#what a very kingdomcraft ending
k-kaez · 4 months
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he's such a romantic guy
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cattimeswithjellie · 4 months
Liveblogging Scar Stream 6/8/24, Part III
1:15:00 The witch is in place. It continues poisoning Scar. Scar polls the chat about taking it out of the minecart, but reaches no consensus.
1:16:50 A wild Zedaph appears (signs on)! Scar comments he is almost never online with Zed because their timezones are so different. Same with Joel. Scar begins to compliment the Imagineers at Toyko Disney Springs. He likes very many things about Tokyo Disney. While he talks, he disassembles the witch track. He also likes the themed Disney food, and Disney food in general.
1:23:30 Scar attempts to remove the witch from the minecart. It poisons him again. He accidentally hits it with a shovel. A chatter suggests invisibility potion, but Scar is skeptical. The witch kills him. He respawns in the train engine.
1:25:20 Scar returns to the villain car and collects his bits. He drops a bow, which concerns the chat, but it is not the HotGuy bow. Scar teases the coming TCG set and says the art is going to be very cool. He checks to see if a shield blocks potions. The witch poisons him again.
1:27:40 Scar successfully frees the with from the minecart. It poisons him again. He flies away and scolds the witch from a safe distance for throwing potions on Frank.
1:29:30 Chat demands lava for Frank. Scar says Frank will get lava. Scar takes the chat to his creative world and warns of spoilers ahead. He shows chat several potential designs for villain cars, but the one he wants isn’t there. He is confused. Chat suggests that maybe the other tower was the friends we made along the way. Scar shows off some of the train designs he used while preparing to build the zoo train, including trains he build in Scarland, Empires, Season 7, etc. The original engine design for the circus train was much more compact and cartoony. There are at least 20 trains and partial trains floating in this area.
1:33:45 Scar says that this test world is extremely old. He flies over to an area where he learned how to make beds and pieces of furniture back in 2011 or 2012. He shows us what he believes may be the first-ever Minecraft toilet. He gives chat a tour of some kitchen and living room designs from 2012 and the introduction of terracotta. He shows chat the first “realistic” house he tried to build. It is perfectly fine, but he does not like it now. He counsels chat that everything takes time, practice and commitment. He flies past a boat he hates and commands chat not to look at it. He shows mockups of the courthouse from Season 4, planes from Season 7, and HotGuy HQ from Season 9. Many recognizable builds from various seasons are visible. Scar tells chat that you need to fail and fail and fail before you ever get where you want to go.
1:38:45 Scar tries to find a particular build and cannot, detours to show his experiments with ghostly glass from Season 6. He shows a mockup of his Season 5 roads from Scar City. He shows the prototype of a never-enacted prank on False involving “Jelliefish.” He shows some redstone experiments from back in the day, including a scrapped enchanter from the first Scarland survival world.
1:42:00 A chatter suggests Scar make the creative world available as a world download. Scar says he wishes there was more in it, that he often uses a HC world download these days. He shows off a Kingdomcraft build he designed while he was in the hospital but could not complete because the series ended.
1:45:20 Scar shows off many prototype Swaggons and describes trying to figure out the scale of the very large wagons. He encourages the chat to persevere through times when everything seems ugly and wrong, because things will eventually start to click.
1:47:10 Scar shows off a half-built structure he liked and never built. He shows off two building prototypes for the Pirate Cove. A chatter asks about world edit, and Scar shows how he uses World Edit to copy and paste in process builds so he can make alterations to builds he likes without risking ruining the structure in the process. He talks about how working with Bdubs has made him more willing to take extreme design risks and see what happens, and World Edit helps him do that.
1:51:45 Scar says most World Edit tools don’t make sense to his creative brain so he doesn’t use brush tools or things like that. Being in creative, chilling, building and having fun are one of his favorite things to do. He shows off gradient tests from when tuff and dripstone were new. He says he practices shapes and color patterns in creative so he can do them quicker and better in his survival worlds.
1:55:00 Scar shows off a set of color and gradient tests from the beginning of the nether update. He interrupts a trio of villagers talking, one of whom is wearing a dragon head. He finds a redstone device but cannot figure out what it was supposed to do. He gets very excited when he finds “something very interesting,” the original color layout for his magical crystals. Red crystals were supposed to be health before he turned it into a rage crystal for Tango. He says the saddest thing about Season 7 was that he wanted to take the crystal thing way further, but is happy that he was able to use the idea again in Last Life. He shows off the prototypes of his bell prank on Grian from Season 8. He finds several more ambiguous redstone pieces.
1:59:40 Scar shows off several more prototypes from early season builds. He is charmed by finding an alligator he does not remember building. He pop quizzes chat on one prototype, chat correctly guesses “haunted mansion.” He finds his mockup of the “modern fishing cabin” from 2014 and is very excited about it. He shows off mockups of ‘digital trees’ from Mumbo’s Season 6 landscaping.
2:04:00 Scar returns to Hermitcraft. He asks chat if they liked the visit to the test world, chat is enthusiastic. Scar says that sometime he will do a tour of Scarland, the survival world he built before joining any SMPs. He returns to contemplating the villain car and wants to get an evoker and/or a ravager. He is also going to build some farms under the train. He says he’s still going to build a roller-coaster in Magic Mountain even though now it’s destined for volcano-hood, and also that he’s going to add some villagers. He envisions a train barn design that houses either a super smelter or a villager trading hall.
2:08:00 Scar explains that he wants all his cars to have functions, but he is not sure of a function for the aquarium car. He solicits ideas from the chat. A chatter asks about the recording studio and Scar tells them to go watch the most recent video. A chatter suggests putting a dolphin in the aquarium car. Scar says that’s probably a bad idea. He says he may flood a portion of the land near the train to remove unused land, then terraform a new shoreline.
2:11:40 Scar returns to studio view and draws the stream to a close. He says his next step is to trigger a raid to get the ravager and evoker, and contemplates getting help from Doc, so long as Doc has his mini pizzas first this time. He admits that he’s going to need to go get new headphones and is sad about it. One headphone cup appears to be actively trying to escape his head. Scar raids into Ren and ends his stream.
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convexicalcrow · 6 months
someone reblogged one of my kingdomcraft trans cub fics and it got me a lil inspired to finish this s4 trans cub fic that's been eluding me for way too long. third draft's a charm ig lol.
It's not that Cub was… no, he wasn't afraid per se. No, that was a different emotion entirely. It was- he'd just eaten a bit too much for breakfast that day, and had heard rumours that a certain neighbour of his was coming over to buy a horse, and maybe he was just excited at the prospect of his first customer. His chestplate felt a little too tight, but that was just nerves, right? Yeah. That was it. Just nerves. Definitely just nerves.
Scar had a way about him that Cub envied. Sure of himself, charming, tall, handsome, god. Cub was a little smitten, even if the very idea of being smitten terrified him. No, he did not- no. Scar was just- a friend.
But maybe he wished, in his heart, that his mask looked more like him. Like Scar. Not that- he wasn't unhappy with the old man of course. He'd grown so used to it being him that it was comfortable now. But the envy sunk in. Scar was everything he wished he was, and now that he was standing in front of him, talking about horses, well.
Cub was good at seeming unflappable, because if Scar really knew what was going on in his head as he talked him through all the horses he had in stock, and which one would suit Scar's needs the best, Scar might think he was insane. Or at least, much weirder than he came across as. It's not like Cub wanted to expose himself like that so soon. If they had to live next to each other, the least Cub could do was not look like a weirdo to a stranger he actually quite liked.
It was all a bit of a blur in the end. Somehow, he'd sold Scar a horse, and come away richer. Couldn't remember a single thing he'd said, though, but that was fine, right? He was just- He'd been concentrating on the job at hand and not looking like he was trying to hit on him. It was Fine.
Not that he wanted to hit on him, of course. No, he wasn't interested in that kind of thing. That was just-
Cub had given up on company a long time ago. Never assumed it was for him, given how much trust and intimacy it would take. That was for other people. Besides, he was just an old man. Who would want an old man anyway?
But Scar, though. Scar. God. Scar was messing with his head in ways he really didn't like, and it scared him. It was just envy, right? He just wanted to look like him, that's all. It wasn't-
He definitely hadn't dreamed about Scar just touching his jaw and smiling at him. The very idea made him squirm. There's no way Scar would want to touch him. Cub wasn't even sure he wanted to be touched either. There were emotions in turmoil inside him that refused description. Or that he possibly had no words for. He just knew he kept stealing glances at him any time he saw him. Maybe strolled into his base every now and then, just to see how he was and what he'd done so far. Maybe he planned out a secret tunnel that would connect their bases. He hadn't built it, but he had thought about it.
No, he lived underground in a makeshift mineshaft. Out of sight, out of mind. So he could focus. That was definitely why.
"Iskall, you got a moment?" Cub asked, finding Iskall at his base.
"Oh, hallo Mr. Cubfan! Of course I have a moment just for you!" Iskall said, inviting him into his house.
"Cheers, man," Cub said, following him in.
In his head, Cub managed to explain everything clearly and without stumbling over his words. In reality, he was sure he had simply rambled to Iskall about Scar without being entirely sure he knew what he was saying. All he knew was that at the end of it all, Iskall had bundled him up in a big hug, and they stayed there for a while, Cub not really knowing what to do.
"It is difficult, for us, to want those connections. We are afraid, and sometimes for good reason! But sometimes, it is just a fear, and we have to be brave! Tell me, Mr. Cubfan, what do you lose from being friends with him, since you clearly like him and he clearly likes you? Don't even think about anything beyond that. Why can't you be friends?" Iskall said.
"I-I dunno," Cub said eventually. "No reason, I guess."
"Then be friends with him! He's a good man, Mr. Cubfan. I think you'll be good for each other. Go and make a new friend!" Iskall said.
"But what if he-"
Iskall pressed a finger over his lips. "Shush! No what ifs. No. He is a good man, just as you are a good man. That is all that matters. Maybe getting to know him will help you sort out how you feel about him, yes?" Iskall said.
"Yeah, maybe," Cub said.
Iskall hugged him tight and pressed a soft kiss to his temple. "You worry too much, my old friend. Once he gets to know you, he will see the good in you too, just as I do. Then you two will be unstoppable!"
Cub couldn't help laughing. "Well, I have always wanted to take over the world."
Scar hadn't been around for a while. Cub didn't really know why, but he'd heard he hadn't been well, and after that, he hadn't pried. Scar would tell him once he got back, if he felt like it. Cub wasn't going to press him about it if he wasn't willing to share.
Still, it left Cub with his thoughts, and his thoughts were mostly about Scar. He distracted himself with base building. Doing some terraforming. Making plans for a larger base. Figuring out what he might sell in the shopping district. Things that weren't about Scar. Because if he let himself think about Scar, he just ended up tying himself in knots, unable to work out what he was even feeling.
Maybe he left a little gift at his base for when he returned, with a little note that read nothing more than 'Missed you Scar, welcome back - Cub', all he felt brave enough to say. Maybe next time, he'd be braver.
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justafeweggnoodles · 6 months
Everything's Interconnected AU Timeline Part 1: Kingdomcraft / Empires
Timeline masterpost :D
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This is exactly what it sounds like. The story of Everything's Interconnected AU begins a few years before the events of Kingdomcraft, while there is some god stuff which happened even further in the past it is not directly covered. Before the events of Kingdomcraft, the main event that happens is the murder of the princess of the Ocean, the subsequent disappearance of the Ocean Kingdom and the coronation of the 11 remaining princes and princesses.
Follows the story Kingdom craft with a few differences, these differences come mainly in the form of the ending. In Everything's Interconnected AU the league of Villains is dismantled and all the rulers rally together to put an end to the Queen of the Alpine's leadership, this is unfortunately after the town had been blown up.
Terrain Changes / the time between
A couple thousand years go by, cultures changing and moving. In this time the Kingdoms fall and the empires of Empires S1 form.
Empires S1
The emperors come into power and the story of Empires S1 happen. Everything is the same up to the Rapture. All of the emperors die some way or another, how these deaths come about will be covered in their individual character backstories. What happens to them after their deaths will be covered further in the points of connection post (coming soon).
New Combination Empire
The people from the original empires travel across the world to find a habitable area after the Rapture. They end up traveling to the area which will become Empires S2 and creating an expansive capital and other infrastructure.
New Empire Falls
Some amount of time later this Empire falls. This process is a slow leave and disintegration rather than a quick event. The ruins of this Empire becomes the 'Ancient Capital' of Empires S2.
Empires S2
The events of Empires S2 are practically the same as the what happens in the series with the addition of headcanons. Pix from Empires S1 is the archaeologist working on the Ancient Capital. Pearl of Gilded Helithia is now Saint Pearl, is patron saint of the harvest, war and conquest. The kingdom the people from sanctuary come from formed in the ruins of Mythland / Gilded Helinthia / The Cod Empire, this kingdom is still in exitance for the whole of Empires S2. Empires S2 and Hermitcraft are now connected via the rift and because of people like Oli, Pearl, Mythical and Pix it is also connected to Afterlife.
Shelby from Empires S2 goes and competes in the challenge. How long after Empires S2 takes place witchcraft happens is so far undecided but it wouldn't be longer than 5 years. Witch Scott and Joey are different people from their Empires S2 counterparts. After becoming a fully fledged storm witch, Shelby goes back to Evermore and continues to live there while remaining in contact with her witch friends.
The Time after
This part of the time line is very un-fleshed out. This is where most of the stories happen. All of the emperors have a way to travel to Afterlife and a few of them can freely go to Hermitcraft. The witches can also get to Afterlife but not Hermitcraft.
Further explanations: (coming soon)
Part 2: X-life / Afterlife, Part 3: Hermitcraft S8 & 9, Part 4: Newlife, Part 5: Points of connection
If you want more details on something or are just curious about the AU send me an ask :D
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parallelc4non · 1 year
@rotten-vivs made this post about divorce quartet as ghost quartet characters, and inspired me to make my own with my thoughts :D they did theirs more off character comparisons while I tend to think of things like this more with story comparisons (also both pearls will be referred to with their full names to avoid confusion 👍)
Pearlescentmoon - Rose Red
Scott - The Astronomer
Cleo - Pearl White
Martyn - The Bear
I feel like I probably went a very obvious route when thinking story wise, but I will explain nonetheless bc most of my mutuals and other people who follow me do not know gq so I wanna at least explain for any of them that want to read it
I'm going off of how with a very basic explanation, in the original timeline in ghost quartet Rose loves the astronomer and spends alot of time with him in his treehouse, but then he steals the poems she wrote, betrays her, and falls in love with her sister, Pearl White, instead. By accepting and stealing him away, Pearl White is effectively also betraying Rose. Rose becomes super angry and plots a way to kill and torture the two of them, and goes to the bear for help. After going through. alot of stuff for his request he also ends up betraying her, and leaving her on her own to do it herself. And she does, she kills Pearl White, but she's not happy with herself after.
To me this is alot like the beginning of Double Life coming off of Last Life, where Pearlescentmoon was close allies with both Scott and Cleo, but then in Double Life when she tries to ally with Scott again, because of the soulbound, he leaves her and goes to live with Cleo instead, and the two of them paint her as a villain. Pearlescentmoon becomes spiteful and desperate, and uses the powdered snow to hurt Scott and get back at him just a little. After the two of them run off, she turns to Martyn as an ally to stay with her, but even after all the time she'd spent with him he too leaves her, to be on her own and deal with things herself. And in the end she kills Cleo (and Martyn), but she's not exctly happy as she wins the game.
That's mostly my thoughts on that timeline but I also have like assigned each timeline basically to an event/group, unrelated to each other though all seperate. Maybe one day I will make another post about them (likely not, unless someone really wanted to know more but its such a small overlap) but here's a brief overview
Subway - The battle of Red Desert/Jimmy's death
Usher - The Southlands, Roxy's death being Jimmy and also Mumbo's death (two jimmy permadeaths in a row oops did not mean for that. he's just silly. Im realizing actually I have alot of Jimmy in this)
Soldier and Rose - This is just very good for any duo, especially based on what you interpret and also ignore about what's actually going on lol, I tend to think Jimmy (again) and Scott but thats just bc they're my favourite duo, it can really work for anyone if you think of it right
Stardust - This one I actually can't decide on one solid thing, each song from it I tend to think of completely differently and from different series, I can't quite decide on one thing to work for the overall timeline (however I do like thinking of Tango Dancer for Shubble in Empires/Kingdomcraft reflecting on each series)
Storytellers - okay this one isn't life series the Kingdomcraft brainrot takes hold of me whenever I hear those songs they're the villains. Four Friends is them frfr
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qsmp-slime · 2 years
tl questions comin right up :] o7!
-did you have a favorite project? if so, describe it!
-who were you closest to? whatd yall like to do together?
-did you have any hobbies?
-any particular items you held dear/that held some type of significance to you? if so, whatre their stories? how did you receive them?
-where did you like to go to unwind and relax? like, where did you like to go when you just needed a break from stuff?
thank you fox :D <3
um!! my favorite project is probably my castle from season five. it didn't feel like anything super big or special, but it was to me !! and also its just. really special and dear to me. (although i really loved my base from s9 too. ^u^ i dunno if wels' main base is done yet but mine!! was uh.. modelled after a cathedral and stuff.)
id say i was probably closest to zed? partly because we were also pretty close in age - x, beef, and xb were all on the older end of 20s (if nt in their 30s, im not positive), but me and zed were both ~22? plus we just !! happened to get along really well. it helps when you're both very quiet and easily overwhelmed and also happen to just both be absolute dorks. i liked dragging him around on adventures and stuff a lot, mostly, or the times i talked him into helping with my work and all that! (y'know how myth in afterlife was the attendant of his church? yeah, i was kinda like that) he dragged me into a lot of his sceince experiments and stuff too sigh. /lh
i had a lot of hobbies! painting, gardening, baking, uh.. i tried pottery for a while but i wasnt *too* great at it. exercise too !! also i guess you could call "organizing" one but it was more "all my friends were HORRIDLY *un*organized and i wanted to fix all their stuff".
uhhh i had a lot of items toooo.. i had a few things back from kingdomcraft !! a few old books, uh.. a chalice, my sword.. actually one of my plants (a very insanely persistent succulent sort of plant) was also from that point in time. i literally do not know how it stayed alive after all that time. to be fair my "master" (as in, like, thats what we called the mentor/boss of a squire, he was essentially just like. a Knight Teacher) gave me the thing because i had the exact opposite of a green thumb so the express purpose of it was to Not Die. a few other things too !! my books were old history texts/religious texts i had saved from my time in kingdomcraft, because i wanted to preserve my home's history and stuff yknow. my chalice was a ceremonial thing, my sword was just!! my sword!
as for relaxing and stuffff.. i liked sitting in my courtyard a lot, but also! gem had a very nice home/place to sit and relax for a while. i used to sit with her a fair bit and have tea and stuff. also! the river around my house was really nice, too, i sat out there alone especially during the evening. (i also used to go out there to forage for things. :P)
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slimesidian · 3 years
I know this is like the third ask you've gotten from me in like the past week, but I'm also a sucker for y'all's art and headcanons.
Got anything for Cubfan?
I have let this sit in my inbox for like at least 2 months and it's because I did not know where to go I'm so sorry lol.
This is gonna be really long because I'm gonna be getting into Vex headcanon territory. It also has my Scar headcanons sprinkled in because it's hard to talk about Cub without talking about Scar.
Most of this is lore since I don't watch Cub nearly enough to form more headcanons for him. That's not to say I don't watch him because I do just, I watch other Hermits more ya know
-Mod Slime
Vex Lore
So to begin. The Vex we see in MC aren't the true Vex. They are more like henchmen, or even true Vex split up into smaller forms. 
The Vex have servants, dubbed "ConVex", and there are a few ways they obtain these servants. Sometimes the ConVex come to the Vex, seeking knowledge and getting nothing in return.
Other times, the Vex will kidnap unsuspecting players and force them into the role. Players who try to escape usually end up killed. Players who are resistant deal with severe memory removal. Other Players can be bought for diamonds and cake as if they're nothing but an object.
ConVex can use Vex magic, but most aren't allowed to. Vex and ConVex can also have a mental bond which leads to sharing magic, among other things(this comes back).
Vex can also have Player disguises(like Scar), which makes luring away and kidnapping unsuspecting Players easier.
Long before Hermitcraft, or even before meeting Scar, Cub was a ConVex with no memories of his life before. He was completely human at the time, and he was in a state where he couldn't really do anything for himself.
Then Scar showed up, offering to serve the same Vex that Cub had served. At the time, Cub thought Scar was a regular Player like himself, and Scar presented himself as such.
The two didn't talk a lot at first, but whenever they did, the conversations were initiated by Scar, who was trying to learn more about Cub.
For the start of this, Cub's answers tended to not be his own, but eventually he did start opening up to Scar and eventually Scar started using healing magic on Cub's wounds(the Vex punished him a lot). 
Now, Cub had never seen a Player with magic, let alone a ConVex. And he could tell it was definitely Vex magic, which confused him because Vex don't teach ConVex about their magic.
Scar claimed that his Vex did teach him, though. They wanted him to be able to defend himself. He shows off some of his magic and Cub is in awe because he never imagined that Players could access this kind of magic.
He asked Scar if he could teach him, and Scar said he would one day, but he couldn't yet. 
The two eventually get into a conversation about Scar's Vex and it leads to him talking about how they let him leave the mansion and that he could come back if he wanted to.
This led to discussing the free will that most ConVex aren't allowed and that's when the Vex intervened, angry that their newer ConVex was ""tainting"" Cub. 
Of course, Cub was actually terrified for what felt like the first time in a while(he just doesn't remember the previous times). Scar ran over and held him close, and accidentally revealed his true form due to the raw emotions that came from seeing his new friend hurt.
This leads to Scar paying for the Vex to leave Cub alone.
At this point, Scar takes Cub to his mansion, and heals him up. 
Cub does remember Scar's true form, and how he saved him despite being a Vex. 
The two pretty much become roommates, living together in the mansion and talking about whatever. Scar teaches Cub how to use magic and it's really sweet.
Eventually, Scar admits that he's struggling with splitting ways with Cub. He doesn't want to force him to stay, he'd be no better than the Vex, but he also doesn't wanna lose his first real friend.
The two come to a mutual decision for Cub to become Scar's ConVex, but unlike how it had been with the last Vex, this relationship was only to be mutually beneficial.
Due to the mental link the two shared doing this, they started slowly becoming more like the others' species. Scar needed to eat and sleep like a Player, and Cub was getting a better hold of magic + a pair of Vex wings.
It was apparent that the two of them were also beginning to share magic. As in, if one of them has more magic, the other has less.
Eventually the two of them decide to leave the mansion and explore, hoping to find a home that actually suits them. 
This leads to Cub having to help Scar adjust to being a Player, and Scar having to help Cub stabilize his magic. This also leads to their duo becoming a trio, as Scar finds and befriends a cat. Yes that cat is Jellie.
Eventually they decide to try and explore a different world, which leads them to realizing they don't have communicators and are going to need some. 
Cue them ending up at a world hub(portal at spawn, no need for comm) and trying to find someone who can help them get new comms.
This results in them meeting one of the soon to be Kingdomcrafters. Aka, this is how the two of them meet Iskall. The two ask Iskall if they know how to make communicators, and they do but they can't make new ones. 
This leads to the duo getting temporary comms until they can get more permanent ones. 
Iskall notices how their outfits are rundown and offers to show them around and take them to a shopping area to get new clothes.
This may or may not lead to them meeting a few of the other soon to be Kingdomcrafters, specifically Ren and Wels. 
(This part is kinda blurry in my mind but the 5 of them end up becoming friends and end up being all part of KC together until they go to HC)
(I have only watched HC7 and have vague knowledge of HC6 n HC5 so we are skipping a lot here, I will only list the notable stuff)
There’s a reason the two of them forgot what they did in S5, and it’s because Scar used his magic to put a curse on the Vex masks. It pretty much locked their memories of what they did in S5 behind said masks, and they only remembered it if they put it on. This was mostly to keep a balance on their magic. 
The two’s power imbalance makes certain magic take a weird toll on their bodies. This explains the reason Cub appeared more Vex like during Demise while Scar didn’t. Scar had less of the shared magic at the time and thus it did not mess with him as negatively.
Despite his Vex trauma, Cub has definitely coped better with it then most would. He finds comfort in being able to use the magic of the very things that tormented him. It's like reclaiming a part of himself that was stolen.
He's definitely the only one of the mayoral trio that had an office that was properly cleaned. 
When Scar needs a break from things, Cub tends to become Jellie's prime caregiver. To be fair she wanders around a lot even when Scar isn't taking a break, but Cub knows he'd freak if Jellie was left unattended.
During the base swap, Cub temporarily grew in goat horns. Sadly they're gone now, but he still has fluffy ears! And they're blue because of his magic so that's even better!!
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silencer-lemonade · 4 years
Thank you @sweet-razz-tea for this lovely prompt of Sceve [Scott x Steve]
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- Takes place in Kingdomcraft Time-line
- Instead of multiple Kingdoms, each member controls one [or more] facility each to power the main castle
- Scott controls the Wisdom / Intelligence facilities so he's pretty smart. You can ask him the history of Kingdomcraft and he'll name all the wars and events from the top of his head
- Course, this makes him a target on a lot of people. He can't go through an entire week without trying to be assassinated by some hunter coming from another Kingdom / Queendom
- He did get kidnapped once but was able to escape with no problem
Assassination Meeting : The Start
- It was late at night when Steve came to assassinate Scott. He was told that Scott knew everything so he was forced to be taken out
- Scott was quick to react and immediately fought back, using a blunt object to knock him out
- When Steve awakened, he was on the balcony with Scott, who was just staring at the civilization
- Steve was still on edge about Scott, so naturally, he tried to knock Scott out. And as you expected, it didn't work
"Sorry for knocking you out earlier. It was a fight or flight reflex I have." - Scott
"Fight or flight?" - Steve
"Metacognition, whatever you call it." - Scott
- The two began to talk and Scott found out he was from a neighboring Queendom, Crewfu. Scott had traveled there before and met the people long before he was given the position inside Kingdomcraft
- Steve's real name is Steven de Bebrad and he controls the Weaponry Facility in his Queendom
((Fun fact : de Bebrad as a de Rune name translates to "Heart"))
- The two grow very slowly fond of each other's company so Scott makes him promise to come back the next night so they continue talking
- Steve accepts it. He leaves before the sun rises
Ballroom Shenanigans : Part 1
Note : Steve & Scott have been having the secret meetings at night for about 10 weeks
- Ever since the following nights, Scott couldn't help but wonder how Steve was doing during the day. He quickly had to brush it out to focus his part of the Facility
- Night rolled around and as Scott closed his bedroom doors, a knock from his balcony window made him jump
- Opening it, Steve's playful grin caught his attention. Scott walked out with him and the two started talking all over again, like one of them never planned an assassination to the other in the very first place
- In the middle of a debate about who has the worse Facility job, the bedroom doors to Scott's room opened, causing fear to spike into Scott. Luckily, Steve climbed up to the roof and stayed quiet as Lizzie came to the balcony
- She mentioned a Ball with the neighboring Kingdoms / Queendoms on its way and how its mandatory to attend, no excuses
- After she left, Steve jumped down and asked what it was about
- Explaining the Ball, Steve once again grinned and said :
"Well that means you get to see this pretty face more~!" - Steve
"Watch it Rat Boy." -Scott
- Soon, sunrise began to peek and Steve had to leave. He promised to Scott, however, he would meet him in the Ballroom
- Later in the morning, Scott spent all his time with Yammy in her Facility, the Fabic's, to find a outfit for the Ball later that night
- In the end, they settled on the blue and cyan color schemes with an iron white crown
- During this time, Steve was preparing mentally for the Ball, asking Wolf if everything looked good on him
((Note : Wolf knew about Scott & Steve's Secret Meetings))
"Wolf, does black or white look good on me?!" - Steve
"You want my honest opinion? I think you have a crush on Scott." - Wolf, ignoring Steve
- Steve immediately contradicts the statement, arguing about how they are just friends
- Wolf decided not to tell him he was blushing
Ballroom Shenanigans : Part 2
- As the late afternoon rolled around, Scott grew a bit more impatient. He wasn't use to being busy at night, since he will spend his time now talking with Steve
- Speaking of Steve, the Rat Boy himself was hurrying his friends in the facilities, barely keeping his excitement within himself
- As each Kingdom / Queendom started to arrive (Such as Dreamdom, Antarctic Empire, etc.), Scott kept his eye out for a certain man walking along
- Soon, the Crewfu Queendom had arrived. Steve went ahead from the others, hoping to find Scott
- He later got a surprise jump-scare from him
"Where the hell is Scott..." - Steve
"BOO!!" - Scott
"AH!! WHAT THE— oh you little bitch-!" - Steve
- The two spent the entire night talking with each other, running off from the party and exploring the Garden area
- As they walked the path of the Garden area, Steve randomly asked if he was married. No warning, just straight out blurted it
"Hey, are you married?" - Steve
"What?" - Scott
"Just answer the question! Eh.. if you want to." - Steve
"Well, no." - Scott
"Okay. I'm just saying because I think I might like you." - Steve
"Ok— wait what?" - Scott
- Immediately after saying that, Steve started to internally freak out. He just confessed he likes Scott, aka the man he was suppose to assassinate!!
- It wasn't long until Scott started to laugh. And it wasn't in a joking manner, it was in a genuine manner
"H-hey! What's so funny?" - Steve
"You... suck at this love thing, you know that?" - Scott, dying of laughter
"What do you mean I—" - Steve
"Oh Steve. Never change, will you?" - Scott
- After Scott calmed down with his laughter, he confessed as well that he had grown into liking Steve as well
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justafeweggnoodles · 6 months
Everything's Interconnected AU Timeline Part 2: X-life / Afterlife
Timeline masterpost :D
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The main difference in X-life is how the magic works. The magic of Jeremy and the witches are extremely similar. There was a war of gods thousands of years ago, leaving all but one of the gods in an extremely weakened. The weakened gods only had enough power to give one person abilities, so they chose a witch each. Each of the X-life witches powers relate to which god gave them magic, they also a part of their hair that’s the colour that corresponds with their god, this colour also typically shows up in other parts of their outfit. Not every god had a witch, a couple of the X-lifers got powers many years after X-life ended. The one that still had most of their power was Jeremy and got one of his champions to start a religion for them. Jeremy's champions were very similar to the other gods witches. One willingly took the mantle of champion and started the church of Jeremy, one was forced into it and had his body turned into Jeremy's puppet and the final one initially refused but eventually had no other option but to except. Two of Jeremy's champions were other gods witches, but the first one was Jeremy's 'witch'.
All the characters run out of life
The first champion left leaving Jeremy's puppet to try to kill everyone. This caused fighting and loss. This war was the reason all of the X-lifers lost their lives. Fwhip and Megan were the last of the Jeremys to fall (Jeremys is the word for the followers of Jeremy). One of the biggest events in this war time was the shattering of the coven's crystal, the crystal was an anchor for the gods and helped them stay connected. While being channelled through the crystal stopped the gods from being able to talk to their witches it also allowed the witches to practice more types of magic instead of being limited to their god's domain. The final three X-lifers alive was Jeremy's 3 champions. His puppet champion killed the one who became a champion last, as his mind was released from Jeremy's control and he realised everything he had done, the first champion returned.
When the X-lifers arrive in Afterlife they are joined by Mythical Sausage from Empires S1. The main goddess who looks over Afterlife is Saint Pearlecesentmoon aka Pearl from Empires S1. The X-lifers and Mythical lived up to 10 lives, each a different hybrid. The events are the same as the series. 
What happens to Afterlife's world after
As each of them run out of lives the disappear but when they had all reached the end of their lives, they woke back up. Now the X-lifers and Mythical can freely change between the hybrid forms and a base form. Pearl can now come down to Afterlife and freely walk among them, it is still a while till she does this often though. The other emperors from Empires S1 ended up living in Afterlife with the X-lifers, the Kingdomcraft people also join them at some point. No-one else ends up living in Afterlife but there are many other places you can get to and from.
Further explanations:
Part 1: Kingdomcraft / Empires, Part 3: Hermitcraft S8 & 9, Part 4: Newlife, Part 5: Points of connection
If you want more details on something or are just curious about the AU send me an ask :D
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parallelc4non · 3 years
been thinking really hard abt kingdomcraft and looked it up here and saw ppl talking about their ideas for crosses between kc and empires, so even though I have zero platform here I want to put my ideas somewhere
I’ve always liked the idea that each new series they do is a new life, and each person has varying degrees of memory of the past ones (also ties into the x storyline on trollcraft but that’s another post for another time), but this is like a small pocket within it. None of the rulers remember their times as the very first rulers of this land, or the battles they fought, but there are small feelings left behind. Scott marked joel with the red wool in his meeting room, before really having any interactions to warrant this. He knew as soon as he met shubble she should be his ally, and of course she would be late showing up. The flower queen having cat ears? That was normal, that’s how it’s always been over there. How do they know this? Dunno, just a feeling. But how come they’ve changed lands over the years? And what about the seablings, haven’t they been here practically since the beginning? I’ve got an explanation for almost everything don’t even worry. The villains’ went off with a bang for their finale, literally. At the end of lizzie’s, memories flash across screen. Her life is flashing before her eyes, because in order to make sense in my head, I have decided that she didn’t survive the explosion. The villains had one, ending the war once and for all, but at a cost. With their leader gone, they disbanded. After that, oli completely disappeared. Sure, he’d always had a habit of vanishing for extended periods of time, but this time he never returned. Meghan retreated to her swamp, where she lived the rest of her life in solitude, completely cutting off communication with anyone else. But just after the explosion, lizzie had woken up, deep below the waters of the tropical kingdom, inside her egg as the blue axolotl. Her only memories of what came before the faint traces of an explosion, and the nagging feeling that she was forgetting something important. But she ignored it, and as years went on, she began building her ocean empire beneath the waves. Over time, the rulers and their kingdoms moved. Scott slowly began moving his home to the now abandoned alpine mountains, to start from scratch at making the lively, green paradise that he had never managed to do in the mesa. As he abandoned his old home, joel took it as an opportunity to escape the destroyed forest. It had once been beautiful, but he no longer took any pride in that place as a home, with all the cobblestone, lava, water, and not to mention the small canyon. Besides, there were still the ruins of the second villain base beneath the hills, maybe there would be something left there he could work with. The volcano eventually crumbled, the effects of time greatly heightened with all the damage done during the warm and the people moved to the jungle, where seapeekay had long since taken over the past kingdom as a second home in its rulers absence. As more time passes, the ocean empire begins to ascend from the waves, forcing the tropical kingdom’s people to move. They flee to the jungle as well, their numbers were thin, and combined with the smaller kingdom that once called a great volcano home, they created a new, stronger empire. The empire of the lost, a biome that had lost its people inhabited by citizens who had lost their homes. During her long period of solitude, meghan usually spent her time lounging about in the pools of water, or talking to the swamp creatures (she couldn’t completely keep to herself, come on now she would’ve gone insane). But one day, after who knows how long, she’d stopped keeping track ages ago, she found a small creature washed up on the swampy shores. He seemed at least somewhat human, but also very much fish-like. She takes him back to her base, after all this time some company would be nice (sorry to the frogs and fish, they weren’t quite the same). He grew to be the successor to her throne, leaving her with no regrets or worries about the wellbeing of her kingdom. Soon, the war is but a story told by elders to the children of the empires, and the lands have healed. Even the corrupted lands, since renamed the Grimlands, aren’t so hostile anymore. The desert may still have... a bit more terrain than at the start, but doesn’t that just make it nicer?
I hope this makes any sense I’m not used to writing things out comprehensibly my notes are a mess
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