#what a mess ….
ashtonsunshine · 8 hours
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@ red bull and vcarb
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iztea · 6 months
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awkward helicopter ride back home
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sol-rust · 10 months
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leorio standing, leorio running... everything abandoned/unfinished
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midnottart · 3 months
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FFVII • Vincent and Baby Sephiroth
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anoonzee · 10 months
So the infamous reviewbomber has made her X account public again and issued a non-apology, basically blaming all her racist bad choices on-- (checks notes)--mental illness and substance abuse.
And then the responses flood in.
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The "aged like milk" tweets.
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I went "OH DAMN" at this one:
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Frankly, this post would go on for miles if I went and screencapped all the receipts and call-outs.
The weak-ass excuse of an apology can be found here. Interestingly, Cait disabled replies to it after she got rightfully roasted.
BUT---in case she deletes it (click to embiggen):
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And my guess is, Del Rey (the publisher) may be trying to recoup lost money on this, because... (sigh)
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Bethany said it better than I could.
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firstkanaphans · 2 months
So GMMTV finally released the information for their Y Find program and…it’s bad. I’ve attached the conditions below, but basically you submit a 3-page plot summary and if you win, they pay you $800 USD and force you to sign away the copyright forever. The contest is only open to Thai citizens, but I just can’t imagine that this doesn’t lead to some sort of law suit. What I’m most scared of happening is someone submitting the plot of one of my fics because I can see a world where that happens and lord knows I don’t know how to find a lawyer in Thailand.
Anyway, here are the terms for anyone interested:
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And here’s Dr. Thomas Baudinette, our resident BL expert’s, take:
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itsonlypolite · 4 months
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I love the part in The Tower's route where you can hear the moment Broken become A Problem
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And to answer Hero, you should be *very* worried
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mistressemmedi · 7 months
Thinking today would be a normal start of the race week
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undying-love · 2 months
Paul and John overexplaining their relationship:
Q: What about your relationship with John? Paul: I don't know really. Normally I would phone him or go out to Weybridge and visit him. I was that kind of person. But now I don't go out at all and I don't bother looking for it any more. I would rather be in bed than at the clubs. He hasn't called me and I haven't called him but it doesn't mean anything. We haven't had an argument. John is very busy at the moment. I don't like to be busy. I don't feel the need to. Neither of us really want to talk to each other at the moment. If we run into each other at Apple or we are making a record, I would see him but otherwise I really don't call him. That is the way it has always been. In fact, the truth of the matter is we just haven't called each other up lately. I don't really think about it. I will see him when I see him. And I love him just the same. (Rolling Stone, 1970)
Q: Is there any animosity [between you and Paul]?
JOHN: Why should there be? I don’t have animosity for him. I don’t even think about him unless somebody brings him up. Or if some song comes out or something happens, you know, they’re in the newspaper. I don’t know why everyone doesn’t just leave him alone—I haven’t really seen him in ten years. I can talk about him forever because I know all about him, but you see, there’s nothing much to say. (Newsweek, 1980)
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sher-ee · 17 days
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Harris-Walz 2024
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lurkingshan · 8 months
Okay I have just spent a chunk of time investigating this so posting for anyone else who is confused:
The cut television version of Episode 12 will air today, Saturday the 10th, in its normal time slot at 10:40 pm in Thailand
This cut version that airs today will not be aired on YouTube with subs for international fans
The full uncut Episode 12 is being held for the live streaming event that requires purchasing a ticket
The livestream event will happen Sunday the 11th at 6 pm in Thailand
The full uncut Episode 12 will then be put on YouTube with subs for free on Saturday the 24th
The cut and uncut versions apparently have two different endings, according to the show’s official YouTube channel
So for international fans, you will have to either pay for the livestream to watch tomorrow or wait two weeks to see it on YouTube for free. I’m sure there will be pirated versions soon enough, as well, but they likely won’t have subs. Spoilers will start leaking in a couple hours once the TV version airs, so filter according to your plans and spoiler preferences.
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pickedmyp0ison · 2 months
i will always love community for not keeping britta as just the hot, quippy female love interest with little personality beyond that- my girl is an absolute trainwreck and it's amazing let women have the freedom to be sheer dumpster fires of human beings britta i love u
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gaslightgirlsummer · 3 months
pecco & marc and jorge & bez lineups in 2025 there will not be a single peaceful day at the ranch next year
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
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Queen Charlotte, A summary
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cajon-desastre · 4 months
Hola Carmen, me encantan tus citas y los GIFs que las acompañan, suelen ir a la par del tema del día pero me gustaría conocer tu opinión acerca de todo este lío si no te importa comentarlo. Asumo que igual no te sientes cómoda con mi petición así que si consideras oportuno no contestarme lo entenderé.
Siempre me has parecido muy sincera y equilibrada en tus comentarios, un beso guapa.
Hello Carmen, I love your quotes and the GIFs that accompany them, they usually go along with the topic of the day but I would like to know your opinion about this whole mess if you don't mind commenting on it. I assume that you may not feel comfortable with my request, so if you consider it appropriate not to answer me, I will understand. You have always seemed very sincere and balanced in your comments, a kiss pretty.
Hi Anon, thank you for your kind words 🥰
I don't mind commenting, what happens is that I don't usually give much air to these things because what is sought, precisely, is to give them visibility and increase the drama, something that I don't usually lend myself to, only just enough when there are things that are too obvious which you can see here and here.
But you asked me for an opinion and this is what I can give you:
Disappointment and frustration would be the first words.
Ridiculous and hasty the second.
Disaster and control damage the third.
As a fan, it is not the way I would like for people I like to follow and support, but it is something that is not going to affect my life any more than the time I can dedicate to creating content or reading other bloggers. I understand that people may be very upset by the latest events and I see that, above all, they are recent fans, or those who have been there for a short time, for the most part.
I don't know, maybe I've been here for many years and I've seen everything. I am vaccinated against this nonsense that becomes cyclical and that is always a consequence of some previous event that is usually related to the shipper side and the image that is wanted to be transmitted to the general public, not to the fandom that is attentive to any movement or fact.
I have always wanted my attitude to be Zen, trying to take what happens on this side of the fence with resignation and humor. It's also because I try to compartmentalize what the fandom is and what the series and the books are. Enjoying the only thing that is stable within this madness despite Starz's mismanagement.
I could summarize that the situation is more of the same and I do not rule out that, when this situation passes, we will encounter new shenanigans. They seem to be one-tricks, and as long as it works, that's what we'll continue to see.
I also recommend that you read @outlanderskin in this post. Her thoughts are very similar to mine right now.
Thanks for the appreciation and I hope that Google translation makes this understandable 😘
Hola Anon, gracias por tus amables palabras 🥰 No me importa comentar, lo que pasa es que no suelo darle mucho aire a estas cosas porque lo que se busca, precisamente, es darles visibilidad y aumentar el dramatismo, algo a lo que no suelo prestarme. Sólo lo suficiente cuando hay cosas demasiado obvias que puedes ver aquí y aquí. Pero me pediste opinión y esto es lo que puedo darte: Decepción y frustración serían las primeras palabras. Ridículo y precipitado el segundo. Desastre y control de daños el tercero. Como fan, no es la forma en que me gustaría que las personas a las que me gusta seguir y apoyar, pero es algo que no va a afectar mi vida más que el tiempo que puedo dedicar a crear contenido o leer a otros bloggers. Entiendo que la gente pueda estar muy molesta por los últimos acontecimientos y veo que, sobre todo, son fans recientes, o que llevan poco tiempo, en su mayoría. No lo sé, tal vez llevo muchos años aquí y lo he visto todo. Estoy vacunado contra este despropósito que se vuelve cíclico y que siempre es consecuencia de algún evento previo que suele estar relacionado con el lado shipper y la imagen que se quiere transmitir al público en general, no al fandom que está atento a cualquier movimiento o hecho. Siempre he querido que mi actitud sea zen, intentando tomarme lo que pasa de este lado de la valla con resignación y humor. También es porque trato de compartimentar qué es el fandom y qué son las series y los libros. Disfrutando de lo único que hay estable dentro de esta locura a pesar de la mala gestión de Starz. Podría resumir que la situación es más de lo mismo y no descarto que, cuando esta situación pase, nos encontremos con nuevas travesuras. Parecen ser de un solo truco, y mientras funcionen, eso es lo que seguiremos viendo. También te recomiendo que leas a @outlanderskin en este post. Sus pensamientos son muy similares a los míos en este momento.
Gracias por el aprecio y espero que la traducción de Google haga esto comprensible 😘
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noname-404s-blog · 1 year
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-Chloë Frayne. 😞
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