#wh Glenn
dark-wizardess · 1 year
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Thanatos you're amazing bro. It takes a lot to be hated by everyone around you 😃
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nick-close · 2 years
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My boyfriend made this please enjoy hehe.. <333
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yourmamakira · 4 months
"FIGHTING WORDS" Carl Grimes, she/her
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Set in the Alexzandria Era after Carl lost his eye. His very protective girlfriend overheard the local kids talking about Carl behind his back. and needless to say, no one had anything to say about Carl ever again. [ANGST, to SLIGHT FLUFF]
Carl has been in a coma for weeks. His girlfriend had never left his side after the incident. Her depression had gotten so bad it took Daryal, Glenn and Rick to hold her down to force her to eat and drink water.
Her mood had deteriorated drastically, she was more angry, she was less active, she never smiled anymore and she didn't know who to blame for what happened to Carl. She knew it wasn't right to Blame others for the accident. but she had nearly lost the one thing keeping her going in this Hell that used to be a world, she had every right to be upset.
she sat in the armchair next to the bed Carl lay in peacefully, she slipped between sleep and alert wake. She didn't even let the nurse come into the room to check on Carl unless absolutely necessary, and when anyone else was in beside her and Carl, her hand stayed on her and Carl's Gun that slept in her holster.
her eyes shot open and her hand bolted to her gun as the door to their room swung open. In walked the one and only Daryl Dixon, and for once he was without his crossbow. he walked in with his usual gruff demeanor and closed the door behind him.
The girl took her hand off her guns and crossed her arms as she returned to watching the sleeping Carl.
Darryl came over and sat in the seat opposite of her. he crossed his arms before speaking.
"You need to go outside. He ain't wakin' up any sooner with you watchin' him like a hawk. He ain't goin' nowhere, and you don't have to go that far. Jus' needs to get outta this room."
You glared at him through your hooded eyes. but inevitably he was right. carl had been like this for weeks and every second you watched him it felt like your body was slipping farther into a black hole.
Daryal then spoke again, "You need to be in your best health for when he wakes up. you need ta' take care of em', not him take care of you. how you gon take care of him like this?"
he had you stumped with his words. he was right, how were you going to take care of Carl and you couldn't even take care of yourself?
you let out a sigh and began to get up, he followed suit but then stopped you by holding out his hand. you huffed while rolling your eyes and took your guns out of your holster. he didn't know about the knife in your boot thank goodness, but knowing him he probably did.
you passed him up with a glare while leaving the house and strolling out into the street you hadn't seen in weeks. There wasn't much to do here. Besides the few teens that roamed, but you mainly kept to yourself and Carl.
you never really talked much these days, nothing worth talking about. Many thought you were mute at first meeting you, but that narrative quickly went out the window whenever you got too upset. Memory's of all the times someone had pissed you off to bad and you cussing up a storm regardless the person.
you walked the streets passing by people and not saying a word. You came up to a small bench and decided to take a seat and just take in the fresh air, you had to admit, it did feel nice on your skin to feel the breeze and not that stuffy old room that felt more like a prison rather a room.
a few minutes had passed and you had begun to get up being done with your reminiscence before you spotted a group of teens headed your way.
You despised these inhabitants of Alexandria greatly, and their children were even more unbearable. You started past them before one of them decided to take it upon himself to cat-called you, despite you clearly being madly in love with Carl, these specific group just love to torment you.
"Hey, Miss Mute! How about I show you what a real man looks like in bed while your one eyed freak of a boyfriend's out!" He and his friends cackled like hyenas while shoving him around, as if what he said was the greatest thing in the world.
you slowly spun around and sneered, you decided to brush off his remark of the incident, knowing nothing good would come out of beating his ass, "Your tiny shrimp dick doesn't even come close to a real man. My one eyed freak of a boyfriend at that." he stopped laughing and his gooneys ooed like kindergarteners.
He tilted his head to the side as he stepped closer then he should have. "The fuck did you just say to me, bitch?" You stepped closer to him and you could feel his stank breath up your nose, it made you want to vomit on the spot. But you continued to talk your shit.
"I said, you have a big ass head, and a small as Dick. Your breath also smells like walker ass. need I say more?" Your head tilted to the side and your eyebrows furrowed.
his face contorted into one of anger, he scoffed then chuckled dryly as if he thought a funny thought in his fucked up head.
He raised his hand and tried to touch your hair, but you moved your face and roughly grabbed his arm putting it behind his back so he couldn't move. you then put pressure on his back as he cried out loudly in pain.
"you ever touch me again, and I will fucking kill you!"you yelled out aggressively. You were not in the mood to be fucked with.
He couldn't even respond with words as he just continued to cry like a baby for anyone that would dare to help him.
His friends all backed up out of fear of being next. They started yelling at you to let him go but you didn't listen and continued to nearly break his arm.
He yelled louder as your pressure increased. Your face hot with anger that he even dared to touch you after making a nasty comment about your boyfriend.
You then heard yells of a few adults calling you name but you still didn't let up.
Then out of no where two pairs of strong arms grabbed your arms and you thrashed in their hold.
The boy you had previously had in a hold jumped up to his feet and held his arm in pain, "you crazy bitch! That bullet should have Killed Your boyfriend!"
He yelled out and suddenly your thrashing stopped, you looked up at him with a dark look and his face went cold. He knew he had fucked up.
You harshly ripped your arms away from your holders and ran up to the boy with a flying fist, it knocked him on the ground and you kept on punching. His face become black and blue and Messy with blood, your knuckles ached but you didn't care.
It took a total of four adults to pry you away from the nearly unconscious boy, but by then you had already lost all cool.
You stopped struggling in their hold and spit on the boy you had just beat to a pulp.
Your breathing was irratic and it became very clear to everyone that you were extremely unstable. You caught your breath and spoke down darkly to the boy who cried out in pain. He spotted you stepping one step closer and backed up out of fear.
"If you, or anyone else is this god dam town, ever speak bad about Carl ever again. Your gonna wish your sorry asses became walkers after i'm through with you! Do you FUCKING HEAR ME??"
The boy nodded vigorously as more and more people came over to stare at you with fear.
You yanked your arms away from the men and everyone backed up and cleared you a path as you turned around to go back to you and Carl's room.
You made it up there and slammed the door and began pacing back and forth. You were so Pumped with adrenaline that you didn't even notice the empty bed where Carl laid before.
The door swung open and in came a seething Daryl, followed by a worried Glenn and a Very Concerned Maggie.
Daryl came over to stand infront of you and you mean mugged him. He gave you a harsh push and you feel backwards into a chair.
Maggie and Glenn both Yelled but their cries went Unheard by the both of you. You death gripped the arm rests of the chair you sat in as you glared up at the yelling Man that had became your father figure over the course of this apocalypse.
"I told your ass to take a walk! Not Pumble some kids face in! Now That kids gonna need Stitches that we don't have Just because you couldn't control your Anger over some Dam words! Now I heard what them kids said to you, what they said about Carl. But what if That dam wanna be president decided to Kick you out because you beat up some kid they thought was innocent?! You don't think before you Hit! And we can't have that type of stupidity in this world! Get your fuckin' act together! Or you're gonna be in some deep fuckin' shit."
He left off with those words and left behind a shaking and teary eyed child on the Chair. Your leg bounced rapidly as tears fell from your eyes but no sound came out.
You didn't know any other way to let out what you were feeling besides violence. It was your only option given that Carl wasn't in a good shape to calm you down like he usually would.
You were unknowingly left alone in the room and that left you with your thoughts. You stood up and began throwing, kicking and breaking everything and anything in the room that could be thrown kicked or broken.
You continued until another voice entered the room, another voice you hadn't heard in a long time.
You spun around and anyone could tell just by looking at you that you were not okay.
Your eye bags as eye bags, your hair was widely unkept, your knuckles bled from throwing things, hitting things and beating the shit out of kids and unsuspecting walkers. You shook with every breath you let out, and your voice was raw from yelling into your pillow with Sobs you couldn't control.
Carl Slowly made his way into the room as he carefully walked to you like you were Fine China. He stopped right in front of you and then suddenly encased your form.
You stood there for a few seconds, asking yourself in your loud head 'was this real?'
But as you felt the heat off his skin, the soft melancholy beat of his heart. And his soft But ragged breaths. You knew your boyfriend was real.
You slowly encased his body and you couldn't stop the tears from falling down your face. You began sobbing, wetting his shirt like it was raining from the clouds.
Your loud sobs shook the house that you both occupied but You didn't care. Your throat became dryer and dryer and you sobs grew raspy as you clutched Carl Closer to your body.
You were a broken record falling apart without the other half that was the love of you life. Carl rubbed your back and whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
You continued to sob until you couldn't anymore. Your legs grew tired as your body grew heavy, you hadn't slept in days. And it was evident on your face.
His big hands cupped your face and used the pads of his thumb to wipe away any stray tears from your eyes, your hurt and abused soul seethed through your eyes and he could see what you had been going through with just a glance at your tear stained face.
He kissed your tears away with his chapped lips and your eyes fluttered closed. Your breathing leveled out after crying for hours in his shoulder. He grabbed your hand and led you over to the bed.
He laid down in the spot he had been for weeks and you laid on top of him. You looked into eachothers eyes until you couldn't keep them open anymore.
The two of you fell asleep to the sounds of each others breathing.
You knew you would have to deal with the consequences of what you had done, but you could deal with them later.
Now? The two puzzles peices had finally clicked back together where they belonged, and as long as you had Carl. You didn't care what was next. As long as whatever it was, was beside him.
HIIII, this chapter is kinda sad, sadder then I usually write at least, and this had more reader then Carl so I'm sorry about that but I really hope you guys enjoyed this, and if you wanna see more of Mr grimes please request and I'll get back to you :3
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zombiigrll · 4 months
Okay, okay, okay. This came to me in a dream, and I think you'd perfectly write this: Prison era. Carl just lost Lori. Y/n comforts Carl with a doll they've carried the whole time and have been known to never let it go but they give it to Carl. <3 please, I am begging on my hands and knees.
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YOUR DOLL? ⋆。°✩ carl grimes x reader .ᐟ WORD COUNT .ᐟ ⭑ 1.3K ꩜ .ᐟ WARNINGS ⭑ hurt to comfort, spoilers for the walking dead 3x4, blood/gore-y mentions, death mentions, cursing, arguing, then some fluff :3 .ᐟ SUMMARY .ᐟ ⭑ carl became distant after his mother had died, leaving you, his childhood best-friend, in the dust. but he knew he couldn't get rid of you that easily. ꩜ .ᐟ A/N .ᐟ ⭑ thank you SO MUCH for the request!! this is such a cute idea<3 hope i portrayed it like how you imagined :3 (also i hope you guys like the tiny twdg reference hehe)
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walkers had broke into the prison. you were separated from everyone, carl, lori, rick, everyone. you were terrified. sure, you knew how to fight, but you never liked to fight. you always thought too much about it. how the knives felt jabbing through the skulls of walkers who were once humans, how every time you killed another you felt more and more deranged...
but you knew you needed to do it. you didn't want to die, so you had to. the only thing there to comfort you was your doll, clementine. you had her ever since you were born, and you carried her everywhere with you. you were lucky enough to still have her given the current circumstances of the world. you made sure that alongside your knife, you held her tightly in your hand. you backed yourself up into a cell and slammed it shut so the walkers chasing steadily behind you couldn't get in.
you began hyperventilating, looking at the walkers hands grabbing at you from the other side. your eyes began filling up with tears as you squeezed clementine closer to you, leaning your back up against the back wall. you didn't want to die like this, but you stupidly trapped yourself here. you didn't know if those bars could hold that amount of walkers, but you went in there anyways.
tears began flowing out of your eyes as you loudly sobbed, practically screaming to get someone, anyone's, attention. ...and it worked.
"y/n?! oh, shit-" a familiar voice yelled through the prison block, followed by gunshots.
"...glenn?" you sniffled, your eyes widening as you looked around at the sudden openings through the cell bars from the walkers averting their bodies towards the shots.
you quickly bolted up with your knife again to stab the walkers that were still in arms reach in an attempt to help glenn. eventually, he got the rest.
he ran up to the cell and opened it, noticing your bloodied appearance. "are you okay? are you bit?"
"i'm fine, wh..where's carl?" you stuttered, out of breath.
"..i'm not sure. come on." he placed his hand on your shoulder and began walking you out and into the courtyard.
as the two of you stepped into the yard, you both noticed carl and maggie walking out, blood on both of their hands. and a baby in maggies.
tears were rolling down both of their faces, except carl had little to no emotion on his.
"carl..?" you called out, stepping closer to him. and all you got in return was a saddened look. "where.. where's lori?"
this caught ricks attention more as he began putting the pieces together. the blood, the baby.. the tears.
your face quickly softened at the realization. you brought a hand up to your face, unsure what to do besides sob.
lori was like a mother figure for you, always helping you while your parents were out working. she's the reason you were still living in the first place.
everyone was crying. glenn was holding maggie, rick was a wreck, no one knew what to do. then rick left. running back to where maggie and carl walked away to find lori.
carl wiped the tears off of his face, which resulted in blood from his hand spreading onto his cheeks. he started walking back to the cell blocks, which caused you to snap back to reality. you put a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to stop him, but he shrugged it off. you stayed standing there, looking at your hand he pushed away then back up at him. you frowned, but you understood. you were like this when you processed you'd never see your mom or dad again.
weeks passed. things were fixed.. sort of. carl was still a wreck. he hated talking to anyone. he barely took care of himself. he'd sit in his room, reading, sleeping, or just.. breathing.
he wouldn't talk to you, and as much as you knew it wasn't personal, it still hurt. he should know that out of everyone here, you understood.
but today, you had enough. you weren't going to let him suffer in silence any further.
you walked up to his cell and knocked on the side of the wall to get his attention, which caused him to flinch and look up at you.
"..go away." he murmured.
"carl, i don't want you to go through this by yourself. i want to help." you crossed your arms and leaned against the doorframe, your doll hanging over your pocket.
"i don't need you to help me. i'm not going through anything, i'm fine." he snapped back angrily.
"you're not fine. people who are fine don't sit in their room all day staring blankly at the ceiling." you retort before softening your tone. "..i'm here for you."
this broke him slightly. he sighs and covers his face with his hands before falling back on his bed.
you walk up and sit next to him silently, giving him some time before you speak again. "i know how it feels. well, kind of.. i just want to help you."
"what happened to you that day?" he changes the subject, his hands still covering his face.
"what happened to you when the walkers broke into the prison?" he repeats.
"why are you asking me that?" you raise an eyebrow at him.
"just answer me." his tone turns slightly more demanding. "you were covered in blood."
"oh." you sighed. "a ton of the walkers were chasing me. i killed a couple and their blood splattered on me. i had to run into a cell and lock myself in."
"so you almost got bit?" his voice turned more upset and concerned.
"well, yeah. but i didn't."
he shakes his head and sits back up to look at you. "i should've been there to help you. and even when i saw you covered in blood, i didn't care to ask if you were bit."
"that's okay. i don't mind. you... lost your mom. you weren't thinking straight. i didn't take any offense to it." you reassure him with a smile, which he simply just looks away at.
"i don't understand. why would you want to help me after that?" he asks, his voice slightly cracking.
"because.. i love you?" you chuckle, and he quickly turns his head back to face you again.
"when i realized i was never going to see my parents again, i reacted the same way you did. and you were still there for me. i yelled at you, i pushed you away, you didn't care. you were there for me." you smile, looking down at your hands in your lap. "i love you, carl."
he stares at you, mouth agape, dumbfounded by your words. "like.. how?"
you laughed. "in every way possible." a flush of pink covered both of your faces. as carl processed your words, you took your doll out of your pocket and handed it to him. "here."
"huh?" he grabs clementine and looks at her confused. "...your doll?"
you nod with a bright smile. "mhm. she's gotten me through rough times. maybe.. she can help you, too."
his confused look turns more sweet as he chuckles, holding the doll close. ".. thank you."
"of course." you pull him in for a hug, squeezing him tightly, to which he returns.
"...i love you, too, by the way." he mumbles into your neck.
you chuckle in response, kissing the top of his head. he breaks from the hug and looks at you, his eyes wide.
"did you just kiss me?" his eyebrows raise.
"maybe." you reply in a sing-song tone, a smirk on your lips.
his face turns bright red, to the point where he could pass as a tomato. he averts his eyes before putting his hand up to your cheek, pulling you in for a quick kiss.
as he pulls away, he looks at you softly. his facial expression looked as if nothing else mattered. he was happy, although you couldn't fully tell at first glace. he looked at you like you were a goddess, and he was the luckiest boy in the world. and he finally felt at peace in your soft, comforting arms.
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dandelionpixels · 4 months
amy + jonah + reader
ask: Omg you write for superstore!!!!!! Can I send in a request for it where R works at thr store, and Amy is a mother figure to them, and they're like sort of adopted into the Sousa family with them being an older sibling figure to Emma, and Jonah slowly becoming a fatherly type to R??
- It was only supposed to be a summer job, just something to kill time in between school. But you ended up there longer than you meant to, getting closer with all your coworkers.
- You kept to your own for a while, keeping your head down and working like you were supposed to.
The first real bonding you’d had at work was when a group of kids from school showed up in the store. You hadn’t exactly gotten along with them, and the concept of them knowing where you work was pretty awful. Desperately trying to skirt down the aisles to get the break room, you run smack into Amy restocking sparkling waters. The cases of water are stacked tall in the aisle and you duck behind them before you can feel embarrassed.
Amy barely gets out a, “Wh-“ before glances up to the end of the aisle. Knowing Emma’s reluctance to see anyone her age in public, Amy lets out a sigh and continues to casually stock water as you hide behind the pallet and wait for the group to leave. After a couple more minutes, she pulls out her walkie-talkie, “Dina, can you check the cameras for a group of high schoolers?” Dina launches into a rage-filled monologue as Amy tries to calm her down “No- Don’t- Do not call the police! It’s nothing.”
In another minute, Dina radios back, “They’re not here. Guess they escaped, it won’t happen again.” Amy rolls her eyes and waves you out from behind the pallet, “C’mon, someone needs to finish setting up the beach display.” Scurrying away nervously, you smile, “Thanks, won’t bother you again!”
- A couple days later, Glenn gives everyone a packet of paperwork at a staff meeting, regarding taxes for the next year. You stare blankly at the paper until Amy taps you gently on the shoulder, “Hey, it’s not as scary as it looks. I don’t think Glenn even knows these have to be mailed in.”
- On days that she notices you haven’t eaten anything, she always manages to have a granola bar on her to offer you.
- During days where you get assigned to freezer, there’s always a jacket shoved inside your locker. Amy plays dumb whenever you mention it, insisting she doesn’t play favorites.
One day, after an already difficult morning, Mateo slips on an orange peel and spills his entire iced coffee onto you, straw and all. Despite hurried reassurances that it’s fine and you’re not mad, you can feel your eyes prick with tears.
Mateo runs off and comes back pulling Amy behind him, gesturing up and down at your distressed state. Amy’s demeanor immediately flips into what the others call ‘mother hen’ and she waves Mateo away. Putting an arm around your shoulders, she pulls you into the bathroom, ignoring your insistence that it’s fine.
She only steps away to mumble something into the walkie, and within minutes, Cheyenne slips into the bathroom. She reveals three clean t-shirts with a grin, “I use my locker to store outfit changes.” She leaves them with you guys, hurrying back to cover the floor. Amy stands outside the bathroom while you change, and lets a small smile drift onto her face when you come out clearly feeling better.
- One day, you’re doing register and there’s a particularly obnoxious customer. Some man who’s furious that you can’t give him a refund even though he doesn’t have a receipt, the item, or his card. You stand there, trying to zone out while his voice gets increasingly loud. Suddenly, there’s someone else standing next to you. You turn to see Amy looking absolutely furious, pointing outside and explaing the refund policy. The man rolls his eyes and you turn to your other side to see Jonah trying his best to look equally intimidating, “Scram dude. No refunds without a receipt. Take it up with corporate.” The man mumbles some cuss words but leaves reluctantly.
Another day, Emma comes barreling into the store, eyes watery and clearly furious. You recognize her from the times she’s been in before, and walk over, “Hey, you alright?”
She shakes her head, “Where’s my mom?” You check your phone for the time and frown slightly, “She’s driving to one of the corporate offices to pick up more uniforms, I’m really sorry.” Emma groans, “Can you just tell her I need to talk to her.”
You nod, and then on second thought, gesture to the break room, “Do you want to sit and wait for her?” Emma nods reluctantly, “Yeah okay.”
When the two of you sit down, she wipes her eyes roughly, “I’m sorry- It’s stupid.” You smile softly, “It’s probably not stupid, and I’ve probably been there. Do you wanna talk about it?”
She shakes her head, but then starts to explain anyway. She’d got in some sort of fight with her friends, and she was clearly convinced they’d never talk to her again. She’d failed her chemistry test and forgotten her PE uniform and just generally had the day from hell. Like forty minutes later, Amy walks into the break room to see the two of you sitting on the couch, giggling about some boy in Emma’s class and eating snacks from the vending machine.
- During a staff trip to the nearby zoo that Glenn insisted would be fun, despite the 80 degree weather, you realize you left your wallet at home. Amy scoffs when you admit you can’t get lunch, and orders a meal for you, waving off your promises to pay her back.
- You can’t help but be bummed as everyone walks through the gift shop, picking up various shirts and memorabilia. When everyone gets to the parking lot, Jonah taps you on the shoulder and reveals a stuffed tiger he’d somehow bought without you noticing. Before you can react, Amy exclaims a loud, “Jonah!” and reveals an identical stuffed tiger that she shoves into your arms.
More and more, you get closer with the three of them. Carpooling to and from work, going to Emma’s birthday parties, going shopping with Jonah even though he doesnt really understand it, matching halloween costumes at the store. Gaining your own little family.
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officialgleamstar · 11 months
okay, here's a long post talking about my thoughts on dungeons and daddies, s2ep45, hell or high father. obvious spoiler warning, im gonna be talking about the events of the episode, but this is going to be more outside the fourth wall focused/thinking about what the pacing says about the narrative, rather than actually talking about what happened in this episode!! also ive only listened to the episode once so if i missed anything, feel free to say so
to start immediately: i loved this episode, but i was also disappointed that ron, terry, and scary didn't get a full episode. but i was thinking about why that would be the case, and that lead me to the two reasons im speculating:
Beth felt that Scary's arc didn't necessitate a big ending and that it came to a clean closing with that scene
This episode shows the narrative divide between the Stampler family and the Close family
the first reason is mostly a timing thing. they included taylor in this episode as well because scary's conclusion didn't need the full run time, or maybe even lincoln's episode was longer than they wanted it to be and scary was supposed to be in that arc as well. the pacing was just a result of the past few episodes: scary has already confronted that she regrets how she treated terry, we've seen that a million times. ever since his death, she's confronted that fact again and again, and i think it makes sense that this episode would resolve that in a much quieter way than it could've. the stamplers have always been the family to resolve things 'the right way' - they show up for each other, they love each other unconditionally, they finish their arcs by holding one another in forgiveness. even if i wouldve loved a longer memory (though holy shit, WE SAW THE BETRAYAL ON SCREEN-- sorry not the point of this post), and i really hope we get some more with them in upcoming episodes, i did like how it was so sweetly resolved!!
and that sweetness leads into the bulk of my thoughts here: scary and taylor shared an episode because of how differently their memories went.
as soon as nicky went "i have a memory you weren't around for", i knew we were in for a fucking ROLLERCOASTER, and holy shit. the entire played out montage of glenn failing to be there for nicky, failing to be there for taylor, and in turn, taylor finally tells nicky to his face that he wasn't there for taylor either. taylor's fixation on the idea of redoing it all with time travel, because there is no other way, in his mind, to solve the rift in their relationship. "there's no fixing this." there's too much baggage, there's too much thats already been fucked up, and theres no way for them to come back from that. nicky is a grown adult. taylor is already in his teen years. they can form a relationship with their dad now, but no matter how well that goes, its never going to fix the childhood behind them that was already ruined. they do love each other, they're friends, but being friends doesnt equal a true good relationship. being friends doesnt mean you succeeded in parenting.
and now we contrast that with the stamplers. both terry junior and scary go into their relationship with their stepdads seeing him as an inferior replacement, as someone who could never truly be their dad. terry junior loved his biological dad, is literally named after him. scary's dad was so absent in her life that she doesnt know how to handle someone actually being there. they both refuse to take the replacement, until eventually, they learn that their stepdad's strength is that hes a new man. not a replacement, but his own full person, a person who loves them. ron put his life on the line for terry, time and time again, because he didnt want to be his own dad. terry showed up to all of scarys soccer matches, even when she refused to even acknowledge him, because he didnt want to be her bio dad. "you showed up." even though terry's memory is literally him using ron, it ends with ron forgiving him without a second thought. when scary apologizes to terry, terry takes her into his arms with a moment's hesitation.
the stamplers have a happy ending because even with how badly they've fucked up, they always showed up for their kids. the closes don't have a happy ending because they weren't in their kids' lives and they think being friends now fixes that. and that's why scary and taylor shared their episode, really. because it drives home the crucial difference between the two families
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misterier · 2 years
what about carl grimes x male reader who is glenn’s younger brother?? maybe the reader was split up from glenn and was reunited with him at alexandria. also could the reader be pretty outgoing, sociable, and funny (a bit of a flirt too??). honestly do whatever you want with it i just crave carl grimes ❤️❤️❤️
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|| I thought this was an episode and spend days going over episodes and giving up so I just decided to make my own, I'm sorry this took so long bro! And sorry its kinda short n sucky I had no idea what to do 😭
You were really beginning to regret asking your brother to take you and your boyfriend for a hunt, the three of you were completely apart. Man you were scared as hell, your machete was firmly squeezed into your fists, humor was your survival mechanism so you had to make some kind of joke right? Nothing better than being out in the middle of nowhere by yourself. "Knock knock?" You wondered, laughing at yourself, "Who's there?" You answered, not even two hours of being alone and you were losing it. "Interrupting cow" "Interrupting cow wh-" "MOO!"" You whisper shouted, practically cackling while swinging your machete in your hand aimlessly.
You'd heard the same joke three times already, and you were getting sick of it. You stopped in the middle of the woods and slapped yourself hard across the face, and bounced on your feet quickly as if you were about to box someone, get your head in the game man. You’re gonna find them. All of the sudden you were grinning again, you had this. You’re going to get back to your boyfriend and your brother.  
At this point you were running through the leaves, not a care in the world as you strained your voice to call out the boys’ names. “CARL! GLENN-” “Y/n?” Your head spun quicker than a gun barrel “Carl!” You beamed clenching your machete and running full force to him so you could tackle him. Carl's arms were held out wide for you a relieved smile on his face.
The two of you held each other tightly, gripping at eachothers jackets for dear life. "I missed you," muttered Carl against your neck while he nearly destroyed your ribs with the mere force of his hug. 
You pulled away with a confident smile, “It's only been like an hour? You really love me allot huh?” Carl’s face flushed red and he attempted to hide it with his hat “No- I mean- I love you but I’m not like- desperate or anything.”
You couldn't contain your laughter and your burst out in cackles while he stood embarrassed, “Shut up!” You smiled back up at him and raised your hands in surrender. “Fine, we have to find Glenn anyway.”
Your boyfriend nodded and grabbed your free hand and walked with you through the thick woods, “’M pretty sure we split up ‘round here,” He said firmly and let go of your hand, his head turning constantly to look in the trees on one side while you looked through the rest. You could hear the sound of Alexandrians talking amongst themselves, you where close to home and you still had no idea where Glenn was.
“Just look at us, all alone.” You flirted in a joking manner, moving closer to elbow your boyfriend who slapped your arm and scoffed, also joking. “Y/n! There could be baby squirrels out here!” You both burst into loud laughter. You grinned at your boyfriends laughing face and planted a soft kiss to his cheek and you felt something hit your shoulder, you turned confused, apparently Carl was hit as well because he looked in the same durriction.
You turned to look up slowly, low and behold, Glenn was up in the tree, his legs dangling down and a smile spared on his face. “You boys are gross.” The older man scoffed, jumping down to his feet. 
You lifted your hand to create an ‘L’ with your thumb and index but Glenn just ruffled your hair. “Come on, dinners probably done by now.” You and Carl rolled your eyes but followed eagerly after him.
Your smiles were contagious Glenn found his cheeks hurting after just looking at the two of you holding hands and grinning ear to ear. The thing you two had was absolutely adorable.
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howlingday · 1 year
Howdy I just wanted to say that I hope you’re having an awesome day today.
And to ask for if raven was Jaune’s mom part 2
But seriously hope you’re having a wonderful day today you deserve it everyday
You know what, I appreciate that. Thus far, my day has been alright, and I hope it's better for you. As for your initial ask...
Chapter 1
"What the hell are you doing here, Raven?!"
Jaune stood next to his newly-discovered sister as she glared at their mother like she wanted her dead. Knowing Yang as he did, she probably does. Mom, on the other hand, kept her cool as she kept her eyes on her estranged daughter.
"Wait, Raven?" Ruby asked. "Like, Yang's mom, Raven? Like, ran out on Dad and left Yang with him, Raven?"
"Yeah..." Nick scratched his head. "Now'd be a good time to explain."
"...Hello, Yang." Raven said as she approached the group.
"Twelve years." Yang shook her head. "We don't see each other for twelve years, and THIS is how you greet me?"
"...Six months."
"Excuse me?"
"We last saw each other six months ago." Raven corrected. "Or, at least, I saw you six months ago. You were likely falling unconscious."
"Wh-What do you..?"
"Mountain Glenn. You and your team were on an expedition with Bart, then stumbled onto a White Fang plot."
"Wait, you were there?" Jaune asked.
"It was before the train crashed." Raven admitted.
"But why, though?" Yang repeated for Jaune. "You knew I was in trouble then, but not any other time, so why?"
"My semblance," Raven swallowed, "It's... it's somehow connected to your aura. The aura of everyone I bond with. And when that aura gets low enough, I get this feeling, and I-"
"That's not what I asked." Yang swiftly closed the gap and grabbed her mother by her shirt collar. "Why did you only come back during Mountain Glenn," tears filled Yang's eyes, "but not for any other time I needed a mother?!"
Raven was silent. She didn't answer. Could she give an answer? Regardless, it was Yang who responded to whatever Raven would have said.
Eyes glowing red, water filling around them as golden hair blinded everyone to Yang's fist colliding with Raven's cheek. The woman taking the blow didn't fight it, choosing to fall instead with the blow. Yang watched her roll into the dirt, Jaune and his father following close.
Suddenly, a horde of blonde girls came rushing out of the home, surrounding the dark-haired matriarch. They were protecting her. They were all protecting the woman who left Yang alone for all those years.
Everyone stared at her. Raven with defeated eyes, eyes so unlike the woman she vaguely remembered and heard so much about in her absence. Nick glancing concerned eyes to his wife and to his eighth daughter, though the latter was tinged by anger. And there was a myriad of emotions in the eyes of Jaune's, and technically Yang's, sisters, ranging from violent anger to bewildered fear. The looks from hers and Jaune's teams could do little worse than the sister's, though Ruby's was empowered by her delicate hands covering her mouth.
Jaune's reaction was the most shocking of all, though. Her newly learned of brother, Jaune, approached her swiftly and took hold of her. He mumbled something, then took her into him. With a few pats and rubs, his words became clearer.
"Are you okay?"
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afieldinengland · 6 days
ollie reeder inbox simulator
Malcolm: I know exactly what you’re fucking up to you little….
Dan Miller: squash game later? :)
Malcolm: I’m going to make Sporus look like a fucking joke wh….
Glenn: Sent you a link to Facebook Reels
Advert: New album from Radiohead
Advert: Ringworm treatment cream
Emma: Breakup Email 3: I mean it this time
Malcolm: Attached 1 photo
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snowbanshee · 10 months
Another beautiful day of Sephiroth confusing the living shit out of people by misinterpreting sarcasm and rhetorical speech:
Glenn, in a superhero pose, flexing his giant weapon: looking for a friend?
Sephiroth, with his voice slightly trembling, his hand on his heart: yes, Genesis got sick and then disappeared, I'm so worried about him!
Glenn: wh... ... do you want me to help find him?
Sephiroth: yes, please!
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memoria-99 · 3 months
First impressions on the names in WH
Elias: Looks like a Christian
Luca: Vocaloid Luka
Yukiya: Snow? Is he Japanese?
Klaus: Santa Claus
Randy: Somehow rhymes with candy
Azusa: Another Japanese style name
Vincent: Van Gogh
Leon: He doesn't look like lion
Cerim: Never heard of that name
Guy: Ofc he's not a girl
Leslie: Never seen a boy using this name
Sigurd: How should I pronounce sig part?
Mel: On
Zeus: Greek god crazy for women
Hiro: Hero
Alfonse: Daudet
Caesar: Where's Cleopatra
Lucious: Malfoy?
Hugo: The author of Les Miserables
Hisoka: Pedophilia clown
Rembrandt: Painter
Nox: Greek goddess of night
Rex: Dinosaur or rabbit
Gray: What a half-hearted naming
Ted: Teddy bear
Lars: Mars
Clive: Olive
Florin: Floor in
Albert: Camus
Light: Opposite of dark or heavy?
Felix: Pretty name
Vain: All went in vain
Viggo: Vigorously
Randolph: I'm more familiar with Rudolph
Schuyler: Sky Lurr
Merculova: Is he Russian?
Zett: Z
Eress: Pretty
Brunhild: Isn't that the woman from some myth
Taffy: Candy
Ronny: Weasley?
Chica: Brushing teeth
Mischa: Karamazov brothers
Fandamilla: "Fan"damilla
Scherazade: Arabian Nights
Lulu, Belle: Disney character Lulubelle
Kureha: Sounds strong
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romancomicsnews · 3 months
Who should play Hal Jordan in the DCU's Lanterns?
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With the upcoming DCU's Superman introducing Guy Gardner, it was only a matter of time until we got more Green Lantern.
Variety has reported that "Lanterns" is officially moving forward at HBO, with the characters of Hal Jordan and John Stewart taking center stage in the eight episode miniseries.
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The synopsis reads, "new recruit John Stewart and Lantern legend Hal Jordan are two intergalactic cops drawn into a dark, earth-based mystery as they investigate a murder in the American heartland.”
This synopsis doesn't tell us much, but does hint at a few things. It is assumed Hal will be the older, secondary character to Stewart's, playing a more mentor role as an established hero. This leads me to believe Jordan won't be the main Green Lantern in the Justice League, and instead will play more of a background character, such as Michael Douglas in Ant-Man, although maybe not that old.
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Although I'm a fan of Jordan, I think this is a smart move. John being our main Lantern is something fans of JL and JLU cartoons have been itching for. Plus it can give this show some good distance from the awful film where Hal Jordan is the protagonist.
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Even if he isn't the main character, the casting of Hal Jordan is an important one. This will not only be the secondary protagonist of the show, but one of the DCU's legendary staple heroes. Whether he turn to evil, stay around as a hero or die, this character needs to be casted appropriately. So let's look into it and ask the question, who should play Hal Jordan?
Before we do that, we need to answer some questions:
Characteristics: What makes a good Hal jordan?
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To me, Hal Jordan has a very specific mix of asshole, confidence and charm that makes us want to route for him. He sucks, but we love him anyway. Very few actors have this charisma, which makes him a very hard character to cast right.
Even an actor with these attributes if leaning into any of these too hard can feel wrong. Case and point: Ryan Reynolds.
I often think of Chris Pine's Captain Kirk from the Star Trek films as a perfect young Hal Jordan.
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However this is a Hal Jordan who has been through it, knows what the job is and has wisdom to show for it. So we're adding that new layer in, not just cocky and confident, but wise and maybe even kinder.
Fancasts worth noting:
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There are a few people I wanted to bring up who have frequently been fancast as Green Lantern who I think may be good but probably shouldn't. The first big one is the biggest short guy in Hollywood, Tom Cruise.
Now do I think he has the stuff? Absolutely. I also think he's a bit too big of a name that he may overshadow the performance. Plus he's a tad older than I would like and I don't see him consistently coming back to this franchise.
Next we got the Rookie Nathan Fillion. He has been a long time first choice for Hal Jordan, even voicing him in some animated films. He's in the age range, and I love him, but he's Guy Gardner, so he can't unfortunately.
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Finally, a few names that have also come up are Patrick Schwarzenegger, Glenn Powell and Jake Gyllenhaal. While I think these three are incredible actors, the first two are a bit too young now for the role, and Gyllenhaal has played a green mentor to a hero already recently, so I don't think it's very interesting.
But seriously watch out for Patrick, after the Boys spin-off Gen-V, I can definitely see him playing a great hero or villain role. He would've made a great young Hal Jordan.
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Other Stipulations
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We want an actor who can make the fantastical feel real and grounded. It needs to be someone fun to play off of Stewart's serious military sternness.
I'm looking for actor around 50. He needs to feel old enough to be wise and experienced but young and spry enough to be a serious threat.
This is HBO, so we need a name. Not someone who is gonna outshine our lead but someone with some star power.
Green Lantern's must be fearless, so there needs to be the energy of someone who can hold their own.
As usual I'm looking for someone not already known for being in a superhero role. So actors like Jake Gyllenhaal or Chris Evans are off the table.
3. Edward Norton
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This may be the biggest name in my top 3.
Although he has had a brief stint as the Hulk, Norton I think is much better suited to play this green hero.
Norton has a great voice for an older Hal, calm and steady, with enough charm and weariness to feel like he's seen somethings. Norton is also very funny. He knows how to play heroes, villains, and anything in between. I can see his Jordan turning, or sacrificing himself heroically.
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My main concerns are his name being too big, and more importantly, his tendency to take over projects creatively. If this was already an established universe, I'd let it slide. But, we need to think of team players.
2. Jason Sudeikis
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If I had to go with a safe pick all around, Sudeikis is kind of made for the role.
Few people have that asshole energy like Sudeikis in his past comedy work that feels so inherently Jordan. He's funny, he can shoot the shit, but at the end of the day, he's still the protagonist that you love.
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What really gives him the edge over the others is his stint as Ted Lasso. The wisdom and kindness I'm looking for in a mentor Green Lantern. Not to mention he can lead a show so popular, he'd be a big get for DC.
My main concern is, does he feel like he can hold his own? Does he feel as fearless as a Green Lantern should be?
I don't think so. I'm not saying he can't get there or he wouldn't be great, but he just misses out on this one.
1. Timothy Olyphant
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I nearly made him my second pick, but when writing this, I convinced myself he was number one.
Timothy Olyphant was, fun fact, actually another choice to be 2008's Iron Man. He's got charisma to boot, charm, I mean, look at him!
Tell me that's not him in the photo!
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Known for roles in Justified, Fargo, and The Mandalorian, Olyphant has the perfect presence as a Green Lantern. He looks older and wise but full of life and fight in him. He looks like the best of the Norton and Sudeikis, both fearless, wise and kind.
Olyphant also has an energy that feels right at home in a mystery and in space. He's been in crime stories like Fargo and space stories like the Mandalorian, and has been everything Hal needs: a leading man, a U.S. Marshall, a Space Cop, and a ladies man.
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If we wanna start the DCU right, Olyphant is my Hal Jordan. Plain and simple.
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Thank you so much for reading! Please consider following, and check out my socials and other sites here! And let me know: Who do you want to play Hal Jordan in the DCU?
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scarisd3ad · 2 years
To the end and back [daryl Dixon x reader]
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Chapter seven - the calling
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Summary - after the world ended you were sure you’d never find love again but a certain archer catches your eyes and changes the entire trajectory of your life.
Warnings - regular twd warnings
Season 2 ep 2
We're all looking around, confused. The shot sounded like it came from the direction we were just coming from. It wasn't loud but not quiet enough for it to be inaudible from where we're at. So it had to be close enough to the Church. We had only left the church about 10 minutes ago we couldn't have gotten far, especially at the speed we were going at. We were stopping and going every five minutes and we were walking slow because Rick, Shane, and Carl were supposed to catch up with us. We didn't want to get to far along to the point they couldn't find us just in case. There was no way we had gotten too far. It had to have come from around the church. There must've just been a Walker, that's what we're all telling ourselves but they could've easily used a knife. Rick, and Shane wouldnt risk using a gun. They didn't have to use the gun, it wasn't on purpose. It couldn't have been on purpose.
"Wh-what was that?" Lori stutters out. "Just a gun, they must've came across a Walker" Daryl replies trying to keep us walking along. We keep on going, but still a little shaken from the scare the gun shot gave us. "You think they're okay?" I ask Glenn. He just nods. They said they were just going to do a quick search of the area, they should at least be making there way back now. Right? Maybe I'm just overthinking things, oversimplifing a quick search. They're searching they're obviously going to find walkers they need to kill. But my anxiety always gets the better of me, always it always does. The worst things imaginable will always pop up in my head.
Lori stops and turns around. "You still worrying about it?" Andrea asks as she also stops. "It was a gunshot" Lori says. We're all stopped at this point turned towards Lori. "We all heard it." Daryl says. She turns towards us "why one? Why just one gunshot?" She asks. Daryl shrugs "maybe they took down a Walker."
"Please don't patronize me you know Rick wouldn't risk a gunshot to pit down one Walker. Or Shane. They'd do it quietly." She's right. They wouldn't use a gun to put down one Walker, they were smarter than that. They wouldn't risk drawing more near by using a gun. "Shouldn't they have caught up with us by now?" Carol asks meekly. “There's nothing we can do about it anyways. Can't run around these woods chasin’ echoes." Daryl says.
"So what do we do?" Lori asks. "Same as we've been. Beat the bush for Sophia, work our way back to the highway." Daryl replies. I fidget with the pocket knife that sat in my pocket, flipping it around, opening it closing it. "I'm sure they'll hook up with us back at the rv."
Lori let's out a sigh before continuing on with us. We stop again turning back to see that Andrea and Carol still hadn't moved. "I'm sorry for what you're going through, I know how you feel." Andrea says as she walks up to Carol. "I suppose you do. Thank you." Carol says with a weak smile. "The thought of her out here by herself...it's the not knowing that's killing me. I just keep hoping and praying she doesn't wind up like Amy." Carol says through tears. Andrea's faint smile fades. Carol realizes what she had just said "oh..oh god. That's the worst thing I ever said" Carol whispers. Andrea shakes her head with a weak smile "we're all hoping and praying with you, for what it's worth." Daryl pushes himself off of the tree he was leaning on and begins to walk towards Carol, and andrea. "I'll tell ya what it's worth, not a damn thing it's a waste of time all this hopin' and prayin' cause we're gonna locate that little girl, she's gonna be just fine." Daryl says "Am I the only one zen around here good lord" he scoffs before turning back around. We all follow after Daryl as he begins to walk. I bet he's fed up with our stoping and going. Every 10 minutes we all stop because someone is upset, or someone is thirsty. I'd be fed up with us too.
We've been walking for about 30 minutes when Lori stops. "We'll lose the light before too long." Daryl says trying to subtly tell Lori we should probably hurry up, and stop, well stopping. We were not only heading back towards the highway but trying to find Sophia. The sun was going down we were going to lose the light if we didn't hurry. "I think we should call it."
"Let's head back." Lori says. Carol furrows her brows and asks "We'll pick it up again tomorrow?" Lori nods "yeah we'll find her tomorrow" Daryl whistle as we all begin to walk back in the direction of the freeway.
We're walking through a patch of very overgrown grass. "How much farther?" Andrea asks. "Not much. Maybe a hundred yards..as the crow flies." Daryl answers. "Too bad we're not crows." I stay near Glenn we're both quietly chatting from time to time. "You got any more of those granola bars you carry around" Glenn asks with a pleading smile. I nod. I always carry around some type of food when I'm outside of camp or wherever we're staying. I stuff my hand into my bag and search around until I found the rectangular granola bar packaging. I hand him it and he smile as he opens it, and stuffs it in his mouth. "Thanks" he says his words muffled by the food. I roll my eyes and laugh "you're disgusting."
"As the crow flies my ass."
The sound of a scream makes us stop our conversation. "Andrea?" We all begin to start running in the direction the screams are in. She's laying on the ground while a Walker is above her trying to bite her. A woman on a horse comes through knocking the Walker away. We’re all in shock at this point, who is this random woman on a horse, and why is she here. "Lori? Lori grimes?" She calls out as were running towards Andrea.
The lady has brown hair that’s cut in a short bob, and a pink tank top on.
"I'm Lori" Lori says raising her hand a bit as she approaches the woman. "Rick sent me you've got to come now." She says. "What?" Lori's brows are furrowed. What happened so badly that Rick had to send some woman on a horse to come get Lori. "There's been an accident. Carls been shot. He's still alive but you've got to come now" that's what that single shot we heard was. That shot was Carl getting shoot. Lori's frozen she doesn't know what to say. "Rick needs you. Just come." Lori immediately takes her back pack off. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa. We don't know this girl!" Shouts Daryl. Lori begins to walk towards the lady, and her horse. "You can't get on that horse!" Daryl says as Lori mounts the horse. "Rick said you had others on the highway that bit traffic snarl?" The lady asks. "Uh-huh" Glenn says with a tiny nod. "Backtrack to Fairborn road. Two miles down is our farm. You'll see the mailbox. The name is Greene. Hyah!" Just as fast as she came she was gone. That's was probably the weirdest experience I've every had during these times. "What the fuck just happened" i mutter. Somehow in the few days since we left for fort-benning we've lost one kid and the other has been shot. We can never win can we.
The Walker that had attacked Andrea sits back up weezing. "Shut up" Daryl mutters before shooting it straight through the head, and walking off.
We make it back to the highway without any more walkers or random ladies with horses taking someone.
Glenn explain to Dale what happened he's confused very confused. "Shot? What do you mean shot?" Dale asks as we're climbing back up to the highway. "I don't know, Dale. I wasn't there. All I know is this chick rode out of nowhere like zorro on a horse and took Lori." Glenn says as he climbs over back onto the highway. I climb back over panting. "You let her?" Dale asks Daryl. "Climb down out of my asshole, man. Rick sent her. She knew Lori's name and Carl's." Daryl says as he pushes past Dale. "I heard screams was that you?" Dale asks as Andrea climbs over. She ignores him walking off. I guess she’s annoyed with him right now. "She got attacked by a Walker" I say "it was a close call" Glenn adds. "Andrea, are you alright?" Dale calls out. Andrea turns around annoyed but just shakes her head before opening the door to the rv, and getting in.
We go about doing what we need, loading back up the cars and whatnot. Daryl pulls me aside, far enough away from the others so they couldn't hear us or really see us because we were standing behind a truck. It's not like we were trying to hide whatever was going on between us, it's just for privacy. Something no one gets now. "You alrigh'?" He asks. I let out a breathy laugh, and nod "I'm fine" he nods but continues to look for any cuts, or bites on my body. When he's really sure I'm fine he pulls me into a hug. One of those hugs you just need, just for comfort. His breathing is shaky. "You're gonna find her" I whisper as I rub my hand in small circles on his back. "I-I know I am" he whispers. He's stressed. "I-I-know I am" he repeats just for his own confirmation. He pulls aways before pressing his lips to mine in a kiss. I honsestly don't know what Daryl and I are. I just hope it isn't temporary, because I've really grown to like Daryl a lot. I really hoped he did too.
"We're gonna have to go" I whisper. We're all gathered around talking about what we should do. Should we stay here, or go to the farm that lady had talked about. "I won't do it. We can't just leave." Carol says quietly. "Carol, the group is  split. We're scattered and weak" Dale says with a sigh. "What if she comes back and we're not here? It could happen" Argues Carol. I feel for Carol I really do but we can't be scattered around like this. It's not safe, we'll die if we stay like this. "Carol, dales right. It's just not safe to stay scattered like this." I say. "If Sophia found her way back and we were gone, that would be awful." I roll my eyes "I'm not saying it wouldn't I'm just being logical, staying here isn't safe. You saw that big herd that came through, another one could come through and we'd be missing three people. Two of them being our strongest!" I shout with my arms crossed. "It's nothing against you Carol, you know I love you and Sophia to death but we just can't I'm sorry" I say softly.
"Okay." We all look over at Daryl as he begins to speak "We got to plan for this, I say tomorrow morning is soon enough to pull up stakes. Give us a chance to rig a big sign, leave her some supplies. I'll hold here tonight, stay with the rv" Daryl says. "If the rv is staying, I am too" Dale states. "Thank you. Thank you both." Carol whispers. Daryl nods, acknowledging carols thanks. "I'm in" Andrea sighs. I let out an annoyed sigh.
"Well, if you're all staying then I'm-" Dale quickly cuts off glenn "no, not you glenn. You're going take-take carols Cherokee." Glenn scoffs he's always the one who's sent to do things first. He's like the crash test dummy. "Me? Why is it always me?"
"I'll go with you glenn." I say, glenn gives me a thankful smile but Daryl scoffs. "No you're not. You're staying here with me" I roll my eyes "no I'm not. You're not in charge of me, and I want to find out if carls okay."
Glenn sighs as he crosses his arms "i still don't understand why I have to go"
"You have to find this farm, reconnect with our people and see what's going on. But most important, you have to get t-dog there. This is not an option." T-dog is leaning against the back of the rv. He's not in good shape either, he's all sweaty and just all together looks Ill" "that cut has gone from bad to worse. He has a very serious blood infection. Get him to that farm. See if they have any antibiotics. Because if not, t-dog will die, no joke." Dale explains as Daryl walks over to some some trash bag he brought. He grabs a rag and then a bag full of orange medication bottles. He walks back over and throws the rag at Dale "keep your oily rags off my brothers motorcycle." Then he places the bag on the hood of a yellow car. "Why'd you wait till now to say anything? Got my brothers stash" he opens the ziplock bag and begins to go through the medication. "Crystal, x. Don't need that. Got some kick ass painkillers" he throws a bottle of painkillers to Glenn, and then begins to go through the bag again. "Oxycycline. Not the generic stuff neither. It's first class." He throws the bottle to Dale. "Merle got the clap on occasion." He says with a shrug before walking back to his bag.
Glenn, t-dog, and I are about to leave when Daryl pulls me aside.
“Your stayin’ with me” daryl whispers. We’re stood outside, it’s dark and everyone else is already fast asleep. I roll my eyes I don’t understand why he wants me to stay so much. “I don’t want to” I reply. He sighs as he buries his face into his hands. “I’ll keep you safe. I just don’t want you goin’ off to some strange farm by yourself” I cross my arms as I groan “I’m not going to be by myself, Glenn will be there too.”
“Just stay with me, okay. I don’t-“ he sighs “I don’t want you gettin’ hurt” I’ve never seen Daryl care much about anybody else except for his brother, and now when Sophia went missing. I didn’t expect him to care so much about me
“Fine” I whisper begrudgingly. “Good, C’mere.” I walk a bit closer. he places his hand on my cheek cradling my face like I’m a piece of glass, and if he’s too rough he’ll break me. A month ago I wouldn’t of ever thought of Daryl Dixon as a softy, but he is. Deep down past that rugged, tough exterior is a man who just wants to be loved, a big’ol teddy bear who just wants affection. He caressed my cheek before pressing his lips to mine.
“C’mon sunshine lets go to bed.”
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@e1d0lonk3k @soul4death @furiousheartpoetry @silicone-bonez @nezukos-number1fan @your-shifting-gurl @maziejay08
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ind1exo · 3 months
[ How I Pronounce WH Characters' Names ]
Elias Goldstein: (2017) El-li-yahs Gold-steen; (Now) El-li-yis Gold-steen
Yukiya Reizen: (2017) Yu-kai-yah Rey-zin; (Now) Yu-key-ya Rey-zin
Luca Orlem: Lu-ka Or-lem
Klaus Goldstein: Claus Gold-steen
Randy March: Ran-dee March
Azusa Kuze: Uh-zu-sa Ku-zay
Joel Crawford: (2017) Johl Crawford; (Now) Jo-el Crawford
Vincent Knight: Vincent Night
Leon: Leon
Cerim Leiado: Ser-im Lay-ah-do
Guy Brighton: Guy Brai-tin
Glenn Qing: Glenn King
Leslie Roseblade: Les-lee Rose-blade
Sigurd Curtis: Sih-gurd Kur-tis
Mel Glover: Mehl Glow-ver
Zeus Brundle: Zeus Brun-dul
Hiro Tachibana: He-ro Tah-chi-ba-na
Alfonse Goldstein: Al-fonse Gold-steen
Caesar Raphael: See-zar Ra-fai-el
Lucious Duller: (2018) Luh-cious Dul-ler; (Months ago) Lu-see-is Dul-ler; (Now) Lu-cious Dul-ler I've taken years of vacations off the game twice so that's why the timeline is drastic
Hugo Peers: Hue-go Peers
Hisoka Hagakure: He-so-ka Ha-ga-ku-rae
Willem V. Rembrandt: Will-em V. Rem-brant
Nox Noir: Nohx No-ar
Rex Blanc: Rehx Blahnk
Gray: Gray
Ted: Tehd
Lars Lagrene: Lars Lah-gren
Clive Lagrene: Clive Lah-gren
Florin Arden: Floor-in Ar-den
Albert Auburne: Ahl-bert Au-burn
Light Fildora: Light Fill-dora
Felix: Feel-lix
Viggo: Vih-go
Vain: Vain
Zett: Zeht
Augustus Cole: Au-gist-us Kole
Scarlett Quinn: Skar-let Quin
Randolph: Randolph
Conrad Schuyler: Cohn-rad Sk-huy-ler (It's hard to tell how his last name is actually pronounced...)
Loran Merkulova: Low-ran Mer-ku-lova
Thanatos: Than-na-tohs
Lacan: Lah-kan
Carbuncle: Car-bun-kle
Eress: Air-ess
Ronnie: Rah-nee
Chica: Chi-ka
Mischa: Mees-cha (Surprisingly, since my accent is supposed to make me say Mihs-cha like mischievous)
Chocolate Cake (Coco): I just call him Coco because saying the whole name is a pain. Luca reference
Nidhogg: Nihd-hog
Shu: Shoo
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dandelion-delusion · 2 years
TWD Carl x reader
In the forest, the air was warm and dewy as I ran for my life; and the scenery was slightly too bright and cold for my stiff body at the moment. Water made its way into my worn out shoes from the many puddles that littered the ground.
I used to dream of this moment like it would be the "happiest ever after," but now that it's happening, I would rather be sitting in the dark cell imagining it all.
-Carl's p.o.v-
My father and I walked through the dense woods scavenging for un-raided buildings or bunnies. The prison was starting off well but had limited food—plus, Mom had eaten much of our rations during her pregnancy, not to mention baby food. Glenn and Maggie are also on a run at the moment, looking for baby supplies, while Dad and I are looking for food and weapons.
The soft crunching of our footsteps were silenced by someone else's. They were running. Fast. Dad and I shared a glance and raised our guns in the noise's direction. The sound of crunching leaves became deafening, probably because it's the only thing I could focus on.
Through the closely packed trees emerged a girl with a sweaty, dirty face and a small satchel across her torso. She stopped in her tracks and, very quickly, put her hands up. "Please, please don't take me back! I don't have an actual reason for you not to, but... please," her voice was surprisingly steady and as calm as it could be, considering the two guns pointed at her face.
Again, I looked to my dad, but he kept his gaze locked on the girl. "Who would we be taking you back to?" he asked, his gun still pointing at her forehead.
"Is this some sort of sick joke? Is this entertaining to you, because if so why don't you call over all the other deranged guys you hide behind?" Her lower lip had begun quivering and her eyes had pooled with tears as she spoke.
My face and neck trained forward, but my eyes shifted from my father to the girl. Dad shaked his gun arm threateningly. "Who would we be taking you back to?" he repeated, more harsh this time.
"Th-the Living, but please, please don't." By now her voice started to shake and she shut her eyes tight. "I won't cause any problems, I promise, I'll do anything I'm asked to, I won't say another word. I've only just escaped! Stop, will you please stop? I'm scared!"
Her voice rang through my head, and I lowered my gun, Dad following suit. Small twigs snapped under my feet as I walked towards her slowly as if she was as skittish as a deer knowing she was scared and tried to come off without threat.
"Hey, we aren't with The Living. We live at a nearby prison; it's really secure. Would you like to come with us?"
Her eyes finally unscrewed when I lightly placed my hand on her shoulder and got a good look into them, noticing the beautiful colours and depth. Stunning. She stared back at me, gradually relaxing. "Wh-who else is at this prison?" she whispered, still very wary of us.
My remaining parent spoke up from behind us. "We have a large group of forty to fifty people, and enough food to feed all of us, including you"—her staggeringly beautiful eyes left mine to look at Dad before she spoke.
"I would like to go with you to your prison." Her voice was pleasant in my ears, but anxiety was still evident in her tone. However, she still had to earn our trust.
"Before we reveal the location of our prison, we have three, only three, questions for you," I said and composed myself, averting my gaze to the surrounding woods.
"Well...what are the questions?" she asked, looking between me and Dad.
"How many walkers have you killed?" my father asked.
"Was I supposed to be keeping count?" she responds.
"How many people have you killed?" I said, ignoring her question and looking back at her.
"Two." The word was spoken without a hint of regret.
And the most important question, by far: "Why?" I asked, holding eye contact.
"I killed them," she paused, her gaze drifting down to the ground, "so I could get away from the Living."
My Dad spoke, once again pulling my watch from her face. "What have they done to you?" Silence passed through the woods like a title wave. By then we had come to the realization, the world really has no hope left.
Dad and I looked at each other and he nodded. I face the girl in front of me and remain quiet for a moment as she plays with the hem of her shirt, unsure at the leaves in front of her shoe. Appearing to catch her by surprise, I stuck my hand out, smiling gently. "I'm Carl" I announce
Hesitantly, she took it, her palm fitting perfectly in mine, and I noticed the warmth. "Y/n," she said, briefly squeezing my hand before letting go, making it extremely hard not to blush.
The three of us made our way through a neighborhood to grab her some clothes before continuing to the prison. Halfway through, we started up a conversation, instantly getting along. She is the most adorable person to walk the earth nowadays, the way she messes with the hems on her clothes when nervous, or how she doesn't notice the cracks in the road and nearly face plants every time we pass one—and it's not like she tries to be, she just is...
I might have a slight crush on a cute girl named Y/n.
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shummashum · 10 months
Since I first got into this game in Feb 2023, I've somehow managed to watch the story from Season 1 to Season 5, from Elias Goldstein to Mel Glover (thx youtube)
So? I'm going to write some reviews about them
1. 13-day System
The main story, from Season 1 to Season 5 (hereinafter Previous Seasons), takes place during Liz Hart's period as a provisional student at the academy
The story consists of a total of 12 days + 1 ending day, of which Day 11 is divided into 3 parts... Exposition, Complication, Crisis, and Climax — everything has to be done in 11 days
Therefore, the narrative flow of previous seasons is bound to go relatively shallow
This is where problems start to arise
The so-called fateful love or love at first sight tends to occur in a short period of time, and as WH Sekai is a world where magic exists, relatively dramatic developments can happen... But how many people can reveal the backstories buried deep in their hearts to someone they've only known for a few days
Of course, Solmare must have known about this. So what was suggested as the solution was...
"The World of Images" (I mean 心像世界 but I don't know how to translate it properly)
It's simple: it's difficult to unravel the character's mystery and develop the main plot in just 11 days, so let's uncover the hidden truth and emotions through The World of Images — interactable landscapes that reflect the psyche!
I'm not meaning The World of Images itself is a bad thing; if used well, nice and dramatic results can be achieved. But I felt The World of Images of previous seasons was so focused on conveying hidden facts and backstories that it didn't really touch me
That "time travel" in Klaus 1 route was not bad at least. Honestly the keyword itself feels a bit out of the blue, but I'm somewhat satisfied with it because the foreshadowing itself exists (I'm not telling about the quality)
But the way I see it, the problem starts with Azusa
The World of Images began to unfold under the name of 〈Time to explore a parallel world with a mysterious butterfly!!〉, and I guess the writer must have felt that this was really good to use, she(he?) started using it for everything including Joel, Vincent, Leon, Glenn, etc…
Although it disappeared in Season 5, the description of learning all the hidden truths at once in a short period did not change — and it was the biggest problem, dammit
But this isn't the only problem
While the stories of Season 1 and Season 2 progress along the lines of individual desires, the keyword "world destruction" begins to appear in any form from Season 3 onwards. And we must remember that all parts of the story (except the Falling Action) have to be completed within 11 days
Can a story that deals with the destruction of the world in 11 days be of good quality? I cannot give a positive answer to this
Come to think of it, in Season 1 and Season 2, where Luca and Azusa act as villains with their individual desires, the world will continue to run fine even if those two achieve their goals. Even if Luca gets the Dragon Eye / even if Azusa gets the unicorn horn, there will be no change for ordinary people not related to them
But signs of the destruction of the world began to appear and… At this point, I cannot help but think the plot is going too far
(And if it's a matter of the world's survival, shouldn't the Ministry of Magic handle it? Why is Liz, who is just a provisional student, solving everything? Why is the Ministry so incompetent huh)
Aren't these problems ultimately a limitation of the game structure itself, the 13-day system. There are bound to be limits to unraveling the increasingly large main plot in a short period of less than two weeks, and in the end, the backstories are revealed as if running out of time, and it becomes difficult to get immersed in it
Is it not so? I feel somewhat detached
As far as I know, from season 6, it is divided into Chapters instead of Days. Of course, even if it is a chapter system, the amount of story for each character won't be very different from the 13-day system
Still, wouldn't the quality of development be better if the time passing within the story was longer
And I heard that the story of Season 6 continues beyond that, so maybe much deeper developments that require a lot of time will be possible (please tell me I'm right)
2. Reviews for Each Season
Season 1: The Tower of Sorrow
tsundere(tm) + playboy-like + curse/eyepatch/transform… classic classic
Elias was the one I played the first. He was the character at the top of the list, and I wanted to watch the story from the beginning. But it was 100% tsundere from shoujo manga in those days so I was a little freaked out (it's not that I didn't expect it though)
btw why is he like that on his route when he's like a trustworthy friend on other routes. how much pressure did he feel about his grades and so on, I mean it's understandable though
Yukiya was honestly great, I say his story is worth reading. A bit of a cliche, but reminded me why clichés are used: provide a stable taste
However, it is a bit disappointing that the settings regarding his curse are not unified. It's not a curse but just a contract with Seth in the main story, so why did it become a curse in the sequel?
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And the villainous, Luca
I interpret him as a character who is unable to withstand the discipline that restricts him in any form because of being locked up as a child, and who longs for freedom but feels only emptiness even in a "freedom state" that arises from ignoring the rules
Okay, this is good... But I was scratched and I don't know why. Luca in Season 2 onwards is a great supporting role, but Luca in Season 1 keeps scratching my mind and that bothers me
Season 2: The Spring of Unicorn
This is my favorite and the reason is clear
Klaus… What do I need to say about him? His story tasted very familiar; the plot goes exactly according to the standard of shoujo manga (It's not that it doesn't taste good though)
Eh… actually I don't have much to say. I liked that there was a bunch of Azusa's villain behavior. Hmm
Randy, I mean Serge, was definitely great, his story is also worth reading
I think the true protagonist of Season 2 is Serge; The tangled events of Season 2 are centered around him, and in the timeline where Liz is connected with Serge, Season 2 comrades eventually find some comfort at least!
But one thing I can't agree with is his catchphrase, "There is no failure or right or wrong answers in magic." Isn't it a bit weird for someone who lost his best friend to a "fail" of magic to say something like that
Erm… I don't know
And another villainous, Azusa
This must have happened:
A: Now let's make up Azusa's route
B: But isn't deceiving and taking advantage of Liz a pattern that has already been used with Luca
A: Hmm… now that I think about it, you're right
C: They say young kids these days like spiciness! If we add some capsaicin, it'll be good
A: Let's fucking go
But they fumble while rolling the dice
To be honest, I don't like this kind of shallow salvation. I like the flow of emotions colliding with each other, but smashing "twisted love愛 built up over years" with "romance恋 built up about 10 days"? Well…
And Solmare, please, why are you eager to justify him okay I got it I understand he has his own reason (and I like the reason) but please please don't I don't want this asshole to be labeled as "just a poor guy with a broken heart" please??
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oh well
Season 3: The King of Fairies
A: I'm tired of one of the romanceable characters being a villain. Let’s make the main antagonist a non-romanceable character!
So the fairy king Oberon appears
Joel was honestly quite good… I like that kind of damn personality. The argument between Joel and Eress was very funny, I really like it when those with a damn personality fight childishly
btw his concept was the forgotten childhood friend, he's bound to lose every time a new romanceable character comes out then... he suits BSS so well omg
In my personal opinion Vincent's visiting student concept is fucking ×3 unreasonable and stupid... In other stories except Season 3 (as far as I know), he appears as just a Ministry of Magic agent 1. And it was much better that way honestly
And Liz is so helpless in his route!!
okay, it might have been to highlight Vincent's attributes as a knight… but I don't like it
and raising a baby dad? What the fuck is this It's fucking ×3 creepy omfg
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If there's anything worth noting in Season 3, it's related to Leon: All of the events in Season 3 happened because of Leon's actions, but he doesn't act as an antagonist
Personally, I'm not a fan of those "teaching emotions" stories, but his happy/unhappy endings are fuck dammit Those saved his whole story I dare say, his ending was the global maximum of the previous seasons
Season 4: The Princess of Crystal
Season 4 feels similar to Season 1 and Season 2? There was quite a bit of the story that unfolded in the classroom, providing glimpses into the narrative of a Season 1 comrade as well (such as Yukiya being despised by his classmates), and the formula of a romanceable character taking on the role of a villain was applied too
Cerim was, well, I thought he had quite a damn personality because he stabbed Liz in the neck with a wand in the preview… I was a bit surprised that he was nicer, milder, and more normal than I expected
But! I don't agree with making him confess, kiss, and propose first while giving him that insensitive attribute
Guy was quite good, I enjoyed it
But on one hand, it feels like the full potential of his story was not revealed because he was with the positive queen Liz??
I mean, a genius pretending to be an ordinary person ← This is a very good element to stimulate feelings of inferiority you know... Liz just thought "Oh he's awesome!" and moved on, but think about how he would interact if paired with an ordinary person with an inferiority complex
But!! I was very, very disappointed in Glenn
I honestly had really high expectations for this story, but why the fuck did the story unfold like shit. Why did that fucking rabbit suddenly jump out, why were they recklessly delving into his backstory with the necklace he dropped without his permission — besides it's just ridiculous, it was revealed so hastily. Why on earth do they let me know nothing until Day 10 and then say it all at once on Day 11-1 hello??
And I was dumbfounded watching Aster vanished with that fucking song
wait what WHAT Is this the end? Seriously? What will happen to Guy if we get rid of Aster like that? Oi? You guys are taking away his chance to untie the knot in his heart like that? Is this right??
Uh… Anyway, it was a bit disappointing, I didn't expect the climax would be this unremarkable
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Season 5: The Sol Maiden's
Looks like Solmare made a big decision… because in Season 5, the main instigator behind all this only appears in the final route
Leslie was easy to watch, he had no hidden story at all, plus I like his damn personality
But all the stories were Leslie is amazing~ Leslie is awesome~... eh seriously
Sigurd was, actually, I saw a review about him before starting his route: "The writing is sick, but the plot is shit."
After reading the whole story, I really understood what it meant… I really don't have anything more to say than that
Mel was, what can I say… Wasn't he a nerd? Why is he acting so sly
Mel's route provides an answer to the question of why the villain did not appear in the other routes in Season 5. Kate, the villain in Season 5, was gathering power from all worlds, and her plans were foiled by Liz in other timelines so she couldn't reveal herself… that was the case
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I didn't think Kate was a villain because she appeared with too much villain vibe. Since Mel showed an uncooperative attitude in Sigurd's route, I thought Mel would be the antagonist and Kate would act as a helper... But she WAS a villain (duh)
What? She has the ability to cross alternate realities? You just throw such a big fact without any foreshadowing? Are you insane Solmare
Well, I did like the twist that the voice of the magic tree that was continuously heard was actually created by Kate (I saw through it in advance though — I didn't trust the tree because it didn't teach me how to help; it just fucking complained about needing assistance)
And please stop with that damn transformation gimmick PLEASE why do you guys keep changing Liz's clothes like a magical girl, dammit it's not cool at all, it's just stupid as fuck
3. Overall Review
I really think these stories in previous seasons have potential. They could definitely become a highly stimulating and delicious story if it were done a little more… but it doesn't work out that way
And why the FUCK are they already getting engaged after just meeting each other. Is this how all Gen Z live these days? Or am I just fucking narrow-minded
Erm... I decided to look forward to Season 6. It'll definitely become more interesting since the cataclysm occurred. Right?
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