#what do you MEAN husk would go super soft mood heart eyes when him and Angel eventually get together
princessfroslass · 4 months
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Oh I got weak in the knees all of a sudden.
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First Contact
Pairing: Garrus Vakarian x Shepard (any gender (there's only one mention of a bra))
Word count: 1603
Summary: After a hard battle against some Husks, Banshees, a few Brutes, and three Harvesters, you were ready for some shut eye. Out of everyone, you had ended up the least injured. To save Mordin some time and materials, you head up to your quarters and undressed halfway. You began to work on your own injuries in the mean time. Then, there's a knock at the door. It's Garrus, so you allow him to enter. But you forget the state of yourself. Maybe, that help in your favor.
Author notes: To be honest, I've done little snippets for Shep and Garrus in my writing class. None of them were finished of course when you only have fifteen minutes to do a prompt. This is my first, finished piece for the two. Depending on my mood, I might actually finish and post them. I don't think they'll be super long or multiple chapters. This one might be. Probably turn to smut if I do continue it.
Also, this has not been beta read. I just finished it and decided to post it. If there are any confusing or big mistakes, let me know. I'll read it on my work break tonight and fix them.
There was a nervousness in your stomach as Garrus entered the room. The grey door softly closing behind his lean frame. Garrus wasn’t wearing his armor from the latest battle. You, yourself, were still cleaning up with a few new cuts and gunshot wounds. They were small, not worth attention of Mordin. Instead, you decided to just head to your room and settled there for the night.
That’s exactly what you were doing. No shirt, just a bra and short-shorts on. Your body nearly on full display; scars, stretch marks, and all.  And Garrus’s eyes couldn’t look away. They trailed down the length of it and took in everything that made you, you.
As the turian stood there in a trance, you began to worry. Did he not like what he saw? You knew your years in the Alliance had marred your skin. It couldn’t be that bad? Was it? Did your human body freak him out? Humans and turian definitely have their physical differences. It was probably weird to look at from his point of view.
“Garrus?” your voice soft with a small tremble. On the field, you would’ve powered through. Yet, in safety of the captain’s room, where you exposed yourself so open, in front of someone you had fallen for so long ago, you were scared. In all reality, you were terrified if he didn’t like how your body looked this day and age.
The sound of his name being called snapped him from his thoughts. Garrus gazed up at your beautiful face and took in the fearful look in your eyes. Huh? It was an expression he rarely sees on you.
Without thinking, he came up to you and held your face in his three-fingered hands. “What’s wrong? Did something happen? Are you okay?” he sprouted out, not giving you a chance to speak. You softened under his touch and smiled minutely up at him.
“Y-yeah, I’m good,” you stuttered and melted. It was stupid to think that this turian would care about the scars. He’s seen you before, with a little more clothing, but never said anything about it. That little voice still tried to speak but you pushed it back so it didn’t have a voice.
He special beyond belief. He’s had your back since the beginning of this whole ordeal. Why in the world would he care about what you looked like?
You slightly bowed your head and laughed quietly, shoulders shaking. Garrus tenses and pulls away, his warm hands no longer touching you. “Did-did I do something?” he questioned, mandibles twitching. Your head snapped up.
“Heaven’s no! Sorry, I just got a lot going on,” you apologize and shied away from the towering alien. Guilt began to gnaw away at your precious heart. Your brows furrowed upwardly. That was stupid. Your thoughts were always getting in the way of your life and you wanted to live. Just… just live, Shepard.
Garrus nodded his head slower than normal but kept his eyes on you. The turian knew something was brewing inside of that mind of yours. Well, usually there it. This was different though and he didn’t like it.
Carefully, he took another step towards you and rested a hand on your right shoulder. The other had a nasty bruise that was already blooming. All he wanted to do was nuzzle against it and kiss your worries goodbye. Life doesn’t work that way. He knew this from his own experience. Instead, he leaned forward a little then stopped.
The two of you have done this before but he always wanted to make sure it was okay with you. Your face spilt with a grin and returned the action. Your foreheads met softly. Your hand coming up to brush down the bony cheek of his.
“You should let Mordin take a look at those before they get infected,” he softly commanded. His hand moving up to your own, softer cheek. The clawed end lightly stroked your bottom lip. Without thinking, you gently licked the tip.
His mandibles flared outward and he jerked back, brows lifted up. Automatically, you thought you had done something bad and went to move back. Yet, Garrus hooked his hand behind your neck and stopped you. “Shepard, sorry. I-I wasn’t expecting that… but-but I know something e-lse you could lick.” Those words made your mouth drop before yours shoulders started to shake again. You were laughing.
At first, Garrus felt a range of emotion but knew you had no ill intent. So, the turian laughed with you as well.
When the laughter died in your chest, you grinned widely up at him. “I might have to take up that offer one day. You know, test your reach and my flexibility.” Both his jaw and mandibles fell at that. He loved you for longer than he even truly knew but that just made him fall harder for you.
Garrus moved his hand back to your cheek; the other following a second later. Then, he pulled you in.
His lips rested awkwardly on yours. Turians don’t kiss, not the way that humans do it. But he wanted to show his love to you in way you would understand.
You ripped away from him, shock evident on your features. He kissed you. He kissed you! But… he’s a turian.
A nasty feeling pooled in your chest when your mind brought up that thought. No, it didn’t matter that he’s a turian. The people around you, the crew, will judge. Almost all being human and remembering the First Contact War. But you loved him. A lot.
He saw the look in your eyes and immediately knew he messed up; his hands dropped as if your skin burned him. You might leave him now and Garrus couldn’t live a life without you in his. “I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” he said, voice trembling under the weight of holding back the immense guilt after pushing himself on you. So stupid! That was so stupid of him.
Before he could move away from you, you tugged him back and smashed your lips on his nearly unmovable ones. His hands slowly came up and rested hesitantly on your hips. The softest of moans escaping his throat. A burning smirk yanked at your lips before returning back to the matter at hand.
The turian didn’t know what to do, that much you could tell from him. When in the real world, he acted like a bigshot but in a vulnerable spot, he’s so soft and caring. So, you grabbed one of his hands and put it on the back of your head. Next, you carefully licked at his hard lips. He opened up, the thing you were silently asking for. Perfect. Your tongue slithered into mouth and lapped at his own.
Another moan pierced the electric air. The hand on the back of your head held on tighter, fingers beginning to get lost in the strands. You, yourself, pressed yourself more against Garrus. He tugged with his other hand and pulled both of you closer, not allowing a breath of air between you.
He easily felt your heat spreading against his warming frame. “Shepard,” he whispered against your lips and held you just little closer.
You hummed in question, devouring every little sound or move he made. It was adorable and lovable all the same. “If we don’t stop, I can’t promise I’ll be able to control myself anymore.” The way his voice had a flang to it while he said that… you know your underwear was drenched now.
To spare yourselves from the possible embarrassment of an awkward night, you detached your lips from his and stared up at him. The glazed overlook in his alluring blue eyes was something you could never forget for the rest of time. You let a hand roam up to the back of fringe and your fingers graze over the hidden skin there. A spot you learned when you overheard a conversation at the Citadel.
Garrus’s head tilted back, fully exposing his neck to you. “Shepard.” His voice more hoarse than before, deeper as well. Your name was said in warning. Finally, you backed off with hesitancy. You got your bite of him. Now, like a predator, you didn’t want to let your prey to get away.
“Alright, alright. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself,” you explained and let your forearms settle on his shoulders. The two of you looked at one another. Love filled both of your eyes to the brim. “I… I deeply care about you, Garrus. I want you to know that. You don’t have to tell me you fe-“
Hard lips smashed into your softer ones for a few long moments before pulling back. Garrus loved you. “I feel the same way, Shep. I… I don’t know what you want to consider this but I want to be in your life.” He paused then realized what he had said. “What-what I mean is, well…” But he didn’t know how to explain it.
Not that he needed to.
You rested a hand on his carapace and that quieted him. “I understand.” And you truly did. He’s been at your side since the beginning. You’ve come to know and learn him. This is just the next step.
“Well, what next?”
A daring smirk etched onto your face. “Why don’t you help me with these wounds of mine?” You knew if he was human, his entire face would be red at the notion. You giggled and gently pulled him to follow your form into the bathroom.
The cuts weren’t going to clean themselves.
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