#wether that’s for better or worse is up for debate but i lean more towards better (let him have this one thing)
a-literal-toaster-wtf · 6 months
anyone ever think about how collectively the aces ultimate goal is to die because . boy do i
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darkestdesired · 5 years
Moon child
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Part 2
An:Finally after 3,00 years i finally finished this!! 😭😭
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"What do you mean she knew?! She's a human!You're telling me an innocent fragile human 18 year old could have known what those bloodsuckers are without even Edward knowing?!" Sam yelled loud enough for everyone upstairs to hear.
Seth rubbed my back as he and i sat on the edge of my bed."Hey,it's gonna be ok." I shrugged."He seems really mad though..and i know it's my fault.I should have just kept my mouth shut." He looked to leah for support.She sighed and stood infront of me,"Look i know Sam,He'll yell a bit, but once he gets it out of his system he'll be fine." I winced as he yelled again,"It's alright,I'm used to being yelled at anyways."
Leah clenched her jaw as she saw me wince once more at the sound of the men yelling,"Ok nevermind,I'm over it." She stated before leaving the room.
"Shut up already!" She yelled as she entered the kitchen where Jacob and Sam stood with heated tension
Both men froze and turned towards her,"What did-" she cut Jacob off.
"No shut up,(Y/n) is up there shaking like a leaf talking about how used to yelling she is,Now if you two don't shut up and go up there and talk to her like fucking adults then i swear to our ancestors that i will rip you two apart!" They both stared at her with wide eyes before nodding.
"Good,now go." She pointed upstairs,stepping aside to let them pass.They both gave eachother a confused look before walking upstaires,"I'm the alpha and she..." Sam started,"Don't,She'll hear you.." Jacob elbowed him before they stopped in the doorway. Seth pulled me in for a gentle hug before standing once he noticed the two watching."You better make things right." He whispered to the men before walking past them downstairs.
Jacob sat beside me while Sam leaned against the window seal across from us."So who wants to start..?" Jacob asked looking between me and sam.There was a sigh from across from me,"I will,(Y/n)-" he started gruffly,but once he saw me flinch his voice softened immediately."(Y/n)...i'm sorry for freaking out on you i just...this world can be a very dangerous place and monsters like the cullens are the reason why." I played with a string on the blanket,still not ready to look at them yet. "But they aren't monsters...they were nothing but nice to me.If they really were monsters they had many chances to hurt me." Sam pinched the bridge of his nose,Jacob decided to pick up from there."That may be true,But what Sam meant was all of the bloodsuckers can be very very dangerous to the living,That's why we protect this town from them.And it had been going perfectly fine before the cullens moved here." Staying silent for a moment i took a shaky breath and looked up at them,"Then am i a monster too..?"
He rubbed soothing circles onto my back and whispered calming words to me until i fell asleep,he tried his best to bury me under the blankets before they both left the room. By the time Jacob had carefuly shut the door and turned sam had already stormed his way downstairs.
Sam furrowed his brow and was quick to kneel down on one knee before me,holding my hands in his."Absolutely not! Why would you ever think that?"
He could see that my eyes were beginning to water."My..My father always told me that i-I was nothing but a monster since my mom passed...And when he got remarried it only got worse.." Sam's grip on my hands tightened slightly,once a reassuring gesture was now a protective hold.Jacob rubbed my back gently,urging me to continue. "He told me that my mom was nothing but a disgusting witch and that i should have died with her.." Sam growled in anger standing up and turning away as to not frighten me more. 'If i ever get my hands on that disgusting bastard.' He thought clenching his fists until his knuckles turned white. Jacob put me on his lap and held me to his chest,only when my neck was buried in his chest did i allow the tears to fall.
"O-Oh hey (Y/n), i didn't even heard you come down." He stuttered traying to regain his composure. "Sorry..i got hungry.." My eyes were still red and puffy,my usually bright expression had now become the same deppressed look that i had first come with. 'Just when she was getting better.Damnit Sam.' He thought before smiling softly at me."How about i make you something to eat then? The others are at school and Emily is visiting my mom right now." I nodded,"And those wolves?" He knew exactly who i meant. "They uh..." He wanted to lie but he knew i wouldn't believe him."I have a feeling you already know..." I merely nodded."I knew since i met Sam at the diner, but i could tell you guys didn't want to tell me." He shook his head."No it's not that,we just wanted to protect you ,after everything you've been through we were afraid it might be too much.But after everything that's happened today i think we've already crossed that line." He rubbed his arm in embarrassment.
"I am going to find that bastard and rip him to shreds." Leah nodded in agreement, "And I'm all for it but how are we going to find him Sam,we can't exactly track him in town like this." Leah said rolling her eyes.
Sam raked his hands through his dark hair and shut his eyes tight.He absolutely hated what he was about to suggest. "We need to ask the bloodsuckers for help." Jacob crossed his arms,"Their not exactly the best trackers either Sam.They couldn't even find Victoria when she was in the woods nearby,who knows whether or not this guy already ditched town ." Leah shrugged."I agree but it's worth a shot,right? I don't like the cullens either,well Esme is tolerable,but they might be the best chance of catching this guy as quick as possible." Sam thought for a moment,"It's then decided,Seth you stay here with (Y/n).Leah,Jacob,with me." Running out of the house the three shifted before heading towards the treaty line. Seth watched for a moment before turning to head upstairs,He yelped when he saw me standing behind him with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders.
"Where did they go?" He debated lying again,"They...They went to ask they cullens for help.." I raised a brow,"With..?" He took a deep breath,"Finding your parents."
"They won't find them." I said walking to the kitchen table and sitting down."What do you mean?" I sighed."He and his wife had bags packed when they left me on that road...their long gone by now.." He watched me as i stared down at the table,tears freely fell down my face but i just looked so tired. He sat next to me and placed his hand over mine,"You're apart of our family now,Wether you like it or not." He smiled proudly when i let out a chuckle. "It feels nice..to be wanted..thank you.." He fought back tears himself but a few escaped when he smiled wider."You never have to thank me,you're stuck with me now." He pulled me into a hug,lifting me out of my seat and twirling me around like a goofball.When he finally let me down he ruffled my hair,content with the joyful smile that replaced the saddened frown."Now lets get you something to eat."
When the 3 wolves arrived at the treaty line they saw that Carlisle,Alice and Edward were waiting for them. Carlisle stepped forward,"Alice told us you would need us,What is your plan." Edward relayed to them everything the wolves had told him.He shared a look with Carlisle,"If we ask them..do you think they would actually help?" Edward asked. Carlisle sighed,"It is worth a shot,Demetri is the best tracker in the world.Plus Aro owes me a favor-" he was cut off by Sam's growling.Carlisle looked to Edward for answers,"He is upset that you would even think of asking the Volturi." Carlisle turned to the wolves,"They might be our best option of finding (Y/n)'s father,Demetri can find people that are across the entire planet by smelling them or something with their scent once.I would rather not involve them but i fear we do not have any other choice,Charlie reported that even the police cannot find any traces of her parents." The wolves growled at eachother.
"You can't honestly be thinking of agreeing Sam!" Leah hissed. "After everything the Volturi has done,whose to say they won't just decide to kill her instead." Jacob roared. "They won't,to them she's just a innocent human that doesn't know anything,they don't need to know anything else." Edward said to Sam. Hesitantly Sam nodded,"Don't make me regret this." He threatened.
It took 2 days for the letter to reach the Volturi,and it took 4 days for Alice to recieve a vision."Their coming." She said entering the living room where everyone was waiting. It was silent until Emmet asked the one question on everyones mind.
"Who did they send?"
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@casedoina @fandom-hoe101
@sugarbby99 @nabercnm @imaginesforthepeople @sadbean18 @nialeesato @zombieclown64 @min-bucky @nsainmoonchild @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @thatartkid101 @darkunderworldqueen @my-suga-kookies
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amara-scott · 6 years
Broken Dream.
part one
Movie: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Characters: Cedric Diggory x Reader, Draco Malfoy x Reader
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___________________________gif by @dracovmalfoy
Giving up a person you had what felt like your whole life seems unreal. In a blink of an eye all you ever lived towards, all the time you’ve spent, day after day after day. Gone. And not knowing the reason behind it. That moment is happening. Now. Again.
I try to block out the words around me. The calls. The voices that try to lure me back into reality. None would make anything better.
It happened and now I have to live my life? Knowing I won’t meet him again. That he will never be back. That every attempt could have been spent staring against a wall. Nothing.
Love may be a wonder, a mysterious tingle somewhere inside your body that can light you up with a sense of awareness. That what is in front of you matters most. But once you lose it, it’s over. Game over. 
“Please, we have to leave.” I may have been five when this happened the first time but I never got rid of that feeling. And now it returns as intense as never before. 
“No.” I whisper, pulling at his sleeve. His glossy eyes, dirt on his face, torn pants. That smile. It’s gone, forever. I can’t blink, not now. I would lose him completely, I can’t move. But fingers around my forearms pull me up.
My breath picks up and I kick my legs, my eyes not leaving Cedric. "No, no! No, let go-" I want to pry their hands off, but my vision is too clouded to make out what is going on around me. I keep trashing, feeling my heart ache more and more with every single inch between me and him.
I loved him, I still do. This is not how I will remember him.
Griefing is one of the longest and most painful periods in a lifetime. It will never fully disappear, come back at the most unwanted times. Even my appetite is not entirely back yet. The piece of bread I ate for dinner already turns and twists my stomach, I feel sick.
"She's staring again." I hear my housemate whisper beside me to one of our friends. But I don't care. Looking over at the Hufflepuff table gave me some comfort in a way. I waited to see him walk down the isle and join his friends, laughing. Until his eyes would find mine and we would both be grinning from ear to ear.
I smile a small smile, that happened nearly every day. I realize he always sat on the side that faced my table. So he can look over. Even before we-
"(Y/N), it's your favorite tonight! Pumpkin soup." I glance over at Maya, her brown hair pulled in a tight ponytail that flows around her. I nod, making brief eye contact before losing myself between all the yellow uniforms.
The days didn't seem to get better, only worse. My night consisted of sitting in the common room, earlier gone from dinner than the others. Crying. Sometimes silently and other times sobbing uncontrolably. I never put on make up anymore. I didin't know where I would break down next.
"-And he actually tried to kiss-" I don't glance up as the voices enter the common room. My eyes fixed on the fire. Knees pulled up and I sink deeper into the armchair.
"-I'll- I'll go already." Someone whispers and I hear footsteps growing closer. I blink a few times, not really caring what I looked like after another hour of sobbing.
"Hey, how're you doing?" A soft voice asks, gentle hand on my arm. I glance over, Maya kneels down next to the chair, getting a better look at me face. I shrug, glancing back into the flames.
"Do you want to join us to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" She asks and I debate wether I should say I don't have time or if I should be honest and admit I just don't want to. "You don't have to tell me now. We're leaving around noon-ish. Just come by and accompany us if you want. We would be happy." She gives me a smile and squeezes my shoulder, standing up.
I don't know why I shut her out. She was nothing but a great friend to me, always. But that one time she tried to comfort me, I yelled at her to leave me alone. Since then she kept her distance. But acts like these make me realize that she is actually my friend.
She disappears, and soon more and more people fill the common room, that's when I leave to go somewhere else. The Astronomy tower.
"-I don't know if I'll go but it was nice of her nonetheless. She is a good friend. What would you have done, Cedric?" I sit here most of the time, talking to him when all the stars are out.
"I miss you so much." I mumble and press my face deeper into my hands, clasping the reiling. I sigh, shaking my head to myself. "I'm a mess." I whisper, closing my eyes for a moment.
"That's true." I dart my eyes behind me, the one and only Draco Malfoy walks closer, small smile on his face. But he wipes it off as soon as he takes another look at me.
"You really do look-" He hesitates, sensing my terrible state. And I look back forward. Some people were here when I would come to talk to Cedric. Some couples snogging and others just trying to find the brightest star at the sky.
"-I know." I finish for him. He sits down next to me, but not too close. I sigh, wiping at my eyes. I lean my head on both my hands.
We sat in silence from then on. Not only on that night. A couple now. And every time someone else was there, Draco would only look at them so they ran off. I don't know if I appreciate it or if I would rather be on my own. But since he doesn't talk, it usually feels like I am still alone.
Until now. "It's been a few months now." He says, and I know he's talking about his death. The day my life went down a path I never imagined it would go. I bite the inside of my cheek, looking up to force away any more tears.
"It's okay." He adds and I glance over with my eyes, his on me already. "You don't have to stop and wait." I furrow my eyes, scoffing and looking back over the view.
"As if you know how it feels." I mutter and immediately regret saying that. I never talked like this.
"I do." He admits and I glance back over again, curious if he would reveal the reason. But he doesn't talk.
"How?" I ask, he shakes his head, looking down at his fingers. Then back up forward.
"Doesn't matter." He mumbles and I suddenly feel an urge to hug him, tell him it'll be alright. Trying to convince myself of the same.
"You lost someone you loved?" I add, hoping I didn'tt push it with that question. He nods. And I give him time. Time to consider if he would eventually tell me or not.
So we keep sitting here. A few days a week. Sometimes I would be alone and found myself hoping he would join me. Sometimes I was glad he didn't come when I talked to Cedric. Less and less.
And the night came, where he joined me once again. Sitting closer by now, but our bodies not touching.
"She didn't see me the way I saw her." He says, my head trying to wrap itself around the fact that he actually had feelings for someone. Deep feelings.
"Did you tell her?" He nods, laughing silently.
"It was pathetic." He whispers harshly, shaking his head to himself. I watch him as he probably re-lives that moment in his head.
"It's never pathetic to admit your feelings, Draco." I say and he looks up at me, eyes glistening with the pain that I felt over the last weeks.
"It was humiliating." He argues and I shake my head at him.
"Maybe you think that way. Anyone else would be jealous of your courage." I don't know if I should push his ego with the truth but he doesn't seem like he believes me anyway.
"And it's happening again." He adds. Glancing back at the dark blue sky, the moon full and bright.
"Tell her." I only say. I hear him struggle to find words, inhaling and exhaling sharply. Then he stands up and leaves. My eyes following him until I can't see him anymore. Maybe I sparked something in him.
Maybe he'll tell her now.
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six *coming soon*
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carls--pudding · 7 years
Summary: Reader plans to leave Alexandria but their relationship with Carl makes things complicated and they must make the decision of wether to stay or go.
Work Count: 1,688
Pairing: Carl x Reader
Warnings: none
A/n: Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I’ve been busy with work and school assignments. I also haven’t had that much inspiration lately which kinda sucks but I’ve wanted to write this fix for a while and I finally did. Hope you like it. Also thinking of doing a part 2 to this but I don’t know… _______________
You want him dead, to pay for what he did and what he will do if he isn’t stopped. You want him to understand the bone-crushing pain you felt when he ripped them away from you forever, crushing their skulls like it was nothing.
This has been going on for far too long and no one is doing anything to stop it. Even after all the innocent lives he’s taken. You’ve had enough. You’re done with the continuous insults, the threats, the stealing, the murders. It needs to end before you and the other people of Alexandria lose everything, including each other.
He will take and take and take, until there is absolutely nothing left to take and no one left to fight. He will keep going until every spirit is crushed, every can has been emptied, every bone has been broken. And you wouldn’t stop until you and everyone else had justice. ______________
You lean in to kiss him, letting your lips linger for a little longer than normal. You couldn’t help but lengthen the kiss as it was probably going to be the very last time you would ever feel his lips against yours. But you realized you were blowing your cover when suddenly, he pulls away, breaking the kiss with a look of confusion.
“Are you okay?,” be asks as he runs his hands gently up and down your arms, his usual gesture for comforting you, just one of the many things that you may never feel again.
“Yeah, I’m fine, Carl,” you try your best to sound reassuring, however you can tell he doesn’t fully believe you when he gives you a look.
“Just tell me,” he nudges. “Whatever it is we’ll get through it,” he says and nods, now rubbing his thumbs on either side of your arms. When you look down into your lap, he knows something isn’t right. He knows you all too well; he’s figured out your planning to do something that won’t end well and his conclusion is correct.
“Y/n, what are you thinking?,” he asks in a rushed tone. Right then, you knew you shouldn’t have kissed him for that long because now it was backfiring on you. You were just so defeated at the thought of leaving him behind that you just wanted one last goodbye, one final kiss. However, our silence only makes him more anxious.
“Whatever you’re thinking of d-doing, don’t,” he stammers, becoming frustrated from being left in the dark. “Please, Y/n..,” he adds, his eyes searching your own for any sign of hope that you won’t go through with what you were planning.
“Carl…I’m…I’m leaving. And I needed to say goodbye,” you finally admit to him. As you expected, he didn’t take the news well and the anger and confusion became evident on his face. To distance yourself, you quickly got up from the bed and took a step backwards towards the door.
“Leaving? Why? Why on earth would you leave Alexandria?,” he interrogated. “Do I not mean anything t-,” he tried to continue but you cut him off as he was taking it the complete wrong way.
“How could you even think that? You mean the world to me, Carl!,” you exclaim.
“Clearly not if you were just gonna up and leave without telling me! What the hell were you thinking, Y/n?,” he says, raising his voice, but you don’t blame him. It’s your fault for coming to see him in the first place and you hated having to tell him you were going away. These thoughts began to make tears form in your eyes.
“You wouldn’t understand,” you try.
“Understand? You’re right. I don’t understand why you were just going to throw away everything that we had. Everything we’ve made together over the past three years, just out the window!,” he barks back.
“I didn’t want to hurt you, I’m doing this for me!,” you become angry, your tone of voice matching his now.
“Okay,” he says after a moment. The sudden change of his voice takes you by surprise and you look up to see him staring blankly at the ground.
“What?,” you ask, just barely above a whisper.
Now he looks to you with a calm but sad expression. “I said okay. You can go if that’s what will make you happy,” he confirms.
“Carl, I-,” he cuts you off.
“Just know, that you are…the best thing that had ever happened to me. And I love you. No matter what happens.”
“Carl, I love you with all my heart, always will. You need to understand that I’m not going because I don’t love you, I’m going because I do. I know that that probably doesn’t make any sense but it’s all I can say,” you explain, hoping to give him a little closure of the whole situation.
“Tell me what you’re doing. You owe me at least that,” he says calmly.
For a second, you debate wether or not to tell him but ultimately decided that it’s only fair that he knows, even if you know he’ll try to talk you out of it.
“I’m going to kill Negan,” you announce confidently.
“God damnit, Y/n,” he says in frustration as soon as the words leave your lips. He shoots up from his spot on the bed and begins to pace around the room. You know he’s starting to get angry again but you can’t let it stop you from completing your mission.
“I have to do this,” you declare. “I can’t just stand by and watch! And besides, one day you’ll forget all about me. You’ll find someone new,” you state, trying not to sound too solemn.
“You are my world, Y/n,” he yells, grabbing your shoulders firmly and shaking you which takes you completely by surprise. “Don’t you get that?,” he whispers, leaning his head down slightly. All you can do is stare at him in shock as his body shadows over yours; you’ve never seen him this way before, so worked up. You’ve never seen him hurt so much because of you and it only makes you feel worse knowing you’re the cause of his distress.
“Y/n, please say don’t do this,” he finally begs, breaking the silence. You try your hardest to muster the courage to speak to him but you realize you won’t be able to when you can’t even bring yourself to look him in his beautiful grey eyes. The only thing you can do is slowly slide your body down the closest wall, trying to keep more tears from falling. You hear him sigh in frustration from where he stands above you, which only breaks your heart even more.
You feel so helpless that you wish you could leave your body and be somewhere else, anywhere but here so you don’t have to face him. But you know you’ll have to eventually. You sit on the floor, your knees bent to your chest and your head resting against the wall, your heart beating so loud from trying not to break down in front of him. You know once you let the first tear fall it will trigger the rest like the first drop of rain at the beginning of a storm.
Finally, and it makes you jump at his sudden movement, he removes himself from the wall, slowly treads toward the door, and leaves, slamming the door behind him. And as soon as the lock clicks the waterfall of tears begins to stream down your cheeks. You sob uncontrollably, trying desperately to hold back the sounds of your cries by holding your hands over your mouth, but end up failing. Eventually, you give up and drop your arms to your sides on the floor and just let yourself cry it out. You cry until you physically can’t produce any more tears and just let them dry on your face, not caring to even try to wipe them away.
Your mind starts to swim with old memories of him: your “first date” where he took you into the woods for a picnic, the time you stayed up all night reading each other’s favorite comics, the first time he said “I love you”. Everything comes flooding in at once, leaving you wishing you could erase the last two hours, wishing you could go back and have him here to hold you and tell you things were going to be okay.
You run your fingers through your hair and rest them at the back of your head, trying to imagine any possible way you could fix this and make things better. After what feels like hours, you realize there is no other way. You have to go through with it, for them: the people of Alexandria, for Carl. So that he can find someone else to grow old with and have a family one day. So he can live and survive. So he can be compensated for all the wrongs Negan has done, so he can have justice.
You sling your bag over the shoulder and head out into the dark night with nothing but the stars and a small flashlight to guide you. You creep behind the row of houses, careful to not be seen.
Your bag weighs you down a bit but you keep going, the thought of everyone’s futures the only thing keeping you going. The bag had enough food for a few days, you packed extra since you were heading to the Sanctuary on foot, two bottles of water, and a shit ton of weapons. You packed most of the weapons you’d collected through the years and all the ammo you’d need to take out Negan’s men.
You continue to sneak until you get close enough to the gate. Suddenly, you hear a pair of footsteps behind you. You look out into the darkness but see nothing, not until his shoes enter the illuminated circle you create with your flashlight. You quickly shine the light from his brown boots to his pale face, topped with the hat his dad gave him.
“I’m going with you,” he states.
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