#wf hunhow
demitsorou · 1 year
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Stalker artworks, 2019-2020
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aqg-arts · 5 months
I drew bestis boi 2.0 :3
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I've made another variant of him for [REDACTED] purposes, but you won't see him for a while to come :3
Also, here he is without his love heart in case you hate him (we can't be friends).
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I'll be honest, I'm not 100% in love with the design I've used for him, so I might redraw it. But, it was fun, and I think he turned out ok, you know? I think he's sorta gonna be like my umbra design- a very complex look divided into shapes brought together and then refined 10x over lmao.
Anyway, I love Shadow stalker and I never get to talk about it, which makes me kinda sad. I know I've made posts about him before, but I've never actually drawn him or anything like that- sorta like Umbra. But I've been trying to get myself out of art blocks and what not, especially because I've a really big and important piece I need to finish and it's already taken me over 7 months, which I'm not happy about.
But, back to the point:
I think the reason as to why I'm drawn to the Shadow Stalker is because he's just a silly little murderous, vengeful, darling character. Sorta like Umbra, but never tamed, you read me? Or, if he's a Tennon't, sorta like us, but tragic in a different sense.
But anyway, you're probably bored of reading all that stuff. Take the art and what not, ima make a post dedicated to him another day!
Oop... why are my lights flickering
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funky-solaris-time · 3 months
Me: Jade Shadows was a beautiful story about one man grappling with the hardest choice a person expecting a child can be given. To chose between his love and their child. And when he realizes she cannot be saved, he instead saves their child, and his future. Choosing to renounce the hatred that he had formed to fill the void in his heart.
Tennoblr: the quest wasn’t what I wanted. Terrible, horrible. Absolutely nothing of value was experienced hear.
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kulvefaggoth · 4 months
why is the vibe i'm getting from Jade Shadows is that this is gonna be the Stalker's transition story?
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alteredsilicone · 29 days
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Yareli but she's a bleached coral...
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b1dl0 · 1 year
If you're still doin requests, can you draw your favorite warframe Antagonist?
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Idk!!!!! Its hard to decide. I think wally will be epic when DE release future updates with more of them, but now they are kinda not enough "there" for me. Like they didnt hurt me personally. But i totally would understand if most people would pick them as their favourite. Oh and their reveal in end of new war was very very cool sound and visual design wise
Also i like hunhow alot because he have cool design and idea of this colossal elien thing being most human and caring of all big 3 is funi and cute. and i like sentients alot. But story wise he is just forgotten unfortunately
I choose ballas because he is most consistent in quests and he have perfect balance between being just an regular asshole overlord with smug and just a fucking looser who got his girlfriend stoled that makes him interesting. He works good as warframe poster villain (if thats a term). Also secrifice is my favotire quest and tragedy of warframes is most interesting theme to me in all wf universe so ballas hurt me alot on personal level:]
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very-salty-tenno · 3 years
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Testing out my new drawing tablet with an sketch of early concept Hunhow.
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bluprint · 2 years
Family tips with Stalker and Hunhow
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Tip 1: Always be supportive of your children
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vulpesintuos · 7 years
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ivararara · 3 years
what’s up gamers it’s mav and this is a warframe theory
so, here’s my hot take for The New War:
TL;DR: Erra is a Mimic. Erra is not “Erra”.
1: Mimics exist, and can take on living forms.
Alad V was tricked by a Sentient Mimic into the Partnership with the Ropalolyst.
Was it Erra that led it?
2: The Sentients have gotten a hold of Kuva, likely from the Unum tower. “Erra” could be using this to manipulate Natah.
Kuva has anti-Warframe and mind-controlling properties.
Anti-WF: Orphixes being able to disrupt Transference. Kuva Guardians/Braids being immune to WF attacks.
Mind-controlling: It was used on Dax in the Yuvan ceremonies.
The mind-controlling is likely indicated with the shift of eye color to red.
Erra’s eyes glow red when he soothes his targets using mind control-- Kahl and the Ostron child.
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Additionally, in the newest trailer, structures seemingly filled with Kuva are inside the Murex. 
Teshin, a Dax soldier, reacts to it negatively
3: Natah clearly remembers killing Erra .
While many things in her memory are muddled and blurred, she clearly remembers killing Erra. We, the Tenno, see her doing it.
Erra’s response?
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However, Natah is adamant about what she witnessed:
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Of all the uncertainties in Natah’s life right now, she has this single thing she’s absolute on.
4: “Erra” seems reluctant to clarify many things and seems to not have a problem with hurting Natah--his sister--to get the power he wants.
Sentients are said to be very family-oriented. 
Take Hunhow: in the Second Dream, he was first and foremost worried about Natah’s well-being. It’s only later that he takes on the task of killing the Tenno. It is very doubtful that he would do anything that would intentionally harm her.
The inability to reproduce was a major fault they saw in themselves.Natah herself yearned for children, which is why she took on the role of the Lotus.
Erra, however, has no such qualms.
In The Maker cinematic, he almost angrily throws Natah into a device that is obviously overwhelming and/or hurting her as she trembles and cannot escape.
He is quick to dismiss anything the Mother sentient was involved in.
5: Natah speaks to the Mother sentient in the first TNW trailer.  [link]  Erra says she’s gone. So who/where is she?
Natah remembers her, because she clearly spoke to her.
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But Erra is quick to cut her off:
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6: Natah speaks to Mother non-verbally. However, she speaks to Erra verbally with her physical form.
In the first New War teaser the two Sentients speak, albeit telepathically. The image’s ‘mouth’ does not move.
However, when speaking to Erra, she speaks out loud, utilizing her mimic form’s means of communication.
Could this Erra not be in the Sentient’s mind? Not a true part of the collective?
but yeah i made this at like 3am so take it with a grain of salt :]]
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doekimakura · 5 years
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Warning! Contains the recent WF empyrean spoilers about the crystal destroying thing too, which I just watch off youtube because I’m too arsed to get it myself. 
Also, rant is mostly lore based. And heavily biased.
and also angry.
Warframe is... getting a bit too cluttered for me to have any interest in. But I won’t be getting into the gameplay because I admit, I was lazy and is unwilling to grind as diligently like I used to. 
But the LORE.
Oh GOD what happened to the lore. 
Now, any of you WF lore enthusiasts can correct me, please. I just don’t understand what is up with the lore choices and am too pissed to care about research anymore. I had a friend of mine recently explain stuff to me, but it’s nOT going to stop me getting quite pissed at some of these lore points that are making no sense and cluttered. I might have missed many things during my hiatus. Maybe key points! But I’m still bitter nonetheless. Please prove to me it’s not as bad as I think.
Let’s start.
1. What have they done to Ballas.  What happened?? Why is this happening?? Ballas had a HUGE presence and had been teased for forever. I thought HE was the final boss.The Baddest Bad. The Charming Psychopath. He’s gonna lead the Sentients and the Army to a battle with the Tenno! He’s gonna manipulate Lotus against us!! 
...and then he’s Erra’s slave and is weak and meek and spineless. 
Gee, thanks for screwing over a character I GENUINELY had major interest in until that point. I LOVED him. I tease him a lot, but I enjoyed how he was portrayed. He looked horrible, but I genuinely and utterly adore him during the Umbra arc. He was just... really cool and calculating! He was very well presented!
And, yeah. Then that whole... half sentient thing happened. Yea.
Which leads me to...
2. Fuck the existence of Erra. Listen, if anyone tried to convince me that ERRA is basically more fitting as the ‘true’ evil and the sociopath that will manipulate Lotus/Natah and lead the sentient army to destroy everything is a good decision... I will flip my shit. 
Really? Really. Ballas was butchered for THIS DUDE who we never seen teased or talked about before. Shut up about him being Natah’s ‘brother’, I don’t care. I’d rather Grandpa Hunhow come back than this dude, who actually had FAILED to impress me a single bit (also because I can’t understand the hell he’s saying due to the gargled weird voice). Not even his design. Battaclysts and Conculysts, hell, even VOMVALYSTS have a more unique design than this dude. Hunhow was also intimidating as all hell and had a fantastic entrance. Erra is way, way lacking compared to them.
I am VERY bitter about this dude.
(Look, I ain’t saying he is a bad character forever. Obviously, we don’t know how cool he is from the 7 or so minutes we got of him... but come on. His first impression holding Ballas like a slave is already like a spit to my face. I know I’m really bitter about him rn, but for me he’s just really bland. just ‘I am eeevviilll’ and that’s it. Boring. I hope he improves. He BETTER improve if you had to sacrifice Ballas for him.)
And then, this.
3. Please reuse existing NPCs in a more interesting way. Fuck’s sake, they’RE A GOLD MINE. The moments I see Kela being the big baddy during the beach event. The times Alad show up to talk about Ropalolyst or whatever it’s called. We have NEF ANYO, MY FAVORITE BASTARD! We have Baro, we have Darvo. They had really interesting stories and moments, all of them! 
Why make Erra when you can just use these people to make VERY interesting dynamics? Hell, how did the news of the Lotus turning her back against the Tenno not reach them? If it does, why do they do legit NOTHING? Really? Nobody’s gonna try side with the Tenno? Or maybe take advantage and go AGAINST them? Nobody’s gonna also spy on this Sentient progress at all? Anyone? 
Like... these characters already have a huge following. Artist renditions and community memes have made them really, REALLY strong assets. I REALLY hope they had this in mind and just waiting to release the content. If not, and INSTEAD, they make more new characters like fuckin ERRA, I’m boutta lose my shit.
And my last and maybe something that irked me the most...
4. The game’s focus has shifted from Warframes to Operators, and THEN treat Operators quite poorly.  Okay, this is biased. This is probably just me. And this one’s gonna be the longest. But I prefer silent protagonists who show off how awesome and cool they are INSTEAD of having whiny baby tweenagers who has cheesy edgy dialogues. I honestly liked them more when they were Warframes. They don’t talk much and get shit done. The Villains that talk more also shines through during those past cutscenes, giving them more of a presence. I even really, REALLY liked that prt where the enemies kept pointing out how Warframes are eyeless and voiceless. It’s just so cool. Now with the Operators talking back at times... it just ruined the scene for me. Please let villains shine more and shit talk me. Kicking their ass after felt way better. 
And don’t get me started on how much they keep showing up in recent cutscenes... it made me miss those old cutscenes where they don’t talk back and just stood and act awesome, in cool silence. Yes, I know kids and tweenagers are supposed to be ‘immature’, but I don’t think Warframe is the type of game where that sort of personality fit very well. I want them to have the same presence they have when they are in Warframes. I just think cutscenes these days don’t hit me the same way anymore. 
Please, please use assets like Umbra. Please stop showcasing the Operators more than Warframes. Please, I love my Warframes more. When is that Umbra mod coming up?? WHEN ARE MY BABIES GOING TO BE SENTIENT??
I think Operators are not a bad idea... but I think they need to be treated better than what they are treated like now. They’re so annoying for a main character. Can I go back to Warframes? 
tl;dr. my favorite villain I was highly interested in was butchered, some rando replaced him acting all important. Please just reuse old, interesting NPCs and please make my operators cooler and maybe give them better dialogues while not forgetting about Warframes being cool. Suffice to say I’m done seeing the lore churn down this direction. Thanks. 
(Again, these are all my personal thoughts. If you wanna convince me otherwise, please don’t start a discourse and instead discuss me. I just wanna rant. If you have no problems, kudos to you! I just miss the times WF is simpler than now.)
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demitsorou · 3 months
Spoiler-free ish review of Jade Shadows:
Stalker might not be trans, but Hunhow is.
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aqg-arts · 1 year
I always like to play a game of 'who does this character remind you of' by myself at 12.30 pm on a Sunday night @ 69 Avenue, Joe Mamma's Street, so why not on here? Ima give y'all 5 characters from Warframe and then who they remind me of. But before you see my answers, write down your own in the comments or what not.
Sounds fun?
Good. Gooooodddd.
Ok, 5 characters, letsa go!
1. Teshin
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2. Umbra
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3. Lotus/Natah/Margulis or however the fuck you spell her name
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4. Nef Anyo
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5. Daddy- I mean Hunhow
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Ok, AQG stupidity below :3
1. Daveed Giggs.
Ha, you thought I would make a Joe Mamma's joke, but no, itsa me, AQG BEING A FUCKIN GENUINE SMART ASS WOOOOOOO
Anyway, Tehsin would slay in Hamilton, don't @ me.
2. Brittany Spears
Tortured artist.
3. Bell, but she has Stockholm Syndrome
Need I say more?
4. Mr Orange president
Loves money, extremely manipulative; capitalism.
5. Mr Bill Nye, the science guy!
Treasure to humanity (to me at least), good father to Natah and Erra + Shadow Stalker has a good and healthy relationship with him.
Stay tuned for the next edition of:
jk, it's actually an acronym called:
(Who does this character remind you of?).
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funky-solaris-time · 2 years
My post TNW playable Stalker concept:
Exalted Stalker:
Passive: Stalker exhibits sentience without transference control. Hitting enemies in the back grants a 10% critical damage and chance increase and causes you and nearby allies to heal for 10% of damage dealt.
1st ability, Warp Shroud: Enter a smokey state that makes you unable to be seen or heard by enemies. Hold the ability button while in this ability to warp forward a short distance, even through obstacles and release a wave of energy blades outwards, dealing slash damage, doing this ends Warp Shroud. Drains 7 energy per second. Attacking while this ability is active will temporarily disable it. (34 energy cast cost.)
2nd ability, Illusory Intruder: Summon an idle copy of yourself that causes nearby enemies to face it and attempt to destroy it. Once the copy's duration ends, it will create a lingering slow effect in a 24 meter radius for a few seconds. If cast while in Warp Shroud the copies slow aura upon duration end will additionally jam enemy guns. (20 energy cast cost)
3rd ability, Mark Link: Create a small area of energy where you aim for a short duration. Enemies in the area of the initial cast will be linked with each other, with all linked enemies taking a portion of damage dealt to one linked enemy. If cast in Warp Shroud, the initial area of effect will linger for a few seconds, linking more enemies if they enter the area. (40 energy cast cost)
4th ability, Hunhow’s Dissonance: Throw a Sentient Grenade. Wherever the grenade lands it will detonate and all enemies in the explosion radius will lose their damage resistances and begin shooting at one and other for 10 seconds. If cast in Warp Shadow, this ability will spawn 2 friendly Choralyst. Additionally, if a corpus enemy is killed while under the effects of this ability, It will become a friendly amalgam if there is a corresponding amalgam.
If you guys want I can give my lore reason for his whole thing, as well as maybe share some other stuff from the update concept!
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Video tutorial Game Information, Testimonials, Walkthroughs And Tutorials GamingBolt
Warframes appear to have their very own diploma of sentience, as the participant's Warframe manages to reactivate and break War, banishing Hunhow, regardless of the participant Tenno being in no position to regulate it. Inaros, the mother Warframe, boasts the highest base well being in the game: 550 at rank zero (for reference, the Warframes with the subsequent highest well being solely attain 450 at max degree). As of Replace thirteen, gamers can mix-and-match armor on both shoulder or leg of their Warframe, in addition to wings on their Sentinel. Digital Extremes have introduced the debut of the first Warframe for 2018 together with a model new game mode, Sanctuary Onslaught, that'll arrive as a part of the Beasts of the Sanctuary replace. With the premium forex, often known as Platinum, or Plat, You should purchase Warframes, Weapons, and numerous in game objects, you can additionally purchase without the premium forex. Warframe armor is the important thing to overthrowing the Grineer by offering gamers with distinctive offensive and defensive powers to discover, upgrade, and grasp during function-pushed radical raids. Given the game's success on the COMPUTER, Digital Extremes launched a console model of Warframe - both on the Playstation 4 and Xbox One.
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The Market, Warframe's item store, contains every part from Warframes and weapons, to Mod bundles, beauty items, prime elements, and crystals that virtually double Mod capability. Warframe options an in-depth customization system that lets players customise principally every thing about their Warframes, from the kind of helmets and shoulder pads to their general color scheme. After a brief reduce scene, players start off with a selection of three starter Warframes: Excalibur, Magazine, or Volt. Warframe is a free-to-play sci-fi 3D MMO motion shooter game developed and published by Canadian studio Digital Extremes. Warframe is a cooperative on-line third individual shooter where gamers take on the role of Tenno, area ninjas in technologically-superior exoskeletons that give them superhuman powers. WARFRAME is a third-individual motion game developed for the LAPTOP by Digital ExtremesJoin the battle on this new free-to-play, co-op targeted shooter from Digital Extremes. ( Warframe Platinum Guide ) Status boosts received from ranking up are calculated from the base worth of the Warframe for every standing, preventing mods from effecting the bonus. Warframes require affinity, conventionally identified in other games as expertise factors (XP), in an effort to attain greater ranks. Gamers start the game with two Warframe storage slots and might purchase extra slots from the Market for a nominal price of 20. "The truth that we consistently replace, fix, and enhance Warframe means one thing to our gamers. And when asked what the key was to maintaining their gamers happy, Carter revealed that Warframe has performed effectively by listening to followers and revamping the game the place wanted. Warframe is a free to play cooperative third-person shooter video game developed by Digital Extremes for Microsoft Windows, Playstation 4 and Xbox one.
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You aren't counting weapons and warframes which can be the core of the game, what sort of rant put up is this? If Warframe was a nasty game that peak from october 2017 would vanish fairly fast, and but since that date WF managed to maintain 20-30k+ of these new gamers (before PoE launch, monthly avg. Larger ranks help you entry new Warframes, weapons and locations, that are wanted to progress.
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I can deal with building weapons or Warframes by operating missions that yield materials required to construct them. In fact, none of this would truly matter if Warframe came up quick in the gameplay department, however Digital Extremes has crafted a surprisingly slick motion title. Third-person shooter mechanics, agile jumps, and Warframe tech will guide players to victory, secrets and techniques, and even mods to loot. Gameplay involves heading into battle and begins by equipping your Warframe and your chosen weapons. Naturally, missions are simpler with other players, and Warframe's slick matchmaking system takes the intimidation issue out of cooperative play. There are additionally mods (modifications) that you could insert into your weapons and Warframes to make them a lot stronger than they originally are. And in that time Warframe gamers have done extraordinary things. Warframes should not primarily designed to a category of gameplay, like stealth or protection but may be modified to go well with a extra hybrid playstyle through the use of various mixtures of mods.
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alteredsilicone · 3 years
Whenever I think about WF lore and how DE handles it, my observation is this:
it seems that DE have a clear idea for the main storyline (the Tenno/Orokin/Sentients plot) but everything else is sort of written around to make it fit, which leads to plot holes or characters existing passively parallel the main narrative and makes the world a lot less lived-in.
Case in point - the Corpus faction has existed since the beginning of the game but the origins of the faction and its founder were revealed only in 2020. Basically the point of Parvos is that 1) he created specters by using the knowledge of the Entrati 2) The Entrati studied the Void which is the basis of all technology AND the Tenno's power so it leads us to get interested in what the Entrati do. What is Parvos' involvement otherwise? How does the Corpus faction feel about the revival of their founder? Eh, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it-
and speaking of the Entrati, they basically serve to prop up Albrecht Entrati and the Man in the Wall, which is cool and all but other than that the Entrati story is self-contained and it's just a fucked up family dealing with what a fucked up family does. Oh and they're infested because lol infested planet
The Grineer are... ok they were a genetically engineered custom-made slave race for the Orokin. They rebelled and now they're their own thing. But their Queens are Orokin! But we killed one... And the other one is kind of a moron anyways. The Grineer do their own thing, except when Tyl Regor dug up Hunhow and called the Sentients "liberators" but... that's it. I'm never getting over the liberators thing. Sentients and Grineer are the closest to natural allies and their alliance would be very symbolic but oh well.
Then Sargas Ruk appears during Scarlet Spear and now the Sentients are a Tenno conspiracy. Ok? It never matters anyways. Everyone hated Scarlet Spear and it's buried in our collective minds. ❤️
You see what I'm getting at? There's probably a lot more.
Ps. What does the infestation do? It's just kinda chilling...
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