#what could've possibly spawned this? i dont know!
ankle-beez · 8 months
Please go drink bleach.
i can't drink bleach, silly, that's a anime
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sundanceritz · 4 months
further elaboration on the tragedy of super dimension fortress macross and lynn minmay
watching macross for the first time and basically knowing what everyone said the themes of the whole franchise were (music and love as an alternative to the violence of war) i was, honestly, baffled - because i wasn't sure how the story i was watching could possibly lead to such an optimistic conclusion
for the majority of its runtime i think the original macross series hits mostly as a tragedy. to the point that the ending isn't really a reversal of this, but just a moment where the show happens to end
a LOT of macross is borrowed from ideon, which famously is a tragedy. so many plot points are copied directly - the militaristic alien race which is actually identical to humans as both spawn from the same ancient technology, the orphaned space colonists whose ship is shockingly barred from returning to earth, the baby whose existence proves the potential for a union between the races (with the same hair color even), the mecha accidentally overloading and instantly wiping out a whole city. they do share a major scriptwriter; the word "IDEON" also appears on a screen at one point
the character arcs, too, felt like tragedies, people pushed in opposite directions by circumstance and resigning to their fates. minmay herself tells hikaru, who is very anti-military, to join the military; hikaru joins the military, sees kakizaki die, and hangs up on minmay when she calls him because he is simply completely unable to relate to her anymore, despite having done everything for her. he went this direction out of love for minmay, but has a dream that suggests that, due to the experiences MINMAY pushed him towards, he is resigned to only be comfortable with a military woman like misa now - to which i can only respond so that's bad, right? so that's bad, right? it's bad that that happened to hikaru, right...?
but when i looked into how fandom talked about this, and how the rest of the franchise went ... it became clear that this was just seen as a "love triangle", and in fact one in which hikaru "ending up with" misa is the "favorable conclusion" to fans (and the writers apparently), instead of a tragedy involving all three characters as protagonists
but, again... the show is written as a tragedy like that. and so we have to talk about lynn minmay... perhaps it's robotech's influence here, but the idea that people see her as "immature" and a flawed character who has to grow up is kind of absolutely bonkers. yes, she's immature, but also, she was made the commodified celebrity idol of an entire isolated community at a young age and also - and this is key - is literally being groomed by her older cousin on-screen without any abstraction or it being played as alright or whatever
it is surreal to me that the reason people hate kaifun is because he is whiny about the military or "is a jerk" or something. what happens on screen is completely unambiguous. he is insidious and realistic in his actions. frankly it's a clear prototype for utena (in the post-timeskip eps he has the autonomy of Having A Car).
and then, also in the post-timeskip eps, he just ... drops minmay and disappears into history (until he does more scuzzy stuff in the liner notes to fire bomber american and then disappears again). she has been totally broken down over the last few years and now has nothing. so she goes to hikaru, the person she was almost close with once
and after a few eps of back and forth love triangle nonsense hikaru and misa are like well we're together now and you have to go build a life entirely on your own starting from zero. and she's like oh ok! and leaves. does she even have a house at this point?? i dont think so??? and then the show ends????
its such a random place to end for me. the show could've ended a few eps earlier or gone on for another few. hikaru "choosing" misa is not a meaningful statement at that point because he's gone back and forth between misa and minmay for many episodes at this point. also hikaru and misa could break up later anyway, it doesnt really feel like an ending to me
it felt like minmay had the roughest life ever and the narrative wasn't sure how to frame that by the end, despite being actually VERY critical of the idol industry up to that point (this is NOT a pro-idol show tbh)
i think if hideaki anno did Shin Macross he would make a version of this story that is actually about her
perhaps this sounds critical of the show. not really, i think most of it was perfect - when they try and do a space war fight but both sides are taking action to defuse the very concept of a gundam space war scene and the generals have no choice but to go okay i guess we're just not doing this anymore!, that was completely genius. and then time skipping shortly after that to show all the political and interpersonal issues resulting from the decisions that could've been an ending, we're back into the feelings of tragedy...
it's just, from the beginning i thought, how could this end up as Macross, the franchise i've heard of? and it basically didn't! it just ends. not on an ending that emphasizes the tragedy that is the whole narrative, but not on a happy ending either. and i think its because shoji kawamori is more of a "normal person" compared to tomino et al
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tiredcrystal · 29 days
dont mind me, I’ll respond later <3
(I'm gonna respond to this in case you don't want the others to be public)
GOD pls don't read anymore or I might just die from embarrassment
I do remember having the habit of liking the response of any blog to my asks just so I could keep them within reach lol. It did cross my mind that you might suspect me but I just never payed it much attention and thought "nahh any random dude could like an ask right? It doesn't mean anything" I was dumb ok. But I still knew it was a possibility and didn't care because to begin with, my blog didn't have much and it was bound to happen one day or another. It's true I never told you in the end but it was never out of embarrassment or being uncomfortable, I just genuinely liked being an anon and the fun that came with it.
I could've also possibly sent an ask off anon, the phone I used at the time had like a virus that would like tap the top right corner randomly and repeatedly (I used to call my teachers and friends accidentally like A LOT on messenger💀) so it might've sent an ask before I could finish writing it or turning the anon but I don't remember it ever happening. Trust me, I would remember. I would've been the one disappearing from the earth.
(Btw I do not think this was creepy at all, I would've done so too if I were you but it's good you got it right lol we don't want you disappearing from shame either. Again, I'm grateful so be thankful for your detective skills!)
To answer your questions, I unfortunately do not speak 8 languages and I also do not live in Asia or any Middle Eastern country, that was all amazing sho lol. It's unfortunate you didn't find him but there's still hope, maybe one day we could reunite!
I think you had like 1k maybe 2k followers? I never really thought about it before so these are my guesses now but I'd assume that number since you were creating content and writers are like the backbone of Tumblr dot com.
It's true, your new blog, it's not a subject I've ever particularly sought out but if it's an experience my friend is going through?? Count me in. (If you're thinking but you didn't know it was me? Yes that's true but I trust in the words of mystery man, he said it's gonna be good so it must be. I wouldn't have followed the account out of my own volition if it showed up to me randomly but thanks to your ask, I took the time to skim through it and when I did, I thought it could be interesting after all) I know it's something else entirely but I never became your friend just to read your works. I knew you because of them but I stayed because I wanted to. (And because you're literally so fun to talk to) So, no matter what your blog will ever be about even when we're like 40 and you're showing like your pets or kids (if u want any) or your opinion on this or that or anything really, I'd wanna be there and see even if we drift apart along the way.
Annnd, you're not annoying, in soda's wise wise words "annoy me forever"
I'm glad you liked the nickname! I couldn't find the account but great move. What I meant was that when switching blogs, you never sticked to a specific name, even now on the newest blog (although I think Eti as a nickname of Etiènne is so cute) I'll definitely keep the tag for you! I invite you to come by my asks too, anytime!
As for me, ofc I'll be there, you think I'll waste all your effort for nothing?? No way. I'll spawn before you even realize it.
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sumbier0 · 1 year
Just watched Nimona. Im feeling so notmal rn [lying throught gritted teeth]
I quite literally knew NOTHING when I decided that I will watch it.
Got suprised positively and felt so many feelings so many times. This was so enjoyable and just done with care? I have many thoughts but I dont know if I could put them all into comprehensible words. Just. All topics were handled beautifully.
I literally got attached to characters less than 10 minutes in. Help me
Some Spoilers beyond this Point
The villain. BOY THE VILLAIN. I hate her so much she got what she deserved <4 I loved how she was written. She believed eveything she was Fed. She lived in fear that consumed her and she was willing to kill innocents for that. She went so far she didnt even want to consider going out of her bubble. Also she could be classified as a twist villain, although its easy to figure out it's her. Even if its not a twist for audience its a good twist for characters + she gets so much time to shine too.
The ending. I understand how some people I guess could say its anticlimactic because Nimona comes back [we don't see her but Its pretty clear lmao]. Personally for me its not an issue, she went through so much and deserves to be happy too. And see that people like her now :] Although I wouldn't mind more tragic ending either, it just wouldve hit me with more sadness than a lot sadness -> sudden happiness spike
At the start of the film I was so so glad that Ambrosius wasn't the 'priveledged guy thats an asshole to the main character' and instead they were lovers :] But also at that point said 'I hope there wont be any falling out!'. Top 10 sentences said minutes before disaster
Also if you could've seen my reaction to nimona and gloreth stuff. Boy I went absolutely insane.
On the topics handled well. I think how they handled opression was really good. They showed how it affects everyone. Even the opressed themselves, that try to find a place in such society, try to have Faith in the system that fails them[ commoners, Ballister]. How at the earliest stage possible people are already influenced into such mindsets. How some people are so firmly set in those beliefs they wont even consider they're wrong. And also the worst of opression, violence, and how it not only hurt Nimona physically, but also how it scarred her mentally.
Some negative beliefs were reinforced for so long, and spawned different kind of negative beliefs. And opression
And I think throughout the movie, you REALLY get how ingrained negative beliefs are in everyones minds.
Further to me, the change of this whole kingdom for the better didnt happen too quickly. Trying exposing the Director ended with her quickly swaying people to her side again, when she played the monster card.people so quickly also believed that such a commoner as Ballister would kill the Queen, which probably wouldnt happen if it was someone form the Noble bloodline... okay its not related exactly to what I started talking in this paragraph. Fuck, people had to see how for this belief that monsters are terrible, the one in power is willing to kill them, along with the monster. And in this situation the monster saved them.
Like also those are circumstances that absolutely would lead to a change I think. There were probably some people in denial but I doubt for long? Authority of power and beliefs risked their people's lives with ease when it came to actual danger. Although the focus should have been on protecting the people, as it always was said before, in the end it all went into killing 'the bad'.
[Um i hope I put this into comprehsible words and that I got the meaning I wanted in there]
I enjoyed the animation, design and music too! Also this world was really interesting, medieval combined with futurism. Really neat worldbuilding!
And last thing, comedy was great >:]
Anyway I hope you enjoyed my incomrehensible ramblings. Bows
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