#what if ghost trick was the fandom that got me back into writing fic haha jk unless
radiantarray · 5 months
another 3 hours until sss stream but my sleep schedule is way too fucked so goodnight king ill see you in the twitch vod
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majoringinsarcasm · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on A03?
71! I’ve deleted and orphaned a few over the years though.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently on the Ace Attorney train but I’ve dipped into Good Omens a bit, and I’ll never say no to any of my old faves.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Inside Jokes (MHA)
2. Surprise Party (MHA)
3. Complete The <3 (Haikyuu)
4. And They Were Roommates (Haikyuu)
5. Keeping Up With the Reserve Course (Danganronpa)
And because NONE of those are ace attorney haha the highest kudos fic for that fandom is: the kiss and cry
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to do as many as I can even if I’m late because comments mean a lot to me. I have not replied to every single one but I try my best.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
(currently not finished and posted so this answer will change) Uhhhhh all mine usually have a happy ending with angst being at the start or middle. I guess maybe OH duh
“a fizz and a pop” which is a Crowley pov fic I wrote after the season two finale. “a rumble and a hum” is about equal angst but Aziraphale’s pov and I meant them to be a pair so those two for sure
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them have happy endings but Happiest in universe is probably Indirect Correlation which is a MikexBill fic taking place in a nobody died AU of the second chapter of the IT movies when they’re all adults. Loved that one and it got lovely reception on the timeline when I shared it. Bike night!!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet. Got some comments that I still don’t know if they were trolls or not
9. Do you write smut?
I do and want to improve.
10. Do you write crossovers?
None currently posted but I had a Free! x Host Club fic way back in the day I ended up deleting. And I want to combine some Ghost Trick characters into an AA fic I’m planning. So I’m not opposed if the mood strikes
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge but I’ve gotten one of those scam “we love your work” comments so who knows.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not. (I don’t think I dont remember anyone asking unless they did and I’m forgetting and I don’t wanna go check Again I keep flipping back and forth).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Haha does role playing with friends count? Not yet but maybe someday. I’ve written fics that my friends have inspired and I shared the progress with though. Oh no that’s a lie I have once but it’s no longer around. Hope that person is doing well.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
See this is tricky because I have ships I love that I’ve written about and ships I love that I enjoy without creating for it. I’ll say Hinata and Kageyama from Haikyuu though they are a ship for life.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them uhhhh I have a 10k wip that may never see the light of day about cheating and marriage proposals but we’ll see if that ever becomes a thing.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think when the iron is hot my sentence structure for comparing things is really sharp. I love writing people talking and often Hate having to add the proper fillers in between which is why Way back in the day I loved dialogue only fics. And chat fics / social media I LOVE those.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
If someone told me to describe a setting, room or outdoors doesn't matter, or they would put me in a meat grinder I would just jump in. I have a project that will force me to practice though
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I’ve done my fair share of google translate this phrase in the past but I don’t know how accurate that ever is and I’m not skilled enough in any language other than English to attempt it in a meaningful way
19. First fandom you wrote for?
An RPF / Real Person Fiction “couple” and if you don’t know that’s for the better. (It was not Dan and Phil in case people are trying to guess it was specific and niche and that’s all you’re getting bc it’s no longer posted thank goodness)
But aside from that the first fandom is Free! Iwatobi Swim Club. Miss those boys.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
It’s a toss up between Surprise Party (MHA) and you’re in his recent texts, I’m in his shitty car, we are not the same (Until Dawn).
Surprise Party I feel like is the most fun I’ve had with smut and it’s also my first ever fic someone did a podfic for which was so insane I was buzzing for a week afterwards. And recent text / shitty car I just think it flows so well and captures the personalities of Chris and Josh in a way I really love. Not 100% canon accurate but canon in the scenario I put them in if that makes sense.
This was super fun. I haven’t looked at my stuff via statistics in a long while. Makes me excited for the potential of the new year. Anyone who sees this I encourage you to look up your stuff even if you don’t post about it. Helped me remember some of my old favorites
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akirameta84 · 4 years
Warning: This is VERY LONG. i got carried away.
"hey don't you have a wip fic for another au?" yeah shush i have a new idea that's not as fleshed out (after writing that turned out to be a lie) as the chunibyo one but i had to share it.
its in every fandom, but Saiki K Pokemon Au time. it's always cliche but who cares its amazing.
Kaido is the mc. for sure. he chooses a froakie because the professor (its kusuke, he's totally it) said it was a dark and mysterious as him. at first he's disappointed by the frog but once it evolves he starts loving it. him and greninja wear matching outfits. he tied red wrist wraps on its arms and he wears a pink scarf.
nendo is his rival lmao. he met him when kaido left with his first pokemon and challenged him to a battle, immediatly. he said loser has to buy the other persons ramen. "but i dont even know you??" "oh. well lets be friends, runt!" "you just asked to fight me???" nendo uses an eevee because his mom gave it to him when he was young. kaido wins because nendo didnt use a single attacking move. he just used sand attack and growl. the battle lasted 10 minutes because kaido kept missing.
now with his newly self proclaimed rival, after going to eat ramen, kaido sets out on his journey. i like to imagine a region with just every pokemon cause its cool that way. kaido mainly looks for fighting type pokemon, and a few dark types, and it takes him a bit to realize that this is probably a bad strategy and that he isnt finding anything, as cool as they are. he catches a shroomish, not knowing it became a type he wanted, because he was impressed with it's "battle capabilities" because it survived an attack that had fainted others. he names it doomslayer cause he's such an edgelord.
somewhere along the way nendo finds him and says that he's going to challenge a gym, and that kaido should join him. kaido agrees because "oh yeah, thats why im on this journey" and they go to the first gym.
The first gym is ghost type, run by toritsuka. why is he first? cause he's prolly not very good at battling and he knows it. the gym itself would be very foggy, and kaido has to traverse it to get to toritsuka. along the way toritsuka has spirits tell him where kaido is, and he'll release a pokemon near there for him to battle, and this happens 2 times. Torisuka himself uses 2 pokemon, a Litwick and a Galarian Yanmask. both are female, obviously. kaido absolutely demolishes these two pokemon, with his water and grass type, seeing as they're part fire and ground. first badge complete.
surpsingly, nendo also beats this gym, mainly because eevee can use bite. guess he figured out how to use attacking moves lmao. also yes ik bite is learned at 25, and rn they're at like lv 12 but shh. he found a tm or smt. it also helps thst toritsuka could barely hit nendos eevee due to the ghost and normal type thing.
nendo tries to travel with kaido, but kaido usually manages to worm his way away from him. he usually gets away whenever nendo challenges someone else and they have to tell him that he can't catch someone else's pokemon.
second gym is chiyo's gym. she uses grass types, and her gym is covered in flowers, trees, and it looks like a forest. the puzzle itself is rather simple. the floor is covered in large flowers, and you have to step on the correct ones or get sent back to the start. i like to imagine a giant vine yeeting kaido. chiyo also forgot to write clues over which ones are correct and ends up helping kaido, and winds being endeared by his determination. chiyo uses a Fomantis and a Petilil, because she thinks they're cute. kaido actually struggles quite a bit because he brings a water type and a grsss type. he wins in the end though, because chiyo ends up lovestruck and forgets to attack. she daydreams about inviting him to run the gym with her because he's so talented in her eyes, but he leaves before she can ask, grass badge in hand.
after chiyo's gym, kaido's froakie evolves into Frogadier, and he cries. in-between gyms again, kaido catches a rockruff because it was cute and it whined when he tried to walk away after battle. again, kaido catching types he likes without even knowing, provided his rockruff evolves at nightime. he names it Decimator. at this point i place kaido's levels at 19-21 ish, and close to rockruff and shroomish evolving.
next gym is hairo's and surprise surprise, it's a fire type gym. his gym his very, very intense. he has actual jets of fire lining his gym. there's no puzzle because he believes in just battling for victory or whatever, kaido didn't catch it behind the roar of the fire jets. kaido just walks along a pathway and gets challenged to battle by 3 randoms. i like to imagine one of them is nendo, and its never discussed. he has a fire type and everything, and its just not brought up. he's back to his single eevee after this too. kaido also wins with relative ease, considering he has a water type and rock type, although he makes the mistake of sending shroomish out at some point, but makes a clutch switch after it survives a flamethrower. fire badge obtained.
right after this, his shroomish evolves into breloom and he cries again. he gets very happy when his pokemon evolve. and also, after a few random encounters, his rockruff also evolves. its day form because kaido is a clueless baby. he still loves it all the same. at some point nendo challenges kaido with a single pokemon again, but this time it's a leafeon. kaido asks how he knew to evolve it, and he just says he battled next to some funny looking rock and it changed. of course. it actually manages to oko Frogadier because kaido wasnt expecting anything other than an eevee, but his breloom deals with it easily, because nendo kept using not very effective grass moves because it worked once. how does he have 3 badges again? nobody knows. level 25-27 now.
next gym is saiko's, and he uses normal types because all the other types were "too needy for someone like him." he's got 2 Persians and a Toucannon. he tried to use 3 persians but he was told that he needed something else just in case someone brought a fighting type by his dad. so he grabbed the first wild bird he found and evolved it. saiko doesnt have a puzzle, and instead just has an elevator that you can pay 5000 Pokedollars to use, otherwise you have to take the stairs like a pleb. Kaido takes the stairs because he's keeping his money dammit. its only 3 stories until saiko's floor, so it's really not much. Kaido sweeps easily with breloom until toucannon comes out. breloom gets slaughtered by a flying type move, and he sends out lycanroc to finish it. normal badge complete.
when he next sees nendo, he has a meowth with his leafeon. kaido asks where he got it, and nendo says he found it near the rich looking gym. kaido concludes that nendo accidently stole a pokemon and they go to return it. saiko says that the plebs can have it as a reward for defeating him, and dismisses them. levels 30-33.
5th gym! mera runs this one, and there isn't a type. she has an Alcremie, Appletun, Cherubi, and a Vannilish. what can i say, girl loves her food. kaido is genuinely concerned that she is gonna eat her pokemon though. the challenge is cooking. kaido has to cook curry, and if its bad, he fights a trainer, up to 3 times. if its good he gives it to mera and moves on the next curry. the actual battle goes okay, but its fairly difficult due to not having a single type, and being unpredictable. obviously he wins in the end, and the badge is a bowl of curry.
frogadier evolves into greninja finally, and they have the matching outfits going on. nendo laughs at it. somewhere nendo also got an applin. kaido is fairly sure he took this one from mera as well, but he decides to let it go, and tell nendo how he can evolve it. he doesn't think nendo understood, but he tried. kaido also realizes he only has 3 pokemon, and decides to find two more. he finds a braixen, which he evolves into delphox. her name is Lucifer's Eternal Flames. Lucy for short. he also catches a noibat. the noibat was caught because he got lost in a cave, and the noibat was leading him out, so he decided he couldn't just leave it there. he names it the Jet Bat Wings. yes im doing that and yes its hilarious. levels 37-39.
gym 6. fighting type, and its kuboyasu. he tried to leave behind his violent days behind him, and become a poison type gym, but eventually gave in and did fighting instead. after he had already dyed his hair purple for the colorscheme. he kept the fighting gym purple because he already commited dammit. 4 pokemon, and hes got Toxicroak (yes ik the irony), Lucario, Grapploct, and Pangoro. greninja faints quickly, and so does lycanroc, but after some paralysis tricks with breloom and delphox sweeping the rest, pangoro comes in and ko's delphox. noibat pulls through in the end, with flying type moves. fighting badge earned.
next battle with nendo, and it turns out he actually evolved applin, and now he's got a flapple. kaido is midly impressed. kaido catches his 6th and final pokemon, an absol. he was overjoyed when he finally got another dark type. he names it Fluffy. yes, the dark type doesnt get an edgy name. levels 44-46, there was a longer gap in between the 6th and 7th gyms. oh also, you may be wondering about an evil team in this au. and my answer is....¯\_(ツ)_/¯
gym 7. Fairy type. Teruhashi. you knew she'd be coming eventually. and yes i saved the characters people prolly wanna know about until last haha. and because i think they fit the more difficult gyms. girl's got 5 pokemon, Mimikyu (i think it fits her fake perfect girl personality), Slyveon, Gardevoir, Florges, and Magearna. how does she have a legendary? prolly cause she's perfect and just asked for it, and someone actually found one. No puzzle here, but having to find his way through the mobs of teruhashi fans is prolly hard enough. Kaido actually has to try this gym several times due to him lacking anything good againist fairies. he gets it eventually though, and teruhashi has to reassure her fans that it's okay that she lost before they murder kaido. fairy badge down.
at this point kaido has no clue how nendo keeps getting gym badges. he has 3 pokemon, and one isn't even evolved. especially considering how easily Kaido himself can beat him. kaido I shrug it off as the plothole it usually is in pokemon games. levels 47-50. Noibat evolves into Noivern, and kaido has himself a pretty strong team. Greninja, Delphox, Absol, Lycanroc, Noivern, Breloom. although he has just been choosing based on personal preference, it turnes out nicely. and yes I'm padding this out cause y'all know what gym is next.
Gym number 8. The psychic type gym, run by Saiki and Aiura. It doesn't get more cliche than this. The challenge in this one is a maze. There's no extra trainers here, instead Kaido fights Aiura everytime he encounters her. She only uses 1 Pokemon in these battles because they happen a lot. Kaido wonders how she keeps finding him, let alone getting through the maze so easily when there's walls everywhere. He brushes it off as her just knowing the layout. battle itself happens, and it's a double battle. they each have 3 pokemon. Saiki has a ditto, espeon, and an alolan raichu (because he thought it was cute) Aiura mainly runs the support side of the team, and she's got a female meowstic, alakazam, and reuniclus, and wishes she had a cuter team, but she makes it work. This is prolly Kaido's second hardest gym. not harder than teruhashi's because he had no advantages, unlike this one where he's got several dark types. the battle is hard because they know exactly what kaido is gonna do. the minute he sends out his breloom to get a cheap paralysis, out comes ditto. the breloom ditto nearly wipes out both dark types, but noivern takes care of it, only to meet a sad demise at the hands of raichu, despite the dragon advantage. he's able to win on his second try, after he refused to send out breloom due to the fact that they just seem to know his next move. it creeped him out. Psychic badge done.
nendo tries to take saiki out for ramen with him and kaido after his gym fight, declaring him his best buddy, and it's not explained why nendo decided this. nendo eventually wins the argument and they get ramen. kaido notices saiki looks disturbed everytime he looks at nendo, but brushes it off as "yeah he disturbs me too." they part ways and onto victory road because im still mourning how there wasn't one in sword and shield. after victory road, kaido is nearing level 60 on everyone.
elite four? eheh i don't know who'd make it up. prolly 4 previous gym leaders with fully evolved teams and more pokemon. not tlo worries about them tho.
Kaido bests the elite four, and marches on to the champion.
Champion Akechi. Full team of 6 Pokemon, and he's a formidable opponent. He's able to easily predict what moves are going to be used next, and always has type advantage. Although, unlike before, while difficult to do, it is possible to do something unpredictable to trip him up, which is the only way Kaido is able to win. His team consists of Serperior, Glaceon, Gyrados, Ninetales, Togekiss (it's just there to be annoying, it can barely attack, and akechi did this to be a nuisance so he can't be clean sweeped), and Mew. Again, I love unexplained lengendaries on teams okay. To Kaido, it seems like with enough switching, he could easily defeat Akechi, but Akechi is very good at predicting. So againist Akechi, it's like the team as been catered specifically to beat Kaido. But, knowing him, it likely was. It takes him ages to beat Akechi. Like literal ages. The only saving grace is Akechi can get tripped up if Kaido is unpredictable enough. It's likely a mixture of that and para hscks that lets him win, and Kaido is champion. Nendo did try to challenge him (somehow beating the elite four) but was beaten. I love how the rivals always beat everything but then get horribly beaten by you.
Holy shit this is longer than i thought it would be. I have been writing this for literal hours. Hope you enjoyed. This is what my brain had inspiration for today apparently, instesd of the fic im working on.
Hadn't seen too much Pokemon stuff for saiki k yet, so tada. and yes, i came up with most of this while writing. the only idea i had before i started writing was the saiki and aiura gym
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purrincess-chat · 7 years
For the unpopular opinion thing again. Jeluka x Rose, Sabrinath, Sabrina or Rose as the bee miraculous instead of Chloe, Nathaniel as the fox miraculous instead of Ayla, Chloe x Marinette, Chloe x Ayla, your full opinion on Lila, Antibug. Nino getting the turtle miraculous, Adrien and Chloe's friendship and your full opinion on Sabrina.
Haha! I didn’t forget about these. I just had to focus on finals and then take some time to be a vegetable. So, let’s dive in!
Juleka/Rose: Cute. I love it. Needs to be canon.
Sabrinath: Basically the only Nath ship I really like.
Sabeena or bee!rose: I think it could be cute. Sabrina would be adorable, and it could do wonders for her confidence. 
Chlonette: Personally, even though I’ve written Chlonette, and still have Chlonette ideas, it’s not my favorite. I still vastly prefer the brotp version cause I think even if Chloe knew Marinette was LB in canon and even if Chloe got better, I don’t see them wanting to date each other. Friends, a definite maybe, lovers, highly unlikely. I can’t get behind some of the popular tropes surrounding the ship either namely that Chloe bullies Marinette because she has a crush on her. I just don’t see that at all, nor do I like what it implies/teaches. I think if they were going to be a couple, they’d have to grow into it and develop their feelings slowly. I’m more okay with Chlonette than I was when I first stumbled upon it, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that I ship it. I’ll write it, but it is more of a brotp for me.
Chlolya: Yes. Good. It can stay. I think Chloe needs someone new, someone she doesn’t have a history with. It’s why I’m not a fan of her with really any of the other classmates as much. I much prefer her with people like Alya or Lila or Kagami because if Chloe were to change and improve, they wouldn’t have an image of who she used to be still haunting them, and I feel like she could fully move past it with them and become someone better. 
My full opinion on Lila: I think she gets a lot more hate from the fandom than she deserves, and I know most of that is because a lot of people automatically side with the protagonist instead of thinking for themselves. People buy into what the show tells them they should and shouldn’t like, and since Marinette was instantly defensive and antagonistic toward Lila, a lot of the fandom is too. After all, she was trying to disrupt the love square. Can’t have that even though literally all of us know it’s end game and nothing is ever going to really get in the way of that. Sure, lying is bad, but I think I can say with surety that all of us are guilty of lying every now and then. I will admit, when I first joined the fandom, I was one of the individuals that just bought canon at face-value, but as time has worn on, I’ve formed my own opinions of characters, and I have to say that I do like Lila. I think particularly as a fic-writer, she has a lot of potential because we don’t know that much about her, so you can make her just about anything that you want. She’s fun to explore.
Things get a little salty under the cut.
My opinion of Antibug? Like the episode as a whole or just the akuma? I think as a whole, the episode kind of bothered me because Chloe always outshines Sabrina. Every other classmate got a whole episode dedicated to them when they got akumatized. The episode was titled after their akuma, we usually got a look into their character and what things get under their skin. Antibug was an exception. Sabrina had a very legitimate reason for being akumatized. Her best friend was engaging in purposefully abusive and manipulative behavior over something super silly, and given that Sabrina doesn’t have the best sense of identity or any notable self-esteem, it’s understandable that she’d become akumatized. And what does she become? Invisible. Just like she always is, and not only does she become invisible, the only purpose of her akuma is to serve as a gateway for Chloe to become akumatized. So, not only did they make Sabrina literally invisible, they also didn’t even name the episode after her. They named it after Chloe who, in my opinion, was being a brat and was akumatized for a very stupid reason.
Because Chloe was lying to Ladybug and Chat Noir before. Ladybug was right not to trust her, and I am still salty that they turned that into Marinette’s fault because it wasn’t. Chloe was being a brat, and she lied. Ladybug knew this, and she shouldn’t have been punished for not listening to Chloe. She shouldn’t have had to apologize in the end because she wasn’t in the wrong. Chloe was. So, I guess if I had to pick a least favorite episode from season 1, Antibug would probably be it because not only did they mistreat Sabrina horribly, but they also victimized someone who wasn’t even a victim in the first place and who got what she deserved by being ignored and not taken seriously. 
I have to admit, Nino getting the turtle in canon didn’t thrill me for a number of reasons. Turtle!Nino is a cool concept in fanon, and I do enjoy me some turtle!Nino art because I didn’t really think it would become canon. But since it is canon now, I have to say I’m not excited? Like, Chloe and Alya were one thing, but now throw in Nino and I feel like there’s just a lot happening here. Maybe it’s because Nino has literally been a ghost this season with next to no development, or maybe it’s because I worry about what it means for my favorite little old man, but I just can’t get myself excited about it? I’m overwhelmed by a sense of ‘meh’ whenever I see it. I think it’s mostly because we don’t have that much on Nino as a character, even from season 1, and season 2 hasn’t exactly done wonders for him as a character either. At least with Alya, we’ve seen her helping Marinette out, plotting to help her get with a boy she likes, calling her out on her problematic behavior, insisting she think stuff through first, but what has Nino done? DJ-ed a couple parties, said maybe two things, mostly in the background, and just kinda been there. If Nino is going to become a hero, I’d like to see him grow and actually convince me that he deserves one. Same with Chloe and Alya.
I think that Chloe and Adrien’s friendship is only still a thing in canon because they’ve known each other for a long time. Adrien often displays expressions of discomfort whenever Chloe is around being her usual self, and I applauded him in Despair Bear when he called her out. It’s kind of why that episode annoyed me a little because in the end, she goes back to being the way she was, having clearly manipulated and tricked him, and instead of being mad, he’s just like ‘Oh well.’ However, I do enjoy writing them post-redemption for Chloe. I think they would take on a very cute, sibling-like relationship and be more of a family. 
My full opinion on Sabrina: I’m actually fairly neutral to her as a character herself, though I have been appreciating her more lately as I’ve contemplated more ships for her besides just Sabrinath. someone got me hecked up with SabriKim and Sabrinadrien, but that’s for another day And I think that the show has been doing her a disservice. I think she really needs to distance herself from Chloe and form her own identity which is kind of why I liked her with Nath initially, and why I also have come to like the idea of her with Kim or Adrien. All of these people have been hurt by Chloe, and I think that they would give Sabrina room to discover herself without smothering her or influencing her to be someone she isn’t. She certainly wouldn’t just be their servant, and I think putting her in a healthy relationship could do her wonders. Thomas said her relationship with Chloe improves, but truthfully, I think a big improvement for them would be to split up. It would be better for Sabrina mentally and emotionally, and I think it would be better for Chloe in the long-run too. It would force her to do things herself and stop taking advantage of someone else.
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