#werewolf deity
gayasswerewoofer · 8 months
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Happy Valentines Day!💕❤️
Have a lovely one out there, from a woofer of love~ 💘💝
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childofthewolvess · 4 months
currently learning about historical shape-shifting practices in witchcraft and how separate they are from shamanism. who was gonna tell me Apollo had a werewolf cult as Apollo Lycaeus
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proton-emoticon · 20 days
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nonhuman wordmojis
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divine-canine-13 · 8 months
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Might post different versions I've made of this too couldn't decide which to post.
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stitchy-face · 1 year
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[OC] Ghasht, the Weyr deity of the Hunt is a typically neutral creature that upholds the good hunt. Those who hunt with the intention for sport or waste, those who seek to do only harm are in turn hunted by Ghasht who takes the visage of the defiled corpses.
Little bit more info under read more.
Saturday warmup- needing to draw more OC's! Ghasht is a fun deity to try to figure out- lots of grey areas with her considering what would be a "good" hunt or not. She likely came to be during the end of the Moth Plague when food was the scarcest; reminding those to not waste a kill and punishing those who wasted during a time of much needed coopoeration and sharing of resources. I haven't fully decided how deity come to be and when yet- but playing around with it!
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veeparkersstuff · 1 year
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"You are an absolutely stunning, murderous little creature" -Casteel Da'Neer
(Like or reblog, don't repost pls❣️)
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onlyfuckswgods · 4 months
Boyfriend who gets me a knotting dildo, because he thinks it's hot, and I think that's all it is. I use the toy and soon get good at taking the knot, cumming every time on the stretch. I end up reading werewolf erotica, drawn to it now that I'm addicted to the knot.
But my boyfriend actually wanted to sacrifice me as a plaything to a wolf god, and he just had to make me perfect for the task. Sure, I may be upset at being used and how greedy he was to do this, but the werewolf wolf god is hot and treats me right and fucks me on his cock that I wasn't prepared for. The toy had nothing on him, but with how horny I am for knots, I'm super motivated to learn.
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cervenakoviny · 24 days
Text je veľmi vlkodlačí, video zas rozpovedá mýtické kolo roka, kompletne s kováčom Svarogom, scénami z ľudského života a výmenou bohýň ročných období. (pomrky-mrk na mená tvorcov... ;) )
Lyrics are quite werewolf-like, video on the other hand relays mythical wheel of year, complete with smith Svarog, scenes from life of mortals and transition of seasonal goddesses. (also, there's one particular name among creators... ;) )
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deityofhearts · 1 year
my accent coming out under certain circumstances makes me feel like a southern werewolf
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karokawwo · 7 months
don't tell me i have to make up my own fake moon deity all on my own i thought this shit was a myth or something
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janeelyakiri · 2 years
What would each skellie be the deity of?
OOOOO I really like this one! 🤩 lesseeee....
Macaw- IT God. You know how computer nerds make shrines to certain modems/towers for luck? Yeah he'd be that deity. Likes chisps.
Lupo- A god who protects roadtrippers, travelers of the modern era. Pray and make offerings of homemade foods to him so that no car troubles befall you.
Falcon- Protection deity, focused on lone walks at night and barhopping. He prefers offerings of money and gold, though expensive bourbon and cigars work too. He can help with financial gains too.
Jackal- Of lust and debauchery. But offers safety to those who play responsibly. Dabbles in gender fuckery as well, because fuck the gender binary. Likes jewels and wines and roses.
Jay- Literal fighting spirit. Offer tacos in an attempt to gain his favor and win whatever fight you're going into.
Fox- Of good rest, of soft things. Prefers honey and plush toys. Make these offerings to bring a warm and peaceful home specially for upcoming winters.
Crow- Strangely, of motherhood. For those who fear loss of their little ones or loss of their carrying spouse, offer soft and fancy fabrics or strong teas. Also the patron of loving, defensive parents. Offers his strength to those protecting their young.
Hound- He's a double one- He offers help in keeping beastly urges down, but also for power to unleash it and enact revenge. Depends which half you pray to- Hound for a peaceful life, or HellHound so you may spill the blood and dust of the ones who wronged you and your family. The soft side likes dog treats, 'herbal' smokes, and A1 sauce. The hungry side wants meat, fresh and still bloody.
Vulture- A forgotten deity, once of the hunt and now he hungers. Nothing satisfies him enough to bestow blessings, but he will *gladly* ruin your life if you don't bring offerings of foods and meats to him.
Hyena- Still one of the hunt, he helps keep his Brother under control. Just, sometimes if he feels you're skimping his offerings? He'll hunt YOU.
Robin- A fallen deity who demands human sacrifice in order to stave off his wrath.
Dingo- Once wrathful like his brother, he now is a deity of fatherhood. Offering blessings to fathers to be, and sometimes getting many women at his shrine hoping to find a husband as strong and loyal as himself. Takes chocolate anything as payment.
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thisisthe-way · 2 years
Who do you think would be more likely to be in Kamar-Taj, looking up information about their “condition”: Jack Russel or Marc/Steve/Jake?
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xxdoggodxx · 2 years
(Magick) Book Review Time!
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Werewolf Magick by Denny Sargent
Hello all, I've been meaning to write this review for a while now and am just now finally getting to it.
I've noticed more people buying this book, and just wanted to give my opinions on it as someone who's been doing magickal workings for my whole life, especially werewolf related Magick as a born lycanthrope.
Of course, I will preface that it is totally okay if you disagree with my thoughts on it, if you enjoy this book and it's contents work for you, then that's not for me to tell you that you can't. Practices are very personal and I'm not an authority on what anyone can or cannot do. Anything I say also is to mean no offense to the author; Denny seems like an overall nice guy and I have watched some of his webinars, he seems like a pleasant and good person in all.
However this is a mainly critical review.
First, I would like to start off with the things I did like. I greatly appreciate the first chapters on lore of werewolves from around the world and different cultures. I feel like he did pretty well on this chapter, though there were some things left out. I understand that gathering this kind of data takes a lot of work, so I'm not going to pass judgement on some things not making it into the book.
The second thing I like is any sections (which are spread throughout the book) that explain being a werewolf / lycanthrope in a rather scientific way, using real science to back up why we do what we do and how.
Finally, I appreciate is that with every single subject, spell, and action he describes in this book he always starts off with or finishes with noting that this won't be for everyone and to do what feels personally right. I always like to see that from authors, and it's not something I see often.
Now onto my criticisms.
I feel that this book mixes a lot of practices in a less than sensical, conducive, or respectful way. I worry about this mixing because while it is okay to follow multiple pantheons and have multiple ways of practicing it is not okay to mix them in a way which conflates them with each other. I highly question this method of multi practice because it is not respectful to the cultures they originate from, and it is especially disrespectful to the God's and Goddesses. There are a few times methods reeked of appropriation, and other times it felt flat out unknowledgeable.
Something that personally bothered me because as my followers would know I work with this deity, is in chapter 8, titled; "Werewolf Magick with the dead" which contains the spell titled; "Ritual for Honoring and Guiding the Dead with Anpu". He notes in the beginning of this spell that in quote; "This ritual is a bit of an outlier because it honors and invokes the ancient Egyptian werewolf God, Anubis or Anpu, a deity not mentioned until now because until the writing of this book I did not know there was actually a wolf God."
Now I will take you back to the very beginning of the book, in the author blurb it reads in quote; "In the magickal world, he has been initiate of or an accepted member of a number of esoteric traditions and groups" which lists the "Horus Ma'at Lodge" as one of them. Seeing as how closely Anpu works with Ma'at and simply his plain out popularity amongst Kemetics I find it extremely odd that he would not have heard of Anpu while being a member of that lodge.
I will say, I did appreciate that he notes that the African Golden Jackal is in fact a wolf, but I digress.
Lastly, I just really did not vibe with the way the spells are written. They seem more fit to the young teen or preteen crowd. I could've seen myself getting more out of this when I was 13 in the early 00s because it does have some valuable information despite it's many flaws in my eyes. In modern day and age though newbies are much better off getting their information online than this book.
I find the flaws in it to be potentially dangerous to the crowd it would appeal to more; because as I noted before the rampant mixing of practices is not a good thing to do. Appropriation is unkind, whether done to be intentionally malicious or not (which I think it clearly isn't meant to be, but damage is damage). The flaws here could even potentially upset the God's, which is never a good or smart thing to do.
It also is very much written as his own exclusively personal practice and headcanon of the God's and Magick. The entire book is his own UPG, views, and mixed up practices that don't correspond with each other in reality or have any basis in how any of the practices he "borrows" from actually work.
To be honest, I was really disappointed because there are barely any books covering this subject at all. I was even more excited when I had read it includes Anpu in reviews, the end results being a huge letdown and feeling like I wasted my hard earned money. Now it is doomed to just gather dust in the back of my closet, I don't even wish to have it displayed on my altar bookshelf because it's embarrassing to have. I also don't feel right giving it away or donating it because the flaws I found in it, I do not want to condone it by being the middle man in someone's access to it. I do not want someone that is impressionable and new to practicing Magick internalizing things like appropriation or unethical practice mixing at my hand.
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jackals-ships · 4 months
scampering noises b4 i sleep i had. an alduin thot. SPECIFICALLY it's jackal trying to get him to play act Being A Normal Ass Person Sorta Kinda so it's. so it's a fancy lil dinner party thing
and half of it is jackal teaching him how to Use Hands To Hold Spoons and the other half is "local dragon god inexplicably knows Only how to sass and subtly mock local dragonborn more at 11"
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werwulf21 · 9 months
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cephalopod-celabrator · 3 months
I like these polls and this concept even though it's been done so
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