#wendigo grabber
obsessive-clown · 2 years
🖤-  Wendigo!Grabber x GN!Reader | Beauty and their Beast
Well hello my little rabbits! I am so very sorry I never wrote and released this sooner!! I have been very busy dealing with things in my personal life along with having to handle my mental health and school. I hope this makes up for it!!! I might even start doing asks for this version of The Grabber or write headcannons but I’m not sure, maybe if you all told me what to do that would help. Either way, enjoy this part... TW: Posessive behavior, mentions of forceful grabbing, strattling(?), very very very minor gaslighting
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” Bunny? You’ve been awfully quiet. I told you already, nobody and nothing was down here with you. I’m not— There’s nothing in this house other than me and you.”  Were you hearing this right? Did he just put you down for that? Sure, it sounded insane but you were being honest with him. You’d been here for what, a week? Three? A month maybe? He’d always threatened you for lying, telling you how much he hated when others lied.  ”So you’re just going to call me crazy? Say it’s all in my head? How am I the cr-“  ”I never said anything about calling you crazy, Bunny. I’m happy you’re telling me the truth, however.”  From how he spoke, you could tell he was smiling. Like he’d just seen the puppy he just got do the trick he’d worked so tirelessly to teach it. Breathe, you had to breathe. You closed your eyes for a moment, hearing the noise of boots scuffing against the concrete floor, abruptly stopped and followed up with the sound of a figure flopping on the mattress with you. You shot your eyes open, your captor sitting just a few inches in front of you, his masked face just inches from yours. He’d chosen the bottom half of his smiling face again, showing his positive mood for the day.  ”Tell me your name, Bunny! I’m sure you get tired of that silly nickname, don’t you? I can see that precious little nose of yours scrunch up every time I call you that.”  He was going to know your name one way or the other and there was a large chance he already knew. You'd lost count of how long you'd been down there anyways, so surely your name has been printed on the newspaper at least once. With a drawn out sigh and The Grabber's eager eyes widening, you told him your name.  "Y/N. Y/N L/N."  His nails tapped against his mask, the thought of him not believing you clawing at your mind. The threats he made and what the ghost boys had told you he'd done when they lied made your heart race.  "Y/N L/N... Such a pretty name. Much prettier than bunny." Did you hear him right? Did he say your name was pretty? People who always wanted to impress you or make you like them would compliment your name but his compliment seemed genuine. Suddenly, your face felt hot, the man that kidnapped you made you blush. Of all things he could have done, he managed to make you blush. Stuck in your mind, you felt two large, warm hands gently grab your face. "Now what could that mean? Your cheeks are as red as cherries, bunny." Once again, his tone gave away his smirk, he knew what he was doing, he must have. He repositioned himself, now on his knees, towering over you. He smelled nice, like a nice cologne and oddly like the fresh cut wood section of a hardware store. "I hope my little bunny isn't coming down with something, that would be such a shame." HIS bunny? His tone was almost posessive, obsessive even. He slouched down, placing what seemed to be a kiss on the top of your head with the mouth of the mask. You felt him getting closer, your first instinct being to push away and press your back to the wall. So you did, you began to scoot back but one hand let go of your face and gripped your thigh, yanking you forward. He sat back down, putting you on his lap, if you were to look from anyone elses perspective, it looked like you were strattling him. Before you could act, he completely released your face, placing one of his hands on your back to keep you close and held your wrists with the other. His head rested atop of yours and his shallow breathing echoed in the dead silent basement, then the rumble of his chest felt almost soothing as he spoke, almost encouraging you to rest your head against his chest. "Something told me you'd be different, Y/N. You're such a good little bunny, my good little obedient bunny. At least you don't judge me, or don't judge me out loud at least, hm?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, this chapter was very fun to write, especially when I was speedrunning it so I could charge my laptop. Again, I am so sorry this took so long to come out, I’ve just been very busy so I hope you guys can forgive me!! I hope you all liked this chapter. Remember to take care and stay safe!!! I’ll see you little bunnies later.
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obsessive-clown · 2 years
❤Wendigo!Grabber x GN!Reader that steals his sweaters❤
Grabber himself is a warning I suppose!   Requested by: Anon until given permission to say other wise Sorry for not writing for so long, I’ve been rather busy again but here I am! I do tend to still read through Tumblr though so I’m not completely gone.
You’d grown the habit of stealing your boyfriend’s large red turtlenecks, and long sleeved work shirts, you had every reason to anyways. Albert’s house was always so cold to you, how a man could keep his house at around 65 degrees Fahrenheit stumped you. It had even stumped you when he allowed you upstairs while he was out. Today was like yesterday, you sat on the couch with Samson, watching your favorite show on the tv, getting up on ocassion to clean up the house to your liking. Once again, you’d grown cold and tired, and the blanket just wasn’t cutting it for you, you wanted something that would make you cozy. So, you got up and pat your thigh, Samson hopping off the couch to follow you to Al’s room. “Good boy, Samson.. What do you think he wouldn’t mind me wearing this time? Doesn’t seem like he’s noticed yet.” You spoke to the dog as though he would respond. As if he understood you however, he strut to Al’s open closet and yanked his ironic red sweater off it’s coat hanger, dragging it to you. Happily, you took it and pat Samson on the head, then quickly putting the sweater on, the two of you returning to the living room. You were warm and comfy at last, his sweater smelling just like him and extending to your knees. You hadn’t caught the time but your eyelids grew heavy, catching you off guard and causing you to sleep. Albert had returned from work, always inspecting the house to be sure you hadn’t left. He didn’t want to lose you, he couldn’t, he wouldn’t allow it. The cold atmosphere of the house matched his freezing cold heart that shallowly and quietly would beat in his chest. There you were, laying on his couch, in the most peaceful state. You were almost angelic to him when asleep, he couldn’t help but stare, observing you and your movements for hours until you woke up. Something he didn’t expect though, was his sweater on you. At least he could put two and two together, you were the one stealing his shirts and other tops! A smile spread across his slightly scarred face, exposing his fang-like teeth and other strangely sharp teeth. Walking over to you, he gently sat down while Samson watched and pulled you into his lap. “Bunnyyyyy.... Bunnyyyyyy..? Are you really asleep? Hey, if you missed me that much you could have called me from work.” He cooed the nickname he’d given you, chuckling when you squinted your eyes open to look at him, in a confused and dazed state.  “Oh, Al, I didn’t even notice you were home... I’m sorry I didn’t greet you-  Call you?” Your face lit up like a red sign when you realized he meant the sweater you were wearing. He covered his mouth to prevent any laughter he was about to produce from coming out, adoring your reaction. “You’re too good for this world, Bunny. Guess that’s your sweater now, but I will be taking it back on ocassion to wash it or wear it myself.” The way he spoke was in a teasing manor, his words following up with a gentle kiss on your forehead. He exclaimed that he’d be back to watch a movie with you after he changed out of his work outfit, joking to you that you’d “better not steal the rest of my clothes while I’m out!” which made you smile.
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Thank you for your request, ‘Anon’! This one was also fun to make and I hope you enjoyed it. I’m still taking requests and would happy to rewrite for you if this didn’t turn out well. I hope those of you who read this have a good day/night and take care of yourself, stay safe out there, bunnies!
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obsessive-clown · 2 years
🖤-  Wendigo!Grabber x GN!Reader | Beauty and their Beast
Hello everyone! So, I hope you can forgive me if this feels rushed or poorly done, this is only my second ever posted fic here and I honestly hate the first one that was posted. I most likely will write more if I don’t get distracted with things in my everyday life, even write for Mothman!Grabber if I have the willpower. But for now, I hope this can satisfy everyone who was eager for this. TW: Kidnapping, Mild Language, Blood mentions, mentions of injury, violence/gore
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Pain, it’s all you felt throughout your entire body. Your head felt like someone had taken a hammer to it, which only became worse as you forced yourself to sit up. The first thing you were greeted with was darkness, your surroundings practically invisible to you. Everything appeared to be engulfed and swallowed by the shadows, but you felt watched. As you scanned the room, your eyes would adjust, allowing you to realize you were inside a basement. To say you were unsettled was an understatement, you were terrified. Your fear was noticeable as your knees retracted to your chest and you hugged them, pushing your back to the concrete wall behind you. “Good to see you’re awake, would have thought I kept that cord around your neck for too long.” Your attention turned to the source of the muffled voice, a man, crouched down and leaning against the wall wearing a devil mask that lacked an expression. His head tilted to the side, unnaturally blue glowing eyes practically piercing into your soul. Something wasn’t right about his eyes, it didn’t seem normal, after all, you didn’t know anybody who had eyes that actually glow like little lights. It almost didn’t seem human. “You’re the Grabber, aren’t you? You killed those boys, the ones that were found in pieces. Those bodies.. What you’ve done is fucking sick.” He was the talk of the town, known for kidnapping and supposedly feeding the boys to his dog. A simple man couldn’t cause those injuries to the boys. Bones, half eaten, fractured and shattered skulls, mauled bits and pieces of fabric. It just didn’t seem possible, and looking at the man now, you doubted it more. There was no doubt he could do damage, his shoulders were broad and he was well fit, but he couldn’t have eaten them, that was just too far.  “That wasn’t me. I’d never do anything like that. What human would ever do that?” His poor attempt to reassure you almost sounded desperate and genuine, but the last few words sounded twisted and dark, as if he were smiling under that stupid mask he wore. His body language was strange, he was fidgety, interlocking his fingers and twirling his thumbs. Like he was watching a clock with pure anxiety, he just watched you, interested, waiting on a response or anything. “I don’t believe you. You.. You’ve locked me in your damn basement after choking me until I pass out, how could I believe you.” He seemed to really think, separating his hands from each other and letting fall to his side with a small slap. He shrugged. He didn’t have an answer for what you said, and damn sure didn’t know how to prove he didn’t do what you and the media claimed he did. Before you spoke, an animalistic growl escaped him, a violent twitch followed up by it quickly. He looked like he was trying to hold back the urge to vomit, pushing the mask closer to his face. “Please excuse me, Bunny. I-.. I need to go.” And with that, he rushed back out of the basement, the click of the lock being heard. Well, now you couldn’t get out. A grimace appeared on your face, the nickname ‘bunny’ repeating in your mind. Already, you were looking around the basement for a way to escape. There was a little window, a few feet from the ground covered by a vent. Bingo. That was how you were going to get out. Your escape planning was disrupted however, by the violent crashing, banging and breaking of items upstairs. You could hear him, the Grabber screaming and yelling, pained howls and screeching soon followed up. What ever it was, it was not human. And it scared you more now than ever. What fear you felt earlier when the Grabber was in the room with you, was now kicked to the side. You feared now, what the hell he had upstairs.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writer Note: I hope you guys like this part, I’ll most likely write more soon, I swear! I hope this also fuels your curiosity, I’ll write headcanons for this version of Albert and if you have questions about him, I’ll no doubt answer! This is just part one, a pilot even, just to see if I shall continue with this. :) Take care, everyone!!  Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/obsessive-clown/691116517696454656?source=share
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obsessive-clown · 2 years
🖤-  Wendigo!Grabber x GN!Reader | Beauty and their Beast [Part 2]
Well hello again, my little Grabber enjoyers! I decided to actually write today since I was feeling pretty good. And hello you all liked the pilot!? This one is more getting into Albert’s ‘problem’ and getting a slight visual. Hope you enjoy!  TW: Very minor gaslighting towards the end, mention of bones/breaking of bones, mentions of already being kidnapped, beltching/almost vomitting (if that upsets you?)
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’Today will be better than yesterday’, you told yourself reminiscing about the previous nights you’d spent in your captors basement. They were loud, the nights were always loud. It was surprising that you could sleep through the sounds of yelling, crashing and what ever animal it was upstairs that screamed. All you knew was that you didn’t like it, you wouldn’t go up there. The basement was as safe as it got, even if your masked captor would watch you sleep on occasion. He was quick to leave when you woke up and looked at him with that doe-eyed look. He couldn’t help himself, you looked so peaceful, so precious, so vulnerable when you slept. While you hated when you woke up to see his strange, glowing blue eyes staring at you, last night was different. It was a night you won’t forget because it wasn’t like the others. It wasn’t normal, hell you’d even call it paranormal if only stuff like that were real. You’d ultimately chucked it up to be that you were too tired, you were losing it in this guys basement and started hallucinating. The Grabber was in the basement with you, watching you sleep. ”I’m sorry to have woke you, your sixth sense must be awfully strong, hm?” His voice was soft, which you never expected, compared to his emotionless tone that would soon twist into an angry tone, menacing even. He would begin to speak again after his teasing comment on you waking up every time he watched you, with a belch from him, that escalated to a growl, one no human could produce.  He’d turn, hurrying off to the door, opening it. You could hear it close, but not lock, you would have tested the theory that you could escape but you were reminded of the noises. The door and two feet in front of it was far too dark, that section of the basement practically pitch black. You’d gone back to thinking, wondering when you should attack him with anything you had, before your thought was interrupted by pained whines and whimpers. You could only describe it to sounding like a dog in pain, accompanied by the sounds of breaking or cracking bones. Did he let what ever was upstairs enter the basement with you? Had he gotten tired of you? Was he annoyed with bringing you eggs and a soda every day? Was keeping you too risky? Then you heard it, the scratching of the cement floor. Blue eyes stared at you from the corner closest to the door, slow, labored breathing following up with the seemingly never blinking eyes staring you down. “I can see you, you didn’t leave, did you? I’m not that stupid!” Your yelling didn’t go unnoticed, and when you began to speak again, to bash him for his actions, for the false feeling of privacy and being left alone, a claw appeared from the shadows. It was hard to describe it, the best you could imagine it now, was like the Beasts claw from the popular Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast. The creature you were now terrified to see, began to step out into the dim light. You’d had your fair share of learning about ancient beasts and things about other cultures, including their folklore. And this creature- This thing—Looked like a Wendigo. The skull looked ordinary, like that of an Elk’s, sharp, long and branch-y antlers growing out of it. The eyes, however, were blue and glowing in the eye-sockets of the skull. The fur on it’s body was a pretty blonde, irregular from the normal brown or black fur they were imagined to have. And the smile the skull had was unsettling. You would have compared it to the mask your captor wore, the smiling one that you hated just as much as the other masks.  It began to step forward, the fur on it’s chest fluffing up like a cat’s, covering it’s then exposed neck. It’s chest was strange too, almost like a ducks. It was fluffy, but had a dent or a dip in it. You couldn’t take in it’s features anymore, as it was face to face with you, it’s exhale blowing icy cold wind on your neck and face. Plead, beg, threaten it, you had to do something before this thing fucking killed you or ate you for that matter. Your body froze up with the sudden contact the side of it’s bony mouth made contact with your neck, the digits of it’s teeth brushing against the delicate, exposed part of your body. The feeling of clay mixed with bone rubbed back and forth on your neck, as if it were taking in your scent, before you saw it open it’s mouth in your peripheral vision. It’s front claw raised and— ”Bunny? You’ve been awfully quiet. I told you already, nobody and nothing was down here with you. I’m not— There’s nothing in this house other than me and you.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to my friend @bloodytittiez​ for giving me the idea of the skull to neck part! I’ll write more maybe today or tomorrow! Once again, I’ll happily make some headcanons for this version of Albert, all you have to do is ask! (Just not NSFW, please forgive me on that part, it tends to make me uncomfortable.)  Hope you enjoy this part, stay safe out there, gang! Toodles! 
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obsessive-clown · 2 years
I saw request are open could you please do the grabber and a plus size female reader. She really doesn't believe he loves her because of her size but he comforts her and tells her how much he loves her. Please and thank you.
Hello, hello and of course!! Thank you for writing a request, means a lot to me ^^ If there’s anything wrong with the writing, let me know, I’m positive I need improvements.
❤ Wendigo!Grabber x Plus Sized Fem!Reader
Being left alone with your thoughts was always scary, your brain would wrack up the worst ideas or things to tell you. This weeks intrusive thought was about your kidnapper boyfriend not actually liking you for your weight. It was true, you weren’t confident about yourself when it came to your weight, but this thought had been clawing at your brain all week. You never brought it up to the beastly man you’d call your boyfriend, because what if he confirmed this thought? He could break your heart right there, in a short few seconds and feel no remourse for you. Tears pricked at your eyes as the thoughts kept coming in and before they could be blinked away, the tears began to roll down your now red tinted cheeks.  “Bunny? What’s the matter, why are you crying?” You hadn’t even noticed him come in, the tears still rolling down your cheeks. He was quick to walk over when he heard the slightest sniffle come from you. You meant so much to him, you were his prized jewel, the beautiful rabbit in his hat. To see you cry made his heart hurt, who could make such a pretty lady like you cry and more rather how dare they?    “Darling, what happened? Did you hurt yourself? I know I said I’d be back early so you could stay upstairs with me for a while, I’m sorry I took so long, is that why you’re upset?” Shaking your head was the only reply he got to the last two questions. He crouched down, tilting his head to the side, his mask having the frightening smile you found oddly comforting. You needed to know, you just had to, your brain couldn’t take it any longer. “Al, do you like me for who I am? For how I look? I mean, I don’t have the ‘ideal’ or ‘perfect’ body..” The loud tapping of his shoe against the basement floor stopped you from speaking, along with the slow tap of his mask making contact with the floor. Leaning forward, he wiped the tears on your face away with his thumbs gently, positioning your head in such a way that you were now looking at him. For the first time, you saw his face completely. It was tainted by a scar that led from his left cheek to his nose, and another small scar on his right eyebrow. You took in his appearence as he spoke softly. “Why on earth would I dislike you for the way you look, Y/N? ‘Ideal’ means nothing to me, you’re perfect in my eyes. If anyone told you otherwise, I’d be quick to put them in their place or leave a damn blood puddle where they stood. You are my perfect little bunny and I will not allow you to think or believe such things. I would never change anything about you, everything about you is what makes you special to me.” Effortlessly, he pulled you forward and picked you up, holding you in a bear-hug position. He began to place little kisses all over your face, refusing to stop until you let out any sort of chuckle or laugh. His nose met yours and he was suddenly grinning widely. “Now, I have a movie in mind for us to watch that I think you’ll enjoy. Ooh! And I just bought snacks, including some of your favorite treats, love.” He let out a chuckle, carrying you all the way upstairs and to the living room all while telling you just how perfect you were and how much he loved you. 
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Writers Note: I might have gotten a little carried away with writing waaahh!?!? I was so very excited since this was my first ask. I’d like to thank you again for submitting a request, anon! Hopefully this met your expectations a little, if it didn’t just let me know and I’ll do my best to try and correct what ever it was that seemed off! Sorry if this seemed to lean on the more GN side, I haven’t really done Fem! or Masc! fics yet, so it’s new to me. Hope you have a wonderful day/night writing this and take care!! :) 
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obsessive-clown · 2 years
Writing? No sorry, too busy crying. 🤠
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CC: (Image one): “Y/N. Help me commit Tax Fraud.” | Upper right corner: “Commit Tax Fraud, Finney!” || Image Two CC: “I don’t get paid enough for this.”
And then a wonderful doodle by my friend @bloodytittiez :
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CC: “You might *may* spank it. ONCE.”
yes, I wrote the taking home part. 😩
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obsessive-clown · 2 years
getting HORRENDOUS ideas for part 3. I haven’t started writing yet but I have ideas besties.
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obsessive-clown · 2 years
Okay you guys it’s basically four am.
I’m crying and I should go to sleep
I’m determined to feed y’all TODAY. You guys gotta eat, I can’t starve you any longer I’m a horrible tumblr dad but anyways.
Your sad, wet, pathetic little meow meow man is on his way.
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obsessive-clown · 2 years
To the person/people I told I was going to write AND come out with part 3 all on the same day: I’m sorry I’m sorry as hell but I PROMISE I at least have a starter.
I have you false hope and then went back to my little negative headspace and crying over Albert and wishing he’d fix me.
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obsessive-clown · 2 years
Haha heyyy… Hey I’m back… And I had a thought and hear me out…
Cryptid Grabber.
More specifically like a Wendigo or Mothman because those are my favorites, BUT JUST HEAR ME OUT, OKAY? What if I made that version of him. I would write fics about it too. 😶
How we feeling?
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obsessive-clown · 2 years
Now doing writing requests!?
Trying something new? Maybe! Seeing as how I wish to write more, decided to make this post! 
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Request Rules:
 Requests are currently OPEN until posted otherwise!
 If more than one request is wanted please send them separately (It makes it easier and you get two posts out of the deal!)
 If you have a request, please specify what you want, who you want it about and if you want the format as well!
 Please do not harass me or try to force me to write specific things, some asks may cause me to feel uncomfortable. If I cannot do that specific ask, I will try to message you and ask you if there is anything else you may want me to write! I do not write at my every waking second, this is something I do as a side project for FUN. If I do not get to your ask immediately please be patient and understand that I may be busy. (Most of the time I’m not and I often check my inbox)
What I WILL NOT write:
 NSFW (I will AT MOST imply it but if not, please understand that I may have been uncomfortable).
 P*d*ph*l*a (That is NOT acceptable. Never ask.)
In*est (What on EARTH???)
 Forced NSFW (This can be triggering for myself or others and is NOT okay.)
What I WILL write:
Comfort fics
Headcannons (For characters interacting with you, your OC or a person with a specific thing like ADHD!)
Violent/Gore/Fighting or Fighting back fics (I may not be the best at describing violent situations but hey, you have a bone to pick with someone on my writing list!)
Fluff fics
Who I write for (as of now):
Wendigo!Grabber (And Wendigo!Albert)
Billy Lenz (My version)
OJ (Slasher OC who I’ll post about in the future)
You can also ask about another slasher and I’ll see if I can write about/for them, if I’m not, I’m so sorry, please understand!
I will most likely update this list later!! <3
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