#westallen secret santa 2022
backtothestart02 · 2 years
Until There Was You - 7/7 | westallen fanfiction
Westallen secret santa gift
For: @dickandcr
From: @backtothestart02
Rating: T - for some language and suggestive material
Christmas note: I hope you enjoy! Have an amazing holiday season!
Chapter 7 -
“You can still stay at my place tonight. It won’t be awkward. We’re still friends, right?”
Well, it was awkward.
When Patty returned, she even offered to share the bed with him the same way they’d done every night he’d been there when they were together. But they weren’t together anymore. And what ex-girlfriend would invite her ex-boyfriend to bed with her immediately after they’d broken up?
Unless she thought she could get him to reconsider, and they could have reunion sex. Obviously, that wasn’t going to happen though. Not for old times’ sake and not for simple urges either. He could because he wasn’t dating Iris – yet, but the fact of the matter was, he wasn’t attracted to or in love with his ex-girlfriend anymore.
It was absolutely insane to him how that had happened so fast, in the blink of an eye. Objectively he found Patty cute like he had when they first met, but some sort of magic had bewitched him when he laid his eyes on Iris, and now no other woman compared.
At any rate, he took the couch that night, and he woke up early – usually early enough to make Patty and him breakfast. This time though, he just wanted to get out of there before Patty woke up. He knew that was a messed-up thing to do, but the awkwardness from when they walked in the door had only extended into the rest of their short evening to when they went to bed.
He’d said what he needed to say, and she’d understood. As well as any long-term, long-distance now ex-girlfriend could, of course. Their relationship had started to become strained anyway, and he knew at this point she was just being polite. He hoped she’d find someone new the way he had with Iris. She deserved that. He still cared about her, just not in a way that a boyfriend should, let alone a fiancé.
Packing his things as quietly as he could, he then got dressed, grabbed a banana off the countertop and unlocked the door. Unbeknownst to him, Patty was watching from her bedroom door down the short hallway. She didn’t alert him to her presence, just like he hadn’t made them breakfast or said goodbye.
It was for the best. He knew it, and so did she.
The crowded room overwhelmed him when he stepped in New York Times shortly after leaving Patty’s that morning. Everyone was moving to and fro, hardly aware of his existence or that he should need something or someone at the busy newspaper station.
He tried in vain to get someone’s attention, but everyone was either on the phone or talking to someone, and no one would give him anything except maybe their pointer finger up in his direction telling him to wait.
Sighing in frustration, he ran a hand through his hair and over his face, half-contemplating just walking out the door and trying again later. As luck would have it though, a vaguely familiar voice circled into his ears from across the room, and he turned to look.
It was Iris’ friend from when they’d first met. The one that had complimented his green eyes and made Iris blush.
“Hey!” he said, relieved to find someone who would talk to him and someone he knew to boot. “Uh…”
“Linda,” she reminded him with a smile on her face.
“Linda, right. Hello.”
“It’s been a few days. You’re still looking handsome as ever.”
“I’m newly single,” he announced, then shut his eyes when he realized she was not the one he wanted to direct that information to.
Linda’s eyebrows shot up, amused.
“I’m guessing that’s something you want me to relay to Iris?”
He winced.
“Yeah. Or I could tell her myself. Is she here?” He started to peer around the station once more, but he couldn’t catch sight of her.
“Actually, she just got a new job.”
“A new job?” He frowned. “Still in the city, I hope.”
Linda laughed.
“Yes, at ABC7. It’s a news station in the city. I can get you directions if you like?”
“Just an address is fine. I’ll gps it.”
She smirked and pulled out her phone, so she could find the information, and he could jot it down.
“She should be on the air soon,” she informed him. “I think she told me there was some sort of cute story involving children she’d be reporting on this morning. In Central Park, I believe.”
Barry grinned.
“I’m so happy for her. I haven’t known her long obviously, but I know she was really looking for that change.”
“It’s her dream.”
“Thanks, Linda.” He shoved his phone into his pocket. “I owe you one.”
“Maybe I’ll see you around, for a double date perhaps?”
He blinked. “You flirted with me while dating someone else?”
She snorted. “I’m a flirt. Iris’ brother understands.”
His eyes bulged. “Iris has a brother? And you’re dating him?”
She smirked.
“I’m sure Iris will tell you all about it. Now, go! Before you catch her in the middle of her report on her first day!”
“Might be better if I do.” He smirked in return.
“Romantic,” she said. “I’ll tune in to see what happens.”
He could only grin and wave her off as he thanked her one more time and headed out the door.
He had a news story to catch.
Iris was a bundle of nerves, clutching the microphone as she waited for her cue from the station to start talking.
It was a chilly day and Christmas Eve to boot. The snow had started to fall in the park, making the view absolutely heavenly and her toes like icicles in the fashion boots she’d put on on her way out the door.
But it wasn’t just the temperature and it being her first time on air that had her on edge. It was her recent break-up with her on-again, off-again ex, Eddie Thawne, that had her brain muddled and her heart thudding loudly in her chest.
Eddie had been confused, mystified, hurt. Iris hadn’t said a word about Barry or their interactions that had left her loss for words. Eddie had made his case, unable to let her just walk away from him when he had done everything right this time around, when he was serious about her and them and doing right by her.
But she had said the mix-up of the jewelry from Tiffany’s was a sign that it was not meant to be, and she would not be convinced otherwise.
She could tell he was upset by her stance. Anyone would be. But he also knew her well enough to know when her opinion could not be swayed. She was a stubborn girl a lot of the time, and this was one of those times.
So, he let her walk out of his apartment with no intention to ever return.
Was she crazy? To let this guy she barely knew take a hold of her heart in a matter of hours – no, in a single moment – the way she had?
But then, had she had any choice in the matter?
It was highly unlikely she’d ever see him again, but if she did…and if he wasn’t standing with his bride-to-be, did that mean there was something to the idea of destiny after all? Of finding ‘the one’?
She saw Barry’s beautiful green eyes before her, that boyish grin, his lanky frame and silky brown hair that she ached to touch just once more, and then…as if by magic, she saw him. Right there. In front of her. Well, next to the camera man, who was telling her to start talking.
She blinked and looked at the camera, hoping zero rosy color was filtering into her chilled cheeks.
“Hi. Yes…Richard. From the station.”
She cleared her throat, and Barry ducked his head, smiling. But in the next moment, all the notes and details on the story she was supposed to be informing the audience on returned to the forefront of her mind, and she spoke.
A few minutes later, the cameraman gave her a little nod, and she smiled easily, grateful for the mostly successful story she’d told.
“Back to you, Richard.”
The cameraman shut off his video camera and lowered it beside him, and instantly Iris’ gaze shifted to Barry, who was still standing there, watching her.
“What are you doing here?” Iris asked, meeting him halfway as he moved in her direction. Her jaw had dropped, but she was still grinning, her brown eyes sparkling as she looked up at him.
“I came to find you.” He smirked.
She watched him, waiting.
“Patty and I…aren’t together anymore.”
She blinked, briefly confused, then finally…
“Oh! Patty. That Patty. Your girlfriend, Patty. Who you were going to propose to, Patty. That Patty.”
He chuckled and nodded.
“The only Patty I know, yeah.”
She ducked her head, then bit her bottom lip.
“Of course, yeah.” She cleared her throat. “Why?” Her brows furrowed.
He knew what she was asking, so he took the opportunity to slip his hand against her cold cheek and watched her catch her breath and her eyes close as she leaned into him.
“Why?” she repeated.
“Why do you think, Iris?”
Her eyes opened.
He smiled softly and pulled something from his pocket. He dangled it above their heads, twisting it between his fingers until she looked all the way up and smiled too.
Their eyes met.
“Are you and-”
She gripped his lapels and yanked him down to her.
“If we were, could I do this?”
She sank her fingers into his hair and latched her lips onto his, lingering for several moments when she finally parted.
“Yeah?” She grinned, her eyes fluttering open.
“Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas, Barry,” she whispered, and kissed him again.
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westallenfun · 2 years
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Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays!
It’s almost time for WestAllen secret santa 2022!
The first present will be posted starting 13:00 EST and presents will continue being posted until about 17:30 EST
This year it will not be the westallenfun account that posts the present, but the present makers will be posting the presents on their own blog. So be sure to check out the #westallen secret santa tag. However, the gifts will be retweeted here, too!
In short, I hope you enjoy and have a blessed day, and be sure to leave your appreciation for the artists!
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backtothestart02 · 2 years
Until There Was You - 1/7 | westallen fanfiction
Westallen secret santa gift
For: @dickandcr
From: @backtothestart02
Rating: T - for some language and suggestive material
Christmas note: I hope you enjoy! Have an amazing holiday season!
Chapter 1 -
Linda could tell from the moment Iris pushed open the door at the New York Times, even from all the way across the room, that something was wrong. And that something wrong was probably Eddie.
Iris looked very fashionable in her marble, form-fitting dress beneath the black, wool peacoat she wore over and the knitted hat and gloves from her grandma Esther, but the smile on her face was forced, and it immediately fell as soon as she landed in the chair behind her desk and stared straight ahead at her best friend, her hands folded beneath her chin, waiting.
“We broke up.”
“Oh, no,” Linda tried to infuse her voice with sadness, but the flickering look in her best friend’s eyes told her she hadn’t succeeded. “What?” she deadpanned.
“You’re not very convincing, Lin.” She paused. “It’s okay to say you didn’t like the guy.”
Linda shrugged helplessly.
“I didn’t like the guy.”
“Putting it mildly,” Iris muttered, booting up her computer. “You hated his guts.”
Linda winced.
“I was that obvious, huh?”
Iris met her hesitant gaze with a deadly stare again, and Linda leaned back in her seat.
“What do you want from me, Iris? You’re my best friend, and he was treating you like crap.”
Iris frowned.
“He was no-”
“He was – is – a workaholic. He never put you first. He forgot birthdays, anniversaries, promotions? Come on. This is a good thing. You’ll find someone new, someone better. Someone who will treat you like the princess you obviously are and the TV anchor you’re bound to become.”
Iris managed to smile at that last bit.
“Baby steps.” She pursed her lips after opening up a document. “First I have to get out of this hell hole.”
“New York Times? A ‘hell hole’? Iris Ann West, I am shocked by your language.”
Iris looked up at her bestie again and sent her the third impenetrable glare of the morning. Linda only smiled in response and began typing on her own computer for the day’s work.
It was an hour passed when she should’ve gone home when a familiar face appeared beside her desk. Iris was only too glad Linda wasn’t there to tell him off before she did.
“Hi, Iris.”
“What…” She scrambled to put her stuff together, so she could scurry out the door. “What are you doing here?”
“I think we need to talk.”
She felt the tension building up in her. Without caring that her computer was fully shut down or not, she flicked off the monitor and started to push her arms into her coat, pulling her long hair free of the collar.
“I thought we already talked.”
“You talked, I listened. I didn’t get to talk.”
She rolled her eyes and pushed past him.
“Your silence spoke volumes.”
He sighed.
“Let’s try again.”
“No? You don’t even want to hear my argument?”
She folded her arms and told herself she’d give him 30 seconds. She only needed five.
“I quit my job.”
Her eyes bulged, and her jaw dropped.
“You what?! I never asked you to do that!”
“You didn’t have to.”
“Eddie, you need a job. You just also need to learn a good work-life balance or you’re not going to keep anyone around for long, no matter how loyal they are.”
“I kept you for five years, didn’t I?”
“Yeah. I’m a rare breed.”
She headed for the door.
“Iris, Iris, stop!”
She stopped, her hand on the door.
“Look, they wanted me to stay really bad.”
“I’m sure they did. You’re likely their most dedicated worker.”
“Iris, I’ve already had an offer from multiple other places. I’ve been looking for someplace different for a while, someplace with a less crazy schedule, so that you and I can actually see each other.”
Slowly, she turned to look at him.
“You have?”
He nodded and cautiously approached her.
“I wanted it to be a surprise. I was planning a dinner…candlelight…maybe we’d end up in the bedroom…”
“And then you had to go and break up with me before our dinner reservation…” He lifted his watch to look at the time. “In 20 minutes.”
Her jaw dropped.
“You didn’t cancel it?”
He took her hands in his own, and for some bizarre reason she let him.
“I was hoping I wouldn’t have to.”
She was torn.
“Come on, Ms. West. Give me one more chance? I promise you won’t regret it.”
She nibbled on her bottom lip.
“Or at least give me dinner. I paid a pretty price for that reservation.”
“Yeah?” he asked, excitedly.
“Dinner only, and only because I’m hungry, and I have a feeling you reserved my favorite restaurant?”
“I did indeed.”
She scoffed.
“Of course.”
He extended his elbow for her to loop her arm through, and they walked out the door.
“Don’t get any ideas, Thawne. This is not me giving in.”
But of course, it was.
Under warmer weather in Central City, Missouri, Barry Allen chowed away on his mother’s famous spaghetti for dinner. He lived across the street, which was perfect, considering how big of a mama’s boy he was. It was not convenient, however, for his long-distance girlfriend, Patty Spivot, who’d moved out to her dream location of New York City as soon as they’d graduated from college.
“That was quick,” Nora Allen said, taking note of her son’s empty plate moments later.
“Oops,” he said with his mouth full.
She tousled his hair.
“My beautiful boy…” She pushed his chin up so that his mouth closed. “Chew with your mouth closed.”
He chewed as she said and swallowed, then promptly wiped his mouth with a napkin.
“Yes, Mother.”
Her eyes twinkled when she sat down beside him.
“Was that Patty on the phone?”
And it was. It had been. Shortly before dinner they’d talked…for 10 minutes. Their calls were getting shorter and shorter, their texts less and less. He couldn’t remember the last time they’d said I love you – or had phone sex for that matter.
“Oh, uh, yeah, it was.”
He got up to rinse his plate and stick it in the dishwasher.
“I was thinking…” Nora continued. “What if you went to New York for the holidays?”
“You haven’t seen her in a while. It might be a nice surprise.”
He shrugged.
“I always have Christmas with you and dad though.”
“I know,” she said, going over to him. “But we’ll be here when you get back – or even if you decide to stay.”
He frowned.
“Decide to stay?”
“You’ve been in the relationship for a long time, honey. And your father and I can see it slowly draining the life out of you. You only have two choices here.”
“And those are?”
“Find a way to reinvigorate it – or end it.”
“And visiting for the holidays would reinvigorate it? For how long though?”
“Moving there might do the trick.”
“But you and Dad-”
“You’re almost 30, honey. The phone works fine for staying in contact. And you can visit us whenever you want.”
“I want you to start your own life. Either here or someplace else, but don’t let us be the reason you’re not going.”
“You want me to move across the country for a girl?”
“For the woman you’ve loved for the past five years? Maybe.” She squeezed his shoulder. “Just think about it.”
He nodded halfheartedly and sunk into himself.
“Okay,” he said. “Okay, I will.”
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backtothestart02 · 2 years
Until There Was You - 6/7 | westallen fanfiction
Westallen secret santa gift
For: @dickandcr
From: @backtothestart02
Rating: T - for some language and suggestive material
Christmas note: I hope you enjoy! Have an amazing holiday season!
Chapter 6 -
Barry knew that his cutting Jesse off so suddenly the night before and immediately turning his phone after thereafter would not sit well with the young brunette. And yet, he hadn’t known how else to go about it without taking a serious look at the situation and wondering why he was willing to throw away his long-term long-distance relationship with his college sweetheart for the sake of a chance meeting with a complete stranger and an unofficial date soon after.
A gorgeous complete stranger.
Not that it mattered. Patty was attractive too. And she had something Iris didn’t. His heart.
He turned on his phone after slipping out of Patty’s bedroom to make pancakes in the kitchen. Instantly, it blew up with 30 missed calls and 15 text messages from his cousin, Jesse. He sighed, the box of pancake mix in his hand, and looked at the most recent text. It had come 15 minutes ago.
I’m outside.
He set the box down and ran his hand over his face and through his hair. The message wasn’t even asking him to come outside to see her, but he knew it was implied. Plus, if he knew her, she likely wasn’t wearing the layers and winter clothing the 20-degree weather demanded.
Slipping into his warm boots and winter coat, Barry patted his pocket for the spare keys to Patty’s apartment and headed downstairs.
As expected, he walked practically into her as soon as he stepped outside.
“Took you long enough,” she sassed, looking at him pointedly.
“Good morning to you too,” he said, smirking as he shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Let’s walk. I’m freezing.”
He raised his eyebrows, amused.
“And whose fault is that?”
She did have an answer for that, so he chuckled and extended his elbow to her for her to loop her arm through. Then, they walked.
“So, you didn’t propose.”
He sighed.
“I didn’t.”
“Why?” she demanded.
He sighed, going for the truth, because if he could trust anyone with it, it was her.
“I met a girl.”
She stopped walking, and he waited for her to scold him.
“Say something,” he said, when she took a few seconds too long to respond.
“Did anything…happen?”
He hesitated, then said, “We went ice skating.”
“Did you kiss her?”
“But you wanted to.”
He sighed.
“I’m just trying to get my facts straight!”
She started to walk again, and he went with her, mostly because she dragged him.
“So, did you want to kiss her – yes or no?”
He muttered something under his breath.
“What was that?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know? Or you don’t want to tell me?”
“I don’t know.”
And I don’t want to tell you, he thought.
“Are you happy with Patty?”
“Yes,” he said quickly – too quickly?
“Then why couldn’t you propose? Are you planning a more romantic setting maybe?”
“No,” he said just as quickly, then winced.
Jesse frowned.
“I guess I just don’t understand then, Barry. You were so ready. The two of you have so much in common, and you love each other. How can some…stranger change all of that in a matter of hours?”
“Seconds actually,” Barry muttered, but this time not low enough to not be heard.
Jesse stopped again, her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide as saucers. Barry couldn’t look at her.
“You’re thinking about leaving Patty for her.”
“No,” he said. “No, definitely not.”
“Is the only reason because you didn’t exchange phone numbers?”
She was fuming, and he didn’t blame her one bit. So he said nothing, and they kept walking.
“So, you’re not just feeling guilty over Patty. You’re interested in this woman you met out of the blue.” She huffed. “Who even is she?”
“Her name’s Iris,” he offered up.
“Iris,” she repeated, and he could practically here the tsk’ing on her tongue.
“Did you learn anything else about her or were you too busy staring at her lips?”
He sighed. He supposed he deserved that.
“She works for the New York Times. She’s involved with someone.”
“Of course she is,” she seethed.
“That’s how we met, actually.”
“What? On a double date?” her voice went a little too high-pitched.
“She got my engagement ring, and I got her earrings.”
Jesse stopped. He decided not to follow his instinctive reaction that wanted to ask her if she intended on stopping every time she got a little upset.
But this time, it seemed, she wasn’t upset.
She sounded curious now.
“That sounds like something out of a romantic comedy.”
He watched her curiously.
“Does that mean you…approve?”
“No.” She narrowed her eyes. “But I think you need some proof before you’re going to go one way or the other.”
“Meaning…I understand why you might be doubting your current situation and significant other based on how you met this woman.”
“Iris,” he said, and Jesse could hear the wonderment on his tongue when he spoke her name.
“Iris, yes.”
“So, what should I do?”
“Go ice skating again.”
He frowned.
“I don’t understand.”
“If Iris likes ice skating, she’s likely to go again…mostly like with her significant other. So, you go with Patty. Tonight. And if you see Iris there, see how you feel when you look at her. If it’s the same, if you get-”
“Butterflies?” he whispered reverently.
“Yeah.” She smiled slightly. “Then maybe it’s worth exploring. Maybe the key to your happiness isn’t proposing to Patty but giving this beautiful stranger another look.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then it’s a sign you’re just feeling guilty, and you should maybe fess up to Patty, wait for her to forgive you, and then plan a really romantic proposal.”
He cracked a grin.
“How old are you again?”
“Twenty and three-quarters.”
He chuckled.
“What a shame. I was gonna offer you a drink.”
She snorted. “At six in the morning?”
He shrugged.
“A cigar then maybe.”
She laughed.
They both knew he didn’t smoke, and the one time he tried in his teens had been disastrous. The story had been told many times.
“How about you just call me the most intelligent person you’ve ever met?”
“Alright.” He pulled her in and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Jesse Wells, you are the most intelligent person I have ever met.”
She smiled into him.
“As are you, when you take your rose-colored glasses off.”
He snorted, and they resumed their walk, stopping for hot chocolate at a Starbucks before returning to Patty’s apartment building where he bid her farewell and promised to tell her what happened after the dust settled.
“I’m holding you to that.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
The rink at Rockefeller Center was fairly crowded, as was to be expected the night before Christmas Eve. It was chilly, but Barry and Patty were dressed warmly with their own ice skates to boot. They planned to get hot chocolate but not until they’d spent some time on the rink.
Patty was a natural, taking to the ice like a pro. She’d taken lessons up into her teen years, entered competitions even and won some ribbons. Yet Barry had always felt insecure when around her on the ice. He hadn’t felt that with Iris the day before, even though she’d been equally skilled on the ice. He couldn’t put his finger on why though and so tried to push the thought from his mind.
Patty took his hand as they moved into the stream of people skating on the ice. They were both wearing gloves, so there was no skin-to-skin contact the way there had been with Iris when neither of them had been planning on skating until he brought it up.
Why had he done that?
He shook his head of the thought, but unfortunately for him, Patty noticed.
“What?” she asked, a silly grin on her face.
“Oh, uh, nothing. I was just thinking…”
“About what?”
He lifted his gaze, intending to turn it to Patty, but first he looked straight ahead and saw…her.
She looked unbelievably adorable in her little pink skirt and warm, white tights to match the plaid coat she wore and the winter hat and gloves that matched as well.
How cute.
It was also at that exact moment that he lost track of what he was doing and moved away from Patty, going straight ahead and flailing, coming right in front of Iris, slamming against the wall of the rink, almost smushing Iris as he fought to stay standing.
He could hear Patty calling his name faintly, horrified as she struggled to get to him and no doubt apologize to the woman he’d nearly collided with.
But what was stronger in his ears was the whisper from said woman before him.
Butterflies exploded inside him. Nothing else existed in that moment except her. Those deep eyes and those chilled cheeks that he ached to touch. Those lips that-
“Oh, my god, Barry!” Patty practically screeched, arriving at last. “I’m so sorry.” She addressed Iris. “Are you okay?” Then she looked back at Barry. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Barry and Iris answered simultaneously.
Patty suspected nothing, apologized once more to Iris and then looked at Barry again.
“Come on, let’s get some hot chocolate.”
Reluctantly, he took her hand and went with her, hopeful he hadn’t twisted his ankle in the mess. He looked over his shoulder at Iris as he left, briefly, and found her looking back at him, mystified at his arrival and just as soon at his departure.
To avoid making another scene, he looked straight ahead, gripping Patty’s hand harder than necessary and exited the rink with her moments later.
“Well, that was embarrassing,” Patty muttered as they made their way to the beverage stand.
“Yeah, sorry.” His cheeks turned bright red. “I guess I lost my head a bit.”
Or a lot.
“It’s okay,” Patty said, brushing it aside, though he could tell she wasn’t entirely off it. “Why don’t you take off your skates, get us some hot chocolate and we’ll relax with that for a while. If you feel up to it after, we’ll go back on the ice.”
So, he went and got the drinks, Jesse’s words about this evening running through his head, his heart still pounding at the memory of Iris, wondering faintly why she’d been standing there alone and then being glad that she was rather than with her boyfriend. Which was kind of awful of him, but it told him what he needed to do.
He got the drinks and returned to Patty, extending one to her and waited for her to take a sip.
“Thanks,” she said and brought the cup to her lips. It was too hot for her though, so she held it in her lap and looked up at him and presumably saw the way the wheels in his head were turning.
Of course she did. She knew him so wel…
“What?” she asked.
“Are you happy with me?”
She blinked, her brows furrowed.
“Yes. I am.” She patted the spot beside her, so she could soothe him further, but he shook his head. “What happened, Barry?”
He swallowed.
“This isn’t easy to say…”
She tilted her head, confused, and waited.
He sighed.
“Does this have to do with you exchanging the jewelry today?”
He blinked and shifted on his feet.
“Kinda.” He licked his lips. “I had a kind of revelation…” he trailed off.
“What kind of revelation?” she asked, and he could see her tensing up. Almost like she knew.
“I was going to propose.”
Her eyes widened, and he did take a seat then.
“Because we’ve felt…stuck for a while. And I thought, by moving to New York where you were, by proposing, that would somehow fulfill what was missing between us.”
She nibbled on her bottom lip.
“But I don’t think it would’ve, Patty. Not for long. I think…”
“You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you?”
He held his breath for a few lengthy seconds, and then his shoulders slumped.
“Instead of proposing, you’re breaking up with me.”
He tried to take her hand, but she pulled it out of reach, and he could see tears well in her eyes. He knew she hated this. Hell, he hated this. But he was only speaking the truth, and he couldn’t help that his heartstrings had been tugged by another, by Iris.
“Are you happy, Patty?”
She held her tongue for a moment more and then reluctantly gave him what he wanted to hear.
“No,” she said. “I mean, I was happy to see you, happy when you said you were going to move here, because I love you, Barry.”
His eyes shut slowly.
“But you’re right. Things between us have been strained for a while, and the excitement of a proposal and planning a wedding…it wouldn’t last.” She took a breath. “We should break up.”
He nodded and stopped trying to reach her.
“Before we go our separate ways though…” she started, and he looked at her. “Is there someone else?”
His eyes bulged, and she caught sight of them before he could subdue them.
She pursed her lips and nodded.
“I see.”
“It’s not what you think, Patty.”
“Did you cheat on me?”
“No. Never. I just…” he sighed. “I just met her.”
“And that was enough, huh? Enough for you to decide to end it all.”
He swallowed.
“Is she here?” She looked around, but he didn’t. He didn’t want to make it obvious by looking where they’d just been. “Oh, god, is she-”
His lips thinned when Patty spun around to look at him.
“Is she…?”
He said nothing.
Hastily, she took off her skates.
“Well, this date is over, isn’t it? Go get your girl.”
“Patty, wai-”
But she didn’t wait. She didn’t turn back to yell at him, but she didn’t wait either. She stomped off with the skates in hand and not another look back.
He looked back at the rink, approaching it with his hot chocolate still in one hand, but Iris was gone. He searched the crowd, watching as they circled the rink over and over. He searched the rest of the grounds, the bathrooms even, but she was nowhere to be found.
Had he just thrown his relationship away for nothing?
An hour passed before he slunk back to Patty’s place and knocked at her door. All his stuff was there, including his wallet that would get him into a hotel for the night. He had no choice but to confront her.
He knocked a couple times, waiting, despite the spare keys sitting heavy in his pocket. He didn’t want to invade her space if she didn’t want him there.
“You have keys, don’t you?” came Patty’s voice, shortly after, and he winced, taking them out and opening the door.
There she stood, in pajamas he’d given her the year before, white ones with pink hearts and little stars. He remembered the feel of her snuggling against him in them the night before. He didn’t yearn for that again, but his heart was heavy knowing she was mad at him.
“Can I come in?”
She raised her eyebrows, amused.
“To get my things,” he clarified, and her lips thinned.
“Where will you go?”
“To a hotel?” he offered up, and her shoulder slumped. He knew then that she’d figured it out. He hadn’t found her.
“You can still stay at my place tonight. It won’t be awkward. We’re still friends, right?”
And with that, she turned and disappeared down the hall into her bedroom.
He stood there, dumbfounded, then miraculously moved his feet and closed the door behind him, plopping down on the couch in the living room and dreading the moment she’d return.
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backtothestart02 · 2 years
Until There Was You - 5/7 | westallen fanfiction
Westallen secret santa gift
For: @dickandcr
From: @backtothestart02
Rating: T - for some language and suggestive material
Christmas note: I hope you enjoy! Have an amazing holiday season!
Chapter 5 -
The next day Linda tried to pin Iris down as soon as she sat down at her desk, but she was pulled away time and time again until she had to accept a simple text asking to go out for lunch to catch up. She was surprised when Iris said yes honestly, given what Linda wanted to know – which was what happened that Iris never came into work the previous afternoon.
But she said yes, and that was all that mattered.
They didn’t leave together, but they wound up at their favorite café down the street. Linda raised her hand when Iris walked through the door, and the two smiled as they settled into their booth.
“Sorry about this morning,” Iris said. “I guess when you don’t come into work, there is suddenly work for you to do when you return.” She paused. “But it was only for the afternoon, so I don’t understand why-”
“Yes,” Linda interrupted. “I can’t imagine why your boss wasn’t fond of you not coming in without even calling.”
Iris turned to look at her best friend, her hands folded beneath her chin, and her lips parted.
“The last thing I remember was you flirting to high heaven and making heart eyes with a complete stranger.” Iris sighed. “So. What happened after that? We have 40 minutes.”
Iris leaned into her hand and moaned softly.
“That good, huh? I hope Eddie knows. I could use some good drama.”
“Please tell me you broke up with him. I like that more than drama. Besides, complete stranger guy was totally hot. Well, cute. Cute enough to bang. You could use a could bang. Unless, Eddie-” She scrunched up her nose. “No, nevermind. Let’s not go there.”
She grinned.
“If you don’t tell me what happened, I’ll come up with my own version of events.”
Iris rolled her eyes and shook her head, but she was smiling.
“Okay, okay. We went ice skating.”
“Oh? We meaning…?”
“Me and Barry.”
“Is that his name? I couldn’t tell. I was too distracted by his emerald eyes.”
Iris slapped her arm.
“You’re taken, Missy! By my brother.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s right. He’s definitely hot. Let me tell y-”
Iris held up a hand.
“Ew. Please don’t.”
Linda chuckled.
“Okay, so you went ice skating. Was it fun? Did you flirt? Did you get his phone number?”
Iris raised her eyebrows.
“Give me something, Iris! I’m dying over here!”
“Yes, well, dying or not, in case you have forgotten, Barry was trying to propose to his girlfriend before our gifts got mixed up, and Eddie and I are still very much in a relationship.”
Linda sighed.
“You don’t have to be. That’s on you.”
“I know, and I choose Eddie.”
“But why?”
Iris laughed.
“Okay, look, I know Eddie doesn’t have a good history, being a workaholic and all, but he’s been really good so far, Lin. It feels different. Like maybe he’s-”
“The one?” Linda drawled, annoyed.
“Changed, I was gonna say,” Iris deadpanned. “But yeah, that too.”
“God, I hope not.”
Iris shook her head.
“Let’s talk about something else. How is everything with you?”
“Great. Great. It’s great. You?”
“Well, I got an interview for the TV station not far from here.”
Linda’s jaw dropped.
“Oh, my god, that’s amazing! We deserve drinks for that!”
Iris laughed.
“I don’t think they have alcohol here.”
Linda frowned.
“That’s why we like it, remember? Because then we don’t get drunk in the middle of the day?”
Linda’s frown didn’t go away.
“Anyway, thank you. I hope I get it. The Times is just about draining me dry. And I’ve always wanted to reach an audience the way one can being on TV.”
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll get it. I’ll just miss you tons.”
Iris smiled.
“Is that why you didn’t come back yesterday afternoon?”
“Partially. But the ice skating did take up…a lot of time.”
“Are you going to tell Eddie?” She held her breath.
Iris snorted.
“No way. It was already awkward enough between us when I gave him back the bag he meant to pick up from Tiffany’s, and he said thanks, and then gave it to me again for me to open. We don’t need more awkwardness or suspicion anywhere. Besides, it was just ice skating. Not like it was an official date or anything.”
“It could’ve been,” Linda muttered under her breath.
Iris sighed.
“Enough from you!” She laughed. “I’m never going to see him again, so I better make do with Eddie or I’ll have no one at all!”
Linda’s eyes widened.
“That’s…ugh. Not what I meant. I want to be with- Can we just change the subject?”
Linda knew when enough was enough, and it was time to stop pushing.
She nodded.
“Can you at least tell me what he got you?”
“Diamond earrings.”
“Big ones?”
Iris’ nose scrunched up.
“I don’t like those. They look fake to me, even if they’re not. Anyone who knows me-”
She sighed.
“I’m sure I’ll wear them eventually.”
“Mm.” She started to get up.
“Where are you going?” Iris asked.
“To see if they have some wine in the back.”
Iris snorted but let her go and leaned back against the seat. A sip or two of wine might not be bad at this particular moment.
Barry’s sexy smile and vivid, green eyes flashed before her eyes, and she sighed, almost moaning.
She could definitely go for some wine.
Evening fell, and Barry’s nerves started to kick up. It had been a full 24 hours – and then some – since he’d felt swept off his feet by the mystery woman who’d accidentally been proposed to by his ring, except not. Not really proposed to. She’d just…opened it, and her and her boyfriend had quickly realized this wasn’t what was intended.
But now all was right. He had the ring back, and all Patty knew was that she’d received the wrong jewelry. She was unaware of his planned proposal. They’d just come back from a nice dinner on the town, talking about what life would look like with both of them in the same city, and it was time for him to make the stand.
If only he could get Iris’ gorgeous eyes out of his head.
Petite, stunning in every possible way, with a smile and a laugh he could relish in till the end of his days. His breath had been stolen from him in their first meeting. And his impetuous suggestion that they go ice skating together… Her saying yes to that… Them holding hands as they skated when he floundered onto the ice… Him feeling safe with her… Feeling overwhelmed with feelings of lust and admiration and infatuation… From one afternoon.
He couldn’t remember the last time he felt that way about Patty.
Wasn’t he supposed to be in love with her?
“It’s been a nice night so far,” Patty said, as they re-entered her apartment. “Thanks, Barry.”
“Of course.”
He smiled, closing the door behind him and helping her take her coat off.
“I’m going to go change, then maybe we watch a movie?”
She let the question hang, and he knew this was his moment. Pull her aside, tell her how in love he was and how he felt their future unfolding to a wondrous place, and then ask her to marry him.
But instead, he said…
“Sure, that sounds great.”
What are you doing?!
He pushed the accusatory voice aside and dug through his duffel bag to change his own clothes before picking out Patty’s favorite movie on her Netflix and waiting for her return.
She smiled pleasantly, getting excited when she saw what the movie was, and nestling in close to him, urging him to press play.
An hour into the movie, his phone started to vibrate. He saw who it was and immediately knew she’d see through all his lies, but if he didn’t answer at all, she might march over to Patty’s place herself and demand an answer.
So, he paused the movie and answered the call.
“Hey, Jesse, now’s not really a good time.”
“Did you do it? Did she say yes?”
“Which one?” Her confusion was evident.
“Tell her to call back later, Barry.” Patty tugged at his arm.
“I’ll call you tomorrow, Jess. Bye.”
And he knew then, he was in trouble.
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backtothestart02 · 2 years
Until There Was You - 4/7 | westallen fanfiction
Westallen secret santa gift
For: @dickandcr
From: @backtothestart02
Rating: T - for some language and suggestive material
Christmas note: I hope you enjoy! Have an amazing holiday season!
Chapter 4 -
Iris’ and Linda’s walk to Tiffany’s during their lunch hour wasn’t exactly the shortest, but anything to get out of the chaos that was their workplace around the holidays. Linda, as always, didn’t have the slightest problem making this Eddie’s fault.
“Shouldn’t your boyfriend be the one returning this ring, since he was the one who picked up the wrong gift?”
Iris shot her a glare.
“What? It is his fault, isn’t it?”
“Eddie is working today. He couldn’t do it.”
“Yeah, well, so are we, and look at us. What if the manager to see him anyway, since he’s the one who bought whatever the other thing is.”
Iris sighed.
“I have the receipt. That should be all they need.”
“And what if this other person doesn’t show up?”
“Um, whoever it was bought an expensive engagement ring at Tiffany’s. At the very least, I doubt they’d want all that money to go down the drain.”
Linda pursed her lips.
“Hmm. True.”
“Come on. We’re almost there.”
She looped her arm through her best friend’s, and they continued down the sidewalk the many blocks until they reached their destination. In fact, they were just about to reach for the door handle leading into the building when another hand reached it first.
“Oh, uh-”
“Sorry, you fir-”
Iris and the young man she was trying to speak over laughed. Linda watched them curiously.
“We’re going to Tiffany’s,” Linda informed him, since the two had apparently become blushing, fumbling fools.
“Oh?” He lifted his bag up. “Me too. I’m hoping to talk to the manager about some sort of mix-up I had. Hoping he can get me my-”
“Engagement ring?” Iris lifted up her bag and smiled with a slight wince.
“It’s you?” he asked, mystified.
“It’s me. Well, my boyfriend. Apparently, he wasn’t actually trying to propose.” She stifled a laugh.
He stepped away from the door and gestured for the two ladies to come with him.
“Mind if I see? Just to make sure?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely.” Iris dipped her hand into the bag and pulled out the blue box. “It’s gorgeous by the way, if it is yours. You have excellent taste.”
“Ah, I can’t take credit for that. I took my cousin, Jesse, with me, because her taste is impeccable.”
“I see.”
Iris’ cheeks had started to hurt she was smiling so wide, and she couldn’t seem to stop. With shaky hands she handed him the box, and he opened it and confirmed it was his.
“That’s the one,” he said. He handed her his bag. “Did you want to check or-”
“I better let it be a surprise from my boyfriend,” she said.
“Right. That’s probably a good idea.”
Linda shook her head, in disbelief that these two couldn’t seem to take their eyes off the other – or stop dropping their gazes from eyes to lips for that matter.
She cleared her throat loudly, causing the trance to momentarily shatter.
“Well, I, uh, think I actually left my lunch at work. So, I’ll see you later, Iris, okay?”
“Oh. Uh, Linda, you don’t have to-”
“Thanks for running into us…?” she waited for him to answer.
“Barry. Nice name. Beautiful green eyes too.”
He blushed slightly at the compliment, and she turned to look at Iris again.
“I’ll see you at work. Take your time.”
Grinning, she turned and started heading back the way they’d come, leaving Iris’ mouth hanging open at the audacity of her departure.
“I…uh…can’t believe she did that.”
He smirked.
“I can.”
“A little.” He chuckled.
She shook her head and laughed.
“Does this mean you’re free for lunch now?”
“Oh. I…um…”
“We don’t have to eat. We could go ice skating.”
“Ice skating?”
She caught her breath in her throat.
“Unless you don’t want to. We totally don’t have to. I know I’m not very good at ice skating. I don’t even know why I suggested it. It’s just there’s a place around the corner, and you look like someone who likes ice skating. And is good at it. Not that I know what someone looks like who likes ice skating and is good at it. I mean, for all I know-”
“Barry.” She grabbed his arm to stop his rambling, then laughed an infectious laugh that had him staring at her, dazed. “I would love to go ice skating.”
She bit her bottom lip and nodded.
“Lead the way.”
So, arm in arm, they turned and strutted across the street in the direction of the skating rink.
Barry didn’t know what had been in his head when he invited to go ice skating, but it certainly hadn’t been his girlfriend. In fact it still wasn’t, and it wouldn’t be until he saw Patty face to face later that afternoon.
In the present – now – all he could see was this vision before him.
What a perfect name for her. She was a flower, a stunning flower. He bet purple and yellow would look great on her like a real iris. He bet anything would look good on her.
“We’re here,” she announced, and he was forced to look away from her to glance at the skating rink before them. “We’ll have to rent skates, but I do have my own.”
“Me too,” he said.
“Yeah? I thought you said you can’t skate.”
He laughed.
“That doesn’t mean I haven’t tried!”
She giggled.
“Fair. Let’s go get some then,” she said, tugging at his hand to bring him along after her.
The coat on her rested just over the curve of her ass, and everything inside him was aching to touch her. She was beautiful to look at, but just the feel of her hand pressing into his threatened his sanity. He wasn’t sure how he’d manage touching her anywhere else.
“Right. Yes. Okay.”
She giggled again, and damn if it wasn’t the most glorious sound he’d ever heard.
He was absolutely losing his mind just being around her.
In time though they’d gotten their skates and were putting them on, and Barry was just grateful there weren’t too many people skating at this particular time.
“So, when did you learn to ice skate?” she asked, tying the laces on her skates.
“Oh, uh, my mom taught me when I was…six, I think? We used to go together.”
He stood up and nearly toppled on top of her but braced himself on the bench instead, making her hold her breath, not just from him almost falling but how he was suddenly very close to her face.
“Have you not skated since you were six?” she asked, bubbling over with giggles again.
He watched her face, totally enraptured, and then he started laughing too.
She stood up, getting control of herself as she balanced on her own skates, and then she took his hand again.
“Come on, we’ll take it slow.”
She winked at him, making his pants tighten below his belt.
And so they approached the ice and miraculously made it into the center of the rink without either of them falling. Then they made large strides skating in a wider circle, never letting go of each other’s hand. And then Barry fell when he made the mistake of looking at her longer than the ice in front of him.
“Oh, no, Barry!”
She crouched down and then kneeled on the ice beside him.
“Are you okay?”
She brushed some of his soft brown hair out of his face and threaded her fingers through it. He froze, only looking at her, only nodding along, hardly daring to breathe.
“Tell me about you,” he said.
She blinked. “What?”
“I want to know more about you,” he said honestly.
She licked her lips.
“Okay, uh, let’s get you up first. Then I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”
And so they carefully got up, then skated over to the side of the rink and stood there for a while to chat.
“So?” he asked.
“Oh. Right. Um, well, Linda, who you met, is my best friend and co-worker at New York Times. I’ve worked there for about five years, and I’m desperate to get out of there and get on TV.”
“As an actress?” he asked, dumbfounded.
She smiled.
“As a reporter.”
“Your turn.”
“Oh, right.” He cleared his throat. “Well, I’m originally from Central City, Missouri, but I’m looking to move here. I work as a CSI at the local police station back home, so I was thinking of looking into that same position here. I’m…pretty good at it.” He smirked.
“I bet you are,” she said, and her voice ran low and gravelly, and it scandalized her seconds later, but in the moment she couldn’t get her head out of the gutter.
“So, why don’t you skate? I want to see how good you are. I bet you’re the best.”
“I’m not bad.” Her eyes twinkled. “Okay. Watch me.”
“Not a problem,” he teased, and she rolled her eyes but skated back onto the ice, doing some rounds around the rink but also going into the center to do some spins and twirling, absolutely mesmerizing him.
It completely escaped him that his girlfriend was an exceptional skater, and that he’d even gone to see her do some lower-level competitions when they first started dating. He’d probably been impressed then, but now – in the moment – he found himself so caught up in Iris, and the way she moved on the ice, that he couldn’t imagine anyone better.
And so they spent the next couple hours skating and watching each other skate, helping each other skate, walking around the park, drinking some hot cocoa when finally late afternoon approached, and almost simultaneously they realized just how long they’d spent enjoying someone that wasn’t their friend or their significant other or anyone they’d ever met before.
“I…I should go,” Iris said first, looking like she regretted saying it but that it needed to be said nonetheless.
“Oh. Right. Me too.”
She extended her hand.
“It was nice to meet you, Barry.”
He looked down at her hand and lifted it to his lips, kissing the back of it softly.
“It was nice meeting you as well, Iris.”
Reluctantly, she pulled her hand free of his gentle grasp and went up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
“Goodbye,” she whispered, stepping back slowly and then finally turning around and leaving.
Barry watched her until she was gone.
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backtothestart02 · 2 years
Until There Was You - 3/7 | westallen fanfiction
Westallen secret santa gift
For: @dickandcr
From: @backtothestart02
Rating: T - for some language and suggestive material
Christmas note: I hope you enjoy! Have an amazing holiday season!
Chapter 3 -
Tiffany’s had only a handful of customers when Barry and Jesse walked in later that afternoon. Jesse had never been there before, despite her insistence on knowing so much about it. She hadn’t been able to stop talking about it the whole way over – that, and the fact that her cousin who was more like a brother to her was proposing to the sweetest girl she’d ever met.
“That’s the one,” she said, within 10 minutes of being showed a variety of rings by an employee.
Barry cracked a grin and nodded.
“She’s the boss. Wrap it up.”
Jesse skipped to the register, and Barry followed, nearly bumping into a blonde stranger who presumably was also there to buy an expensive, sparkly gift.
They paid for the ring and made their way back downstairs to the exit. The elevator took longer than usual to arrive, so much so that the man he’d nearly bumped into before came to wait beside them for the elevator.
“Might as well take the stairs,” the blonde mumbled.
Barry only nodded in response. Jesse said nothing. Then just as the newcomer was about to head for the stairs, the doors opened, and they all hurried inside.
He seemed antsy, but again Barry and Jesse made no comment. They were just counting down the seconds in their head to when the doors would open once again, and they could be free to talk more about the ring and the proposal.
The elevator was equally slow reaching the lobby as it had been opening on Tiffany’s floor, but at last it reached it’s destination, and Barry and the stranger moved so quickly when the doors opened, that they crashed into each other and their bags went flying across the floor.
“Oh, God, I’m so sor-”
“Don’t worry about it,” the man said, snatching the blue bag closest to him and making his way out of the lobby.
“Well, that was rude.” Jesse frowned, picking up the bag and then helping her cousin to his feet.
“I’m sure he had someplace important to be. Maybe he’s proposing too.”
Jesse rolled his eyes.
“I’m sure his speech won’t be nearly as magnificent as yours.”
Barry paled.
Oh, shit. A speech.
Iris spent the night at Eddie’s again. It had become a regular thing for the last three days, and she wondered if it would go on for longer. She wasn’t minding it. It was like he’d become an entirely different person. So, when she rolled over the next morning and found his bed empty, the frown that crossed her lips couldn’t be helped.
She crawled out of bed and grabbed one of his oversized t-shirts before heading into the kitchen.
No answer.
Maybe he went out to get breakfast, she thought to herself, letting her eyes wander until they settled on a couple of shopping bags on the couch that hadn’t been there the night before. Or at least, she hadn’t noticed them then.
One of them was a pretty blue and white, and was that…?
Oh, my God.
She immediately ran to her little black purse and fished out her phone, scrolling through her contacts before she landed on the most important one, almost screaming when the familiar voice picked up.
“Whoa. Volume.”
“You’ve been up for an hour, shut up.”
“And this is the first thing I’m hearing, be gentle.”
Iris huffed.
“Tell me why you called,” Linda said patiently.
“Eddie got me something,” she said nervously, switching her weight between her feet as she hobbled over to the couch where the gift bag sat.
“From Tiffany’s.”
“Lin? You still there?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m here. Are you sure? The Tiffany’s?”
“Positive. I’m staring at the bag right now.”
“Oh, my God.”
“Should I open it?”
Iris frowned.
“That was decisive.”
“What if it’s an engagement ring? You’ll steal his thunder.”
Iris gasped.
“You really think he’s planning to propose? Isn’t that…kind of soon?”
Linda rolled her eyes on the other end.
“I don’t know, Iris…you’ve only been together for half a decade.”
Iris sighed testily.
“You know that’s not what I meant. I meant so soon after we reconciled.”
“For the hundredth time.”
“My point is-”
“I know your point, bestie. But think about it. He quits his job, he makes time for you, you guys have several days of absolute bliss. You don’t think that has the possibility of leading up to something?”
“Oh, my God.”
Iris fell back into the couch.
“He’s going to propose.”
Iris frowned.
“What do you mean ‘maybe’? You just said-”
“I said it’s a possibility, and that’s why you shouldn’t open it. They do sell other sparkly things at Tiffany’s though, so don’t look too disappointed if he gets you some earrings or a bracelet maybe.”
“I would never.”
The sound of a lock turning in the door made Iris scramble off the couch and flee into the bedroom.
“He’s back. I’ll see you later. Bye.”
It took seconds before Eddie was inside and calling out to his presumably still asleep girlfriend.
“I have breakfast!”
Iris popped her head out of the open doorway leading into the bedroom.
“Breakfast, you said?”
Eddie chuckled.
“Maybe first you want to open that bag from Tiffany’s though. Was that Linda on the phone just now?”
Iris sheepishly looked down at her bare toes on the carpet, and Eddie smiled wide.
“Come on, I want to see what you think.”
She flicked her eyes back up to his and walked over with him to the couch.
“Okaaay. But only because you want me to!”
He smirked and gave her the go ahead to open it, pulling a chair over so he could watch her face when she saw the stunning gift he’d handpicked for her himself.
Barely able to breathe, Iris dipped her hand into the bag and pulled out the small box. Opening it slowly, her jaw dropped, and despite everything inside her telling her to say yes, instead, she said…
“I don’t know what to say.”
Eddie frowned and sat beside her.
His mouth fell open as well.
“Oh. Me either.”
On the soft velvet were not the sparkling diamond earrings he’d purchased but a massive engagement ring.
“Wait. You either?” she asked, looking at him confused.
And then it all came back to him in devastating flashes of memory.
The incident at Tiffany’s. The crash and scramble.
That man had his diamond earrings. And he had his diamond ring.
Barry decided the words would come to him after she opened the box. He’d dated Patty for five years and known her for even longer, but for some reason he couldn’t think of a single sentimental thing to put into his proposal. So, he thought he’d let the ring do the talking for him. Or maybe something would in fact come to him after she said yes. That would be fitting. And convenient.
“Go ahead. Open it up.”
He had had the decency to wrap the thing at the very least, so she didn’t jump to conclusions just by seeing the bag from Tiffany’s.
Sending him smirk after sexy smirk with a twinkle in her eyes, she unwrapped the snowflake wrapping paper and then the box itself.
A cooing smile flashed across her face, and her hand fell over her heart.
A good sign, he thought.
“Barry, you shouldn’t have.”
He looked at her strangely.
“I shouldn’t?”
“But I love them. Thank you.”
His brows furrowed.
She laughed, probably thinking he was drawing it out of her by acting confused. He only wished that was the case.
“Yeah.” She giggled, turning the box around so he could see. “They’re beautiful.”
He wasn’t imagining things. There were two large diamond earrings sparkling on the deep blue velvet staring back at him.
Not an engagement ring.
Patty’s phone buzzed, preventing her from questioning the look on his face.
“Ugh, it’s work. They need me to come to a crime scene. I better get dressed and go.” She leaned forward and kissed the frown that seemed to be a permanent fixture on his face. “We’ll take more about this later.”
About 10 minutes later, Barry was still in the same position and Patty was heading out the door.
“Love you!” she called.
“Uh-huh,” he said, and the door slammed.
Breaking himself out of the trance, he immediately called Jesse.
“Hey, how’d it go? Did you propose or do you need a peptalk?”
Jesse frowned on the other end.
“That guy we bumped into in the elevator, you remember?”
“Of course. He was rude as hell. He-”
“I think he accidentally took Patty’s ring.”
“Patty just opened her box, and it wasn’t an engagement ring.”
“What was it?” she sputtered.
“Earrings. Diamond ones, but still.”
“Barry! You have to get it back! That cost you a fortune, and you have to propose!!”
“I know, I know, but you don’t think that maybe this means…”
“Yeah?” He winced at her menacing tone.
“Get. The. Ring. Back.”
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backtothestart02 · 2 years
Until There Was You - 2/7 | westallen fanfiction
Westallen secret santa gift
For: @dickandcr
From: @backtothestart02
Rating: T - for some language and suggestive material
Christmas note: I hope you enjoy! Have an amazing holiday season!
Chapter 2 -
It was a few days of newly renewed hesitant bliss before Iris found the courage to not avoid Linda at work anymore. She came early to work actually, like she knew Linda liked to do, and even brought her the newest Christmas flavor from a nearby Starbucks as a peace offering. She didn’t even take off her coat, just went straight to Linda’s desk and waited for her to glance up at her.
She spoke before she looked.
“Don’t tell me. You got back together.”
“Cinnamon coated whipped cream on top of the newest peppermint latte. From yours truly.”
Linda flicked up her gaze to the Iris’ hopeful eyes and reluctantly took the beverage from her.
“Bribes will not work.” She took a sip. “Mmm. Even tasty ones.”
Iris grabbed a chair and sat across from her.
“I’m sorry, Lin, but I was afraid what you were gonna think…and say.”
“I didn’t expect you to jump for joy, but-”
“Good, because I’m seething. Iris, honestly, how could you? After everythi-”
“He quit his job.”
Her eyes bulged, but she shook it off.
“That’s not an improvement. He needs income. What, did he expect you’d move in with him and carry the weight?”
“No…he has a new job now. Starts today.”
Linda’s brows furrowed.
“I don’t understand.”
“This one has a more flexible schedule. No nights, weekends, holidays, even a longer lunch break and vacation time.”
Linda nibbled on her bottom lip.
“He’s been looking for a job like this for weeks apparently. I don’t know, Lin, it feels like he’s really trying.”
Linda sighed.
“It does appear that way.”
“All I ask is that you give him a chance.”
“No. I ran out of chances like five chances ago.”
Iris groaned and face palmed herself.
“But,” Linda continued. “I will try to tolerate his existence and be happy for you if he’s being serious about changing.”
“He is, I think.”
“I don’t have to like him though, right?”
Iris gave a weak smile.
“That’s asking too much of me, honey. Sorry, I can’t do it.”
“Alright,” Iris said. “I can accept that.”
“And next time?”
“Less cinnamon. I feel like I’m gonna choke on it.”
Iris laughed.
Linda reached for her hand as Iris stood up, intending to retreat to her desk.
“Don’t put days between us again, yeah?”
Iris smiled softly.
“Also noted.”
He hadn’t seen Patty in what – nine months? Yeah, that felt accurate. He cringed at that. He hoped she would be happy to see him. The fact that he wasn’t sure told him that this was the right way to go.
He’d been reluctant to see his mother’s – and it turned out, father’s – line of reasoning, but they were right. He did love Patty, and he wanted her in his life. The only way to keep moving forward was to make a grand gesture. And boy, if this wasn’t the biggest grand gesture he’d ever imagined for himself.
So, he took a flight up to New York City, a cab out to the precinct on the south side of town, and made a quick detour for a flower shop before setting inside and asking for direction to find a certain CSI that he was intent on surprising.
He was directed to the second floor and a lab at the end of the long hall. The person who’d directed him said there should be no one else up there. All the other CSIs went out to lunch, but ‘Miss Spivot’, as she was referred to on the job, liked her solitude.
He took a deep breath when he reached the end of the hall, ducked his head inside to see if she was indeed inside and then knocked lightly on the metal doorframe.
“Come in.”
He smirked. She hadn’t even looked up. So, he knocked again, this time a little harder.
“I said-” She spun around, sounding mildly annoyed, but that was until she saw the smiling face looking at her from the hall. “Barry?!”
He power-walked over to her and presented her with the array of flowers he’d picked out from the shop.
“These are for you.”
Her mouth hanging open, she dropped the pen she’d been holding onto and jumped into his arms, kissing him soundly.
“God, I’ve missed kissing you,” she murmured.
“You surprised?”
She pulled back, brushing some of his hair out of his eyes.
“Always. I can’t believe you’re here!”
“If you can’t believe that, you won’t believe what I have to say next either.”
Her eyes widened.
“I’m listening.”
“I’m staying.”
“For the holidays?” Her first thought.
He tugged her closer.
“For good.”
“What?” she asked, tears welling up. “You mean it? You’re coming to stay? For me.”
“I’m serious about us, Patty. I want us to take that next step.”
She kissed him again.
“I love you.”
He beamed, the words washing over him in joyful waves.
“I love you, too.”
It was less chaotic and confusing than Barry had expected it to be, yet it was still somewhat difficult finding his cousin’s dorm room on the NYU campus. After about half an hour of wandering about, he stumbled onto an information desk and explained his situation. The young woman was helpful enough and directed him to a building across the courtyard and the room number that Jesse Wells inhabited.
Two knocks had a frazzled, petite brunette looking at him with a curling rolls in her hair and a dumbfounded smile on her face.
“Am I interrupting something?” he asked, grinning wide.
She lunged across the doorway and hugged him tightly. He lifted her up slightly and smiled into the curlers bopping about in her short hair.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
“Are you busy? I have a proposition for you.”
“I’m all ears,” she said, practically bouncing up onto her toes.
He chuckled.
“You sure? Because your hair implies…otherwise. You got a hot date, or-?”
She rolled her eyes.
“No. I have a presentation this evening for my night class. Professor said we have to look super professional, so I thought I’d curl my hair for the occasion. Now tell me what you want before I have to squeeze it out of you!”
“Alright. I’m moving.”
“Moving.” Her eyes widened. “To where?”
“Where do you think, Jess? Here. To New York City!”
“Oh, my God!” she gasped, hugging him tightly again. “For real? Like, for real, for real? I thought you were weirdly attached to your parents.”
He looked mildly annoyed at that observation.
“Sorry,” she said, obviously not sorry.
He cleared his throat.
“Mom gave me a little pushing to show me what was important, and let’s just say…I realized if I want this relationship with Patty to stay intact…”
“Oh, my God!” she declared again. “You’re going to propose! And you told me first, aww.”
He laughed.
“You want to help me pick out the ring?”
“Want to? I demand you let me.”
He shook his head, smiling.
“Okay, okay, let’s get going then.” He tugged on her arm.
“Hold your horses, Mr. Allen. Let me get these curlers out of my hair so I look somewhat presentable at Tiffany’s.”
“Tiffany’s?” he asked, brows furrowed.
She looked at him in disbelief.
“You’re in New York, and you’re proposing.” She laid her hand on his shoulder. “It has to be Tiffany’s.”
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backtothestart02 · 2 years
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