#wf gara
a-tenno-called-prin · 11 months
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I just wanted to show off my fashionframe, and got a little carried away....
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Here's how she looks without the editing. Honestly, this skin is kinda being slept on IMO
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aqg-arts · 1 year
Hello and welcome back to another day of me crying myself to sleep.
On today's episode of WDTCRUO (Who does this character remind you of?), I plan on covering these few unfortunate characters and torturing you with who they remind me of.
You know the drill- 5 characters, 5 people they remind me of.
I know, that sounds amazing.
Anyway, today's wf shitpost victims, we have:
1. Clem
Lil babi bean ommmggg
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2. Inaros
Sandy fuck fr
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3. The Queens
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4. Biz
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5. Gara Prime
Queen fr (love her ngl)
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So now we get to ruin the joy they bring with my own shit.
Too fucked to write half of this, but who cares? Letsa go!
1. Golden retriever puppy
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He is so loveable I just want to cuddle him.
2. Pharaohs curse
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He's a meme fr tho
3. Nope
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Gross. Just, ugh, I can smell her and I hate it. Poor Teshin, being kept as essentially a slave by that giant earth worm wannabe, jfc.
4. We don't know
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He is so mysterious fr o.o
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She's perfect, I really do enjoy her :D
Anyway, wnjoy it ig, see ya next week yaayyyyy
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alteredsilicone · 2 years
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Gara : Volition
Volition urges you to be a good guy – to others and to yourself. It enables you to resist temptation: be it in a bottle, between a pair of legs, or at the end of an iron barrel which promises oblivion.
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elykodi-k · 2 years
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crimsonxe · 2 months
Gathered bits from several places, which includes things mentioned about Tennocon reveals so spoilers for that below the cut:
Easy Allies interview:
Even though he was joking there is now audio of Ben Starr aka Arthur saying "always Quincy", when in regards to Arthur's romance choice xD Eat your food Quincy/Arthur shippers
Also that the demo showed the first mission of 1999 that introduces the stage & players, but that "Drifter w/o directly stating Drifter" will be showing up to be the PC; for those worrying it might be Arthur the whole time
I'd say it shouldn't even need to be said but there's games out there that actually might consider doing Operator romance; but WF & Rebb VERY much are NOT that type as she makes it very clear that ain't happening confirming w/o directly confirming that its going to be the Drifter (as it should be). No WF is not going to be onboard with THAT ick-fest
Alpha (Aoi's VA) was technically the first of the Hex voices to be done cause they needed to imply/suggest that it wouldn't be just Arthur around
There's possibility for other protoframes (I s2g people play 1999 like mad so they get that people are wanting more so we can get more of these PLZ! I want to see Proto-Ivara, Proto-Gara, Proto-Protea, and even Proto-Frost!!) or at least the switching to that form from the normal frame look
Funny to see that Reb didn't seem to think people would latch onto Neci Rusalka xD
DevReb is a nickname for Reb (not gotten her endorsing just funny to watch her reaction to it xD)
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madduck44 · 1 year
26.09.2023 r.
na wstępie - O KURWA MAM PRAWIE 69 OBSERWUJĄCYCH 💀💀💀 Jestem zdumiona, że ktoś tu co jakiś czas zagląda i no HaHaH 69 tO tA zAbAwNa LiCzBa Bo WieSz (jestem kurwa prawie dorosła i to może nie ten poziom jeśli chodzi o humor, ale mentalnie mam z 10 lat)
Rozchorowałam się po całości. Wczoraj nie było tak źle, tylko rano miałam temperature, wzięłam leki, żułam goździki na ból gardła i miałam katar. Poszłam do szkoły bo musiałam kurwa jeszcze trzymać tą frekwencję bo wyjeżdżam w listopadzie na tydzień więc no. Mieliśmy dwa wf i biegaliśmy na bieżni na stadionie na naszym zadupiu. Chociaż trochę sportu miałam ale jak wróciłam do domu to myślałam, że wysiądę. Już mam moje ukochane tabletki na zatoki z pseudoefederyną i się kuruje w bluzie od S. (Jezu kocham nosić duże ciuchy i tak jakoś się stało, że mam jego bluzę chociaż wsm nie byliśmy razem to mi ją dał raz, później mówił że mam ją zatrzymać a teraz mnie ignoruje ale mam jego bluzę więc chuj mu w dupę)
Mama rano zrobiła mi kanapki i pojechała do pracy, brat do szkoly... cała chata dla mnie. Z tymi kanapkami miałam flashbacki z praktyk w Portugalii jak się rozchorowałam dodatkowo prawie nic nie jadłam i kazali mi zjeść pierdoloną bułkę przy nich 💀 powiedziałam żeby na mnie nie patrzyli jak jem no bo się źle z tym czuję. Odziwo to uszanowali i się odwrócili dalej rozmawialiśmy.
Następnego dnia babka przyszła rano z kanapkami do mojego pokoju i powiedziała że mam zjeść żebym szybko wyzdrowiała i mnie wtedy przytuliła. Wiadomo, że kanapki skończyły w koszu, ale to było serio kochane. Ktoś się serio o mnie martwił (a raczej o to że jakby mnie - wtedy dziecku - się coś stało to oni by za to odpowiadali ale to tam chuj).
Plan był taki żeby zjeść 300-400 kcal ale wiem, że zapewne dojdzie do 500. Jestem już po kawałku chleba z serkiem śmietankowym i nagotowałam sobie kiślu (bez cukru, dałam słodzik) żeby czymś się zapchać i no już zjadłam kubek (jeszcze pół gara zostało) i jak zjem cały to będzie 308 kcal razem z tym chlebem z rana... matka będzie pewnie mi kazała zjeść obiad to powiem że zjadłam owsiankę... zapewne będzie chciała to zobaczyć i cyk będzie 400 kcal. Leków jako tabletek nie liczę (pastylki na ból gardła to co innego ale ich nie biorę chyba że miałabym te bez cukru).
Dowiedziałam się też, że w sobotę jadę w rodzinne strony dlatego fasta zacznę już jutro... może uda mi się dobić magiczne 48h??? Albo nawet 50? Spróbuję dociągnąć jak najdłużej najlepiej do piątkowego wieczoru gdy wyjedziemy. Wtedy będę mogła zjeść "normalny" obiad u babci (i tak będę starała się zjeść jak najmniej i nie będę z nimi piła wieczorem tylko pójdę spać).
Ah te plany. Nie mogę nigdy nic zaplanować bo zawsze ktoś mi to spierdoli gdy mam już wszystko zaplanowane.
O minął tydzień od zrobienia kolczyków i jedno ucho goji się wręcz idealnie, drugie troszeczkę gorzej ale jakoś się zagoi. Minął w końcu dopiero tydzień...
Będzie dobrze. Musi być dobrze i tyle
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baliwakenews · 2 years
Ambil Ponsel yang Ditinggal Pemiliknya di Dagang Cilok, Pria Asal Wonogiri Dibui
Ambil Ponsel yang Ditinggal Pemiliknya di Dagang Cilok, Pria Asal Wonogiri Dibui
Denpasar, baliwakenews.com Gara-gara mengambil ponsel siswi SMA yang tertinggal di dekat dagang cilok, WF (30) harus berurusan dengan polisi. Pria yang beralamat Jalan Dr. Goris, Denpasar itu ditangkap dan dijerat dengan Pasal 362 KUHP dengan ancaman hukuman lima tahun penjara. Kapolsek Denpasar Selatan Kompol I Made Teja Dwi Permana mengatakan, peristiwa pencurian tersebut awalnya dilaporkan…
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ridl · 6 years
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got ‘em glazed
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bluprint · 3 years
I'm really excited about garuda prime.
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synthyk · 3 years
wait all the maps remain changed after completing and there’s no alt tileset (a la steel path) like...... people are in different places and buildings/landmarks are gone and the weather is different. How will this effect missions bt people who have and have not completed the quest?
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sharky857 · 4 years
Just to quote that brandnew meme I’ve been seeing floating around Tumblr and Twitter...
*clears voice*
Necramech (derogatory)
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aqg-arts · 11 months
I was wondering if any of your warframes are named 👁️👁️ and if they are, why do you pick that name?
Gara Prime = Gazza, GP, Gamma, PeePeePooPoo Woman and so on :3
I call Gara Prime 'Gazza' cause she's a queen, and I'm Aussie (we have a good way of finding nicknames). Gazza is a fun silly gal and oddly enough, I actually love her a lot lol. Unironically got me through some hard times, which is weird to say, all things considered lmao.
She also gets Gamma cas I like Halo and she's a perfect fit- She's got the Harrabussa Helmet from H3 (idc if I spelt it wrong, just know she slays and the h3 fans are malding).
PeePeePooPoo Woman is a reference to me- I am a God, fear me- but also bc when I first got her, I had no idea what I was doing lmao. Still don't, but we slaying.
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Limbo = Limbean, Limbeanie, Lim Skyealker, SillyGayBoi69, and you can imagine the rest :p
Limbo gets 'Limbean' bc he's just a silly bean 🥺. 'Limbeanie' is also a reference to Houdini (Limbo is a proper space magician). He gets called these cas I think hims a sweetest boi and in need of hugs :3.
'SillyGayBoi69' is his other nickname bc he is a gay boi and silly >v<.
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Mag = Maggie, Maggi, Magpie, Magazine, Marbius (it's Marbiusin time), Magnet and Margaret.
Let's do these a hit differently, yeah?
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Magpie: She's the type of gal that swoops at you between summer and spring (all my Aussies know what I'm talking abt, can I get an amen?)
Magazine: She can read you like a magazine and will make you shite yourself if you piss her off. Queen.
Marbius (it's Marbiusin time): iykyk
Magnet: again, iykyk
Margaret: If she was a few thousand yrs older, a few feet shorter and looking like that sweet old lady, this would be her name.
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Excalibur = X's And O's, Ex, Sculley, Nibbler and such.
X's And O's: 'Ex's and Oh's,' is an obvious one I hope lol.
Ex: a nickname of nickname² :3
Sculley: We have this horse up where my own horse is. His name is Excalibur and we all call him Sculley. Well, Sculley loves to-
Nibbler: Yeah, Sculley loves to nibble fingers and flesh lmao. Not bite, nibble. He's a good horse and is gonna be used for schooling when his training is done- He's an extremely calm and intelligent animal, so it's no shocker. This is relevant to the nickname bc I say it is.
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Ima add to this list btw, especially cas I just unlocked 3 more warframes :3
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alteredsilicone · 2 years
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Guardian of the Catacombs
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elykodi-k · 2 years
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Polar Opposites
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As someone who loves Gara and used her for the final bit of Mask of the Revenant (the first attempt going... poorly, with Nyx and some unwise weapons)
She starts the mission with some worry and curiosity that morphs into being 110% ready to beat Revenants sorry ass back into the lake from which he came bc this mofo. Does he not understand how hard she worked to kill the damn Sentient the first time around and now he went and tried to revive it??! BOI, YOU BETTER STAY THE FUCK IN THAT ALTERNATE DIMESION CAUSE WHATEVERS IN THERE IS GONNA HAVE MORE MERCY THAN ME ON YOUR POOR SOUL.
But upon his rebuild they are like really awful PoE siblings. Gara will never let him live it down but she’s not here to let anyone else mess w him either. Revenant is a spooky goth who needs like a century to relax, thanks.
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crowbawt · 2 years
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Since this blog is a remake of my old WF sideblog, here's a repost of some Warframe fanart I've done. The first two are digital art, the rest are POSCA marker on paper. Featuring my personal Gara and with a shoutout to my friend’s Frost Prime, as well as Rhino Prime’s very gnarly codex entry (Warning for body horror and gore on the last two!) #TennoCreate
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