#went all out looking on Zodiac websites and reading personalities of specific dates for said Zodiacs until it met my quota
klc-journei · 7 years
I was tagged by @lafaiette​ <3 for this, which was based off this Dragon Age Zodiac post. But because it’s me, I did my three favorites, instead of doing just my Maeve.
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Maeve Trevelyan - Born 14th of Frostfall || Dragon 9:13
Satinalis: 23rd Harvestmere – 21st Firstfall Affectionate, curious, adaptable, expressive, quick-witted. Sociable and communicative, fascinated by the world and desiring new experiences. Creative and musical. Inquisitive and fun-loving, but can be indecisive or inconsistent.
Wow. Pretty good OP. 
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Kaaras Adaar - 3rd of Harvestmere
Toth: 23rd Kingsway – Born 22nd Harvestmere || Dragon 9:11 Loyal, kind, hardworking, practical, methodical. Pays close attention to detail, conservative and organised. A creator. Desire to serve and please others. Can become overly critical, anxious, or prioritise their work to an unhealthy degree.
Again, OP coming in for a second accurate blow.
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Brandan Trevelyan - 19th of Cloudreach || Dragon 9:09
Eluvia: 21st Drakonis – 19th Cloudreach
Artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise. Willing to help others without promise of return. Empathetic, faithful, and caring. Known for being extremely tolerant. Introverted and quiet. Can become isolated or martyr themselves for others.
LOLOL my Brandy’s not quite up to task along the description of being “artistic” or “introverted and quiet”, but he does key into the other traits listed. He can be just as tolerant as he is rambunctious lol
But 2/3 OP I’m still game. Good work. 
Tagging @picchar, @siriusdraws, @blue-starr-in-the-sky-port, @xfreischutz bc holy cow I’d tag more but it’s almost 1am??
Feel free to also tag me if you decide to do this, you know I’m game for reading about other Inquisitors/ Wardens/ Champions.
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peachyteabuck · 5 years
study buddy, part v
series summary: after crushing on you since freshman orientation, Natasha finally gets the guts to ask you help you pass her postmodern lit midterm, to which you agree.
chapter summary: one restaurant date, two confessions, and three grades that will make or break natasha’s degree
pairing: natasha romanoff x reader
words: 4,881
trigger warnings: overstimulation, use of a safe word, teeth rotting fluff, strap on sex, ball gags, explicit conversations about whorephobia, orgasm control, angst if you squint
ask box / masterlist / commission info / ko-fi
part one, part two, part three, part four
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The warmth of the sun filtered through blinds is what woke you, wrapped tight in Natasha’s arms. The sex-stained blankets were as messy as can be, some of them hugged your intertwined bodies like a tightly wrapped burrito while others were nearly falling off the bed.
It was messy, beautifully and wonderfully so. If you felt the need to move (which, of course you didn’t because who in their right mind would try to disentangle themselves from such a lovely human person) you doubt you could’ve; Natasha held you with arms too strong and heart beat too soft. You wouldn’t dare disturb her if the house was on fire; then again, if the world was burning down around you – you’d rather die in her arms than reach for uncertain safety. It’s there that you fell back into sleep, tucked under her chin and running your fingers through her hair.
Eventually the growling of your stomachs woke the both of you up, each respective organ desperate for nourishment – and the two hard-boiled eggs, sour gummy worms, gluten-free bread, and half a container of mustard wasn’t gonna cut it. The waning sun was an ominous sign of how long you’d truly gone without food, and you soon didn’t feel all that bad about poking your poor g-
Poking poor Natasha awake.
You didn’t feel all that bad poking Natasha awake as your insides beg for sustenance and your head feels light and holy shit, if you didn’t eat right then you were going to start taking bites out of her – and, for the first time, not in a fun and/or sexy way.
“Hey,” you pressed your forefinger to her nose. “Nat.” You poked the end of each eyebrow, then at various locations of her forehead. “Natasha!” Still, she remained asleep, and buried herself further into the blankets as some unconscious act of survival. “Nat.” You poked her right cheek. “Naat.” You poked her left cheek. “Naaat.” You poked each cheek with each hand at its softest part, pushing until you felt her teeth.  “Nat wake uuup.”
She just grunted and pushed you away before she nuzzled back into the covers. “Go away. I want to die here. Let me become a body without organs.”
She paused.
“Or is it organs without bodies?”
You sighed but make no move to displace her. “One, Natasha, we have the midterm coming out soon. If you do not know the original work done by two far left authors from the sarcastic critique by another far left author, I’m breaking up with you. Two, that’s not what that means and you making a vague reference to some postmodern concept does not mean I am going to stop being annoying. Three, would you like to come get dinner with me?”
Natasha shot up, flame-red hair messy and shirt disheveled – it made her look like the top of of a thicket of trees during a forest fire. Along the side of her face, you could see indentations from where her skin was pressed to the pillowcase. “Food?”
You nodded, pushing the strands from her eyes. “Yes, darling, food.”
She wiped at her face and pushed the covers from her legs, eyes half-closed. “Food.”
You picked some of the crust from the corner of her eyes. She blinked indignantly at you but made no move to stop you. “Do you care where we go?”
Natasha shook her head left-to-right silently, then moved to wipe her face once more.
“Okay. There is a very good Chinese place that I want to show you. Is that okay with you?”
Natasha nodded and made a mmhmm noise.
You kissed the tip of her nose before you got up and scrounged together a passable outfit that would cover the bruises that still littered your body and shield you from the cold. After a few moments, Natasha opened her eyes wide enough to see a few feet in front of her and did the same.
There was s a wonderful silence that filled the air, the comfortable kind. Like the day of that quiz, it’s a wonderful kind of cozy – soothing and sweet.
You could get used to this…
It was a short walk to the restaurant, one you were all-too familiar with due to your many, many nights there. It was the first place you ate at on campus (that wasn’t one of the mind-numbingly mediocre cafeterias) the day you moved in and it had become some pseudo-home, the place always warm and waitstaff always nice (and always willing to let you eat as much as you pay for and abuse their free WiFi).
The menu hadn’t changed much (by “much,” you mean they’ve fixed two of the five typos) since you first started going there, so you should have already known what you want. Still, you opened the folded, laminated paper and read each item with genuine interest, just as Natasha did.
You looked up at her once and awhile just to see her again. Every time you tried to keep her out of your line or sight for more than a few seconds you’d almost burst at the seams, like a sunburst than could only be quelled by looking at her.
“What year are you?” Natasha asked, which broke your unbelievably tender train of thought.
Your brain, which was still very fried, did not compute. “What?”
She reached over to point to the Chinese zodiac calendar on your menu with one of many of her fingers that was inside you last night. “What year are you?”
You mumbled something and shrugged, fake-intense-reading as your neurons attempted to rebuild your capacity for speech. Luckily, Natasha seemed determined to continue the conversation.
“I’m the year of the dog,” she said, nonchalant, as if you were not losing your goddamn mind on the other side of the table. Your brain was fried, your mouth was gaping like a fish out of water, and were your hands shaking? What the fuck were you supposed to say? How should you respond?
Think, you fool! Think!
“There’s a feminist critical theorist who fucks her dog,” you blurted.
Natasha just smiled – god her smile was so big and wide and beautiful - and laughed. “Part of me thinks you’re lying, but part of me worries you’re telling the truth.”
You laughed then, too, smiling big as she did. It set the tone for the rest of the night, mood light and happy as the tired, probably-high waitress took your order and then brought you the food a suspiciously-short amount of time later. It was good, very good.
“And my mom turns to me and she goes,” you wrinkled your noise in an effort to properly invoke your mother’s nasally tone. “This family does not get Fs or Ds or Cs. You better fix this or else.”
Natasha almost choked on her soft drink at your impression. “You were supposed to make an omelet for a foods and nutrition class, what did she want you to do!?”
You took another bite of orange chicken before you rolled your eyes and shrugged. “I have no idea what that woman wants from me now, let alone when I was fuckin’ fourteen.”
You were both laughing as you took food from each other’s plates and swapped small stories. Natasha told you about her own coding mishaps (apparently it was easy to hack into news websites and create fake stories involving certain celebrities and a certain large bird and many, if not too many, phallic objects), you told her about the time you stress-cried in the bathroom so much the janitor kept tissues in a secret compartment for you.
One hand from each of you remained occupied as you held hands on the side of the table farthest from the prying eyes of fellow college students (as if any of them were sober enough to notice, though. Along with being great to you, the restaurant’s very greasy menu meant it was a good spot to quench munchies or quell the pain of an especially bad hangover).
A phone – your phone, you realized – vibrated obnoxiously on the other side of the table. Previously forgotten, you broke from the moment to reengage with the (seemingly) hundreds of people who were attempting reach you via text. At first you thought it’s an email from a client – but then you realized it was a text from a classmate. Specifically, the girl who sat front and center in the lecture hall you and Natasha shared.
“Who’s that?” Natasha asked.
You furrowed your brows as you texted, swallowing the last bit of food. “Oh, Lindsay from our class. She wants to know what I got on the quiz.”
Natasha then realized she never bothered to figure out her grade, and it brought all her anxiety about graduating on time and also making sure you’d never leave her and oh my god what if she failed this fucking quiz?
A few moments of soul-crushing silence passed before you put your phone back down. Natasha watched you like a cat stalking a fake mouse on a string, or a drunk mom at a Christmas party eyeing a dessert table; the drive was genuine, but the goal? Ridiculous. Absolutely, totally ridiculous.
You didn’t press her like she expected, though, didn’t even stare at her with that evil eye Natasha’s sure you got from your mother on more than one occasion. You just went back to eating your food, and put your phone back out of reach.
You noticed her staring at you when you went to borrow (steal) another piece of food from her plate.
Natasha furrowed her brow. “Don’t you…Don’t you want to know what I got on the quiz?”
You shook your head as you stole another few bites worth of food. “Not unless you want to tell me.” You shrugged as you swallowed. “I’m not gonna, like, push you if you don’t want to tell me. I’m not my mother.”
Natasha smiled at that and left the conversation there. She was unnaturally quiet for the new few minutes as she listened intently while you told more stories and commented on the food and thought out loud about school and the rest of your life and should you go shopping soon?
Throughout all of it, Natasha remained incommunicative – to the point you started to worry.
“Are you okay?” you asked and reached across the table to put your hand over hers. She smiled, softly, before she replied.
“I really care about you, you know,” she said, low and almost inaudible. You said nothing in return. “And I’m very bad at this. I’m so bad at this. I spent a lot of my childhood in rooms with therapists who said less than I did. I’m not good at,” she waved her hands as she tried to find the right words. “I’m not great at emotions. And expressing them and telling people about them and all that shit. Okay?”
You swallowed the last tastes of duck sauce that coated your back teeth. Despite the sweet substance being a liquid, it felt like a waterfall of boulders cascading inside your throat. “Nat, I-“
“This isn’t me saying I love you, but I want…” Natasha was on the verge of crying, just as you were. She averted your gaze as she continues, staring at the booth cushion directly behind you. “I want to commit to you in some way. I like you, I like the person I am when I’m around you. And I don’t want to lose you because I was too much of a pussy to make a move.”
You said nothing, did nothing. Despite her not looking at you, you stared at her very serious facial expression and watched every muscle twitch for some signs of lying. You saw none.
“I…,” Natasha met your eyes as you spoke. Your mouth was so dry you nearly coughed – but the idea of making any sound terrified you. “I…I need some air.”
You didn’t wait for a reply as you pushed yourself out of the booth and ran out the front entrance.
Natasha didn’t wait for the door to close behind you before she chased after you. She left both of your phones and wallet at the booth, not wanting you to get out of eyeshot but also terrified of the waitstaff thinking the both of you were dine-and-dashers (and terrible ones, at that).
She followed you outside, ache in her heart an excellent distraction from the nighttime chill that dug tiny knives into her pale skin. Still, as her breath was visible in a faint fog in front her, no pain was as unimaginable as the one as losing you.
“Babe, plea-“  began, voice small and nonthreatening as possible.
You interrupted her and avoided looking into her eyes and picked at a loose thread in the sweater you were wearing – Natasha’s sweater you were wearing.
You worried it was the last time you’d ever see her again, and yet you refused to look at her. You refuse dto look at her large eyes and the bags under them, at her nimble hands – thin and agile from years of typing; at her plush lips or beautiful hair or-
Wasn’t that the cruelest irony of all? Of the cognitive dissonant fear of missing something while desperately avoiding looking at it. Still, you chose to jump off the proverbial cliff with your eyes clenched shut and nails digging into the pads of your soft palms and blood rushing in your ears louder than anything you’d ever heard in your life.
“I’m a sex worker.”
Natasha’s eyebrows furrowed and she breathed heavily, like when your mom got mad at you for bringing home that C your freshman year. “There’s-“
“I’m a sex worker. I make my own porn. I sell my nudes. It’s my main,” you sighed. “It’s my only source of income. It’s how I make money. It is how I will continue to make money. It’s how I stay mostly-independent from my very judgmental mother. It’s how I plan on staying mostly-independent from my very judgmental mother and my very judgmental family and the very judgmental world. And if you think that’s morally wrong of whatever, or that I’m some sort of sub-human, or that I’m evil, or that I should stop…”
For the first time that night, you looked her straight in the eyes. No smiling, no laughing, no wishing to see her beautiful face. Power. Authority. Truth. You tried to channel the red you saw on all those feminist theory books you’d had to read for the class that brought you and Natasha together.
“If you don’t believe in the validity of my labor I cannot and will not date you,” you were snarling as you stomped toward her until your toes nearly touched. “I’m not going to let someone who can’t love what I do love me.”
As you stood there, teeth bared and hands balled into fists, stories of rage flashed like lightning in your brain. Narratives of horror from your media studies class, of actresses whose only chance to scream was in front of a camera. If you had sharper nails, sharper teeth, glowing eyes that would be some award-winning monologue where people clap and call it “mind-blowing” and give it “five out of five stars.” You’d be a prime example of how satisfying rage can be as a subversive practice.
But no. You were no antihero(ine), no supernatural being caught on tape. You were not on the silver screen, you were not being streamed on some overpriced platform, you were not the subject of dissertations on media studies or really good articles on feminism or whatever else academics were doing with their time in tenure. You had filed-down nails and wide eyes and soft skin and an uneasy stomach and shaking hands and breath that faintly showed in the air when you exhaled. You had tears that threatened to fall. You had fear.
Natasha’s eyes flitted nervously, her lip between her teeth. For a moment, neither of you said anything.
Natasha was the one to speak first. Her voice sounded as terrified as you felt – with words that were spat through a set jaw and teeth bared.
“Who hurt you?”
You took a half-step back, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What? Natasha, what the fuck are y-“
“Who hurt you?” she whispered, words like knives and eyes just as dangerous. You stepped back, almost scared of her and what she could do to you.
You were pressed against the side of the building then – you could feel the brick and mortar itching at the skin of your back through your top. “Natasha what the hell are you talking about? I don’t kn-“
“Yes,” she stepped back, but grasped at your left hand as she did so. She was a ship tethering to a dock, floating out on the water but always willing to come back to port. “Yes, you do. You know exactly who, what, I’m talking about. What they did. Just tell me who they are, and I’ll ruin their lives.”
You looked for the joke, the punchline. You looked for a glint in her eye that said she was fucking with you and was waiting for you to laugh it off. When you were in seventh grade you got asked out as a joke and the football player made the exact same facial expression you now hunt for.
But you found nothing, no teasing or set up in a larger scheme to mock you. She was serious as you’d ever seen anyone be. “What in the fuck-“
“Tell me who they are. Tell me the name of every person who ever made you feel like shit and I’ll ruin their lives. I’ll steal their identity. I’ll make it so they can never get a job, or a car, or a house again. I’ll do it in a heartbeat,” Natasha let go of your hand and held your face in her food-warm palms. “I will destroy the very existence of every person who ever made you feel like this, because you deserve someone who will protect you from all that bullshit. And I want to be that person.”
The silence was painful, almost. But also comforting. Still, you broke it so speak. “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.”
Natasha smiled, and pecked your lips. “Good. Now come finish my food with me, it’s getting cold and our waitress is definitely judging us.”
You broke into a fit of laughter, nearly wheezing as she guided you back inside. The food was good, even though it had cooled considerably while you were both outside – greasy and thick with flavor and hot in your mouth along with your soul and Natasha held your hand on the table and fed you with her fork and you stole bits of her food while she was distracted. At one point, Lizzo played on the restaurant soundtrack and Natasha sung low with you, and you ordered more food to take home and it was hot, too hot in your hands as you carried the large brown paper bag soaked with grease to her apartment. Maybe you were going eat the food in the morning, maybe you were going eat it later tonight. It, truly, did not really matter.
There wasn’t much time between when you put the leftovers in the fridge and when Natasha pushed you onto your knees in her (and your) (it was now shared) bedroom. There also wasn’t much time between when your knees hit the ground and when Natasha grabbed the ball gag from its place in her toy drawer.
“I’m so happy you’re mine,” Natasha cooed as she adjusted the matte black straps. She kissed at your temples when it was secured, murmuring sweet words into the top of your hairline. If there was anyone else watching you, if there were some voyeur witnessing this profession of ownership, you doubt they could hear her. The entire world could be gazing at the two of you under a microscope and they would know nothing. Wasn’t it something wonderful, to share such, dare you say it, love that cannot, will not be observed by a single being outside your pairing? “Such a pretty little thing, a beautiful little toy for me.”
You didn’t dare move, worried even a flinch would disappoint her. Even as spit began to fall down your chin and between your breasts, as it pools in the gap between your legs, you successfully resist the urge to wipe it away. Natasha walks to the end of the bed, perching herself on the covers. The silence isn’t thick or uncomfortable, rather something closer to electric, something you can feel on the insides of your nose as you sniffled.  
Slowly, she raised her right hand and crooked her first finger. You understood immediately and you got on your hands and knees to crawl across the room to her. When you reached the end of the bed you waited, obediently, for her.
Like at the restaurant – you were nearly bursting out of your skin with excitement as you awaited instruction.  
“You’re so pretty, baby,” she cooed. “Now come up on the bed and let me wreck that pussy.”
You do as you’re told without hesitation, scrambling to get on the bed and onto your back. Natasha grabbed a bottle of lube out of seemingly nowhere and poured it over the same strap from the first time she fucked you.
You moaned deeply and reached for something, anything; you whined high in your throat as she pounded into you, the bed smacking against the stained wall with each thrust.
“You’re too pretty for your own good, you know,” her voice was breathless as she spoke. “Normally I would try to keep my toys intact, try to keep them in good condition, but I just can’t seem to help myself around you.”
With each word your back arched farther, your fingers tightened around the sheets.
“F-fuck,” you moaned around the thick plastic sphere in your mouth as you tried to push your back closer to Natasha’s chest.
She grabbed your hair and bit at the curve of your ear before she spoke in a low voice that sent another wave a slick down your inner thighs. “What do you belong to?” she hisses. “Who does this pussy,” she slapped your cunt and you cried out at the stinging pain. “belong to?”
You didn’t hesitate. “You Mommy, I belong to you!”
In that moment, you wondered whether Natasha’s neighbors could hear your screams. But in the one right after, you realized you really, truly, di not give a single flying fuck what they could hear.
“Fuck yes, you’re mine,” she growled as she pressed your face into the sheets, as she loomed over you like a god would punish some human exercising an unholy level of hubris. “Don’t you fucking forget it.”
You couldn’t speak because of the ball gag – didn’t even try to – yet Natasha seemed to know exactly what you wanted to say.
“You wanna cum, love?” she cooed, still fucking into you. “You wanna cum over Mommy’s cock?”
You nodded, the whines high in your throat resembed something close to a please yes please Mommy please I wanna cum I wanna cum I wanna cum.
Just like the lube, Natasha grabbed the hitachi out of thin air before she turned it on low and pressed it to your neglected clit. It was something, it was enough, but only just so. Your muscle tensed and you wailed out as you bucked your hips, as you tried to fuck yourself harder onto the toy. Natasha notices and slows her thrusts, laughing as you become more and more desperate.
“You’re so pathetic,” she hissed. “Such a pathetic little toy. You’ll do anything to cum, won’t you?”
You nodded; words garbled.
Natasha laughed again. “Of course you would, slut. You’d do anything for me, right? You’d do anything I told you to? You’re just a mindless little toy for me, just a dumb little thing with no thoughts besides how you can please me…”
You were drooling around your gag so much it covered your cheeks and pooled on each side.
You’re blissed out, eyes glazed over and body wonderfully lax. Natasha’s isn’t done with you yet, though, because of course she isn’t. You’re now officially her girlfriend, officially hers, and maybe it’s that satisfaction or excitement or whatever in her blood but it it’s letting her stop, not now, not when you look so ethereal with a halo of sweaty hair and the sheets looking like wings and your skin practically glowing.
Not just any angel, her angel – her perfect little blessed creature, sanctified even as she degrades you in such a sacrilegious way.
“I want you to cum when I count to ten,” Natasha murmured as she pushed the sweaty hairs that had escaped their confines from your eyes. “Alright, baby?”
You nodded and tried to chase the fleeting feeling of her fingers as they dusted over your feverish skin.
She turned the Hitachi up a setting, smiling as it met your clit and you cried out.
“One,” she mumbled, rubbing the head against you in small circles. It was something, but certainly not enough.
Natasha knew this. She knew you didn’t orgasm all that easily.
Regardless, she agonizingly slowly turned the toy up a setting. Just as you feared, it remained insufficient.
God, nearly halfway there and you were terrified what would happen if you couldn’t cum. Part of it was exhilarating, but part of it gnawed a small hole in your stomach that left you…empty, somehow.
She ticked it up one, two more settings. You sighed in relief and moved your hips with what little mobility she’d allowed you.
She increased the vibrations again and reveled in your squeals.
You cried out and wanted to beg for mercy.
You didn’t.
You felt like you’d forgotten how to breathe, lungs shriveled up into nothingness. It was as if you could feel each of your cells as they begged for oxygen, as your blood desperately tried to each your heart and brain.
You came with a deafening scream, your whole body shaking for what feels like forever.
When you came down, your girlfriend was next to the bed, holding what you could only is another section of rope. What she planned to do with it, you had zero idea.
“How ya doin’, baby?” She asks. Natasha could sense something was off, but worried about misreading the signs.
It’s obvious she was not incorrect, though, when you tapped at your thigh three times.
Immediately, Natasha drops the toys in her hands and rushes over – untying the gag and freeing your limbs.
“What’s wrong, baby?” She scanned your body – terrified of finding blood or something worse. “What do you need?”
You swallowed what little spit you could find, your voice hoarse as you spoke. “Red,” a pause as you attempted to swallow once more. “Water.”
It was  all Natasha needed before she was rushing off to the fridge to grab a chilled bottle of the stuff and one of those reusable straws she stole from your apartment.
When she returned to the room she pulled you into her lap, keeping you upright as she leaned against the wall.
Natasha watched every muscle, every twitch as you drank from the straw. Your body seemed unwilling to move itself, relying on Natasha to hold you upright enough so that you didn’t choke. The room was silent except for the sound of your noisy swallowing (and, soon, the slurping of last droplets of water). You were about to ask for more, but Natasha found an unopened plastic water bottle within reach and held that for you, too. It reminded you of the first time the two of you fucked, and suddenly the world didn’t feel so cold anymore.
“I’m done, Mommy,” you told her when half the water was gone. “I’m good.”
“You sure, babygirl?” her voice laced with deep, genuine concern. Her eyes reflected the same emotion.
You nodded, leaning into her and rubbing your knuckles where they laid against her thigh. “I’m sure, Mommy. Thank you.”
Natasha closed the bottle and tossed it into the half-open bedside table drawer before she wrapped you in her arms. “Of course, honeybee. I’m proud of you for using your safe word, thank you for trusting me.”
You mmmed and laid there for a moment, your breathing in rhythm with Natasha. You two sat there, comfortable in the silence. If there was anything else to say, you’d say it – but for the while you enjoyed the wordless space you and her existed in.
It took a long while, after your heart had slowed and your breathing had evened out, but you eventually fell asleep in Natasha’s arms. It was peaceful, deep – somehow impossibly more satisfying than any of the other times you’d fallen asleep, even the times you’d fallen asleep with her. There, secured from harm in her arms and wrapped in blankets, you felt secure. It was indescribable, it was wonderful, it was safe. And to you, in that moment, it was heaven.
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
Where to Buy Flea Medication
This past weekend my husband and I were out walking the pups when we saw a kitten sitting behind a nursing home.
I walked down to see if it had tags so that I could get it back home, but there were no tags.
Long story short, the kitten was born near the nursing home and had no family.
Of course, I went back and scooped her up.
I brought her to the vet. She checked out okay, so I set out on a mission to find a home for the kitten.
Within hours, good friends of ours contacted me and said they would love to give her a home.
Buying Flea Medication Online
I was telling my friend that I had brought her into the vet where they gave me a free dose of Frontline to take care of any fleas.
I then asked if she wanted me to go back and grab more for her, but she declined, saying they always got their flea preventatives online because it is both cheaper and more convenient than running to the vet.
I had some questions about her online experiences since I traditionally picked up all of my pets’ medicine from our vet.
With three dogs and cat, any chance of saving money is always welcome!
I did some research on several online stores to see where I could get the best deals and to read what other customers were saying about their experience.
Here’s what I found.
What to Look for in Online Pharmacies
It is not that I didn’t know about vet meds being available online. I didn’t order online because I didn’t trust the stores.
Being an active member of the pet community and regularly reading a variety of pet articles, I have come upon more than a few reports pointing out the dangers of ordering online.
Of course, this was years ago when it first started becoming more popular.
Over time, things have changed in the regulations and safety of getting meds online.
After completing my research, I have found multiple reputable online pharmacies.
Here’s a list of things I was looking for regarding the purchase of medication from various websites.
I will note that not all of the following restrictions are applicable for flea preventatives (Some may focus on human, not pet, pharmacies).
Vet-VIPPS (Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites) accredited[1]
Check legitscript.com to see if they are a registered pharmacy[2]
Check to see if they are Safe Pharmacy[3] approved
Make sure they are a US-based pharmacy; different countries have different regulations on medications
Check the Better Business Bureau to see if they are in good standing
Make sure a prescription is required for prescription drugs
The reason to take caution when buying online is that online pharmacies that are not accredited have been known to provide wrong, ineffective, or out-of-date medications, all of which can put your dog at risk for medical complications.
Where to Buy Flea Medication Online
WebsiteLicensed?US-Based?Pricing  Midwest Veterinary SupplyYesYes$$$$Shop Now AmazonNoYes$Shop Now Chewy.comYesYes$$Shop Now Vet Approved RxYesYes$$$Shop Now 1800 Pet MedsYesYes$$Shop Now BudgetPetCare.comNoNo$$$Shop Now Heartland Veterinary SupplyYesYes$$$$Shop Now Entirely PetsYesYes$$Shop Now
Best Local Option
Midwest Veterinary Supply – MyVetStore
Click the logo to learn more
Like I said, I have always gotten my flea medication from my vet.
They even offer an online store through Midwest Veterinary Supply, making things easy to order.
Their online ordering link directs you to three different websites:
Two are for farm animals and the third is for domestic pets.
The major downside to ordering through this site is that it’s isn’t as easy and straightforward as many of the other sites listed here. 
You’ll probably have to get a prescription from your vet before you can order here, as well, which kinds of negates the convenience of ordering online.
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Drop Treatments
Brands They Carry
K9 Advantix
Nexgard II
Parastar Plus
Vectra 3D
Fully licensed pharmacy
US based
Better Business Bureau rating: A+[4]
Harder to set up an account
Slightly smaller variety of options
Not the easiest to navigate
Above average
Shop Now
Best Variety and Best Price on Frontline (Topical)
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I don’t think that there’s a person on this planet who isn’t familiar with Amazon!
Though they are known for their free shipping for Prime members and their wide variety of products, they are not associated with a licensed pharmacy.
The lack of licensing doesn’t mean that Amazon isn’t a reputable online store, but it does mean that the regulations regarding medications aren’t as strict as other options.
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Drop Treatments
Brands They Carry
K9 Advantix
Advantage II
Vectra 3D
Pet Armor
CrossBlock II
Flea Away
Rolf 3D
Project Paws
Herbal Vet
Direct Protect
Vet Guard
K9 Granola Factory
Green Fort
Vet’s Best
Get Off
Colorado Dog Company
Petz Essentials
An overwhelming large variety of types and brands of flea preventatives
Easy to order
Many flea preventatives are available for free shipping
Better Business Bureau rating: A-
Does not offer flea prevention that requires a prescription such as Bravecto or NexGard
Not a licensed pharmacy or held to any veterinary standards
Less than a 2-star customer rating on BBB
Lower Prices
Shop Now
Best Value Overall and Best Price on Seresto (Collar)
Click the logo to learn more
Though Chewy.com isn’t as well-known as Amazon, it is a great online pet store.
On a personal note, I will say that my shopping experiences with Chewy have always been pleasant.
Plus, when I’ve requested to do a return, they have been accommodating and asked I donate the product to a local shelter instead of sending it back.
Regarding Chewy and medication, I am happy to report they are associated with a licensed pharmacy.
After comparing pricing with other online companies and my vet, I can confidently state they have the best pricing available on most medicine, especially on Bayer’s Seresto collar.
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Spot Treatments
Brands They Carry
Only Natural
Advantage II
A large variety of types and brands of flea preventatives
Easy to order from
Chewy marks the items that require a prescription
Requires prescriptions for some products
Easy returns
US based
Better Business Bureau rating: A+
Has an over 4 Star consumer rating on BBB
Order must be at least $49 for free shipping
Average to below average prices
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Best Veterinarian Owned Online Pharmacy
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Vet Approved Rx
Dr. Miller, a veterinarian, founded Vet Approved Rx.  Dr. Miller strives to provide a higher quality of service than other online pharmacies. 
Vet Approved Rx offers a unique shopping experience since it is owned and operated by a veterinarian who also functions as a pharmacist.
The Vet Approved Rx website offers a wide variety of products ranging from traditional medications to holistic and natural remedies.
Additionally, there is even a section regarding symptoms and pet education, setting this website apart from the other online pet pharmacies.
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Spot Treatments
Brands They Carry
K9 Advantix
Advantage II
Pet Action
Veterinarian owned and operated
Prescription required for specific flea treatment
Better Business Bureau rating: A+
Order must be at least $49 for free shipping
Fewer options than other online stores
Slightly higher than average pricing
Shop Now
Fastest Shipping
Click the logo to learn more
1 800 Pet Meds has been around for years and has a reputation for providing medications at a lower price.
I will say, though they have reasonable pricing, they do not consistently offer the lowest rate when compared to other online stores.
However, 1-800 Pet Meds does offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Spot Treatments
Brands They Carry
K9 Advantix
Vectra 3D
Pet Armor
Flea 5X Plus
Advantage Multi
US based company
Fully licensed pharmacy
Prescription required for specific flea treatment
Overnight shipping available in the continental US
Better Business Rating A+
Slightly fewer options than most other online stores
Order must be at least $49 for free shipping
Has a 1 Star Customer Rating with the BBB
Slightly lower than average pricing
Shop Now
Best Non-US-Based Online Pharmacy
Click the logo to learn more
Of the online stores that I researched, this was one that I would most likely steer clear of.
They offer knock-off products that look like the name brand item, making it easy to purchase the wrong product unintentionally.
Also, they do not require prescriptions for any of their medications since they are not a US licensed pharmacy.  
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Spot Treatments
Brands They Carry
Advantage Multi
Vectra 3D
Free shipping on all orders
Not located in the US
No prescription needed
Budget Pet offers several knock-off brands, so caution is advised when purchasing
A smaller variety of brands to pick from
Not easy to locate information about the company – I had to call in to get my questions answered
Average pricing
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Best Online Store with Price Matching
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Heartland Veterinary Supply
Heartland Veterinary Supply offers an array of medications, both prescription and over the counter.
They are a licensed US pharmacy, and they do require a prescription.
One of the things I liked about this store is that they offer price matching and state that near the bottom of their home page.
Like 1800 Pet Meds, they do have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Spot Treatments
Brands They Carry
Shield Plus
K9 Advantix
Spectra Shield
Vectra 3D
US licensed pharmacy (clearly stated on the homepage)
A large variety of options
Prescription required for specific items
Better Business Bureau rating: A+
Free Shipping on orders over $75
Has a 3 Star Consumer Rating on the BBB
Above average pricing
Shop Now
Best Pricing on Bravecto (Chewable)
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Entirely Pets
Entirely Pets is similar to Chewy in that they offer an abundance of pet products and not just medications.
Their pricing for medicine is competitive, and they offer the lowest price for Bravecto. 
I will say that their free shipping minimum of $85 is significantly higher than other online stores. 
Types of Medication They Offer
Topical/Spot Treatments
Brands They Carry
Advantage II
K9 Advantix
Freedom 45
Liberty 50
Pet Armor
Sentry Pro
Spectra Sure
Vectra 3D
Pet Lock
Ecto Advance
Pet Action
Bio Spot
Vets Best
Bio Spot
Pet Action
Field and Stream
Specta Shield
Safe Pharmacy approved
US-based licensed pharmacy
Large variety of brands
Has an A+ Better Business Bureau rating
Has just shy of a 4-star consumer rating on the BBB site
Unable to ship to all states in the continental US
Order must be at least $85 for free shipping
Below average pricing
Shop Now
The first thing I will say after completing my research is that I am absolutely blown away by the large variety of flea medications on the market.
“Wan” is Japanese for “woof,” so is this collar only effective against Japanese fleas?
I was familiar with several of the brands, but to be honest, the majority of the brands were new to me.
My first recommendation when shopping online for flea medications, whether it is over the counter or prescription, is to be sure that you find a reputable online store.
In my research, I was disturbed by the comments I found regarding those who exercised less caution, and their pups paid the price.
Overall, I think Chewy.com offers the most competitive pricing for pet medications, especially with auto-ship.
However, as you can see above, I did note three common flea medications and who had the best pricing for each.
The drawback of ordering medicine online is that there are two delays.
The first delay would be for the prescription to be verified, and the second would be for the shipping.
Neither delays would be something you would deal with when picking up flea medication from your vet. 
Having three dogs is expensive, and I am all for saving money, but not at the expense of my dogs’ health.
However, after researching online shopping, I found that I could save over $100 a year on flea preventative and almost $900 a year on all other medications by buying their medication online!
My final thought is that it is well worth the time to shop around for flea medications.
  The post Where to Buy Flea Medication appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/flea-medication/where-buy-flea-medication-online/
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I got tagged by @misscleverlesbian like a while ago to do this so finally here we go (she did a cool thing where she put it under the cut so I am also gonna do that)
I tag @frxnkenstein @thenamesstark @butterfliesanddeadstars and um @bannettee if you guys want to, no big deal of course.
The Last:
1. Drink: Uhhhh I’m drinking a Monster right now but I guess the last one I technically finished was a Dr. Pepper
2. Phone Call: My mom lmao I needed her help buying textbooks for a couple of my classes
3. Text message: was to my girlfriend <3
4. Song you listened to: it was Me You by Russ
5. Time you cried: I think like last Wednesday night once I was like moved into my dorm and it really hit me that I was away from all of my friends
6. Dated somebody twice: I have never. I only have one ex and that was a mess and then my current girlfriend soooo
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope 
8. Have been cheated on: I mean as far as I am aware nope. There hasn’t really been a whole lot of opportunity
9. Lost someone close: I lost my grandpa a couple years ago but he and I weren’t super close so...i mean close enough it still really sucked.
10. Been depressed:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: ummmm February....yeah...don’t drink kids
12. Favourite colours to wear: um I really like greys and blues and I have a lot of black so
In The Last Year Have You:
13. Made new friends: oh for sure. I made a bunch of friends in Ohio this time or soon after last year plus a few since I got back. Plus I made a bunch of friends at camp this summer
14. Fallen out of love: lmao no
15. Laughed until you cried: i mean every now and then a tear will come to my eyes but it isn’t really crying but like yeah sure probably
16. Found out somebody was talking about you: yeah camp drama is stupid but somehow I always end up thrown into it
17. Met somebody who changed you: oh definitely I have made a bunch of new friends who have shown me new ways to look at things or have made me try to look at myself in a more positive view so 
18. Found out who your friends are: i mean I found out who is willing to put in the effort to be my friend if i don’t see them every day so i guess that counts
19. Kissed someone on your Facebook: yepppp
20. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them????
21. Do you have any pets: my guys I have a bunch...dogs, cats, snake, gecko, fish...so many...my house is a zoo
22. Do you want to change your name: I used to when I was younger bc nobody can pronounce it or spell it but I think it is pretty cool now so nah
23. What did you do for your last birthday: well I spent most of the day driving my friend around so that she could get all of her pre-hire shit done for camp but then some of my friends at camp surprised me with an ice cream cake and presents and it was super nice and they waited until we could be alone bc they knew I don’t like making a big deal out of it
24. What time did you wake up: like 7:30...yeah I wanted to talk to my girlfriend before she went to work
25. What were you doing at midnight: sleeping??? skyping???? sleeping while skyping? who knows time isn’t real...
26. Name something you can’t wait for: Thanksgiving break so I can go hoooome and see my girlfriend (and like obviously also my friends...and family)
27. When was the last time you saw your mom: last Monday before I left for school
28. What are you listening to right now: currently Prisoners by Our Last Night
29. Have you ever talked to somebody named Tom: lmao yeah my uncle is named Tom
30. Something that gets on your nerves: it bugs me when people start to say something that sounds important and then say nevermind...ugh
31. Most visited website: honestly probably this hellsite
32. Hair colour: it’s like blondish redish...i dunno
33. Long or short hair: very short. like i need to rebuzz it but basically very very short
34. Do you have a crush on somebody: i mean.....my girlfriend is kinda cute idk
35. What do you like about yourself: I’m really dedicated to the things that I believe in and I stand up for them. I also hardcore support my friends
36. Piercings: I have my ears double pierced and then my cartilage on my left ear plus my nose
37. Blood type: O maybe...probably...yeah
38. Nickname: Teag, Dad
39. Relationship status: Don’t know if I have mentioned it but I have an amazing girlfriend
40. Zodiac: gemini...i know i know
41. Pronouns: she/her? I guess
42. Favourite tv shows: It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia and Breakout Kings
43. Tattoos: I have like 7... 3 on my feet, 1 on my ankle, 1 on my wrist, 1 on my shoulder, and 1 on my arm
44. Right or left handed: right
45. Surgery: i got my wisdom teeth taken out...does that count?
46. Sport: I used to play soccer and volleyball and a little bit of rugby
47. Vacation: I honestly want to go everywhere so....last one i took tho...probably a couple years back to a ranch in the hill country
48. Pair of trainers: I haven’t bought any in the last year but I finally started wearing a new pair since I trashed my last ones
49. Eating: I mean I had a microwave pizza and some cookies for dinner bc I am an adult
50. Fav drink: ummm I really like monsters, and sweet tea, and normal tea
51. What you’re up to: Avoiding reading my Accounting textbook honestly
52. Waiting for: my girlfriend to call me
53. Want: for my dorm to be fucking warmer instead of a tundra or you know to see my friends and girlfriend in person again whatever
54. Get married: I want to some day...but I’m 19 rn sooo not the ideal time you know
55. Career: some sort of developmental biology research
56. Hugs or kisses: kisses...the closeness of a hug but better
57. Lips or eyes: fuck...both.................if i gotta choose one then eyes
58. Shorter or taller: shorter
59. Older or younger: older...but just a little bit...like 7 months
60. Nice arms or stomach: ummmm idc....arms maybe?
61. Hook up or relationship: relationship for sure
62. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant honestly
63. Kissed a stranger: nope
64. Drank hard liquor: lmao yeah...yikes
65. Lost glasses: nope bc these things are always on my fucking face bc I am blind
66. Turned someone down: i mean like not specifically...definitely done the not interested vibe but never actually said no to someone asking me out
67. Sex on the first date: depends on the person but sure
68. Broken someone’s heart: I doubt it
69. Had your heart broken: like....kinda...i dunno that’s really dramatic...but yeah kinda
70. Been arrested: nope
71. Cried when someone died: I mean yeah it sucks when people die
72. Fallen for a friend: yepppp
Do You Believe In:
73. Yourself: I mean I am trying to...it’s a process
74. Miracles: no
75: Love at first sight: no i think love is something that you have to make and put effort into
76. Santa Claus: nah
77. Kiss on the first date: sure
78: Angels: not particularly 
79. Eye Colour: blue
80. Favourite movie: standalone movie- Fight Club movie set- Back to the Future
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unorthodoxsavvy · 7 years
Wowie so I got tagged by my friend Ginny, or @dead-nightingale to answer these 92 truths about yourself (myself). And at the end I’m going to tag 25 people.
Here we go!!
1. Drink: Hot Chocolate
2. Phone Call: My boyfriend last night
3. Text Message: “When I was trying to fall asleep last night, Cece was walking on my side and trying to find a spot to lay down on me. And then this morning she laid down on my stomach and I was petting her.” from my boyfriend.
4. Song You Listened To: I’m listening to “Wanting More” by Memphis May Fire.
5. Time You Cried: Sunday. 
6. Dated Someone Twice: No, haha, no one makes that mistake twice
7. Been Cheated On: No
8. Kissed Someone And Regretted It: No.
9. Lost Someone Special: Yeah. On my birthday.
10. Been Depressed: My entire life??? Okay, kidding. But yes, I have PDD.
11. Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up: No, I don’t drink.
12. Metallic silvery-blue.
13. Black
14. Aqua
15. Made New Friends: Only like 50, give or take.
16. Fallen Out of Love: Yeah, but not completely, and I was still willing to try and right myself because I know it was all just because of the amount of confusing things going on at the time.
17. Laughed Until You Cried: Probably?
18. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: Yeah, and I thought it was fucking hilarious.
19. Met Someone Who Changed You: Yeah................................. let’s not talk about that right now
20. Found Out Who Your True Friends Are: This year was the year of finding out who my true friends are lmao. And sometimes I was wrong. I’m glad my real friends pulled through despite my doubts about them.
21. Kissed Someone On Your Facebook: The day I own a Facebook is the day I’ll send myself to a Nunnery. 
22. How Many of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know in Real Life: Seriously? Let Facebook burn in the pits of hell.
23. Do You Have Any Pets: Yeah, I temporarily have a pet cat, I have an old doggo some of you might know named Bailey, I have Marian, of course, my gecko, and a fish named Vic. We used to also have Kellin but we don’t have Kellin anymore.
24. Do You Want To Change Your Name: Yes. My middle name can burn in the puts of hell next to Facebook. 
25. What Did You Do For Your Last Birthday: Shit what did I do? Uhhhhhhhh.... let me ask my boyfriend. Well he doesn’t know either. OH! I remember: I made a weird cake with cookie dough and stuff and we had other cake and I went to Boston for a Teen Author convention and also my mom’s best friend died and I cried on my boyfriend a lot. I think I kind of blocked that day out of my memory.
26. What Time Did You Wake Up: 8:30ish
27. What Were You Doing at Midnight Last Night: Watching Gintama lmao
28. Name Something You Cannot Wait For: WARPED TOUR, PRIDE, and LOCAL AGRICULTURE FAIRS! And for me to actually get a job.
29. When Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mother: Between 10-11 last night.
30. What is One Thing You Wish You Could Change About Your Life: Getting a job :’) plz someone hire me :’) I know I’ve only applied like 2 places but like c’mon
31. What Are You Listening To Right Now: Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides
32. Have You Ever Talked To a Person Named Tom: Yes, I have. 
33. Something That Is Getting On Your Nerves: People flirting with other people and me whoops. Me flirting with other people. Myself. People. Trump. The not-so-slow decline of humanity. My own saltiness rn.
34. Most Visited Website: Google
35. Elementary: Like elementary school? There was cool art on the pillars outside the office. I met my best friend there and had my first kiss in elementary school. Someone threw a brick at my friend’s head. I was smol and had long blonde hair. Someone who I’m now friends with pushed me and I fractured my wrist and the school told me I was exaggerating and didn’t even tell my mom what had happened and she said that when she reached for my arm to like help me out of the car I would pull away and finally she took me to the doctor’s and found out and she was pissed at the school. I got stuck in the playground. Field Day was fun. I miss the sketch playground they had.
36. High School: 
Freshman Year
What to heck I actually have friends, I’m popularish? People don’t treat me like shit? Boys are flirting with me? I have drama? What? I’m so confused. I’m going to just stick with playing with the animals in the barn and crying over the fact I forgot to put my seatbelt on the first time on the tractor. The Golden Trio. 
Sophomore Year
First real boyfriend
Traumatic experiences ----->emo
Junior Year
I’m emo
I LIKE GIRLS??????????
Wow that fanfiction though
Wow I have a crush on a Trans Guy? Guess I really am bi
Wow I’m dating a Trans Guy (it needs to be caps in my head, sorry lol) Guess I am bi but also can we appreciate what a cute fucking bean he is???
Omg! Full time Natural Resources Student! The Dream Come True!
Senior Year
I hate you all
I hate you too Emory
If you don’t want to hang out with me that’s fine but don’t expect me to hang out with you.
Wow all my friends desserted me.
What friends
Oh those friends
Yeah they aren’t my friends today
Wow I’m some elite choir student
My choir teacher is still sketchy af
My natural resources teacher is actually letting us pick him out an outfit to buy at GAP.
My natural resources teacher’s wife is actually letting us browse for like an hour and 45 minutes in Barnes and Nobels looking for That Gay Shit
We didn’t find That Gay Shit but I bought a Fun. album and DAPGO so that’s pretty much the same thing
I’m pretty sure we all just outted ourselves to our teacher’s wives
Wow I’m making an album
Wow I’m not taking any real classes I’m just passing the time cuddling dogs
Wow friends from Freshman Year throwback
California is Gay
Boston wasn’t supposed to be Gay but we snuck into Pride
I cried a lot during graduation because at that point a bunch of people were horrible to me and I couldn’t take it anymore but then also my teacher got me a scholarship and I cried during that too
Let’s party and stay up at school until 5:30am
37. College/University: What’s college
38. Hair Color: 50 shades of cool colors but not green
39. Long Hair or Short Hair: Shorter than a Corgi’s tail
40. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Yeah, and I really wish I didn’t.
41. What Do You Like About Yourself: Gay
42. Piercings: Over my needlephobic body
43. Blood Type: Does anyone actually know this? I’d kill someone before I’d let them near enough to me to find out
44. Nickname: Savvy
45. Relationship Status: (If you didn’t get this by now, I’m dating @ancient-hero)
46. Zodiac Sign: Libra af
47. Pronouns: She/her
48. Favorite TV Show: Fairy Tail
49. Tattoos: I waaaaaaant but neeeeeeeeedles
50. Right or Left Hand: Righty
51. Surgery: None
52. Piercing: Ears in 3rd grade
54. Sport: Dance
55. Vacation: Gosh idk I was probably still in the womb
56. Pair of Trainers: What? How about first pair of Converse? I like that better. My first pair of Converse was in like 6th grade and my friend was like “ohmigod, how have you never owned a pair of Converse before? They’re your shoe.”
57. Eating: What does this even mean?????? How about this: the first time I ate blueberry pie, it was heavenly and I was in Maine and now I love blueberry pie.
58. Drinking: Let’s talk alcohol.I said I don’t drink, and that’s true. My first alcohol was this year, my mom gave us champagne. That doesn’t count as drinking, we all know that.
59. I’m About To: Keep writing this post. And doing all the other tags I’ve been tagged in, and then try and schedule them so I don’t flood people with useless info about me. I might take a break though because I’ve been here almost an hour.
60. Listening To: Bulls in the Bronx.
61. Waiting For: A Sign A Job Me to stop catching feelings Warped Tour
62. Want: Warped Tour!!! (And more specifically to actually know bands and songs playing more than I do now. I’m trying to crash course myself in bands like a week before again)
63. Get Married: YES YES YES
64. Career: Music Video Producer and Storyboarder and Filmer
65. Hugs or Kisses: Hugs
66. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
67. Shorter or Taller: Ahhhhhhh I’ve had a bit of both idk which one I like better maybe shorter cause I’m short anyone “tall” towers over me
68. Older of Younger: Older 
70. Nice Arms or Nice Stomach: ??? A girl is a girl?? A boy is a boy?? I don’t like buff people? I like squishy people??
71. Sensitive or Loud: Both! I want both, dammit! I can’t take just one or the other, it won’t work.
72. Hook Up or Relationship: I wouldn’t know.
73. Troublemaker or Hesitant: Once again, both. Either of a lot is too much. I feel like most people I’m comparing are polar opposites and that’s why things haven’t/aren’t working.
74. Kissed a Stranger: NO BUT I WANT TO (just not while dating anyone)
75. Drank Hard Liquor: Still no
76. Lost Glasses/Contact Lenses: Who owns a pair who hasn’t? If you own either you have.
77. Turned Someone Down: Lmao no
78. Sex on First Date: Nooooooooo
79. Broken Someone’s Heart: Once again, hasn’t everyone? And if they haven’t, they will.
80. Had Your Heart Broken: Once again, hasn’t everyone? And if they haven’t, they will.
81. Been Arrested: No, but had the cops called on me, yes.
82. Cried When Someone Died: Yes, on my birthday, in my kitchen, on my boyfriend.
83. Fallen For a Friend: I don’t fall for anyone seriously who isn’t a friend.
84. Yourself: Yes.
85. Miracles: Yes.
86. Love at First Sight: It’s called lust, look it up.
87. Santa Claus: No, sorry.
88. Kiss on First Date: Sure, that’s cute.
89. Angels: No
90. Current Best Friend’s Name: Olivia. Best friends since Kindergarten. Just with a few gaps and rough patches.
91. Eye Color: Blue
92. Favorite Movie: Stand By Me
Wow I need a break before I even tag anyone.
Okay, so after everyone’s read through all this nonsense, here is to whome I bestow this task:
First off I probably owe @ancient-hero to be tagged since he’s mentioned so much.
@articulate-mess, @teatowelhowell, @sleepyphil, @danisthirsty, @weirdkidstories, @fondan, @pocketcow, @memory--ghost, @mymagnificentself, @gods-not-on-a-flatbread, @cushionstaxk, @xloonaticbloodx, @liabilitylester, @kendellisnotonfire, @smoltheatrekid, @softcharizard, @vgetables, @thebookofmadison, @infidany, @i-craft-ladders, @alecdoesnotmakepie, @astonishowell, @deadpan-trashcan @smolphaniel
Wow, okay, cool. Obviously if you don’t want to do it I’m not going to fly to you and kick down your door and make you. So, have fun, do the thing if you want, sorry if not, and have a nice day!
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cuddlingsun · 7 years
hello @ciaoloueh​ (or her phansona, danielbear) has tagged me to do this thingy and it’s long bUT THATS FINE BECAUSE I FIXED IT SO NOW I CAN MENTION PEOPLE AND DO A READ MORE AND LIFE IS BEAUTIFU
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag!
THE LAST… 1. Drink: water! I tried to drink some after waking up (and another sip just now) because who knows if I drink enough it might be a step to being healthier
2. Phone call: my mom, who called to ask what kind of math my brother has
3. Text message: cbs™ got a very excited text about how i can mention people now, it’s truly revolutionary 
4. Song you listened to: green light by lorde i think
5. Time you cried: i remember crying in my dream last night but can’t remember the actual time sorry
HAVE YOU EVER… 6. Dated someone twice: nope
7. Been cheated on: nope
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope
9. Lost someone special: yup
10. Been depressed: well I think so, but like it wasn’t officially diagnosed and all, do feel tons better rn even if it isn’t all that amazing yet
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
12. dark red
13. dark blue
14. the purple/olive green/brown aesthetic that hana gave me lmao
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. Made new friends: yes! though the real life ones aren’t proper friends but the online ones are I guess :D
16. Fallen out of love: sort of??? maybe it was before this past year so idk let’s say no so I feel better about it
17. Laughed until you cried: i’d sure hope so
18. Found out someone was talking about you: ha yes but not that i care too much about it, trying to not have any contact with those people anyway
19. Met someone who changed you: not sure, don’t think so
20. Found out who your true friends are: sort of? i kind of decided to not try too hard for people that don’t try for me? like there’s a difference between being scared to start conversations and just generally not caring abt me as a person u know
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i’m going to count it hold up -- 44 out of the 51 
23. Do you have any pets: sadly no
24. Do you want to change your name: sort of did but not anymore? i like to use bus because it’s easy and a nickname but i can live with my name i guess (though maybe change the official spelling lmao)
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i had some friends over and had a chilled out get together (and my mom had cooked dinner) which was nice I guess (also two of my friends got me a book which nearly made me cry but all right)
26. What time did you wake up: around nine I think? woke up around 6.25 then around 8.06 and then somewhere before 9.30 (i’m being specific if u care to read this far you won’t mind anyway)
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: trying to sleep by daydreaming 
28. Name something you cannot wait for: I cannot wait for a bunch of things but myself aside i can’t wait for one direction to come back?? which sounds selfish i mean i love their solo careers but boys i miss u 
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: last night when she had made some tea but it was too sour for me and then i went to bed (i just went downstairs and saw her again, if that makes u happier)
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: we can’t get into this now fully, but i feel like having tons of money could make a big change to my current situation
31. What are you listening to right now: nothing tbh (also changed to green light when i came back, i was halfway through)
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: lmao yes he helped teach maths at uni which was cool i guess
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: me but also in general the state of the world, but also me a lot
34. Most visited website: tumblr probably lmao 
35. Elementary: was cool I guess, i had a real good year and then it was shitty again but overall could have been worse
36. High School: wasn’t the best, could’ve been worse. i don’t really feel any type of Big Feelings towards any of these
37. College/university: sadly didn’t finish the one thing, so next year i’m starting law? (wish me luck tbh) and afterwards i want to genuinely study physics/chemistry at some point again but who knows if it will happen and when 38. Hair colour: brown
39. Long or short hair: short, but it’s been growing quite a lot
40. Do you have a crush on someone: not that i know of and boy is it good i love it finally time to focus on MYSELF am i rite ladies
41. What do you like about yourself: my mind mostly, physically i don’t LIKE anything but i’m not in full hatred either so there’s that 
42. Piercings: i had my ears pierced but i don’t wear jewelry so 
43. Blood type: i believe O but i’m not sure and don’t know the positive/negative thingy
44. Nickname: lmao hana literally referred to me as bus here so that, don’t really have any others?? bush but i don’t really like that one so
45. Relationship status: single and v v v v happy with that
46. Zodiac sign: libra
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favourite TV show: brooklyn nine-nine, merlin, elementary (and well doctor who, victoria and dirk gently too) (also liked selfie?? and atlantis, galavant, agent carter)
49. Tattoos: none  50. Right or left hand: right (though i want to learn writing with both hands tbh)
FIRST… 51. Surgery: i think they did something with my ears when i was really really young so I don’t even remember it (and i’m scared of surgery so let’s keep it this way)
52. Piercing: the one but also none u feel 
54. Sport: i did ballet which i loved but then i had to stop or go on with people who were like two or three years older than me and were way better so i quit
55. Vacation: i mean i went to turkey every year even as a tiny baby i think so that probably? 
56. Pair of trainers:  i was a tiny child, how should i remember this
57. Eating: ah okay not first so um had a tiny bit of chocolate but still deciding on breakfast 
58. Drinking: the water is still there, i’ll take a sip now
59. I’m about to: figure out what to read whilst i hide from the cleaning lady for three hours (and probably eat something first) 
60. Listening to: currently it’s royals also by lorde 
61. Waiting for: a simple thing rn because we’re not that deep yet: a burst of motivation to go shopping tonight with my sister and her friend
62. Want: general Big Life Things, but also just books??? i fucking love books NO FUCK I WANT TIME LOTS OF TIME SO I CAN DO EVERYTHING I WANT TO DO
63. Get married: not planning to but who knows life is weird
64. Career: okay look the most ideal one would be a scientist and an author but we all know studying law won’t get me there so we’re still figuring it out, but scientist and author??? especially scientist??? id die for that man
YOUR TYPE… 65. Hugs or kisses: currently feeling a good hugs (woah, we would never have guessed tumblr user cuddlingsun)
66. Lips or eyes: eyes i guess?? 
67. Shorter or taller: taller??? look I don’t Know these things 
68. Older or younger: probably older??? but also like younger is fine??? idk
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I DON’T KNOW EITHER HANA whichever one that person wants??? like i’m not very specific on these things
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive I guess but like hana said, you could be both
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship lmao what would i get out of a hookup except for years of pining
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant, but also a teeny bit mischievous otherwise i’d get bored  --------- keeping hana’s answer here
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: nope
75. Drank hard liquor?: nope
76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: i lost a lens once when i slept with them in accidently, but later found it on my pillow (i think) which was quite odd
77. Turned someone down: HA if we’re HONEST yes but like,,, i was twelve,,, he was weird,,, let’s forget it ever happened 
78. Sex on first date: um no -- hana catching my feelings perfectly
79. Broken someone’s heart: well that would be a maybe but i hope not lmao
80. Had your heart broken: L M A O yes way too easily
81. Been arrested: nope
82. Cried when someone died: yes, though it usually takes other people crying for me to Get There
83. Fallen for a friend: yes? no? idk what came first but honestly i’d like to have it be a friend rather than a stranger lmao
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: in all honesty no, but i’m trying to
85. Miracles: yes, in a way
86. Love at first sight: sort of?? like not love exactly but a feeling that turns into actual love yeah that’s possible i guess 
87. Santa Claus: nope, but i dont remember if i ever believed in him to begin with so i should ask me mum probably
88. Kiss on the first date: idk??? 
89. Angels: yeah i mean yeah with the religion thing and stuff i guess that’s a yes 
OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: honestly idk like i have many best friends and i don’t really have a solid best friend anymore but that’s fine because i lov so many people anyway
91. Eye colour: also brown
92. Favourite movie: don’t??? but all righty some time ago i’d have said spongebob the movie so that, hidden figures, prisoner of azkaban, dead poets society, brave (also pride and prejudice & austenland probably)
i tag @bothhappy--andsad because she usually wants to do these kinds of tags and if they want to: @ryanperch @floralaesthetlc @klainederful cus u guys are super cool and i wanna know if you care to do it (and anyone else that wants to do it can say i tagged them cus i wanna READ)
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aegyotrashcan · 7 years
I was tagged a while ago by @kfuckingreactions! But my procrastinating ass is only doing it now (: (: ((btw I love your blog and tysm for always tagging me!)) Rules: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people THE LAST 1.Drink: Water 2.Phone call: Mam 3.Text message: My stepfather 4.Song you listened to: 6LACK - Prblms 5.Time you cried: About a week ago (I was reading angsty Yoonseok fics ;v;) 6.Dated someone twice: Never happened 7.Been Cheated on: Never 8.Kissed someone and regretted it: Yeah on December 26th (so specific lol) 9.Lost someone special: None of the family members I’m close to have passed on (thankfully) but if lost friendships count then this year is when that happened 10.Been depressed: It comes & goes so idk a legit date 11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: I was last drunk April 23rd but I’ve never thrown up (or been hungover lol I think it’s bc I’m an intense water drinker but idk maybe I’m just lucky)
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 1. Pink 2: Green 3: Grey
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15.Made new friends: Nope 16.Fallen out of love: Nope 17.Laughed until you cried: Not that I remember but probably 18.Found out someone was talking about you: Yes 19.Met someone who changed you: Nope 20.Found out who your true friends are: Unfortunately but yes 21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope
GENERAL… 22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them. I have barely any friends on there but idc I’m not adding strangers who can see my shit if I don’t know them 23.Do you have any pets: My chubby doggo; Ruby 24.Do you want to change your name: No, I love my name 25.What did you do for your last birthday: Went for lunch with my mam ... I wanted to do something more exciting but April is always during study/exam time so every single year, my friends haven’t been able to do anything for it :^) but I’m not salty 26.What time did you wake up: I woke up at 9 but did’t get up until 10:30 27.What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping 28.Name something you cannot wait for: I’m going to Spain soon so 29.When was the last time you saw your mother: 2 seconds ago 30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I would like to be happier. 31.What are you listening to right now: NAV - Some Way ft. The Weeknd 32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yeah, he was a lil ginger prick, couldn’t stand him 33.Something that is getting on your nerves: People 34.Most visited website: Youtube is my no. 1 and Tumblr is tied with Pinterest for no. 2 lol 35.Elementary: Idk what this is tbh 36, High School: Well I’ve finished the Irish equivalent of it :) 37.College: 2 more years left ... then it’s time for the real world 38.Hair color: Blonde-ish ... I had grey hair which I was too lazy to redye to it’s faded to a blonde ... ish ... colour 39.Long or short hair: Medium (it’s past my collarbones so I’d class that as medium) 40.Do you have a crush on someone: No one irl (thankfully. loving idols is painful enough) 41.What do you like about yourself: I’m honest. That can rub ppl the wrong way but I don’t ever force my ideas or beliefs on ppl. I’m just being honest about my opinions, w/out trying to kiss everyone’s asses 42.Piercings: Yes (only 6 atm (had to take 3 out :”() 43.Blood type: No idea 44.Nickname: Don’t have one 45.Relationship status: Single like Seulgi’s pringles 46.Zodiac sign: Aries/Taurus cusp 47.Pronouns: She/Her 48.Favorite tv show: I don’t watch tv anymore but now that exams are over, I’m looking for shows to get into ... It used to be TWD but I dropped it after Glenn :”( 49.Tattoos: 1 50.Right or left hand: Right, I can’t even pick things up with my Left haha
FIRST… 51.Surgery: I was a baby (like a month old I think) 52.Piercing: I was 2 54.Sport: Swimming (we had to do it in school) 55.Vacation: Bucharest 56.Pair of trainers: I don’t remember
MORE GENERAL… 57.Eating: I love supa cu galuste (no meat), Mămăligă & sarmale (w/out meat) for savoury food but I’ve got a sweet tooth 99% of the time. So I love eating sweets, all kinds, they’re all good :”) 58.Drinking: Water 59.I’m about to: Clean my room 61.Waiting for: Exam results to come out 62.Want: to see BTS live (Americans complain that they’re not going to their state but bish THEY’RE NO WHERE NEAR MY COUNTRY :”””(). Oh being rich would be cool too 63.Get married: Yes 64.Career: Government translator
WHICH IS BETTER… 65.Hugs or kisses: Hugs 66.Lips or eyes: Eyes 67.Shorter or taller: Taller (everyone’s taller than me ;w;) 68.Older or younger: Older 70.Nice arms or nice stomach: Idc about either 71.Sensitive or loud: Hobi is both so ... both 72.Hook up or relationship: Relationship 73.Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER… 74.Kissed a stranger?: ... Yes 75.Drank hard liquor?: Hell yeah we don’t pussyfoot around in Ireland. we come to sesh and sesh hard 76.Lost glasses contact/lenses? : No, I would die w/out them 77.Turned someone down?: Yeah 78.Sex on first date?: Nope 79.Broken someone’s heart?: Nope 80.Had your heart broken?: Nope 81.Been arrested?: No 82.Cried when someone died?: Yes 83.Fallen for a friend?: Nope
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84.Yourself?: Uh,, idk 85.Miracles?: No 86.Love at first sight?: No 87.Santa Claus?: Not since I was a kid haha 88.Kiss on the first date?: Why tf not ;) 89.Angels?: Nope (except for Hobi)
OTHER…. 90.Current best friend’s name: I don’t have a best friend. I mean, I’ve got close friends & stuff but I haven’t said “you’re my best friend” since I was, like, 9. 91. Eye color: Blue 92. Favourite movie: District 9, White Chicks, The Cat Returns, Princess Mononoke, Hotarubi no Mori e ... That’s all I can think of
I tag: I know it said tag 20 but I feel bad always tagging the same ppl, so whoever wants to can do this!! :)
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