#werewolf!Lando Norris x werewolf!reader
ladymarvel27 · 4 months
Dog or Corpse? | Carlando | (II)
werewolf!Carlos x reader / vampire!Lando x reader
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Part 1
f1 masterlist
Warnings: Mentions of little blood, knives, cuts, fangs. Werewolf transformation?
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"You're speaking metaphors, right?" She finally spoke, after a long silence. Carlos softly places his hand on his chest and sighs in relief. He sits down on the couch and takes a deep breath.
“So, are you going to tell me?” She asks.
“Why do you hate my project partner?”
“Because he is a vampire. He is posing threat on you. And I have sworn to protect you from him. I am a werewolf and you're my mate. It’s my duty to protect you from him."
She rolls her eyes at him. “I think you have a disease, Carlos.”
“What disease?”
“Lycanthropy! Do you think you are some wolf? And-and we are mated? Gosh, Carlos! You need help!”
“Trust me, I am not lying! And that stupid friend of yours is a vampire!”
“I trust you but-” and she heard bones cracking. His clothes had started to rip and the way those bunch of hairs grew on his body; she had to look away.
A few moments later she heard a soft growling. Her skin had turned pale and her body started sweating, not the way he always made her do, but this time in fear. She slowly turned around. In his place stood a huge black wolf with the same big brown eyes she adores. He held out his paw in front of her. Her hand slowly reached for the jacket and her phone on the table. She immediately grabbed them and ran out of the apartment. Her action caught him off guard and his hand was left hanging there, waiting for her touch, his jaw hanging.
He had to follow her. It was dark outside and she must be in danger. He followed her smell and found her, lying in the middle of the forest, completely passed out, with a little scratch on her head. He must approach her in his human form, maybe she will accept him.
He slowly nudges her body. She blinks and opens her eyes. “What the hell are you, YOU MONSTER!” She immediately snaps at him. Tears blur his vision hearing these words and he takes a step back. “Hermosa please li-,”
“Stay away!” She snaps. He threw his hands in frustration.
“If I wanted to harm you, I already had done it, Mariposa!”
Her face softens as she realises.
“So do you trust me that i won't pose a threat on you?”
She tries to get up and sighs in frustration. “Yes, I trust you.”
“Let me take you home.” She nods and takes his hand to get up.
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“I love you amor. I am- we are mated. And I pledge to protect you from any kind of harm.”
“Carlos,” she breathes out softly, “So are you like my guardian angel?”
“No mi amor, I am your boyfriend, your lover,” his face lit up with a smile, his cheeks blushing madly“, And I-I desire to spend the rest of my life with you, Hermosa.”
“And Lando?”
“He is a bloodsucking monster, who wants your blood. He isn’t mortal like us.”
Her eyes widened, “So he will never die?”
“He can die if we stack his heart with a silver dagger.” A dagger goes through a man’s heart even if he did nothing wrong? “NO!” She blurted out loudly.
“What?” He knitted his eyebrows in confusion with her sudden response.
“It’s wrong to kill him. We don’t have any reasons. And how you’re so sure he is a vampire?” She inquired. He shifts and takes a deep breath. “Do you want a real proof?” She nods.
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Lando cheerfully greeted her as soon as she opened the door. She gracefully greeted him back and led him to their study place. He looked around, probably checking if that scary boyfriend of hers was here today.
She side-eyes his face as he settles down on one of the chairs. His skin looks paler than what is natural, Carlos had told her, like life had been drained out of him. Lando’s face looks greyish, not the natural skin colour. Seems like all his blood drained from his face. He might look like he is scared, but he isn’t, his tone conveys it. It’s just his natural colour.
After a while, she brought up snacks for them. “Whoa! These are so big,” he commented on the sandwiches. She had made them bigger intentionally. When he opens his mouth wide open to take a bite, she notices his canines. They might not look noticeably like fangs, he might have them filled up so they aren’t easily detectable, but they will be very sharp, like mine. He had told her that Vampires have longer canines which are fangs to suck the blood. Carlos did have sharp canines like a wolf, but not long like a vampire has.
“Oops! I only have one cupcake left,” she spoke looking into the contents of her refrigerator.
“It’s okay,” he smacks his hands in the air.
“No, we can share,” she brings the cupcake in a plate with a knife and place the plate on the table. “I will cut it in two halves, then we both can get it. How’s that?”
“Fine for me,” he shrugs.
She slowly brings the knife but accidentally cuts her finger as she shrieks lightly. “Oh gosh!” A small stream of blood spurs out from the tip of her finger, in the usual bright red colour.
“Are you fine?” He asks, his voice laced with concern but he has his face turned away. Finally, if he gets startled by the bleeding of natural blood and reacts unnaturally, he is for sure a vampire, Carlos' voice kept echoing in her mind.
“Hey! Look at me!” She shouts at him but he keeps looking at the floor. She lifts his chin with all her force and shouts, “LOOK AT ME!” He finally lifts his chin and growls at her, his eyes have turned darker, almost pitch black like he had been possessed, and his canines had elongated into fangs.
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Taglist: @faithshouseofchaos @vivwritesfics
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faithshouseofchaos · 10 months
Giant Supernatural head cannon list of all my supernatural fics
Little wolf x Oscar piastri head cannons
Oscar love’s going on runs with you in your wolf form. If you bring over a stick he’ll throw it and play fetch with you
You love it when Oscar brushes your wolfs fur especially when your shedding
Doesn’t love when little wolf brings dead squirrels,rabbits and other things to him,he finds it gross.
Loves that you get along with his friends
Doesn’t love when you are left unsupervised with Daniel and Scotty because the three of you are super chaotic and it never ends well
When he’s cold he loves when little wolf cuddles up to him.
Nickname’s little wolf, puppers, love,
Poly!Werewolf!Dando head cannons
You have to have a lot of patience with these two they're like two puppies
One of them always gets hurt and whines and begs for your attention.
Lando is a heel nipper he’ll nip at someone’s heel
They love going to the dog park
They love getting a lot of attention from people.
Daniel loves to more when kids will come up to pet him
Lando likes kids but doesn’t like it when they stick their fingers in his mouth or pull on his fur
Lando chases after squirrels and cats
Poly! Werewolf!Lestappen
Max is like that old dog your grandparents have that doesn’t like kids (he likes calm and quiet kids better)
Max doesn’t like other dogs he’ll go out of his way to avoid them
Despite being a werewolf he still loves cats often times you and Charlie will find them curled up on either the couch or the bed
Will rub himself against you and Charles if you smell like another dog.
Charles loves cuddles wether it’s from you max or even sassy and jimmy he loves cuddles
Will snatch food off the counter.
Does not like when guys hit on you when he’s out walking in wolf form with you.
Poly! Werewolf!charlos
Carlos is bigger/bulkier than Charles Charles is taller and leaner than Carlos
24/7 guard dog mode
Consistently mother henning you
Feeling sad instant cuddles
Want to Go for walks late at night no worries Charles and Carlos will follow behind you act like you don’t notice them but you do
You don’t mind though
They both love kids Charles will lick the faces of kids Carlos stares at Charles like he’s lost his mind but is still super soft with kids especially kids who have a disability they both rest their heads against them and let the kids pet them
If they run into a kid who's a little scared of dogs they both sit there and let the kid come up to them to get over their fear.
Trouble makers who play to rough with each other
Lando likes to start shit every time
You and Carlos have a treadmill just for Lando to run on he loves it
Lando definitely radiates Moon moon energy (y’all know exactly what I’m talking about) while Carlos is somewhat more calm and relaxed
Max is territorial over you and Daniel but in a good way
One time you got personalized dog bowls,leashes,collars and harness for them Daniel loved them max not so much he sat there one and pouted
Max hates going to the dog park he once tried to climb up into your lap to get away from the other dogs
Daniel love’s going because he can make friends with the other dogs
Daniel love’s going on walks max he’s a home wolf he rather be at home
If Daniel isn’t able to go out in public with you he’ll go instead whether it as a human or a wolf nine times out of ten it’s as a wolf he doesn’t like when people come up to him for pictures and autographs he finds it overwhelming
Oscar is the calmer one of the two
Lando has adhd so he’s always up to something
Like I said he radiates moon moon energy
Oscar loves to lay in between your legs with his head resting on your chest
Lando loves to lay by your side with you holding him.
Logan loves the water he’ll go into any body of water
Always Catches something whether it’s a duck or fish
He’s like a retriever he retrieves things
Oscar doesn’t like the water that much
They both are pretty much calm despite knowing each other since they were kids
A fucking menace crack head energy also radiates Moon moon energy
Of he wants a lazy day at home he’ll take off with one of your shoes from every pair and he’ll run around with it till you give up and stay home
Loves to go on walks and meet new people
He’s honestly a giant puppy
Pretty protective of you
He will weave himself in and out of your legs when you’re walking
You ever watch those videos of the dogs who’ll lay out in the snow and refuse to come inside yeah that’s Kimi he likes being outside in the snow.
Will let your kids brush and climb all over him.
someone once tried hitting on you so he growled at the guy and if the guy doesn’t get the hint his growls gradually get louder.
Also is a homebody only goes out in public with you if necessary
Despite his grumpy demeanor he loves kids and is pretty soft with them since he himself has had he doesn’t mind them
Constantly breaks into Jenson Button’s house we have no idea how he does it he just does
He acts like he hates the sleep overs but he secretly loves them
Will hide underneath the deck to get away from the chaos
That’s how he’s always back inside fastest when it’s dinner time
Has separation anxiety he constantly has to be with you and the kids
When he found out that your daughter was a wolf he would carry her around like a mother dog would a puppy
Will almost always be laying down on the ground behind you
“Goddamnit Jenson!” Is something that is constantly said in your home because you forget that he’s their and you trip and or step on him by accident
Will look at you like it’s your fault like he’s not the one who laid directly behind you
Sleeps directly on top of you whether it’s as a human or wolf hill be right on top of you.
Werewolf!Mark Webber
He’s old so he’s calmed down a lot since he was younger
Except for when he’s with Jenson Fernado kimi and Sebastian and all of a sudden he’s a teenager again
Hates when Sebastian calls him old man and when Sebastian nips at his heels
Gets hurt when he’s with nado and Jenson because they all dare each other to do the stupidest shit ever.
Acts all manly but in reality he just wants to curl up in your lap
Don’t let the old age full you he’s always up to no good
He’s like a husky always doing something
One time the guys dared him to jump down a flight of stairs news flash he did it he did not land on his feet like he said he would he slammed into the ground got up and shook it off
He’s convinced that he’s invincible he’s not
He Loves smelling flowers. He once got really excited and trampled your new flower garden.
Werewolf!reader x Alex Albon
He knows that the last person you trusted betrayed you
He doesn’t push your boundaries he’s really patient with you
He’s the only person you’ll let touch you
One time he came home to find all his cats grooming you he thought it was cute and adorable
Very protective of your sunshine personification of a boyfriend
You remind him of Kimi
You don’t like a lot of people but you’ll tolerate kids
He doesn’t mind you checking the perimeter of his home especially after the time hunters shot up his home
He won’t admit it but he’s a little terrified of it happening again but his knows you wouldn’t let that happen again
There was a lot of both regular tension and sexual tension when you both met
Werewolf!Pierre x Vampire reader
Pierre recognized you as his mate before you turned after you turned the pull he felt to you intensified and that scared him
He tried to push you away but when you cornered him for answers he tells you the truth which really hurt you so you ran from your feelings
Does everything possible to make you trust him again
He would never admit it but he loves the feeling of your fangs on his neck
The guys love it when you let them help you make potions and spells
When they got out for runs they will look for any type of crystals because they know how much you use and love them
Will go with you to deliver potions
Will try to befriend your familiar (max is most successful almost immediately your familiar loves him, Lando had to bribe your familiar but in the end they became good friends)
It took lance months to figure out that you were a witch you weren’t even hiding it from him he’s just that slow
Angel!reader head cannon
You showed in Daniel’s life when he was struggling with his mental health at McLean
Always called you his angel even before you told him about you being an actual angel.
He helped grooms your wings pulling out the old feathers to make room for new feathers he keeps all of him because they are too pretty to throw away
He cried when he found out that Jules watches over him and the guys (they were best friends so it makes sense)
Cried harder when he found out you traded your angelic abilities to be with him and that Jules took your place
Sometimes he can feel his friends presence watching over him
Grim reaper reader headcanons
Despite being surrounded by death Charles always felt this warmth coming from you
He felt safe in your presence
He knows that his father and Jules watch over him
Charles misses you even though the two of you were never together
Over the years before you left he always felt your presence even if you never showed yourself to him
When it was finally his time he found comfort in the fact you came to help him cross over into the light
Cat!max faintly smells like human max’s cologne
Cat!max will go out on walks with the reader
Very possessive over the reader both as a human and cat
Loves snuggling with the reader in his cat form
Finds it funny to pop Daniel in the head even though the reader is dating Daniel
Cat!max is extremely petty
Cat!max likes to supervise all projects in the reader's home
Loves to be called sweet boy
Hates going to the vet every time the reader mentions the vet max will disappear and reappear a few days later
Extremely pouty when Daniel comes to visit
He sometimes forgets that the reader isn’t his girlfriend
Will hold onto the readers arm while they sleep
Shifts back into a person when to reader as a nightmare to hold them
Helped the reader with self care ✨ one time (before Daniel)
Sometimes when he meows it comes out like a squeak
Only likes it when the reader holds him
He got chunky over winter break because the reader kept giving him treats he loves scrambled eggs and chicken the most
Daniel was definitely an instigator in the treat giving
Mick Schumacher x vampire reader
First time he met you it was at Sebastian’s place you threw Sebastian across the yard that’s how you two were just chaotic best friends
Loves when he feed from him he gets turned on by the feeling of your fangs
He’s so conditioned that he can only finish if you feed from him while you ride him 🤷‍♀️ he likes it
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papaya-twinks · 1 month
ice cold - l.n
Warnings: mentions of smut, nail-scratching kink thing
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
A/N - inspired by my friend’s idea
When you and Lando fucked, it was crazy. This man would go wild, and you were here for it. You’d be crying, your moans would be lewd and loud, and he wouldn’t care. In fact, he’d want more.
You’d have your hair bunched in his hand, or his hands pinning your wrists down, your teeth nipping at his neck, or your nails dragging down his back. And conveniently, he’d had a lot of pent up emotions after his race, and he’d taken you on a whirlwind of orgasms afterwards.
“Lando,” his trainer said, seeing his driver sitting on the bed of his room, “come for your ice bath,”. Lando nodded, standing up as you followed him, as you usually watched or just talked to him during these sessions.
“Fuck!” Lando cursed as he immediately hopped out the ice bath, your bemused expression evident. “Jesus, Lando, did you scrap a werewolf?” his trainer said, your cheeks flushing. Ah, that would be you.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he grumbled, looking over his shoulder at the fresh red marks from your nails. Those baths would be painful.
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
Hungry Like The Wolf
Chapter Two
She hadn't seen her best friend, Lando, in years. She didn't run into him the last time she was visiting her father and she doubted she'd see him this time. Things were different now. She wasn't aware of his furry little problem. Just like she wasn't aware of the vampires plaguing the town.
Vampire!Oscar x Reader x Werewolf!Lando
Series Masterlist
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It came as no surprise that Jack didn't recognise his big sister. It was heart breaking, sure, and Toto wanted to do something about it.
"Jack really likes that cafe in town," he said as he sat on the end of his daughters bed. She had spent the previous evening rearranging her desk to better allow her to get on with work. "You could take him and get some work done at the same time," he suggested.
She gave a small nod. "Yeah, if Susie is okay with me taking him," she said.
"It was Susie's idea."
Before she knew it she was out of the house, holding Jack's hand with her laptop bag over her shoulder. She waved at her dad as she started down the driveway, heading further into the town.
That was until she collided with a firm chest. She let go of Jack to not drag him with her, as strong arms wrapped around her keeping her up. "You okay the- Y/N?"
She looked into the strangers lovely eyes, taking a moment before she recognised him. "Lando? Lando Norris?"
He once again wrapped his arms around her, this time in a friendly manner. But she pushed away from him, got a better look at him and felt his chest. Lando went slightly red at that, but he didn't pull away. "You've really grown," she said with a grin, once again reaching for Jack's hand.
"So have you, uhh..." he began. She didn't know that he had been watching over her from the moment she arrived, that he had orchestrated this meeting from the moment she arrived. But, now that he was here, he didn't know what to say.
"So, uh, Jack and I are heading to Renee's Cafe. Do you wanna come with?"
Renee's cafe. That was on the other side of town. The vampire side of town. Even if he wanted to, Lando couldn't go, not without breaking a multitude of laws. He shook his head. "I can't, but we could exchange phone numbers? That way we could plan to meet," he said.
"Love it," she called as she pulled her phone from her bag. She passed it over to Lando, letting him punch in his number before they went their separate ways.
Well, she thought they went their separate ways. She and Jack headed to the cafe, Lando retreated back down the road. He kept turning around though, waiting until she and Jack were out of sight. As soon as they were out of sight, he dove into the woods and followed her scent until he got to the vampire side of town.
There he paced, thick paws crushing the twigs on his path.
Holding Jack's hand, she walked him into the cafe. They sat at the very back, she left Jack there with her bag while she got them both something to eat and drink.
As soon as it had been ordered she sat back down opposite her half brother. Jack looked around the cafe, but he wouldn't look at her. She sucked in a breath and leaned back in her chair. "You have no idea who I am," she said, and Jack shook his head. "That's okay. I haven't been around very much. Their drinks were placed in front of them, along with pastries.
She tried to ask Jack as many questions as she could, but he wasn't very willing to answer. It was okay, though. She understood. She was nothing more than a stranger to him at that point.
"Wanna head home?" She asked him once they'd finished eating.
Jack nodded his head. He hopped out of his chair as she grabbed her bag and took him out of the cafe. "What're you gonna do when we get home?" She asked as she led him out of the cafe.
Jack shrugged his shoulders.
"Has dad taught you any German yet?"
He nodded his head. "Polish, too," he said and she gave him a small smile.
But she was too concentrated on her little brother. She wasn't looking where she was going as they wandered through the parking lot and smacked right into something.
Just like she had with Lando, she let go of Jack's hand as a pair of strong arms wrapped around her, holding her up. This time, when she looked up at the owner of the arms, she didn't recognise him.
His skin was pale and a few moles were dotted around on his face. His eyes were a lovely shade of brown and his hair fell over his forehead, parted down the middle. He was gorgeous, that was undeniable.
“I'm so sorry about that,” he said in an Australian accent, a polite smile on his face as he released his hold on her, his fingertips brushing against the exposed skin of her arm. He was cold to the touch.
She shook her head and readjusted her bag on her shoulder. “No, no,” she began. “It was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going.”
The kind stranger kept staring at her. “Are you new in town? I haven't seen you before,” she said.
“Uh, yeah. Sort of,” she answered. “I'm here visiting my dad.”
Suddenly Jack was in front of her, waving up at the pale stranger. “Hi, Oscar,” he said.
Oscar. She looked at his face as the name played in her head. It suited him. He certainly looked like an Oscar. “Hey Jack,” he said as he mussed up his hair. “Who're you with today?”
“This is my sister,” he answered.
Oscar snapped his eyes towards her. “I didn't know Toto and Susie had a daughter,” he said.
“That's because they don't,” she answered, somewhat lightheartedly. “Toto is my dad, yeah, but Susie is my stepmother. I'm visiting for a few weeks.” She held her hand towards him. “I'm Y/N.”
He took her hand, skin so cold against her own it sent a shiver down her spine. “Oscar. It's nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too,” she replied, finally letting go of his hand. She placed her hands on Jack's shoulders. “Well I’m gonna get this guy home. It really was nice to meet you, Oscar.”
He waved as she walked away, unable to look away from her. She had smelled so sweet, the fragrance overtaking Oscars senses. That was how he had bumped into her, because of her scent and the sound of her heart thumping in her chest. Desperately he wanted to chase after her, but he hung back, restraining himself.
Hie smell, the smell of vampire clung to her as she walked back to the werewolf side of town. Lando couldn't help but growl as the smells mixed together. He knew exactly which vampire she had come into contact with, as well.
Oscar. He was the vampire who loved to provoke Lando. He was the one who nearly had Lando breaking the treaty the vampires and the werewolves had created all those hundreds of years ago.
Oscar had touched his girl. And he was pissed about it.
Lando watched from the bushes as she and Jack entered the house. As soon as they were inside he turned away and ran back to his pack. He skillfully moved around the trees at the high speeds he was travelling to get back to them.
When he got there Daniel and Sergio were outside, wresting. It wasn't an uncommon sight to see two members of the back trying to push one another out of the circle. “DR,” Lando called and the two of them split apart.
Sweaty and out of breath, his tattoos on show, Daniel approached his much younger pack mate. He was the friendliest in the pack and had accidentally become friends with one of the vampires, Max.
“Talk to your boy for me,” he said, biting back a growl. “Tell him to tell the other blood suckers to stay away from the Wolff family.”
Daniel watched him for a minute. Lando was the youngest of all of them. He had little control over his emotions and Daniel could tell he was ready to burst. “Shirt off, jump in the ring with us,” he said,gesturing back to Checo.
Sucking in a breath, Lando did just that.
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @minkyungseokie @formulaal @darleneslane @hiireadstuff @urfavnoirette @goldenharrysworld @andydrysdalerogers @hrts4scarr @llando4norris @evlkking @lilymurphy03 @hollie911 @customsbyjcg-blog @honethatty12 @nikfigueiredo @avg-golden-retriever
Series Taglist (OPEN): @cmleitora @booksandflowrs @evie-119 @annispamz @neilakk @ln4norizz @rayaharper
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Here's list of the ones I have save. I am literally trusting you with a part of my life on the internet here, so do not shame me for the weirdness –
Their baby daddy series is good.
4. https://harleysarchive.tumblr.com/post/650531903783501824/here-is-my-masterlist-of-everything-i-have-done-on
It has Fernando in it, don't blame me 😔
5. https://athenathesharkwrites.tumblr.com/post/650887063143579648/werewolf-soulmate-daniel-ricciardo
I am a sucker for Human x supernatural creature dynamic
6. https://taiyakimmy.tumblr.com/post/669605496727175168/tease-or-be-teased-daniel-ricciardo-x-reader
It has reader has Yuki's Honorary Sister. It's cute.
Their three of us is very good in my opinion.
https://illicitlimerence writes.tumblr.com/post/148727211284/masterlist
Anything from here is gold.
This is one of the best "nature decisions to interfere to fix their relationship" concept I have read.
10. https://writtendaydreamm.tumblr.com/post/662832044683952128/green-eyed-monster-summary-lando-isnt-too-happy
It's angsty, I love angst, sue me.
12. https://formula1andbeyond.tumblr.com/post/671830186758717440/hey-can-i-request-a-pierre-one-where-you-have
pleaseit https://danielxricciardo.tumblr.com/post/653438128990846976/masterlist
Their cheater series is good and philosophical.
Concept is very cute.
The girls and Prove it series literally owns me.
Xhopelesslyxromanticx, they have a few ones but all of them are good. I'd personally recommend the Lewis' wife cheating on him with Charles one.
As you can probably tell I have a thing for Single mom/Single dad trope 💀.
anon I could never shame you for this, in my heart of hearts I am living my best fernando alonso x reader life; and it is not weird to enjoy fandom the way you like it!!!
PINGING THE OTHER ANON WHO WANTED f1 x reader recs!!! see if this is to your taste!!!
I'm honestly impressed at the range, and I thank you for how comprehensive the list is. someone put their heart and soul into writing these and I fuck with that heavy, after all why Shouldn't your favourite driver in love with you.... and you are a mermaid.... the world is your oyster....
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bad268 · 3 years
Writing Inktober 2021 Masterlist
Not sure if I will write one for every single day because some of these I cannot write anything for, so I might repeat prompts with other people and plots. 
Links will be added throughout the month. Probably weekly.
1/10 Crystal
TMR Newt X Reader (W.C. 110)
2/10 Suit
Sweet Pea X Reader (W.C. 132)
3/10 Vessel
CC! Quackity X Reader (W.C. 162)
4/10 Knot
Hawk X Reader (W.C. 132)
5/10 Raven
Nate Hardy X Reader (W.C. 132)
6/10 Spirit
Colby Brock X Reader (W.C. 128)
7/10 Fan
Miguel Diaz X Reader (W.C. 124)
8/10 Watch
Spot Conlon X Reader (W.C. 148)
9/10 Pressure
Peter Parker X Reader (W.C.144)
10/10 Pick
TMR Thomas X Reader (W.C.178)
11/10 Sour
Robby Keene X Reader (W.C 126)
12/10 Stuck
Peter Pan X Reader (W.C.124)
13/10 Roof
TMR Gally X Reader (W.C.165)
14/10 Tick
CC! Karl Jacobs X Reader (W.C. 143)
15/10 Helmet
Peter Maximoff X Reader (W.C. 138)
16/10 Compass
C! Technoblade X Reader (W.C. 183)
17/10 Collide
Corpse Husband X Reader (W.C. 106)
18/10 Moon
Remus Lupin X Werewolf! Reader (W.C. 139)
19/10 Loop
Ollie Bearman X Reader (W.C. 138)
20/10 Sprout
Jack Frost X Reader (W.C. 131)
21/10 Fuzzy
C! Dream Team X Reader (W.C. 188)
22/10 Open
TMR Minho X Reader (W.C. 158)
23/10 Leak Trap
CC! Dream X Reader (W.C. 201)
24/10 Extinct
C! Wilbur Soot X Reader (W.C.160)
25/10 Splat Storm
Hwang Junho X Reader (W.C. 164)
26/10 Connect Queen
Peter Pan X Reader (W.C. 171)
27/10 Spark Battle
C! Technoblade X Reader (W.C. 142)
28/10 Crispy Ring
Julien Albert X Reader (W.C. 302)
29/10 Patches
CC! Dream X Reader (W.C. 100)
30/10 Slither
Draco Malfoy X Reader (W.C. 112)
31/10 Risk
Salesman X Reader (W.C. 122)
Bonus: Fish
Lando Norris X Reader (W.C. 132)
Average W.C. 148
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ladymarvel27 · 4 months
Dog or Corpse? | Carlando | (I)
werewolf!Carlos x reader / vampire!Lando x reader
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Inspired from this fic by @vivwritesfics
f1 masterlist
Part 2
Warnings: Brief mentions of smut.
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Her boyfriend had taken her out on a date. And these kinds of dates often end passionately, in the bed of any of them. She came several times, and he marked her passionately, making her feel loved, safe and protected. That was his character. But also to remind the bloodsucker whose she was. That was his nature. He will stay behind his lines. These marks aren't just love bites, those were symbols, that they are mated now, so the sucker will know didn’t have any chances. He will stop lurking around her.
She is his and he must respect it or die.
She had met him last week. He was supposed to be her assistant but maybe he wanted more of her, which was not possible. And she was completely oblivious to his actions. She was too innocent for this world. He won’t let him take her away from him.
That bloodsucker must stay away. Stay away from her.
"Princesa," he spoke slowly in her ears,"you're mine, all mine."
She moaned under him and felt all happy in his arms, oblivious to his intentions.
How dare he give her his jumper? How dare he think that a strong werewolf like him is just a pet of hers? He is an apex predator and HER protector now. And he has sworn he will protect her from monsters like him.
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Carlos won't let him be with her alone at such a personal place, so his presence was necessary when the bloodsucker came to her house for whatever project they were working together on. It was a hard task to convince her. But when Lando arrived Carlos realised it would be harder to control himself when the parasite would be around her. She would raise an eyebrow at him and he would be silent. She shook her head and ignored him. He sighed in relief.
He kept hovering over them, trying to keep an eye. But that bastard kept smirking at him like he won and Carlos lost. He couldn't control it anymore. His protective nature overpowered him and growled loudly at Lando. "What the hell?!" She shouted at him. He had to step back, like the obedient dog he is. Her eyes said that she needed an explanation for his behaviour. She is suspicious! And he doesn't want to lose her trust, the woman he thinks he is mated to.
Finally, Lando left and he had to tell her the truth. "I am a werewolf, mi amor," he spoke, "And that stupid classmate of yours is a vampire." He was met with a long silence from you. Finally, she spoke, "You're speaking metaphors, right?"
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Taglist: @vivwritesfics @faithshouseofchaos
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Hungry Like The Wolf
Chapter Ten
She hadn't seen her best friend, Lando, in years. She didn't run into him the last time she was visiting her father and she doubted she'd see him this time. Things were different now. She wasn't aware of his furry little problem. Just like she wasn't aware of the vampires plaguing the town.
Vampire!Oscar x Reader x Werewolf!Lando
Series Masterlist
Feel free to buy me a coffee ☕☕
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Of the six dates they'd been on, one of them had cancelled or rescheduled yet. It was just Oscar's luck that he was the first to do so.
"I'm really sorry guys," he said, holding the phone up to his ear. He couldn't sound more apologetic if he tried.
The ring around Lando's contact picture lit up green as he let out a growl. But it wasn't a growl of anger, and Oscar knew that. He couldn't blame Lando, though. He'd planned this date out and he'd been so excited.
"It's okay," she quickly jumped in before Lando could bite out some angry remark, ring around her contact picture lighting up purple. "Lando and I can get takeout and watch a movie instead. You'll join us when you're done, right?"
The breath Oscar let out was full of relief. "Of course I will, sweetheart," he said.
"What're you doing tonight?" Lando asked, voice clipped.
Oscar swallowed the lump in his throat. He coughed slightly, delaying answering the question. "I... uh, we're getting food tonight," he said and coughed again.
"Oh," The two of them answered.
He hated talking about feeding with them. It was disgusting, it wasn't normal. And it was something he never wanted the two of them to see. "Are you sure you still want me to come back?"
"Of course we do, Osc," she mumbled. "Take as long as you need."
The call didn't last much longer than that. Lando didn't have much to say and Oscar had to get going. "I'll see you guys later," he said. Not an I love you, they weren't at that point yet.
He ended the call between the three of them, slipped his phone into his pocket, and walked into the living room. There his fellow vampires were, waiting for him. Mark gave him a nod as he sat down between Logan and Max.
"Is everybody ready?" Asked Mark and the vampires let out different whoops and cheers. Mark clapped his hands together. "Let's get going, then."
Oscar let out a breath and followed the rest of his fellow vampires out of the house. He checked his phone one last time, checked for any messages from her and Lando.
She'd texted him, something cute. Just a quick, 'see you later, Osc. Miss ya!'. But Lando hadn't said anything. He was pissed, Oscar knew that. He was a werewolf; he didn't understand. Lando could eat whenever he wanted, he didn't need to wait for nights like this to hunt.
Yuki elbowed his shoulder and Oscar slipped his phone into his pocket. He sucked in a breath and followed the others into the woods.
"You can't be mad at him," she said as she ran her fingers through Lando's hair.
He let out a huff as he laid against her, his head on her boobs. God, he was comfortable, but he knew he would have been happier if Oscar was there with them. Lando would have been laying across the both of them as she played with his hair and Oscar ran his nails up and down his back.
But Oscar wasn't there and Lando was mad.
He looked at her, wearing a pout. It was pathetic of him, to be pouting like a petulant child, he knew. But he couldn't help it. He was sad and a little mad, and she had to know it.
Her finger poked his nose. "You're lucky you're cute, Norris," she whispered.
And suddenly he was on top of her, his lips on hers, hips pressing against her own. Hips hips were against hers, grinding ever so slightly.
Beneath them, her bed was squeaking. "Lando." She pushed at his shoulder. "Lando, stop. Stop, before my dad comes in," she whispered.
With a giggle, Lando laughed and sat back. "Did you know I had a crush on you when we were kids?" He asked as he laid down beside her and pulled her closer.
"Yeah," she answered as she began planning with his fingers. "Yeah, I knew."
Lando frowned at that. He stilled his hand as she continued to play with his fingers. "You knew?" He repeated, and she nodded. "But you didn't like me back?"
"No, I did. But I was only gonna be here for a few weeks or months at a time, so I didn't see any point."
Lando pulled his hand away from hers and sat up straighter. "Aren't you only here for a few months this time around?"
She rolled her eyes. She hadn't meant to, but Lando was being a pouty baby and it was over nothing. Except, this time, he wasn't pouting. No, anger and fury was in his eyes. "C'mon, Lan. This is different. We were kids then, and saying goodbye after only spending a few months, at most, together would have been so painful."
"How is this any different?" He barked back. "Oh, wait, I know. This time you'd leave for four years, instead of nine months."
The laugh he released was like poisoned air between them. "You're saying my name like you're not gonna leave in a few months."
She had no defence for that. Tears sprang to her eyes, but she couldn't stop herself from glaring at him. "This isn't fair to me, you know," she whispered, pulling her legs up to her chest. "Yeah, I was gonna have to leave, but I was gonna come back! And you guys could visit me!"
But Lando had moved over to the window. "I need some air," he said as he pushed the window open.
"Lando!" She called again. But, in the blink of an eye, he was gone. She climbed out of the bed and raced over to the window, but Lando was long gone. Her eyes scanned over the yard and back towards to the woods, but he was nowhere to be found.
She left the window open, just in case Lando came back, but she crawled over to the bed and threw herself on top of the comforters. The movie was still playing, but she had no idea what was happening. She didn't care as she cried into her pillow.
How long as she laid there? She didn't know as he buried her face against the pillow.
There was a noise, the unmistakable sound of someone coming in through the window. She sat up and wiped at her eyes as she looked at the intruder. The welcome intruder.
"Sweetheart," Oscar said as he strode towards the bed. "What happened?"
His hand was on her back, moving in soothing circles as she moved closer to him. "He's such an asshole," she spat, and Oscar wiped her tears from her cheek.
"Lando?" He asked, and she nodded. Oscar let out a sigh. "Okay, tell me what he did."
She did just that, telling him everything as she laid against his side. Oscars hand was still against her. Cold and so still. He squeezed her, kissed the top of her head.
"He just lashed out? For no reason?" Oscar asked as her head sat on his shoulder and her lips nipped at his neck.
"Yeah," she mumbled.
There first fight, and he wasn't even there. If he had been, he could have stopped it. He could have stopped Lando from leaving and he could have gotten them to talk it out.
"Oh, sweetheart," he whispered and kissed the top of her head. "Do you want me to and speak to him?" He asked gently.
Her hand was against his chest as she pushed him back against the bed. "Later," she said and laid beside him, head on his chest. "Just... be here with me."
Oscar stayed with her. His arms were around holding her close as they watched the rest of the movie. Neither of them really knew what was going on, but Oscar didn't much care as he felt her breathing even out.
As soon as it did, Oscar untangled her body from his own. He laid her on the bed and pulled her blanket over her body. "I'll be back soon," he whispered as he brushed her hair away from her forehead. He leaned down to kiss her head and took off, leaving through the window.
The moment he got into the woods, the wolves made it clear he wasn't welcome. He walked with his hands in his pockets as he made his way to the pack house.
And, suddenly, a wolf was in front of him. His black fur made him almost invisible in the dead of night. "Carlos," Oscar said as he stared down at the wolf. "I need to speak to Lando."
Carlos growled. His stance was ready to bounce, but Oscar stood firm. He was getting to Lando one way or another, even if he had to go through Carlos.
"Stand down, Chilli," came a familiar voice.
Oscar looked just past him. Daniel Ricciardo, one of the friendliest wolves around, strode towards him. "You're here for Lan, right?" He called and Oscar gave a nod. "Right, let's go." He waved for Oscar to follow him and Carlos stepped to the side, letting him through.
He followed Daniel towards the pack house, acutely aware of Carlos behind him. But he ignored it as he moved forward. "So, you two are really together? You and Toto's kid?" Asked Daniel as he navigated through the woods.
"Yeah," Oscar answered. "Yeah, we are."
Daniel gave a laugh, but it wasn't mocking. "You guys are making history here," he said as the pack house came into view. "A werewolf and a vampire together. I never thought I'd see it."
He walked him through the front door and up the stairs, ignoring the growls of the other wolves. As long as Daniel was leading him, Oscar knew he was fine.
At the first door on the left, he knocked. "Piss off!" Lando called, but Daniel nodded for Oscar to enter.
"Lan?" He called as he walked into the room.
Lando swivelled his spinning chair to face the door. "Osc," he said with slight surprise. "I thought you were busy."
"I was," he said, shutting the door and pressing his back against it. "And then I headed to come meet you guys. Except, when I got there, you had already gone and our girl was crying."
His voice was so gentle, it had Lando bowing his head. "I didn't mean to make her cry," he mumbled. "I just... I was so angry. She's gonna leave again and I can't handle that," he admitted.
"Talk to me, baby," said Oscar as he came to sit on Lando's bed. "What's got you so angry?" He looked around the room, at all of the things Lando had on his shelves. His gaming set up and childhood sports trophies were no surprise, and Oscar knew how much he loved golf. It wasn't the bedroom of a man, but Oscar loved it.
And then he spied the calendar on the back of the door. Just on date was circled, the date of the full moon. "Oh, Lan." Oscar sighed. "It's the full moon, isn't it? That's why you've been extra angry, right?"
"It's no excuse, Osco," He mumbled, head thrown back and eyes shut. "She probably hates me."
Oscar kissed his head. "That's why we're gonna gonna back to hers and you're gonna apologise and you two are gonna make up. Sound good?"
Lando nodded his head. "Sounds good," he said and pulled Oscar towards him.
Taglist: @biancathecool
Series taglist (CLOSED): @cmleitora
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Hungry Like The Wolf
Chapter Four
She hadn't seen her best friend, Lando, in years. She didn't run into him the last time she was visiting her father and she doubted she'd see him this time. Things were different now. She wasn't aware of his furry little problem. Just like she wasn't aware of the vampires plaguing the town.
Vampire!Oscar x Reader x Werewolf!Lando
Series Masterlist
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Something hit her window.
It was the middle of the night, and the object wasn't big enough to cause any damage to her window, but it did wake her up. Her body jolted as she opened her eyes, not quite realising where she was right away.
Her father's house. She was in her fathers house. Her breathing evened out as she remembered that.
When she sat up, something hit her window again. She switched her bedside lamp on and pulled her cardigan over her body. Wrapping it up tight around her body, she walked over to the window.
"Oh, no way," she whispered and pulled the window open. Leaning out, she looked down at him. "What the hell are you doing here?"
He grinned at her, his smile cheeky yet award winning. "I have barely seen you since you got here!" He shouted up to her. "I wanted to hang out!"
It must have been freezing out there. And, yet, Lando wasn't wearing a shirt. She had no idea how he was standing out there, how he wasn't freezing.
Suddenly, Lando looked to the left. "It's your dad!" He hissed up to her. "Meet me around back in ten minutes!" And, just like that, he took off, running into the darkness.
She shut her window and sat on her bed. It was the middle of the night and Lando wanted to to hang out. He was crazy. She knew he was crazy, but it made her want to do it all the more.
A knock came from her door. Standing up, she pulled it open, coming face to face with her father.
"You know I never liked that Norris boy," he said as he stared down at her.
She shook her head. "I'm sorry, dad," she said, leaning against the door frame. "I had no idea he was going to show up like this."
Toto raised his eyebrows. "Are you going to... hang out with him?" He asked.
She shrugged her shoulders. "Would you be mad if I did?"
"You're in your twenties now," he said. Clearly he had no idea just how old she actually was, not well enough to know specifically. "You can do what you'd like."
She wore a small smile as she nodded. But, before she could shut the door and get dressed, Toto stopped her. "I'll have my phone on through the night. Text me if you need anything."
With those parting words, Toto returned to bed. He turned off the stairs light and crept back towards his bedroom.
She got dressed quickly and walked down the stairs, her footsteps light. She grabbed her keys from the hook and walked out of the back door.
In the darkness she could see nothing. "Lando?" She whispered, searching around. But she could see nothing. Nothing at all.
Suddenly, hands grabbed her from behind. She let out a shriek trying to push the hands off of her, but she was quickly being turned around. Quickly coming face to face with Lando Norris.
Even in the darkness, his eyes seemed to glow. She hit his muscled arm. "Asshole," she whispered. "You can't scare me like that."
"Sorry," he said, his smile still charming. "So, you wanna hang out or what?"
She rolled her eyes as she looked at him. "No, I'm out here in the middle of the night because I don't want to hang out." She placed her hand on her hip. "Seriously, what did you have in mind?"
Lando didn't say anything else. He held out his hand and she took it, trusting him completely. That was until he led her into the woods.
At the tree line she pulled her hand out of his. "C'mon Lando. I'm not going in there," she muttered and nodded her head towards the woods.
"You scared of the dark?" He challenged, grin teasing. But, when she glared, he dropped the grin. "C'mon," he said and held up his arm, flexing his muscle. "You know I'll protect you."
She rolled her eyes but allowed Lando to pull her into the woods.
He led her around the trees like he could see in the dark. He didn't take her too far in and, before she knew it, they were stopping. Lando made a drum roll noise with his mouth and pointed up. "Here we are," he said.
"Here we are, where?"
But, when she looked up, she spotted it.
When they were kids, when she used to spend more time in town, Lando's father and her father had built them a tree house a little way into the woods. Back then they had gone to the tree house every day after school, but it must have been empty for years.
Lando started climbing the ladder, and she was quick to follow. When she got to the top Lando helped her up and switched on the battery powered torch that hung from the ceiling.
"Holy shit," she said as she looked around. There was the makeshift table they used to do homework on and the crates they used to sit on. It was incredible that it was still there, that it hadn't fallen into disrepair.
The new addition to the tree house was the crate of beer beneath the window. Lando grabbed a can from the crate and passed it to her. "Drink with me?"
So, they drank as they talked. Lando told her what he could of his life over the last few years and she told him everything. When something in the woods howled (something Lando could identify as Daniel), she visibly stiffened up. But Lando wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer.
"Do you know Oscar Piastri?" She asked as she laid her head on his shoulder.
Lando sucked in a breath. He didn't want to tell her about the run ins he'd had with Oscar, couldn't tell her, in fact. "Heard of him," he answered and took a sip of his drink. He wouldn't get drunk, couldn't get drunk.
"He's taking me out to dinner," she said, a small smile crossing her features. "I can't wait."
Lando let out a breath through his head. He shook his head as it dropped forward. "Be careful around him," he said. "Please. I don't know him too well, but I do know some of the people he hangs with. They're... not great. Promise me you'll call me if anything happens."
"I promise," she said and finished her beer. "I can't believe we're still here, still in the tree house," she muttered as she ran her fingers up and down his arm.
Lando wasn't about to tell her that he was the reason the tree house was still standing. He didn't tell her that, when there was a hole in the roof, he was the one to fix it. He made the floor stable and reinforced the walls. It was the only piece of property he had on the packs land. On his first transformation it had been is safe place. (There was still bits of fur attached to nails).
Lando ran hot, hot enough to help put her to sleep. Well, it was a combination of that and the alcohol in her system. Lando tightened his arm around her as she slept against him. He pushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.
He'd watch over her while she went on her date with Oscar. He'd protect her, even if it meant breaking the treaty.
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @minseok-smaus @formulaal @darleneslane @hiireadstuff @urfavnoirette @goldenharrysworld @andydrysdalerogers @hrts4scarr @llando4norris @evlkking @lilymurphy03 @hollie911 @customsbyjcg-blog @honethatty12 @nikfigueiredo @not-nyasa
Series Taglist (OPEN): @cmleitora @booksandflowrs @evie-119 @annispamz @neilakk @ginsengi @lighttsoutlewis @charlesleclerx @eviethetheatrefreak @rbv3rstappen @vicurious28 @val-writes @lovecarsgoingvroom @minmira95 @sophia12345678 @forza-dolce
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
Hungry Like The Wolf
Chapter Twelve
She hadn't seen her best friend, Lando, in years. She didn't run into him the last time she was visiting her father and she doubted she'd see him this time. Things were different now. She wasn't aware of his furry little problem. Just like she wasn't aware of the vampires plaguing the town.
Vampire!Oscar x Reader x Werewolf!Lando
Warnings: smut, oral (fem!receiving), hand job, accidently gave Oscar all the power here
Series Masterlist
Feel free to buy me a coffee ☕☕
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"We need to talk."
It had been three days since Lando started the horny phase, since she and Oscar pinned him to the bed. It hadn't gone much further than that, hadn't had the chance to.
Because her father burst into the room. The three of them jumped away from each other, and Lando had the sense not to let out a little whine. Toto stared at them until Lando and Oscar walked out of the room, tails tucked between their legs.
He didn't try to talk to his daughter then, waited until the next morning. When she came down for breakfast that morning, Toto looked to his wife. Susie rolled her eyes at her husband, grabbed Jack and took him out of the room, leaving father and daughter to talk.
"Dad," she began, but Toto held up a finger, silencing her.
She didn't try to talk when he lowered his fingers and laced them together, looking far too intimidating as he stared across the table. "I don't know what's going on between you and those boys," he said, no longer able to meet her eyes. "But I don't want it happening in my house, okay?"
Her brows furrowed. "Would you be saying this if I was just dating one of them?" She asked somewhat sceptically.
Toto laughed. He actually laughed, and she could have murdered him. "Of course not," Toto said. "I'd be saying this no matter how many people you were with. Even if it was just one of those boys, I'd still be saying this."
She let out a breath, letting herself relax in her seat. "So, you don't mind that I'm with the both of them?" She asked, fiddling with her fingers. Her stomach grumbled, but she ignored it, focusing on her dad.
"Mind?" Her dad asked. He let out a little laugh as he shook his head. "I always knew you and that Norris boy would end up together. If you were gonna bring somebody else into the mix, I'm just glad it was Oscar."
The expression on her face could only be called giddy as she dug into her breakfast.
For the first time since it started being the three of them, Oscar turned up to her door. Alone. No Lando in sight, Toto realised as he opened the door. He couldn't help but look around for any sign of the other boy his daughter was dating.
"Hey, Mr Wolff," Oscar said, keeping polite. He'd never admit that his girlfriend's father terrified him, stood there with nerves of steel.
"Where's the other one?" Asked Toto. He turned momentarily shouted up the stairs, calling her down. "Or are you taking her to see him?"
Oscar cleared away the tickle in his throat. He wasn't sick, hadn't been sick in damn near a hundred years, but he was so damn nervous now that he was stood in front of Toto Wolff. "Y-yeah," he said, voice breaking ever so slightly. His face flushed with embarrassment. "We're going to see Lando."
Finally, she walked down the stairs, saving him from the undivided attention of her father. Both men faced her as she walked down the steps and slipped her feet into her shoes.
"Hey, Osc," she said, side stepping her father to plant a kiss on Oscar's cold cheek.
He was so damn still as Toto watched the interaction. His fingers itched to touch her waist, to wrap his arms around her and walk her to his car. But he couldn't, not with Toto there.
Saying goodbye to her father, she took Oscar's hand and pulled him over to his car. Oscar knew Toto was still watching, so he made a special effort to open the door for her. Well, he would have done it anyway, but he was hyper aware of what he was doing with Toto watching.
It was only when they began driving that Oscar finally breathed. "Lando's packmate came to my house today," he said as he turned down the next street, heading to the car park just outside of the woods. "I think he's struggling with the horny phase," he said.
Gently, she pried one of his hands away from the steering wheel and placed it on her leg. "That's not gonna be a problem," she said and pulled his hand up, beneath her skirt.
His fingers brushed against warm, wet skin. There wasn't a barrier of fabric to keep them separated. "Holy shit," he whispered, only a little aware that this was the first time he was touching her.
Like his skin was set ablaze, he pulled his hand away. Well, it was either that or crash the car. He pulled into the woodland car park and killed the engine. "Osc," she whispered as she grabbed his hand.
A gentle groan left his lips and he squeezed her fingers. "I think you're trying to kill me," he mumbled, eyes flicking down to her skirts for just a second. "Again."
She pressed a kiss to each of his fingertips. "Let's go and see him," she whispered.
Once out of the car, Oscar led the way. He kept his fingers laced through hers as he pulled her through the woods, towards the pack house. "Osc," she began as they got closer. He didn't miss the anxiety lacing her voice. "It's the full moon for everyone, right? Are they all gonna... be like Lando?"
He shook his head. "Only those that can control themselves are allowed out at the minute," he answered. "Some of the younger ones are like our boy, stuck with the horny, but some have... other emotions. Aggression and stuff like that."
She stepped closer to him. "Relax," Oscar whispered, pressing a kiss to her head as she approached the house. "Nobody is gonna touch you with me around."
The pack house was, essentially, a giant frat house. "Oscar," one of the wolves growled as they approached. These were Lando's family, and she couldn't yet name names. And the same went for Oscar's family.
She looked at the werewolf, and his brown eyes softened. But he focused back on Oscar, and other growl left his lips.
"Carlos." Oscar gave him a quick nod. His hand settled on her back and he pushed her forward, into the house. "I've been here just once before," he confessed in a whisper as he took her up the stairs. "The night that you and Lando fought."
Once they reached his door, Oscar gently knocked. The response that came was a pained whine. A gasp left her lips and she looked at Oscar, eyes panicked. "He sounds hurt."
Lando wasn't hurt, the two of them realised as they pushed their way inside. His eyes were screwed shut as he rutted his near naked hips against the comforter, trying to get some sort of friction. But it wasn't enough.
Tears rolled down his cheeks. He wasn't in pain, he was just horny.
"Look at him," Oscar said to her as he shut the door. "He looks..."
But he couldn't finish that thought as she went striding towards Lando. She took his face in her hands and wiped away his tears. "You okay?" She asked.
Another whine left his lips as he nodded. But then she was kissing him, shutting him up. "What do you need?" Oscar asked, settling behind him. His hand touched Lando's back, trying to provide some sort of comfort.
He sucked in a shuddering breath, his hand settling on top of hers. "You two," he said through a gasp. "I just need you two."
Oscar ran his fingers through Lando's curls. When he tugged, Lando let out a whine, a blissed out smile on his face. "Our girl has something to show you," he whispered.
Immediately, Lando looked to her. She grew shy under his gaze as he reached out to her, fingers grazing the bottom of his skirt. “It's okay,” muttered Oscar as he took her arm and gently pulled her closer. “Lift her skirt, Lando.”
Lando's fingers shook as he pulled her skirt up, revealing himself to her. “Fuck,” he breathed in. “You're goddamn beautiful.”
But then Oscar was grabbing his hand and Lando let go of her skirt. He leaned in close, whispered something in his ear that had Lando nodding so damn eagerly.
“C’mere,” said Oscar. His vampire strength came in incredibly handy as he lifted her onto the bed, positioned her over Lando.
Over his face.
Keeping herself lifted up, she looked desperately at Oscar. “Osc, I-”
But she couldn't say much more than that. Lando grabbed a hold of her thighs and pulled her down onto his face. She gasped pitching forward slightly as he kissed at her folds.
Oscar watched for just a moment. Her whines, his mouth slurping at her. If he finally died in that minute, he would have died happy.
He pulled down Lando's boxers and wrapped his fingers around Lando's cock. The noise that left Lando's lips was damn delicious against her pussy, it had her crying out and gripping his curls. “Fuck, Lando,” she hissed.
Oscar swiped his thumb over the tip, gathering up the precum. “Keep working her, Lan,” he said as he swapped hands, bringing his thumb to her lips. She was more than happy to suck his thumb into her mouth.
Oscar pumped his hand, up and down Lando's length. The way Lando moved his hips was uncontrollable, but Oscar didn't want to hold him back.
Pathetic and desperate noises left her lips as she swivelled her hips. The way she tugged at his hair had Lando hissing, but he loved it.
His entire body stiffened up. Without warning, Lando came, thick ropes of his cup coating Oscar's hand. “God, Lan,” he said, bringing his hand to his own lips. “You taste…”
Suddenly, her hand wrapped around his wrist. She pulled his hand closer and sucked off what she could.
That pushed her over the edge. Head thrown, eyes squeezed shut, she came. Lando licked her through her orgasm, until she was trying to swivel her hips away and Oscar was pulling her away.
He kissed her quickly, sweetly, as he sat her down. And he leaned down to kiss Lando. He ran his tongue over Lando's lips, tasting her. “God,” he gasped as he pulled away. Lando followed, kissing down his neck. “You both taste incredible.”
Permanent Taglist: @biancathecool
Series Taglist (CLOSED): @cmleitora
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ladymarvel27 · 4 months
f1 masterlist
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Carlos Sainz
Live for Someone: Part i, Part ii (Werewolf!Carlos x Witch!Reader)
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Dog or Corpse? Carlando x reader (Vampire!Lando)(Werewolf!Carlos)
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Yellow Tulips: Part I, Part II, Part III.
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
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