposure. The programs involve accommodation, meals, excursions, and course material, so all you need to care about is discipline. So, why wait? Enroll in your desired course with the Indian School of Yoga now!
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octuscle · 9 months
I met this man at a bar recently and he was absolutely gorgeous. He’s here shooting a movie but otherwise wasn’t into me at all. Could you possibly make me into an even bigger hotter more muscular movie star so that he’ll notice me and want to get together?
Well… You're not particularly good-looking or charismatic now… No wonder the first contact wasn't particularly successful. But what do you expect with your baggy sweatshirt and ill-fitting jeans?
After the nasty rebuff you received, you're sitting alone at the bar again, looking into your… Whiskey? When did you order a whiskey? You notice that two girls in the corner keep looking over at you, whispering, looking and giggling. One of them gets up and walks towards you. You straighten up, smile at her, she turns bright red, giggles and asks if she can take a selfie. She has an adorable Indian accent. And you reply in Hindi that it would be a pleasure and an honor. She takes the selfie, gives you a kiss on the cheek and runs to her friend, giggling. You finish your whiskey and wave the bartender over to pay. He replies that it would have been an honor to serve you and that the drink is on the house, of course. And a second one if you like. Your crush looks at you questioningly. You accept the second whiskey with thanks and toast the actor. He toasts back and frantically thinks about how he knows you.
It's getting warm in the bar. You unbutton two buttons on your shiny shirt. Like the trousers, which are made of a similar fabric, the shirt fits like it was painted on your body. The bar is getting fuller. Of course, many guests are whispering about your crush. But even more stare at you, want a selfie or ask for your autograph. Many of your fans are glowing-eyed and black-haired. Lots of Indians. Your crush asks you if you're an actor too. The Indian beauty who is taking a selfie with you, pretending to give you a kiss, almost collapses with laughter. She opens Instagram and shows your crush an Instagram account. Your Instagram account. 58 million followers! He turns pale. Very pale. Your skin turns a deep brown. You answer his question with a heavy Indian accent. Yes, you're an actor too. Bollywood is productive. And you are one of the biggest stars. Four to six films a year. And each one is a box office hit. Your fitness videos? Top sellers! Your own fashion collection? A must-have in Delhi, Mumbai and Calcutta. And now also in London and Berlin. You smile your hundred-million-rupee smile. It leaves him speechless. But the bulge in his pants speaks its own language…
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For the two young men who ask for a selfie, you throw yourself back into the cool macho pose that half of India loves you for. You give the bartender a 100-pound note as a tip, put on your leather coat and tell your colleague "Savoy, Charlie Chaplin Suite. Ask for John Rolfe". You don't need to look around to know that he's rushing to pay and grab his jacket. Tonight will be a close exchange between Hollywood and Bollywood.
Pic found @maxx-magnum
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featheredclover · 2 months
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Read from the beginning
Also on Wattpad
Chapter Seven>
A burst of champagne bubbled out, glinting against the shine of the beautiful chandelier. That shine still dimmed against the glow Khushi was brimming with.
Her hand firmly ensconced in his, she looked at the happy faces across the hall and let out a sigh of relief.
“Penny for your thoughts?” 
“I am glad we had a small engagement party “
He smiled.
“Yes well, Garima aunty agreed to let go for now. But the wedding is going to have all of Lucknow and Delhi and some more.”
She groaned, “Just when I thought I had to deal with less people! “
“Less people?”
Khushi jumped as her mother joined them.
“My only daughter is getting married. It will be a wedding Lucknow couldn’t have dreamt of witnessing!”
“Of course aunty. Anything you wish”, Arnav said with an endearing wink.
“Traitor”, she muttered under her breath.
And one look at his smug face, she knew he had heard her.
“Come Khushi, you have to greet some of our friends” 
And with that she was stirred across the hall.
“K! This house is massive!”
She smiled at Preetika.
“I don’t even know when Arnav bought it!”
Payal laughed, “Engagement present from Junior Raizada hah?”
“I guess”
“Ladies” Noah greeted them, placing a kiss on Preetika’s blushing cheeks.
With raised eyebrows, the girls coughed away, sharing a meaningful look.
Khushi saw Akash saunter up to them with flutes of champagne held precariously in his hands.
Preeto, not letting the spotlight rest on her, said “So, Akash you have been dating Payal for three years and here Arnav is on the way to be hitched after just a few days! Where is the ring, man?”
“Preeto” Payal warned her with a sharp glance.
To their surprise, Akash instead of his ever ready practical response flushed and took a clumsy sip from his glass.
“Here comes the man of the hour” Noah announced.
“Hello” Arnav slipped an arm around her waist, his eyes flitting over others.
“Nice house Raizada “ Preeto whistled.
“Yes Arnav, it's really beautiful. When are you giving us a tour?” 
“Thank you. Um…the house is not finished yet. Even this drawing room was done up just in time for today”
Khushi glanced up at him curiously. She also hadn't seen the rest of the house. It felt strange. To know that by the end of the year, they’ll live here as man and wife. He will belong to her.
Whirlwind romance was too tame a term to describe their tale, she thought with a secret smile.
“Come with me” his whisper flooded her senses.
“Where?” she whispered back.
He said nothing. His eyes seducing her against her sense of common propriety.
Escaping? From their own engagement party?
They stood in front of a beautifully embossed door. 
“Are we going to go in or….”
“Shush” he took out a set of keys.
He picked one and opened the door, motioning for her to go in first.
She stepped in. Her gasp echoed across the room.
A beautiful oak wood table dominated the room. Shelves and shelves lined with books. The curtains in her favourite shade of green. 
And the best of all, a magnificent velvet red chair.
“You didn’t!”
“Do you like it?”
She turned around to see Arnav look around, his hands in his pocket, the firm set of his lips giving his nerves away.
She smiled and turned towards the shelves.
“You bought these?” she asked as she ran a hand along the binding of ‘ Interior designing: The Bible’.
“I had a little help from your aunt”, his eyes wide, seemingly still searching for her approval.
She walked towards the chair. She settled herself, crossed her legs and flashed him a smile.
“Khushi,” he warned.
“What? No whiskey tonight?” She giggled.
Her smile dipped for a moment, as Arnav reached for a desk behind him.
Flashing a beautiful gold whisky flask at her, he poured down a glass.
“You are indeed a devil!” 
He raised a perfect eyebrow.
“A devil?”
“Yup” she said with much glee.
“So that makes you an angel, hah?” He handed her the glass, “An angel who trapped the devil”
She took a sip, feeling the burn down her throat, warming her chest.
“It’s the other way around Arnav”
“Really?” He bent his head down to take a sip from the glass, locking his eyes with hers.
Khushi swallowed. 
Damn him
He rested his arms on the chair’s edge and took her lips in a rough kiss. He tasted of their shared whiskey and something more. Something inherently Arnav.
She melted against him, her lips moving softly against his pressure. He slowed the kiss down, taking her breath away.
Blinking, as he kissed her forehead.
“This is your new office “
“New office?”
“Yes, my gift to you. And well with your aunt's blessings.”
“You are giving me an office” she cupped his face as the implications of the gesture sank in.
Her own office 
She gasped as she was lifted off the chair into his arms.
“Arnav” she admonished as her arms winded around his neck.
“I am going to be your husband Khushi, and it’s my duty to know every little dream. Every little wish of yours”
She gave him a watery smile, her heart marvelling at the man she had fallen in love with.
Planting a soft kiss on her cheek, he mumbled into her ear, “Let’s head back before they send the CBI behind us, shall we?”
She laughed, her eyes filled with love.
“Let’s “ she said solemnly .
Arnav grinned. And she was lost once again.
The End
Thank you for reading 'Orphic'! Inspired by the era of vintage mills and boon romances, it's a story I really enjoyed writing! Let me know what you think of the story (and also any suggestions to improve my writing) !
Tagging: @arshifiesta
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lokischocolatefountain · 10 months
Unveiled || Chapter 1
Fandom: The Mandalorian
Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader
Rating: PG 13 for violence. Subsequent chapters’ ratings may vary
Word count: 1.7k words
Summary: Saving a life was noble. You didn’t expect applause or praise for it. But kriff it would be nice if you weren’t treated as the scum of the Earth for it.
A/N: Gonna make this the SADvent calendar instead of the advent calendar. At this point, I have to admit that I won’t be posting everyday. But I’ll still post when I can. When I have internet and am able. Lot of shit happened. My friend and I got fucked over in three different cities in a very short period of time. We were humiliated in Venice, robbed by an intentionally dysfunctional system in Riyadh, and almost sexually exploited in New Delhi. It’s a round the globe horror story. But some good things happened too- we made friends through our shared trauma and I got to meet my internet friend I’ve been moots with for a loooong time. So in true fanfic writer fashion, here’s a fic I’ve been writing posted during some of the most difficult days of my life
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He screamed loud enough to break through the sounds of the intensifying battle. You ignored his heart-wrenching screams and dragged him with all your strength, your own weapon slung over your shoulder and reachable should you need it to defend the wounded Mandalorian. You were a warrior, trained through years of life or death battles. It was why you were sent to the Mandalorian covert on Navarro to train with them. But this was an impossible one. Even for you. Even for the man you were dragging past enemy combatants using your own body as a shield.
You settled him against the walls of the cave you’d dragged him into. You reached into your armor and retrieved the bacta patches you had with you. You took a look at the patches and then at the large gash on his neck that went up who knew how far. The hope you had for saving his life dwindled. But you couldn’t give up. The motto of your teachers back home rang loud and clear in your head.
No soldiers left behind. No life collateral.
“Not s-safe. Not safe you— Listen to me,” he choked out as you leaned in close and inspected his wound.
“Shut up, Din! Shut the fuck up!” You spat as you retrieved more medical supplies from your pouch. You’d done this many times in training. You could do this. You could fucking do this!
“My helmet…” he whimpered too soft to be audible if you weren’t so close to him.
“It’ll be okay, Din. I got you,” you reassured as your brain finally comprehended the exact risk he was in and you knew what you had to do.
“This is gonna hurt at first, alright?” You warned more than asked as you inserted the needle. It was the last thing you did before he lost consciousness in your arms. The last thing you did before making the big mistake that would change the course of both your lives.
He looked up at you from his bed, resting after a long session in the bacta tank. You imagined him underneath the helmet, the only face you knew in the covert other than that of the children who were yet to take the creed. His features came to memory, bloodied and bruised and at the edge of life itself. His strong nose, his messy black hair and blood. So much fucking blood. That he was alive at all was a miracle.
“Din?” You called again when he did not respond.
“Why are you here?” He asked, his voice stoic, emotionless as it came through his helmet. It was how it always was. Something about wearing a helmet filtered out part of the humanity of voices. But there was something about the way he spoke this time that was chilling to you.
“I…I just wanted to see if you’re doing well.”
He snorted, turning away from you as though your mere presence disgusted him. Rage boiled through your veins as pain shot up through your legs as a reminder of the blow you’d taken in the process of saving his fucking life.
“You know what? Fuck you, Din. I know you’re hurt and shit, but you have no right to speak to me like that.”
“Get out. Right now. I don’t want to see your face ever again.”
You flinched at the way he spoke. The coldness of his voice and the words themself. You turned away from him and walked out of his room, bearing the pain in your leg as you trodded on to your own room. You didn’t expect him to thank you. No, that was not why you saved his life at the risk of ending your own. But you didn’t expect him to behave so appallingly either. You raked through your addled mind for clues on what you could possibly have done to deserve this. Did you say something before the battle? No, it couldn’t be. You’d exchanged few words before battle and he was��nice. As amiable as could be for a man who spoke in grunts and sighs more than he did words.
You crashed on your own bed, whimpering when the act shot another piercing sensation throughout your body. It did nothing to alleviate your anger for Din, reminding you of what you’d done to yourself for him. For someone you thought a friend until now.
On a strange planet, fighting for space and acceptance, Din was one of the first people to be amicable to you. Well, you took his grunts and sighs as a sign of friendliness. For all his stoicism and his beskar like facade, he never did snap or show signs that he wanted you to fuck right off. So you stuck by. Stuck by when training, when you ate your meals and he sat by listening to your idle chatter. Stuck by when he took a hit and needed saving.
Perhaps he had a concussion.
That should be it. For a man clad fully in beskar, he had a soft heart. Never did he speak to you or anyone else in the harsh manner he just spoke to you. You shivered as images of his dark messy hair and blood so dark it matched returned to your mind. His closed eyes and his limp body collapsing on you as you attempted to remove the shrapnel that has somehow gotten underneath his helmet to his skull. A sharp pain shot through your leg again and you let out a cry. It was a mess pop emotions. You were happy it did not hurt as much as it did on the battlefield yet annoyed that your body was outside your control.
You jumped, both from the pain and from the opening of the door. You looked up, hoping to find the nurse droid that visited you every now and then to check your vitals. The gleaming gold helmet on a tall, strong stature told you that this was no small visitor. Despite all the beskar and the strong shoulders that carried an entire covert, she was very human.
She said you name, in a way that was gentle, calming, yet told you that she could be relied on.
“Did we win?” You managed to ask through the spasms of pain.
“We did,” she said, stopping in front of you. “You did well, warrior.”
You snorted. “I succumbed within minutes of the battle.”
“You did. So did a few others. That does not make you any less of a warrior. You were valiant.”
Despite disagreeing, you nodded. You were in no mood to start an argument with the leader of the community that was housing, feeding, teaching, and caring for you. No matter how much you disagreed with their way of life.
“So, do you visit everyone who got a little scratch of their leg?”
“I do, yes. But my visit is not just to check on your wellness.”
“You saved one of ours. Din Djarin.”
You said nothing, feeling too embarrassed to acknowledge it even though it was true. It would sound too much like boasting if you accepted. In poor taste in your dismissed it. It was best to take a sip out of the mandalorian pog soup and remain silent.
“Do you know what this means for his future?”
You tilted your head as you considered her words. What the kriff was she expected to say to that? What if it was a rhetorical question and you’d just acted like a womp rat in the snow about it?
“You removed his helmet, soldier.”
“To tend to his wound,” you quickly interrupted. “You— you didn’t see what— you weren’t there! He would’ve died if I hadn’t done that,” you sputtered, shaking your head in disbelief of the implication in her words. The Mandalorian were quite strict about wearing their helmets. Once a child took the creed and wore their helmet, they would never take it off again. But there were exceptions. Right? There had to be. Receiving emergency medical help had to be one of them.
“I know.”
You waited, not for long, for her to proceed. For her to reassure you that it did not count because you had no other choice but to remove his helmet to save his life. With no words coming from her, you shot up from the bed, pain be damned and dragged yourself to where she stood.
“He would have died!”
“I know,” she said, more sternly this time.
“Go on then, tell me how you are going to punish him for the audacity to be alive.”
“He became an apostate the moment his face was seen by a living thing.”
“An apostate?”
“He has strayed from the way and will be cast out from the covert. He is Mandalorian no more.”
You shook your head frantically. That was some bantha shit! “No. No, no, no. No,” you sputtered. “That is not fair. Look, it’s not his fault. He was unconscious when it happened— when I did it,” you said, thumping your chest. “He didn’t do anything wrong. He told me to go away. He was ready to die. Kriff— you can’t— This is not fair,” you screamed, your voice breaking at the cruelty of it all.
“This is the way,” she said in a manner that was too cold for you to consider calm.
“Oh, for void’s sake, spare me the kriff about the way. What kind of way of life is it to cast someone out for being alive?” You spat, all your reservations about rudeness and your sense of cultural relativism flying off into a blackhole.
“There is only one way for him to remain in the covert and he rejected the proposal. Said he could not possibly do that to you.”
“What is it? Does the way ask for a human sacrifice? Is that what it will take to keep him from being excommunicated from everyone he knows and loves?”
“I understand you think us barbarians, soldier. I will discount it on account of your efforts to save one of our own. And for how you have protected us. There need be no blood. Only the establishment of a riduurok so that he will have been seen by the only being he is permitted to show himself to.”
“What is a riduurok?” You asked, even though you had a sinking feeling about it.
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livelaughlovechai · 2 years
Things to keep in mind while writing a south asian character-
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(Since I'm a mixed south-north indian and a hindu-sikh I've mainly included details about indian-hindu characters(ill try to include more abt sikh characters aswell)tho ive tried to include as much info as I can abt other south asian countries aswell !also ,if you want,feel free to add more details in :)
And please forgive my grammar in some of these places XD
1.The most common one,of course being that south asia is not all india.countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri lanka,Bhutan etc exist to.
2.Religion tends to be a big part of many south asian people’s lives , and If not a big part of their life,than most south asians are atleast religious in one way or the other.Different religions are in majority in different regions of south asia.For example,Sri lanka is majority buddhist, mainly in the sinhalese majority while the tamil minority there is majority hindu. But it's more than valid if ur character is atheist to tho!
3.For indian characters specifically ,it's is important to know what state they are from and that state’s culture . For example,most (or almost all)tamil characters won't wear a salwar kameez.(if they do then mostly muslim tamils)(reminder;I'm talking about traditional wear. Yes a lot of Tamil's could wear a salwar kameez if they want but it is not the traditional dress of tamil nadu)
4.India itself is very diverse,so don't make every character hindu.in some regions one religion is more in the majority than the others.If you decide to make a christian-indian character ,than they usually are from south-west india and north-east india.
5.If you decide to make a hindu-indian character as maybe a marvel/dc oc or something , its best to do some research on hindu stories and history.trust me,it helps alot. If not a hindu character than do research on the folk tales of that characters region,as that can help to.
6.NOT EVERY INDIAN SPEAKS HINDI.INDIAN/HINDU ARE NOT LANGUAGES.istg please . All it takes is one search of your characters state and the states description almost always mentions the state’s official language.while some character from non Hindi speaking areas of the country, for example a malyalee person could know how to speak hindi (most probably by living somewhere like delhi),they would still talk in malayalam with family and stuff . Also a pakistani character and Hindi speaking indian can almost always communicate easily since since the most spoken language in Pakistan,Urdu is very similar to Hindi in sound(also a lot of indians,specifically muslim indian’s have urdu as their first language.)Also punjabi Pakistani's and Indian's don't have any problem in communication(the script they write punjabi in is different tho)Also since a lot of people from the north had their ancestors migrate from pakistan to india during partition regional languages of Pakistan such as sindhi,multani,balochi etc can be understood by some people of such descent living in India.And a bengali speaking indian and a Bangladeshi can communicate just as well.Nepali speaking indians and Nepali people can also communicate with each other.But when it comes to Sri Lankan tamil people their dialect is different than the one of indian tamilians,so their tamil is better understood by malyalees,but they can still communicate well enough with each other.afghan people speak pashto and dari.pashto is also understood by a small amount of ethnic pashtuns who live throughout the sub continent.People from the Maldives speak the language of dhivehi.
7.Indians overall have many festivals that all people of usually a certain community celebrate regardless of religion,caste,etc.For example ,the people in kerela celebrate onam.Infact in alot of the state’s people from a specific region have their on festivities.
8.Physical features vary from area to area of South Asia.So there is no definite“south asian“look.
9.Sikh’s don’t cut their hair , that’s why most Sikh women have long hair and most Sikh men wear turbans. Although some do, like my uncle from my mom’s side and my mom herself and etc. Though socially it's more acceptable for a sikh woman to cut her hair then a sikh man. But a load of times sikh immigrants do have to sadly cut their hair and take off their turbans in order to get jobs and all.
10.-And Hindu’s don’t eat beef.Most Sikh’s and overall all Indians tend to avoid beef to.a lot of Hindus are vegetarians due to religious beliefs. Tho mallus and some people from the north east for example usualy do eat beef(mainly the non hindus)
11.-For characters specially from south india(that to mainly kerala and tamil Nadu) the naming tradition that is used most commonly is that the child and wife use the father’s name as their last name. Though I've noticed that outside of their states atleast they tend to use their family names, but very rarely caste names.
12.- Believe it or not, in a show( I'm not sure about the name) a pakistani character had the name“shiv reddy“.pissed me of sm.yes pakistani hindus exist but if I havent already mentioned before,CERTAIN LAST NAMES BELONG TO CERTAIN AREAS. Reddy is an indian telugu hindu last name.please do your research.
13.-This applies to a good amount of north indians and just overall non south indians.south india is not one state.madras was the OLD name for Chennai, which is just one CITY in one state of south india.There are 5 states,6(and more) languages spoken. Please do not confuse those cultures.
14.-As for a good amount of non punjabis...please.punjabis are not all “balle-balle“ sikh people.please. And they're not all angry people looking for a fight either.
15.-Talking abt north india,I need to mention bollywood and how they stereotype.bombay aka the film city is in Maharashtra.yet they still stereotype Maharashtrians as poor people.gujjus are always the rich snobbish ppl.bengali ppl are sweet shy people and nepali people are Chinese. Goans are always english speaking drunkards or high attitude aunties.rajasthanis all have a heavy accent and are royalty and Uttar pradeshis-biharis are poor illiterate people. PLEASE STOP WITH THIS STEREOTYPICAL BULLSHIT ISTG. See,stereotypes exist because they are true, but only a part of the truth and over exaggerated asf.
16.-India does have a poverty issue but we are far from a third world country.most indians are middle class,that to is split in between lower middle class,middle middle class and upper middle class.and until or unless you live in a rural area casteism really isn't a problem.but remember,while casteism is illegal in indian law,it still affects people.it’s just a little less prevelant in big cities. While india is the farthest ahead in south asia atleast the rest of the countries are doing well for themselves as well.
17.-hindu culture specifically has so much lgbtqia+ stuff in it.but the fucking brit’s and Mughals ruined it. The only transgender festival of Asia is held in tamil nadu.seriously, I advise you do research of your own on it and you'll love it to!♥️
18.-Btw, hindi is a language,hindu religion. (had to add this again)Your character prolly from some place like madhya pradesh,bihar,Uttar pradesh,Delhi,uttarakhand or himachal pradesh if they are hindi speaking. Some people have the same confusion with malayalam. Malayalam is a language, malyalee’s are the people who speak it or at from kerala.
19.-talking about food.curry is a wide ass term.wdym by curry?fish curry,mutton curry or is it paneer curry?is it more creamy or not?do you eat it by itself,with rice,a paratha/parotta or all?like seriously stop with “curry“ ITS ANNOYINGGG.again food varries alot area by area.even in a specific area food varries. For example,Kerala-Tamil nadu sambar is damn spicy but sambar from karnataka and telugu states tends to be sweeter.also food from Karnataka is much milder in spice then food from Andhra,but still capable of burning the mouths of most non south asians 😍😘🥰.also,we tend to eat most of our food with hands(THE best way.)famous delicacies vary from country to country in south asia and area to area of india btw. And our food is not ’smelly’, it's FRAGRANT.
20.ok so ive in total had 2 specific segments dedicated to language and this is the third one.India,while having only 22 offical languages(again;i remind you,we do not have a national language)actually has like thousands of languages. Native people from even just one state can have different mother tongues(for example-three people who were born and raised in karnataka and have families that are native to the state could have the languages of kannada,tulu and kodava as their mother tongues).And again,dialects also differ.For example,Bombay hindi and the hindi of a person from Uttarakhand would be different, and so would Bangalore tamil and a Madurai native’s tamil.Also,let’s say a telugu person has been living in mumbai for a while,very rarely will they ever have an ’accent’ while speaking hindi or english.
21.so above i mentioned that alot of people from the north have had ancestors move in from pakistan during the partition(and vice versa for some Pakistani's).Similarly,a good amount of people from west bengal had their ancestors move in from bangladesh(and vice versa again,but unlike the north india-pakistan thing indian bong’s and bangladeshi people don’t exactly have that ’divide’).Adding this in specifically not only because of how important this is but it can give more depth to your characters if they are from any of these areas.
22.Every state has different art forms.be it dance,music or just art,every state has it different.India has 8 classical dances(bharatanatyam,kuchipudi, mohiniyattam,kathakali,oddisi,kathak, manipuri and sattriya) and has countless many more.Music also varies and so does art as i said above.
23.our culture is super feminist but fucked by the brits and mughals again. We had so many queens and princesses that fought wars and also many female warriors.In the ancient times women only wore single drape saris and didn’t cover their breasts because they were not seen as sexual,but infact as a sign of motherhood(and there forth strength).If they were covered,it was for support.
24.Most people know atleast 3+ languages and almost everyone knows 2 at the very least. Sometimes they can even understand(which can range from basic to great) some other languages. For eg.- my dad can speak english,hindi,telugu,konkani,tulu,punjabi,urdu and multani+ he can understand malayalam,kannada,sindhi and tamil well enough.
That's it(for now):) hope this can help.feel free to ask questions!+random songs from my playlist✨✨✨
(ps,check this post of mine out cause y not lol)
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nupalcdc · 9 months
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Unlocking potential in Delhi! Vocational training goes beyond academics, shaping well-rounded individuals with crucial life skills. Prepare children for a dynamic future. 🌟📚
Read more at http://tinyurl.com/yuh4avuz
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the-slythering-raven · 9 months
Tere bina
Fandom: Cricket RPF
Characters: Shubman Gill, Ishan Kishan, Shahneel Gill, Mentions of other Gill family members, Cameo by Rohit Sharma
Genre/Tags: Sickfic, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Indian Cricket Team
Warnings: Descriptions of illness and vomiting
Summary: A delirious Shubman with very high fever calls Ishan when the team is in Delhi for their match against Afghanistan and babbles in punjabi thinking it to be his didi on the line
Notes: Many many thanks to @ispeakmorelanguagesthanyou for encouraging my randomest ideas and also for beta reading, and to @textrovert-01 for helping me with the Punjabi parts, this fic would not have been possible without both of your love 🥰
Enjoy, and please let me know how y’all like it :)
Shubman curled up morosely in the covers. The team had left for Delhi, and Ishan had gone with them, leaving an aching void inside him. Logically he knew that they'll meet again, but at that point he felt like crying.
Reaching his hand out to the adjacent bed, Shubman grabbed the blanket from Ishan’s bed and held it close to his nose, hoping to breathe in the scent of Ishan's perfume, gagging as the scent of the hotel laundry detergent hit his already over sensitive nose. He grabbed onto the bucket kept at the side and dry heaved over it several times, unable to bring up much but strings of saliva, his abdominal muscles crying at the intensity of the heaves. God how he wished Ishan was there. Ishan would have rubbed his aching back in soothing circles and whispered soft reassurances to him just like his Ma used to do when he got sick as a child. His eyes burned with tears as he remembered the warmth. He missed her so much.
After several more minutes of dry heaving, he straightened up as the nausea passed, and fell back onto the bed feeling absolutely drained. He grabbed his phone, seeking to mindlessly scroll through social media for a while, hoping to distract himself.
The edits of Ishan and himself on Instagram only made him miss Ishan more, tears trickling down his eyes as he remembered those moments. He had been so happy during those, blissfully unaware of their pictures being clicked. He cried silently, feeling all alone and lonely in the cold hotel room. He missed everyone so much, his dada, dadi, mumma, papa, didi, Ishan, everyone on the team, but didn't want to worry them any more.
As if on autopilot, he opened his call log and hit the first contact, his Di. The one who had tolerated him crying and whining all afternoon after the one time one of his petty squabbles with Ishan had got too personal and they had both angrily decided “never to talk to each other again”. Of course they had both cried to each other and made up the same evening, but the fact remains that he did so only because Di had told him to, because that's how well she knew him.
The sound of his phone ringing woke Ishan from his sleep, and he squinted against the glare of the screen to look carefully at the caller. He winced when he saw it was Shubman who had been calling him, because he knew he had to be feeling really horrible to give up and call him, after being determined to toughen it out by himself.
Heart beating faster than a rabbit, Ishan swiped across the screen to pick the call. He hoped it wasn't anything too bad.
“Hey Didi” Shubh whispered exhaustedly, his Punjabi accent completely unmasked.
Ishan winced. Shubh really had no clue that he had called the wrong person, and seemed way too out of it to even realize.
“Tussi ki kar rahe ho?” (What’re you doing?) Shubh asked in Punjabi. Ishan’s heart broke at the vulnerability in his voice, and he debated whether to let him know that he had called the wrong person. Rohit bhaiya raised a concerned eyebrow from the opposite end of the room they were sharing, and Ishan mouthed the matter to him, looking at him desperately for an answer.
“Didi, ki tussi mere toh naraz ho ke mei tuhanu kal phone ni kitta? Sorry behn mei so gya si.” (Didi? Are you mad at me that I didn’t call you yesterday? I’m so sorry, I’d fallen asleep)
Ishan’s heart shattered at how heartbroken Shubh sounded. He had seen it several times firsthand how emotional Shubh got when he was sick, and how prone he was to overthinking the littlest things. But should he break the news that he had called the wrong person? A head shake from Rohit bhaiya told him “No”, and Ishan agreed. No need to make him panic more than he already is, Ishan reckoned.
"Bilkul ni pagal , mere tere son krke tere to naraz kyo howangi jadke mei hi tenu zyada son layi keha si ?"(Of course not, you idiot, I wouldn't get mad at you for sleeping when I was the one who asked you to sleep more? ) Ishan replied back in Punjabi, trying to replicate Shahneel Di’s way of speaking.
That seemed to satisfy Shuh, who hummed and sniffled on the other side.
“Ki hoyea Subhi? Das menu”(What happened, Shubhi? Tell me.)
“Kuch ni, bs sabdi bohot yaad ari si, khaas karke ma di, ohnanu keho ke meri zyada chinta na karan thik he?” (Nothing… I just miss everyone so much.. Especially Ma.. Tell her not to worry too much about me though, alright?”)
Ishan sighed. He was sure Aunty was worried like anything, and she definitely had reason to worry as well, given how Shubh was so delirious he could not even recognise the fact that he was not actually talking to his Didi..but he did have a point though, Aunty did tend to worry a lot behind her always smiling persona, and she also had problems with her blood pressure, and she'd probably worry herself sick if she knew exactly how terrible her son's condition is.
“Thik he, par tu ohnanu phone zrur kar lai, oho kaafi chinta krde ne.”(Alright. But you make sure to call her, okay? She's been really worried.)
“Oho bohot hi zyada chinta krdi hein, vese oh kr ki rahi hei?”(She worries too much…what's she doing anyway?)
Ishan cursed under his breath. Fuck, what Does aunty do at this time anyway? He had played along all this time, he just hoped this would not give him away.
Remembering something Shubh had told him ages ago about Aunty loving historical documentaries, Ishan answered as casually as he could.
“Oh koi etihasik documentary ja dekh rahi hei…” (Oh you know, watching some kind of historical documentary…) Ishan prayed desperately that Shubh wouldn't ask him to hand it over to Aunty, because then he'd be Screwed with a capital S.
Shubh hummed over the phone, apparently satisfied with the answer. Ishan breathed a sigh of relief, glad his cover had not been blown yet. However he was not sure how much longer he could keep this act up.
Shubman on the other hand, had fallen dangerously silent over the phone, and that worried Ishan. His worry grew tenfold when he heard what seemed like Shubh being sick over the line. Why weren't the nausea medications working, Ishan wondered for the nth time that week.
After a while, Ishan heard Shubh exhale shakily over the phone.
“Haye rabba jo kuj vi ho reha menu kuj acha ni lag reha..” (Oh God I hate this…) Shubh choked out, his voice cracking towards the end.
Ishan sat helplessly with the phone pressed to his ear. It broke his heart to hear his friend cry over the phone, and be unable to help him anyhow. How he wished he could be there by his side, comforting him when he needed it..
Shubman also seemed to reciprocate the same idea, because after a while Ishan heard him brokenly say “Menu Ishaan di vi bohot yaad aari he, kaash oh mere naal hunda” (I wish Ishan was there with me, y'know?..)
A pause. Ishan was starting to reconsider his decision of playing along when Shubh started speaking again.
“Mei onhu bohot yaad kar reha ha, Didi” (I miss him so much, Didi)
“Fer tu onhu phone kyu ni krda? Menu pura yakeen he oh bohot khush howega” (Why don't you call him, then? I'm sure he'd love to hear from you..” Ishan suggested, completely immersed in his character.
“Nahi, Di...bohot der ho gyi he is velle mei osnu pareshan ni krna chahunda. Kal oda match he, Onhu aram di bohot lor he. Jado da mei bimar hoye ha vichara thik naal soye hi nahi, adi raat nu jado mera bukhar vaad janda ta oh thandi pattiya karda, meri pith ragarda, jad mere lai bohot hunda ta oh mera sahara banda. Tohanu pta he di, ohda moda bohot hi sukoon dayak he..”(No, Di…it's late, I can't disturb him.. He has a match tomorrow, he needs to rest.. Poor dude has not slept properly since I got sick, y'know? Kept waking up to put cold cloths over my forehead when my fever got too high in the middle of the night, rubbing my back when I got sick, letting me cry over his shoulder when everything got too much… He has such a nice and comforting shoulder, y'know Di?)
Ishan smiled through the burning of his eyes. Shubh was so adorable when he rambled in Punjabi, completely oblivious of whether the other person was understanding or not. It melted his heart that Shubh had noticed everything, but also made him sad that he was being so hard on himself for that.
“Mei tohanu bohot yaad karda ha, didi. Papa te mummy nu keho menu ohna di bohot yaad aundi he. Par oh zyada pareshan na hon, ohna di tabiyat kharab ho jawegi.” (I miss you so much, Di..Tell papa and ma I miss them too, okay? And ask Ma not to worry so much, she'll get sick)
“Ha thik he. Tu vi hun son di koshish kr. Mei tenu jaldi milan awangi, thik he?” ( I will. Now you try to sleep, okay? I'll meet you soon, alright?” Ishan continued in his best Shahneel Di impression.
“Thik he, bohot sara pyaar tohanu didi..” (Okay.. love you, Didi..)
“Tenu vi bohot sara pyaar Shubhi, hun son di koshish kar thik he?”(Love you too, Shubhi. Now try to get some sleep, alright?)
“Han ji didi” (I will, Didi) Shubh replied, stifling a yawn. He felt absolutely drained, but atleast Di was there, and she didn't seem to mind listening to him.
“Papa te mummy nu vi mere vallo bohot saara pyaar dena, thik he?” (Tell Mumma and Papa I love them too, okay?)
“Han han zrur, chal theek he good night.” (Yeah, yeah, sure. Now goodnight.)
“Goodnight, Di”
Ishan cut the call, feeling a weird mix of drained and comforted. It felt wrong to provide false comfort, but false comfort was also comfort, right?
Rohit bhaiya dragged him to sleep, putting a stop to his spiraling thoughts. “So jao aur sone do,” (Sleep and let me sleep) he muttered sleepily, before turning over and going right back to sleep. Ishan smiled at the childishness that came out of a tired Rohit bhaiya before going back to sleep himself.
Meanwhile in a hotel in Chennai, Shubman slept like a log, his heart warm as he recalled memories of the good times with Ishan.
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ArShi SS: Crossing Boundaries
Warning: 16+, heavy themes on desire
Note: I watched the kidnapping track where they're just so desperate for each other hence this is the end result. And a little gift for the enthusiastic reaction to the Sobti interview!
(Psst, please do go over and paste your comments in the website as well!)
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Chapter 1 | Imagination
The mind does not differentiate between thought and reality. If an athlete simply imagined that they were running across a field track, their mind was stimulated as if it were in reality.
Thus when Arnav woke up mid sleep, drenched in sweat, heart racing as remnants of a sinful dream faded with waking, he knew he had crossed the first boundary of whatever moral decency that existed.
Khushi in a modest red saree with a daring backless blouse with no room for a bra.
He knew that it would just take a flick of a finger to undo the blouse.
What if the saree hadn't been pinned?
He had seen the sliver of skin through the gossamer fabric.
The long lashes wet in the rain, lips quivering in confusion...
Could he assume anticipation? Damn it, he was losing his mind. Playing games with Khushi Kumari Gupta was no longer fun. At first he had foolishly thought that it was a battle of wits and he had been so entertained to put her through menial tasks, watch her intelligent mind get frustrated with the redundancy. She was close to making a mistake, to not finding a creative solution for the assignments.
It had taken him one day to realize her mind, and mouth, were as sharp as a razor.
Thus having her stand motionless, mute, with a coat all day was the masterstroke. He saw the way her eyebrows shot up when Liza hugged him, then why did it piss him further when she seemed perfectly unperturbed when Liza continued to harp praises on him. Why did he need to get her attention on him?
And since when had Arnav Singh Raizada fret over a nobody.
Fret. Arnav scoffed, he was wiser than that. Obsession was the truth. There was something about her, something that frustrated him to no end.
Because having anything with Khushi Kumari Gupta would change the fundamental outlook of his life. She valued love, marriage, commitment and would see lust in the bracket of sin.
Arnav flopped back in his bed, content with being exhausted enough to catch a few more hours of sleep.
Being attracted to Khushi Kumari Gupta would challenge his formative beliefs and there's no way he would be trading his foundation for a passing fancy.
Even in a hypothetical world, Khushi wouldn't change to fit in his life. She wouldn't ever be a safe bet.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Khushi couldn't risk fancying Arnav Singh Raizada. Fancy? Khushi sighed in defeat, twisting away in bed, unable to look at Payal's sleeping face nor Devi Maiyya.
She was bothered by her relief in staying back in Delhi. Of course staying back in the same city as Buaji meant the most, but he lived in this city too.
Something bugged her about Arnav Singh Raizada. It almost felt like if she spent another minute in his presence, something might happen.
Something that might fundamentally change Khushi Kumari Gupta.
Something for which she'd trade her strict upbringing and romantic dreams.
In the romantic novels she sneaked in at library, the term fancy felt closest. Because this couldn't be love. But it bore the symptoms of it all.
Yes, she wanted to see him again, yet run away at first sight.
Yes, he made her pulse go faster, as well as her nerves.
Yes, she had dreams where he caressed her hair in her sleep, and a reality where he'd push her buttons to the extremes.
The contradictions ruled out anything that could happen between them. But when she told she couldn't, no, wouldn't see him ever again, she wanted to stay back and look at the disaster on his face.
They had nothing, but it felt like she broke something.
Khushi closed her eyes, shivering at the wind brushing her hair across her forehead.
He stared at her, brushing the hair away. Once to see her, then again to caress her. She felt his strong hands rest on her skin as he carried her, lightweight. The sheer power in his physicality - the heat emanating from his skin or the eyes that just saw right through what she wore.
Imagination was worse than reality, Khushi concluded.
Reality gave one the excuse to state that one didn't anticipate crossing the boundary. But imagination revealed that one was yearning to cross it all along.
A/N: Let me know in the comments how you liked it. And yes this is prewritten and will be posted pretty soon unlike my other stories *cry* - Jalebi Tagging: @butaneandthebeast @shiyaravi @shaonsim @thenainitaldisaster @maansiloves @muttonthings @sapnokiduniyaisalwaysbetter @bengudill @myloveforstuff @laad-governess @laadgovernorandsankadevi @leila1 @lostafpanda @magicfeltmybloop @honeybellexox x @featheredclover @goals1024 @bigfatreader @simplycurlz @persephone-with-a-cat@sankititaliya @ijustchangedmyname @noor1025 @bitchy-bi-trash @thecharlesboyle @minpdnim @starzin8s @zaphbeeblebrox @white-thebeauty @bunnypassionsworld @scorpio-smiles @exosexosekai @whateverworks21 @chutkiandchotte (let me know if you want to be added or removed)
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srbachchan · 2 years
DAY 5438
Jalsa, Mumbai                 Jan 4/5,  2023                Wed/Thu  12:18 AM
🪔 , January 5 .. birthday of Ef Akhil Swami .. January 4 .. birthday of Ef Manoj Vaid from New Delhi .. Greetings .. 🌿
wishes from the entire Ef family , may all be in care and wellness .. 🙏❤️
Lethargic  countenance in waiting for the cues to move so the ticket window can be addressed ostensively to meet the anomaly of work .. 
Absence of routine is building many bridges across rivers seen and unseen, in our countenance and this has been the cause of staying put in one realm of inertia doggedly dodging schedules that have been programmed before the beginning of the non routined work ..
There are no compressed timings to be met .. there are no mailed schedules to be met .. there is no one asking when where and how .. all the asking is being done by the self .. 
Self is a golden word .. in times to come .. self driven, self written, self composed .. and selfie !
Humanity has finally decided it has worked beyond its limits and the need is to departmentalise its work force to the developed technology and the inventions of scientists , who have worked their way through the years of research and thesis , to arrive at the driven formulae , invented , yet in a mode to be executed with some degree of success .. 
I was glued and fixed it to the position of least resistance .. it never did resist .. welcomed the change and resolved its situation, without further ado .. 
Mundane though it may seem , the experience of idleness is and has been a fresh invent for the systematic destruction of the ‘ country of the system juxta- positioned  in the  haemoglobin of the atmosphere  , much like the sophisticated rhetorician intoxicated by the exuberance of its own capitulated verbosity ‘  ...
So .. the context of the day having ended, it was leading in to the slumberous recline of the matroska .. err .. the bedded mattress .. cushioned of course within the bulbous softness of what has been often described as the ‘takiya’ , the ‘sirhana’  .. the pill of the pillow  .. 
but but but .. the attraction of the written word for the Ef that wait patiently for a connect and a read compelling to the extent of seeking that App., introduced to me by dear friend conversant in the technology of the times .. which when asked for shall produce on its own within seconds the worded script .. 
I did experiment it when it was loaded in the region of its introduce .. but here it has failed .. and that is a frustration indeed .. so one does not give up and goes back to the beginning .. to learn again and practice often to get it right .. 
hmmm .. provoking life lessons ! 
No no no .. no lessons here .. delete it .. do what you feel is right .. 
try yes .. but to regret after NO try .. bigger regret .. !
hehehhaha .. just made that up .. !
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the multiple lines of face .. face that speaks all .. filled with complicated lines .. the obvious truths of living .. wipe them out with guile and hard work .. give in to them and they shall be even more complicated .. 
sorry .. giving unnecessary ‘gyan’ , when not needed at all  ..
going to try the ‘sirhaana’ ..
and cantering into it .. or cantering into the next day ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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ofxbutcher · 5 months
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JACOB BUTCHER ( CORTEON MOORE ) is a TWENTY-EIGHT year-old TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHER in NEW DELHI, INDIA. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only TWENTY-EIGHT years old. They are known as THE CHARMER because they are EASY-GOING but also AVOIDANT.
Full Name: Jacob Anthony Butcher
Nickname(s): Mostly just goes by 'Butcher' but JB and J are not uncommon
Date of Birth: May 15th 1976
Age: 28
Occupation: Travel Photographer (Travel enthusiast in general and extreme sports participator/admirer)
Current Residence: He was in Australia before deciding to make a stop at New Delhi on his way back to Woodrow, however he staid in India longer than he originally planned due to fun and work colliding a little too well.
Hair: Curly, frizzy, untrimmed atm
Eyes: Light brown
Height: 5'9
Notable Features: Vitiligo over his hands, and barely noticeable by his right eye and bottom right of his chin. Scars all over his body acquired through sports and travel, a dashing smile of course...
Strengths: Determined when intrigued, loyal to a fault, charismatic
Weaknesses: Lonely, avoidant and lets his own stubbornness get in the way of things
Quirks: Rubs the back of his neck when nervous, left eyebrow raises and does a little twitch whenever he's lying (only a few of the wards are actually aware of this -- he, himself, is not)
Vices: Will try anything that seems 'exciting' to him, no matter how dangerous. Smokes cigarettes and occasionally does drugs. Rarely drinks.
Interests: Jacob has had a plethora of interests since childhood. From reading and acting out fantasy novels, to creating his own stories. From riding a bike, to quickly becoming interested in driving a helicopter. Driving, diving, surfing, parachuting, climbing, name a sport or an activity and he has likely tried it. His interests are heavy on the 'outdoors' and learning new things or polishing old skills.
Hobbies: Although he's a very physically active person, and those would certainly include most of his hobbies. Jacob finds that his 'relaxing' time is where his genuine hobbies truly flourish. He writes fantasy a lot, often inspired by his real experiences, and he is a photographer professionally, always pushing himself further to capture beautiful things on camera. He is hoping to collaborate with National Geographic in the future, but he has never told Richard about it out of fear that the old man would try and pull more strings for him. Besides those two hobbies, he also enjoys cooking and pottery a considerable amount.
Special Skills/Talents: He's actually got a lot of these due to his constant participation in weird and extreme sports. Perhaps the biggest skill/talent is staying alive.
Jacob has a very difficult time remembering much of his childhood. There are only few, very few vivid memories he held of his mother. Of a yellow closet with drawings stuck on it. And fire, smell of fire late at night as the screams echoed in the distance. Whenever he would ask Richard about his past, about his parents, about circumstances which led him to Woodrow -- he was met with a dismissive response. "They couldn't take care of you boy, you're better off here." and that was as far as he'd ever get. Over the years, he had tried to pry more information out of the old man, but he was never successful. Even when he tried to take matters into his own hands, and seek answers outside of Richards little safety bubble -- he came up with nothing. There was no records of a 'Jacob Anthony Butcher' to be found. So he assumed his name had been changed. His family was either incapable or unwilling to take care of him, and he was to take life for what it was and live on. Move on. And let the questions of his childhood vanish.
Jacob has always had a knack for people, a longing for life, for opportunities, for adventure. As a child, he would spend hours lost in fantasy worlds, imagining himself riding dragons - or slaying them. Roping other wards into playing soldiers or vampires or whatever his latest obsession would have been. He would go as far as to make his own stories, makeshift his own toys, skate and run and swim around the Woodrow grounds without a care in the world. It is his genuine nature to be easy-going about things in life, and that always made people drawn to him. Everybody likes good company, and Jacob just so happens to like everybody. There was never much others could do to put him off, because above all, Jacob truly believed, as he continues to believe, that people had their reasons. For the good things, the bad things, and everything in-between. And nothing, not a damn thing was ever personal. So he took no offence, and he adapted, he forgave, he did his best to be there for others. His loyalty was always easily acquired, but not quite as easily lost. All that said, Jacob still struggled growing up. Mostly with poor focus and hyperactivity, and he often felt 'dumb' when participating in lectures with other wards, or having to take extra classes even after school to catch up with them. It did take a toll on his confidence at a certain point in life, but he learnt to hide it behind a nice smile and a pretence of 'not caring' which worked out for him in the end. As a young ward he found most joy in simply hanging out with his peers, and even more in getting Mrs. Tristans forehead vein to pump rather visibly. As Jacob grew older, he didn't grow more serious. But he developed a dose of charm inspired by the confidence he gained through surrounding himself with others. He knew that people gravitated towards him, and he found comfort in always having company, in meeting new people, trying out new things. So when the time came to pursue further education, he instead devised a plan to travel. To see the world. To truly live. It may have taken Richard some (a lot of) convincing, but eventually he agreed to let the boy go. Ever since, he has hardly stopped. Always one foot out the door. Always looking for the next rush of adrenaline, next adventure. Although his charm gets him through a lot in life, and allows him to form deeper attachments, he is not the one to settle down. To dream of a house with a picket fence, a family, a single partner for the rest of his life. His spirit runs wild, and he's always in his happiest when he's on the go. Perhaps, a part of him wonders at times if he's truly in a state of constant movement due his deep love for it, or because he is perhaps running. One thing is certain, he is incapable of staying alone, of standing still, only what would he be trying to outrun? At the end of the day, the only thing he actually had, was himself.
Butcher is mostly dressed casual and somehow always covered in dirt. This is why he rarely invests in any expensive or formal clothes, they are certain to get ruined. Comfort is the key, whereas aesthetics are more of an after-thought. Still, he is often seen wearing a silver necklace, whose story of acquirement always changes when asked about. And he also tends to wear a braided bracelet one of his fellow wards had gifted him shortly after his arrival at Woodrow. It's the sentiment, of course, more than genuine liking for the bracelet itself. He owns two black suits, one for weddings and the other for funerals. And a few neat black shirts and tops to match a pair of his 'clean' jeans whenever he needs to dress up. Butcher's also particularly fond of his leather jacket which went through hell and back with him and somehow still holds up pretty well.
Jacob chose to attend a public school after his primary education, but Richard wouldn't allow him to go private as he needed more effort and guidance with education then other kids due to his hyperactivity and lack of focus. This was also the first and the only time Jacob and Richard had a real argument. Following this, Butcher spent the next couple of weeks moping around the house and giving an unusual dose of attitude to anyone he came to contact with, but then got over it when Mrs. Tristan properly explained why it was all for the best in the end and how he will soon be done with school and off to pursue his dreams. Of course, she was right, and his focus was soon somewhere else. But once that the school truly ended, and it was time to head off to University, he used his lack of choice on the matter to further convince Richard to let him travel instead of continuing further education. Ever the academic, it was tough to convince Richard that this was the right path for him, so they agreed on somewhat of a 'gap year' at first, which eventually became full-time travelling and working on the go.
Jacob participated in any extracurricular he could get his hands on. Even the ones he wasn't particularly interested in. He just enjoyed spending time with other wards, so if they had an interest of their own and wanted someone to tag along -- he would happily do it.
He has been travelling, mostly. The longest he ever staid in one place was a year before moving on to his next adventure. Most recently, he had climbed Mt Everest, his lifelong dream, and after that he moved on to a semi-professional surfing competitions in Australia where he did quite well. He considered staying in Australia for a while, but decided to head back to Woodrow instead as it has been months since he last visited. On the way though, he stopped in India where the Krishna Janmashtami festival was just around the corner and decided to stay for a while as well. He was still in New Delhi when he heard of Richard's passing.
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bodyalive · 9 months
When it comes to settling down young children, parenting advice focuses mostly on one tool: What to say.
If the toddler starts to have a tantrum, say this. If a child can't go to sleep, say that. And if you wind up yelling in the process, well, there's even a script for how to apologize.
But all around the world, many parents turn to another tool to soothe a crying child and settle them to slumber. And it's totally silent.
Instead of talking, many parents touch their child. But it's not just any type of touch. Oh no! This touch occurs at a particular speed and with a particular pressure.
After decades of research, neuroscientists are beginning to understand how our skin senses this specific type of touch and how that sensation lights up regions of the brain to alter our emotions.
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Jose Grajeda and daughter, Victoria. "If I wanted to go to sleep as a child, I would go cuddle with my mom and she would give me piojito," he says — Spanish for "little lice." The late Peruvian linguist Martha Hidlebrandt described piojito as "gently scratching the scalp of a child as if he were being relieved of the itching of imaginary lice" — hence the name.
Jessica Lutz /for NPR
How to give piojito
In Korea, parents call this type of touch yakson. In Taiwan, they say 秀秀(xiù xiù). In India: "we have different languages in different parts of the country, but in Delhi, it's called malish," says Dr. Sarika Chaturvedi, who studies infant massage practices at Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth College in Pune. "This type of touch is so ingrained in our culture. It's all about avoiding frustrations in the child and enhancing the pleasurable connection."
But in Latin America, parents may just have the best name of all: Piojitos, which literally means "little lice."
"If I wanted to go to sleep as a child, I would go cuddle with my mom and she would give me piojito," says Joe Grajeda, age 40, who was born in northern Mexico and now lives in Alpine, Texas, with his three young children (Joe owns a coffee shop in Alpine and is a good friend of mine).
"Now I love giving my children piojito," he says, smiling brightly. "My sons like to sit there and just kind of enjoy the moment. Victoria – my daughter – loves it when she's ready to go to sleep."
With piojito and other types of soothing caresses, the key is not to go too fast or too slow. And don't press too deeply. "You scratch someone's back, or their head, with the tip of your fingers. And you do it very lightly and softly," Grajeda explains. "You want to make the skin kind of crawl a little bit." (The late Peruvian linguist Martha Hidlebrandt described piojito as "gently scratching the scalp of a child as if he were being relieved of the itching of imaginary lice" — hence the name.)
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Jose Grajeda gives his daughter the same kind of soothing caress that he got from his mom when he was a child.
Jessica Lutz /for NPR
How a gentle caress affects the nerves
When you give a child piojito, the gentle stroking turns on special nerves, in the hairy parts of our skin, called C-tactile fibers. So yes, that includes your head, back and arms.
These nerves are tuned to detect a specific speed of caressing, says Ishmail Abdus-Saboor, a neurobiologist at Columbia University. "If you rush across the skin surface too quickly, a person may actually perceive the touch as aversive," he says.
All mammals have these special neurons. And all mammalian parents use a stroking touch or licking with their young offspring, Abdus-Saboor says. "There's evidence these neurons also respond to maybe even warmth as well," he explains. "So these neurons have the ability to detect social cues between two mammals as they caress, touch and embrace one another, such as a mother with her offspring."
Of course, human parents have been doing this type of touching "forever," Abdus-Saboor says. "This rubbing and stroking is something that we do almost innately with children. And I think it's because our system is wired to tap into this network [in the brain] that provides soothing and relief."
For some kids with autism spectrum disorder, this type of touch might not feel good, Abdus-Saboor notes, and may even feel bad. "A cardinal symptom of autism is hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli, like auditory and tactile stimuli," he says. "The relationship between touch and reward can be greatly altered."
Back in February, Adbus-Saboor and his colleagues published a landmark paper in the journal Cell showing how activation of these special neurons, in mice, lights up the dopamine pathway in their brains. This pathway motivates animals to seek out the touch again – to seek out togetherness, cuddles or grooming.
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Jose Grajeda and his daughter, Victoria, cuddling before bedtime in Alpine, Tex. "I love piojito," he says — that's the soothing caress his mother gave him when he was a kid. "I ask my mom now – and my kids – to give me piojito now," says the 40-year-old father of three. "I think it's my language of love."
Jessica Lutz /for NPR
In people, activating C-tactile fibers not only feels good, it reduces the perception of pain in adults and babies and lowers their heart beat rate, studies have found. There's evidence that activation of these nerves may also trigger the release of naturally occurring opioids in people's brains, such as endorphins.
"These endorphins relax you and cause you to feel at peace with the world," says psychologist Robin Dunbar at Oxford University. And they help to bond or connect you to the parent who's caressing you. "They make you feel very trusting with the individuals doing the gentle stroking."
Neuroscientist Helena Wasling isn't convinced by the studies linking caressing to endorphins. But she thinks, rather, this type of touch is critical for helping children's feel safe and as if their bodily needs are met.
"Being touched is just a basic need, like having dinner when you are hungry. You need to have this touch in order for you to reach a good, steady state in your body. You need it so you can feel safe enough to go out and explore the world." says Wasling, who has studied the neuroscience of touch for more than a decade and now is a physiotherapist at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden.
The dawn of the anti-touch era
During the end of the 19th century, many European pediatricians actually advised parents not to touch their children because they said it would weaken them and make them dependent. This idea hit a fever pitch in the 1920s when the psychologist John B. Watson wrote a parenting book, "even though he knew basically nothing about parenting," Wasling points out. In the book, Watson advises mothers to stay away, physically, from children: "You could give them a pat on the head if they did something really special, but when you greet them in the morning, you could give them a handshake."
Watson thought that lovingly caressing children – as parents all over the world have done for thousands of years – would prevent them from becoming independent, self-sufficient adults. By touching, parents would be "building up a human being totally unable to cope with the world it must later live in," Watson wrote in the book Psychological Care of Infant and Child, published in 1928.
Watson believed that by not touching young children and toddlers, parents teach them to be independent at an early age, Wasling explains.
"But then it turns out that the opposite is actually true," Wasling says. "Children who get a lot of touch, support and closeness from their parents are actually the ones that dare to go out and explore, as they grow up, because they have a basic safety that they can rely on. They have a solid foundation."
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chaos-and-sparkles · 1 year
what province of india do you hc pavitr as being from?
Ngl it took me a whole minute to figure out what you mean, bc we don't have provinces in India since like. Colonial times lmaoo asjdjdjsksksk. I think you meant to ask which state I hc him from? So i'mma answer that!
So of course Mumbattan is based on Mumbai, which is in Maharashtra, so Pavitr is canonically Marathi. But I also like to think that - and this is mainly just compliant with the backstory I have in my head for him - while the Prabhakars were based in Nashik, Pavitr's parents moved around in some different cities for their jobs until they became fairly well off. They had Pavitr's older sister in Bangalore (state: Karnataka) then Pavitr was born in Lucknow (state: Uttar Pradesh), then he spent five formative years of his life in Delhi (state: Delhi), then they moved to Hyderabad (state: Telangana) which led to Pavitr learning quite a bit of Telugu by the time he was 9. And then they settled back in Mumbattan, partly because Bhim Uncle (Pav's dad's older brother in my hc) was settled there with Maya Aunty too. And then ofc Pav moves in with Maya Aunty and Bhim Uncle instead (again, my hc backstory) when he's like 12, and spends the next years in Mumbattan.
So that basically makes Pavitr Marathi in his blood, and in his current home, but he's also lived and grown up in other states a lot, picked up influences of the culture and languages, and considers them "his homes" in some capacity. He mainly says he's "Marathi, but also from Delhi and Hyderabad" if asked.
Ik you didn't ask this but I wanted to add, I also get huge Punjabi-Delhi girl vibes from Gayatri!! I like to think at some point Gaya and Pav were in Delhi at the same time too, maybe they even ran into each other but this is way before their friendship+eventual relationship became solid. So yeah, Gayatri is Punjabi settled in Delhi, finally settled in Mumbattan.
So yeah, that's my headcanon about where Pavitr (and Gayatri) are from :D
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abroadup · 2 months
Top 10 German Language Institutes in Pitampura
Pitampura, a vibrant locality in Delhi, has become a hub for language learning, particularly for those interested in mastering the German language. With a variety of institutes offering comprehensive courses, students can choose from a range of options that cater to different proficiency levels. In this blog, we will explore the top 10 German language institutes in Pitampura, providing insights into each institute's unique offerings and strengths.The top 10 German language institutes in Pitampura provide a wealth of options for language learners. From the comprehensive offerings at AbroadUp to the immersive experiences at Goethe-Institut, students can find the right environment to enhance their German language skills. Whether you are a beginner or looking to refine your proficiency, these institutes are equipped to guide you on your linguistic journey.
1. AbroadUp
AbroadUp is at the forefront of German language education in Pitampura. Leading first position in the list of our top 10 German language institutes in Pitampura . It is Renowned for its tailored courses, AbroadUp caters to students of all levels, from beginners to advanced learners. The institute boasts experienced instructors and interactive learning modules, ensuring that students receive a holistic education. With a focus on both language proficiency and cultural understanding, AbroadUp prepares students for proficiency exams and enhances their professional language skills.
2. XYZ Language Academy
Next on our list of the top 10 German language institutes in Pitampura is XYZ Language Academy. This institute is well-known for its structured curriculum and experienced faculty. It offers a variety of courses, from intensive beginner programs to specialized training for advanced learners. The academy emphasizes practical communication skills, making it a popular choice for those looking to enhance their language abilities effectively.
3. Lingua Franca Institute
Lingua Franca Institute is at the third position of our list of the top 10 German language institutes in Pitampura. They stands out for its commitment to personalized education. With small class sizes, students receive individual attention from certified instructors. The dynamic learning environment fosters immersive experiences, allowing students to practice their language skills in real-life situations. This approach makes Lingua Franca a preferred destination for those serious about mastering the German language.
4. German Language School
As its name suggests, the German Language School specializes in German language education. It is one of the top 10 German language institutes in Pitampura.
The school focuses on fostering fluency and cultural understanding through practical communication skills. Students are equipped with the tools necessary for real-world application, making this institute a solid choice for those looking to use their German language skills in everyday life.
5. LinguaSoft Academy
LinguaSoft Academy prides itself on innovative teaching methodologies. The institute offers a diverse range of courses that cater to both beginners and advanced learners. With a focus on interactive learning resources, LinguaSoft ensures that students are engaged and motivated throughout their language journey. The academy's commitment to quality education makes it one of the top 10 German language institutes in Pitampura.
6. Foreign Language Institute
The Foreign Language Institute is at the seventh position of our list of the top 10 German language institutes in Pitampura. It is a hub for language enthusiasts, offering not only German language courses but also a variety of other foreign languages. With flexible scheduling options and experienced faculty, this institute is ideal for residents of Pitampura looking to diversify their linguistic skills. The inclusive environment encourages students to explore multiple languages, enhancing their overall learning experience.
7. Goethe-Institut Pitampura
Goethe-Institut Pitampura  is at the seventh position of our list of the top 10 German language institutes in Pitampura. It is affiliated with the prestigious Goethe-Institut, it offers authentic German language courses and proficiency exams. The institute is known for its focus on cultural immersion and academic excellence. Students benefit from a curriculum that emphasizes both language skills and cultural insights, making it a top choice for serious learners aiming for proficiency.
8. Language Hub Pitampura
Language Hub Pitampura   is at the eighth position of our list of the top 10 German language institutes in Pitampura. It provides a vibrant learning environment that combines traditional teaching methods with modern technology. This blend ensures an engaging and effective learning experience for students. The institute's commitment to fostering a supportive atmosphere makes it an excellent option for those embarking on their German language journey.
9. SpeakEasy Language Institute
SpeakEasy Language Institute is in the second last position of our list of the top 10 German language institutes in Pitampura  .It offers flexible German language courses tailored to individual learning goals. With experienced instructors and multimedia-rich learning materials, students can enjoy a convenient and effective language education. The institute's focus on practical application and conversational skills prepares students for real-world interactions in German.
10. Polyglot Language Center
Rounding off our list of the top 10 German language institutes in Pitampura is the Polyglot Language Center. This institute emphasizes conversational skills and cultural immersion, aiming to make language learning an enriching experience. With a variety of courses available, Polyglot caters to students at all proficiency levels, ensuring that everyone can find the right fit for their learning needs.
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Exploring the Best Makeup Academies in the Industry: Meenakshi Dutt or Parul Garg Academy
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To assist prospective makeup artists in selecting the ideal school for their learning preferences and career objectives, this article compares two well-known establishments in the Delhi-NCR area: Parul Garg vs Meenakshi Dutt Makeup Academy. The comparison emphasizes the significance of selecting the appropriate academy by comparing course options, cost structures, job placement chances, and student experiences.
Overview of Parul Garg
The head of the Parul Garg Makeup Academy, Parul Garg was a lawyer before. A variety of skill-level-appropriate courses, including professional makeup, hair, airbrush makeup, and self-makeup, are available through the Parul Garg Certificate. The lengths of the courses range from three days for airbrush makeup to 28 days for professional makeup and hair. The parul garg makeup price is also determined by the kind, of course, its length, and other factors.
The Parul Garg Makeup Academy only conducts business out of its Gurugram, Haryana, branch. It is easily accessible for students from all across the Delhi-NCR area because of its central location.
Parul Garg makes sure that students get a well-rounded education in makeup artistry by offering both theoretical knowledge and practical abilities. Individuals seeking personal grooming knowledge as well as ambitious professionals are catered to by the organized curriculum and variety of course options.
 Overview of  Meenakshi Dutt 
Distinguished makeup artist leads the Meenakshi Dutt Makeovers Academy. Meenakshi Dutt is a renowned makeup artist in Delhi NCR, renowned for her creative techniques and wealth of expertise.
The academy offers a variety of courses catered to all skill levels, including a one-month Private Pro Makeup Course, Hairstyling Course, and Personal Makeup Course, which costs 1,70,000 for Meenakshi Dutt makeovers course fees .
Location Details
Punjabi Bagh and Malviya Nagar are the two locations of Meenakshi Dutt makeovers - best makeup academy in Delhi. Students in Delhi NCR are guaranteed accessibility thanks to these key places. Thanks to its extensive course options and Meenakshi Dutt's reputation, Meenakshi Dutt Makeovers is frequently praised as one of Delhi's top Makeup academies.
Comparison of Courses Offered between Meenakshi Dutt and Parul Garg Academies
Job placements 
For many aspiring makeup artists, finding a job after studying at Parul Garg vs. Meenakshi Dutt is an important factor.
Regarding job placement, both schools have explicit policies in place: none provides internships or direct placement services. This method places a strong emphasis on the value of possibilities for self-sourcing after the makeup course. Although this could appear like a disadvantage, graduates are better prepared for the cutthroat nature of the makeup industry as a result.
Developing your network, using social media, and building your portfolio can all help you land a job. Numerous former students from both academies attest to their accomplishments in securing positions by using these strategies.
2. Industry Connections and Networking
Parul Garg Academies and Meenakshi Dutt makeovers both provide beneficial industry contacts and networking opportunities.
Events and workshops are frequently planned to give students the chance to network with professionals in the field.
Renowned makeup artists also give insights and advice in Guest Lectures. Students who frequently appear on the academy's social media channels are also granted social media exposure, which raises their profile.
These components give students a strong basis for their career chances by assisting them in creating a network that may open doors to employment. Even if there aren't any direct placement services available, students still need to put in more work, but the knowledge and contacts they acquire can help them start a lucrative career as makeup artists.
3. Batch Sizes and Individual Attention
In the classroom, batch sizes are quite important.
Batch sizes at Meenakshi Dutt Makeovers - Best Makeup Academy in Delhi can range from 30 to 40 pupils, which can occasionally limit one-on-one attention during training sessions. It is common for students to have little one-on-one time with their teachers. Large batch sizes (between 30 and 40 students in each class) are another issue that Parul Garg's academy has to deal with. However, some students say that the structured curriculum makes up for this by guaranteeing thorough skill development, which is necessary if you want to receive a Parul Garg certificate.
Top 5 makeup academies of India
We'll compare the costs, duration, and possibilities of the Parul Garg vs. Meenakshi Dutt makeup courses fees in this conversation. The best 5 makeup academies in Delhi and the National Capital Region are listed here.
Meribindiya International Academy
Pearl Academy
Shweta Gaur Makeup Academy
Atul Chauchan Makeover Academy
The decision between Parul Garg vs Meenakshi Dutt is based on personal preferences and objectives. Parul Garg provides extensive, practical instruction in professional hair and cosmetics, while Meenakshi Dutt offers a variety of course options for varying lengths of time.
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 5 months
Hi Jalebi! How are you? Glad to see you active on Tumblr again, your posts always put a smile on my face (even if we are discussing deep angst!). Speaking of deep angst, was re-watching some of the Payash wedding episodes, culminating in the misunderstanding of course. And I noticed that the "6 month" dialogue part is very oddly dubbed in all those blackmail & forced marriage scenes. Clearly it was not shot in the original scenes. This is such a mystery to me, its such an odd error! In these super emotionally loaded, well written scenes, suddenly this weird dubbing. I find it difficult to believe this was a mere writing/continuity error they fixed in editing...no one can be that careless right??? Feels more like they had a different direction for the story, then they changed at the last minute and dubbed in to fix it. Do you have any theories about the original planned track and why they changed it? Sorry if you have discussed this before! Thanks for listening as always :)
Hey Anon!
I do think the marriage was just meant to be a religiously invalid wedding and the six month drop was a voiceover that they later added to give a specific timeline to things.
Like maybe they had the the six months thing in mind but realized later that none of the dialogues actually insinuated that? And it doesn't make sense post the wedding to tell Khushi (and the audience) that it's for six months?
And it's also unlike Arnav to withhold all the terms and conditions on the table. The only reason that I believe he hid the marriage truth from Khushi was because that's his power move over Shyam and Khushi - he already lost by confronting Shyam, and if Khushi stops fearing him or is aware of what Arnav knows, she might drop her act and he might be on the losing end, again.
Knowledge is power, information is power.
Also, this adds a slight urgency to plot and making sure the audience is hooked to when and how things are going?
Such as Khushi is in Delhi for only two weeks. The contract job is only for 15 days. What will happen at 12am on New Year's Eve? What will happen on 14th Feb? This marriage is only... six months.
This timeline, I guess, helps set the pace of the show.
Much love, as always :)
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