lurafita · 4 months
Challenge time!
I got a challenge. So I found this:
random generator thing. I typed in the different species we know from canon (tv-show canon for me), and that will randomly assign a species for a character. Like you press go for Magnus, write down result, then press go for Alec, write down result, and so on. Then, once the species have been assigned to the characters, you need to think up a prompt for them. My picks will be under the cut.
Magnus: Shadowhunter
Alec: Higher demon/prince of hell
Jace: Seelie
Izzy: Angel
Clary: Werewolf
Simon: Vampire (🤣)
Raphael: Vampire (Are you kidding me?!)
Catarina: Vampire (is this thing broken?)
Ragnor: Mundane
Maia: Mundane
Luke: Warlock (finally got a warlock in the mix)
okay, I will cap it here for now, other characters can be assigned later if need be.
uff. this is surprisingly hard.
Magnus is the only shadowhunter.
Alec as a higher demon has potential, not gonna lie.
Seelie Jace. hmmm.
and Izzy an angel. Then there could still be a sibling relationship between her and alec, actually. Alec is simply a fallen angel. Izzy didn't fall because she still follows the doctrine. though she might fall as the plot progresses.
Clary as a werewolf. Guess that is easy enough. She could be a mundane that had an encounter with a rogue werewolf, and Magnus found/saved her. Not knowing whether or not she will turn, he can't take her to a hospital. If she needed medical attention, he would probably take her to the institute, where they could also monitor if she changes, dies, or remains mundane. after the change, he can get her to the nearest wolf clan and inform them of the rogue that got her.
simon could also start out as a mundane, maybe he was even with clary when she was bitten and Magnus had to take him along as well. as both simon and clary then want to learn more about the shadow world, simon lands himself on the business end of a pair of vamp fangs. (could be Camille)
Raphael and Catarina could have history. Catarina could be leader of the clan! maybe she was the one who turned raphael in a bit to save his life.
Ragnor could be like a mundane university professor who is well versed in obscured knowledge and the history of mysterious stuff. Maybe Magnus is enrolled in one of his classes, because he has discovered that some of the mundane knowledge about all that goes bump in the dark can be surprinsgly helpful
Maia… I don't know yet.
Luke could be the high warlock of the territory.
okay, how to bring higher demon/prince of hell Alec into the mix.
obviously there would have to be some kind of summoning.
or alec himself decided to visit the mundane plain for a bit, because why not?
and maybe he just happens to witness the shadowhunter that is so uniquely dressed for his kind, fighting off demons, or that rogue werewolf, or whatever. and he takes a shine to him.
Or, Clary was supposed to be a shadowhunter (like her canon counterpart), and Luke was the high warlock who blocked her sight/erased her memories, and the werewolf thing just happened. So when the transformation seems to mess with Clary more than it should, because there is a magical block involved (which they don't know at this point), Magnus calls in the high warlock. Luke helps Clary through the transforamtion, but then in order to have the chaotic energies in Clary balance out, they need to get her her memories back. And just like Magnus in canon, Luke had given them to a demon for safekeeping. The demon in question happens to be Alec.
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liveshauntedmoved · 2 years
andy, eddie & steve: yeah we'd technically be monster fuckers
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blanquitagb · 2 years
I just published " 2. El Mundo de las Sombras " of my story " Shadowhunters: Brotherhood ". https://www.wattpad.com/1326317074?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=Shiroi_Tsubaki&wp_originator=QFY32zaQFXxZJhIkG5cqmJHohcCxC91zhQQE2vBC9xJIh6iGndaodcy%2BokPNmj3xNZOOrqq8l5OBkDXckGqjVDR0snFQtHLtYQ9N%2BfrSeX0l9uCVaOIXgXepDED0l7Ya
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annakxrenina · 7 months
trying to explain the plot of COFA like … simon has a mark that kills anyone who hurts him and also he’s dating 2 girls at once and camille wants him to be evil but he just wants to play in his shitty band and live with his new werewolf bandmate BUT he almost kills one of their (child) fans and she’s fine (he’s traumatized) but actually now she’s a vampire and also camille is working with lilith (a demon) and jace is evil and has dreams about murdering clary because lilith marked him and also clary messed something up when she brought him back to life but also magnus and alec are in italy but now they’re back and they’re fighting about one of them being immortal and—
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tallertysupremacy · 2 months
Am I the only one who doesn’t want Matthew to end up with a shadowhunter? I’ve always imagined him with a downworlder, particularly a faerie or werewolf. And if he is indeed Clary’s direct ancestor, I think it would be neat to have some secret downworlder blood in the Fairchild line.
(Does anyone know the lore surrounding offspring of werewolves and shadowhunters? Like are they always Shadowhunters cause clave blood is dominant or is there a chance they inherit lycanthropy?? I assume it’s covered in the codex but it’s been ages since I read it.)
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starrieshq · 4 months
TSC Characters That Have Underwent Some Serious Trauma (That We Should Be Talking About More)
Kit Herondale (dealt with the absence of his mother throughout his life, watched his father get eaten alive, Livvy died by Annabel, tried to raise Livvy back from the dead with Ty, fell in love with Ty...it's a whole thing)
Clary Fairchild. Some people are out her calling her boring...she killed her brother? Had the life of a whole planet on her shoulders? Had to live with the fact that both her father and brother almost ended the world? Hello???
Maryse Lightwood. Not only was she a member of the Circle, she was almost exiled to Wrangel Island but saved because she was having a baby, Robert cheated on her and then died (which was probably not great for the healing process), and she had to suffer through knowing that her kids (especially Alec) will always have the stigma of being a child of an ex-Circle member.
Luke Garroway & Jocelyn Fairchild. They both were around Valentine when he started becoming power-hungry but were too scared to stop him. Luke was cast out for being turned into a werewolf. Jocelyn had to deal with the pain of figuring out that her child was part demon. There's definitely more, but these are just the basics.
Johnathan Morgenstern. I feel like this one is more obvious, but c'mon guys. He grew up with an evil father who never thought he was good enough. He grew up knowing about Jace and knowing that Valentine loved Jace more than him, and Jace wasn't even his biological son. He grew up with demon blood in his veins, weighing him down without him knowing it. He watched himself turn into Sebastian Morgenstern. And lastly, he watched as his sister killed Sebastian, knowing that the damned cannot tread the Earth for long.
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Greetings, fellow Shadowhunters, Downworlders, and in-the-know mundanes. Jace Lightwood Herondale here, your favorite Shadowhunter and three-time winner of the Golden Stele for Most Attractive and Sinewy Institute Head[1]. Recently it has been brought to my attention that I have been the victim of a terrible slander. I present this report today, to be sent in fire-message format to all Institute Heads worldwide: to correct the record, yes, but more importantly to provide a more thorough survey of the relevant information regarding the New York Institute and its main officers. I. SITUATION REPORT As you know, a schism has caused our homeland of Idris to be occupied by an insurgent, reactionary faction of Nephilim. This has severed the Clave’s ability to enter Idris and to engage in normal governmental operations. As a result, the New York Institute has become a much more central and important location than ever before. Not only are we now the home office of the Consul-in-Exile, the Headmaster of the Shadowhunter Academy-Also-in-Exile as well as the Warlock and Werewolf representatives to the Council, we are also the closest Institute to said Academy and therefore charged with its defense. As such, the interests of the New York Institute can be said to truly be commensurate with the interests of the Clave at large. II. THE SLANDER A most dire accusation has been made against me, and in doing so, it has impacted the morale of my Institute, which, as per §1, is of utmost importance at this precarious time in Shadowhunter history. Specifically, I have been accused of DYEING MY HAIR.
III. THE RESPONSE The accusation is, unfortunately, not more specific than this. It is unclear if the accuser means to suggest that I merely add artificial highlights to my hair, or that I use dye to alter its natural hue -- or much more dire allegations. That I, perhaps, actually use bleach to lighten my hair to the blond color for which it is famous across six continents, or even that I might have need to mask the appearance of early-onset gray hairs. Let me be clear: none of these have any basis in fact. My hair is and has only ever been its own natural shade and tone, inherited genuinely from my parents and untouched by any treatment or modification by magic or chemical. Its thick texture, gentle waves, and brilliant luster are merely the result of good fortune and a regular regimen of washing and conditioning. To suggest otherwise is to undermine the cause of the liberation of Idris and to weaken the resolve of our allies. A few, more given to conflict resolution than I, have tried to find a position of compromise, suggesting that it is possible that my hair has been positively affected by the experiments my father performed on me as an infant involving angel blood. It is true that I cannot fully rule out the possibility. But I strongly doubt it, and I believe you should as well, for one can find (through rigorous searching) hair that is nearly as superb as mine even among the mundane population, who obviously have not benefited from any such magics.
IV. RELEVANCE TO THE NEW YORK INSTITUTE AT LARGE While the slander has been directed solely at me, the other main representatives of the New York Institute are also aggrieved, and feel strongly that an attack on the hair of one of us is an attack on the hair of all of us. To that end, and at their request[2], I want to provide reassurances regarding the current status of the hair of all of us here. I hope that it will offer comfort and optimism in this dark time. I have provided a helpful letter grade for each of those mentioned here, using the standard measure where “S” is the highest grade, followed by A, B, C, D, F. My own hair will be used as the S-tier standard. CLARY FAIRCHILD If anyone on this list qualifies for the highest tier, it is of course Clary Fairchild, the co-head of the Institute and my constant beloved. Her hair is of the finest red color, shining gold in the light and flowing around her face in waves that only serve to highlight the natural blush of her cheeks and the freckles which so fetchingly decorate her face. To look upon Clary is to be reminded of the beauty given to us by the Angel; to run one’s hands through her hair is to weep with the beauty of this world. RANK: S SIMON LOVELACE Unfortunately, Clary’s parabatai’s hair has suffered greatly, perhaps the most of any of us, with the rupturing of the Clave. Out of sorrow and discontent he has, unwisely, been dedicating a significant portion of his time to his rock band, in which he plays the electric bass guitar alongside several mundanes (of no other consequence). Under the wretched influence of these mundanes, he has made an attempt at lightening his own hair to create an effect he described to me as “kinda punk and a little emo, but also not.” I cannot tell you what this is intended to mean: only that applying bleaching agents to his previously completely acceptable brown hair has turned it an unpleasant color which Clary has labeled “chromium green.” For the moment, he looks as though he has a dead snake on his head. Both Clary and Isabelle have volunteered to shave the green out of his hair entirely, but he has so far avoided their clippers and announced he will wait for it to grow out naturally. All of us here are looking forward to his full recovery in time; rest assured that, like the loss of Idris, Simon’s appalling appearance is only temporary. RANK: D (under normal circumstances: B). ISABELLE LIGHTWOOD As in all things, Isabelle Lightwood’s hair is immaculate and worthy of the great admiration it inspires. The contrast between her and Simon Lovelace is always quite striking, but never more so than now, as her appearance lights up each room she enters while his prompts questions about possible chemical spills and comparisons to a fictional mundane character known as “The Joker.” (Again, his situation is temporary, and we trust he will be restored to full strength soon.) When braided and set for battle, Isabelle’s hair inspires her allies and strikes fear into demons. RANK: S ALEC LIGHTWOOD Here we have a curious situation, it is true that Alec Lightwood’s hair is the parabatai to my own. As such, it is attractive, steadfast, brave, and rousing. Alas, while the hair itself is fine material, he simply WILL NOT TAKE CARE OF IT THE WAY I TELL HIM TO. No matter how many excellent products are gifted to him, no matter how many times he is lured into a fine salon with a promise that it is actually an arrow shop, the Consul continues to look as if he cuts his hair in the dark with nail scissors. And yet - allowances must be made. Our Consul struggles beneath a heavy burden of responsibility, by which I mean he has two children who constantly put gum in his hair. Considering all he has to face, I cannot but feel that the hair of Alec Lightwood is hair that one would not hesitate to follow into battle, which is what truly matters.  RANK: A MAGNUS BANE At this moment in time, Magnus Bane, the Consul’s husband and warlock representative to the Council, has hair that cannot be achieved through mundane or even Shadowhunter means. Though largely black, it is shot through with flecks of gold, and at the tips it faded smoothly to an electric blue that closely resembles the color of his own magic. As always, Magnus takes a look that might not pass muster on a lesser man and makes it not only his own, but a target of envy from all around him. It is widely believed (though denied) that such an effect is what Simon Lovelace was hoping to attain in his recent unlucky tonsorial experiments. That the effect of his hair can only be created so perfectly with the use of magic does not diminish what Magnus manages to achieve here. RANK: A CHURCH THE CAT While the oddly long-lived cat known as Church is currently residing in the UK under the care of others, he was a longtime resident of this Institute and is still considered by most of us here as a kind of unofficial mascot. Recent photos have confirmed that, as befits a cat of the New York Institute, Church continues to have a fine, rich coat of ��the slate-blue color normally associated with his Persian breeding. Despite his usual bad temper, he is a fastidious groomer and keeps himself free of mats and unsightly tufts of shedding fur. His color is set off by his luminous gold eyes, which provide an excellent contrast. His coat presents an excellent picture when seen as a whole, but special consideration should be made to its greatest details, namely the slightly lighter color between his toes, and the tufts that rise from his owl-like ears. RANK: S V. CONCLUSION I hope that the thoroughness of the information contained here has brought reassurance and inspiration to all those who receive it. To sum up, my own hair has never been better, and remains entirely natural in its source. The state of the hair of the New York Institute is strong, and with the exception of a single mishap, which we are recovering from, we foresee only positive developments in the domain of our hair in the months and years to come. Yours in the Name of the Angel, Jace Herondale [1]This award was created by Clary Fairchild and is presented once a year on my birthday by a jury consisting of only the most discerning and aesthetically informed Nephilim available: specifically, Clary Fairchild. [2]Or at least, with only their mildest objection. Note: From Cassandra Clare’s newsletter on 01/04/2023. 
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A group of downworlders choosing to trust in Alec over Clary, Izzy, and Jace. Alec getting recognition for 'his people' slowly but consistently improving relations, making compromises, and keeping promises vs pretty talk that promises the world but will strike you in the back for speaking against them.
Okay so like this went in such a different direction than I thought it would. I really don’t plan out the fics before I write them. Plots have never worked for me.
I see where the veins of the fic are going and try to flow along with them. So I’m not really sure how this ended up over 4k words of unplanned randomness but i hope you enjoy it
Like half of this fic was a complete accident.
Izzy seems shocked, the first time a seelie informant ignores her red lipped and heated smile.
Instead they head to Alec, and then stick by him. Watching the rest of the shadowhunters warily until Alec escorts them out of the institute and thanks them for their information.
“What was that?” She hisses and Alec doesn’t understand what is confusing for her.
“My job?” He asks, flatly but he offers the benefit of the doubt and when she sends him a glare and flounces her hair before stalking off, he squints in her direction. “I thought Izzy was still with Simon, is she looking for something new?”
“No idea, buddy.” Jace says but he also is looking a little putout and so Alec ignores it.
If he paid attention to every alarming thing his siblings and their entanglements did, he wouldn’t have time to breathe.
It happens again and again until even Clary is getting upset and Alec doesn’t get it.
“I’m more approachable! I have a better personality!” He hears Jace complaining at one point as Alec escorts a werewolf to Cat’s hospital so he can show her to the magical ward.
Alec once again ignores them as Izzy gestures to herself, “have you seen my outfit today?”
And Alec rolls his eyes because his siblings are ridiculous, thinking that people who are scared or in danger are going to focus on appearances.
And Alec knows he’s the least approachable looking, but that’s never been why he’s becoming the preferrence.
“Tell Magnus thank you.” The werewolf tells him, like it was Magnus who escorted her pregnant body to the hospital rather than Alec.
“I will.” Alec promises, because in all honesty, this has nothing to do with him and everything to do with Magnus.
He’s not being picked because he’s the most approachable or the strongest looking shadowhunter, or because of his personality. And he’s certainly not chosen for his position of authority.
Alec is picked because he’s Magnus’.
And Magnus will never allow what belongs to him to hurt what he protects.
And Alec works hard.
Not to be trustworthy himself, because it’s not his place to be.
He strives to never break the trust Magnus’ people have in Magnus.
The trust that Magnus put on the line when he declared Alexander a safe haven for his people.
And Alec will do whatever he needs to never, ever take this honor for granted, or to hurt Magnus by damaging it.
Because it isn’t that Magnus was declaring that Alec is friendly to downworlder.
He is declaring that he trusted Alec — Magnus’ Alexander — to never purposefully harm anything that was under Magnus' authority.
It’s not about Alec as a person.
It’s about what he means to Magnus.
And Alec is going to protect this, the strongest of Magnus’ declarations of devotion.
And if that means showing up at three in the afternoon to a traffic accident—
— half asleep and with pillow creases on his cheek from how quickly he got there —
— because when he’s being asked for specifically, by a very frantic werewolf who unsuspectingly went into labor in a cab, accidentally causing a crash and risking the exposure of the shadowworld.
Alec goes.
He leaves Magnus sleeping because Magnus has his own job and he trusts Alec to this.
Because a great deal of Magnus’ authority relies on his reputation and Magnus is not someone easily reached.
So Alec goes and he gets her there safely while his team covers up what caused the crash and then he activates his iratze so his fingers can heal as they’re broken and rebroken and he’s honestly relieved.
He’d rather have dozens of his bones broken over and over again than have to catch a baby from a stranger's vagina, but he would do it.
If he had to.
For Magnus.
“Oh thank fuck.” Alec barely manages to get out. He’s kneeling next to the werewolf, holding her hand with his jacket on the floor in case he needs something soft and cleanish.
Apparently they ‘had to wait’ which Alec thinks is hardly fair when her water broke while he was carrying her spasming and forcefully transforming body.
He is burning every article of clothing he’s wearing as soon as he gets home.
Alec gets to his feet and launches across the room, trying not to be too queasy.
“It’s not that bad.” Cat mocks him after the werewolf is magicked calm and wheeled away, and she is smirking at him.
“I wouldn’t touch a woman even if she had a dick.” Alec says dryly, because seelies have no shame and think threesomes should be offered like candy, “but it’s always so much worse when it’s that.” And Alec gestures with a grimace, “magical babies are so much less gross.” He mutters and Cat laughs, smooth and light and comforting after his trauma.
“Babies born from cannibalism, murder and soul destroying power are less gross?” She asks and Alec nods empathically.
“Cat, I have vaginal fluid over most of my body.” And Alec grimaces, “unless Magnus ever got bored of his genitals again, this was never going to be an issue I ever had to deal with. It’s part of our private vows.”
“Oh?” Cat asks like she’s humoring but Alec can tell by the sudden gleam in her tired eyes that she is thriving on his trauma.
“No traumatizing Alec with baby launching parts.” Alec paraphrases and he still feels a little lightheaded. “When Magnus asked me if I was willing to take vows that might set me against the clave, we spent months on it. Going over everything. Every pro and con. And Magnus promised me that while I might have to commit treason, I would never, ever have to deal with stuff like that.” Alec nods decisively, “I’m telling Magnus you kept his promise for him. And that you deserve a day away at the spa. Just the two of you, I’ll watch Madzie if you want.”
And Cat smiles at him, real and warm.
“You know, I didn’t think it would work. Magnus telling people you’d protect them in his stead if they could reach you.” Cat admits and Alec nods, just quietly pleased that she’s recently given permission for him to use her nickname. “But it seems that he’s getting wiser in his old years. Maybe it’s your youth that brings it out in him.”
“I’m going to tell Magnus you implied he is a cradle robber, again.” Alec says, but he’s fighting his own growing smile and Cat is grinning at him.
She reaches out slowly and Alec pretends to duck, butting into her hand like it’s an accident and she gets in a quick ruffle.
“I’d like that.” Cat admits, “if you remind him to bring the good stuff. Even magical spas have weak drinks.” She pauses and looks at him considerably and then adds, “Madzie would love to go to the aquarium again. She threw a fit—“ and when Alec raises a pointed brow Cat laughs and adds, “a very quiet fit, but still a fit. Apparently riding my shoulders isn’t the same as riding yours. She wants you to lift her so she can be up near the sharks and fish.”
And Alec nods, a soft smile on his own face even if his shirt is growing tacky and cold from the… disgusting evidence of new life.
It’s a slow thing, their friendship.
They’re always polite for Magnus’ sake but they both love him too much for it to be enough.
And they all love Madzie and she loves all of them, so they need a genial if not warm relationship.
But Alec is terrible at these things so he gratefully lets Cat lead the path of their friendship and he simply follows.
It’s a big deal for a downworlder. Letting a shadowhunter touch them or touching one. It’s a big deal, Cat letting Alec watch her daughter without Magnus.
Shadowhunters are born to be weapons.
Alec’s body, right down to his bone and blood, is designed and trained and tempered into pure danger.
And the clave doesn’t suffer their warriors to be sympathetic, or empathetic.
Alec’s bare hand is just as dangerous as any blade and unlike shadowhunters, who get to live and die and inflict more pain and trauma in a vicious cycle without consequences.
Warlocks have to live and remember and adapt to never getting justice and always watching the shadows for another glowing blade.
And Alec will never forget the pain in Magnus’ eyes when he explained why some nights, he has to ask Alec to wear a long sleeve turtleneck or a glamour over his runes.
The bad nights, where Magnus is troubled by memories and worried he’ll wake and see runes and think ‘enemy’ instead of ‘mine’.
And Alec stays still and pliable those nights. Covered up with fabric or magic and lets Magnus direct how much they touch and how far they go.
Magnus always marvels at his willingness to adapt to his needs.
And it only makes Alec want to do better, to be better and help heal every single hurt that life has carved into Magnus.
But he keeps his hands where Magnus tells him and he kisses as softly and adoringly as he can when he’s kissed and in the mornings, it’s a little better.
Alec stays still if he wakes first, letting Magnus set the pace for their day and canceling plans if needed.
And he waits to see if Magnus will go to the shower first or sit and slowly strip Alec.
They both always know Alec’s awake at that point, but Alec keeps his eyes closed and his breath even.
And Magnus slowly uses his magic or hands or both to bare Alec’s runes.
And Alec aches to hold Magnus, to thank him for loving Alec inspite of how painful it sometimes is, but Magnus doesn’t want to hear that.
It won’t help.
So Alec bites his lip and lets fingers trace over his runes as Magnus makes sure every rune is in its proper place.
Because even though they sometimes bring up old unhealed hurts, Alec knows that Magnus loves every part of him. Has proven it with mouth and words and kisses as he’s decorated and claimed each angelic mark.
So Alec doesn’t press, doesn’t promise.
He just nods, because this is supposed to be something nice, not stressful.
“I have several days where I'm allowed to be disconnected from the Institute.” Alec shrugs as he talks, “even my phone goes off and Magnus typically hits me with a spell that redirects fire messages. It’s rare but we worked out protocols for it after they almost ruined our anniversary. I can use one, for this.”
It’s a promise that Alec will ensure Madzie never has to see or meet or look at any shadowhunter Cat hasn’t personally vetted.
“You’re very accommodating about this.” Cat says instead of answering and Alec sighs and grimaces when he goes to rub his face and remembers what’s tackily drying on his hands.
“Not really. I mean, the institute isn’t what I would consider a vetted and safe place for her yet.” Alec sighs and closes his eyes, ignoring the hiss of magic and giving Cat a grateful smile as he feels the grime disappear.
He doesn’t like asking for favors and it would be awkward to make an official request for something so small to a newly budding friendship but the cleanliness is a relief.
“It could be years before I have enough respect and control and loyalty over every shadowhunter. It might never be completely safe. And I know you got her right after the event, you know what she was like. What she went through. What she was forced to do there. I don’t want her going there ever again unless we know that the worst she’ll get is a papercut because she tried to color my archives.” Because Alec still remembers how desperate Madzie was to save him, even being threatened and blackmailed and all because they’d shared a quiet smile.
“She’s been asking to visit you there.” Cat admits, “her therapist thinks she might need to walk through it. To process and get past that trauma. She’s not ready to talk about Rouse yet.”
And Alec sighs and he pinches his nose and is relieved when the pressure of his head ebbs a little.
“Okay.” He mutters, “okay I can work with this.”
Cat is giving him a weary but amused look, like she’s exhausted by reality but enjoying his attempts at fixing it.
“Okay. I need to have Magnus come check out the core. We never did a followup after the leylines. And it really is volatile, the clave has reports about it dating back months. I can order an official, clave sanctioned lockdown. It means only myself and my personal team are allowed out of our rooms. Everyone else is sealed into their own rooms with location monitors so sabotage can’t happen.”
Alec ignores the incredulous look he’s getting.
“A lot of shit happened because we didn’t have the right protocols and everyone ignored what we did have.” Alec admits roughly, “so I’ve changed a lot of things. The clave is tentatively letting me, since no one wants to outright argue after the last time they tried to sanction me.”
Magnus had been furious at the attempt and was Alec’s self-appointed advocate. Jia and Imogen both still wince when Alec mentions the love of his life.
“So, after your spa day. Because you’re definitely going to need one after whatever happens and she’ll need a good one before. We can do it. Issue a lockdown. Give Madzie enough time to process a walkthrough and then you’ll get her out of there so Magnus and I can actually do what we need.”
“And your team? Are they loyal? Do you trust them with her?”
And Alec looks at Cat and he grins, dark and feral and furious that he has to protect the child he loves from his own people.
“They know that if they so much as allow Madzie to be hurt in their presence, I’ll take the tripled equivalent of it out of their flesh.” And Alec grins even wider, his lips curling around his maw, “Mirai is my second-in-command and would sacrifice every member of our team and herself to preserve my life and authority. And they all know that I would sacrifice all of them for Magnus, for Madzie.” And he looks at Cat, whose loss would crush Magnus, “and for you.
“My team doesn’t love me, they respect me. They honor me. If they die they want it to be for my cause and in my stead. And it’s what I need, because love can be very fickle. You’ve never met any of them—“ because Alec knows that Cat is trying to ask if his siblings and Clary are a part of his personal team.
They are not.
“But they know the very basics of your identity and Madzie’s and why you’re so important to me. I’ll send you their files later. The unredacted ones.”
The ones even the clave doesn’t have.
“I’ll review it. But if I ask for it, will you be able to keep them away without tipping off anyone else?”
Alec nods, “they can stay in our war room if needed. It’s a new addition, Madzie won’t need to see it. Magnus can seal some of my energy to my tablet so you can use it and watch where each shadowhunter is. Will you need to bring her therapist with her? Magnus will have to trip the wards so their presence isn’t detected.”
The only other person who knows who Madzie’s therapist is, is actually Magnus.
Even Cat doesn’t know for sure.
Alec knows she vetted a group of shadowworld trauma specialists and then gave the only copy of the list to Magnus after they sealed a complicated geas that made her forget the contents.
There’s too much a risk of someone wanting the information Madzie has from Rouse and from Valentine.
So they keep it secret.
So that Madzie is safe.
“This is going to be so incredibly illegal.” Cat mutters but she looks relieved and a little less stressed despite how many clave rules they’ll be… bending.
“Even the portals from Idris go offline.” Alec tries to offer reassurance, “the risk of angelic power backlash is too much of a risk. If anyone catches on to your presence, we say we needed a healer on hand and you couldn’t get a babysitter. No one’s going to be stupid enough to press and not a single person is going to assume it’s happening because of Madzie or her therapy.”
And they wouldn’t because Cat had made her opinion clear on the subject of Madzie being any of the claves business.
Mainly that she was not in fact, their business.
And Magnus and Alec had backed her up.
“Okay. Let me talk to Magnus, and I think if we’re doing this, I'm going to change my mind. I don’t want to, but I think I will need to see all of your memories of her before she came to me.”
And Alec has to suck in a deep breath. Because he offered months ago and the option has been in limbo, Cat worried and unsure if it would help or make things worse.
The door to the maternity ward opens and Alec blinks, astonished that the baby is already born to interrupt their discussion.
Mother and child look thankfully clean, but Alec is still understandably wary as they’re wheeled over to him.
“Do you want to hold her?” The woman asks, eyes glowing as she smiles adoringly over her babe, “maybe Magnus Bane’s magic on you will bless her.”
“Is she—“ and Alec grimaces, “safe?”
And the new mother bares her teeth in offended disdain but Cat just snorts, “yes Alec, the baby is clean. You won’t have to touch ah, what was it you called it earlier, oh yes. ‘Baby launcher fluids?’ You won’t have to touch those again anytime soon.”
And Alec flushes because Cat is paraphrasing and then he’s being laughed at by two women and one of them got very intimate with him medically and the other emotionally.
He scoops up the baby, relieved that she’s clean and warm and healthy and he pets the soft downy hair.
“You’re going to grow up to be very strong.” He soothes as he rocks back and forth on his heels, “and maybe you’ll grow up to have a chocolate allergy but that’s okay. Unlike what Magnus insists, chocolate is not the superior flavor. And even if it was, you’re going to be able to taste sunshine on your tongue and see in the dark and—“ he watches the baby yawn and marvels as a little fist sleepily clutches his finger. “And Magnus is going to keep your home safe—“ he finishes, feeling a little lame because his brain is short circuiting at the strength in the little fist.
“Are all babies this strong or is it just werewolf and nephilim ones?” Alec asks before he can think better of it, he doesn’t see the amused looks pointed his way. He tries to wiggle his finger free but the baby’s face bunches up and Alec freezes.
“Cat—“ he whispers, “do magic. Quick. I can’t tell how much strength to use. What if I break her?.”
And Cat stares at him for a solid minute before she turns, leans against the wall and starts cackling.
Alec counts in his head, trying to keep his breathing as even and slow and possible. Babies are sensitive and if werewolf newborns are anything like nephilim ones, then they come with a set of instincts to protect them.
“Please take your baby back so I don’t wake her up or break her.” He whispers desperately and he gets instead a belly deep laugh and he pettily hopes she wakes up her own baby with all her damn howling.
He stands there, still as he can until Cat finally takes pity and rescues him.
However he’s still holding a grudge and he mutters to her, “you better remember to tell Magnus about what to bring yourself. I am going to conveniently forget.”
It doesn’t make him feel any better when Cat insists on opening a portal and then she shoves him through to the loft’s front door.
“Alexander?” Magnus asks sleepily when Alec finally gets into their room and Alec sighs, trudging over for a kiss before he remembers that magic aside, he’s not actually showered.
“I need sterilization.” He says and misses Magnus’ outstretched hand and startled gaze. Alec is too busy complaining to Cat via text that he can’t take a decontamination shower at Magnus’ and now he has to worry about infecting the loft.
She sends back twenty crying laughing emojis and a kissing heart and a middle finger emoji and Alec gives up.
“You're taking Cat out for a spa day.” He yells as he strips his clothes, still grumpy but sincere in his promises. “But if she asks you for the good stuff to drink, make her work for it!” Because Alec is learning to be petty right up there with Magnus, who is the best.
And Alec is a devoted student.
Alec is very content with himself as he uses his stele to draw a rune so his clothes begin to burn.
Magnus is standing in the doorway, staring at Alec in what he thinks might be shock when Alec finishes.
Which is fair.
Alec is still pretty shook himself.
“Clean first.” Alec promises, because in staying away he’s also denying himself kisses but he won’t subject Magnus to being equally infected.
And then Alec shuts the shower, draws a locking rune on the glass door for good measure and turns the water as hot as it can go.
Magnus is saying something muffled and Alec ignores the flare of his skin as it’s beaten by scalding angry water and just starts dumping bottles of soap over himself.
He manages to get what he feels is decently clean, and then Magnus is ignoring the locking rune, vanishing the entire shower door as he gets an arm around Alec’s waist and hauls him out of the lava masquerading as lava.
“What then actual fuck, Alexsnder?” His amazingly wonderful and incredibly magical Magnus is saying.
“Why is Cat sending me so many emojis? And what does she mean when she says you have occupational trauma?”
And Alec groans because he will forever be haunted.
“I love you.” He tells Magnus, “so much. But please, babe. I will literally happily go back to Edom or commit treason for you, but I cannot handle that again.”
Alec is too relieved at being clean to notice all the things he normally picks up.
So he doesn’t stop Magnus’ frantic call to Cat or Magnus’ horrified amusement at whatever she tells him.
“My poor, traumatized darling.” Magnus says and he presses his mouth to Alec’s forward.
Alec can feel his lips wobbling and he graciously ignores that it’s humor and not sympathy.
“I am.” Alec grumbles, tucking himself closer to Magnus, “traumatized. It was traumatic.” Alec lets out a little mournful sigh, “I really liked how much you liked me in those pants.”
“They could have been washed.” Magnus reminds him and Alec scoffs.
“They. Were. Contaminated. If I’d realized she was going to send me here, I would have refused. I wanted to decontaminate before I came home.”
“How about I draw us a bath?” Magnus asks and he kisses Alec’s shoulder. “
Alec nods and then sighs, “Magnus?” He asks and Magnus immediately makes a listening noise as he sets up the tub. “Can I have a full night's sleep before you never let me live this down?”
“I would never torment you with such a horrific experience.” Magnus lies, like the liar he enjoys being.
Alec gives a deep sigh and Magnus chuckles and kisses his forehead. “For your heroic actions in the face of such dangers, I will give you a full forty-eight hours and I won’t share Cat’s delightful puns until then.”
“How luxurious.” Alec mumbles and he’s falling back asleep, against Magnus and in the water.
Safe and clean.
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pandemoniumregular · 7 months
Calling all (book) shadowhunter fans! (Yeah, I don't respect you TV show people /j)
I would like to know your theories on The Wicked Powers titles!
The Last King of Faerie
The Last Prince of Hell
The Last Shadowhunter
I genuinely don't think they are literal, especially with the "last shadowhunter." Throughout the books, from City of Glass on primarily, there has been an attempt to reunite the downworlders and nephilim. Clary and her runes, the council, and treating with more respect (until post Dark War with the faeries).
But now, for the last series, they need to join together to fight against their enemies. Possible villains being (maybe again) Lilith, other princes of hell, and the Seelie Queen. My guess is that the race of shadowhunters won't just be for mundanes and those with Raziel's blood. A shadowhunter can be anyone, including a werewolf or warlock. We've seen Clary's runes work on downworlders, so why can't more?
There can't be a divide between the races forever because it's clearly harsh government/police (shadowhunters being the opressors) v the people (downworlders). They need to blur the lines between them more to become a new shadowhunter. Hence, the last shadowhunter, which maybe this new protector group will get a new shorter name.
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clacesource · 1 year
From Cassandra Clare's Newsletter
Greetings, fellow Shadowhunters, Downworlders, and in-the-know mundanes. Jace Lightwood Herondale here, your favorite Shadowhunter and three-time winner of the Golden Stele for Most Attractive and Sinewy Institute Head[1]. Recently it has been brought to my attention that I have been the victim of a terrible slander. I present this report today, to be sent in fire-message format to all Institute Heads worldwide: to correct the record, yes, but more importantly to provide a more thorough survey of the relevant information regarding the New York Institute and its main officers.
As you know, a schism has caused our homeland of Idris to be occupied by an insurgent, reactionary faction of Nephilim. This has severed the Clave’s ability to enter Idris and to engage in normal governmental operations. As a result, the New York Institute has become a much more central and important location than ever before. Not only are we now the home office of the Consul-in-Exile, the Headmaster of the Shadowhunter Academy-Also-in-Exile as well as the Warlock and Werewolf representatives to the Council, we are also the closest Institute to said Academy and therefore charged with its defense. As such, the interests of the New York Institute can be said to truly be commensurate with the interests of the Clave at large.
A most dire accusation has been made against me, and in doing so, it has impacted the morale of my Institute, which, as per §1, is of utmost importance at this precarious time in Shadowhunter history.
Specifically, I have been accused of DYEING MY HAIR.
The accusation is, unfortunately, not more specific than this. It is unclear if the accuser means to suggest that I merely add artificial highlights to my hair, or that I use dye to alter its natural hue -- or much more dire allegations. That I, perhaps, actually use bleach to lighten my hair to the blond color for which it is famous across six continents, or even that I might have need to mask the appearance of early-onset gray hairs.
Let me be clear: none of these have any basis in fact. My hair is and has only ever been its own natural shade and tone, inherited genuinely from my parents and untouched by any treatment or modification by magic or chemical. Its thick texture, gentle waves, and brilliant luster are merely the result of good fortune and a regular regimen of washing and conditioning.
To suggest otherwise is to undermine the cause of the liberation of Idris and to weaken the resolve of our allies.
A few, more given to conflict resolution than I, have tried to find a position of compromise, suggesting that it is possible that my hair has been positively affected by the experiments my father performed on me as an infant involving angel blood. It is true that I cannot fully rule out the possibility. But I strongly doubt it, and I believe you should as well, for one can find (through rigorous searching) hair that is nearly as superb as mine even among the mundane population, who obviously have not benefited from any such magics.
While the slander has been directed solely at me, the other main representatives of the New York Institute are also aggrieved, and feel strongly that an attack on the hair of one of us is an attack on the hair of all of us. To that end, and at their request[2], I want to provide reassurances regarding the current status of the hair of all of us here. I hope that it will offer comfort and optimism in this dark time. I have provided a helpful letter grade for each of those mentioned here, using the standard measure where “S” is the highest grade, followed by A, B, C, D, F. My own hair will be used as the S-tier standard.
CLARY FAIRCHILD If anyone on this list qualifies for the highest tier, it is of course Clary Fairchild, the co-head of the Institute and my constant beloved. Her hair is of the finest red color, shining gold in the light and flowing around her face in waves that only serve to highlight the natural blush of her cheeks and the freckles which so fetchingly decorate her face. To look upon Clary is to be reminded of the beauty given to us by the Angel; to run one’s hands through her hair is to weep with the beauty of this world. RANK: S
SIMON LOVELACE Unfortunately, Clary’s parabatai’s hair has suffered greatly, perhaps the most of any of us, with the rupturing of the Clave. Out of sorrow and discontent he has, unwisely, been dedicating a significant portion of his time to his rock band, in which he plays the electric bass guitar alongside several mundanes (of no other consequence). Under the wretched influence of these mundanes, he has made an attempt at lightening his own hair to create an effect he described to me as “kinda punk and a little emo, but also not.” I cannot tell you what this is intended to mean: only that applying bleaching agents to his previously completely acceptable brown hair has turned it an unpleasant color which Clary has labeled “chromium green.” For the moment, he looks as though he has a dead snake on his head. Both Clary and Isabelle have volunteered to shave the green out of his hair entirely, but he has so far avoided their clippers and announced he will wait for it to grow out naturally. All of us here are looking forward to his full recovery in time; rest assured that, like the loss of Idris, Simon’s appalling appearance is only temporary. RANK: D (under normal circumstances: B).
ISABELLE LIGHTWOOD As in all things, Isabelle Lightwood’s hair is immaculate and worthy of the great admiration it inspires. The contrast between her and Simon Lovelace is always quite striking, but never more so than now, as her appearance lights up each room she enters while his prompts questions about possible chemical spills and comparisons to a fictional mundane character known as “The Joker.” (Again, his situation is temporary, and we trust he will be restored to full strength soon.) When braided and set for battle, Isabelle’s hair inspires her allies and strikes fear into demons. RANK: S
ALEC LIGHTWOOD Here we have a curious situation, it is true that Alec Lightwood’s hair is the parabatai to my own. As such, it is attractive, steadfast, brave, and rousing. Alas, while the hair itself is fine material, he simply WILL NOT TAKE CARE OF IT THE WAY I TELL HIM TO. No matter how many excellent products are gifted to him, no matter how many times he is lured into a fine salon with a promise that it is actually an arrow shop, the Consul continues to look as if he cuts his hair in the dark with nail scissors. And yet - allowances must be made. Our Consul struggles beneath a heavy burden of responsibility, by which I mean he has two children who constantly put gum in his hair. Considering all he has to face, I cannot but feel that the hair of Alec Lightwood is hair that one would not hesitate to follow into battle, which is what truly matters. RANK: A
MAGNUS BANE At this moment in time, Magnus Bane, the Consul’s husband and warlock representative to the Council, has hair that cannot be achieved through mundane or even Shadowhunter means. Though largely black, it is shot through with flecks of gold, and at the tips it faded smoothly to an electric blue that closely resembles the color of his own magic. As always, Magnus takes a look that might not pass muster on a lesser man and makes it not only his own, but a target of envy from all around him. It is widely believed (though denied) that such an effect is what Simon Lovelace was hoping to attain in his recent unlucky tonsorial experiments. That the effect of his hair can only be created so perfectly with the use of magic does not diminish what Magnus manages to achieve here. RANK: A
CHURCH THE CAT While the oddly long-lived cat known as Church is currently residing in the UK under the care of others, he was a longtime resident of this Institute and is still considered by most of us here as a kind of unofficial mascot. Recent photos have confirmed that, as befits a cat of the New York Institute, Church continues to have a fine, rich coat of the slate-blue color normally associated with his Persian breeding. Despite his usual bad temper, he is a fastidious groomer and keeps himself free of mats and unsightly tufts of shedding fur. His color is set off by his luminous gold eyes, which provide an excellent contrast. His coat presents an excellent picture when seen as a whole, but special consideration should be made to its greatest details, namely the slightly lighter color between his toes, and the tufts that rise from his owl-like ears. RANK: S
I hope that the thoroughness of the information contained here has brought reassurance and inspiration to all those who receive it. To sum up, my own hair has never been better, and remains entirely natural in its source. The state of the hair of the New York Institute is strong, and with the exception of a single mishap, which we are recovering from, we foresee only positive developments in the domain of our hair in the months and years to come.
Yours in the Name of the Angel, Jace Herondale
[1]This award was created by Clary Fairchild and is presented once a year on my birthday by a jury consisting of only the most discerning and aesthetically informed Nephilim available: specifically, Clary Fairchild.
[2]Or at least, with only their mildest objection.
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lurafita · 8 days
Make it random!
Found a generator online that randomly matched given characters to given species. Now I have:
Magnus: Shadowhunter
Alec: Higher demon/prince of hell
Jace: Seelie
Izzy: Angel
Clary: Werewolf
Simon: Vampire (lol)
Raphael: Vampire (okay...)
Catarina: Vampire (is this thing broken?)
Ragnor: Mundane
Maia: Mundane
Luke: Warlock (finally got a warlock in the mix)
okay, I will cap it here for now, other characters can be assigned later if need be.
uff. this is surprisingly hard.
Magnus is the only shadowhunter.
Alec as a higher demon has potential, not gonna lie.
Seelie Jace. hmmm. and Izzy an angel. Then there could still be a sibling relationship between her and alec, actually. Alec is simply a fallen angel. Izzy didn't fall because she still follows the doctrine. though she might fall as the plot progresses.
Clary as a werewolf. Guess that is easy enough. She could be a mundane that had an encounter with a rogue werewolf, and Magnus found/saved her. Not knowing whether or not she will turn, he can't take her to a hospital. If she needed medical attention, he would probably take her to the institute, where they could also monitor if she changes, dies, or remains mundane. after the change, he can get her to the nearest wolf clan and inform them of the rogue that got her.
simon could also start out as a mundane, maybe he was even with clary when she was bitten and Magnus had to take him along as well. as both simon and clary then want to learn more about the shadow world, simon lands himself on the business end of a pair of vamp fangs. (could be Camille)
Raphael and Catarina could have history. Catarina could be leader of the clan! maybe she was the one who turned raphael in a bit to save his life.
Ragnor could be like a mundane university professor who is well versed in obscured knowledge and the history of mysterious stuff. Maybe Magnus is enrolled in one of his classes, because he has discovered that some of the mundane knowledge about all that goes bump in the dark can be surprinsgly helpful
Maia... I don't know yet.
Luke could be the high warlock of the territory.
okay, how to bring higher demon/prince of hell Alec into the mix.
obviously there would have to be some kind of summoning.
or alec himself decided to visit the mundane plain for a bit, because why not?
and maybe he just happens to witness the shadowhunter that is so uniquely dressed for his kind, fighting off demons, or that rogue werewolf, or whatever. and he takes a shine to him
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vierss-herondale · 5 months
Hi, Do you know some clace high school fanfic?
I have a hard time finding
I love your recommendations🩷
I’m so sorry for taking so long to get back to you, you probably sent the ask during my break from tumblr I’m so sorry! 🥹🥹
Yes! I can give you a few recommendations!
First, I must say that you can find most of my favorite Clace fanfics and Oneshots on my blog under the tag: Clace Fanfic Recommendation of the Week
Now on to what you asked for:
Title: Battle of the Bands
Author: simplymoshingintomordor
Summary: Jace is an arrogant, spotlight-hogging lead guitarist and Jonathan Morgenstern's best friend. The trouble is, Jon's sister - Clary - can't stand him, and the feeling's mutual. But when the boys enter the Battle of the Bands contest and all but move in with the Morgensterns, the two of them are forced to see a lot more of each other than they would like.
Others: Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - [Clary F., Jace W.] Jonathon M./Sebastian V. - Chapters: 41 - Words: 187,944 - Status: Complete 
Site: Fanfiction.net
Title: The Nine Consequences of One Night and a Door
Author:  ddpjclaf
Summary: The teenaged daughter and son of sworn rivals meet with a bang one drunken night against the bathroom door. Now everyone must come to terms with the 9 consequences of one night, a girl, a boy, and a door. OOC AH/AU Lemonade. Vulgar language. Mature.
Others: Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Romance - Jace W., Clary F. - Chapters: 34 - Words: 340,066 - Status: Complete
Site: Fanfiction.net
Title: Turbulence
Author:  ddpjclaf
Summary: *RE-POST* While dealing with a loss, Clary befriends her new neighbor's troubled foster-son. Can their friendship help them let go of the pain or will their pasts intervene and rip them apart?
Others: Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Jace W., Clary F. - Chapters: 34 - Words: 210,843 - Status: Complete
Site: Fanfiction.net
Title: Sharing kisses with a devil
Author: SereneCalamity
Summary: Clary hadn't been able to stop thinking about Isabelle's biker cousin. She didn't realize he felt the same. Biker AU. Clace. Twoshot.
Others: Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama - Clary F., Jace W. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,630 - Status: Complete
Site: Fanfiction.net
Title: I See Fire
Author: SereneCalamity
Summary: In the end, she knew that it was going to come down to a choice. Him or her family. Werewolf AU. Clace. Twoshot.
Others: Rated: Fiction T - English - Supernatural/Drama - Clary F., Jace W. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 8,063 - Status: Complete
Site: Fanfiction.net
Title: Bridge to You
Author: love-that-Lovelace 
Summary: "He knew she worked here, how dare he bring another girl here on what she supposed was a date. To mock her? Show off how much he was over and done with her? She swallowed back the lump that was forming in her throat. Do not cry. Do not cry..." Clace One-shot!
Others: Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - Clary F., Jace W. - Words: 5,619 - Status: Complete
Site: Fanfiction.net
Title: Touchy
Author: BennieWaffles
Summary: Jace had anger issues because of a not so fun childhood. The only way he can really be calm is if he's with her. One-shot. Rated M. OOC. Clace. AH. AU.
Others: Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - [Clary F., Jace W.] - Words: 2,655 - Status: Complete
Site: Fanfiction.net
Title: Signs
Author: BennieWaffles
Summary: They see each other at the bus stop everyday. He has wireless earbuds. She thinks he's deaf. Cute, short one-shot. Rated K. OOC. Clace. AH. AU.
Others: Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Friendship - Clary F., Jace W. - Words: 954 - Status: Complete
Site: Fanfiction.net
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I’m sorry that’s all I have on my list right now but I promise that I’ll try to go back to posting the weekly recommendations, I’m so glad you like them 🥹🫶🏻
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foodsies4me · 6 months
oh oh ooooh!
director’s commentary on Apollo pretty please??
Alright, a director's commentary on Apollo! So, the scene where Magnus planned to tell Alec about the Cup at Pandemonium was originally supposed to be longer and not be interrupted by Clace+Izzy shenanigans. Malec were initially supposed to end up together in that chapter as I wanted them to be a unit before the Clary-specific brand of chaos started up. The plan was to have Magnus mention the "your parents were Circle members" bomb + the "there's something wrong with your daemon" bomb back then, but that ended up going differently...While that change hasn't changed much for the whole of the story it will have a slight impact on how Clary acts, as in some more canon Clary quotes might make an appearance one of them being the saying Alec is jealous of her because of Jace.
Another fun tidbit for Apollo. Most people might have already caught on to the fact that there's something up with the different daemons, as in warlock daemons, having their thing the same going for vampire daemons, werewolf daemons, fae daemons, and shadowhunter daemons. Well, all the race-specific ones, excluding the fae-specific characteristics, have already appeared in the fic! They haven't been addressed directly yet, but they've been hinted at, so those who have been paying attention might already be able to guess how being a warlock/vampire impacts a person's daemon! But that's all I'm revealing at present.💜
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darcyolsson · 1 year
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Jace Wayland x Reader
Requested by Anon​
Halloween event
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“I wouldn’t touch that if I was you.” Jace said as you went to touch a statue. You glanced at him and frowned. Whenever you were left alone and he ‘babysat the Mundane’ as he put it, he would try and spook you.
Although so far whenever he told you touching something could be fatal you had touched it just to see if he was right and found that he was either lying or it was broken because nothing you poked or prodded had been dangerous. Except for a large dog which turned out to be a werewolf. It had watched you walk away with discomforting human eyes while Jace escorted you home as a favour to Clary.
Poking the statue you huffed and continued down the corridor. Jace stopped suddenly and held out a hand to stop you from hurtling past him. 
“Did you touch the statue?” Jace asked as he turned and looked down at you.
“Of course I did. You said not to touch it and I don’t respect you as an authority figure, what else would I do?” You asked as you used a single finger to push his arm away from you.
“Have you just been going around touching everything that I’ve told you not to touch?” Jace asked and you pulled a face as if the answer was obvious. “That explains a lot. We should get out of the corridor.”
“Why?” You asked and tried to look behind you as Jace grabbed your arm and started to tow you along down the hall and towards a side room.
“Because you touched that statue and woke it up. Now I have to stop it before it attacks us.” Jace grumbled.
“Why would you put a monstrous statue that comes to life and attacks people, when it’s poked or touched, in a hallway where people are going to poke or touch it?” You asked and he shot you a look. “I’m just saying. It seems like an accident waiting to happen.”
“Well, we didn’t expect someone to go around touching it.” Jace muttered and frowned at you. Jumping as the creature slammed against the door you huffed and tried to look unfazed. “Will you step back before it comes bursting through here to eat you?”
You stepped back and watched as Jace slowly opened the door and started to fight off the creature. He returned, having pushed his way out into the corridor, and seemed to be trying to look taller and tougher.
“Next time. Do not touch anything.” He said. You scrunched up your face and tutted.
“Next time don’t put something dangerous where I’m going to touch it.” You said as if he was being silly.
“I’m being serious.” Jace said firmly.
"You’re not as scary as you think you are." You said still not taking him seriously in the slightest. He gave you a disapproving look and then chuckled as if he thought the whole ordeal had been rather amusing. 
“Just next time. Don’t touch something you shouldn’t.” Jace muttered as he led the way out of the room and back down the corridor he’d been leading you down before the ordeal.
Jace tags:
@stellasblog @deanwinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @jamie-c-bower-simp @hc-geralt-23
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myulalie · 9 months
Author interview
@aceon-ice tagged me and I’m really looking forward to this, thank you ♥
1. How many works do you have on ao3:
165 and I am extremely upset because Alex Rider got more than Teen Wolf and I can’t seem to catch up D:
2. What's my total ao3 wc:
1 047 026. wow. apparently I wrote 400k in 2020 and I’ve been putting out between 100 and 200k every year since, just wow.
3. What are my top 5 fics by kudos:
Mixing business with pleasure (Explicit, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Alec has to go to the Seelie Queen herself and strike a deal, release Jace from the curse in exchange of… what, exactly? He has nothing to offer. Magnus Bane is the warlock who grants wishes. His father is a Prince of Hell after all, the demon of lust… maybe Alec has something to offer then.
Yeah this fic took off alright, I really liked the concept ♥
Eyes on Fire (Teen, Sterek, Teen Wolf)
When a rival pack goes after Scott and his friends, Stiles finds himself caught in the crossfire. With his subsequent turning to haunt him among other nightmares, Stiles has to learn how to control his new abilities and make something of a situation he never wanted for himself, much less with the tensions that linger in Beacon Hills since the awakening of the Nemeton. As he eventually figures out how to be a werewolf, he finally finds common ground with one Derek Hale, catching feelings as he goes. The unexpected alliance might be just what Beacon Hills needs to bring the established werewolf packs together once and for all.
This was my first reverse bang and I finally tried my hand at werewolf!Stiles, I had a lot of fun coming up with the fic to match the art.
Deepest Desires (give in) (General, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Were-cats are good luck by shadowhunters' standards, so when a black, jewelry covered cat appears at the Institute, Alec pays him his respects. He needs it, considering the messes Clary and Jace keep dragging him in. Alec certainly doesn't expect the were-cat to take a liking to him, and even less to start flirting with him...
Now I want to read it again haha
A piece of night sky (Teen, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Alec is doing his best to keep the city safe. With no support from the Clave, the New York Institute is desperately understaffed. He begins patrolling with help from the Downworld factions - which proves to be tricky at best, and becomes almost impossible when the werewolves start hunting Alec.  His siblings have no idea of what he’s up to at night and to keep them all safe Alec needs to keep it that way. Then, he meets the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Suddenly, patrolling also includes pop songs and bird puns in between watching someone's back when fighting demons. But, what’s one more secret to keep?
This was my first collab with a beta and an artist for a bang, I’m exceptionally proud of this one!
(Vir)Gin and Tonic (Mature, Malec, Shadowhunters)
Alec and Magnus have barely met when the High Warlock asks for virgin shadowhunter energy in exchange for Clary’s memories. Naturally, Jace offers Alec’s virginity. It doesn’t go according to plan.
The first fic in this list is actually a remix of this one with a slightly different take on virginity x)
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, always! I just love interacting with other fans, it’s nice to know someone actually read your fic and noticed details or reacted to some choices you made in the narrative. Also it can be a great way to find new ideas and motivation, I wish I could be more invested in writing communities to keep those creative juices flowing.
5. What fic has the angstiest ending?
I’d say Dangerous Tastes (Explicit, Yalex, Alex Rider), it’s a bit of a star-crossed lovers romance and the ending is particularly bittersweet, albeit hopeful.
After a failed assassination attempt during his horse ride around the property, Alex gets a bodyguard against his will. He keeps flirting with danger from then on, even at the risk of getting his heart broken.
6. What fic has the happiest ending?
Oh, definitely 17 Suits (Explicit, Malec, Shadowhunters)! Alec and Magnus find common ground over the one thing that pushed them apart all throughout the story.
Magnus Bane, a sworn bachelor, receives his fair share of wedding invitations on a regular basis and makes sure his friends get through their weddings unscathed. One dark, wounded and mysterious Alec Lightwood is not going to rain on Magnus’ parade as he celebrates the best day of his loved ones’ lives.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not really, I don’t read them either. I do write fusion fics though, specifically Pokémon like I did with Idris Tour Sweethearts (General, Malec, Shadowhunters) for instance.
Alec is fascinated by dragon types and has learned everything about them in books. He’s always dreamed of finding them in the wild and see them for himself, but he never went on his journey with a Pokémon and now, it’s too late to travel the world. Except, is it? Alec’s siblings are all grown up, and he doesn’t have a job — or friends — to keep him in his hometown. He could leave and attempt to complete the Pokédex, hopefully meeting some dragons along the way. Maybe he’ll even find love, like so many Idris Tour sweethearts before him… But the winner of Pokémon beauty Contests, Top Coordinator Magnus Bane, couldn’t possibly want more than one night in Alec’s arms. Right?
8. Have you received hate on ao3?
No? but then I usually assume good faith so unless you’re insulting me or my mom I’ll either think the comment is clumsy but the person meant well, or just move on. 
9. Do you write smut?
Yeah, surprisingly. I was never really interested in smut, would even skip smut scenes for the longest time but eventually I found it useful in some stories and then I made a point of doing kinktober (Malec, Shadowhunters / Sterek, Teen Wolf) and smutember (Yalex, Alex Rider) just to figure out how to fit the prompts into some ideas and it’s been a lot of fun!
10. Have you had a fic get stolen?
I don’t think so or at least I’m not aware if there has been one. I did occasionally share ideas that got passed around and written by somebody else which is always uncomfortable but that’s on me for both sharing and not mentioning it wasn’t up for grabs lmao
11. Have you had a fic get translated?
Nope! I thought of translating a couple myself though, I’m just too lazy x)
12. Have you co-written a fic?
Several! Even though @spark-draws will deny it I do consider them a co-writer because they came up with a good chunk of the outline and I implemented major edits due to their feedback on The Mortal Instruments: Skyrim (Mature, Malec, Shadowhunters). 
Magnus and Alec are now enemies who have been saddled up with a mysterious quest to save Skyrim. Will rivalry, distrust and fierce and dangerous dragons get the better of them? Or will they find some much needed guidance on the slopes of the Throat of the World, where a mysterious brotherhood holds some of the answers they so desperately need?
I also recently worked on Vastly Different Things (Teen, Yalex, Alex Rider) with @polarnachtsblog as a thank you fic for our pinch-hitter in the Yalex Secret Santa. We literally wrote parts of the fic on our own then merged it all together with minor edits and transitions, it was a lot of fun!
Alex almost gets tossed from a helicopter into a river in Chile, and spends some quality time with a certain assassin.
13. What's your fav ship?
Right now I’m on a roll for Sam Carter x Ba’al (Stargate SG-1) but my one true pairing is definitely Helen Blackthorn x Aline Penhallow (Shadowhunters). I love them. so much.
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but never will?
I don’t know, I’ve completed WIPs several years after I started them so I tend to not consider a fic discontinued until I’ve deleted the fic from the platform, and considering most of my WIPs have not been posted anywhere… ;)
15. What are my writing strengths?
I’m really good at “getting it done” I think because productivity breeds productivity. If you get started and power through long enough, it becomes easier and you can keep going and enjoy yourself while you’re at it!
Same with edits, I’m not afraid to change things (although I can be lazy). It also applies to plotting/outlining, I’m an excellent planner, sometimes too much of a planner though.
Style wise I’ve been told I’m good at writing fight scenes and setting, I do enjoy my descriptions!
16. What are my writing weaknesses?
I’ve always thought I’m terrible at dialogue!
I can get stuck in a writing slump from too much planning.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages on ao3?
I used to really like it, especially since I’m bilingual myself. I wanted to use some fancy script to have the translation appear when you hover or link it to the notes and then back to the exact line in the story but I couldn’t figure it out xD
Nowadays I like the much simpler “POV character doesn’t speak the language” or “blah blah blah, they said in French”. You get it or you don’t x) 
18. What's the first fandom you wrote for?
Either Naruto or Harry Potter, let’s say Harry Potter because there is a completed fic I can actually remember lmao.
19. What fandom/ship have you not written but want to?
Definitely Stargate SG-1 these days because I’m on a Sam/Ba’al binge!
20. What's your fav fic you've written?
Right about now it’s Blue for Brooklyn (Teen, Malec, Shadowhunters) but it may change depending on my mood!
Asmodeus is a legend among Shadowhunters and Magnus has a duty to the Downworld. When a renegade warlock unleashes a powerful demon in the streets, he has no choice but to get involved.
Tagging: @polarnachtsblog @geekmom13 @brightasstars @sterekxhale @countessrivers @1lostone @strangesoulmates @kelkblr @lastlymatt @ravenjames @junemermaid @freesirius4life @turtlesnails
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