#welsknight x biffa2001
hermitcake · 5 years
if you haven't done it yet, assumption based on wels x biffa?
hearing them sing makes you 😳😳 every time, you find armor incredibly attractive, you probably started watching Hermitcraft before season 6
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puppetmaster13u · 4 years
Wels: So are we, like, flirting right now? 
Biffa: I thought we were sparring. 
 Wels: That doesn’t answer my question.
Jevin, with popcorn in his mouth: Both, you cowards
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ihavenobread · 5 years
hello um?? ur like the only one im not too anxious to ask rn so sorry if ur not the best person to come to but how do you suggest i start watching n getting into hermitcraft?? and what would i need to know before starting,,
of course anon!! i’m kind of out of the hermitcraft fandom bc of stuff but i defiantly got some tips and tricks to help you out! also sorry i was a bit delayed in answering this, i have no excuse except that i am a lazy bitch.
I’m 1000% suggesting you to start with season 6, since that’s where the fandom is at right now, but, hey, I can’t control you.
At this point, you’re going to be watching at least 30 episodes to get caught up with one of the hermits because of how long season 6 has been going on for. A lot of people would suggest to start at the hermitcraft recap, and while I love the recap to death, it doesn’t seem like a very good way to get into hermitcraft. I’m going to suggest you start with watching and catching up with one of the hermits, and if you’re hungry for more content, then go check out the recap. This is because you at least have a foot hold in what exactly is going on in hermitcraft instead of all these names flying at you in rapid speed without much time to process.
I personally started with Grian because i binge watched his build swap and evo series and was hungry for more content. I basically suggest to everyone who wants to get into hermitcraft to start with him because 1.) he is the most recent hermit to be added and watching him from the start doesn’t mean going back into years of content and 2.) because his videos are more... edited? i’m not sure how to describe it except for that it caters to people with shorter attention spans by being much more to the point. He rarely does any kind of grinding in his videos so it cuts out the bits that could become boring to some. I’m not bashing any of the hermits who do grind on camera, i love all of these funky crafters, but it’s understandable that not everyone is into that stuff. But, he does have 80 videos of hermitcraft at the moment of me writing this, which is defiantly not the most, but there are people with less.
If you watch Grian, you’ll most likely branch off to some other hermits he collabed with, which is what happened to me and the majority of others who watch Grian.
If you’re looking for someone with a whole lot less content of season 6, I would suggest Zedaph. Zedaph has 32 videos and uploads kind of sporadically? It seems like he tries to do it at least once of week, but with no set day and he misses weeks. He’s a really funny guy and is really wholesome to watch? I would 100% suggest him for anyone who just wants to dip their toes into hermitcraft.
These are the two people who I always suggest starting with for those reasons? I know people suggest every single hermit, but it can get over whelming so I go with these based on how I got into hermitcraft.
There also is a little but of lore for hermitcraft? But nothing that you REALLY need to know when starting- I sure as hell didn’t know. But! I will link some helpful video/short explanations for things that will probably pop up :o!
The Convex/Concorp is a business(?) run by two members of the server named GoodtimeswithScar and Cubfan135. This group was started back in season 5, but there’s nothing really to know except that their icon is the Vex (a mob found in the forest mansions). They also had a chapel, created by fellow member Welsknight, which they stole and turned into a shrine to High Priest of the Vex, Mr. Wololo - an illusioner which they “tamed” but putting a piece of glass in his head to prevent him from seeing. Wow, i just realized how brutal that sounds, even with context. 
Currently, they are the capitalist overlords of the server, having shops for basically everything and being the richest on the server.
The New Hermit Order (the nHo) is another group created in season 5. You won’t really hear much about them unless you watch Docm77. This was a group that claimed a huge jungle biome and consisted of Docm77, Ethoslab, Vintage Beef, and BdoubleO.
I can’t really offer much of an explanation from season 5 since I’ve only seen a couple episodes and I haven’t really been motivated to watch it, so sorry about my bare bones explanation.
Here is an explantation by the Recap boys which provide so much more context than I ever could about the nHo.
There’s also Worm Man - the server’s resident superhero in season 5, who hasn’t really been seen in season 6. You can see him in Zedaph’s season 5 videos with a little pink mask in the top right corner of the thumbnail.
Evil Xisuma is the edgy oc of Xisumavoid. Xisuma is one of original hermits on the server along with Joe Hills (who is still active this season) and Biffa2001 (who is no longer active this season, but will most likely rejoin back in season 7). Evil X’s goal is to destroy the hermitcraft server, which he keeps failing at because he literally not hurt a fly. Who let this child have eyeliner and an edge lord complex.
Here is a playlist of all the times Evil X has made an appearance.
The rest of the “lore” you will learn just by watching season 6 so I’m not going to really talk about it. 
So I hope this explanation helps anon!! I’ve defiantly missed stuff, but I feel like I’ve helped?? Hopefully????? 
HERE is a link to the official hermitcraft website which lists all the members, both active and inactive. 
I forgot about the amazing flow chart that was created. It helps you find some hermits to watch if you’re looking for more to watch!
HERE it is, it’s so fucking amazing I applaud the creator of this because this shit is so fucking nice
And that’s all I have to say! Thanks for coming to my TedTalk 
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puppetmaster13u · 4 years
Biffa: Jevin, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? 
Jevin: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later 
Biffa: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Wels
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